#splat and blot
picknmixsims · 1 year
More Custom Magazines
Custom Magazines
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Puzzling Puzzles - Strengthening your logical reasoning skills to secure that big promotion? Just trying to protect your tiny mind from the ravages of time? No matter what, Puzzling Puzzles is always the solution.
Dance Diva! - The ancient art of dance is evolving every day. Don't get left behind! Catch up on the latest in the world of dance and learn tricks for boogying down. With Dance Diva!, it's always time to bust a move!
Pot Luck - Hustle, hustle, hustle! Catch up on the latest pool news and learn new trick shots. With Pot Luck, it's always time to get down and  hit the baize!
Splat and Blot - Whether you're that undiscovered author or budding artist, Splat And Blot will be your muse and prove its use to you - if only as 'doodle' paper!
My Zen - Body, mind and spirit. Slow down, relax and unwind. Enhance your well-being and find your inner self with your own personal paper trainer - My Zen
Kudos to @spacemansims​ for the wonderful covers
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spacemansims · 1 year
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Some more screenshots of @picknmixsims​’ new magazines (download now!) in action, exterior and interior! ✨ Credits below:  Splat And Blot Cover: “Red vs. Blue Oil Portrait” from Sims 2 Base Game Interior Left: Brian White, “campus layout” for University EP Interior Right: Brian White, “Plumbob Diner exterior concept” for Nightlife EP (text changed to Simlish) Back: Bon Voyage EP and University EP promo pictures My Zen Cover: Sims 2 promo picture for Gamer Info Interior Left: Bon Voyage EP promo picture Interior Right: Pink background from GQ story “Playing The Sims Is Better Meditation than Meditation” Back: Freetime protein shake screenshot by gdayars featured in their default replacement (highly recommended, as that default shake looks like an energy drink) Pot Luck Interior Left and Back: University EP promo pictures Fonts: All of franzillasims’ Sporty Simlish Fonts, LemonBerri fonts from Simlish Handwriting Fonts - Part 1, and Nootrasim fonts. 
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kyrolyx · 5 months
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Guarding the goal
This Is my Main Artwork I spent the Majority of my 3 months working on!! Also, my first Splatoon art ^^
Posted using PostyBirb
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splatbitcabbit · 3 months
This is a blog I made for Splat so I could perhaps flesh her out more
She is adopted by @agethath3silly
Also Splat’s lover is @cutielilcandy
Asks are open just don’t be too weird!
Anons are also allowed but again, don’t be weird!
Splat’s text sample
OOC will be solid pink with parentheses around it
(like this)
I am fully willing to also interact with other FPE ask blogs =3
I think that’s it
I’ll see you around!
~ Admin Keke
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strandnreyes · 2 months
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thanks @whatsintheboxmh @ironheartwriter @three-drink-amy @emsprovisions @lemonlyman-dotcom !
When he cracks the leather spine, he’s met with Carlos’ messy handwriting filling the first page. It reads almost like a love letter, detailing his first day, the things he’s seeing, what he’d like to come back and show TK one day. When he gets to the end of the day, he writes about how he found the pictures and TK’s going to be in trouble for showing him those when it would be another 30 days before he could touch TK again. He calls him beautiful, and writes about how he misses TK’s wild heart by his side already.
TK doesn’t realize he’s crying until a teardrop splats onto the page, smearing some of the ink at the bottom.
“Shit,” he mutters as he grabs the bottom of his shirt and blots the page. He doesn’t want to ruin this.
The next page is much of the same. TK vows to read each and every word like Carlos wanted him to, but for right now, he needs to focus on what information here is relevant. He spots it on day seven.
I think I’m being followed.
tagging @alrightbuckaroo @basilsunrise @bonheur-cafe @chicgeekgirl89 @carlos-in-glasses @carlos-tk @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut @freneticfloetry @heartstringsduet @lightningboltreader @liminalmemories21 @nancys-braids @orchidscript @paperstorm @reyesstrand @rmd-writes @butchreyes @thisbuildinghasfeelings @theghostofashton @tellmegoodbye @welcometololaland + open tag!
