#spring idunn
bananabraiined · 8 months
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Thank Mother Earth for this blessing.
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felikatze · 2 years
i hate fallen edelgard all my homies hate fallen edelgard
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davontewagner · 30 days
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Idunn+Fae: Dragonkin Duo
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annachum · 10 months
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A drawing of mine of Idunn in Frozen series
Diana Spencer and Ingrid Bergman are amongst my face models for Idunn in the Frozen series. Design wise I also took some inspos from several Disney Aurora and Rapunzel concept art I've seen so far, and also some arts of Idunn I've seen so far.
So Idunn in the Frozen series has big Hazel eyes, sun kissed skin, a curvy body, and also beautiful, wavy golden hair that falls to her hips. And she has an elegant and refined countenance to her. 🤩🤩🤩🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
Addition : My voice headcanon for Idunn in the Frozen series is Ingrid Bergman btw
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greenwitchcrafts · 7 months
March 2024 witch guide
Full moon: March 25th
New moon: March 10th
Sabbats: Ostara-March 19th
March Worm Moon
Known as: Crow Moon, Eagle Moon, Goose Moon, Hrethmonath, Lenting moon, Lentzinmanoth, Moon of Snowblind, Moon of Winds, Plow Moon, Sap Moon, Seed Moon, Sore Eyes Moon, Storm Moon, Sugar Moon & Wind Strong Moon
Element: Water
Zodiac: Pisces & Aries
Nature spirits: Air & water spirits & Mer-people
Deities: Artemis, Astarte, Athena, Cybele, Isis, Luna & Minerva
Animals: Boar, cougar & hedgehog
Birds: Sea crow & sea eagle
Trees: Alder, dogwood & honeysuckle
Herbs: Apple blossom, broom, high John root, Irish moss, pennyroyal, wood betony & yellow dock
Flowers: Daffodil, jonquil & violet
Scents: Apple blossom & honeysuckle
Stones: Aquamarine, bloodstone, jasper, opal &topaz
Colors: Pale-green, red, violet, yellow & white
Energy:  Balance, beginnings, dream work, energy breaking into the open, exploring, fertility, inner development, karma, prosperity, spirituality, success & truth seeking
For many years, it was thought that the name "Worm Moon" referred to the earthworms that appear as the soil warms in spring. This invites robins and other birds to feed—a true sign of spring.
However, more research revealed another explanation. In the 1760s, Captain Jonathan Carver visited the Naudowessie (Dakota) and other Native American tribes and wrote that the name Worm Moon refers to a different sort of “worm”—beetle larvae—which begin to emerge from the thawing bark of trees and other winter hideouts at this time.
March’s full Moon often plays a role in religion, specifically in Christianity, this Moon is known as the Lenten Moon if it is the last full Moon of the winter season (i.e., if it occurs before the spring equinox) or as the Paschal Full Moon if it is the first full Moon of spring (i.e., if it occurs after the spring equinox).
Known as: Alban Eiler, Lady Day & Spring/Vernal equinox
Season: Spring
Symbols: 8-spoked wheel, butterflies, chicks, decorated baskets, eggs, feathers, jellybeans, lambs, rabbits, seeds, shamrocks, spring flowers & sunwheels
Colors: Green, indigo, light blue, pastels, pink, red & yellow
Oils/Incense: African violet, florals, ginger, jasmine, lotus, magnolia, rose, sage & strawberry
Animals: Cormorant, hare, hawk, rabbit, sheep, sparrow & swallow
Mythical: Dragon & Unicorn
Stones: Amethyst, aquamarine, bloodstone, moonstone, red jasper & rose quartz
Food: Dairy foods, eggs(hard boiled), fruits, honey, honey cakes, leafy greens, vegetables, pine nuts, pumpkin, sunflower seeds, sprouts & waffles
Herbs/Plants: Acorn, cinquefoil, dogwood, ginger, Irish moss, olive, strawberry & woodruff
Flowers: Celandine, crocus, daffodil, dandelion, Easter lily,  jasmine gorse, honeysuckle, hyssop, iris, jonquil, linden, narcissus, peony, snowdrop, tansy & violet
Goddesses: Aphrodite, Ariadne, Artemis, Athena, Coatlicue, Cybele,Demeter, Diana, Eos, Eostre, Flora, Gaia, Hera, Idunn, Iris, Ishtar, Juno, Minerva, Persephone, Venus & Vesta
Gods: Adonis, Attis, Celi, Cernunnos, Coel, Dagda, Dalon ap Landu, Dumuzi, Green Man, Lord of the Greenwood, Mithras, Odin, Osiris, Ovis & Pan
Issues, Intentions & Powers: Agriculture, balance, beauty, fertility, growth, life, love & rebirth/renewal
Spellwork: Air magick, fertility, new beginnings & water magick
• Go on a hike/walk & look for signs of spring
• Add Ostara symbols to decorate your altar space
• Plant vegetable &/or flower seedlings
• Decorate eggs with bright colors
• Set your intentions for the weeks/months ahead
• Start a new class or hobby
• Create eggshell candles
• Make plans & new routines for the future
• Participate in rituals & ceremonies that connect you with energy & the life force of nature
• Have a feast with your friends &/family with sprouts & leafy greens
• Bake hot cross buns or lavender/lemon flavored treats
• Clean & de-clutter your home
• Try a re-birthing/ renewing ritual
• Bring fresh flowers or plants into into the home
• Host a spring & floral themed tea party
• Make egg based food dishes & desserts
This holiday marks the Spring Equinox, which happens before March 19-22. It is the second of three spring celebrations (the midpoint between Imbolc and Beltane)  during which light & darkness are again in balance, with light on the rise. It is a time of new beginnings & of life emerging further from the grips of winter.
There is much debate regarding the origins of Ostara due to the lack of primary sources about this sabbat. One theory is the name of Ostara came from the Anglo-Saxon goddess Eostre. Another theory is that Eostre is more of a localized goddess in Kent County, England. Despite the questions of her origins, Eostre is associated with modern-day Pagan traditions of Ostara.
There is no evidence that the ancient Greeks or Romans celebrated Ostara, although they did celebrate their own spring festivals, such as the Roman festival of Floralia & the Greek festival of Anthesteria. It was a time to honor the returning sun, fertility & rebirth.
Related festivals:
• Nowruz- March 19th
Nowruz marks the first day of spring & renewal of nature. It is celebrated on the day of the astronomical vernal equinox. It is also celebrated as the beginning of the new year by people all around the world for over 3,000 years in the Balkans, the Black Sea Basin, the Caucasus, Central Asia, the Middle East & other regions.
It promotes values of peace & solidarity between generations & within families as well as reconciliation & neighbourliness. Nowruz plays a significant role in strengthening the ties among peoples based on mutual respect & the ideals of peace and good neighbourliness. 
Traditional customs of Nowruz include fire & water, ritual dances, gift exchanges, reciting poetry, symbolic objects & more; these customs differ between the diverse peoples & countries that celebrate the festival.
• Holi- March 25th
Holi is a popular & significant Hindu festival celebrated as the The festival of colors, Love &Spring. It commemorates eternal and divine love of the deities Radha & Krishna. Additionally, the day signifies the triumph of good over evil, as it celebratess the victory of Vishnu as Narasimha over Hiranyakashipu. Holi originated & is predominantly celebrated in the Indian subcontinent, but has also spread to other regions of Asia & parts of the Western world through the Indian diaspora.
Holi also celebrates the arrival of Spring in India, the end of winter & the blossoming of love. It is also an invocation for a good spring harvest season. It lasts for a night & a day, starting on the evening of the Purnima (full moon day) falling on the Hindu calendar month of Phalguna, which falls around the middle of March in the Gregorian calendar.
• Easter- March 31st
also called Pascha or Resurrection Sunday is a Christian festival & cultural holiday commemorating the resurrection of Jesus from the dead, described in the New Testament as having occurred on the third day of his burial following his crucifixion by the Romans at Calvary c. 30 AD. It is the culmination of the Passion of Jesus Christ, preceded by Lent (or Great Lent), a 40-day period of fasting, prayer, & penance.
Easter traditions vary across the Christian world & include sunrise services or late-night vigils, exclamations & exchanges of Paschal greetings, flowering the cross & the decoration and the communal breaking of Easter eggs (a symbol of the empty tomb) among many others. The Easter lily is a symbol of the resurrection in Western Christianity traditionally decorates the chancel area of churches on this day & for the rest of Eastertide. Additional customs that have become associated with Easter & are observed by both Christians & some non-Christians include Easter parades, communal dancing, the Easter Bunny & egg hunting.
Other Celebrations:
• Festival of Luna- March 31st
Is a feast day honoring the Goddess Luna who is seen as the divine embodiment of the Moon.
