#star trek rings jewelry
radiantgeminiwares · 2 years
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My Star Trek TOS rings are ready! Check out The Enterprise, Command Gold, Science Blue, and Support Red at https://radiantgeminirings.bigcartel.com/
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jimkirkachu · 2 years
mood board for some of my Kirk headcanons (tos) 💛
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Our Man Bashir S4 E10
Saw this episode for the first time this week. There were so many little touches that made the episode a perfect parody of the Bond aesthetic. It payed tribute to classic James Bond (Sean Connery and it even teased the silly nature of Roger Moore's Bond).
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The opening sequence of a villain crashing through glass with a follow up KO by the champagne cork was a lovely campy tribute. It had a Our Man Flint with James Coburn vibe! Try those if you like Bond parodies.
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The Bondesque portrayal of Bashir works well. It both fits the desire he has to be heroic, to be more alluring and charismatic, and to take confidence in life outside the holosuite. Julian already is those things though. He just needs help realizing that sometimes. He was heroic in Hippocratic Oath when he stood for the lost Jem'Hadar. In his medical domain he is charismatic and in charge. All of his interactions with Garak show his subtle and alluring personality. He is on his journey of gaining confidence and with each passing episode he gains more self-esteem.
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We all were admiring Julian just like Garak is. Look at that sweet face. Garak recognizes Julian's chance at character growth as his spy persona. By taking him under his wing, Garak can help him develop as a man of mystery!
The clothing is also perfect. Fashion was nailed for a Bond film parody. The high class tuxedos and the casual sweaters! We only missed out on the incredibly short-short-short-swim-shorts that Sean Connery seemed to love.
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Miles as the main evil henchman was an excellent choice. Silly falcon eyepatch was just a bonus. It was nice to see a little spy gadget used by Bashir as well. Gotta have those!
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I will make of gif of it later, but Worf blew a genuine smoke ring at one point. The white tux also looked amazing. More Klingons should wear white! It would be great for battle too. Showcases all the blood of their enemies.
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Another A+ costume designed by the fabulous Trek Costume designers. The flair, the jewelry, all just works with that stunning Bajoran. She also played the Russian accent really well (not that I am an accent expert). Underneath this holosuite persona though we still enjoy Nana Visitor's warm smile. Nothing can stop her from making all our hearts melt!
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Dr. Honey Bare....of course there would be a silly name like that. I wish Dax's character was treated less as plot device, but as a parody of older Bond movies I see the placement and and ridiculousness of it. It did feel like the cast enjoyed making fun of it.
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This gem....I cannot even begin to state my delight over this single high pitched chort....giggle...laugh? What even is it? I knew of this gif out of context but now having seen the episode I see that Sisko was the deranged villain set out to destroy the world so he could create his human 2.0 sex island.
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Above all of this, we must give the spotlight to the REAL hero. Rom. He is an absolute genius!!!! I love that he is so intelligent. Sure, Lt. Mr. Little Boy Eddington was there too, Odo helped a bunch, and Quark wanted to show off his jacket, but Rom saved the day. Rom singlehandedly saved the entire main cast. On the fly he rigged up an engineering masterpiece in a Frankenstein's monster way. Under incredible pressure with try or die high stakes, he pioneered a solution. I sure hope that Rom can be the star of the show more often in the coming seasons. He is a brilliantly written Ferengi and a well acted character. A loving and supportive father, caring brother, talented engineer, and an all around good friend to everyone.
For me, this episode surprisingly became a "wow, I love Rom" episode. Of course, I enjoyed and can see how iconic and quintessentially Star Trek the entire Bond tribute plot was, but this episode is about Rom for me as much as it is about Bashir and anything else.
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I am glad that I can share my first watch of DS9 with all you lovely people. Thank you for sharing all your insights and passion for DS9 and Star Trek as a franchise with me.
Here is to many more shared laughs and warm moments together!
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starlitangels · 2 years
Wedding Rings!
@zozo-01 wanted to hear my thoughts on the rest of the boys’ potential wedding rings after my ramble about David’s on EJ’s post so… here we go!
First of all, this man gets a silicone ring.
He does not trust himself not to utterly ruin a metal one, and silicone is easy to replace and have spares of.
(My husband has two silicone rings. One that’s simple black and came with his real metal wedding ring, and one that’s gunmetal grey with The Mandalorian’s helmet etched into it. It’s actually really cool.)
Asher gets a silicone ring that’s shiny and metallic, but has some Star Trek something etched into it. Whether that be the Enterprise or a quote, IDK
Alternatively he gets something from Halo. Either/or works and fits. We love a nerdy boi
Second alternative: he gets something that closely matches Babe’s. Still silicone but color matching
Mr. Fashionable. Mr. Stylish.
Milo’s ring is gold.
At least, it looks like it’s gold
In truth, it’s an alloy. Gold is too soft and malleable and even though Milo takes care of his jewelry, he’s also a shifter and knows that a gold ring wouldn’t be practical
He also has a moissanite on his. The band arcs up to the top of the gem so it doesn’t stick out too much from his finger, but there is very much a moissanite.
Milo picked moissanite over a diamond because it’s more ethical, barely lower than a diamond on the hardness scale, and also has a higher brightness index
Y’all. The gem on his ring is reflective and shiny
Maybe Aggro tries to put it in his mouth idk
His and Sweetheart’s anniversary is engraved on the inside of the ring
Hoo boy! Sam!
Darlin’ gets Sam a ring with meteorite around the middle because his hand doesn’t change as he gets older, therefore he can get a ring that’s hard to resize.
The metal is shiny and durable, and the meteorite is slightly iridescent
It’s comfort fit, with the curved inside, and the edges of the outside are beveled so he can move his fingers without being encumbered.
Gorgeous ring 10/10
Darlin’ argues that his ring does have a stone on it because of the meteorite and Sam always laughs and says it’s not a gemstone so it doesn’t count
Mr. Fashionable and Stylish As Well
Vincent’s ring is platinum. Shiny, bright, strong. Expensive
The man likes the finer things in life and his wedding ring should be no exception
The inside is engraved with several significant dates. The day he met Lovely, their first real kiss, the day Lovely turned, the day he proposed, and the day they got married
He also has a large stone on his
Where’s that post about the Solaire rubies so I can properly credit the person? Because that concept lives in my mind rent-free and Vincent absolutely puts his ruby in his wedding ring
Also, comfort fit and beveled outside edges and several extra gemstones lining the middle channel of the ring almost all the way around
Gavin’s ring is made of magic so he changes it to match his outfit when he sees fit
The most common though that he seems to prefer the most is a braided band of white, yellow, and rose gold with scattered teeny diamonds
“It goes with everything, deviant!”
If I described all the other designs Gavin morphs his ring into, we’d be here for days
My man is very happy to be taken and he wants it to be visible at all times, thank you very much
Avior’s ring isn’t a ring so much as it’s a bunch of silver metal stars embedded with star sapphires that stay clustered loosely around his finger because they’re magic and he wants them to.
Starlight loves it
And so do I
Elliott’s got a white-gold wedding ring with constellations etched into it, each star a tiny dot of moonstone
Except Brachium in the Libra constellation. That’s an amethyst
He’s got My Dreamboat and his and Sunshine’s wedding date engraved into the inside
He’s also got the comfort fit, but didn’t like beveled edges so it’s not beveled
Geordi’s was hard to come up with, tbh
He has a pretty thin ring, comparatively
He goes for tungsten at first, but it oxidizes quickly so after a couple years he switches over to a cobalt chrome one and leaves the tungsten one for traveling or when he doesn’t want to risk his real ring
He also has Live Long and Prosper engraved to the inside
I struggled so hard to think of one for Ollie, I’m not gonna lie
He gives Casual Ring Vibes but I wasn’t sure if that meant he got a tungsten one and didn’t particularly care when it oxidized or he just went simple and got a thin gold band just to show he’s happily taken
He also works with his hands a lot fixing up stuff around the house so he definitely has at least one silicone ring
It’s probably purple
I’m sorry
Aaron has the boring classic gold wedding ring
Thick band. Straight fit. No beveling
Nothing over-the-top
I’m sorry
I just can’t see him with anything Extra™
He’s a great character but the Milquetoast Ring Vibes™ are... well. They’re there.
Guy also gets a silicone ring. His has a pizza slice etched into it, or it’s literally pizza patterned.
The man chose an aesthetic and he stuck to it
Honey gets to roll their eyes at it forever
The boi’s got a white gold ring with a band of polished, dark wood running around the middle
He wears a green silicone ring with a tree on it when playing sports or working out
Comfort fit all the way
His ring is yellow gold and studded with five small yellow-orange topazes
Topaz is one of the gems that forms in lava tubes
That mix of Earth and Fire, y’know? ;)
Oh wait... were we talking canon or non-canon?
Eh. Who cares
Also wears a silicone ring when working out. His is red
White. Gold. Boi
He keeps it simple
There’s an anniversary engraving inside his, but that’s it
Beveled edges and comfort fit all the way
He’s at a computer all the time let his finger be comfortable
Platinum babyyyy
We love a classy, high-brow look for our professional businessman Telepath
I wasn’t gonna include him at all but then I remembered his Imperium listener so here you go
He doesn’t really do anything super special. There’s no engraving or etching or stones, but it is Quite Shiny™ on his hand and Very Noticeable
The man is taken and he is going to flaunt it
Morgan doesn’t work with his hands much in his day-to-day life, but he still prefers the practical
He goes for a cobalt chrome ring with a thin gold band around the center, preferring the durability over expense or flash, and the ribbon finish rather than the polished finish so scratches are barely noticeable unless someone’s really examining it close up
Beveled edges and comfort fit definitely
Engraved inside is “Into the Future with You” and his wedding date
Sh!+ I almost perfectly described my actual husband’s wedding ring
And there you have it!
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ratsoh-writes · 1 year
**Favorites list**
Favorite color:
Favorite food:
Favorite item/gift:
Favorite flower:
Favorite music:
Best friend(s):
Favorite color: sky blue
Favorite food: Hotdogs and monster energy drinks
Favorite item/gift: He loves getting gag gifts like buzz rings or whoopie cushions but also loves any sort of science pun t-shirt!
