#spray painting kitchen cupboards
daydreamtofiction · 2 months
Thou Shalt Not Covet // Interlude: Body
Contents | Part 18 | First Person Version [AO3]
'I am humbled by breaking down.' - Haley Heyndrickx
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You gripped the curtains and pulled them back, closing your eyes as sunlight poured in. Dust glittered in the air around you, changing colours as it danced and swirled across your face. You stepped back, filling your lungs until they ached and letting it go in a slow, calm breath. 
The glasses were the first to go; a quick rinse under the tap and a wipe with a tea towel, put away into the cupboard where they belonged. The rest of the dishes followed, the counters sprayed down with disinfectant, the scent of sweet orange blossom filling the small kitchen, fresh October air drifting in through the open window. 
Next came the bookcase. Each book slotted into its rightful spot, trinkets and ornaments decorating the empty spaces. You sat on the floor, eating a sandwich and flicking through the photo album with a giggle; memories of christmases and birthdays, holidays in the sun and teeth glistening with braces. You wanted to be nicer to the girl in those pictures, she deserved it.
You found a sundress amongst a box of clothes, ripped at the thigh, the faint smell of perfume still clinging to the fabric. You sewed it back together with thread that didn't match, the hem wonky and imperfect when you were done. Still, you folded it and put it away in a drawer, the rest of your clothes packed neatly on top.
The bed came together easily, knives tightening screws and an old boot hammering nails into place. Fresh bedding covered the mattress, plumped pillows and a patchwork blanket. You climbed on the headboard to hang a painting on the wall, Lorna's signature scrawled in the bottom right corner of the canvas. 
When you returned to the living room, you picked up the sacred heart picture from the table. Looking at it for a moment before carrying it across the room and placing it into a box you were sending back to your father's garage. But after a moment, you took it out again, kneeling in front of the bookcase and sliding it into a drawer at the bottom.
You let music play through a small speaker on the shelf, swaying as you wandered barefoot around the flat, watering your new plants and humming to yourself softly.
The melody began to pick up; strings swelling and piano building to a euphoric crescendo. You twirled around the living room to the music, dancing alone in the glow of pinks and greens and golds streaming in from the window. 
And you kept dancing. Until your lungs burned and your feet hurt, until there was no part of the room you hadn't danced in.
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*Tags: @evelynrosestuff @thealleydog @lexlexigogh @allie131313 @simpingbestie @ironstrange1991 @witchoftheages @hiddendiary @swds @jyessaminereads @withalittlehoney @hunterofshadows04 @slytherindoctorsat221b @diabaroxa @phoebe221 @hai-kbai @downtownshabby @dara-of-qui-zi @unfilteredmoonchild @classicrebound @bigratbitchsworld @aphroditesdilemma @bloodyxsaint @ployavengersog1 @spectaclebitch @paola-carter @gordorio @shjl15 @thedaredevilsgirl @howardtonypotts @ceccille @wllsfer @thelostsmiles @vi0letdaze @stanfanfiction @king-kongbebe-blog @sof38 @doctorscarletwitch @rmoonstoner @intrappolatatrairicordi @ehuether @dragonqueen89 @estheticwh0re @Lfp10836 @kanyewestest @star-girl-05 @theothersideofthescreen @battledress @chaosdorito @vlqueen @erratica47 @happybunnyclumsyduck @bloggerbatch @bimrwolf @chaand-sitara @dude-where-s-my-tardis @run-clever-boy
*If you would like to be tagged in the next part, please comment below, or feel free to add yourself to the tag list here
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thatgoblin · 5 months
Just a fun idea I may delve into should the depression and anxiety wane.
Your mom remarried after your dad dies, making you and your twin brother, Alex, move across the world to live with your new step dad and step brother, Johnny. Not only did you move, but so did your step family. It’s an old fixer-upper, and your mom loves it. She's in the real estate business, and it's perfect to keep the whole family busy over summer break and give everyone bonding time.
All you care about is that you moved over 6,000 miles away from everything you knew. Even if Scotland was a place you had always wanted to visit, it's now tainted by you being forced to live with your idiot step brother, who you barely understand.
While Alex is introduced to Johnny's friends, you're left at home because 'boys only'. Sticking to your mom's side, trying to have the least amount of interaction with your step dad, you slowly get used to the place. Sure, there's creaks and groans, but the house is stupid old. Sometimes, you hear people murmuring in a room down the hall when no one else is home, but you're sure it's just a radio your mom left on while painting a room.
Then Alex starts hating his room. It smells horrible, and no matter how much he cleans, it just smells like rotten meat. Johnny and him end up sharing a room to escape the smell, and it works for a while until the smell follows to Johnny's room with twice the intensity.
Your mom refuses to think it's weird and continues on as if nothing is happening, only giving air sprays to fight the stench.
A couple of weeks have gone by before Johnny’s friends visit. They keep to themselves as you work to clean out the attic, your mom giving you the option to use that as your room so Alex can have his own room again. You're almost done moving things when you're being hit with tiny pebbles in the back of the head. Frustrated, you spin to yell at Johnny or Alex or even his friends, but no one is there.
They stay the night, and unbeknownst to anyone, they use an old pendant to ask spirits questions. It was just something spooky to do for fun, but when you get jerked out of bed, someone dragging you by the ankle, your screams wake everyone up.
Of course your mom thinks it was just a bad dream despite your statements of being awake. The boys don't say anything, unusually quiet. From then on, it gets worse and not just for you.
Alex gets hit in the head by a cupboard door slamming shut on its own. Johnny keeps finding roaches in his bed, no matter that he leaves the blankets off or doesn't eat in his room. Your mom and step dad are oblivious, not having experienced anything other than you and your siblings being 'dramatic.' Things keep falling in Alex's first room. There's nothing in there, it's empty, but there's thuds of objects falling. Your books, Alex's game controllers, Johnny’s shoes, etc.