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kekeartzworld · 19 days
Character Sheet
+ Renders
Redesigned a couple of characters I already had and I also made 2 brand new characters
First off is Candy
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Her personality has not changed much besides that she has aspirations of becoming a magician like her mother and I’ve given her a redesign giving her an outfit more closely resembling Vivian’s
This one was a fun one for me
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She’s the one who’s gotten more major changes to her design. I’ve always liked Agetha for their unique design and for a while, I wanted to try my hand at a similar design. I also remembered that I had a few characters that weren’t getting enough attention. Splat was one of those characters so I snatched her up and gave her a brand new digitalized design, turning her into a very shy, tall, and lanky little virus creature who is sometimes curious about what it’s like to live in the real world. I’m also thinking of scraping Blot entirely since Splat’s lore had changed to her being a little cabbit inside a computer that was taken in by Agetha
Before anyone comments that Agetha is a minor, their age is actually unspecified and in this context they are an adult
Now I can go on with the new designs!
Starting with Ølivia
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She is Øl!ver and Trøy’s daughter, being named after her mother and boy does she live up to her name. She truly is her mother’s daughter, always getting herself into unbridled chaos
Finally we have little miss Tulip
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Tulip is Vivian and Trøy’s daughter and she is always staring into someone’s soul with her huge void eyes
I should note that the idea for Ølivia and Tulip came from roleplays I’ve done with a Trøy bot I made on Chai
Full Lineup
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shytastemakerthing · 1 month
So, I currently have a chat with a friend on Discord where we rant and rave about Twisted Wonderland, its characters, and the ocs that we have created for such fandom.
Which is what led to this lovely little blurb in regards to an oc of mine I have yet to introduce everyone here too, but until then, enjoy!
Warning: mentions of blood and body horror and Jade being vulnerable with his emotions
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It was a strange sort of feeling that Jade did not know how to fully describe, an urge to run, that something was not alright. Why was he feeling this? What was going on? Students were running from the lounge, one right after the other, several, as he could see, were equipping themselves with their magic pens. Was there something dangerous on campus that called the entire student body to act?
What could such a thing possibly be?
The feeling grew stronger, an urge to move quicker, run as fast as he could.
Where was Floyd?
It was that question that rang through his mind that made his proverbial hackles rise, the hair on the back of his neck standing up with the widening of his mix-matched eyes, wasting no time in breaking out into a sprint, following after the rest of the students, all rushing into the same direction.
The Sports Field.
The closer that he got, the more that his heart sank, his throat drying up, goosebumps prickling his skin.
A dark cloud covered the area, a thick, dark mist spreading all around.
The field was far worse, Jade's heart hit the ground with an audible splat.
Students lay on the ground, pale, un-moving, eyes completely blank, as if life had all but been drained from them. Faces he knew and faces that he didn't. He saw it all the more he moved through the field, and then he screamed, his legs moving before his mind could fully register what was happening.
His twin, his other half now cradled in his arms, skin too cold to the touch for Jade's liking, body moving like a mere rag-doll, skin a sickly shade of pale. No matter how he shook him, calling out his name, even going so far as to pleading with Floyd to wake up, his twin never moved. Had it not been for the faint, hardly there, pulse, Jade would have thought him dead.
"Floyd, this isn't funny anymore, I need you to wake up. Floyd, listen to me…. Floyd?"
Jade, no matter how hard he tried, could feel his composure slipping, his voice wavering the more he pleaded.
He needed Floyd to wake up.……. why won't he wake up?
Another student charged past him, magical pen drawn, ready to fire off as many spells as needed, before Jade saw an inky black tendril latch onto the student, hearing the screams, ones that sent a shiver down his spine, before their body fell limp and were then dropped to the floor, bearing the same lifeless eyes and pale skin.
Jade's line of sight followed the inky tendril back to whatever body it had been attached too.
He was never one to really feel any fear, it was meaningless. Not as a predator that hailed from the Coral Sea, where he had faced more dangers than any student here, and even on land, still having his same set of skills, and the strength that came with him. Fear was not exactly something he was accustomed to feeling.
No, this was not fear.
Jade was terrified.
He has seen blot, he had seen it happen to Azul, but the student before him, no, not student, for he knew the face of the blotted student in front of him.
A mass of inky tendrils latched onto her body, connecting her to the towering blot phantom that was above her, eyes full of rage and resentment. Accumulated blot pooling past her lips, leaking from her eyes in a resemblance of tears. Blackened veins protruding from her arms, along her fins.
Jade wanted to scream, but his voice was caught in his throat, eyes widened at the amalgamation of blot that stood before him, a twisted smile painted on her face, her eerie laugh resonating in the air, causing his grip on Floyd to grow tighter.
