#steddie’s moving castle
lokidokeyartichoki · 2 years
Steddie Howls Moving Castle AU, where Eddie is Howl, Steve is Sophie and Dustin is Markl except Steve is his older brother figure and has gone after him after finding out he went to apprentice under a devil worshipping wizard. Steve is cursed by some other witch or wizard but uses the fact that he’s old to finally escape his parents/he’s thrown out for it. It takes until he’s out of his parents place to actually be able to look for Dustin, who admittedly is having the time of his fucking life following an over dramatic, running from responsibilities and the law Eddie, who actually probably DIDNT make a deal with a demon but instead saved a small fire demon named Robin who he gets on with like a moving castle on fire. Steve keeps his own curse going with his self doubt and lack of self preservation and esteem. Perhaps maybe even Nancy is the witch who cursed him during their “it’s bullshit” fight and Steve believes the curse so strongly no one can lift it.
It’s 1:15 am and my brain has decided this needed to be written down.
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steddieunderdogfics · 4 months
A very sweet friends to lovers fic all mixed up in a howl's moving castle au, recommended for the theme weekend 💜
The Boy Who Swollowed a Star by hititlikehammers
Rating: Mature
9,951 words, 1/1 chapters
Archive Warning: No Warnings
Tags: Alternate Universe - Fantasy, Alternate Universe - Howl's Moving Castle Fusion, Alternate Universe - Wizards, Friends to Lovers, Mutual Pining, Eddie as Howl/The Wizard Munson, Steve as Sophie, (kinda), Robin as Calcifer, Dustin as Markl, Platonic Soulmates Robin Buckley & Steve Harrington, But What If Eddie Ate A Lost Spark-Of-Life To Save A Stranger, And Lost His Heart In The Process, And What If That Stranger Then Became His Best Friend and They Were In Love, But One Lost Their Spark and The Other Lost Their Heart, And Probably Robin the Very Powerful Fire Demon Was The Key To Fixing All of It, What THEN?!?, Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Wizard!Eddie Sometimes Assumes a Bat-form So There's Also That, Hurt/Comfort, So Desperately Fluffy Though, Happy Ending
The Wizard Munson is supposed to inspire fear and awe. A trickster, a devil, a power unmatched. Blah blah blah; Steve only sees the gangly boy who almost fell off the roof of the Harrington’s tailoring shop, trying and failing to be stealthy and mysterious when Steve was not yet ten—so where whispers follow down alleyways about the dreaded terrors of the Wizard? Steve really just sees the goofball. His Eddie. “Come with me, Stevie,” Eddie doesn’t even pause for pleading, dives right in and begs him as if Steve needs convincing; "if nothing else, come with me so I know you’re safe, so I can do what needs doing without splitting half of me always just worrying. Save me from scrying out endlessly, to make sure you’re okay.” Steve’s heart thumps painful, pathetic: pure and unvarnished in a way he thinks is only possible when Eddie’s nearby. Only possible for Eddie, at all. Which means the answer’s wholly obvious—the war’s getting worse, this is his Eddie—only one response was ever really on the table: “Alright.” --- A Howl's Moving Castle Fusion/AU
Thanks for the rec!
This rec is a part of Theme Weekend. The theme this weekend is Friends to Lovers.
Know a fic that deserves extra love? Submit through our asks or the submission box!
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quiche-pocket · 7 months
Watching Howl and…. Is this anything? Or has it been done before? If so link please 😭
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hitlikehammers · 9 months
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✨ the boy who swallowed a star
a howl’s moving castle steddie au for @tboyeddie
“Finally,” Eddie presses their hands tight to his pounding heart, taking echoing strokes like it’s feeling out its limits, the bounds of its space; “finally,” and he guides Steve down to kiss him with a passion that’s breathless and breathtaking at once. “It’s perfect, isn’t it?” Steve can’t think of anything in this moment that isn’t, that’s anything less than perfection, but he tips his head in askance to know exactly what his dearest means. “All I wanted was to have a heart to give you, the least that you deserve,” Eddie cradles Steve’s hand dear, folds his fingers one by one before he pulls Steve’s touch to his chest of his own accord, his own wish and volition, flattens Steve’s palm there and presses close-close-close: “Of course you’re the one to free that very heart to offer at all,” and Steve knew Eddie’s heartbeat was distant all these years but he couldn’t have fathomed the strength of it now, back where it belongs, and somehow, somehow— “If you’ll have it,” Eddie murmurs, peering up at Steve through his lashes where he’s bowed toward their joined hands, gaze wide and hopeful and that heart is thunder, that heart is bird-wings— “If you’ll have me.” That heart is somehow trilling wild in offering, to Steve.
more ✨here✨
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nadiasna7 · 2 years
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There you are sweetheart, sorry I’m late, I was looking everywhere for you.
