#spy system
if-you-fan-a-fire · 11 months
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"PRISON SYSTEM IS DENOUNCED," Hamilton Spectator. October 17, 1933. Page 13. --- W. F. Nickle Gives Address to Montreal Club ---- Would Abolish Present Penal Administration ---- Montreal, Oct. 17. - (CP) - Abolition of the present system of the Canadian penal administration to- day was advocated by William F. Nickle, K.C., of Kingston, Ont., a former attorney-general of Ontario.
Speaking before the Young Men's Canadian club here last night, Mr. Nickle termed the present prison administration "a disgrace to our national life" and declared it "should be swept away."
"The rights of convicts in our penitentiaries must be recognized," he said. "The code of rules by which Kingston penitentiary was being operated, at the time of the so-called riots, on October 17, 1932, were the regulations laid down for the government of penitentiaries in 1899… In them, the only recognized rights of convicts were to be fed, clothed and housed. Beyond that, anything they were allowed to have was by virtue of privilege, without question of right."
Tales of hardship undergone by convicts in Portsmouth penitentiary prior to the disturbances a year ago, were recounted by the speaker. Lives of the convicts were dependent solely upon the will of the warden, he said, aside from the exercise of "the pitiful rights accorded them in the prison rules."
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800db-cloud · 27 days
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i’m literally shaking buy them brown contacts pls
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theballadofmars · 23 days
I love how mqf's oficial description is something like: a good heart who wants to help others but then you read the novel and his reaction to lqg trapping ten infected men who are crying in panic is "great now I can start to work in my experiments with decomposed people to find a cure" and gets out a lot of needles, which makes the man cry even harder.
Even if we only get bits of the other Cang Qiong sect leader's we can reach the conclusion that no one there is normal, sqq is just biased.
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skrunkle-collective · 18 days
I know that Boo does not want us to get involved in syscourse, but I will say this-
We did not get repeatedly traumatized as a child and teenager for people to go "omg being a system is having blorbos in your head! so silly! i will fake/ force myself to have this because its soooo quirky uwu"
Having a dissociative disorder is so so much more than having alters. It's not remembering days, months, or even years of your life. It's struggling with violent urges and horrible thoughts that aren't yours. For some of us, it's being created only to hold pain and fear and anger.
Even if endogenics, willogenics, tulpagenics, whatever you fuckers are calling yourselves are real, you will never belong in our part of the community. We are not the same.
Thank you for listening.
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astropookie · 8 months
juno signs and their specific love language pt3🦋🪷
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Spy x Family
juno shows us what’s the style that functions better with you -relationships, meaningful committed partnership-, the characteristics of our ideal partner and more.
birth chart + tropical + whole sign system
take what resonates, leave what don’t 🎀 you don’t have to necessarily identify with it.
how I’ll describe sag junos ideal partner: they’re telling you the truth. they put you in your place. they’re not letting you go until you open your eyes. they know they can’t control things but they’ll do everything to put a smile on you. your grin melts them. they wish you infinite joy. they won’t impose their mindset. they’ll let you be. sag juno travel between minds, social groups, countries, etc. they’re so absorbed by the unknown, they want to eat the world, they search that in a partner. first of all, they need a best friend who’s also their partner, someone who they’re NOT trying to be other person/ to only show an aspect of their person. they want to feel and be captivated by others mindset. I’m not only referring about knowledge of books and etc, I’m referring to experiences and what the other have had learned to deal with it. they’re captivated by the way their partner outcome without effort a situation that, at first sight, is seen as problematic, but the other will joke about it. it’s giving they want a sugar mommy/daddy. sag juno specific love language: they’ll put you in your place.
