#steroid tw
hidefdoritos · 11 months
I've been put on a steroid to help me beat this infection and boy howdy I hate it.
mental breakdown, food mention, SA mention, dysphoria, giant text wall, and a lot of relationship rambling under the cut. feel free to scroll. I am safe.
it feels like my brain has been lifted out and placed in a hot air balloon that is also a carousel. the balloon is piloting my body around. my body is extra sweaty and also jittery and little nauseous. the carousel of my brain is so anxious and cannot focus and is going Nine Million Miles Per Hour spiraling So Hard. i have 4 quizzes and an exam to do. i can't find an empty classroom without A Couple hanging out to "study" (in adjacent chairs, all but sitting in each other's laps) so I'm doing the exams from one of the music practice rooms and I can hear two pianists playing in different keys and it's driving me crazy and also I'm typing so much faster than I usually do and speaking fast too I think. i can't go back to my room because if my roommate is there and asks me what's wrong with me I'm gonna just cry because I'm spiraling SO HARD right now especially about how I'm single and my roommate is just gonna feel awkward and bad because she has a boyfriend and her entire identity is wrapped around him and she knows I envy that. oh gosh someone is playing a sad song and i'm actually going to cry about it. can't tell my other friend because she got broken up with Brutally over the summer and I don't want to make her sad. can't tell the other friend because she just got engaged. can't talk to the other friend because she asked a boy out for coffee and is texting the play by play about that. it's the same boy I wanted to ask out for coffee but i can't ruin her fun by saying so. i don't want to talk to a single person about it because I don't want to make them sad too but I don't want to talk to a dating/married person about it because they can't relate. don't want to talk to my ace friend because he can't relate. can't tell the other friend because that would require reaching for my phone and if I get on my phone I'll never get the schoolwork done. my screentime is over 8 hours today and I'm still not done. i have the world's most unmotivated group for my group project and I'm supposed to be leading and I've been sick for a month and the interview just fell through and nobody has stepped up to help. I'm so far behind I need to either get better or drop out. the costumes crew is waiting on me. i have paperwork due. everybody is better than me at everything. i scheduled work during the Thursday dress rehearsal. i'm in no way ready for the Friday concert. my stomach hurts from the antibiotic. i want to burst into tears but I'm so congested that I think a gallon of fluid would come straight out of my head and I've been trying so hard to hydrate. my laptop is in my lap and every time I look down I can see my chest which I usually don't feel dysphoric about but I guess that (and also sense-memories) decided to crawl out of the woodwork just for the heck of it because why not kick Moss while she's down I guess. my thrifted boots aren't actually leather and they're peeling. i'm wearing my split skirt and it looks incredible. i did such a bad job of painting my nails. why is there a mirror in this practice room. ironically the bottom of it cuts off between m neck and my shoulders, which is where I feel disconnected right now. my foot is going to sleep. i feel manic and depressive at the same time. my laptop is hot. i've been writing this post for 12 minutes and i think it helped. even if stuff isn't done it's helping to put all the thoughts out there. like venting a rice cooker. oh gosh I should be asleep already. i need to shower and go to bed. i already got a one day extension for this midterm i just need to go do it. i need to shower still. nooooo I have to deal with my naked body. i'm crying. why is this sending me over the edge? i'm gonna have to sit down in the shower tonight. oh no. on the one hand right now i have all the feelings of This Is Getting Bad Again that usually precede a serious low point in my life. however to be fair this is the first time i'm letting myself process any of the emotions from the last month of being sick. i just kept carrying on and collapsing over and over. ah, poor kid. i've been trying so hard.
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here-comes-the-moose · 2 months
So as someone who has several family members who know WAY too many things about medical stuff and who herself knows a lot about medical things (yes there is a doctor in the family and yes anxiety runs in our family why do you ask?), I feel like if Phee was pregnant, not only would Tech be a typical panicking first time dad who is researching car seats like he’s going to write a peer-reviewed paper, but he would probably also making himself extremely stressed by continuing to research pregnancy and childbirth.
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crazy-concubine · 16 days
What do you think yautja drugs are like?
Cuz I personally find the imagery of a yautja failing to snort cocaine and getting mad about it HILARIOUS
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ink-asunder · 3 months
Not bothering with a tmi warning because if people can poke fun at my digestive disease, I can talk about it uncensored but
Literally no one acknowledges how long it takes to get over a flareup. Like literally no matter what you do, even after the inflammation itself is gone, your GI tract is so overworked and overstimulated that it takes like 7 carefully implemented phases of diet reintegration to start feeling like a human person again
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softpine · 9 months
he's on steroids???
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theparadoxmachine · 1 month
"Don't be afraid to ask for help. People want to help you. There's nothing undignified about asking for help. Learn to accept assistance and support."
Me: *asks someone in the office to move a stack of paperwork to my coworker's desk for me because my foot hurts*
Supervisor: "umm if you can't walk it's not safe for you to be up here late so you need to leave at exactly 5 pm. It's an HR concern. If you fall no one will be here to help you. We're concerned for your safety. Go home and don't work any overtime. This is totally not to cover our asses we care about your safety so go home at the height of rush hour and spend more time in your upstairs apartment where you live alone. We definitely care about your safety."
