#star trek spock x pregnant reader
alicebloodborne · 2 years
Spock x Fem! Reader
You've been having an off day. Snapping at crew, getting dizzy spells, constantly tired. Your feet aching since this morning.
You knew why. Pregnancy. It was surprising. You and Spock had been careful. The crew of the enterprise were on their 5 year mission to explore space.
Spock had yet to find out.
The one thing about pregnancy that you couldn't hide, was the weird cravings. The people aboard knew you were a big foodie but your cravings had people concerned.
Thankfully your craving was...human food.
That said, whole pickled gherkins and ice cream was a sight. You were hungry for it all the time. But because your job was on the bridge with Spock and the captain, it was hard to secretly eat. They didn't catch you. Una did. You could feel her eyes on you.
Then there was silence on the bridge when she asked "What are you eating?". When she realised, she pulled a 'realisation' face.
However, when you had yet to answer. You heard a distinctive voice pull you from your frozen position. "Y/n?"
You turned around to this.
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Spock x Reader
Summary: Really just playing to my obsession with Spock having hidden relationships that McCoy and Kirk learn about at random moments. 
Disclaimer: I do not own Star Trek or any of the characters. 
Several beeping machines surrounded you as you woke up. You blinked slowly, letting the surroundings sink in. A sick bay, you knew that much, but it wasn’t your ship. Of that you were certain. Definitely Starfleet, you breathed a sigh of relief, at least you knew you were safe. You close your eyes, trying to bring back the memories of what had lead to your current medical leave. There was an attack, Klingons, you knew better than to engage. But you were clever and knew you could get yourself out of this fight. You could protect your crew…. Your crew, where were they, were they safe? The heart rate monitor began to speed up. “Easy there, sweetheart,” A voice drawled from your right side. You opened your eyes to a gruff looking man, handsome, but gruff. “Breathe.” 
You cocked an eyebrow at him, “I’m not having an admiral die on my watch.” He grumbled. 
You smirked, “I’ll have to remember your dedication.” You mumbled as he tapped his pad and let out a puff of breath. “At least you have a sense of humor.” He retorted, continuing to look over the machines around you and back to his pad. “Tell me doctor, which ship am I on?” You asked as he continued to fiddle around you. “Enterprise,” he said, as he began quickly typing on the pad, the heart rate monitor began to frantically beep. “Shit.” Your eyes flickered up to his, “Doctor?” “Just what the hell did you think you were doing taking on Klingons in your state?” He snapped, pulling himself away from the pad to focus on you. “I’ll have you know I am a decorated admiral…” You began, only to be cut off. “You don’t know.” He murmured, his eyes boring into yours. “Admiral, you are pregnant.” Your breath hitched. Pregnant. You were pregnant. On his ship and pregnant. But you had both kept your relationship a secret. You both respected each other’s career too much to ruin it with a relationship. Space was not a place to raise a child, especially not when you just lost your ship. A family put too many nails into the coffin of your life. “No.” You stated firmly. He chuckled, “This isn’t something an order is going to erase.” You sat up, instantly regretting it as your head began to spin. “My crew,” “Fine, all beamed onto the Enterprise as the Endeavor blew. You’re all lucky.” He said, “If we had not intercepted your distress call you all would have been gone.” You knew why your distress call had been picked up. He was listening, he would deny it to his final breath, you had no doubt, but he was listening for you. It had been months since you had seen him. And now you were pregnant. You should have known that your perfect game of dancing around the universe would come back and bite you in the ass. “Doctor,” You began. “McCoy, sir,” He interrupted. “Bones! How’s the patient?” A man bounded up behind the doctor, an infamous man, who you had the privilege of seeing during multiple hearings, all to determine his future in Starfleet. Captain James T. Kirk. “Alive.” McCoy grunted, finally turning away from you to look at the captain. “Admiral Y/N, it is a privilege to have you aboard my ship.” He stated, with a slight bow. You chuckled, “Captain Kirk, you’ll receive a commendation for this.” He smirked, “You know I’ve always been worthy of one.” You rolled your eyes, you couldn’t deny that you had a soft spot for the impulsive captain. He reminded you of yourself, even if he broke your age records, at all but admiral. “So what brings you to the Enterprise?” He asked. “Klingons,” you mutter. He nods and looks up as another presence enters your small hospital area. You feel his worry, but you can’t see it, no one can as he meets your eyes. “Admiral,” He states nodding his head toward you. “Commander Spock.” You say, returning the nod, feeling your insides begin to squirm, you had forgotten McCoy’s news for a moment. Kirk stared between the two of you, looking back and forth. McCoy glanced between the three of you and shrugged. “Captain, I believe the Admiral will need medical attention beyond my expertise.” Kirk turned to the doctor, drawing his gaze away from his first officer and you. “What makes you say that Bones, you’re the best one in the universe?” McCoy gritted his teeth, you could see his brain trying to come up with an excuse that wouldn’t ruin his doctor patient confidentiality. You sighed, “I’m pregnant.” Spock’s eyes quickly darted to your face, flickers of emotion flew across them in an instance before being pushed down into his regular stone faced demeanor. “So, why can’t we deal with that?” Kirk said unceremoniously. Looking at McCoy. “Perhaps, this is not a normal pregnancy, Captain.” Spock stated. Gazing at you, “If it was merely a human pregnancy I doubt Doctor McCoy would have any problems.” You nodded, glancing down at your stomach where a new life was growing, you had not given it much of a though. You brought up a hand to rest on your still flat stomach, sensing a small flutter. Your eyes met Spock’s and he gave a small smile from the corner of his mouth. “Not up to the challenge Bones? I thought you were made of tougher stuff than that.” Kirk said, smacking the doctor in the arm. “Interspecies pregnancies are not my speciality!” The doctor snapped, both oblivious to you and Spock staring at each other. “I imagine that the genetic makeup of this particular child would cause even more complications.” Spock murmured, moving closer to your side. “And how would you know that just looking at her?” The doctor snarled, losing his cool at bickering with Kirk and being showed up by Spock. “Because the child is mine.” Spoke stated placing a hand on top of your stomach. The two men froze, staring at the two of you, mouths open. You laughed, “Spock, I think you shocked them into silence.” “It’s about time.” He murmured, a gentle smile on his face as he moved his hand along your stomach, you could feel him reaching out to the child. The other two men began bickering amongst themselves, falling out of their dumbfounded silence. You saw McCoy grumble as he started tapping on his pad, something about losing a bet. You looked up at Spock, It will be alright. You heard him say in your mind, I will take care of you. You weren’t too sure if he was talking to you or the child, but all the same, for a moment, you forgot that your universe was crashing down around you.
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mystery-star · 4 years
The Romulan Incident (Part 1 / 4)
Pairing: Spock (AOS) x reader (female)
Warnings: swearing, violence, mentions of death
Words: 3911
A/N: Wheee. My first imagine for Spock. Hope you like it! Also, I’m trying to figure out a way to ‘properly’ label any Spock / Star Trek stories...
Series Navigation:  Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Please do not repost my work on other sites or platforms!
Of course you liked having alien customers in your restaurant. It was the reason you and your family wanted to serve meals from all over the galaxy. But you certainly didn’t like customers that smelled like trouble. Just like the two you had right now. You weren’t too sure if it were Vulcans or Romulans but suggested that latter, considering their constant bickering.
“Hello” you said, walking over to the counter “Can I help you choose?” maybe if you were polite, they would keep calm “Are you looking for something Romulan? I must admit that I don’t really have much of your meals. But I’m always willing to try something new” no answer but at least they now glanced at you. However, you didn’t quite like the look in their eyes. And you had absolutely no idea how to deal with Romulans. Why couldn’t they be Vulcans? They were very pleasant guests. Not to mention that you knew a whole load more about them because your husband was Vulcan. Good, half-Vulcan, admittedly, but Vulcan nonetheless. And let’s not forget, you were heavily pregnant with a quarter Vulcan right now. “Or did you want to try something else?” maybe they just didn’t understand you. A good thing you always kept a universal translator in the restaurant, for cases like this. You turned around to retrieve it, when you felt a sharp pain at the back of your head and before you knew it, you found yourself falling.
There was a metallic taste in your mouth and your head felt like someone had used it like a drum. With a groan you tried to open your eyes. Well, that probably was another incident you had to report to the police. ‘Yeah it’s (Y/N) again… Yes, my place has been targeted again… Romulans this time. Yeah, they knocked me out and no I haven’t seen a doctor yet’ the imaginary talk to the officers made you smile. But once your eyes were open you realized that you weren’t in your restaurant anymore. Instead you were at a dark place, one you didn’t know. Fuck, did these Romulans abduct you? What for?
“Hello, Missy, nice to have you awake” you winced at the voice and blinked in surprise. Then there were rough hands that pulled you to your feet
“Wh-what d’you wan’?” you weren’t even able to speak properly. If it was from the hit to your head or fear you didn’t know
“The Captain has requested to see you”
“Ca-Captain?” did that mean you were on a goddamn spaceship? What did they want from you? Hopefully it wasn’t because of the baby…
“Just walk or I’ll drag you to the bridge by your hair” you did your best to comply with the order, not wanting him to fulfill the threat. You already were in too deep shit right now. Well, now the fact that your husband was a higher ranking member of Starfleet would finally be useful. If he had already noticed that you were gone? Was he even home now? He hadn’t returned for the night but it wasn’t really a rarity he did that. However, he usually contacted you to let you know he wouldn’t return. Or was he home and just left before you woke up again? But usually you noticed when he had been home over the night and that didn’t seem to be the case. After what felt like a marathon, you seemed to have reached the destination. The man in the Captain’s chair sat up and smiled
“I’m sorry, I hope you’re not in too much pain. Have they been rough?”
“I’m fine” you spat “What do you want from me?”
“Technically… there’s nothing I want from you”
“Then could you please tell me… what the fuck I’m doing here?” you didn’t know if it just were pregnancy hormones or something else as well that you were so angry. Okay, you just were abducted, of course you were angry. He only smiled and started a projection. Shortly after a young woman appeared. She too was heavily pregnant.
“This was my wife”
“What happened? She found that you’re an asshole and left you?” the hit to your back told you that it wasn’t such a good idea
“My planet was destroyed”
“Romulus? But… that can’t be. I’d have heard of that” before you knew it, someone smacked you across the face
“I saw it happen with my own eyes, right before I travelled back in time” great, obviously a maniac “But don’t you worry. I got my revenge. At least a part of it”
“Revenge for what? Against whom?”
“Your husband for letting my planet be destroyed”
“I’m sorry but there must be some kind of mistake…”
“There is not” he roared and got up to knock you off your legs with another forceful hit to your face. “I’ve already started taking everything from him in return. And just when he’ll think he has lost everything on earth he will learn that you survived…” he grabbed your chin and lifted you back to your feet “So that I can kill you right before his eyes”
“But what has he done to you?”
“Did you not listen? I lost everything because of him!”
“Uh-hmm” you slowly pinched your upper arm. Maybe it was just a dream. It could only be a dream, this was so weird, only your brain could think of something stupid like this.
“Bring away and sure she’s comfortable. I don’t want anything to happen to her before I tell you, is that clear?”
“Yes, sir” the other Romulan started dragging you away. Although he had to promise that nothing was to happen to you, you still feared he’d do something. Or maybe you should just inflict something to yourself to make sure he got punished. On the other hand, the Captain probably didn’t care if you just had a bruise somewhere. He just meant that you aren’t greatly injured. Stuff you wouldn’t want to experience willingly. Especially not just to get someone else punished. Suddenly, a bunch of Romulans ran towards you, looking like they were driven away from somewhere. Apparently they wanted their friend, your accompaniment, to leave as well but he had no choice but to continue, probably to bring you to your cell or whatever. What was even happening? Were they being attacked? Great, you were on an enemy ship and it got attacked. On the other hand, an enemy of your enemy was your friend… so maybe this was Starfleet.
“We have intruders” one Romulan shouted. Well, this was getting better each second. It could be anything. Klingons or Space Pirates or God knew what. You didn’t even know where you were. Were you still in Federation space? Your guard (if he was one), took out a weapon
“Hey uh…” you said “I know how to wield a knife, so if we get attacked I’d appreciate it if you let me help. I don’t want someone else to capture me. Especially not if it are Orions of the Syndicate” he only backhanded you in the face. Looks like he didn’t approve of your suggestion. It was worth a try though. He dragged you around a corner but then stopped and ducked behind a large machine
“One sound….” he grumbled at you
“Or what? Guess your Captain doesn’t like it if you hurt me” you hissed what brought you a slap to the face. It wasn’t as painful as expected. Absentmindedly, you rubbed your cheek and heard how footsteps came closer until two people ran past you. As if he had waited for this, your captor yanked you with him, going to the direction the others had come from. When you turned around, trying to have a look at the intruders, you stumbled and a surprised shriek left your lips. Before you knew it, the sounds of phaser sounded again and as it seemed, the intruders shot at you.
“Cease fire!” you blinked at the well-known voice of your husband.
“Oh shit” you didn’t know that second guy but he obviously was with Spock, so he could be trusted “Oi, let her go!” you turned back to the Romulan
“Well sucks to be you. If I were you I’d run” but he did nothing like that and pulled you to his chest and something cold touched your neck. A dagger. Why the hell did he threaten you with a dagger if he had a phaser? Oh, he was using the phaser to point it at the two people that now came closer.
“If you come any closer she’s dead” was there fear in the Romulan’s voice?
“Look, I don’t know where you got her but we’re here to bring her back to from where you got her because she doesn’t look like she’s one of you”
“Drop your weapons or I’ll cut her throat”
“It’s not like you’d land in trouble for that, you know? If they don’t get you, your Captain will make you pay. No harm is to be done to me unless he says so” you were pretty sure that he would have hit you had he had a free hand for it. The human you didn’t know was still pointing his weapon in your direction while Spock had lowered his. There was worry in his eyes.
