#staff announcement
purposechef · 18 days
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mirroring each other
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Blog Event: TWST Year IV Anniversary – I've been Dreaming...
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For the first anniversary, we had Magic Mystery Letters!
For the second anniversary, we had Twisted Tarot!
For the third anniversary, we had Topsy Turvy Days!
Well… It’s that time of year again, fellas 😎
Like the previous years, this is a blog event and a self-imposed writing challenge I do around February and/or March to celebrate TWST JP’s launch day (the 18th of March). Starting tomorrow, there will be something posted every day to count down to the 18th (JST)!
The prompts for 2024 will center around the titles granted to players who have 10 or more of a particular character's cards. These will purposefully be written in a somewhat vague and/or fantastical manner to give off the feeling of "being in their dream" as a homage to book 7's ideas and themes. The Overblot boys in particular will lean heavily into the “dream” theme. You’ll see what I mean soon ;)
This will run concurrent with another blog event that was announced earlier (Two Ravens at the Writing Desk).
***PLEASE NOTE: The pieces written for these prompts will follow the canon of the main story, INCLUDING BOOK 7. There WILL be major spoilers, which will be tagged when appropriate.***
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lyss-butterscotch · 2 months
Colleges that shares important announcements NOT by actual public announcement systems and just trusts a couple people to spread it along the group chats should burn to the ground i think.
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gin-juice-tonic · 4 months
im actually legitimately hesitant to post anything new here now I wont lie.
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thatsmimi · 1 year
😳 esa canon juice pronouns confirmed?!?!
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disasterhimbo · 1 year
PSA for Reddit refugees: go into your settings, dashboard preferences, and “snooze” (🙄) tumblr live. You’re welcome.
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reluctanttrabbit · 7 months
...so no help wanted 2 trailer
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minimutty · 4 months
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Arcane Axe ❤️ Arcane Staff
The staff doesn't go that well with muspell's theme but it's still super cute. I'm so happy they get to match now~ 😊
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heckling-hydrena · 8 months
sorry but if you say that removing mass pings before setting up a viable replacement somehow won't affect the site's economy you have no idea what you're talking about. so many sub-communities Full of paying players rely on mass pings. like obviously I don't see the point of people going full doomsday "this update will kill the site oh god oh no"-mode, because I sincerely doubt staff will just throw mass pings into the void before improving the pinglist system, but if they did do that then they'd literally be shooting themselves in the foot. gem sales would slow down, at least until people found a good alternative, which could take god knows how long. and even if they didn't, killing a site function that a lot of players HEAVILY rely on is just a bad move. the site wouldn't immediately explode and die. but it would absolutely change for the worse lmao
and let's not forget that people don't like relying on mass pings. people aren't complaining because they just like off-site pinglists sooo much that they can't live without them. you think skin artists enjoy waiting 15 minutes for GASP to load in just to ping potential buyers? you think people like searching through huge sheets and trying to find + remove their name from a dom or g1 or swipp pinglist that they're no longer interested in? you think people like asking thread owners to add them to a list because sheets won't even fucking open on their device so they can't do it themselves? you think people like going through tens of pinglists one by one and changing their entry because they had a username change? you think people like dealing with others accidentally or intentionally overwriting their name on a list, or alternatively adding their name to a list they don't care about for shits and giggles? do you think people like knowing that if they open a spreadsheet while logged in to their google account their email can be tracked, and they can subsequently get fucking doxxed if someone is feeling malicious enough?? obviously not!
a more robust pinglist system would solve ALL of these problems. but we don't have one right now! and people are rightfully worried about it because staff announced that they're set on removing mass pings "at some point" before receiving feedback and subsequently improving on this new system. that's the problem. we know mass pings are on the chopping block. we don't know what kind of updates the pinglist system might have in the future, or if those updates could replace all those big, complicated, mass-ping reliant spreadsheets. to act like people are somehow being unreasonable when they voice their worries about this because "staff said mass pings aren't being removed yet" is just fucking absurd
like no these aren't the flight rising end times, but no this update is not a non-issue either. something can be a problem without being the Worst problem Ever. what a shocker!! 😵‍💫
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normalamber · 2 months
Suuuuuper fun week over here. Humbly requesting that dnp upload every day.
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metamatar · 1 year
Principle 5: Create patterns that encourage users to keep returning to Tumblr.
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... lmao.
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I’m going to be traveling to do field research on SHARKS!!!
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twistedintern · 4 months
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'A tad late and a dollar short,' so the paraphrased expression goes....
I prithee cannot help but wonder, visitors... surely you did not believe yours truly would--nay, could--keep mum about this most unexpected and stellar news?
...Although, perhaps not entirely "unexpected". For you see, it was never a question of "if," my dear visitors. Oh, no! It was ever and always a matter of "when"!
The game developers have dropped many not-so-subtle hints over the last six months that staff cards were very much an eventuality.
Rollo Flamme's SSR release.
The sudden absence of new voice lines in the latest Unified Exams, replaced instead with the headmaster's office furniture.
And so on and so forth.
A healthy dose of optimism over the years has helped weather the thousand some-odd days of uncertainty and longing.
Call it an inkling; mayhaps a hunch.
Whatever name one might use to best describe a force that compelled me to reserve sixty (60!) SSR perfumes were the unthinkable to happen--if this, my dream and answer to my prayers, were to become reality.
Seven days.
Then the TRUE wait shall commence.
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what is the yae publishing house? a genshin impact network for writers and readers alike. the yae publishing house focuses on sharing sfw and x reader works in one big place. of course general works with genshin characters in focus or ships will be promoted too, as long they fit our requirements.
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001. events and collabs 
the yae publishing house will host different events to bring the whole network closer together and share with content creators and enjoyers.
002. discord server
the yae publishing house has a discord server and it’s open for everyone, including readers and non-members! find the link here! you can only use this link for 7 days, if you would like to join the server on a later date, please dm this account.
003. sharing works
the yae publishing house shares it’s members works through reblogs and a collaborative masterlist, to ensure growth for both the network and the members. you can find members works through a masterlist and taglist. both of these lists, fully linked and always updated on sunday, can help you to browse through the network.
004. growing community
we hope to grow as network and community, with writers and readers alike. for this we ensure that applications are open for everyone at any time. 
005. tracking #yaepublishinghouse
we as network track our tag and ensure all properly tagged works will be reblogged. 
ready to join? read the rules, make sure to fit our requirements and send us an ask! we are happy to have you!
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cheekedupwhiteboy · 11 months
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I asked @zingring (tumblr's chief operating officer) about the recent wave of biased community labeling. She says at least for now to send relevant posts directly to her for priority handling!
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bisexualbailorgana · 8 months
i know tumblr has lots of very real issues with it but if it does actually die i will be so sad. no other website or social media app does the fandom experience quite like tumblr for me. i would rather have a flawed tumblr over no tumblr at all
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