#star trek q headcanon
Q likes to play the Sims, but he consistently gets tired of the Sims he makes and ends up killing them in increasingly disturbing ways.
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yourbuerokrat2 · 6 months
Okay but I really love the thought of Q introducing Picard to the Toymaker.
The Toymaker: Oh, I see that you have brought your favorite toy with you.
Q: Oh no, this is Jean-Luc. He is my Best Friend. Isn't that right, mon capitaine?
Picard *sees the poor guy who has been turned into an almost wooden puppet with strings attached*: Sure, Q. Whatever you say.
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spacefinch · 7 months
Rating TNG Characters based on how I’d handle being home alone with them
Picard: Good for a nice quiet afternoon. I imagine he’d just spend all day reading whatever book he’s currently working his way through. I would probably also be reading. And of course, it wouldn't be a proper visit without some "tea, Earl Grey, hot."
Riker: It is party time. This could mean a number of things: Watching a movie, going to a hamburger joint and then frozen yogurt “just because”, or just hanging out. When we’re not doing the aforementioned, we’re listening to jazz music.
Deanna: I try to tell her I’m not interested in a “girls’ day,” but she quickly wins me over. Not only does she make “girly” things like shopping and hair and nail painting fun, she also takes me to get ice cream (which we eat while watching a cheesy movie). By the time she has to leave, she’s ensured that my family won’t run out of dessert for the next two months.
Tasha: I would LOVE hanging out with her, no questions asked. At home, we’d probably play games or something, but it’s more likely we’d be on an outing. There’s not a lot of talking that goes on. I try not to ask about her past, since it’s clearly a sensitive subject for her. Instead, we talk about things like our favorite animals, or how the weekend went. 
Data: Another crew member I would love to hang out with. Before going home, we make a quick (translation: 2 hour) stop at the library, during which Data signs up for a library card. Most of our conversations are just back-and-forth infodumping. Further benefits: help with homework (especially math and music), and getting to pet Spot. (He definitely brings Spot over.)
Geordi: 90% of our time together is spent geeking out over various stuff. The rest of the time is spent doing stuff like building model airplanes and listening to radio dramas. However, I do not get to bed until almost 2 AM because neither one of us has a healthy sleep schedule.
Worf: Another “not a whole lot of talking” situation. He tries his best to make some sort of traditional Klingon dish, but the kitchen is a disaster afterwards. I try a tiny bit of the food just to be polite, but it’s not my favorite and I decide to just have leftover pasta. The rest of the evening is spent trying to get the kitchen back in order before my parents come home.
Beverly: Definitely the mom friend. She doesn’t let me watch TV until I get my homework done, but she does help me with said homework. Afterwards, though, we watch a recording of a Broadway musical together. Or if it works out, she takes me to see a play in person.
Wesley: In this situation, it is I who is the responsible adult. Nothing productive happens, unless you count “spent the whole day playing video games, showing each other memes, and doing questionable science experiments” as productive. We try to cook dinner, but it doesn’t go very well and we just end up ordering pizza and eating it while watching a movie.
Q: No. Absolutely not. Besides, he would rather be harassing Captain Picard and company. He does try to intrude on my read-a-thon with Picard, though. 
Guianan: She’s not the one hanging out at my house, I’m at her house. Or at her restaurant. She’s very nice to me and has plenty of advice regarding my concerns about navigating social life. I would be honored to hear what wisdom she has to offer me.
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professional-termite · 3 months
What character/s from Star Trek do you see as Asexual or Aromantic or AroAce?
oohohohoho THANK YOU FOR THE QUESTION ANON!! ive got quite a few of these so buckle up
i think ive talked about this on discord before, idk if ive ever posted about it, but aroallo bi worf is so real. to me.
also data is aroace (and in a qpr with geordi but thats not what were talking about rn)
tos spock is def asexual and aromantic for the most part, ive always seen him as grey aroace gay (snw spock is a completely different thing and i dont even really consider them the same character 💀💀)
also aromantic scotty is very dear to me. he loves his ship and no one else and hes very very aro because i said so
ive always seen q as ace on some level, although i dont think hed identify as anything other than queer if he identified as anything at all
idk if ive talked about this ever actually but ive always seen deanna troi and william riker as a qpr or a fwb situation and ive headcanoned both of them as arospec and polyam for a while now
im probably gonna have more once ive watched ds9 and voy so just. be prepared for more aspec hcs
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lyssak09 · 2 months
hello love!! could i please request yandere headcanons for Q from star trek: tng? thank youu so much!!! <3
Yandere Q hcs
I AM SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG!!!! Q is a basically canonically Yandere for Captain Janeway in Voyager. Also please enjoy my friend! 💙
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Q is a manipulative, narcissistic, obsessive, and possessive yandere.