Hobbies: astromony, puns and riddles, the wordcross, stargazing, videogames (sometimes), pranks, instrumental music, playing his trumpet
Favorite flower: echo flowers
Favorite music: jazz and instrumentals
Best friend(s): lens pluto G oak
Age: 65
Birthday: January 28
Height: 5'3
Favorite color: Cherry red
Favorite food: spaghetti and garlic bread!
Favorite item/gift: hotwheels are one of his favorite things to get, but he also likes collectibles of his favorite metal bands or comic book heroes!
Hobbies: hotwheels, Marvel, DC, any superhero really, fencing, jogging, DIY, puzzles, escape rooms
Favorite flower: sunflowers
Favorite music: heavy metal and screamo
Best friend(s): star Jupiter lilac willow
Age: 49
Birthday: may 22
Height: 6'5
Favorite color: mustard yellow
Favorite food: tacos, cinnamon rolls and tuna fish sandwiches
Favorite item/gift: he'll treasure anything a friend gets him cause he's just like that, but he LOVES really cringy pun tshirts. the ones that make his brother gag. star also likes getting bright and goofy tights or socks.
Hobbies: sparring, jogging, volleyball, training dogs, trampoline parks, raves, sketching (on the down low)
Favorite flower: bluebells
Favorite music: rave
Best friend(s): lilac jupiter papyrus sparks
Age: 60
Birthday: march 25
Height: 5'4
Favorite color: brick red
Favorite food: also cinnamon rolls, and mozzarella sticks
Favorite item/gift: he loves receiving any sort of figurine or trinket related to his latest obsession. honey is real nerdy, so cater to that and you're good! also nice kitchen supplies
Hobbies: learning new languages, romance novels, Spanish and Korean soap operas, Nintendo video games, baking, dungeons and dragons
Favorite flower: lilac
Favorite music: video game soundtracks
Best friend(s): salt basil
Age: 44
Birthday: march 2
Height: 6'3
Favorite color: pastel yellow
Favorite food: hamburgers and barbeque
Favorite item/gift: star trek junk. nuff said
Hobbies: STAR TREK, fishing, trying new drinks, window shopping and taking apart and fixing up cars
Favorite flower: iris
Favorite music: country and alternative
Best friend(s): oak orion rust
Age: 66
Birthday: january 10
Height: 5'3
Favorite color: silver
Favorite food: lasagna and red wine
Favorite item/gift: he actually collects novelty pens and has a stationary addiction so anything like that is good
Hobbies: collecting pens, NASCAR, debate club, fencing, trying new French and Italian recipes, playing with his cat doomfanger, visiting animal shelters
Favorite flower: red roses
Favorite music: country and alternative
Best friend(s): rhythm sugar noir
Age: 43
Birthday: august 30
Height: 6'5
Favorite color: silver and gold
Favorite food: burritos and tres leches cake
Favorite item/gift: he loves receiving pretty polished stones or interesting shells and beads he can add to his jewelry
Hobbies: making jewelry, watercolor, gossiping, playing piano, knife throwing, clothes shopping
Favorite flower: yellow carnations
Favorite music: rap and piano covers
Best friend(s): wine lord
Age: 60
Birthday: july 4
Height: 5'0
Favorite color: neon orange
Favorite food: super spicy pizza
Favorite item/gift: gag gifts like glitter bombs, hideous clothing or hot sauce
Hobbies: collecting concerning amounts of salsas that could kill a child, pranks, parkour, money and budget managing, urban exploring
Favorite flower: thistle
Favorite music: musicals
Best friend(s): bruiser cricket coffee
Age: 51
Birthday: april 3
Height: 6'0
Favorite color: grass green
Favorite food: really big sandwiches
Favorite item/gift: just get him snacks and he'll love you forever. or notebooks.
Hobbies: taking care of his chickens, baking, fishing, nature walks, naps (lol), playing his trumpet
Favorite flower: echo flowers
Favorite music: jazz and instrumentals
Best friend(s): sans red rust basil
Age: 75
Birthday: january 28
Height: 6'4
Favorite color: tan or cream
Favorite food: fresh bread of course. he likes savory rolls best like mozzarella basil bread
Favorite item/gift: craft supplies! willow burns through those like no ones business
Hobbies: anything crafty; sewing, knitting, beading, clay etc.. he also plays the ukulele and loves baking of course.
Favorite flower: sunflowers
Favorite music: heavy metal and screamo
Best friend(s): noir papyrus basil
Age: 59
Birthday: may 22
Height: 8'0
Favorite color: black
Favorite food: chocolate cake and shrimp cocktails
Favorite item/gift: goofy cake toppers and eyeshadow palates
Hobbies: he loves makeup, cake decorating, hanging out with his niece, clubbing, drinking contests, pranks, gymnastics and biochemistry
Favorite flower: pink pam pams
Favorite music: Eurodance
Best friend(s): butch, sparks, salt taffy pudding
Age: 66
Birthday: may 8
Height: 5'1
Favorite color: pastel pink and purple
Favorite food: red velvet and strawberry cake, strawberries, smoothies
Favorite item/gift: LACE, hes always running out of it when hes making new styles of dresses. also flowers
Hobbies: flower arrangements, dress making, sewing, romance novels, making smoothies, dancing, clubbing
Favorite flower: pink and white roses
Favorite music: swing
Best friend(s): rhythm pepper salt pudding taffy
Age: 52
Birthday: febuary 14
Height: 6'1
Favorite color: royal blue
Favorite food: veggie platters and carrot soup
Favorite item/gift: old history books and lawn ornaments
Hobbies: hes a total history nerd but likes ww1 and ww2 best, gardening, weightlifting, used book stores, gossiping, cleaning (no really)
Favorite flower: jasmine
Favorite music: blues
Best friend(s): wine mal
Age: 60
Birthday: september 14
Height: 5'0
Favorite color: olive green
Favorite food: veggie wraps and coffee
Favorite item/gift: general animal supplies (bedding, canned food, etc..),
Hobbies: rehabilitating animals, writing novels, late night walks, bar fights (lol), boxing, stargazing
Favorite flower: dahlia
Favorite music: jazz and rap
Best friend(s): peaches coffee
Age: 53
Birthday: november 12
Height: 6'6
Favorite color: gold
Favorite food: KFC, almond or cherry ice cream, champagne
Favorite item/gift: getting vintage candles is always a good bet. he likes conspiracy books too
Hobbies: conspiracy theories, history channel, collecting vintage brooches, gossiping, bribery and blackmail, teaching high school age kids, clothes shopping, snooping
Favorite flower: white peony
Favorite music: classical
Best friend(s): mal lord harpy
Age: 64
Birthday: july 11
Height: 5'5
Favorite color: peach
Favorite food: cookie themed ice cream, pumpkin spice lattes
Favorite item/gift: any sort of art supplies. he burns through them too fast
Hobbies: ART. he does it all, painting, charcoals, markers, digital. he also does a bit of woodworking and sewing too. loves worldbuilding games
Favorite flower: pink peony
Favorite music: video game soundtracks
Best friend(s): mutt slim
Age: 50
Birthday: march 5
Height: 6'0
Favorite color: periwinkle
Favorite food: fruit! fruit popsicles specifically. also honeycomb
Favorite item/gift: fruit and good shoes
Hobbies: urban exploring, breakdancing, soap making, collecting cool stuff he found outside, being a vent goblin, breaking the laws of physics
Favorite flower: daisy
Favorite music: hip hop
Best friend(s): pluto tempo stitches
Age: 52
Birthday: april 1
Height: 4'11
Favorite color: powder blue
Favorite food: waffles with fruit piled on top. pineapple
Favorite item/gift: cute shoes and scarves
Hobbies: dancing of course! he can do almost every style. raves, meeting new people, music concerts
Favorite flower: periwinkle
Favorite music: hip hop and salsa
Best friend(s): edge sugar vibrato crow
Age: 45
Birthday: august 9
Height: 6'4
Favorite color: royal purple
Favorite food: burritos and hot chocolate
Favorite item/gift: rocks, fossils, crystals fluffy blankets
Hobbies: archeology, geology, astronomy, robotics, inventing new appliances, Disney movies
Favorite flower: allium
Favorite music: soothing asmr
Best friend(s): pop sans G lens
Age: 67
Birthday: september 7
Height: 4'7
Favorite color: royal purple
Favorite food: pancakes and protein shakes
Favorite item/gift: sunglasses and sports equipment
Hobbies: most sports in general but the favorites are rugby swimming and shotput. weightlifting hiking bench pressing people, card games
Favorite flower: clover
Favorite music: dance pop and indie
Best friend(s): papyrus lilac star
Age: 49
Birthday: july 29
Height: 6'5
Favorite color: mustard yellow
Favorite food: energy drinks and chicken nuggets
Favorite item/gift: he can be pretty hard to gift as he has very specific tastes, but he does collect old records
Hobbies: collecting music records, working on his bike, biology studies, first person shooter games,
Favorite flower: aster
Favorite music: rap
Best friend(s): sans lens pluto orion atlas
Age: 80
Birthday: january 1
Height: 5'9
Favorite color: white
Favorite food: chai tea, fancy biscuits
Favorite item/gift: tea packets or cute succulents!
Hobbies: anatomy, his potted succulents, calligraphy, opera, playing piano
Favorite flower: aster
Favorite music: classical
Best friend(s): boss ace
Age: 79
Birthday: january 28
Height: 6'9
Favorite color: apple red
Favorite food: pie!!!!
Favorite item/gift: pie lol, or any homemade food
Hobbies: tending his orchid, cooking, wrestling, photography, bird watching
Favorite flower: apple blossom
Favorite music: country
Best friend(s): mutt cider ram quill gears compass
Age: 51
Birthday: october 13
Height: 5'5
Favorite color: Jean blue
Favorite food: eggs!
