#star dreams
freshyow · 7 months
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Star dreams!
I decided to draw one of the random brushable ponies
She kinda looks like a mix of starlight and trixie in a way-
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What's your favorite flavor of smoothie?
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There's a great stall in the Crystal Empire, that sells them now too !
( Random background ponies from: @ask-night-and-day-club @ask-the-real-princess-skyla-blog @ember-spark @princess-skyla-replies @star-dreams-replies )
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starsstuddedsky · 10 months
i had a dream last night and all i can remember is i was in japan again and at one point i made mingyu carry me around on his back
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*claps* okay so I had some weird dreams and yet also gorgeous at the same time
I was supposed to be helping cook for an Eid dinner that also included a couple of random guys that I guess were invited for Eid? One of them kept hitting on me, I actually remember what he looked like he looked like Jade’s boyfriend from Victorious. I flirted back a little but I was mostly bored hence, flirting back because meh why not
We sit down to eat and there’s this huge like explosion or attack or something (I am so sad we didn’t get to eat those perfect looking roast potatoes 🥹) and there’s this huge monster type thing roaming. Snake/dragon monster? Idk it’s long and dark red with a rounded snout
I immediately snap into action because somehow me and some other girls (who I don’t actually know) are turned into superheroes, or specifically anime magical girls. Like one second I was peering out from a broken wall to the street and seeing the monster calling out for me and the next I feel this burst of light and seeing other girls getting surrounded by it as well
So… magical girl transformations in dreams are a bit weird you really gotta focus on hope and willpower for it to work and I was a bit out of it because the dream so far had been looking like a family therapy dream and now huh??
So I was struggling to focus on transforming but I shut my eyes and managed partially to transform by throwing myself out of the building and transformed as I fell. I transformed, but didn’t quite activate my powers. Actually had no idea what my powers were I couldn’t decide I was so turned around. I was trying to activate a flight power but it was working slow, in the meantime I got hunted and chased around the city by this monster and I also needed to figure out a plan to kill it.
We were on some sort of island city? I managed to float, not quite strong fly, towards the edge of it after being chased all throughout it and I was at a cliff when faced by the monster.
So naturally, I jumped off of it.
And fell deep into the ocean.
Crazy right? Well I was counting on my flight powers kicking in properly.
I open my eyes after hitting the water and the sea looks like…. Melted sapphires, it’s shining and shimmering even underwater. I can see the ebb and flow and the waves above me and the ripples underneath them, and it’s quiet. The water is clear but a gorgeous turquoise blue at the same time and I feel a mix of peace but apprehension because as much as I love the ocean, I know I have slight fears about it as well. If I wasn’t careful with my thoughts I might turn this moment into a scary one
I turn and look down as I think that and I see this *giant* sea creature with massive gills, it’s a rushed moment so I don’t quite fixate on the image because I want to be in awe of it, not scared of it, I think I immediately focus on the idea of a whale shark so it IS a whale shark.
And I focus on the idea of flying, flying up and very strongly and I think the creature helps me because I feel pushed to the surface as I shoot up, bursting out of the water properly flying now. Okay, time to get to business.
I lay out a trap, it seems most of the other girls have gotten injured so it’s up to me, I get the monster to follow me as I fall out of a building, calling for it to come get me. Just before I hit the ground and open my wings (damn I have wings?) and shoot off across the street, keeping it close behind me. I still haven’t thought of a weapon to use against it, usually I would have given myself a fight power at this point? But I think it looks too huge and scary I can’t think of shooting or firing some sort of attack at it.
I weave through the city, disorientating it before flying to the edge of the island out to open sea
I shut my eyes and hope really hard and- YES the sea creature (it was some kind of sea dragon) bursts out of the waves and takes it down
……I just remembered this is a bit from Shang Chi isn’t it? The dragon in the sea
I’ve always had dreams like this that’s WHY I loved that scene so much so like shush don’t even Marvel plagiarised my dreams babes *flicks hair back*
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retrocgads · 2 years
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UK 1985
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eleutheria4ever · 11 months
“source?” divine intuition, gut instinct, and cryptic symbolism from my dreams
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evercelle · 2 months
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brother, i'll set us both free
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t0ast-ghost · 5 months
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One of my friends suggested they go to Barbie’s dream house. Hope this is satisfactory.
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blessyouhawkeye · 9 months
just found out that not only has dolly parton been married for nearly 60 years to the same normie ass guy who owned a road paving business who and i quote "went to a single event before swearing off hollywood forever" but also he looked like this
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and all i have to say is. good for her.