He first met you on one of his many adventures to f*ck with Picard and everyone on Enterprise. You were covering for one of your friends on the bridge.
When he saw you he froze, and he never freezes because of a puny human. You were just so breath taking.
Maybe you're different from humans. Or you're using some weird power over him, but thats highly unlikely.
Q continues his antics but he harasses you a bit. To the point Picard notices it.
Picard finds it annoying how often he harasses you during his time messing with the enterprise, and how often he forces you to be involved.
If Q doesn't see you while screwing with the Enterprise then he will force you to become a part of it some how, including threatening the captain and enterprise.
"Oh Picard, where is that little Lieutenant of yours? Its almost like you're hiding her from me. Don't tell me I have to shake the ship down till I find her?"
Q loves telling you how lucky you are to have caught the eye of an all powerful being like him. He also loves showing off how powerful he is.
He basically uses his powers as pallor tricks to impress show you how truly amazing he is.
Q periodically comes on the Enterprise to see you, and to piss of Picard.
He gets really mad if you're living your life avoidng him when he comes to visit. How dare you go on a lunch date! He is right here.
“Oh, darling!” You hear a familiar voice say. ‘Oh god.’ you think. You duck your head down and look toward your date, “Don’t do anything to draw his attention please!”. Your date looks at you extremely confused, “Why are you hiding from Q?”, they whisper. You shake your head, saying you’ll explain later. All while Q is scanning the room for you, he starts to get more frustrated the longer he can’t find you. But then unfortunately for you, your server has come with your food, drawing Q’s attention to you. “Ahha! There you are my little-” Q starts to say as he nears you but then he notices you’re not sitting alone. His smile drops and his face tightens. “Who are you?” he hissed. Your date is about to introduce themselves when Q interrupts them, “Actually, I don’t care. I already know you’re an insignificant speck of matter, who has no right to be associating yourself with Y/N.”. You try to defend your date but Q snaps his fingers and sends your date to god knows where. He turns his attention back towards you, arms folded and nostrils flaring. “You should know better than to associate yourself with people like them” Q sneers. He gives you a hard stare before his personality takes a flip. “Why don’t we go eat somewhere new, hm? If you’re good I might bring your ‘friend’ back to the ship. Key word, might.”
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Q loves to give you little tests, to see how you’ll respond and react. He says it's to gain more information on you humans for the continuum but that's a lie. 
He’ll try giving you powers just like he did to Riker, but whatever your answer is it doesn’t matter, he’ll find it fascinating either way. 
Because that's what you are to him, you’re a fascinating incredible human. Not that he’ll admit that to you. 
“Your race is so fascinating, you do realize how lucky you are to have caught my eye right?”
Q will eventually take you, one way or another. He already has a special dimension just for the two of you. 
The bridge crew will do whatever they can to protect you though. But it won’t be enough against him. Not unless they’re willing to start a war against an omnipotent being. 
“Just give her to me and I’ll send you and your ship on your way Picard.” Q offered. Picard looks at him like he’s insane. “In case you haven’t noticed Q, but our civilization has evolved past selling humans.”, Picard spat. Q rolls his eyes which ticks Riker off. “Look Q, we’re not giving her to you. She’s a human being with rights, including the right to not give herself to a narcissistic lunatic.” Riker sneers at Q. Picard gives him a scolding look before continuing to argue with Q, “You’re not getting her Q. Now leave before this gets serious.”. Q chuckles darkly before giving Picard a pointed look. “I’m giving you one last chance Picard. Just bring her to me and nothing bad will happen.”. “That's not going to happen Q.” He glowered. Q let out a big sigh before giving Picard a wicked grin. “Well, that's too bad.” Q laughs as the ship starts to shake.
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He can give you everything you could ever want, all you have to do is give in to him. Just give in and there won’t be a problem, no one will have to get hurt. Just give in
Q is willing to do and give you everything. He’ll show you the multiple universes to your heart's content, he’ll shower you with presents. But he’ll say it's because of how lucky you are to have him, not because he desperately wants to shower you with affection. 