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schumigrace · 1 year
the fucking spiders are back making themselves home on cardboard jense he didn't sign up for this
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icedmetaltea · 4 months
Heads up a steroid shot can make you have problems overheating and mess with blood sugar along with keep you up for days.
OOF yea I almost got one back when I had the double ear infection and was like "yea no" when the nurse described it as having an espresso cause even half a cup of green tea gives me awful anxiety so fuck that!!
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sezja · 1 year
I've been waiting a month for my new infusion medication to be approved by insurance and I think I should be allowed to commit murder at this point
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flowers-of-io · 2 years
Things you said where the water was loud | Read on Ao3
Once Taox’s ships leave through the wormhole in desperate pursuit of Auryx’s frigate, there isn’t much left of the Osmium Court. A few fires still hold up, weak flames licking the walls of tall, hollowed-out buildings, but most have already been extinguished by rainfall, leaving behind only billows of smoke, rank and choking in the damp air. Hardly a soul can be seen sneaking through the streets—whoever remained stays tucked under the roof of their still-standing house or is camping in the palace's great hall, trembling shapes huddling close and looking up to the ceiling, as if they could see the moons despite the several layers of stone and metal.
The courtiers are mostly dead or gone, but there is still a small gathering in the ruined throne room, lingering between the tactical map and a column all smouldered and cracked from a blast of strange green fire. They, too, huddle close; the diplomatic distance bridged in the face of death, hands curl around hands and heads lean on trembling shoulders. Royal-blue robes, dirty and in tatters, flutter in the draught whistling through bullet holes peppering the walls.
The rumbling of the approaching wave can be heard from the harbour now.
“Do you think the Monoliths are still standing?” The High Admiral asks, his arm arched around the Minister of Seaware who shakes and sniffles.
The Court Deputy Engineer eyes the tactical map—a burnt piece of parchment, now, granite pawns all tipped and strewn across the floor. “Star-Surgery is first,” she says, “and their engines will combust should water get into them. I haven’t heard any explosions yet.”
“You expect to hear anything over this damned squall?” The Sejm’s Highmost Speaker sneers at her from under a half-tipped pillar. She is still holding her buława, squeezing it like a lifeline against her bandaged chest.
The Second Crown Judge wedges a claw between two halves of a clam he found washed in by the tide, takes a bite, and offers the rest to the Deputy Engineer.
“It’s not that far,” he reminds, leaving it unspoken that the troubled sea could have very well pushed the Star-Surgery hundreds of danas away.
“What difference does it make if we hear it or not?” the Highmost Speaker grumbles, “It’s not like we can do anything about it either way.”
“Well, I myself prefer to know what’s coming my way before it does.”
The Minister of Seaware breaks into another wave of ragged sobs.
“I don’t want to die!” Her voice echoes in the chamber, earning her a number glances of glances from those huddled under other walls, some frightened and some expressing only weary annoyance.
“Hush,” the Second Crown Judge fishes out another clam from the deep pockets of his robe and pushes it into her hands, “have a snack.”
“I don’t want a snack! I w-want to go home!”
“Great Leviathan in the deep, is the last thing I’ll ever hear really gonna be your wailing?” Someone from a distant corner calls. The Minister only starts crying louder.
“If the wind hasn’t picked up, we could approximate the distance,” the High Admiral says over her sobs, “after the explosion, I mean.”
“Suit yourself. It could’ve very well gone off hours ago and we didn’t hear it.” The Highmost Speaker huffs, and reaches to pry the clam from the Minister’s claws without much resistance. “Give me that, if you’re not eating it. I’m hungry.”
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a-teardrop-of-the-sun · 9 months
got my first anti-inflammation/pain steroid shot in the first of several major joints today (shoulders now, hips later, then ankles & knees) and lemme tell y'all that blissful 1-2 hrs when the local anaesthetic was working on my shoulders and they were pain-free for the first time in (hang on lemme do some math) 9+ years...transcendent
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heroftruth · 11 months
Asthma exacerbation for the first time in about 2 years 🫠
I’ll most likely be lurking tonight and tomorrow until feeling better bc meds make my hands shake.
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shadowbugtidbits · 11 months
Little Fun Fact: Similarly to a mongoose, Shadowbugs are almost immune to snake venom. Though a Shadowbug can be k*lled by snake venom, the amount that'd they have to receive all at once is absolutely nuts (10 times more than it takes to end a mongoose, in fact).
The Shadowbug's thick, elastic skin helps with this fact.
Makes you wonder how venomous/poisonous the critters back on Prehistoric Irk were.
