#spoiler alert: he pays for study snacks
ljesaw · 3 months
zuko doesn't know it but she's now littered sparkly butterfly clips in his hair <3 enjoy <3
🔥 BULLY ZUKO. ( always accepting! )
And  he’d  sat  perfectly  still  as  she  did  so,    hardly  concerned  by  her  hands  in  his  hair  and  clearly  stupidly  so.    If  he’d  said  something,    she  would  have  stopped.    So  obviously  he’d  said  nothing.    Zuko  says  nothing  when  she  pulls  her  hands  away  as well  even  though  he’s  got  a  complaint  on  his  tongue.    Only  when  he  turns  to  look  at  @imaguk  and  she’s  got  that  look  in  her  eye  that  usually  gets  him  into  trouble  for  her  does  he  snap,    ❝    What?    ❞  Bristling,    he  hikes  his  shoulders  to  his  ears  and  scowls.    Likely  if  he  knew  what  she’s  done  to  him,    he’d  have  more  to  say,    but  in  his  ignorance,    all  he  can  manage  is,    ❝    Stop  looking  at  me  like  that.    It’s  your  turn  to  pay  for  study  snacks,    not  mine.    ❞
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be0mcore · 2 years
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ txt as highschool bestfriends
notes: here's my second fic ! i kinda went overboard with taehyun... sorry in advance !
genre: fluff (platonic)
tw: swearing
words: 1.6k
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❥ˏˋyeonjun ´ˎ˗
◦ you guys were definitely childhood best friends
◦ your parents knew eachother before you were born, so ofc when y'all popped out the womb you were immediately inseparable
◦ as soon as you got to highschool, yeonjun became crazy popular i mean not surprised cmon look at him
◦ that didn't stop you both from remaining besties, however !!
◦ he had many 'friends', but only one true best friend (spoiler alert: its you!)
◦ wants to hang out with you all the time. if you have a class together you bet your ass he's sitting next to you. if there's a partner project you bet he's already told the teacher you're working together. if there's a school dance you're automatically his date.
◦ you guys cheat off of eachother's work. he'll give you his answers to the maths homework and you'll write his essays.
◦ work smarter not harder
◦ invites you to all of his parties !! and sports games !!
◦ introduces you to everyone. he absolutely adores you and wants everyone to know that you're his bestie.
◦ your biggest hype man. you could be doing the smallest of tasks and he'll be there cheering and whooping like a mad man
◦ very VERY protective over you. you guys are practically siblings, afterall. he takes on the protective older brother role and basically scares off anyone trying to even come close to you.
◦ at one point you gotta be like bro stop because as much as you appreciate the effort you don't wanna end up single your whole life
◦ will 100% get into fights to defend you. doesn't care who what or when,,,, if they talk shit they're getting hit
◦ constantly looks after you like a stressed mother. will make sure you've eaten, wipes food off your face, carries your schoolbooks, etc.
◦ overall a very loving and protective bestfriend <3
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◦ since soobin is a natural leader, he's of course gonna be the class president
◦ takes his role VERY seriously. he genuinely cares about all the students and their well-being :((
◦ you guys met while walking through the hallway
◦ you were a new student, you had just transferred and ofc soobin wanted to meet you and show you around on your first day
◦ you, however, had woken up late and was now rushing to get to class
◦ you didn't know where it was though, so with your textbooks in one hand, phone in the other and the school map balancing on your forearm, you tried to find your way while speeding down the hall
◦ lemme tell ya bad idea bestie
◦ soobin finally found you and went to go introduce himself
◦ however, your dumb ass ran right into him !!!
◦ that 6ft giant basically sent you flying not literally but you did end up on the floor
◦ you were so stressed that tears started to form
◦ soobin felt so bad :(( so he offered to sit with you at lunch to make it up to you
◦ and that's how the friendship was formed !!
◦ he helps you out with your homework all the time. he really is the most amazing tutor, and will 100% give you snacks every time you finish a paragraph or equation
◦ regular study dates in the library is a MUST! sometimes though you fall asleep on the table, and he just stares at you in awe because he finds you so adorable :((
◦ whenever you're stressed he comes over to your house with a box of doughnuts, two mugs of hot chocolate and a movie for you to watch
◦ is a very big fan of platonic cuddling, and gets super flustered when you fall asleep on him
◦ whenever people ask him if you guys are dating he just gets super blushy because no !! just friends !!
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❥ˏˋbeomgyu ´ˎ˗
◦ time for this mf
◦ gyu was obviously the class clown
◦ everyone found him super funny and likeable
◦ but you were just never that interested. you didn't even really know who he was if you were being honest.
◦ beomgyu was honestly shocked when he discovered that he didn't live in your mind rent free 24/7, so he decided to make it a personal goal to make you pay attention to him
◦ would do little things like send you paper aeroplanes, throw spitballs, or purposely bump into you in the hallway
◦ you honestly just found these things annoying, so one day you turned around during art class to snap at him after he threw an eraser at your head
◦ this resulted in both of you getting a detention
◦ while you were in there you guys started to strangely get along
◦ thus, the friendship begun !
◦ you guys were definitely the most annoying little shits in the whole place
◦ would constantly get in trouble for talking too much or laughing too loud during class
◦ its not your fault you had a sense of humour 🙄
◦ would ditch class regularly to go do something fun such as skating or getting icecream
◦ beomgyu would show up at your house every morning so that y'all could take the bus together and plan how to be further menaces to society
◦ beomgyu encouraged you to live on the 'wild side' of life, and would sometimes get you to sneak out at 2am so that you could go stargazing
◦ you were both notorious at school for being the epitome of fun, and people were honestly jealous of your friendship
◦ would do crazy spontaneous things with you as well like dying your hair bright pink, having an eating contest or getting a nose piercing
◦ all in all just a very fun, bubbly best friend <3
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❥ˏˋtaehyun ´ˎ˗
◦ oh boy
◦ this was definitely an enemies to lovers friends type situation
◦ you guys knew eachother from primary school and oh man you guys did not get along
◦ you were an overachiever and tae was a child prodigy, so there was a lot of competition between you two for the best results
◦ so obviously when you got to highschool and saw him there, you were not happy he wasn't either babe don't worry the feeling is mutual
◦ you avoided eachother at all costs, but couldn't help and have academic arguments debates during class
◦ frankly the teacher was sick of it, so she decided to pair you guys up for the next project
◦ to say you were both pissed off was an understatement
◦ especially taehyun. mans was LIVID!
◦ you guys had to learn how to work together, which proved to be very awkward and not effective at all
◦ taehyun would always slide these little snarky comments about your work, which frustrated you completely
◦ you worked very hard and always felt the need to live up to everyone's expectations, so his comments could really hurt sometimes.
◦ taehyun would never admit it, but he secretly admired you and your work ethic. he was just really bad at conveying his emotions, so he decided to play the douchebag persona because it was easier :((
◦ it wasn't until he had made a particularly rude comment when you suddenly broke down in tears and left the classroom.
◦ taehyun felt like the biggest asshole as he should tf so he made it up to you by buying you a box of chocolates the next day
◦ he apologised and it was lowkey awkward but you were able to learn how to work together
◦ you found out that he wasn't as obtuse as you thought, and so decided to join forces and become friends
◦ you guys definitely intimidate everyone in the class. whenever you guys partner up for a project the class knows they're all failing
◦ you and tae help eachother with work you don't understand so that you can both succeed :)
◦ coffee dates after school where you guys just study and talk for hours on end
◦ taehyun understands what its like to be an overachiever, so he's always there to reassure you when you feel like you've failed
◦ you guys have matching notebooks (taehyun's idea - he thought it was cute)
◦ the teachers now absolutely adore you guys as you're no longer yelling at eachother during class <3
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❥ˏˋ kai ´ˎ˗
◦ you guys immediately became friends in homegroup
◦ you both had the same hello kitty pencil case which prompted a conversation
◦ you guys literally have the exact same energy !! he loves it !!
◦ you always get in trouble in class because of kai's dolphin laugh 😭
◦ he can't help it :((
◦ you guys love to trade lunches. of course i'll give you my apple for your sandwich, packet of chips and strawberry milk. of course that's a fair trade poor kai gets scammed by you all the time 😭
◦ matching stationery !! is !! a !! must !!
◦ if you don't wanna match with him he gets all sad :(( like cmon y/n that's our thing :((
◦ everyone thinks you guys are just adorable.
◦ kai always comes to your house afterschool so that you guys can study together
◦ no studying actually gets done though,,, y'all get too distracted by the temptation to make cupcakes
◦ gets you to do his makeup before school under the stairs. give him glitter eyeshadow and he'll feel like the prettiest boy in the world glitter really does that
◦ you guys share earphones on the bus ride home. if the bus driver gets annoyed by your horrible singing he doesn't say anything
◦ although thanks to you two the bus driver now knows twice's whole discography he better be thankful smh
◦ overall just a very pure and loving friendship <3
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elysianslove · 4 years
hi! how have you been since the hell that ensued after halloween is?
also could you do a batboys college au? like their major and how the reader would meet them and all that jazz? 👉👈
hi anon!! i’m not sure what ur talking about @ the halloween stuff hvsdhjs but! here are the batboys hc’s! i’m not very familiar with duke thomas’s character enough to write about him tbh, so he’s not included here :( but if you want me to add him let me know!! i hope you enjoy!!
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dick grayson
out of all the batboys i really didn’t know how to choose a major for him
i think he’d do law tbh, specifically criminal law 
his main motivation to become a police officer in bludhaven had been to be able to help people in any way he can 
i forgot if it’s canon or not but he does realize how corrupt it is and he quits but that’s another thing we won’t get into that lmao 
anyways yes let’s just stick with law 
meeting you ! 
he shares one or two courses with you
one that’s really early in the morning 
and one that’s later on in the afternoon 
dick is like a magnetic okay
anywhere he goes people are just attracted to him
like literally he will breathe 
but someone call the ambulance there’s a person that’s passed out bc of how beautiful he is
but this is an 8 am class 😃
so there’s no way ur awake enough to notice him
coincidentally he sits next to you one time
and this is the one time
you decide
yeah lemme just fkn sleep is uni even worth it 
dick definitely notices right away but he doesn’t say anything 
he thinks you look so cute passed out on your desk like this 🥺
when the professor signals the end of the class, he watches as people file out and then he just leans over and nudges you slightly 
you nearly punch him bc he scared you ❤️
he just laughs and goes “class is over” 
you just sigh like the guilt starts to hit you and your heart begins to sink
and he sees your disappointed face and just goes 
“i took a lot notes. i can share them w you?”
lifesaver in every single way dick grayson 😻😻😻
you had another class that you had to run to and you were rushing
he was like “dw i’ll just give them to you whenever i see you next” 
and you 🏃🏻‍♀️ outta there
imagine ur surprise when u enter class at 12 pm and he’s there in all his glory 
after the lecture is over, he walks up to you as you’re packing and asks if you want to go to the coffee shop nearby 
to take his notes of course
and you finally register just how handsome he is 
so obviously you say yes wtf
and the rest is history 😼
he asks you out, properly, pretty early on tbh 
so unfazed lmfao 
now you take naps on his shoulder instead of the desk 💞💞💞
soooo into pda 
kisses u when he first sees you
when you’re parting ways
when he feels like it
straight up cuddles w during lectures i’m not even joking 
it’s disgusting how cute you two are 
gets you coffee for all those 8 am classes u have w him hehe
study dates always turn into karaoke sessions somehow don’t even ask lmao
jason todd
english literature 
this is a collective agreement right? 
definitely english literature 
i dont even think he wants to go to uni but he’s going to waste time plus this is bruce’s money 😏🤑
your major doesn’t necessarily have to be english literature as well
but you share one class
and my god 
you two disagree on everything
like every little thing
at this point if he says something and you slightly agree internally you’ll still say some opposing shit 
that’s kinda what draws you to him 
at first you genuinely had nothing against him
but then this kind of rivalry developed for no specific reason 
but it was fun
and he was hot
so seeing him get flustered or angry made him even hotter somehow 
but then
but t h e n
you’re not sure if your professor like ships you or something
so you’re assigned a debate topic on one of the books you’d discussed in class/one of the books you’ve read outside, and within each group are the two sides for and against 
not only were you in the same team as jason, but you were on the same side as him
so you had to work with him
the audacity of the professor omg 
but jason needs this course 
well you don’t but it’s too late to back out now 
you two meet in the campus library after deciding on a book with the other two of your team
you two work so well together 
like insanely well
during the debate you destroyed the other team 
spoiler alert 
doing so well with jason kinda made you like hot and bothered 
seeing him in his zone
sexy <3 
what i mean to say is
you both end up making out in some storage room lmfao 
or hate sex 😏
professor has a phd in matchmaking 🤔😻
i think you two don’t admit you like each other
bc you’re both stubborn as fuck
but eventually you’re literally on his lap on his couch and it just hits you
and you lean back and go
“wanna go out w me” 
and he just shrugs and goes “sure” and pulls you in for more kissing hehe
he’s not v good at the boyfriend thing tbh
you have to chase him around and be like “sir!!! did u forget about me huh!!!”
he doesn’t mean to i promise
he gets all blushy and flustered once he realizes 
only ever into pda if he’s insanely jealous 
will straight up make out w u regardless of where u are or who ur with lmfao 
he’s still getting used to the little intimacies and all 
debates in class are so much more fun now cause he finds it so hot when u get all riled up hehe
that eng lit professor is so happy for you two omg
tim drake
okay i also couldn’t really decide for him
but maybe he’d study something like physics (or maybe computer engineering/computer science) 
idk u have to have a death wish to wanna major in physics so tim’s major it is
i’m not sure how it works for every other uni but my uni requires 6 credits of sciences to graduate 
so let’s say for the sake of this hc u take like just the first level of physics to get 3 credits 
you’re struggling 😃👍🏼
so you like approach your professor with a few questions before the quiz 
but tim is also there
and he kinda makes small talk while you two wait outside the office
and he asks why you’re here
you show him
and he’s like “oh i took this course w the same professor as well, i could help?” 
it’s like an angel had descended from the heavens for you personally 
you take his number and decide to meet up with him after a few hours 
he’s of so much more help than your professor would’ve been, even if ur prof is a really nice and smart person 
and he’s super like
patient with you? 
also he pays for all the coffee and snacks you’re getting after you already get them 
ur like bruh i didnt 
dont pay pls
and he’s like no im loaded let me 😼
swooning <3 
and guess what!! 
you ace the quiz out of some miracle
first thing you do is text him and he congratulates you 
and then
bc ur not blind and tim is so fucking cute
you’re like “can i take u out to thank u” 
tim’s brain stops working but ! 
he does say yes eventually 
he becomes your designated physics tutor + your amazing boyfriend
being with tim is so like
it’s a very relaxed time 
lots of study dates! and cafe dates! all hours of the day whether the sun is up or not 
into pda but to a certain degree 
like yes of course have a kiss pretty baby 
but also it will only be a small peck
any time anyone passes by like common rooms you two will be there snuggling on the couch, one or both of you completely passed out 
damian wayne
business major 100% 
or a bsba econ major, which is basically the business side of economics 
he has to take over his father’s company one day duh 
also i genuinely think damian would excel in this field 
he’s a very keeps to himself kinda guy in uni
like you only ever see him in your common classes and then he just
anyways there was this party that everyone was going to, and damian wasn’t planning to
but dick accidentally read some groupchat’s messages and was like are u going
damian went 🏃🏻‍♀️
but dick was like go and try to make friends !!!! 
and dames cant say no to his big bro 🥺 so he goes
stays in a corner on the settings app the entire time
like half an hr in he just leaves and is walking home/back to his dorm when you come like rushing up to him 
you’re zooming 
and then you just latch onto his hand and lean up to press a kiss to his cheek, whispering in his ear “this person’s been following me for like 15 mins just please go along w this” 
he kinda stiffens but when he does notice that there’s a person eyeing you he slips his arm around your waist and just carries on walking
he walks you to your home/dorm and is like
so awkward 
but it’s okay ! ur a people’s person enough for the two of you 
you thank him so much over and over 
and then you’re like 
“can i take you out on a real date?” 
and then he becomes ur real boyfriend hehe
is still super stiff but it’s only bc he’s so hyper aware of how attractive you are
and i’m super positive he doesn’t have that much experience with dating so 
you hold the reigns 
but he’s a great boyfriend all in all tbh 
super attentive, super protective, and so loving 
isn’t into pda especially on college campus but he does like subtle pda
things like linking your pinkies or giving you his hoodie to just parade around campus hehe
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end note; i’m sorry if these feel rushed or anything like. i used to be an avid writer for the batboys, but i just haven’t been feeling it lately. i still love to write from them bc i know these boys so well eeeeppp. anyways feel free to request some more!!
