#spn s4 au
fandom-hoarder · 2 years
Making dinner, thinking about the writing exercise/character study thing I'll never finish. How it would've ended with Sam convincing Dean to sleep with him at the end of s3, because he's not going to be able to save him from Hell and Sam believes his feelings for Dean are sending him to Hell eventually anyway so Dean can at least give him this. And Dean says yes because he wants to, praying Sam doesn't really have the same fate as him.
But that's just preamble to what I was really thinking about:
When Sam finally gets the opportunity to ask Castiel if he's really going to Hell for how he feels about Dean, Cas says yes. Because he wants Sam out of the way. 👀
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cassierobinsons · 2 months
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@ilarual YOUR TAGS ON THIS POST ARE SO REALLLL I had to make a separate post about it
cas canonically does not angst about liking men. liking one man in particular yeah, but not about being gay in general. in an AU though? he literally comes from a fundamentalist xtian """community""" (cult) that has a disproportionate level of power over the lives of the general public. everyone in the cult is a huge narc, including himself. one of the only trustworthy people is his big sister who ran away and went no contact years ago. His mother is a CONVERSION THERAPIST who, let’s be real, probably isn't great about the autism either. too. i don’t get people who think cas’ backstory is impossible or even difficult to adapt to a mundane setting because the parallels are blatant and everything hints towards cas being deeply closeted.
I mean fuck, remember how balthazar was like “wow i’m so glad i rebelled and get to do whatever i want now including have obscene amounts of gay sex” and s6 cas was like :O you're using your freedom for HEDONISM? instead of SERVING THE CAUSE??? meanwhile he had spent the last year watching dean rake leaves in dead silence. and that's a cas whose family were only homophobic in the metaphorical and not literal sense. AU cas is not going to figure out that he's gay without a real fight!
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ne0nlightzz · 11 months
someone please request a one shot or give me a prompt idea or something- im desprate at this point [i put info/fandoms in the tags!:D] i also just really dont want to work on part 5 of my story even though it was supposed to be posted like a month ago
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thefreakandthehair · 1 year
I saw the Winchesterised tag and like had a stroke cause one your right, two I could also write essays on Dean and Steve parallels (and the Robin and Charlie ones cause um) and why that’s concerning for their lives and three the more I read fics the more I realise steddie is just sometimes destiel light with Endverse!Cas like it’s not all the time but I can connect the dots and it’s wonderful to know I’ll never be free.
ZEE, I need you to know that you just connected so many dots for me and I fucking blue-screened for a second. the Robin and Charlie parallels, holy shit?! you're so right?! and oh my God, no wonder the Supernatural -> Stranger Things / Destiel -> Steddie pipelines are so strong! The Endverse?!??! this isn't coherent in any way, but just know that I might never, NEVER see Eddie the same again. s4 was an elongated AU of SPN 5x4,The End, if Cas hadn't made it.
we will never be free, but we will never be alone.
[insert 'You Will Always End Up Here' Samifer gif here]
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scripted-downfall · 2 years
The Gecko Brothers in From Dusk Till Dawn (1996) are just Sam and Dean in a different font.
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thelostboys87 · 8 months
i fear 23 year old me enjoys the supernatural halloween samhain episode as much as 13 year old me did I’m giggling and kicking my feet
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lightningstorm003 · 1 year
Why does it feel like all of season 4 is just the writers poking fun at how big the fan-base has gotten, and making episodes like au fanfics and breaking the fourth wall. I'm not complaining in the slightest because it's absolutely amazing, but it's still funny how they totally took advantage of us.
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thetruthbetween · 6 months
So season 4 sucked and going into season 5, knowing that not only does it not get better, it in fact gets worse is like...
Why am I here?
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spntodorokis · 10 months
master carrd of all current seasons: here
art | txt (memes) | fics | s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6 | b & b
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sammygender · 2 months
spn s4 au where instead of sam drinking ruby’s blood he’s injecting her estrogen. this would be so ideologically awful but it’d slay. deans transphobic
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ulfie-by-osmosis · 4 months
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J2 Main Panel Vegascon 2023
The panel starts with Jared revealing that he currently doesn't have an ACL on his left knee. He still did the beginning of the panel jump, can you jump without an ACL? Sure. Should you? Probably not.
