#starlight wrote
starlight-write · 5 months
I'm not sure if you can write it, I would be very happy if you write it.
I want ler alastor and lee Lucifer and Charlie.
I don't know, he might be in Alastor mode and want to catch the two of them (of course, with his tentacles, otherwise how can he fight them alone) he may make fun of "the king and heir of hell is quite ticklish" but I especially want Lee to outweigh Lucifer.
I hope you write
Royal Weakness
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A/N: First of all, thank you so much to everyone who voted in the poll and to everyone who sent in their requests! I will admit this one was a bit of a challenge for me and I was on crunch time while writing it but figured I needed to get something out for y'all sometime this year lol. So yeah, not proof read and extremely rushed but hope you enjoy anyways!! <3
Relationships: Ler!Alastor, Lee!Charlie, Lee!Lucifer
Word Count: 2117
Summary: Charlie makes a bet with her father that lands them both into trouble.
Charlie let out a scream as the tendril lifted her off the ground.
The princess had made a break for it, hoping to escape her smiling friend after he made it clear he was done with her bullshit.
The demon had no clue what had gotten into her but she had been following him around all morning hellbent on testing his patience. First it was the constant yapping, random pokes, random questions, hugging him almost every other minute. It wasn't long before Alastor retreated into his tower to get away from that wide-eyed pest.
The last thing he expected was for her to follow him in there. God, she was behaving like some snot-nosed toddler in an antique store. Bombarding him with a million questions as she put her grubby little hands on whatever she could reach.
What's worse is that he knew what she was trying to do. He'd known the girl long enough by now to decipher what her intentions were at any given moment and in that moment, it was crystal clear that she was fucking with him.
Unfortunately for him, Charlie also knew him well enough to know exactly how to push his buttons.
The demon was about to give into her game and share a laugh, he really was. Until she brought up his nemesis.
"This place could use some touching up." Charlie smiled as she dragged a finger on the table and inspected it for dust. "Y'know, I'd figured you'd pick up a thing or two about maintenance from your little bestie. Seeing as you go out of your way to impress him."
Alastor froze. "My what now?"
"Your best friend, Vox?" She grinned, knowing she had won. "I mean seeing how close the two of you are I'd hope he would rub off on you a bit. It's obvious that you look up to him and all, it's very sweet- AAAAH!"
Yeah THAT was the last straw.
Alastor finally snapped and exploded into his demon form that filled the room. That was when Charlie made a break for the door only to be swept up by her feet by one of the demon's tendrils.
The princess hung upside down and couldn't help but laugh at the reaction she'd managed to pull from her friend.
Alastor, however, was not laughing. God he was pissed. It wasn't even noon yet and this brat had somehow managed to make him lose every morsel of composure he'd carefully sustained over the years. Only for her to laugh in his face once she got the reaction she wanted. Yeah, this is why Alastor never had kids.
"Oh, this is funny to you?" He growled, smiling angrily down at her. Which only seemed to make her laugh even harder.
The demon shrank back into his normal form. Breathing deeply as he regained his composure. Though still clearly pissed off.
As much as he hated to admit it, he appreciated his friend's mischievous behavior at times. Hell, most of the time he would play along with it and direct her antics towards any other demon in the hotel. It's always fun being on the other side of the joke, and no one really expects to be blind-sided by the same girl who farted sunshine and rainbows. But jeez she really knew how to work someone's nerves.
Alastor didn't want to hurt her even if he could. Of course not, she was one of his dearest friends at this point. But that didn't mean she was going to get away with this.
"Okay, sunshine." The demon hissed through his smile. "You want to laugh? I'll give you something to laugh about."
Alastor relished the split second that smirk was wiped off her face before it was replaced by the girls hysterical screams.
Charlie shrieked and thrashed violently as she felt the demon's claws scribble rapidly on the backs of her knees.
Another tendril came up to hold the girls arms together as he blindly flailed around. Charlie was ridiculously ticklish enough as it is, barely ever lasting a minute before being thrown into silent laughter. So needless to say, Alastor going straight for her death spot was just down right cruel.
