#spn x gilmore girls
lovealwayssay · 2 months
I can't believe that in the year 2024, I spent 20 minutes of my therapy session trying to explain the Destiel confession followed by immediately getting sent to super gay Hell so I could tell my therapist that I received the news that Trump had been shot through that meme.
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have you done your daily click
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winchesterride · 2 months
Reposting this so it get's on the tag (hope it works)
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That was definitely one of the worst of Dean’s hunts. He still doesn’t entirely know what happened. And he knows that the latter talk with John won’t happen. But at least the town was safe, and so was that Forester guy.
18k words
No warnings
Dean Forester / Dean Winchester
Stars Hollow monster of the week
John, Lorelai, Jess, Miss Patty, Luke, Rory, Michel, Kirk and Lane appear. There's a light romance with slow burn and it's silly but I really enjoyed writing.
Not a wincest, but not a J2 either, something in between, so im tagging both
Tags: Pre series Dean winchester, season 5 Dean Forester, Stanford era, 2005, Stars Hollow (Gilmore Girls), POV Dean Winchester, Mention of Sam Winchester, Devoted Dean Winchester (John is always right), protective Dean Winchester, monster of the week, Slow burn, Almost no romance, english is not my first language
Hope you guys enjoy
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Here’s a masterlist of all the Fics I have wrote/will write for my Halloween challenge. The aim was to post a fic a day for 10 days between 21st - 31st of October. All are song fics and not necessarily Halloween-themed. I’ll be updating the list as I go. Hope you like them🧡
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Day One // Tennessee Orange
Fandom: Elvis Presley, RPF Pairing: Elvis Presley x Reader Rating: Teen Word Count: 2407 Summary: I met somebody, he’s got blue eyes. Song Link AO3 LINK
Day Two // Die From A Broken Heart
Fandom: Elvis Presley, RPF Pairing: Elvis Presley x Reader Rating: Teen Word Count: 1837 Summary: Was it ever really real if he don't feel like I feel? Song Link AO3 LINK
Day Three // Pieces
Fandom: Supernatural Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader Rating: Teen Word Count: 1494 Summary: Baby, please release me, let my heart rest in pieces. Song Link AO3 LINK
Day Four // Southern Boy
Fandom: RPF Pairing: Austin Butler x Reader Rating: Explicit Word Count: 1455 Summary: Ain't nothing in the whole wide world like a southern boy. Song Link AO3 LINK
Day Five // Stay With Me
Fandom: Daisy Jones x The Six Pairing: Daisy Jones x Reader Rating: Mature Word Count: 1399 Summary: Guess it’s true I’m no good at a one-night stand. Song Link AO3 LINK
Day Six // Good 4 U
Fandom: Daisy Jones x The Six Pairing: Graham Dunne x Original Female Character Rating: Mature Word Count: 4793 Summary: Maybe I'm too emotional or maybe you never cared at all. Song Link AO3 LINK
Day Seven // I'd Lie
Fandom: RPF Pairing: Austin Butler x Reader Rating: Teen Word Count: 3271 Summary: And if you ask me if I love him, I'd lie. Song Link AO3 LINK
Day Eight // You Ain’t Woman Enough
Fandom: Elvis Presley, RPF Pairing: Elvis Presley x Reader Rating: Mature Word Count: 4106 Summary: You’ve come to tell me something, you say I ought to know. Song Link AO3 LINK
Day Nine // It Hurts Me
Fandom: Elvis Presley, RPF Pairing: Elvis Presley x Reader, Jerry Schilling x Reader Rating: Mature Word Count: 7849 Summary: It hurts me to see him treat you, the way that he does. Song Link AO3 LINK
Day Ten // Jess' Dad
Fandom: Gilmore Girls Pairing: Jess Mariano x Reader Rating: Teen Word Count: 2426 Summary: You know I really like Jess a lot but… Song Link AO3 LINK
Day Eleven // Little Bird
Fandom: Elvis Presley, RPF Pairing: Elvis Presley x Addison Goodwin Rating: Mature Word Count: 4553 Summary: Walked down the aisle, breakin' my heart, lay down my pride, I know I gotta let you go. Song Link AO3 LINK
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spn-lesbian · 2 years
Dean about Cas’ date in 9x06: I wanted to be supportive, but throw up at the same time
Sam: you didn't want to be supportive
Dean: no, I didn't
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majordemonblockparty · 7 months
so this may be implausible, as we know that some iteration of "gilmore girls" the television show exists in the spn universe (though this does bring up questions as to whether sam was teased growing up/at stanford for looking like the small town teen heartthrob actor but that's a rabbithole for another day), but like, hypothetically:
sam and dean getting into town to investigate the heinous/bizarre incident of the week, slugging back a respectable amount of coffee at the diner front counter. lorelei and rory at their usual table, slinging their usual banter, and internally dean's like "wow, a dark-haired woman with a quick mouth and a serious caffeine dependency and the same addiction to pop culture references I also suffer chronically from? did I just meet my soulmate?"
