#spook park
sp-newkidkris · 1 year
Recently redrew the Spook Park kids again. Updated some outfits, did slight alterations to their monster appearances, added the other two witches in Nichole's coven (Lola and Powder/Sally)
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I encourage any and all questions about anything in the au.
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rumue · 2 years
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 -like/reblog ☑, do not repost!-
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timefospookies · 1 year
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“they got a word for that?” “nope”
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bravevolunteer · 9 months
i've said this before but i'm so convinced the aftons did a grand canyon vacation
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monty-glasses-roxy · 5 months
Remember that rambling we had a while back about Cassie trying to turn Freddy against Gregory by showing him footage of the shattering?
Imagine if she also salvaged footage of inside the elevator she got dropped off, with Gregory's voice clearly recorded as well as everything that happened in there up to the moment the elevator crashed.
Freddy is still excusing Gregory's actions in the shatterings footage? Yeah, that alone already leaves a bitter taste in the back of Cassie's mouth, but she's not done yet.
She then shows him the elevator footage. Something she personally had to go through because someone else imposed it upon her, a clear death sentence cast over her by who she thought was her friend, unlike the shattering of robots in order to steal useful things from them. The voice of Gregory clearly able to play god with her life there and he verbally chooses purposely to end it.
No matter what, Freddy can't smoothly excuse that, especially given the person who nearly got betrayed and killed is right in front of him, and no matter how much of a chokehold Gregory has on him, he cannot deny her being conpletely justified in feeling and thinking however way she is now. And if he tries to, he'll most likely only dig himself and Gregory even deeper, because one half a letter or gesture wrong and he could be giving off the message that Cassie should have died or deserved to die, or that she wasn't worthy enough as a living person to be left to live, that her death was the right thing and would have been justifiable and acceptable. And you know, passing off that message in the face of the one who nearly got killed, would not be good.
If you keep in mind that flavor texts in Ruin indicate Cassie was frequently in the PizzaPlex growing up since she was little, it would be safe to assume Cassie and Freddy have known each other for years. So this situation would only be EXTRA bitter and stingy. That apparently a child he's known for years and that is part of the "Fazbear Family" (as in being the child of an employee) was discardable and less worthy or valuable to him than a backstabbing brat he just met one night.
Man this would suck for everyone involved because there is no easy way out of this one. I'm not sure what the outcome of this mess would be, but man, the "what if" thought of Cassie being so distraught she lands into denial with the belief that "Gregory must have hacked you without your awareness to artificially force you into loyalty because the REAL Freddy would never do this or be like this!" and forcefully tries to get the Faz-wrench on him to try 'bringing him back to normal.'
This girl needs a break.
Oh god she really does need a break holy hell but this has given me some thoughts
So. Freddy. He's the most popular, hands down. There's no way he's not! Face of the brand, generic and always front and centre, even when he's not around! Always swarmed with kids and always trying to be a very good example!
What I tend to think about Freddy, is that he's very hands off. He doesn't typically form good, strong bonds with the kids on an individual level because he's always swarmed. They come and the go and if he didn't have a database built into his brain, he wouldn't be able to remember so many names and faces. His approach is just to sort of oversee things. Make sure no one is breaking any rules. Doesn't notice when kids leave because there's always so many of them that keeping track is near impossible. He focuses on whoever's in front of him.
Cassie is aware of this! She's seen everyone else act differently with a crowd than they do with a few kids! Of course Freddy would be no different! She always made that effort to be nice to him whenever he wasn't out entertaining, just like she did with the others when she got the chance, more so even! It must be pretty stressful being surrounded by kids all day, right?
She'd always thought that the animatronics had all seen her differently to the average kid. She was there a lot more often, during quiet times and in restricted areas, able to interact with them all outside of the public eye. She's heard them swear, seen them mess around, breaking rules, goofing off, skipping things on their schedules, and all sorts of other things. They've all hung out together a good number of times and Cassie had felt like she was friends with all of them!