this is a more “I’ll kill and die for you” type of vibe. you want them to be your protector? how I’ll describe scorpio ideal partner: they’re so obsessed and consume by their partners. “obsessed” it’s not the correct word to describe it. they want nothing to happen to them. they want to get to know them deeply, since the beginning of their existence 😭 they want to know their traumas, they want to know why are the way they’re, the events who left a mark on their soul. EVERY DETAIL. how you feel about them, I think they consider a lot the emotions of their loved ones -partner- and how an experience/person made them feel. in conclusion, scorpio juno is needy jk THEY WANT CRAVE LOVE INTENSITY. they don’t like their partner to be superficial. they search for the meaning of “growing together as a couple”. they want to change -transform- with you, bc of you and beside you -NEED THEIR IDEAL PARTNER TO FEEL THE SAME-. scorpio juno has standards, “if you don’t have this I won’t be with you” kind of vibe. the love language of scorpio juno is staying with you no matter what or trying to make things easier, to protect your soul. ik I’m not mentioning a single and practical love language but scorpio juno is so intense I can’t 😝
THE DELUSIONAL OF THE DELULUS. definitely gift giving or quality time love language. I imagine pisces juno in their head, spacing out, thinking about their crush and their crush is BESIDE THEM. EVERY TIME they open their eyes and leave the “best qualities of my soulmate/ideal partner” space they’re disappointed asf. I’ll describe how I think the ideal partner of pisces juno is: the incapability of setting boundaries i fear😤 PLS the handmade gifts, pictures, songs, drawings, every existing expression they can explode their artistic potential will be given to you, the chosen one. THEYRE THE DEFINITION OF EMPATHY, idc what others will say. they’ll show you parts of themselves others don’t know and don’t have the honor to enjoy. they’ll fucking accept you and take care of you generously. the things they’ll do for you comes from the bottom of their hearts. they’re so pure ☹️ but they could get lost in the idea of love, relationships. they won’t hesitate on helping you, as impulsive and incoherent as they are for who owns their heart. they literally FEEL their heart in your hands if they’re in love with you. they’re so vulnerable, you could throw away their heart AND THEY WILL LOVE YOU ANYWAYS. reminds me of a puppy eye person or an artist 😝 specific love language of pisces juno is GIVING THEIR HEART TO YOU (and they’re not deciding it, it happens) -yes, the same as their partner would bc THEY NEED TO BE RECIPROCATED- and also zoning out bc of you.
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♡ Based on personal experience and I’ve analyzed in my surroundings.
♡ English is not my first language.
♡ I’m not a profesional astrologer.
Thank youu. baibaiii🫣🫶🏼💋
Do not copy. Please give me credits.
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thatswhatsushesaid · 7 months
psa that the day there are no jgy stans left on tumblr dot com is the day i am dead
but rest assured i'll go to my grave exactly as i lived: obnoxiously proclaiming to everyone within earshot how great lianfang-zun is. narratively, metaphorically, spiritually. sexually, too, like why limit myself. i like to keep my options open
#the spirit of su minshan possessed me for a minute there but like. i'm fine with it#jin guangyao#he did crimes??? good for him 😌#editing this post to add that while the tone here is clearly joking#i really am fundamentally still engaged with this fandom#and with this book#almost exlcusively because of my enjoyment of jgy#even xiyao is secondary for me like i love it and i'm ride or die for it obvs#but jgy as a character is the main draw for me. and he would have me by the throat even if there was no zewu-jun#(tho i think jgy's life would be more depressing for his absence obviously)#but he is just. /clenches my fists!!!#THE most compelling character in the story and i cannot stop thinking about him!! cannot will not!!#who else in this book has his range? who else can be the doe-eyed idealist AND the spy with blood on his hands who ends a war?#who else is two different greek tragedies and at least two separate shakespearean tragedies rolled into one antagonist#an antagonist who but for the POV of the novel could very easily have been the protagonist#whose moral event horizon is so deeply entwined with his own trauma and abuse that there is no way to meaningfully separate#the violence he does to others from the systemic violence that was done to him for his whole life?#who else in this book manages to get five separate sect leaders utterly obsessed with him no matter how you choose#to interpret that obsession?#no one!!! that's who!!#ain't no one else in the jianghu doing it like lianfang-zun and that's just a goddamn fact
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afsosville · 7 days
You know what would've been nice? Shen Jiu ending up on a different peak that's actually good for him. Maybe Qian Cao, or the beast taming peak could've been hella therapeutic. Or the alcohol/brewery peak to drown away all his sorrows. But what if he stayed fucked up, in a way that's actually good and productive for society? Yeah, I wanna toss him over to Yin Hui and let him run wild! I've seen many iterations of Yin Hui, the fanon peak for espionage and poisons in fanfics. By extension, Yin Hui is also covertly the assassination peak, and I wish this peak got more attention around here tbh. Why do I think this peak is the most well suited for Shen Jiu? BECAUSE ASSASSINS. Duh.