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paintedpatroclus · 2 years
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a heart’s a heavy burden !!
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drunkyriestuff · 1 year
my Holy Quartet of black haired, babygirl men with a flair for the dramatic
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the art for the first pic (Sirius) is by evix.art on instagram
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kermit-the-hag · 2 years
[Eddie comes back to the trailer drunk]
Steve: Go to bed, you idiot. You're drunk.
Eddie: Who, me? I assure you, my friend, I am cone sold stober.
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"Howl's Moving Castle" with Steve as Howl and Eddie as Sophie, that's all, thanks for reading.
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Steve and Eddie, possibly a little drunk, possibly a little elevated, on a summer night sneaking onto the grounds of the high school for what they intend to be some sort of epic prank. There's a lot of whispering and suppressed giggling and shushing each other and pushing and grabbing.
What would the prank be? I'm thinking drawing a giant dick on the football field in weed-killer but I'm open to suggestions.
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inklessletter · 1 year
For the steddie ask game - 15. If you created a cross-over/AU, what other show, movie, or book would it be and why did you pick that universe?
Hope you're having a lovely day!
Oh, WOW, that's a huge question.
I'm torn between two.
I think it would very much be incredible to see a steddie story based on 'Howl's moving castle'. Like, the vibe of how Sophie and Howl fall in love so gradually, so out of relying on their looks, so intimately, it hits just right as a steddie story. Also the worldbuilding is absolutely neat. Erica as Calcifer lives in my brain rent free now.
The other one, god. The last airbender.
That would be so fucking incredible. Steve hits so perfectly as an earthbender, stubborn, and tired. Eddie, though. Eddie is fire.
Just imagine those two traveling the world together trying to team up to help people, and slowly falling in love, finding tenderness in their differences. Because even if their ways are totally opposite, their means are just the same, and they meet half way everytime.
Yeah. Yeah, I think those two would do just fine.
Thank you so much for asking this!
Hey, you, keep this game going if you want (or reblog it!!)
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lokidokeyartichoki · 2 years
i have posted the second chapter of my steddie’s moving castle au and i would like to thank the horrible dreams that plague my visions as i try to sleep thank you
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cryptic-clowns · 2 years
If you like my work please consider checking out my shop!!!
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undreaming-fanfiction · 2 months
Written for @steddieangstyaugust, day 6 - "Who did this?" Childhood friends Steddie, delayed because I'm still sick and sleeping most of the time, sorry. I will catch up eventually.
When he was eight years old, someone up there sent Steve Harrington a miracle. It was't flashy, shiny or anything, so it took him a while to recognize that it was indeed a miracle. It came in form of a boy about a year older than him, with a mop of wavy dark hair, large brown eyes and even larger smile - Eddie Munson.
Steve was doing well at that time, or so everyone kept telling him. His parents had the money to buy a big house, get him a babysitter when needed, send him to all the activities he wanted - only they were rarely with him. But that was fine. When you have everything that so many others don't, you can hardly complain about something as mundane as feeling lonely.
God, Steve felt lonely.
He was the rich kid, the one with the "nothing is ever good enough" parents, and that rarely won him any friends. They all expected him to organize parties, to get a bouncy castle for the afternoon, to bring a cake whenever they asked, but it felt like they never really wanted him. Steve found the feeling painfully familiar.
It took one gentle rejection of another set of requests and demands, a suggestion that maybe they could just go and check out the fair that was just unpacking nearby, and everyone lost interest in him, called him cheap. Unpacking meant that it wasn't open yet, and that Steve wouldn't pay for the rides. He was just leaving the playground when he heard a high, loud voice call out to him. "Hey, hey you! Yellow t-shirt! Wait!"
Steve stopped and turned around, glaring at the skinny kid rushing to him. "Yellow t-shirt?" he asked, wondering if he should be insulted.
"Well, duh. I don't know your name yet. I'm new here." The boy stopped in front of him with a wide smile plastered on his face. "But now I will. I'm Eddie, I moved in with my uncle a week ago. You are?"