He’ll also manipulate you to love on him. This man is desperate for your touch. Even just accidentally brushing your hand against him will do something to him.
Q can change his appearance, but he thinks the human form he’s chosen is amazing. He will change his appearance for you, but only slightly. And he won’t admit he did it because he overheard your dream guy has blue or green eyes. No, he didn’t add freckles to himself because he heard you talking about them with a coworker. He just felt like changing things up! That's why, no other reason. 
He’ll be willing to change certain things in the bedroom though, but that's for another day another headcanons. 
After a while of beating around the bush and acting subtly, he’ll just start being straightforward. (If you can call how he was acting that.)
He’ll start showing up in your quarters when you come from duty, he has changed how they looked to appear like a wedding venue and he’ll be wearing a suit and tie.
“There’s my dear little human! Are you ready for our wedding? I made it look just as amazing and spectacular as we are together.”
As time goes on his straightforwardness will get worse. Like, extremely.
“Oh my god!” You yell after coming from duty and finding a naked Q on your bed. He had just barely covered himself in rose petals. “Salut mon chéri,” Q purs with a rose in his mouth. You look around and notice all the lit candles, dimmed lights, and wine glasses. Before he knows it you’ve started throwing things at him, screaming for him to get out. He reluctantly leaves before you try attacking him.
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I hope you understand how lucky you are that he hasn’t truly used his powers on you. He’s an omnipotent being for universes’ sake! With a snap of his fingers, he could have you in another universe with just you and him. Q could force you to agree to marry him. He could even force yourself on him if he gets that desperate. 
But, just because he hasn’t really used his powers yet doesn’t mean he won’t. Hopefully, you won’t push him that far.
I told you he’s utterly devoted to you right?
Like to an unhealthy amount, (who am I kidding, isn’t that part of the yandere criteria?)
Just the mere look of another human could set him off.
“Who do you think I am you harlot?! How dare you look into my eyes! I’m taken!”
The same goes if someone even glances at you. You’ll need to hold him back or something.
“HOW DARE YOU TRY TO GET INTO HER PANTS YOU WHORE!” He screeches and tries to lunge and attack the poor ensign who accidentally touched your arm. While you’re struggling to hold him back by his arm.
I’ve already mentioned that he’s manipulative but I didn’t explain how good he is at it. Of course, his powers help him manipulate people, but even without them, he’s still got a nack for it. He’s especially good at manipulating you with your own emotions. 
Q will use fear, guilt, anger, sadness, and any emotion of yours against yourself. 
Have a stalker (who he totally didn’t create) who won’t leave you be? He’ll send him away! Only if you kiss him though.
Your friend has an unexplainable incurable disease and is dying? Q will fix them up even better than before! Just agree to a date with him.
Your favorite commander (whom you were better than friends with) sacrificed themselves to save you and now you have not only grief but survivor’s guilt? He’ll bring him back with a flick of his wrist! You have to marry him and stay by his side forever though.
Just agree to be his forever and everything will be fine. Sure you might not see your family or friends again. But you’ll see every dimension and universe imaginable! And, no one gets hurt.
So unless you’re willing to sacrifice your friends’ lives, hell even the whole ship, just so he might have difficulty getting you, then by all means! Go ahead.
Just remember how much the crew cares for you, and how little Q cares for them.
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45780 · 11 months
I have a headcanon and it goes like this
When Q was smaller (not younger. time is non existent he's just smaller, less powerful and has not yet met any humans) he loved spending time in the Spore network. He found it so relaxing and peaceful and was always upset when he had to leave so one day while molding with some atoms as if they were clay he made himself a friend who could come with him into the Spore network and come out of it as well, a creature that could speak with these funny little spore creatures.
Q made the tardigrade. And he loved them so much.
Then years later he would find one of his creations that had come to him, in pain and was tired and Q was furious. He learnt of a species called Humans who had taken the young tardigrade when they was only trying to get to the spores in their ship as he made them so they could survive.
He learnt that they had done experiments on his creation and forced it to open rifts into the network so they could travel faster, ignoring his creations screams in pain.
That day Q swore that humanity would pay for what they did to his creation.
And so started the trial of humanity.