So here comes a baby demonic cultivator Shen Jiu and the Yin Hui peak lord immediately wants him. Shen Jiu would be more readily accepted by his peak martial siblings, and no one would bat an eye at Shen Jiu, his standoffish personality or shady past. A lot of Yin Hui disciples are from questionable backgrounds since the Yin Hui peak lord naturally has to be very particular about selecting their disciples. Yin Hui was established to protect the sect and its people by any means necessary. Sure, the rest of the sect may fight against the supernatural, demons, and the undead, but Yin Hui fights an even greater monster: people.
The Yin Hui peak lord manipulated things so that the first impression the rest of the sect has about Shen Jiu is 'that new badass Yin Hui disciple that killed the criminal Wu Yanzi and saved the future sect leader!' (Seeing as Wu Yanzi would be the very sort of ppl they assassinate, he's already getting goated on Yin Hui too.) So Shen Jiu is known as that new prodigious disciple from Yin Hui and is getting some goddamn respect! And just because of his association with his peak, fewer people are inclined to question his background and whatnot since there's an understanding that the identity of the YH disciples needs to be heavily guarded. The Yin Hui peak lord finds out about the Qiu's soon enough, and they erase any and all traces leading back to Shen Jiu. Even framing it in a way that makes it look like WY did the massacre. Any credibility Qiu Haitang could've had for Shen Jiu's murder accusations is thrown out the window. (Ain’t no way in hell the Yin Hui peak lord is going to name SJ that stupid trauma inducing name like a certain Qing Jing peak lord, that's for sure.)
I'm pulling in elements from MDZS over here. In my version of Yin Hui, they have disciples who practice demonic cultivation, but they make sure it's in a safer way that won't hurt them. There's a surprising number of disciples who have damaged cultivation and chose to cultivate the ghost path. The previous generations of Yin Hui peak lords have created Wei Wuxian's inventions in this AU, and is used by the rest of the peak, like the compass of ill winds, paper metamorphosis, the spirit attraction flag, and empathy. I lowkey want a Wei Wuxian that's native to SV to be the Yin Hui peak lord, now that I think about it. He's good with his kiddos and would be an awesome shizun. And ofc, Shen Jiu is a reflection of his environment, so he's certainly making an example out of Wei Wuxian, one of the only positive influences in his life.
Shen Jiu still has his violent tendencies, so nothing has changed about that, but he learns to take that pent-up energy out on missions instead. And he does them well. It even gives him an edge. Everyone else thinks he's just reallyyy good at his job, as expected of the talented head disciple of Yin Hui!!
He really does try his best to not be an ass (bc he gets the love he deserves on Yin Hui) and ends up venting in a different way (coz he knows better than to take it out on people who don’t deserve it.) His shizun really gave him the free reign to kill sl@ve trad3rs, human tr@ffick3rs, r-ists, and other scum whenever he wanted, in the name of stress relief lol. If killing a particular person becomes politically complicated, like the Old Palace Bastard, then you best believe he's going to scheme like the little schemer he is. He's going to Nie Huaisang the OPM.
Since Shen Jiu is not salty about his fucked up cultivation, and his martial siblings respect him, they get along just fine. His cultivation is some parts similar to Wei Wuxian's: Shen Jiu is a ghost cultivator influenced by music. Sure, he may not be that great of a spiritual cultivator, so what? He's pulling up like the Yiling Patriarch with his demonic cultivation and a haunted guqin of his own.