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loxleyo7 · 2 months
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it was stuck in my head
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stuckinapril · 9 months
more studying, more walks, more reading, more skill-based hobbies, more experimenting w pretty fits and hairstyles, more gym, more exploring new things in general, more whole foods/healthy recipes, more financial literacy, more time management, more time off the phone, more being out the loop. nothing else matters
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beverage2000 · 4 months
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Printemps x Mecha PaniQ
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starsstuddedsky · 1 year
i just have to accept that i'll never be funnier than my subconscious bc why did i have a dream last night that i was trying to get taeil into a car while a racist shouted at us and two furrise were fistfighting in a forest
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Before I start studying I wanted to record the dream/nightmare I had this morning because despite the fact it left me shaken I am SO DAMN PROUD OF HOW I HANDLED IT
This is a recurring dream, I am sort of stuck in a Jurassic Park situation with dinosaurs loose around a city however this time, despite the chaos and danger going on outside, despite the fact there are DINOSAURS IN MY KITCHEN ABOUT TO POUNCE ON ME
I am very calm and discover a new way out of bad dreams; secret passages!
See usually in a dream where I'm under attack from some unstoppable force, dinosaurs or aliens or serial killers idk I get it all, I tend to panic and either head straight at the danger, or run out of the closed space I'm in (my house usually) into the street. Unfortunately the street is either more dangerous or I'm suddenly moving extremely slowly and bam, die. Dead.
A dream I had a few months ago where I was dealing with family and trying to get my siblings out of the house had a very nice, easy solution; we stole our dad's van and left while my family argued during the apocalypse 💀. It was fun though, we found a flying setting and went to go rescue our friends, kinda a Sparticle Mystery vibe about it. So some of my dreams, yeah I've started coming up with new ways out
But this was unprecedented and extremely smart and fun, so we were in the middle of the Jurassic Park 2 situation, you know, a dinosaur in New York I think, only we had more than one and these guys..... were kind of evil. Sentient, vengeful, and coordinated. Not all of them were sentient, but the larger ones were, the t-rex, the spinosaurus, I'm pretty sure they were communicating with me but telepathically, taunting me, telling me there was no way out.
Except I had been expecting this, I was about to run out into the street, because I was being chased through my house by those Velociraptors from Jurassic World, but I stopped at the opening of the door, staring at the people screaming and running everywhere and realised no, I can't go out there, I WILL die.
"There's always a way out, you know this is a dream, so think"
Physics in my dreams are odd, things like... once you open a door you can't close it because the door frame expands and doesn't fit the door anymore. The door falls, lets the horrors in, but this time I concentrated and shut the door firmly, but concentrated on doing it as a casual action otherwise it wouldn't work. I then turned to the coat rack next to the door and pulled a lever, revealing secret steps down into tunnels and a gadget room
I grinned, and grabbed everyone to go with me
From there we kept moving from location to location, trying to outwit the dinosaurs while collecting the people we needed to rescue, like some of the Jurassic Park scientists as well as my friends. At some point we would get trapped in a bad situation, but I'd focus my mind on a "memory" of building a secret room or tunnel in the place we were in and we could leave, hiding away.
Only the dinosaurs started to catch on and a couple of times it turned very tense, I think we finally made it to my house (we started in one of the civilian houses from JP 2, America) and I was hoping we were home and safe, I was standing in my attic and there I heard and saw the t-rex looming outside my window. I crouched down and tried to hide but not before he smashed his head through, growling that I needed to give in. He looked like he was smiling, it was sadistic and malevolent.
I was furious. He'd taken some of my friends, and my siblings, and it turned out he'd used some of the more corrupt members of my family to track me down. They laid a trap for me, and though I escaped it was a near miss as they saw me go down a staircase behind a bookcase.
The rest of the dream is a little more hazy... and upsetting because the family member in question is the predator uncle, so something.... happened. Otherwise it would have just been an interesting adventure dream but... they caught me at some point and... *shudders* anyway, things happened.
Towards the end of the dream I'm running through alleyways and across rooftops frantically, I've got what are essentially rudimentary webslingers and I'm just about making it across the city, I'm in New York now. I think I've gotten some people safe, i can't remember, but I'm being pursued by raptors, and I'm heading towards what I know is a trap. But there's no other choice, I need to save my little sister.
I've got a serum to inject into the dinosaurs but it's experimental and who knows if it will work, when they finally catch up to me, I'm sure I'll be torn apart alive but they start fighting over me, a pterodactyl attacking the velociraptor chasing me. I fall, not managing to find a foothold or anywhere to anchor my webslingers to, and the last thing I see is that t-rex's face... it's cruel and... terrifying, it looks like Cruelty from my Sylkie poem.... from my nightmares. Only that thing was worse in this dream, he didn't just try to hurt me, him and my uncle... they tried to...
I shut my eyes because I'd rather be dead now.
Woke up shivering.
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retrocgads · 2 years
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UK 1985
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ku3vko · 5 months
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[Blushing Faces Meme] w/ the Sanses!!
I should've reddened Killer's face more,, but I needed to hurry this a bit cuz internship is coming soon & it's midnight here 😂
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