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lordlexion · 7 months
In some remote and mortal-life-forgotten corner of space, Q lay on one of the rings, some unpopulated planet. Completely devoid of life, quiet and peaceful... And it was the silence that he needed most now. Silence uninterrupted by the murmur of life. A stillness that made him think of what had been, the beginning of the multiverse, when life had not yet existed and everything had seemed so interesting and exciting. The old days, so far away and to which they were all nostalgic, yet none of them would ever admit to such a longing. No self-respecting Q from the Q Continuum would snap out of their apathetic lethargy only to fall into melancholy and longing.
And he wasn't trying that. He was only looking for silence and here he could find it. At least for a while. The view that stretched out from where he lay helped a little. It gave him solace, filled him with a familiar feeling that he thought had long since departed into oblivion. It was an image that gave him pleasure, and pleasant images were very rare.
A beautiful Nebula, full of colour, that he had created with his own hands. Once meant to be a gift for one of the mortals, it was now a source of melancholy and morose that gripped his entire being and tried to wedge itself into the link between him and his siblings. Perhaps after all he had come here to immerse himself in longing, rather than thoughts and reflections on his little captain?
His captain... Jean-Luc Picard.
Oh, how much he wanted to show him this place and many others. And yet he wasn't able to. Not yet. And maybe never... But he deluded himself, despite what the rest of his siblings had said - maybe they were right, but he didn't want to accept the vision that Picard too would pass away and Q would be left with another reason to be gloomy.
Today, once again his Favourite, faced death face to face. One step away from a tragedy from which the captain and his crew (luckily) emerged victorious. The crew didn't matter to him. Their lives were acknowledged because Picard cared about them. Q still didn't understand that, but he wasn't going to consider something so trivial today. The only one who mattered of all people was Jean-Luc. His life held value for Q. He was a sight that had always been pleasant, arousing curiosity and feelings that Q thought - until he met Picard - were long gone.
And yet they existed, and it was because of this little human captain whose life was so fragile and insignificant in the grand scheme of things.
Yet for Q, there was nothing more important.
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shiftingmuse · 6 months
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Unnecessary Headcanons;
The Toymaker is Q Jr trying to live up to his father but failing to understand when things can go too far.
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prettyboypistol · 3 days
Accidental Kisses! || TNG Star Trek x Male!Reader
William Riker
You stumbled down the stairs while he was walking up, Willaim lunged to catch you, which knocked your lips together.
"Oh- are you alright, Lieutenant? You took quite a tumble."
You apologize for stumbling into him and kissing him, to which he smiles and waves it off as an accident. After all, there was no harm in it!
Afterwards, he absentmindedly licks his lips and tastes your chapstick, reminding him of the encounter. His cheeks tinge pink- hopefully his feelings still remain a secret
As Worf's assistant and Assistant Chief of Security, Worf expected you to be in peak physical condition- this kiss happens while sparring- he tackled you to the ground, and in the struggle, you two share a rough kiss.
Worf pins you down by the neck and arms, which effectively left you prone. He mumbles "That better have been an accident." You nod frantically and he releases you.
Apologized for getting too rough with you- blaming it on reflex more than actual aggression. You apologize for the kiss, which still haunts his sweetest dreams to this day.
You had no idea what the fuck happened. Suddenly, you were saying "hi" to Data in the rec room, then his hands were on your cheeks as he kissed you with a mountain of electricity tingling behind his lips.
"What? the hell?" You manage to sputter out, Data seemed confused.
"Apologies if I startled you. I was giving you an authentic European greeting from Earth. Did you feel appropriately greeted and our relationship assured?"
"Data- I- first of all, not all of Europe kisses to greet, NEXT OF ALL, THEY KISS THE CHEEKS!"
Geordi La Forge
It was a moment of excitement shared between you two- a project you both had spent countless nights on performed without a hitch in front of the investors. After the meeting, you two were so excited and hugging- it just sorta... happened.
"Oh- oh my god- I'm so sorry." Geordi apologized quickly as he recoiled away from the hug. "It was an accident."
"Yeah- we were just excited, totally an accident on both ends." You respond just as quickly as your cheeks burn up.
Alright, this kiss isn't an accident. He's pissing you off by bothing you during your work, begging for you to entertain him. He wants a human experience! He already looks like one in this form! Do something human!
So, you punched him in the gut, then kiss him roughly- tongue invaded his mouth in a way that made his eyes roll back into his skull at the feeling of being properly paid attention to- even more than expected!
Q finally shut up for a good while as he behaved himself- at the promise of more of those. So, he sat down next to your station and waited patiently for you to be done with our work- then he kissed you!