Jensen tells him to get that fixed to which Jared replies that he can't get it fixed right now because he's in season.....so Jensen leans over and smells him.....and says that he is.....what in the ABO AU is going on here 💀
Jared is an omega. Confirmed.
I'm moving on from this before I lose my mind....but they've role-played this, I'm just saying.
Anyways, Jared seriously has to deal with that knee because he comments he has to sometimes lift it and put it back which is concerning. And then the conversation turns to when is it too late to be saying Happy New Year, the crowd says February, then Jared asks if everybody can agree that Christmas lights can stay up later than that for ambiance lighting. Some in the crowd say if they're clear or white, someone says all year long- Jensen says you can leave them up all year but turn them off the week after New Years because if you have them on all year then it's not special anymore when you get to turn them on. I agree with that, part of what makes Christmas so special is that it comes around only once a year.
They both went away for the holidays. Jared didn't put up a Christmas tree this year, but according to Jensen D put one up after Thanksgiving while he was filming so the day after they got back he had to take it down and put the whole thing away. And it's one of those trees that put on a light show, and Jared's like "does it dance?" and Jensen says yes...and that it also makes an amazing beef stroganoff. So Jared asks what his favorite stroganoff is, they laugh and he calls Jensen handsome. He's either making a comment about Jensen stroking off or referring to this entry from Urban Dictionary. Either way 😏.
On to questions! When they get nervous or scared during scenes, how do they overcome their fears? Jared asks if there are bears involved which reminds Jensen of a video that he saw of a bear walking down a highway and fixing a traffic cone that had fallen over.
Jensen says he's less fearful of stunt scenes than emotional scenes. For him, stunts are fun he gets to throw himself against a wall or dive over a table or get into a fake fight. Jared says that as far as stunts go at least on spn, and on Walker, in his experience by the time he does a stunt on Walker it's been done multiple times by his stunt coordinator so he feels safe and secure, obviously, something could go wrong no matter what but in his experience, he's been more physically injured on scenes that didn't require a stunt double than on scenes that were like here's where you jump through a window like they did in s4.
Jensen makes the comment that Jared didn't get hurt at all during that scene but ask him to get into the backseat of a car and he rips his scalp off. The story behind that is that during the first episode of s3 there's a scene where the boys have to get into Bobby's car which is a beat-up, two-door Chevelle. Bobby and Dean go in the front seat, and Sam has to hop into the backseat but Jared is not a short person there's not really an elegant way for him to get into this car, he has to pull the lever that moves the seat forward so he can crawl in, and Kim Manners, who was directing the episode, is yelling at him to hurry up that they're supposed to be running from a demon. So he's like all right and starts basically launching himself in the car, and he's banging into everything, and after a couple of takes they're fixing Jared's hair and a clump of his hair comes out and their stylist is freaked but assumes he's losing his hair so she doesn't say anything she just starts coming up with a plan but the next day there's another clump of hair and this one has skin and blood attached and she's like 'wtf???' and she checks Jared's scalp- Jared had been scalping himself on the top of the car every time he jumped in because the window didn't have weather stripping it was exposed metal.
They actually kept that piece of hair as a prop and it's what was used when Sam had to summon a crossroads demon.
To actually answer the question about how they deal with their fears, Jensen says it depends on the situation and what kind of fear it is they're feeling, he says that he and Jared are similar in that when they're doing a scene to some degree there's a focus on what they're doing that's right in front of them and it's like everything else blurs away, and in the two to three minutes they're doing a scene nothing else is being thought off other than playing that character in that moment with whoever else is in that scene, and it's an interesting feeling cause when they yell cut the real world floods back into your mind so it's almost a weird checking out for a couple of minutes and then checking back in.
Jared agrees, and says that for him thinking back on it, he got less fearful as the seasons of SPN went on; he remembers being very nervous during s1 about emotional scenes, some of the stunts, and some of the exposition scenes but then he'd do them and realize it wasn't the end of the world. So there was kind of a life lesson there for him, and probably for Jensen as well, to just do it, just do their best. That's all you can do and that's something he has gradually accepted and it has helped.