The Temple of Luna was a temple on the Aventine Hill in Rome, dedicated to Luna, the moon goddess. Its dedication was celebrated on March 31st, thus the celebration.
According to Tacitus, it was built by king Servius Tullius. However, the first confirmed reference to a temple to Luna dates to 182 BC & refers to one of its doors being knocked off its posts by a miraculous blast of air & shot into the back of the Temple of Ceres. That account probably places the temple at the north end of the hill, just above porta Trigemina. The temple was struck by lightning around the time of the death of Cinna, as was the temple of Ceres. After the destruction of Corinth, Lucius Mummius Achaicus dedicated some of his spoils from the city to this temple. It was destroyed in the Great Fire of Rome in 64 AD & not rebuilt.
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v-akarai · 9 months
References in Servamp
Arabian mythology
Jinn. Ch. 16
Greek mythology
Elpis. Ch. 75
Moirai. Ch. 108
Pandora. Ch. 130
Pygmalion. Ch. 123
Pandora's Box. Ch. 97
Japanese mythology
Gashadokuro. Ch. 129
Kitsune. Ch. 3
Raijin. Ch. 85
Norse mythology
Baldr. Ch. 39
Bifröst. Ch. 88
Brunhild. Ch. 88
Fimbulwinter. Ch. 40
Freya. Ch. 65
Frey. Ch. 131
Gleipnir. Ch. 101
Hati. Ch. 91, 131
Hod. Ch. 39
Hliðskjálf. Ch. 96
Idunn. Ch. 65
Loki. Ch. 15
Mimir. Ch. 29
Mjölnir. Ch. 53
Ragnarök. Ch. 101, 122, 131
Sigurd. Ch. 101
Thor. Ch. 41
Yggdrasil. Ch. 42
Biblical references
Abel. Ch. 8
Adam. Ch. 128
Boaz and Jachin. Ch. 42
Eden. Ch. 21
Eve. Ch. 1
John the Baptist. Ch.122
Lucifer. Ch. 135
Nod. Ch. 29, events
Asura. Ch. 57.5, 89.
The Fool - Mahiru. Ch. 50
I. The Magician – Night trio. Ch. 41
II. The High Priestess – Mikuni. Ch. 42
V. The Hierophant - Shuhei. Ch. 77
X. Wheel of Fortune - Junichiro. Ch. 53
XII. The Hanged Man - Tsurugi. Ch. 50
XV. The Devil – Shamrock. Ch. 72
XVI. The Tower - Touma. Ch. 47
XVII. The Star - Iduna. Ch. 73
XVIII. The Moon - Yumikage. Ch. 69
XX. Judgement - Mikuni. Ch. 144
Literary references
 "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" Lewis Carroll. Ch. 3, 4, 7, 19, 98, 122. Misono, Lily, Dodo, Mitsuki, Yamane, Hattori, Mikuni, Bad B and Good B.
"As You Like It" William Shakespeare. Ch. 10, 38.5. Mikuni's spell.
"My Fair Lady" English nursery rhyme. Ch. 10 Mikuni's spell.
"Dracula" Bram Stoker. Ch. 12, 30. Hugh.
"Romeo and Juliet" William Shakespeare. Ch. 23, 34. Hyde, Ophelia.
"Faust" by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. Ch. 29 Johannes.
"Through the Looking-Glass" Lewis Carroll. Ch. 29, events. Mikuni, Johannes.
"Julius Caesar" William Shakespeare. Ch. 23, 84. Hyde.
"Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" Robert Stevenson. Ch. 23, 37. Hyde, Licht.
"Macbeth" William Shakespeare. Ch. 24, 31. Kuro, Saint Germain, Mahiru.
"Night on the Galactic Railroad" Kenji Miyazawa. Ch. 26, 142. Higan, Tsubaki.
"The Little Prince" Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. Ch 30, 67. Kuro, Mahiru, Sloth demon, Gear, probably Jeje.
"Hamlet" William Shakespeare. Ch. 33, 34. Hyde, Ophelia.
"The Phantom of the Opera" Gaston Leroux. Ch. 36 Licht and Hyde technique.
"Peter and Wendy" James Barry. Ch. 44, 56, 74. Tsurugi, Touma, Mahiru.
"Ring a Ring o' Roses" nursery rhyme. Ch. 53 Junichiro's spell.
“Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens” James Barry. Ch. 53, 75. Tsurugi, Touma.
"Death in Venice" Thomas Mann. Ch. 55 Gilbert technique.
"Total Eclipse" a play by Christopher Hampton. Ch. 55 Rayscent's technique.
"The Morning of the Last Farewell" Kenji Miyazawa. Ch. 57.5 Tsubaki.
"Spring and Asura" Kenji Miyazawa. Ch. 57.5 Tsubaki.
"The Catcher in the Rye" Jerome Salinger. Ch. 62 Shuhei.
"Four and Twenty Blackbirds" Agatha Christie. Ch. 62 Shuhei's spell.
"Metamorphosis" Franz Kafka. Ch. 62 Shamrock technique.
“The Nighhawk's Star” Kenji Miyazawa. Ch. 62, 76. Shamrock technique.
"Rock-a-bye Baby" an English lullaby. Ch. 70 Touma's spell.
“Schlafe, mein Prinzchen, schlaf ein” lullaby. Ch. 70 Touma's spell.
"Who Killed Cock Robin" an English nursery rhyme. Ch. 70 Yumikage's spell.
"The Wonderful Wizard of Oz" Lyman Frank Baum. Ch. 70, 88. Tsukimitsu brothers’ spells.
"Daddy-Long-Legs" Jean Webster. Ch. 74. Dark Night Trio, Touma.
"King Lear" William Shakespeare. Ch. 86. Hyde.
"The House of the Sleeping Beauties" Yasunari Kawabata. Ch. 86. Iori.
"The Divine Comedy" Dante Alighieri. Ch. 118, 120, 121. Niccolo, Ildio, Gluttony demon.
“A Brute's Love” (人でなしの恋) Edogawa Rampo. Ch. 122 Mikuni, Lily.
"Coppelia" ballet Leo Delibes. Chapter 122 Mikuni, Lily.
"Salome" Oscar Wilde. Ch. 122 Mikuni, Lily.
"Turandot" opera by Giacomo Puccini based on the play by Carlo Gozzi. Ch. 129, 136. Lily.
"The Tempest" William Shakespeare. Ch. 131. Licht and Hyde.
"The Old Man and the Sea" Ernest Hemingway. Ch. 134 Hugh.
"Flowers for Algernon" Daniel Keyes. Ch. 135 Hugh.
"Jane Eyre" Charlotte Brontë. Ch. 136. Hokaze.
"Madama Butterfly" opera by Giacomo Puccini. Ch. 136. Lily.
"Hansel and Gretel" the Brothers Grimm. Ch. 140. Faust and Otogiri.
"Für Elise" by Ludwig van Beethoven. Ch. 34
"Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring" by Johann Sebastian Bach. Ch. 125
Sonata No. 17 "Tempest" by Ludwig van Beethoven. Ch. 131
"It's a Wonderful Life" (1946). Ch. 131
"Life is Beautiful" (1997). Ch. 131
I believe this list can be expanded. Somewhere I’ve written only chaps when some reference was mentioned for the first time and omitted all further mentions.
Special thanks to hello-vampire-kitty, joydoesathing and passmeabook, because some works wouldn’t be included in the list without their observations.
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silverpen-and-paper · 15 days
2, 13, 24, and 27 for the ask game! Sorry if you’ve already done these lol
ty for the ask!!
2. how did your interest in loki begin? (optional: how has it evolved over the years?)
13. do you have any headcanons about asgard? (phsyics, culture, environment, history, etc?)
asgard’s water cycle goes like this: ocean water falls off the edge of the planet. it becomes vapor, the particles small enough that you can’t see them. one fraction of the vapor gathers beneath asgard and soaks back up to the topside through pathways in the rock and soil, surfacing as natural springs. the other fraction of the vapor curls back up against the atmosphere’s barrier and reforms as clouds over the topside. i’d assume this means all water on asgard (except maybe an isolated lake or two) is freshwater, but i’m not a meteorologist, so maybe not.
the shiny bright pillars on the underside of asgard are probably supposed to be ice? but i prefer to think that they’re some kind of otherworldly crystals that are magically making asgard’s gravity work the way it does. i could accept them being coated with ice, though.
idunn’s golden apples exist (we see some on banquet tables), but they don’t have the same effect as the myths. instead of being The Thing that asgardian longevity relies on, they’re just really, really healthy for you — maybe extending your life by 100 years or so if you eat them regularly enough. in my headcanon, that species of plant had already been growing on asgard for a while, but idunn figured out a way to revolutionize their benefits to the extent that asgardians refer to them as idunn’s apples. i think she runs an orchard of them.
asgard is transphobic, but not homophobic. i have a wip post where i explain this headcanon more but this is the gist of it.
there are asgardians living in the more mountainous parts of asgard, away from the main city where the palace is located. some in villages, some more isolated. this might be too obvious of a concept to count as a headcanon, but i’ve never seen anyone mention it before, so.
