#star wars the phantom menace novel
marvelstars · 1 year
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Star Wars: The Phantom Menace Novel
"He knew enough of life to know there were two sides to every story and mostly only one being told" Anakin Skywalker - TPM
In this novel, a young Anakin happens upon an injured Tusken Raider trapped under a boulder while traveling through the desert. Having heard stories about the dangerous Sand People, Anakin is unsure if he should help, and ruminates over how Watto or his mother would advise him to act. After sensing the Tusken’s pain, Anakin ultimately has his droids help him free the Tusken Raider. After checking the Tusken for injuries and setting his leg in a splint, Anakin sets up camp to watch the Tusken overnight. He also has C-3PO translate to the Tusken that he isn’t going to harm him and wants him to recover. When Anakin wakes up later that night, he’s surrounded by a whole group of Tusken Raiders, who immediately retreat once the Tusken Anakin helped appeals to them.
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jaguarys · 1 year
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Oh :(((
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fellow-nerd · 5 months
Phantom Menace makes me so so sad. Like yes it's a silly movie, but the implications of it are crazy. We see Anakin in his most hopeful and light way, he wants to help everyone. He loves his mom. He loves building things. He dreams of the stars. He's 9 years old. And all of a sudden he's thrust into this world of politics, war, and Jedi. It's everything he dreamed but he lost himself. The people that now take care of him are constantly evaluating him. Waiting for him to snap and go to the Darkside. He's a dorky little kid who wanted to see every planet and free all the slaves. And he didn't get to do any of that.
Instead, he was manipulated and blinded by fear. He never got to live his dreams. he was supposed to fulfill everyone else's and when he didn't he fueled their nightmares. And to think it all started with a caring nine year old boy who happened to help a jedi knight
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yiliy · 9 months
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"Duality is also present in the characters of Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon. In the beginning, Obi-Wan is at odds with Qui-Gon, who rebels against the Jedi rules. But by the end of the film, he has become Qui-Gon by taking on his rebellious personality and his responsibilities."
- George Lucas
Star Wars - The Making of Episode I - The Phantom Menace (1999), by Laurent Bouzereau, Jody Duncan
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But Obi-Wan Kenobi was not a conventional Jedi, in many ways. Although he tended to be reserved, especially when dealing with his Padawan, his former Master, Qui-Gon Jinn, had left a mark on Obi-Wan.
Star Wars - Episode II - Attack of the Clones novelization (2002)
by R. A. Salvatore
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irisbaggins · 1 year
The novelisation of the Phantom Menace has made me so incredibly sad, where little Anakin sees an injured Tusken and decides to disobey Watto to sit by the Raider until he wakes up. Anakin has such a deep, loving heart that he was willing to suffer the consequences of disobedience to make sure a Tusken Raider would be safe, a being he was taught all his life were brutal and cruel. And in this chapter, Anakin admits that the only thing that truly scares him, is of losing his mother. That juxtaposition, that note of I will care for this creature to I fear losing my mother, put so much more weight onto AOTC, and of Anakin's rage. He broke, and he lost himself to his rage. When faced with what he did, he rages against the world and his actions, before breaking down into further sobs at the loss of his mother and the actions he made. His worst fear was realised, and he became the monster that everyone claimed the Tuskens to be.
It'll be interesting to read the AOTC novelisation, to see if this scene is ever called back to. I just find it interesting, and further showcases the depths of Anakin's feelings and compassion, as well as the pitfalls that such strong emotions come with. For if you feel compassion and love as deeply as Anakin does, so will you feel the destructive nature of all of your rage. And that, that is Anakin's biggest weakness; he feels too strongly to ever truly control it.
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randomguyonline71 · 2 years
So nobody is going to talk about how Anakin and Padmé basically got engaged during TPM?
"I'm going to marry you," the boy said suddenly.
And then a little later:
"It's beautiful. But I don't need this to remember you." Her face lifted to his with a smile. "How could I forget my future husband?" She looked down at the pendant, fingering it thoughtfully.