Favorite item/gift: good sturdy jeans and ammunition
Hobbies: hunting, tending his animals, wrestling, cooking, cliff jumping
Favorite flower: peach blossom
Favorite music: country
Best friend(s): barley ram pitch maple gears compass
Age: 46
Birthday: september 20
Height: 6'6
Favorite color: heather grey
Favorite food: hamburgers coffee and tamales
Favorite item/gift: exotic plants, cigarettes and ammunition
Hobbies: shooting, collecting vintage guns, gardening, naps (lol), pranks
Favorite flower: white lilies
Favorite music: mariachi
Best friend(s): charm
Age: 58
Birthday: december 30
Height: 5'6
Favorite color: electric blue
Favorite food: tiramisu, pho
Favorite item/gift: running shoes and suspenders
Hobbies: collecting suspenders, running, parkour, pranks, reverse robbing criminals, street fights, basketball
Favorite flower: petunia
Favorite music: electric swing
Best friend(s): cricket cash G atlas
Age: 45
Birthday: july 25
Height: 6'7
Favorite color: black
Favorite food: cheesy fries, barbeque, vodka
Favorite item/gift: nice alcohol and scrap metal
Hobbies: blacksmithing, street fights, wrestling, kickboxing, weightlifting
Favorite flower: daffodils
Favorite music: indie rock
Best friend(s): charm
Age: 60
Birthday: may 6
Height: 5'9
Favorite color: navy blue
Favorite food: fancy teas and cheeses
Favorite item/gift: fancy cheese, chains and gloves
Hobbies: fencing, tea making, sewing, sparring, opera, shopping
Favorite flower: black lilies
Favorite music: classic rock
Best friend(s): green captain
Age: 50
Birthday: november 8
Height: 6'9
Favorite color: seashell pink
Favorite food: milkshakes and nachos
Favorite item/gift: any makeup item or colored contacts
Hobbies: makeup and disguises, detective work, poisons, gossiping, pranks, escape rooms
Favorite flower: wisteria
Favorite music: alternative and indie
Best friend(s): green
Age: 53
Birthday: febuary 13
Height: 5'5
Favorite color: neon yellow
Favorite food: French fries and tacos
Favorite item/gift: anime figurines, new video games, or stickers
Hobbies: anime and manga, coding, any sort of videogame, spyware, trap and techno music
Favorite flower: cockscomb
Favorite music: techno and game soundtracks
Best friend(s): coffee
Age: 48
Birthday: febuary 24
Height: 6'6
Favorite color: pastel yellow
Favorite food: bbq ribs
Favorite item/gift: large wood pieces and star trek stuff
Hobbies: star trek, woodworking fishing, crafts with his kiddos, secretly feeding the wild deer behind basils back
Favorite flower: iris
Favorite music: country and alternative
Best friend(s): red oak basil
Age: 76
Birthday: january 10
Height: 6'4
Favorite color: dark brown
Favorite food: angel hair pasta
Favorite item/gift: interestingly shaped pasta, old books, yoga mats
Hobbies: yoga, reading (everything) oil painting, cooking, gossip
Favorite flower: red roses
Favorite music: country and alternative
Best friend(s): willow edge basil
Age: 53
Birthday: august 30
Height: 8'0
Favorite color: electric blue
Favorite food: cinnamon rolls and egg salad sandwiches
Favorite item/gift: shorts, frisbees and candies
Hobbies: ultimate frisbee, swimming, yoga, trying new drinks, jogging, sketching
Favorite flower: bluebells
Favorite music: dance pop
Best friend(s): star Jupiter papyrus
Age: 70
Birthday: march 25
Height: 6'6
Favorite color: mint
Favorite food: also cinnamon rolls and baby tomatoes
Favorite item/gift: vegetable seeds for his garden and new manga
Hobbies: reading manga and romance novels, baking, his garden, shooting the wild deer that eat his tomatoes in the bum with his bb gun
Favorite flower: lilac
Favorite music: kpop
Best friend(s): willow honey noir, tinker
Age: 54
Birthday: march 2
Height: 7'9
Favorite color: emerald green
Favorite food: stuffed mushrooms and anything with soy sauce
Favorite item/gift: pillows, shiny baubles like beads and cute planters!
Hobbies: urban exploring, dating sims, hiking, whittling
Favorite flower: buttercup
Favorite music: folk and indie
Best friend(s): quill peaches rancher stitches
Age: 49
Birthday: may 3
Height: 4'5
Favorite color: cinnamon
Favorite food: fish and chips, sometimes pringles
Favorite item/gift: molding clay, acrylic paints, glazes and acessories for his iguanas
Hobbies: hiking, pottery, horseback riding, dance video games, wrestling
Favorite flower: hyacinth
Favorite music: folk and country
Best friend(s): rancher alden peaches
Age: 42
Birthday: febuary 26
Height: 6'0
Favorite color: aquamarine
Favorite food: slurpees or freezes, kettle corn
Favorite item/gift: movie posters and scripts, colorful leggings, goofy sunglasses
Hobbies: acting, raves, techo and electric swing music, parkour, gymnastics,
Favorite flower: bird of paradise
Favorite music: electric and rave
Best friend(s): star charm sugar lush
Age: 59
Birthday: december 7
Height: 5'4
Favorite color: blush pink
Favorite food: honeybuns and ladyfingers
Favorite item/gift: makeup palates, candies, soft hoodies
Hobbies: makeup art, shopping, romance novels, comedian shows, drink mixing
Favorite flower: honeysuckle
Favorite music: grunge
Best friend(s): honey charm pepper sugar
Age: 50
Birthday: may 18
Height: 6'3
Favorite color: velvet red
Favorite food: sweet and sour chicken
Favorite item/gift: anything homemade or sentimental, he's hard to buy for
Hobbies: boxing, boat rides, music concerts, budgeting
Favorite flower: orchids
Favorite music: hard rock
Best friend(s): sparks
Age: 63
Birthday: october 31
Height: 5'6
Favorite color: white
Favorite food: spicy sushi and ginger
Favorite item/gift: custom jewelry, gloves, heels, and homemade food
Hobbies: fashion, hairstyling, nail art, swordplay
Favorite flower: veronica
Favorite music: pop
Best friend(s): sugar ollivander edge taffy pudding
Age: 51
Birthday: october 29
Height: 6'9
Favorite color: black
Favorite food: captain crunch and fruit loops
Favorite item/gift: art books, baseballs, accessories for his pet snake
Hobbies: tattoo art, sketching, baseball, deinking contests, costume parties
Favorite flower: pansy
Favorite music: any type of rock
Best friend(s): red G
Age: 60
Birthday: august 22
Height: 5'5
Favorite color: ruby red
Favorite food: red wine and risotto
Favorite item/gift: sudoku books, model airplanes, star wars collectables
Hobbies: star wars, mathematics, putting together model kits, parkour,
Favorite flower: snowdrop
Favorite music: classical and screamo
Best friend(s): G bruiser
Age: 52
Birthday: august 2
Height: 6'7
Favorite color: wine purple
Favorite food: grapes and wine
Favorite item/gift: strategy board games, country music cds
Hobbies: country music, axe throwing, tending his quails, board games, jet skis
Favorite flower: tiger lily
Favorite music: country
Best friend(s): peaches ram moose harpy
Age: 50
Birthday: may 26
Height: 5'6
Favorite color: bright orange
Favorite food: beer and apple cider
Favorite item/gift: DnD accessories, guitar picks
Hobbies: playing the guitar and violin, singing, song writing, drink mixing, DnD
Favorite flower: violet
Favorite music: pop and pop rock
Best friend(s): rancher roost maple sails
Age: 42
Birthday: june 8
Height: 6'3
Favorite color: green
Favorite food: meat pies and beer
Favorite item/gift: blankets, pocket knives
Hobbies: dirt bikes, hunting and trapping, pranks, guns
Favorite flower: dandelion
Favorite music: country
Best friend(s): peaches rancher cider moose
Age: 49
Birthday: june 27
Height: 5'4
Favorite color: cream
Favorite food: cheese and crackers
Favorite item/gift: BOOKS
Hobbies: READING, animals, horseback riding, hiking, dirt bikes
Favorite flower: daisy
Favorite music: country and swing
Best friend(s): rancher maple
Age: 40
Birthday: october 16
Height: 6'5
Favorite color: blueberry blue
Favorite food: blackberries and trout
Favorite item/gift: notebooks, vegetable seeds, good shoes
Hobbies: writing short stories, mythology, tending animals, gardening, hiking, his radio
Favorite flower: forget me nots
Favorite music: soft rock and country
Best friend(s): fisher peaches roost ram partner
Age: 64
Birthday: august 18
Height: 6'0
Favorite color: new wood brown
Favorite food: huckleberry cobbler and wild strawberries
Favorite item/gift: good wood for carving, power tools, whittling knives
Hobbies: carpentry, monopoly and other board games, hiking, war movies
Favorite flower: forget me nots
Favorite music: soft rock
Best friend(s): pitch sails rancher barley roost rowdy
Age: 53
Birthday: september 10
Height: 7'6
Favorite color: royal purple
Favorite food: crab, lobster, crawfish
Favorite item/gift: tarot card decks and pretty hippie acessories
Hobbies: fishing, stargazing, astronomy, Astrology, tarot cards, palm reading and fortune telling.