so through the magic of network television, he manages in finagle himself A Date. and where else in stars hollow can one get good coffee, decent food, and surly service other than at Luke's?
anyway -- long story long, that obviously doesn't work out, but dean does spend a nice evening with the guy in flannel who runs the place. (he probably even treats dean to morning-after breakfast pie in bed, 'cause he's just that kind of guy)
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somuchstrdst · 11 months
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lol-jackles · 1 year
This sounds familiar. I can’t help out with a link because there have been too many cons this year, though I think this was said during the writer strike, but before the actors strike. But, I Remember a J2 panel where Jared mentioned something like this. But, I didn’t get the impression that he and Jensen couldn’t, or hadn’t thrown around some ideas for a revival privately, but rather they can’t officially talk about it with writers or producers, etc. To me he didn’t imply they (J2) couldn’t talk about it, but rather they couldn’t move forward with anything official right now.
Actually, this just made me think of something. If Jared and Jensen really do plan to do a reboot/revival, but they know it would be couple years at best before it could be released, Jared might see it as even more important to take this time right now (or 2024 anyway) to do more cons on his own and get his name out there without it being attached to Jensen’s while he can. Because if they DO shoot another short Season SPN, they’d surely go back to sharing a lot of cons to capitalize on the show, promotion, etc. That’s a lot of years of being perminantly tied to another person, even if they are your friend, without any break in between.
Or, Jared is just calmly backing away from CE, SPN, and constant-affiliation with Jensen with no true intention of brining SPN back in any way, but trying to let the fans down easy with revival talk. Though, he and/or Gen mentioned Jensen at least three times in their Fan X panel last weekend.
Okay that makes sense regarding the conventions + strike.
Both of your hypothesis can work, though I'm more inclined to think Jared is not backing away from SPN entirely. He returned for the Gilmore Girls revival for just one scene in part because GG is still going strong nearly 20 years later, especially on streaming, and he wanted to make sure his character's arc is wrapped up on a positive note in the minds of veteran and new fans. Jared will return to SPN to at least make sure Sam Winchester and his completed arc doesn't get retconned into something unrecognizeable and taint his legacy.
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To me, great actors to me are those that always sells the role and can play a variety of characters, which is what Jared Padalecki has done with Sam Winchester and with the many characters created on the same show.  Whenever Jared plays not!Sam, he disappears and takes Sam with him, leaving us with a new character that we find fascinating even as we eagerly wait for the return of Sam.  I really love it that Jared acts the hell out of the role but is almost never guilty of overacting.  There is something about Jared that is simply compelling and makes me want to see watch him, which is not easy with a character such as Sam Winchester who is the show’s everyman, the straightman that doesn’t get the funny, snarky lines that always goes to the archetype bad boy with heart of gold.  But Jared made Sam Winchester a compelling character, that’s a huge testament to his skill and talent.