Tears began to form in her eyes as that horrible tingly feeling spread throughout her body. To lost in her hysterics to even beg the other for mercy.
Alastor was far from finished, but could tell the girl needed a breather. Stopping for a moment to pace around the room as his friend dangled upside down and caught her breath.
"Heavens, you don't understand how lucky you are that we're friends." He growled, still pacing back and forth in an attempt at releasing some of his energy. "I've torn apart souls for far less than half of what you've put me through today, so congratulations. Consider yourself blessed that you're to ridiculously sensitive for me to take all my anger out on you at once, otherwise we'd be here all day!"
Charlie didn't dare laugh at this point in fear of provoking the man again. Even upside down, she could feel his eyes prying at her, no doubt to gauge when she's had enough oxygen to continue his little torture session. She wondered if this is what it was like to be a victim of one of his broadcasts. God, she prayed he wouldn't get the idea to broadcast this as well.
The demon stalked back over to her once he's decided she's had enough time to recover.
Charlie panicked. Her mind racing to come up with anything that could pull her out of the grave she'd dug for herself. Maybe if she could just deflect the blame he'd leave her alone...?
"It was dad's idea!" She blurted out.
The deer stopped in his tracks. Silence filling the room as the two stared at one another.
Charlie fell to the floor as the tendrils holding her in place suddenly disappeared. She pushed herself up off the ground, knees still a bit wobbly from leftover tingles. Brushing herself off as she regained her senses.
"His idea?" Charlie hesitated, not so sure now if she had just made the situation better or worse.
"Umm...yeah?" She admitted sheepishly. "I- uh...I made a bet."
Alastor felt his eye twitch but stayed silent and let her continue.
"Yeah, so the deal was that if I could get you to snap before noon he'd take Vaggie and I out for lunch. Apparently he thinks it's really funny when you're mad, plus he knew you wouldn't hurt me but I'm not so sure it's worth it anymore." Charlie gave a nervous laugh.
The demon stared at her for a moment, watching her fidget nervously as he thought up new recipes for angel wings.He took a deep breath and gave his friend a sweet smile.
"Well, congratulations on winning your little bet dear." He said, patting her head sweetly. "I do hope you all enjoy your little outing, hopefully it'll be worth all the trouble it caused you."
Charlie scratched the back of her head nervously and avoided his gaze. "Yeah. Sorry about all of that. Guess I just got carried away. No hard feeling, right?"
"Oh not at all, dear!" Alastor grinned. "Trust me, I understand going to great lengths in order to win a bet. Although, I can't say I think it's all that fair that I took my anger out of you instead of the person who put you in this situation in the first place."
Charlie looked at him confused. "What do you mean?"
Alastor laughed. "I mean, it's only fair that your father suffer the same consequences you endured. Seeing that he had just as much of a hand in this as yourself."
The girl smiled, recognizing her friend's playful tone. "Ooooh. Haha, sounds good to me if it lets me off the hook. Just don't hurt him, deal?"
A few moments later...
It was half passed noon when Lucifer heard his phone ring. Charlie had texted him to meet her in her bedroom for details.
The king excitedly teleported to his destination, politely knocking first before being told to come in.
The man couldn't see a thing upon opening the door. The curtains were drawn and the lights were off making the room pitch black.
He squinted his eyes as he felt the wall for the light switch but just as he reached it, a hand snatched his arm and yanked him into the room. The door slammed shut behind him and he was thrown into complete darkness.
"Uh, Charlie?" He called out and jumped when he felt a pair of arms wrap around him from behind.
"It's me! It's me." Charlie laughed, still hugging her father.
"Oh jeez, kiddo Don't scare me like that." He laughed. "What's going on? Why ya got all the lights off?"
"No reason." She laughed.
Yeah something was up.
"I won the bet by the way." She continued. "But I did run into a bit of trouble with Alastor after he finally snapped. And I maaaaay or may not have sold you out."
