#spn banners
talesmaniac89 · 1 year
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Supernatural Tumblr Banners - Christmas
Time to spruce up your blogs for Christmas! I’ve made some more Tumblr blog banners so you can include your blog in your decorating plans. They work best if you go all the way into “Edit Theme” and change your header image from there <3
As with my other icons, banners and dividers; feel free to use them on your phone if you want to, but please comment or reblog if you do.
Want some other SPN resources? See what I have: here!
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accursedvoid · 10 days
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What is even going on
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casdeans-pie · 3 months
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----Welcome to Angel Studies 101...
What if Dean wrote a book about angels? He's best friends with one, it shouldn't be hard. Except that it is. While he's covertly gathering the research for his book about angel lore he's learning more about Cas than he ever imagined - finding out just who Castiel really is and what he can do. And oh, he's all kinds of amazing. (Also it turns out that angels are even more goddamn weird than Dean first thought.)
Tags will include (but there will be more): Angel Wings (possibly Wing Kink, depending on rating), Misuse Of Prayer (preview of 'Prayer' chapter), Mutual Pining, Angel Powers, Falling In Love, Flustered Cas Explodes Lightbulbs, First Kiss, Is It Blasphemous To Bite An Angel's Halo?
------Coming soon to AO3! Preview:
Acknowledgements : The author would like to thank…
Sam Winchester, for being an annoying little brother and the whole reason this book exists out of spite. (Who’s the angel expert now?) [REDACTED] God, for making new angels who won’t be as fucked up as the old models. And to Castiel, for being the source of nearly everything in this book. For giving me faith. For being there for me when you could, but always coming back when you couldn’t. For your loyalty. For your friendship. For loving m
Dean sat back and ran a hand over his face, watching the cursor blink accusingly on his screen. He thought back to the moment that he thought he’d lost Cas forever – when he’d said… what he said, and his heart squeezed with grief. Since Jack had fixed the world and brought Cas back, Dean hadn’t really let himself even turn the phrase over in his mind, keeping busy and firmly staying far away from the memory. It had hurt too much at the time to process what Cas had told him, and now he just couldn’t bring himself to think about it.
He took a deep breath and looked at the ceiling. Maybe this book would be a bad idea.
But Sam had been right – what did Dean know about Angels, really? What did he know about his own friend?
Dean settled himself back into position, chair squeaking under him as he shifted, and he slammed his finger on the backspace.
And to Castiel, my best friend.
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shishquahcustardtree · 4 months
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Happy anniversary boys 🫶
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shinelikethunder · 11 months
dean in the middle of s7: fellas is it gay to meet ratboy eliot ness in the 40s and want to suck him silly? asking for a friend who might be down bad enough to do it anyway dean thirty seconds into s8: well while you were BETRAYING ME with some CHICK i was in monsterfucker heaven getting spitroasted by a vampire and an angel of the lord, so take THAT
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soullessjack · 7 months
hit the answer limit but of course others go in the tags or comments 👍🙌
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pascalsummers · 5 months
Where I Have Been (Again)
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I know that I have not been active on here in a WHILE and I do apologize for that.
The reason for that is simple. I just haven't had enough energy to write in a long while.
I sadly am someone who can't just write something whenever I want and when I do manage to force myself to write something I always feel disappointed in it because I feel I could have written it better. So I do not want to give my followers subpar content because I appreciate you all and you do not deserve that from me.
But the other reason is that I don't know what to post when it's nothing a headcanon or one shot of some kind.
I feel as though I have gathered a following that is mostly here for my writing which makes sense since that is mainly what I post. So I tend to not post something if it is not related to that because I don't think that is what y'all are here for or expect from this account.
So I end up being stuck in this limbo area of not knowing what to do when I don't feel like writing. I don't want to post content that is not engaging to you all but I also know that not posting anything isn't really a better option.
Hopefully, I will find an answer to that dilemma and once I get into the groove again I finally go back to posting my headcanons and things like normal.
Thank you all for listening to me ramble and have a great day!
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agerefandom · 10 months
Some Castiel-themed DNI banners for anon! <3
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scoobydoodean · 7 months
Yes I'm gonna be on a cruise ship full of people who think I am sleeping with my costar and want my other costar and my wife to die. What do you mean this could be a bad idea.
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talesmaniac89 · 2 years
Halloween Resources
Gathering all my Supernatural Halloween resources in one post, so you can decorate for Halloween Week!
Icons/Profile Pictures
Supernatural Icons: Halloween Special
Supernatural Icons: More Halloween!
