#stable trotters pyper
breathofmagic · 1 year
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Pyper gives me Kokiri vibes. 🍃
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vitalbeetle · 1 year
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Just posted chapter 10 of my Stable Trotters Origins fic! Next chapter will be a bit of Pyper's backstory so have a lil drawing I did of him!
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newtabfics · 1 year
Hello! Can you do Link with a vocalist that's in the Stable Trotters, NSFW or not but preferably lol, thank you💕
Triggers for the snoosnoo ;)
His eyes were brimming with adoration at the songs she sang alongside her friends. He smirked when her cheeks flushed when she caught sight of him in the crowd at the stable.
He knew what she was thinking about. She was thinking about the night they met while he went on his mission to help find the members of the band.
When they met, she had been swimming in the pond...naked. His eyes simply went over her body as he kept hidden, watching her stretch and sing happily as birds fluttered near her little camp where her clothing was.
One bird had found him and they chased him out of the bush. She smirked at him. "It's not nice to spy on a bathing girl. You're handsome enough to get away with it though. Want to join?"
Her legs had snapped tight around him when he found that sweet spot inside her, angling his hips perfectly to make her sing his name in pleasure.
Y/N moaned and clawed at his back, practically milking him until he was spilling into her.
It didn't stop after that though. She rocked her hips and suddenly he was pumping into her more vehemently, despite having just climaxed.
He had her on her stomach in her tent, holding her down as she grunted his name, rocking herself back against him as she begged for more.
"Stable Trotters, huh?" She hummed as they had finally rested. "I wouldn't be against going back...if you show up to some shows and do that again," She joked.
How her body flushed when she met his eyes, already fidgeting from excitement.
Beetz teased her for it later, saying it was adorable how fidgety she got when her boyfriend arrived.
"He's not my boyfriend," Y/N corrected with a smirk. "He's just good at what he does."
Violynne had promptly covered Pyper's ears.
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petorahs · 1 year
literally obsessed with the stable trotters btw best thing to ever happen in totk. the huge grin on my face when i first met pyper...
i love when zelda games focus so heavily on music 🥹💛 series staple... like the ocarina of time itself, the ballad of the goddess in skyward sword, the song of storms having the most recognizable tune, the wind waker having link becoming an orchestrator and looking like a conducting baton, twilight princess' wolf howls... marin's singing in link's awakening, and freaking KASS. countless, countless more. music is so important to the legend of zelda.
it's why it's called zelda's lullaby, after all. music is the medium in which all legends are passed down.
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phoenixmaiden-gaming · 5 months
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I found the Stable Trotters here at the Outskirts Stable and Mastro said that two of their band had come back. Then he told me about the Great Fairy Kaysa that was nearby. She was hiding in her bud and refused to come out. She used to enjoy Pyper play his flute, so it would probably cheer her up, but he wasn’t here. But rumors coming from Highland Stable told of hearing a flute nearby. Side Adventures – Serenade to Kaysa. Another clue that I had to go back to Highland Stable. I’ll get there eventually.
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Happy Birthday, Boss!
Linktober 2023 Day 18: Boss The morning of Hudson’s surprise party, the whole town buzzed with excitement. They’d been planning the event for weeks, speaking in hushed whispers and shutting up about it whenever the boss walked by. Everything had to be perfect, they said. Which is why they needed to invite the princess and her knight.
The morning of Hudson’s surprise party, the whole town buzzed with excitement. They’d been planning the event for weeks, speaking in hushed whispers and shutting up about it whenever the boss walked by. Everything had to be perfect, they said. Which is why they needed to invite the princess and her knight. Who else could make better racing carts?
Zelda and Link had spent the better part of the day before designing and building carts to compete in the planned race. He’d had to return to the sky islands above Akkala in order to obtain more batteries to power the various carts. They’d made nearly half a dozen—even one sized for a Goron.
