#sterek pack texts
sterekmpreg · 1 year
I need to see the texts Peter sends Eli.
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when-they-write-stuff · 11 months
Stiles: I place a kill on Isaac.
Isaac: Screw you! I kill Stiles.
Stiles: Hey, no, what the hell, asshole! Double kill Isaac.
Lydia, sighing as the two bicker: Guys, this is a murder mystery game. You do this every time.
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histerek · 1 year
Jackson: If I died and came back to life and you had already moved on and married someone else, would you leave them for me?
Isaac: Yeah, sure.
Jackson: I can’t believe this.
Isaac: What? I said I’d get back together with you.
Jackson: Who told you to get remarried, huh? You jackass. What if I didn’t have the ability to come back to life?? You were supposed to mourn me forever!
Isaac: ….Did Stiles tell you to ask me this?
Jackson: No!
*back at the Stilinski-Hale pack house*
Stiles: But… I’m the love of your life…
Derek: And you died. And you said I moved on.
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notaboutmeeee · 2 years
OK, wild thought that might need you to not think too much about it or the minor details:
If what hoechlin said was true (at one of the cons I think) and he really did make sure to pat Stiles/dylan on the back/tease him/have that Sterek moment happen in every single take in the finale and yet they just cut before or around it (and robbing us of it) ... Then what if he did sth similar in the movie. What if Derek enters a scene while being on the phone, hangs up while saying "OK, bye, love you. Stay safe, Stiles.".and hoech made sure to say it in every take to the point that they couldn't cut around it without having Derek's lips move without sound or him to just suddenly stand somewhere completely different. And then they get him back after filming to record adr (or whatever its called) to 'fix' the audio but he just keeps doing the same and that's how we get canon (though fanon is canon, lol) sterek haha
If only
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kitchenisking · 3 months
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March Fic Rec
back to back recs cuz I wasn't paying attention to the weeks fly by😅
Obsession by Rae666 - (Rating: Mature, Words: 2,399, sterek)
Derek gets hit by a witch's curse and is confined to his loft as his uncle searches for a cure and Isaac stands guard. But as the curse grows worse and Derek's obsession with a certain pale skinned person becomes increasingly intense, how long can the team keep Derek and Stiles apart, especially when Stiles decides to take matters into his own hands?
The Wolf by rororowyourboat - (Rating: G, Words: 3,901, sterek)
Stiles and Derek haven't seen each other in years, but after talking on the phone nonstop for months now, Derek is finally moving back to Beacon Hills. The day he's supposed to arrive, he stops responding to Stiles' texts, and then a blue-eyed wolf shows up on his porch steps. Obviously something has happened to Derek, and Stiles needs to help him out... right?
Tease by katrint - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 4,852, sterek)
Stiles is used to Derek being all growly, claiming and rough when he gets jealous, but when something that usually would make Derek all the above happens, and Derek shows no interest in Stiles whatsoever, Stiles starts to worry.
Ulterior Motives by useyrwordsderek - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 11,082, sterek)
In which Stiles is warm for Derek’s form, Derek is repressed, and Erica is awesome. (Lydia is also awesome, but that goes without saying.) Author’s notes: Set after Season 2; mild spoilers for all of S1 and S2. Previously posted to LJ. My first Teen Wolf fic! Be gentle!
It feels like a perfect night (for breakfast at midnight) by princecharmingwinks - (Rating: G, Words: 1,068, sterek)
Stiles is floating on cloud nine. He is absolutely living his best life. It's a Saturday night, he's out with his friends and he's dancing like it's his birthday. Because it is! (Or it will be in 20 minutes, once midnight ticks around). And what better way to celebrate the respectful age of 22 than a night out?
The Hale Beast by secretfanboy - (Rating: Mature, Words: 17,707, sterek)
Stiles would rather be at home playing X-Box than attending the ceremony inaugurating the Wolf nation's sovereignty over the Argent kingdom, but he's the Sheriff's son so those are the breaks. What he doesn't expect is the feral werewolf Prince Derek AKA The Beast to take an interest in him.
He was alone with the Beast. His heart started pounding its way up into his throat. A burst of static came from his cell phone. "Scott! Oh my god! He's here! The Hale Beast is here with me and I'm alone and no one is here to witness when he kills me...to death!"
Treasure by Hedwig221b - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 71,231, sterek)
“I know you don’t trust me,” Derek grunted. When Stiles inhaled to retort, Derek caught his chin and pressed a finger against his lips, making the boy freeze in place, eyes impossibly wide. “Don’t argue. I expected it. Wolves don’t trust easily, too. I just wanted you to know that… I’m sorry. I was selfish and didn’t see what was in front of me. You don’t need to worry. I’ll take care of everything.”
It was a thought that grew in his mind, spread to his heart and took root there, reincorporating into a deep desire and a vital need. Derek will take care of him and his little pup, he’ll bring the hearts of his enemies and put them at the boy’s feet. He’ll court and he’ll conquer.
The Mending That You Need by torakowalski - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 3,861, sterek)
“He’s not my boyfriend, Stiles. He’s a man from a club. I couldn’t call him, if I wanted to.”
Even Forbidden Fruits Get Picked by flitterflutterfly - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 18,658, sterek)
When Stiles’ best friend gets himself bitten by a rogue werewolf, Stiles convinces him to seek aide from the local pack. Stiles tags along, ready to help Scott despite the knowledge that he likely wouldn’t be welcome. After all, Doms rarely ever approved of Stiles and he thought the Hales would be no exception. So he was surprised to find that not only had the rogue seemed to develop some kind of creepy fascination with him, the young alpha wolf, Derek, seemed to want him as well.
Transformation by sffan - (Rating: T, Words: 1,885, sterek)
“Dude. You turned into a wolf. What the hell? When did that start being a thing?”
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wheredidhiseyebrowsgo · 10 months
Hi! I was wondering if you could recommend any fics where Lydia isn't hailed as some sort of genius goddess. Anything where she isn't allowed to just get her way all the time (preferably where she is called out on it), or maybe she is a bad friend. I've only ever been able to find one or two fics that don't portray her as completely perfect and all knowing. Thanks in advance even if you can't recommend anything!
Hi anon! @kevaaronday made this list for you.
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You Are Cordially Invited by Akinasky (12/12 | 65,226 | Teen | Sterek) After Stiles gets to college he ends up text-dumped by Lydia who goes back to Parrish and less than a year later decides to marry the guy and all Stiles can think of is that he doesn't want to show up to the wedding alone and he can't think of anyone else to call but Derek Hale. Sour wolf extraordinaire and apparently stalker wolf.
He had no idea the guy would actually come and offer to go as his plus one.
Me Without You Is Paradise by TheWriterinBeskar (9/9 | 12,209 | Teen | Sterek) After a fallout with Scott, Stiles is comforted, cornered, and confronted.
Christmas Kisses by HappyJuicefruit (1/1 | 8,621 | Gen | Sterek) After ten years away, Derek returns home to find a very different Beacon Hills than the one he left. 
He decides it’s much, much better this way. 
Back on the outside by Leaslemoon (2/2 | 3,109 | Teen | Sterek) Stiles doesn't care that Lydia broke up with him. He cares about the fact that everyone went back to treating him like a piece of shit.
Triads are very stable by Marc_is_weird_af (1/1 | 2,878 | Teen | Sterekson) Stiles and Jackson have been hooking up since high school whenever Jackson and Lydia break up Stiles catches Lydia cheating and tells Jackson who doesn't believe him Derek is a TA at the university, he likes Stiles but the other is always near Jackson so when the two fight he takes his chances Jackson on the other hand is only doing what he has to do and is fighting his feelings
AKA The three idiots are a mess and life is complicated
I’m Not Special by thebazile_c (1/1 | 2,734 | Teen | Sterek) This all could have been an email. Stiles could be home right now, doing anything but sit in Derek’s loft at 11:30 on a Monday night. He’s not even being useful, there is nothing for him to do. Stiles doesn’t need to be here. The longer he sits, listening to the Pack argue and ignore him, the more he knows he isn’t needed here. Or wanted.
Coward by ScarsLikeVelvet (1/1 | 580 | Mature | Steter) Stiles, Danny and Jackson have an appointment with the principal. Lydia confronts Stiles beforehand with some ridiculous accusations.