He finally found his voice.
"Juniper…. what have you done?"
Her laugh only grew louder, near cackling, wiping the blot from her eyes, all but smearing it over her face, only adding to the daunting appearance she now held in the throes of her madness, captive within the blot.
More cries echoed out from behind him, seeing a flurry of more students rushing in.
His cries fell on deaf ears, one student after another dropping to the floor, after a flash. Was…. were those tendrils absorbing the magic of those they trapped? Is that what happened to Floyd?
"Juniper, stop this, you're going to kill them!"
He was the only conscious one on the field, aside from the twisted eel before him now.
Her gaze only hardened as her mad smile fell into a scowl as she trudged closer and closer to him.
"Like you tried to kill me, Jade?"
It was getting harder and harder to breathe, the mist growing thicker and thicker, causing him to cough out, pulling up his uniform jacket over his mouth in hopes to keep it from filling his lungs. pressing Floyd closer to him. His vision grew bleary, no matter how many times he blinked his eyes in hopes to clear his sight, it was no use.
When did he become alone?
Water surrounded him, Jade was in his natural form, he couldn't move, a powerful force of nature holding him back.
Why was he here?
His eyes grazed the area, recognizing exactly where he was as his breath hitched. In front of him, he could see little Juniper, the smile of an innocent smile painting her face.
Oh……..oh he knew now… he knew it was that day
Jade saw the shipwreck, one that Juniper had been so excited to be able to explore, her eyes holding so much excitement, but he knew what was going to happen.
There he was, why was he seeing this?
He was a child again, a memory he did not often think about, until Juniper now forced it upon him.
He saw his younger self swim away, leaving Juniper alone. He saw the shadow of the boat looming over her. He saw her calling for her brother, before screaming in pure agony the moment he saw the harpoon plunge itself into her chest, her blood filling the waters surrounding them as she thrashed to get away.
Then everything was quiet.
And he was back to the beginning.
He swam, away again, Juniper was shot again.
Again and again.
More and more he screamed to her, shouting for her to move, to swim away. He screamed at himself, screaming to go back to her, to not go through this diabolical plan he had set in motion years ago. Jade thrashed at whatever invisible force was holding him. He could hear Juniper's mocking laugh in his mind the more that he struggled.
He screamed and screamed. Screamed until his throat was dry and cracking, until his voice was going out.
Screaming at himself to save her. To bring her back home.
He moved.
Eyes widening, Jade pulled again, stronger, feeling himself move just a little bit closer, a new resolve flooding his veins as he watched the loop start over once more.
His teeth grit together, pulling forward with all his might, veins near popping through his skin before whatever invisible force was trying to keep its hold on him.
He was free
Panting, not a moment was wasted. Jade had never swam so fast in his life, seeing the shadow of the boat looming over little Juniper, he reached his arms out, screaming her name, before he finally had her in his grasp, pulling her close as he launched himself back as quickly as he could, breathing ragged.
His eyes clenched shut as he held her close, holding his little sister close to him, a flurry of apologies leaving his lips like a mantra, repeated over and over again.
When had he truly apologized for anything? And actually meant it?
He could smell blood.
Pulling back, Jade felt the blood leave his face as he saw the harpoon still lodged in Juniper's chest. A cry escapes from him as her blood fills the water around them.
The cycle begins again. He pulls free again. He saves her again…. she dies in his arms again.
His voice is shrill, body trembling with such a force as he finds himself at the beginning of the loop once again. How many times had it been? Fifty? One-hundred? He had lost count.
But he would try to save her as many times as needed. Even if he couldn't change the past.
Because saving her was all he could do now. If it meant that this nightmare would end, Jade would save her as many times as he needed.
Once again, he held her in his arms, the both of them sinking to the ocean floor, nestled in the sand as it lifted around them once they hit it.
He held her close, so tenderly, like a mother holding her newborn baby. He brushed the hair from her face, held onto her much smaller hands, sobs leaving him, pressing his forehead to her own, his voice hushed, silent, barely even managing to get the words that he needed out.
"Juniper, I-…. I'm so… I am so sorry…….."
He nearly choked on his words, lips trembling.
Nothing happened.
Looking up, he saw that the loop had ended. He was still on the sea floor, Juniper's small body beginning to dissolve in a flurry of shimmering gold, even after he tried to keep his hold on her, until he was only grasping at the water that was around him.