Jensen brings up the saying "do something every day that scares you" and he thinks the lesson in that is that the more you push yourself and do things that give you pause the better at it that you'll be so he thinks if there is something that scares you or something you're hesitant about trying, whatever that might be, the more you can do it the easier it will become. x
When they go back to Van is there somewhere they always try to eat or somewhere they always try to go back to? Jared answers yes, Gotham, and Cioppino's for sure. Jensen agrees, he says over the years there are certain favorite restaurants they've had but at this point when they go to Van they want to go see people that they miss so he'd rather go sit at the dining table of one of their crew member's houses than a restaurant. x
If Sam and Dean kept a journal like John did what would be their top hits in terms of drawings and what they would put into it ie. monsters and hunts? Jared says that in Sam's journal, Ruby would probably be dog eared. Jensen quips that it would say "don't fall for the first one, wait for the second one to come along"....there's something kinda snarky about that *snort*
Jensen says Wendigo would be one of the top ones, number one would be yellow-eyed demon. Jared says he didn't start his journal until after they killed Azazel, so it would be Ruby, Lucifer, maybe Gadriel/Ezekiel. Someone in the crowd mentions soulless!Sam which Jensen says would be in Dean's journal. Vampires, Chuck, Leviathans- someone mentions fairies, Jensen says that would just be one page with three words "fight the fairies" and maybe at the bottom it would just say microwave. x
What is Jensen's insight toward demon!Dean's indifference towards Baby? Jensen answers that he thinks it was demon!Dean's indifference towards just about anything that's what kind of made him a demon that he didn't care about humans or anything in the human world except maybe karaoke. That it was more just a general indifference towards anything although that's a hard one to be indifferent about even if you are a demon. And he will say that it must have been really painful for Dean to watch this demon take his vessel and then not care about the car, that it was tough on him, and it was hard to play. I get what he's saying but I genuinely don't know if he just worded this weirdly or if he forgot that demon!Dean wasn't a possession. x
The next fan is having a birthday re-do because the previous year was supposed to be a milestone birthday but they broke their back - ouch - so they want to know if the boys have any suggestions. Jared jokes "don't break your back again" and Jensen says that he thought for sure Jared was gonna say "we're glad you're back" 😂
Jensen asks the fan what are some of the things they were looking forward to that they didn't get to do last year, the fan replies she missed conventions, some trips, concerts, and wasn't able to drive for 7 months. So Jensen's suggestion is that she gets in a car and drive to all the cities where the bands that she likes are playing, go to those concerts, and stop by some of the conventions the boys are doing. x
What do they think is the worst thing Sam and Dean ever did? And (in the fan's opinion) why was it leaving Adam in the cage? Jared offers up for consideration that the boys never really had Adam, that he thinks if they had they would have done their damnedest but he thinks instead Sam and Dean kind of had to go into hunter mode. He and Jensen, and he thinks probably everyone else, wanted a win like that for the brothers but like many things, in their lives, it came with a big asterisk of bad news. Supernatural was comedic at times but it was also kind of tragic, nothing ever really went just right for the boys, they were always waiting for the other shoe to drop and when it did it was heartbreaking. So, he thinks the boys did the right thing with Adam, as horrible as it sounds. But he doesn't think Sam needed to spend so much time with Amelia. He thinks he would have gone after his brother a bit earlier. Agreed! 💯.
Years later and I still hate that storyline.
Jensen says the worst thing Dean probably did is not dodge a little stick of rebar. x
If they had the opportunity to be cast as a villain or as a superhero what would they choose, or what would they like to be? Jensen replies he kind of got to do both he was a superhero and kind of a villain and he says kinda because in Soldier Boy's mind he was not bad. He was the hero of his own story. He asks the fan if they mean a certain universe like Marvel or DC, fan replies if he had the opportunity to do something else in addition to Soldier Boy. Jensen says even though he does get to voice him he would be Batman. And villain wise he doesn't think he'd ever want the job but the Joker. But he states again that's not a road he'd like to go down.