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christinesficrecs · 6 months
I need help finding a sterek fic I’ve looked and it's driving me crazy It was on ao3, only 1 or 2 chapters but still pretty long. The whole pack is alive. Jackson made lacrosse plays for the pack to fight each monster they find. He gave them to Stiles to give to Derek because Derek listens to stiles the most. Scott is flaky, they text him for help with trolls(?) and he shows up after it's over, he lies by saying he had to work at the Vet but alli and stiles know his schedule and know it's a lie
Can anyone help with this one?
Thank you everyone!! 🩷
stuck in reverse by crazyassmurdererwall (smartalli) | 65.6K | Explicit
Look, Derek is the worst. Everyone knows that. Their fearless leader is a total and complete failwolf.
Which means the rest of them? Are kind of the worst too. They’re a ramshackle, slap dashed, sorry excuse for a pack that’s about a half second away from getting one of them killed. And this is a problem, because Stiles would really like to survive high school. Thanks.
Still, no one deserves what Derek has gone through. Nobody.
And it’s about time somebody told him that.
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Sterek Fic Rec - January 2023. I am hurting, team. I was one of the few that fully watched the movie and I can say, it hurt so much. You’ll find a lot of fix-it fics making an appearance below and over the next months because I need them. 
here is the repeated image of the lover destroyed by elisela (1/1 | 7K | Teen)
Stiles doesn’t go home right away.
The urge is there—when he answers the phone to Lydia’s shaking voice, when he gets the text from his dad, when he stares out at the sun glowing soft peach and golden over the buildings in D.C. and he thinks about Derek never seeing another sunrise. It’s there weeks later when he gets a check from the Estate of Derek Hale, when he crumples it up and throws it in the trash, when he fishes it out an hour later and tries to salvage it by weighing it down with a book from the Hale vault.
It’s there, it’s there, it’s there.
Stiles doesn’t listen to it.
Because Stiles isn’t going back to Beacon Hills to say goodbye.
A Big Surprise by novemberhush (1/1 | 1K | General)
If you go down to the woods today you’re sure of a big surprise...
Scott and Malia McCall’s youngest daughter is having a Teddy Bears’ Picnic-themed birthday party, but that’s not all the pack will have to celebrate today because Stiles and Derek have some exciting news to share with everyone.
A Divine Move by alikatastic (1/1 | 2K | Not rated)
After Derek died, Peter was the one to let Stiles know. Stiles rushed to Beacon Hills to attend Derek's funeral and take care of Eli. When Peter takes Stiles to the Nemeton to show Stiles what happened, they make a discovery. Derek was trapped in the nemeton. All they had to do was pull him out.
Is That a Gun In Your Pocket Or...That's a Gun In Your Pocket by Elpie (Horribibble) (2/2 | 8K | Explicit)
Derek Hale is the best boyfriend. He's sweet. He's funny. He recites Pablo Neruda completely unprovoked. He also happens to be in the murder business. But hey, nobody's perfect.
A romantic comedy with guns and roses. (Well, maybe not the roses.)
Last Lovesong of a Dying Lemon by wldnst | podfict by knight_tracer (1/1 | 10K | Mature)
Stiles' Jeep keeps breaking down. Derek is a mechanic.
Safe by Hedwig221b (1/1 | 976 | Not rated)
“Where is he?” Stiles rumbled, glancing at each member of the pack in front of him, before settling his incinerating gaze on one person he once considered a brother. “Tell me, Scott, where is my husband?”
Best Laid Plans by justonemoremiracle (1/1 | 2K | Teen)
As it turned out, spending months away from Beacon Hills —and thus, the pack— had completely screwed up his ability to come up with good, sensible plans. “… You’re asking me to be your fake boyfriend.” As a sidenote, Stiles had to give it to Derek. His ability to sound completely unimpressed, even over the phone, was stellar.
Cold as Ice by Gia279 | podfict by misswhimsy (1/1 | 10K | Teen)
A man stood in front of Derek, three feet away. He had blood on his mouth, throat, and left arm. He blinked at Derek but he looked more dazed than afraid. He grinned, baring bloodied teeth, held up two fingers, and rasped, “Hey,” in a voice that sounded like it hadn’t been used in weeks, before collapsing straight down in a dead faint.
Solitary Animals by Mollyamory (Molly) (1/1 | 13K | Teen)
In which the Alpha pack wants to take something important away from the Hale pack, and there's only one sure way to keep Stiles safe. Negotiations of a personal nature ensue.
Teen Wolf Movie: Post Credits Scene by HelloWhyTheFuckAmIHere (1/1 | 1K | General)
No post credits scene at the end of the Teen Wolf movie, you say? Maybe you just missed it...
princecharmingwinks special mention (The first fic that helped me breathe again after watching it. I didn’t really realise how long I was holding my breath until I read this <3)
like lightning to the abyss by evcndiaz (1/1 | 3K | Mature)
All that to say, he's asleep when he feels it. Asleep with his head pressed against his dining room table, drooling onto a stack of bills when the world (his world) suddenly falls out of orbit. It's different this time, though. Whatever fine-tuned sense he's got locked into Derek Hale doesn't just stumble this time, doesn't just hiccup like he's in pain. It goes quiet, there one minute, snuffed out the next.
Stiles is out the door before his phone even rings.
Or; Stiles brings Derek back to life. Because of course he does
Thank you Sterek fandom family, you are all helping me through this. Soon we will be able to consider the movie a distant memory that was just a bad dream. Until then, let’s stick together hey? Big hugs everyone!
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sterekmpreg · 1 year
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sterek8nights · 6 months
Our Future In These Photographs
Another Hanukkah fic!
For the Sterek8Nights Bingo squares: gift exchange, combining, family
on ao3 here
Please check out the prompts and the bingo card and join me in Hanukkah-ing Sterek!
Derek looked around the store forlornly. Nothing here was right, and he was starting to panic. Hanukkah started in three days, and he still didn’t have anything for Stiles.
So, he did what he usually did when he had a problem he needed help with and he couldn’t call Stiles: he called Stiles’ dad, and texted Boyd.
“Still can’t think of what to get him, huh?” John answered in lieu of a greeting, and Derek groaned. The man may be the actual Sheriff, and his kind of father-in-law, but it was often irritating how much he noticed.
“No. And I am this close to just giving him my credit card and setting him lose at that little occult shop on Denton that has the actual magic stuff in the basement,” Derek not-quite whined.
John chuckles, and even though Derek’s annoyed, the sound is comforting in its familiarity. “As much as he’d enjoy that, I’m not sure that your bank account, or his bookshelves, really need to take that hit, son.” 
It’s Derek’s turn to laugh then. He runs a hand through his hair and sighs.
That’s when he sees it, tucked under a little stack of sweaters, clearly discarded by a customer that couldn’t be bothered to return it to its proper place. A silver picture frame with intricate designs set into the metal. Derek snatches it up and says a hasty goodbye to John, citing an epiphany and barely catching the “Good luck, kid,” that he tacks on before Derek hangs up and shoves his phone into his pocket.
After a quick stop at his family’s vault, and another to the Stilinksi residence, he rushes home, glad to beat Stiles there, and hurries to his office to wrap his gifts.
The first night of Hanukkah is spent with John at his house, with just the three of them, starting the week off with a relative calm before various combinations of friends and co-workers, and the pack all invade Derek and Stiles’ house for the other days.
After lighting the menorah, and eating the latkes they had all made together, they head to the living room to exchange gifts, Derek and Stiles give John a trip for the three of them to see the Mets and a stay in a really nice hotel for a few days. He tries to protest, but Stiles has already arranged the time off for him, so he hugs them both and starts talking about what else they can do while they’re in New York.
John commits to what he insists are “traditional Hanukkah gifts”, and gives them both packages of novelty socks and matching t-shirts with photo realistic wolves howling at the moon on the front. Stiles cackles and hugs his dad even as he complains about not being a kid anymore, but John waves his protests off. “You know how this works, kid. Socks are tradition! I just picked a package at random, you could’ve just as easily gotten an art kit, or something surprising!” he defends with a smirk, knowing that they all not-so-secretly find it hilarious to get three or four nights of “useful” presents amid all the rest.