24. what song lyrics remind you of loki?
oh SO many but here are a few of my favorites
persephone by daisy the great:
the plight of the siren is that she’ll never sing without somebody claiming she’s starting a war and every word from her lips is a sign that she’s hungry for blood she’s a killer and moreso  the music is sweeter than honey, but honey oh, think what a monster she is at her core
my body is not mine by aurora:
but the light kicks in when i know it’s time i’ve built my walls so it’s safe to hide and the people i love i’ve left behind they see too much when they look in my eyes feel no pain and i never cry i bleed no blood, and i will never die my body’s not mine, body’s not mine body’s not mine, i need no body
rule #5 - james picard by fish in a birdcage:
i’m aware of the madness that has stained our air so i paint all the darkness  and the wounds that we must face ah (ah), ah (ah), ah fear has unleashed a storm through so much pain ah (ah), ah (ah), ah the fire spread throughout my bones and stayed
and here’s a few more songs on my loki playlist that i can’t not recommend: horror and the wild & farewell wanderlust by the amazing devil, nunemaker’s parable by everybody’s worried about owen, winter bird by aurora, regular people by moon walker
27. say you go back in time and get hired as the director of a mcu loki movie/series/episode that you dislike. assuming you’d already be changing the big stuff you criticize, what is the pettiest thing you’d change?
the tiny stack of papers in s1 ep1 of the series, the one that supposedly contains everything loki’s ever said. it’s a really odd and baffling move for a series that insists loki likes to talk a lot. and even if they didn’t insist that, like, loki’s about 1047 years old by that point! a single day’s worth of words for the average person would at least fill two or three pages, and loki’s lived — what — over 300,000 days? those papers should fill an archive. 
and there’s so much potential there too: if they wanted to go comedic (which they likely would), haha, look at all the pages loki has to read! if they wanted to go psychological horror, just imagine the dawning terror loki would feel as they realize that it’s all there. everything they ever remember saying, every hazy half-memory they nearly lost to time, sentences and conversations they don’t remember at all — it would be very tasty and effective horror if done right, i think. 
not to mention how long it would take for loki to read through them all. time doesn’t work the same way in the tva, but would they notice themself getting tired? hungry? thirsty? would they realize how long they’d been in there? would they even remember why they started in the first place? would loki be so entrenched in reading that after they finally finish, it feels like they’ve just lived their entire lifetime over again? would they snap and try to break out before then? if they did, what would be their breaking point?
plus, i doubt the tva would record other people’s halves of conversations. the tva would want to save paper and keep things simple, after all, so they’d just record loki’s dialogue. loki would read through thousands of moments where they know they must’ve been talking to their loved ones, but they would have to rely solely on memory and deduction to know what other party had said. all they would be able to see clearly is their own words echoed back to them. 
also, i refuse to accept that loki would sign something that easily without knowing what they were agreeing to or why.
full ask game:
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1800naveen · 3 months
How I imagine Tamlin's mother.
She isn't given a name so my name for her is Arduinna. She's a real life Celtic goddess of the forest and she's depicted as a huntress on a boar.
Tell me your favorite of the photos I picked out!
I really love this one. (This is a pic of the Norse goddess, Idunn if you're wondering)
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2. Imagine baby Tamlin shapeshifting into a rabbit.
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3. The roses, just 💋. Living for this one.
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4. I can see Tamlin looking more like his mom than his dad. But the angsty feeling of him looking like the man he hates is ohh.
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5. The horns made me pick it out. And the cute deers.
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6. Warrior mama.
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7. This is Lisa and Alucard from Castlevania but it just fits, y'know?
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8. Tamlin gets it from his mama.
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9. This is another favorite.
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10. Mama spring holding her baby, Tamlin. (This one is Leto, mom to Apollo and Artemis. I made a post about the similarities of Apollo and Tamlin so it works)
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That's all I got for today. I gotta sleep, bye now.
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lea-heartscxiv · 26 days
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Sunna and Addae along with some of their classmates, are at the Festival of Spring, instead of going to disco that school sets up every weekend, Tala has jumped in and kissed her neck, and as we see Sunna has not prevented it.
Will something come up between the two of them?
Sunna y Addae junto con algunos de sus compañeros de clase, están en el Festival de Primavera, en vez de ir a la discoteca que monta la escuela cada fin de semana, Tala se a lanzado y le a besado el cuello, y como vemos Sunna no se lo a impedido.
Surgirá algo entre ellas dos?
Note: Idunn and Tala have been attracted to Sunna, it seems that this girl raises passions wherever she goes.
Nota: Idunn y Tala se han sentido atraídas por Sunna, parece que la chica levanta pasiones allá por donde va .
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dailydemonspotlight · 5 months
Day 24 - Idun (Request)
Race: Megami
Alignment: Light-Neutral
April 23rd, 2024
accidentally spoiled this one, oops.
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Norse mythology, as any amateur theologian would likely know, is a bizarre beast to look into- a winding complex of bastardized tales and Christian retcons that makes even some of its most iconic gods appear scantly and obscurely in its stories. However, our demon of the day is one of the most recurring goddesses in the entire pantheon- the goddess of apples and youth, Idun.
Well, maybe that's a bit of an overstatement, but a Norse god appearing in more stories than one in the Prose Edda is an accomplishment in-and-of-itself. Idun, also known as Idunn, Iduna, or Iðunn, is the ancient Norse deity who resides over apples, spring, youth, and rejuvenation- she was likely well worshipped in her place, representing such pleasant thoughts (outside of spring due to the scourge of pollen, but let's not get into that) and ideas. Her name even seems to be based upon ideas of kindness and healthiness, as it's based upon the old Norse words ið, meaning "again," and unna, meaning "to love."
All of this, alongside her association with one of the best fruits (objectively), apples, seems to paint her in the light of being a goddess that the common people looked up to and worshipped for a nice, peaceful life. Idun is also the wife of Bragi, the god of poetry, something that adds on to this lovingly creative persona- she seemed to have been a lesser goddess, yet one still revered and loved for her role in cultivating a beautiful year with fantastic food. Even today, in some pagan circles, she is still worshipped, as she was in the past as well, a goddess representing good spring and fortune.
Idun's most famous myth comes about with those same apples she treasures so dearly- they weren't any old apples, you see, as the ones she specifically grew were apples of immortality. These apples were relied upon by the pantheon to remain young and spritely (likely leading to her title as the goddess of youth given her role in cultivating those apples) and she protected the orchard where they were grown diligently. However, a jötunn by the name of Þjazi forced Loki's hand, getting him to drag Idun away from her orchard only to kidnap her. As a consequence of her absence, the gods soon began to grow old and frail, and finding nobody else responsible, they found the blame to be on the trickster god present.
The gods weren't mad with him specifically, though- they knew that Loki wasn't that petty and mean to steal the immortal apples without reason. As a result, in an effort to make him right his wrongs, they sent him out to retrieve Idun from the claws of the jötunn, Loki adopting the form of a falcon and chasing after the giant in great pursuit. After a while of searching, he found the (likely terrified, or maybe even annoyed) Idun, who turned into a single small nut to let him escape with her untouched. Shortly after Loki makes his daring escape, the giant comes back to find his captive goddess gone with the wind, and chases after Loki in hot pursuit in the form of a massive eagle. However, the gods devised a plan to stop this rampaging jötunn, causing the eagle to run right into a then-lit pyre and setting him ablaze. With Idun returned to them, they went back to eating from the immortal apple stock, and all lived happily ever after. Until Ragnarok stuff happens, but let's not worry about that!
While Idun does fill a role as an archetypal 'damsel in distress,' her main story does show how important she actually is to the Norse pantheon; without her, they wouldn't be able to live. As a result, while a minor deity, she has a major role in the pantheon- one that is reflected perfectly in her role in SMT V.
In SMT V, Idun's only current appearance, she appears as a late-game healer and support demon with a whole sidequest attached- one that I can't recant here due to not playing V, but it seems fun. Design-wise, she bears a striking resemblance to Little Red Riding Hood (as well as Aigis for some reason), something which feels obvious given her role as the owner of the divine orchard with a wicker basket holding her magical apples, drawing clear parallels with the apples that Red Riding Hood delivers to her grandma.
