#stay safe everyone<3
gin-astro · 8 months
Hey guys! Sorry to inform you, I'll be taking a little break from requests and I might be away a little more relating to health issues.
Today I woke up and I feel awful . But again I'll be still here hearting and reblogging!
Wishing you all well!<3
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skeledorky · 2 months
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The silly goofs!! I love the Jettwins 💙🧡💛
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speakergame · 1 month
Progress Report - 4/29/24
hello and happy birthday!
...is how this was going to start when I intended to post it this past Friday. But I spent my birthday as a side character in the hit 1996 movie Twister. By which I mean there was a really big tornadoful storm here, the likes of which I've never seen before. It's never a fun time when the words "historic" and "record-breaking" are involved.
But anyway! My birthday was a few days ago, and to celebrate I have a slightly belated gift for all of you!
A release date
That's right, we're back in business here in Speakerland 😁 I'm so relieved to finally return to some semblance of normalcy, and I'm very hopeful that I'll be able to get back to doing regular monthly updates again.
As for this one, the update will be going up on Patreon TONIGHT! I'll be uploading that momentarily, in fact. That means that, barring any strange game-breaking bugs or overly tangled code, the update will be out for public release on Tuesday, May 7th!
I just want to thank everyone one more time for your patience, and for all the messages of support 💙 it really does mean the world to me.
I think that's it for this time! I hope you all have a fantastic week with only mild-to-moderate tornadoes, and I'll see you all next week! 💙💙🌪️💙
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caelanglang · 1 year
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the days are getting warmer…
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doriana-gray-games · 5 months
Happy Holidays 🥰
A collection of Christmas, holiday, and wintery themed posts:
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duhsty1 · 7 months
HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!! scary guy for scary day
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linimoonlight · 4 months
(I usually try to not to engage in the negative side of this community but wanted to say something at least)
I'm so sorry for what the brazilians and Cellbit have to go though. Its not ok and not fair and i wish all the best to all of you <3
People who are hateful, xenophobic, racist, homophobic, sexist and all of those things dont have a place in this community. These people dont deserve a place here and as much as they claim to be part of this community they arent actually part of it. Because they dont understand or embrace what this community is all about.
This server and community is about celebrating our differences and finding our similarities. Its about learning new things and excepting and loving people for who they are. Its about sharing languages and cultures and connecting. And i hope that (despite everything) we will continue to do that one step at a time <3
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osamusriceballs · 7 months
The Accident - Part VI
Atsumu x fem Reader
Warnings: None
Words: ~ 1,1 k
About: The flashback ends- but what will you do next?
Part I II -> Next Part
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"You're not getting married."
Osamu's sharp remark did not have the intended effect. Both of you were still clinging to each other, acting all lovey-dovey.
"Samuu, you don't understand. She's my soulmate. I love her." Osamu's eyes almost popped out of their sockets while he kept watching how you two clung to each other and smiled like idiots, your hand on his cheek after he had said these words.
"You don't even know her. And stop touching her like that in public."
Atsumu's hands started wandering on your back, his fingertips teasing the bare skin on your back much to your delight - but to Osamu's horror.
"I don't mind - but who are you?" You turned towards him, and he paused for a second. You were beautiful, that much was certain. Shiny eyes, glossy lips, and a dress that looked like it had been made for you - but he quickly discarded every thought about your looks when he knew that he needed to stop this nonsense.
"I'm Osamu Miya. His brother."
"Oh." Your eyes widened as you took in his appearance, probably only then realizing how similar he looked to the man whose lap you were currently sitting on.
"Samu, we gotta go. The barkeeper told us that there's a priest next to this club."
"You're not getting married."
No matter how many times he repeated the sentence, it seemed like Atsumu was unable to understand.
"And then you convinced me to get your car to drive us home. Wouldn't stop bickerin' about how it's expensive and designer and about how it costs more than Onigiri Miya will ever make. I'll definitely kick your ass for that."
A muscle under Osamu's eye twitches when he mentions the comment, and you have to hold back a snort at this. He's kind of cute when he's angry.
