#spn vegascon
annazima · 2 years
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J2 | Vegas 2023 | gold panel
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laf-outloud · 2 years
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My willpower is being tested. Curse you, Creation.
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Am I missing something or are they just not doing a Vegas convention in 2024?
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saratsuzuki · 2 years
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From @fangasmspn on Twitter
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hettolandija · 7 months
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in 2015 on March 09 Jensen and Misha posted these pictures on their twitter accounts. A few days ago I started wondering in what spot exactly were these photos taken. Looking at these mountains in the background I quickly realized that it must have been somewhere in Delta (BC), but on google street view in that region it's impossible to see these mountains so I had problem to pinpoint the exact location. Then I remembered than Jensen was talking at some convention about these photos - it was VegasCon in 2015 and they were waiting for the crew to get everything ready for a night shoot at some farmhouse by the river, so they went just across the road and had these pictures taken from the berm (embankment of the Fraser river to be precise). The only episode of SPN that was filmed at that time, that had Castiel and some farmhouse, is episode 10x20. The barn in it looks like this:
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and this is how this place looks on street view (it's a private property on River Rd W, Delta, BC):
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This is how this place looks like from above:
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And this is 3D rendering on google earth:
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(the only findable thing on street view were these characteristic trees ont the left, placement of the rest of the trees I gusessed looking on satelite photos).
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dotthings · 2 years
So I watched the part of the J2 panel where Jared and Jensen talk about the finale and as usual the "brosonlies" takes are completely warped, fangasm's tweet coverage of that question was simplistic and inaccurate, and people distorted everything. They didn't even actually praise the finale. Jared: "It's better than bugs!" Jensen (humorous self deprecating tone): "Sure! Yeah why not you've come this far, go and tie it up with a bow" And mind you this is after Jensen said his biggest regret for Dean is not dodging the rebar.
Then Jensen's more serious respectful pitch for the fan was that since the fan had already watched all the other episodes, they might as well finish the journey. There's no throwdown here shaming anyone for skipping it and neither of them were singing its praises. Jensen was just saying it's part of the story, which it is, I don't want it, and I don't want to accept it, but I can't yell that it's not canon, it is. Now it's part of the story. And Jared echoed Jensen's stance that the last episode of the tv series known as spn doesn't mean it's actually over.
I have every confidence in Jensen, Robbie, everyone at CMP that they're going to do something that will make 15.20 feel better, the story's not over, Dean's story's not over, whatever it is that hurt about 15.20, will get some additional context and further story that will make it better.
Anyone in this fandom using that comment from the j2 panel or fangasm's chronically incomplete tweet style to weaponize it and tell people they're fake fans for skipping something that they KNOW will give them too much pain or any other reason people might skip it, maybe they just don't want it to end (which seems to be why the fan on this panel asked, they thought ep 19 made for a gentle landing and was hesitant to move from there and there is nothing wrong with that.) and continuing to dump all over Dean fans and people who actually care about the show beyond "Just the brothers" with lectures about how "it's about the brothers so it's PERFECTION and you're a stinky bad horrible fan for being hurt by it." The series finale was a harm to Sam, Dean, Cas, and the whole show and I will continue to hold that position. It's not an attack on the hard work of cast and crew. It's not an attack on spn.
Jensen's not shaming anyone. Reminder Jensen already said whether you like the finale or dislike the finale, that's valid. Jensen's comment at Vegascon was not him peeing territory or meant as a lesson to those evil hellers/AA's or whatever deranged thing whatever antis have decided to assign to Jensen, or what maybe others fear he meant.
Jensen loves the whole show and I respect his completist approach. Even though for my own well being I wish I had skipped the finale because that would have been better for me.
It's immensely trashy of brosonlies/jared stans to shame people for disliking it and being hurt ("It's just fiction! Fiction can't trigger you! Fiction can't hurt you!" while they themselves raged against SPN and what made THEM mad pretty much 75% of its entire long run and went on and on crying about their feelings about 15.20 and how beautiful it was but if they're going to insist fiction can't hurt you, then they need to stick to their own rules, fiction can't make you feel feelings in a good way either.) and then turn around and shift to rhetoric about how everyone HAS TO WATCH THE FINALE OR THEY ARE BAD FANS.