Coughing, he was coughing now.
Groaning, Jade forced his eyes awake, he was back on the sports field, Floyd was on the ground in front of him, Juniper was trembling before them, her eyes anchored to the ground as he could hear the faintest of sobs leaving her.
He held no hesitation.
Not anymore.
Rushing towards her, Jade clung to her true to the surname that he held, no matter how she clawed to get him off, his hold never lessened. Never again.
Her protests grew weaker and weaker, until she finally sank down onto her knees chest heaving. Jade could see the blot losing its hold over her. He could feel his own energy draining.
She was finally free.
And both would succumb to the pull of unconsciousness, and true to his word, Jade never let her go.
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wishing-stones · 1 year
hi sorry if your asks are closed but. do you. have different names for the guys you write? like your versions of them if that makes sense?
Oh, yeah, kinda.
So, for the R&R boys specifically, because they're the ones I have the most notoriety for writing, and the ones who I've kind of made into their own, distinct entities;
Killer is "Targe", a generally target-shaped shield that is easy to wield and speaks to his position as Nightmare's right hand. Coincidentally, Ren also uses a targe as a shield. Dust is "Mote", because it evokes the image of a dust mote that floats through the air easily. He's a bit more easygoing and lazy than the rest of the crew (arguably closest to his canon counterpart) and tends to go with the flow of things. Axe is "Haft", the handle of an axe, or to provide one. This one is a bit of a play on words, because while he goes by the name of his weapon in-universe, he has a fairly good handle on himself. Cross is "Saltire", or "Sal", which is another term for St Andrew's Cross, or the heraldric use of a large cross (from corner to corner, like an X) on a flag. Appropriate for someone who puts himself in the position of a knight so often. Baggs is "Sorpor", a (medically induced) unnaturally deep sleep or stupor. The medical term for "warning: may cause drowsiness." This one I sought specifically, because I knew there had to be a proper term for "the side effect of extreme drowsiness caused by medicine" and lo and behold, I was right. Nightmare is "Umbrose", an archaic term for being dark, or darkness. It also sounds pretentious and high-brow enough to be a pseudonym for him. (It also sounds similar to "Ambrose," which means "Immortal" and is also a pretentious, high-brow name)
...And since they showed up too:
Dream is "Aubade", a musical movement pertaining to the dawn, usually light and uplifting. Dream to me seems very... airy and musical, so using this for him seemed very fitting Ink is "Haboku", a method in Japanese art of using ink splats and blots to make scenery from the shapes it creates. It alludes to Ink's original inspiration (the brush itself) and also incorporates his namesake. Blue is "Zaffre", a blue pigment created by roasting cobalt ore. It was used to make smalt to stain glass. Simple, pretty, but also extremely dangerous.
So I guess if you're looking for a way to differentiate mine from someone else's take on the character, you could use these names. I have them in reserve, but it's more of a "just to have around" thing rather than proper names for them all.
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~About one month after knowing each other~
Four: *Holding Eight's face* EIGHT. OPHELIA.
Four: You and me are BESTIES. We are TOGETHER for LIFE. We are BLOOD SIBLINGS. I would PERMA SOMEONE for you. Do you understand that? Do you understand that I would end the life of another person for you? If you pointed at someone and wanted them gone, they would go missing in under an hour. GONE. NADA. If we were in a room and someone threw a splat bomb in as revenge for making me OFF them, I would jump right onto that bad boy to SHIELD you from the blast. Not a drop of Ink would even touch your octoling Stature. I would EXPLODE. I would be BLOWN to ONE KATRILLION INK BLOTS For you. I will become MIST for you Ophelia.
Eight: ... Okay ... Uhm.
Eight: So would you Accompany me to the Food Store?
Four: Yeagh.
Agent Four/Quartz is not exaggerating. She is Rider or Die with no in between.
~After one month of Knowing Each other~
Captain 3: Nea. Did you eat my Cake?
Neo 3: I didn't see your name on it, Trixie.
Captain 3: It's Trixtiermont. And You will be repaying for that.
Neo 3: Really? How much do I owe you then?
Captain 3: *Throwing a Hero Shot at them* Ink. Three Splats worth.
Neo 3: okay Trixie~
No one gets under the Captain's skin like Nea/Neo 3.
