#steroids india
steroidonline · 1 year
Buying Peptides Online is Safe?
Peptides are a class of biomolecules that play a crucial role in various biological processes within the human body. Due to their therapeutic potential, peptides have gained immense popularity in the medical field. With the increasing demand for peptides, many people are turning to online sources to buy them. However, there are concerns about the safety of buying peptides online. Firstly, online peptide suppliers are required to adhere to strict quality control regulations set by the government. These regulations ensure that the peptides sold online are safe and of high quality. Reputable peptide suppliers will always ensure that their products meet the required quality standards. They will also provide certificates of analysis to their customers, which confirm the purity and quality of the peptides.
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Secondly, online peptide suppliers offer a more convenient way to purchase peptides. With just a few clicks, you can buy peptides online you need, and they will be delivered right to your doorstep. This eliminates the need to physically visit a store, which can be time-consuming and inconvenient.
Thirdly, buying peptides online is cost-effective. Online peptide suppliers usually offer their products at lower prices compared to physical stores. This is because they don't have to incur the overhead costs associated with running a physical store. Additionally, online peptide suppliers often offer discounts and promotions to their customers, further reducing the cost of purchasing peptides.
Fourthly, online peptide suppliers provide a wider selection of peptides to choose from. Physical stores may not stock all the peptides that you need. However, online peptide suppliers offer a wider variety of peptides, ensuring that you can get the specific peptide that you require.
Finally, buying peptides online is safe because online peptide suppliers have secure payment methods. Reputable peptide suppliers use secure payment methods to protect their customers' financial information. This ensures that your payment information is safe from online fraudsters.
However, it is important to ensure that you only buy peptides from reputable online suppliers. You should always do your research and read customer reviews before making a purchase. Additionally, it is important to ensure that the online supplier adheres to the necessary quality control regulations. By doing this, you can rest assured that you are buying high-quality and safe peptides.
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healthlineonline · 2 months
Why Athletes Turn to Testoxyl Cypionate 250 for Sale?
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Testoxyl Cypionate 250 is an injectable steroid derived from testosterone, manufactured by Kalpa Pharmaceuticals in India. It enhances muscle mass, strength, and performance, and can raise IGF-1 levels in muscle tissue. It is popular among fitness enthusiasts for its potency, reliability, and effectiveness. To ensure safe usage of Testoxyl Cypionate 250 for sale, consult a healthcare professional, follow recommended dosages, and monitor progress.
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axsteroidsus · 3 months
Best Testoxyl Enanthate 250 Online Is Still A Better Choice
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Most users are content with the type of muscle mass they possess. Still, a majority of sportsmen express dissatisfaction with the noticeable retraction tendency. The best Testoxyl Enanthate 250 online is that at the end of the course, a third or even more of the weight typically disappears. Maintaining performance to the fullest is nearly impossible. For more details click:
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Heylo my maggotsies... I'm sorry to do this but I have a thing that I really, really need to do (thank you Ash for helping me realise that) but I'm terrified to. so well. I'm going to make one of the posts (Neil reblogged me a couple of days ago so I feel pretty safe making one now since he only lurks by once in two weeks so this is as good a time as it gets to make a post and not expect many notes, yes I'm an overthinker and I'm actually scared of this getting notes).
Sigh. Here goes.
...I'm scared of even typing it.
Nope okay I can do this let's go.
If this post gets 1k notes, I'll look up jobs in design and film making that don't need a college degree.
2k notes, I'll sign up for an Alliance Francaise course so I can have another language on my CV, and I'll find a course that teaches me how to use design software.
5k, I'll look up distance learning alternatives, because just talking about physical college yesterday made me spend the whole morning and afternoon today in and out of nightmares screaming. Fuck.
10k, I'll tell my mum that I can't do the offline college. She's been talking to me about it, but I've been dodging because I'm not well-off and I really need to be earning and idk how to do that without college and I feel so guilty.
15k, I'll officially back out from the college (does that count as dropping out, if it hasn't begun? maybe half. i am a college and a half dropout, my 11th grade self would hate me and my 10th grade self would refuse to believe it).
I don't know what I'll do then. I don't know how to live as trans here in India, I don't know how to earn enough to be able to help my family, I don't know what I'm good at and I'm so fucking terrified. But. I spoke to @random-doctor-on-the-internet last night (I love you Ash you're such a fucking amazing human) and they made me realise that well maybe landing in a hospital with steroids to relieve an allergy attack because of exam stress isn't normal and so.
Well. Here I am. I know I can't do it, but I'm scared to risk everything, it's just not something people do here, dropping out. But also (TW s**cide statistics mentioned below the cut)... And so I've just. Got to do it, got to save myself and say no to college (cue say no to school, kids joke). Somehow be brave enough. And yeah.
To quote a financial express article: "In an alarming situation, a total of 7,62,648 suicides were reported in India between 2018 to 2022, Of this student suicides account for 7.6% at 59,239". Maybe if more people did say fuck you to the system here, that wouldn't be the case. That number could have been 59,240 (aside from everyone who wasn't counted and hushed up), that could have been me, and I don't want to put myself in that situation again. You know? Yeah.