“At least it’s not underwear,” Derek jokes, only for Stiles to look him in the eye and waggle his eyebrows in a way that never fails to make Derek feel fond, even though it’s objectively ridiculous.
“Maybe not from dad,” Stiles replies, making Derek blush, eyes darting furiously to John, and then back to Stiles.
John groans, loud and long-suffering. “That’s more than I need to know, son,” he complains good naturedly, tossing the balled-up wrapping paper from his gift at Stiles and hitting him square on the nose. After a few moments of shared laughter and a brief wrapping paper war, John announces it’s time for the two of them to exchange their gifts.
Stiles scrambles to grab his box, wrapped in shimmery blue and surprisingly heavy for its size when Stiles sets it in Derek’s hand. He watches expectantly as Derek unwraps it carefully. Inside the box are two stones; one is about half the size of Derek’s palm, the other is quarter-sized and on a necklace, they’re both practically glowing, and Derek realizes it’s the same shimmer the wrapping paper had.
“They carry the most powerful protection spell I could find,” Stiles explains. “The big one, you bury in your yard and it will keep the house and a good amount of the surrounding forest safe. The small one you wear,” he says, wrapping his hands around Derek’s. “As a bonus feature, if you hold the pendant, it sends a little buzz to me through my spark, so you can tell me you’re thinking of me, or hold it longer, and it’s like the Bat-signal signal.”
Derek manages a slightly awed smile as he looks up at Stiles from where he was watched they tangled hands, and a “I love it, thank you,” that’s a little more choked up than he’d like to admit before Stiles pulls him close for a brief, chaste kiss.
“You’re welcome. Happy Hanukkah, Der,” Stiles says into the small space between them. “Now where’s mine?” he asks with mock-seriousness, successfully resetting the mood.
Derek scoffs and rolls his eyes, as is expected of him, and carefully hands Stiles his meticulously wrapped box.
Stiles is not a careful-unwrapper, but he takes his time with this one, maybe he picked up on Derek and John’s excitement.
When the wrapping paper is off, Stiles looks between Derek and John quizzically, his fingers hovering over the edges of the outer box. “What did you two do?” Stiles asks, eyes narrowing.
John puts both hands up in a calming gesture, but Derek barks out an anxious “Open it,” and then immediately regrets it when they both look at him like he’s lost his mind. Derek huffs out a laugh and ruffles his own hair. “Sorry. I was really anxious about what to get you; your dad helped when I figured it out.”
Stiles grins wide. He loves that his dad and his boyfriend get along so well. He is also insanely curious about what’s in the box.
He lifts the lid off the box and runs delicate fingers over the tissue paper folded over the contents, peeling it away slowly. Once it’s out of the way, Stiles gasps, a hand flying to his mouth.
Inside the box are two not-quite identical silver frames. 
In one, is a picture of Stiles, John, Derek, Cora, and Peter with the rest of the pack, on the giant porch at Stiles and Derek’s house. In the other, is a similar picture, except it’s on the porch at the old Hale house, and the pack in the picture is Derek’s family. Derek is maybe three years old, Peter barely a teenager, and Cora and Stiles are technically there, too, because in the middle of the photograph are Talia and Claudia, both very pregnant, with their arms thrown around each other. John is on the other side of Stiles’ mom, absolutely beaming at the camera.
Stiles looks up at Derek and his dad, eyes wet with unshed tears. He knew that his parents were friends with the Hales, had seen the occasional photo – mostly in boxes of his mother’s things in the attic – but he’d never seen this specific picture before, never a picture of him and Derek together, because the Hales had distanced themselves when John got promoted at the Sheriff’s department, not wanting him to have to lie about the supernatural in any official capacity, so they’d missed out on being in each other’s lives until they met again as teenagers.
“Der,” Stiles whispers, tracing the edges of the frames.
“I found that frame, the newer one, and I remembered a similar one from the vault that I’d seen years ago. With that picture. It, uh. It didn’t mean anything at the time, it was so long ago, but I brought it here, and your dad told me a little about that time–”
“There’s an envelope in the box, with some things your moms both wrote, and some I wrote out,” John interrupts gently. Derek nods at him gratefully.
Stiles has the envelope out and open before his dad finishes speaking, not exactly reading, more just tracing the shape of his mom’s handwriting, taking in the curl of Talia’s and John’s neat, tight lettering. He looks up again, carefully placing the precious papers back in the box, and half launching-half falling into Derek’s arms. Derek wraps his arms around Stiles without having to think about it.
“I love you,” Stiles says into Derek’s neck.
“I love you, too,” Derek replies mostly into Stiles’ shoulder.
Stiles spreads out one arm towards his dad and waves his hand around. “Come here, Pops, get in on this family hug STAT,” he demands, slightly muffled from how he hasn’t quite turned his head out of Derek’s neck. John obliges with minimal grunting and groaning about being too old to be on the floor, and Derek and Stiles tug him into the hug, all of  them a little sniffly. “Love you, dad. Thank you.”
“Aw, hell, kid, I love you, too,” John replies, “Have I told you recently that you did alright with picking that Hale kid to marry?” he teases.
“We’re not married, dad.”
“Yet,” Derek corrects, and Stiles pulls away quickly, only managing to avoid whacking Derek and his dad with his head because of Derek’s reflexes.
“Yet?!” he squwaks. When Derek only shrugs, he adds “Derek Hale, if you are planning on making me cry again this Hanukkah, I am going to be so mad at you.”
John laughs, knowing full well that Stiles has a ring and a whole plan for sometime before New Year’s. Derek though? Derek pulls Stiles back in, says “I promise, no more crying presents,” and wracks his brain for what to get for Stiles for the next seven nights.
Maybe he can move up his proposal plan?
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necronatural · 1 year
Yaoi Essay: It was Ice Age Okay
My friend @tshirt3000 organized a friend zine where we talk about yaoi that was formative to us. It's a sizeable 80 pages, and you can read everyone's formative yaois in the digital copy here.
My essay was written in a single night and primarily primes you to pattern-seek so you can see my vision. My divine truth.
Before I speak, I need to prime you with the knowledge that you understand me. Even if you think you don’t, you actually do. So.
In seminal AO3 fandombait television program Teen Wolf (2011), the main point of fascination is Stiles Stilinski; a doe-eyed ADHD obsessive who chases his every thought with a frenetic intensity that often steals the scene he’s in.
Stiles being a fascinating little creature means that people want to ship him. I’d say he has three main people to do that with, and the big ship on campus was none of them. It was practically mandatory to ship him with Derek, the dark, brooding werewolf anti-hero.
I don’t think the suffocating pervasiveness of this ship is really that deep. Derek is a sexy paranormal tall dark and handsome boytoy. I’ve never seen the Vampire Diaries but I’m sure he wouldn’t be out of place in the cast. And hey, everybody is already obsessed with Stiles. I don’t think people actually care about the text of the show, just the pretty men they’re fixated on. The shit they made in their heads is so obviously just a gay version of every romance ever at the time.
But there is a secret recipe at play. Because in 2011, alongside Teen Wolf, a film was released. It was called Thor. You know, from the MCU? In Thor, the titular character’s treacherous baby brother (adopted) imprisons Thor on earth to steal his position. On Earth, Thor meets the love of his life, her father, and a zany bit character added for comedic relief. 
Now I love Loki an abnormal amount for someone who cares as little about the MCU as I do. I love pathetic men and pathetic villains. As an avid fanfiction reader, I spent a lot of time trawling AO3 for Loki content, realizing they don’t think he’s pathetic, and clicking away. And over the years, I began seeing a weird pattern. Loki/Darcy. The comic relief girl. Her quirky antics were somehow enough to warrant a ship in a fandom that only blows up mandatory Two White Guys couples. And Loki is clearly NOT a brooding paranormal romance boy, but the ship had that Sterek stink on it anyway. A lot of it.
It seemed so mysterious, yet I remember, now, that Sterek wasn’t just popular with paranormal romance swooners, but people who just like funny ships. A zany idiot tormenting that brooding villain. A genderless mass appeal. An Entrapta and Hordak. The raw impulse for Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint readers to pair Kim Dokja and Yoo Joonghyeok before they started developing any chemistry at all, simply by nature of the kinds of characters they are. 
Okay. Listen man. I need to talk to you about Ice Age.