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bloodiegawz · 2 years
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Part 1 here~
"You... wah... huuh?!"
Grim exclaimed loudly, while Mika stared on in dumbfounded silence.
"That's... That's crazy! Why would you do that? CAN you do that?!"
The stranger finally tore his eyes away from the wall, turning back to Mika and their monster. It was hard to read the emotion on his face.
"Look, that's not the issue. We need to focus on getting Mika out of here before this whole place collapses, and I'm pretty sure this is our ticket. Let's just-"
"Excuse me? 'Not the issue'?"
Mika finally spoke, bringing Grim up to rest on their shoulders.
"No, I think it's a BIG issue! I don't have a lot of boundaries, but you have just stepped alllll over them, mister! I don't even know who you are, and you think you can just... do... this?!"
Clearly they were upset. Understandably so, considering the situation they were now apparently in. The other rolled his eyes, exasperated.
"For whatever record, my name's Farceur. Congratulations, now you know me. Look, I said I was sorry, alright? Can we drop it?"
In response, Mika marched up to Farceur and jabbed him in the chest with their finger, causing him to step back. His eyes widened a fraction of an inch, growing anger visible.
"We're not dropping it! I deserve an explanation, and we're not helping you 'til I get it!"
"I don't owe you a damn thing!"
While the two bickered, the blot coating the room began to suddenly ooze faster, flowing towards the middle. However, both Farceur and Mika seemed completely absorbed in their argument. Grim was, too, until he noticed the sudden growing darkness in the room.
"Um... guys?"
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"God, if I'd known you were going to be this annoying, I would have left you to die in here!"
"You shouldn't have done this in the first place! What kind of insensitive prick just forces an OVERBLOT of all things onto someone and expects them to brush it off?"
"Guys? Helloooo?"
"You're the one stalling! I would have explained myself after everything if you just LISTENED instead of arguing with me!"
"Yeah, right! Like it would take you so long to do that now? You were probably just gonna pretend the whole thing never happened!"
"Shut up already! You don't know what I'd do, and it doesn't matter! Why can't you just worry about yourself?!"
"Both of you, be quiet! Something's- myagh?!"
The room seemed to suddenly shift with a roar, causing Mika to stumble and drop Grim to the floor. He landed with a splat and immediately shook off his fur, coughing up blot. He looked upward, where he saw that the roof was beginning to cave in on itself- most notably, though, was the advancing blot beginning to overtake the oversized beating heart.
Mika was instantly snapped out of the argument, looking around the collapsing room with a new fear. Farceur, on the other hand, was much too invested at this point to let it come to a stop. His hair was disheveled, face red and contorted into an expression of rage without any hint of masking it away.
"OH, fucking GREAT! Now look what you did, we're gonna die here because you can't just focus on what actually matters!"
They shot him a look, but he just kept going, moving closer to them much in the same way they did at the beginning of the argument.
"I hate you, you know that? I've hated you since I knew you existed. But oh, no, it's not 'right' for me to hate you because we've never actually met! Isn't that so stupid?"
They opened their mouth to reply, but suddenly Farceur reached up beside his head and slapped them across the face.
"You know what's stupid?! How you got to be happy, that's what! You got everything! It's not fucking fair! I hate it, I hate you, I hate you!"
It was like a child's tantrum. He was screaming now, stamping his foot on the ground with tears and snot running down his face, and as he ended off his sentence he stared into Mika's face as if to demand something of them.
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Mika scoffed, which ended with a soft hiccup.
"You're such an asshole. I never did anything to you."
They turned around, scooped Grim off the ground, and left the room without saying another word, slamming the door as they went.