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thatasianstereotype · 4 years
Shit. I Got To Deal With This Bitch (Again). 
The third installment of my Adrien x Damian AU. 
First: Fuck. I’m Gay. 
Second: Damn, You’re Looking Fine. 
Well, would you look at that? I’m not dead after all. And this took a while to put together understatement of the fucking century. The reason is because life is a busy little shit the English language will not cooperate. I’m thinking of a scene I want to write and somehow words are lost in translating that into the computer and I end up with a white blank screen in the end. 
But moving on to the fic. At first, I was going to have the whole Gabriel-being-put-in-jail and former-friends-thing put as an aftermath because I really wanted to write Marinette and Adrien meeting the Waynes. But I decided to make the aftermath a full-blown fic from @michaelshadow7779′s ideas and extend the trilogy into a four-part series. 
This part will be focused on what happened to Liar-la, Ms. Bustier’s class trying to gain back their friendship with Marinette and Adrien, and Gabriel getting a special visit from both Robin and Ladybug. 
Again, this is a crack writing where creative liberties were definitely taken. 
Lila Rossi is a fucking bitch and everyone —Like everyone this time— knew it. 
Her reputation was now in shambles (she’s now known as that pathological liar or that lying bitch) and Ms. Bustier’s class could only stare at her with hatred and anger —feelings that were once directed at Marinette. 
No one entertained her lies anymore. No one really hung out with her anymore. She sat at the back of the class, staring daggers at both Adrien and Marinette all day (just wishing for an akuma that will never appear).
Unfortunately for her, Lila couldn’t transfer out of class and with only 2 more months of the school year left, she couldn’t transfer out of school so she was stuck dealing with the consequences of her actions: being a fucking social outcast.
Because the class was not at all happy with their supposed friend. Tensions ran high during school. Things took a turn for the worse when Ms. Bustier tried to “fix” things in her own way, mentioning how the only reason Lila lied was because of her “disease” and the girl simply wanted to make friends. 
Needless to say, the class did not appreciate their teacher making them out to be fools all this time. 
It was Alya who ripped her a new one. Césaire definitely has a set of lungs on her. And Adrien would be lying if he didn’t say how utterly satisfying it was to watch.
Karma was a bitch. 
Payback was a bitch. 
And Adrien was fucking living in the aftermath. He wondered if it was mean (probably but he didn’t care) that he wished he had popcorn right now. 
All in all, life returned back to normal. 
Well, kind of. 
Unfortunately, with the 2 months left in the school year, Ms. Bustier couldn’t exactly be let go because apparently Mr. Damocles didn’t want to deal with the whole paperwork, trying to find a new teacher to replace her, and dealing with the so-called Akuma class. 
That fucker. 
So essentially, he left her at the mercy of her unhappy class, saying she will be let go at the end of the school year. 
Ms. Bustier was unhappy with the arrangement. The class was unhappy with it too. Probably even more so. Since they still got to deal with Rossi’s bitch ass on a daily basis. 
The remaining 2 months of school were spent in a passive-aggressive war. Teacher vs. Students. Where technically the teacher should be respected and they should learn from her but the class was unleashing their collective pettiness. 
And Caline Bustier was fucking done with this job. She wanted to go back in time to when she thought being a teacher was a good idea and shake her past self silly. At this point, she was just counting the days until she can leave for good. 
“Kim. That’s the third time you slept in class this week. If you don’t pay attention, you won’t pass the test next week.” 
“Hold up. I got to ask the certified pathological liar where I put all the fucks I give.” 
“Ok. Don’t forget to ask Marinette if you can actually trust her answer.” 
It was glorious. 
Adrien and Marinette were definitely enjoying the show. 
Marinette put down her sketchbook and stared at Damian for a minute. “You’ve been here for a month and a half already. Are you still doing business for your dad?” 
Damian Wayne became a common sight around Françoise Dupont High School and can usually be seen around Adrien and Marinette. After a week of constantly seeing him hang around lunch or in after school activities/clubs, seeing a Wayne soon lost its novelty and people accepted it as the new norm.
“I’m already done with what I need to do at WE’s Paris branch.” He casually plucked flowers from the ground to make a crown for his mon amour who was happily chatting with Luka and Kagami.
“So why are you still here? Don’t you have your own education to finish?”
“My schooling is of no concern. I already earned my diploma a few months ago. It was not at all difficult when I’m already light years ahead of my peers in regards to the dismal educational system my Father forced me to attend."
She raised an unamused eyebrow. “Uh huh. And your family isn’t worried at all about you, a minor, being in a foreign country all by yourself?” 
“They know I’m here. I already informed Father that I will be extending my stay here.”
“And he just accepted it? Just like that?”
"I’m responsible enough to handle myself. I surely do not need Batman watching over me. And you don’t need to worry at all. I’ve been away from home for far longer.”
“You’re completely missing the point.”
“On the contrary, I thought I answered the question perfectly.”
When they weren’t playing a petty war with Bustier, the class was trying to get back into Marinette and Adrien’s good graces by inviting them to everything and trying to include the pair in their lives again. They wanted to be friends with their Everyday Ladybug and Sunshine Child again. 
“Want to do homework together?”
“How about a study session?” 
“We’re having a sleepover at Juleka’s place, Marinette. We can talk about each other’s love lives like the good old times.” 
“Wanna see the new movie that came out, Adrien? I’ll even pay for your favorite snacks.”
“Come on you two. Let’s hang out in the park. We can get Andre’s ice cream too. It’ll be fun.” 
Spoiler alert: It don’t work. At all. 
“Hey Marinette, Adrien! Why don’t you sit with us today?” Alya eagerly waved at them from where she was sitting with Nino. 
It was a part of a long list of efforts that the class is trying to include the pair in. And it would be nice if it was just to be nice and friendly, you know. Adrien wasn’t going to be outright mean to them even though they fucking deserve it after how they treated the beautiful and kind goddess that was Marinette because Mari asked him to “Play nice, kitty”. 
But the class kept trying to slide the whole Liar-la thing under the rug as if it was nothing. As if they didn’t shit all over their good name for a two-faced bitch. As if they had no part in making them feel like outcasts just weeks before. As if they didn’t called them hateful names or gave them scornful glares. 
And that’s just fucking wrong. Because it wasn’t nothing. And they weren’t good pals anymore. So stop fucking acting like it. 
Adrien was so done with his former friends/classmates. Marinette even more so. 
Because apparently, saying “Yeah, We want nothing to do with you anymore.” is not fucking clear enough that the pair wanted nothing to do with their former friends. 
Like what the actual fuck. 
Luckily, Mari can sense her kitty’s bad mood and quickly laid a hand on his arm and led them to their seats in the middle row since Liar-la took the back and they will be damned if they sit next to her. 
Alya was utterly aghast. She and the others were trying their best to have things be back to where they were before. Doesn’t Marinette and Adrien want things to be like they were before? When everyone was friends and they were making happy memories together? 
Why won’t they accept their olive branch? They’ll be friends again and everything will be okay just like it was before Lila came. 
Let it be known that Alya Césaire was not a patient person. Like at all. 
She was fuming (like you could see the smoke coming out of her ears) as she walked up to Marinette’s desk, just bursting at the seams with frustration. “I don’t get it. Why are you so cosy with Adrien instead of us? Did you forget he supported Lila too? 
“That was—” Marinette spoke up in defense of her everything-that-actually-matters brother. 
But Alya ignored her and bulldozed right over, slamming her hands down on her desk. “Yeah. He changed his mind later on but the point still stands that he was on Lila’s side just like us so why are you willing to be friends with him but not me and Nino? We were best buds.” 
“Adrien was friends with Lila unwillingly, unlike you guys. His douchebag of a father wanted him to play nice with that harlot for some reason and he had to go along with it or risk being pulled out of school.” 
Alya rolled her eyes (She literally rolled her eyes at that) before crossing her arms in front of her chest. “Please. That’s probably a pretty little excuse he gave you be on your good side again. We all know Gabriel will never actually do it.”  
“Are you perhaps referring to the man who rejected the idea of a birthday part for his own son or makes Adrien attend constant photo shoots and a crazy schedule to follow that makes it hard for him to hang out with his friends regularly. That Gabriel?” 
At that, Alya faltered a bit as she uncrossed her arms. 
“Look, Alya. I’m fine with being friendly classmates but I’m not going to be your friend again.” 
And Alya —who wanted things to just be okay again and wanted to go back to being Marinette’s best friend, who was tired of days trying to put so much effort into being Marinette’s best gal again only to be rejected every single time— just let whatever came into her mind to slip out of her mouth. She didn’t watch what she said next and in doing so burnt the last bridge she ever had to Marinette. 
“Maybe Lila was actually right for once when she said the only reason you’re close to Adrien was to use him to get ahead in the fashion industry.” 
Oh shit. 
She really done did it now. 
It was at this point that Marinette’s infinite patience and kindness snapped. Adrien scooted his chair back a bit to get out of the crossfire. He’s a dumbass kitty but he still has self-preservation. 
The grip on her pencil tightened as her eyes narrowed and grew darker, her voice ice cold.  
“You were the one who decided we were done being friends, Césaire.” 
Alya was taken aback, frozen at the biting harshness Marinette directed at her. Whatever comeback she had died in her throat. 
Mari let out a deep breath and her voice was back to neutral. “Look. Maybe someday in the future we can be friends again. But not right now. Please respect my decision.”
And that was the end of that. 
Well kind of. 
Because the ice queen treatment didn’t deter her at all. Alya still persistently tried to get Marinette to be friends with her again until Nino pulled her away and forced her to stop it with her ridiculous antics which aren’t working. 
The rest of their former friends now classmates got the message and left the pair alone. They were friendly and cordial with each other as common courtesy dictate but they had no interaction beyond that. They were nowhere near as close as they once were before Liar-la happened. 
Anyway, school went back to normal. Well as normal as it could be with all the recent changes.
Nothing was as it was before. 
And Marinette and Adrien were fine with that. 
Mari was hanging out with Aurore and Mireille for the afternoon so Damian and Adrien had Mari’s room all to themselves. They were currently playing video games. 
And although the Wayne boy was the perfect gentleman who doesn’t let his hormones rule over common courtesy and a proper courtship, Plagg was there to supervise the lovebirds (with a boatload of cheese to keep him company of course). 
He likes to think of himself as laid back and chill who cares deeply about his kittens. And Adrien is a pure innocent little bean. 
Don’t get him wrong. He does like Wayne as a person. The kid’s attitude and personality is a fun riot to witness. But the major plus is how it is beyond obvious Wayne adores and cares greatly about Adrien. He is a good boyfriend to his chaotic gay sunshine baby. 
But after all the shit and drama that went down with his scumbag of a dad, Plagg was just feeling a tad protective of his kitty. 
Just a tad. 
They have been dating for close to a month now. He wonders if they are going to do a one-month anniversary. Is that excessive? Or was that normal? But Adrien still can’t get over how he landed such a hot and amazing guy as a beau. 
If only he could go back in time to visit his insecure and confused little self and reassure him that they had game all along. 
“Fuck. I lost.” 
Dami smirked. “That makes it 7 to 5 in my favor.” 
“I don’t care if you’re drop dead gorgeous. I’ll beat your pretty face in the next round.” 
Hot-And-Sexy had an amused grin on his face. “I love you too, babe.” 
Marinete and Damian are finally making a plan to get Hawk Moth to answer for his crimes. Needless to say, they have their differences on how to handle Gabriel Agreste.
“I vote to have Hawk Moth taste my blade.”
“We’re not killing Adrien’s dad no matter how much he deserves it.”
“I can get away with it.”
“So can I. But murder is still illegal.”
Naturally, discussing how to confront Gabriel and coming with a good solid plan that satisfies both teenagers took some time.
Adrien entered Mari’s room, humming a bit as he carried a tray filled with homemade snacks. He perked up seeing his two favorite people in the world getting along so well.
“Hey guys! What are you up to?”
Damian and Marinette glanced at each other for a split second. They didn’t want their Chaton to worry about Hawk Moth so they didn’t share any specifics.
It was Dami who spoke up. “We are discussing the legalities of assassination.”
Mari facepalmed.
Luckily, Adrien was a pure oblivious child. “That’s nice, babe.”
With all the strange things he’s seen (namely, the Miraculous and getting powers from tiny little talking animals), Gabriel will like to say he shouldn’t be surprised. 
But he was. 
Luckily, he had enough self-control to not show his surprise in an obvious way, just a raised eyebrow towards the two superheroes standing in the middle of his office. 
“To what do I owe the pleasure, Mademoiselle Ladybug and Monsieur Robin?” Pleasant and neutral. 
Ladybug he can kind of understand her presence. He is a supervillain after all. Wait. Maybe ex-supervillain now. Because he hasn’t been doing villain things for a while now since he misplaced Nooroo’s brooch and couldn’t find it no matter how many boxes of unsold Miraculous replicas he went through. And he went through a lot (that is not an understatement). Amazing how much free time he has when he isn’t stalking on the watch for negative feelings. 
But what was Robin doing here? He wasn’t aware the Gotham sidekick was in Paris in the first place. 
“We are aware of your alter ego, Hawk Moth.” 
He sighed internally. This wasn’t going to end well. But he hasn’t gotten this far by bowing down easily. 
“Just because I am a genius recluse does not mean I have supervillain tendencies.” 
Ladybug was unimpressed as she crossed her arms and stare at him with a deadpan look. “But you do have supervillain tendencies. I have yours and Nathalie’s miraculous who told us all about your plans.” 
Huh, no wonder he couldn’t find them. 
But anyway, the gig was up. Nooroo and Duusu were very emotional blabbermouths. The main reason why he couldn’t let them out of his sight —besides needing them to transform into bad guys of course. 
“Then you know I had a good reason why I became Hawk Moth.” 
“To bring your wife back. Yes, I am aware of your ‘master’ plan.” 
Maybe he can appeal to their sympathy. After all, heroes got to have empathy, right? “It was for Adrien’s sake to have his family back together.”
Apparently, that was the wrong thing to say. 
Because next thing he knew he had a razor sharp sword against his neck. He didn’t even see Robin move. 
“Do not speak of his name, you traitor scum.” The Gotham hero growled. “How dare you preach about your son’s happiness when you are the one who have been neglecting him for the past years. Do not say you care for the boy when you never once showed an ounce of love towards him.” 
Why is Robin so protective towards Adrien? Do they know each other well? 
But Gabriel’s questions were immediately banished to the back of his mind. Because right now, he was righteously fearing for his life. Prison sounded better than death. He glanced towards Ladybug. He knew she, at least, wouldn’t let him die. She was the picture perfect hero after all. 
Who was facepalming at the situation. “For the last time, we are not killing Agreste.” 
Unfortunately, Robin did not remove the sword. “And as I keep saying, no one will have to know.” 
“I will. I am literally standing right here as a witness.” 
“You may look away if you are squeamish.”
“...That’s not the problem.” It was time for Ladybug to pull out the big guns. “And if you go through with this, you will make your boyfriend cry and he will no longer want to date you.” 
It took a few seconds but Robin eventually lowered the sword and addressed Gabriel. “Do not presume that because you have no received death today that you do not deserve it. The only reason why your guts have not decorated this room is because I do not wish to make my mon amour shed tears for such a despicable man.” 
Ladybug spoke up next. “We are going to report you to the authorities. Robin and I have enough evidence to put you away for life.” 