And guess what? Shen Jiu enjoys teaching. He's training miniature assassins, spies, and the art of demonic cultivation, so forgive him if he's more than a little enthusiastic about it. I imagine that he's exactly like Shifu from kung fu panda when it comes to teaching. Still extremely harsh and strict when training, but outside of actually teaching, he's an attentive and caring shizun. And yes, he completely does act like a father figure who is proud of his murder babies, and ends up being called A-Ba so much that all of Cang Qiong thinks he's officially adopted every single one of his disciples. (After being saved by SJ on a mission, NYY persistently begs SJ to take her in even though he desperately thinks Yin Hui isn't a good fit for her. And then, after being under him for a while, she's completed her first mission successfully, has smn else's blood on her face, and is smiling brightly. 
Ning Yingying: "I completed my mission shizun! Are you proud of me?"
Shen Jiu: "..."
Some other peaklord: "Haha like father like daughter! She's definitely your girl alright!"
Shen Jiu: "...!?!" )
Yue Qingyuan is conerneth about his Xiao Jiu, but as long as he's happy, who cares. Shen Jiu has a better relationship with the other peak lords, so when asked about why he visits brothels, he straight up tells them that it's the best place to gather information in the dark. He doesn't have that mentality of "why explain myself when no ones finna believe me anyway" He actually trusts them and is more honest with time. Shen Jiu does come clean about killing the Qiu's at some point, and the peak lords are all like-
"I didn't hear shit"
"See, I'm blind in my left eye, and 75% blind in my right-"
"Completely understandable, Shen shidi!"
They don't even ask why he did it and just assume he had a valid reason, and he absolutely fucking did.
Oh, Shen Jiu gets accused of playing dirty? Liu Qingge, he literally kills ppl and makes poison as a daytime fucking job ofc he's gonna play dirty! Shen Jiu tried killing you that one time on the well mission? Bro you good? The fact that you think he tried to kill you and failed?? You just insulted an entire peak of disciples and their ancestors. You would've been dead before you could even think of sensing their killing intent if it were true. And there was a witness too, doofus. Be fucking for real. Nahh coz there definitely would be more people who are taking Shen Jiu's side whenever the two of them fight.
Shen Jiu uses a shit ton of versatile weapons because most of his fighting and cultivation prowess comes from his wits and adapting to fighting with different styles/methods. He is kinda similar to Xie Lian bc both of them lack spiritual energy/qi (damaged spirit roots in Shen Jiu's case), but that does not mean they are weaker. It just means they learned to train their body and minds instead of relying on cultivation/qi. He has a massive arsenal of weapons along with the demonic cultivation. (Airport security would hate him)
Yin Hui has got to be my favorite fanon peak, and Yin Hui! Shen Jiu plauges so many of my waking thoughts, I can't stop-
I can add elements from my other hyperfixation into this AU, the Avatar Chronicles. Which are the written books from ATLA. The criminal organization Kyoshi joined, the Daofei, for example, could be a good plot point. Or the Platinum Affair from the Yangchen books. If you don’t know what the Avatar Chronicles are, just ignore this last part lol.
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favlie · 9 months
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well, i don't know if anyone has done it before, but i couldn't help myself. inspired by this post by my dearest @nire-draws :P please don't repost/use without permission! (the meme is under the cut)
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nibbelraz · 11 months
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More Shang Twins because I think a nervous wreck running Mobei's entire Kingdom while accompanied by his wild ass twin brother would be fun
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xwonderlandresidentx · 6 months
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 11 months
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"Prison Cruelty Shames Canada - Nickle," Toronto Globe. October 17, 1933. Page 1 & 2. ---- Stripped of Rights, Convict's Fate Left To Whim of Guards ---- DEPLORES "DISGRACE" ---- Grim Tales of Suffering Within Portsmouth's Walls Recounted by Ontario's Former Attorney-General in Heartfelt Protest at Montreal ---- MURDERERS FREED, THIEVES CONFINED --- (Special Despatch to The Globe.) MONTREAL, Oct. 16. - Branding the penal system of Canada under present administration as a disgrace to the nation, and a regime that should be swept out of existence, Hon. W. F. Nickle, К.С., former Attorney-General for Ontario, and Parliamentarian of long experience, unfolded before the Young Men's Canadian Club of Montreal tonight some of the facts in connection with penitentiary life that have come within his personal knowledge. He made it clear that the convict is deprived of even the few and minimum rights that society has conceded to the man behind the bars.
