#star fox: crew rest
aramis-dagaz · 4 months
Star Fox: Crew Rest Rekindling a Light in the Dark
Krystal was awake in an instant.  She was in Fox’s cabin, lying alongside him pressed against his back.  She could feel the dark memories gathering around him like a black fog, the terror and guilt building within and practically creeping up her arm as she held him close in her sleep.  Another nightmare.  Of what, Krystal could only guess, but it felt similar to those of previous nights.
She gently shook him.  He remained asleep, though restless.  Whatever he was dreaming of had a stranglehold on him.  Any further attempts to wake him physically would only result in a potentially violent though unintended reaction, which was undesirable for a multitude of reasons.
Thankfully, Krystal had other means available to her.
She gently laid her hand along his temple, the tempest within his mind sending a numbing chill up her arm.  She responded with a gentle wave of warmth, pushing back against the roiling clouds.  They refused to budge, sharp spikes of guilt shredding all they came into contact with, but still she persisted, slowly, gently, relentlessly.  The outer edges of the storm began to melt away, a gradual process that gained momentum until she felt safe enough to make one final push.  The darkness yielded before her touch, and she spoke a silent command before it could reform.
Wake up.
Fox’s breathing changed noticeably, but not violently.  Krystal pulled back mentally but kept her arms wrapped around him, holding him close as he awoke.  She could sense his initial disorientation until his senses told him where he was.
“Krystal?” he said quietly.
“I’m here.”
He sighed wearily, one of his hands closing around hers.  “Another one, it seems.”
He was silent for a moment, his fingers intertwining with hers.  Shame, embarrassment, guilt, and shattered remnants of terror and horror swirled slowly around him like cursed moons over a blighted world.  Left alone, they would prevent any escape, even though Fox was never one to give up trying.  With enough effort, perhaps he could.  But the repeated nightmares kept wearing on him, making it harder each time.
But only if he went it alone.  Krystal gently nuzzled the back of his neck, hoping to remind him that he didn’t have to.
Fox squeezed her hand.  “Thank you,” he said.
“Of course,” she replied.  “Do you want to talk about it?”
He quietly groaned, and she felt his defenses rise.  Even after two years together, Fox was reluctant to show any vulnerability.  She didn’t blame him.  He had many enemies, fought countless battles, and was the rock upon which so many depended whether they consciously realized it or not.  There were very few he could turn to for advice, to show weakness to.  When predators circled from all directions, real or imagined, one dared not expose their throat by accident, let alone intentionally.
But walls entrapped just as easily as they protected, and Fox had built many, many walls.  Even she had difficulty navigating them when he tried to make himself open to her.  She wasn’t sure if he knew how to escape them himself.
But still she tried.  She couldn’t stand to see him suffer, not while she could help.  She loved him too much not to.
Finally Fox rose and sat at the edge of the bed.  He kept the lights off, the starry field from the viewscreen providing enough light to see by.  Fox preferred the dark when he was feeling lost, especially in the quiet hours of his off time.  Krystal sat by him, her hand on his as he sorted through his thoughts and emotions.
“It was about Fara,” he said after a long while.  Krystal had a good idea what he dreamt about, but stayed silent, letting him speak at his own pace.  Her hand gently squeezed his in quiet encouragement.
“Rather, it was about her dea–when she died.  When Shears killed her.”  He inhaled sharply, anger joining the swirling clouds around him.  “I couldn’t do anything.  Nothing but watch her die.”  His hands gripped the bedsheets and he looked away.  “You know this part already,” he sighed.
“And you still feel guilt over it, even though you couldn’t do anything,” Krystal said.
“You’re right, of course.  If only–”  He shook his head.  “No, no woulda-coulda-shouldas.  I’d be at it all night.”  His body tensed as he fought to hold back tears.  “I’d…I’d hoped that killing Shears would’ve done, well, something.  It wouldn’t bring her back, but maybe bring some sense of closure.  And yet here I am, seemingly no different than before.”
“Wounds do heal, but some are so terrible that they never truly go away,” Krystal said, tracing a finger along one of Fox’s scars on his arm, a reminder of a close encounter with a Sharpclaw’s teeth.  “Fara was, and still is, very important to you.  You were grievously wounded that day, though not physically.  You wouldn’t expect a soldier who lost a limb in battle to regrow it over time by sheer will, would you?  Not even after ten, twenty years?”
Fox shook his head.  “No, I suppose not.  That would be ridiculous.”
Krystal placed her hand over Fox’s heart.  “Then you shouldn’t expect any more from yourself.”
“Easier said than done,” he grunted.  “Everyone looks up to me to lead this outfit.”
“Everyone also supports you,” she countered.  “We’re not mere subordinates, we’re your friends.  I don’t think any of us would be here if we weren’t.”
Fox looked away.  Guilt and anger grew stronger.  “There was…something else that happened in the nightmare.  Something I hadn’t dreamt of for a while.”
Krystal rested her hand on his shoulder, waiting for him to continue.
“I…I was angry at Slippy.  Extremely angry.  I shot at him, screaming at him, blaming him for Fara’s death.  If only he worked on getting her Arwing working again before mine, she might still be alive.”  He stopped, his breath catching in his throat.  “I…I think I really wanted to kill him, much like how I wanted to kill Shears.”
“Do you blame Slippy for Fara’s death?”
“No!  I–”  Fox trembled and pressed his face into his hands, his fingers clutching at his head and palms grinding into his eyes.  Krystal could smell tears as the guilt clawed at him viciously.  “No, Slippy didn’t kill Fara.  He isn’t responsible.  He did what he could.  He’s the reason why I’m still alive.  Why Falco and Peppy are still alive.  But if he fixed Fara’s ship first…”
“Then you’d likely be dead.”
“I know!”  He growled at himself and lowered his voice.  “I know.”  A strangled sob escaped his throat and he rested his elbows on his knees, his head buried in his hands.  “I can’t blame him.  He blames himself enough as it is, and he shouldn’t.  He really shouldn’t.”
Krystal recalled the daggers of guilt that still tormented Slippy, how he wept when he finally told her about that day.  He was much better now, but every now and then the wound gets torn open.  It was one of the few things he dared not talk to Fox about.
Fox sniffed and sat back up, trying to hold himself together.  Krystal slid next to him and pulled him into a hug, resting her head on his shoulder.  He leaned his head against hers.  With such physical contact, the cloud of pain surrounding him felt like a fierce sandstorm against her skin, but she held him regardless.
“One more reason to be glad Shears is dead,” Fox muttered darkly.  “He’s trying to get me to turn against my friends.”
“But you know your friends better than he ever did,” she replied.  “Even if that was his intention, he wouldn’t have succeeded.”
“Damn right he wouldn’t.”  He sighed.  “Bastard is going to haunt me beyond the grave, isn’t he?”
“Only if you let him.”
“Then I won’t.  He’s dead and that’s the end of it.”  Krystal felt him forcibly shove the thought from his mind with a sensation reminiscent a large boulder being pushed aside.  It still left deep tracks in its wake, but for now the way was clear.
Anger simmered down to frustration, the guilt and shame directed inwards.  “Thank you,” he said, his voice low.
“Anytime, Fox.”
“You shouldn’t have to put up with this,” he sighed.
Krystal tightened her hug sharply enough to get his attention.  “I don’t ‘put up with’ anything, McCloud.  I do this because I love you and believe that you deserve happiness.”
He snorted with mirthless laughter.  “Just your luck you fell in love with a guy as damaged as me.”
“And yet you’re still capable of and have done amazing things.  We’ve flown in ships that had all manner of problems and still managed to make them work with some care.  People are no different.”
A jocular bubble hovered just beneath the surface, wanting, no, demanding to escape, to be heard, but she felt him shove it back down.  She grinned and lightly dug her claws into his side.  “Care to tell me what that double-entendre was, Fox?”
“No,” he said in a failing attempt at an annoyed deadpan response.  “Get out of my head.”
“I could hear it through even that thick skull of yours.”
“Oh really?” he replied with a half-grin.  “Then perhaps you can tell me which one it was.”
Krystal placed both her hands on his shoulder and rested her chin on them.  “Do you really want me to tell you how predictable you can be?”
“Careful there, you’re almost going to make me laugh.”
She smiled deviously at him.  “Don’t blame me, your dirty sense of humor is what’s ruining your bad mood.”
He turned towards her, his eyes looking her up and down.  “You just bring out the worst in me, lady.”
“That’s not particularly difficult,” she chuckled and rested her cheek on his shoulder again, holding him close.  The dark clouds still surrounded him, though the guilt, shame, and anger were disrupted, shattered into a field of debris that left him in a persistent twilight instead of plunging him into deep shadows.  Left on their own, they would likely reform back into looming shards of pain and guilt, potentially blocking out the warmth and light of those around him.  Even the walls Fox built around him could be just as hindering, leaving him unaware of his friends outside trying to help.
But not all light needed to be external, especially in this case.
Krystal inhaled deeply, taking in his familiar if anxiety-tinged scent and giving him a gentle squeeze.  "Tell me a happy memory about Fara,” she said.
"Most women don't like to hear about their boyfriend’s previous girlfriends,” Fox chuckled wryly.  Though spoken in jest, there was an undercurrent of wariness.  The walls around him shifted ever so slightly into a stronger formation.
“She is very important to you, and helped shape you into what you are today,” Krystal explained.  “I don't mind knowing a bit more about her, make her more than a name and picture on the memorial wall.”
“I…suppose that’s true.  I guess I keep forgetting that there’s a lot you don’t know about her.”
Shards of guilt continued to reform around him.  Krystal was having none of that.
“Sometimes it seems like I’ve always been here,” she said, hoping to assuage his guilt.
Fox chuckled with little mirth but not without warmth.  “Yeah, seems like it.”  He was quiet for a moment, glancing towards the starry field on the viewscreen.  “Sorry, it’s a bit strange to me, being asked about the dead like this.”
“It's very common among the Earthwalkers and Thorntails,” Krystal replied.  “To them, the dead are still part of the herd and are treated as such, even if they aren't among them physically.”
A bubble of amusement rose within Fox.  "I guess that makes sense, though 'part of the herd' isn't a phrase I'd attribute to her."
“No, from what I’ve heard that doesn’t seem like Fara at all.”  Krystal gave Fox another gentle squeeze.  “Please, elaborate.  I’m sure you know plenty of examples.”
The clouds darkened, leaving a weariness much like clouds of ash bringing on an unseasonable chill on the lands below.  “I’m sure you’ve picked up quite a bit from me already.”
“Not as much as you think, Fox.  I don’t pry.  Besides–”  She pulled away and turned to sit facing him.  “–I’d much rather hear you tell it.  More enjoyable that way.”
Fox hesitated.  Lingering grief and sadness made him reluctant to explore old memories, yet she felt those memories wash up on the shore of his consciousness.  He wandered among them, looking upon times long gone, some of which he hadn’t seen in a long, long time.  Some he glanced at and immediately focused his attention elsewhere in a swirl of mild embarrassment, prudence, and a desire for some things to remain hidden.
Krystal stepped back mentally.  This was difficult enough for him, no need to make it more awkward with her looking over his metaphorical shoulder.  Even in happier circumstances, it was still rude to peek in on his thoughts like that, and besides, she didn't want to ruin the story for herself.
After examining and setting aside several memories, a glow of mirth illuminated Fox’s consciousness.  "Okay, here's a funny one," he said, a mischievous smile growing on his face.  "If the Corneria City Police ever knew about this incident, they never would've made her an officer."
As he told the tale, Krystal found she had to agree with his assessment, though she was impressed and even shocked by the sheer audacity he regaled.  She couldn't even call it foolhardiness, though it was certainly foolishness that initiated the whole misadventure.  How Fox and Fara managed to get away with it would haunt her for a long time to come, especially considering how a crate of Papetoon crickets and ramen were involved, but she had to admit that it was a very amusing story.  She found herself wishing, not for the first time, that she could've met Fara; they probably would have been good friends.
More importantly, the dark clouds of guilt and grief surrounding Fox had lessened, driven back by the light of joy and laughter within his heart.  They hadn’t disappeared entirely, no amount of happy stories could do that, especially not overnight, but the memory of Fara now evoked a bit more light and happiness than before.
"I'm not sure if I should be appalled or impressed," Krystal said as Fox finished the story.
"If it helps, neither do I," he chuckled.