To live for another day, Gabriel makes the smart choice of quickly surrendering right then and there. 
“Mon amour, I come bearing both good and bad news.” 
Adrien looked at Dami confused. “Okay? What’s the bad news?”
“Your sister have unfortunately stopped my attempt to slay your wicked father.” 
Adrien’s squishy little heart filled with endearing fondness at how much Hot-And-Sexy cared about him. 
“Killing my father isn’t worth going to jail, Dami. I’m sure you can pull off orange but Mari will probably bar me from ever visiting you to teach you a lesson.”  
He considered that for a moment. “That is true. Marinette is a frightening terror.” 
“She’s the greatest thing to happen to me.”Adrien swooned at his goddess before remembering his boyfriend was with him. “You’re a very close second.” 
But Dami was smiling fondly. “I know. I knew what I was getting into when I asked you out. I will never get in the way between your sibling bond.” 
He could feel his squishy little heart almost explode from all this sugary cuteness from his vain and egotistical Adonis.  
“You’re adorable. So what’s the good news you have for me?” 
“Marinette and I have finally dealt with your father. He will answer for his crimes in front of the Parisian authorities and you will not deal with the repercussions of being related to someone as vile as he.” 
“Does this mean I don’t have to legally change my name to Dupain-Cheng after all?” 
“You’re already one. Not sharing their name does not make you any less of one.” 
Adrien beamed, smiling brighter than any sun. He loved being part of the Dupain-Cheng family and it was nice to be acknowledged as one of them. 
“Of course. Being a Wayne is an honor too.” Damian said casually as if he was simply talking about the weather. Only the twitch of his fingers belied his nervousness. 
Adrien interlocked their fingers together. “You have to buy me a pretty ring first, Mr. Hot-And-Sexy.” 
The next week was kind of crazy to say the least. 
Gabriel Agreste was outed as Hawk Moth and Natalie as Mayura to the public. They were promptly put in jail. 
For all their contingency plans, Marinette and Damian had nothing to worry about after all. Adrien being a literal sunshine and Paris’ darling model was what saved him from being a pariah and outcast. The public knew that Adrien was the victim here and not part of Hawk Moth’s plans at all (Be serious. Can you imagine Sunshine child actually having an evil streak in him? No? That’s right. Because it is impossible). People were more sympathetic about Adrien having such a douchebag as a father than the possibility that he was evil like said douchebag. 
After that whole drama mess, Ladybug and Chat Noir announced their retirement to Paris’ dismay. But eh. Without akumas running around, they can leave Paris’ future to the police (since it’s you know, their job to keep the peace and not teenagers who is still winging it as they kick ass). 
Marinette and Adrien just wanted to focus on their future without any other crazy shenanigans.
He already said it before. But it still bears repeating.
Lila Rossi is a bitch.
The only thing Gabriel did right was throw her under the bus when he was caught. He told the police and superheroes how Lila helped him cause akumas with her lies and manipulation. Who knew her destroyed reputation could plummet even further? Understandably, her mother was not at all pleased with her daughter’s antics.
For being a terrorist and an indecent person, Lila was immediately arrested and deported to Italy (and that’s the last they ever heard of her thank everything Mari thinks is holy). 
With the whole Hawkmoth thing out of the way and he didn’t have to worry about his shitty dad ever again, Adrien can now focus on his biggest challenge yet. 
School will be over in a few days and summer will be here. Which means: It’s time to finally meet the Waynes. 
Oh fuck. He was going to meet the Batfam. 
And even though Dami assured him that his family will like him, he was still nervous. 
Fuck that. He was absolutely 100% freaking out!
Thank goodness Mari was coming along for the ride. 
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floraisann · 4 years
ateez reaction: you’re addicted to animal crossing: new horizons
➣ requested? ✓
➣ genre: fluff, humor
➣ masterlist
sorry that some of these are kinda dry 😔 i am try
❥ kim hongjoong:
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lets you do your thing tbh
you’ll probably just be vibing in the living room with the switch hooked up to the tv and everything’s great when hongjoong just,,,, moves his work over without saying anything
you’re just ???? and he’s just :)))) the “just another tuesday” grin, you know?
after long enough if you ask him why he moved, he just says he “likes the soundtrack” like bro we do be bopping to the animal crossing ost out here in this quarantine joint
watches you play, only making comments when a villager says something REALLY cursed
really likes marshal— he’s funny
not the type to hate villagers either except chops, fuck chops
once yunho shows him how the custom qr code outfit designs work you’re about to have the most stylish lil mayor that ever roamed the earth
probably also borrows your switch to make your town jingle
overall is just confused by the game dynamic, but likes the music and how happy it’s making you :)
you’re gonna have to put the switch down on your own honey, he’s too caught up in bopping to the music while doing his own work to realize you’ve been playing for eight hours
❥ park seonghwa
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has the game too, probably bought it for you so you could build “couple islands” and be THAT cute gamer couple
still probably nags you for gaming too hard if too many hours pass and you’re ignoring basic needs to like,,,, get lolly on your island or something of the sort
but lolly’s cute give him 5 mins to fall in love w god cat
sends you cute in-game love letters when you’re headass six feet away from each other in real time
but it’s ok they’re cute and he likes making you blush
brings his pretty flowers to your island he also steals yours but that’s okay
dumbfounded by your blatant aggression towards certain villagers
offers to “trade” villagers with you to make you happy and marshal scares him please take marshal from him
yes he’ll bring you cute snacks as if you were studying
overall happy that you found something you enjoy together, but will make you take frequent breaks so you don’t put off whatever you actually have to do too much
❥ jeong yunho
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didn’t get the hype at first. bought the game since he thought it had to be super fun if you were ignoring him for hours at a time to go bug catching LMFAO
yet when he downloads it there’s a catch
mr epic gamer, unlike you, has the luck of a god and generates an actual island paradise and probably gets a ton of shooting star fragments too 😔✊🏻
you’re the one stealing from his island, but it’s okay he loves you 💕
and he doesn’t quite understand the game yet
gives you star fragments because you can’t get any and he doesn’t want you all sad because you can’t make a wand!!
has all the cute villagers, but if any try to move will give them to you
pays off your tom nook debt because with his luck it probably takes him less than an hour to get filthy rich in game
also figures out the qr code outfits early on. yes he’ll try to make you one, yes he’ll make himself match
overall, he gets the game because of you but does it better because it’s yunho why wouldn’t he xoxo
still makes sure you’re doing what you need to before you go off to work on your island for six hours; the type to offer game rewards he magically obtains as a prize for you after you finish your daily work
oh to be jeong yunho
❥ kang yeosang
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the president of the epic gamer club
probably persuaded you to buy it with him so he could rob your island of all your goods
makes you both reset the game until your islands both have good items but are different
so he can steal your fruit :D
“y/n, you— no, restart. you can’t have peach trees, i already have peach trees!”
“dates” where you guys lie on his bed with your consoles, literally just exploring each other’s islands
y’all practically end up sharing two islands. that’s how much you play together
invites you to go raid the other members’ islands
cursed humor carries into the game; like he’ll send you crackhead mail when you least expect it and the content WILL be something that’s only funny because it’s Yeosang
“you make me so incredibly happy, y/n. almost as happy as when tom nook first handed me my nookphone. almost”
celebrates with you when you’re both rid of the ugly villagers
overall impartial to your obsession, rather he’s glad he has someone to steal from share with
still will make you take breaks with him. he loves that you’ve got a pretty island but you need to take care of yourself sweetie
if you don’t listen he will randomly come on your island to beat you up with a shovel xoxo yeosang luvs u 😘
❥ choi san
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would not mind the game at all if it weren’t making you IGNORE HIS NEED FOR CUDDLES >:(
tbh san would probably whine about being attention starved for an eternity 15 mins until he realizes his whining isn’t working, and he has no choice but to cuddle up to you while letting you do your thing
by that i mean he’s backseat gamer all the way, no i do not accept criticism
he’d probably just plop down next to you and cuddle into your side or lay on top of you— just positioning himself in some way that he can see your gameplay
the type to cling to you while you play while bothering you until you accept his game opinions as fact
can and will make you kick out the villagers he thinks are ugly
“i just want you to kick that smelly limberg out, is that really too much to ask?”
probably spent 10 minutes absolutely losing his shit over the animal crossing language
takes the next half hour to learn how to speak it
so next time you play too long and ignore him, will shut off your switch then lay down on you and scream acnh villager language gibberish in your EAR
"you didn’t have a problem with that voice three hours ago when you were talking to that cat rosie!!” :(
if you really ignore him and never stop playing NOTHING is stopping him from being dramatic and saying smth like “y/n, i can’t take this anymore! choose, me or him!”
“him” is tom nook
why the fuck would you pick tom nook
❥ song mingi
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knows the game is popular but wasn’t bothered to try playing
so when he sees you, curled up on the couch in the same position he saw you two hours ago just with one less family sized bag of chips, he quietly sighs to himself and sits next to you
“is the game really that interesting?”
when you nod, he ends up like san and kind of chills with you, backseat gaming mode
except he isn’t yelling at you to kick out the ugly villagers, he can already see you trying on your own
gets shocked when the first tarantula appears and you get bitten
occasionally gives input on what he thinks you can do to have a better island
makes you go on an island tour so he can see what you headass just spent the last week making
actually is impressed by how much work you put into your virtual island
congrats! you’ve unlocked an achievement! : gaming livestream date for song mingi
will decide for himself who the cutest villager is then act cute and ask if he looks like them. it’s probably gonna be kid cat. tell him he does. please, Tell Him he looks like kid cat
basically i don’t think he’d be that put off by you getting addicted to the game because!!! acnl is the most relaxing game ever he likes to watch you while he unwinds after a long day
if you play too long though he won’t really say much, just sit by you pouting like :(((( “lov me”
pls love him, the big babie 🥺
❥ jeong wooyoung
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another member that probably has the game, but isn’t as obsessed as you
will beg you for shooting star fragments if you get any though. please get this man a wand
does not get WHY you’re trying so hard on your island layout. literally only wants one villager, his island can go to shit so long as he has that one villager
that one villager is probably gonna be molly or something
another member who learns how to imitate animal crossing speak, except his voice is already in the correct pitch
makes fun of you complaining about a villager you hate but it all comes back to bite him in the ass once moose shows up on his island and he gets it
you guys are having a competition to see who can get sprinkle on your island first
spoiler alert: he wins, he stole her from seonghwa
(he steals a lot from seonghwa)
overall happy with the fact that you guys have a game to play together
but if you grind too hard on your own and ignore him for hours at a time can and will invade your island to steal your fruit and trample your flowers. AND send you spam mail
❥ choi jongho
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doesn’t care for the game, and he’s mostly chill too so he’ll probably just vibe in the other room while you play, waiting for you to finish so he can do something with you
comes out a few hours later when you’re (still) lying on the couch, angrily button mashing while muttering curses to yourself
he’s really confused tbh, he’s seen yeosang play, he knows you don’t gotta go that hard to be a successful mayor, so he HAS to ask what the fuck you’re so mad about
“i’m TRYING to catch a blittering at the moment, but i keep getting these stupid carps!!! i have a debt to pay off, god!!”
becomes infinitely more amused with the game after that point
he thinks its so funny how someone could get heated while playing through probably the most relaxing game ever
watches you fish; he enjoys the puns and seeing you get frustrated when you keep catching those goddamn carps
probably takes the switch from you at one point to try his hand at it and catches a koi fish in his first five minutes
“i guess you just suck at fishing, y/n”
overall pretty unbothered by your love for the game until you start ignoring him
then he will threaten your in-game apples, saying he’s .2s away from stealing one of his members’ switches just to brawl with your trees
and we all know who’s gonna win between jongho and apples
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nokomiss · 4 years
I'd love to see G - a fistfight with best girl Steph, please, if you're still doing your fic thing.
Hope you enjoy this, @shauds02! Sorry it took so long. ♥
If you do something often enough, it becomes habit.
Sometimes, that’s unfortunate. Super unfortunate. Like, for example, if you’re sitting there with your college study group, struggling your way through the week’s assignments (well, Steph’s struggling, everyone else is acting like it’s fine, though none of them had fought Firefly until 4am the previous night, but that wasn’t exactly something she could advertise) and a supervillain bursts into the library.
Jordanna shrieked and ducked under the table, Francisco held up his binder like a shield, and Steph leapt to her feet, rocked back on her heels, and punched the Riddler square in the nose.
“What the fuck,” he said, words garbled as he held his hand over his now-bleeding nose. “You broke my nose.”
“Move, you’re bleeding on my textbook,” Steph said, trying to shoulder him away from her books but not before they’re splattered with Riddler blood. Probably she should burn them now, no matter how much they’d cost her. Maybe Bruce would fund new ones. 
She distantly realized that her study group was staring at her. Most of the library was staring at her. Even in Gotham, the normal designated response to an A-list supervillain wasn’t to break their nose and then bitch about the mess.
“You little--” Riddler started to point at her, then stopped. “Wait, I know you.”
“No you don’t,” Steph says quickly. She could feel Jordanna and Francisco’s eyes on her and resolutely did not look in their direction.
“No, I definitely do,” Riddler said. He squinted at her, one hand still cupped around his nose. Steph probably could have gone easier on that punch, given how he hadn’t seen it coming at all, but old habits and all that. 
“Aren’t you meant to be doing crime or something?” she said, hoping to derail him. Babs was on campus today, and no doubt had already sent out the alert. Encouraging the Riddler to go back to crime was totally not that bad, since there was no doubt a superhero on their way.
Because this is not how she wanted her secret identity to be revealed to the world. How did the Riddler even recognize her as Batgirl, anyhow? She hadn’t had any encounters with him in the suit-- maybe he was going to tell everyone she was Spoiler? She could maybe play that off as a thing of the past, that she’d left it all behind…
Ugh. She grimaced, bracing herself for her world to come crashing down.
“Stephanie!” the Riddler said loudly, pointing at her with the hand that wasn’t cupping his nose. “Cluemaster’s girl! I stayed at his house a few years back and you were a real brat about it.”
Steph blinked. 
“I was not a brat, I was totally justified in not wanting to share my bathroom with your gross henchwomen,” Steph replied back heatedly. “They got what they deserved.”
“I had to pay them hazard pay because a goddamn teenager kept hiding the toilet paper, putting hard candies in the showerhead and filling their shoes with jell-o,” Riddler said.  “Do you know how embarrassing that is to explain to your accountant? Huh? Do you?”
“Do I look like I have an accountant?” Steph pointed out. “And maybe you should have used that money to get yourself a lair instead of squatting in my house and then bitching about the treatment.”
Riddler narrowed his eyes at her. Steph narrowed hers back.
Then he tossed his head back and laughed. “Yeah, your dad always said you were a handful. Laughed when I told him what you were doing. Bastard.”
“He is,” Steph said, nodding, always happy to talk shit about her dad.
He looked around, at the cowered students, and the work spread out on the table. “You’re not following in his footsteps, right? Actually gonna make something of yourself?
“I was trying until some dumbass supervillain interrupted my study session,” Steph said. 
“Touche,” said Riddler, and sighed. “This idea’s toast now, anyway. Can’t make a good speech for the hostages looking like this.”
“You technically haven’t done any crime yet,” Steph agreed. “You could just stroll out. Start fresh.”
They’d had a few snacks from the food cart outside before starting the study session, and she grabbed a few napkins left over from that off the table and handed them to Riddler. 
He accepted and used them to mop up the blood around his nose. “Fair point. Next time you talk to your dad, tell him we’re even.”
“Bold of you to assume I talk to him, but okay,” Steph said, and waved a little as the Riddler motioned for his henchmen -- not the ones Steph had pranked, thankfully, henchperson turnover was a real problem in Gotham -- to follow him out of the library.  She wondered briefly what her father could have done for the Riddler to owe him, then decided she didn’t actually care.
Silence filled the room after he left, and Steph sat down in her chair, staring at her ruined textbook and avoiding her friends’ stare.
“Okay, I’ll be the one to say it,” Jordanna said. “What the fuck was that?”