Finally, something happens that your parents can't deny. You're minding your own business when the thumps start again. You're used to it by now and ignore it. All of you do.
But this time it gets louder and louder. Your mom goes to the stairs to yell at Alex and Johnny to knock it off, but everyone is downside the livingroom while you and her were in the kitchen. Staring at one another, the thumps stop at the top of the stairs as the sound of creaking rope as something swings comes from the vaulted ceiling.
Looking up, you fall down as you choke on your own spit as everyone panics.
Looking back down at you is a man who had hung himself, smiling with wide eyes. You know the man as well, making it even more horrific.
It's your deceased father, who had passed from hanging himself almost 3 years ago, 6,000 miles away in a house that had since been destroyed.
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okay here's the story about the spray paint and Arabic teacher.
So backstory, I went to private school BUT there are two different types of Private school in Pak.
1) posh as shit horseriding schools.
2)a school that has accreditation but has a house as a campus and most teachers are SEVERELY under qualified (like accountants teaching maths and the English teacher not knowing English so she would Google things mid lesson.)
I went to the latter.
It was a proper religious school so they split the girls and boys into different classes (if the classes were combined a divider was between the genders). The year 7 girls (only 5 of us) had the old kitchen converted into the classroom and the class had a balcony with a stairwell down to the garden and the only stairs going to the roof........ In the cupboards of the classroom were spray paints. But the cupboard they were kept in were locked but you could remove the draws and stick a hand in.... So that's what we did. We used to close the lights of the class so noone thought we were in and sneak onto the roof and spray paint designs onto the floor.
Our Arabic teacher was actually a student so we used to bug him with questions about his studies and he would go on tangents (we did not know the boys section was doing the same). Come exam time.... everyone failed including the girl who lived in Saudi Arabia (no idea why).
We also broke an AC......
sound like average school shenanigans (my class mates set our floor on fire while in lower form) (class teacher did not give a fuck)
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carlos-in-glasses · 1 year
Work in Progress Wednesday
(Twork in Trogress Thursday)
I've come to this so late, I'm sorry! Thank you for the tag @heartstringsduet @reyesstrand @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut @mikibwrites @theghostofashton @lemonlyman-dotcom 🥰
Please have some Flashback Fic! I'm not tagging anyone due to my lateness - but if you want to share a Twork in Trogress Thursday please take this as an open tag and tag me back!
Thursday November 24, 2011
Carlos wakes at 8:46 a.m. on Thanksgiving morning – late by his standards, but he’d struggled to fall asleep until the early hours because of a nervous stomach and chest-crushing dread and a headache behind the eyes. The feeling he wakes with isn’t too dissimilar to the early days of flu, and for a moment he wonders if that’s what it is, coincidentally, and his proposing to Iris over milkshakes and Coke floats at the diner yesterday evening isn’t actually the source of feeling like he’s been hit by a truck.
He lumbers into the kitchen, legs like lead, still in his pajamas and dressing gown. Only his parents are around; sisters arriving later. He’ll tell them separately anyway – separately from each other. He thinks they’ll freak. They’ll have strong and probably opposite opinions and argue with each other about what Carlos should do. He doesn’t want to hear it.
Andrea is at the sink, poised to soak a pan she’s used for oatmeal. Gabriel sits on a stool at the island, reading the Austin American-Statesman and drinking black coffee. He sees Carlos first.
“Son,” he says with a wince, “You look terrible.”
“Thanks, Dad.”
“Carlitos, you’re not feeling so good?” Andrea asks, putting the words into his mouth.
“I think I’m coming down with something.”
“Ah, on Thanksgiving – you poor thing. Why is that always the way?” Andrea tuts with sympathy. Last Thanksgiving, she had a nasty bout of tonsillitis and could only tolerate chicken soup while on the couch with a lap tray; the rest of the family feasted at Tía Elena’s. “You better stay in bed today.”
“I don’t think I need to do that. I want to help you.” Carlos looks around the kitchen. They’re hosting this year and relatives will be descending upon the house in just a few hours.
“Maybe you just need a big cup of coffee,” Gabriel says, and gets up to fetch him one.
"No thanks, Dad.” The idea of coffee, which he’d ordinarily love first thing, makes him queasy. “Actually, I've got some news.” His voice wobbles through the words so harshly that Andrea drops the oatmeal pan into the sink from a height, spraying her sweater with suds.
"Carlitos." She puts her hand on her heart. "What is it?"
"No, Mamá. It's good news." Carlos contorts a smile. "Yesterday, I asked Iris to marry me."
Gabriel doesn't drop the large red coffee mug he’s picked from the cupboard, but rather sets it down onto the counter so slowly that the motion seems to warp time, and father and son stare at each other for an eternity that is also five seconds. "Carlos–"
"Really?" Andrea interjects, in the same tone she uses for when he’s left a wet towel on the bathroom floor.
"But you're-" Gabriel steps towards him. "You're–"
Carlos stares at him and backs away. He can't believe it. His father is about to say the word. Gay.
 "You're only just eighteen, son."
"Oh." Carlos lets out a deep breath. He isn't sure if what he feels is relief, or the opposite. "You were nineteen when you got engaged," he answers.
Gabriel walks a few paces to Andrea and puts his arm around her. They stare at him like he's a weird painting that they don’t get.
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imagine--if · 2 years
A/N: Wasn't a request this time, but I've had this idea in my head for a few days and feel like this could be an awesome mini-fic 😁 enjoy reading!! Also I'm gonna see if I can open my blog to post submissions from you all if you want to send some amazing inspiration in 💚
ₓ˚.୭˚○◦˚. Attention, Part I .˚◦○˚୧.˚ₓ Words: 858
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• My neighbour's kind of odd, maybe he just likes the attention? •
Living in Gotham comes with its challenges, and working there is just as bad. You know you get paid half of what you're supposed to, and work for far longer than you should have to, working twice as hard for everything. That's why you had to take that smaller flat instead of a proper, private house. That's how you met your neighbour.