If you’re unfamiliar, Ice Age is about a cynical mammoth named Manford taking a great southern migration as a chance to be alone. When he rescues criminally annoying sloth Sid, he’s forced to share his newfound alone time with him. He is not happy. Meanwhile, a pack of sabertooth tigers is on a vengeance quest against the humans who hunt them by eating their tribe leader’s baby. One of them, Diego, accidentally lets the human mother jump off a waterfall to escape, delivering the baby downriver to Manny and Sid. Diego presents himself as a tracker who can hunt the humans down, and the three of them decide to travel together to bring the baby back to the humans, one way or another.
I will be clear; the homoeroticism exists, and it exists between Manny and Sid. The chemistry exists, and it exists between Manny and Diego. Manny is the heart of the film. And I don’t care. Baby’s First Yaoi, the thing that really boiled my brain, was Diego’s extremely intimate threats to Sid’s life and Sid baiting him like a barking dog. I’m sorry.
The film never really stops insisting that Sid is genuinely annoying — it starts with his entire family leaving him behind and ends with him being kind of a fuckup too — but he’s key to the synergy regardless. There’s no great moment that announces ‘well maybe they weren’t seeing Sid’s true value!’ because he doesn’t have any. He’s a lazy, annoying, unempathetic, impulsive, smug little womanizer. He never learns. The film proposes that well, he doesn’t really have to— Manny is a deeply isolated person (mammoth?) who drives people away, and he needs someone who’s annoying and can’t understand boundaries to teach him to open up again. No matter how much he swats Sid back, Sid is confident in their friendship. Just like how no matter how many times Sid’s family abandoned him, he still went looking for them. They are lonely people, and Sid being an obnoxious little pissant forces them together.
On the other hand, I can’t imagine a film with just Manny and Diego. They get along well and have a great rapport, with Diego’s bad boy fun uncle attitude and Manny’s asshole with a heart of gold routine. But the thing is that they are two dudes who mind their own business. They are only casually uniting, and Diego is only doing it so his pack of evil sabertooths can eat the baby. The warmth of friendship doesn’t exist, and it has to bleed from Sid terrorizing them. They need their idiot to unite against. And since they don’t actually dislike Sid, it can only become camaraderie.
Diego is aware Manny is a smart guy and will take any threat extremely seriously, but he acts like himself from the beginning with Sid. After a while, it becomes clear Manny doesn’t care if he threatens Sid — because Sid is annoying, and he himself has threatened Sid plenty of times — but he also doesn’t intend to leave Sid alone where he can get hurt. Diego is 100% serious, but after a certain point he finds his own threats also becoming empty teasing. By the end of the movie, he’s openly endeared and friendly. He gives death threats like he gives a noogie. 
There is something so unreal, to be honest, about forcing a born killer to hold you in his teeth after he repeatedly threatened to kill you, and him holding you there against your will because he thinks it is so funny.
Diego’s heel-face turn is obviously inspired by Manny, but over the course of the film, it’s clear that he, too, was lonely, and he, too, benefits from an extremely annoying person filling his loner life. His pack is dog-eat-dog, ready to abandon him if he doesn’t do his job, but Manny is willing to die for him, and — this is key to my childhood brain — Sid trusts him unconditionally despite doing nothing to earn it. Sid would follow Diego all year if he suddenly abandoned him for migration. He is just that kind of person.
That’s the secret recipe. What made Sterek mandatory even for people who have no interest in paranormal romance hunks. Why Darcy was thrown at Loki. This underlying vein of True Yaoi, of a dynamic based less on actual relationship and more on the core of the kind of people they are, and the kind of synthesis that is possible between those two ingredients. The zany idiot and the villain have this chemical reaction you could see from space. TO ME!
You need a zany person to do a whole lot of impulsive shit, and you need that zany person to be stupid enough to not notice they’re unwanted, or in danger, or that their dynamic is shifting, or the subtext of anyone’s behaviour. You need the person tormented to be a genuine threat, and they need to not melt, but be worn down. The simple pleasures of having your day-to-day life filled with life and noise, your every interaction with the world commented on, to the point you allow yourself to be defanged.
Sid does this to Manny, sure but it didn’t click even with the gay jokes because Manny is a kind, caring Dad Friend kind of guy who would fold for anyone. Diego is a fucking baby-eating tiger. But he trusts Manny, and Manny is endeared and receptive to Sid’s constant noise because he is lonely, and because of that, Diego, who is also lonely, allows himself to be endeared too. He had Sid’s throat in his mouth, and all he thought was that it was a funny thing to do.
My friend Hyde tagged me in this post.
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princeescaluswords · 1 year
Lol @ the people saying you're "bringing race into fandom". Transports me right back to 11th grade English when our teacher (instead of sacrificing us to the Nemeton) tried to teach us about analyzing race in popular media texts like Disney movies, and everyone in the class (bar myself and like 3 other people who had brains) started going on about how the critics she was having us read/watch were "bringing race into it". Like come on. This is grade school level theory. Read a book, people.
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You want to know how I know that race is involved in the Sterek fandom?
Isaac Lahey.
(Before anyone gets upset, I appreciate Isaac's character as much as I appreciate Derek's and Stiles's characters, which is quite a bit.)
Let's review. Isaac is indeed abused and terrorized by his father, the same way Scott is abused and terrorized by Peter. Isaac threatens Stiles and bullies Stiles and Jackson far more than Scott "mistreats" Stiles and Jackson. He makes fun of Stiles and refuses to listen to him. Isaac resists Derek's teaching, to the point that Derek hurts him to teach him a lesson (the same way Derek hurts Scott to teach him a lesson). Isaac dates a hunter, Allison, and follows her through the woods and sneaks into her house. Isaac learns from Alan Deaton. Isaac refuses to be a part of the Hale Pack, like Scott does, but unlike Scott, he originally agreed to take the Bite and join the pack. In the end, he leaves Beacon Hills with Chris Argent, an actual hunter without a single word to either his alpha or his former-alpha.
So where the hell are all the Bad Friend Isaac stories?
I mean, if the nearly two-thousand tagged Bad Friend Scott Stories and the ten times as many stories that write Scott as a Bad Friend but don't label it are a result of Scott's on-screen behavior, then shouldn't there be at least a thousand stories that deal with Isaac in the same way? I would confidently estimate that there are less than a hundred. I can say with less confidence that there are less than fifty. There are even less that turn him into an antagonist or even a villain who must be punished, deprived of freedom, or murdered. I doubt you would break ten.
So what's the deal? If this has nothing to do with race and Sterek stories just require a bad-friend antagonist or an ineffectual villain, then it stands to reason that Isaac would sometimes fill that role, doesn't it?
Of course, their answer is that they don't like Scott, and I agree they have a right not to like Scott. But the funny thing is they won't -- they can't -- explain why they don't like Scott. It can't be because he acts as a selfless hero, because so do Derek and Stiles. It can't be because he says mean things to Derek, because they don't have any problem liking Isaac or Peter or Stiles. It can't be because he never listens to Stiles, because since when does any character always listen to Stiles? It can't be because he's in a problematic heterosexual relationship, because they don't have any problem with Isaac's or Derek's or Stiles's problematic heterosexual relationships.
And so on and so forth.
It's not just because he's the lead protagonist, because Scott being the Teen Wolf offers no obstacle at all to a Sterek relationship. He canonically loved both Stiles and Derek, and they loved him in return. But what Scott being the lead protagonist proves an obstacle for is either Stiles or Derek actually being the lead protagonist. The show was built around a Latino character and not the two white characters that this fandom has conjured a whole relationship about.
It's not -- nor has it ever been -- about what happened on the screen that causes people to dislike Scott. It's been about what didn't happen on the screen. Derek and Stiles had nearly ten times the amount of pre-canon flashbacks than Scott did, but that's not enough. You never saw Scott taking a few days or weeks off to contemplate his place in the world while sad classical music played in the background, but that's not enough. Melissa and Deaton always told Scott how he could be a better werewolf instead of getting his parking tickets erased or told that the easiest way to forgive himself is to forgive someone who didn't do anything to him, but that's not enough. Scott never got to beat Derek up because his decisions in Season 2 ruined his relationship with Allison, not the way Stiles got to hit Scott for his father getting hurt, but that's not enough. For as much as these white male characters received in terms of story, they still weren't the lead protagonist, and this creates the only explanation for the profound animosity which they exhibit toward Scott, one which they will claim the right to have but also feel they never ever have to explain. In addition, there is only one thing, no matter how much they can't say, that we must always remember.