“Uh,” Steph said, “nothing important? Do you have the answer to number fourteen yet?”
“Oh no,” Francisco said, leaning forward on his elbows and staring her down. “You are absolutely telling us how you know the freaking Riddler.”
“He was work buddies with my dad?” Steph said. “So like, number fourteen. I’m thinking it’s C, because--”
“So when you found out about my dad, you never felt like you should mention that yours was a supervillain.”
“To be totally fair he’s a shitty one?” Steph said. “And he’s in Blackgate and I hope he stays there forever, so. Not really comparable to your family, who you actually talk to.”
“This explains so much,” Jordanna said thoughtfully. “You’re such a weirdo, and the fact that you think punching the Riddler in the nose is a valid response to a hostage situation is so much more understandable now that I know that you grew up in it. You know, I bet I could do a really interesting psychological study on the effects that growing up with a supervillain has on appropriate stress responses.”
“Absolutely not, no,” Steph said. She refused to answer any more questions, and hoped that the topic would drop.
The topic most decided did not drop.
Steph had been living a blissfully nondescript college life. She hadn’t even realized how blissful it was until suddenly everyone knew that she was the daughter of a supervillain.  Like, she’d dealt with this shit enough in elementary school, she thought that by college it would be no big deal. But the thing about college is that it’s made up of people from all over, even at a place like Gotham University, and apparently supervillains were still a noteworthy thing for a lot of people.
Steph finds this out in class.
She’s sitting there, awake, taking notes, minding her own business when the person behind her taps her on the shoulder.  She turns, and the girl whispers, “Is it true you beat up the Riddler?”
“Of course not,” Steph said reflexively. “Or, I guess. The library thing? I, like, barely broke his nose.”
She turned back, ready to listen to her professor, only to find that apparently he’d been listening to her. She stammered out an apology, and he waved it away. “I think we all would like to hear a firsthand account of what happened there,” he said instead, eyes alight. 
“Uh, what?” Steph said, entirely unused to being asked about fighting supervillains.  She realized everyone was looking at her in a way -- well, she’d seen it before, but typically she was wearing a Bat on her chest when it happened.
It wasn’t a very dramatic story, though Steph added a little pizzazz to it so she didn’t disappoint anyone. Afterwards the lecture went on as usual, though she noticed she kept getting looks.
She got invited to three different parties on her way out of class, and fled to Babs’ office. She was actually in, though she gave Steph an annoyed look before returning her attention to her computer screen. 
Steph waited as patiently as she could until Babs sighed, took her hands off the keyboard and said, “You wanted something?”
“So my identity’s blown,” Steph said, flopping into the chair across from Babs. 
This got an immediate reaction. “Batgirl? Who all knows? We need to--”
“Not Batgirl,” Steph interrupted, before Babs started launching some sort of secret identity fail protocol. “The Riddler talked about recognizing me, and now everyone knows about my dad.”
Babs blinked. “I didn’t realize that wasn’t public knowledge.”
“The fact that Arthur Brown is the Cluemaster is something you can easily google,” Steph said, “but not that I’m his daughter. Brown’s not exactly an unusual last name. And people are being weird about it since I broke the Riddler’s nose in front of the whole library.”
“You don’t think that maybe the weirdness has to do more with your actions than your dad’s?” Babs said, with that eyebrow raise that Steph hated so much. 
“I will admit to it being a factor but let’s be real, I’ve done weird shit before and no one invited me to parties over it.” Steph leaned back in the chair, staring up at the ceiling. “Of all the damn things to finally make me cool in the eyes of my peers.”
Babs was definitely laughing at her.
It was weird, no doubt, but Steph actually was kind of enjoying the attention. Sure, it made dashing off on Batgirl business a little more difficult -- she actually had to tell one group of people, who were wanting to hear what it was like to live with supervillains firsthand that she had ‘urgent supervillain business’ to attend to in order to escape, and while it wasn’t an actual lie, it definitely made her feel kinda gross -- but overall? Suddenly getting the respect and admiration of her peers, and seemingly a lot of it having to do with her own badass actions? Pretty great.  Total confidence booster. 
 Especially since with the other Bats, her own supervillain ties were embarrassing, given that the others who had been born into supervillainy were related to the A-list. The Cluemaster was laughable when compared to David Cain, Lady Shiva and the al Ghuls. 
So she laughed and demonstrated her left hook and did a few impromptu lessons showing girls how to get more power behind their punches, which was a definite public service for college girls in Gotham.  She avoided actually talking about her dad or glorifying his actions, since she still hated his guts, and the vagueness of her answers on that topic only served to add more mystique to her growing legend.
Then it happened.
She was sitting in the commons with some of her new buddies, eating some nachos that had been gifted to her, when the girl beside her -- Frankie, that’s what Steph was pretty sure her name was -- sighed dreamily and said, “He’s just so hot, you know?”
“Who?” Steph said through a mouthful of tortilla chips and queso.
“Cluemaster.”  Frankie flipped open her notebook, and wow. Wow. She’d drawn a picture of Steph’s dad.  He was shirtless and had his hair fluttering over his shoulder like he was on the cover of a romance novel. Steph distantly noted that the art itself showed a lot of talent and effort, but most of her mind was occupied by the sound of the Kill BIll sirens echoing louder and louder.
“Right?” another girl -- Kala -- sighed. The guy next to her -- Miles -- nodded in agreement.
“What,” Steph managed to say.
“Like, you know how most of Gotham’s male villains are really gross-looking?” Kala continued, “which is totally unfair, given how fucking hot all the lady villains are.”
“Seriously,” Frankie said. “I mean, I enjoy looking at Ivy as much as the next person, but no one wants to check out Killer Croc or Two-Face, you know?”
“Well, Two-Face is at least half-hot,” pointed out Miles. “But the other half is a definite dealbreaker. But your dad, on the other hand…”
“No deformities, great hair, hot bod,” Frankie said. She smiled at Steph. “You’re so lucky.”
“I… what?” Steph struggled to find words. “Not really the word I would have chosen?”
Kala leaned in on her elbows. “He’s in Blackgate, right? Do they monitor his mail?”
“Do they--” Steph blinked rapidly. “You are not allowed to write dirty letters to my dad.”
They all laughed merrily, like she’d made a funny joke. Steph put down the plate of nachos and said, “That’s gross. He’s a terrible person! And in prison! And he’s married!”
She left off the fact that her parents’ marriage, at this point, was more a forgotten legality than a relationship. She stood up, brushing the crumbs off her lap and saying, “I’m gonna go now.”
She fled.
This time she didn’t wait for Babs to finish with her work when she burst into her office. “Babs! My life is a living nightmare!”
Babs gestured for her to be quiet, but Steph couldn’t hold in the horror of her discovery. “My new friends just wanted to be around me because they wanted to bone my dad.”
A choking sound from Babs’ computer, and Steph hurried around the desk to find that Babs was in the midst of a video call with Dick.  He looked entirely too amused.
“Are you sure?” Babs said doubtfully.
“One girl showed me her gross horny drawing of him,” Steph said. “I’m sure. They asked if Blackgate monitors his mail.”
Babs bit her lip, clearly holding in laughter. Dick didn’t bother with dignity and was full-on laughing at her.  
“This is a nightmare.” Steph clunked her head down on Babs’ desk, then had a thought. “Dick, how do you shut this kind of shit down?”
“Huh?” Dick said. 
“Like, with your buddies, how did you shut them down when they realized your dad was a hottie?”
Steph found that her own misery was somewhat lessened by the appalled look on Dick’s face.
“I mean,” she quickly clarified, so that no gross rumors got started, “I personally don’t find him bangable, you know, but clearly a lot of people do. He was voted People’s Sexiest Man Alive three times.”
“You’re very well-informed on the subject,” Dick managed, still making a face like he’d just tasted a lemon. Steph wondered if she’d been making that face at those awful Cluemaster fangirls. She hoped so.
“For his birthday this year I gave him a mug printed with the covers,” Steph explained with a shrug. “I think he took it to the Watchtower.”
Dick’s face went on another journey through a variety of emotions, then he said, “Babs, I’ll talk to you later.”
“Bye,” she said, waving her fingers cheerfully as he hung up. 
Steph sighed. “That wasn’t very helpful.”
“You certainly enjoyed it, though,” Babs said, words tinged with laughter. 
Steph couldn’t even deny it. Misery loved company.
Steph took to avoiding as many of her classmates as she could. She no longer trusted them. She went to class, hunched down in the back row like she thought she was famous, hoodie up and giant sunglasses on the second she left the building. 
The only ones she trusted to eat lunch with were Jordanna and Francisco, who tolerated her presence.  The revelation that her dad was a supervillain and that she was willing to punch supervillains in the nose hadn’t been enough to change their opinions of her, which she was grateful for.
She was listening to Jordanna give a detailed rant about the reasons her new roommate was a nightmare when Jordanna went quiet.
Steph realized someone was approaching, and she glanced up to see Tim sit down on the bench beside her.  She blinked at him.  “What are you doing here?” she asked, confused.
“I was in the neighborhood,” Tim said with a shrug, and opened up a takeout container. “Thought I’d have lunch with you.”
Francisco and Jordanna were staring again, Steph noticed. She glared at Tim, who calmly started unwrapping his gyro. “You could have asked.”
“You always tell me to leave you alone at school,” Tim replied easily. “I brought you some baklava, though.” He pushed the container towards her.
Steph accepted the baklava, but not the explanation. “Yeah, because aren’t you supposed to be at work.”
At Wayne Enterprises. She was ninety percent sure that Francisco and Jordanna totally recognized him.
“Meeting got cancelled,” Tim said cheerfully. 
“Timothy,” Steph said, putting all of her angst into his name, dragging it out.
“You are Tim Drake-Wayne,” Jordanna said. She turned to Steph with narrowed eyes. “Why do you know one of the Waynes?”
“Good question,” Francisco said.”I mean, first the Riddler, now a Wayne? It’s like we don’t even know you.”
“We dated in high school,” Steph said, because the truth was always the best lie.  
“And now we’re best friends,” Tim confirmed. “She’s basically part of the family.”
Steph looked briefly heavenward. This was not happening.
Jordanna looked between them. “How did you meet? I mean, a supervillain’s daughter and a billionaire’s son?”
“It was before he was a Wayne,” Steph said quickly.
“Because of the supervillain thing,” Tim said.  Steph glared, but he continued on. “My real dad was murdered by one, you see, and Steph here wrote me a really nice sympathy card. We bonded.”
“How sweet,” Francisco said.
“Yeah,” Steph said, “so sweet.”
Lunch continued on, and by the end of it Steph realized that there was no way that Francisco and Jordanna were going to let the knowledge that she had an in with the Wayne family die.  When Tim offered to walk her to class, she accepted, and hissed into his ear, “What the fuck, Tim?”
“Dick told me about your problem,” Tim said cheerfully, waving at a few people as they passed. “We thought that you needed to distract from the issue at hand.”
“By showing everyone I’m even weirder than they thought? Ugh,” Steph said, clunking her head against his shoulder. “Tim, my friend, light of my life, how are you so smart and so very dumb at the same time?”
“Don’t know what you’re talking about,” he said cheerfully.
“See, if you’d gone to college, you would, you high school dropout,” Steph grumbled.
“You didn’t finish high school either,” Tim pointed out.
“Yeah, but I got a GED and continued my education, so suck it.”
Steph found herself in the center of so many rumors after that. She understood what Dick and Tim had been thinking, but god, boys were such morons.
“True enough,” Babs agreed when Steph came in exclaiming that. Steph angsting in Babs’ office was becoming quite the habit.
“So now I’m the girl with the supervillain dad who is cozying up to the Waynes,” Steph said. “I heard a conspiracy theory that I’m trying to marry Tim and steal the Wayne fortune to disperse amongst the Gotham rogues.”
Babs snickered. Steph was beginning to think that her visits were the highlight of Babs’ workweek. 
“I’m thinking about faking my death,” Steph said conversationally. “Then starting fresh with a completely new identity. That’s how I fucked it up last time, I went back to the old one. New me is the only way to go. Thinking about naming myself Esmerelda. Or maybe Jane. No one would notice a Jane.”
“Faking your death is not the way out of every problem,” Babs said. 
“I mean, you say that, but are you sure?” Steph said. “Pretty sure I’m the resident expert on the topic here.”
“Rumors are only interesting for a little while,” Babs said calmly. “Just hold out a week or so, everyone will forget about this.”
Steph sighed. “I miss the good ole days when my biggest woes were finding out people were horny for my loser dad.”
“That was yesterday,” Babs said.
Steph wondered if Babs would fail her if she flipped her off.
The best and worst part about Barbara Gordon was that she was always right.
Steph suffered through the next week, but sure enough, the rumors swirling around her began to die down. She began her (thankful) transition into just another college student, instead of That Girl.
She no longer got free nachos, but she also no longer had to hear anyone talking about how hot her dad was, so that was an absolutely fair trade-off. Her connection to the Waynes was largely forgotten, her college friends just started talking to her about ping-pong tournaments and answering her questions about readings she didn’t get done.  It was great.
Then a giant alien worm crash-landed in the center of campus, followed quickly by Supergirl. She wrestled the worm, taking out the math building in the process, and once the worm had been subdued, she spotted Steph.
“Hi, Steph, wanna go get ice cream?” she said cheerfully, seeming to completely forget that she was both still in her Supergirl costume and also covered in alien worm goo.
Jordanna and Francisco both slowly turned and looked at Steph, who had absolutely no idea how to explain that one.
Might as well lean into it. She shrugged at them and called back, “Sure!” to Supergirl.
Let the rumors fly.