Most apartments in the city aren't at all decent places to live, the flat buildings full of dropheads and thugs, a permanently out-of-order lift, spray-painted cement walls and smashed glass sprayed on the odd stair. This building is tall, overlooking the Iceberg Lounge - a place you promised yourself long ago not to go anywhere near - but it's the best you could find, for now.
It was unsettlingly quiet when you got the key to your apartment on the top floor, the cold corridors narrow and dark, the people quiet and glowering. You had a heavy backpack full of your books and gadgets weighing down on your back, and a suitcase dragging and thumping behind you, as you lugged them tiredly up the stairs, night falling quickly as ever outside. God, you hate this place. Why are everything and everyone so hopeless?
When you finally got to your door, the key having to be shoved and twisted several times to unlock the stiff mechanism, you let out a sharp exhale, running your fingers through your hair and back away from your face, dumping your backpack in the doorway. Faint, echoing footsteps could be heard from a couple of floors lower, heading up closer to your level, and you glanced down the staircase apprehensively, pushing your backpack further in and pulling your suitcase past the front door.
Peering in at your new place, your brows furrowed slightly as your eyes wandered the small hallway that branched off into the main room, and two cupboard-sized rooms to the left, a bedroom and a bathroom. The kitchen was connected to the main room, and cheap, grubby appliances stood out against the dirty white walls and dark carpeting. Well. It would have to do, until you can do better.
The footsteps had stopped whilst you observed your new 'home,' and by the time you looked back to close the door behind you, a figure was standing at the apartment door opposite, curious, intense eyes fixed on you when you flinched in shock. It was a man, no older than thirty, with a round face and a soft, dorky look, clear-framed glasses hiding his murky green eyes. But his gaze seemed to bore right into yours, as if he could see through all the layers on the outside and cave into thoughts you keep buried for good reason.
You blinked out of your trance, giving him a worn-out smile, and his eyes widened in surprise, a pink blush dusting his cheeks as he smiled back at you hopefully.
"Hi," you said awkwardly, "I, um, I'm new, so... sorry if I disturbed you or something."
The man stared at you thoughtfully for a moment, shaking his head slowly.
"You didn't disturb me. I've just got back from... from work."
"Yeah, work," you responded with a light scoff. "Fun." You told him your name, lingering at your door as you spoke, wondering if he might just be one of the very few polite people here that just want to get inside but won't say it. Still, he doesn't seem in any hurry, eyes bright and searching, his frame leaning against his door slightly.
"Edward," he breathed. "I'm Edward."
"Oh, okay, well, it was nice meeting you, Edward," you nodded with a half-smile. "I should probably unpack a bit before it gets too late."
"Unpack," he repeated steadily, his stare veering off to the ground in some distant thought, before they snapped back into reality, a dopey grin sent your way. "Right. I- if you ever need anything, I'm just opposite."
"Good to know. Have a nice night, then!"
Edward's eyes didn't leave you as you close the door, locking it back up and resting your hands against the cool, red metal surface. He seemed nice enough. A little eager, maybe. Was he still staring?
Craning your neck up and pressing yourself against the door, you looked out the small peephole, and sure enough, he was still there, his door ajar as he tried to make himself go inside. That bright smile was still on his face, and it took him at least a minute to back into his cluttered-looking apartment, a shrill, weird screeching and squeaking from inside gaining his attention. Edward sighed, closing the door, and you stepped back from your own, bemused.
- hey, how was moving day? or night i guess lol -
You smiled weakly at your phone screen a second after it vibrated, your friend's text popping up on the lock screen. You tapped on the message, thinking for a minute before you responded, Edward's unusually giddy smile in your head.
• My neighbour's kind of odd, maybe he just likes the attention? •
.˚◦○˚ ୧.˚ₓ To Be Continued... ₓ˚. ୭˚○◦˚.
.・ Taglist: ・.
@simestandswithtaylorswift-blog @carley-carley-carley @lostbunn @dencchan @dragovegogrimborn @i-wished-upon-a-star-one-night @edwardspumpkinpie @murderbimbo00 @sweetums0kitty @beel-mcburger @cml-san @jervis-tetch-my-beloved @r4iner @bimboanime @phoenixgurl030 @vaylordd @dangerouslittlefairy @katjourno @yoyoanaria @yaeyuuki @vinxlsketches @beenz-beenz @ghoulsgraveyard @birds-have-teeth @repostingmyfavs @r3ptiliaaa @for3v3rda1sy @glitterycheesecakegladiator @moonwritesblog @lilyevans1 @httpsunflowers @hxney-lemcn @confusedchildsstuff @callsigncrash @sugahbabieexo @bokksieu @skateb0red @wilburrrsworld @philiasoul @darthcringe @felicityofbakerstreet @bloodypantomime @deadlights-darling @tianotfound @mortem-muse @ireadandream @tinyryder @kpopgirlbtssvt @truecobblepot @jessicainhell
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It seems fitting that Giannetta, a children’s book illustrator in Finland, would live in a pink apt. house. But, wait until you see her whimsical, colorful, illustrated apt. inside. 
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The handmade pink sofa was the only option for Giannetta.
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The Pandas Giannetta drew on the wall were done while she was designing figures for Tampere University Hospital. The lynx on the door came as a surprise to the artist, herself.
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Giannetta emptied an entire can of yellow spray paint on the radio. The bunny painting is by her favorite artist Reetta Isotupa-Siltanen.  
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The home has a lot of Ikea wooden furniture that has been repainted. Giannetta also painted lost of clay pots with acrylic colors.
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The apartment is full of memorabilia. "Everyone brings their things to us, and I put them on the wall," Giannetta says.
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Double doors lead from the living room to the bedroom. Thanks to the yellow color, the sun always shines there.
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Giannetta painted birds on the walls, but their size came as a small surprise to the rest of the family.