Supernatural Icons: TFW Halloween
Supernatural Icons: Misha Halloween
Supernatural Icons: Jared Halloween
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Text Dividers:
Supernatural Dividers: Halloween 1
Supernatural Dividers: Halloween 2
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Mobile Wallpapers:
SPN Autumn/Halloween Wallpapers
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Tumblr Blog Banners
Autumn & Halloween
More Halloween
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enochianribs · 1 year
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[ID: A graphic of Uriel and Cas sitting on a bench together. They both look contemplative. It is in mostly neutral blue and tan tones, with superimposed paper moons and clouds and snow. They have dark yellow halos and there are stars behind them. It reads “url graphic challenge” to the side. /end ID]
wanna live like it’s 2013 again? @soupernatural and i totally understand.
welcome to the winter 2022 url graphic festivities!
reblog this info post to spread the word!
if you want to MAKE graphics; let your followers know in the replies that you would like to make one for them if they ask
if you want a URL graphic; send a moon emoji + the url of choice to any participating blogs
Graphic Maker List
What’s a URL Graphic? Any edit that is made that uses your URL as a prompt. For instance, mine would probably having something to do with the enochian rib sigils, soup’s would probably have something to do with soup and being cozy.
That’s all! Have fun y’all, and of course please be courteous to the participants, as this is all voluntary and meant to be a sort of nostalgic event.
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where-dreamers-go · 1 year
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Imagine: Gabriel returning after missing an outing with you.
You sunk back into the armchair. Tucking your feet against the furniture's cushions.
"You didn't show up to the holiday lighting yesterday." You muttered.
Gabriel slowly made his way to your chair.
"Did the hunter brothers need help again?" You asked, "They didn't yell at you, did they?"
"Yeah. I did go help them. And....maybe they raised their voices. It's fine. Nothing I can't handle."
"But you're okay? Right?"
Sighing softly, he kneeled in front of you. "I'm okay. Just feeling guilty for standing you up."
"You don't have to. You were out helping. There's nothing wrong with that."
"Still love me?" Gabriel asked, his playfulness not fully reaching his eyes.
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"Yes," you leaned over to rest your head against the armrest. "Of course I still love you. Missing a lighting event with free s'mores isn't changing that."
"They had free s'mores?" His face got incredibly close to yours. The tip of his nose nudging yours.
You hummed.
"How about I get us some s'mores and we share?"
"I'd like that."
Lips curving upwards, Gabriel crawled his way onto the armchair with you. "Me too, sugar."
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klayr-de-gall · 2 years
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Out of Focus
by fullvoid
Pairing: Destiel
Tags: Camboy Dean,  Alternate Universe- No Supernatural, Top Castiel/Bottom Dean Winchester, Masturbation, Camming, Dean Winchester Has Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms, Openly Gay Dean Winchester, Sex Worker Dean Winchester, Rich Castiel (Supernatural), Slutty Dean Winchester, Meet-Cute, Dean has a daddy kink and he's not afraid to use it, Daddy Kink, Sugar Daddy, Psychological Horror, Stalking, Soft Like Toxic Slime,       
When Dean Winchester, a.k.a. FrecklesFervor, falls victim to an escalating stalker from the site he uses as a camboy, he must face the choice of constant danger or lose the only way he can provide for himself and his brother. Little does he know, help sometimes comes from unexpected sources
[read on Ao3]
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@fullvoidao3 and mine entry for the DeanCas Bang (Taylor’s Version) organized by @dcbtv
This Bang was a bit different then the usual ones, so of course I was intrigued! Getting assigned a partner based on what Songs you both like from TS, and then coming up with a story together is definitely an unique concept and was a lot of fun! Full disclosure: I’m not listening to Taylor Swift much and didn’t know the song we got. “Treacherous”. But I have no regrets! XD
Also, thank you so much to the organizers and mods of the event! it was a blast! 💙
More Art:
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supernaturalkickparty · 5 months
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Missing the bucks and hangman, hoping kenny is recovering well and I'm thinking of aew existing in the spn verse.
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scarletpineapple · 6 months
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season14podcast · 3 months
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Hey! Remember when we used to post to tumblr? Haha, yeah, good times.
Anyhow, if you're interested in being a guest for a S12 or 13 episode of Season 14, Time for a Podcast, now is your chance to bid on us in @fandomtrumpshate! Take a look at our auction post right here, and then bid for a chance to donate to a good cause and come yell about Buckleming with us, or be there in realtime when Jess realizes she predicted Jack (don't worry, she won't see this, she doesn't touch Tumblr).
And while you're there, check out the other 1085 auctions in several hundred we've lost count fandoms, including a couple dozen for Supernatural!
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