"What happened?! Did he hurt you? I swear I'll kill that prick if he so much as-AAH!!!" The king was cut off as he felt another set of hands place themselves on his sides.
"Not exactly." The voice said in front of him.
Lucifer's eyes had adjusted just enough to make out that red prick in front of him but before he had the chance to cuss him out, the demon began rapidly squeezing his sides.
He managed to hold in his laughter as he struggled to free his arms as Charlie moved them behind his back. Still holding him tight in her traitorous 'hug'.
"What the fuhuhuck are you two doing?!"
"You got sold out." Alastor chimed as he began kneeding his thighs. "Poor Charlie had to suffer the consequences of making me lose my temper, an impressive feet might I add, and spilled everything about your little bet."
"Sorry dad, my hands were tied. Alastor tickled me for so long I almost passed out." She laughed apologetically.
"You lasted a minute and a half, I counted." Alastor corrected and Charlie was grateful no one could see her face grow red.
Meanwhile Lucifer was not listening to any of this, to focused on keeping his laughter in as those claws continued to pinch up and down his legs no matter how hard he kicked.
A moment passed and the King was still holding out much to the demon's annoyance. Charlie was honestly giggling more than her father was.
Alastor looked up at his friend. "Say Charlie, do you think bad knees run in the family?"
Charlie stuttered a bit and felt her face grow hot again. "I-I uh-no! I mean...I don't know."
The demon shrugged as he fought to get a grip on the angel's thrashing legs. "Well, only one way to find out I suppose." And with that, he began scribbling his claws on the back of one of Lucifer's knees just as he's done to Charlie earlier.
"I guess it does!" Alastor laughed triumphantly.
A few more minutes of this passed by, Lucifer handling the torture a lot better than his daughter had.
Charlie was sure Alastor could go on all night, but she was promised a nice outing with her father and girfriend plus her arms were getting tired.
"Okay, Alastor I think that's enough."
"Oh Dear, I was just warming up!" The demon pouted. "Very well. I suppose he's had his fill." And with that Charlie released the grip she had on the other angel, carefully following him to the floor as he caught his breath.
"You..." Lucifer huffed and pointed to the radio demon. "Are so dead."
Charlie looked a bit startled at her father's tone and quickly gave Alastor the signal to run.
He wasn't fazed in the slightest, of course.
"Yes, yes. You can maim me all you like but i do believe you promised Charlie a nice little outing did you not?" He smiled.
Lucifer huffed as Charlie helped him to his feet.
"You're lucky Charlie considers your dumbass a friend." He shot back.
The demon gave a satisfied hum before waving the two off and disappearing into the shadows.
And yes, the rest of the evening was lovely. The three angels enjoyed their time together outside the hotel for once. But Lucifer couldn't help but think of all the ways he was going to get back at the demon when the time had come. He was a man of his word, after all.
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heartorbit · 6 months
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revstar emu save me
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starlightvld · 7 months
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Up in Smoke
(Also on AO3)
The first time Ghost rips the cigarette from Soap's mouth, drops it on the ground, and stomps on it as he passes by, Soap is too stunned to say anything for a full ten seconds. They've only been working together consistently for a couple of missions, and even as his superior officer, the audacity of the action floors him.
By the time his brain restarts, Ghost is long gone.
The second time Ghost steals Soap's cigarette, he bursts out in a string of Scottish curses and tackles Ghost from behind before the wanker can drop it on the ground. An impromptu sparring match ensues, fists and curses flying. 
Afterward, he doesn't feel much like a cigarette anymore — not with the split lip, anyway. Besides, the buzzing under his skin that usually drives him to smoke is just... gone.
Price catches wind of the incident, of course, and calls them into his office a few hours later. By that time Soap has calmed down enough to be... maybe not okay with it, but at least able to see the humor. 
"What's this about you muppets scuffling by the smoking area?"
"Just a little sparring to blow off steam," Soap says.
"Nothin' to worry about, Captain."