Favorite flower: bird of paradise
Favorite music: indie
Best friend(s): hook sails moose finn papaya
Age: 60
Birthday: september 7
Height: 5'6
Favorite color: neon green
Favorite food: energy drinks
Favorite item/gift: touristy gifts, travel books, paintball ammunition
Hobbies: rollercoasters, amusement parks, paintball, fishing, distance swimming
Favorite flower: zinna
Favorite music: pop and dance pop
Best friend(s): sails finn maple
Age: 25
Birthday: june 12
Height: 6'1
Favorite color: orange
Favorite food: lemonade and lemon sweets
Favorite item/gift: lemon candies, frisbees
Hobbies: horror books, playing frisbee, whittling, swimming, surfing
Favorite flower: sweet peas
Favorite music: hula and instrumental
Best friend(s): jasper, fisher, mango hook papaya
Age: 59
Birthday: january 2
Height: 5'6
Favorite color: sage green
Favorite food: orange juice and orange sweets
Favorite item/gift: essential oils, pretty beads, twine, weed
Hobbies: jewelry making, weed, sunbathing, his pet dog, making perfumes and incense
Favorite flower: pink cats
Favorite music: dubstep
Best friend(s): jasper fisher maple papaya
Age: 27
Birthday: june 30
Height: 6'6
Favorite color: copper
Favorite food: anything coconut
Favorite item/gift: renaissance books and art, coconut flavored candies
Hobbies: art from the renaissance and history, boxing, diving, surfing, knife throwing, astronomy
Favorite flower: cherry blossoms
Favorite music: shanty
Best friend(s): fisher, finn, roost silex
Age: 58
Birthday: october 22
Height: 5'7
Favorite color: ocean blue
Favorite food: wine, hot chocolate and fancy pasta
Favorite item/gift: leather, wax seals, feather pens
Hobbies: mapmaking, calligraphy, diving, wrestling, knife throwing, collecting wax stamp seals
Favorite flower: yellow roses
Favorite music: shanty and folk
Best friend(s): boss, hook silex
Age: 30
Birthday: november 8
Height: 6'8
Favorite color: grass green
Favorite food: potato chips
Favorite item/gift: animal slippers, blown glass trinkets
Hobbies: collecting blown glass art, chemistry and physics, bugs, watercolor
Favorite flowers: hyacinth
Favorite music: folk and indie
Best friend(s): sans Pluto G
Age: 69
Birthday: april 5
Height: 5'2
Favorite color: neon purple
Favorite food: macaroons
Favorite item/gift: macaroons and spray paint cans
Hobbies: basketball, spray paint, fixing cars, fighting, parkour, sculpting
Favorite flower: petunias
Favorite music: soft rock or orchestra
Best friend(s): bruiser cash
Age: 49
Birthday: may 8
Height: 5'11
Favorite color: pastel purple
Favorite food: corn on the cob and corn bread
Favorite item/gift: stuffed animals, card decks
Hobbies: playing his violin, arcade claw games, gacha games, card games, fantsy novels
Favorite flower: fairy roses
Favorite music: kpop
Best friend(s): gears peaches harpy
Age: 59
Birthday: may 1
Height: 4'10
Favorite color: silver
Favorite food: mixed nuts
Favorite item/gift: trail mixes, stationary
Hobbies: collecting cute stationary, archery, playing darts and pool. reality tv shows
Favorite flower: lotus flower
Favorite music: electronica
Best friend(s): vibrato tempo rhythm
Age: 51
Birthday: april 9
Height: 5'11
Favorite color: royal purple
Favorite food: sour gummy worms
Favorite item/gift: shiny keychains and meme tshirts
Hobbies: music in any form, song writing and composing, instruments, painting, VR games, his pet ferret
Favorite flower: cactus blooms
Favorite music: all of it, but especially movie soundtracks and orchestra
Best friend(s): pop rhythm crow stitches
Age: 50
Birthday: march 3
Height: 5'4
Favorite color: hot pink
Favorite food: strawberry cake.
Favorite item/gift: feather boas, glitter
Hobbies: singing, karaoke, being with friends, playing instruments, drink mixing, watching sparring matches
Favorite flower: hot pink tulips
Favorite music: all of it, but especially pop rock
Best friend(s): mango, crow, rhythm, stitches
Age: 29
Birthday: april 20
Height: 6'8
Favorite color: moon blue
Favorite food: sour straws and warhead candies
Favorite item/gift: snail supplies, dbz merch
Hobbies: dragon ball z, combat, raising snails
Favorite flower: moondrops
Favorite music: heavy metal
Best friend(s): artemis
Age: 44
Birthday: july 17
Height: 5'0
Favorite color: sun yellow
Favorite food: herby chicken breast
Favorite item/gift: fantasy novels, snail jewelry
Hobbies: raising snails and plants, reading
Favorite flower: sunflowers
Favorite music: heavy metal
Best friend(s): Helios
Age: 36
Birthday: october 4
Height: 6'0
Favorite color: earthy cool brown
Favorite food: paella
Favorite item/gift: cheese, flowers wine
Hobbies: floral arrangements, hunting flirting, soccer
Favorite flower: morning glories
Favorite music: country
Best friend(s): arwin, barley hook, hilda, shield partner
Age: 53
Birthday: june 30
Height: 5'4
Favorite color: wine purple
Favorite food: pita bread and wine
Favorite item/gift: old weapons, fine wine
Hobbies: wine tasting, shopping, combat
Favorite flower: ivy
Favorite music: jazz
Best friend(s): barin, cider, quill wine
Age: 42
Birthday: november 6
Height: 6'9
Favorite color: fire red
Favorite food: shrimp cocktails and ginger beer
Favorite item/gift: nail accessories and fishing equipment
Hobbies: zumba, fishing, swimming, raising koi fish
Favorite flower: hibiscus
Favorite music: techno and rave
Best friend(s): finn vibrato
Age: 62
Birthday: april 23
Height: 4'11
Favorite color: turquoise
Favorite food: haystacks and tropical fruit
Favorite item/gift: bowling shoes, bath acessories
Hobbies: bowling shopping swimming
Favorite flower: orange poppies
Favorite music: folk
Best friend(s): finn sails fisher
Age: 36
Birthday: september 16
Height: 6'3
Favorite color: gold and purple
Favorite food: watercress sandwiches and sparkling wine
Favorite item/gift: crystals, card decks
Hobbies: sculpting, playing the harp, comedy shows
Favorite flower: gold roses
Favorite music: opera
Best friend(s): Tempo, compass, pepper
Age: 68
Birthday: december 11
Height: 5'5
Favorite color: emerald green
Favorite food: puff pastries and croissants
Favorite item/gift: tapestries and robes, batman
Hobbies: collecting art and antiques, DC comics and movies
Favorite flower: moon drops
Favorite music: opera
Best friend(s): pepper, lush, wine
Age: 60
Birthday: january 2
Height: 6'6
Favorite color: gold
Favorite food: boar meat and mead
Favorite item/gift: musicians, beer, telescopes
Hobbies: All of it
Favorite flower: dandelions
Favorite music: classic rock and country
Best friend(s): moose, maple, harpy thistle yarrow
Age: 71
Birthday: march 14
Height: 5'10
Favorite color: sky blue
Favorite food: honeycomb and ale
Favorite item/gift: murder mystery books, honey treats
Hobbies: dancing, partying, true crime
Favorite flower: honeysuckle
Favorite music: rave, techno, dance pop
Best friend(s): roost maple barley thistle yarrow
Age: 59
Birthday: august 5
Height: 6'8
Favorite color: crimson
Favorite food: all of it
Favorite item/gift: fine china sets, feather pens
Hobbies: calligraphy dancing boxing hosting
Favorite flower: dark red roses
Favorite music: grunge
Best friend(s): butler charm
Age: 68
Birthday: october 23
Height: 5'4
Favorite color: orange
Favorite food: napoleon ice cream
Favorite item/gift: scrap glass and sea glass, old porcelain dolls, comic books
Hobbies: making sun catchers, gossiping, card tricks, soap operas
Favorite flower: daisies
Favorite music: punk and country
Best friend(s): pesto flambe gold
Age: 52
Birthday: october 13
Height: 6'2
Favorite color: cream
Favorite food: wine and cheesecake
Favorite item/gift: floral fabric, vintage guns, wine
Hobbies: rock concerts, shooting range, making floral arrangements
Favorite flower: lavender
Favorite music: punk rock
Best friend(s): sir wine
Age: 68
Birthday: december 4
Height: 5'5
Favorite color: black
Favorite food: fried tomatoes and cream cheese frosting
Favorite item/gift: icing pipes, collars and chokers, eyeshadow palettes, lace
Hobbies: making accessories, pastry art, goth fashion, fruit carving
Favorite flower: black lilies
Favorite music: classical
Best friend(s): weasel pesto
Age: 49
Birthday: october 31
Height: 6'1
Favorite color: red
Favorite food: cucumber slices, greek salad
Favorite item/gift: bath salts, dried herbs, jewelry, nail polish, perfumes
Hobbies: nail art, dancing, pole dancing, spa days
Favorite flower: poppies
Favorite music: generic pop
Best friend(s): sir, mal, weasel
Age: 55
Birthday: july 9
Height: 5'3
Favorite color: powder blue
Favorite food: margarita pizza, pesto
Favorite item/gift: cooking utensils, vintage pins, ammunition
Hobbies: gardening, cooking, shooting range, thrift shopping
Favorite flower: forget me nots
Favorite music: pop and poprock
Best friend(s): weasel gold sir
Age: 54
Birthday: june 7
Height: 6'5
Favorite color: blood red
Favorite food: craft beer and hotdogs
Favorite item/gift: drafting paper, horse accessories, wrestling masks
Hobbies: wrestling, horseback riding, architectural design
Favorite flower: dandelions
Favorite music: punk rock
Best friend(s): shield, roost, rancher
Age: 66
Birthday: may 9
Height: 5'6
Favorite color: white
Favorite food: cheese and crackers
Favorite item/gift: books, horse accessories, pearl jewelry
Hobbies: horseback riding, Victorian fashion, filing, reading
Favorite flower: day lilies
Favorite music: classical
Best friend(s): zen harpy
Age: 63
Birthday: april 8
Height: 6'6
Favorite color: bronze
Favorite food: honey glazed pears and goat milk
Favorite item/gift: mead, cheese, bird feeders, cool driftwood
Hobbies: birdwatching, the texts of mother magic, playing the lute, harp and fiddle
Favorite flower: apple blossoms
Favorite music: insturmentals
Best friend(s): saga
Age: 67
Birthday: febuary 25
Height: 5'0
Favorite color: royal purple
Favorite food: craft beer and nachos
Favorite item/gift: shooter video games, weirdly shaped gourds, patriotic tshirts
Hobbies: sparring, first person shooter games, swimming, gourd art
Favorite flower: daffodils
Favorite music: rave and techno
Best friend(s): hilda, roost
Age: 35
Birthday: april 18
Height: 6'1
Favorite color: blue, just blue
Favorite food: garlic bread and fancy bread rolls
Favorite item/gift: leather goods, hats, buckles, axes