Jared says he's not super interested in exploring the superhero kind of journey and tropes and archetypes he would love to play a villain maybe like Elon Musk 🤣 He doesn't have a specific villain picked out but he likes psychological mind games so it would be something in that line. x
Do both of them have new works in the pipeline? Jared says he doesn't, that Walker Independence finished filming s1 they still have a couple episodes to air, and they are still shooting Walker s3. Because Jared referred to Walker Independence as Windy Jensen got confused and thought Jared was announcing he was doing something with the restaurant Wendy's 😆
Jensen says he has a few things coming this year, the first few months of the year are pretty busy for him with multiple projects. And he just signed a deal that he can't talk about yet but it will probably be press released soon and that will lead to some stuff in development 👀
If the roles were reversed in Mystery Spot and it had been Dean who had to watch Sam die, how long would it have taken Dean to figure it out and what would have Gabriel been trying to teach him? Jensen answers it would have taken Dean much longer because he would have started to enjoy himself knowing he doesn't have the consequences of tomorrow and that could last for some time before he decides he's bored of that and should probably fix the situation he's in. And he doesn't know if there would necessarily need to be a lesson maybe 'get your head out of your ass' or 'don't eat tacos' to which Jared points out he would be the one eating tacos but Jensen says maybe that's the lesson be careful with what you eat and that leads back to the Wendy's comment from the last question, and they plan a Wendy's commercial on the spot. WENDY'S MARKETING WHERE YOU AT? Also, Jensen makes the joke that they're announcing their new advertising company J&J Ads and that is actually a damn good name for an advertising company. x
The next is a question and a surprise! A fan proposes to their girlfriend on stage (they propose at the mic, the boys invite them on stage), and she says yes! Congrats to the happy couple and the dude does not lose the opportunity he asks Jensen if he would sing at their wedding. Jensen says if he has an opportunity- and the dude says Oct 7th. The man came prepared! Jensen says to let him know and if he can he would love to sing at their wedding. 💍
The next fan is a middle school teacher and they want to know what kind of middle school boys were they and do they have any advice for her middle schoolers? Jared starts to say that he thinks he was actually a decent middle school kid and Jensen immediately goes "I was not". He says, "avoid having your parents called in the middle of the night by the police department two counties over".
That he could sneak out and be gone forever but nowadays with technology most middle schoolers have phones, apple watches, tracking devices- you can't get away with the kind of stuff that he would get away with back in the day so he would say don't do that but you're still young enough where it could be fun.
Jared gives a serious answer and says his kids go to therapy and one time they were talking with their kid's therapist and they said that there's an interesting way to pose a question to a child. If you need to ask something serious it is wise to lead it by telling them: [name of the child] I'm going to ask you a few questions and just so you know I already know the answer to some of these questions, and then you ask your question, like did you paint the wall? Because sometimes you have to ask kids things and they just need to admit it but their instinct because they're defensive is to go "no". And this is something he'll go through with his kids he'll ask them something like "did you leave your laundry on the floor?" and they instinctually go "no".
Jensen says he would say this to middle schoolers as well as high schoolers: you only get one go around with that experience so try to get as much out of it as you possibly can. One of the reasons he's on stage today is because he had somebody in his high school life encourage him to try out for the spring play; you should try as much as you possibly can cause you never know what doors it may open so he would encourage middle schoolers and high schoolers to try to expand as much of their experience within that space as they possibly can cause who knows where that might lead, try to get as much of what that portion of your life can offer cause it's a lot.
Honestly, I would say that's great life advice in general because there's no age limit to learning and/or expanding your experiences and trying new things. x
The next question comes from a fan who has yet to watch the finale and they want to know if they should. The answer from both of them is, yes. Jared thinks it's worth it, even though it is difficult to watch. Jensen says that the reason we watch these shows and we follow these characters and these storylines is that they draw emotion out of us and it's an escape from life, we get to go on this journey with these two brothers and experience what that story and that journey is through them so he thinks by not watching the final episode you're robbing yourself of the emotional journey we got to go through.