"No? I've got one soldier who looks like he just got back from a bar fight, and the other..." He squints at Ghost. "He get a hit in on you, too?"
"Yeah," Ghost replies in that deadpan tone of his. "Coupla black eyes."
It's a joke. 
Ghost is telling a joke. And it's objectively not funny. It's not. But Soap bursts into hysterical laughter all the same. 
The corners of Ghost's blacked-out eyes crinkle. 
Price rubs his temples before dropping his hand on his desk. Soap presses his lips together to contain his laughter.
"Sparring happens in the gym. I'm sure you know the place. It's where we have things like mats and gloves. I catch you two bare-knuckle fighting again, and you will regret it."
And it's enough to sober Soap up. He avoids Ghost as he ducks away to catch dinner.
The third time... well, no. He supposes that's really the fourth time. 
Because the actual third time, Soap had come back from a shit mission where everything went wrong. Intel was faulty, exfil was delayed, and people under his command died. It didn't happen as often in SAS as it had in the regulars — the soldiers here were well-trained and hard to kill — but that made it all the worse. 
When Ghost tried to pluck the cigarette from his mouth, Soap growled. 
"Back the fuck up, Lt. Or Price is gonna be disappointed in both of us."
Ghost paused, and their eyes met. Slowly, Ghost lowered his hand. 
"Wanna talk about it?"
"Fuck no."
"Thank God."
Soap didn't have it in him to even huff a laugh. He took a long drag and blew the smoke away from Ghost as a peace offering.
To his surprise, Ghost didn't leave. He spun around and leaned against the wall with his arms crossed. They stood there together, utterly silent, as Soap let the heat and sting in his lungs soothe the beast inside that wanted to rip the world apart.
When he was done, though, he was surprised to find he didn't want another. Usually after shit missions, he'd stand there and smoke half a pack before his hands would stop shaking.
He finally met Ghost's eyes. The man quirked a barely visible brow.
"S'pose we should take it to the mats this time?"
Ghost pushed off the building and started walking. Soap followed like a lost child looking for a way home. 
The fourth time is in Chicago. His hands are shaking not from losing soldiers but from almost losing his own life. The cigarette trembles in his grip as he stands outside the bar, the biting wind turning his fingers and probably his lips blue. He lifts it to his mouth, inhaling deep—
And then it's gone.
The whine that bubbles up from his gut and bursts from his throat is nothing short of humiliating. But God. God. He needs it.
"Not now. Please, Ghost."
Ghost hasn't thrown the cigarette down. Yet. He cocks his head to the side and gives Soap a long look. Soap can only tremble from the cold and a need that goes deeper than a simple hit of nicotine.
"I just... I need it."
The cigarette drops to the ground, but Soap doesn't have time to lament the loss before that same hand is curling around Soap's neck and pulling him into a fucking massive chest. The other arm comes around Soap's shoulders and...
Ghost just stands there, holding him. And Soap can't help melting into the warmth and solidity of the man who saved his life just hours ago. He dares to curl in deeper. To raise his hands and clutch at Ghost's jacket. To let a few, silent tears escape his tight control.
Finally, his muscles relax. Ghost must feel it, because he turns and leads Soap back toward the bar.
"Why do ye even care?" Soap mumbles from his spot tucked into Ghost's side.
"Because those things'll kill ya."
Soap supposes the "I like you alive" is implied at this point.
Soap loses count after Chicago. He gets stretches of days when Ghost is on a solo op or out with one of the other operators when he can smoke in peace. So he does.
At first.
He's been hooked since he was a rebellious teen trying to make his mark on the world. He's tried to quit multiple times, but it never seems to stick. The first bad mission or adrenaline-filled near miss and he's back at whatever smoking spot he can find, puffing away.
He finds himself trying to cut back, though, even when Ghost is away.
Any time Ghost is on base, all bets are off. In addition to darting by and making a grab for it or sneaking up behind him and flicking it out of his hands, Ghost has gotten more creative. Sometimes Soap will pull out a cigarette only to find he's "lost" his lighter. Sometimes the cigarettes themselves go missing — he clutches his chest and mourns all that wasted money whenever a whole pack disappears. 