Must Recognize Rights. "The rights of convicts in our penitentiaries must be recognized," Mr. Nickle stated. "The code of rules by which Kingston Penitentiary was being operated at the time of the so-called riots, just one year ago, less one day from today, on Oct. 17, 1932, were the regulations laid down for the government of penitentiaries in 1899. In them, the only recognized rights of convicts were to be fed, clothed and housed. Beyond that, anything they were allowed to have was by virtue of privilege, without any question of right."
Mr. Nickle recounted harrowing tales of suffering undergone by convicts in Portsmouth Penitentiary prior to the outbreak last autumn. The lives of the convicts were dependent solely upon the will of the Warden, he pointed out, aside from the exercise of the meagre rights accorded them in the prison rules. The penitentiary last year was drastically overcrowded: cells were divided by wooden partitions, men were sleeping in the corridors, and the depression had cast in among hardened "repeaters" criminals who had served many terms - a tragic number of men who, for trifling offenses, found themselves ostracised from the society of which they would normally be respected and law-abiding members. These men had intelligence and initiative, the speaker said, and they resented the whimsical and consistent abuse of authority.
At Officials' Whim. "I use the term "whimsical' advisedly," Mr. Nickle remarked. "For one man was frequently punished while another escaped for infraction of the rules, which demanded complete silence while the men were in their cells at night, silence while they were together at work, and which for- bade them to speak to any visitors, or to receive anything from visitors or give anything to them. Out of the interpretation of this rule grew one of the greatest mistakes of penitentiary administration. Some guards, less strict than others, allowed prisoners to talk to each other. Some, however, severely punished any convicts whom they caught talking. Even if a convict looked with irritation at any guard when the latter was reprimanding him or reporting his disregard of a rule, he was liable to be insolence.'
The inconsistency of prison administration was the cause of much grievance. Mr. Nickle stated. Seven murderers were released on parole, while only one bank robber was given a reprieve, and the convicts could not understand why crime involving the profaning of property was apparently regarded as more serious than capital crime. Another sore spot was the administration of corporal punishment.
"The Old Paddle." The "old paddle" that was used on convicts consisted of a strap five and a quarter inches wide, a fifth of an inch thick, and anywhere up to twenty inches long, with thirty small holes in the end, and with a handle twelve inches long.
If application of the "paddle" was to be mare more painful it was dipped in water first, so that it would smart more, and cling. It was sworn to, not only by convicts, but also by guards, during the course of recent Investigations that if a guard wanted to "take it out of" a convict, particular application of the "paddle" could make a man black and blue, and by a peculiar twist cut his flesh and bring the blood.
Long confinement in the cells was another reason for complaint. Sixteen hours out of the twenty-four were spent in the cells, and, if a man were to complain, he always had a charge laid against him so it did him not the slightest good to make an official complaint of conditions under which he existed. There were also complaints of manhandling, and of lack of small essentials, such as cigaret papers. A major cause for complaint was solitary confinement in the "hole." in which a man might be incarcerated for any period of time, up to thirty days, possibly in total darkness all the time, and perhaps without a blanket. This Isolation were regarded as a punishment, and men were subjected to it for protracted periods.