When I joined the SPN fandom in 2014, I was beyond thrilled to learn that I was not alone in my thinking, far from it.  So much so that I started an “Acting” tag to collect critics’ and fans’ insight, reviews, and reactions (including Jensen’s!) to Jared’s amazing acting.  These are some of my favorite reviews:
“Jared has many skills that are incredibly rare in an actor, skills that are apparent to even me, a person who is about as skilled in theater as a fish is on land. As said before, Jared is routinely paired with actors and actresses who are not only extremely good at what they do, but also have three times the experience that he does and each time, Jared holds his own. And not only does he hold his own, but he has chemistry with every single one of them. He listens, he reacts, he responds to what’s going on around him, to the actions of the people he is working with. He’s always present, always alert, always changing and adapting, taking risks and putting so much passion into each of those risks that they nearly always pay off”  -(X)
“For the time being, this means we get to see Jared Padalecki playing two roles simultaneously: Sam (as usual), and whenever Ezekiel takes over to talk with Dean. Season 8’s finale was stolen by Padalecki’s amazing acting, and it looks like he just might take Season 9 as well.” - (X)
“To me, Jared was the one who set the “Lucifer might actually be female all along” mindset. The way he softens his face, the way he uses language, the way he likes things cleaner and prettier and appreciates the world for beauty, while still having a certain underlaying rage that seeths and boils more than overtly strikes and lashes.- (X).
“Jared is absolutely stunning at “silent acting” which he’s doing in most of these gifs, actually. From Gilmore Girls to Supernatural, Jared’s characters don’t have many lines (Sam has 15% less lines than Dean!) and it’s amazing that instead of letting his lack of lines put him on the back burner, he uses his time on screen to portray his character’s thoughts—even when he can’t voice them.  eternal applause!“ - (X)
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Jared Saturday Solo Panel JIB11
We start with a fan letting him know that they love the music on Walker (same!) and that they like this vers more than the original Walker, Texas Ranger. Jared says thank you, that he's not the person who picks the music for the show but thank you in their behalf, and that it was an interesting kind of transition from Sam to Walker that he had many months during the pandemic because when Jensen and he were send home from Van for the pandemic he already knew basically the entire last episode and a half which they had left to film of SPN and so he was able to work for like 5 months trying to figure out the character of Cordell Walker. He also says that a lot of what he does on Walker he wouldn't have been comfortable doing before working with Jensen (💕). That seeing Jensen kind of have fun with scenes and kinda make it his own, he really kinda took notes of that subconsciously and now he's just having a good time and he hopes he gets to keep doing it. x
Is there any difference between how he gets into the role of Walker and how he used to get into the role of Sam? Logistically, no. He has an idea of who Cordell Walker is and he had a pretty decent idea of who Sam is, he feels like in a couple of days time he could easily get back into Sam that he could do Sam right now. His method is kind of the same, it's remained the same since he was the og Dean on Gilmore Girls, but he just kinda reads it, lets it swim around and then he gets to set and throws it all away and sees what works. So in general he'll read a script many times in a row and then on the day he's filming those scenes he'll just work on those scenes, and then somedays he'll get to set and they're supposed to shoot a scene where they're walking down the street and in your head you'll like plan it out but then you get to the location where you're filming and you realize that you're not walking that far- that he feels like if we were to grab the script for any of the Walker episodes and then watch the episode there's a lot of words and lines that we wouldn't see. That they just kinda bob and weave and flow so that's been really nice to do but otherwise it's been very similar. x
If Sam had died what would have been his goodbye speech to Dean?