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First & Last Lines
Basically, post the first and last lines of the last 10 fics you posted. WIPs are welcome.
So. Why the heck not, LOL? They're all Teen Wolf. I added two at the end that are unposted WIPs so I put in the first and last sentence from my most recent drafts. Sidenote, this took so much wrangling. LOL. Seriously, it was literally easier to hand-write out the code than it was to use the built in rich text editor, so shoutout to Tumblr for motivating me to re-familiarize myself with HTML. XD I don't have anyone to ping, but I still wanted to participate, so here's my contribution!
1. Worth Fifty Thousand Words, (344 words): Sterek comedy ficlet
First: Stiles gaped after Mrs. Brooks. Derek stood beside him, eyebrow raised. Last: The Sheriff answered half a beat later.  "So, dad..."
2. Taste of Truth, (781 words): Danny/Stiles ficlet
First: Danny rubbed his temples and rose early from his meditations. Last: Stiles grinned back, cock-sure. "I'm counting on it."
3. Scent Masked at Midnight, (344 words): post-canon Sterek. Angst with a happy ending/smut.
First: Stiles cracked open the door to the tiny New York apartment he shared with Derek after another night of striking out at the club. Last: “So, Stiles says I’m a maudlin drunk…” 
4. Pie, (1,337 words): Sterek with Peter/Sheriff on the side. Pure silly fluff.
First: Derek huffed, rolling his eyes at Stiles' theatrics. Last: Peter was right. It was goddamned delicious.
5. Untitled Swan Stiles, (18,592 words): Sterek comedy/drama with two poly side pairings/heavy side pairing emphasis.
First: “Also! I don’t appreciate you entering the territory unannounced, magic tree stump be damned, and I sure as fuck don’t trust you with our territory, no matter what Derek says,” Stiles yelled, mid-rant, arms waving in not so silent fury. Last: Stiles’ laugh was like music as they climbed back in the Camaro. It filled with the scent of Stiles’ joy as they sped off towards the cafe.
6. Aubergine, (1,494 words): Sterek comedy fic
First: Derek stared down at his phone, brow furrowing. Last: Eventually, Derek, broke the silence. “…Is your offer still on the table?”
7. Ephemeral Sacrifices, (1,294 words): Sterek. Distilled a much more complex fic idea into a single angst to fluff scene.
First: Stiles stared down at his hands, complete and clean of the blood-and-black-goop slurry that should have still stained his skin. Last: Derek listened fondly, occasionally providing input as they walked out of the woods and into the gray light of a new day's dawn.
8. Naga gonna give you up, (17,146 words): Sterek comedy/drama. One major poly side pairing, two minor.
First: “Show me.” Last: Derek answered with a kiss.
9. Trading Ties, (currently 5925 words): Sterek smut with plot fic.
First: Stiles came to slowly, modulating his breathing and heart rate to hide his consciousness as best he could as while he collected his thoughts. Last: ..."Got any more of that kanima venom?"
10. Untitled fic. The chapter I have written is called Remittance. (2016 words): Sterek angstdrama/action fic.
First: Stiles trudged into the room as the Rogers pack filtered in. Last: Even so, they weren't forgotten. He'd see them in his nightmares.
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stereksecretsanta · 5 months
Merry Christmas, @theydraggedmein!
This turned out a lot sweeter (and not as sexy) as I was originally going for, but I had a lot of fun playing with this idea and I hope you like it! Happy Sterek-y Holidays!
Inter-Pack Politics
The bullet takes Derek by surprise. One minute he’s trotting along the perimeter’s edge on a patrol that is more habit than necessity, and the next the forest’s calm evening is broken by a gunshot. 
Pain unlike anything he’s ever felt before brings Derek to his knees, blossoming around his side and searing into his bones.  He’s crying out in agony before he can stop himself, despite knowing that it will only help the attacker pinpoint his location.
He should be trying to get up. Or at least he should try to howl for his alpha. But it’s like his blood has become lava it’s so hot, and the only thing he can think about is getting away from the pain. All he manages to do is to writhe against the ground as black spots cloud his vision. 
His mom is going to be so pissed when his body turns up. He should have been paying more attention to his surroundings, not responding to texts in the group chat he shares with his friends. It’s a little too late to care about that now, but the fleeting thought still sends Derek spiraling into a well of guilt. Coupled with the pain, the affect is debilitating. 
Cold hands press against Derek’s cheeks drawing him back away from the darkness calling to him. Derek hadn’t even realized that he had closed his eyes, let alone that enough time had passed that someone might have found him. 
Fluttering his eyes open, it take more effort than he would like to focus on the person in front of him and even more effort to understand that the guy isn’t someone he recognizes. He’s saying something, which is a little out of the ordinary for a hunter, but Derek can’t make out the words. His side hurts so bad. It’s all he can focus on, which makes the darkness creeps back in. 
The guy smacks him, jolting him back to reality. His ears pop from the impact, just in time for him to hear the guy curse. “Shit, shit, shit.” Looking over his shoulder, he hollers at someone Derek can’t see, “I need a bullet! Now, Scott!” 
If he could talk, Derek would point out that he definitely doesn’t need another bullet. The one imbedded in Derek’s side is more than enough in his opinion. But he can’t talk so the point is really mute. 
Another guy stumbles into Derek’s line of sight. There’s something vaguely familiar about his uneven jaw line, but Derek can’t pull his thoughts together enough to recognize him. He holds a long silver bullet out to the guy still cradling the side of Derek’s face who accepts it and immediately brings it to his mouth. In a move that Derek doesn’t understand, he pulls the back off of the bullet, spits it away, and then pours the gunpowder into the wound on Derek’s side. 
Only then does Derek realize what’s going on. Wolfsbane. He’s been poisoned and this stranger is trying to heal him before it’s too late. 
Instead of asking for a lighter, the guy snaps and his pointer finger ignites. The fire is a light blue, and the glow casts a soft light over the man’s features making him look impish and beautiful. 
As he brings his finger closer to his side, Derek expects the hot, all consuming pain to return. Instead it’s like his body is dunked in ice. He can tell he’s screaming by the way his throat burns, but he can’t hear anything aside from the beating of his own heart. 
Time passes. Eventually Derek’s autonomous awareness returns. He can feel the ground he’s laying on, cool and hard and steady. He can wiggle his fingers and feel his abdomen relaxing as the pain fades. He’s tired, feels worn through, but the relief that washes over him when he opens his eyes and can see again is a nice balm. 
Both men are kneeling at his side. The familiar one looks like he’s one step away from chewing off his finger out of nerves. The other guy is grinning. 
“There he is,” he says around his smile, looking proud of himself for correctly curing Derek’s poisoning. “I told you, Scott. Easy-peasy.”
The other guy, Scott, groans. “Stiles, dude, this is so not the time. I thought I was going to have to bring his body back to his mother, and then she would have eaten me, and then the girls would have been pissed.” 
“Did you shoot me?” Derek asks. His voice is hoarse from his screaming. He sits up slowly, though Scott wraps a warm hand around his elbow to help steady him. 
Stiles snorts. “Of course. I shot you and then decided out of the goodness of my heart to save your life.”
“What? If he believes me and doesn’t see the hunter laying right there, that’s on him.”
Sure enough, six feet away a burly man lays face flat in the dirt. Derek definitely didn’t see him but he isn’t about to admit that to some random stranger. 
“Thank you,” he blurts out instead. “For saving me,” he adds after a moment, drawing the sentence out and sounding a bit like a robot.
If she were here, Erica would be cracking up. 
Stiles’ grin softens into something a little less feral. He’s-. Well he’s kind of pretty. But as his senses finally stabilize, it’s Scott who capture Derek’s attention. 
“Oh shit.” Shaking the hand that is still resting on his elbow off, Derek scoots himself back until he can breath a little easier. Now he knows why Scott looked so familiar. “Alpha McCall.” At the mention of his title, Scott’s eyes blaze red. 
He rubs at the back of his head looking sheepish as the color fades. “I would say it’s nice to meet you Beta Hale, but it would have been better under different circumstances.”