Hobbies: axe throwing, riding, exploring, horror stories
Favorite flower: clovers
Favorite music: country
Best friend(s): cider moose
Age: 68
Birthday: august 23
Height: 5'7
Favorite color: sunny yellow
Favorite food: parsnip soup and orange juice
Favorite item/gift: animal anatomy books, bandanas, livestock breed catalogues
Hobbies: anatomy, comedy podcasts, line dancing
Favorite flower: orange tree blossoms
Favorite music: pop or country
Best friend(s): maple
Age: 27
Birthday: june 1
Height: 6'4
Favorite color: neon pink
Favorite food: corn dogs and marshmallows
Favorite item/gift: super hero gifts and comics, cartoon gifts, squishmallows, vintage cartoon dvds, toy instruments, cookie jars
Hobbies: playing the keyboard, voice acting, watching cartoons, thrift shopping
Favorite flower: rainbow roses
Favorite music: disco
Best friend(s): pop tempo vibrato gears
Age: 40
Birthday: may 7
Height: 4'8
Favorite color: dark purple
Favorite food: jello and boba tea
Favorite item/gift: yarn, knitting and crochet hooks, brooches, rag dolls, records, vintage fabric
Hobbies: crochet, knitting sewing daydreaming
Favorite flower: violets
Favorite music: jazz
Best friend(s): basil
Age: 40
Birthday: may 7
Height: 5'11
Favorite color: coral pink
Favorite food: chicken nuggets and fancy chocolates
Favorite item/gift: fine jewelry, seashells, head accessories, old movies
Hobbies: watching black and white movies, watching jousts and spars, floral arrangements, shopping
Favorite flower: lily pad flowers
Favorite music: swing
Best friend(s): pudding
Age: 50
Birthday: november 4
Height: 6'0 long, stands upright at 5'6
Favorite color: silver
Favorite food: sushi and alcohol
Favorite item/gift: food, weird surface trinkets
Hobbies: jousting hunting racing exploring watching spars
Favorite flower: jasmine
Favorite music: electro swing
Best friend(s): hook captain yarrow
Age: 44
Birthday: september 9
Height: 7'3 long, stands upright at 6'2
Favorite color: black
Favorite food: truffles and grape soda
Favorite item/gift: horror movies, cute aprons, leg warmers, stuffed bunnies, fancy wrapping paper
Hobbies: baking and candy making, watching horror movies, clubbing, taste testing
Favorite flower: fairy roses
Favorite music: dance pop
Best friend(s): charm pepper sugar
Age: 60
Birthday: may 24
Height: 5'0
Favorite color: lime green
Favorite food: rock candy and orange soda
Favorite item/gift: crystals, headbands, bandanas, mary jane shoes, bodybuilding magazines
Hobbies: dancing, dance video games, watching spars
Favorite flower: tulips
Favorite music: kpop
Best friend(s): charm pepper sugar pearl
Age: 39
Birthday: febuary 17
Height: 6'0
Favorite color: navy blue
Favorite food: baked potatoes with tuna and herbal tea
Favorite item/gift: fluffy bedding, toad and newt decor, candles, minecraft gifts
Hobbies: playing minecraft, decorating, making cleaning potions
Favorite flower: echo flowers
Favorite music: goth music
Best friend(s): barin arwin Age: 58 Birthday: febuary 24 Height: 5'8
Favorite color: blood red
Favorite food: clams mussels and herbal tea
Favorite item/gift: horror movies, satchels, travel souvenirs, spiderman comics, bitty sized clothes
Hobbies: watching horror movies, rock climbing, exploring, swimming, making potions
Favorite flower: red roses
Favorite music: goth music
Best friend(s): arwin barin silex, Age:49, Birthday: october 7, Height: 6'10
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asmrtist-brainrot · 9 months
Redacted Listeners (Dari Ver.)
This is me mostly talking about like clothing aesthetics.
Also establishing how I see these characters and giving them names!
This is my interpretation and gives me a chance to think about character design a little more! And to help me remember how I plan on dressing/representing their clothes.
~ Dari
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Angel | Malak or Mal - (they/she) [27]
Name Meaning: Angel (Arabic origin)
Short and heavy set. Shaved head and darker skinned, big black lashes, and dark brown eyes.
AFAB//Fashion and general expression leans femme, shifts between not wearing and wearing a binder. Hair is buzzed so is seen as more androgynous. Clothing style waives more in the light academia casual, wears lots of high waist and crop tops. Also, hoodies, hoodies for days - all types - zippered, pullovers, sleeveless, oversized, cropped, etc.
Baabe | Apis - (they/him) [25]
Name Meaning: “Bee” in Latin
Messy, curled, dyed blue hair pulled in a half-bun. Eyes are a deep green. Skin is midtone. Silver ear cuff on right ear, key on chain necklace.
AMAB//Mostly traditionally masculine features with the exception of longer lashes and silky skin, hair is grown out and curly. Well groomed, with a mid tone voice that could be construed as any part of the spectrum. Notably broad shoulders and strong arms. Simple and clean fashion, professional more often than not, if not in athleisure wear.
Bright Eyes | Lux - (they/she/he + primarily uses they/them) [20]
Name Meaning: Light (of Greek origin)
Unkempt blue-white hair worn short with bangs. Eyes were an electric blue before their change. Vamp eyeballs, almost cat-like eyes. Double helixes.
AMAB//Notably considered somewhat of a pretty face, mostly from Freddy's recollection of their high school years - though people found them too intimidating to approach. Bounces all over the spectrum in terms of style. Sticks pretty heavily to the Decora Kei style, somewhat allowing themselves to take all the attention away from Fred. It's a bouncing dichotomy from their foul mouth and sweet face... Frederick and them took somewhat a darker look after their turnings.
Cutie | Hadley, Haddie, or Lee- (they/him)[28]
Name Meaning: Named after Lieutenant Hadley from Star Trek
Short cropped dark blond hair paired with very pale blue eyes. Peachy skin with lots of freckles! Tattoo behind the ear that says "mind over matter" as nod to their powers. Double lobe piercings, labret, purple gemmed necklace.
AMAB//Generally sticks to a sort of academia look, layered items with focus around jewelry pieces. Loves silver and rings and watches! Generally pretty soft in appearance, sweater vests and jumpers and hoodies. Doesn't do baggy pants unless they're cargos.
Darlin' | Barrett or Rett - (they/she/he, no preference)[26]
Name Meaning: Quote from site: "While some sources say Barrett is of German origin and means “as strong as a bear,” others say it's derived from a Middle English surname meaning “strife” and often given to argumentative people".
Short bobbed, messy brown hair. Brown skin and deep gold eyes. Muscular. One gold tooth. Right brow has a slit. Gold ear cuffs.
AFAB//Aligned with wolf pack norms, dresses pretty simply with leather jackets, bomber jackets, etc. Still somewhat fashionable, ranging in aesthetics and gender representation. Pretty confident most of the time despite being covered in scars. Athleisure wear if they're not dressing for a formal event.
Doc | Apollo - (he/him)[30]
Name Meaning: Apollo is the god of healing
Dark skinned with twists in dark hair. Big lips and pretty blue eyes, labret cuff and dimple piercings. Double lobe piercings.
AFAB//Minimalist style. Enjoys soft, flowing fabrics. Black and white and tans, isn’t a fan of all black. Something of a beige enjoyer, sticks to solids. Has an affection for boots and pantsuits! Lots of statement earrings!
Dreamer | Roya - (he/they)[29]
Name Meaning: Dream (Persian Origin)
Dark skinned. Deep teal eyes. Dark hair in braids, extensions are a pretty teal.
AMAB//Style is truly grunge, jackets and ripped jeans. Sleeves ripped off every shirt, paired with beanies and combat boots, multiple types of chunky jewelry… Hates shorts though. Lots of piercings!!!
Freelancer | Caron or Ronnie - (they/them)[22]
Name Meaning: Loving (Welsh Origin)
Black bobbed hair with dyed tips. Pretty dark eye bags. On the bigger side. A lil' pale. Scattered tattoos. 
AFAB//Not really one for any fancy dressing, enjoys dressing casually if at all possible. Style preferences lean gothic, mostly in comfortable hoodies and bracelets - also likes fishnets and arm warmers. Dresses pretty diversely; but likes skirts/dresses for the ease of not needing to put on pants.
Love | J. A. A. I. or Jai- (no preference, referred to with they/them)[physically 21]
Name Meaning: J. A. A. I. stands for “just an artificial intelligence”, Jai is of Indian Origin and meaning “triumph” or “victory”
White, nearly gray skin. Hair is black and long. Eyes are bright green with a ring of white around the pupil. Panelling is subtle.
INTERSEX//Not strictly interested for any type of fashion one way or another. Likes soft, plush or fuzzy items though, scarves and shirts in particular. Would live in pajama pants if they could.
Lovely | Beau - (they/them)[25]
Name Meaning: Beauty, Handsome (French Origin)
Soft strawberry blond hair, short 2 block haircut with white tips. Mid-tone brown skin. Yellow/gold eyes. Has gauges with hoops in them.
AMAB//Pastel goth babe. A truly deeply ingrained affection for sweet, bright colors but also the macabre. Only started incorporating more black into their fashion after being turned. Lives in demonias and dramatic black makeup. Lots of pink to match their dyed hair.
Mentor | Nason - (she/they)[24]
Name Meaning: Helper (Biblical/Anglo-Saxon Origin)
Long side bangs and short blond hair, side bangs are dyed a light blue. Lightly tanned skin and soft blue eyes.
AFAB//Our casual girly! Loves animal prints and necklaces, heels basically all the time. Sticks to simple combos; wears primarily pencil skirts and tight slacks at work.
Professor | Dai - (he/they)[25]
Name Meaning: Peace, Calm (Japanese Origin)
Blasian! Light-skinned and covered in freckles from head to toe, long, black curly hair tied into a ponytail. Snake bite piercings and tongue ring, both gold.
AMAB//Soft boi fashions!! Layers on layers! White sweaters and collared undershirts!! Lots of different crew neck sweatshirts, loves his converse and cuffed pants.
Seer | Aya - (he/they)[33]
Name Meaning: Sword (Old German Origin)
Has albinism. Wild bleach blond curls. Masked their completely white seer eyes with brown contacts; usually but wears sunglasses too. Small lips and covered in freckles.