Full scenes below.
She was looking back at him now, embarrassment turning to curiosity. She was small and slender with long, braided brown hair, brown eyes, and a face he found so beautiful that he had nothing to which he could compare it. She was dressed in rough peasant's clothing, but she seemed very self-possessed. She gave him an amused smile, and he felt himself melting in confusion and wonder. He took a deep breath.
"Are you an angel?" he asked quietly.
The girl stared. "What?"
"An angel." Anakin straightened a bit. "They live on the moons of Iego, I think. They are the most beautiful creatures in the universe. They are good and kind, and so pretty they make even the most hardened space pirates cry like small children."
She gave him a confused look. "I've never heard of angels," she said.
"You must be one of them," Anakin insisted. "Maybe you just don't know it."
"You're a funny little boy." The amused smile returned. "How do you know so much?"
Anakin smiled back and shrugged. "I listen to all the traders and pilots who come through here." He glanced toward the salvage yard. "I'm a pilot, you know. Someday, I'm going to fly away from this place."
The girl wandered to one end of the counter, looked away, then back again. "Have you been here long?"
"Since I was very little-three, I think. My mom and I were sold to Gardulla the Hutt, but she lost us to Watto, betting on the pod races. Watto's a lot better master, I think."
She stared at him in shock. "You're a slave?"
The way she said it made Anakin feel ashamed and angry. He glared at her defiantly. "I am a person!"
"I'm sorry," she said quickly, looking upset and embarrassed. "I don't fully understand, I guess. This is a strange world to me."
He studied her intently for a moment, thinking of other things, wanting to tell her of them. "You are a strange girl to me," he said instead. He swung his legs out from the counter. "My name is Anakin Skywalker."
She brushed at her hair. "Padme Naberrie."
The strange creature she had come in with wandered back to the front of the shop and bent over a stout little droid body with a bulbous nose. Reaching up curiously, it pushed at the nose with one finger. Instantly armatures popped out from every direction, metal limbs swinging into place. The droid's motors whizzed and whirred, and it jerked to life and began moving forward. Padme's odd companion went after it with a moan of dismay, grabbing on in an effort to slow it down, but the droid continued marching through the shop, knocking over everything it came in contact with.
"Hit the nose!" Anakin called out, unable to keep himself from laughing. The creature did as it was told, pounding the droid's nose wildly. The droid stopped at once, the arms and legs retracted, the motors shut down, and the droid went still.
Both Anakin and Padme were laughing now, and their laughter increased as they saw the look on the unfortunate creature's long - billed face. Anakin looked at Padme and the girl at him. Their laughter died away. The girl reached up to touch her hair self-consciously, but she did not divert her gaze.
"I'm going to marry you," the boy said suddenly.
There was a moment of silence, and she began laughing again, a sweet musical sound he didn't mind at all. The creature who accompanied her rolled his eyes.
"I mean it," he insisted.
"You are an odd one," she said, her laughter dying away. "Why do you say that?"
He hesitated. "I guess because it's what I believe…"
Her smile was dazzling. "Well, I'm afraid I can't marry you…" She paused, searching her memory for his name.
"Anakin," he said.
"Anakin." She cocked her head. "You're just a little boy."
His gaze was intense as he faced her. "I won't always be," he said quietly.
"Here," he said, "I made this for you. So you'd remember me. I carved it out of a japor snippet. Take it. It will bring you good fortune." He handed her an intricately carved wooden pendant. She studied it a moment, face lowered in shadow, then slipped it around her neck.
"It's beautiful. But I don't need this to remember you." Her face lifted to his with a smile. "How could I forget my future husband?" She looked down at the pendant, fingering it thoughtfully. "Many things will change when we reach Coruscant, Annie. My caring for you will not be one of them."
The boy nodded, swallowing. "I know. And I won't stop caring for you, either. Only, I miss -" His voice broke, and the tears sprang into his eyes once more.