Curiously, Derek turns back to look at Stiles. He thinks about everything he’s overheard his mother say about the McCall pack. He knows that she’s mentioned a magic user, but he can’t quite remember what title he had. 
Stiles examines him back, quirking his eyebrow the longer Derek stares. And then he remembers. “That would make you Spark Stilinski then.”
The feral edge is back in his smile at being recognized. It’s almost hard to look at him when his eyes start glowing a deep purple, but not because Derek is intimidated. 
Gods, Erica would be howling. 
“Stiles and I need to get this guy back to town,” Scott says, gesturing at the hunter. “He’s not going to be out for long and I want to make sure he’s secure before anything else can happen. But then maybe after we should meet up so I can explain to your Alpha what happened?”
Derek knows that’s a good idea. Hell, he should probably call his mom now so they can meet right away and discuss what will happen to the hunter. Even if the McCall pack was hunting him, the hunter shot one of her members, and if Derek knows his mom he knows that she will want a say in what happens to him. But there’s something about the confident way Scott talks about securing the man that makes Derek nod his head. 
Plus, as more of his senses return to normal, Stiles’ scent is a heady thing that Derek needs a break from. 
He watches as Scott hoists the hunter over his shoulder and starts trekking back the way that they had come. Stiles winks at Derek before following after his Alpha. 
He looks back twice before the pair disappears from Derek’s view. 
Derek’s never ran back to his house faster.
Talia takes a lot of pride in her position. The Hales have resided in Beacon Hills for decades, protecting the woods and those in the town. She thinks that she’s done a pretty damn good job leading her pack. 
She takes even more pride in her duty as a mother. Her children are her joy. Watching them grow up, seeing how they blossomed, nothing has been a better gift. And overall, Talia thinks that she’s done a pretty good job balancing being a mother and an Alpha.
When she hears her only son rushing back to the house after sending him out on the nightly patrol, her first thought is of the pack’s safety. She sets her book on the arm of her chair and goes to meet him, preparing for bad news. 
But when Derek gets close enough that she can smell him, rage has her shifting before she can find her control. Wolfsbane. On her son. Talia is ready to rage. 
Derek looks good despite the obvious signs of wolfsbane poisoning. He’s grubby and there are sticks in his hair, but he’s in one piece.
He also smells like another alpha werewolf.
“Derek! What happened?” She circles him, running the backs of her fingers over his neck to scent him. 
Derek allows the treatment. “I was on the East side of the border running patrol about to double back when, “ he swallows, “I was shot.”
Talia exhales through her nose, holding on to her composure. “Wolfsbane.” It isn’t a question. 
Derek nods anyway. At this point, Patrick has shown up. His typically soft eyes are ice cold as Derek recounts the affects of the poison. “Alpha McCall and his Spark apprehended the hunter. The Spark cured my poisoning. They took the hunter. Alpha McCall asked to meet afterwards to discuss the situation with you.”
Nostrils flaring, Talia reminds herself that Alpha McCall is young and doesn’t know the proper etiquette when dealing with another pack. They should have contacted her to discuss what to do with the hunter. Honestly, unless he had injured one of theirs, the hunter should have been given to her. Not to mention that communication should have been sent as soon as they were aware that a new hunter was in town. 
But that doesn’t matter, not really. Talia isn’t one of the stuffy Alphas who live too far in the past. She respects tradition, but she knows that as the times change they must adapt. Besides, she should have done more to build up the relationship between the Hale and McCall packs as soon as they settled in Beacon Hills. As the experienced Alpha, the responsibility fell to her to show Alpha McCall the ropes. Even though she helped some, there was far more that she could have done. 
So long as this meeting goes well, she vows to do better. Especially now that Scott McCall has saved her son. 
Derek knows as soon as the convoy for the McCall pack is on its way. He had sequestered himself in the library after the meeting with his mother, tired from the events of the day. But when the sounds of an unfamiliar vehicle turning onto the little road leading to their house reaches him, Derek goes in search of his mother. 
He finds her standing on the porch. She’s changed into a dark pair of jeans paired with an emerald sweater, giving her a more regal and put together air than the lounge set she had been wearing when Derek returned to the house. 
His father stands at her side in a dark brown sweater and light jeans. Derek is surprised that Laura is absent. As the next Alpha heir, she normally attends all important meetings at Talia’s side. But aside from his parents, the rest of the pack is noticeably absent. 
That makes him question whether or not he too should go back inside. Before he can retreat, Talia smiles at him. “Derek, you’ll be with us. As the only witness to the events of this evening, I would like you to stay. Plus, you were the one who agreed to this meeting on my behalf. You are more than welcome.”
“But-. Laura?”
Talia laughs. “Your sister isn’t as practiced in keeping partial when it comes to her family. She was furious when we told her that Alpha McCall took the hunter back to town and was practically ready to go and find them herself before your father finally talked her down. She’s with Peter.” Derek knows that means that, even though they’re out of sight, they are both definitely close enough to hear this conversation, but he doesn’t point that out. 
Carefully, Patrick ruffles Derek’s hair like he used to when he was just a boy. “Don’t worry, Derek. This is a friendly meeting. Nothing is going to happen.”
Derek hadn’t really been worried about that, heck Scott and Stiles seemed nice enough and they saved his life, but at his father’s words, he wonders. There isn’t a lot of time to worry though, before a small blue Prius pulls up beside Talia’s SUV. Four people exit the vehicle. Derek recognizes Scott and Stiles. The other passengers are older, probably parents if Derek had to guess. 
There’s something kind of sweet about Alpha McCall bringing them along. Sure he’s on the younger side for an alpha, but the title still belongs to him. Arriving with his family makes the meeting feel a lot more casual, and it shows his dedication to his family which is sure to win him points with Talia and Patrick. 
Scott approaches the porch first, stopping a polite distance away to incline his head at Talia before baring his throat. At his back, the other’s follow his example, but Derek can feel Stiles’ eyes on him like a brand. Heat races up Derek’s spine at the attention which makes him feel like a teenager again. 
Derek scowls. He would be lying if he said that he hadn’t noticed that Stiles had changed into a pair of tight slacks and a dark maroon button up, but this meeting was most definitely not about how attractive the Spark was. No matter how much his gaze feels like a caress, this is more important that that. 
“Welcome, Alpha McCall,” Talia says, voice light but formal. “It sounds like you’ve had quite an eventful evening. This is my mate Patrick, and you’ve already met my son Derek. Would you like to come inside?”
Scott smiles, crooked and endearing, and introduces his group. “Thank you, Alpha Hale. This is  my mother Melissa. Stiles is my Second as well as my Spark, and this is his father John. Thank you for having us.”
Talia’s demeanor softens at his words. She turns and leads them inside. Derek stays where he’s at, opting to fall in behind everyone. Stiles grins as he steps beside him on the porch. “Hey Derek.” Despite knowing that they’re in a house full of werewolves who will be able to hear the conversation no matter the volume, Stiles keeps his voice quiet. “How are you feeling?”
The question is innocent, but Derek can feel his ears heating with a blush. “Better. I-.” He clears his throat. “We should follow the others.”
Stiles raises his eyebrow, eyes gleaming in amusement, but doesn’t press. He turns and continues after their group, allowing Derek to step in behind them.
All things considered, the rest of the meeting is pretty dull. Scott explains how they stumbled upon the hunter on accident and chased him through the woods, hoping to catch him before anyone was hurt. He details how they took the hunter to Chris Argent, the father of one of his pack members and an ex-hunter, who promised to ‘take care of everything.’ Then Stiles steps in and explains the wards he would like to install around town that would act as an early alert system in case anymore unwanted hunters come into town. 
Talia agrees that it is a good idea, but asks that they let her contact her own Druid so that he can help make the wards, that way both packs are involved in their creation and upkeep. Stiles agrees, admitting that he would love to work with him. 
By the time they’re wrapping up the meeting, Derek isn’t sure why his presence was needed. They barely even talked to him, so he spent most of the discussion trying not to look at Stiles. Laura would have been a much better choice to have, even if she was pissed off. At least she was good at talking to people.
“There is one more thing,” Talia says as Scott and his pack are gathering to leave. “Because we share Beacon Hills, I think it is a wise idea to foster a friendly relationship between our packs.”