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nym-dawndane · 1 year
The town was booming with rumors of the forgotten prince returning as the king grew older. Nym did not believe it, nor did she care much for such rumors. It mattered little to her. Noble people and royalty constantly sneered and turned their nose up at her family and her. It was the high price of having a mother who was the town whore. Her mother knew plenty of secrets that could ruin half of the creepy crypt keeper she slept with, but instead endured the hate and insults of the town. Naturally, walking through the market, wishing she could afford the better options and first pick of the vegetables and fruits. She did not dare look at the meats as it was a luxury they could never afford, holidays on rare occasion one of the men her mother slept with was feeling extra giving. Nym approached the elder man with thinning hair as he blotted away some of his sweat. Bebita, her sister, was a step ahead, selecting and feeling the food. The man smacking her sister's hand away, her sister turning red with anger, but Nym also felt her anger rise. No, it was not an uncommon affair for them to squabble with the townspeople. “Do not handle my merchandise if you do not plan to buy.” Nym not being able to bite her tongue, “stupid fool!” She blurred out, the man clearly offended. Bebita did not hold back either, grabbing one of their squishy bell pepper and tossing it at the man. “Who would want to buy your rotted vegetables anyway!” The bell pepper splatting against his shirt. The man now also turning a shade of red from anger. “You fucking cunts!” Nym grabbing her sister’s arm and pulling away from the stall before the man could properly aim at them. Eyes, too many pairs of eyes, stared at the interaction as their voices had raised. The bell pepper falling to the floor near their feet. The man glaring at them for a moment too long, “his prices are too much for rotten vegetables!” Nym shouted, the man finally looking away, as if he knew that no one would pay their words any mind. Which was true, the whole town believed them whores, just like their mother. It was not the case, however, but despite their mother trying her earnest, the town still believed what it wanted. Nym used her hand to fan herself from the unbearable heat, Glancing over at her sister’s paler complexion, turning red. On the brink of burning, “perhaps you should go home.” Nym suggested, Bebita’s lighter complexion had garnered her a suitor. Bebita loved him that much was evident, and perhaps he liked sincerely for a moment. That was until the town got into his ear, causing him to end all ties with her. The town, giving Nym yet another reason to hate them. Bebita shook her head, “we still have three silvers left. Carrots, flour, and something else. Let us finish.” She some, Nym merely quirked a brow, but now she felt a pair of eyes that had never left her since the altercation with the man. Her gaze scanning the marketplace, landing on a pair of green eyes. Green eyes, how beautiful. It was her first time seeing a pair of green eyes, rare. She thought, but shortly after took in his demeanor and attire and quickly broke her gaze from him. He was a nobleman, new to town. The face new and unfamiliar. Now it being Bebita turn to draw Nym into the heart of the marketplace as they walked to finish their weekly visit. “Do you think-?” Nym began to ask if he was the price, but Bebita cut her off. “No.” Laughing as if it was the most outlandish suggestion. “Noblemen rarely if never speak to us, why would royalty cause about us peasants, Nym?” But Nym did not answer as she tested the floppy carrots for firmness. Bebita was right. They were living in place that did not care for their suffering.
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thekimspoblog · 10 months
Fantasy of the Day: Strawberry Milkshake
Inspired by @somethin-stupid-67
It's 2023. Not sure what state Jimmy and Kim are living in, but they decide to take the kids out for ice cream. Out in the parking lot, Jimmy notices some teenagers pointing at him and whispering. They are on their phones to make sure they are seeing what they think they see: Sure enough, it's that guy from YouTube. He grew a mustache, but it's still definitely him. Isn't he supposed to be in jail? One of the teens gets a bright idea and his friend pulls out his phone to start recording.
*Splat!* Something heavy and cold hits Jimmy right in the face. Pink drips down the front of his coat as he recovers from the shock. "Wooo! Did you guys get that? I hit Saul Goodman with a milkshake!" the boy screams, dancing around in front of the camera.
"Hey!" Jimmy yells, having to stop to make sure his nose isn't broken, "I'm just trying to have a nice night with my family here! How long am I going to be paying for something I did a lifetime ago?!" Usually Jimmy just tries to take this harassment in stride; society needs a scapegoat. But that cup easily could have hit Kim or his children instead, and that was enough for him to momentarily lose his temper. The comment was a mistake though, as now the hooligans' attention has been turned to the wife and kids. As the other teen continues to scroll through YouTube, he recognizes Kim as "That weird Jesus lady from basic cable". Kim tries to hide Iris behind her as the jerks begin to circle like vultures and ask more questions, but Iris has decided to handle this confrontation themself.
"Leave my dad alone! You think you're so tough?!" the five year old barks at the older kids in their pathetically squeaky voice. The boys just laugh at Iris. If nailing a minor celebrity in the face with strawberry ice cream wasn't enough, now a toddler is trying to threaten someone three times their size with the confidence of Bruce Willis; this is YouTube gold!
"Don't! Film! My daughter!" Jimmy steps between them. He doesn't want to get the law involved, when that's never worked too well for him in the past, but he'll do it if it comes to that.