"And then?"
"You were gone. Found ya at the church, but it was too late. You idiots already signed the contract."
You slowly step back until your knees reach the bed, and you heavily sink down on it. It feels like he's telling you a story right out of a movie, not something that has happened just a few hours ago, the whole thing still too absurd and unreal.
"Can we redeem it?" You look at Osamu, like he's the only one that can save you now, and he somehow actually is. You still have hope that you can get out of this without negatively impacting the rest of your life.
"I've talked to our lawyer. It's a waterproof contract. Very surprising because the church was more than just a bit shady. You're both bound for a year until ya can file for divorce." His words feel like a death sentence, and you find yourself at a loss for words. You gulp at his words, blinking a few times to suppress your tears. You're an idiot—an idiot for getting in a situation like this.
It's silent.
You don't dare to look at either of them, your gaze only focused on the phone in your hands, and every passing second makes you feel even more uncomfortable, until you can't stand the silence anymore.
"I'll get going."
You stiffly get on your feet, your movements robotic and lifeless while you make an attempt to leave, but you're quick to get stopped by Atsumu before you can even make more than getting up. "Wait- I- I don't even have yer number!"
"Oh." You pause, standing there for a few moments while you watch Atsumu getting closer to you, until there is not much space left between the two of you when he stands right in front of you. "Hey- are you okay?" Concern laces his voice while he looks down at you, and you manage to nod with a forced smile. "Peachy."
Osamu snorts at your comment and shakes his head, a movement that you barely see in the corner of your eyes. He probably feels guilty for the whole situation too, the dark cicles under his eyes similar to Atsumu's, certainly because he tried to find a solution for this and did not sleep at all during the night. "People who say 'peachy' are anything but fine."
"Hey, look at me." Atsumu ignores his brother's comment and brings his hand to your cheek. You're startled but allow him to turn your face upwards until your eyes lock. "I'm not letting ya go when ya can't even walk properly. You'll eat something, then you'll take a nice hot shower and get in some clean clothes and then I'll bring ya home. That alright with you?" There is something about the way he softly states the words that sends a comforting wave of warmth through your body, and you find yourself nodding and trusting him.
"Hmm. Good girl. Now just eat the rest of the fries while Samu gets ya some clothes. Right, Samu?" Atsumu breaks the eye contact with you to look sharply at Osamu, who only sighs and nods. "I saw a souvenir shop at the lobby. Better than nothin'." You now look at Atsumu's side-profile, admiring his sharp jaw line, unable to do something else but wondering if there is even one bad angle on this perfect man, while Osamu leaves the room with another deep sigh.
"Shouldn't I have given him some money?" You take a deep breath and wipe your hands on your dress, noticing how clammy they got. Probably a side-effect of the nervousness.
Atsumu snorts and returns his gaze to you, an amused smile on his lips. "That serves him right. He always brags about how much he makes with his stupid restaurant." Atsumu looks so similar to Osamu when he rolls his eyes; it's almost comical. "Don't tell him I said that, but he really makes the best food ever. I'll take ya there and show you."
You hum approvingly, feeling somewhat a tingle run down your spine at the prospect of him taking you out for dinner but try to ignore it. "C'mon. Eat the rest of the fries. I saw how ya inhaled them. You can have mine too." He grins, something that makes him seem absolutely adorable, and you find yourself smiling back at him, a warm feeling running through your body.
"I'm not hungry anymore. I'll take a shower then?" You questioningly raise your brows, and he nods. "Yeah, of course. When Samu comes back, I'll put the clothes in front of the bathroom."
Thank you," you raise your hand as if to pat his shoulder, but you halt the movement just before reaching him. You shouldn't touch him. Technically, you don't even know him. His gaze flickers to your hand, and he appears to consider taking it. However, he quickly steps to the side, giving you some space to move to the bathroom.
Without looking back at him, you close the bathroom door, take a deep breath, and glance at the phone in your hand. You scroll until you find the picture of a bright-haired person—
and decide to finally make a call.