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datboyyeet · 4 years
The revenge of a human
MURDER HARASSMENT MUTILATION TORTURE SPOILER; maybe things could have been so different but it was surely a stroke of fate, such a cruel fate. Ever since Mc arrived at the Devildom he had been living through hell, sorry for the bad puns. Diavolo had assured him that nothing would happen to him, what a sweet irony. First, he was assigned a greedy demon who spent his time reminding him that he was just a futile human, then he nearly got himself killed by Levi, all for a silly contest. Mc had not slept that evening, a fear in his stomach. When he was at RAD he felt as brave as a rat, even a rat was more valuable than him. Mc, unlike Solomon, had no power and was human, no defense. He was laughed at, they insulted him, jostled him, certain demons scattered their things. Mc had tried to talk to Lucifer about it but Lucifer told him not to pay attention to such minor details. Hell, even Simeon and Luke weren't so bothered, they had powers as angels but MC? With no power? Nah, no peace. At first MC could support him, it wasn't enough to make him mentally crack. RAD's homework was more complicated than MC thought, and no matter how much Satan spent hours helping him study, MC's grades were really ... low. Diavolo even tried to help but nothing helped. Lucifer was giving lectures saying that he was wasting everyone's time, that Diavolo tried to lower the academic difficulty for a miserable human. That evening, MC spent the night revising, the pages spotted with tears, it was the same for the nights to come. He would stop sleeping, hoping to improve his mediocrity. To succeed, he panted with each drowsiness a cutter on his bare thigh, keeping him awake. When this system was no longer working, he stole a book from Solomon, then using a potion that replaced sleep and those just delusional. He felt like he had slept, but he didn't. No one noticed his fatigue, when Satan noticed it, Mc got away by saying that he had simply played on his DDD too late, then being argued by Lucifer. When Lucifer attempted to kill Luke, which MC stepped in, determined to save Luke and Beel and Lucifer took on MC, it was the first tear. He had woken up from his confrontation in complete panic, still feeling Lucifer's blow in his ribs. Sweatily, he made a decision by making the pact with Beel; he was going to earn Lucifer's respect ... For that, he was going to help Belphegor. If only it could have been that easy. The following days, the following weeks, were alike. RAD demons seemed to increase their mockery, MC got words telling him to hang himself, demons were hitting them in the ribs. Simeon had suspected that something was wrong, he tried to talk about it with MC but the human being was good at lying, keeping their harassment to themselves. MC tried not to think about it, which worked fine, his grades were going up, there was hope. This hope was shattered .... When Belphegor grabbed his throat, MC was terrified. He realized his human naivety, his weakness. The pain was so great, her cry was lost in the air as her head rolled down the stairs, now detached from her body. To be honest, he would have preferred to rest there in the light, he felt good but Lillith didn't hear him that way, did he? He was torn from paradise to return to Hell. Except this time he didn't think he was going to be able to overcome it. When he woke up, he was sprawled on the stairs, suffocating, swimming in his own blood. This sight never left his mind. Raising his hand to his blow, he still felt the pain, the death, his death. Glancing at the brothers, he told himself he had to be strong. Second tear. When everything was explained, Belphegor had been calmer, the brothers less demanding because MC was the descendant of Lillith, or had they on the contrary become more demanding? Whatever MC did, nothing was perfect, he was Lillith's descendant, HE HAD TO BE PERFECT. These thoughts were muddled and yet MC didn't want to believe it, the brothers loved him because he was him ... right? After his murder, when MC could sleep again, he was unable to. He would wake up screaming, seeing his murder on repeat. The demon brothers were laughing at him, Belphegor stood still, MC couldn't just forgive him? MC was doing too much. MC was a crybaby. MC was looking for attention. Lillith would have been indulgent. That everyone made mistakes and that they had to be forgiven. Third tear.It was the descent into hell for MC, or else this descent had already started since their arrival. He was no longer sleeping, starting his potions again, his notes were relapsing, Lucifer assailed him about it, he only ate to vomit behind. When he went to RAD, he got hit, the harassment skyrocketed, he came back with a broken arm. He was trying to hide all of them, to be strong and even with the seven strongest demons by his side, he didn't feel safe, he never was. IT WAS NOTHING. A HUMAN VULGAR UNABLE TO DEFRENDER. He was nothing. nothing. nothing. nothing. nothing. The silver blade of the knife drew red lines all over his body and even increasing the depth, increasing his features, MC still felt hurt in the heart ... Everyone around him was drowning him, MC was dying slowly. He wore a smiling mask all the time, during Lucifer's arguments, the brothers' general criticisms, his comparison to Lillith, to her stalkers ... to his tormentors .... And in the evening, he would start his blood dance all over again. . When that wasn't enough, he started to swallow ink, vomit the ink and he started to laugh, he was so pathetic. One night it broke down. It was the day too long, he was now empty of all emotions. After a day in hell, he rather got up from the meal, saying he was no longer hungry and went to sleep, sleeping only 3 hours but it was the most restful 3 hours of his life. He woke up, smiling broadly. In the greatest discretion, he took a bag, which he put on his chair, he took snacks that he had stolen the day before, he took ink, a work of Satan, another of Solomon, then taking his knife and jewelry from Mammon and Asmo, which he had also stolen. He put it all in the bag, not bothering to take off his shoes. It was in the deepest of calm that MC left the mansion. Once outside he began to run as fast as he could, once far enough he put a hand to his pact marks and ordered "DON'T FOLLOW ME! BE UNABLE TO FIND ME". The marks shone and in that moment the brothers all felt their marks beating like a heart. They tried to find MC but they were unable to, the pact prevented them from being able to find and follow her. Alert, Lucifer called Diavolo.MC was looking for a witch. He had learned that a witch could grant any wish, as long as it could be paid and very often, these wishes were black with vengeance, to the point that Diavolo had to considerably limit these practices, to see them brought to justice. This witch would help MC become what everyone wanted, MC would finally become perfect. The road was long, he took 3 days to get there, eating only ink. During this time, Diavolo tried the impossible to find him but MC was far enough and besides, he had arrived in front of the house of the witch. He was knocking, almost laughing. The witch was staring at the weak human in front of her but this human was strange, he was pale, his mouth black ink, smiling almost inhuman:"Make me perfect," he said.- Lose your humanity, she replied.He accepted. He gave her all his possessions, to pay the witch decently. The latter then took him to his cellar, undressing him, placing him in the center of a pentagram, handcuffing him, on his knees, to the five ends of the pentagram. She lit five candles one by one, picking up an old dusty grimoire. A strange dragon-headed knife was in his hands. She began to whisper recitals, the air would change, which did not seem to bother her. Walking slowly around MC, she continued to recite, only to plunge her blade into MC's back. The latter bit his lip. The witch lowered her blade and slashed a second slash, as if an angel's wings had been ripped off. With her blade, she made several cuts on MC's body, including several symbols. She continued her recitals. She took a bowl of ink, which she spilled on Mc, the ink seeped into the wounds, making him cringe. The witch began to scream her recitals. The pentagram lit up, black flames burst out, to devour MC's body. The latter was in pain, he felt something change in him, something was pushing from his back. He let out a howl of pain, so intense that even the brothers felt it. Each of their sides, as they tried to find MC, they felt their torn apart. Their hearts were pounding, the place where their wings made them suffer excruciatingly.A few days later, when they were at a standstill, Diavolo invited them to the castle, saying that MC was coming, that demons knew why MC had disappeared. The brothers were tired when they arrived at the castle. Mammon felt the worst. The meeting point was the ballroom, with its stage, its piano. There were a lot of people, Lucifer then asked Diavolo for explanations, why RAD students were here? Diavolo shrugged, saying that MC had said do this for everyone to know about his disappearance and to invite those specific demons. Then the lights went out one by one. The stage curtains were closed and the sound of a piano was heard, someone was playing. A voice arose, Mc. At that precise moment, the curtains opened to reveal a transforming MC. MC had medium black hair, black eyes, a classy black suit, a white shirt with a small black sleeveless jacket and black pants ..... and horns with angel wings ?! looked weird but his skin was as white as snow, he was literally black and white: - Strong, strong, long ago, a young human was so pure,  He was so pure, a lovely Angel.  But then we took him to hell!  And he was broken ...  But now honey, I'm in the spotlight. Jazz music was heard. The curtain closed on MC. Music flooded the hall. No one understood what was going on, everyone was shocked to see MC like that .... had he become a demon? The curtain reopened on MC dancing, the music continued, a microphone in front of him: - One two Three  I'm a demon from heaven  Oh look, looks like Henry is on a date, MC sang, stroking Levi's hair. He had magically appeared next to him, making him jump, then MC had magically found the scene.  Oh let's have a little fun! The smile that Mc displayed was confident, with a sadistic confidence, the Brothers could not move, stunned. MC was a demon. As MC sang, outside, backstage, something was going on that even Barbatos couldn't predict: - We have dirty little bitches in heat,  Come with me on this cozy cloud, MC was pointing Asmo this time. To be a perfect angel, you sometimes have to make small sins, MC sang in Simeon's ear. The angel was trying to catch MC but MC was already on stage again.Lucifer not wanting this masquerade anymore, tried to catch it but MC appeared on a divant, in a dramatic pose, still smiling, completely proud of his show: - You always tell me what to do and what not to do,  I couldn't escape this hell, Unable to stand in front of you, This time Mc found himself next to Lucifer before returning to a second divant. You called me weak, human, As it hurt me, MC then pointed to Mammon completely satisfied with the lost gaze of the avatar of greed. Demon women, in the same guise as MC appeared on stage, singing "Palalpala Pala pala pulila papa". MC appeared on stage again walking, twirling a cane: - But it's all over, I will show you, Open your eyes, Because now I take control! I'm on stage You can't cage me anymore You no longer control anything! Focus on me! All eyes are on me!Dancing, the curtain closed again, the women appeared on the couches, continuing to sing. The music was in full swing. Everyone understood their reason here, no matter how MC got in or changed, MC wasn't there just to sing along. Out of sight, something flowed in the shadows, surrounding the castle. MC appeared on stage, this time ink was flowing from his eyes but he continued to smile and disappeared again. Ink was dripping from the ceiling forming a puddle: - So many tries, So many mistakes  For your satisfaction,  I spent many sleepless nights  In the hope of satisfying you,  To him looked like, be perfect! MC emerged from the ink, the face ... ink was streaming from his eyes, still dancing, smiling: - But I finally found the way To be perfect !!!It was awful to see, ink was dripping from his white body. Luke was pulling back, scare, how is that possible ???? - I swallowed so much ink,  I devoured so many books, A witch helped me achieve the perfect shape!  I am close to perfection! I'm like you now An unfeeling and perfect heartless demon, A being made of ink He appeared in random places, ink streaming from him, his face. When he appeared next to someone, it screamed, we tried to catch him but only ink was what they could catch. MC appeared on the table, a glass of ink in his hand: - You told me to forget my own murder,  You said to forgive,  You selfishly wanted your sister!  You ordered me what to do,  Even though I was traumatized! , MC threw the contents of his glass at Beel, disappearing onto a couch.  You told me that I was not good enough  That I only wanted attention while I was in tears !, MC Pointed at Satan and ink flowed over him, the latter tried to catch MC but the demon made of ink appeared on the chandelier. - MCCCCCC !!!!!! Screamed the seven brothers and Diavolo - You, You took my future without hesitation! All this for a vulgar story of revenge! But all that will change Dirty murderer, MC looked at Belphegor with a big smile. Focus on me! As Mc's face returned to normal, ink was flowing again. Everyone tried to run away, out, standing on his stage, MC snapped his fingers and the doors closed. Ink blocked all the entrances, impossible to exit, no escape. Luke was crying, supported by Simeon. Solomon tried all the spells they knew with Satan, but that was a new power. The other brothers tried with Diavolo and Barbatos to attack MC but their attacks did not hit him, he disappeared even before the attack was launched. MC's face was normal again: - Oh no no! Don't run away! There is no escape!  I would be all they wanted! Now look at me all! All eyes are on me. MC was dancing, as ink slowly dripped from the ceiling and quickly everyone was up to their ankles. Outside, eruptions of ink were erupting. MC wanted to make them suffer, to drown them as he drowned. Then all of them turned black. The music had stopped. On the stage, a light illuminated Belphegor, attached to a chain by anti demon chains. He was struggling but the chains hurt him. A black shape appeared behind him. Ink flowed from MC, not a single piece of skin was spared. The ancient human put his hands on Belphie's shoulders, using his ink to immobilize him and slowly he put his hands up to the neck of the demon: - I suffered so much through your fault, You were the last straw Are you destroying me and asking me to stop being afraid? To be traumatized? WHEN I woke up every night to the feeling of your hands squeezing my neck? I will show you, I will make you suffer! MC squeezed his hands, choking Belphie. It was with such force that Belphie believed his head was going to come off his body if MC hadn't shoved his chair, hiding him on the ground. Beel tried to save his brother, all the brothers in the form of demons, unfortunately the ink covered every part of their body, leaving them only the head. The other demons were drowned in ink, dying in turn. Solomon also saw himself attached to Simeon. MC had gone mad. He put his hands around Belphie's neck again:- The memories you left me made me ...  You are driving me so crazy!  I will destroy them all!And Belphegor's head came off his body, accompanied by the cries of demons.
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veroniicaflores · 4 years
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task 001: character introduction.
(admin tangerine, 21, est) ☼ who’s that hottie, standing outside the love hotel? it’s VERONICA FLORES, a BISEXUAL CIS FEMALE, who looks a lot like NATHALIE KELLEY! NIKKI’s insta bio says SHE is a STYLIST and is looking for a fun time this summer. SHE is into DADDY KINK & GROUP SEX, but not into SCAT & BLOOD PLAY. by the way, SHE reminds me of ORANGE POPSICLES & COLORFUL SUNSETS.
quick infos:
full name: veronica eleanor rosemary flores (i swear i have never watched dynasty EVER and i was told this is the last name of nat’s character.... too late)
dob: august 23rd 1988 (she’ll turn 31 this year)
pob: las vegas, nevada.
kinks: daddy***/mommy kink, mild roughness,  group sex, public sex, receiving oral (eat her out good and she’ll marry you... too soon) although she enjoys giving oral to girls and/or strap-ons/dildos, mutual masturbation, nipple play, hair pulling squirting, spanking, consensual somnophilia.
anti kinks: blood play, wax play, electric stimulation, bondage, very rough sex, scat, foot play, humiliation & extreme anal (fingering and butt plugs are fine, but there will be very rare anal sex).
3 favorite things: dancing naked at 2am to some electronic music or old rock songs, italian gelato (she’d give you a handjob for a raspberry gelato) & puppies videos on instagram.
3 things she hates: spiders or bugs of any sorts (excluding spider man or ant man or black widow wink wink), people who lack of respect & compassion, bad hair days.
+2 positive traits: easygoing & compassionate
-2 negative traits: gullible & jealous
wanted connections:
ex-husband: idk where i’m going with this, but i have a feeling this would be so interesting if he’d come back to the hotel and they’d reconnect after a few years of being apart and not speaking. bonus points for high sexual tension and cute stuff! 
daddy and/or mommy: just that “caring, loving but also can please all your needs” vibe. spoiler alert, she won’t be the mommy, she’s too much of a sub for that.
femme fatale: just a woman, preferably younger whom nikki just can’t resist. someone with dominant tendencies. or someone around her age too! 
friends with benefits: GIRLS GIRLS GIRLS GIRLS GIRLS 
sexual tension: it says it all. 
childhood + teenage years + early twenties:
only child of a loving family of restaurant owners, veronica inherited the best conditions to become a traditional girl from a just as typical and traditional family. she was loved by her parents, she loved them. she learned to cook at a very young age and had a noticeable talent. she was the preppy girl from the picture perfect family. she had a dog, alfredo, that she rescued from the streets and who became her only friend for most of her childhood.
in high school, she bonded with a pair of twin siblings who came from a completely different background. from what she knew, their parents were big gamblers and lost most of their savings in casino nights. these people had that edge and gave that down to earth vibe nikki admired yet could not completely comprehend. they were a dynamic trio that balanced one another perfectly. jack (npc) was a total artist who encouraged nikki to express herself, valerie (npc) was very analytical and had a talent at reading through nikki while nikki herself was that sweet figure who was easy to please and could easily please everyone.
when they graduated, valerie confessed she had no idea what she would be doing with her future with no money at all. they were sitting in nikki’s family restaurant and drinking beer in cask with nostalgia and a part of sadness. jack had big plans, he found an apartment in san francisco and wanted to become a graphic designer. nikki, however, was torn between taking over the family business or making a living of her own. that was when valerie drunkenly suggested to work at one of the newly opened strip clubs nearby their neighborhood.
so she did.
she turned 18 when she realized she had lost so many years to living in a mold she no longer fit in. she was more than just preppy church outfits and cooking sundays with her mother, she was more than a daddy’s girl who washed tables when the restaurant was closed. what did adults always say? a good education promised a good future, so, veronica applied to the college of southern nevada for a degree in communications with a minor in women’s studies. she had no idea where she was heading, but it was a start.
her parents contributed by driving from class to home every day, they paid her more adult looking clothing and they finally gave her the freedom she never knew she needed until she reached majority.
although jack disappeared from her life, valerie remained very present. they did as they agreed and found a job at a high end strip club in vegas. they made good money instantly without having to do nasty stuff nikki had never been introduced to. within a few months, they saved enough to get matching tattoos, new jewelry and pay for valerie’s apartment. the club provided a living area a few blocks away, but valerie felt better living on her own. nikki tried to mingle and fit in with the other girls, but they were too different. maybe it was the education, maybe it was the background, but the trashy side of this job did not interest the italian girl more than that.
veronica worked as a stripper during college until she graduated with a degree that would soon become irrelevant and useless. with contribution from her parents who never even judged her for her job (it was true nikki did tell them it was just a dancing studio) and with her savings, veronica moved out of nevada and headed to california.
she worked in clothing stores, in malls and eventually in expensive boutiques. the other sellers and all the clients noticed she had a talent for matching outfits, accessories and every details making sure the person who wore them would be at their best. eventually, she started doing this as a side line. she promoted her skills on social media and got quite the hype. she worked for magazines and influencers. she became a private stylist as well. no rest for the wicked! 
along the way, she met the man who would become her husband. they really had a perfect marriage. being career driven and uncertain of being able to meet her parents’ expectations, she could not lie to herself. the marriage ended in a peaceful and respectful divorce. she is still convinced he is the love of her life. 
at 26, she started a youtube channel when she became a bit bored of her casual job. on her channel (youtube.com/user/floralpatternslover), she does a lot of hauls, diy accessories, storytimes, recipe tutorials and various challenges. she has 2 millions subscribers and just as many instagram followers. nikki lives off of that more nowadays. she tries to post at least once a week on youtube to keep the ad revenue coming. 
she makes a lot of money, but she really doesn’t act like it. she thrives on late night trips to 7/11 or on dollar store snacks and stuff. she gives a lot of money back to charity, and clothes back to other organizations as well. similar to chris klemens, 
BIGGEST SUB AND BABY ENERGY YOU HAVE EVER MET. she’s just... so willing and vulnerable, it’s crazy. make sure your muse can handle that!
she will never take the lead, or, well, almost never. if she feels really needy, she might initiate things and suggest certain positions and actions, but otherwise, you choose and she obeys.
she works with clothes all the time, love clothes, sleeps on her bed covered with clothes because she’s too lazy to put them back in her walk-in closert... yet she would live naked 24/7 if she could. she goes from 0 to 100 real quick when it comes to exhibitionism!
she LOVES sex. passionate sex. sex for sex. group sex. watching sex. she’s really into it. it takes her mind off everything else. 
once again i repeat i have never watched dynasty and now i’m playing two fcs from the show TALK ABOUT A COINCIDENCE i’m sorry about the last name thing, i just thought it fit 
alsoooooo i was very attached to lea as a fc generally, but especially for nikki. it was hard choosing someone else :( i hope nathalie can fit!