Jared concurs and adds to remember that it's the final episode of SPN but that doesn't necessarily mean it's the last episode of SPN. x
When is the third Radio Company album coming out? As soon as it's finished. It's currently being mastered so hopefully by the end of this month if not then he would assume in February. x
If they could have had anyone guest star on the show who would it have been and who or what would they have played? Jared replies Tom Welling and Michael Rosenbaum, and conversations were had about possibly having them on the show, they also tried to get Stephen Amell on the show- they tried to be on a different show where they go into town and kill two vampire brothers, he's referring to the Vampire Diaries and he's mentioning Paul Wesley and Ian Somerhalder who played the Salvatore brother's are both friends and he was with them when they did a VD convention and a Vampire Diaries Convention🤣
He would have loved to have Milo on the show- Jensen says they're more likely to pick friends of theirs because what they get to do is a lot of fun when they have people that have fun with them. That's a large reason why a lot of the faces you see on Walker and Winchesters, or even up on the stage are familiar faces because they want to continue working with the people that they like, they want to continue playing with people that enjoy playing. x
Also, there was a cute moment before the question was asked because the fan mentioned that her husband took them on a family trip and they got to go to Jensen's brewery, Family Business, and Jared asks if it was a family trip or a business trip, and Jensen slightly shakes his head and says he could it hear too, he could hear Jared thinking up that joke then he turns, looks at Jared, who's all proud of himself, and fondly goes "you're such an idiot" as he turns back around and bursts into laughter. I swear this man is the biggest fan of Jared's stupid jokes 💕
Last question! Is there a song they’ve heard so many times that they’re sick of listening to it? For the fan the song is Firework by Katy Perry, Jensen comments he went through a Firework phase he had to listen to it every time he got the kids to school and it was awful.
Jared says Baby Shark, also comments that he thinks a lot of the songs on the radio right now he doesn't love listening to on a regular basis- the fan mentions Let It Go but Jared likes it, Jensen has listened to it a million times. There's a song by Shawn Mendes that JJ makes Jensen listen to all the time but he can't remember what it is, and then at the end, Jensen takes a shot at Maroon 5 saying that they'll continue to weather those storms in the car when listening to songs they don't like incessantly or even bands that they don't like *pretend cough* Maroon 5. x
J2 Main Panel Vegascon 2023
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keithal · 1 year
Do you have any supernatural fic recs?
ANON. i have been waiting since 2019 for someone to ask me this. prepare to regret this decision (FYI: i'm taking all these recs & following notes from my public bookmarks on ao3, which you can find here. i'm cutting the notes short, so if u don't mind spoiler-y drawn-out comments, check that out too if u want!)
deancas focused:
A Reasonable Amount of Trouble by xylodemon -> an spn au where dean is a p.i. and a hunter on the side, cas is still an angel, and they get caught up in a plot that's a mix of seasons 4, 6, 8, and 9. this was my introduction to spn and deancas. the characterization is flawless and the prose is beautiful (very cs pacat-esque). the plot is crafted with close attention to detail and the pacing is perfect
the point of our being by noviembre -> a post-s15 fix-it that takes place immediately after the penultimate episode. noviembre is undoubtedly my favorite spn writer of all time. one of the best dean voices i've ever come across. this ties up the narrative threads into a beautiful, sound, satisfying ending, and both destiel & saileen survive. despite the odds, they're happy.
i projected onto dean winchester when i was twelve years old and now im making it your problem by alittleduck (amidsizedfrog) -> another post-finale fix it. and, to date, the funniest thing i've ever read. every fic in this series has a good balance between scenes that make u laugh so hard u hurt ur throat and Scenes That Make You Want To Gurgle Cement.
So Says The Sword by komodobits -> a s4 au and a fandom classic for a reason. if u haven't read this, i'm of the firm belief it's best to go in as blind as possible. but definitely keep this verse in the back of ur mind while reading: "Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? And not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father" (matthew 10:29)
sir this is a wendy's by noviembre -> yall remember when misha collins said that a modern au deancas would be like if a wendy's janitor and the president of the usa fell in love? well noviembre took that seriously and now we're here. and u should all be thankful bc it's somehow the single funniest and most romantic thing i've ever read
the pie isn’t a metaphor (it’s just pie) by noviembre -> post-finale s15 domestic deancas fic that's the emotional equivalent of drinking tea and lying under a warm weighted blanket. it makes me so happy and i think abt it every time i eat a pastry. i just sit there chewing like “dean and cas are eating fresh pie in their kitchen” and it puts a smile on my face.
Muscle Memory by komodobits -> a "50 first dates" au that i think abt every single day. i'm not joking. it's so sad and touching and sweet and unexpectedly funny, and no one writes deancas like komodobits. it just FEELS so them and i'm obsessed w it.