"Everyone calm down!" Kim interrupts, "Alright. You got us. Very funny. But do you really think it's fair to put a child in the public eye without their consent?" The boys continue to posture with cavalier intimidation, but eventually the camera man breaks eye contact with the matriarch, realizing he might have started something he isn't prepared to finish. "We were leaving anyway," the other teen says, and the boys disperse.
Kim breathes a sigh of relief. She retrieves some paper towels from the car and begins blotting the milkshake off the front of her husband's coat. Jimmy keeps grumbling that the coat is probably ruined; his wife tells him he's worried over nothing; it will come out in the wash. Iris, however, has a good deal of questions what all that was all about. "Are you a movie star?" Iris skips around their parents in a circle excitedly. "Sure... I'm a movie star..." Jimmy sighs. This isn't the first incident which Iris has noticed their parents are apparently infamous. But they're still too young to understand why.
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twstrhythm · 2 years
Writing prompt
"You moron... Why are you so careless!?"
((Friendship between Rook and someone of your choice.))
Things really should have gone smoothly. They had made sure it would, but something just had to go wrong. Things always seemed to go wrong for no reason.
"Rook! I think we're stuck!" Epel shouts. He ducks back behind the stone wall. "That thing is not going to leave!"
"Do not lose heart, Monsieur Cherry Apple! We will find a way!"
"Huh?! I never said I was giving up!" Just how had his words been misinterpreted? He was never going to understand Rook and his logic.
Rook peeks around the corner and sees the creature was still lurking in the area. "Epel."
"Yes, Rook?"
"We will have to make a run for it."
"Huh?! Are you crazy?!"
"I worry for what Vil may be thinking now. He must be devastated we have yet to return!"
"I don't know about that... I think he'd rather we-" Epel's eyes widen as he sees Rook run off, and he quickly takes off after his upperclassman. "Rook! What are you doing?! Wait for me!"
He lets out a scream when the monster turns in their direction and dashes after them. He hears a splat of blot hit the wall just inches away from himself.
"Monsieur Cherry Apple!" Rook's voice reaches his ears before he is pulled right off the cliffside.
"ROOK!" Epel screeches. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!"
"Getting us to safety!"
"Epel, have more faith in me." He hears moments before they hit the water below.
After the two Pomefiore students had dragged themselves onto the shore, Epel kicks Rook in the knee.
"Monsieur Cherry Apple?!"
"You moron… Why are you so careless!?" Epel shouts. "We could have died!"
"But we did not."
"Well we still could have! What would I tell Vil if something bad happened to you?!"
"Monsieur Cherry Apple! There will be no need for that!" Rook quickly says.
"Argh! YOU-"
"Rook. Epel. Care to explain why you decided to leap off the cliff?" A voice behind them says.
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splatbitcabbit · 3 months
OOC Talk Real Quick
(Lil fun fact: If Splat ever did use all of the abilities of the colored paints from her brush arm together, it would create something similar to the blot from Epic Mickey and leave destruction in its wake
Splat does not want this to happen so she avoids using the full potential of the paint’s powers because she knows that it’s only for the best for herself and everyone else around her)
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shadowdemon40-blog · 2 years
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Lookiiie it's violet if she was an agent in Valorant. I have drawn her before in Valorant with Omen but I never sat down and gave her a proper design. So here she is. She would probably just go by Splat as her agent name or...Blot. idk.
Idk fully what her moves would be, but I was thinking like an orb of ink that could make people "slip", kinda like an opposite to Sages slow orb.
She could uhhh, I guess throw paint at someone which would blink em for a super short time and when the enemy runs they leave a paint trail for a few seconds.
Her third ability could be idk a clone thing like Yoru's but it looks like an alive enemy member and if there's only one person her ability is disabled and she says something like "I need inspiration."
Her ultimate would be uhhh....a wave of ink that pushes people back and makes em drip ink or something for a bit longer oorrrr she could leave a painting of herself somewhere and if she dies she can return to that painting. The draw back could be that anyone on the enemy team can "erase" it by shooting it or something.
I'm just spit balling ideas here, I don't really know because I can't tell what would be "game breaking" or not.
This was also my first time trying to do the Valorant style, which was hard because even their style changed over the years so XD I did my best.
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kekeartzworld · 3 months
Lore Related Art
Blot sketch page
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It may also be included as a part of Splat’s blog since Blot and Splat are technically linked to each other
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