"You miss your mother," the girl finished quietly.
Anakin nodded, wiping at his face, unable to speak a word as Padme Naberrie drew him against her and held him close.
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girlrandomstuff · 2 years
I was reading this post were they tell you the age of a character, and I kind of came to the realization Breha Organa and Obi Wan are between the same age.
Obi Wan is, I think, 24/25 in the Phantom Menace, so that makes him 10 years older than Padme. In Queen's Shadow by Johnston it says that Queen Breha was “more than 10 years older than Padme” so, I want to think Breha is between 11 and 15 years older than Padme, so, if that's the case.
Breha by the times of the Phantom Menace is between 25 and 29 years. By the times of Attack of the Clones Breha is 35-39. By the times of Revenge of the Sith Breha is 38-42. By the Kenobi series she's 48-52 and by A New Hope she's 57-61.
And that brings me to think about Bail's age, many of the fics I have read about them portrays them with Bail being way older. But I'm not sure if a larger age gap is canon.
Queen's Hope epilogue says that “Breha met a boy who loved her enough” (this is more my speculation but still), what I get from here is that they met when they were both kids or teens, so they were still just a boy and a girl. So I want to think Bail is just a couple years older than Breha maybe even the same age.
And you know what's funny about this? That Bail would be between a year or more OLDER than Obi Wan, and still Leia tells Obi Wan “grandaughter maybe” and making jokes about him being old enough to be her grandfather
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geekcavepodcast · 2 months
Star Wars Prequel Trilogy gets Graphic Novel Adaptation at Dark Horse
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Dark Horse is celebrating the 25th anniversary of Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace with a graphic novel reimagining of the prequel trilogy. Star Wars: The Prequel Trilogy Graphic Novel is written by Alessandro Ferrari and illustrated by Ingo Römling, Matteo Piana, Andrea Parisi, Andrea Greppi, Igor Chimisso, Marco Dominici, Monica Catalano, Davide Turotti, Massimo Rocca, Pierluigi Casolino, Ekaterina Maximenko, and Kawaii Creative Studio.
Star Wars: The Prequel Trilogy Graphic Novel tells the stories of The Phantom Menace, Attack of the Clones, and Revenge of the Sith in a 208-page graphic novel, available on November 12, 2024.
(Image via Dark Horse - Cover of Star Wars: The Prequel Trilogy Graphic Novel)
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corruptedforce · 1 year
Team keeping the prequels a tragedy.
This story happened a long time ago in a galaxy far far away. It is already over. Nothing can be done to change it. It is a story of love and loss, brotherhood and betrayal, courage and sacrifice and the death of dreams (Matthew Stover, Revenge of the Sith novel).
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marvelstars · 1 year
"But tell me, Padawan Skywalker, what does it feel like to have become in a member of such a revered group?
"It's like a dream come true, sir," Anakin said with genuine sincerity.
"A dream come true... So you've thought a lot about the Jedi Order and in the Force?
Anakin nodded. I've always wanted to bring justice...
Dooku was talented and could be someone powerful to occupy the position. But this nice-faced, seemingly innocent boy, this child powerful in the Force, was the one he would take as his apprentice and would use him to execute the final stages of the Great Plan. He would leave Obi-Wan instruct him in the ways of the Force and Skywalker would grow embittered over the next decade while his mother grew old in slavery, the galaxy deteriorated around him and his fellow Jedi fell into inextricable conflict. He was too young to be trained in the ways of the Sith, in any case, but he was the perfect age to form a bond with a father figure who would listen to all his problems and cajole him inexorably to turn to the dark side.
"As I told you on Naboo, Anakin," he finally said, "we will continue following your career with great interest" and I will make sure that it culminates in the ruin of the Jedi Order and the re-descent of the Sith!