He thinks Sam's speech to Dean would have been a combination of what he said to Dean in Fresh Blood, what he said to him in Sacrifice, and what he said to him in Prophet and Loss kind of a combination of those three but he thinks Sam would have also said to Dean, even if Sam was the one who was gonna bleed out and die, he would have said "it's okay, you can go". He thinks Sam knew, and might know again, that Dean wouldn't have lived a long life without him, in his opinion, he thinks Dean was around keeping his brother safe and Dean knew that he wanted to be there for Sam and he also knew that Sam had something else other than hunting that he was destined to do. He shares that when he, Jeremy Carver, Bob Singer, and Jensen sat down together before s15 and talked about the finale in his head Sam was going to be the one to die. That that's it's own tragedy where Dean brought his brother back to hunt and be part of the life, and he thought it would be so interesting to see Dean have to cope with the idea that Sam died because Dean brought him back into the life. When he says this the audience reacts and sadly goes awww and he sees he wants to see it, that maybe we will. He thinks Sam would have tried to make sure "hey dude I know you've been here for me sacrificed a lot for me when you need to go just go i'll be waiting for you" 😭
Real quick, some of you will have noticed the Jeremy Carver mention. That's not a mistake on my part! That's what Jared said. Can't blame him, Carver wasn't perfect but I too wish it had been him with us at the end instead of Dabb. x
Any plans to make Walker and Walker Independence available on tv outside of the US? The short answer is hell yes, the shorter answer is he has zero votes on that executive producer or not. He would love for it to be available everywhere he thinks Windy is such a beautiful show and he's obviously so proud of Walker and he's done so much work on it, he says he actually tried the previous night when he got back from dinner to re-watch the latest episodes cause his body was at like 2pm Texas time and he had watched the eps live but it was in the airport lounge in Atlanta, but it wouldn't let him watch it cause he's in Italy. Get a VPN my boy!
That if he knew who to call he would call them, write them a long letter. x
If Sam and Dean were to go completely solo hunting during the course of SPN who would make it closest to s15? Dean was more run and gun style, Sam was more let me try and research and figure out the best way to approach this style, and Sam had to be possessed by Meg, be possessed by Lucifer, by Gadreel/Ezekiel. And Dean got killed by rebar that didn't move. 😂 Sam. x
What was the hardest emotional scene for him to shoot on Walker?
He thinks it was s1 episode 9 the flashback of Captain James pulling back the sheet off of dead Emily. Steve Robin who directed it wouldn't let him see G once her makeup was done and so he made the whole crew get quiet and they had like a minimal skeleton crew they call it, so the first time Jared saw G was that first take and Coby Bell broke and Odette Annabelle broke down in tears, and he was a wreck. That was hard, that it sucked and it was tough. Sure, I believe you buddy.....🤨 x
If he was a professional wrestler what would be his ring name?
He starts to answer Moose but there's actually already a professional wrestler called that! When the fan informs him of this he says 'fuck him' 😂 And when the fan asks if he thinks he could beat him in a fight that this wrestler is a pretty big dude (I looked him up out of curiosity he is big) he says "did you not just hear? I beat Lucifer and God" 😂 There are some Polish fans in the crowd so he asks him how you say Moose in Polish, and then how to say killer in Polish and that's what he goes with; I don't know nearly enough about the Polish language to even attempt to write those two words so y'all are just gonna have to watch the moment.
edit: Shoutout to @marriedchesters for the help with the Polish! Moose is łoś and killer is zabójca.
There's a second part to this question and it's what would be his entrance song. He says before he tore his knee up he was kind of getting back into doing back work and stuff and there's a song from Deadpool, which he confesses he has never seen, but the song Welcome to the Party would be his entrance song. That would make a great entrance song! x
When he found out Sam would kill Rowena was he hoping it'd be the same way he killed Madison? Basically hooking up with her before having to kill her.