“He can’t kill her, he knows that, Spock. If he did, his only way out is gone” with that, the Romulan pointed his phaser at your baby bump. That elicited an ever stronger reaction from Spock and there was a flicker of anger in his eyes. No he was furious. And you too found that was one too much and rammed your heel into your captor’s foot before ramming an elbow into his stomach. With your hand you tried to reach to his face and hit anything that hurt him enough that he would let go of you but before it happened, there was a stinging pain near your right shoulder. You let out a whimper and before you knew it, your husband darted towards you and yanked the Romulan away from you, sending him to the ground through a couple of forceful hits. But he didn’t stop there. Suddenly there was a hand on your shoulder. “Hey, are you alright, Miss?” your head whipped around to the other man.
“Guess so”
“Let me have a look at your shoulder” at that you looked down and saw that your shirt was slowly getting red with your blood.
“That idiot cut me” you hissed, “He ruined my shirt!”
“I know…” he gently tried to get a look at the wound and made a sound before pressing his hand over the cut where most blood came from. “Bones surely wouldn’t like that. I hope he didn’t hit an artery”
“My friend. He’s a doctor” he glanced at you “Not him though” he pointed his head towards Spock who was still beating the unfortunate Romulan “That’s Spock. And I’m Jim. We’re from Starfleet and we’ll get you out of here”
“I know” you muttered and he lifted his hand to have a look at the wound again, then let out a curse.
“Hey Spock, she doesn’t stop bleeding” that seemed to make magic and all of a sudden Spock was beside you as well. His knuckles were stained with green blood and you only hoped it wasn’t his. He almost pushed Jim out of the way to examine your wound.
“I suppose it would be wise to cauterize it” he said and you let out a whimper and dug your fingers into his shirt. Getting the cue, the other man looked around and retrieved a piece of metal from the ground, examining it before he started heating it up with his phaser
“You should distract her somehow. Talk to her, ask her questions” but Spock only glanced at him questioningly. “Okay, I’ll do it then. You know if it is a boy or a girl yet?”
“A girl” you replied, placing a hand on your stomach
“Any idea what you’re gonna call her?”
“We’ve discussed names but we haven’t decided”
“Bad thing it’s not a boy. You could have named him after me”
“I do not see a logical reason behind your suggestion”
“Well no one’s asked you. Good I’m ready” he looked at the metal “Do you think we should make sure she doesn’t scream? Don’t want them to find us” he came closer and you swallowed, turning your head to Spock
“Kiss me” you said quietly
“Do what?” Jim asked incredulously but his mien got even more hilarious when Spock leant closer and captured your lips in a loving kiss. It was a kiss he wouldn’t usually share when others were around but you didn’t mind and your arms snaked around his neck, trying to pull him closer. “Yeah sure, let’s snog the Vulcan” From the corner of your eye you saw Jim moving and he got ready to burn out your wound. Spock placed a hand on your cheek and turned your face towards his
“Look at me” he demanded “Keep your eyes on me” you gave a tiny nod and closed your eyes, leaning closer to him again. He took the hint and placed his lips on yours again. The kiss would have been much nicer than the first one, had Jim not decided to burn your injury at that moment. Spock gripped you tighter and pressed you against his body as you felt tears in your eyes and bit your tongue to bite back a scream of pain. Once the pain started to ebb away, you dug your fingers into Spock’s shirt again and let out muffled sobs against his shoulder “Have you been injured prior to my arrival?” he asked
“A bit. They knocked me out and hit me a couple of times” you admitted. He didn’t look pleased but he gave a curt nod and got up, slowly helping you to stand as well. Your legs were trembling, so you used him as support
“Do you suggest that your current condition enables you to run?”
“I’ll see” you said “I just have zero condition as you know” you muttered. He wrapped an arm around your waist and then started running. You only stopped when you reached a small ship somewhere. Once you were inside you decided it definitely wasn’t Romulan and even Spock seemed to realize that. Or at least that it would be more difficult than he thought to fly it. But as it seemed the ship wanted to help him and welcomed him as Ambassador Spock
“Wow, that’s weird” Jim said as he marched past you, towards the cockpit. Meanwhile your husband inquired when the ship was commissioned and seemed confused when the computer told you a date from the 24th century.
“But the Captain of this ship said he made a time travel after his planet was destroyed” you muttered “Seems like he wasn’t that off” Spock was gone and you hurried after him, to find him confronting Jim that he had kept information from him
“Oh did I?” he nodded his head at you “I suppose you didn’t just meet her for the first time either, right? Speaking of her…. what shall we do with her?”
“Well it would be really nice if you got me out of here” you replied
“Of course but we’re splitting up. And both our missions are pretty dangerous” Spock looked at you
“Going would him would significantly increase your chances of survival, however, it enhances the probability that pain will be inflicted on you at the same time”
“Then the prospect of a short and sweet death sounds more appealing”
“(Y/N) I do not believe that your demise will…” you pressed a finger to his lips
“Will you ever stop over-analyzing idioms?” you pecked his lips
“As you know I solely question the illogical idioms”
“Yeah and most idioms are” you retorted.
“Good. Enough of the bickering” Jim decided “You can fly this thing, right?”
“Something tells me I already have” again he turned to you and took your hands in his “Are you certain you wish to remain with me?”
“We’re married. We’re supposed to stick together even when times aren’t as rosy as usual” you told him “In case you forgot”
“I did not” he squeezed your hand before he let go and took a seat
“Good luck” you told Jim before you stood next to your husband, looking slightly lost as to what you were supposed to do. “Can I sit?”
“Certainly” he moved over so that you could take a seat next to him but you still placed one of your legs over his
“Good?” you asked and he gave a nod “Looks like this ship wasn’t designed for two people”
“No it is not”
“Anything I can do?”
“As you have already remarked, the ship can be steered by one person. Therefore, I am capable to do it on my own”
“Good. I’d probably crash it before you know it”
“If you knew of your inability, why did you offer your help then?” you shrugged. He often made you question things that felt natural. At times it was annoying, at times you had to admit he really had a point.
“Dunno” you gave another shrug “Well then I’m just moral support”
“I am not in need of moral support” you placed a hand on his
“The blood on your hand tells me otherwise. I’ve never seen you like that before. Not even when that drunk guy tried to persuade me to have ‘fun’ with him” he said nothing and you instantly knew he didn’t like to have lost control. But then he spoke, surprising you with what he said
“The Romulan deserved it very much”
“Alright then. Get that thing out of here” once you had left the ship, you took a look outside the window and to your surprise you were almost directly above earth. He flew towards a hanging object that was attached to the ship and seemed to be emitting a laser beam or fire at the bottom, hitting earth’s surface. “Oi what’s that supposed to be?”
“A drill” he explained that the Romulans were trying to drill a hole to earth’s core and throw some red matter into it to destroy the planet.
“Red matter? What the hell’s that?” as it turned out, it was the red bubble you had seen in the other room of the ship “Wait so you’re telling me we’ve got a super-dangerous and explosive substance on board that could wipe out a fucking planet? That’s insane. There are children present” you exclaimed placing a hand on your stomach, glancing towards said red matter. Then you turned back to the screen at the front to see how Spock fired onto the cord that attached the drill to the ship and finally managed to make the drill fall. Now you took a closer look at earth when it fell down and smiled. “You know, under other circumstances this would be truly romantic. An unbelievable, sight, just me and you” suddenly you remembered a song from an ancient movie and began to sing under your breath (probably a bit out of tune but who cares?) “I can show you the world. Shining, shimmering, splendid. Tell me princess, when did you last let your heart decide? I can open your eyes, take you wonder by wonder, over sideways and under on a magic carpet ride. A whole new world. A new fantastic point of view. No one to tell us no, or…”
“Spock. I knew I should have killed you when I had the chance to” you were interrupted when a small screen at the steering panel went on “If you do not return the ship I will order to have your wife and unborn child killed”
“Ohh bad news” you said, leaning closer so he could see you too “I’m not on your ship anymore, so that threat doesn’t work, liar. But if you want to take your anger out on someone… the guard you sent me with has hurt me badly. And you said that I’m not to be hurt. So you can just, you know, kill him”
“Destroy that ship. I want him dead. Dead” the Romulan shouted and you glanced at Spock
“If they hit us…” you only said. He didn’t reply but pressed a few buttons and then the ship went to warp “Ah that’s effective too” almost to your surprise the other ship came after you and then started firing. In panic you clung to Spock’s arm “Do something. They’re firing on us!”
“(Y/N) I assure you that them opening fire did not go unnoticed” Another ship appeared and destroyed all missiles. He pressed a button and shortly after you heard a voice.
“Enterprise, Scott here”
“Mr Scott, I would like to inform you that there will be one person more to beam back than expected”
“And I’m pregnant, so don’t you dare losing my baby underway” you added
“Pregnant? Sir, may I ask what’s this supposed to mean? Where did ye find her?” the man probably was Scottish, as you decided from his accent.
“Mr Scott, please stand by and await Cadet Kirk’s order to beam us onto the ship” Spock ended the transmission.
“A cadet? You took cadets onto the mission? And why does it sound like he’s leading that mission? How did you even get here so quickly? Or has more time passed than I think? What’s the date?”
“(Y/N), I do not believe this is the right time to discuss this”
“Okay” you were silent but then saw that Spock turned around and steered the ship right towards the much bigger one “Hey, what are you doing?” the computer warned you that a collision would activate the red matter “Spock stop!” you cried, trying to pull him away from the navigation console or at least get away from that ship “You’re gonna get us killed” there were tears in your eyes and you had no idea what had gotten into him. You tried to find the communicator again, to request that you were beamed onto the other ship immediately, before your husband got another great idea to get you killed. But he swatted your hand away, looking at you sternly
“Do you trust me?” he asked
“I trust you, but not when you’re trying to crash our ship into another one! Where’s the logic behind that?”
“Did you forget about the red matter?”
“No but this will… oh, you’re trying to destroy the Romulans… but it’s still gonna get us killed” you looked at the other ship that was coming dangerously close but then you suddenly felt strange and before you knew it, you were standing in a white room and Jim was beside you with a man that leant onto him. A group of people came into the room and Spock led you to them “No, I’m staying with you” you insisted upon realizing it were doctors “I’m fine”
“Your wound requires professional medical attention. Besides, I am on duty” he replied, cupping your face and leaning your forehead against yours
“Alright. But once this is over you’ll have some serious explaining to do”
“I will tell you anything you wish to know” he promised before pulling away and he followed the cadet called Jim Kirk.
Part 2
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peacefulwriter88 · 4 years
Epilogue: Reprieve the Punishments of Yesterday
Part of the Hades & Persephone Steve AU Series 
Steve Rogers x WoC, Bucky Barnes x WoC 
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Catch up on the series here
Warnings: SMUT, 18+ 
A/N: I know I said this was going to be in three parts buuuuuttttt I had to write this last part. It's the last (maybe) and brings some closure to this series. I also have never written the reader character as one single strand of thought - I always captured her from the eyes of Bucky, Steve or her mother so I thought it would be fun to finally show the reader unshackled by the filter of others
I enjoyed very much exploring my love or the Greek gods played out with these MCU characters and hope you enjoyed reading them as much as I enjoyed creating them. 
I made Hades run to me. He saw my bones beneath and offered me half his kingdom. Do you really think I ate the fruit unwillingly?  - Anonymous 
Our apartment is quiet. It's Friday afternoon and while the city bustles with energy, another warm spring day that was fighting the former winters cold our home lies still. The buds for the variety of flora, spices and greenery that I’ve planted weeks earlier are already peeking out of their boxes among the windowsill, the air dances with dust in the sunlight and the faint smell of jasmine and hickory lingers in the air - my perfume braided with Steve’s cologne. 
I close the door quietly - perhaps Steve has had to leave on an unexpected mission; they’ve picked up more and I’m left a few hours to figure out how to share the news with him. The thought gives me relief as I hang up my jacket, place my bag and purse on the console table as I start to sift through the mail, briefly pause and drink in the fresh vase of peonies that he’s replenished on the dining room table. 
It was a lofty thought. 
Steve’s steps are heavy and silent but they betray him enough as he emerges from his studio, walks down the hallway with a smile on his face as he wipes his hands on a rustic red cloth. He’s covered in paint, overpowers his white shirt and worn jeans and  handsome features of his face, the strong biceps in his arms. Mentally I make a note that I need to take him shopping, that he’s somehow gone through yet another month's worth of clothes and wouldn’t think to go shopping without my urging. His face is clean of the beard I’ve learned to adore, fresh faced and revealing his sharp cheekbones, chiseled jaw that still steals my breath away. 
He smiles at me the same time I smile at him - how could one person still make me feel like I’m falling in love over and over again three years later - and before I can speak I’m in his arms, gravity an afterthought as my legs naturally wrap themselves around his waist. 
“Hello Ms. Benedetti.”
“Hello yourself Mr. Rogers.”
He leans in for the kiss before I can finish the words and I moan into his mouth, treasure the way his tongue lavishes my own, tighten my hold around his neck as he carries me into the kitchen, placing me on a counter. When he pulls away his breathing is hard and he’s giving me that sinister dark look that causes my stomach to drop, my panties to flush themselves in desire and he moans knowingly, mouth raking down my neck. 
“Steve, no. We can’t. Sam, Natasha and Bucky are coming over for dinner a few hours from now and we haven’t started anything at all.”
He pauses mid kisses - there’s something bothering him in the statement I’ve said - but he doesn’t reveal it. Instead he pulls away and smiles at me. 
“You’re right.” 
He still has that dangerous glint in his eyes, lust dancing in his irises and I take the opportunity to lean away from him to rest my head on a cabinet, tug on his shirt. 
“How was school?” 
He smiles, leans into my touch, keeps a nose distance from my face to his, 
“It was fine. I got an A on my last project. Got out of class early, went over some reports for some upcoming missions. Got some work in.” 
“Sounds like a very productive day. Congratulations on your A.” 
“Ummm hmmm,” he bends, nibbles on my ear, causes a giggle to erupt from my chest. “How was your day? How was rehearsal? And your mother when she found out that you’re going to tour in Italy this summer?” 
He says the last part lowly, his distaste to her reaction from the last world tour still bitter in his mouth. His hands find my legs, wrap them around his waist again as I breathe out, 
“It was good. A very good day. That pain in my hip has gone away, and the chiropractor thinks that I’m healing well from the surgery on my leg. My mother reacted...the way my mother reacts. But she did express her happiness that I was even considered. She sends her regards.” 