Steve offered him his hand. "Steve. So, uh..."
Eddie laughed and shook his hand. "Hi, Steve. Now, did these sharp ears hear something about a fair?"
Something lifted in Steve's chest, something he never knew weighed so heavily on him. "Sure did!"
His new friend - only friend - beamed at him. "Then lead the way! "
It was after they properly inspected all the attractions that the fair had to offer that Steve noticed a bruise on Eddie's arm. It was pure chance - he and Eddie were swinging on a tree branch and Eddie's sleeve fell back, revealing a nasty bruise. It must have been older, but the size and discoloration were still enough to make Steve concerned.
"Who did this?" he asked, pointing at Eddie's shoulder.
Eddie seemed to freeze mid-swing. He dropped to the ground and pulled the sleeve back. "No one. I fell, I'm clumsy like that." He spoke fast and with that carefree smile, but Steve's gut had a mind of its own.
"Eddie. You don't get bruises like that from falling," he said and despite Eddie's protests, leaned in to examine the injury. He'd seen some like that, on kids whose parents tended to fight a lot, or at least according to his parents, "had a nasty violent streak". He always tried not to stare, but he knew what they meant. "It looks...looks like a punch. Did someone do that to you?"
The smile faltered and Eddie dropped his gaze to the ground. He shuffled around awkwardly on his feet, as if he was deciding whether to run. "Uh...yeah. I mean. It's probably not a secret, it's just that it used to? I mean," he added, noticing the confused look on Steve's face, "my dad tends to get angry a lot when things don't go well. He lost his job, mom left us...so yeah. That's also why I'm here, in a new town, new school...my uncle lives here. I'm staying with him."
"Is he..." wavered Steve, "...is he angry too? Will you be OK?"
If there were any tears in Eddie's eyes, they were gone in an instant. "Wayne? Oh no. He's great. He's a bit scary, but he's so nice. You know, he gave me his own bed. I told him I don't need it, but he didn't care. And he gave me some really cool books! You'll never have to worry about Wayne. Or me. That's a promise."
Steve didn't think Eddie meant to lie. "You'll never have to worry about me" sounded wonderful, but it never worked that way with them. And Steve found himself asking Eddie the same question over and over.
"Who did this?" he asked as Eddie came to the school with his head shaved, gently coaxing an answer from Eddie that his classmates thought cutting his hair would be a great prank. "It'll grow back even thicker, just you wait," he snickered, but Steve could see his restless fingers reaching out for the strands that were no longer there.
"Who did this?" he asked as he was helping Eddie fish out his school supplies from the pool. Eddie just laughed it off, saying he'd pissed of a bunch of seniors by not lying to their girlfriends about cheating.
"Who did this?" he asked as he saw Eddie with a black eye and his locker painted over with the word FAGGOT. Eddie shrugged and slammed the locker shut. "It's not like they're wrong," he whispered to Steve. When Steve turned up at his and Wayne's trailer in the evening, Eddie hugged him tight, as if he thought he'd never see Steve again over that admission. As if.
"Who did this?" he asked as he was picking Eddie up after his roleplaying club, Hellfire, and seeing that someone cut Eddie's tires. Eddie just laughed and explained that apparently dragons and adventures were the work of Satan now.
"Who did this?" he asked in marvel as he saw Eddie's first tattoo. It was so crooked and imperfect, but so much like Eddie. When he admitted it was his own work, Steve asked for one of his own.
"Who did this?" he laughed as he kissed Eddie for the first time and found a small braid hidden in his mane of hair. When Eddie admitted he made that one himself, that he gets restless sometimes, Steve asked to teach him. So he could always braid Eddie's hair for him when they eventually moved away together.
But maybe the answers didn't matter.
The answer to "who did this?" didn't matter to the mob that gathered after Chrissy Cunningham's death. They decided they knew already.
"Who did this?" didn't matter when Steve raced to the hospital with badly injured Eddie in his car, the wound on his head bleeding onto Steve's pristine window.
"Who did this?" lost its importance when Wayne and Steve waited for the dreaded news.
And knowing who did it certainly doesn't help Steve now, as he and Wayne are picking up a headstone for Eddie's final resting place.
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fuctacles · 1 year
Midsummer Night's Dance
T | 1257 | knight!Steve, bard!Eddie, pre-Steddie, platonic Hellcheer | Ao3
Steve had already made up his mind and was on his way to the stables by the time Jason Carver found him.