Jared says anybody who has had the pleasure of meeting Ruthie loves her, he certainly loves and adores her both as a human being and as a fellow actor so when he read that script that was a though one, and they were at the time in the series when they were kind killing people off and saying goodbye to them and it all sucked. He feels it was appropriately intimate, he thinks it was the right way to do it cause it felt like a connection and he wouldn't have written it any other way. x
As a tallish guy, out of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs which of the dwarfs would he be and which would Sam be? He'd be Dopey, and Sam would be Grumpy. x
In the episode Bad Day at Black Rock, there's a scene where Sam falls down, did Jared really hurt his knees when he did that scene? The short answer is no, he didn't hurt his knees. The long answer is there was a stunt pad out of camera, and if you watch the shot you can tell where it is cause it was really big. x
Did they know why Poughkeepsie was such an important word to Sam and Dean, or did they come up with a reason or backstory in their head? It originally came from Bob Singer, and then the second time when he says Poughkeepsie to Dean it was not in the script but he thought it would be a cool thing to add. He says the nerd in him thought it would be the perfect time to close the loop and that a lot of the stuff he does now on Walker and Windy as a producer but also even during SPN, some of the things he likes doing, like the bits during the barn scene of "i cant do this alone" "yes you can""well i don't want to" that was not scripted it was just something he wanted to add, it was a great way to close the circle. He doesn't love acting what he loves is storytelling and stories so he thinks as somebody who enjoyes stories that just seems like pieces of the puzle that final feeling like when you're figuring out where the last pieces of a puzzle go. He loves that feeling and his middle child, Shep, is the same way with Legos or puzzles he'll spend days or weeks buidling this puzzle and then he'll want them to see it and then he'll break it down and Jared was the same way as a child and he continues to be like that he wants to figure it out and then do something else. x
If he were to be on The Boys would he be a part of the boys or the Seven and would he kick Soldier Boy's ass or help him? He doesn't know if he would want to fight Soldier Boy he was mean. He and Kripke have talked a little bit about how he could do it but right now it's not practical logistically. He'd love to be on the show, he'd have to call his mom and tell her not to watch, but he'd love to do it and he thinks it would be fun to link up with Soldier Boy and kind of solve something together. He'd have to be one of the sups. The number of things that I would be willing to do to make this happen!!! x
Who wears the Gucci jacket best? He'd say it's him. He doesn't believe he's ever owned a Gucci jacket and he doesn't know what took him so long. x
How hard was it for him to not draw from Sam when shooting the cage scenes in the beginning of this season of Walker? The thought absolutely crossed his mind. In a weird way he feels like Cordell Walker almost has a bit more of a fuck you attitude than Sam, Walker has a bit of Dean in him of like bring it where as Sam was very much almost academic. Sam is defiant but he's thinking all along about what would be the intelligent way to get out of there, Cordell is a bit more 'well, I guess this is it' but then they bring Liam into the cage, pretty similar to Dean and Sam in the cage- on a personal note that cage was real metal. Often when you see cages it's a lot of firm styrofoam that has been made to look like old iron but this was just iron and concrete and it sucked, and since he was wearing shorts and a thin shirt he couldn't wear pads and that's when he tore his ACL. x
This is so cool! The next fan used to be a handler for Chuck Norris and she told him how well Walker was doing and he asked her to pass along the message that he was so proud! Jared shares that he was invited once to be a part of a con that Chuck Norris was attending but he was out of town so he's still never met the guy. That it's fun to follow in footsteps but also pave your own way so that means a lot. x
What kind of plotlines would he like to see happen in an SPN reboot?There are a lot in his head. He thinks he has expressed how much he would love to that sometime but he feels so protective of what he and Jensen did with SPN and those characters that he feels like he and Jensen would need to have the heaviest hands in the storylines. They never did, they were never producers on SPN, much less EP's. They behaved like producers, however, he really feels like he has some strong toughts on the best way to do it and they have talked about it and shared ideas. He wouldn't want it to be a movie, he would want it to be a 6 to 8 ep, maybe hour and a half, reboot. And he doesn't think that it would be complete without C (yes, it would be) and without Jack, and so many of the beloved characters they had especially towards the end where it would more sense to jump back in. x
What's a lesson he's gotten from a movie that's important to him? The fan mentioned the Lion King and it makes him think about how he wrote his senior graduation English paper on the Lion King, working in Joseph Campbell's Hero's, Myths, and Legends and all the archetypes, and then got to portray a lot of those with SPN.