Strandlines by aeli_kindara -> au where s4 cas meets stanford-era dean. dean's voice and characterization is incredibly in-character with the early seasons and his voice doesn't falter once. and of course castiel! robotic s4 cas with this tremendous power and this fierce yet wavering loyalty to heaven that eventually focuses solely on dean! likewise, his character is spot-on and i enjoyed reading from his pov immensely.
[podfic] right hand on his rife, swore it on the bible by be_brave13 for quensty, floorsirens -> u can't possibly expect me NOT to include this. YES my friend and i wrote the fic but be_brave13's love and appreciation for it makes it feel like a completely separate work. my favorite podfic (and gift) of all time so i implore u to give it a listen.
something suddenly everywhere by noviembre -> the finest post-s15 fix-it of all time. cas is in the empty, they've defeated god, jack is gone, and all that's left is sam, eileen, dean, a bunker, and trying to move on. i know i already said that but this is the same author so it still counts! i cried, i laughed, i grieved, i jumped from excitement. it's a rollercoaster of emotions. it should be put behind a velvet rope at a museum so we can all gather around and clap.
To Boldly Go by 8daysuntiltheapocalypseiguess -> au where dean writes star trek fanfiction. it follows him from the beginning of the show to the older seasons and is told entirely thru his fic summaries, reader commentary, and livejournal dms. warning that it is unfinished, but it's a masterpiece
saileen focused:
Loveletter (Dear Eileen) by voynichs (Xenerik) -> a short and beautiful meditation about love and eileen from sam's pov. it's only 300 words but it feels like 15k. definitely at the top of my fave saileen fics of all time. when i first read it i stayed up until 2 am crying abt it
Livin' on a Prayer by Dredfulhapiness -> EILEEN MEETING EARLY SEASONS DEAN AND SAM I'M SCREAMING. do u understand how this could've changed the timeline but, more importantly, me as a person. eileen there when dean and sam were trying to find a way out of the deal, there when everything happened with ruby, there for dean's resurrection, there before they met cas, there after sam dies and dean retires and cas goes m.i.a. and DEALING with the aftermath of a foiled apocolypse. everyone hates the winchesters but the winchesters are gone and all that's left is eileen to deal with the brunt of it.
With Hands Clasped by Xenerik -> a handful of snippets from the eileen wedding that explores gender and religion and love so beautifully. i haven't been able to read it completely yet, but i can tell this is going to be another saileen fave.
other pairings/no pairings
The Love Story of the Runner Up by Margo_Kim -> told from the perspective of a guy cas had a brief affair with as a semi-drunken story he tells a friend in a bar. it's technically deancas but since cas's relationship with another man takes main focus, i elected to put it here.
Ten Years by Margo_Kim -> a bela talbot character study and the best i've been able to find, no contest. *rowena voice* good girls are pathetic here's to evil skanks <3
The Archangel Gabriel Is Dead by seizethefire -> fics that have half a million kudos in my mind. it's about how and why rafael comes to think that god is dead. it expertly explores the familial relationship between gabriel, lucifer, michael, and rafael. it's devastating and beautiful in equal measure. definitely a personal favorite and one i think everyone should read
put them in a box somewhere by amidsizedfrog -> a mary & dean fic told from mary's pov from before she died. a gut-wrenching story about performative/toxic masculinity and internalized homophobia and mothers.
lastly, if ur interested, i also write spn fic >:) which u can find by clicking here. happy reading!
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ruinedsam · 20 days
Anyway I really love this because Sam needs people who haven't been sanctioned by Dean in his corner and the fact that they're all demons is something that would torment Sam (which I find very enjoyable because I'm a sicko).
Exactly, you get it. Sam finally has people in his corner that aren’t also in Dean’s (or who won’t prioritize Dean over Sam), except they’re all demons so what is it saying about him that the only beings who prefer Sam over Dean are literal demons, people who live in Hell? What does it say about him that Abbadon and Meg, one a Knight handpicked by Lucifer and the other Azazel’s daughter who is wholly loyal to Lucifer, are the only people not siding with Dean over Sam in this? Lucifer and Azazel ruined his life, yet the people who are empathizing with Sam the most here were people with clear ties to one or both.