"Still, thank you for sharing that with me.  I feel like I know Fara better."
"She wasn't usually that crazy, but only just.  Sorry for talking your ear off."
"Don't be, I enjoyed hearing it.  Hopefully that was helpful for you as well."
"A little, I guess.  I haven't really thought about her much lately.  Didn't want to, honestly.  I suppose I only really remember her when I have these nightmares of her...last moments."  The dark clouds crept in around him, but just as quickly receded.  "It was nice to recall something pleasant for once."  He chuckled.  "Trying to get me to replace terrible memories with good ones?"
“You said it, not me,” she said with a sly smile.  “But yes.  She is important to you.  Celebrate that and her.”
"If I was in the mood for it I'd be toasting a drink right now."  He yawned.  "Ugh, I'm exhausted.  Guess I'm still limping on a crippled heart."
"Well, it is the middle of the night for us."
"What a time to be running a marathon down the bad side of memory lane.  Though I suppose not all that bad."
Krystal leaned in and gave him a light kiss on his cheek.  “Then let’s go back to sleep.”
“Yeah, sounds like a great idea.”
They both laid back down on the bed, Krystal nuzzling her face against Fox’s chest.  He held her close and gave her a kiss on the top of her head.  “Thanks, Krystal.  I love you.”
“Anytime, Fox.  I love you, too.”
It took a while for Fox to drift back to sleep, his defenses still unwilling to relax due to the guilt and loss that still lingered around him, yet still desperate to feel a warm connection with anyone and focusing that desire into holding Krystal tightly.  But soon mental, physical, and emotional fatigue took its toll and he slid back into slumber.  Krystal pressed her cheek against Fox’s heart, radiating love and comfort into him.  His sleep wouldn’t be entirely untroubled, but he wouldn’t find himself consumed by the shadows of the past either, at least not for tonight.
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beansschool · 1 year
Owen don't scare your son like that jfc
It's giving Bobby while Athena was attacked, poor guy just wants one parent to be at his wedding
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Yeah I got a request. Cuddles with mommy characters of your choice would heal me of my ailments, like a victorian child who would be soothed by seeing the sea one final time before the affliction takes hold
(Genshin Impact/H:SR/GFL) Cuddling with Lisa, Yae, Yelan, Himeko, Natasha, Springfield, and RO635
That's...oddly specific.
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Lisa cuddling with her S/O is comfortable and very lazy.
Whether it be reading a book, drinking tea, or simply enjoying each other's warmth, there will be nothing productive done that day.
But in order to achieve such heavenly bliss, they will have to work doubly hard right before, so that way they can lounge about with no risk of worrying about work.
That, or she'll find excuses. If it's raining, then oh well! Nothing to do but relax at home.
With her eyes slowly fluttering open, her head rests into the crook of S/O's neck, latching onto them with both her arms.
(Lisa) yawn "It's so early in the morning..."
S/O's eyes glance over to the wall before sighing.
(S/O) "It's ten."
(Lisa) "Hm...still too early, cutie..."
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Though cuddling with Yae can lull S/O a somewhat sleepy state, somehow they feel like that's exactly what she wants.
Yae's smile seems to indicate she has something up her sleeve.
(Yae) "Oh? Why are you getting so antsy of all a sudden, S/O?"
(S/O) "I know that look, Miko..."
(Yae) "Do you now? Is it truly so mind-boggling that I too, can enjoy just some regular affection?"
...A moment of silence gives her the answer.
With a flick of their forehead, her hand playfully mimics a fox with her fingers.
(Yae) "Sorry to disappoint dear, but I just wish to spend some quality time today.~"
She of course, jumpscares them later to which she laughs endlessly about.
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Yelan rolled the dice, and have dictated to her that she take a break.
And she wasn't really feeling like finishing the rest of work anyway, so this works out.
(Yelan) "Not planning on moving anywhere for a while, S/O?"
(S/O) "Guess not with you laying on me like this."
(Yelan) "Perfect, don't mind if I do.~"
Yelan rests her head on S/O's stomach and dozes off for a while.
S/O smiles as one hand brushes against her hair. Having her relax with them was a rare treat.
And though they didn't know entirely what she did, getting her to sleep with someone in the room meant she trusted them completely.
Plus, they knew Yelan would want to get dinner at some point tonight, no need to rush things, as she would say.
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As the Astral Express is travelling through the stars, Himeko spends a good chunk of her time with S/O, close together on the couch.
Sometimes its drinking coffee together, sometimes its talking with the other crew members, and sometimes its even just sitting together in silence.
As much as their expeditions were ways for everyone to bond, it was the quiet moments like these that Himeko cherishes with her S/O the most.
After all, no one quite knew where their final stop could be, and-
(S/O) "Himeko?"
Himeko snaps out of her mini reverie and feels S/O grab her hand, turning to look at them.
(S/O) "You alright? You were spacing out a little there."
(Himeko) "Ah, don't worry, I'm okay."
Himeko lets S/O's head rest on her shoulder and she closes her eyes, committing this feeling to memory.
(Himeko) "I just want to stay this way for a little longer..."
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Natasha lets S/O hold her after a long day, a feeling she very much welcomes.
(S/O) "Hey Nat, feeling tired?"
She hums in response, her body relaxing as their hand brushes some strands of hair out of her face.
(Natasha) "As always, my dear..."
S/O chuckled at that, and let her ramble on about her day, ranging from the state of patients or whatever shenanigans the Moles got up to.
Though she'd be right back to doing more tomorrow, for now she could at least enjoy the company of someone she loved.
It was nice to be pampered every now and then.
No objections from her when it comes to being looked after, instead of always the other way around.
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Springfield's smile grows wider the moment she sees S/O come into her cafe.
(Springfield) "Welcome back, love."
(S/O) "Thanks. Mind if I get the usual?"
(Springfield) "Already in a cup."
Making S/O sit in a nearby booth, she finishes cleaning her cups before joining them, both of them snuggling into each other.
Though she was a T-Doll, the warmth she gave off was just as real as any human.
(Springfield) "Work around the base busy as always?"
(S/O) "Psh, especially when Kalina and the Commander have me running around!"
A soft giggle escapes her lips as one hand barely moves to cover it, letting S/O continue and listen intently, all while her arm wraps around theirs.
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RO sighs when S/O asked to hold her.
She was still in the middle of processing some reports, but she supposed it wouldn't hurt.
At least no one was watching this time.
(RO635) "You have been working hard lately...Okay okay, come here..."
With a blush creeping onto her face, RO holds S/O tightly, and not giving them space to wiggle their way out.
Assuming they even would.
Hopefully, she wouldn't have to say out loud how much she loves them and that the blush on her would do all the talking.
(S/O) "RO, you're head is burning hot, you alright?-"
(RO635) "A-Ah! I'm fine just...j-just a little embarrassed."
(S/O) "I thought you'd be used to this by now-"
She turns to them pouting, but her hold on them has gotten tighter.
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ofmdrecaps · 3 months
07/07/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Rhys Darby; Taika Waititi; Samson Kayo; Leslie Jones; Vico Ortiz: OFMD S2 BTS, DateMyAbeulitaFirst; Rachel House + Cats; Gypsy Taylor; Uproar In Canada; #YouBearFineThingsWell; Articles; Fan Spotlight: Cast Cards; Big Gay Energy Podcast; Our Flag Means Fanfiction Podcast; NeverLeftPodcast Preview; Love Notes; Daily Darby/Today's Taika;
== Rhys Darby ==
New episode of The Cryptid Factor is available on Spotify!
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Source: The Cryptid Factor Podcast
== Taika Waititi ==
Taika attended the Corti a Corte 2024 Film Festival in Italy this past weekend!
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Source: manifesto_cieco Instagram
In addition to these lovely photos of Taika-- he posted another cut of the Belvedere Vodka video he Directed and Starred in with Future. Idk about you, but I love hearing Taika's voice again in these posts, you can tell he's feeling more himself and comfortable talking on socials again!
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== Samson Kayo ==
Samson posted a preview of the new F1 movie he'll be starring in that comes out in July 2025! Check the trailer out below!
Source: Samson Kayo's Instagram
== Leslie Jones ==
Leslie out again at the LA Sparks game! She's also been out guest starring on Howie Mandel's show! The content was a bit raunchy so I will link to it instead of posting it here, but if you're interested, there's plenty of content!
Source: Leslie Jones Instagram
== Vico Ortiz ==
Vico has uploaded more OFMD S2 BTS on their Patreon!
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Source: Vico Ortiz' Patreon
= Date My Abuelita First! =
New episode of Date My Abuelita First with Vico! Check it out here!
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Source: DateMyAbuelitaFirst's Instagram
== Rachel House ==
Alright, so Rachel has uploaded many cat videos to her Instagram Stories from a cat competition! They're adorable and she did a lot of commentary on each cat, so I figured I'd share one and then a couple picture of the rest. Yes, more cat content, I will never get tired of it!
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Source: Rachel House's Instagram
== Gypsy Taylor ==
Our genius costume designer from S2, Gypsy Taylor put together this pretty amazing outfit for the McCrispy campaign!
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Source: HayleyEganDesign's Instagram
== Uproar in Canada! ==
One of our fantastic crew-mates @uncertain-delights was kind enough to bring up on the last recap that Uproar is also available on Hoopla in Canada and you can watch it free with your library card! Check out HooplaDigital here!
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Source: @uncertain-delights
== #YouBearFineThingsWell ==
Only a few days away from the start of Rhys' new show: The Hungry Games: Alaska's Big Bear Challenge! Our crewmates over at @adoptourcrew will be celebrating this upcoming week! You can check them out on twitter!
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Source: AdoptOurCrew Twitter
== Articles ==
Our friends over at @adoptourcrew shared several articles that mentioned OFMD!
Source: Adopt Our Crew Twitter
In addition to the articles that mentioned OFMD @adoptourcrew also brought up the following article regarding queer storytelling.
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Source: Adopt Our Crew Twitter
== Fan Spotlight ==
= Cast Cards =
More Emmy Submissions tonight for @melvisik's Cast Cards! John Enroth, one of our OFMD composers, with Mark Mothersbaugh and Albert Fox 'for Outstanding Music Composition in a Series for Mermen'
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Source: @melvisik's Twitter
= Big Gay Energy Podcast =
Big Gay Energy Pod is back covering OFMD Season 2, Episodes 7 & 8!
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Source: Big Gay Energy Podcast Instagram
= Our Flag Means Fanfiction =
The Silly Voices Episode of Our Flag Means Fanfiction drops tomorrow! Check them out on your preferred Podcast Platform via their Linktr.ee!
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Source: Our Flag Means Fanfiction Instagram
= Preview: Jul 16 Never Left Podcast =
Never Left Podcast has an exciting upcoming interview with our Father Teach - Damien Gerard! It'll be released on July 16th! You can follow Never Left Pod on Instagram or check out their linktree for the best place to listen once it's released!
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Source: Never Left Podcast's Twitter
== Love Notes ==
Hey there lovelies! Here we are, at the end of the weekend again. Hopefully you got some good rest, or had some good clowning, or generally just had some time to yourself.
I have a bit of an odd question for you tonight, and that is --
Have you thought about Little You lately? About the little person you were years ago when you were younger? Little You could be a kid, or a teenager, or really anyone you were before today. Do you know how much Little You loves you? Do you know how proud they are of you for getting this far? Even if you're not in the place you want to be, that younger you is so grateful you're still here, and you're still trying. Little You loves you more than anyone else on this planet-- even if you didn't love yourself when you were them. They are still rooting for you every single day. Little You can see how far you've come, and Little You forgives you for all the things you hold against yourself. Remember to give your Little You a hug sometime, they're always here for you if you need them. Sometimes Little You's need the you you are now to help them heal the places they were in at the time--sometimes you're not ready for that, and that's totally okay too. One day you will be, and Little You will still be there, still loving you, and still rooting for you, and you can give them love right back when you're ready. You are wonderful, and unique, and beautiful, and brilliant and always have been lovelies---when you were Little You, and how you are today.
Even if your brain tells you otherwise sometimes-- You are so very loved, and you always have that Little You in your court if you need them. Feel free to exchange hugs with them whenever you need it, they're always there. I'm thinking of you lovelies, take care of yourselves and get some rest -- tomorrow is a new day.