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The kitchen space was renovated by smearing brick mortar over tiles. Paint and varnish were put on top of the mortar and denim was selected as the color of the paint. A mermaid is swimming in the front door.
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There are tigers on the kitchen cupboard. The heating pipes were painted in a tomato color, as if ketchup was running thru them. The goal of the blue of the floor is to feel as if your feet are swimming in water.
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There is a door from the kitchen to the children’s common room, from which dinosaurs peek out.
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They also have a lovely garden space to use on the apt. property.
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im-feelin-sick · 2 years
GUESS WHAT, it’s more Pokémon AU, and this time it’s a fic. Special thanks to @that-kangaroo-fish for much plotting and conniving. Call this part one out of ???
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“You heard that too, right?”
Devi glances at Grafaifai, who stands at attention. Its giant ears twitch, and Devi isn’t sure if she’s relieved to not be imagining things again, or if she’s horrified that something unknown is in the room. The latter seems most urgent, but she doesn’t want to be scared. Scared meant being stupid. Stupid meant slipping up.
Careful not to spill her cup of instant noodles, Devi stands from the couch and looks around the apartment. Grafaifai joins her, leaving sticky paint trails across the apartment. That’s fine. Devi’s long given up on getting her deposit back, and Tenna knows to avoid the toxic paint marks. And Tenna’s the only one who ever comes around.
Well, usually. Devi squints and stops to listen. It could just be some stray Dedenne, searching through Devi’s barren pantry. That’s the best case scenario. And Devi knows that she doesn’t get best case scenarios. Instead, she’s probably looking for the worst case scenario, which is…
Johnny Fucking C.
He stalks her. She knows he does. She sees him out the corners of her knife-sharp eyes, as he peeks through windows. When she dares to venture out (usually for food,) she picks out his too-polite reedy voice from crowds. It’s one of many constant reminders that she’s never safe. Not even here, in her own home.
Devi clings harder to her instant noodles. Unfortunately, even spicy ramen didn’t make for much of a weapon, but Devi still wields her cup like it can make a difference. It’s basically pepper spray, right? The baseball bat’s by the door, but she doesn’t want to turn her back on the noise. Grafaifai’s sticking close to her side anyway, ready to attack.
There’s another rustling noise, and Devi snaps her focus on it like a whip. It’s in the kitchen. Whatever it is, it sounds too small for Nny, but she’s terrified anyway. Grafaifai, normally not allowed in food preparation areas, climbs onto the counter and tenses.
A cupboard swings open, to reveal something purple and twitchy, and several things happen at once.
Purple thing, a Sableye, waves its hands in some wild gesture, and makes chirping noises. Meanwhile, Devi throws her noodles and hot broth onto it, and Grafaifai pounces. The noodles hit. Grafaifai doesn’t, and instead leaves neon green smears everywhere and pulls the cupboard door off of one hinge.
“GET THE FUCK OUT!” Devi screams, and Sableye does some kind of noodle-covered dance. With a single sharp claw, it points to itself. Devi picks up an old bottle of hot sauce and throws it, because yeah, it’s not Nny, but she sure does recognize it as Nny’s Pokémon. His favorite one- the one that followed him everywhere- a fucking fidgety gremlin that probably snuck in to finish what Nny attempted.
Sableye dodges the bottle, and a dirty dish, and then a banana, all while waving its hands and shaking its head. It makes a stabbing motion, and then crosses its arms into an X-shape. Hissing, Grafaifai tackles Sableye again. This time, he lands right on top. The two roll around on the ground while Devi searches for another makeshift weapon.
“Out,” she repeats, with more poison in her voice than in Grafaifai’s paint. Sableye cringes at the tone, and slips out from under Grafaifai. With a snarl, Grafaifai chases Sableye, until Sableye leaps on top of a bookcase. Now covered in noodles and paint, it resumes its gesticulating. This time it points to Devi and makes a stabbing motion- a pretty terrible look for Sableye. Devi’s face pales, as she picks up a kitchen knife with a shaky hand.
Grafaifai seems not to mind so much, watching Sableye with narrowed eyes. The Pokémon chatter at each other. Devi doesn’t understand either of them, but she slows down. As she holds up the knife, Sableye sweats and gestures even faster.
“Sableye, Sableye,” it chirps. It points at itself. It shakes its head, then stabs its finger at the ground. It points at Devi.
Devi starts to understand, but she won’t trust one of Nny’s Pokémon. Not after that night. She steps closer to Sableye, looking fiercer than ever now that she has a real weapon.
With giant gem eyes, Sableye stares at her for a moment, before grimacing, holding up its hands, and backing away toward the wall. Grafaifai copies Devi and stalks its way closer to Sableye, who decides it’s not time to fuck around and find out. It leaps down, and digs at Devi’s floor. Sableye’s claws, designed to tear through rock, make quick work and like a soggy tissue holding up an anvil, the wooden planks collapse. Sableye drops through the hole in a cloud of asbestos, splinters, and cold noodles.
The room goes still and silent. Devi finally takes a careful step toward the new hole in her living room, peering down into it along with Grafaifai.
“Hey!” calls out a familiar voice, “New shortcut to my place! Nice!”
Tenna stands below, grinning, with Sableye in her arms. Spooky, her Duskull, bobs merrily through the air. Devi blinks a few times, coughs, and exchanges a look with Grafaifai.
She yells back down,“That’s Johnny’s Sableye!”
“The homicidal dumbass of a gym leader?”
“That’s the one!”
“Oh fuck!” Tenna looks down at Sableye, and then back up. “This guy is so cute though! Aren’t you the most adorable widdle murderer’s pet!” Tenna pinches Sableye’s cheek, and it has the goddamn idea to look smug and snuggle into Tenna’s arms. Then again, that might just be an effort to protect itself from Devi’s wrath.
“That widdle guy fucking tried to kill me!”
“This widdle widdle guy?”