Tables lined the footpaths around the inner circle of Terry Town, sturdy cloths laid over them. Banners and pendants stretched between rooftops, tied to the Unity Bell like spokes on a wheel. Kilton made some room on his monstrous display for the Stable Trotters to perform—Pyper almost fainted at the sight of the King Gleeok and kept a careful eye on it even after being assured that it was just a carving. The first event of the day brought a small crowd to the construction site. A few brave souls took their places at the starting line. Grayson gleefully took the handlebars of a modified steering stick, the cart’s wheels creaking under his weight. Hagie eyed the Goron warily, comparing the massive wheels on his cart with the smaller wheels on his own. Fyson’s clawed feet hopped up onto a cart beside him. While the Rito had been told multiple times that a cart race necessitated the absence of flight, Fyson declared that he was perfectly capable of driving “just like the Hylians!” Though, if Link’s observations of Fyson’s driving yesterday was any indication, Fyson’s grasp on ground transportation was shaky at best. As Link hopped onto his cart, nothing more than a fan bolted to the back of a Zonai cart, he watched in amusement as Hudson examined the workmanship on the final model.
Though the cart they’d prepared for Hudson was functionally identical to those driven by Hagie and Fyson, Hudson still inspected every bolt and screw. He wasn’t satisfied until he’d flipped the whole thing upside down to inspect the undercarriage. Though, apparently having found nothing to alarm him, Hudson eventually flipped his cart right side up, and the race could begin.
“Alright, racers!” Fernison called, her hands cupped around her mouth. “On your mark!”
Engines revved.
“Get set!”
Link trained his eyes on the first light. Hit that, bank hard right, hit the second, thread between those boxes-
Link’s cart zipped ahead of the others. Maybe it wasn’t fair, making his model so much more lightweight than theirs. But in his defense, it was Zelda’s idea. He wanted to make all the carts fast and light! But she rightfully reminded him that most people didn’t spend months piloting Zonai vehicles and learning how to handle them. What their models lacked in speed, they more than made up for in maneuverability. Link pulled hard to the right, zipping through the first light. The other racers were yards behind him, only getting to the first light when he zipped through the third.
A loud crash and a squawking behind him caused Link to whip his head around as he collected the fourth. Grayson had taken out a stack of metal crates and slammed his cart into a fallen chunk of island. Fyson, evidentially having been following close behind, took to the skies as his cart rocketed toward the smoldering remains of Grayson’s. The Rito and the Goron were both disqualified.
Wheels screeched around the third bend. Link’s need to make wide turns soon outpaced his speed advantage. Hagie and Hudson gained on him. Hagie leaned forward as far as possible on his steering stick, his face red from concentration.
“Careful with the stick, Hagieson!” Hudson called. “They can snap if pushed too hard!”
“It’s Hagie!” SNAP!
Link winced, stealing a glance back at Hagie-not-Hagieson tumbling heel over head onto the racetrack as his cart veered off to the side and crashed into the barrier. The poor guy was still holding half a steering stick.
Wind rushed through Link’s hair as they raced toward the final light, neck and neck. Link kept his head down, minimizing wind resistance as much as possible. With a straight stretch ahead of them, his smaller cart should easily zip into the finish line, leaving Hudson in the dust. But as Link adjusted his course to narrow in on the last checkpoint, he heard an unusual sound behind him.
Hudson rocketed, literally, onto the final platform. Link coughed in the resulting dust cloud, trailing behind Hudson by mere seconds. A cheer went up in the crowd, congratulating Hudson on his success. Rhondson smoothed her husband’s wind-ruffled hair back into place.
Link dismounted his cart, trying not to pout about losing. Zelda, having congratulated Hudson for winning the race, joined Link’s side, a mischievous smile on her face. “What’s wrong, Link?”
With all the attention on Hudson, Link felt fairly certain that no one but Zelda would see him be such a sore loser. “I don’t remember putting rockets on his cart.”
Zelda giggled, hiding her mouth behind her hand. “That’s because you didn’t. I did.”
“But why?!” Link whined.
“Because I knew you’d win if I didn’t. And look how happy he is.” She gestured toward Hudson, who laughed heartily, basking in the attention of his employees. “It’s his birthday, Link.”
Link crossed his arms with an exaggerated huff. Pretending to be upset about Zelda’s “betrayal” proved more amusing than a win anyway. “Fine. But only because it’s his birthday.”