Patrick steps into the conversation perfectly. “We were thinking it might be nice to have a little BBQ and invite everyone along. The weather is still so nice, and there is a great park in town that would easily house everyone.”
John is all smiles. “That sounds like a great idea.” Scott agrees, and then it is as easy as picking a date to cement the idea.
Derek watches the car drive away when they finally leave, trying to decide if he’s imaging Stiles turned around in the seat to watch him through the rear window.
Laura and Peter appear on either side of him. Both of them are grinning wider than the Cheshire cat. “So,” Laura begins. 
“The McCall Spark?” Peter adds, drawing out each word.
“Wow little brother, you sure know how to pick them. Remind me, how long has it been since you went on a date?”
Derek turns his nose up at both of them. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
Peter rubs a thumb across his bottom lip. “Should we ask Talia about dating between the packs?”
When Laura snorts, the sound is so undignified Derek almost laughs. And then he remembers that they are here making fun of him. Gods, sometimes he hates them both. Yes, Stiles is attractive. But that’s all it is. The jokes really on them. 
The BBQ is going pretty well. The day turned out to be perfectly warm and sunny, a fact that Talia is taking as a sign that the relationship between the packs will good. John joined Patrick at the grill as soon as he pulled up. They both have a cold beer in their hands and they’re chatting like old friends. 
Melissa was having a decent conversation with Peter’s wife Mary until he joined them. Then the women teamed up against him and now they’re both sitting close together and laughing like the best of friends. 
Scott’s pack is an unusual one comprising of a banshee, a kitsune, the hunters daughter, 2 werewolves and a hell hound. Then, of course, there’s Stiles, who Derek is trying his best to ignore. Especially because one of Scott’s werewolves keeps leaning down to whisper in his ear. Derek can’t hear what they’re saying, but the blush on Stiles face says enough. 
Thus far, Derek’s kept his distance, sitting with Boyd and Cora on the sidelines and watching everyone mingle about. Considering the fact that Stiles is wearing gray skinny jeans and a form-fitting navy blue shirt, Derek thinks he’s doing very well. It helps that he’s not normally a chatty person. His sisters say that he’s growly, but he thinks they’re exaggerating. He doesn’t growl at people. At least, not al most of them.
Cora elbows him, jeering him from his thoughts. “Why does the Spark keep staring at you?”
Derek does everything he can not to look. “How do you know he’s not looking at you?”
She raises her eyebrows at him and her stare speaks volumes. 
“He’s the one that saved your life, right?” Boyd asks, trying to look over at Stiles and not make it obvious. It doesn’t really work, but Derek appreciates the attempt.
“Yeah. He burned the wolfsbane out of my system.”
Derek groans. “Not you too, Cora. Come on, you’re supposed to be on my side!”
That actually makes her laugh. “Just because I’m sitting over here with you like a loser, that doesn’t mean that I’m on your side. Besides, Laura and Peter might have a point. You obviously want to talk to him, so why don’t you go over there?”
He resents that she’s calling him out. But the truth is, since the night in the woods, Derek hasn’t been able to get Stiles out of his head. That isn’t really a conversation he wants to have with his little sister though, mostly because she will tease the hell out of him about it.
“Cora has a point,” Boyd says like a traitor. He ignores Derek’s open mouthed disbelief and continues talking. “There’s obviously something going on there. He’s been practically staring you down all night, and I know you picked that seat for a reason.”
Cora jumps in. “Besides, when was the last time you actually put yourself out there? You could do a lot worse than a Spark. He’s definitely cute enough.”
Her words almost make Derek bare his teeth, but before he can get weirdly possessive about a stranger, the man standing with Stiles bends down and whispers in his ear again and the flight leaves Derek all at once. 
“That’s a pretty good reason to stay over here, don’t you think?” The words sound dramatic and miserable, even to him, but instead of mocking him Cora just hums in consideration. 
Then she grins. “You’re right, it definitely is. Come on Boyd, I need you over here.”
Confused, Derek watches as they both stand up and abandon him. Boyd pats him on the back twice, and then they’re gone. It isn’t until Derek turns back to look at Stiles that he realizes what’s happening.
Instead of standing clear across the park, Stiles is barely five feet away. Derek’s traitorous heart stutters, causing a few of the werewolves around to glance their way (including Peter who winks conspiratorially and frolics off to find Laura). 
As before, there is something about Stiles that is so alluring, be it his little upturned nose or the moles scattered across his pale skin or the way his scent is all lightning and ozone. Now that Derek’s not recovering from the affects of wolfsbane poisoning, his presence is even more captivating. 
Inexplicably Derek imagines biting at the pulsing vein in Stiles’ neck. He clenches his teeth instead. 
As though he could read where Derek’s thoughts went, Stiles’ grin is a feral thing. “Derek Hale,” Stiles says, moving closer until he’s right beside him. “Fancy seeing you here.”
Rolling his eyes, Derek scoffs, “Fancy seeing me at a BBQ my parents set up? Yes, how unusual.”
For a minute there is silence between them. Then Stiles snorts. “Oh man, you’re sassy. I couldn’t tell the last time we met.”
“The last time we met I was dying, so I feel like that might not have been the best introduction to judge my character.” Derek is going to add that he is not sassy, thank you very much, but Stiles' smile turns coy. 
“Oh? Luckily for me then that you’re all healed up. I definitely want to judge your character.”
That’s…such a bad line Derek actually raises his eyebrows in disbelief. Miraculously, his stare makes Stiles blush but he doesn’t take the words back. Instead he raises his eyebrows in a clear challenge that Derek accepts by offering Stiles the seat that Cora vacated. 
“How are the wards coming along?” Derek asks after an awkward moment where neither of them speaks. 
Stiles relaxes back into his chair looking genuinely excited that Derek brought it up. He launches into a overly-detailed description of ward work and weaving that goes well-over Derek’s head. But he listens in rapture just the same, asking questions to keep Stiles talking especially when he starts describing the little magic shop he opened in town that serves the supernaturally inclined. It’s fascinating. He’s fascinating and Derek is hooked.
Eventually, Stiles clears his throat and blushes again. “Sorry I-. I really like magic and most of my friends tune me out when I start in on it.”
Derek smiles and it’s easy to admit, “I liked listening to you. I might not have understood everything, but I can see how much you love what you do.”
“Being a Spark is-. Well, I assume it’s a little bit like being a werewolf. It’s so intrinsically tied to who I am, I can’t imagine not using magic. I actually-.” He stops talking suddenly and blinks at Derek in surprise. “You are not how I imagined you would be, Derek.”
Feeling uncomfortable with the sudden change in conversation, Derek crosses his arms. Stiles rushes to explain. “It’s not a bad thing. I just didn’t really expect you to indulge me.”
“You decided that after one meeting, during which I was recovering from poison?”
Stiles raises his hands and laughs, eyes gleaming gold in the fading evening light. “Okay, first of all it was two meetings. And I would like to remind you how you shut our conversation down when I tried to talk to you up the house. But no, I’ve been told you’re broody and aloof, and your eyebrows seem to speak their own language.” Derek’s not sure which part of that conversation to focus on. “I mean, Peter did say that you were a big softie but-.”
That is enough for Derek to cut him off. “Peter? My uncle Peter? When the hell did you two talk?” Having been casually watching Stiles all evening, he knows for a fact that Peter never got close enough to have a conversation with the Spark. 
Stiles shrugs. “He’s been by the shop a few times since the night we met.” Derek wonders if he can convince Mary to let him murder her husband. “He’s actually kind of funny, in a weird way. And he’s told me a lot about you so-.”
Derek groans. “I can’t believe he-. Actually, I can definitely believe that. I’m just surprised Laura wasn’t with him.” He clears his throat. “Can I ask what he told you about me?”
Stiles’ eyes seem to sparkle. He shifts closer, pressing their knees together in a very deliberate way. “Oh you know, just some little facts here and there. He did lead me to believe that you were a lot grumpier though.”
“I’m going to murder him.”
Stiles laughs. “As sexy as plotting murder is, maybe we can keep getting to know each other. Inter-pack politics and stuff, right?”
Derek almost asks if that’s what this is about, but then he catches sight of the werewolf from before watching them and closes himself off. “I’m not sure how he feels about that.”