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ladylore97 · 2 years
I’m starting to go through that stage of grief where I’m looking around at the world going about their lives and irrationally judging myself for still not being okay, even though it’s only been 6 weeks since he died. Like 6 weeks from having the person who fundamentally shaped who you are and your lifelong view of the world suddenly and literally drop dead is not something anyone should realistically be able to bounce back from in a few weeks. I’m even reading a bunch of books right now validating as much. And yet it doesn’t stop the guilt and intrusive thoughts that I should be doing more by now and shouldn’t be so depressed
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xomoosexo · 1 year
Omegaverse is patriarchy on steroids and was invented to make Jensen Ackles "the women" but still be gay. If people want to enjoy it in fic it's fine, morality isn't tied to fic, but people shouldn't pretend it's something it's not.
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shnowyfox · 1 year
all my mlp ocs in order of creation
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DayDreamBreeze. also my original gamertag on minecraft! i uhm. shes not supposed to be a cheese changling. She's inspired by a fluttershy toy i had and the beautiful artwork for the honey queen chrysalis from ink rose's interpretation of her backstory. i swapped the honey for water and she's supposed to be a pegasus? but i drew her as a changling here for some reason and i have no clue why
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Casey Cockatrice. Seeing pony youtubers discuss the show in their oc form, and thinking "wow, they're all just pegasi" i was like "i should do that but not be a pegasus" so i made an oc and never did that lol. probably a good thing though. anyhow. Casey was originally supposed to be an angel cockatrice but I didn't know how to do that without just making a chicken with a lizard tail until just now im realizing i should make it a dutchie omg. Casey enjoys the ponies and wants to befriend them but is confined to the everfree forest, so she has dawned a blindfold so she doesnt hurt anyone and she likes to hang out with zecora and collect herbs with her. she still just kinda does chicken/dragon things most of the time like pecking at the ground and sitting on treasure. The ring in her comb is supposed to be a halo. halos stuck in the character's design physically (usually through the hair or something similar) was a common thing i did for characters that were close to me at the time.
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Lemon Lily. She is. very bright. she was supposed to have a much more subtle color palette but i didnt do that and now she looks like sprite lmao. anyhow. i drew her randomly when i went through a small mlp phase a few years ago, mainly just attraction for chrysalis, but i guess she exists. her cutie mark is supposed to look like a water lily made of lemons but it kinda just looks weird idk. i'd say her talent is supposed to be like.. maybe floral arrangement? i think i had some inspiration from early mlp background ponies and i remember the florists were my favorite.
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JASON!! my favorite little idiot. he's a griffin i made in pony.town after realizing if i use the singular freckle and closed the eyes, it looked like he had tiny eyes and angry brows lol. all i do with him is act vaguely like skydoesminecraft and boop people with my bird fingers.
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DayDreamBreeze 2.0. i literally drew this bitch and didn't do anything else with them. ever.
then is autumn breeze whom i've drawn literally in like my last post so im not doing it again rn. she's my LOE pony and if you want her lore go to the post where i drew her on my phone.
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Honey Suckle. The only OC that I have surviving evidence of actually writing their backstory and whatnot. They were created with the idea of them experimenting on their body trying to turn themselves into a bee (basically beeatris as a horse, i know none of you know my persona beeatris but its pretty much her without the demonic activity and disney fairy influence), though i have thought of maybe changing it to her wanting to become a breezy or a changeling. She lost her horn because of this experimentation and is fluffier and has patches of hair on her eyes because of it. i forgot if she had a cutie mark or if i just didnt draw it or if it's overgrown? I think a lot of this character's experimentation was based off of memories of my brother who had leukemia and tried experimental treatments, mainly the fuzziness he got from his chemo or steroids i forgot which one it was. I also drew her as a kirin, idk if that was supposed to be a thing of like.. me doing it as an alternate idea of what she's aiming to achieve, as an alternate form of what she was born as.. or if it was just a doodle.. but it was pretty cool. a good quote for her is the vine thats like "i am a wolf on all levels but physical"
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Next is Pegasus. I originally had a different name for them but i don't think i can share it here. Pegasus is also related to my brother though and is very cool. they're really just a celestial body as a pony like Celestia and Luna, but with more of a crystal pony inspiration. also, they speak enchanting table only and i think thats really funny. same size as Luna. also, she can hide in Luna's hair.
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Stone Hoof. based somewhat off of Smokey Quartz from Steven Universe, i thought it'd be cool to also give them speckling like an appaloosa horse or vitiligo. you can't see their cutie mark but it's supposed to be a yoyo and i put it in the shape of the symbol of leo since im a leo and i designed them on the same day as pegasus lol. they are intended to be a friend to Honey Suckle.
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Finally, we have... I didn't name this one actually. uhm. well! it looks kinda like scootaloo, especially g3 or 3.5. which was unintentional but she was one of my favorite ponies and i had a few toys of her so it kinda makes sense that this is what my brain thought of when i thought "well loved my little pony doll". The hair is based off of the fettucine hair on those g4 plushies and also somewhat based on dreads. the patterns on their hooves is the heartshaped horseshoe from those promotional toys where you can scan them in for video game perks. and the wings are colored after discord's wings. I also got inspo from Stitches from Animal Crossing.
those are the horses. 1 like = 1 more horse post.
i also have customs i made as a kid that i dont have pictures of but i could redraw. but they're basically just "this character but i painted this animal on their face."
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