Smartass | Akira or Aki - (she/he, no preference)[28]
Name Meaning: Bright, Intelligence (Japanese Origin)
Bobbed soft lightish brown hair with silver dyed tips. Mid-tone skin. Baby blue eyes. Wears black framed Warby Parkers. Also has a gold necklace. 
AFAB//Our business casual hoe, tight slacks and multiple types of button downs/collared shirts. Fun pops of color and unique types of collar pins and cufflinks. Patterned sweaters and blazers!! Likes it a lil’ fancy.
Starlight | Juno or Jun - (they/them)[24]
Name Meaning: Child of June, Youthful. Named after the Queen of the Gods but more in reference to the constellation (Greek/Latin Origin)
Baby purple hair styled in a half-shave with yellow tips. Honey brown eyes. Light freckles. Crescent moon earrings.
AMAB//Space prints for days, lots of chokers! Plays with different types of fashion, doesn’t really stick to one type of style but wears mostly dark colors.
Sunshine | Sol - (xe/xir/xim)[23]
Name Meaning: Sun (Spanish Origin)
Messy, short dark hair. Dark eyes. Vitiligo. Freckles. Sun earrings.
AFAB//Sweaters, sweater vests, hoodies - anything comfortable. Off the shoulder, usually layered. Shorts too, always shorts. Will wear leggings underneath if it’s too cold.
Sweetheart | Nox - (he/they)[24]
Name Meaning: Night (Latin Origin)
Somewhat wavy dark hair, pulled back into a high pony or bun. Eye color changes based on colored contacts. Skin is lightly tanned. Double lobes pierced, black choker. E-girl hearts on cheeks.
AFAB//Vintage babe, film noir type beat. 1950s type, lots of simple button downs and pattered shirts. Biker/bomber jackets, layered over a solid shirt. Clean and slick… Does like leather though, harnesses and jackets and boots.
Warden | Pyxis - (they/them)[??]
Name Meaning: Name references the box, or compass of the ship Argo
Tall and on the light skinned side. Hair is dark blue and white. Eyes are a deep purple/lavender. Horns are white and similar in style to Avior's but fade into their skin. Wears silver horn jewelry. Echo eye bolo tie. Lavender butterfly on the inside of the left wrist. 
???//Casual. Lots of long sleeves and business type looks, mostly as the time they spend in Elegy is always due to business. Likes cool colors, leans masculine but pops fun textures and patterns. Likes lace and ruffles in particular. Likes jewelry for their horns and bolo ties.
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embervoices · 1 year
Pondering with my partner which of my many interests are such deeply ingrained Fandoms that I'd seriously consider tattooing some symbol of them onto my body somewhere. Things that induced so much hyperfixation they took over my brain for huge swathes of time, not just in intensity, but also endurance.
I immediately thought of four, thought two of them could be smooshed together, thought of another fourth, and fifth, and then pondered whether those should be smooshed together...
Gaiman: Sandman, Good Omens, American Gods, Neverwhere, Stardust, etc. Henson: Muppets, Fraggles, Dark Crystal, Labyrinth, Storyteller, etc.
But then that overlaps with the Frouds...
Legend of Zelda
Dragon Age
Alice in Wonderland/Looking Glass
I will likely never actually put most of these on my body, if only because I tend to avoid the assumption of permanence by default. But I have found myself trying to figure out how I would design tattoos for them many times. Perhaps another anklet, like the one for my too-many gods, but looking like jewelry instead of nature, with charms for each fandom? Something relatively subtle.
The thing is, everything on this list except Dragon Age has lasted multiple decades so far, and I've written well over 400k words of DA fanfic most of which self-insert, so I feel safe saying that one will stick, too.
Still, Star Trek: The Next Generation, and Buffy the Vampire Slayer were both intensely important to me in adolescence, and I'll never give up the swag I have for them, but I don't find myself pondering tattoos for them. Though if I went the charm anklet route, I probably would add the TNG symbol.
And the Lord of the Rings movies were at least as invasive, but it was fleeting, if only because I quickly found that, for all the enchantment, I was kind of miserable from it. Like eating fairy fruit. I just felt bereft whenever I paused to look up. It's not good for me, so I put it down.
I seem to put back down the fandoms where I'm very steeped in one particular branch, but don't want to dig into the entire franchise? Like, Batman: The Animated Series, but I never got into the comics, or indeed, LotR and ST:TNG. Star Wars is definitely on that list, and Doctor Who, Babylon 5. Sci Fi has to fight harder for my love than Fantasy, I know, but it's also how big the universe already is when I arrive, and how much pushback I get from those already steeped in it? I guess, sometimes I see that bigger universe and want to dive in. Sometimes I see that bigger universe and decide I don't feel like drowning today. I don't know.
On the other hand, I have never balked at taking on the Addams Family, but it has never felt like a deep love, the same way, no matter how many times I return to it. It's always a joyful return, but it doesn't quite feel like a place I need to live? Miyazaki's work is the same way. I'm unlikely to ever turn down a visit, but it's not home.
And that's just looking at the ones for which there's some video element. What about my book-only loves? My music loves? My art loves? My other collections, like Barbies? Don't they matter, too? Of course they do. But they don't take over my brain to the same degree. Or, at least, not as easily. For all that I'm looking forward to this Barbie movie, I doubt it will plug into my love of collecting the dolls very much.
I don't know. I feel like I should get my relationships with Fandoms more than I do. It's not like I don't have a lifetime of practice, right? But maybe that's the thing - it's so much of my life, it's an endless fractal, and no one level seems to have a clear-cut boundary around it. Each bleeds into the next. I know what is and is not mine, but I don't always know why, or how deep it goes.
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bhaalsdeepbat · 9 months
Some Mercy (Durge) & Astarion romance things I've been thinking about.
Mercy cannot braid their own hair. They don't know it's because Sceleritas used to lovingly braid, style, and adorn them before. Like Mercy doesn't knowthis, but it doesn't change the fact that Mercy lacks some basic skills when they wake up on the nautiloid
so mercy's braid was super messy for the first part of the adventure. They'd look so disheveled and unhinged. Everyone thinks they're kind of a slob, but Mercy eventually cleans up a bit with practice and confidence in their sense of self.
One night while sitting beneath the stars, the last time they're able to so, before their descent into the Underdark and trek inro the Shadow Cursed Lands, he'd find out Mercy purrs when he pets their head and would take over doing their hair just to hear his grumpy murder addict melt. Like he'd find it so funny and not realize it comes from a place of starting to have feels for Mercy.
Mercy wears a lot of jewelry bc they like shiny things, it's the one nice thing they genuinely like, but they didnt emerge from the pod with anything but their piercingd. Every other piece of jewelry they own came from Astarion.
Like every time he finished sorting his loot, he squirrels away one or two pieces to give to Mercy, and then they pawn the rest. Almost all of Mercy's fingers have a ring, all picked just for them by their fussy little vamp boyfriend.
And the way he would present it. I think he'd come over to gossip / be bitchy, and just so very casually slide it on. He's just talking and then so casually takes Mercy's hand and slides on a ring, or slips a bracelet around their wrist, just while he continues chatting. Mercy just doesn't like a big show of gifting, and Astarion would be really respectful of boundaries when he realizes the person is just as respectful of his.
But, when he starts getting down bad for someone, he wants to adorn them in pretty things. Like his love languages are gift giving & physical touch.
Mercy's transformation from feral little fuck to well dressed and adorned, this time by their own developed taste, and with the help of someone who loves them for who they are, not for who they have the potential of being.
Mercy also likes to gift give because they are literally a cat. They would hunt, kill, and leave the carcass as a gift for Astarion if they could, but they know it would be a waste of blood. But their gifts tend to be practical.
And Mercy would hunt with Astarion, as well as provide their own blood. They'd hold bandits and offer their neck to him to get his fill.
Mercy buying him a new bow and that being the first new thing he's received that is just his in so long. No strings attached. Mercy just has a strong desire to provide everything they can for this group of weirdos they have the disgusting pleasure of calling friends.
Astarion goes from having nothing except the clothes on his back to having new armor, new clothes, new boots, several new bows, and other items bc his murder happy partner wants to provide him the best equipment to keep him as safe and strong as possible. It's Mercy's way of looking out for him.
Mercy also very much sees him as equally powerful, they just understand they are both powerful in different ways. Mercy would be so vocal about how strong they find Astarion. Like they stroke his ego, often to their own detriment, bc he then would be confident enough to bark at the wrong person and have to go get his bigger dog (Mercy) to help him when a 1v1 Astarion easily could have handled becomes a group he couldn't take on alone.
Astarion would constantly desire physical touch from his partner, which would be a struggle for Mercy at first. They're pretty touch starved and have a hard time initiating contact. The first time Astarion stepped too close, Mercy would have been so stiff and uncomfortable. Like immediately steps back, eyes narrowed, baring their own fangs while telling him to watch it. It doesn't make him back down, but he does reevaluate using touch when trying to seduce Mercy.
Then they start sleeping together and Mercy becomes so enamored by physical touch, and realizes how soft he becomes when Mercy holds his hands, scritches his head, traces his features so their mangled brain never forgets them. Astarion just melts under little intimate touches.
By the time Astarion has his confession, these two would have a routine of sitting together at Astarion's tent for a bit to people watch everyone at camp, Astarion with his bitchy little comments, Mercy snickering and egging him on, and they're just holding hands or Astarion has one hand on Mercy's forearm, rubbing circles into their wrist. Sometimes Mercy is draped across his shoulders, nuzzling into his neck and feeling the way his chest vibrates when he talks.
These rituals continue, but increase in frequency after they do deepen their bond. Mercy would be so used to having Astarion close at all times. Like they'll be standing together with their shoulders touching, or Astarion will take Mercy's hand while they're having a moment of stillness. Like they'd be all PDA, just all non sexual intimacy.
Then Astarion kills Caz, and he is just fucking glued to Mercy sometimes. Like they have an especially good fight and a sweet victory, he'll use the first opportunity he gets for a little adrenaline fueled makeout session. Like he gets a few steps out of Wyrm's Rock Fortress after killing Gortash and he's just shoving Mercy against the nearest wall and having a passionate kiss.