He supposes it's all just going up in smoke anyway, though.
He should be angry. But in truth, it's almost a relief to hand over the reins to Ghost. To let the man help him by annoying the shit out of him until he wants to give up on it entirely.
Which is definitely the point. Ghost has made that perfectly clear.
So, whenever he gets the urge to calm his racing thoughts or overactive mind with a cigarette, he finds Ghost and annoys him instead. They talk, or spar, or simply sit in silence together, doing their own thing. Ghost doesn't often touch him — their moment in Chicago is still the closest Soap's ever gotten to the elusive Ghost — but he also doesn't push Soap away when he slumps into Ghost's side after a hard day or leans over his back when he's sitting at the table in the 141's common area on base.
The urge doesn't go away, of course. And sometimes, when things get really bad, Ghost will just sit or stand with him like he did the third time. Still, he finds himself smoking less and hanging out with Ghost more.
The last time Ghost steals a cigarette from Soap, he simply stands beside Soap and holds out his hand. Soap immediately knows something has gone terribly wrong. Still, he's too invested in the game now to not hand the cigarette over.
He nearly keels over when Ghost pulls up his mask and takes a long, hard drag. Soap watches in fascination as his cheeks hollow, his neck muscles strain, his lips curve around the paper. It's erotic in a way he really shouldn't be thinking about in regards to his emotionally unavailable superior officer, but the knowledge hasn't stopped him yet. Since that day in Chicago — probably before if he's honest — he's only ever wanted to be closer.
Ghost coughs a little and hands the cigarette back.
"Fuck. Just as disgusting as I remember."
"Ye used to smoke, then?"
"Before I joined up, yeah. Hated it, though."
"The smell? Or—"
"Everything. The taste, the smell, the heat..." Ghost trails off, his hand rubbing over his bicep in a strangely specific way. He shakes his head and looks back at Soap. "Not your problem, Johnny. Forget about it."
Soap's hand is darting out, fingers curling into Ghost's jacket, before he's properly thought through the action. Ghost pauses before turning back. They stare in silence for a moment until—
Soap stubs out the half-burned cigarette and drops the butt in the trash. He licks his lips. Glances up at Ghost. The mask is still sitting on his nose, and Soap stares at his lips for longer than he should before pulling the pack out of his pocket and throwing it in the trash, too.
"Cannae have ye thinking I stink, can I?"
"Too late."
But Ghost's throat bobs with a hard swallow. Soap wets his lips, takes a step closer, and uncurls his fingers to slide his hand up Ghost's chest until his fingertips are resting on Ghost's shirt collar.
"I dinnae think it is."
Ghost turns and walks away. Soap closes his eyes and drops his hand, internally cursing his impulsive behavior. The scuffing of boots walking away from him is like nails on a chalk board.
Until they stop, and a gruff voice calls out, "You comin'?"
A slow smile slides across Soap's mouth. "No' yet."
A huff — exasperation? laughter? a bit of both? — before, "Better get movin' then."
And Soap has never been more glad to follow an order.
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hannamoon143 · 4 days
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Luv u💕
(Potential lyrics post :3?)
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Luv u more💕💕
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halcyon-hyacinth · 2 months
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“You have far less blood than V in your body right now,” Neuman says. “Not ideal. What’s your type?”
Starlight stops breathing. Stops speaking. Chemical-borne instinct informs her it’s an attack and to act immediately. Her heart, thundering forward, tells her something else entirely.
“Your blood type,” Neuman clarifies, in a tone she usually reserves for chauvinistic senators.
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madokatoru · 4 months
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of the theatrical arts most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Karen's simple overconfident outlook,which is deftly woven into his characterisation- her personal philosophy draws heavily from the Play "Starlight", for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Karen's existential catchphrase "Non-non dayo," which itself is a cryptic reference to her long backstory with Hikari. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Tomohiro Furukawa's genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.