His senior advanced English placement paper was comparing the Lion King and the Natural with Robert Redford, and talking about the different use of archetypes and the different kind of genres and so he thinks he really loves the classic archetypes in stories, the classic tropes and different takes on them and so he finds himself drawn to stories that have an inherent juxtaposition like the friendly beast, the chewbacca that's scary or the Timon and Pumba that are strange. He thinks he's learned from some of those movies and from some kids movies; he thinks kids movies are very simplistic at their core because they deal with things- and he imagines that people who create and produce kids movies and kid tv shows they understand that certain storylines work like the bully who ends up being a nice guy, or the nerd that ends up being the hero, he thinks humans are all drawn to those tropes so he has learned a lot but now he has to go back and watch and make some notes. x
What aspect of Sam's personality was hardest to act? A lot of Sam came pretty naturally to him and he thinks that's a credit to their writers, he can't tell how many times in the final like 10 seasons of SPN it'd have Sam and Dean show up to a person's house and be like 'hey we wanna ask you about your deceased person' and Sam does his puppy dog eyes but he thinks that's kind of who he is; he thinks it was Sam's version of comedy because he doesn't think Sam was a really funny guy, he just had some funny moments. He thinks Cordell Walker's version of comedy is very similar to his but he thinks Sam's version of comedy was difficult for him to find and maybe that was correct because he doesn't think Sam thought of himself as a funny person kinda more just funny in the moment. So that's probably it. And he once again mentions how nerve racking French Mistake was for him due to the comedy. x
Final question! What his favorite thing about Walker's personality and about Sam's personality? His favorite about Sam's personality was his long game mentality, he kinda helped teach Jared patience. He won't claim he's the most patient person on the planet, he thinks he's allright but Sam always wanted to do things right, to do things the correct way and he was willing to put in the work before attempting so that he wouldn't mess up. His favorite part of Cordell's personality is his sense of humor. He's very similar to himself, he's kind of a goofball and doesn't take himself seriously. Not that Sam took himself seriously, he was dealing with much more serious situations but he loves how Cordell doesn't seem to take himself seriously that it's been fun and it's been a lesson in itself. x
Jared's Saturday Solo Panel JIB11
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asphyxiatedredherring · 6 months
How am I supposed to function and choose a tv show to watch?? There's the desire to rewatcn spn again, there's the 2nd season of ofmd I've put off, I need to rewatch x files, I kinda want to rewatch gilmore girls, but also new girl, and I want to dive into dr who, but I also need to finish stargate, and then there's my entire watch later list
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aryasnow · 8 months
tagged by @euphcme (thank you!! <3)
shuffle your ON REPEAT playlist and list the first 10 songs
(I am dreadful at actually putting songs in playlists so I just flipped around in my Liked Songs list and picked the first ones I landed on)
Can't Catch Me Now - Olivia Rodrigo
Jonathan Low - Vampire Weekend
Gypsy - Fleetwood Mac
Jenny of Oldstones - FATM
Should've Said No - Taylor Swift
Control - Halsey
Florida Kilos - Lana Del Rey
I Walk The Line - Johnny Cash
Walking in The Air - Nightwish
I'm Shipping Up To Boston - Dropkick Murphys
list your top 15 tv shows because it reflects your personality :P
(this is very much more of a Shows I Have Hyperfixated On At Some Point list rather than a Shows I Believe Are Genuinely Good list. Some ARE good. Others are abominable. I know what I'm about ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
Battlestar Galactica (2003)
The West Wing
Doctor Who
Sex and the City
Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel the Series
Avatar the Last Airbender/The Legend of Korra
Star Trek: Voyager (also DS9 and TNG, I just imprinted on VOY the hardest)
Gilmore Girls
30 Rock
The Americans
The Vampire Diaries (and its expanded universe)
The Bachelor Franchise (i have terrible taste i will never change i will never improve etc. etc.)
honorable mentions to: Mad Men, Big Love, The X Files, Parks and Rec, AHS: Coven, Scrubs, Greek, Friends, Dollhouse, Firefly, Dark Angel, Downton Abbey, 2007 Gossip Girl, Pre-Finale HIMYM, and whatever else I forgot.
if you'd like to fill this out too please consider yourself tagged!!