“Yeah!” But Devi isn’t so sure anymore. Sure, a lot of Johnny’s Pokémon attacked her. She tries not to remember it. But she can’t remember Sableye being part of them. “Wait- maybe not, maybe it was just him and different Pokémon?”
“Widdle Guy is not a killer,” Tenna decides, as she pets Sableye. The positive attention melts a grin onto Sableye’s face. The apartment is a total mess. Tenna trusts Sableye. There’s a giant hole in the floor. Devi groans, and Grafaifai copies the noise.
“Oh, wow,” Tenna laughs, “he smells like ramen!”
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lil-gremlin-gal · 10 months
NaClYoHo Days 17, 18, & 19
The 17th was a busy day for me. I had energy and wanted to make sure I used it while I could, so I:
gave the new cast iron pan another oven seasoning session
cleaned the microwave for the first time in forever
found some cans of paint from the previous owner of the apartment and started a paint cupboard so that our tremclad spray paint could live with its cousins
finally took clothing consignments to Plato's Closet, and
took dead appliances from the kitchen crazy cabinet and an exploded can of spray insulation to the recycling depot
Of course expending any amount of energy will result in what I call 'reckoning days', where my symptoms all surge and leave me feeling tired, crappy, and struggling to function at my usual level. After going out 2 days in a row and doing a lot of salty pirate tasks last week, the weekend took me down a peg.
My big accomplishment on the 18th was being able to unload and reload the dishwasher. It's not a lot, but I wasn't able to do that just a few weeks ago, so I am really, really grateful that I was able to make clean dishes on a reckoning day.
The 19th was similar: dishes, changed the sheets on the bed, and managed to fold towels. I managed to stay awake all day and perked up a little in the evening enough to finish making rainbow tassels for my NaClYoHo craft project. :)
On the list today is to handwash dishes, deep clean some old birdcages and a piece of furniture I need to sell, fold some laundry, and get as much rest as I can. I finally got my doctor's approval to get my COVID and flu vaccines, so that will happen this Wednesday and I need to rest up in advance.
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Look I make ZERO promises these will be varied so let’s get into it
OC Ask Game: Explorations for Rikki
👖Jeans, skinny jeans, or sweatpants?
Skinny jeans
🐀 What would they do if they were locked in a room with a rat?
Just one? Either ignore it or try to befriend it
🐈 How do they react to being cat-called?
She's too busy holding JJ back to react herself
🚘 What’s inside their glove box?
Registration, fast food napkins/utensils, random junk
🎶 What song do they swear they hate until they’re alone and start singing it on repeat?
Mr Bright side by The Killers
🔪 Open up this character's kitchen cupboards. What do you see?
Since she still lives with her parents, cereal, pasta, baking supplies, canned soup, cookies, and granola bars
😨 They accidentally break a vase. No one is around. What do they do?
Clean it up and dump the pieces
🌭 Deep down, do they believe a hot dog is a sandwich?
No are you stupid?
💰 If they won the lottery, how would they spend the money?
Buy a really nice camera and take the Pogues on a round the world trip to take pictures
🎤 Do they sing in the shower? What do they sing?
She sings whatever pops into her head
😳 Why don’t they like how their voice sounds in recordings?
She thinks it sounds really nasal
🏠 What's the first thing they do when they get home for the evening?
Takes her shoes off
🤓 What is one thing that they "nerd out" over?
Vintage cameras
🕺 Do they dance when they're alone? Are they good at it?
She dances when she's alone and when she's with people. She's fairly decent
🤕 What’s the dumbest way they’ve been injured?
She fell on John B while trying to climb out a window.
🍺 What's their favorite drinking game? If they don't drink, their favorite card or board game. What's their approach to winning?
She likes never have I ever. She doesn't really have a winning strategy, she just plays
🤑 For a million dollars, would they punch their best friend in the nose? Either way, have the character defend their answer.
She wouldn't hesitate to punch John B for a million dollars. Honestly, he would be offended if she didn't
😴 If they talked in their sleep, what weird jumble of words would come out?
Probably something about not feeding french fries to turtles
🖌 If they spray-painted a city wall, what would they write / draw?
A sunset or she'd just tag it with her initials and P4L
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discipulusmaleficus · 2 years
Kalmar's question of "How the fuck did you get in here?" is politely ignored. Mm, maybe not ignored, is there a better word? Something nicer? Something ah-? Set aside? No, no that's two words- Uh-
(See, it's not that he isn't allowed to know or that she wants to keep secret-secrets from him. It's just hard to explain the strange connection she'd made between mirrors and doors and eyes and how that seemed to have suddenly become true for her. Later. When she's less shaky-shaky and sleepy and he's not Looking at her like that.)
ANYWAY. Alice holds out the jar - half full, by the way! Isn't that nice? - hands shaking. She adjusts her grip. It's going to fall on the floor. It's going to burst like a well fed tick, and spray blood across the floor and up the walls...
Alice gives it a little shake, shows how fresh it still is. It licks up the sides of the jar and tints it thickly-sickly red. The smell of iron clinging to the lid makes her stomach hurt.
"Here-" Breathless. One short, unsteady step brings her close enough to shove it into his hands. "He----re you go~" Her hands pat at his, hovering to make sure he has a good and steady grip. Red and white, like slotting a heart between ribs, kinda sorta, if she's being Silly.
She should go now. But she doesn't. She nibbles on her finger. Remains rooted helplessly to the spot. She looks up at the ceiling and down at the floor, peeks briefly at Kalmar from under her hair. He's kinda blurry, haha, Weird!
@scxrytxles has a donation
There's a grey, dead undertone to Alice's skin. Her voice sounds flimsy, too-high, not all the way there. The all-too-familiar smell of blood clings to her, and her hands aren't any warmer than his as they fumble with the back of his palms.