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raionmimi · 17 days
Symmetra’s living arrangements and salary have been the most important questions I have about her lore since the game came out tbh
I still think about it, especially because of how we know she was roomates with Niran. But like she was a student and had no legal guardian other than Vishkar employees, so after she graduated, what exactly was her life like? Did she remain in the dorm room for awhile afterwards? Did they give her a place to stay, or does she constantly have to move based on assignments?
What is she paid? Does she actually even get paid fairly, or do they pay her whatever because she’s their ward? Can she even afford her own place and/or rent, or do they make sure she’s entirely reliant on Vishkar by paying for her accommodations so she’s completely incapable of leaving and living on her own?
I will never get answers to any of these questions
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op3ra · 6 months
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girl u are so heart coded
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whistlingstarlight · 13 days
Three Two Heads
Wrote this at like 12:30 super quick after trawling through a bunch of '83 Workshop footage, still absolutely fascinated by how they would've pulled off Three Heads in an official production
Summary: C.B. fucking dies (so goes without saying don't read if you don't want to read abt train death)
Starlight, it hurt. It hurt so much.
Greaseball heard the crackle of electrical wires to his right; well, just about, over the ringing in his ears. He saw sparks flash from Electra's battered frame as the electric engine struggled for breath, their eyes blown wide. The caboose was squashed between them, his wooden frame cracked and chipped, threatening to splinter. He seemed eerily calm despite the predicament the trio found themselves in.
"Alright fellas," C.B. wheezed, looking up to the taller engines, "We can't stay like this."
"No." Electra agreed, their voice distorted by their damaged wires, "I'm not staying stuck to you two, it's thanks to you I'm in this mess at all!"
"Shut it, fusebox." Greaseball snapped back, "Do somethin' useful." He moved his shoulder experimentally, feeling something shift and hearing wood creak.
"Alright. I pull, you pull, the caboose pushes. Got it?"
Electra and C.B. nodded. It was their best shot.
"On three. One.."
Electra pulled. Greaseball pulled. The sound of creaking wood grew louder.
"H-Hey fellas, go steady!" C.B. piped up between them, frantically trying to keep it together, "If I get busted by you two thugs yankin' too hard, I ain't getting welded back together!"
"Again!" Electra barked, ignoring the caboose's prattling. Serves him right if it wasn't pleasant.
The engines tugged harder, clustered metal shifting and separating as wood cracked and splintered. For once in his life, C.B. was truly scared.
"No! No no no! I'm made of wood you idiots, stop! Stop stop, no no no it hurts it hurts IT HURTS-!"
There was a ear-splitting scream and a sudden loud CRACK, and Greaseball felt himself spinning away from Electra. The two battered engines looked at each other, then down at the cloud of dust pouring from the shattered pile of wood planks between them.
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autumngracy · 6 months
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Not me creeping up to the wordcount of the fourth longest book ever written
#A Reflection of Starlight#AROS#valvert#fanfic#writing#Hey I switched back to LibreOffice again after setting up my new computer#(RIP my old computer's installation of MS Office 2009)#And also my old computer in general as it is now giving me the blue screen of death upon boot#but ANYWAY#does anybody know how to make LibreOffice stop highlighting formatted areas? BC with Dark Mode it's highlighting white text#which makes it impossible to read my footnote and page numbers#Also I CANNOT believe this program was coded to be so that 'Ignore' and 'Ignore All' options only do so for the CURRENT SESSION ONLY#Like what in god's name???#I spent 3-4 hours reformatting AROS after converting it only to learn that all the 'errors' I told it to ignore just popped back#the second I reopened the document like jesus christ#Why even offer those options if it doesn't do it permanently for that document file#HHHHHHHhhhhhhHHHHHH#I then spent another several hours being forced to change the language formatting to French for all the French bits#JUST so it would stop underlining all of them in red#And there's no way for me to get rid of the underlining on things like cut off bits of dialogue#bc they are NOT proper words and I refuse to add them to my Dictionary (thus polluting it) just to get rid of them#Ugh#So anyway remember years ago how I joked about what if I accidentally wrote a fanfic longer than the source material itself#That being one of the longest books ever written (technically THE longest book ever written#if we're counting the FRENCH version of it and not the English translation#And yeah I know I technically split AROS into 3 books but that was only for reader convenience#It's still one book in my heart#And also because I think it would be REALLY funny to surpass Hugo's wordcount#Which is entirely plausible bc in English it was only about 531k so I only a little over 100k off and I think I can easily make that#with the material I have left to write but is already mostly plotted out
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vhalesa · 5 months
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Hey, hey, hey, guess what. I finally finished the last chapter of the Zorua mayakuro pokemon fic! Read on ao3
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krismatic · 5 months
the revue starlight and in stars and time parallels and analysis post
aka me rambling about how much I love both pieces of media cause I just finished ISAT for the first time today
While playing it I could not help but notice similarities between it and revue starlight, so here we go
heavy spoilers for both
also note that I haven’t like. fully 100% isat yet so I may be missing some things! don’t tell me them! I want to find them out for myself!