She also tends to hit the griddy.
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Why? Because it's cute!
Overall, this charmingly designed demon from one of the most famous mythologies out there gets an A in my book. The influence behind her design is clear, it's cute and effective, and it works given her folkloric prescedent.
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jackalopewitch · 1 year
Prayer to Idunn
Bearer of Spring,
Guardian of the Youthful Apples,
Partner to Bragi,
Bring the Song of the Season.
Let there be Light,
Chase away the snow.
Let the rabbits run,
The seeds start to grow.
Oh, Blesséd Idunn,
Who walks the Garden of Immortality,
Who was stolen by Thiazzi,
Good luck grows on trees for Thee.
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zyana-wyvern · 4 months
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Lvarin, Lord of Spring Twilight
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Idunn's fae "patron", protector and tormentor, Lvarin dwells deep within the Feywild plane, in a lone manor, within light and darkness, between dawn and dusk.
Exiled from the Spring Court, he is ancient and strange but also terribly bored and weary of the eons he has seen. He seeks novelty, sensations and feelings, and deep down he is fascinated by mortality and mortals and their beauty and tragedy.
Tar Nordho, the Elven realm Idunn grew up in, borders the Feywild and its residents have always worked with the Fae. Lvarin saw in Idunn a novelty, but also potential, due to her human blood. He had always been there, at the border between dreams and reality, and when she needed a more questionable type of help, she turned to him. He ensnared her into a contract of sorts, that fell quite short on her side, leading her to be a willing prisoner in the Feywild for years.
He has been stuck in his fiery, vengeful Summer Phase for quite a while, unable to let go ancient grudges and broken ambitions.
More on Fey Eladrin: Fey eladrin | Forgotten Realms Wiki | Fandom
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november-rayne · 1 year
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Chapter Thirty-Three: His Goddess
Summary: Sigyn is transformed and takes her place among the Aesir. After celebrating into the wee hours of the morning, Loki and Sigyn finally consummate their union.
Word Count: 5500
Rating: Explicit
*This story is for mature audiences only.* 18+
*Minors DNI*
Tags: Explicit descriptions of sexual acts. Heavy petting. Oral sex. Penis in vagina sex.
Chapter Index
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The Goddess set her basket on the pedestal and curtsied, “Your Majesty. Your Highness.” She righted herself and gave Sigyn a playful smile, “Oh my, the stories of your beauty were not exaggerated. It is a pleasure to meet you, Princess. My name is Idunn.”
“G-Goddess of Youth and Spring. Keeper of the Tree of the Æsir.”
“That is me. Congratulations on your marriage. Many of us wagered that Loki would never take a wife. But look at you… a gift from the Norns. May I?”
Sigyn was unsure what she was agreeing to, but she nodded all the same.
Idunn took her chin in her hand and leaned over to peer into her eyes. “Fascinating. I almost did not believe Odin when he told me, but there they are. Two virtues, so different, yet coexisting so harmoniously in one being. I doubt we will ever see the likes of this again.”
Sigyn looked to Loki for reassurance. Her husband, her sweet Loki.
“Oh my.” Idunn giggled. Members of the Æsisr were speaking in excited whispers.
Sigyn looked over and saw the Goddess beside her clapping her hands and bouncing excitedly where she stood.
“Breathtaking. Undeniably breathtaking.” Idunn grabbed Sigyn by the shoulders and kissed her full on the mouth.
Sigyn’s eyes went wide with shock. She looked at Loki, and he was beaming with pride.
“Thank you,” she squeaked out. “Can I ask what is going on?”
Odin chuckled, “Sigyn, my dear, what you cannot see right now is a magnificent aura emanating from your skin.” He picked up her hand and ran his finger over the skin of her forearm. “This glow is caused by the inborn element you possess. An element of virtue so strong, so divine, myself and the other Æsir have never seen it manifest in such a way.
“It is why I must ask you to join us. I am offering you this golden apple from Idunn’s tree. Sigyn, I want you to become the newest member of the Æsir.” Murmurs of excitement broke out all through the Great Hall.
She blinked rapidly several times as if trying to awaken herself from a dream. Hearing a loud sob from below, she saw her mother clutching a handkerchief over her mouth and clinging to her father’s arm. His face was one of utter shock.
She looked at her husband again. Loki was still smiling proudly. She stared at him blankly for a moment before he raised his eyebrows to her and asked, “Well?”
Sigyn looked to Odin, “You are serious?” Chuckles drifted through the room.
“This is not an offer I make lightly. I am extremely selective. I don’t invite just anyone to join us. The Allmother and I agree that recent events have only solidified our feeling that you will do well with this gift.”
She could not believe what she was hearing. Her? A Goddess? It was surreal. Her hand shook as she found her bracelet and nervously toyed with it. Looking back at Loki, she immediately felt calmer. They had only met a short time ago, but a piece of him had been with her for her entire life. He was comfortable and familiar while being new and exciting at the same time. And she loved him. And she trusted him.
As she looked at him now, so confident, so proud, she pushed her trepidation far out of her mind. Yes. Yes, she could do this.
Sigyn placed both of her hands over her heart and curtsied. “It would be the highest honor, My King.”
Odin smiled widely, his eye crinkling at the corner, “Idunn, if you please?”
The Goddess gently picked up the apple from its bed of blossoms and handed it to Odin with a curtsey. The hall went silent. Sigyn could hear no sound over the pounding of her own heart.
“Divinity is sacred. The Norns have blessed you with a powerful virtue. I invite you, Sigyn, to partake in the fruit from the tree of the Æsir. With this apple and the magic it holds, you will be given sight, strength, healing, and longevity.”
He gently placed the apple in her hands.
Looking at the apple, she could see her awed expression reflected back to her. The apple looked like it was made of solid gold, shiny and metallic like she would break her teeth when she bit into it, but it felt warm and soft in her grip. She turned it about in her hands, looking for any imperfection in the skin, any proof that what she held had, in fact, been grown from a tree and not constructed by a metalsmith.
It was not lost on her that the average Asgardian had rarely seen the precious fruit she held in her hand, let alone touched it. Idunn herself is the only one besides Odin capable of plucking this fruit from the branch. Others have tried, of course, only for the apple to instantly rot in their hand.
Idunn tended to her tree with the utmost devotion, even if centuries passed before Odin deemed one worthy of the fruit. The apples hang from their branches, preening in the Asgardian sunshine, waiting patiently for their turn to be picked and pass on their magic.
Sigyn caught a glimpse of Kaarina out of the corner of her eye, bringing her out of her reverie. She held the apple out towards her to get a better look at it. Kaarina shook her head and mouthed the words, ‘What the Hel?’ with a big smile on her face.
She laughed and continued to look out over the tables. Her friends, family, and now her new family are all there, all watching as she had one of the most incredible days of her existence. She looked at her parents again. Her father was beaming at her; her mother gave her an anxious look and motioned with her hand, telling her to get on with it.
She let her eyes stop on Loki. Her sweet, handsome Loki. He blew her a kiss, and she felt a warm tingle radiate through her as her element flared brightly from her skin.
Without taking her eyes off him, she brought the apple to her lips and took a bite. Her teeth broke the skin easily, and her mouth was instantly filled with the sweetest juice she had ever tasted. She resisted the urge to moan as she chewed that first bite. The flavor was intense, not necessarily tasting like an apple, and perhaps flavor was the wrong word. She could taste sunshine, warmth, crisp morning air, fresh rain, newly fallen snow, and ocean spray individually as well as all at the same time.
She took another bite and felt a lightness pass through her like she weighed nothing at all and might float away with a strong breeze. She lifted her hand for a third time and noticed a light emanating from her skin. She took a bite and held her arms out to watch the sky-blue color flow around her as she chewed.
Another bite and a color she unexplainedly recognized as mischief joined her own. The blue and the green danced around her, combining and separating, twisting together and spiraling. She pried her eyes from the beauty of the twirling colors to look back at Loki.
He was smirking, and in his eyes was the same color green, dancing behind his ocean-blue irises. Her eyes went wide as she looked about to the rest of the divine beings in attendance. Odin: gold. Idunn: pink. Frigga: yellow. Thor: silver. Each of the Æsir had their own color, representing the unique element of their virtue.
She ate the entire apple as the effects took hold of her body. Her vision was crisper, the ache in her feet from her ornate shoes was gone, and she felt her muscles and skin tingle. She felt like she could take on an army single-handed. Her mind felt sharper as she swallowed the last bit down. She looked to Odin as she finished.
“As King of the Æsir, I name you Sigyn, Goddess of Fidelity, Loyalty, and Compassion.”
Everyone rose to their feet and cheered. The applause was almost deafening. Loki bounded up the steps to the platform and embraced his wife, “Goddess of Fidelity? I like the sound of that.”