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sw33tsuccubus · 1 year
making a board of my interests in case someone genuinely wants to know(i will update this when i remember to :)
Fall Out Boy->tagged by full name, main tag is fob, tagged by full name (patrick stump, joe trohman)
Scream (1996)->main tag is scream 1996, tagged by full name (example: tatum riley, randy meeks) (stu x billy is silly)
Queen->main tag queen, tagged by last name (example: mercury, taylor)
The Beatles->main tag bug boys, tagged by last name (example: starr, mccartney)
Arctic Monkeys->tagged by first name and last initial (example: alex t, matt h)
Saw->main tag saw, tagged by full name (example: adam stanheight, mark hoffman)
Gilmore girls-> main tag gilmore girls, tagged by full name (example: luke danes, paris geller)
Supernatural-> main tag spn, tagged by first name last initial (example: sam w, dean w)
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pyladeshungover · 7 months
intro post
Tara // 29 // Australia
she / her / hers
oops i got into hockey sorry guys
my url is from approximately 2013 when I was a les mis blog, and my pfp is athelstan from vikings in a flower crown because that was cool in 2015. title is from the boat that rocked. I've been here forever.
i'm very not normal about sidney crosby, matthew tkachuk, and travis konecny
i'm slightly more normal but still unhinged about claude giroux and jamie drysdale
i do occassionally lb the hockey - pens lb, flyers lb, sometimes panthers lb
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tag lists also i do tend to be pretty good about tagging everything so if you blacklist nothing should slip through
I did not realise you can only access that page on desktop but also the hyperlinks won't work in this post so here's the list:
my face; sort of - my face and my thoughts
university life - university/college experiences
adulthood - attempts to function as a successful adult
millennials - the Adulthood Experience™ specific to millennials
life is hard - depression tag
so not straight - i am queer
mine - shit i’ve made or drawn
tumblr - i’ve been on this godforsaken website since i was 15 and i hate everything about that
blessed is he who comes in the name of the lord - christianity
jc and the boys - jesus and the apostles
jc and the girls - ladies of the disciples
upon this rock - history of, stories about, and images of the church
do not be afraid - angels 
your kingdom come - prophets, saints, and the apocalypse
the old gods are dead - graeco-roman mythology
folklore - local folk and fairy-tales 
straya - things about Australia
auspol - Australian politics
uspol - US politics
i’m a pathetic history major - general world and cultural history
who likes bad jokes - especially awful attempts at humour
words - poetry, quotes, literature
reclaiming the women - feminist re-tellings of fictional women
humanity - the good and incredible things about humans and community (also includes human and alien speculative fiction)
christmas - i love christmas
covid 19 - self explanatory
2020 - see above
2021 - mamma mia, here we go again
2022 - we’re three years into The Great Loneliness
fandom / fanfic
# - 911
A - abfab
B - brooklyn 99 / black books / beauty and the beast / birds of prey /buffy
C - criminal minds / code black
D - dirk gently / doctor who / disney / derry girls
E - elementary
F - firefly / fresh off the boat / friends / fleabag
G - great british bake off / grace and frankie / greys anatomy / galavant / game of thrones / gilmore girls / the great / the good place
H - holes / hunt for the wilderpeople / the hobbit / hannibal / hamilton / harry potter
I - inside llewyn davis
J - jurassic park / jesus christ superstar
K - kingsman / killing eve
L - lethal weapon / lucifer / lotr / les mis
M - moulin rouge / mamma mia / moana / mad max / the man from u.n.c.l.e. / mindhunter / miss fisher’s murder mysteries / the marvelous mrs maisel