His mouth is busy on my neck, hands moving up my back and dragging me closer to him. It's a lost cause, we didn’t know boundaries to our love and I had rejected his advances this morning when I realized I had woken up late. He was insatiable, needy and I wiggle my hips in his embrace, whisper out, 
“You have an hour Rogers. One hour. Then I need to start on the pizzas I promised everyone.” 
He lifts me, causing me to laugh as he pulls back enough to look me in the eye. 
“One hour.” 
Love making with Steve evolves every time, is a mystery that appeals to my mood and I wonder how he knows what I need from him, what I savor. 
This afternoon he’s lazy in his touches, kisses me languidly and possessively, hands exploring each part of me like it was the first time again. He’s mindful of how I respond to his touch, takes pleasure in going down on me immediately, his tongue lapping at me hungrily until my need for him is admitted through my words. He takes pleasure in having me ride him until I orgasm not once or twice but until I’m exhausted, he wants me to be worn out as his hands find my hips and juts into me, ensuring that I can feel every inch of him. He watches me reverently, in that way that makes my heart stop and my lungs give away, reminds me that I was given the gift of love. 
He’s selfless, only comes upon my urging and when we lay in each other's arms sticky, fingers skating down my arm slowly as he presses another kiss to my forehead I know he knows. Don’t know how he would but something tells me he does. 
He confirms it in an innocent question, 
“How was your doctor's appointment?” 
I hum, watch the way the late afternoon sun falls on our photo hanging opposite on the wall - him and I on our one year anniversary in the coffee shop we met in. 
“It was good.” 
I try not to have my heart betray the anxious thoughts that have plagued me for four months, the question confirmed in two simple words. 
“Your health is good?” I nod and he hesitates, “....and the baby?” 
I lift my head up at him and he watches me, cool blue eyes that drink me in. His face doesn’t betray anything and I try to keep the same stoic look but know that I feared his answer. I still answer, 
He looks at me, smiles though his eyes start to betray the fear that also lives in me, 
“I didn’t think I could get you pregnant.”
“I didn’t think you could get me pregnant.” 
A pause, 
“I’ve never thought about being a father. I don’t know if I want to be.” 
“That's okay,” I don’t mean for the tear to fall down my face, “I don’t really know if I want to be a mother.”
He wipes it away, drags his lips across my own. 
“I don’t know if I want to be a father because I gave up on that future a long time ago. I……..I love you though. I want you to be happy.” 
“I want you to be happy.” I counter back and he pulls away. 
“So do we keep it?” 
“I don’t know.” I laugh, more tears falling down my face. I bite my lip, rest my chin on his chest. Keep my eyes on his. 
“I like knowing that I’m carrying your child.” 
He smiles, cups my cheek. He doesn’t deny the tears that start to fall down his eyes. 
“I like knowing you’re going to be the mother of my child.” 
I sigh, raise my eyebrows, 
“We’re going to keep it then, aren’t we?” 
He laughs, brushing a fresh tear from my cheek, 
“Yea. I feel like we are.” 
Bucky and Natasha are late. 
Sam, Steve and I pass the time playing charades and munching on the bruschetta I whip up while Steve and Sam sip on expensive wine that Tony has gifted Steve and I. Occasionally I check on the pizza cooking in the oven and salad already whipped up and it's halfway through Steve guessing Spock and my admonishment that Steve even knows what Star Trek is that there's a knock on the door. 
I answer it to find a disheveled Bucky in our doorway, black hat disguising his normally bright blue eyes, hands stuffed in his jeans as he gives a slight smile to me. It doesn’t reach his eyes.
“Hi Bucky, are you okay?” I move to let him in and he shrugs, his eyes avoiding Steve and Sams. 
“I’m fine.” 
I want to push more but know it won't serve anyone so I ask the next absurd question, 
“Where’s Natasha? Running behind more than usual?” I try to tease and he shakes his head, moves away from me towards the living room. 
“Not coming.”
He doesn’t stop at the couch, or even to snag a drink but instead moves to our balcony, shutting the door snug behind him. I close the door, turn to Sam and Steve who are giving knowing looks to the other, avoiding me. 
“Steven Grant Rogers,” Sam snickers as Steve flickers his eyes to me. “Explain. You too Samuel Thomas.” 
My voice is stern as I cross my arms. Sam looks at Steve, who gets up and walks toward me. 
“Don’t put your hands on me until you explain what's up with Bucky and Natasha.” I say as I put up my hand he sighs.
“They broke up.” 
“Why?” I ask Sam and he shrugs, 
“I actually have no idea. Natasha just told us that Bucky was a piece of shit and she never wanted to see him again. And she might cut off his dick in his sleep.” 
My eyes look to Steve who is watching me, a knowing glint in his eyes and I place my hands on his chest, lean up and kiss him, his hands automatically wrapping around me protectively.  
“What are you going to do?” he whispers lowly when I pull away slightly and I give a small smile. 
“Finally telling him the truth.” 
Bucky doesn’t look back at me when I slide the door open, step into the cool evening as I close it behind me. Sam and Steve have turned music on, are checking on the pizza and chatting lowly among themselves and I stand at Bucky’s side, nudge him softly. 
“Normally I’m the one trying to avoid all the commotion.” 
He smiles, slightly, looks over at me. Watches me in the heartfelt way he always does, eyes saying far more than his words. 
“You know, don’t you?” he finally asks. 
“I bullied your friends to tell me.”
He sighs, looks back into the horizon. 
“They know why?” 
“No,” I lean closer into him. “But I do.” 
His head snaps to me quickly as I look down at my fingers. 
“Natasha didn’t tell me.” I look back up at him and he watches me curiously. On guard. 
“Who then?” 
I’m silent as I look back at him, sigh as I return my eyes to the sunset.
“Bucky, do you remember the first time you met me?” 
He looks away from me, that shameful way he used to before we had gotten closer, when he’s trying to deny something in himself. 
“It was….two years ago. With Steve. At that cafe you both like.” 
It's a small mumble that I can barely pick up as I look out into the sunset. 
“No it wasn't. It was three and I wasn’t with Steve. I was standing in line and I let this couple step ahead of me. You looked at me and looked like a deer caught in headlights. I was listening to…….. I don’t remember aside from it was for a show, I think. I remember being hungry and thinking you were cute but my hunger won over your attractive looks.” 
His breath wavers, his metal arm tightens around the rail we’re both leaning on but he doesn’t look at me. 
“....what are you saying?” he finally asks and I shrug. 
“I’m saying Bucky I know why you and Natasha broke up. It has to do with me.” 
He looks over at me and I look back down at my fingers, picking at them. A terrible habit I couldn’t break from childhood.
“You never went to that cafe before that day. Neither did Steve. It was some strange coincidence that on that particular afternoon our paths crossed. And afterwards you were always there. Rain or snow or shine I could expect you and Steve in that same spot, Steve looking out the window aimlessly and you, staring into your cup of coffee until I walked in.” 
I laugh, looking up from my fingers into the busy street. 
“You really flattered me you know. This handsome guy checking me out every day. It was the first time any man had given me that much attention. I was waiting for you to ask me out but you never did.” 
I finally look over at him and nudge him and he scrunches his eyes together. 
“You noticed me?” 
“Yes. And then you disappeared one day. And Steve remained.” 
Bucky bites his lips, presses into the rail. It creaks and he pulls away slightly,
“You went to Steve first.”
“I did. But that was innocent. The cafe was packed and I wanted to read my book. It was the only spot open and I at least felt like…..I don’t know I could sit there and he wouldn’t bother me. Steve never paid me any mind, even when I walked by him. I liked that. He was Captain America but he never flaunted this celebrity, this power he has. It made me feel like I could read in peace and move on.” 
“But something changed.” his voice is laced in pain and I resist reaching out, grabbing his hands. 
“Yes. The second time I walked by Steve I was looking to sit at the table next to him. It was his art that grabbed my attention. It was the only reason why Steve asked me out. And...admittedly when I gave him a second glance he took my breath away. I liked being in his presence. I liked the safe, calming effect that came from being around him. The way he looked at me. I don’t think I could have fought it,” he turns away from me, eyes burning. “That’s the point Bucky. I know you….I know how you feel about me. I know you won’t let it go. Me go. Steve’s told me about when we first started dating. About you….following us.” 
Bucky whips his head toward me in fear. Ashamed. 
“Don't be upset. Its okay Bucky. He told me because he felt terrible about the way things played out. But you need to know that I love you, but not like that. I don’t think I ever will love you…..like that.” 
I place my hand carefully on his shoulder and he flinches, eyes tearing up. 
“Of course.” 
“Doesn’t mean your unworthy of it though, the kind of love Steve and I have for each other,” I whisper lowly. “Doesn’t mean you can’t give it. Natasha really loves you. You should…..well not now she might actually kill you but you should fix that. I know she’ll let you after a while. She’s told me how she feels about you. I think you really care about her too and you just let me get in the way.” 
He breaks, hands falling into sobs and I wrap my arms around him, draw him close. 
“What if I can’t. What if can’t get over you?” 
I sigh, rub his back. 
“Oh Bucky. I don’t know. Why condemn yourself to hell when you have a chance at heaven?” 
Tag List: @Sad-af1121, @whichwayisthebeach-Sebass, @theplumbclub79, @4theluvofall, @tatathekissypatato, @baezen​, @lostinthoughtsandfeelings-blog​, @plumbfondler, @pegasusdragontiger​, @prettybubblesintheair​, @docharleythegeekqueen, @brieannakeogh​, @palaiasaurus64​, @emotchalla​, @thejenniferincident​, @shayla-markele​, @supernovasandcoronas​,  @toastmaster94​, @brandybucky​, @papi-chulo-seb​, @jaamesbbarnes​, @paulxrudd, @badassbaker​, @letsalltakeanap​ @papi-chulo-bucky​, @moonbeambucky​, @jaceyfade​, @samingtonwilson​, @violentlybarnes, @wehaveathor, @buckfics​, @frostbitebakery​,  @killmongerdreams​, @plussizeappreciationfics​, @softlybarnes​, @prettyyoungtragedy​, @angryschnauzer​,  @221bshrlocked​,  @yslbucky​ @zohoffman @ssweet-empowerment@capsofwinchesters@tacohead13@harleycativy@pietrotheavenger@francezka10@papichulosebastian@obsessionsofmynerdheart@melaninmarvel@avengedqueen26@nasteaxluvgal@winterbuttmunch@nys30@buckyslongasshair@ohlumi@wellthirsted @jalapenobarnes @geminimoonbeamx  @ssweet-empowerment  @chrisevans-sexualfrustrations @xceafh @misskenni @younghades
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starfleetimagines · 5 years
Upcoming Imagines (Feb. 2/20)
These are all of the requests I have received and have decided to write. I can’t promise when any of these will be written and I don’t have an order that I’ll be writing them in - I just write whatever one I have inspiration for at a given time.
Currently, I’m very busy with my university classes as well as volunteering at my old elementary school one day a week. So, I don’t have much time to write. I have a break week in two weeks so hopefully I’ll have some time then to write some stuff. But yeah, here are the requests that I’ll try to write in the next few months:
Quark – Marital Advice (aw--heck on tumblr) [Any chance I could get a DS9 request where the reader goes to their best friend Quark to talk about marriage troubles with their husband Worf? A bit of comforting banter at the bar type thing?]
Garak – Flirtatious Surprises (anon on tumblr) [I wonder if I could please request a DS9 Garak x reader imagine where the normally quiet plus-size reader flirts with Garak in front of everyone and leaves him flustered but in the end he just kisses her and everyone cheers?]
Data – Panic Attack (Area_C-137 on wattpad) [Maybe you could write one we’re the reader is in a relationship with data and he see the reader having a panic attack and then they cuddle to make the reader feel happy]
Data – First Date Part 2 of First Meetings (ElfWarriorQueen on wattpad) [Maybe them going on their date and there could be some kind of unfortunate accident that draws them closer together; like drinks get spilled over the reader, or maybe there’s a malfunction in the elevator and they’re stuck for a while.]
Trip Tucker – Tension (adela-topaz-caelon on tumblr) [Can I request a vaguley smutty Trip Tucker x Reader, where they're on a mission together in a shuttle, there's some repartee between the two, who aren't yet dating - and comments start leading to others and so on and forth and such, and then there's a time skip to them going back to the station, and whilst they did get the work done, other's can tell by marks on the Reader's neck that something has happened.]
Christopher Pike – Parents (anon on tumblr) [I had a realization thats night if you can do Disco Pike becoming for dad I'll love you forever]
Wesley Crusher – Comfort (anon on tumblr) [could I request something fluffy where Wesley does his best to comfort the reader after her now ex-boyfriend break ups with her b/c of lack of sexual intimacy and the reader avoids Wesley cause she feels she's not smart enough or pretty enough for him]
Leonard “Bones” McCoy – Dance Practice (jesterofsorts on wattpad) [I was wondering if you could do a Star Trek imagine about AOS Bones? Maybe if he teaches the reader to dance because they don't know how and they fall in love with each other?]
Garak – Rescue Party (kate_the_dork on wattpad) [I was wondering if you could do a Garak x reader where the reader is taken by the Dominion and is interrogated for info about ds9 but she won't give it up cuz she's too cool for that lmao. And then, cuz I'm a cliche and fluffy gal, Garak comes to save her?]
Garak – “Sew, you like me?” (Indirect_Detective on wattpad) [Could you do a Garak x reader? Him coming to terms with loving the reader and finally trying to admit is but doctor Bashir keeps cutting in and ruining the moment. Garak finally gets the reader alone and compliments the reader(looks and personality) as he's hemming readers uniform before opening up to the reader?]
Malcolm Reed – “Talk to me, please.” (chevyp15 on wattpad) [Malcolm Reed x reader where reader seems off and when Mal confronts them they break down and confess all their worries about the relationship?]