The celebration lasted into the early morning hours.
Sigyn had never danced so much in her life. She had taken turns around the dance floor with her father, her childhood friends, Thor, and even the King. She danced with nobles, politicians, delegates, relatives, and Loki’s friends. Her wide smile never left her face.
Loki and Sigyn danced together most of all, never wanting to be separated for too long.
She should feel exhausted. She should feel dead on her feet, but she felt just as refreshed as when she had first awoken.
“How are you feeling, Princess? Are you getting tired?” Loki asked as he twirled her around the dance floor.
“Not at all. I feel like I could do this all night.” She pulled him down so his ear was close to her mouth. “Although I would like to go to bed soon.” She placed a soft kiss on his neck. “I think I have had enough dancing for one night. Take me home?”
“I thought you would never ask.” He brushed her cheek with his knuckles and kissed her tenderly.
He started walking her toward the dais when he spotted Thor dancing with Sif. He had ditched his coat as promised and wore a dark red sleeveless tunic. Loki placed a hand on his shoulder, “Goodnight, Brother! It is time for us to retire.”
Thor wrapped his arm tightly around Sif’s waist, “Retire?! The party is just getting started, Brother.”
Loki laughed, “The party has been raging for hours, and I have a duty I must fulfill.”
“Then I must not keep you.” He gave him a big grin. “Would you like some last-minute advice before you go?”
“No, but if I may offer you some advice… put down the mead and drink some water.”
Thor laughed heartily, “And lose my bet with Father? I think not.”
Sif embraced Sigyn, “Congratulations again, Your Highness. Go get some rest.” She gave her a wink.
“I will not leave my bed for days and days.”
“Good night, Sister.” Thor gave Sigyn a hug and a kiss on the cheek. “Go make Loki a man.”
“Good luck with him, Sif.” Loki smiled as he walked away.
“See you at breakfast, Brother,” Thor called to Loki.
“Do not count on it,” Loki called back.
They made their way through the crowd and approached the dais, where both sets of their parents were talking and drinking with a group of others.
“Father, Mother.” Loki bowed. “We are taking our leave now.”
Lord Anderson laughed, “Pay up, Your Majesty. They have stayed out far longer than you said they would.”
The King, eye glassy from the effects of the mead, “That is my Loki, predictably unpredictable.”
“Do not mind these two.” Frigga waved a tipsy hand between the two men, her cheeks pink. “They have had way too much to drink.”
“I can see that,” Loki chuckled.
“Thank you again, Your Majesty.” Sigyn addressed the King. “Today has been the greatest day of my life.”
“You are quite welcome. Please, call me Father.”
“Yes, Father.” She wrapped her arms around Loki’s waist, “Papa, Mama, I wanted to tell you goodnight before we go home.”
“What are you still doing here? Go make your union official.”  Lord Anderson waved them on.
Lady Anderson stood, swaying slightly as she motioned for the couple to come in for a hug. She embraced Loki first, patting his cheek after she pulled back. “What a handsome young man you have grown up to be. My daughter is a lucky, lucky girl.”
“Yes, Mama.” Sigyn laughed as she traded Loki places and folded into her mother’s arms. “Now, if you do not mind, I would like to take my handsome husband home now.”
She held her daughter’s face and smiled, “Get on with it then.” She gave her a peck on the cheek, wine heavy on her breath.
“I love you, Mama.”
“I love you too, Siggy.”
“Do you want me to announce your departure? Or would you like to slip out quietly?” Odin asked as he draped one arm over Frigga’s shoulders. She snuggled back into him, and Loki had to suppress the laugh that threatened to burst from his lips. He had never seen his parents this drunk in public before.
“No need for any fuss. Let the party continue without us as we sneak out the back. Goodnight, all.” Loki bowed as he took Sigyn by the hand and turned to depart. “Oh, one more thing before we take our leave.” He turned back to their parents. “Do not expect us for breakfast in the morning.”
The couple could still hear Lord Anderson’s booming laughter as they entered the hallway.
They practically ran the distance to their new chambers on the other side of the palace. Stopping a few times to kiss and grope each other behind a large marble pillar or secluded in a darkened alcove.
Eventually, they arrived at the golden double doors of their apartment. Loki unlocked the doors with the key from his pocket. He scooped Sigyn up bridal style and told the guards they were not to be disturbed before carrying her across the threshold. He closed the door behind him with his foot and locked it with his seiðr.
He set her down in the middle of the large main living space, looking around in wonder as this was his first time seeing it furnished.
“Would you like a drink?” Loki asked as he lit the fireplace.
“Wine?” she replied as she slipped out of her shoes.
Loki removed his coat and hung it over the back of a dining room chair. He smiled when he found the wine glasses in the first place he checked, knowing Margit would have arranged his belongings in the way he was used to.
“Do you prefer to be called Princess or Goddess from now on?” he asked as he handed Sigyn one of the glasses of red that he carried.
“I know you are jesting, but I cannot wrap my mind around this. I am Æsir. It sounds so strange to say, but I feel so different.”
Loki sat on the sofa and patted the seat beside him, “How so?”
She maneuvered her train out of the way and sat alongside him, “Well, take those shoes, for instance.” She motioned to her shoes which were abandoned by the fireplace. “I danced for hours in those monstrosities. My feet should be killing me, but they are not. I should feel exhausted, but I am not. And I can see now. I see the mischief dancing behind your eyes, and I can see my element when I push it away.”
She held up her hand and wiggled her fingers as she manipulated the blue light to dance around her digits. “I cannot sense lies or read anyone’s mind, which is disappointing,” she laughed.
“I cannot control my element in the way you do. I believe yours is the only virtue that behaves that way.”
“Oh really?” She held up her palm, and Loki shook his head in awe as a green ball of light appeared in her hand. She formed it into a snake and let it coil around her arm. “I believe this is mischief, is it not?”
“Show off,” he grinned at her. “The fruit, what did it taste like?”
“It was odd.”
“Elaborate.” Loki sipped his wine.
“It was crisp. It had no core; it was fruity flesh all the way through. The juice was sweet, but the apple itself was… unlike anything I have tasted before. I guess if magic had a flavor, that would be it.”
He could not stop smiling at her, “What I would not give to remember my transformation.”
“I keep waiting for something to happen like lightning to shoot out of my fingers or animals to start speaking to me,” she laughed.
“Your special abilities may take their time to manifest.” Loki shrugged a shoulder, “In the meantime, enjoy your added strength and endurance.”
“Oh, I plan on it, husband.”
The way she said husband made Loki’s cock twitch.
“How would you like to help me out of these boots, wife?” he sipped his wine.
She grinned as she set her half-empty wine glass on the table beside her. She then slid off the couch onto her knees at Loki’s feet. It took her a minute to figure out the elaborate system of buckles and straps on the tall boots, but eventually, she had them off and to the side.
“Do you need anything else while I am down here?” she smirked, rubbing his thighs while the green light swirled around her fingers.
“Can I let your hair down?” He rubbed the side of her neck with his thumb.
“That sounds wonderful.” She turned her back to him and sat on her heels between his legs. He could have snapped his fingers and each tiny braid would have been loose instantly, but he wanted to take her hair down himself.
He carefully removed her tiara and put it atop his own head. “What do you think? Does it suit me?”
She looked over her shoulder and let out a very unladylike bark of laughter. “To a tee. But you will have to get your own. I do not wish to share.”
Loki feigned offense, “Rude! You are a very stingy princess.”
“Quite the opposite. Finish your task, and I will show you just how generous I can be.” She smirked at him as she turned back around.
He bit his lip and let out a moan. He set the tiara aside and quickly set to work on the knot of braids at the back of her head. With a grace that should not be possible for a man with such big hands, his large fingers deftly removed the hairpins and tiny threads that secured her braids. It took a lot of time, but he eventually ran his fingers freely through her waist-length tresses.
“All finished.” He had his large hands in her hair, massaging her scalp.
“Mmmm… oh Gods, that feels so good.” She moaned again, “Your hands… mmm, Loki…”
He massaged her scalp, then her neck, then her shoulders. “Stand up, kitten.”
She stood with a hand from him as he took a moment to appreciate her, standing before him wearing her wedding dress with her hair loose.
“By the Norns, Sigyn.” He swallowed thickly, “You take my breath away.”
“It has been a long day. Let’s go to bed.” She tipped her head in the direction of the bedroom as she held her hand out to him.
He kissed her outstretched hand, then scooped her up again. The ache in his ribs reminded him that they were, in fact, still broken and that he was probably delaying his healing by ignoring the doctor’s orders. Not that it mattered to him at that moment.