The outside of the jar is not quite dry, covered in smudged, reddish fingerprints. It's solid and heavy and it would be very easy to let it slip out of his spindly fingers. For a moment, he almost wishes someone would drop it. He doesn't feel quite clean or correct taking it, not looking at her -- but, then, what else is new?
"That's very charitable of you," he manages, coaxing his face into a mild smile. Sets Alice's blood carefully down on Alice's dining table.
(What the hell is he going to do with this? It's not like he has any tasks-which-require-fresh-blood waiting -- he'd just have to try and store the energy, and Alice is so, um, eccentric that he finds himself wondering precisely what spending her Life might do to his casting.
He would prefer it not go to waste if he were her, though.)
"Though I would, uh. Prefer to discuss this sort of thing in advance, if it's happening," he hears himself say. "Preparation, yes?" Stupid, probably. Too close to suggesting that he'd be happy for this to happen again. Maybe it would be better if he'd said No, like a normal person --
He steps forward to plant a hand on each of her shoulders, steering her into the chair he was occupying before she, uh, got here. (There may be the slightest hint of necromantic suggestion winding out from his hands, gently encouraging -- not forcing -- her shaky limbs to follow along. He's not really thinking about it.) "You -- sit down. I'll get you, ah --"
"I will get some things. Stay there." She's not still bleeding, is she? Probably not. She wouldn't have wanted it just dripping on the floor, after all.
He sweeps off to the kitchen half of the room, opens the cupboard to find --
Dry spaghetti? Tinned pineapple? Ibuprofen? He did not, in fact, stock up on groceries.
Kalmar frowns, checks his pockets in case there's something there he forgot about. Finally snatches up the pineapple can, and glares at it until it splits open along the side, draining the Juice or perhaps Syrup it is Preserved In into a glass.
This he sets in front of Alice, clnk. Wrenches the Jar open on the third try, finger-paints a sigil on the side of the glass -- he doesn't know if this does anything, but they can at least act like he can give some of it back -- and nudges it half an inch closer to her. "You should drink that first," he says. "--Uh, presuming you're not allergic."
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oh and. exploration for galin :)
– fortunate redhead kisser
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👖Jeans, skinny jeans, or sweatpants?
PRINCE OF SKINNY JEANS!!!! you think they're a twink and then they put on the black ripped skinny jeans and ur like oh shit that ass.
🐀 What would they do if they were locked in a room with a rat?
🐈 How do they react to being cat-called?
Might fully fistfight the person in question. and WIN. if it weren't for Sulien grabbing the back of their shirt and dragging them away.
🚘 What’s inside their glove box?
Like six tubes of chapstick of varying flavours. hair ties that are not theirs. a bottle of cola they stashed in there like two weeks ago that somehow hasn't exploded. important documents. also this is decord's car. galin cannot drive.
🎶 What song do they swear they hate until they’re alone and start singing it on repeat?
world is mine, yk the vocaloid song.... yeah. they know all of the words in both Japanese AND English. there is one arabic cover of this song on YT. don't worry about it.
🔪 Open up this character's kitchen cupboards. What do you see?
A spice rack. Very important. Always stocked. Just think every spicy snack on the market, they are allll in there. Jars of hot peppers as well. Galin the kind of mf to like the hot cheetos mac and cheese ):
😨 They accidentally break a vase. No one is around. What do they do?
Blame Decord probably. (Decord takes the blame) (Sulien knows Galin broke it) (they don't talk about it)
🌭 Deep down, do they believe a hot dog is a sandwich?
"Of course! What else would it be? :D?"
💰 If they won the lottery, how would they spend the money?
They'd blow it on the stupidest shit.... A cruise around Mond?? Yeah!!! Overpriced shows in Fontaine? Hell yeah baby!!!! That rip off merchant in Sumeru? All your stock please! Galin stop.
🎤 Do they sing in the shower? What do they sing?
yes. yes they do. "livin la vida loca" but SHOUT SUNG,,,, (kisa hates them for it. his room is right beside the bathroom... his poor ears are so sensitive..)
😳 Why don’t they like how their voice sounds in recordings?
Too high ): it makes them a lil dysphoric to hear their voice in recordings even though they like it out loud.
🏠 What's the first thing they do when they get home for the evening?
eat lmao, hungry prince. they like to read/watch something while eating :D
🤓 What is one thing that they "nerd out" over?
murder mystery novels. they have a lil book club with Decord and Sulien(and later Ohm + Emil) :) <3
🕺 Do they dance when they're alone? Are they good at it?
Yes! and no! Galin is actually a really good dancer, they learned due to their upbringing. But if they're dancing for fun, it's the stupidest silliest dance in the world because that's FUN!!
🤕 What’s the dumbest way they’ve been injured?
Chopped the tip of their left pointer finger while cutting a cucumber once.
🍺 What's their favorite drinking game? If they don't drink, their favorite card or board game. What's their approach to winning?
"How many numbers can Kisa get in one night at the bar" they are drunk by the time its home time.
🤑 For a million dollars, would they punch their best friend in the nose? Either way, have the character defend their answer.
"Absolutely! Kisa come here :) i'll share with you!" "I'll punch you too we could get two million." "But then my face would hurt, let's just split the one million." "Pussy."
😴 If they talked in their sleep, what weird jumble of words would come out?
Galin the kind of mf to have FULL conversations in their sleep. also some.. odd.. noises.. their dreams are very vocal.
🖌 If they spray-painted a city wall, what would they write / draw?
Some inspirational quote that immediately gets spraypainted over left 4 dead bunker style.
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knebelblacktown · 10 months
Kitchen Makeovers in Sydney
Do you have an outdated kitchen that needs a facelift? A kitchen renovation can help you fall back in love with your home.
The key to a successful kitchen renovation is to keep your expectations realistic. There are many ways to make a dramatic change without breaking the bank.
A kitchen renovation will add a new level of beauty and functionality to your home. There are many designs that you can choose from depending on your needs and budget. You can opt for a Single Line layout, Island design or a Galley design. These are the most popular choices for Sydney home owners.