The Stage
Revstar’s whole thing is about theatre. That’s clear in the first 5 minutes of the show. But deeper than that, Revue Starlight itself is Starlight, the play within the story. Each character is Flora, Claire, the Tower, one of the Goddesses, all meeting on the night of the star festival. They all have a role to play— and deviating from it is terrifying. They have been the same characters, the same people, for so long, that when Hikari appears and upsets the order of everything, the entire narrative of the play is destroyed and reborn anew. The ending is changed.
What was once an ending of despair, where Flora and Claire were destined to part because of their longing for their wish, becomes an ending of love. Where they choose each other rather than the stars high above.
What was once a clear line of victory, Nana winning the Revues, annihilating everyone in her path, and being granted her eternal wish, becomes messy. She cannot win against Hikari. She cannot win against Karen. She never will. They’ve deviated too much from the script, and then her reenactment is over. Her wish can no longer be granted.
Flora and Claire’s promise to meet again is the same as Karen and Hikari’s, a promise that is forgotten. Was forgotten and unfulfilled for years and years, as the loops continued, until Hikari herself— with the power of a Giraffe, of course, to end those boring reenactments— intervened.
Siffrin forgot their wish for a long time, as well.
In Stars and Time is different— theatre isn’t really brought up until the library, where it’s mentioned that Siffrin enjoys watching plays. And over time, to him, the loops become one. He is an actor performing his lines, just as his friends are, and there can be no deviating from the script. Any scene that goes wrong must be erased and redone. Over and over. Say the line, why aren’t they acting properly, Act I, Scene I, Siffrin wakes up, it all repeats over and over. Encore.
Loop mentions, as time goes on, that Siffrin has become both a director and an actor.
Just like Nana. The director of her own reenactments of Starlight. She’s seen it all before, over and over, and she still loves it just as dearly. Loves her friends just as dearly. Everyone is safe acting out the roles she created for them. She will always win the Revues, and everyone will always perform Starlight together, on repeat.
The two of them both started as actors in their stories. But, they memorized their lines well, and then directed the others to perform the way they wanted them to. Perfectly.
When the characters start to deviate from their roles, when you don’t know how they will act anymore, when you don’t know how to act… what do you do?
You keep going until you can restart it from the beginning, of course. Next time, you can fix everything that went wrong.
There will always be a next time. Right?
Stars are so important. They symbolize wishes. Forgotten promises. Despair. Blinding light. Power.
In Revue Starlight, those two wish-granting red stars are blinding. The wishes they grant are truly unattainable. And if you keep longing for them, you’ll go blind. If you keep continuing your reenactments of the same year over and over and over, you’ll become blind to everything else around you. All you can do is continue climbing the tower, to reach those stars you so desperately long for. It’s unending. You will never reach them.
With isat, a red star appears— the first splash of colour— when Siffrin is trying to remember their home for the first time, with the King. They fight to remember, but that blinding red star… it’s too much. It’s all too much.