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bananonymity · 5 years
oh dear a hetalia university au
Alfred Jones - Film Studies
-Specializes in genre film, especially film comedy
-Class participation points is if you livetweet your observations and thoughts on a film that you watch in class with the hashtag #JonesJokes1100 (1100 is the course number)
-If you go to him for office hours he will spend half of the time recommending cult films to you
-Will find any excuse to screen at least one (1) Fast and Furious film in any of his class
-Hides snack food in the (public) classrooms he teaches in, will share with the class if a student finds it first
-thinks jean-luc godard is a punk bitch who weighs 20 pounds soaking wet
Arthur Kirkland -  Literature
-Children’s Literature and Fantasy specialization
-that one professor who bumbles into class in sweater vests and an entire teapot 
-”Hi everyone, class is canceled today. I couldn’t find a fucking parking spot.”
-Bring up in his class that Lord of the Rings is an allegory of WWII. I dare you.
-YouTube autoplay defeats him every time
Ludwig Beilschmidt - Advisor
-Poor man is responsible for arranging the schedules and eventual graduation of 18,000 students who eat spaghetti out of a shoe when they run out of plates
-Takes every panicked and not necessarily sober student’s frantic emails about a major change with weary stride
-Definitely drinks in the office
-Brings his dogs to campus for therapy dog Thursdays. Then proceeds to pet the dogs himself for two hours
Francis Bonnefoy- Studio Art (all credit for characterization goes to @thedisappointedidealist12 )
-A tortured contemporary artist who needs to teach millennials/gen Z students to appreciate and critique modern art
-makes it a goal in life to baffle and infuriate his students, but once in a blue moon would make a really good point in his lessons that blows everyone’s minds
-Forces students to go to gallery openings and art exhibits with him for extra credit so that he can talk to death about what he thinks about every piece to them
-will fail anyone who said ‘I could have painted that.”
-bonus: argues with Alfred all the time about the merits of French new wave cinema
Gilbert Beilschmidt - Political Science/History
-Leadership class to study famous leaders in history, how they exercised and spread their influence to the people.(is it just me or does Frederick the Great take up a lot more of the syllabus than the other topics?)
-Seemingly easy-going and a human disaster but once add-drop period is over your nose is on the grindstone and you realize that this man actually knows his shit plus some and also you might fail but hey, you’ll have fun doing it
-if his class survives the semester he will take them to the bar and buy them all shots
-”Dear Professor Beilschmidt, This is Xiao Mei from your Political Psychology class. Would it still be okay for me to take the final tomorrow at 12PM? Thank you for your time! Regards, Xiao Mei.” “whatever -- Sent From iPhone”
Elizaveta Hedervary- Gender Studies
-on one hand, she’s the professor who will invite students to her home to spend the holidays if they cannot go home for break
-on the other hand, there is a reason why No Other Faculty dares to take her parking spot
-she and Gilbert use the same class room back to back, which has led to petty territorial rivalries and pranks
-Will publicly drag you and your unfounded opinions in class in the gentlest, most ruthless manner
-You can skip the test if you beat her in arm wrestling in front of the class (spoiler alert: you can’t)
Lovino Vargas- Dining Hall Manager
-Makes it his life goal to change the campus’ perception of the dining hall food by working hard and cooking delicious food
-WILL complain with every breath about budget, quality of groceries, poor pay, and college students who think putting spaghetti-os on a piece of bread is a meal
-on the flip side, very attentive to the students, especially female students, and keeps an eye out for any sign of unhealthy or eating disorder and encourages them to eat wholesome meals. if he catches a student skipping meals because of workload, he will shove a bruschetta in their hands and glare at them until they eat
-a bit too scared to go on strike over pay, although Francis encourages it wholeheartedly
Antonio Carriedo- Librarian
-In the past, he and Arthur were rivals to graduate summa cum laude in their programs. now, Antonio is taking it easy
-Still unironically uses nineties style catalogue cards because it relaxes him, also his computer mysteriously malfunctions every time he tries to use it to locate a book for someone
-if you ask him for a book he will somehow have you sharing your life story right at the help desk for a good fifteen minutes. he WILL forget what book you were asking for
Yao Wang - Business
-Uses memes to stay relevant with the youth (“Don’t forget to YEET”)
-Often invites students to a group lunch after class is over and remembers all his old students’ names
-Don’t even think about trying to leave class early. He may not call you out but expect a threatening Office jpg to airdrop into your phone
-loves it when students bring their children to class, will hold the baby while lecturing
Emil Steilsson - First Year Undecided Student
-Freshman from Iceland, first time leaving his home and struggles to put himself out there to make friends or meet new people
-Raised in a large and close household but because he’s quite a bit younger than his brothers, doesn’t always feels like he belongs
-Also, his first time being away from his brothers, which gives him an anxiety that he will never admit
Leon Wang - First Year Film Studies Student
-Freshman from Hong Kong and Emil’s roommate
-Professor Wang’s kid brother; Yao Wang will bring him tupperware of home cooked Chinese meals every Thursday which Leon will not admit to deeply appreciating
-He will share all his food with you, but he will also eat all your food in return
-A bit of an age gap between him and his brother, and he was raised mostly in boarding schools in England growing up, so he doesn’t get to see his parents often and therefore unconsciously deals with a complex of feeling unwanted or shuffled around
-If he wasn’t such a nice kid Emil would probably have a nervous breakdown having Leon as a roommate (their tidiness levels are Very Different)
Michelle - Second Year Art Student
-Sophomore from Seychelles and fast friends of the boys
-Has a work study job at Professor Bonnefoy’s department
-She has trouble fitting in with the other students and often feels a bit left out from her peer group, despite her friendly efforts
-Because she pursues art, she often worries about her future job prospects, and lacks much confidence in her skills in any other field
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hellevator-mp3 · 5 years
of chaos and calamities || Part 4
Pairing(s): Johnten, Markhyuck, Yuwin, Jaeyong
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 1,500+
Warnings: None
Author Note: hi i’ve literally lost all motivation to write but i finally got this done so?? yeah?? have some markhyuck dflgklh
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mark swears that trampolines are for jumping, not for falling in love.  so why does he fall harder for donghyuck at the trampoline park than anywhere else?
there are things that johnny and ten like to pretend aren't true, like the dripping faucet in their bathroom isn't broken and that johnny didn't eat the last piece of cake that ten wanted.  things like that.  however, there's one undeniable truth that neither of tem like to admit - ten is needy.  like, r e a l l y needy.  
like, fifty shades of needy.  
however, it’s times like this that johnny truly realizes the magnitude of it.  the two of them were spending their only free day studying for a quiz, testing one another with flashcards and the like.  
for every question answered right, the person answering would get a kiss and another question.  if they got it wrong, they would ask the other person a question, and so on.  
ten was on a roll, claiming his fifth kiss in a row and making johnny whine playfully into his neck, telling him to quit hogging all the questions, that he had to study too.  the boy between his legs laughed, leaning back against his chest and letting out a fake heavy sigh.  “if i get the next one right, then i get one extra long kiss and then you can go.” ten promised him, laughing all the while.  johnny huffed quietly, before accepting his terms and shuffling the cards to find a question.  when ten answered that one right, johnny turned his boyfriend around with ease so that he was straddling him instead of being settled between his legs.  
one ‘long kiss’ turned into several, and then into a make out session.  the two of them got lost in their own world, hands wandering over each other as ten pushed himself closer, letting out a breathy whine when johnny finally pulled away.  instead of giving into ten’s silent pleading, johnny reached around him and picked up his flashcards, reading over the words and answering them before flipping it over and checking if he was right (spoiler alert: he was).  “pay attention to me” was all that ten seemed to be able to say, fisting his hands in johnny’s shirt and whining like a child.  johnny playfully rolled his eyes in response, before replying that they were literally just making out two seconds ago.  ten’s retort was quick, “and what’s your point?”, before he had pulled johnny to him again.  
johnny pulled away again, after letting himself to succumb to ten’s soft touch and the slide of his lips on his and -- the soft “impatient pet” that rolled off his tongue was nothing more than instinct, same as ten tensing in his lap.  when he felt the eerie stillness against him, he quickly backtracked, apologizing profusely until ten shook his head, expression turning from shock into something like relief, even going so far as amusement.  when johnny asked about it, ten replied that he liked it, that it made him feel...small, and that's what he'd wanted for a long time but never mentioned.  
johnny just shrugged and said that whatever ten wanted, that's what he would do, and asked if there was anything else he wanted.  before ten could answer, both of their phones chimed, signalling that a message had been sent to the group chat - followed shortly by a flurry of pings.  
ten reached out blindly, grabbing a phone and unlocking it to check their chat.  “anyone wanna go out?” mark had sent, with donghyuck replying right after to say that they were planning on seeing a movie or something and then eating, maybe.   most of the replies back were asking questions about the plan, which mark and donghyuck seemed to be answering in tandem.  shrugging, ten asked johnny, who said that it'd be fun.  ten messaged the chat and said that they would be there at whatever time they needed to.  
that's how they ended up standing outside the movie theater in the early january chill, bundled up and huddled together with jaehyun, taeyong, yuta, and sicheng.  mark and donghyuck were, of course, late to their own outing, leaving the elders stranded.  taeyong told the rest to go ahead and get snacks and he would wait for the two younger boys, which they all immediately agreed to.  they had already gone through the snack line and gotten their fill by the time taeyong, mark, and donghyuck finally entered the building.  mark looked ruffled, with stray bits of snow stuck in his hair and spattered across the back of his jacket.  donghyuck looked bright and happy, laughing as he brushed off some of the snow from his boyfriend.  taeyong explained to them that mark had slipped on ice and fallen, and donghyuck had opted to laugh instead of helping him.  
that sounded like typical donghyuck behavior, and so it didn’t even shock any of the people waiting.  
they somehow managed to make it through the movie with only one minor ‘tantrum’, if it could even be called that.  it was all because mark had accidentally taken the drink that was meant for ten, who refused to drink anything if it wasn’t that specific drink.  the ‘crisis’ was averted when johnny laid a gentle hand on his shoulder, whispered something that the others couldn’t hear but saw that it made ten shiver, and then walked away to get him a new drink while they found seats.  that left them to sit in peace as ten happily sipped on his drink, leaning into johnny’s side for the whole movie.  the rest of the couples had split off, mark and donghyuck immediately having headed to the back, presumably to make out for the duration of the movie.  sicheng and yuta had gone to the very, very front of the theater, where they had to tilt their heads up to see the screen.  taeyong and jaehyun somehow managed to take up almost five seats as they sprawled out, and none of the others could ever figure out how they were still able to see (spoiler alert:  they couldn’t, they just napped through the whole movie).  
when all was said and done, the last couple out had to retrieve all of the trash from the others, which just happened to be mark and donghyuck, who johnny noted both had flushed faces, swollen lips, mussed up hair and one of them sported a new mark just above the collar of his shirt.  
the four couples split up nearly as soon as they got out of the theater, jaehyun and taeyong tottering off with johnny and ten to get dinner, while yuta and sicheng went the opposite direction, destination unknown.  mark and donghyuck, however?  they headed back to campus, anxious to get back to their shared dorm to warm up.  donghyuck knew that as soon as they got back to their shared space, he’d be curling up in mark’s lap with fairy lights twinkling over their heads and pictures of them hanging on the walls, and it’d feel like home.  however, that’s not even close to what happened.  
mark headed straight to the shower, cleaning up and finally getting rid of the chill that had seemed to settle in his bones since he fell.  when he came out, donghyuck was curled up where the edge of the bed met the wall, wrapped up in every available blanket possible.  when mark stepped out of the bathroom, donghyuck opened up his fortress invitingly, pulling mark down as soon as possible, before the cold air could touch his tan skin.  for once, it was donghyuck holding mark, and mark snuggling up to him, instead of the other way around.  they stayed like that, ignoring the chirp of their phones as they focused on one another, littering small kisses and touches wherever possible.   mark would gladly admit that they were still in the ‘honeymoon phase’ to anyone that asked, given that they were only going on their fourth month of dating, but their second year of knowing one another.  he knew that it was true, that the fervent touches and their clinginess would soon fade away into a sense of familiarity, of contentedness that came with a long withstanding relationship.  
mark was okay with that, and he was prepared for it, in the same way that jaehyun and taeyong were prepared to get married, the same way that chenle and jisung were prepared to spend the rest of their lives together.  
he was prepared for donghyuck and everything that a relationship with him entailed.  
donghyuck, on the other hand, threatened to divorce mark if he ever said they were in the honeymoon phase’. mark had raised an eyebrow at that, causing donghyuck to choke as he realized what he said.   deep down, he knew that he said what he meant and meant what he said, but would he ever admit it? hell no.   the two of them sat in a comfortable silence, churning over their own thoughts alone, yet together.  donghyuck’s bottom half was slowly going numb as mark settled in his lap, but he couldn't find a single reason go care as the older boy fell asleep in his arms.  
soon enough, they were both snoring lightly, donghyuck’s head dropping to rest against mark’s.  
when they woke up the next day, they both momentarily freaked out until they realized it was their free day together.  which meant that they would soon be visiting an indoor trampoline park, which was totally worth the teasing that they would endure from chenle and jisung, who would be shrieking that the elders were sore because they finally did the frickle frackle (as jisung would so eloquently put it), while they just blushed and decided not to refute the claim.  
it was worth it, mark thought as he watched his red haired partner bounce off a trampoline into a pit of foam blocks.  he felt the swell of his heart as he recorded donghyuck doing backflips and other moves on another trampoline, before he was being summoned by donghyuck himself, abandoning his phone in favor of jumping, and falling more in love with the person in front of him.  
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inkofamethyst · 5 years
April 20, 2019
A lot has occurred over the past three weeks or so which means that there’s a lot of material to talk about.  I could begin with the Dungeons and Dragons game which is the most recent event (spoiler alert: it wasn’t nearly as fun as I had expected it to be (and also, to no one’s surprise, I’m a forgetful idiot)), or maybe I could talk about the marching band trip to Florida and rate that whole experience (spoiler alert: Magic Kingdom is the worst), or I could even go way back to the New York trip (spoiler alert: I want to do theatre for the rest of my life now), or maybe I could talk about my current work ethic when it comes to school and studying for AP tests (spoiler alert: it doesn’t exist), or I could talk about preparations for prom (spoiler alert: it’s coming along pretty well, I think), or even my first ever wash-n-go that I did last night (spoiler alert: my hair actually held up pretty nicely over the night, we’ll see how it goes for the next few days).