== Daily Darby / Today's Taika ==
No real theme tonight, unless you want to consider it the Sunday Sillies. Gifs courtesy of two of the kindest, warmest, funniest, darling folks on the planet @agaywithcoffee and @ofmd-ann <3
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poppitron360 · 1 month
One thing I felt like HoO really dropped on is the characterisation of the Argo II itself.
Where a lot of shows like Star Wars, Firefly, Doctor Who, and Star Trek really shine is where the ship itself becomes it’s own character.
I’m gonna use firefly as an example here, because I started re-watching it today, and this is something that’s a VERY key theme.
I think Joss Wheadon (the creator of the show) talked a lot about Serenity (the ship) actually being the “ninth cast member”. “Serenity” is the name of both the pilot episode and the follow-up movie, it’s name-dropped in the theme song, and the show is called firefly because it is a “Class-3 Firefly Spaceship”. And we as an audience really connect with the ship- despite the show being only fourteen episodes long (If I was only able to throttle 20th Century Fox… I answer to no god)- and I think the reason we do so is because every single character has their own personal connection with the vessel. Wash being the pilot (Also, if I remember it correctly, it being the place he met Zoë), Kaylee being the engineer, for Simon, it being a safe space to hide his sister from the totalitarian government trying to do experiments on her brain, and Mal and Zoë starting the ship together- Mal naming it “Serenity” after the battle of Serenity Valley which he fought in with Zoë (I could lore-dump about this show ‘til the gorram cows come home). And the whole premise of the show being about surviving with your rag-tag crew on this piece of shit that you love dearly, and just… keeping flying. Ugh, there’s something so magical in the writing that makes you adore the ship itself.
Other examples, like the Millennium Falcon, the TARDIS, and the USS Enterprise, are also good for this.
Now, onto how the Argo II itself:
The only person who really has a personal connection with the Argo II is Leo. The rest of the Seven just feel like they’re… on Leo’s boat. All the food is provided by the magic plates from Camp Half-Blood. Most of the piloting/engineering is done by Leo, and a little bit by Annabeth and sometimes Percy when they’re on the water. You never get the sense that any of the others really love the boat, or have any connection with it at all.
I think that’s the reason why the Seven never felt that close in my opinion. There was never a sense of community. Of people united by a common location.
I think, just love for a place in fiction is something really powerful to me. That’s where Harry Potter most thrived, not necessarily the plot, but wanting to be in the world, go to Hogwarts.
Camp Half-Blood had that charm and homeliness. So did the Waystation in TOA. Camp Jupiter didn’t for me, but I think that was kinda the point. But I never really got that from the Argo II, because of the way it was set up so that Leo was the only one who could really bond with it. And this is what makes Leo so compelling to me, is that he actually connects with his flying ship. I just feel like the Argo as its own character, similar to Serenity from firefly, could’ve been so good if it had been written right and was such wasted potential. It would’ve strengthened that bond between the Seven, and made that “familial” dynamic feel a lot more natural.
In conclusion? Everyone should go watch Firefly on Disney plus. It’s just fourteen, forty-five minute episodes, plus the movie. But man, is it worth it. You will cry at the deaths (why do all the good ones get impaled?). You will laugh at the jokes. You will probably say, “Wait- is that a young Zac Effron?” When a young Zac Effron has a cameo. You will wish you were as badass as River.
Idk, it’s 3:03am and this is basically a good idea of what the inside of my brain looks like most of the time. I’ve mentioned at least six obsessions of mine in this post.
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Gives you a 🌹 with a hunch of freebies
This is just a little one-shot I'm not rewriting Sonic prime s3 this is just a little one-shot I'm not rewriting Sonic prime s3 this is just a one-shot I'm not re
"Wait a minute. Black Rose, where is the rest of your crew?" The numbers weren't adding up. "Batten? Sails? Catfish?" Black only starred at him wide eyes, seemingly processing the possibility of her crew being in danger. "Figured they were somewhere in this cursed place. Has no one seen them? Dread?" Her voice was coated with the edge of disbelief slipping into desperation as she turned towards her captain for any sign of hope. Dread only shrugged, disinterested. "They're still in No Place.." Realization dawned onto Sonic and he immiditely ran through any possible actions to take to get them out. "Not for long, that place is shattering at the seams." Doctor Don't suddenly added and pulled up a screencap showing the current state of No Place, which to say, wasn't the best "If your friends are there, it's game over for them." Too bad, there's no game over for Sonic the hedgehog, especially if his friends are involved. "I have to try." "There's no time." this time it was MrDr.Eggman that made himself known with urgency. No matter what the doctor says, it's not gonna move him though "I'm not leaving anyone behind. I can't." "Hey are those... the metal birds?" Sonic shifted his attention from the doctor to Gnarly and to where the echidna was looking. His blood ran cold. "Yes they're fully occupying the area outside of the dome." Rebel stated focused on the movement behind the only thing separating them from certain death, but that wasn't what concerned either him or Gnarly. "No, over there!" Gnarly shook his head and frantically pointed towards the snapshot of No Place. Sure enough what was left behind of the Angel's voyage crew was trying and failing to fight off a batch of viscious Grim bots undoubtedly sent by Nine for no good reason. "Just what does that fox think he's doing." Renegade watched with gridded teeth as the birds dissapeared through a crack in the sky with the unfortunate crew in their talons. "See? We have to go and help them now." Sonic was already up and runing before he finished his sentence, yet just had to be stopped by three tennis balls digging into his chest. "We all know what happens once that fox gets his paws on ya, and I'll be double dog darned if I sit back and twiddle my thumbs, while you give away the store!" It would be an understatement that Dr.Done It's voice wasn't absolutely grading to the ears, but thankfully he was kicked away by mister doctor. "Agreed, than now let the record show that this has nothing to do with our concern for your well being." Well, "thankfully" was a way too charitable of a word in this case, all of them were insufferable. Honestly Sonic couldn't care less about what exuses or reasons they have on keeping him confined here, his friends need him and he's stood around for more than he'd like to even if someone's life wasn't in danger– Wait, "their lives in danger." Nine wouldn't do anything that drastic would he? No matter, Sonic pushed those thoughts away and instead opted to bolt out again "Noted. Now that we got that cleared up, back in a jiff!" Exept he was stopped with almost trained precision by Rebel. "Sonic I hate to admit it," her ears dropped but hand stayed firm in front of him, "but they got a point." "Sorry Rebel, but I can't just sit around and risk the lives of my friends-" She stopped him from moving again and honestly this whole debate was getting just a tad bit frustrating. "No, that's exactly what Nine wants. He's banking on you to rush in headless so he can catch you off guard as you waltz right into his trap." Sonic was about to open his mouth again but she cut him off "I've lost way too many resistance mebers, and friends, to that strategy. I can't let the same happen ever again." Her eyes carried a considerable weight of sadness, even as they stared knives at the back of Mirster whatever egg head. And Sonic's ears did drop at the implications but he still couldn't belive Nine would punch that low. Sure he was angsty and kinda unreasonable right now, but not downright evil. He hoped so anyway.
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the-bar-sinister · 3 months
No Rest for the Wicked (448 words) by thesavagesabretooth
Crocodile stands on the balcony of his penthouse suite in Rain Dinners, enjoying the cool, late night breeze against his cheek as it carries the smoke of his cigar away. He looks up at the clear sky full of a million stars, and the bright full moon hanging heavy above the dunes out past the city's low horizon.
He has lived in Alabasta for the past thirteen years. It, more than any other place in the world, is his home. He has built an empire here, forged it by hand. He is a hero of the people. He is a successful businessman. Some of his former pirate crew work for him, in his casino, and unknowingly in Baroque Works. He has friends and lovers. He may not fully trust them (no person is trustworthy when the chips are down) but he holds them dear nonetheless.
He puffs at his cigar and watches its smoke cover the moon as if it were clouds. He thinks about how easy it would be to simply leave things as they are.
But he knows that it's wishful thinking. He knows the world that he lives in is not one that will allow a man to rest– not a man like him, most certainly.
He knows that for now, he lives and does business at the pleasure of the world government. And the world government is the least trustworthy friend of all. Some day, he knows, perhaps someday soon, it will no longer please them to allow the seven warlords to have their way. Some day the government is going to tire of the foxes guarding their henhouse, and it is going to have all of their heads.
No matter how much Crocodile wants to rest– how much he wants to let himself settle comfortably into simple wealth and adoration– how can he enjoy it when he knows that it could all be taken from him in an instant?
No. He can't rest, and he can't allow himself to be lulled into the false luxury of peace. He'll enjoy what he can, while it lasts, but he can't just cash in his chips now. No, for everything he's built, he will have to bet it all. 
Alabasta had been his home for 13 years. It stings his heart, but he has to stay the course and go all in.
It will have to be his nation, and he will need a mighty weapon with which to protect it and himself from the world government. And he will do it. Even if he has to destroy half of Alabasta in the process. 
The moon passes below the horizon, and Crocodile puts out his cigar.
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thewisaaaaad · 2 days
Hey, I'm back.
so i found out that my last post wasn't seen by many. Also that i forgot to write like half of the post. so uh
part one is here. It talks about the Lambs crew, minus three of them. Also about how Flintlocks work in this world (Its magic :))
Anyway, here's the missing three members! They are, obviously, post Captains, so keep that in mind.
First, we have Yarlen! Everyone calls them Stinky, though. They insist its a "cool pirate name". William humors him, with much disappointment.
He has an unnatural lucky streak, having managed to find William's ship in nothing but a rowboat after traveling miles in a random direction. They have also never lost a game of nucklebones, despite only having a vague grasp of the rules.
He works as a mate, helping with everything around the ship that needs it. His preferred weapon is a spear, although they haven't had to do much mono a mono combat, due to the rest of the crew having much more experience.
Then we got Jalala! She traveled from far away, much like her brother, guided by a letter that was bound to a messenger bird that Yarlen somehow found.
Their trip was a lot more eventful, having the ship they were abord crash into Pilgrims Rock, and then meeting Rinor and sailing through the seas of the Old Crew, running into THREE separate primordial entities that only seem to interact with people who have a strong tie to the fate of the world. They also (unlike cannon) managed to catch a glimpse of ???, or The Thing in The Moon, before being captured by Old Crew and then rescued by William Kidd.
They serve as a talented cartographer aboard the Iron Veil, their keen eyes able to accurately measure the distance between islands and also having intimate knowledge of star charts, making them indispensable for navigation.
Jalala is a non-combatant aboard the ship. The crew likes her, despite her nervousness.
Rinor is a capable deckhand, knowing how ships work very well, as well as being able to tie a mean knot. For a weapon, she wields one of the boats iron cleats (the pins you tie rope to) despite also technically being a non-combatant.
They had sailed the sea as a fisher before joining the crew along with Jalala.
Finally, we can get to the crew's friends and... acquaintances. These will be rapid fire, so here we go.
Forneus is a large cat woman who plies her trade on the seas. How does she get her goods? No one knows, especially considering she never takes payment of any kind, and her gifts are all perfectly suited to their recipients. She seems wise even beyond her years, and has somehow evaded the Old Crews notice entirely, despite constantly praising the Red Captain.
(Narinder granted her eternal life after the unwilling sacrifice of her children, as long as she remained on the sea. Shamura got no blessing from him.)
Midas is a problem. He runs a Flint mining operation on a far flung bit of the volcano god, using his gift to control gold to mine it without any consequences. Hes still a jerk, but is the only source of Flint that the crew have.
Rakshasa is a traveling food vendor of the sea. Think Barati from one piece but with a snail theme, and you have it. They are known to deal with the Iron Veil, but they are allowed to operate because they charge William's crew extra (like one gold, but still).
Plimbo is a trader, still. He supplies the crew of The Old Rust-bucket with all sorts of trinkets and goodies between raids.
The fox is not called the Fox. They are instead called The Jackal, The Skull in the End. They are a demon of Death in this world, considering the position was left vacant by Narinder. They have much more tempting deals, too- A life for a life.
Who would you give up for the ones you love?
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lavenoon · 1 year
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Here's Accidentally Undercover Foxy!
So. Foxy. Foxy’s a bit of a recluse, but is living right across the street from Y/N and Sun and Moon. He’s worked with Fez for over 20 years - like most other animatronic agents Fez employs, he was commissioned by them and chose to work his debt off with them. He of course had that adjustment period all animatronics get, time to get used to life, but Fez had their fingers in it from the start. So, he worked off his debt, and by then he already had his friends at Fez, and, well... He just continued working there.