A cosmetic upgrade will keep your current kitchen makeovers in Sydney structure intact and include changes to the appearance such as updating benches/cabinetry, taps/fixtures and re-tiling. This is a cheaper option and can be completed in a short timeframe without changing your kitchen layout.
A high-end kitchen renovation will include a redesign of the layout of your kitchen including structural and electrical work. This type of reno can transform your kitchen into the heart of your home.
A kitchen makeover is a cheaper option than a full renovation as it keeps the structural structure of your kitchen intact. It involves updating benchtops/cabinetry, taps and fixtures with stylish high-quality materials and painting.
If your cabinets are functionally sound but just a bit dated, paint them yourself or use a cabinet spray-painting service (for a fraction of the cost of new doors). Or, get creative and remove the doors entirely and turn the cupboards into open shelving for an airy look.
Upgrade your old appliances to energy efficient models to lower utility bills and increase your home’s sustainability. You could also consider eco-friendly materials like bamboo and salvaged wood for your cabinets or flooring. You may also want to replace older cabinet hardware with modern pulls and knobs that are more streamlined.
Often overlooked, countertops are a huge part of the kitchen. They can create a focal point and add personality to a room that is otherwise fairly bland. A backsplash can also add a pop of color and texture to the space.
To give this kitchen an uplift, designer Sarah Stacey created a neutral color palette that combines black and light wood cabinets. Black stone counters and an antique runner add contrast to the neutral scheme.
Changing your kitchen benchtop can be a cost-effective way to give your kitchen a makeover. By reshaping your countertop, you can save money by eliminating waste and reducing the need to purchase an entire new benchtop. This is also a great option if your benchtop is in good condition and only needs minor repairs.
A kitchen makeover involves updating the appearance of your kitchen with stylish high-quality materials for benches/cabinetry, taps/fixtures and re-tiling. It also includes painting and is less costly than a renovation which may involve changing the layout of the kitchen or repositioning plumbing and electrical.
Ceramic tiles are a budget-friendly option that come in a variety of colours, sizes and patterns to suit any design style. They’re durable, resistant to moisture and stains, and easy to clean.
Timber floors add natural warmth and texture to a kitchen makeovers design. Choosing wood flooring that matches the wood featured in cabinetry and even shelving can create a cohesive look. However, it is important to remember that wood is prone to scratches and can be abrasive on delicate surfaces.
Modern kitchens are used for everything from preparing meals to catching up over coffee and cocktails with friends. That means it’s critical to have the right mix of task and ambient lighting.
To ensure your cooking area is well-lit for tasks like chopping or baking, consider upgrading your ceiling lights. Downlights are a common choice, while LED strip lighting under cabinets is great for lighting up dark corners and making it easier to find things in your pantry.
Madsen says that Dan Kitchens designers typically only use two medium-sized pendant lights, as one can look lonely and three or more overpowers the room. He also advises choosing a light that suits your style, as this will help set the tone for the space and influence how people feel about it.
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safeenabh · 1 year
All You Need To Know About Zinc Handles And Knobs
All You Need To Know About Zinc Handles And Knobs
Handles are a very important part of the interiors. Handles are utilized for each business and home space. We open the cupboards and drawers by pulling their handles. And we use them in our kitchens frequently during our cooking. So much attention should be paid to its quality. 
Zinc is a good material for cupboards, doors and knobs. Zinc alloy is a safe and durable material for manufacturing cabinet hardware. It’s a combination of metals like Zinc, Aluminium, Copper and Magnesium. It can stand moisture and bad weather, and even water cannot spoil the metal.
Some of the advantages of using Zinc handles and knobs
Long life:
As we mentioned above cabinet pull and knobs are the most used for pulling the drawers and opening the doors of the cupboards and cabinets of the kitchen very frequently. Quality matters a lot. When you invest in a good quality product like, from South India Agencies then you can be carefree.South India Agencies are the best hardware company in Bangalore.
Low cost of energy used in its production:
The casting alloys of the Zinc alloy is good, so it can be made in a precise shape, and also gives a smooth finish. By this, we can say that the end resulting product is fine and fancy (zinc cabinet pulls). Another advantage is there is no residual waste.
Thin coating feature:
Zinc alloy is good for surface treatment like electroplating, spraying, painting, polishing, grinding etc. Besides the furniture accessories like knobs and pulls, Zinc alloy can be made into instrumentation, auto parts and bodies.
Durability, toughness and flexibility:
Just like the stainless steel handles the zinc alloy handles do not rust. The flexibility of its operation is high. Various moulds can be obtained. It has extensive uses and can be made into various accessories and parts. They are easy to maintain as you can just wipe them with a damp cloth. South India Agencies have a wide range of handles and knobs to offer you. They are one of the best in this and have an experience of a few decades over them.
South India Agencies
have a variety of brands to offer you. Among them, Ebco Zinc knobs are popular in the list. They have a variety of designs in Ebco Zinc knobs to select from. The design is so good that you will not lose your grip on it. They have knobs in different sizes and finishes, to fulfil everybody’s need for interiors. 
There are various types and patterns and designs when it comes to choosing the hardware for your interiors. It depends on one’s choice and taste for it. When it comes to quality South India Agencies are the best in Bangalore. SIA brings you an array of door handles as they have a wide range in them. For the best handles and knobs South India Agencies are the best place.
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cordellandbrown · 1 year
Revamp your kitchen cupboards using a cost-effective method like spray painting. However, what will be the price? The answer depends on several factors, including the dimensions of your kitchen, the paint choice, and whether you opt for professional help or take on a do-it-yourself project.
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Kitchen Spray Painting | Cabinet Painting
UPVC Paintings at Your Home’s Kitchens!
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Kitchen spray painting is the process of applying a specialized paint to the surfaces of your kitchen cabinets, cupboards, and other fixtures to create a fresh, new look without the need for a complete overhaul.