Let’s start with a list or two because there’s just so much to talk about omg.
Reasons Why DnD Did Not Really Work Out Super Well
We had seven people playing plus a dungeon master, and four of the player characters had never played before ever.  I know that my dancer-friend was not into it nearly as much as I had expected her to be.  There were just too many voices as once vying for the attention of the DM, and we fooled around a bunch causing us to go into crunch time at the very end and I had to leave before we could finish the questline (and it was a good questline too omg).  Seven PCs really only works when you’ve got sorta-experienced players who are all comfortable with each other and understand the conventions necessary for the game to work successfully.  That’s probably why Critical Role works so well.  They’re super professional geeks who have fun and fool around but ultimately understand that Matt is running the game.  I will be perfectly honest: my DnD friend’s brother was getting to be a little bit much.  He had to replace my Beyonce friend at the last minute (his boss called him in to work the day before the game, ew), but it just didn’t work out as well as I was expecting it to.  I feel like I’m normally pretty attentive when it comes to playing (I generally strategize while other characters are fighting at whatnot), but during this game I felt like I was balancing the whole “pay attention” and “ engage your bored friends.”  Not fun.  I think a smaller party would have been better, but getting us all together to actually play is really a hassle, and I know she was trying to make them feel comfortable by keeping our friends around a bunch of people that they already knew.  (Ok this is really random but I remember that I swiped at a Gnoll (not Knoll, those are two different things apparently) and then backed out of it on the same turn, but I can’t do that because I would’ve needed to take the disengage action which I definitely didn’t do, so, uh, yeah, that wasn’t right of me to do, but it’s over now, so whatevs.)  Lastly, I’m a forgetful idiot because we were supposed to bring healthy snacks and I totally forgot like the forgetful idiot I am.  And I’d meant to ask the host this morning if there was anything I needed to bring and I forgot to do that too.  Ugh.
Reasons Why Florida Was A Little Weird
Don’t get me wrong, that was probably one of the best trips I’ve ever had.  But I’m bad when I’m in groups of people who I perceive as being cooler than me.  Or, maybe not cooler, but like, they have bigger personalities than me.  I’m animated or whatever, sure, but there are definitely some people who are just bigger and more recognizable than even me and I can recognize that and it’s okay.  But I think I spent like three of the four days down there with this one group that included my bassoon-friend and her boyfriend (and a rotating cycle of other people too) and I just kind of felt like I was third-wheeling or fourth-wheeling or seventh-wheeling or being the odd one out in almost any group number that we were in.  And it’s my own fault because I can’t properly engage with people of my own age group for whatever reason, but it’s still weird.  Don’t get me wrong: couples are cute.  My bassoon-friend is fine, we’re like best buds (-ish, I can’t quite say where we stand, and I know she’s friendly with a lot of people, but I’d say we’re pretty good friends at least), I’m just not nearly as sociable as she is, and that’s okay.  Also, I might kinda sorta just a little bit maybe have been a little envious of her, but let me clarify: it was definitely stupid of me so I ain’t even mad.  Basically she gives off this mom energy so everyone goes to her for advice and jazz, and I get it: that’s who she is.  Not to mention the fact that she’s super responsible and incredibly hardworking and also just a talented person in general (I have such talented friends, let me tell you -- photography, singing, dancing, acting, instrumental music talent, visual art... they do it all).  It’s probably just because I’m selfish and wasn’t the center of attention for two seconds.  I know that’s bad, and I know I’m a selfish person, and I know that it’s something I need to work on.
Reasons Why I Want to Act For The Rest Of My Life
So I don’t remember how much I posted after New York (if any), but after going to those workshops and talking with those professionals and seeing those shows on Broadway, I literally cannot deny the fact that I love the idea of doing that every day of my life for the rest of my life.  I’m thinking about taking singing and dance (likely contemporary for adult beginners or something) lessons in college (after all, I won’t be paying to attend ayyy) to prep my skills and to see if I can really handle the rigor of vocal and physical upkeep that’s required by working on these crazy shows.  Then I’ll probably do some community theatre and work toward joining the union or something... I have to look more into seeing how that works.  But I’ll stay in school.  I’ll get all my degrees (maybe while auditioning for stuff...? probably not, but we’ll see...) and then I’ll go to work.  I’ll work for a few years and I’ll save like crazy.  There’s really no need for me to live an extravagant lie while I’m young, I just need a roof and four walls and maybe a bed or something.  I want to be able to support myself for when I decide that I want to chase my dream, as long as the dream hasn’t faded by then... whenever “then” is.  I just love the stage.  I love how it makes me feel.  I love being with a group of people who also love the stage.  I love the process of working together with others to make something amazing.  I don’t like taking risks, and that’s one of my flaws.  But it doesn’t always have to be that way.
Reasons Why I’ve Got Boyfriend Fever (again)
It’ll pass, I’m sure, just like every other time, but hanging around my friends who are dating makes me a little antsy, that’s all.  And I know, I know: I need to focus on my own race.  I need to stop comparing myself to others.  And besides, dating isn’t really an optimal thing for me if I’m planning to up myself to NYC to follow my dream in a few years.  That ain’t too great for stability in a relationship.  Really I think I just want a guy friend who I can lie on.  I think I want someone who I’ll talk to all the time... as if having normal friends isn’t good enough.  In all fairness, I’m distant with my current friends.  Why would it be any different with a boyfriend?  Let’s be honest, I just want what I don’t understand.  This probably reflects my level of maturity, if I’m completely honest.  Sorta sucks though.
Today I’m thankful that we got to play DnD.  It wasn’t a perfect game by any means, but we got to play and that’s always the best thing.
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producingnct-blog · 7 years
sometimes failure is better than success
jihoon/samuel fake dating au
requested by anon
honestly it all started in the weirdest way
jihoon had been friends for a few months when it happened
it wasn’t their fault that bae jinyoung was literally so pretty
they couldn’t keep their eyes off of him and so they bet on who would get to take him out first
(spoiler alert: none of them did)
jihoon and his group of friends, which consisted of samuel, euiwoong, seonho, gualin and hyungseob, were like the groups of friends that people see in the movies
they had lunch together everyday, they sat next to each other and they told one another everything
jihoon couldnt have asked for a better group of friends, really
but then again... he could
i mean, how was samuel considered a good friend if he insisted on crushing on the same guy as him????
jihoon didnt understand
for all everyone knew, jihoon had been crushing on jinyoung first!
he’d fallen in love as soon as they made eye contact (which in fact, did not happen bc jinyoung was always looking at the ground, but please. let jihoon be happy)
and jihoon had started talking about him to their friends just to be met with “i know right!!!”’s from samuel at everything he said
jihoon, the fucking gemini, had glared at him. “he’s mine, i saw him first.”
to which euiwoong had replied, after taking a bite of hyungseob’s sandwich. “hyung, you do realise he’s not food, right?”
maybe jihoon had ended up blushing a bit, but who was to blame him for that? he quickly shook his head, “thats not what i mean, woong. you know that.” then turned his head to samuel
“cmon sam, for real. i feel like this is my sappy romance story yk. you gotta let me have it.”
“but hyung, i like him too! look, im not gonna dislike him for you and neither will you. its bros before hoes, not bros before ros-”
gualin, at this, perked up “what even is this conversation that does not make any sense”
“yes it does, omg! bros equals friends, ros equals romance between bros ok lemme live jesus! but anyway, we aint gonna budge our asses for one anoter, we might as well fight for it. agaisnt each other”
“what??!???” “are you crazy???” “what the fuc- i mean what????”
jihoon looked terrified, but then he set up his tray a bit closer to him, smirking. “fine. whoever gets to take him out first, gets him. after losing you gotta give him up. and give me 20 bucks as well.”
“why are you saying its me whos gonna lose?? and why do i have to pay you??”
jihoon smiled mischiviously. “duh. because i want, obviously.”
and then it was set
they started playing games, trying to get jinyoung’s attention
samuel would write lyrics to songs he wanted to play to jinyoung
jihoon would daydream about coming up to jinyoung and telling him he wanted him to be his bae 
samuel would start laughing louder, so that he could call for jinyoung’s attention indirectly
jihoon would wear different neon laces everyday to be different and stand out in his crush’s eyes
and yet, jinyoung didnt care for either of them
“ugh, this is so hard jihoon hyung.”
“i know right? he hasn’t even looked in our way at least once”
“what is it that we’re doing wrong??”
“idk sam. maybe we should try to get his attention in another way?”
samuel stopped writing down the answer to his english homework of the day to look up at jihoon, who was wearing a frown on his face
“how so hyung?”
“well, we could try to make him jealous?”
“but how is that even going to work if he doesn’t notice either of us”
jihoon threw his pencil in the table, and rolling his eyes as he sighed
“i dont know okay???? i just want him to look at me and like me back, but he doesnt even know i exist”
“hey hyung... its okay, i get it remember? we’re the same. just... how do you think we can make him jealous then?”
jihoon smiled a bit at that, lifting his head from where he had laid it into his arms, “we could date someone”
“oh. who?”
“well. hyungseob and euiwoong are the only gays from our group of friends that are out, but they’re dating each other. so....”
“sooooo.... we could date each other!”
“WHAT oh my god no way”
jihoon pinched samuel’s arm, making the younger flinch away. “what do you mean no way, you punk! im damn handsome, smart, intelligent and funny! theres nothing not to like!”
“hyung.... get your head out of your ass and listen. i dont wanna date you omg. you literally are so.... annoying sometimes no offense. and you snore when you sleep!”
“omg sam shut the fuck up u idiot. firstly i am not annoying youre just not old enough to understand how real and amazing people like me function. secondly. bitch we aint gonna sleep together what the fuck is wrong with my snoring. you talk in your sleep!”
samuel shook his head. “this is seriously not gonna work hyung, what even went through your mind.”
“an idea, thats what. at least i try to come up with those and help ourselves!!!!!” jihoon sighed once again, throwing his hands up. “so are you in or what? we can give it a try right? for a week or two?”
“ugh. fine but if it doesnt work out im killing both you and myself.”
“wow.... thats sad”
“shut up and study”
it..... didnt work out
but also no one died
“ok. what is happening??” was the first thing that met them when they walked to their lunch table holding hands, gualin was currently staring at them both intensively
“listen. this is not weird i promise but we’re dating.”
“you’re what???????”
“dating, you dumbass.”
euiwoong fixed up his glasses, “when and why and how did this happen. am i in a alternative universe”
“ok what the fuck is so wrong with us loving each other” samuel tried not to gag at jihoon’s words, instead squeezing jihoon’s hand stronger
seonho stopped snacking on a chocolate bar “you have been crushing on jinyoung for weeks remember?”
hyungseob continued, “yeah and why wouldnt you tell us if you liked each other???”
at this jihoon started laughing, “im kidding jeez!!!” he then sat down and mentioned for them to sit closer
“we’re pretending-” “WHAT” “omg shut up gualin youre so loud. we’re pretending to date so that jinyoung will be jealous”
euiwoong sighed “im not even going to care this time around. you two are lost cases.”
hyungseob smiled as he pinched euiwoong’s cheek and jihoon fake vomited “ew. YOU are lost cases stop being so in love”
“you jealous hyung?” “omg shut up seonho”
“anyway woong. i am telling you that you should be more respectful to me. when im married to jinyoung, with kids that are twice your height and with more money than all your three next genarations, i wont remember you punk.”
turns out fake dating samuel wasnt soooo bad
they hang out like they used to, the only difference was that they held hands a bit more
it still, however, didnt work for them as jinyoung never looked their way
therefore, ofc the obvious and only solution was for them to take their relationship to the next level and to kiss
they decided on a plan
jihoon would be walking to school and hed pass by jinyoung and smile at him casually, but then he’d fall
samuel would then see and help him up, ask if he was okay!! and then kiss his cheek
it was a good plan, really, it was a good plan BUT
fucking samuel didnt do shit! he stood there looking
which ended up in jinyoung looking up to see what had happened and walking towards jihoon to help him up
jihoon started blushing when jinyoung asked him if he was okay, and jihoon could only nod
at this samuel came closer to the two of them, glaring at jihoon but trying to cover it up with a smile “hey you okay baby?”
jihoon blushed at the pet name, how could samuel call him baby when he was talking with his crush. “im fine”
jinyoung then cleared his throar, “hm. im glad youre okay i should go. see you around i guess...”
“jihoon!!! my name is jihoon”
after jinyoung had left, samuel turned to jihoon “what the hell was that?”
“that do you mean??? you didnt even fucking try to help me. what was THAT???”
“i was... thinking. listen, why didnt you pretend??”
“fuck. because i was actually talking to him! and you had to ruin it all sam omg. cant you fucking let me win? youre such a sore loser.”
“what??? i was doing what you asked hyung! i was pretending.”
“whatever, im done. i dont want to pretend anymore. i got to talk with him alone, not by pretending.”
“what??? but how come you want to pretend and then you dont?!?!?”
“jeez sam dont make it that deep. we played a game, the game is over now. thats it, im gonna keep trying to get jinyoung and so will you”
“but hyung. i thought we were on this together?”
“hm no??? sam, we’re agaisnt each other”
samuel shook his head, rubbing his hands agaisnt each other, “fine.”
when samuel didnt answer, jihoon sighed “goodbye”
“where are you going??? it’s the middle of the day?”
“mind your business”
they didnt talk for two days, damn that gemini stuborn ass
samuel ended up reaching out to jihoon and apologising for overreacting, to which jihoon agreed and also apologised for doing the same
they sorted things out and promised to not let this jinyoung matter ruin their friendship 
everything was really great until jihoon started talking more with jinyoung
jihoon would cross ways with his crush and he’d actually hold his head up long enough to shoot him a smile
they’d say hi to each other if they saw one another
sometimes jihoon would even sit next to jinyoung for a few moments when he was alone
and jihoon was loving it until he noticed that samuel was growing sadder by the days
he was quieting down and focusing more on studying
and he was always avoiding him
jihoon could for the love of god understand why 
and he couldnt not talk about it, so he did ofc
him and samuel talked about it although the younger avoided saying the reason
jihoon let him be for a few more days but once the week mark passed, he got really worried
he thought that maybe it was because samuel was jealous that he’d lost and jihoon even went to the point of talking to him about giving up jinyoung just to let samuel be happy-
when he noticed exactly that. since when did samuel’s happiness become soooo important? sure it was always important, they were friends
but jihoon cared to the point of giving up on his crush just to see samuel happy???? that was new
jihoon then started thinking more about that and even talked to euiwoong about it, who told him that he was thinking of it as something more complex than it really was and that he should just talk with samuel
at first, jihoon didnt get it. but as he started missing his best friend more and more (since when did samuel become his best friend that he missed more than the others???)
he realised something had changed and he decided he really needed to talk with samuel about it
“oh. hey hyung” samuel went to leave the bathroom
its not live jihoon purposefully stalked him there just to prove to himself that the younger was in fact avoiding him
“hey wait. we need to talk sam”
samuel shook his head quickly, “we dont. for real i swear im okay”
“i dont believe you. just talk with me please, for a second”
“fine hyung. here?”
“hm.... no, lets go to the seats okay?”
“okay hyung.”
they sat down in the outside of the school, close to each other but not too much
jihoon cleared his throat “ok so, ive been thinking. and listen. i really miss you sam. like ive been talking more and more with jinyoung but less and less with you and i miss you like crazy-”
“yeah. i.... dont know sam. i really miss you, what happened? we were fine but you started avoiding me. is it because i talk with jinyoung more than you? i...i. i could let you meet him. talk for real with him.”
“no, hyung. its not that.”
“really? then what? bc i swear sam, i’d give him up for you to be happy, for real.”
“really hyung? you’d. you’d do that? for m-me? seriously?”
“yeah. of course. is it really not because of that?”
“well. i guess technically it is. but hm. just hear me out and please dont hate me okay?”
jihoon nodded “of course not.”
i dont how or why but ive been feeling different... towards you. i was jealous yes, but then i realised i was jealous not because of jinyoung but because of you... hyung. i wanted to be him. i wanted you to be crushing on me and i know youre not and i know you wont. and im happy for you to be talking with him but. im sorry i just dont feel ready to be your friend right now.”