And I think that considering there was a rift over Gadreel and Dean got the mark from Cain, we should’ve had another rift during this with Sam siding with Abbadon, make it a very clear mirror of Cain and Abel, only it’s not quite clear if this story will have Abel killing Cain. And Sam’s demon powers should make a reappearance, not sure how bc this is just vague rambles really as opposed to a detailed idea, so we have Dean’s mark slowly turning him into a demon, Sam is ironically the more human one but his powers have grown beyond even what he was capable of in s4 to go along with the idea that the psychic kids were capable of reaching all the powers they collectively had and could extend even farther considering none of them were shown to kill demons until Sam in season 4; I think there should be some kind of fight between Sam and Dean here, Crowley comes to unleash Dean on Abbadon, except this is ultimately about the Cain and Abel of it all so the brothers ultimately go after each other. And since Sam’s demon powers have returned, we keep hearing echoes of all the times Dean has wanted to kill Sam, with John’s final instructions being either the first or last thing we hear and one of them being “at least he dies human,” but Sam hasn’t been fully human since he was six months old and he never needed the feather to fly. Sam’s eyes are glowing yellow by the way, he’s Azazel’s son.
Thinking about these dynamics post Gadreel makes me insane. Dean, the person who is closest to him, betrayed Sam in the worst way by taking away his autonomy and gaslighting him about it and the only people who side with him are the people who are closest to Azazel and Lucifer who started this cycle of robbing Sam of his autonomy in the first place...
And what does this say about Meg and her relationship with Sam. Meg was fine with Lucifer possessing him. She possessed him herself. So it's not like it's about the principle of the thing (Sam's autonomy). In that way she mirrors Dean, who too is fine with someone possessing Sam as long as it aligns with his own goals. Sam is the eternal little brother whose older siblings see his autonomy as something that can be compromised on. (Obviously with Dean it's way worse, he was the instigator of Sam's possession and hid it from him, which Meg did not do, Dean feels entitled over Sam's life in a way that Meg doesn't, but I do think the parallel is there and is something that Sam would notice.)
SPN did so often parallel Sam and Dean to Cain and Abel/imply there was going to be a brother vs brother thing but never really committed to it, I like that they're really going for it in this AU. And Sam with yellow eyes is the best!
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castielsparkle · 1 year
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horses your guy....cringe is dead supernatural pony made in the year 2023.... my beloved Dear Whinnycanter <3
base credits!
anywhoo!!! i am working on my ponynatural au >:3 some random trivia below the cut 4 anypony interested!! :P hehe
fun little facts abt dean ponysona (dear!!) and his world below:
-he was a blank flank up until he was raised from maredition perdition by cas in . s4e1 in the show canon timeline. and thus when he woke up with this cutie mark he was like umm what the fuck . me when my special talent is torturing ponies for eternity. what the fuck. this is so messed up. anyways the cutie mark is actually just cas' hoofprint and. all that other stuff ehehe. but he has a little dilemma abt it at first and its a Whole Thing. also some sam lore. sam has a cutie mark . this is a point of contention for them. also dear not getting a cutie mark is in no way reflective of his whole deal . god and the narrative and whatnot. this guy was not allowed to have a cutie mark. on a similar note angels all have the same cm when possessing a vessel, and when they take over the vessels cm will change (to an angel blade,) however cas ended up getting his own cutie mark its a whole thing<3
-his markings are inspired by cowboy boots on his legs and a cowboy hat on his ears, his face markings consist of a star, stripe, and lip marking (the lip marking is asymmetrical.) i briefly considered giving him markings to resemble a western style saddle and blanket but 1) he is a free horse and untamed 2) he looked too much like a turtle. so. not the vibe unfortunately pft
-his back hoof fetlocks r shorter for kicking purposes
-i assumed this would go without saying however it probably doesnt but he is transgender. just need this to be known. hes in like his s4-5 i gotta overcompensate and be super butch era still so like....thats why hes got the vibe with the hair and the hooves and such. he lets himself explore his identity more later on
-very fluffy guy . so he can stay warm. also just because. anyways it also helps make his anti-possession symbol less immediately visible bc hed have to part the fur for it to show typically
-i gave him piercings for funsies. septum ring nostril ring little ear ring and also two brow piercings. and some optional bracelets (one of which is a stand in for his rings from early on in spn)
ok i think thats all i have im so so sleepy goodnight everypony i love you all<33333
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eyelinerdean · 1 year
wanna write some spn fic….
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