His kiss was- well, it was Q, what did you expect?
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spocks-husband · 9 months
Jean-Luc is definitely French Catholic but he hasn't been to church in years-- he only ever really celebrates (some of) the holidays (on the rare occasion that he feels like it) or if he really really needs something he MIGHT quietly ask for the intercession of a saint-- but he doesn't expect it to work anyways.
Q, however, gets curious and studies up on Catholic history-- and he will not stand for Jean-Luc ignoring such a fun practice!! Look at it!! Everything is gold and pretty and painted and there's angels and blood and gore and wine and there's a feast every day!! How could you ever not be interested in that!! Plus, as he would, being who he is, he just sort of decides that he is the Catholic God and that all of this is really for him-- and he refuses to listen when Picard tells him that's blasphemy.
Jean-Luc tries to explain, he really does, but it's too late, Q has a new obsession and he will not let it go.
So that's how Q and his husband end up going to Sunday Mass every week for decades and having a house covered in iconography like their interior decorator was someone's old Italian grandmother.
But hey, at least they both got a priest kink out of it?
Shit, now I need to draw Q in a cassock...
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polyjoly · 1 year
I am passionate about a les mis star trek AU where Grantaire takes on the role of Q (except of course he goes by R) he is this inter-dimensional being who, for some reason, is just obsessed with Captain Enjolras. He doesn't contribute anything of worth to the ship, quite the opposite to be honest. He just keeps randomly showing up and causing problems. He has befriended a lot of the crew and they have all just kind of gotten used to him at this point.
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greencheekconure27 · 1 year
Random Star Trek TNG headcanon: Guinan and other El-Aurians aren't actually humanoids (boring) they're a shape-shifting species that adjusts their appearance to whenever they wind up. They're also just as weird as the Q and have beef with them not over some kind of grand ethical objections or anything but for some completely incomprehensible petty reason neither side really remembers anymore.
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bumblingbabooshka · 1 year
I know that the post about which Star Trek you've watched was not an invitation for suggestions and that no other series can even come close to what Voyager has with Tuvok, but I think you would really enjoy Enterprise's Carbon Creek for the sheer level of Vulcan lore and shenanigans in it, and it generally works as a stand-alone episode
Can I just say I really love how you worded this and it made me laugh very hard when I read it because it sounds like you're trying very delicately to get me to move on and live my life again after a tragedy and you're very correct to do so, I earnestly love it HEHEHEH you're so nice~ "Listen...we all know Tuvok means so so much to you. No one's trying to take that away, we couldn't even we tried, you know that. But there's a whole WORLD of Star Trek out there...he would have wanted you to watch Carbon Creek - no, he would have wanted you to enjoy it." And I tearfully nod, wiping my eyes. "You're right...I'm being silly, I know." [not at all] I smile slightly. "You know what....? I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna watch Carbon Creek. What's the harm? Just one episode. It'll be good for me. It'll get my mind off him." Anyway I watched Carbon Creek
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I immediately drew Tuvok <3 HEHEHE BUT I really did like the episode~!!! The subplot about Jack[?] being able to go to college was really sweet and I thought T'Mir was so lovely looking...I want to dress like her. Why can't /I/ be a little alien woman in a small town? Just because I'm mostly not a woman and live in a big city and am human?? How's THAT fair? Lying: The most fun a girl can have with her clothes on. <- deceiving others about the fact that you weren't lying? Double the fun!
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Today's LGBT+ Headcanon is;
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Q Jr from Star Trek Voyager-He/They Gay Man
Status; Alive
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bardicious · 11 months
Okay, I know I wont shut up about this show, lmao, but they mentioned TRELANE. YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES. I miss you, you stupid stupid man.
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ensign-spider · 1 year
my siblings in sarek,
i humbly respect your otps, but, and hear me out here...Q and garak. my GOD Q would find garak adorable, and garak would be mesmerized by Q's abilities. but garak only asks Q to use his abilities for good.
"my dear, we are two hurt people who are done hurting people"
"once again, i am not people."
sure Q likes to mess with other people occasionally, but SO DOES GARAK.
"oh you thought i was some holier than thou starfleet captain? you'll have to engage me with more complex gameplay than that if you're going to annihilate a former member of the Obsidian Order."
meet-cute: Q pulls some Q bullshit and garak sees right through it. and Q is just like
"alright, come along babe, time to check the cosmos."
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