Deanna x Will - Pregnant (anon on tumblr) [Can I ask you for something fluffy between Deanna Troi x William Riker where set during an official Starfleet ball and they announced that Deanna is expecting a baby again, but Deanna feels uncertain after the death of their son Ian Troi and Riker comforts her, which leads to a bit of passionate kisses please.]
Garak - Presents (anon on tumblr) [Ah I request an imagine for garak. Like he’s at his shop and his so comes in with something from cardassia for him and he has no idea how his so got it for him and she refuses to say. But he’s super happy about it because it’s something he’s missed for so long. And just fluff ensues?]
Pavel Chekov – Set Up (anon on tumblr) [Can I get an imagine with Chekov please? Fem!Reader works in engineering and is like a daughter figure to Scotty. When Chekov starts shadowing Scotty, he meets the reader and a friendship quickly forms because they are both adorable dorks. Scotty notices that their friendship could become something more with a nudge in the right direction. Soon the Scotsman has get both the reader and Chekov together. Just something super silly and fluffy!!] 
Kathryn Janeway – Protection (anon on tumblr) [Hiiiiiiii could I have a Janeway x reader fic where she steps in front of you to protect you and uses her arm to shield you and is super gentle with you and everything? Can be romantic or platonic whatever works best for this!]
Spock x Uhura – Wedding Bells (anon on tumblr) [Can I ask you for something fluffy between Spock and Uhura where they get married on planet Vulcan with all their friends and family around them?]
Being Pavel Chekov’s Betazoid Wife Would Include… (dancingwith-thesunflowers on tumblr) [Could you write some headcanons about Chekov and female betazoid-human hybrid!reader getting married and having children please?]
Dating T’Pol Would Include… (anon on tumblr)
Will Riker – Pregnant (borzanimariana on wattpad) [Write with command riker and reader are married and she's pregnant, please]
Having Worf as a Father Figure Would Include… (anon on tumblr) [Being a security office and having Worf as a father figure (cause y/n is one of the youngest in the crew)]
Being Married To Jean-Luc Picard Would Include… (spaceyslytherin on tumblr) [Request: Being married to Jean-Luc Picard would include.]
Malcolm Reed – Nightmares (wraith-queen-todd on tumblr) [Heyyyyy ep so can I request a Malcolm reed imagine where he comforts his so after thy have a nightmare about him dying-? If that’s ok. I never really request before haha sorry I’m so awkward]
Scotty x Jayla – Graduation (anon on tumblr) [Can you please write an oneshot with Scotty + Jaylah where Scotty is at Jaylah’s graduation from Star Fleet Academy and Jaylah admits to Scotty that she is proud that Scotty is the first person she considers “a friend”?]
Data x Geordi – Domestic Life (anon on tumblr) [Hey! If you could. Would you be able to write an one shot please with some Data + Geordi fluff where in an AU, Lal (Data’s daughter) is a small child and both Data + Geordi married and are looking after her and they’re playing and having fun with Spot the cat, as he causes mischief.]
Trip Tucker – “You’re hot when you’re jealous.” (anon on tumblr) [Hello I’m the smut asked about trip. As for the thing I was wondering if it could be like trip for jealous of someone flirting with his so and she reassured him that she only has eyes for him? If that’s ok?]
B’Elanna x Tom – PDA (anon on tumblr) [If it’s okay. Would you write an oneshot between Br’Elanna & Tom Paris where they are arguing about things, but in the end, they have a romantic moment, which is seen by the rest of the crew, without them realising. Please? Thank you in advance!]
Michael x Ash – Nightmares (anon on tumblr) [Hello, I love your writing!! 🥰 Could I request an oneshot with Michael comforting Ash after having a panic attack during his PTSD please? ✨ Thanks!]
Leonard “Bones” McCoy – Study Date (SloveniaReader95 on wattpad) [I was thinking... maybe with Bones where he is a year or two ahead at the Academy and for the first exam, the reader is already giving up, but Bones is there not letting her do it or something:)]
Malcolm Reed – Destressing (anon on tumblr) [Can you do a Malcolm reed smut if that is alright? Maybe Malcolm comes back to their room after a shift stressed and his so tries to calm him down a bit and it turns into smut?]
Kathryn Janeway Being Your Mother Would Include… (anon on tumblr) [Could you write some headcanons about Janeway being the reader’s mother, please? Thanks so much! I love your beautiful writing!!]
Julian Bashir – “Surprise!” (anon on tumblr) [DS9 request: The reader's belly has popped. So have her buttons. It's time to tell Julian the two of them are going to have a baby.]
Will Riker – “I love you.” (catherinedm on tumblr) [Hi(: I love your blog your writings are amazing. Could you maybe please do something about Will Riker telling you(the reader insert) his fellow enterprise officer he’s been datuing for a while that he loves you for the first time? Thank you so much!! Keep up the great work]
Sylvia Tilly x Michael Burnham – More Than Friends (anon on tumblr) [Can you please write an oneshot where Sylvia Tilly helps Michael, when she finds out that she has never been on a proper human date, she decides to play matchmaker for Michael, not realising that her friendship with her new roommate could lead to more..]
Trip Tucker x T’Pol – Family (anon on tumblr) [Would you be okay to write an oneshot based on Trip and T'Pol, where they have been living on Vulcan with their daughter Elizabeth for a few months, and they're hoping that sooner rather then later that they’ll have another baby? Thank you so much! I love your beautiful writing for the Star Trek fandom!!]
Ezri Dax x Julian Bashir – Moving In (anon on tumblr) [If it is okay with you please?. Can you write an oneshot where Ezri and Julian attempt to build a life together, no matter what odds they may face. Thank you so much!]
Kira Nerys – Socially Awkward (anon on tumblr) [Can I request something for Kira Nerys with a female reader who's very opinionated/clever but socially awkward/a little overly cautious? Maybe a civilian of some kind, but that's not 100% necessary.]
Worf x Jazdia Dax – “Marry me.” (anon on tumblr) [I know requests are closed, but I am sorry and I do apologise for not being more specific about the Worf and Jadzia oneshot request. Would it be okay if it was something like it was last night for the Defiant, maybe set on Gaia ("Children of Time") and Worf surprises Jadzia by asking her to marry him. Hope that makes more sense! I’d be willing to send it again, if it doesn’t. Thank you very much!! I love your writing by the way!]
Will Riker – Home Safe (tngbabe on tumblr) [I'd like a will riker and reader. I'd love to have him take me home from a party because I'm drunk and wants me to get to my quarters safely and then stays.]
Comforting Kathryn Janeway Would Include… (geekyamorel on wattpad) [I was wondering if you wouldn't mind doing a KathrynXReader. Maybe something like Janeway is having a bad day and the reader tries their best to help calm her and maybe ends up making a fool of themselves just to make her smile and laugh]
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triptuckers · 5 years
Morning sickness (Pavel Chekov)
Request: Yes: Hey! If it’s okay, could you write an imagine featuring Pavel Chekov + Female Reader where both the reader and Chekov find out they are expecting a baby and they ask Captain Kirk if they can if transferred off the Enterprise to raise their baby on earth. Thought it would be a nice tribute to Anton Yelchin without killing Chekov off, if they ever did make a possible sequel. Thanks!! Pairing: Pavel Chekov x female!reader Summary: The request itself is a pretty good summary!! Warnings: None  Word count: 2.8K A/N: I got this request and oh my god this is so cute I love Pavel. Also, this is my first Star Trek request!! Thank you so much for requesting this. It took me a bit longer than I intended, because I started college a few days ago and all the travelling is something I have to get used to. Anyway, to the one who requested this, I hope you like it, enjoy reading!!
You open your eyes and for a brief moment, you’re not sure what woke you. But then you feel your stomach and you quickly untangle your legs from Pavel’s. You throw the sheets off of you and hurry to the little bathroom. Just as your knees hit the ground, you throw up into the toilet. You hear footsteps approaching and someone holds your hair back with one hand and rubs your back with the other. When you’re done, you flush the toilet and sit up, resting your back against the wall.
‘Are you okay, my love?’ says Pavel’s soft voice. You close your eyes and nod. You feel how Pavel wipes your mouth and cheeks with a piece of paper. You then feel a hand pressed to your forehead. You open your eyes and see Pavel’s face inches away from yours. ‘Hmm, you don’t have a fever.’ mumbles Pavel. You rest you hand on his knee as you look at him. ‘Pav, I’m fine. It’s probably just some food that wasn’t fresh. It’s nothing.’ you say. Pavel looks at you knowingly. ‘Are you saying that because it’s the truth or because you want me to believe it so you can just go to work tomorrow?’ he says. You chuckle. ‘Both.’ you say. Pavel stands up and holds both of his hands out to you. You take them and he pulls you up.
‘Are you sure you’re okay?’ he asks again. You smile and kiss his cheek. ‘I’m fine, I’m just tired. Let’s just go to sleep, yeah? We both have an eight-hour shift tomorrow, and I don’t want you to work that long without getting a decent amount of sleep.’ you say. Pavel agrees with you, and the two of you walk back to the bed. It’s far from a king size bed, given that it’s meant for one person. But you rarely stayed at your own quarters. The bed fits you and Pavel, and you both sleep better if you’re together, so you figured you’d just stay with Pavel. You cuddle closer to Pavel and rest your head on his chest. You listen to his heartbeat and after a while, to the soft snores coming from him. Shortly after that, you drift off as well.
Scotty’s voice wakes you and you slowly lift your head. You turn your head to try to find out where the sound is coming from. Rubbing your eyes, you sit up. Pavel’s arm falls off your body, but he doesn’t wake up. You groan when you find out the sound is coming from the yellow shirt Pavel was wearing the day before. You get out of bed and walk over to the chair he put the shirt on. You search for his communicator and find it in one of the pockets of the black pants laying underneath the shirt. 
‘Scotty?’ you say and you rub your eyes again. ‘Mornin’ Y/N!’ he says happily. ‘Would you mind waking Chekov for me?’ No one was surprised if you answered Pavel’s communicator or if he answered yours. Everyone knew you always stay at Pavel’s quarters, so that’s always the first place anyone goes when it’s late and they’re looking for you. ‘Give me a minute.’ you say and you walk back to the bed. You sit down on the bed and kiss Pavel’s cheek.
‘Pav?’ you say softly and you run a hand through his curls. He hums and you chuckle. ‘Pavel, wake up. Scotty needs you.’ you say. He opens one of his eyes and looks at you. ‘What?’ he says in a low, morning voice. His accent is always thicker in the morning. ‘Scotty needs you.’ you repeat and you hand him the communicator. Pavel groans before taking the communicator from you. ‘Mr. Scott?’ he says. ‘Sorry to wake you, but we’re going to need you down here. One of the new guys messed around with the controls and now everything is in Russian. We can’t find out how to put it back to English. Any translation Lieutenant Uhura tried didn’t work.’ says Scotty. ‘I’m on my way.’ says Pavel. He hands you the communicator back and sits up. ‘Sorry, my love, but I am afraid we have to skip morning cuddles.’ says Pavel and he kisses your forehead. ‘That’s okay. We have tonight.’ you say. Pavel smiles at you before he quickly puts on his clothes and runs a hand through his hair. 
‘By the way, did you feel sick when you woke up?’ asks Pavel. ‘No.’ you answer. ‘Why?’ ‘Because if you did, you should go see Doctor McCoy.’ You chuckle. ‘Pavel. I threw up once. I don’t have to go see a doctor because I threw up one time.’ you say. ‘Just to be sure you could-‘ ‘Pav, honey, I am fine.’ you interrupt him. Pavel nods at you and gets up off his place next to you on the bed. He’s about to leave when you call him back. ‘Pavel!’ you say. He turns around to look at you. You raise your eyebrows at him. He smiles, knowing what you mean. Pavel quickly walks up to you and presses a loving kiss to your lips. ‘See ya.’ says Pavel and he runs off. ‘Bye.’ you say.
Throughout the day, you write reports, you help Spock with his research, and you do a number of other things. Around lunch time, you start to feel dizzy again. You don’t throw up, but you do feel sick the rest of the day. You have an hour left of your shift when you decide to call it a day and you head to Pavel’s quarters. As soon as you open the door, you let yourself fall on the bed. One of your hands rests on your stomach and you lay the other over your eyes. You don’t know for how long you’ve been laying there when you hear the doors open. 
‘Y/N?’ you hear a soft voice calling you. You remove your hand from your face and open your eyes. Pavel is looking at you with a worried look on his face. ‘Hey Pav.’ you say softly. ‘What is going on?’ asks Pavel. ‘Just tired.’ you lie. Pavel sighs deeply. ‘If you’re still sick tomorrow morning, you go to Doctor McCoy.’ says Pavel. ‘Fine.’ you say. ‘Can I at least get my night cuddles? Given that I didn’t get my morning cuddles.’ Pavel smiles at you and nods. ‘Been waiting for it all day.’ he says.
When you wake up, Pavel is still asleep next to you. You take a moment to look at him. His chest rises slowly as he’s breathing. His face is turned toward you and you smile to yourself and lean in to kiss the top of his nose. You want to keep looking at him but you feel your stomach again. You get up as quietly as you can, not wanting to wake the sleeping man next to you. You tiptoe to the bathroom and try to throw up as quiet as you can. But after a few minutes you hear footsteps approaching you. You flush the toilet and look up to see Pavel looking down at you. He crosses his arms in front of his chest and raises his eyebrows at you.
‘Yeah, I know. I’ll go see Bones today.’ you say. Pavel holds out his hand and you take it. He pulls you up and looks at you. ‘Is it just your stomach?’ he asks. ‘Or is there more?’ ‘No, just throwing up, that’s all.’ you say. You look at Pavel and notice the way he’s looking at you. ‘Pavel, I promise you, it’s just the throwing up. I’m sure Bones knows what’s wrong with me and I’m sure he knows how to fix it.’ you assure him. Pavel nods and kisses your forehead. ‘Thank you.’ he says. ‘Thank you for caring about me.’ you say. ‘You know I’m too stubborn to look after myself.’ Pavel chuckles. ‘Of course, Y/N. I love you.’ he says. ‘I love you too.’ you say and you lean in to kiss him.