But now, all of that is being questioned. The way Freddy talks to her is like she's no different to any other kid, like all those backstage moments didn't happen. He's doing the old "why can't we all just get along" spiel on her, despite the fact she nearly actually died several times and all his apparent friends got destroyed. Suddenly, she wonders why he was ever so popular, why she ever thought he saw her any differently to the swarms of kids running around at Fazerblast and most importantly, she's wondering if it's just Freddy that feels like that.
Roxy? Probably doesn't feel that way. Despite being deactivated by Cassie, she still rushed in to save her. They've had more heart to heart moments under the pizzaplex than she's had with anyone else too. There's some doubts, of course there is after this, but Roxy would have an easier time reasurring her than some of the others...
Do the others really treat her differently? Or did she make that up in her head too? Do they really care about her? Or did they just put on a show for her like they would anyone else? Is their kindness genuine? Or is it all just as fake as Freddy's?
The other thing I thought of was, what if Cassie doesn't know Prototype Freddy isn't her Freddy? She goes around, fixing everyone up as best she can, by herself or with her dad or anyone else, I dunno, and she never once considered that this wasn't the Freddy she knew all that time. Why would she? Why would she know about the prototypes? She might the daughter of a tech, but that doesn't mean she'd know everything.
So she repairs this Freddy, expecting the Freddy she knows and loves, and getting someone else. Protobear looks at her completely differently to how Freddy did. She's happy to have brought him back and he's nothing but nice to her and everyone else. She doesn't realise how different he is until she meets the other Freddy again. It feels like a bucket of ice water.
That shock of this not being Freddy, wondering what happened to him and worrying if he's okay and what could possibly make him let his friends get hurt like that, all turning to the realisation that Protobear is more the Freddy she loved than Freddy himself ever was...
She needs a break you're so right
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excelsior9173 · 3 months
okay verdict is in:
longlegs is fucking scary
not scary in the sense of traditional horror, it’s very much more psychological thriller than anything, but jesus christ.
my chest aches from the level of discomfort and dread that movie was able to build from the very beginning. i rarely ever jump at jumpscares (not saying this to be all braggy, i just don’t find them scary it doesn’t usually phase me) but this movie had me flinching in the first couple minutes. pretty sure i was near panic levels of stress- chest pains, my heart rate was over 100bpm for most of the movie, i was curled in on myself, and at one point i teared up from how uncomfortable it was
overall a 10/10 experience, i loved the movie, i will be watching it again! there is a reason nic cage is a fucking legend he was phenomenal. i adore maika monroe as well she was amazing
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leekyrainbow · 4 months
hello tumblr users here is something i drew that you might not care about
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it is my oc holding kenny, i drew them both because they are both orange
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planetjft · 2 months
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Today is the anniversary of the first appearance - and thus, birthday - of a very obscure yet somewhat lovable Disney character: Billy Spook (aka Billy the Ghost), from the Nintendo GameCube game Disney's Party! Unfortunately, he's seldom been seen since, but maybe that could change one day. You never know. Anyways, Happy Birthday, Billy! Hopefully this Birthday won't be so lonely...
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sbpstudios · 16 days
lets play real
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also the thumbnail i drew.
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we are halfway through the vacation and my gay goth little brain is THRIVING with vibe ideas..............
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sp-newkidkris · 1 year
Has Wendy ever wondered if maybe she does need help in Spookpark?
Also….Super surprised Bebe isn’t a monster(like a succubus or doppelgänger)
I don't think Wendy is that aware she has a problem. That's why Bebe's there partly I guess lol
Also Bebe isn't a monster so she can be at the girls' finishing school with Wendy and Red. Also technically she is haunted and has an ability to see all kinds of ghosts so maybe she is in some sense a little bit?
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Our First Broadcast
The shadows are long, the dead still speak, and we are all exactly where we want to be.
Welcome to Amity Park
Poltergeist: Hello listeners. We are your hosts; Poltergeist, Revenant, and Spook. Welcome to our new show, where we will tell you all about Amity, ghosts, and all the things that go bump in the night. I am Poltergeist.
Revenant: The name is Revenant. Amity is a nice place to live, whether you're living or dead. All nice places have their shadows though. Tonight's shadows will be darker than average across three random blocks. We do not know which ones, or why they do this. But it is normal, and nothing to be wary of. If anything, learn to embrace them instead.