“oh hm. wow i didnt realise you felt that way. i.”
samuel shook his head, “part of me was hoping youd confess like in the movies yk? im... god im so stupid.”
“hey, dont say that. youre not. im too perfect, you cant resist me i get it-”
“not now hyung, please.” and the way samuel’s voice sounded so broken. it left jihoon speechless and at the same time wanting to scream out everything at the world.
“sam. im sorry i really am i didnt know you felt that way. i...”
“its okay hyung. i myself only realised when i talked with woong-”
“wait you talked with him too?”
“what? you talked with him?”
“yeah i asked for his help-”
“about what?”
“ohh. hm. oh. i.”
jihoon completely spaced out and he felt like he was in a movie. he felt like a character that just understood everything at once, like a stupid girl that didnt realise she liked her best friend over her crush. like a fool
“i wow sam.”
“what hyung? are you okay??????”
“jesus christ im dumb”
“i know. tell me something new.”
“bitch shut up listen i.... like you too omg- i cant believe it but i do.”
“what?? you just daydreamed for two minutes straight and now youre back and u like me??? dont play me like that. i thought you were better than this-”
“omg sam shut up let me talk. i talked to woong because i needed help reaching out to you. i was so worried! i even told you that i’d give jinyoung up for you and you talking with woong just reminded me of what he said... and its true. i was making it out to be too complicated when in fact its so simple. i like you, plain and easy.”
“are you sure??????”
“yeah sam. i am, i really am. i feel like i have a bulb over my head.”
“you might as well, what you just said was more moving and inovational than the creation of ipads.”
“damn im blessed to have such a nice boyfriend that compliments me so much! i mean, wait no.”
they both blushed, the losers.
“so.... boyfriend huh?”
“what the fuck gualin since when were you there????”
they ended up discovering a week later, as they held hands under the lunch table, giggling and blushing over the touch, that jinyoung had been dating daewhi for months.
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florchis · 7 years
In honour of Fitz’s thirtieth birthday, a compilation of my Fitz-related works (Gen and multiple pairings ahead)
courage enough, or resolution enough - Fitz asks Daisy to go ring-shopping with him.Maybe a favour and ice-cream cones can't fix everything, but they sure are a good place to start.
Being a good person is a choice
Letting you go
Fitz’s hands: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - Fitz’s bad hand in 4x21
Fitz’s Mug Collection
No one is alone - Fitz&Daisy parallel
Headcanon: Demisexual Fitz
Love is a verb -  Fitz and Jemma have a conversation to settle their argument in the lab.
Offer me that deathless death - They have became quite skillful at that particular business that is “I’m-glad-you-are-alive” sex, and that fact alone makes Jemma feel like laughing, in that also familiar laugh-so-you-don’t-cry kind of way.
Our place in the stars - “Fitz.” She says without bothering to get up and sit straight. ”Fitz, let’s study astrophysics.”“Okay.” He says without a second thought, because he is only half-listening, and because of course that’s Jemma Simmons’s idea of “taking a break”, and because he would follow her to the end of the universe and beyond. {Gifset}
Teacher needs to see me after school - Jemma Simmons is used to being called to Peggy’s school for “teacher-parent meetings” that are actually concealed scoldings, but this is the first time since Peggy entered the formal education system that Jemma has been called by someone who wants to praise her daughter instead of repress her.
Maybe some things are inevitable - When the pod falls into the ocean, they start seeing... strange things, to say the least.Some of those visions might create issues between them, but some others might help them get what they want: surviving, and each other.
Who am I to say this situation isn’t great? - She wasn’t supposed to like him and, to be honest, she isn’t sure that she does like him. But he is Fitz, and in every universe, in every iteration of this terrible, messed-up life, they always gravitate towards each other, for better or for worse.
Princess of a never-ending tale - When after ten years of lukewarm friendship Fitz publishes a young-adult book about Jemma's adventures on another planet, he kind of was expecting her to come banging on his door. {Gifset}
You just gotta let me try- They have done this thing before: playing it cozy with each other to chase away someone unwanted. But this time the game backfires and when Jemma looks at him, she has the non-fleeting desire to kiss him.So she does.  Cont: I feel like starting something - The morning after getting together, Fitz feels like taking off the day to stay with her. Jemma agrees. (Light, sexy, fluffy times ensue.) {M}
Love is where this begins -   After the events of FZZT, Fitz can't sleep when Jemma decides to pay him another visit.
we’re not broken just bent -  She went away leaving behind her only a note saying "I love you, but I can’t do this." The last day of each month, she takes out the phone she only uses to communicate with S.H.I.E.L.D. and writes to him: Not yet. She has sent him a "Not yet" message nine times already, but when she is about to send him the tenth, she receives an email from him: You mean more than anything to me. She gets choked up, but for the first time in a long time, tears feel like a blessing. She doesn’t answer him with her customary "Real", but instead with "I think I'm ready, Fitz." Or: Fitzsimmons reunite ten months after The Framework
At least there will be plenty implied -   It's hard to be with Fitz without acting on her feelings, so in order to clear her mind, Jemma suggests they go outside to try Coulson's prosthetic arms in the snow.
Checked -  Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D - Fitzsimmons - 1K - Something that no one told Jemma when they asked for an undetermined leave is how much time one has on their hands with no work to do.Another thing that no one told her when they asked for an undetermined leave together is that there would be so much sex involved.{M}
Two ways to live your life - When Fitz notices that Jemma has left their New Year's party, he knows he will find her on the rooftop, looking at the stars. What he doesn't imagine is the news she has for him.
I just wanna be deep in your love - Jemma is going crazy with their parents' wedding planning, and she tries to convince Fitz to elope. Fitz is having none of that.
Not getting married (today) - Apparently, it's not bad enough that Daisy managed to land her bouquet on his lap; no, on top of that he got a creepy (very very pretty) woman asking him to get it back. Am
Lovin’ it up ‘till I hit the ground -  Fitz discovers a blind spot on the camera feed of the lab. Things go downhill from there. And what he means with that is that he is the one going down. {M}
Kiss me under the light of a thousand sunrises - Fitz only wants to go back to bed, but Jemma has found the perfect opportunity to ask an important question, and she is not letting it go to waste
We never go out of style - When she breaks up with Leopold Fitz for the first time, Jemma Simmons tells everybody who is willing to listen that they are never ever getting back together.(Can you spot the contradiction there?)Or: Fitzsimmons break up, get back together, break up again and still keep finding their way back to each other.
The way you turn me on - Jemma knows Fitz is not that much into sex, so she believes he is in it for her brain. Fitz proves her how wrong she is.
Finishing each other’s sentences
Head over feet
Do I qualify?
Thank you for choosing us
Fascination - The thing that most surprised Daisy about this whole crazy arrangement is how good Fitz can make her feel.
Stop making a fool out of me - Daisy doesn’t understand why her tank tops work magic on her boyfriend, until one day Fitz won’t stop looking at her while she is moving some supplies to a higher cupboard, and she does: it’s the arms.Neither of them are subtle people, and they enjoy the game of teasing each other, and that’s why Daisy decides to capitalize on this information she got; if he wants her arms, she will give him her arms alright. {M}
Making love to you was never second best -  Daisy thinks that Fitz might not be sexually interested in her, and that’s cool, but she can’t stand not knowing, so she confronts him during a make-out session.
The Zeroh Law of Thermodynamics -  Fitz and Simmons are each other’s soulmates. Daisy isn’t. Fitz and Simmons don’t care. Daisy does. Sort of. Or: Jemma wants them to tell her their fantasies, Daisy wants a tattoo and Fitz wants to be a gentleman. (They all succeed.)  {M}
There is a strange exhilaration - Daisy Johnson hates Leopold Fitz. She also makes out with him. It’s Jemma Simmons’s fault. Or: The one where Simmons makes her girlfriend and her boyfriend play Seven Minutes in Heaven. Cont: Metamour - She sits down on her favourite armchair and lets Fitz and Simmons fuss over preparing some snacks, putting on some music, choosing a bottle of wine. It’s aesthetically pleasing to watch them, everything they do is in synch, like a dance, they always seem to know where the other is and they don’t even finish each other’s sentences, they finish each other’s thoughts. Or: After the party, they go to Simmons’s place and Daisy deals with her conflicting feelings regarding Fitz.
we said we’d fight together -  Fitz is keeping Daisy at arm’s lenght after what happened between her and his Framework version. Neither her nor Jemma like it one bit, so they take matters into their own hands.
(If the winter is cold) I want to be close to you - They bought the van specifically because it has three seats in the front but Daisy is always the Designated Driver because Simmons is too maniac and Fitz is too Scottish, and sometimes she just wants to be able to cuddle with them both while in the road. So she does.
Stripped to the waist - Daisy didn’t use to find Fitz “sexy”. Good thing she does now, because she just walked in on him naked in the bathroom.(As it usually happens, it’s Jemma’s fault.)
Breakfast in Bed - Fitz does not have a domestic kink, but the girls- dressed on his old clothes as pajamas- cornering him in the kitchen while he is trying to make them breakfast in bed, is probably the best thing that could happen to him during a good, old day off.(Spoiler alert: No one gets breakfast and no one even makes it to the bed.) {M}
Take me away to some place real -  After the Framework, Fitz decides to go see his mother for a few days and takes Jemma and a reluctant Daisy with him. Things are not easy, but helped by three late-night conversations, Daisy learns that they can choose to not make them hard.
The future is open wide
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tolumnia · 7 years
Second Chance: Chapter Seven
Short update! YAY!!! Working on Ch 8 right now too since for some reason I don’t have writers block haha, and its 5am orz.....of course haha
[Chapter one]  [Chapter two] [Chapter three] [Chapter four] [Chapter five] [Chapter Six]
WARNING: There’s also an attempt at mental manipulation (Spectra and Bertrand) (So DEPRESSED DANNY)
This deep into the story do i really need to put relationships up here :S  Pompous pep (Eventually! I swear!!!) Badger Cereal (Primarily? Eventually…orz) AmethystOcean (Hinted one-sided on Sam’s part)
Second Chance: Chapter Seven
Leaving the school, Danny decided to take the long way home, giving himself the time to think over everything that just happened.  Maybe he should talk to Spectra about the things that are happening in his life.  Maybe he just can’t rely on his friends understanding him, and Vlad would probably be too busy.  He probably doesn’t have any time to listen to teen drama.  Danny hung his head a little lower, his shoulders slumped as he walked down the street.  Maybe Vlad won’t even be able to stop by Amity Park, maybe he was just saying it.  After all, why would a multibillionaire visit a place like Amity park.
As Danny finally made his way up his stairs to the front door, he crossed his fingers that he would be able to get to his room without seeing Jazz, or his parents.  Turning the knob, he quietly made his way through the living room, so far, so good.  He started making his way up the stairs though, and he was caught by the sound of his mother, “Danny?  I didn’t hear you come in.”  The youngest Fenton, paused half way up the stairs, his mother behind him, on the other side of the rail, holding a basket of clean towels.  
Instinctively Danny threw his hand behind his head, scratching vaguely, “Hey mom.  I actually just got home, I’ve got a lot of homework to do, so I’ll just be in my room.”, and he hurried off before his mom could reply.
Maddie made her way to the couch, dumping the pile of towels on the coffee table, flipping through a few channels until she settled on a local new station.  Jazz walked in a few minutes later asking about dinner.  Maddie looked up at the clock, “Oh, I have a casserole in the fridge.  I was going to put it in the oven after the towels.”  Jazz nodded, as she was about to turn and make her way up the stairs though her mother started another conversation.  “Jazz, did something happen to Danny at school today?”
Jazz paused mid sip, with her hand on the rail, “Well, I think he’s just having a rough day today.”
There was silence before Maddie spoke again, “Is Danny still getting bullied by that one kid?”
Jazz hummed as she tried to recall if Dash was still picking on Danny, “Not as much as before, but sometimes I notice Dash picking on him in the halls, but he isn’t getting shoved in locker anymore”.
Maddie picked up the stack of towels she had been folding, “Thanks Jaz, dinner should be ready in about an hour”.  And with that Jaz headed back to her room, Maddie followed up the stairs to put away the towels in the closet, before heading back down to put the casserole in the oven.
Danny was sitting at his desk, hunched over his keyboard, lost in thought.  What’s going on with me?!  Why did Jazz have to shove her nose in my business?  Why is Sam suddenly on my case like she needs to know everything about my life?  Ugh and now Spectra, well maybe she isn’t as bad, at least I can vent to her about somethings.  I wish I could talk to Vlad, but he’s probably too busy for a kid like me.  Danny slumped deeper onto his keyboard, until he got a notification from his chat.  
Tuck: Hey Danny wanna play Doomed?
Danny stared blankly at his screen for a bit before closing the window.  He didn’t really feel like playing online with Tucker.  It was probably just so he could casually ask if he was okay, and why the sudden outbursts.  He really didn’t want to deal with anyone else trying to dig into his life.  “Maybe next time Tuck, sorry”, he whispered, as though Tucker could hear him.  The teen shut off his monitor and opened his Biology textbook and took out the study guide Mr. Lancer had given him the week before.  “Might as well get through this while I can”, he sighed.  Though he couldn’t really concentrate on studying with everything that’s been on his mind lately.  
After sometime there was a light knock on his bedroom door, “Danny, dinner’s ready!”, Jazz called out.  
“Kay, I’ll be down in a bit!”, the boy called out from his chair.  Quickly finishing another question before placing the study guide between the pages of his textbook.  He had made fairly good progress despite all the things going through his head.
Danny stopped by the bathroom to wash his hands before dinner.  Splashing cool water on his face to try and relax before dinner.  The last thing he needed was his parents getting concerned about him again, since they can sometime be a little overprotective.   Dinner was rather ordinary for the Fenton house, no exploding devices at the dinner table, however Jack still blabbed on about ghosts and his latest devices.  Something about a lunchbox that prevents ghosts from sealing sandwiches, a Jack-o-wich-keeper or anti-spector-snack box, but Danny was only half paying attention to his dad rambling.  Maybe the box ghost had stolen his lunch a few times, Danny wondered as he separated his green beans from the cream of the casserole. Maddie sat across from her two children, next to Jack.  She couldn’t help but wonder if her boy was okay, though her maternal instincts wanted to ask if he was alright, she knew better than to push him on certain issues.  Last time he was going through a rough time was when he first started middle school.  Dash started picking on Danny, shoving him in lockers as he passed him in the halls, and occasionally flipping his lunch tray into his face as Danny tried to find a table.  Sometimes she would get a call from Danny while he was at school asking if she could bring him another shirt or jeans, if Dash decided to spill something on the poor boy.  Other times he would call so she could pick him up halfway through school because he couldn’t deal with Dash.  Eventually he stopped calling, and he stopped talking about what happened at school, and Maddie worried everyday, if her baby was okay.  Especially now, seeing him push his food around his plate, only taking a bite every now and then.  It hurt her to see him like this, and she wished she could help him, and fight his battles for him, but she can’t fight every battle for her boy.   Danny had finished most of his casserole before asking to be excused.  Picking up his plate, he made his way into the kitchen to scrape off the leftovers into the trash before washing it off in the sink.  Danny silently made his way back to his room, falling back into his bed.  He laid there, staring up at his ceiling for several minutes, his black hair fell to the sides of his face.  Eventually, he turned his head to the side, staring back at the biology textbook.  Not really wanting to finish the study guide at the moment.  Danny opted to just lie in bed until he eventually fell asleep.  He still didn’t know how to talk to Sam or Jazz the next day.  Maybe he could visit Spectra again tomorrow, after all he did have another appointment with her after school.
----------Notes--------- ... my google doc for this is now at 60+ pgs, and takes so long to load.  After the Spectra arc I’m just going to make a new doc.   I’m sorry for the depressing Danny at the moment, it’s only hopefully for the spectra arc, after this it should start picking up to more shenanigans and maybe some funny pupil/training lessons.  
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