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Jericho's turn at the torment playground
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rolilith · 8 months
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"If you haven't figured it out yet, feel free to tag along. I'll show you what's what."
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scene-royaltylolz · 8 months
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Bacc 2 skool again :p
And w/ a new hairstyle ÙwÚ
(Yes, I covered my face for more than just privacy reasons XD)
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nocturnal-impala · 26 days
Update info
The progress for episode 7 part 1 is now 30% complete!
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gentlenotes-moved · 7 months
happy halloween!!
you're six years old in your little spiderman costume with a fluffy black coat on. it's 38 degrees fahrenheit and beginning to snow a bit because you're in the midwest, unfortunately. your mom says to hurry up because it's getting late and she's freezing.
reblog to make sure everyone in the tumblr neighborhood gets a piece! :)
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plsdonttakemyname · 1 year
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Characters; Nikolai Gogol
Genre; angst, hurt/comfort, scenario
Warnings; reader has family and friends problems, mental breakdowns, Bad writing. So please don't read it if you're uncomfortable with these. This might not make sense since this is my second time writing an angst , hurt comf and scenarios but I hope you enjoy it <3..
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Knocking at the door of Nikolai's office with a tired look on your face as you walked in. You were greeted by Nikolai, your beloved boyfriend.
"Oh, hello dove. I was expecting to see you there. Would you mind to share a conversation?"
"I just wanna cry." Nikolai's eyes widened abit before speaking again. "Cry away Dove.. It's okay. Let go of your tears and let me hold you close. You know how much I care for you. I'll never leave you alone again." He said and kissed your forehead " Now come here, sit on my lap. I want to kiss you right now" he said with a smile on his face. "I love you so much Kolya, it's just things are getting more and more harder for me y'know.." You were really tired after studying for hours straight without any rest at all. "I know, baby. But don't worry. Everything will be alright. Just stay strong for me alright ?. We have each other, we can make it through anything together.I promise everything will work out just fine". He said as he holds your hand gently "I just I feel like I'm always not good enough, my friends and family doesn't even understand that I'm trying my best to make them happy.." you said as tears started to build up in your eyes.
"I'm trying my best Kolya. I really am. but none of them believed me. I got called a whore, spoiled and ungrateful. I don't know what to do anymore. I just feel like I wanna cry my heart out." You choked out a sob as soon as you finished the sentence "Oh, Dove... That sounds horrible. What happened?.. Tell me everything, please. Don't keep any secrets from me. I'm here for you. Always. And if anyone tries to hurt you or insult you, they won't get away with it. Not ever. Okay? Do you trust me Love?" He says as worries started to build up in his eyes and pulled you into a hug "yes I do trust you.. I'm studying really hard for college. my parents always told me to get off my phone and yelled at me when I'm clearly texting my project teacher about my work.This morning I got into an argument with my parents. They just slapped me because I talked back and I was trying to defend myself." You started crying while Nikolai is hugging you tightly on his lap.
"Oh Dear... You poor thing..That must've been awful. I wish I could protect you from these people who would do such terrible things to you. My love, you deserve better than this. If only..." He looks at the floor with sadness in his eyes "...if only I had done something sooner.." "All of my friends are just using me and talking behind my back I really don't know what to do anymore Kolya.I really don't. It just hurts." Your voice started to crack "I'm sorry Dove.. I should've known better than to think that those thing were worth trusting. They're nothing but troublemakers. They'd use you until you broke down completely. Then they'd laugh at you when you cried. They're disgusting creatures." He said while rubbing circles behind your back trying to calm you down "I wanna cry my feelings out but I'm really scared.." He hugged you tightly "It's okay, my love. Let it all out. Cry as loud as you need to. I'll hold onto you forever. No one else matters but us. Only us." He strokes your hair and gently tucking your hair behind your ear that was covering your face as he continued.