The celebrations carried on back up the railcar. Roasted meats and candied fruits graced the various colorful tables set out that morning. Residents hosted and participated in games of chance and skill. Link lost fifteen rupees playing cards against Moggs. Zelda won back twenty. Monari showed the children how to toss wooden rings onto bottle necks. Beetz let Hunnie play an “experimental” rhythm on his drum. The rest of the band kept up with her as best they could, leading to laughter and cheers from all.
Moggs took Monari by the hand, leading her in a jovial dance around the town square. At Zelda’s request, they taught the steps to a small crowd. Link stepped on Zelda’s foot twice—she was nice enough to only mention it once.
As the evening drew to a close, Eustus blasted his horn to gather everyone’s attention to the monstrous stage.
Kilton bounced excitedly from one foot to the other. He stood behind a table, on which rested a metal dome so tall it nearly covered his face. “Good people of Terry Town, hello, hello!” He called, chucking at the end. “I have prepared for everyone’s enjoyment a most spectacular, most splendiferous creation! Behold!” He grabbed hold of the dome on either side, lifting it with much struggle and a hrrrrrk!, finally letting Beetz assist him.
Sitting atop the table was the biggest, purpliest, most vibrant monster cake Link had ever laid eyes on. A cheer rose up from the crowd, all delighted by the culinary masterpiece. Two Zonai cannons blasted behind the stage, sending colorful bursts of light into the air, which crackled and sizzled down from a fiery flower’s blossom.
Kilton cut a large slice of the monster cake, holding the piece high enough for the whole assembly to see. “Three cheers for the best president that Terry Town could ever ask for! Happy birthday, Hudson!”
Rancorous applause, whistles, shouts, and cheers filled the air. Many of Hudson’s employees patted him on the back and playfully punched his shoulder, all pushing him up toward the stage to take the cake. Hudson, his dark eyes scanning the crowd nervously, his face rather red, took the cake.
“Speech!” Fyson called. Several others joined in with this demand, a cacophony of “Speech! Speech! Speech!” soon drowning out even the applause. Link, too, found himself shouting along with the crowd, laughing at the absurdity and delight of it all.
Hudson raised his hand. The crowd quieted. “Well, firstly, I must say that it is incredibly kind of all of you to put on a big party like this.” A cheer of goodwill followed this sentence. Hudson cleared his throat. “I am very glad to see Terry Town come together to create a festival this grand and lively. I haven’t had so much fun in…well, since I last built a house!” Laughter rippled through the crowd.
Hudson shook his head, chuckling a bit himself. “It really means a lot to me that you all cared enough to cheer me up. I’m sure many of you have noticed, though have been kind enough not to make much of it, that my precious Mattison has left us to join her mother’s people in Gerudo Town.”
A more subdued cheer followed that declaration. Link remembered well the fights that Hudson and Rhondson got into when he first arrived in town. He felt terrible for them. That tradition kept a man and his children separate…it was almost barbaric, though he didn’t dare mention that to a Gerudo. He couldn’t imagine being forced to part with his own daughters, were he ever so blessed to have them.
“There is just…one thing…that I feel obligated to mention.” Hudson continued. The crowd fell silent, waiting in quiet expectation for what important detail Hudson felt they all needed to be made aware of.
“My birthday is next month.”
”WHAT?!” The crowd muttered to each other, baffled by this announcement.
Zelda hid her smile behind her hand, her shaking shoulders the only indication that she was holding back uproarious laughter.
Link leaned close to her, watching the confused crowd try to figure out where they heard the wrong date and who didn’t bother to correct them. Accusations and defenses flew from one side of the square to the other, none so puzzled as Hudson himself. Link kept his voice a whisper, low enough that only his princess heard him. “You knew it wasn’t his birthday, didn’t you?”
Zelda pressed her lips tightly together, the corners of her mouth fighting not to turn upward as she struggled to hold in her laughter. She shook her head. “I have no idea what you’re referring to!”
“Zel!” Link laughed, poking her in the side, which caused his princess’s laughter to finally escape as well. “You could have said something!”
Luckily, no one seemed to take any notice of them as Zelda giggled. “I know, but they all had so much planned, and you know we’ve got that banquet next month-.“
Link’s mouth opened and closed like a hearty bass. “You didn’t correct them because it would interfere with our schedule?!”