"You're as good as dead, Harrington,” the man sneered into his face. “That freak is going to kill you in your sleep.”
"He's just a minstrel, Carver."
"He is a murderer!" Jason yelled, his face going red. Steve could feel his hot breath on his face. It reeked of alcohol. "He and his devil worshippers killed Chrissy!"
"Lady Christine disappeared," Steve reminded him. "There is no proof Munson had anything to do with it."
"He was drugging her! Everyone knows it!"
By now Steve moved past Jason, making his way deeper into the stables where Dustin, his squire, should be waiting with their horses. Carver followed him with uneven steps, breathing down his neck. 
He felt a tiny bit of relief when he spotted the teen. They nodded at each other, Dustin's eyes flicking behind him and his mouth pressed into a thin line. Wisely, he chose not to speak in Jason's presence. They silently prepared their horses, letting the man tire himself out with yells and accusations.
"Can't believe you're dragging along a kid," he baffled watching both of them leave the stables with their horses. "At least your corpses will finally prove I was right about that freak!"
Steve couldn't help the roll of his eyes.
"In that case, I’m glad I’ll never have to see you again," he said, leading his horse towards the stoned path that lead all the way from the castle grounds to the front gates and the forest beyond. Dustin followed behind him.
As soon as they left the shade of castle towers, he sighed, rolling his shoulders.
"This better not bite me in the ass, Henderson," he said, eyeing his squire.
Dustin deflated, like Steve just gave him permission to unleash everything that he's been holding inside.
"Eddie's cool! You can trust him! You can trust me!"
"Yeah? Like with Darth?"
Dustin bristled. 
"Don’t bring him into this! I wouldn't trust Darth with my life. But with Eddie, I would."
Steve squinted at him.
"His dramatics are rubbing off on you."
They reached the local tavern, Dustin running inside and then out to get Eddie's horse. Soon, the man of the hour was out of the door, his shirt askew, hair sticking out, sleep still gluing his eyelids together.
"You were… sleeping," Steve half-asked with disbelief.
The bard only grunted in response.
"It's almost noon!"
"It's nine," he hissed back, as if they shouldn't have left at dawn. "Hellfire!" He immediately lit up when Dustin appeared with his horse, black like midnight. He nuzzled gently her snout, cooing at her.
Steve melted a tiny bit inside, always touched by a sight of a loving horse-owner. Too many knights treated them like expendables.
He coughed into his fist to hide his reaction.
"Let's go."
They walked the rest of the length of the cobbled path, making a stop at the market to get some food for the road. Eddie disappeared minutely, and just when Steve was about to get angry, he reappeared, brandishing a marmalade stuffed bun for each of them.
Grumbling, Steve bit into the offering.
"Trying to bribe me?"
"Why would I? You already agreed to take me," Eddie answered after swallowing. "I just wanted one and thought it would be nice to share." He shrugged.
"Well, thanks."
"Steve has a sweet tooth!" Dustin offered the information happily, ignoring the glare his knight threw him.
"Ahh, now I know the way to Steve Harrington's heart," the bard smiled at him mischievously.
In answer, Steve hopped onto his horse and trotted away, forcing his companions to hastily follow his lead. Soon, their little troupe was out of the town gates and towards what Munson dubbed a ‘song-worthy adventure’. Steve just called it a routine patrol but, to each their own.
Eddie made for a surprisingly good travel companion. As a bard he had a lot of stories and songs to fill the boring stretches of the road, as a… herbalist he knew his way around the forest flora and had a satchel of fragrant tea he brewed for Steve on the first morning of their adventure/patrol.
It took him two nights to notice something was off. On the third, he took action.
"Where's Eddie?" he asked Dustin when it was his turn to take the night watch.
The boy shrugged.
"Taking a dump, I guess?"
"How long has he been gone?" Steve frowned. Dustin rolled his eyes like the idea of something bad happening to his friend, in the middle of the night, in a forest he didn't know, was an absurd concept.
"You know these artist types, they love their midnight strolls," he waved his hand dismissively. "He said to give him half an hour before worrying."
Okay, so there was that at least.
"Fine," Steve scoffed. He stretched and looked around the darkness surrounding their patch of grass. "I'm gonna take a leak and switch you up."
But as he was tying his pants back up, a stubborn plan solidified in his head. Without a second thought, he followed the trail of disturbed bushes. He stumbled a bit, since the barely-there path was lit only by a sliver of moon.