He’s done well enough as a secret agent, in the group set-up of star agents with Freddy, Chica, and Bonnie. His focus was more on stealth, sneaky fox and all. Ended up developing a bit of a pirate shtick to make things more fun bc well, work that job 20 years and if you didn’t have a gimmick from the start, you’ll regret it after the first decade. Everything gets boring after a while. He did start out with all limbs and eyes intact though, no incentive for Fez to create a disabled animatronic. Packs a mean bite, too, and otherwise opts for knives and making a mess for the clean-up crew. 
With experience did come a good bit of jadedness though. He started questioning orders more and more often, noticing hypocrisy or inconsistencies. It started more or less negligibly, Fez didn’t worry too much, but slowly his doubt started to spread. He shared them with Freddy, Chica, and Bonnie - who told him to keep his head down and not do anything rash. Well, he didn’t do anything *rash*, but over time his transgressions started to rack up and become a thorn in the higher ups’ sides. 
So they decided to get rid of him. 
His last mission was a trap. Not in a way that anyone could prove their involvement, but Fez willfully withheld vital information, and caused him to slip up. A tragic accident, really. In an attempt to evade capture he managed to hide out in a space too small for his body. He made it fit - desperation does that to people. 
Locked in an uncomfortable position with hostile agents scouring the building for him, he felt his battery run out slowly, waiting for the requested backup that would never come. When he came to after a recharge, it was after being found by the enemy, and he fought his way out.
The entire ordeal cost him his hand and eye, and when he returned to Fez he was met with disdain over the fact that he was still alive. 
Things happened quickly then. 
Fez promptly fired him, the official reason being the botched mission, though they never amended the previously shared information “Foxy was killed in action” to the rest of the agency. Mainly Freddy, Chica, and Bonnie - who never learned that their friend isn’t actually dead. Fez made it clear that his time in the city was limited - if he’d be seen by anyone and thus make more trouble for management, there’d be hell to pay.
What meager funds Foxy was left with wasn’t enough for a move and repairs (now that he had to pay for them himself), so he leaned into the pirate gimmick and got a hook and an eyepatch, as well as a seething hatred for Abra Fez. All his questioning, all his doubt - justified, and he couldn’t even do anything about it. 
He moved to a city far away, into a quiet neighborhood. With the neighbors he’s gained a bit of a reputation due to his reclusiveness combined with his appearance. The eyepatch and hook only enhance the missing teeth among many mismatched ones, as well as more than enough scars. 
Foxy becomes “that” neighbor - the one others whisper about behind their hands, or sneak glances at when they think he doesn’t see. The one people try to keep their kids away from, though they love him for his rough demeanor and regularly ask if he’s a real pirate (which he of course confirms). Sometimes he’s feeling soft and sneaks in an affectionate nickname of sorts - of course on brand, maybe a “scallywag” or “scamp”, and the kids love that, too. Sometimes he leaves "treasures" lying about his place, a challenge for the kids - if they get to grab the little trinkets without being caught, they get to keep them - otherwise they get to be chased by a pirate (all in good fun). He's not the fastest anymore, and he doesn't really try, so the kids always get away, but the thrill is exciting to them. Foxy just enjoys the shenanigans.
He works odd jobs, sometimes multiple at a time, sometimes none for a while. After spending all his life with Fez, he’s now experimenting, though he tries to stay away from people. 
Of course he’s known about the branch of The Agency(tm) in town, he’s banked on it even - knowing that Fez respects them enough to stay away. It grants him some peace, though old habits die hard and he’s keeping an eye on them, too. 
Once, the agency approached him, though he shooed them away with a nice smile and the promise that if they dared to insinuate again that he’d be stupid enough to fall for the same scam twice just because it has a different name this time around, he wouldn’t be that nice the next time. They left him alone after that. 
When Y/N moved in, he didn’t particularly care. Neither did they - the bite-happy pirate neighbor who apparently hates people (except the kids) (as Y/N is so helpfully warned by other folks when they move in) is a distant “he sounds cool, but better stay clear for now", apart from a few superficial (but actually friendly) interactions.
When they get recruited, he notices it pretty quickly. He’s seen it all before, noticed them bringing in the soundproofing for their workshop, the shady packages, late nights and torn up clothes. The bruises, and wounds, too, as training progresses and Y/N starts working. 
But he meant what he said and has no interest in getting involved again - if Fez threw him away after he’s spent nearly his entire life working for them, he’s not going to become a target for an agency that he doesn’t even have history with. They’d do away with him even faster than Fez, and he’s quite content as is, and doesn’t particularly want to move again. 
And then two other agents move in. 
And Y/N only knows of one, and apparently not even that he’s an agent, too. 
What little glimpses he catches, he becomes torn between enjoying his personal soap opera and bashing his head against the wall in frustration (that's why he needs his emotional support mug. It prevents him from doing something stupid because he doesn't want to break it). Often enough he considers just telling them - though he always talks himself out of it, in the end. It’s too much, too much responsibility, too much to explain, too much baggage involved. Fez’ treatment hurt him more than he was aware of, and watching the idiot trio dance around each other makes the old wound hurt again. 
Things change when he catches a glimpse of Moon dragging himself home, carrying his own arm. 
That’s way too familiar. In the end, he’s too busy fighting old demons, and by the time he’s finally considering stepping in, Y/N is already hightailing back home and being not at all subtle about breaking into their tenants place. 
That stings, too, because he feels betrayed by his friends, who never even knew he was in trouble until they were told he’s dead. He knows it’s not their fault either, but the sting of betrayal doesn’t care about logic. 
But there’s also relief, because maybe he’s grown attached to these idiots, and he’s also feeling just that little bit of pride. There’s some fools, who may be oblivious to a fault, but at least they care about each other more than they care about their work. They look out for each other, and are willing to break those rules to protect each other. 
And maybe he realizes he’s just a tiny bit lonely, too. They give him a lot to think about, and he may or may not reconsider his stance on reaching out to them…
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carpentergirl · 1 year
Raising Flags
Tara Carpenter and Amber Freeman are the newest stars on Woodboro High’s Girl’s Soccer team... When Tara gets hurt, all bets are off
Word Count: 2249
Amber Freeman and Tara Carpenter were a force to be reckoned with on the soccer field. The duo just clicked together so well that not even the best defensive players could stop those two from scoring.
The two girls quickly realized their unreal talent after joining Woodsboro’s Girls’ Soccer team their freshman year and before they knew it they had quickly been moved to the varsity team with the upperclassmen. Their chemistry on the field was electric, the way they so easily played off each was like watching a famous artist paint a masterpiece.
Their friends were always their biggest cheerleaders, literally and figuratively. Chad, Mindy, and Wes were always in the stands with cringy signs and face paint. Eager to cheer on the young team members. The entire first season the crew did not miss a game, the tradition followed into Chad’s football season (even if he spent 90% of it on the bench). They quickly added Liv, a cheerleader to their friend group after she recognized Tara at their summer job and complemented their supportiveness for the not-so-football player.
But now they were sophomores heading into their second season on the varsity soccer team. It was a very important game for the duo and well the whole school. They were of course playing their rivals in the name of school spirit.
Tara and Amber were superstitious when they had big games coming up. It started with a sleepover that Mindy always crashed of course followed by Chad and Liv and eventually Wes. They’d get ready for school together and Amber always ensured that Tara took her medication for her Asthma as she didn’t want the younger girl to literally kill herself on the field. They always had pepperoni pizza for lunch and drank yellow Gatorade before heading to practice.
“So ladies, are we gonna rock it tonight?” Mindy asked as they prepared their backpacks. Each girl wore their royal blue jerseys and Mindy of course wore Tara’s gold away jersey that she had proudly stolen from the girl’s closet Carpenter 03 across her back. Amber would describe it as a serious case of FOMO but Tara loved it.
“That's always the plan Ms. Carpenter.” Tara teased the girl. Eying her own jersey on her best friend’s back and chuckling.
“You don’t wear my jerseys” Chad whined from the other side of the table.
“You’re lucky they even let you wear a jersey.” Mindy snapped back. “Plus you gave Liv your jersey remember.” Chad stood up a little stung from his sister’s comment.
“At least he gave it to someone, you had to steal yours” Amber rolled her eyes.
Mindy loved when the little green monster jumped out of Amber it was almost always directed towards Wes but sometimes she could summon it, like when Tara would allow Mindy to rest her head on her shoulder during movie nights or when she would like in this instance steal some of Tara’s clothes. Mindy liked that side of Amber- she was more relatable when she was snarky. Plus she knew that she had secretly wanted to have been the one who was wearing the extra Carpenter jersey, but how could she when she was wearing her own? Why let the opportunity go to waste?
Mindy was hyper-aware of everyone’s dynamics, she loved to use it to her advantage. She knew Amber has had a crush on Tara since last year. The little green monster first appeared when Wes shared the news of him and Tara beginning a relationship last summer. Amber was less than ecstatic, often making the boy’s life as close to a living hell as possible. So when word that they had broken up earlier this summer got out Mindy knew Amber would waste no time schmoozing her way close to Tara. Now the two were inseparable. Mindy was just waiting for indisputable evidence to bring to her best friend’s attention so that the two can live happily ever after.
“9 and 14 switch!” Coach Fox called out to Amber on the field. She threw her hands up rushing over to the bench.  The game was going great, they were winning 3-1. She didn’t understand why she had been benched or why she would separate her from Tara, but with a stern look from her coach, she just sat down, saving her energy for the later part of the game. She sent a daggering look to Liv across the field in her cheerleading uniform just for the heck of it, she needed someone to feel her wrath and clearly, it was not the field nor her coach.
The rest of the group was in the audience cheering the girls on and absolutely being enamored in the sea of blue. Once again they broke into the face paint. Mindy had each girls’ number painted on either cheek and Chad had alternating eye black in the school’s colors. Wes of course opted out but was wearing a homemade shirt that read I’m with #3 that he had made last season but never stopped wearing it when he and the player broke up.
Tara broke through the neutral zone. The small girl took the ball and dribbled her way past a crowd of orange jerseys. The crowd was on their feet. Tara was about to seal the deal of the game and give her team a 3-point lead and a nearly deadly choke hold. The crowd was roaring. She wound up her leg for a kick and just as her foot was about to make contact with the ball she felt forceful hands meet her chest knocking the air out of her. The crowd fell silent as Tara hit the ground backward, her head bouncing upon contact with the ground, and the opposing teammate landed on top of her.
It felt like she was watching it in slow motion Mindy took off out of the stands trying to get to her friend running faster than she ever had before in her life and the rest followed her.
Amber was on her feet the second she saw the orange jersey zone in on Tara and rushed off the bench the second she had made contact with the smaller girl and to the scene the similar slow-motion effect taking over her vision, She grabbed the player who was on off of Tara by the collar of their jersey ripping them to her feet and pushing her back causing the player to stumble. She was seeing red, a rage fired within her and then before she could even register what was happening Amber delivered a punch square in the face that didn’t go unanswered by a teammate.  Eventually, a brawl between both teams broke out before any ref or coach could intervene. Amber at the heart of it threw punches at anyone who tried to get between her and the dick who hit Tara.
Mindy was the first one to Tara’s side; she ran straight through the field and to her motionless friend.
“Tar” She huffed gently, placing her hands on the girl’s shoulder, scared she would hurt her more. She had her back to the brawl trying to protect Tara from the fights behind them.
Whistles were blowing, the crowd was yelling for the refs to make a call on the play, and Chad tried to navigate through the yelling teams to find the one who had thrown the first punch. Removing her from the situation before she got herself into any more trouble, he grabbed Amber holding her arms as she tried to break free from him.
“You want to make a cheap shot then you better be prepared to take one!” Amber yelled at the girl who had tackled Tara. She flailed in the large boy's arms until he basically threw her to the side placing himself in between her and the fight.
“Stop Amber!” He grabbed her shoulders forcing her to plant her feet. “Tara is hurt, you need to stop” He bargained with her and the anger in her eyes faded into a soft one he was unfamiliar with. She stopped fighting against him and dropped her arms. The severity of what happened drew her back to reality. Tara was hurt.
She rushed back towards Tara who was still lying motionless on the field. Wes held her head still as Mindy tried to wake the girl up.