The doors open and you’re quick to spot Leonard McCoy in the room. He’s frowning while looking at some papers. He looks up when he notices someone entered the room. ‘Morning.’ he says. ‘Hi.’ you say as you walk up to him. ‘Everything alright?’ he asks you. ‘That’s my opinion.’ you mumble to yourself. ‘Look, I’ve been throwing up lately. And though I think it’s nothing, Pavel insisted I’d go see you to find out what’s going on with me.’ Bones briefly raises his eyebrows and he walks to one of the beds. He pats on the bed. ‘Come sit down so I can assure Chekov you’re fine.’ he says. You do as he says and Bones begins to check you for any unusual things. 
‘Huh. Well, that’s weird.’ mumbles the doctor to himself. ‘What is it?’ you ask immediately. ‘We’re going to make a scan, okay?’ he says. ‘Why?’ you ask. ‘Just to get some clarification, that’s all.’ says Bones and he walks with you to a different part of the room. He tells you to lay down and lay still. You do as he says. It’s probably nothing, you say to yourself. If there was something seriously wrong with you, Bones would react very differently, and he’d probably call in Captain Kirk right away. Once the scan is finished, Bones tells you to come over. You get off the bed and walk over to him. He points at the screen in front of you and you look at it. You gasp softly when you see the image. ‘Might want to tell your lover boy you’re expecting.’ says Bones. ‘Is that- Am I… Am I pregnant?’ you say softly. ‘The scan’s pretty accurate, darling.’ chuckles Bones. ‘Congratulations.’ ‘I- Thank you. I have to talk to Pavel.’ you say and you can’t help but to smile brightly. ‘Yeah you should. Go tell him you’re more than fine.’ says Bones. You nod at him and quickly leave. You couldn’t believe it. This explains it all.
You quickly make your way to the bridge, where Pavel is. You walk up to him and he’s surprised to see you. ‘Y/N! What are you doing here?’ he says. ‘I need to talk to you.’ you say. ‘Alright, but I don’t know if the Captain would-‘ He can’t finish his sentence because you’re already walking away from the bridge, holding his hand. Pavel keeps asking you what’s going on, but you don’t respond until you’ve entered his quarters. You turn around and look at him. ‘Are you finally going to tell me why you dragged me away like that?’ he says. You smile at him.
‘Morning sickness is something that occurs when you’re pregnant.’ you say. Pavel looks at you confused for a moment. But then his face lights up and he steps closer to you. ‘Are you?’ he says. You nod happily. ‘Oh my god!’ yells Pavel excitedly and he wraps his arms around your waist, lifts you in the air and spins you around. You laugh loudly as you hold on to him. When he puts you down, he rests his forehead against yours. ‘I am the luckiest, the luckiest,man in the entire galaxy.’ says Pavel and you chuckle and kiss him.
Unfortunately, you and Pavel both have a shift to finish. You want to spend the rest of the day with him, but you can’t just abandon your work. You did agree to head over to Pavel’s quarters as soon as your shift ends. The hours go by slowly and the other crewmen seem to notice your mind is somewhere else, but they don’t mention it and let you work. As soon as your shift is over, you quickly make your way to Pavel’s quarters. You open the door to find him already there. He smiles brightly at you.
‘Hi.’ you say as you walk over to him. He gives you a long kiss and you smile. ‘I thought we could have a drink, but since you can’t have any alcohol now, I made us tea. I hope that’s okay with you?’ he says and you feel your heart melt. ‘Tea is perfect, thank you.’ you say. You and Pavel sit down and he hands you a cup of tea. You’re quiet for a few minutes as you sip your tea. He made it just how you like it. You notice Pavel looking at you out of the corner of your eye. ‘Are you going to stop staring at me any time soon, pretty boy?’ you say and you can’t help but to smile. You turn your head and you’re not surprised when your eyes immediately meet his. Pavel shakes his head as he looks at you in awe. ‘No.’ he says. He takes your hand and kisses your knuckles. You blush and playfully roll your eyes at him. After all this time he still managed to make you feel like a 12 year old school girl.
‘I love you.’ says Pavel. ‘I love you too.’ you say and you take another sip of your tea. ‘Pav?’ you say. He hums in response, still looking at you. ‘During the day, I got some time to think. I think we should go back to earth. I want our son or daughter to be able to grow up on earth, and not on a spaceship.’ you tell him. Pavel nods. ‘Just like I thought. Do you know how dangerous it is to be on a spaceship? We should be able to let our little boy grow up safe.’ he says. ‘Little boy, huh?’ you say. ‘Someone has preferences.’ Pavel chuckles. ‘I am fine with a boy or a girl.’ he says. ‘But a boy would be nice.’ he adds to it. You laugh softly and finish your tea. ‘How about we talk to the Captain first thing tomorrow?’ says Pavel. ‘Yeah, sure.’ you say.
The next morning you and Pavel get up earlier, given that you agreed to go talk to Captain Kirk. The two of you hold hands as you walk through the halls. It’s not as crowded as it normally is, which you are grateful for. Pavel can’t keep his eyes off you, and every time you look his way you catch him looking at you. Once the doors to the bridge open, you look around the room. You spot him talking to Spock and walk up to him. ‘Captain?’ you say. ‘Sorry for interrupting, but Pavel and I have something we want to discuss with you.’ Captain Kirk looks at you and nods. He points to a door, gesturing you to enter the room. Once the three of you are inside the Captain turns to you and Pavel. ‘First off, thank you for dragging me away of Spock. I had a feeling he was about to lecture me again.’ he says and he chuckles. ‘What is it you wanted to talk to me about?’ You look at Pavel and he smiles at you.
‘Well, we found out yesterday that we’re expecting.’ you say to the Captain. ‘Really? That’s great news, congratulations!’ he says. ‘Thank you.’ you say. ‘We want to ask if we can return to earth. We want to raise our son or daughter in a safe place, not in space.’ says Pavel. ‘You want to be transferred off Enteprise?’ says Captain Kirk and he looks at you and Pavel. ‘Yes.’ you say. ‘I mean, I get it, of course. I get that you want what’s best for your baby. But we’ll miss two of our best crewmen.’ says Captain Kirk. You smile at him. ‘I really do get it. Don’t worry, I’ll tell Starfleet and I’m sure they’ll understand. I’ll let you know once it’s settled.’ ‘Thank you Captain.’ says Pavel. ‘I do expect a call when the first Enterprise baby is born.’ says Captain Kirk and you laugh. ‘Will do, Captain.’ you say. Pavel takes your hand again and the two of you leave the room. ‘I’ll be late tonight, I’m taking over a shift.’ you say as you walk through the halls. ‘Are you sure working late is good for you?’ says Pavel and you laugh. ‘Pav, I’ll be fine. Just a few more shifts and then we can go home, and you don’t have to worry about me anymore.’ you say. ‘I’ll always worry about you because I care about you.’ says Pavel and you turn to smile at him. ‘I love you, Pavel.’ you say and he smiles as well. ‘I love you too, Y/N. More than anything.’ he says and he kisses you before pulling you in a tight hug. You’re already looking forward to spending time on earth with him. You’ll miss Enterprise and the crew, but starting a family with Pavel is all you want at the moment.
A/N: If you want to request something, make sure to read my house rules Here’s the list of characters I write for. Everything that I have written can be found on my masterlist. Please don’t repost my work, as I spend much time and effort on it!! Thank you for reading! Much love, Jo
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Hello guys~
This is the famous "Bad Things Happen Bingo" and I really wanted to do it, since I like horror, angst and these stuff!
So I want to thank the staff of the tumblr blog badthingshappenbingo. They have created this wonderful bingo card and I think it’s a great idea, thank you so much!
This bingo is horror so don’t be surprised if the topics are harsh but I’ll put triggers and warmings.
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I write Oneshots and drabbles for this Bingo event.
The more details you give the best is.
I write canon x canon (if I like the pairing) and canon x reader. Specify the kind or pairing you want in your request, please!
I can deny a request if I’m not able to write it and/or if I feel too unconfortable with it.
You have to wait, it takes time before I am able to write a request.
Then you can send your request, have fun!
No Illness and any mental disease because I am not informed about them and I don’t like to talk about these arguments without the proper knowledge and delicacy. I have never studied psychology so I cannot argue about this subject.
I don’t write about pregnancy or pregnant women.
I don't write about underage sex or pedo topics.
Star Trek TOS / AOS / TNG / DS9 / VOY *
Game of Thrones (Tv Show)
Steven Universe ( No movie)
Stranger Things
*  For Star Trek TOS/AOS I write for the main characters like Kirk, Spock, Bones and Scotty. For TNG  I write for every character. And for DS9 I write every character.  For Voyager I write till the second season, because i’m still watching that.
info about badthingshappenbingo
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bubblegum-star-trek · 7 years
Christmas memories (bones x reader)
Merry Christmas @goingknowherewastaken
pairing: bones x reader
warnings: none
word count: 1,137
This is for @outside-the-government star trek Christmas fic exchange, thanks for letting me take part in this.
My first Christmas memory with Leonard started with me, laughing at the icing I gloped onto his face went nicely with the slightly oversized Santa hat on his head, “get back here you little minx!” He shouts at me as I speed out of our shared quarters as my boyfriend chases me down the corridors. he always catches me and I always run. He grabs me swings me around and kiss me, the icing now dropping onto our clothes.
The sound of Nyota shouting “That’s a keeper!” catches me off guard, we look at her holding her PADD up, standing next to Spock and Jim, who is chuckling at our antics.
The next one was when I got Christine and some of the other nurses to help decorate sickbay. Leo had said that he didn’t agree with decorating a place where people were sick and injured. I remember the surprised and slightly horrified look on his face when he came into sickbay and it was covered in tinsel, baubles and another random assortment of Christmas decorations, the best part was when he saw his office, the Christmas tree which we had covered in hollow baubles filled with bourbon and saurian brandy. That Christmas we spent mostly off our faces because of the contents of those baubles.
The next year his face came into view he grabbed my right hand in his left, put his right hand and arm around my waist and moved my left hand to his shoulder and spun me around the floor as the peaceful sound of a crewman playing the violin, another playing the piano as the sweet sound of a 21st century song spills out.
The room filled with cheers as the sound of Scotty announcing his congratulations to the newly wedded Mr and Mrs McCoy, and all that is in the eyes of the man I have married is love.
We spent the next Christmas alone I ordered Leo around the room as I lay on the couch, as he put the decorations up telling him that one went here and that other one went there. My pregnant stomach jutted out before me as he flipped down onto the couch and kissed my belly and said hello to our little one and that he couldn’t wait to spend the next Christmas with us both. I cuddled into my husband of one year as we lay on the couch watching the fake log fire crackle in our quarters.
Our fifth year together, well lets just say that was the worst christmas of all. Have you ever christmas dinner in a large hall surrounded with Admirals whilst your baby girl is at home with a ‘Starfleet approved babysitter’. Least the turkey wasn’t synthesized like the past four years, but then again we weren’t in full dress uniform making my neck feel like it was in a sling. It seemed to go on forever, we were there a good five hours when I had noticed that Jim had disappeared, maybe an hour later Nyota and Spock disappeared. I wish I could be doing the same but Leo was busy talking to someone, looked to be an admiral.
A tap on my shoulder made me realise that I had company, silently groaning I turned to see the warm face of Scotty. Sighing in relief I got lost in conversation with my boss when eventually Leo finally finished his conversation with someone who I now I realised was the Chief Surgeon of Starfleet Medical division, a perfectly nice person but quite stuck up.
Every christmas was beautiful after that, I had my husband and my child. My job and my friends. Life was perfect and Christmas was the most perfect part of it all.
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meganlpie · 7 years
Fic Recs (Aug. 6th)
Hi there, lovelies! I know I said I’d do fic recs once a week, but let’s just be honest...that is never going to happen. I just don’t have the time to read as much in a week as I used to XD So, I’ll post recs once of twice a month, instead. Here’s a long one for you!
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I have 5 WIP today!
“An Arranged Marriage” written by @katymacsupernatural. In communities of hunter’s, marriages are arranged. The reader is somewhat unsure of her arranged marriage to Dean. (SPN, slight AU) 
“What are the Odds?” written by @avengersandchill. The reader starts a new job at the end of the summer, only to run into the 3 guys she had flings with. (Mamma Mia/cop AU)
“Sleepless”(completed) written by @imaginethestarwars. The reader, a mechanic, finds a cat belonging to her enemy. General Hux (Star Wars)
“Pizza Parker” written by @viollettes. Peter Parker delivers pizza and a girl eats them. The cutest, most awkward friendship is formed! (Avengers)
“Summer Fling” written by @supernatural-jackles. The reader runs away to her father’s house. There she meets Dean Winchester. (SPN AU)
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“Silently Running” written by @lovemesomepie85. Dean kicks the reader out of the bunker, leading her to blurt out the fact that she’s pregnant. (SPN, angst)
“Green-Blooded Matchmaker” written by @musikat18. Spock sticks his nose into Bones and the reader’s relationship. (Star Trek, fluff)
“For the Rest of My Life” written by @thehobbitimagines-durin. Dwalin can’t stop himself from kissing the reader. (Tolkien, fluff)
“High School Sucks” written by @besslincoln-bruh. Mick accompanies the reader to her high school reunion. (SPN. I love this trope BTW) 
“This is Why You Can’t Have Nice Things” written by @tangle-of-ivy. Lassiter accidentally handcuffs himself to his desk. (Psych, humor with a dose of fluff. Do you know how hard it is to find Lassiter fics??)