All the domestic slowness from moments ago disappeared as soon as he set her down in the bedroom. She started franticly helping him out of his clothes between hurried kisses. Once he was out of his waistcoat and shirt, she made her way to his trousers.
“Wait. Let’s get you out of this first.” He spun her around and looked at the back of her dress, “How?”
“There are buttons,” she pulled her hair and cape aside, “down the back.”
Loki was faced with a row of a hundred tiny buttons. “No, not tonight.” He waved his hand over her, and all the buttons unhooked simultaneously.
She gave him a surprised laugh as he slid the dress down her body.
“Norns above, Sigyn…”
She stepped out of her dress, clad in a strapless white lace bustier, garter, and matching panties. He raked his hand over his face.
“Do you like it?” She turned in a slow circle for him. Her panties barely covered anything in the back, exposing most of her round ass.
“I… I…”
She laughed as she ran her hands down his chest, “You really know how to stroke a girl’s ego.”
He made to run his hand through his hair but realized his braids were still in place. He used his seiðr on himself to undo his plaits.
“Once again, you have rendered me speechless,” he said as he shook out his hair.
“I know how to get the words going again.” She palmed his burgeoning erection through his trousers.
“Sigyn…” He took her head in his hands and kissed her, “I love you.”
She smiled against his lips, “I love you, Loki. Now, take off your trousers.”
He obediently unfastened his trousers and slid them down to his thighs. Sigyn dropped to the floor and pulled them from his legs. Loki’s cock jumped when she nuzzled it against her cheek. His hands found her hair and his head fell back as she kissed him on his hip and started trailing open mouthed kisses over his lower belly.
“Get on the bed.”
Anticipation ran like a current through him as he sprawled out on the soft silk sheets. She kept her weight off his body as she crawled over him. She kissed down his neck, across his chest, and down his abs. She circled her tongue around his navel, took his burgeoning cock in her hand, and dropped her head to suck on his scrotum.
“Mmm...” he whimpered as she pulled her mouth off one of his testicles with a pop.
With a wide tongue, she licked him from base to tip, lapping at the glans with teasing gentleness. Loki groaned and bucked where he lay on his back, legs spread wide to accommodate his pretty wife between them.
Sigyn smirked as she watched what her handiwork was doing to him. His eyes were closed, and he was moving his hands about in the air like he was fighting the urge to grab her head and bury himself in her throat.
“Relax, lover.”
“Sigyn, please…” his voice was hoarse.
“I know, lover. You have been so very patient. You deserve a little treat.” She released him and sat up to kneel between his legs.
Reaching behind herself, she unfastened the bustier and threw it to the floor. Her nipples were rigid peaks on her full breasts. Loki groaned as she leaned over him again, letting her chest graze his cock.
He hissed sharply as she squeezed her breasts together around his rigid length, still wet from her onslaught of kisses. He bucked his hips and moaned as he watched the head of his cock, red and weeping, emerge and disappear between her breasts as he fucked her tits.
It was not long at all before he was teetering on the edge. But he forced himself to stop before he finished. This was a sacred night for him, he wanted his seed to land in one place and one place only: deep inside his precious wife. The ceremony of tradition is to be upheld even if they wouldn’t be trying for children anytime soon.
Taking a few deep breaths to center himself, he looked down at her as she sat back on her heels.
He sat up in the bed and pushed her down to lay her on her back, “Naughty thing. You are wicked.” He lavished kisses on her neck and jaw.
“Is it so wicked to give my husband pleasure?” She turned her head and closed her eyes, relishing his warm mouth on her skin. She moaned when his hand ran up from her hip to her breast to squeeze her nipple.
“You have distracted me once again.” He kissed along her collarbones, “I had plans for your body once I got you out of that dress, but the sight of you in this,” he reached down and snapped her garter against her leg, “scrambled my thoughts.” He dropped his head to her chest. She slid both hands into his hair as he brought her nipple into his mouth.
“Hmm… Do not leave me in suspense. You must tell me what you intended to carry out.” She threw her head back and ground her hips into him as he bit down on the soft flesh of her breast. He immediately laved it with his tongue and moved down to kiss her belly.
“What fun is telling? I would rather show you.” She squealed as he quickly pulled her panties off.
Taking revenge by teasing her relentlessly, kissing her everywhere but where she wanted him to for several minutes, Loki pleasured her with his tongue. She was reduced to a quivering, boneless puddle when he was finally finished with her after her second orgasm.
He crawled up the bed and claimed her mouth, her slick still sweet on his lips and tongue. Sated and pliant, she wrapped her boneless arms and legs around him. His stiff manhood lay heavy on her lower belly.
“Gods, Loki,” she managed to breathe out once she finally regained her wits.
“I am going to take you now,” he said as he stilled over her. It was a statement, but she heard the question in it too.
She opened her eyes to meet his; they were dark, full of want. She licked her swollen lips, “Yes.” She pressed her forehead to his and nodded, “Yes, Loki. I want you. All of you. Now.”
He kissed her slowly, tenderly, letting his hand skim the smooth skin of her thigh. Raising his hips, he brought his hand between them and watched as he lined himself up to her entrance. He looked back into her eyes as he nudged his tip inside.
She let out a long, slow breath as he pushed into her the rest of the way, tortuously slow. He held his breath and savored the tight, wet heat as he slid in, inch by inch. He groaned once he was fully seated and buried his head in the crook of her neck. He wrapped his arms around her and pressed his body tightly to hers.
She could feel him twitch inside her as he waited for her to adjust to his girth. She clung to his shoulders and rubbed her cheek against his soft hair.
“This is Valhalla,” he whispered as he traced her neck with his nose and lips.
He moved his hands under her shoulders, propping himself up on his elbows. “Are you all right?” he asked, placing slow, open-mouthed kisses along her jaw.
“Yes…” She lifted her hips to meet his as he pressed back into her. “Gods, yes...” She could not remember anything ever feeling this good. “This is so right.”
“Yes.” He claimed her mouth as he started moving above her.
She closed her eyes and relished the delicious drag of the head of his cock along her walls. Warmth spread to her thighs as another wave of arousal coated his cock in her slick. He let out an approving groan.
“Yes, kitten, soak my cock.”
“You feel… so good… inside me.” She gasped as he changed pace, moving faster and pressing into her harder. She moved her hands from his shoulder and held onto his biceps, hard and bulging with the effort of holding himself over her.
He dropped his eyes to where their chests were pressed together and growled, lowering his mouth to the junction between her neck and shoulder; he nipped and sucked, marking her as his own.
She was panting, “This… oh Gods… I never want… to stop… aaah… doing this… with you.”
“You are mine…”
“I am yours…” She pulled him down for a kiss. It was sloppy, ungraceful, and perfect. “…just as you are mine.” She ran her tongue along his bottom lip, then sucked it between her teeth, giving it a nip while simultaneously grabbing a fistful of his hair and yanking hard.
His hips stuttered, “Fuck, Sigyn… yes… mmm… as I am yours. Norns, woman! You almost caused me to spill too soon.”
He moved his arms from under her and pinned her to the bed by her wrists. “Loki… I want to touch you.” she tried to wriggle free. She surprised herself when she slipped out of his grip momentarily.
He quickly caught her and pinned her back down harder. “You are stronger than you used to be, kitten. But I am still stronger than you.” Resting his head on her forehead and letting his hair hang down around her, “I will free you for a price.” He slowed his strokes, “Come for me, and I will let you go.”
“Please, Loki…” she bucked her hips franticly, trying to encourage him to speed back up, “I am so close.” She clenched around him.
“Aaah… yes… sweetling.” He resumed the pace she favored.
She gasped and let her head fall back, a tightness coiled in her lower belly, her legs hooked around his, changing the angle of her hips and causing the head of Loki’s cock to drag over the sensitive spot inside her.
“Do. Not. Stop.” Her eyes fluttered closed, “Oh, Gods.”
“I can feel how close you are, kitten. Mmmm… just let go, precious.” He moaned as her walls started to flutter around him.
Her orgasm started in her center and radiated outward over her entire body. “Ah…Loki…” Her pelvic muscles clamped around his cock. Her fingers splayed wide, and she arched her back off the bed.
He watched her face as she came, trying very hard not to follow her over the edge as she squeezed him.
“That’s a good girl.”
She bucked against him as aftershocks wracked her body. He released her wrists as promised, and she immediately pulled him down for kisses. He slowed his pace, languidly easing her down from her high.
Loki stroked her hair, “So pretty… My wife. My pretty wife.”
“Loki…” Sweaty and breathless, she ran her hands through his hair. “Loki… Gods, I love you.”
“I love you, sweetling.” He closed his eyes and moaned as he picked up his pace again, her sweet cunt hot and wet. “Do you have one more for me?”