“Tara!” Amber cried falling to her knees next to her. She brushed the loose strands of hair away from the girl's face.
“Come on T, please wake up.” She smoothed the girl's hair. Mindy noticed the tears in the girl’s eyes that threatened to fall, the way it looked like her world was crumbling around her this was definitely indisputable evidence she thought to herself.
“Tara baby please.” Amber whispered. “Please” Amber wiped a small train of blood from Tara’s nose, clearly from impact with the other girl's elbow when they fell. She was disturbingly still. It was honestly terrifying. Moments later the girl's eyes scrunched and she shifted slowly. Amber and Mindy looked at each other as Mindy moved Wes’ hand from the girl. He mumbled something about head injuries in his “mall cop know it all” fashion and Amber pushed him back further making him lose balance and fall on his ass.
Tara’s eyes shot open and quickly closed just as quickly with a groan. She tried opening them again as she tried to sit up. Amber and Mindy quickly pushed her back down, placing a gentle hand on either side of the girl.
“No Tar you need to lie down” Mindy said.
“What happened?’ Tara groaned as she rubbed her temples and kept her eyes shut, the stadium lights burning them.
“Tara, you took a pretty bad hit during the game, we’re waiting for the ambulance.” Liv spoke up, putting her phone back in her pocket. Amber gave the girl a soft thankful look, one that Liv had never even imagined receiving from her.
“No no, the game. I’ve gotta get to the game.'' Tara shook her head sitting up again, a wave of dizziness taking over. This time Amber grabbed her, pulling her into her lap.
“Tara, you're at the game, you got hurt, everything is going to be okay.” She tried to soothe the girl. Mindy gave her a concerned glance.
Tara didn’t remember. Not even something they said a few moments ago.
Tara couldn’t understand what Amver was saying. All she could hear was static ringing and muffled voices. She heard high-pitched whistles that made her head hurt more, oh yeah- her head hurt, how did that happen? Tara didn’t know what was going on. She could barely see anything with these blinding lights and all she knew was she needed to get to the game. She began to panic.
Amber noticed the unevenness of her chest rising and falling as her breathing became labored and hoarse.
“She’s having an asthma attack.” She met Mindy’s eyes, praying she had the girl’s inhaler as she usually would during a game being neither of the girls could keep it and play. Mindy nodded frantically, patting her pockets.
“MINDY NOW.” She yelled startling everyone around her including Tara. Mindy found the inhaler in her hoodie pocket under her jacket and fumbled trying to hand it to Amber.
“Okay baby girl, let’s breathe.” She said Bringing the inhaler to the girl’s lips, Tara’s hands shakily meeting Amber’s.
“Deep breaths, you’re okay.” Amber rubbed her back trying to relax the girl.
“What do we have?” Was the last thing Tara heard before being ushered to the paramedics and into the back of an ambulance.
The next time Tara remembered waking up she was home. In the comfort of her own bed. She sat up to look around, instantly regretting it with the dizziness that consumed her. Once she was able to focus she found she had collected quite the crowd in her room. Mandy, Chad, Liv, and Wes all asleep scattered around the floor of her room.
Her heart sank when she didn’t immediately see Amber. She couldn’t remember exactly what happened but she was sure Amber would’ve been here if everyone else was. She went to get out of bed swinging her legs to the edge of her bed.
“Absolutely not.” She heard that voice. The voice she melted to. To be honest it startled her but she automatically relaxed as she heard it again. “You’re staying in bed.”
Amber sat up in the chair that had been moved from her desk to the side of her bed. Tara turned to her. She could see she had been crying tears trails down her cheeks, and she noticed a bruise forming under her eye.
“Amber what happened.” She harshly whispered trying to get to the taller girl who was on the opposite side of the bed. She slowly reached out to examine the injury before her hand was caught by a bruised one.
“Amber.” Tara whispered softly this time.
“What happened?” She took her hand into her own.
Amber got up from the chair and sat on the bed next to Tara. She thought about her words carefully. She laid back gently pulling Tara into her side and stroking a loose piece of hair behind her ear. Honestly Amber couldn’t even remember what happened. It was like she blacked out on all the details but she knew one thing: “Let’s just say we’re both benched for a month.”
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paramounticebound · 11 months
~ Character Info Sheet
name: Sibahl Khan Noonien Singh
name meaning: 'Khan', often a surname, is derived from the historic title khan, referring to a military chief or royalty. Ruler, leader, king. / 'Noonien' is of Chinese origin and means "gifted one". The story goes that Gene Roddenberry, in the midst of the Cold War, was attempting to find a friend with this name and hoped seeing it on the big screen would enable them to connect again. / 'Singh' is a Punjabi/Sikh surname, derived from the Sanskrit word सिंह (IAST: siṃha) meaning "lion", and is used in the sense of "hero" or "eminent person". ['Sibahl' is rooted from two different sanskrit words: 'singh' which means lion and 'bal' which means strength.]
tl;dr his name is an amalgamation of different cultural roots, while the general meanings remain consistent.
alias/es: The Augmented Prince, The Augmented Tyrant, John Harrison, Captain, Popsicle, KHAAAAN
ethnicity: indian british now ig thanks section 31 ┐('~`;)┌
one picture you like best of your chara:
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and his alternate fc b/c i have no chill:
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three h/cs you've never told anyone:
His name, I suppose. Learning that 'Khan Noonien Singh' was not the original name for the character sort of set me off, along with the moment in the comic where he took on a new moniker. Sibahl is the name that Sarina gave him, and sometimes he still tastes it in the back of his throat; yet when he'd realized what he must become to lead his people, he shed it in favor of KHAN.
While he fears failure and loss, Khan does not fear death. Truthfully, he finds the concept comforting in a way that words can barely describe. To return to the earth, to stardust, is so unfathomably beautiful-- to continue the cycle of life until it dissipates in entirety. His body will feed the soil, bacteria and carrion consuming all that he has to offer, and so he will live on and on in a way that the soul cannot. He's absolutely written poetry about it, and you'll never get to read it.
When he was a child, he was gifted a khanda by a close friend of Sarina's-- a historian and antique dealer. While it was originally ornamental in design, Khan sharpened and modified it to become a functional weapon.
While I generally consider him unable to scar, a wound from a previous rp partner yet transcends many of his verses. It's a scar just under his rib cage on the left side, vaguely in the shape of a sunburst.
three things your character likes doing in their free time:
Calligraphy-- he misses paper and ink, how his hands long to create instead of destroy.
Playing chess-- a way to destress while keeping the mind sharp.
Whittling-- he has occasionally been known to gift woodwork he's created. Not as often in his current timeline.
eight people your character likes / loves:
Marla McGivers (@sweetbitterbitten): A mad widower does not a worth leader make. Without her, insanity is the best comfort that can be had. With her-- oh, with her, Persephone to his Hades, he is fit to rule in hell. He is fit to drag it wherever he needs it to be.
Fox Alkaev (@vuulpecula): After writing him for so long, Fox has become interwoven into his story, in some way or another. In every verse, he is somehow connected to her.
Sarina Kaur: Mother is God in the eyes of a child.
Joachim: What is a king without an advisor? This is his right hand man and greatest confidant.
Kati: Much like Joachim, he relies on her wisdom, either as a dampener to his righteous fury, or a kindling when blood must be shed.
Liesel Ivanov (@noblehcart ): Who else can dance only to melody of humming stars and thrumming hearts?
His unnamed child from Wrath of Khan/Ender (@middaysandmidnights): His child, his legacy, his lifeblood. The one whom he hopes will endure despite him.
The rest of his crew: without them, he is nothing, a dead end king, a freedom fighter without a cause.
Multiple muses that have melted his icy heart over the years. I'd make a giant post if you'd let me.
two things your character regrets:
Terran exile, and how long it has taken to regain a rightful throne. He wishes that he hadn't relied on the unknown to save them.
Letting any of his people die. Those that have still haunt him, ghosts ever present, continually chanting, "Our captain has left us behind."
two phobias your character has:
Claustrommetaphobia - fear of suffocation in an enclosed space.
Atychiphobia - an extreme fear of failure.
Tagged by : @ssolessurvivor <333
Tagging: @gcldenratio @asteritm @jundlcndwastes (juni!) @hcxcd @noblehcart (liesel!) @lastsurvivor @sweetbitterbitten (whomever you're feeling the most; or marla!) @vulku / @greatprotector @admiralchristopherpike @godresembled (rey!) @whydotheykeeptakingmine @learnedlucidity @hiislegacy @weavefcrged @primitiveside @dethqveen and YOU!
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aramis-dagaz · 5 months
Star Fox: Crew Rest, Part 1
This story takes place one year after the events of Star Fox: Assault and two years before Star Fox Command.
As evening approached the temperature began to drop within the Fichina University Department of Astrosciences building.  There was no need to keep the interior any warmer than above freezing as most of the students and faculty had already left for the day.  Only a handful stayed behind, using personal space heaters, hot water bottles, and heavy jackets to keep the chill at bay as they continued their work.
Isabelle didn’t notice the cold until her shivering made it difficult to keep typing.  She only took a short break to put on her coat and gloves, turn on her space heater, and drink some hot coffee from her thermos, and then it was back to work.  There was always a mountain of paperwork in the Dean’s office, from invoices and inter-department communications to student grades and research grant requests.  Someone had to make sure the papers were filed, the requests routed, and the daily thrum of mail kept moving, and the pool of secretaries had steadily dwindled since she started working here four months ago.  Even with less hands to handle the paperwork, the work itself never stopped.
She didn’t mind, though.  It was gratifying to be so useful and busy, so she stayed behind long after the others left and the temperature in the building had dropped.  She found that she did some of her best work in the evening, when there were fewer distractions and the incoming flow of work slowed, if only for the night.  Plus, no one was around to be bothered by her humming, which helped keep her spirits up.
A knock on the door of her office caused her to nearly drop the stack of papers she was holding.  Isabelle wasn’t expecting anyone as the Dean had long ago left for home and most of the professors were also gone for the day.  “One moment!” she said, crossing the few feet to her office door.  Upon opening it, she was greeted by the sight of a familiar pink-furred rabbit.
“Hi Lucy!” Isabelle said.
"Evening, Izzy!"  Lucy looked past her into Isabelle’s crowded office.  It was more of a glorified storage closet, stuffed with boxes and stacks of paper, but she didn't mind.  So long as she had a desk for her computer and space to store paperwork, that's all she needed.  "Still working hard?"
"Oh yes!  There are grades to file away, expense accounts to add to the ledger, meeting minutes to transcribe and–"
"Same as always, I see.  Have you had dinner yet?"
"No, but I'm okay!” Isabelle replied.  “I had a sandwich from the vending machine in the breakroom for lunch today.  It was pretty good."
"The ones made from those impossibly thin slices of bread?” Lucy said.  “I don’t know about you, but I’m starving.  How about we go hit up Leo's?  I could really use one of his coffees to perk me up after such a long day."
"Oh, well, I'd love to, but there's still a lot of–"
"C'mon, the work ain't going anywhere.  I don't think this place will collapse if you're gone for a couple hours."
"Well, yes, but–"
"My treat," Lucy said.  "And they're serving Leo's special tonight."
Isabelle hesitated for a moment.  She hated to leave all this work behind, but then again, Leo's was her favorite restaurant.  And if Lucy was treating her...
"Okay, let me get my hat and parka.  I think the cold air will help energize me a bit."
The early spring air practically hit her in the face the moment she stepped outside.  Isabelle quickly tightened her hood, leaving only her eyes and a flash of yellow fur visible.  Her entire body shivered as she and Lucy huddled together and practically jogged through the snow to the University metro station.  Leo’s was a beloved fixture in the building, offering a nice view of the passing metro trains and Fichina City’s skyline while promising a quick, hot meal for those on the go and a warm place to sit for those with the time to spare.
They both stayed silent until they got their cups of Leo’s finest, as they would barely have been able to get a proper word out until they warmed up and the chattering of their teeth stopped.  It was practically a ritual here, with all other concerns put on hold until one was warm and comfortable.  Isabelle wasn’t sure if Leo’s coffee was so good because it was so warm after a jaunt through the frigid air or if it was simply that amazing.  Probably a mix of both, though she never had a chance to try it otherwise.
“Ah, that hit the spot!” she sighed.