Strapped at Cell Door. Sometimes convicts were strapped in their cells, during working hours, with their hands lashed at arm's length above their heads, so that their arms became paralyzed and numb through lack of circulation. The hospital cells were the occasion for considerable complaint, too. The dishes the men ate from were washed in the baths in which hospitalized convicts washed, and, although it was stated that no cases of disease had been communicated, the situation was, nevertheless, abhorrent to the majority of them.
"The convicts at Kingston Penitentiary existed under what they regarded as a 'reign of terror," declared Mr. Nickle. "They had been sent to prison because they were unsocial, but the whole place teemed with resentment against the administration. Fear of the unknown gripped them; the convicts felt that they were not making any progress socially, intellectually or educationally. Their life was one of boredom, they were rotting away the constructive years of their life. And so it was that they planned what they thought would be a peaceful demonstration.
"The Judges who tried the leaders in the 'riot' found that when the men began their demonstration they had no intention of hurting any one, and actually did not injure any one or destroy property to anything like the extent they might have done. Indeed, the man in charge of the acetylene torch took the precaution, before blowing the locks of the doors, through which they made their way Into the prison yard, to weld shut the door into workshops in which there were many thousands of dollars' worth of equipment, which, he feared, thoughtless younger men in the penitentiary might destroy."
Deprecates Jibes. Mr. Nickle scouted the idea that any political motives were behind the movement to reform penitentiary conditions. He deprecated as unworthy of notice the fallacious jibes, "sob-sisters" and "sentimentalists," which were leveled against those seeking prison reform, by those who did not see eye-to-eye with Mr. Nickle and other Canadians who saw the need for Improvement.
"Knowing Right Hon. R. B. Bennett and Hon. Hugh Guthrie as I do, I know that if they saw the situation as I do, they would see their duty, humanitarians, not merely to accept my word for it, or the word of the convicts, but to accept the spirit of the nation that cries out for an improvement in this regard, and appoint an Commission to investigate. I haven't much faith in Parliamentary committees as they consist of busy men, who have inadequate opportunities to go into the thing thoroughly."
Limitation of the autocratic powers of Magistrates, many of whom are actually lacking in the education and foresight necessary to the true dispensation of justice, was one of the prime movements essential to penitentiary reform, Mr. Nickle believed. Ho cited the instance of a 15-year-old boy who was sentenced to seven years and twenty lashes for holding up a shop clerk with a toy pistol. He pointed out that he did not mean city Magistrates, but that he was referring to country Magistrates.
Investigation into so-called "confessions" was another reform the speaker urged, stressing the injustice of condemning men on the strength of confessions obtained by police from prisoners who have not benefited by the advice of counsel. Mr. Nickle strongly advocated the institution of proper defense measures for men who were without funds to retain their own lawyers. The Crown provided attorneys for the prosecution, he said: why not do the same for underpriviliged prisoners?
Hotbeds of Crime? Inquiry into the truth of the charge that penitentiaries constituted hotbeds of crime should also be made, he said, deploring he non-segregation of convicts following conviction. When a young man was a first offender, he claimed. he should be taught and trained, and he added a fervent plea for systematized teaching of vocations to all convicts. Equalizing of sentences was another matter that called for drastic remedy, the speaker declared, pointing out that while one man was sentenced to a year's imprisonment, another was given ten years in the penitentiary for crimes between the seriousness of which it was beyond the ordinary convict's ability to differentiate.
Mr. Nickle was strongly in favor of a State fund for the maintenance of the families of convicts; why, he demanded, should the wives and children of men who have made mistakes be forced to suffer? He was strong in condemning the use of "rats" in penitentiaries. "Rats" is what convicts call the men whom the prison authorities delegates to act as spies among their fellow prisoners and to report everything they see and overhear. He understood that the system had been discontinued at Kingston Penitentiary, but he was of the conviction that similar steps should be taken throughout the Dominion. He thought that something should be done, too, to provide for convicts upon their release from the penitentiaries, to put them back on their feet and give them a chance to remake a place for themselves in society.