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ao3feed-spirk · 1 year
Opposites Attract
read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/49884877 by CoolCucumber37 Captain Kirk, and Commander Spock are the closest of friends, they are even closer than friends, closer than brothers and even closer than lovers. There is no one on the Enterprise, or even in the entire fleet as close as them, but they are the absolute opposite of each other, and it isn’t just because Spock is a left brained logical half Vulcan, and Kirk a right brained intuitive Human. Words: 3074, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Star Trek: The Original Series, Star Trek: Strange New Worlds (TV), Star Trek: The Original Series (Movies) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: James T. Kirk, Spock (Star Trek), Leonard "Bones" McCoy, Original Alien Character(s), Saavik (Star Trek), Valeris (Star Trek), Original Kirk Character(s), Original Clone Character(s), Number One | Una Chin-Riley (Star Trek), Joseph M'Benga Relationships: James T. Kirk/Spock Additional Tags: Opposites Attract, Cute James T. Kirk/Spock, Protective James T. Kirk, Protective Spock (Star Trek), Neurodiversity, Autistic Spock (Star Trek), James T. Kirk & Spock Friendship, James T. Kirk Has ADHD, Aliens, Blind Spock (Star Trek), Deaf James T. Kirk, Jewelry, Rings, Lockets, Pets, Adopted Children, Children of Characters, Romantic Fluff, James T. Kirk Loves Spock, Spock Loves James T. Kirk, Self Confidence Issues read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/49884877
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faerune · 2 years
💍 for a ship you haven’t answered yet 👀💖
*spins wheel* Joy/Bones it is! (if only to tempt you back into Star Trek because I can feel her pullin me in again)
Joy is a pretty simple lady and prefers a more minimalist style so her ring definitely reflects that (even if Bones would hunt down the fattest diamond for her if she wanted that). She's a silver girly too. Something like this!
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All my girl's boys are BORING (most of them anyways) when it comes to jewelry so Bones would shocker wear a plain silver one. I do like the idea of Joy getting it engraved for him with smth like to the moon and back. Something cheesy!
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radiantgeminiwares · 2 years
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Introducing Command Gold! A gold opal set against a black pigment with silver glitter in a durable tungsten band. Available in 6mm or 8mm wide bands!
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ddejavvu · 2 years
Do you know what you’re going to be for Halloween?
i've been debating between a few costumes! i actually wanted to be eddie for a while, i've got the hellfire shirt and some ripped black jeans, i've got combat boots instead of white sneakers but i can do a leather jacket + jean vest combo with old stuff from my middle school grunge phase - i've got lots of big rings and general punk-ish jewelry that i can wear, lots of chains and stuff, and i can crimp my hair (i'm a blondie but i mean you'll still get the Essence of Eddie) butttt i kinda don't wanna get bullied off the face of the planet LMFAO - i also wanted to go with data from star trek bc i have a jacket that's made to look like his uniform but i'd have to buy lots of face-paint for that and i'm not sure if that's in my budget! we'll see, i'll definitely update you on what i do! <3
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running-in-the-dark · 2 years
Cactus, bamboo and abelia! (Ask game) 🕵️
cactus ⇢ something you’re currently learning (about)?
I haven't actually started yet but I'm going to start reading books about cats - how to make your home cat-friendly, their health, and a bunch of other things. I just want to be prepared (even though I lived with cats for about 25 years lol) :')
bamboo ⇢ do you change into a different outfit when you get home?
usually yes, unless I'm wearing something really comfortable already (like I can't wear jeans at home, it just feels wrong)
abelia ⇢ do you have a particular piece of jewelry you always wear or can’t part with?
I've been wearing my Star Trek earrings basically every day since I got them (I took them out after I got my ears pierced but I'm very excited to start wearing them again). I also have a necklace that my partner bought for me when he was on vacation years ago, and my wedding ring (but it's a bit tight since I've gained weight so it's not comfortable to wear at the moment)
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ratsoh-writes · 2 years
**Favorites list**
Favorite food:
Favorite item/gift:
Favorite color: sky blue
Favorite food: Hotdogs and monster energy drinks
Favorite item/gift: He loves getting gag gifts like buzz rings or whoopie cushions but also loves any sort of science pun t-shirt!
Hobbies: astromony, puns and riddles, the wordcross, stargazing, videogames (sometimes), pranks, instrumental music, playing his trumpet
Favorite color: Cherry red
Favorite food: spaghetti and garlic bread!
Favorite item/gift: hotwheels are one of his favorite things to get, but he also likes collectibles of his favorite metal bands or comic book heroes!
Hobbies: hotwheels, Marvel, DC, any superhero really, fencing, jogging, DIY, puzzles, escape rooms
Favorite color: mustard yellow
Favorite food: tacos, cinnamon rolls and tuna fish sandwiches
Favorite item/gift: he'll treasure anything a friend gets him cause he's just like that, but he LOVES really cringy pun tshirts. the ones that make his brother gag. star also likes getting bright and goofy tights or socks.
Hobbies: sparring, jogging, volleyball, training dogs, trampoline parks, raves, sketching (on the down low)
Favorite color: brick red
Favorite food: also cinnamon rolls, and mozzarella sticks
Favorite item/gift: he loves receiving any sort of figurine or trinket related to his latest obsession. honey is real nerdy, so cater to that and you're good! also nice kitchen supplies
Hobbies: learning new languages, romance novels, Spanish and Korean soap operas, Nintendo video games, baking, dungeons and dragons
Favorite color: pastel yellow
Favorite food: hamburgers and barbeque
Favorite item/gift: star trek junk. nuff said
Hobbies: STAR TREK, fishing, trying new drinks, window shopping and taking apart and fixing up cars
Favorite color: silver
Favorite food: lasagna and red wine
Favorite item/gift: he actually collects novelty pens and has a stationary addiction so anything like that is good
Hobbies: collecting pens, NASCAR, debate club, fencing, trying new French and Italian recipes, playing with his cat doomfanger, visiting animal shelters
Favorite color: silver and gold
Favorite food: burritos and tres leches cake
Favorite item/gift: he loves receiving pretty polished stones or interesting shells and beads he can add to his jewelry
Hobbies: making jewelry, watercolor, gossiping, playing piano, knife throwing, clothes shopping
Favorite color: neon orange
Favorite food: super spicy pizza
Favorite item/gift: gag gifts like glitter bombs, hideous clothing or hot sauce
Hobbies: collecting concerning amounts of salsas that could kill a child, pranks, parkour, money and budget managing, urban exploring
Favorite color: grass green
Favorite food: really big sandwiches
Favorite item/gift: just get him snacks and he'll love you forever. or notebooks.
Hobbies: taking care of his chickens, baking, fishing, nature walks, naps (lol), playing his trumpet
Favorite color: tan or cream
Favorite food: fresh bread of course. he likes savory rolls best like mozzarella basil bread
Favorite item/gift: craft supplies! willow burns through those like no ones business
Hobbies: anything crafty; sewing, knitting, beading, clay etc.. he also plays the ukulele and loves baking of course.
Favorite color: black
Favorite food: chocolate cake and shrimp cocktails
Favorite item/gift: goofy cake toppers and eyeshadow palates
Hobbies: he loves makeup, cake decorating, hanging out with his niece, clubbing, drinking contests, pranks, gymnastics and biochemistry
Favorite color: pastel pink and purple
Favorite food: red velvet and strawberry cake, strawberries, smoothies
Favorite item/gift: LACE, hes always running out of it when hes making new styles of dresses. also flowers
Hobbies: flower arrangements, dress making, sewing, romance novels, making smoothies, dancing, clubbing
Favorite color: royal blue
Favorite food: veggie platters and carrot soup
Favorite item/gift: old history books and lawn ornaments
Hobbies: hes a total history nerd but likes ww1 and ww2 best, gardening, weightlifting, used book stores, gossiping, cleaning (no really)
Favorite color: olive green
Favorite food: veggie wraps and coffee
Favorite item/gift: general animal supplies (bedding, canned food, etc..),
Hobbies: rehabilitating animals, writing novels, late night walks, bar fights (lol), boxing, stargazing
Favorite color: gold
Favorite food: KFC, almond or cherry ice cream, champagne
Favorite item/gift: getting vintage candles is always a good bet. he likes conspiracy books too
Hobbies: conspiracy theories, history channel, collecting vintage brooches, gossiping, bribery and blackmail, teaching high school age kids, clothes shopping, snooping
Favorite color: peach
Favorite food: cookie themed ice cream, pumpkin spice lattes
Favorite item/gift: any sort of art supplies. he burns through them too fast
Hobbies: ART. he does it all, painting, charcoals, markers, digital. he also does a bit of woodworking and sewing too. loves worldbuilding games
Favorite color: periwinkle
Favorite food: fruit! fruit popsicles specifically. also honeycomb
Favorite item/gift: fruit and good shoes
Hobbies: urban exploring, breakdancing, soap making, collecting cool stuff he found outside, being a vent goblin, breaking the laws of physics
Favorite color: powder blue
Favorite food: waffles with fruit piled on top. pineapple
Favorite item/gift: cute shoes and scarves
Hobbies: dancing of course! he can do almost every style. raves, meeting new people, music concerts
Favorite color: royal purple
Favorite food: burritos and hot chocolate
Favorite item/gift: rocks, fossils, crystals fluffy blankets
Hobbies: archeology, geology, astronomy, robotics, inventing new appliances, Disney movies
Favorite color: royal purple
Favorite food: pancakes and protein shakes
Favorite item/gift: sunglasses and sports equipment
Hobbies: most sports in general but the favorites are rugby swimming and shotput. weightlifting hiking bench pressing people, card games
Favorite color: mustard yellow
Favorite food: energy drinks and chicken nuggets
Favorite item/gift: he can be pretty hard to gift as he has very specific tastes, but he does collect old records
Hobbies: collecting music records, working on his bike, biology studies, first person shooter games,
Favorite color: white
Favorite food: chai tea, fancy biscuits
Favorite item/gift: tea packets or cute succulents!