“Hunting Gone Wrong” written by @hypermanga. The reader was Gaston’s childhood protector and the two remain friends for years. (BatB, fluff, slight angst)
“Lannister Blues” written by @thenoblehouseofdayne. Jaime’s marriage is arranged. To a Tully. (GoT)
“No Pressure” written by @soitmightgetweird. The reader uses Steve as a buffer between her and her ex. (Avengers, slighly angsty fluff) 
“Loved and Lost” written by @the-fruit-that-writes. Harrison realizes that he’s in love with the reader. (The Flash, drabble) 
“Missing the Cold” written by @angelofasgard16. Leonard is gone and the reader reminisces as she wears his parka. (Legends of Tomorrow, angst fluff)
“It Starts With a Damsel” written by @x-criminalminds-x. The reader has to go undercover to catch an Unsub. Rossi doesn’t like it one little bit. (Criminal Minds, angst and fluff)
“The First Waltz” written by @littlemisscaptainfandom. Sirius tells the reader how he feels about her, at the Yule Ball. (HP: Marauders Era, romantic)
“Remembrance” written by @8cetera. A case involving the reader rattles Sonny. He tries to comfort her, but they end up comforting each other. (Law & Order: SVU, angst)
“Teddy Bear” written by @not-moose-one-shots. The reader and John have a fight. He makes up with a cheesy pick-up line. (SPN, slightly angsty fluff)
“The Swing of Things” written by @fandom-writes. Hux takes his wife out sing dancing. 
There you go! That’s several weeks of fics for you, lovelies! Happy reading and lots of love!
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kimmiearrington89 · 7 years
Fear is inside me
Leonard McCoy x Reader Fandom- Star Trek AOS Word Count- 1240 Warning includes a panic attack, angst, and a little fluff at the end. -------------------------------- For several days now you have been throwing up and getting released from duty each day. Spock, who is in control of the department you are in told you to take a leave for a few days and to see your husband who happens to be the CMO. You really didn't wanna see your husband but you decided to head down to medbay when you knew your husband wasn't there. The doors swish open as you walk in and see Christine at the desk. You walk over as she sees you. "Hey, Y/N. Leonard isn't here right now," she says. "I know he isn't but Spock wanted me to come down here to be examined," "Do you want to wait for Leonard to come back?," "No I rather he not know I was even here. Could you do it Christine?," She sighs as you knew she couldn't do it but you didn't think it was that serious. "Sure, take a sit on biobed 1 and I'll be there in a few minutes," You walk away from the desk into the exam room as you sit down onto the bed. You hated being in medbay, not cause your husband works here but because you hated the feel of it. She walks into the room as she closes the door behind her. "I put a fake name as who is in this room in case Leonard comes back before we are done," "Thanks. I don't think it's too serious, maybe food poisoning or the flu," "We will see. Lay down for me Y/N," You do as you are told as she pulls out a tricorder, going over your body with it. It takes a few minutes as she completes the scan. "Umm Y/N, what have your symptoms?," "Throwing up a lot, and a headache here and there," "Well I found something on your scan," "What is it?," "Your pregnant Y/N, about 6 weeks along by what the tricorder is saying. Congratulations," You didn't know what to think. You and Leonard weren't trying to have a baby nor have y'all talked about having one. This is a complete surprise. "Don't say anything to Leonard. I'll tell him. Thanks," You quickly get up as you rush out of medbay and head down for your quarters. Reaching the door, you place in your code as the doors open. Walking in you close the door as you make your way over to the bed, sitting down. You are pregnant, you couldn't believe this. You didn't know whether to feel sad or happy right at this second. Hell you didn't even know if you wanted to be a mother or if Leonard wanted to be a father again. Shit Leonard. What is he gonna think of you being pregnant? Will he be happy or sad? Would he want you to keep it or not? These questions go off in your head as you lay down and curl into a loose ball. All you could think of is Leonard's reaction and what he wants to do. It fills your brain up fast as you didn't know what to do. Curling your self tighter into a ball, you just let the tears fall down onto sheets that smelt like your husband. This made you cry even harder as you feel your chest tighten up. Your body starts to shake as you couldn't control it anymore. You eyes shut tightly as your body passes out. Your husband walks into your quarters after a long day. "Y/N, sweetheart I'm home," He turns the corner as he sees you on the bed. Walking for the bed, he sits down as he sees the tears on the sheets. "Y/N," He starts to move your body as you wouldn't wake up. He knew you suffered from panic attacks because he had to help you through one before. He moves your body as you weren't responding to his shaking. "Darlin' you need to wake up. Y/N!!!," He is freaking out as he quickly uncurls you and picks you up into his arms. He looks down at your swollen eyes, puffy and pale face. He quickly walks out of your quarters and heads for medbay. He starts to cry as he just looks down at you. "Y/n, you need to wake up," This is the worst attack that you have ever had. He reaches medbay as he rushes you into a bio bed, laying your lifeless body down as Dr M'Benga comes rushing over. "What's wrong with her Leonard?," he asks. "I think she suffered a panic attack. She has a history of them but never this bad. She isn't waking up but she's still breathing," "Let me examine her Leo, let's see if anything else is going on," Leo stays right by your side as M'Benga goes over you body with a tricorder. "Well there is only one thing going on inside of her and I don't know if she told you or not," Leonard has a weird expression on his face as his eyes go over to the doctor. "What?," "She's pregnant, Leo," This hit him as he looks back down at you. Then it clicks in his head, you had a panic attack cause you just found out you was pregnant. "Is she in a coma?," "No she isn't, just a very deep sleep," "So it's just a waiting game," "Pretty much Leo. She will come out of it soon enough," He grabs your hand as he kisses it "Y/N, I love you so much darlin'. I'll be right here when you wake up no matter what," Your eyes flicker open to a darken room as you had no idea where you were until your eyes adjusted. You were in medbay as you feel your hand in someone else's as you gently turn your head to see your husband's hazel eyes onto your eyes. "Hello darlin," "Hey Leonard," He smiles at you as you could tell he has been crying. "Don't you ever scare me like that again sweetheart. I don't wanna come home and see you lifeless," "I'm sorry Leo, I didn't realized I had a panic attack again," You knew but didn't know you passed out from it till you woke up. "Why did you pass out for darlin?," "Leonard, I found out I'm pregnant. I kept thinking about you. If you wanted to be a dad again, if you wanted this baby, didn't know if you'll be happy or sad. I didn't know if I wanted to become a mother. Christine is the only other one who knows," "I know. Y/N, did you really think I didn't wanna become a dad again or that I wouldn't be happy about this?," "Leonard I didn't know what to think. You know when I get something on my mind and I over think that I have a...," "Panic attack, I know Sweetheart. I want to tell you this right now, I want this baby, I'm excited to become a dad agin and I couldn't picture having a child with anyone but you," He places a hand on your cheek as he plants a kiss upon your lips, passionate but not too much. Tears are now escaping from both of your eyes as Leonard is crying as well. You couldn't be any happier to have a more supportive husband than Leonard.
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Two Ships Passing in the Night {4}
Series Masterlist
Spock x fem!Reader then Bones x fem!Reader
Summary: Time aboard the Defiance as captain is new, but you think you will be able to handle it, as long as you don’t lose it on a diplomat. Jim is determined to beat down the walls around Leonard’s existence.
A/N: Hi, it’s been a while. I have a plan for this story, so many nice parts, that are towards the end, still working on the bulk of it. But here’s an update! I do not own Star Trek or any of its characters
Warnings: Alcohol Consumption, Language.
Word Count: 1,536
You made the way to the bridge of your ship. It was surreal being captain, watching ensigns salute and scatter away. You took the captain’s chair. So many times you had seen Jim take his seat, you wondered how he managed. You stared out across the hangar, you would be taking the ship into space in a few hours, you had managed to get a few moments to yourself on the bridge. There was something daunting about sitting in the captain’s chair, having all of those lives in your hands. And now you had even more lives to worry about, your hand rested on your abdomen.
When you accepted this appointment you had worried it would be ripped out of your hands because you were going to have a child. It seemed that Starfleet had decided your existence was good press, or at least better press than sending you out on the Enterprise. You had been in the hangar when they took off. You stayed in the back of the crowd, but Leonard saw you, he waved as they sent off on their excursion. You were one of the last people in the hangar watching the ship float away into the stars.
The prospect of a child had scared you initially, petrified you. Everything you had worked for was wiped off the table permanently. Sure, there were things that could be done, things you could do to handle it, but you could not bring yourself to go through with any of them. You chuckled to yourself, the notion that your world would end with a child was such an antiquated idea. Your world would continue, just not in the path you had always planned for. You sighed, “I promise to give you the universe little one, I may not be able to give you a perfect family life. But the stars, the universe, even worlds. These are what I will offer you.” You whispered in your chair. Heart aching for the crew you had spent so much time with. Feeling like something was missing as you looked around your bridge.
Realistically, you knew that you would see them again, Jim, Leonard, Scotty, even Spock. Maybe before the five years were up, diplomats could be sent behind their excursions. You had to tell yourself that you would see them again, sooner than later.
“Sir.” Your first mate, T’ral, a Vulcan greeted. “We are beginning loading the crew, we will be ready in an hour.”
You nodded. “Thank you, are you ready?”
She tilted her head, “I am.”
A smile played across your lips. The parallels of the Defiance and Enterprise made you chuckle. Having a Vulcan first mate had been a bit of a surprise, but you knew that even in the most dire of circumstances, having a Vulcan at your side was a great asset. “Glad to hear it.”
T’ral glanced down at your hand resting on your stomach. “How are you feeling?” She asked.
“Well, thank you.” You carefully took your hand away from your stomach. The crew was aware they were serving a pregnant captain, no one was out of the loop, but you still felt the need to hide.
“If you require, I have several remedies from my mother, for pregnancy. I know your condition is unique. I doubt that I will be needing them soon, but if you require.” T’ral said gently.
You smiled at her. “Thank you.”
Her lips remained in a thin line, but you knew that she was being kind. You looked to the monitors as you heard the sounds of the crew beginning to board the ship. The journey was going to begin, your PADD beeped, you glanced down to see a message from Leonard. Good luck, Captain. You smiled and typed back a quick thank you.
Leonard sat in his office, it had been surprisingly quiet on the Enterprise. No injuries to speak of, for two weeks. It was a goddamn miracle, he thought for a moment about putting up one of those old signs. “It has been blank days since our last incident.” He glanced down at his PADD smiling when he received the thank you message from you.
The ship felt odd without you, like there was an emptiness. Leonard knew it wasn’t just the ship that felt odd, it was him too. He sighed and pulled out his bottle of whiskey, that was definitely standard issue for all doctors, especially doctors serving onboard a ship with James Kirk as Captain. As he poured a glass a telltale head of blonde hair poked just inside his office door.
“Jesus Jim, give a man a warning.” He grumbled, grabbing another glass from his desk.
Jim sat across from him, accepting the whiskey from his friend. “You want to talk about it?”
Leonard took a sip of the whiskey and looked over at Jim, “Talk about what?”
Jim chuckled and took a long swig of whiskey, wincing as he swallowed. “Strong shit.” He muttered, “Whatever it is that has you in such a mood.”
Leonard sighed, swirling the glass of whiskey, watching the amber liquid spin in the glass. “It’s nothing.”
“Bones, don’t tiptoe around the subject. She’s on another ship.” Jim snapped, putting his feet up on Leonard’s desk. Leonard had to bite his tongue to keep from snapping at the captain.
“She’s on another ship, what more do I need to say?” He grumbled, still watching the whiskey.
“She’s captaining another ship and she is pregnant.” Jim said, meeting his friend’s eyes.
Leonard took a swig of the whiskey in the glass. “She is.”
Jim remained silent for a moment, hoping that his friend just might elaborate. When the silence became longer and more uncomfortable Jim decided to poke the bear. “Dammit Bones, I get more of a reaction out of Spock when I talk to him.”
Leonard’s hazel eyes clouded, “Don’t you dare compare me to him. Don’t even think about it.”
Jim smirked into his glass, he had hit a nerve. “Then talk to me.”
“What do you want me to say Jim? She is going to be a galaxy away, she’s pregnant, with another man’s child. I can never be there for her in the ways that I wanted. She’s on a whole other ship. I’ve lost my chances and all I can do is hope that I can send her messages on the PADD and check her medical logs to make sure she and the baby are okay.” Leonard ranted. “Everything I ever could have wanted is across the galaxy and I might see her in five years, but who knows what will happen to her in five years. I was around and she ended up with someone else.”
“But who was there when she got the news?” Jim asked, taking a sip of the whiskey. “It wasn’t the father of the child, it was you.”
For some reason that comforted Leonard, brought him a small bit of peace. “I miss her already, Jim.”
“I think, she’ll be waiting for you.” Jim said, glancing at his friend. While it wasn’t quite the confession he had been looking for, it was more than he had been able to get out of him for weeks.
You sighed, you had been captaining the Defiance for a month now, shuttling diplomats across the universe, hosting parties onboard the ship. And you would have given anything to be onboard the Enterprise for even one minute. You remembered why you enjoyed the exploratory missions, you didn’t have to be a service. You turned off your PADD when you heard the shift change.
“Captain, get some rest.” T’ral said from her post. “I’ll watch over the ship. If we need you we will find you.”
Relief pulsed through your tense shoulders, you rose from your chair, rolling your shoulders and entering the lift. You didn’t remember how long it had been since your last good sleep. You made it to your quarters and scanned in. The room was larger than you had expected, being the Captain’s Quarters. One addition that was not conventional for the Captain’s Quarters was a nursery, a cradle had been set up for when the baby came. There was a weight to being the first Captain to have a family on board a ship.
You made your way to your shower, letting the warm water fall on your body and try to loosen the tension that had grown from trying to keep the most recent group of diplomats happy. You left the shower feeling lighter, you glanced at the PADD by your bedside, a message from Dr. Ambrose reminding you to take vitamins and care for yourself. An update from Leonard on how the adventures of the Enterprise had been going, including a few detailed accounts on how he wanted to kick Jim Kirk’s ass from here to the end of the universe. And a message from Jim asking how captaining was going, how you were feeling, and commiserating about the trials of having a logical first mate. You turned the lights off and your PADD lit itself. You grabbed it and glanced at the screen, you froze.
One new message from: Commander Spock.
Part 5
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fanscribbling · 8 years
Terra Nova ~Part One: New Town~
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And so it begins! Part One of a ten-part series written for @outside-the-government​‘s ‘Write Away the Winter Blues’ challenge! I’m thinking 1-2 instalments per week as it goes. I’ll put it together in one long post at the end. Beware, the prompt may look fluffy, but this story is definitely more adventure-suspense (with fluff involved of course!)