He almost walked right into them. One second the forest was dark and empty, the only sounds made by his footsteps and the quiet nightlife, and the next only a tree trunk was separating him from a clearing that bustled with energy.
The bodies crowding the place glowed their own ethereal light, fair lithe forms covered only by overflowing hair, wings, and shimmering slivers of fabric. They danced in a circle, happy and smiling, flowing above ground. Beside the gathering of faeries - a bard, accompanying them with his lute. Not just any bard. Steve's bard.
His voice flowed around, intertwining with the instrument and almost tangible in the pulsing air. It made Steve feel the urge to dance, but he knew it would be wrong to join them as a mere human being. Instead, he watched. The sight of fairies made him feel dizzy, their bodies unfocused, tethering on the edges of two realms. Or maybe his human eyes were at fault here, not designed to seeing them. He had no trouble focusing on Eddie, though. His milky skin was glowing just like the faeries’, and his hair flowed with a non-existent breeze. He fitted among them perfectly, and the thought that he couldn't be fully human, crossed Steve's mind.
There was a shift in the circle, a figure emerging and reaching out. Eddie smiled, abandoning his lute in a grasp of another faerie who continued the tune without a hitch. And then they were dancing, twirling around each other, singing together.
Steve could see both of them clearly.
He's met Christine Cunningham before but here she looked nothing like what he remembered. Where she used to be sickly pale and have an aura of melancholy around her, here she was alive with magic, fitting right in with the menagerie of mystical creatures.
Steve’s reasons for agreeing to the bard's company were many. A lot of them were tied to the widely spread rumours of his involvement in the disappearance of Lady Cunningham. He had a gut feeling the man was no murderer but the truth facing him was much bigger than he could ever imagine.
Not a murderer nor a kidnapper, Eddie Munson had simply returned his friend to where she always belonged.
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medusapelagia · 5 months
Battle cry - Part Two
written for @steddiemicrofic prompt ‘Fool’ wc: 454 rated: M TW: blood, injuries, war, battlefield, cliffhanger
(I had the idea of trying to write a longer fic using Steddie Microfic Prompts, I don’t know if this will work out! This fic is intended as a sequel to I’ll make you proud but can also be read as a stand-alone)
Their camp is burning.
The ground is dripping blood and the soldiers are screaming and running while Steve stares at the huge creature that's standing in front of him.
At his side, Robin, his squire, is trying to drag him away from the battlefield: their enemies have a fucking dragon, and there is no way they can even hope to defeat them. But Steve isn’t moving. His eyes pinned in the dragon's ruby ones. The creature's nostrils flare and he snorts some smoke, trying to intimidate the prince. There's no need. Steve is already terrified. Still. He can't retreat. He must protect his men and his family, or at least die trying to.
"Run," Steve says to Robin, without turning.
"Steve! Don't be foolish! You can't fight a dragon!" She insists, her grip around the boy's arm even tighter.
"I know, but I can still buy you some time."
The dragon is studying him like a big cat ready to jump and catch the mouse he's playing with.
"Think about Eddie! Think about your kid!" Robin begs, her eyes full of tears, but she has been at Steve's side since he was a child, and she knows that she'll not be able to convince him.
"Listen to me." Steve says, his hand already on the hilt of his swords, "We don't know how many dragons they have, but if this is the only one and I manage to keep him busy long enough for you to get back to the castle, we might still have a chance," he whispers, "Find Dustin. Tell him that they have a dragon. I'm sure he'll come up with some clever plan."
For a brief moment, Steve turns toward Robin with a sad smile, then he pushes her away and starts running toward the dragon. He's on foot, he lost his horse during the fight and all he has now are his sword and the medallion with Eddie's mischievous expression. He didn't even have the time to add their son's portrait.
His armor clangs while he gets closer to the enormous creature that stares back at him. Some soldiers try to stop him. An arrow, coming from Steve’s blind side, finds its way under his arm. Steve yelps but keeps going, feeling the blood pouring down his arm: if he's not quick the arrow will kill him before the dragon.
There's a flare of fire at Steve's side and he barely avoids getting burned. He rolls on the ground, whimpering when he hits the ground where the arrowhead is still embedded, and when he finally stops he's so close to the dragon that can count all his scales.
Steve lets out a battle cry.
And then the dragon hits.
(Do I have an idea about how to continue this? Yes, I do and I need at least 2 more prompts that I can use... maybe three to get it more coherent but who cares XD)
Part 3
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