Check on Guards' Charges. A record should be kept, he advocated. by which all charges made by all guards could be checked, so that It could quickly be determined which of the guards were bullies. The case had come to his attention of one guard who sat outside a convict's cell for hours at a stretch, putting In the time taunting the man, brutally and mercilessly, with the disgrace that his crime and conviction had brought upon his family.
Referring to some of the recently inaugurated changes at Kingston Penitentiary, Mr. Nickle thought that while some were for the better, some were also for the worse. He specified the regulation permitting the guards to carry weapons capable of inflicting mortal wounds. He believed that the use of force should be strictly commensurate with the danger involved in the offense committed. He also advised the installation in all penitentiaries from the convicts who were capable of being improved and instructed. Statistical knowledge of this phase of penitentiary conditions was sorely needed, he said. Mr. Nickle paid tribute to the late Right Hon. C. J. Doherty of Montreal, who, he declared, would certainly have accomplished many of the reforms which the speaker ind advocated, had he lived to carry on his work, while Minister of Justice, from 1911 to 1921.
Briefly tracing the history of prisons in England and on this continent. Mr. Nickle said that since the time of Adam and Eve, punishment was held to be the way to drive people into the paths of rectitude. He contended that by stimulation, rather than by repression, were convicts to be reformed, recalling the days of old in England. when 10-year-old children were hanged for stealing trifles from shop windows.
The term "penitentiary," he explained, had its origin among the old monks, who, when a brother monk did something against the rules, ordered him to solitary confinement. where he might become "penitent" and thus redeem for himself a place among his fellows. It was the same Idea that led to the penitentiary system, even as it is practiced today, he declared. Little Progress in Century. He saw little improvement in the system of today over that of a century ago, in the United States, when a convict was arraigned, and, if convicted, was blindfolded, taken to hear sentence passed and then conducted to a cell, twelve feet long and eight feet wide, with a small courtyard about the same size, where he spent the term of his imprisonment, never seeing a fellow-man other than the guard who brought meals and who was forbidden to speak to convicts, and never receiving letters or messages. Yet it was only last year, he pointed out, that solitary confinement was abolished in England as a punishment, after the period of incarceration of this nature had been cut down a few days at a time for several years past.
Not so long ago, in fact, convicts in some penitentiaries in the United States were liable to flogging if they spoke a word, or if they so much as lifted their eyes from their work while in the shops. And, if they denied having spoken, they were flogged again.
"Pressure of economic and national events may stay the hands of our Prime Minister and of others of his ministry," concluded Mr. Nickle, "but the time is coming when they will be stimulated to action, and will have the satisfaction of knowing that they have improved the conditions of those who have an undeniable right to know that society recognizes its obligations to them. The penal population of Canada is growing all the time. Sixty per cent, of, it consists of 'repeaters,' so what can our penal system, as it is now, be accomplishing?
"The truth shall make you free," providing you can make the convict realize that his incarceration is not a period of repression, but one of reformation and regeneration, to the end that he may be restored to society as a social asset, not as an out- cast whose destiny lies along the dark road that invariably leads back to within the walls of the prison whence he came."
Image caption: HON. W. F. NICKLE, K.С., Who Demands That the Present Penal System Be Swept Away as a "Disgrace to Our National Life."
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all-pacas · 4 months
Chase, s1e8: I gave my mum a bit of trouble when I was [the patient's age], and I turned out alright. Even she thought so.
you fucking liar. she died when you were in high school.
i just watched 'socratic method' too, and huh! yeah! good shit! chase trying to warn 15-year-old luke away from spending his life taking care of his mom, admitting he "would have done the same thing," able to explain the hyper-organization of the house to foreman - this is what you do, you try to control everything, you organize and list and track and it's like you're making a difference. chase watching luke reunite with his now-sane mom, looking away and leaving because that wasn't him. (house being weirdly nice to luke. sympathetic. you did a good job given your situation. you've taken good care of her. )
rowan chase showing up, smiling sincerely and greeting his son "dr chase." actually seeming pleased to see him. probably even proud. he made something of himself. he's glad his son comes to see him off. he smiles when they hug. he doesn't tell him he's dying anyway. he still abandoned him. rowan telling chase it wasn't his job to take care of his mother, that it was too much for a kid (house telling luke he did the best he could). rowan abandoning him to do it anyway.