UPDATE:  This fic is now complete! Please see my MASTERLIST for all following parts :) 
Because I love them both, I’m melding the TOS and AOS Bones timelines. If you so desire, there are Easter eggs to be found!
Fandom: Star Trek (AOS/TOS). Pairing: Reader X Bones
Words: 1,489
Warnings: some suspense, a few mild swear words. Can’t think of anything else!
Tagging @medicatemedrmccoy :D Thanks for letting me ramble about this fic! If anyone else wants to be tagged just let me know!
“Captain’s Log, Stardate 2285.4. We are orbiting an unknown planet, which lies beyond Starfleet’s updated star charts. I’ve elected to call it ‘Surak’, because it looks peaceful, but it appears there’s turbulence under the surface. Plus I’m 99% certain it will annoy Mr. Spock, a fringe benefit of being Captain.”
“Captain, I am incapable of experiencing annoyance.”
“I amend my statement. I am 100% certain it annoys Mr. Spock. Regardless, we have detected a Starfleet medical distress signal coming from this planet, which - according got our sensors - currently houses humanoid life with a culture distinctly similar to early 21st century Earth. To limit possible disruption, I am only sending Dr. McCoy and security officer Y/l/n to the planet’s surface. They are scheduled to report back in one hour.”
Pressing the button to end recording, Kirk looked out at the slowly rotating planet, the red land gleaming in sunlight. You and Bones were down there somewhere. It was the right call but still, he hated not being on the away mission. Drumming his fingers on the arm of his chair, Kirk realized it was useless.
“Mr. Spock, you have the con.” rising from his seat, Kirk moved to leave the bridge. Maybe if he practiced some more he could finally get that nerve pinch to work.
“I swear to God Jim did this.”
Looking down in disgust, Bones stuck a finger through a large tear in the left leg of his jeans. “How the Hell am I supposed to treat a patient in these? One bend and they’re gone!”
Smiling to yourself at his words, you let your eyes move to the trees that surrounded you as they swayed softly in the cool breeze, heavy with the promise of rain.
“Of course he did,” you replied, not taking your eyes off the scenery. “Did you expect him to miss a chance like this?” You toyed with the edges of your own costume - a loose chiffon top with white pants. White pants - yeah those were going to be dirty in two seconds flat.
“Why couldn’t it have been Victorian,” Bones grumbled, moving to your side. “At least I look good in a suit.”
“But why have that,” you retorted, pushing the image from your mind, “when your legs could look like a smurf threw up?” You finally turned to look at him, grinning, and he smirked back at you.
“All right smart-ass, we’d better get on. You ready to become Mrs. McCoy?”
You felt something jump in your stomach, but as usual you ignored it. You took his arm and leaned into his side, batting your eyelashes. “Let’s go darlin’.”
His eyebrow quirked as you laughed, and although he tried to stop it, you could see the corner of his mouth twitch upwards. Feeling the first few drops of rain, you opened your umbrella, and the pair of you moved quickly down the road, towards a small sign labeled ‘New Town’.
The back lanes were just as densely wooded as the spot where you’d beamed down. It had been at least half an hour since you started walking, but you’d seen nothing at all - no animals, no people, and certainly no town.
“I don’t know if I like this Y/n,” Bones said, his voice low and tight. “Scotty said he’d placed us close to the beacon. This doesn’t seem - ”
In one move you’d released his arm, pulled your phaser from your back pocket, and stepped in front of the doctor. You’d both seen it, that flash of colour behind one of the trees.
“Hello?” You called into the empty lane, trying to hide your phaser and keep up the act. “Is anyone there?”
There was a small scuffling sound.
“My name is Mrs. McCoy, and with me is my husband Leonard. He’s a doctor - we heard that there was someone hurt here, and since we live close by, we thought we’d come and -”
“The doctor!”
You tensed automatically as a man’s smiling face appeared, followed quickly by the rest of his body as he stepped out from behind the tree and bounded over to you. “Oh thank God. I’m so sorry - can’t be too careful around these parts!” Taking your hand in his the man grinned at you, his teeth and hair shockingly white against the darkness of his skin.
“I’m a doctor, yes,” Leonard replied, brow furrowed. “As we said, we heard something -”
“Yes, yes,” the man waved away the explanation, “I know the story. They’ll all be so glad you’re here. Follow me!” Without another word he took off down the road, walking briskly. Exchanging a silent look, you and Bones followed him. The lane snaked onward until you began to see the dark outlines of wooden houses bloom out of the foliage. With them, you heard the quiet hum of generators, just like on the Enterprise. Immediately, you felt your stomach relax.
“Tanya!” Your guide called, running forward to meet a tall woman with dark hair that ran in knots over her scalp. “He’s here, the doctor!”
Turning her hazel eyes on you both, she grinned along with the man. “Truly? We’re so glad you’ve come, welcome to New Town Dr -?”
“McCoy,” Bones answered, moving forward to shake her hand. “And this is my wife, Y/n.”
“A pleasure,” Tanya replied, shaking your hand in turn. “I am Tanya, and this is my husband, Ayo.”
“I’m sorry I didn’t introduce myself before,” Ayo said. “We were just so anxious to have you here.”
“How did you even know-” Bones began, then stopped himself. “Never mind that now, we heard someone was hurt.”
Tanya and Ayo looked at each other. “Not hurt, exactly-”
“Not hurt?” You could hear his frustration growing, and placed a steadying hand on Bones’ arm. “What do you mean?”
“We were told this was an emergency situation.” you rejoined.
“It could be!” Ayo said, eyes wide. “We don’t know, it’s just -”
“Wendy’s pregnant,“ Tanya cut him off. “We’ve never had to deal with this before!”
“You sent out a priority one distress signal!”
With your shout all talk died. A small, wistful smile crept onto Tanya’s face. “We knew it would be Starfleet. Is it Enterprise?”
“What-” both you and Bones started to say, but Ayo jumped in.
“Yes, Enterprise! Ha ha ha, it’s a little game we have here! The town you came from must have been called Enterprise!”
He was still grinning, but now instead of feeling welcomed, a shiver ran through you.
“Oh yes!” Tanya laughed along with him, the sound harsh and false. “Was I right?”
“Yes.” you said slowly.
“Did you send the beac-”
“Come with us, we’ll show you to the patient!” Ayo cut Bones off, grabbing his hand and moving towards the nearest house.
“Okay!” Bones said, wresting his hand from Ayo’s grasp and rubbing at his wrist. “We just have to - call home first.”
At Bones’ words, Tanya’s smile relaxed slightly. “Go right ahead Doctor!”
Bones sent her an exasperated look, then took out his communicator. “Dr. McCoy to Enterprise Township. Come in Enterprise.”
The communicator was silent for a moment, then a slow, low hissing leaked out of the speakers. As it lingered, a staccato melody began to weave itself into the sound.
“Let me try.” you took the communicator from Bones’ hand, noting that the dials had somehow changed position. Turning the knob, you pressed the small green button. “Mrs. McCoy to Enterprise Township. Enterprise come in.”
“Spock here… Mrs. McCoy.” came the Vulcan’s cool voice.
“Checking in on the hour. Nothing here to alarm- we’ll keep you informed.”
“Have you located the emergency?”
“Not an emergency after all Spock,” Bones piped up, leaning in. “Turns out one of their number is pregnant, and they’re concerned. I know it’s a misuse of the-” he looked over at you briefly, “the phone call, but they seem very worried. I’d like to stay to ensure everything goes to plan, and find out who called in the first place.”
“You are correct regarding the phone call doctor. However, if you wish to remain that is within your jurisdiction.”
“Thank you Spock,” you said, “we’ll check in again soon. McCoy out.”
You flipped the communicator closed and handed it back to Bones, who smirked at you. “Enjoyed that, did you?”
A scream echoed through the small street, and all four of you jumped.
“Lead me to her!” McCoy ordered, and the three of them took off towards the nearest house. You lingered for a moment longer, taking in the row of uniform houses, and the eerily silent street.
“Help us.”
The hairs on the back of your neck stood up. Looking around for the source of the whisper, you saw a young girl walk past your left shoulder, long blonde hair blowing. As she moved down the road she turned back to look at you, her eyes almost as wide as her grin.
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Ivonne’s Star Trek Masterlist
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Jim Kirk fics
Imagine trying to tell Jim a secret
Imagine Jim trying to stop you from going on a mission.
Imagine Jim flirting with you in front of Bones.
Imagine meeting Jim at a bar.
Imagine Jim walking in on you listening to the Beastie Boys.
Imagine Jim taking a nap on you
Imagine waking up Jim in the morning.
Imagine Jim picking you up for a date
Imagine kissing Jim Kirk
Imagine taking your anger out on Jim
Imagine Jim making you get into your Kelvin Pod
Imagine confronting Jim about his flirting
Imagine thinking Jim was restless
Imagine having too much fun for Jim
Imagine cleaning up Jim after a fight
Imagine reuniting with Jim
Imagine tempting Jim
Imagine being on shore leave with Jim
Imagine being Jim’s ride or die
Imagine Jim wanting to love you
Imagine being at the Academy with Jim
Imagine snapping at Jim on the Bridge
Imagine Jim fixing your PADD
We are, aren’t we? : You run to Jim’s side when you hear he is hurt.
Eternity Jim Kirk x Reader : Kirk gives you a surprise of a lifetime. 
Wonderment  of a Man : sappy Jim x Reader at the beach
Considering :  You have weird symptoms and accuse Jim of giving you something.
More Than You Know :  You avoid Jim like the plague. 
A Thousand Times : You dream of Jim
I’m Good :  Summary: You are Leonard McCoy’s younger sister, who happens to be in love with his best friend.
12 Days Too Long:  Summary: Getting into Starfleet Academy was one of the greatest moments of your life, that is until you met Jim Kirk.  
It Felt Like a Lifetime: Summary: Jim goes to you, even when Leonard warns him not to.
Hanky Panky: Jim x WOC!reader:  Summary: When a mission has Jim and you beaming down to Auro - a planet that looks and feels like 1960, you are nervous for many reasons. One being that that era of time was not kind to a person of your ethnicity and the second - you were finally alone with Jim.
7 Minutes in Turbolift Heaven:   You are a translator for the Enterprise and you love your job, you really do. But there is one downside, one big pain in your ass - Captain Kirk. Jim and you are constantly straddling the lines of love and hate - sometimes blurring the whole mess. The two of you are always bickering, always mocking each other, always getting under each other’s skins - everyone has noticed. In fact, you two tend to draw a curious audience. It’s a final blow up over Jim sending another translator down to a mission that erupts all the emotions - good and bad, that you have for the man free. Spock calls it intervention, Bones calls it 7 minutes in turbolift Heaven.
Boys With Girlfriends: You are in love with Jim, but he’s with someone else
Afraid:  Jim and you split over three little words.  
Three Things:   Your friend asks what are the three things you look for in a man.
The One : You transfer to the Enterprise for personal reasons, but things are about to get even more personal when you come face to face with the Captain. Let’s just say young love never dies.  
Part 1    Part 2    Part 3  Part 4  Part 5  Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9  Part 10    Epilogue
Leonard ‘Bones’ McCoy fics
Imagine Bones taking care of you when you have a migraine.
Imagine Bones giving you orders to stay in bed when you fall ill.
Imagine sitting next to Bones on a shuttlecraft headed to space.
Imagine telling Bones you’d wait a thousand years for him.
Imagine being alone on a rooftop with Bones.
Imagine running into one of Leonard’s ex-girlfriends
Imagine Bones overhearing your conversation with Uhura
Imagine being stuck in a closet with Bones
Imagine meeting Leonard in a bar
Imagine seeing Leonard in a kissing booth
Imagine giving Leonard a haircut
Imagine telling Bones you were going on a mission
Imagine breaking the news to Bones you were pregnant
Imagine getting under Leonard’s skin
Imagine Leonard coming home after a long shift
Daydreaming : Bones thinks of the perfect place to take you.
Coming Home: After a year long mission, you finally get to see Bones.
Not Enough : After watching Leonard almost die, you confront the Doctor.
I’m All In : Leonard helps Reader babysit Sulu’s daughter
Reckless Reader is hurt on a mission & Bones does his best to make sure she recovers.
Just Perfect Can Bones finally sum up the courage to tell you how he really feels?
Need You Now : While having a drink with a fellow crew member, your night takes a turn when a certain doctor walks in.
Any Other Way :  Jim and you are up to no good - what else is new?
A Doctor, A Daughter, A Keeper:   Leonard decides it’s time you met his daughter, Joanna.
Transmitter Thingy: You get injured and go to Leonard
Captain Oblivious: The time Jim partnered you and Bones up
Bad Attitude: Fluff
Need You Now:   While having a drink with a fellow crew member, your night takes a turn when a certain doctor walks in.
Bones headcanons
Shore Leave Series: Jim x Reader x Leonard:  It all started when the crew of the Enterprise took some much needed shore leave on Yorktown. On the first night, you decide to go out with Scotty, Jim and Bones to the local bar. It’s when Scotty calls it quits for the night that things took a turn for the..best? If “best” meant being in between the most handsome men on the U.S.S Enterprise. Nothing like a good ole romp in the sack with the Captain & Doctor, at least for one night. One night, right? Or will this be the best shore leave you ever had?
Part One- Midnight Whiskey
Part Two-  Suprise
Part Three- Beautiful
Part Four- Screwed
Part Five- Blind Sided
Part Six -  Coming
Part Seven - Breathe
Part Eight - Choices
Part Nine - Beyond
Part Ten - Epilogue
Spock fics:
Imagine doing laundry with Spock
Imagine both Jim and Spock being interested in you.
Imagine Spock being smitten with you
Imagine having feelings for Chekov
Imagine flirting with Uhura
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starfleetimagines · 5 years
What’s your posting lineup
I mean, I don’t have a technical lineup or schedule for what I post because I write what I have inspiration for, not what was requested first. But, here is a list of the requests I have right now. Please note that these will not be written in this order, and some may be declined if I don’t get inspiration for them in a while. (Also titles are a work in progress lol)
Quark/Worf – Marital Problems (aw--heck on tumblr) [Any chance I could get a DS9 request where the reader goes to their best friend Quark to talk about marriage troubles with their husband Worf? A bit of comforting banter at the bar type thing?]