N - narnia / nhl
O - the office / the old guard / oitnb
P - pushing daisies / parks and rec / the princess bride / psych / the prince of egypt / the parent trap / pirates of the caribbean / pride / prodigal son / phantom of the opera
Q - queer eye
S - spn / star wars / scrubs / the song of achilles / schitts creek / santa clarita diet / six the musical
T - teen wolf / twilight / to all the boys i’ve loved before /
U - umbrella academy
V - vikings / venom
W - what we do in the shadows / the witcher / wonder woman
X - xfiles
the rituals are intricate (n-h-is-for-for-homosexuality-l)
they’re so stupid 🥹 (memes)
hockey narratives
hockey art
hockey poetry
hockey vid edit
Players include but are not limited to: am34 auston matthews / an39 nedeljkovic / ao8 ovi / bm63 brad marchand / bt7 brady tkachuk / cb98 connor bedard / cg28 giroux / cm97 mcdavid / ek65 erik karlsson / em71 geno / jd9 jamie drysdale / jh86 jack hughes / jj68 jaromir jagr / js1 jeremy swayman / kl58 letang / ld29 leon draisaitl / lh43 luke hughes / maf29 flower / mt19 matthew tkachuk / mm16 mitch marner / nh13 nico hischier / np19 nolpat / qh43 quinn hughes / rg27 ryan graves / sc87 sid / tj35 jarry / tk11 travis konecny / ts91 seguin / ts18 tim stutzle / tz11 trevor zegras / wg99 wayne gretzky
Other player tags - hughes bros / love thy goalie 
Ships - tknp / sidgeno / drygras / mattdrai / brioux / mike likes jeff but jeff loves mike / swaymark
Teams - bruins / ducks / flyers / gritty / leafs / oilers / pens / sens / stars / yotes
Liveblogging semiregularly - pens lb
Liveblogging very occassionally -  flyers lb / sens lb / panthers lb
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terresdebrume · 1 year
Watching Jared Padalecki in Gilmore Girls just makes me want to rewatch the first five seasons of SPN x)
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muse-of-phantasy · 2 years
Tumblr media
I posted 4,044 times in 2022
That's 4,044 more posts than 2021!
14 posts created (0%)
4,030 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 55 of my posts in 2022
#destiel - 13 posts
#supernatural - 11 posts
#dean winchester - 11 posts
#spn - 11 posts
#sam winchester - 10 posts
#casdean - 9 posts
#dean and cas - 9 posts
#castiel - 9 posts
#deancas - 9 posts
#dean x castiel - 8 posts
Longest Tag: 51 characters
#i'm sorry but heterosexual of the lord killed me 💀
My Top Posts in 2022:
I wish there was a separate, filtered Supernatural series with only Castiel (plus Destiel) scenes so I wouldn't have to waste time skipping the non-Castiel parts.
96 notes - Posted September 18, 2022
I want to know what Rosa Diaz thinks of Gilmore Girls: A Day in the Life. And if she thinks Lorelai got the ending she deserved.
98 notes - Posted October 24, 2022
The most realistic thing about Supernatural is how Sam and Dean put everything into finding their dad but once he was found (01×20), Sam and John were immediately at each other's throats. That's the most realistic family representation I've ever seen.
140 notes - Posted October 22, 2022
Okay but can we talk about Casifer?
I love Mark Pellegrino as Lucifer. He's an amazing actor. And I love Misha Collins as Castiel. He's perfect for the role.
But Misha as Lucifer?? Chaotic. Unhinged. God-tier. Chef's kiss. Holy shit. Cannot get enough of that. I wish there were more Casifer scenes.
189 notes - Posted September 20, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Since Dean and Cas are happily living their afterlife together in heaven, I'm assuming Dean can now see Cas' true form since angels don't really need a vessel in heaven. Would have loved to see Dean's reaction to seeing Cas' true form for the first time on TV. Imagine the love and reverence on his face. Not the Destiel ending I wanted but the Destiel ending I would have taken.
197 notes - Posted November 23, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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