#wishes were horses
july-19th-club · 4 months
can never get over the fact that his father's not even alive in his perfect wish world because having him there would break the immersion and he would immediately realize something was wrong when his dad was softball man and not the world's biggest asshole. he literally is only tolerable as a beloved memory. bringing this energy forward into my fic where cas is just never actually there in "heaven" (djinn heaven now) because if he was then it would immediately break the immersion because no djinn no matter how talented at manipulating the human brain could possibly illustrate their convoluted situationship with any degree of accuracy and the jig would be instantly up
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isagrimorie · 2 years
I’m considering doing a supercut of all the Faith and Buffy/Faith scenes in season 7 and maybe season 4 of Angel?
I’m still miffed Eliza Dushku was not a regular of either or both shows. And then Duskhu not getting an invite for the 20th anniversary.
One of the worse sins! Still Salty about it thanks.
Also, I love how Faith’s story ended up being but imagine if instead of Spike, it was Faith in the BtVS season 4 role moving forward.
And Spike made the move to Angel the Series earlier, where he was a much better fit.
Of course, it was never gonna happen because it’s the early aughts.
Narratively speaking tho, Faith can and actually serves a better role as Buffy’s shadow self than Spike. It worked but imagine if the whole thing played out with Faith, as it should’ve been.
Coulda, woulda, shoulda.
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ghost-inthe-hall · 1 year
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fizzytoo · 8 months
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ama and karlee's updated teen bedrooms!
amaya’s the first 3, and karlee’s the last 3!
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shelli-gator · 1 year
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🎠🚂 That's a horse!
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puppetmaster13u · 3 months
Prompt 236
The ritual is complete, blood staining stone and fires cut short, snuffed to ash. For all intents and purposes, it shouldn’t have gone wrong. It should technically be over and done and successful. The cultists look from their bleeding hands to each other in panic and slight hysteria, clothing torn apart. 
They would not speak of this, and fix it right away! R-right away… fix it? They can… oh they can’t fix it um. No one will notice, right? 
What do you mean it’s affected everyone in the world?!
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abyssal-wonders · 11 months
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i don't think i ever posted these
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dongslinger--420 · 7 months
BoJack and Diane truly make me insane. They used to be in love. They're best friends. They're always there for each other. They drown and drag the other down with them. Whenever they hang out it always fixes one thing and ruins another thing. They cannot function when the other person is gone. They have opposing moral ideologies. Their past work greatly inspired the other. They bring out the worst in each other. They send each other messages as a coping mechanism. They're star crossed best friends. They're the most important people in each other's lives. They have to grow apart.
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triona-tribblescore · 3 months
Have a cowboy peepaw mikey :3
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truly an icon among men
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july-19th-club · 4 months
just got back from the wikipedia mines there's only one town in the entire lower forty-eight named "perdition" and it's not anywhere near where i need it to be to justify putting it in this fic
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yutaan · 2 years
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Papercraft Sakura! I based her dress on her play costume from the second Cardcaptor Sakura movie. Picking a specific outfit was hard, because all her clothes are so nicely designed - but y’all know me; I’m always excited to use pink. 🌸 
Her hair color was also tricky to choose, because it varies so much between adaptations! In the end I skewed more toward the very light brown from the manga and Clear Card anime, but added a few areas of slightly darker brown as a nod to the older series.
This papercraft artwork was part of my holiday sale! It has sold now, but there are a bunch of other papercraft offerings up for grabs. Take a look if you’d like to snag some artwork, my lovelies! 
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starfleetshrimps · 1 month
i've seen a lot of people criticizing early-seasons bashir for being weird towards women--and i'm not here to dispute that he's a weirdo fs and it's uncomfortable to watch at times--BUT people keep bringing up if wishes were horses as evidence? did we watch the same episode? because to me that episode showed character growth in this area.
yeah. sure. he was weird at the beginning, but i am firmly in the 'you cannot fault people for their involuntary thoughts' camp, and sex dreams absolutely fall into that category.
He wasn't TRYING to bring a super affectionate Jadzia to life, the gamma quadrant aliens did that.
And the biggest thing for me is that when he wakes up to a horny Fake!Jadzia on top of him, he is immediately suspicious and pushes her away. he's like "nope. this is not you. you're sick." and then when that isn't true he checks his OWN vitals bc he's so sure it's fake.
and it is, and he did 'give in' eventually, but like. so would I, i think. if I was completely enamored with someone and woke up to them suddenly returning my affections, and then checked to make sure we were both (to my knowledge) sane and in our right minds, I personally would not assume that some random alien from a different quadrant had brought my sex dream to life for purposes unknown. Idk guys i'm not finding an issue with his behavior in that bit.
As soon as they get called to ops, he's immediately like "ahh, this was a prank, you can stop now! please!"--he's still not completely down with it. and--AS JADZIA HERSELF POINTS OUT--the aliens totally violated his privacy. some thoughts should remind private, and it's not julian's fault that his private (involuntary dream) thoughts were brought to life without his consent or knowledge.
jadzia's not mad about it, she gets it, the rest of the team is embarrassed for him but doesn't really focus on it at all, if I were Julian i would absolutely be throwing myself out of an airlock.
But did he do anything wrong? I don't really think so.
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iloveprettyboysblog · 2 years
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If Wishes Were Horses 💞💕
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anglerflsh · 4 months
police horses are an actual thing over there? it wasn;t just a thing Back Then? you have police with horses? 🐎🐎🐎<-heem? right tjere? do the police let you pet them if you ask really really nicely
They're absolutely for show, but in the Valentino park in Torino there's a police stable with police horses. They go around the park sometimes, and, yes, if you ask nicely they'll let you pet them (source is I did that when I was a child). Magnificent. I love horses.
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the-muppet-joker · 3 months
Oh, look who's a fucking comedian? Did you see that, everyone? The funny muppet guy is traumatized by horses. Let's all fucking remind him of it and harass him because it's so funny! I'm laughing so hard! Everyone is laughing... wait. What's that? No one thinks it's fucking funny? You're all alone, up there onstage? Jingle your bells, little jester. Without an audience to care about you, it's the closest you'll get to hearing applause.
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dootznbootz · 3 months
I honestly get a little annoyed that people will act like Penelope wouldn't be in the Fields of Punishment alongside Odysseus :P
Because she'd either go with him or literally be there because of her own things. I mean...She's not that nice either. They're literally "likeminded", all the war crimes he would tell her, she'd be thinking "Oh!!! Good thinking!!!" The only thing is, she just didn't GET to do those war crimes because she wasn't in the war. She would scold him for the stupid things he did acting like she's never done the same or wouldn't do the same.
Also as if she wouldn't also tell Polyphemus her name? Maybe not exactly, but she'd do something JUST as prideful/dumb eventually. BECAUSE THEY'RE SIMILAR. SAME MIND!!!
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