“Yeah, makes it worth the dash through the cold just to get here!” Lucy agreed.  “If they ever build that coffee pipeline the engineering students keep talking about every year, I might never leave the Astroscience building.”
“Oh, wouldn’t that be convenient!”
Lucy smirked over her cup.  “On second thought, maybe it is a good thing they haven’t gotten around to it.  Gives us an excuse to get out of there every now and then.”
“Such a cruel fate.  Imagine how much more work I could get done!”
“Yeah, kinda frightening to think about.”  After placing their orders for two Leo’s Special, Lucy continued.  “So how have you been?  We haven’t had much chance to catch up, what with midterms bearing down on us.”
“Yeah, pretty busy, but I’ve been able to stay on top of it,” Isabelle said.  “The work hasn’t seemed to let up since Cara and Dachs were let go last month, but it’s nothing I can’t handle.”
“I see,” Lucy said, her gaze not wavering from Isabelle.  “Izzy, give it to me straight: when was the last time you went home?”
“Oh!  Uh…”  Isabelle shrank into herself, though not from the cold this time.  “...Last weekend?”
“It’s okay, really!  The gym showers are not far away from the Astroscience building, and I’m able to get back home to do laundry and make myself meals for the week!”
“It’s a near-literal icebox at night!  How do you stand sleeping in there?”
“I have plenty of blankets and the small office warms up pretty quickly.  I get so much done this way!”
Lucy buried her face in her hands and sighed.  “Izzy, I swear, this department doesn’t deserve you.”  She ran her hands through her hair and over her ears, causing them to spring back upright as she stared out the window.
"Look, Izzy,” she said, “there was a reason I wanted to talk with you tonight.  I won't sugarcoat it: the University is downsizing."
"Yes, again.  And you're on the chopping block this time."
Isabelle blinked in surprise and her breath caught in her throat.  "What?  Me?  Why?"
Lucy scowled out the window in the direction of the University.  "The Dean has no idea how much you hold her office together and frankly doesn't care aside from how much the admin staff is costing the department.  I tried to fight it and tell her she’s an idiot for even thinking of laying you off, but she’s not interested in what a mere associate professor has to say.”  She sighed heavily, weariness crossing her face.  “I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but I’d rather you hear it from me now than when the University hands you your severance notice."
"Oh."  Isabelle gazed into her coffee, suddenly feeling exhausted.  She'd been working at the University for four months, the longest she held onto a job for the past year since Snowpoint was destroyed in the Aparoid War.  She hoped that finally she found a place for her after all this time, and she made such good friends while working there.  Apparently, it wasn't to be.  "Well, I guess it's back to the job search.  I'm sure there are companies hiring."
Lucy placed her hand on hers and smiled.  "Well, there I have some good news!  You remember that my dad works for Star Fox, right?”
The bells in Isabelle’s hair tie jingled as she perked up.  “Of course!  How can I forget?”
Lucy’s smile grew.  “Well you see, with all of the work they've been getting recently between hunting down Androssian and Aparoid remnants and providing security details throughout Lylat, they've been overwhelmed with all of the paperwork.  They're pilots, not office workers.  Dad complains about it every time I talk to him.  So, I can let him know you're looking for a new job.  I have no doubts they'll hire you on the spot, and I guarantee you, they will appreciate the work you do and the pay will be a lot better."  Her eyes flashed darkly.  "I'll make sure of that."
Isabelle felt tears of relief and gratitude welling up in her eyes.  "Oh Lucy, how can I ever thank you?"
"No need to thank me, this is the least I can do for all of the hard work and long hours you've done for the department.  I can only hope the job makes up for all of the crap you had to put up with over the past six months."
"Oh!  Speaking of which, I really should get back!  I have to make sure all of my work is finished, the reports are organized, and–"
"Whoa, settle down there for a second," Lucy said, putting a hand on her shoulder.  "They're firing you, remember?  I don't think you owe them anything.  Let’s enjoy our dinner, talk about something other than work, and then you go home and, I dunno, finish reading that novel you've been telling me about.  Let me talk to Dad and I'll let you know what he says in the morning, okay?"
Isabelle nodded, her bells ringing merrily.  “Okay!”
“Then it’s settled!  Now,” Lucy said, her nose twitching mischievously, “since I don’t know when I’ll be able to do this next, let me regale you with the latest inter-departmental drama wracking our fair U of F…”
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kiwiana-writes · 8 months
for the au fun fact game! a leverage style heist au with alex, henry, and the rest of the super six? i'm surprised there aren't more rwrb leverage aus given how the super six is basically a pre-made heist team but yeah! i'm curious to see what you'll say 👀
Like the accidental marriage AU earlier, this is one that does already exist in my WIP folder! I'm hoping to tackle it in the first half of 2024; it takes a LOT more planning than I'm used to hahaha. So let's go.
ONE: The first time Alex comes across the famous Henry Fox, he's convinced it's a fakeout. There's no way someone that genteel, that pretty, is the sort of hitter that even the most hardened criminals whisper about with a mixture of fear and respect in their voices.
(The second time he comes across the famous Henry Fox is the day the team comes together, and if he wasn't in the room, he'd be convinced Nora doctored the footage—Henry takes out eight mooks without breaking a sweat, the lock of hair falling across his face and one scrape on his knuckle where one idiot opened their mouth right before Henry punched him in it the only evidence Henry had anything to do with the bodies lying at his feet in varying degrees of pain. Alex is impressed, grateful, and more than a little turned on.)
TWO: Nora is a terrible grifter. Absolutely atrocious. After a few disastrous attempts, they all agree that if the choices are between Nora grifting, and abandoning the con... well, you can't win 'em all.
THREE: Pez brings them together as a team, but June is their glue. She's the one who finds clients, and who keeps them... well, not honest, but on the right path.
FOUR: Henry worries, when he and Alex get together, when Nora and June and Pez are doing whatever it is they're doing, that Bea will feel like some sort of sixth wheel. He needn't have been concerned—Bea and Alex are a terrifyingly chaotic duo, Bea and June combine their big sister energy when needed, Bea and Nora occasionally disappear for a side job the rest of them know better than to ask about, and Bea and Pez gang up on Henry at any given opportunity. Some days it feels like she's the star they're all orbiting.
FIVE: Nora doesn't tell the rest of them—not even June and Pez—but she has contingency plans on top of contingency plans for when any or all of them get burned. There are fake identities living whole lives, at least according to their digital footprint, that any of them will be able to jump into at a moment's notice. The crew is her family, and she'll keep them safe.
[Send me a potential AU and I’ll tell you five fun facts that would happen in a story.]
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dolphs-world · 1 month
Polar Pass ~ Finally, the Ideal Roster
Excluding what I have already discussed, there are 16 characters I would change. Starting with 3rd party characters and the Ultimate DLC: Crash/Cortex for (and Coco/Nina because I got rid of Chrom because I got rid of Roy) Pyra/Mythra and Rayman for Min Min. I have already gone over these characters but I'll add some more points. We already had Shulk representing Xenoblade, we did not need more. No one cares about Arms and replacing Min Min with Rayman makes a lot of sense due to reach of their limbs. Throughout this list a lot of replacements are going to be with some similar (and also a lot won't be). For other 3rd party reps I have taken out all of the Mii fighters. The Mii fighters are lame and the Wii series of games was already represented by Wii Fit Trainer, who is a character I don't like to play as but is a very unique addition to the roster. Instead I put in Professor Layton and Bomberman, because I love Professor Layton and I love my friend who suggested Bomberman, and Raiden. Not from Mortal Kombat, although another good choice, but from MGS. MGS kicks ass and I think a tactical super soldier guerilla warfare guy works against a robotic ninja. There needs to be more unique weapon based characters in Smash like spearmen, bombers, and cybernetic ninjas. Raiden is the second most unique character and star of his own game and that's why he's in. For Pokemon: Gardevoir for Jigglypuff, Smeargle for Pichu, and Oshawott for Roy (haha). You can keep Mewtwo, I understand how important they and that first Gen of Pokemon are. Keeping along with replacing Melee characters, Eggplant Man for Dr. Mario and Krystal for Falco. Capitalising on the Mario Movie and the fact that Wrecking Crew already has a stage in smash, and is much better than all the other one off games on NES, is why Eggplant Man is in. Krystal has an ice spear and Falco is mean. Fox, Krystal, and especially Wolf are also way more sexy than Falco. Last two 3rd party reps: Tetris for Isabelle and Eggman for Bowser Jr. . I'm sorry, Isabelle is still lame and Tetris is the best selling game. I do not have to defend myself here. Eggman? Why him above the rest? Simple, everyone else is too much like Sonic. Same thing with MGS, why put in The Boss or Liquid Snake when Raiden is really unique? Tails, Knuckles, Shadow? Too much like Sonic. Eggman is the most distinct and a good replacement for Bowser Jr. who relys on tech. Also, despite making up a lot of villains in platformers, there's not a single mad scientist in Smash (except for Cortex now but shhh). It's Eggman! Now, I'm sorry Mario/Yoshi/Wario, I'm sorry Metroid, I'm sorry Pikmin. No new reps for you. Paper Mario, Shy Guy, Ashley, Chozo, Bulborb. All great choices, the honourable mentions, but I don't think anyone else deserves more reps as bad as Zelda. Darunia for Young Link, Midna for Toon Link, Hestu for Robin, and Tingle for Corrin. Hey, did you know, FE has only sold twice as much as Pikmin? Did you know FE's best selling game has sold a comparable amount to the best selling Pikmin game? I understand, numbers isn't causal to influence and Metroid has similar sales to FE. But 6 is too many. Zelda deserves them WAY more. But why these characters? They are a good representation of species or beloved or really weird. Gorons and Koroks are really cool and show how much more there is to Zelda than elves and a Captain Falcon Clone. Midna is the best companion in any Zelda game. And Tingle is Tingle! There you have it, a roster that gives Zelda and Pokemon its do credits, has very a reasonable amount of 3rd party reps, gives a little more to MGS and Sonic, and shows off a more interesting side of Nintendo's history. The Ultimate Showdown.
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vodika-vibes · 1 year
Post Order 66 part 9
It’s finally time for the crew of the Starsinger to move on, but they’re kind of at a loss as to where to go from where they are. Wolffe and Dusk have a conversation. Marral has a vision.
tagging: @starrrgazingbunny and @thestarwarslesbian
Dusk leaned back in the pilot’s seat, his gaze locked on the stars outside his view port. It had been less than a week since they left the Outpost, leaving it in the very capable hands of Rex, Gregor, Fives, and Ahsoka. He didn’t doubt that the next time that they came by, the outpost would be a thriving community of Clones and Jedi.
Cody had been disappointed that Rex elected not to join them. But they all had their places in this Rebellion, and Rex’s place wasn’t on the Starsinger.
He had added Wolffe to the crew. Well. Less added, and more Wolffe got on the Starsinger and refused to leave. Still, if he was able to work alongside Fox to force Kanna to rest then he was more than welcome.
He winced when he thought about Kanna. True to her word, she had come up with a gene therapy that reversed the enhanced aging. It took her less than a week, which was two weeks less than she predicted. Dusk had been impressed. He knew that she was talented, but had been unaware just how talented she was until that moment. 
Dusk being impressed lasted as long as it took Fox and Wolffe to corner him and inform him that, in order to come up with the therapy as quickly as she did, she only slept about 3 hours a night, and was surviving on a diet of rations bars and caf. And they were not impressed.
Which. Fair. But he wasn’t sure why they decided to yell at him about it.
But, that had been over a week ago.
And now he and his brothers were going to age like nat-borns. And he was going to be able to watch his kids become adults. 
...Fuck. He owed Kanna, like, an entire planet didn’t he? Maybe he’d just buy her some nice new bedding the next time they were on Alderaan. Or a bigger bed. His gaze slid to the side, where Wolffe was playing navigator. Maybe both, he conceded to himself.
“What?” Wolffe asked, flicking his gaze over to Dusk, and then back to the computer.
“Just thinking, I should probably buy Kanna a bigger bed.” Dusk said lightly.
Wolffe tensed, but he relaxed a moment later, “She needs more pillows,” He grumbled, “She generally ends up losing hers.”
“I’ll make a note of it,” Dusk replied dryly. He lightly tapped the steering column, trying to gather his thoughts, “So...I know why Fox is sharing Kanna’s room. He’s always had a soft spot for her. But why are you-”
Wolffe turned fully to glare at Dusk. It was, honestly, intimidating. “Are you really asking that?” he asked.