chase in s8, explaining to adams his mother died with him hating her, his mother used to lock him away for hours and hours. the implication that rowan was proud, did care and even love his son, but was a shitty and neglectful father anyway. the implication that chase's mother couldn't have thought he turned out alright, that he was "too much" for her and she'd lock him up, that maybe one of the reasons he hated her was that she hadn't been a loving parent even before she fell apart.
(that chase has a much younger sister, in diapers when he was 15. almost certainly still a minor, still a teenager, when he goes to the US. that he says she wasted "half her life" drinking, when she's probably only in her 20s.)
it's so fucked you guys it's so fucked
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momentocollector · 11 months
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nothing encapsulates the feeling of persecution and believing that everybody is out to get you, ONLY for you to soon realize there is someone out there who thinks otherwise.
The shock on Loid's face, with the nice touch of the blush below his eyes, the sheer realization that this woman who you don't even know that well tells you that she loves you and appreciates you and is able to trust you with her worries... this is one of many scenes in the series that makes me LOVE the story and characters so much. I cannot describe how painful or emotional I've felt going through this for the first time reading this in the manga.
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No words can describe how much this scene ruined me in the manga the first time I read it, and it hasn't changed today. I keep going back to this scene and replaying it because it sums up the themes about doubt and hiding yourself so well.
The fact that Yor sincerely is grateful for Loid's words, while she didn't even know Loid is the same person who interrogated her and wanted to expose her for the bad person she is that she's secretly working against him and this is all a ploy for him to reveal himself as a spy. Only for him to find out that she is harmless and innocent and true to her word and manners.
For her to put so much trust and gratitude and being thankful for Loid comforting her. And the fact that SHE DOESNT EVEN KNOW THAT HE TRIED TO SCARE HER INTO EXPOSING HERSELF!!!!! I sound like a broken record but I cannot stress how much it makes me sick in the head.
And Loid is so genuinely taken aback with the way she replied happily. Doubt starts to grow in his mind, and guilt is slowly seeping into his heart. How can he fully accept her thanks when earlier, he was deadset in believing that she had malicious intentions? How can he fully accept her gratitude when she doesn't know that he's the same person who gave her those doubts? He realizes that he's hurt her character and the guilt stings deep as he realizes that there is nothing bad about Yor and he should feel incredibly dumb and pathetic and guilty for even considering it at the first place.
I think this early on is when the feelings Loid has for her is starting to grow bit by bit. And there is nothing he can do about it. Nowhere to run. This woman is going to be the end of him and there is nothing, nothing he can do about it at all. Shes going to make him evaluate every single thing he's ever known about himself.
It hurts. It hurts so bad. I can just talk so much about this scene.
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muninnhuginn · 24 days
I imagine the damianya crowd have probably been all over this months back but the way damian and anya both pursue stellas above all else to the point of putting themselves in situations they hate simply so they can impress their parents
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retrocgads · 3 months
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UK 1987
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piracytheorist · 2 years
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A cute little detail from episode 16. When the Forgers see Franky across the street, Anya is the first to cross it to greet him.
She looks left, right, left again, and seeing the road is clear she lets go of Yor's hand and crosses the street. The pedestrian light was green, too, but Anya still checked the road. What a good girl!
They not only animated safe pedestrian behaviour, they also did it accordingly to Ostania's driving system; the cars drive on the right side, so pedestrians have to look left, right, then left again before crossing.
It's even more interesting considering that in Japan, cars drive on the left side, so pedestrians have to look right then left then right again. Which means the animators had to take extra care to not confuse their own instinctual behaviour with the one of the average Ostanian citizen - including a kid who's still in the beginning of being taught that practice.
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