Spook: I'm Spook. There's not a lot we have to go over today, with it being our very first show. However, to the ghost supplying teenagers with small ectoplasm samples, stop that. Teenagers do dumb stuff, we do not need radioactive material.
P: Word on the street that a new cult is forming.
R: Ooooh, what's this one worshiping? I'm rather fond of the Dark Abyssners myself.
P: Still deciding on a name, but apparently it's one for the moon and cemetery dirt.
S: The….the dirt?
P: The dirt. Specifically from cemeteries.
R: And yet, still better than Phantom's cult.
P: Oh, much better than Phantom's cult.
S: Speaking of cults, a petition has started going around to classify ghostly summonings as criminal harassment. With the recent uptick in cultist behaviors, comes recent attempts to summon and bind ghosts to do their bidding. However, ghosts do not appreciate this. Most would like to be left alone. So far no serious incidents have occurred due to ghost summonings. In fact, most tend to fail, because most cultists are illiterate in whatever language they decide to pull off of google translate.
R: Has anyone tried summonings in their native language? I feel like they'd have a better chance.
P: Ghosts do not want the cultists to have a better chance. Hence the petition.
S: Exactly. The criminal harassment charge will cover all intended, successful summonings of ghosts, ghouls, specters, spooks, shades, poltergeists, and wisps. Demonic entities, eldritch beings, and wish based specters have proposed an exception system for themselves, meaning that the ones who do wish to be summoned, will basically get a license that states their name is free to use.
R: And where can you sign this petition?
S: If you want to sign the petition, yœų jų§ţ ɗįð. Don't worry about it.
R: Excellent.
P: Now, a word from our very first sponsor.
[IT IS I, TECHNUS, ghost master of all things science and electrical technology! Manipulator of the mechanical! Are you tired of your MORTAL LIVES? Do you wish to "SPICE THINGS UP"? All you have to do is allow me to TAKE OVER THE WORLD!!!! That is all, thank you.]
S & R: Technus?!?!
S: Technus was our very first sponsor?!??! Are you out of your mind?!?!?!?
P: He offered to spread the first broadcast over the radio waves in return for his own plug. Honestly, it was a pretty good deal.
R: I am going to throttle you.
P: And now for the weather!!!!
P: Thank you @lance-thunder-reporting-live for providing the daily weather reports.
S: …..I am so disappointed, on so many levels.
P: Well, today's broadcast is coming to a close. We know people will have questions, so we have devised a way for you to connect with us. First, find a leaf that has fallen from a tree, and write your questions on it. Do not write your true name, just in case these are intercepted by outside forces. You do not want them to have your name. Use any tree leaf, writing utensil, or ink you want. I find sharpies work wonderfully, while Spook is fond of glitter pens, and Revenant uses a squeeze tube and fake blood. Once your questions have been written, blow it a kiss, burn the leaf, and scatter the ashes in the wind. Your questions will eventually make their way to us.
R: We hope you stay with us listeners. If you wish to hear more, don't worry. Those who want to listen will find us in the night. Those who need to hear us, will never have to fear. And those who wish us harm through our broadcast….ğøœɗ lųçƙ.
S: Stay safe listeners and 
Goodnight Amity Park….
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unlucky-outlaw · 9 months
I'll never forget the absolute fear I felt when I found a random ass cabin, decided to sneak to the back and all of a sudden the ground began to shake.
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pompoenwolkjes · 11 months
As a fan of the One Piece manga and anime, I was very skeptical of the live action but I’m happy to report I enjoyed the first episode.
They did a really good job with the casting, especially the straw hats. I found myself smiling like an idiot a couple of times.
Luffy’s got a shine in his eyes the whole time and he’s so upbeat and silly and Luffy. Nami feels spot on too.
And Zoro is thankfully just as cool as in the anime. Ngl that was probably my biggest worry beforehand because the man has three swords it does not get cooler than that and they delivered!!!!
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lorephobic · 2 years
horses… they are so big but so nervous….. just like etho slab….
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sorry to the untamed I saw near a corner swapping forms and swung for cuz I thought you were a pinata
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