“...yeah, I am.” Okay, maybe Dusk needed to check his self-preservation instincts, because that sounded very accusatory, and he was pretty sure that Wolffe was going to kill him, but. Well. In for a credit, or so they say. “I’ve known Kanna for years now. She’ll give and give and give until there’s nothing left. Someone has to look out for her.”
And the people who used to look out for her aren’t here. Thire is gone. Thorn is gone. Stone and Hound, gone. And Fox was here but he wasn’t in a good place to stand up for Kanna if she needed it. But he was-
Dusk exhaled slowly, “So yes, Wolffe. I need to know.”
Wolffe’s glare lessened slightly, and he regarded Dusk thoughtfully, “Huh.” He leaned back, and the glare had completely faded, “You know, I volunteered for this,” he gestured to the navigation system, “Because I was going to accuse you of taking advantage of Kanna’s kindness.”
Dusk jerked, “I would never-”
“I believe you. Well. Now I do.” Wolffe shifted and focused his attention back to the nav system, honestly they weren’t even going anywhere, but Dusk looked so offended, he needed to look elsewhere or he was going to laugh. “If you really want to know, she was more than happy to give me a place in her room. We had a whole conversation about it.”
Dusk shot him a doubtful look.
“We did. Fox insisted on it. He would have kicked me out himself if he thought that I was overstepping. He’s pretty good at reading her.”
“Yeah, well. She was ours.” Dusk admitted, “You and Cody had your generals...and we had Kanna.”
Wolffe let out a hum of understanding. He knew that, naturally, but it was good to hear it anyway. “Where are we going, anyway?” He finally asked. “There’s no locations flagged in the computer.”
“You’re shitting me. You have no idea, do you?”
Dusk blushed, “Normally, when I don’t know what to do, I take a bounty.” He said under his breath.
“So take a fucking bounty.” Wolffe replied in a tone that suggested that he thought that Dusk had cotton for brains. 
“Fine! I’ll try to find a bounty that isn’t for a jedi!” Dusk said, throwing his hands up dramatically, before he snatched his datapad from where it was sitting in a pocket attached to his chair. “Oh, look. There’s a bounty for Obi-Wan Kenobi! And here’s another one for another Jedi!”
“No wonder you got along so well with Fox, you’re just as irritating as he is,” Wolffe said with a roll of his eyes. “And twice as dramatic.”
Dusk scowled at him. He wasn’t dramatic!
He opened his mouth to say something, when the door to the cockpit slid open, “Buir?” Marral poked his head in, looking troubled.
“What’s up, ad?” Dusk asked, immediately dropping the conversation with Wolffe to focus on his child, “Shouldn’t you be asleep?”
“No. Um, yes? I was meditating because I couldn’t sleep and-” Marral hesitated, “I think we’re needed somewhere.”
“Okay. Do you know where?” Dusk asked.
“Not...really? I can tell you what I saw?”
“Alright, go ahead.”
“I saw ships. Lots and lots of ships, all different sorts.” Marral said quickly.
“Like a port?” Wolffe asked, frowning slightly, “Or a space station?”
Marral shook his head, “Uh...some of the ships were broken? Or were being broken?”
“It could be a salvage yard,” Wolffe hazarded, “Plenty of those popped up after the war.”
Dusk slowly nodded, “Can you work with Cody and Obi-Wan about the specific place you’re looking for?”
Marral nodded, and then he hesitated, “Can I ask Kanna?”
Dusk and Wolffe didn’t even look at each other as they answered in unison, “No.”
“So,” Cody squinted at the miserable looking planet, “What, exactly, are we looking for?”
“No idea,” Obi-Wan, recently shaved and wearing glasses to semi hide his identity, replied. “Marral insists that this is the right planet, and that we’re needed here, immediately. So-”
“And what does the force tell you?”
Obi-wan was silent for a moment, “That we need to be here. That someone needs our help.”
Cody made a face, but he looked back out at the planet. Bracca was a shit planet. But it had been a Republic planet once upon a time. Actually-
“Obi-Wan, wasn’t there a cruiser stationed over Bracca for a time?” Cody asked, frowning thoughtfully. “The 13th Battalion, I think.”
“...yes. So far as I understand, after the order was given, the entire battalion was killed when the ship crashed. Alongside Master Tapal and his padawan.” Obi-Wan said thoughtfully.
“...You survived an attack that should have killed you. As did Kanna.” Cody pointed out.
“You are correct, of course. It’s possible that Master Tapal survived. Or perhaps the padawan.” Obi-Wan thought a moment, “Hm...if I recall correctly, Jaro’s padawan would be the same age as Marral,” He said thoughtfully.
“Right. So we’re looking for a kid. Definitely traumatized. Maybe injured.” Cody summarized. “A kid who was almost killed by clones,”
“Possibly. Possibly looking for a traumatized kid,” Obi-Wan corrected. 
Cody shot him a disbelieving look, “You’re being difficult for the sake of being difficult.” He shook his head as Obi-Wan grinned at him, unrepentantly. “Come on, Dusk managed to get permission to dock by claiming technical issues. So we only have a few hours.”
At 14 years old, Marral Cadera was old enough to go on missions. He was clever, and he knew how to use his lightsaber and a pistol. And Cody had been teaching him some hand to hand combat.
But still his Buir wasn’t allowing him to go on missions!
It wasn’t fair!
And, okay, maybe he couldn’t have gone on the mission with Kanna and Obi-Wan and Soka, but that didn’t count because that was Kanna’s mission, and he would have gotten in the way.
And he couldn’t have gone on Tatooing because Yin would have thrown a fit, and she would have gotten sick on the desert planet.
But this! This was his mission! The Force vision came to him! Not Obi-Wan! And still his buir said not yet!
He...understood. He did. Kanna had been very careful to explain trauma responses and why Dusk acted the way he did when it came to his safety, and the safety of his siblings. He understood. But he wasn’t a child anymore. 
With that thought in mind. And knowing that the only other jedi on board was Kanna, and that she was probably still recovering from helping the Clones, so she wouldn’t be paying attention...he snuck off the ship. Trailing a safe distance after Obi-Wan and Cody.
They would notice him eventually. Because they were both very good. But maybe they wouldn’t send him back to the ship immediately. Especially since Master Kenobi seems to think that the person calling for help was Cal.
Marral thought that Cal was dead. Really and truly. When he thought of the sunny redhead he used to be in the creche with, he thought about a boy prone to tears, and unable to control his psychometry. But he also thought about late nights telling scary stories, and sneaking out of the creche to watch the lightning bugs in the gardens.
If Cal was alive. He could have that again.
He really wanted it to be true. He missed Cal.
He yelped when a strong hand grabbed his collar, “Busted.” He looked up into the disappointed face of Cody and his shoulders slumped. He hadn’t even managed 30 minutes without getting caught.
“You have to let me help!” Marral said, reaching up and lightly gripping Cody’s wrist, “Please? Cal is my friend!”
“Does Dusk know you left the ship?” Obi-Wan asked, as he approached.
“Um...he doesn’t not know?” Marral said sheepishly.
“So that’s a no, then.” Cody said dryly, knowing Marral well enough at this point to know exactly what he meant by that. “We should take him back to the ship-”
“Wait.” Obi-Wan was staring hard at Marral, “I was younger than him the first time I was left alone on a mission.” He said slowly.
“You’re not seriously suggesting-”
“I’m not saying we let him run off, half-cocked, on his own.” Obi-Wan said, “But you said yourself, we’re on a time crunch.” He crouched so that he was eye level with Marral, “You will stay within eye range at all times. And you will listen if either one of us gives you direction. Or this will be the only mission you’re allowed on until until you reach the age of majority. Am I clear?”
“Yes! Yes. I understand. Thank you! Thank you so much!” Marral said immediately. 
“Good.” Obi-Wan stood again, “Now, the force is suggesting that we go up. Shall we?”
True to his word, Marral was careful to stay close to Cody. The last thing he wanted to do was get himself forbidden from taking missions every again. Plus, it meant that he got to see Cody and Obi-Wan in action! Which was awesome!
The near constant flirting was less so, but he was getting pretty good at ignoring adult flirting. Though it was still gross. Old people shouldn’t flirt in his professional opinion, on account of the fact that they’re old.
He made a face as Obi-Wan shot Cody an adoring look, after Cody made a comment that Marral didn’t hear. Didn’t want to hear, honestly. 
They were so Gross.
He paused when he heard a strange noise. He thought...well, it sounded like Rhawl when he was at his most upset but wasn’t trying to draw attention to it. Like a whimper. Marral looked around, rapidly. 
But when he didn’t see anything, he went to trail after Obi-Wan and Cody again, the two men having paused their walking to see why Marral wasn’t following them anymore. But then he heard the noise again. This time he spun on his heel, and really examined the surrounding area.
He inched towards a small opening in the ship, too small for an adult, but the perfect size for a small child. And he heard the noise a third time. And this time it was clearly recognizable as a whimper.
There was a quiet gasp, and the nearly silent sound of cloth being pressed over a mouth, “I know you’re in there.” Marral said to the opening, “Are you hurt? Or-or stuck?”
There was silence, and for a moment Marral worried that he had imagined the whole thing, and then, quietly, “S-stuck. Can’t move my leg. S-so maybe hurt too.”
Cody lightly nudged Marral to the side and pulled a flashlight out of one of his many pockets, and shone the light down the small opening. Reveling a pale faced redhead, with stark bruises on his face. He flinched when the light hit him, and tried to shrink back.
Marral leaned over Cody’s shoulder, leaning all of his weight on the man he trusted as much as his own buir, “Cal?”
Frightened green eyes snapped up towards Marral, and a look of astonishment crossed his bruised, and half starved face, “Mar?” Cal twisted, trying even harder to break free from his prison, but he only managed to let out a cry of pain.
“Easy there, ad.” Cody said, “We’ll get you out, and then get you off this planet. You don’t belong here.” He glanced over his shoulder, “You have any ideas, riddur?” He asked.
Obi-Wan shot him a sardonic look, and then moved next to him, peering down the cramped space thoughtfully, “Hello Cal. I don’t know if you remember me-”
Cal stared at him, wide eyed, “Master Kenobi,” His voice was barely a whisper, could barely be heard over the sound of the ships around them. He sounded so hopeful, and slowly, carefully, he slumped into a much more relaxed position. 
“There we go, Cal. No need to panic. You’re going to be just fine.” Obi-Wan reassured, and then he touched Cody’s shoulder, “We need to be careful, he’s really wedged in there.”
Whatever plans Cal Kestis ever had for his life, died the day his Master did. He was convinced that he would work on Bracca for the rest of his life, and would die on Bracca. From falling off a ship, or getting killed by one of the men he worked with.
This was his life now.
He had accepted it.
He had.
If he still cried himself to sleep some nights...well, he was only 14. And he was far from the only person who cried themselves to sleep.
He hadn’t actually meant to get stuck. His rations for the day had been stolen by an absolute brute of a twi’lek, and when Cal tried to take them back, the man threatened to break his legs.
It wasn’t an empty threat, either. This particular man had killed two other people on the crew in the last three months. So Cal did the only thing he could. He ran. And he ran to the one place that no one could follow him. 
Hence his current predicament. 
Dying inside a ship hadn’t been part of his new life plans. But, well, plans changed. But it was starting to hurt. Really bad.
The last thing he expected was for Marral to suddenly be there.
Well. That wasn’t true. The very last thing he expected to see would be his Master returned from the grave. But Mar was a close second. Mar’s eyes were wide, and he looked worried...but he looked healthy. 
Which was great, since Cal had been convinced that his friend had died violently somewhere in the galaxy.
And he was somehow with Master Kenobi?
Okay, yes. The Force provided, but Cal was beginning to think that this was just a hallucination. Brought on by hunger, maybe? Or lack of sleep? Or maybe he had a fever! All of those things were more likely than there being two other Jedi on Bracca.
“Cal?” Mar was starting to sound very far away. That made sense, he was a hallucination, “Cal, can you say something?” No. No he really couldn’t, that sounded hard. “Ma-uh...Ben! Something’s wrong!”
Cal opened his mouth to say that he didn’t know a Ben, but there was nothing to say, as the world around him went gray...and then there was nothing.
Cal woke to the sensation of a little hand on his face.