And all of this nonsense is disconnected from what J2 said about it at Vegascon.
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jensensitive · 2 years
more of jensen’s impressions, voices, and accents (part one)
sources under the cut
Pilot Dean / younger self Nevada (sfcon 2017) Briana  Bob Singer (vancon 2013) Reba (kansas city con 2022) Misha (pittcon 2018) Irish (jaxcon 2019) dean doing Rowena but irish (11x23) Michael (spn) (14x10) Michael dean as cas (14x10) Wisconsin / yogi bear (12x16) The great wizard ricardo (jib 2013) Paris Hilton (dc 2019) Harry potter fans Velma 1 2 3 Jared (nj 2022) Kirby (from south carolina) (vegascon 2020) His dad / southern (dallascon 2012) Mrs. Doubtfire
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angzlicas · 4 years
Spn VegasCon 2020
Fan: If you were running for office, whats the favorite thing you’ve done that they’d use against you?
Misha, laughing: There’s actually a book that’s been written about that
The book:
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Description: Drawing on personal experience, historical research, advice from pros, and hundreds of interviews with veteran and novice threesome adventurers, Vantoch covers the gamut of possibilities in threesome sex and triad relationships. The Threesome Handbook is the essential road map for couples and singles to explore new territory or just spice things up in the sack.
Reminder: Misha and Vicki have been together since high school
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Jared Padalecki
Supernatural Las Vegas Convention
March 2019
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sincerelywithheart · 5 years
These are just some moments from Jensen, Jared and Misha at Vegas this past weekeend (thanks to Wayward AG, go checkout her YouTube channel!) I have to watch the full panels but they were so well-spoken and sincere about the end of the show and what comes next. I am glad that they are comfortable being honest with us, the SPN family, about what they think. Thinking about what comes next for the three guys, I am excited to see what they do in the future.
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annazima · 2 years
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J2 | Vegascon 2023 main panel
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laf-outloud · 2 years
If they are adding more Walkerverse faces, I hope they keep the panels separate and don't make them share the stage with Misha or the cast of TW.
Can't think of anything worse than having someone as cultured as Kat stood fielding questions next to Meg I watch Spongebob every day Donnelly.
Or a Heller asking them what they thought of the bi lighting in that compilation of Destiel clips they watched on YouTube.
I doubt that will happen. Misha doesn't even share a panel unless there's a cancelation.
With Kat's photo ops being on Friday, if there is a panel, I expect it will happen on that day. I know Vegas is a 4-day con, but a large majority of people still only show up for J2 Sunday, so it would make sense for Creation to schedule other guests on the quieter days to try and pull in additional money guests.
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Quick question about how to find an event code to use the schedule app for Vegas con this weekend...
This will be my first time using the app that they provide for the creation entertainment convention schedules. I'm going to Vegas this weekend and I cannot find The event code for the convention anywhere on a creation email or their website or even the PDF version of the schedule. The app makes you use a event code to locate the event so that you can use it.
Does anyone happen to know the event code for Vegas this weekend or can you tell me where I might be able to find it or how I can access it through creation somehow?
My blog is currently on a Tumblr Shadowban so I won't be able to comment or respond to any of your replies, but I greatly appreciate any help anyone can provide me.
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shedontlovehuhself · 3 years
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Seriously. When Alcal was telling the story about how he awkwardly tried to bust through the door for a scene and got laughed at by Misha. He sounded just like Misha when Misha talked about the scene where he had to punch Jared(as Gadreel) and he got laughed at by Jensen.🤣
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deansraspberrypie · 3 years
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They are so cute 💞🤗
🍰 Tag list: @avanatural @undisputedchick @jranutter @fortheloveof-jackles @kazsrm67 @muchamusedaboutnothing @b3autyfuldisast3r @breath-of-snow-and-ashes @bluedragonflylady @unabashed-lover-of-fictional-men @mrsjenniferwinchester 🥧
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This is funny in and of itself
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However it is made much funnier by the first reply to the actual tweet which -
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The. The excuse me. The what experience.
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