Stiles’ face crinkles in confusion until he catches sight of the werewolf, who raises his eyebrows at Stiles. “Who, Jackson? Considering he’s the one who finally convinced me to come over here, I would say that he’s pretty damn happy about it.”
Frowning, Derek repeats, “He convinced you to come over here?” That pulls Stiles attention right back to him. Seeing his expression, Stiles reaches out and grips Derek’s knee.
“Hey, not like that. Now I can see why they say you’re broody. Jackson has appointed himself my personal wing man, so the fact that this is actually working. Well, let’s just say I am going to have to deal with his gloating for weeks.” It takes a long moment before the implication of those words hit Derek. 
“I-. You-.” He can feel his blush.
Noticing how red Derek’s ears are, Stiles eyes take on the faintest sheen of purple. “So,” he purrs, tightening his fingers around Derek’s knee, “inter-pack politics then?”
As Stiles draws him back into a conversation, Derek makes a mental note to ask his mom about what it will mean to date between the packs. Because as Stiles keeps his hand curled possessively on Derek’s knee while launching into a description of how he met Scott and became best friends, it seems a whole hell of a lot more relevant now. 
Not that he’ll ever admit that to Peter and Laura. Not in a million years.
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kitchenisking · 1 month
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Day 5
Coffee Storm by splendid_splendont  - (Rating: G, Words: 1,744, sterek)
‘we got caught by this awful storm and now we’re waiting for it to calm under the roof of a café, want to go inside and have a coffee in the meantime?’
so he's got a few flaws by Phnx - (Rating: T, Words: 1,695, sterek)
In short, everything was terrible.
Just Stopped Working For Me by dedougal - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 11,447, sterek)
Stiles never expected to meet Derek Hale. He definitely never expected the movie star to slide into his cab and ask for his help.
For better, for worse by Vendelin - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 13,336, sterek)
Derek and Stiles have been married for six years. Derek loves his job as a successful lawyer, loves his financial security and his large house. It isn’t until Stiles gets shot while working that he starts to understand that maybe Stiles isn’t loving their life as much as Derek is.
Gracious In Defeat by yodasyoyo - (Rating: Mature, Words: 18,136, sterek)
Stiles needs to get away from Beacon Hills after the end of his senior year. Derek offers to let him stay with him in São Paulo, and they finally act on the tension that has always simmered between them. 
The thing is, when it's time to go home- Stiles doesn't want to leave.
Aconitum Bulbus by hazelNuts - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 2,499, sterek)
xxxAthaelaxxx asked for: "Stiles is underage like 17 and Derek's 23. Stiles got hit by some sex pollen and needs to fuck. Derek's the only single wolf who can do it and refuses to help Stiles since he's underage but if Stiles isn't cured he could die. Virgin!Stiles and Martyr!Derek. Please write in great detail the deflowering."
They'd been having a simple pack picnic, because they did those things now. They’d just finished lunch and had decided on a game of tag. It had all been great until Stiles had tripped and fallen face first into some flowers.
Way Down We Go by Wolfspurr - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 50,131, sterek)
Set during 3B and its aftermath.
The blacklight party at the loft leaves Stiles with more than one revelation playing on his mind. He's losing time, and apparently he might be more than just a little bit interested in Derek Hale.
By the time he's fought off the Nogitsune and somehow lived to tell the tale, the rest of Stiles' sanity might just rest on Derek, the Camaro, and a few hundred miles of Pacific Coast Highway. It's going to be one hell of a road trip.
Savage Beast(s) by TheyDraggedMeInNowIAintLeaving - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 9,390, sterek)
In which Stiles gets a werewolf roommate and it only gets better from there
He Gets Me High by talktowater - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 11,562, sterek)
Stiles and Derek act like a couple. But they're not. Seriously! Derek has a boyfriend and Stiles has a girlfriend. They're just friends, overly-attached and possessive friends, but that's it. Right?
You First by alikatastic - (Rating: Not Rated, Words: 802, sterek)
Stiles got a text from Chris Argent telling him what was going on, and Stiles dropped everything at work and rushed to Beacon Hills. He needed to find his son, Eli, and his husband, Derek. When he got there, the worst had happened, it was his worst nightmare come true. His magic built and built until he got the chance to save them all.
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Hey! Was wondering if you knew of any five with werewolf lore? Like there’s one where Derek takes Stiles to the abandoned church the Hales used to go to and explained the god that werewolves pray to/recognize that I can’t seem to remember. Thank you!!!
Sure thing.
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where the moon didn't shine by emsmittens
(1/1 I 4,630 I Explicit I Steo)
Some werewolves were influenced by the light of the full moon while others reacted to the lack of light from high in the sky after dark. Full moon werewolves and new moon werewolves; two half of a whole. Or, at least, that was what the stories said. A hunter named Stiles was no stranger to these tall old tales, but he certainly didn’t believe in them… yet.
I'm Betting This Wasn't Beta Tested by dancinbutterfly
(1/1 I 7,870 I Explicit I Sterek)
Derek is thrown into a violent heat in the wake of Lydia and Peter's actions at the end of Party Guessed. Debilitated by his own needs, Derek reaches out to Stiles, the only person he wants and can hope to trust.
Tiny Bad Omen Of Happiness by FailWolf (GeekMom13) 
(1/1 I 13,619 I Explicit I Steter)
“Watch it, freezer boy,” a much smaller Stiles said, “I’m already really pissed off and if you get blood on my only clothes that fit, I will remove every single hair from your body one by one.”
Across the clearing, the more familiar voice of Stiles echoed the sentiment, “ZombieWolf, I will sprinkle wolfsbane in every single one of your stupid beauty products, and yes I know exactly where you live and how to get in.”
“Good!” mini-Stiles yelled, “at least this fucking spell got one thing right.”
Stiles stopped glaring at Peter in order to glare at himself.
“Say one thing and I will turn your hair into a mood ring.”
Stiles held up his hands in surrender, “I wasn’t going to say a single thing about the whole nine-year-old me being in the forest. That would of course be ridiculous. This is normal, nothing to comment on. Though, Peter, if I may ask, WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO?”
“Ugh,” mini-Stiles groaned, “I know we love him —”
Hold the Door by Hatteress (goddammitstacey), maichan808 (maichan)
(1/1 I 16,700 I Teen I Sterek)
When Derek is killed by a rival alpha, the pack will stop at nothing to get him back. Even if that means blackmailing the most dangerous hunter duo this side of hell. Whatever. That whole devil thing was probably totally exaggerated, anyway.
Bonds for Life by JustJim, Useless_girl
(3/3 I 36,575 I Explicit I Sterek)
In which Stiles and Derek actually get to visit Deaton for help and some explanations regarding their bonds and the Spark magic.
Rusty Spoons by Poison_Love_Words
(12/? I 38,182 I Explicit I Sterek)
Stiles is beyond reluctant to leave his new omega mate for a meeting with the Lupine . It doesn't help that Derek is making it very tempting to ignore the summons and stay home with him. Add to that some freaky dreams Stiles has been having, and he's about ready to cancel the whole thing. Good thing his beta, Scott, will watch out for Derek and Stiles can go make nice with the scary werewolf leader.
Once he is away things seem fine, other than Derek not returning his calls. That's okay since he's making up for it with some steamy texts. Although, Stiles has a nagging feeling all is not right. One that only grows as he returns home to a situation he could have never imagined.
Bonneville Noir by EloquentSavage
(16/16 I 60,913 I Explicit I Sterek)
Sliding his hands around Stiles’ chest Derek found the scents of the Camaro, Laura, and New York still clinging to him like a map of the places he had been.
Holding him made him real. He wasn’t a figment of Derek’s imagination. Stiles was here, and he was staying. Uncontrollable relief spilled out of him, but the right words, the right voice was there to pick him back up. Repeated apologies whispered against his skin relentlessly, melting the last of the anger he stubbornly held on to.
Anthracite by LupusScintilla (inkandblade)
(16/16 I 106,673 I Explicit I Sterek)
It's been a quiet few years, and the McCall Pack has grown and settled. But, when the Hale Pack return to Beacon Hills they find Scott isn't as welcoming as they had hoped.
Soon they, Stiles, and Lydia, find out that not everything about the McCall Pack is as it has always seemed.
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