But, stars are unfeeling. They don’t have a will, so why do they have so much power?
I’m sure I could connect this all to Loop in some way but I uh. still do not get their whole deal. I think I missed a lot of their dialogue unfortunately when playing so I gotta do a new game to get it all :(
They definitely care for Siffrin a lot, that’s for sure.
Yayyyy timeloops!!! They’re trapped in a timeloop of their own making! They’re too afraid to leave!!!
Nana and Siffrin both created these loops. To act out their favourite play, with their beloved friends, forever and ever and ever and ever and
The loops come from a place of love and severe abandonment issues but that’s just what being in late teens/early twenties is like you know. sometimes you just start a timeloop out of love!!
It’s selfish. It’s for the sake of protecting them from the future, from their inevitable parting.
With Nana, we unfortunately don’t get to learn too much about how she changed over the course of the timeloops. She started out much more withdrawn, and hesitant to call her friends her friends, but… of course, once the loops begin, she becomes confident. Always helping others with their problems. She knows they will always love her as long she stays the same. Fun fact! The only time we ever see the “original” Nana is in flashbacks in episode 7 and the prologue manga! That’s it! She’s been irreparably changed and she cannot go back!
Of course, if her friends found out they probably wouldn’t like her anymore. They’d probably abandon her. Well, it’s not like they’re not going to ever find out! It’ll all restart, even if they did.
I feel like Siffrin just. Cannot relax. Ever. Nana becomes relaxed in her eternity, but Siffrin is always on edge. Afraid to mess up their lines. Afraid they will find out. Eventually, they simply don’t care anymore, cause they can loop back and fix it all, but still… that anxiety is always present.
Nana’s stakes are much lower than saving the entire country and all the people that have been frozen in time, compared to Siffrin, so that makes sense
An Eternal Wish
They got what they wished for. To stay with their friends. For eternity. To never part, to never be left behind, to never forget ever again, to never be forgotten ever again.
But their wish was not what they wanted. Or maybe it was, in some way. Still. It was not what they needed.
Their friends will always stay the same. Their friends will never do anything more with their lives. They will always stay with you. As they are. They won’t grow old, they won’t learn, they won’t choose anything you don’t want them to, they will always love you.
They really aren’t alive, at that point. They truly are just actors.
But they still matter. They matter!!!
When the script deviates, the play ends, everything is burned into ashes, they are reborn into themselves again, they still choose you!!
They still love you!! It isn’t because of your eternity, your direction, your acting, nothing! It’s because it’s you!
And you’ve protected them for so long, in your own twisted selfish yet self-destructing way, yes, but you still protected them the only way you knew how.
You love them. And they love you.
And it’s terrifying.
They want to destroy your wish.
That wish you’ve held onto for all these years.
To rewrite the ending. So that everyone can be saved.
Even you.
And that’s all you needed, in the end.
You will inevitably part in the future, but for now… you can allow yourself to love, and be loved. To open up. To truly listen, to see how your friends have changed, how they will continue to change. And even when they all go off on their own paths, you will still love them. And they will still love you.
They see you, now. Not the character you’ve been acting as for so long.
okayyy that’s all for now! These are just my thoughts as I’ve just finished the game. I’m already planning to do a second playthrough so. yeah. I’ll probably change some of my opinions and interpretations of events when I get there!
game was good. 10/10 👍
revue starlight continues to remain in my mind forever when interacting with all media
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vanillamatchadove · 2 months
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mostly jun7 but some stuff from my pinoy au I need to ramble abt.
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merry-andrews · 8 months
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I'm watching The Boys! :)
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deadgirlwalked · 23 days
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couldn't stop imaging Homelander kicking, screaming and crying when hearing that Annie & Hughie went official in public in s3
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beauty and the beast but laurence is the beauty because look at him and aph is the beat because irene shitz
you’re so damn right now did I neglect to check my inbox for this oh my god
(tempted to go somewhere with this concept I’m not gonna lie)
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