Hobbies: anatomy, his potted succulents, calligraphy, opera, playing piano
Favorite color: apple red
Favorite food: pie!!!!
Favorite item/gift: pie lol, or any homemade food
Hobbies: tending his orchid, cooking, wrestling, photography, bird watching
Favorite color: Jean blue
Favorite food: eggs!
Favorite item/gift: good sturdy jeans and ammunition
Hobbies: hunting, tending his animals, wrestling, cooking, cliff jumping
Favorite color: heather grey
Favorite food: hamburgers coffee and tamales
Favorite item/gift: exotic plants, cigarettes and ammunition
Hobbies: shooting, collecting vintage guns, gardening, naps (lol), pranks
Favorite color: electric blue
Favorite food: tiramisu, pho
Favorite item/gift: running shoes and suspenders
Hobbies: collecting suspenders, running, parkour, pranks, reverse robbing criminals, street fights, basketball
Favorite color: black
Favorite food: cheesy fries, barbeque, vodka
Favorite item/gift: nice alcohol and scrap metal
Hobbies: blacksmithing, street fights, wrestling, kickboxing, weightlifting
Favorite color: navy blue
Favorite food: fancy teas and cheeses
Favorite item/gift: fancy cheese, chains and gloves
Hobbies: fencing, tea making, sewing, sparring, opera, shopping
Favorite color: seashell pink
Favorite food: milkshakes and nachos
Favorite item/gift: any makeup item or colored contacts
Hobbies: makeup and disguises, detective work, poisons, gossiping, pranks, escape rooms
Favorite color: neon yellow
Favorite food: French fries and tacos
Favorite item/gift: anime figurines, new video games, or stickers
Hobbies: anime and manga, coding, any sort of videogame, spyware, trap and techno music
Favorite color: pastel yellow
Favorite food: bbq ribs
Favorite item/gift: large wood pieces and star trek stuff
Hobbies: star trek, woodworking fishing, crafts with his kiddos, secretly feeding the wild deer behind basils back
Favorite color: dark brown
Favorite food: angel hair pasta
Favorite item/gift: interestingly shaped pasta, old books, yoga mats
Hobbies: yoga, reading (everything) oil painting, cooking, gossip
Favorite color: electric blue
Favorite food: cinnamon rolls and egg salad sandwiches
Favorite item/gift: shorts, frisbees and candies
Hobbies: ultimate frisbee, swimming, yoga, trying new drinks, jogging, sketching
Favorite color: mint
Favorite food: also cinnamon rolls and baby tomatoes
Favorite item/gift: vegetable seeds for his garden and new manga
Hobbies: reading manga and romance novels, baking, his garden, shooting the wild deer that eat his tomatoes in the bum with his bb gun
Favorite color: emerald green
Favorite food: stuffed mushrooms and anything with soy sauce
Favorite item/gift: pillows, shiny baubles like beads and cute planters!
Hobbies: urban exploring, dating sims, hiking, whittling
Favorite color: cinnamon
Favorite food: fish and chips, sometimes pringles
Favorite item/gift: molding clay, acrylic paints, glazes and acessories for his iguanas
Hobbies: hiking, pottery, horseback riding, dance video games, wrestling
Favorite color: aquamarine
Favorite food: slurpees or freezes, kettle corn
Favorite item/gift: movie posters and scripts, colorful leggings, goofy sunglasses
Hobbies: acting, raves, techo and electric swing music, parkour, gymnastics,
Favorite color: blush pink
Favorite food: honeybuns and ladyfingers
Favorite item/gift: makeup palates, candies, soft hoodies
Hobbies: makeup art, shopping, romance novels, comedian shows, drink mixing
Favorite color: velvet red
Favorite food: sweet and sour chicken
Favorite item/gift: anything homemade or sentimental, he's hard to buy for
Hobbies: boxing, boat rides, music concerts, budgeting
Favorite color: white
Favorite food: spicy sushi and ginger
Favorite item/gift: custom jewelry, gloves, heels, and homemade food
Hobbies: fashion, hairstyling, nail art, swordplay
Favorite color: black
Favorite food: captain crunch and fruit loops
Favorite item/gift: art books, baseballs, accessories for his pet snake
Hobbies: tattoo art, sketching, baseball, deinking contests, costume parties
Favorite color: ruby red
Favorite food: red wine and risotto
Favorite item/gift: sudoku books, model airplanes, star wars collectables
Hobbies: star wars, mathematics, putting together model kits, parkour,
Favorite color: wine purple
Favorite food: grapes and wine
Favorite item/gift: strategy board games, country music cds
Hobbies: country music, axe throwing, tending his quails, board games, jet skis
Favorite color: bright orange
Favorite food: beer and apple cider
Favorite item/gift: DnD accessories, guitar picks
Hobbies: playing the guitar and violin, singing, song writing, drink mixing, DnD
Favorite color: green
Favorite food: meat pies and beer
Favorite item/gift: blankets, pocket knives
Hobbies: dirt bikes, hunting and trapping, pranks, guns
Favorite color: cream
Favorite food: cheese and crackers
Favorite item/gift: BOOKS
Hobbies: READING, animals, horseback riding, hiking, dirt bikes
Favorite color: blueberry blue
Favorite food: blackberries and trout
Favorite item/gift: notebooks, vegetable seeds, good shoes
Hobbies: writing short stories, mythology, tending animals, gardening, hiking, his radio
Favorite color: new wood brown
Favorite food: huckleberry cobbler and wild strawberries
Favorite item/gift: good wood for carving, power tools, whittling knives
Hobbies: carpentry, monopoly and other board games, hiking, war movies
Favorite color: royal purple
Favorite food: crab, lobster, crawfish
Favorite item/gift: tarot card decks and pretty hippie acessories
Hobbies: fishing, stargazing, astronomy, Astrology, tarot cards, palm reading and fortune telling.
Favorite color: neon green
Favorite food: energy drinks
Favorite item/gift: touristy gifts, travel books, paintball ammunition
Hobbies: rollercoasters, amusement parks, paintball, fishing, distance swimming
Favorite color: orange
Favorite food: lemonade and lemon sweets
Favorite item/gift: lemon candies, frisbees
Hobbies: horror books, playing frisbee, whittling, swimming, surfing
Favorite color: sage green
Favorite food: orange juice and orange sweets
Favorite item/gift: essential oils, pretty beads, twine, weed
Hobbies: jewelry making, weed, sunbathing, his pet dog, making perfumes and incense
Favorite color: copper
Favorite food: anything coconut
Favorite item/gift: renaissance books and art, coconut flavored candies
Hobbies: art from the renaissance and history, boxing, diving, surfing, knife throwing, astronomy
Favorite color: ocean blue
Favorite food: wine, hot chocolate and fancy pasta
Favorite item/gift: leather, wax seals, feather pens
Hobbies: mapmaking, calligraphy, diving, wrestling, knife throwing, collecting wax stamp seals
Favorite color: grass green
Favorite food: potato chips
Favorite item/gift: animal slippers, blown glass trinkets
Hobbies: collecting blown glass art, chemistry and physics, bugs, watercolor
Favorite color: neon purple
Favorite food: macaroons
Favorite item/gift: macaroons and spray paint cans
Hobbies: basketball, spray paint, fixing cars, fighting, parkour, sculpting
Favorite color: pastel purple
Favorite food: corn on the cob and corn bread
Favorite item/gift: stuffed animals, card decks
Hobbies: playing his violin, arcade claw games, gacha games, card games, fantsy novels
Favorite color: silver
Favorite food: mixed nuts
Favorite item/gift: trail mixes, stationary
Hobbies: collecting cute stationary, archery, playing darts and pool. reality tv shows
Favorite color: royal purple
Favorite food: sour gummy worms
Favorite item/gift: shiny keychains and meme tshirts
Hobbies: music in any form, song writing and composing, instruments, painting, VR games, his pet ferret
Favorite color: hot pink
Favorite food: strawberry cake.
Favorite item/gift: feather boas, glitter
Hobbies: singing, karaoke, being with friends, playing instruments, drink mixing, watching sparring matches
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ao3feed-tolkien · 2 years
The Trials of Psyche
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/U8t50Tm
by Frodobelle
The Ring is tricksy, the Ring is false. The Ring gives you what you ask for, but never what you want.
Immediately following the Weathertop fiasco in "There and There Again: A Hansen's Tale by Scorpius Malfoy", Severus Snape finds himself in the Void on the promise of a powerful piece of enchanted jewelry that his wife would never have been put in danger. He finds himself -- through a series of bizarre events -- in No-Maj America, in Austin, Texas, watching his wife enjoy a normal life with Aaron, the man she was going to marry before she met him. A normal life that's about to be ripped apart, and I'll give you three guesses by whom.
But a certain meddling someone (not Cedric) has his sights set on Aaron Carney, and there's a lot he's willing to do to get him away from Devanye. What unfolds is a mystery worthy of NCIS, but will SSA Leroy Jethro Gibbs believe the magical evidence laid out before him -- and what will MACUSA do if he does?
Words: 3570, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, The Lord of the Rings - J. R. R. Tolkien, Star Trek: The Next Generation, A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin, NCIS
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/M
Characters: Severus Snape, Q (Star Trek), Legolas Greenleaf, Data (Star Trek), Jean-Luc Picard, Sandor Clegane, Jethro Gibbs, Abby Sciuto, Ducky Mallard, Anthony DiNozzo, Timothy McGee
Relationships: Severus Snape/Devanye Hansen, Legolas Greenleaf/Devanye Hansen, Sandor Clegane/Devanye Hansen, Data/Devanye Hansen
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/U8t50Tm
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geekdotjewelry · 3 years
Buy Online Original Spin Doctor Ladies | GEEK DOT JEWELRY
$ 1,050.00
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It is much larger on the inside. This massively over engineered piece of Tardis jewelry will remind you daily that life is crazy! You have to enjoy it while you can. The spin Doctor is available in sterling silver, 14 karat white and yellow gold as well as platinum.
Visit Us:- https://www.geek.jewelry/collections/the-good-doctor-collection/products/the-original-spin-doctor-ladies-jewellery-ring-hardware-fashion-accessory-sapphire-metal
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