Malcolm Reed – Labouring Mission (thebeckyjolene on tumblr) [I was wondering if I was able to request an imagine using Malcolm Reed from Enterprise, where Y/N and Malcolm are set to enter parenthood and Y/N goes into labor mid mission.]
Garak – Flirtatious Surprises (anon on tumblr) [I wonder if I could please request a DS9 Garak x reader imagine where the normally quiet plus-size reader flirts with Garak in front of everyone and leaves him flustered but in the end he just kisses her and everyone cheers?]
William Riker – Confessions (Ravennya on wattpad) [What if the reader was secretly in love with Riker, and she only verbally admitted this to him when he was unconscious after sustaining an injury during a mission when he saved her from being harmed by an enemy. What she didn't know was that he became conscious while she spoke to him and he heard her. When Riker approaches the reader, she could be absolutely humiliated and believes that he is going to reject her. Instead, he would express his mutual affection for her.]
Data – Panic Attack (Area_C-137 on wattpad) [Maybe you could write one we’re the reader is in a relationship with data and he see the reader having a panic attack and then they cuddle to make the reader feel happy]
Data – First Date Part 2 of First Meetings (ElfWarriorQueen on wattpad) [Maybe them going on their date and there could be some kind of unfortunate accident that draws them closer together; like drinks get spilled over the reader, or maybe there’s a malfunction in the elevator and they’re stuck for a while.]
William Riker – Risa (anon on tumblr) [I’d like to see one with Riker, please? Maybe with a vacation theme, like going to Risa on shore leave!]
Trip Tucker – Tension (adela-topaz-caelon on tumblr) [Can I request a vaguley smutty Trip Tucker x Reader, where they're on a mission together in a shuttle, there's some repartee between the two, who aren't yet dating - and comments start leading to others and so on and forth and such, and then there's a time skip to them going back to the station, and whilst they did get the work done, other's can tell by marks on the Reader's neck that something has happened.]
Christopher Pike – Parents (anon on tumblr) [I had a realization thats night if you can do Disco Pike becoming for dad I'll love you forever]
Harry Kim – You’re Tom’s Sibling (evening_starz on wattpad) [Could you do one where the reader is Tom Paris’ sister, and she has to tell him that she’s dating Harry? And it could end with some sibling fluff?]
Wesley Crusher – Comfort (anon on tumblr) [could I request something fluffy where Wesley does his best to comfort the reader after her now ex-boyfriend break ups with her b/c of lack of sexual intimacy and the reader avoids Wesley cause she feels she's not smart enough or pretty enough for him]
Q Junior Being Jealous Would Include… (anon on tumblr)
Leonard “Bones” McCoy – Dance Practice (jesterofsorts on wattpad) [I was wondering if you could do a Star Trek imagine about AOS Bones? Maybe if he teaches the reader to dance because they don't know how and they fall in love with each other?]
Garak – Rescue Party (kate_the_dork on wattpad) [I was wondering if you could do a Garak x reader where the reader is taken by the Dominion and is interrogated for info about ds9 but she won't give it up cuz she's too cool for that lmao. And then, cuz I'm a cliche and fluffy gal, Garak comes to save her?]
Garak – “Sew, you like me?” (Indirect_Detective on wattpad) [Could you do a Garak x reader? Him coming to terms with loving the reader and finally trying to admit is but doctor Bashir keeps cutting in and ruining the moment. Garak finally gets the reader alone and compliments the reader(looks and personality) as he's hemming readers uniform before opening up to the reader?]
Malcolm Reed – Trust Issues (chevyp15 on wattpad) [Malcolm Reed x reader where reader seems off and when Mal confronts them they break down and confess all their worries about the relationship?]
Deanna x Will - Pregnant (anon on tumblr) [Can I ask you for something fluffy between Deanna Troi x William Riker where set during an official Starfleet ball and they announced that Deanna is expecting a baby again, but Deanna feels uncertain after the death of their son Ian Troi and Riker comforts her, which leads to a bit of passionate kisses please.]
Garak - Presents (anon on tumblr) [Ah I request an imagine for garak. Like he’s at his shop and his so comes in with something from cardassia for him and he has no idea how his so got it for him and she refuses to say. But he’s super happy about it because it’s something he’s missed for so long. And just fluff ensues?]
Pavel Chekov – Set Up (anon on tumblr) [Can I get an imagine with Chekov please? Fem!Reader works in engineering and is like a daughter figure to Scotty. When Chekov starts shadowing Scotty, he meets the reader and a friendship quickly forms because they are both adorable dorks. Scotty notices that their friendship could become something more with a nudge in the right direction. Soon the Scotsman has get both the reader and Chekov together. Just something super silly and fluffy!!]
Deanna and Beverly x reader (platonic) – Royalty (anon on tumblr) [Hi! I was thinking it’d be super interesting to have a reader that is an exiled member of royalty after a war that they lost on their planet, and they joined Starfleet but only the captain is aware of it. The reader is super close with Deanna and Beverly but they only find out after the reader has to go a diplomatic mission because of their hidden status and it goes wrong and they end up in Sickbay and the reader is super worried that they’ll change how they treat them?]
Kathryn Janeway – Protection (anon on tumblr) [Hiiiiiiii could I have a Janeway x reader fic where she steps in front of you to protect you and uses her arm to shield you and is super gentle with you and everything? Can be romantic or platonic whatever works best for this!]
Enemies To Lovers With Malcolm Would Include… (anon on tumblr)
Being Friends With Hugh Would Include… (anon on tumblr) [This is a bit outside your usual wheelhouse, but would you be up for writing something about Hugh the Borg? Possibly in an AU where he did end up staying on the Enterprise with Geordi, and the Reader ended up working with them and befriending him?]
Trip Tucker – Restless Nights (tinkerbelldetective on tumblr) [How about one for Trip where reader is trying to help him fall asleep and runs their hands through his hair please!]
Spock x Uhura – Wedding Bells (anon on tumblr) [Can I ask you for something fluffy between Spock and Uhura where they get married on planet Vulcan with all their friends and family around them?]
Being Pavel Chekov’s Betazoid Wife Would Include… (dancingwith-thesunflowers on tumblr) [Could you write some headcanons about Chekov and female betazoid-human hybrid!reader getting married and having children please?]
Beverly x Jean-Luc – Dinner Date (anon on tumblr) [Could you write something about Dr Crusher and Picard having one of their late night dinners together, and things getting a little romantic please?]
Garak – Lulled To Sleep (capan-devereaux on tumblr) [Can I please request one where reader falls asleep on Garak while he reads something, like maybe during the dominion war and he has to decide all those cardassian messages]
Dating T’Pol Would Include… (anon on tumblr)
Will Riker – Pregnant (borzanimariana on wattpad) [Write with command riker and reader are married and she's pregnant, please]
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mission-enterprise · 8 years
Updated: 1/16/2017
Touch Starved Series:
Touch Starved Jim
Touch Starved Spock
Touch Starved Bones
Their Minds
 Snapchat Series:
Jim’s Snapchat
Bones’ Snapchat
Spock’s Snapchat  
 Spock x Reader:
Pregnant Reader - Spock
Spock Buying You A Present
 Jim Kirk x Reader:
Soulmates - Words
Ice Skating
Proposal - Jim
Slow Dancing
 Bones x Reader :
Medical Anxiety
 Pavel Chekov x Reader:
 Star Trek Headcanons:
Star Trek Headcanon 1
Star Trek Headcanon 2
Star Trek Headcanon 3
Star Trek Headcanon 4
Star Trek Heacanon 5
 Baby Jim Series:
Baby Jim Part 1
Baby Jim Part 2
Baby Jim Part 3
Baby Jim Part 4
Baby Jim Alternate Ending
Baby Jim - Christmas
109 notes · View notes
doriannpavuus · 8 years
Pregnant? - Jim Kirk one shot
Fandom - Star Trek Relationship - Kirk x Fem!Reader Requested? - Yes, by anonymous Warnings- unless you’re uncomfortable with brief mentions of periods and Bones being a supportive dude friend/OBGYN, then no. Words - 1,251 Summary - Reader has been feeling some odd things lately, so when Bones calls her down after her most recent mission, she is a little more than surprised.
A/N - I hope you like it! I wasn’t sure where to put in the twins part, but i hope it was good anyway! ~K
You and Jim had been together a long while now. You were a good way into the 5-year mission into deep space when you started to get light headed on missions. You started to eat more at meal times, craving some odd stuff. You’d get cranky really easily, snapping at Scotty one day for being ‘too damn Scottish’. So, you got a bit worried when you missed your period at first, but you just pushed it to the back of your mind, saying to yourself that every woman can go a bit irregular at times.
You had just gotten back from a mission gone awry. You, Spock and Uhura had been sent down as mediators in a dispute between two Federation planets. To say it got messy is a bit of an understatement. The leader of one race had said something, that when translated, highly offended the race with the stronger military power, which caused an outburst of violence. The three of you had to stay alive until a shuttle was sent down to get you all. As soon as you got on, you heard a yell. “Y/N!” Jim’s voice was music to your ears after hearing the anguished cries of governments being slaughtered. You practically ran into his arms, before remembering you were covered in injuries. As soon as you made contact, you winced. “Are you okay? Are you hurt?”
You couldn’t help but let out a pained chuckle. “10 points for observation.” You hissed as he helped you into a chair. He sat, fussing over you until you got to the Enterprise. Saying how he should never have sent you on this mission, how you could have died and it would have been all his fault. He knew that they were trouble and would resort to violence. Every time he said something negative, you waved him off and called him an idiot.
By the time you got to the Enterprise, you were a bit sick of Jim’s guilt. “Jim, I love you to bits but you need to get me to the Med-bay and then go back to the bridge. You’re feeling a bit too guilty for me right now.” He looked a bit offended, but did as you said, regardless.
Sat on a bed, you waited for Bones to finish off checking over Uhura and Spock, who were less reckless than you and came away with a lot fewer injuries than you. When he finally approached you, he did not look happy. “Goddamit, Y/N. Hearing about how idiotic you were in that battle...I’m not surprised you’re the love of Jim’s life. You’re both gonna die being morons in the wrong situation.” Continuing to grumble non-sensically, Bones scanned you with the tricorder. When he got to your lower abdomen, he frowned and scanned again. He seemed unhappy with the readings. “Y/N, I’m gonna have to ask you to step into the bathroom over there.” He walked across the room into a cupboard, before pulling out a packet, which he ripped open to reveal a sterile bowl of sorts. “I need you to pee in this.”
You raised your eyebrow. “Why?” He gave you a firm look which caused you to raise your hands in surrender, grab the bowl and head into the bathroom. After doing as you were told, you washed your hands and handed the bowl to Bones, who immediately walked into a smaller room near his office, before calling through.
“You can head back to your quarters! I’ll call you if I find anything.” You raised our eyebrow once more, before walking out of the med-bay to the turbo lift. You were soon at your quarters, confused as to why he didn’t send you back to work. You decided to take the opportunity to take a well-deserved nap.
You woke up to the sound of your communicator beeping. You answered it. “Hello?”
A sigh came through the line. “Y/N, it’s Bones. Can you come down to the med-bay, please?”
Rubbing sleep out of your eye, you nodded, before realising he couldn’t see. “Gimme five minutes.” You shut your communicator before he could reply.
True to your word, you were there in five minutes. You wandered up behind him. “So, what’s up, doc?”
He jumped at the sound of your voice. “Sit down.” You suddenly felt incredibly nervous, thinking it must be bad news. “I’m not sure how you’re gonna take this. But you’re pregnant.” Your jaw dropped. “Pregnant? Are you serious?” He nodded, anxious for your reaction. Suddenly, a wide smile spread across your face. “This is great! I have to tell Jim!” Then the realisation hit you. The smile fell right off your face. “Oh god, I have to tell Jim.”
Bones frowned. “I’m sure he’s gonna be just excited as you. Especially since he won’t be terrified of you getting hurt on missions, since you won’t be going on any. As you CMO, I’m grounding you to the ship.” You pouted and he just chuckled. “Sorry, darling. Doctor’s orders.”
You guys joked about some more until the comm activated for the med-bay. “Hey Bones, if Y/N is there, can you send her to the Bridge please?” Both of you shared a nervous look before you headed out, making your way to the bridge. When you got there, the turbo lift doors opened.
“Permission to come aboard?” You tried to keep your voice steady. Jim seemed none the wiser to your nervous state.
“Always for you, sweetcheeks.” You couldn't help but chuckle and blush lightly, despite how long he’d been acting this way. “I know you only just got back from a mission, but we need someone smart and good in risky situations to go on a retrieval mission to the outskirts of Klingon space. There’s an abandoned asteroid that a small crew is stranded on. We need to get to them and get them on the Enterprise before any Klingon find them.” He had managed to give you the entire mission order without even looking at you, which you were thankful for.
“Sorry, captain. No can do?” He turned his head to look at you. “What? What do you mean?”
You walked round to his side so you could speak quieter, keeping your private life from the ears of the entire bridge crew. “Bones has grounded me to the ship. Doctor’s orders.” You kissed his cheek and began to walk away.
“Why, though? Is something wrong?” You sighed and motioned for him to follow you. He looked at you confused before getting out of his chair and calling out, “Sulu, make sure nothing goes wrong!” There was a ‘yes, captain’ from Sulu before you were both in the turbo lift.
You took a deep breath and turned to him. “I’m pregnant.”
His eyes widened. “Are you kidding me?” You shook your head. He suddenly filled with such glee that it was practically radiating off him. “Oh, my god! This is incredible! I’m gonna be a dad!” It was at that moment that the lift doors decided to open to reveal Uhura, who’s eyes widened as she barely managed to keep a hold of her holo-pad. The doors had closed again before Uhura managed to compose herself, but you heard a pleased squeal as the lift kept going to the med-bay. You turned to Jim, who softly placed a kiss on your lips. “We’re gonna have a baby.” You smiled.
“I can’t think of anyone I would rather be a parent with. I love you.”
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