“For you? Anything for you, lover. Whatever you want. You can have whatever you want.”
He smothered her in kisses and caressed her everywhere he could reach as he continued his relentless pace. It was not long before she was burying her face in his neck as another orgasm charged through her body.
“Yes… aaah… yes, Sigyn.” He hissed. He let out a primal groan, and his hips stuttered as he came inside her. Her cunt milked his cock for all that he had as her abs and pelvic muscles spasmed around him. His fingers dug into her hips and he jutted into her as far as he could go.
When his cock finally stopped pulsing, he slowly opened his eyes and saw a single tear roll over her face towards her ear.
His heart dropped, “Oh Gods… I am so sorry. Sigyn, did I hurt you?” He started to pull out of her, but she caged him in with her legs.
“No! Don’t you dare get up yet!” She dried her tear with her thumb. “I am not hurt. I was just overcome.” She kissed him tenderly, “This was everything I dreamed it would be.”
Relieved, he smiled at her. Sweaty and panting he kissed her, “This was far better than even my wildest dream.” He rolled them onto their sides, twining their legs together, and held her and kissed her.
“Let me clean you up.”
“In a minute. I am not ready to be out of your arms just yet.”
“You married a sorcerer, sweetling.” He waved his hand over them, and her thighs were instantly dry and clean.
She shook her head as she pressed closer to him. “The best decision I ever made,” she said sleepily as she nuzzled his neck.
“I would have to agree.” He summoned the blankets over them and kissed her forehead.
He held her as she drifted off to sleep. This morning he had woken up full of nervous tension; tonight, he falls asleep, naked and sated, with the woman he loves wrapped securely in his arms, happier than he had ever been in his life.
Sending silent prayers up to the Norns thanking them for his precious gift. He didn’t know what he did to deserve her. He may never know the reason why the fates intervened to create her, but he would spend every day of his existence striving to be the man deserving of such an amazing partner.
He pressed another kiss to the top of her head and held her tighter. He let sleep take him as the sun started lighting the sky on the horizon.
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XOXO- Rayne 💚
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its-sixxers · 9 months
Dragonsoul (III)
With dragon souls trapped in her mind and her skull ready to split, Idunn has an unexpected visitor in Sheogorath - but not quite in the guise she imagined.
(yes i am still working on cotd out of order so you get free snippets)
[First Entry]
[Second Entry]
Idunn stood shivering, looking up at the two toned sky for staring at the being she now knew as Sheogorath was too terrifying a concept.
She couldn’t be mad. She’d always taken comfort in grounding herself in nature, in the whisper of wind through the grass, in the steadiness of the earth beneath her feet. The world around her was her anchor, but if her perception was warped, unreal -
“Breathe, my dear.” Sheogorath clucked, now far too close for comfort. She circled around Idunn like a predatory animal, sabre cat eyes glimmering. “Nothing to panic over. You have a problem that needs fixing, and I think I have the solution.” She extended a hand and tapped at Idunn’s temple, her long nails leaving a faint mark on her skin.
“All of your statues are of a man,” Idunn blurted out, flinching from the touch. Desperation edged into her tone, trying to prove things weren’t as bad as they seemed. “Are you really -“
“No vision, you mortals.” Sheogorath cut in. “I’m whatever I want to be. I thought I’d be nice and show up in a form you’d be comfortable with. I can be the Old Man if you’d like.” A cheshire grin, and Sheogorath’s form rippled with another onset of butterflies. Now an old man stood perilously close to Idunn, canines sharp and features sharper. “There’s the elf, yes, but I didn’t think you liked your men looking as old as they are.”
“I don’t,” Idunn gulped, feeling a sudden well of tears spring to her eyes at the thought of Tandreth - of liking Tandreth. She didn’t know what she thought or believed anymore, the world seemed so uncertain now, and the pressure in her skull pushed painfully at the back of her eyes.
“Whatever doesn’t help you sleep at night,” Sheogorath hummed and patted her on the shoulder. Another onslaught of butterflies and his appearance was once again that of the oddly familiar woman. She clapped her gloved hands together, and Idunn flinched from the sound. “Well! Let’s have a peek in that skull of yours before small talk bores us both to death, shall we? Have you seen what kind of corpse death from boredom leaves? Awful sight. I had it painted. Now…”
Before Idunn could stop her, Sheogorath grabbed her head, fingers digging into her temples. The pain made her vision water, but through her tears Idunn could see Sheogorath lean forward until sabre-cat eyes stared into hers. For a brief second Idunn swore they flashed mortal - green - before the entire world shifted. Their surroundings blurred, melted away, colors blending together until Idunn felt as if she was going to throw up. The pounding in her skull grew fierce, as if something was trying to escape. Idunn squeezed her eyes shut.
Then the pressure lifted, the world stilled with the relief only sleep would bring. Idunn opened her eyes, praying to be greeted by Sky Haven Temple’s empty sleeping quarters.
Instead she stood in a misty canyon, Sheogorath standing before her and over a dozen dragons chained to the rocks.
“Ah, there’s your problem,” Sheogorath said very matter-of-factly. “You haven’t discussed terms.”
“Terms?” Idunn asked weakly, feeling faint at the sight of just how many drakes she had bested. The reality was almost overwhelming. They lifted their heads, hateful eyes glimmering in the dark as they beheld her, chains rattling. The air rattled, too - rattled with their breathing, the low rumbles, the dangerous hiss of heated air crackling out between their teeth. Her head throbbed.
“You’re bad at eating souls,” Sheogorath explained, walking down the canyon path that led between the rows of chained dragons. “You let them have far too much leeway. Would you leave a child alone in a room?” Idunn swore a brief shade of sadness crossed Sheogorath’s features, but it was soon replaced by irreverence. “Of course not. They make a mess. They test boundaries. Now, you have some very large children here.”
One of the dragons roared, indignant, and Idunn cried out from the flash of pain in her head. She clutched at her temples and doubled over.
“I suppose you’ve been run too ragged to have any energy for keeping these dogs to heel, hm?” Sheogorath observed, lofting a brow. “Or perhaps you’re not capable of it. A shame, that - your head will pop like a melon.”
No - Idunn was capable of very few things, but her strength was something she could always rely on. With effort she drew herself back to her full height and walked purposefully down the path after Sheogorath. Now every inhale was painful, the mere presence of drakes so close to her making it feel as if something was pulling at the inside of her skull.
The motion made Sheogorath smile, though it did not reach her - his? Their? No, her - eyes. “Good lass. Now, terms - they’ve all been living in your head for free. That won’t do.”
“Not for free,” Idunn grit out, finding speech remarkably difficult but holding her ground nevertheless. “Through them I’ve learned how to breathe life into the Dovah tongue.” It helped to remember that she had indeed defeated each dragon standing before her, if only one at a time - the largest, a beautiful and terrible white wyvern - glared down at her with golden eyes. That had been the one to nearly kill her, back when she’d first met Tandreth -
The moment she thought of Tandreth the white dragon roared, and she screamed in response. The earth beneath her feet shook, rocks tumbled down from the canyon walls above, and the very sky seemed to be splitting apart.
“Fool girl,” Sheogorath murmured when the world stilled. “Misery is a delicious thing. Have you tasted an opponent’s despair? It’ll mend bones, if not hearts. Don’t think of such things here.”
Idunn nodded but soon regretted it, her vision sent spinning from the motion. “Where are we, anyways?”
“A dark corner of your mind. Not the darkest, don’t you worry - even I don’t want to tread there. The skulls of you heroes are marvelous fun, until they aren’t, then it’s all tears.”
“When do they start being all tears?”
“Oh, that’d spoil the surprise,” Sheogorath scolded. “I’ll give you one hint - you already know. All of you always know, it just takes time for you to see. That’s not why we’re here, though - that’s a matter that has a longer fuse than this.”
Idunn was finding it difficult to focus on anything, the way Sheogorath danced from concept to concept, so she settled on nodding dumbly, casting her gaze at each of the dragons. “Show me how to tame them.”
“They call you Dragonborn, don’t they?” Sheogorath hummed. “Heard that title before, but it’s buried under so much chintz. What makes you so? What makes you special? These dragons seem to have forgotten. Educate me. Educate them.”
It very nearly hurt to shift her gaze, the pressure behind her eyes so intense, but Idunn strode into the center of the canyon and stared each beast in the eyes. They were intelligent, filled with hate, vestiges of demigods whose wings had once beat the sky. Idunn had killed them all, but it was not enough to control them.
A question broached her mind, and she spoke it into the air the moment she comprehended it. “Why are you doing this to me?”
It was the white dragon that answered her, a rasp in Dovah that seemed to warp itself into the common tongue the moment it was spoken, translated and transformed in mid air. “It is all we have left to us. You would do the same.”