“Shh, I did no such thing.” Zelda pressed a finger to his lips, mirth, and laughter still sparkling in her eyes. “That would be very unprincesslike of me.”
Link set his hand on her waist, pulling her close. “You cheeky-“ He chuckled softly, pressing a kiss to her nose. “You let me lose that race knowing it wasn’t even Hudson’s birthday.”
“Mm, I cannot deny that.” Zelda teased. “I hope you’ll forgive me.”
Link narrowed his mischievous gaze, a playful smile on his lips. “Absolutely not. You’ve wounded my pride, and that is completely unforgivable.” He kissed her forehead. “Extremely unprincesslike behavior.”
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arkon-z · 1 year
Okay, I realized another thing I love about Tears of the Kingdom. There are tons of really wholesome character moments in it, and almost none of them were romantic. That's very unusual.
You've got the Stable Trotters serenading the Great Fairy, Rhondson and Hudson's send off of their daughter, saving Lurelin Village, Penn getting choked up once the reporter quest is completed - all wonderful moments that have nothing to do with trying to get two people to date. Aside from helping Pyper impress a girl, but I'll let that one slide.
Every story focused game should use TOTK as an example of how to be warm and uplifting and wholesome without resorting to romance. Romance should be a flavour, not a focus.
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zeldasideblog · 1 year
So far, my favorite side quest has been the Stable Trotters. They're all so adorable and sweet, especially Pyper trying to make his friend smile with the glowing tree 😭 and Mastro is the sweetest man. God, I love the whole group and the fact they call themselves the Stable Heroes afterwards?? My favorite people so far, for sure
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breathofmagic · 1 year
Pyper 🪈 🍃 🎶
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phoenixmaiden-gaming · 5 months
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I warped close to the Outskirts Stable and found the Stable Trotters and spoke to Mastro who was happy to have Pyper back. Now they are all back together and he gave me a big thank you. They hoped their music would reach everyone, not just the Great Fairies.
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phoenixmaiden-gaming · 5 months
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I ended up just using the stable beds to wait until night and spoke to Haite and had her follow me to the tree. Once she was in place, Pyper released all the fireflies and started to play his flute. The fireflies made the tree really glow and it was a sight to see. Haite thought it was amazing and said that it was much prettier than what she saw in a book and it made her really happy. Once Haite went back, Pyper said that he was glad he was able to make her smile. Now that he had completed what he wanted, he was going to go back to the Stable Trotters. He gave me a Big Hearty Truffle as thanks and said that the next time they meet he was sure his music would make me smile. Side Adventures – The Flute Player’s Plan (complete).
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phoenixmaiden-gaming · 5 months
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I headed back to the Highland Stable and was walking past a tree and saw some text of humming. I stopped and looked up and noticed there was someone up in the tree, it was Pyper. He said he couldn’t go back to the Stable Trotters just yet, he had something to do here. After leaving the tree he told me that he was the one that had started the fire in the field, but he had been trying to create a glowing tree for his friend Haite. He had promised to show her one, and had though a quick little fire would do it, but it didn’t work. So he came up with another idea and will need 10 sunset fireflies. Side Adventures – The Flute Player’s Plan. I don’t have that many sunset fireflies, so I will have to find more.
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phoenixmaiden-gaming · 5 months
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I had spotted a shrine up on a cliff overlooking the Mini Stable heading to Gerudo Canyon so I made my way up to it and it was the Tsutsu-Um Shrine: The Stakes Guide You. I had to get some balls into the targets to open the doors. I think I had to use the stakes to make it fall in but I just jumped across the gap and put it in. I pretty much did the same for the second part. Then I could get my 25th Light of Blessing. I then decided to go find other shrines across the map before heading to the final area; the Gerudo region, and also to complete some of the side quests I had piling up. So I warped close to the Outskirt Stable and apparently, I hadn’t been there yet. The Stable Trotters were there and one of the stable workers said that Pyper wasn’t here but that Pyper and her sister were close so maybe he followed her to Highland Stable…I guess I have to go there.
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