Darth Plagueis by James Luceno
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jaguarys · 1 year
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Revenge of the Sith, Matthew Stover // The G-ds Show Up, Michael Kinnucan // The Boxer, Simon & Garfunkel // Jen Mazza // Not Strong Enough, Boygenius // The Year in Taxidermy, Kristen Arnett // @/ghostresidues (Instagram) // The Boxer, Simon & Garfunkel // Tumblr tags // This Night Has Opened My Eyes, The Smiths // Class of 2013, Mitski // Scenes from Episode 1-3 of Star Wars
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yourcoffeeguru · 5 months
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Star Wars The Phantom Menace Episode 1 by George Lucas Screenplay  || AUtradingpost - ebay
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skysgalaxy · 1 year
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First starting point for my novel collection
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randomguyonline71 · 2 years
Another passage from the TPM novel that I love:
Anakin stood at the base of a temple column, still trying to come to terms with Padme's revelation. Everyone had been surprised, of course, but no one more than he. He wasn't sure how he felt about her now, knowing she wasn't just a girl, but a Queen. He had declared he would marry her someday, believing it so, but how could someone who had been a slave all his life marry a Queen? He wanted to talk to her, but there wasn't any opportunity for that here.
He supposed things wouldn't be the same after this, but he wished they could. He liked her as much now as he had before, and to tell the truth he didn't care if she was a Queen or not. He glanced over at the girl and the Jedi Knights and thought how different things were here than they had been on Tatooine. Nothing had worked out the way he had hoped for any of them, and it remained to be seen if leaving his mother and home to come with them was a good idea after all.
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echos-gal · 2 days
I was talking with one of my best friends about Star Wars characters being brought back and the possibility that Tech might return in a future work, and realized that even though TBB has ended, Star Wars has a really high track record of bringing back characters in other works, set after their supposed "death." Basically, no one ever comes back in the same movie/show/work they "died" in:
Maul: "died" in The Phantom Menace, brought back in The Clone Wars.
Gregor: "died" in The Clone Wars, brought back quite some time later in Rebels (and The Bad Batch, which comes first chronologically)
Echo: "died" in The Clone Wars, brought back SEVERAL YEARS LATER in the seventh season (I'm counting this as a separate show because it was not continuous - the show was revived)
Boba Fett: "died" in Return of the Jedi, brought back in The Mandalorian. DECADES LATER.
Asajj Ventress: "died" (died? like actually?) in Dark Disciple, brought back in The Bad Batch
Palpatine: somehow Palpatine returned
I feel like I'm missing some, but you get the point. The only ones I can think of who have died and come back in the same series are Ahsoka in Rebels and Fennec Shand in The Mandalorian.
There are also a couple characters whose fates have been left purposely open in order to have the possibility of bringing them back. Sev from Republic Commando is one who comes to mind. He is left behind in a war zone on a mission, and while Karen Traviss (author of the RepComm books) wanted to continue his story in a novel, Star Wars told her no because they wanted to keep plans open for Sev at a later time. We haven't gotten any additional Sev content yet, but his fate still isn't sealed.
Another is Mace Windu. I know George Lucas was like "he is dead for sure" but fans really want him back and so does Samuel L Jackson. I can see George changing his mind. Windu is a badass and beloved by fans. Another character who "fell," no body no death, and people are pretty adamant about getting him back because they liked him so much.
What I am trying to say is that Tech is a fan-favorite character whose story felt unfinished to many viewers. I'd say most of us were waiting every episode of season 3 for him to return, and the writers know that. Jennifer Corbett is on twitter and is very aware that "Tech Lives" is a huge thing in the Bad Batch fandom.
There are more animated works planned, as well: we know that Omega will likely appear again as an adult. There's like a 95% chance that a clone rebellion series is in the works, considering that they set it up in The Bad Batch. And Nika Futterman has hinted that Ventress will be appearing in future works. Tech could (and SHOULD) be brought back in any of these!
So yeah.... TECH LIVES
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userobiwan · 2 months
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