The answer made her frown, guilt bubbling in her gut. Hateful as they were, she had brought true mortality to the creatures - she could understand the fear, the hate, the desperation to inflict that same pain on the one who had wrought it.
Again, she thought of Tandreth - her rage at him, for leaving her, the brief fantasies of hurting him as much as he’d hurt her - and this time the white dragon roared louder than ever, flames licking at the sides of its mouth.
“You are weak, little dovaahkiin. Alduin will devour you, as you have us - if you make it so far.”
“You’re no help to yourself, you know!” Sheogorath called over, hands on her hips and looking thoroughly disappointed. “At this rate if the dragons don’t drive you mad, the elf will.”
Idunn tried to ignore the pain, tried to focus on the dragon’s words - on Sheogorath’s advice. What made her special? What was it to be Dragonborn?
Devourer of souls - yet they lived on in her head. A half life, but a life nevertheless.
Her next words were spoken slowly. “What happens to you if I don’t make it to Alduin? What happens to you if I die?”
The white dragon bristled, hissed. “We cease to be. A small price to pay, for your end.”
“Is it?” Idunn asked, dumbfounded at such a concept, such a surrender. “You’ve lived since… since eternity, really. The loss of something so old gives me pause, yet you’re willing to speed your own death along?”
The pressure in her skull felt as if it was easing - there was more hissing from the denizens of the canyon, but it felt like disagreement, discord. Sheogorath was beaming.
“What happens if I defeat Alduin?” Idunn continued, the lifting pressure making the ground under her feet feel all the steadier. It was easier to pretend she was confident, to believe that the impossible could come to pass.
“We go beyond,” another drake answered amidst the hissing and was snapped at by the pale dragon for its disobedience. Chains rattled as the creatures fell into infighting, and Idunn clutched at her head.
“Are you going to let them squabble like children?” Sheogorath needled. “Or are you going to use that Voice of yours?”
“STOP IT!” Idunn roared. The valley rumbled, rocks tumbling from cliffs to the ground below.
All at once the dovah fell silent. She panted, staring them down - recalling the defeat of each. So many, it seemed impossible, but she had done it, she had succeeded. Confidence surged through her, and the dovah shrank at her gaze.
“I’m going to defeat Alduin,” she continued steadily, “and so help me, if you interfere I’ll find a way to jam you into a place even worse than my skull.”
“Fool girl,” the white dragon hissed, the only one daring to challenge her. It snarled, flames licking out of its mouth once more, and lowered its head until Idunn could feel the radiant heat. “You’ve let the elf defeat you. As if he could ever-“
Idunn barely noticed her warhammer in her hands, hardly registered her swing - but swing she did, connecting with the pale drake’s jaw.
“I am dovahkiin. I can end you again,” she threatened, the thought of Tandreth - of any of her foes daring to speak his name - igniting fury in her.
There was no more murmuring. The mists in the valley grew heavier, and Idunn’s vision went white.
The next time she opened her eyes she was in her bed at Sky Haven Temple. It was dawn, judging by the shaft of pink light spilling in from a crack in the ceiling - and in it, a butterfly.
Now you can deal with the elf, a familiar voice spoke in her mind, and Idunn despaired at the thought she was still mad. Or you can let it be and have a visit to my Isles. Be brave, little dragon.
At least her headache was gone. A greater one awaited in Tandreth - but that one she could bear, if she could see him again.
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annachum · 10 months
How I think Elsa and Co. may be when they first meet several Norse deities in person
. Thor : Of fucking course Thor being a boisterous bruiser he is just basically loudly welcomes and greets them and then Kristoff goes fanboy mode on Thor cuz he thinks Thor is so cool. They soon be drinking mead and energetically sing and dance together
. Loki : They don't really know what to think of Loki at first, partially due to Loki's Machivellan and unpredictable traits ( yes Loki is machivellan and unpredictable in the Norse Myths ). But when Loki begins to talk animatedly about Sigyn, they become more chill with him
. Sif : They think she is a ' cool aunt ' like figure and Anna and Sif began talking about harvest related stuff ( similarly with Sif, Anna also became passionate about harvest related shit )
. Nanna : They are charmed by her warm and gracious presence and they soon make hot chocolate together
. Bragi : Kristoff and Anna soon be singing their hearts out with Bragi as Elsa just watches and claps along
. Skadi : They defo be bowing in deference to the one who blessed Elsa with ice powers. At first they are kinda intimidated with her yet relaxed somewhat once Skadi treated them wjth courtesy and respect
. Baldr : They have to shield themselves from how bright Baldr literally shone and Baldr began talking to Elsa and Co. stuff about geography and shit
. Hodr : He's blind, but luckily Kristoff is able to help Hodr picture things via vivid descriptions ( a thing that Kristoff became great at )
. Gefjon : They treat Gefjon with respect since she was more of a no nonsense sort, yet they are more relaxed around her once Gefjon shows her warmer sides
. Odin : They think he is terrifying yet basically treated him wjth deference and respect
. Frigga : They are amazed by her elegance and refinery and treat her with deference and respect
. Idunn : Anna is a big fan of Idunn growing up ( partially cuz her mother is name inspired by Idunn - I mean, duh ) and she and Kristoff began talking about Apple related stuff and spring together
. Fulla : They are charmed by Fulla's hospitality and they be exchanging gossip together ( yes, Fulla has a penchant for gossip at times )
. Tyr : They are at first intimidated with him, yet they become more relaxed once Tyr began to have some beers with them
. Zisa : They are enchanted with her refined and warm demeanor and then they began talking about autumn and harvest related matters
. Gullveig : They think that Gullveig is a force to be reckoned with and Gullveig told them some more stuff about Nordic magic
. Sigyn : They think she is so sweet and cute and soon be making some raspberry hand pies together...and then Sigyn tells them some more stuff about valkyrie and volva related matters
. Andrhimnir : They soon began a musical number WHILE PREPARING A MEAL TOGETHER
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a-d-nox · 2 years
Can you interpret asteroid Iduna (176)? Thank you.
idun, goddess of youth (asteroid 176)
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Idun - also written as Idunn and Iduna - is the goddess of spring, youth, and rejuvenation. She is commonly referred to as Bragi's wife. Idun is the keeper of the "apple (similar to the garden of Eden in the Christian Bible - we love the smell of appropriation, no? yes, well we can find her myth (pre-Christianity) in the poem "Haustlöng" from the Prose Edda - modern day we consider Idun's fruit an apple but it may have been another or similarly fruit in general) of immortality” which is thought to keep the gods young (Ambrosia, is that you?) in Norse mythology. She is thought to carry this apple in an ash wood box called an eski. A popular myth in which she plays a bigger role is one in which Odin, Hoeing, and Loki were traveling in the mountains of Asgard. During this trip the gods tried to cook oxen meat on a fire but found that the meat would not heat. An eagle revealed itself to be the source of this issue - it had been using magic to prevent them from eating as it too wanted a meal. When the gods finally allowed the eagle to eat with them, Loki tried to strike it but the eagle grabbed hold of him and took him far away. Loki learned that the eagle was a giant named Thjazi - the giant had a new demand that the goddess that created the gods' youth be brought to him in exchange for Loki's life. Loki quickly agreed and was returned to the group. When the gods returned home, Loki soon lured Idun into the forest where the eagle would be and sure enough Thjazi grabbed her and took her to Jotunheimr (the home of the giants). Immediately, the gods began to age and became upset that they're precious Idun was missing. Since Loki was the last god to be seen with her they threatened him into telling them what had occurred. Loki was quickly released and lent a cloak from Freya then sent off to retrieve the stolen goddess. Loki flew to the land of the giants and when he found her alone in the Thjazi's hall he transformed her into a nut and carried her home. Thjazi soon discovered the goddess missing and saw Loki fleeing towards Asgard - he pursued the trickster. When the gods saw the two approaching they set a large fire around the gates of Asgard - while Loki just made it, Thjazi was not so lucky. Thjazi in his eagle form burned to a crisp at the doorway to Asgards and Idun was welcomed home as she returned youth to the gods. IN MY OPINION Iduna in your chart can represent a) where you can find a more youth version of yourself or revisit your youth, b) where you are wanted for you gifts/talents, c) where you are gullible (especially if iduna aspects mercury or loke), and/or d) where you are always welcomed with open arms.
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i encourage you to look into the aspects of iduna along with the sign, degree, and house placement. for the more advanced astrologers, take a look at the persona chart of iduna AND/OR add the other characters involved to see how they support or impede iduna!
OTHER RELATED ASTEROIDS: loke (4862), brage (4572), odin (3989), and wodan (2155)!
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