The Ultimate Spray Painting is the leader in spray painting UK. Connect with us today for quality kitchen spray painting!
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alsjeblieft-zeg · 2 years
196 of 2023
Do you have the same things as me in your home? 🏡 [January 2023]
Created by joybucket
Living Room loveseat recliner ....that you never sit in hope chest ...that you store out-of-season clothes in desk lamp floor lamp ....that was gifted to you by a neighbor as she was moving out Christmas tree 🎄 box fan air conditioner bookshelf a framed picture of you in high school a picture frame with a year on it a framed picture of you and a friend a mini heart-shaped trinket dish a set of rag dolls that your mom made to look like each member of your family a piece of wall art that you purchased from Kmart a painting on the wall 🖼️ ....that you painted ....of a giant rose a framed drawing the wall ...that you drew an ottoman/footrest a sliding glass door ....that is connected to your balcony a giant window clutter on the floor grayish-beige carpet boxes filled with things that you need to sort through eventually 📦 a huge mandala tapestry a string of pink Christmas lights lots of colorful throw pillows a pink fuzzy pillow a stuffed purple cat a teal teddy bear a vacuum cleaner cream-colored walls a piece of wall art that says "Life is beautiful" a pillow that says "hello" a framed picture of you and a sibling a framed picture of your pet a framed picture of your favorite photo of yourself in high school exercise bike pedals
Kitchen/Dining room a table chairs refrigerator ...that keeps making funny noises, and you think you might need to call maintenance soon an oven/stove cupboards a mini stepping stool to help you reach things in the higher cupboards a trash can 🗑️ lots of magnets on the fridge a sink dishes 🍽️ dish soap a wall calendar boxes of macaroni and cheese microwave toaster Magic Bullet a chandelier shelves with scrapbooking supplies on them an ironing board a Chinese paper lantern a Mason jar filled with fake flowers 🫙💐 shelves that you have to stand on top of a chair or the counter to reach a jar of quarters 🫙🪙 a cupboard filled with canned food that you always forget you have a candle 🕯️ a dish towel a dish rack dirty dishes in the sink bar stools some of your own artwork on the walls a fluorescent light a lightbulb that often flickers 💡 a nightlight spoons 🥄 forks and knives 🍴 a dish rag bottles of prescription medicine in a cabinet 💊 a set of teacups ☕️ a teapot 🫖 a colorful wallhanging with embroidery on it ...that you made in an art class in high school fake flowers 💐 pots and pans
Bathroom toilet 🚽 sink bathtub 🛀 shower head 🚿 towel bathrobe bath mat linen closet makeup 💄 shelves a hot pink feather boa wall art that you bought at a garage sale wall art from Goodwill wall art from Kmart mini trash can mirror 🪞 wall art that says "life is beautiful" a colorful shower curtain with flowers on it berry-scented push soap 🧴 shampoo conditioner Dove shampoo and conditioner 🕊️ pomegranate-scented body wash hairspray that you hardly ever use nail polish 💅 bath bombs ...that you often forget you have a box of tampons laundry hamper toilet paper 🧻 toothpaste a pack of Band-Aids that you hardly ever use 🩹 folded up towels on a shelf folded up washcloths on a shelf a hairbrush a comb a box of Kleenex a color scheme for the room ....of red, teal, orange, and yellow Bedroom a bed 🛏️ ...that's twin-sized two windows 🪟 nightstand teal sheets on the bed brown and aqua comforter bookshelves an antique desk a bobblehead a lava lamp a mini dreamcatcher a bulletin board that you spray-painted hot pink ...with a pink and orange feather boa around the rim an end table that you painted a wooden chair that you painted ...with a colorful outer space them a picture of a fairy on the wall 🧚‍♂️ colorful wall art some of your own artwork on the walls a walk-in closet an antique wooden dresser clothes clutter on the floors a bed with drawers underneath it storage bins a full-length mirror an earring holder lots of earrings jewelry 📿 a plaque that says "With God all things are possible" an antique ottoman a purple trash can ...that you got from Target blinds on the windows a sunlamp books 📚 a set of yearbooks photo albums makeup 💄 a porcelain doll a teddy bear 🧸 a rose made of feathers 🌹 🪶 room decor from the dollar store a brown closet door 🚪 cream-colored walls a big throw rug ...that's brown with bright-colored flowers on it a window with a view of the dumpster a window with a view of the parking lot a window with a view of the yard a window with a view of your neighbors a window with a view of the street a CD player a collection of CDs 💿 ...that you forget you have and hardly ever listen to
Hallway a bulletin board that you spray-painted neon teal ...and then pinned magazine clippings to it a circuit box with magnets on it shelves ...with journals on them a piggy bank 🐖 wall art a smoke detector ...that's gone off when you were cooking🧑‍🍳 ...but it's a good thing, because you accidentally caught the stove burner on fire 🔥 an overhead light carpeted floor
Closet/Closets clothes hangers storage bins shelves a collection of scarves 🧣 a shoe rack a collection of shoes 👠 blank artist's canvases 🪧 painting supplies random stuff you keep in storage out-of-season holiday decorations a jewelry box bags and purses 👛 a winter coat 🧥 dresses 👗 skirts hoodies
Other Miscellaneous Things Bible 📖 journals 📔 pens 🖊️ paper 📝 notebooks 📓 cell phone 📱 old phone that you don't use anymore laptop 💻 a box of masks 😷 (still mandatory in the hospitals) laundry pods a wreath a ceramic fairy figurine that you painted 🧚‍♂️ a ceramic genie figurine that you painted 🧞‍♀️ scrapbooks boxes full of old photos a mug with an elephant on it ☕️ 🐘 a collection of greeting cards you've received from friends and family a collection of hair accessories a pair of scissors ✂️ thumbtacks 📌 a sock drawer 🧦 spare lightbulbs 💡 Clorox wipes a heating pad 🟦 🔌
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