"You're safe with me.Never forget that. M'kay?" Your nodded and your sob slowly turning into small sniffles "Kolya?" You said his name after calming down abit. "Yes? What is it, my love?" He smiled warmly at you "Is there anything else bothering you besides your bullies,being treated badly by others or feeling worthless?" He takes his hands in yours and looks into your eyes lovingly "Tell me everything Dove."
"Am I annoying to you?.." You asked him as he laughs softly "Of course not, my love. Why would you ask such an absurd question? Of course not. You are absolutely adorable. The most beautiful person I have ever met. There isn't another person alive who compares to you. In fact, no other person even comes close besides you , Dos-kun and Sigma. You smiled at his response "I'm sorry for breaking down like this when you're busy... I just can't do this anymore I've been too stressed out lately." He kissed your forehead gently "Don't be sorry, my love. Just remember how much happier we are together. Remember how happy we make each other. And never doubt yourself again. You are perfect." He says and holds you close against him "I promise you will find someone special soon enough." "But...You're special to me and I love you Kolya." You whispered In his ears with a smile on your face now as he blushed at your words "I love you too my Dove. Now come here and give me a hug. Hugging helps calm you down after stressful situations. It makes you feel loved and protected too.. So... He said as he pulls you closer to him "C'mere! Give me a big hug I've missed you so much my love "
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A/n; Hii ! I hope you like this fic :) I'm so sorry if anyone is going through this too. I hope you're all doing okay now <33 Make sure to stay Hydrated and Eat in time, Just a reminder you're all perfect no matter who you are, You're all good enough. Some words can be extremely hurtful sometimes but it's the best to try and ignore them :D I'm always open to talk about it if you're going through a rough time/day :) I love you all mwah <3
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sillylittleraccoon · 1 month
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erm…. so anyways.
i originally deleted this ask and did not answer it cussss it was very confusing and shocking to get cus it was very unexpected. (also am not sure if me addressing it or posting abt it will make it happen more but.. oh well i wanna talk abt it.)
i do want to come on here and say that asks like these make me extremely uncomfortable.
i don’t know if you meant it in a sarcastic way, but even if you did im still not ok with it.
please, do not make asks like these as it violates my boundaries in my pinned post (to me this counts as nsfw, although it might not count for all)
i just wanted to make a post abt it because i do not want this happening again.
(turning off anon asks for a little bit after making this post just in case <3)
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baby-yongbok · 5 months
I’m smiling while typing this because I’m so very happy right now. It’s ten minutes to midnight here and I am reflecting on what 2023 has brought me. Out of every little thing that I’ve gained this year I’d say that this community has to be the best thing that has come my way. I’m so very happy that our 8 maniacs and their music found its way into my life because I wouldn't be here without it. 
Above all I’m so grateful to each and every wonderful person that I’ve ever interacted with on this site as well as all of the people who like, reblog, comment, request content or even just glance at my work. I never thought that I would be able to achieve the things that I have when I started this blog in the early summer. I never thought that I would get to a point where I can practice my passion and confidently put my work onto the internet for others to read but here I am and it’s all thanks to the support that I've received from all of you so far. So I want thank each and every one of you a million times over for seeing me and being so kind and open and just endlessly spectacular. Especially those of you who reach out and never fail to make me feel loved and seen whenever you can (You know who you are and I love you, MUAH 💋).
There is a particular person that I’ve met on this site that holds a special place in my heart. My best friend, @hyunniesgirl ,has been a ray of sunshine in a dark place since I met her and I couldn’t be more grateful. She helps me with ideas, she reads just about every single thing I write before I even post it and she’s the sweetest person in the entire world and I can’t imagine going into the new year without her by my side, I love her to bits and pieces (I’ve told her this 1 billion times since I’ve met her.💕)
So to sum this all up before I start ugly crying, I want to thank all of you for just being here. Thank you for existing and I hope that you continue to support me through the new year! As always, my DM's are open and my requests are open if you just wanna say hi or anything. I love talking to you all and I hope to interact more in the coming year!
I Love You All! Let’s Rock 2024! Fighting 💝
Happy New Year!
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