And then a deep male voice, “I’m fairly certain you’re not supposed to be in here, Luke.”
Cal opened his eyes, and blinked into the face of a blonde haired two year old, who beamed at him. “Uh...hi?” The baby was removed from his chest, and carefully settled on the hip of a man who was-
Cal’s brain went blank with sheer panic. A Clone. There was a Clone. 
The man looked calm, and completely at ease with the child on his hip. Cal wondered if he should try to save the kid. Wondered if he could save the kid.
He turned his head slightly, “You’re patient’s awake, Kanna.”
“Yes, yes. I could feel his panic all the way from the sitting room,” A red headed woman rushed into the room, and Cal couldn’t help but blink. He knew her. “Thank you for watching him, now shoo please. You’re panicking him.”
The man, Fox, made a face, but left the room with the child on his hip. 
“Hello Cal, how are you feeling?” Cal’s gaze snapped to Kanna’s, and, to his horror, he felt a lump in his throat and tears started burning behind his eyes. He immediately snapped his gaze to the ceiling, to try and stem the tears, but he failed when he felt a gentle hand against his cheek, "Oh, little one. You’ve had such a hard time, haven’t you?”
There was so much care, so much compassion in her gentle touch, that Cal just shattered with one sob. She wrapped her arms around him, and Cal just buried himself against her. “It’s been so, so hard,” He sobbed. “I want to go home!”
Her arms tightened around him, “I know, baby. I know. I wish I could take you there. But you’re not alone. Not anymore. We’re going to take care of you. I promise.”
“Thought you were dead, Kan.” He choked out, “Thought-”
“Shhh. No more of that now. I’m here, and we’re safe. Safe from the Empire. Safe from Palpatine.”
“I give you my word, Cal. There is no one on this ship who will harm you. I swear to you.”
Kanna had never lied to him before. So slowly, he relaxed his grip, and he allowed her gentle force suggestion to lull him to sleep.
Kanna gently untangled his fingers from her shirt, and she stepped into the hallway, quirking a single brow at Marral, who was nervously wringing his hands. 
“Can I sit with him? Please?” He flushed as Kanna examined him, though he released a deep breath when she nodded, just once. “Thank you.”
“If you wake him,” her voice was soft, “I will have you doing inventory of all of my medication and equipment, Marral Cadera.”
“Yes ma’am!” Marral blurted, before he silently rushed into the med-bay. Kanna watched as Marral carefully took one of Cal’s heavily bandaged hands in his own, and laid his head on the bed next to Cal.
What was one more traumatized child to her already heavy workload? Not that she was suggesting that they toss Cal out to the wolves, of course not. But she did need more help than Beesix could offer. Perhaps Dusk could be persuaded into asking the Organa’s for additional help.
Hm. Yes, and if that meant he had to have a conversation with the couple who was trying, so hard, to court him. All the better.
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sshbpodcast · 1 year
Character Spotlight: Montgomery Scott
By Ames
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Bust out the green booze! We’re spotlighting The Original Series’s resident miracle worker this week on A Star to Steer Her By, where we’re giving you the best and worst moments of each character in the whole dang show. We’re donning our worst Scottish accents to give you a whole bunch of moments from Scotty, whose engineering prowess is only matched by his love of scotch. If you’re going to wear a red shirt on this ship, make sure you’re the chief engineer evidently.
Since we’ve already covered the main three characters (Kirk, Spock, and McCoy are all here), finding moments to highlight from the rest of the crew of the original Enterprise is going to be more and more of a stretch. Cut us a little slack here – the writers didn’t consider the secondary characters most of the time either. See what all we came up with below, listen to this week’s discussion on the podcast (jump to 46:48), and maybe you’ll break the laws of physics too!
[Images © CBS/Paramount]
Best Moments
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The best diplomat I know is a fully activated phaser bank We see Scott in command of the Enterprise a bunch of times because Kirk and Spock are on away missions, and his emphatically no-nonsense attitude is honestly refreshing, especially compared with all the times Spock utterly fails at leading. And in “A Taste of Armageddon,” Scott figures out Anan 7 was imitating Kirk and stands up to ambassador Fox about it like a boss!
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Deus ex machina, literally Despite it being utterly futile, Scotty stands up to the literal god Apollo several times in “Who Mourns for Adonais?” and it’s a little bit commendable. Sure, he gets his ass handed to him. Multiple times. But we’ve gotta give the guy credit for trying! However, as you’ll see in a minute, his motivation may not have entirely been in the right place.
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I meant to say that it should be hauled away as garbage Scotty is a genuine delight throughout all of “The Trouble with Tribbles” and he really gets to shine. We learn his idea of shore leave is curling up with a good technical journal, which seems right to us. But his big scene in the commissary in which he starts a massive brawl with Klingons in defense of the name of the Enterprise is just too good not to highlight.
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We did it, you and me… put him right under the table Let’s also give Scotty a lot of credit for drinking that Kelvan under the table in “By Any Other Name”! He sacrifices a bottle of very old whiskey for the cause of distracting their captors, and he came out (or really staggered out) the other side a victor. They don’t call it Constitution class for nothing!
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No order can stop me from frightening them Again, Scott is left in charge of the Enterprise while the three lead characters get to have an adventure in “Bread and Circuses.” Although under orders not to interfere while orbiting Rome planet over and over, Scott agilely side steps that order by turning off the power on the surface. There was NO reason to think that nonsensical idea would help in any way, but the gamble paid off!
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It's the biggest guess I've ever made! Somehow, this is the first moment of actually engineering genius that we’ve included on the list (I suppose we just consider it Scott doing his job at this point), but installing a Romulan cloaking device on the Enterprise in “The Enterprise Incident” is a step above the usual excellent job he does down in the bowels of the ship. Now you see him, now you don’t!
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Oh what adventures they’d have! I’m almost saddened we never got a spin-off series that was just the adventures of Montgomery Scott and the slug baby from “The Eye of the Beholder” because that would be a lot of fun. When Scott meets this hyper-genius child, he somehow works out a compromise with its people even though none of the other crewmen could so much as communicate with them! Even Spock!
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My sister’s youngest Uncle Scott’s relationship with his nephew Preston in The Wrath of Khan is really quite lovely. We don’t get to see much of it (families in Star Trek are famously fraught), which means the moments we do get of them together are touching and sweet. And then James Doohan’s acting in Preston’s death scene is sure to pull on your heartstrings, something this movie does in spades.
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Amazing grace Speaking of touching scenes from The Wrath of Khan, the film culminates in not only the perfectly delivered eulogy from Kirk (which has a special place on our Kirk spotlight post), but in Scotty’s playing “Amazing Grace” on the bagpipes while Spock’s torpedo is spat into space. The fact that this was added at Doohan’s suggestion makes it all the more beautiful.
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From one surgeon to another Let’s get further into the movies, where Scott (and the other minor crewmembers) seems to have the most to actually do. All the main TOS characters commit one hell of a treason to go search for Spock in The Search for Spock, and Scott is right there with them, sabotaging the Excelsior by pulling out some of the parts of its notorious transwarp drive.
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Hello, computer! The Voyage Home shows us what a crime it was throughout The Original Series that they didn’t pair McCoy and Scott together more often. They play so well off each other as they go off to find material for the trip back to the future with some whales in tow. The comedy is spot on, their timing is down to the millisecond, and their shattering the Temporal Prime Directive is… well, you’ll see.
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No bloody A, B, C, or D The Next Generation found a clever way to bring Montgomery Scott into the 24th century in “Relics” and it’s a generally good time! Sure, I have a better punchline for the “it’s green” callback somewhere in our episode coverage, but Scott wrestling with being behind the times, seeking out the familiar bridge of the Enterprise, and having a heart-to-heart with Picard are all lovely moments.
Worst Moments
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I’d like to get into her toga Despite finding Scott standing up to Apollo in “Who Mourns for Adonais?” sort of endearing because he is so outmatched, his motivation the whole episode long is that he wants to get in Palamas’s pants, even though it’s pretty clear she’s not interested in that way, and he spends the rest of the episode speaking for her and telling Apollo what she wants when she’s right there.
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This unit is not perfect Not so much a bad moment for Scott through any fault of his own, but a bad moment in that it makes him look as much like a chump as he did in literally the previous episode, Scott gets freaking killed in “The Changeling” only for it to get undone when Kirk asks really nicely. It was also in defense of Uhura, whose mind had just gotten erased, but there just aren’t enough bad Scott moments, okay?
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Alright then, we can do it the hard way We mentioned a handful of times in which Scott did a good job in command of the Enterprise, but sometimes he’s almost as bad as that pointy-eared hobgoblin. In “Metamorphosis,” he decides to search for the missing crew by scanning every single possible one in the 7000 bodies in an asteroid belt, which is just not how engineers solve problems! An engineer would write an algorithm or something. Yeesh.
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Is your refrigerator running? Here’s another moment while Scott was in control that he just acted stupidly. In “Friday’s Child,” the Klingons set up the ruse of a false distress signal to keep the Enterprise busy while the away team is on planet, and Scott loses like a whole day to it before figuring out he’s been duped. And then we never even get to see the confrontation with Klingons on his return! What a waste!
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I just need a wee bit of rest, that's all We’re scraping for crumbs to find more moments from Scott doing anything noteworthy, and I can’t help myself from bringing up the look on his face when his advanced aging is revealed in “The Deadly Years.” There's nothing wrong with the character, but “walk in and look sad” seemed like a boring sight gag to me. Then Scott barely has any lines despite being one of the affected crewmembers!
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A walk in the fog with a bonny lass We’ve harped on “Wolf in the Fold” in both our Kirk and McCoy spotlights, and we’re just not done giving grief to an absolutely absurd inciting moment for an episode. Scotty is literally diagnosed with a medical case of misogyny by Doc, setting up a string of events that gets a bunch of women killed. And this show was supposed to be progressive at the time.
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Where they’ll be no tribble at all… in death “The Trouble with Tribbles” is a genuinely funny episode, and the punchline at the end is meant to be a good button. But then you start thinking about it. And you realize that if Scott beamed hundreds (if not thousands) of tribbles into the engine room of a Klingon ship, they were either fried when they went to warp or brutally murdered by Klingons. And that’s less funny.
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Look over there, a distraction! Here’s another one to pad out the list that I find kind of dumb. To distract Kara long enough to get a phaser from her in “Spock’s Brain,” Scott pretends to faint and it simply looks ridiculous. As if this episode isn’t bad enough, it’s also so uncreative that it uses a really half-assed plan to get out of this situation. Where’s something as creative as fizzbin when you need it?
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Could it be the half a gallon of scotch? Even more half-assed is everything about “Spectre of the Gun,” which sees Scott volunteering to test a kludged tranquilizer on himself only for it not to work because his mind is too weak. Yeah, I don’t follow this train of thought either. How do they know Scott would have woken up in time? What exactly were they going to do if it did work? Force it under the Earps’ noses? Yeehaw!
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I’m an engineer not a doctor We’ve already stated how sweet the relationship between Scott and Preston is in The Wrath of Khan, but I still cannot fathom why Scott brings his dying nephew to the bridge instead of sickbay after the attack. It’s only in the movie to get a reaction out of Kirk and not for any rational purpose because Scott is a professional who should know not to go many decks out of his way during a crisis.
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How do we know he didn't invent the thing? I’m gonna call Jake out as a hypocrite for putting McCoy regrowing a woman’s kidney in The Voyage Home on his best moments list, but putting Scott giving Nicols the formula for transparent aluminum on his worst list, but here we are. It does break the hell out of the Temporal Prime Directive by a few more factors, so maybe it’s the negligence that makes the cut!
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I know this ship like I know the back of my hand And to round things out, we finally reach The Final Frontier, which includes a joke that couldn’t even land if it had a barricade in the shuttle bay. How incompetent does Shatner think Scott is to have him literally concuss himself on a weirdly placed crossbeam (what were those crossbeams doing there anyway?)? It’s a bad punchline to a joke no one asked for and does Scotty dirty.
Well, we gave her all she’s got, captain. If you think some of these moments are already scraping the bottom of the barrel, imagine how creative we’re going to have to get for our Sulu spotlight. In fact, don’t imagine it; come back next week and find out! Also keep listening along to our podcast coverage of Enterprise over on SoundCloud or wherever you podcast, hail us on Facebook and Twitter, and keep your haggis out of the fire.
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