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eatmangoesnekkid · 1 year
I don't realize that I possess a high level of confidence until I am around other women. I then get to witness how disembodied, timid or afraid many of us are, how scared we can be to share our real thoughts, especially to someone we may be attracted to, or do things alone. I get to see how we can be easily triggered or ungrounded based on what is happening in the environment. I also notice that women tend to pay a lot of attention to how others are perceiving them, observing who is watching, and easily influenced or altered by other people's emotions/actions. I used to be like that as well. This is actually a weakened, hyper-feminine, damsel-in-distressed state and building more harmony in our energetic makeup will be necessary for mind-body-spirit-economic thriving. I wasn't always confident that's for sure, not in my teens or early 20s. When I think about where my confidence rose from, it had a lot to do with me learning to unplug from the matrix, letting go the need to blindly follow status quo thinking, learning to adore my own company and do things alone, and strengthtraining my body. I stopped following the crowd and doing what was cool and popular in my late 20s and started training my body to open up my guardian wisdomkeeper within in order to bring my divine gifts into the world. The Core of the Body is the Original Brain "Most say the gut/core is the 2nd brain, but I treat my gut like the first brain." --India If you have the mobility, any kind of routine and ritualized bending, twisting, squatting, lunging, pulling/pushing, or walking/sprinting action sparks the flow/fluids/energy in your core area. Everything is energy and when we bring in more energy into the center of our bodies (our core/womb space/gut), we begin to solve our body's issues. I have a very "prissy" sassy, socialized feminine nature. It's how I was raised and what I saw modeled growing up in my home. And I have been to the most hood ass gym alone in Atlanta, "Lee Haney Gym" on Ponce de Leon. It was occupied mostly by big muscular men and a few women who competed in bodybuilding competitions and were on steroids in obvious ways. And I still was able to workout alone. This gym had the best high-quality equipment that I could afford at the time and I would put on my headphones, focus my gaze, and do what I needed to do. Overtime I found some of the men to be the sweetest, kindest souls and they embraced me like a little sister and the others --well--I pretty much ignored them. Plus doing exercises that work the center of the body (solar plexus or belly area) gifts you with a natural confidence that can't be faked. This area energetically corresponds to the solar plexus, or the spaciousness where non-arrogant warrior-level confidence is born. Anything from squats, pilates, to HIIT classes will help to bring more stability to your body which increases your knowledge of self and naturally inspires greater confidence. Taking l-theanine magnesium (regulates sleep and anxiety) and not treating your stomach like a 'garbage can' also help. Nurturing the truth of the divine feminine is deeply DEEPLY important but nourishing athleticism (in harmony with your unique and beautiful range of motion and mobility) and nutrient-dense cellular nutrition are also important. Always pray over your food as well. You can't be so feminine that you leave your body behind. And a healthy (or healthier) body is a naturally confident one.
India Ame’ye, Author
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hobiebrownismygod · 11 months
OC/Spider-Sona Backstory: The Widow
Maitreyi Jokhar (she/her), Earth-20262, Present day, Spider-man/Black Widow variant
Part 1!
I'm planning on making this a series instead of one extremely long post, so her entire backstory up to her introduction to the Spider Society is probably going to be around two to three parts depending on how in-depth I decide to make it! Let me know if you have any feedback on my writing style or how I can make her as accurate as possible <3
Backstory & Powers:
Born in Andrapradesh, South India, she was kidnapped from her family at the age of 5 years old and never saw them again. Forced into a human-trafficking scheme, she was eventually taken into the Red Room program, better known as the Black Widow program, the same program that the MCU Black Widow was a part of before working for S.H.I.E.L.D. In this universe, the Red Room Program is an extension of H.Y.D.R.A., a Russian spy organization. From the ages of 7-14, she was trained alongside hundreds of other child soldiers to fight, kill and engage in acts of espionage and sabotage, eventually to join the army of mind-controlled Black Widows the Red Room program produced.
When she turned 15, she, along with 9 other young teenage girls, were chosen for H.Y.D.R.A's new adaptation program, where they experimented on some of their best soldiers/recruits to create a new kind of Super-soldier, after their hundreds of failed attempts to replicate the same serum used on Red Skull during WWII. Each girl experienced a different experiment, some being injected with powerful steroids, others having their DNA spliced and combined with others, etc... Understandably, none of these experiments worked. Except for one.
Maitreyi was placed into a leather chair and strapped down, quickly being injected with multiple paralyzers before being told to close her eyes and relax her arm. Doctor Hans Zola, grandson of Doctor Arnim Zola (Arnim Zola worked for the Nazis during WWII, which could be seen in the first Captain America movie), proceeded to inject her with a serum derived from the venom of a radioactive black widow spider, whom's DNA he had spent months perfecting to be able to link to hers accurately. 24 hours later, the process was completed and H.Y.D.R.A. had successfully created a super-soldier. However, this super-soldier wasn't the same kind as what they'd made during WWII with Red Skull.
Maitreyi did receive similar, but not the same abilities as the average Spider-person. She was unable to produce enough web for the daily, so she would use it limitedly, and only if completely necessary. She was flexible, fast and even acrobatic, as a result of years of Red Room training, but she did not gain the abilities of super-strength. She had to hone her strength herself after assimilating to the injection, through more time being trained by H.Y.D.R.A.'s best agents, specifically employed to morph Maitreyi into a super-weapon. One ability which was extremely beneficial for her future endeavors was her newfound intelligence and instincts. After being injected, she was able to better respond to threats, through enhanced reflexes (Spider-sense) and found that her problem-solving skills, especially those mechanical related (robots, machines, gizmos, etc...) were also amplified.
Only a few weeks later, she met Alexander Pierce. The man who took over Hydra after Red Skull's death. The man who's idea it was to turn her into a weapon. The man who was going to use her brainwashed, inhuman self to murder his own enemies until she was either captured or dead.
The missions started off small. Assassinating political leaders of minuscule movements in insignificant cities and towns. Kidnapping the children of runaway H.Y.D.R.A agents, destroying their lives, sparking fear into the hearts of the organization's enemies and even their allies. It wasn't until a few months later that Pierce sent her to the United States. He didn't disclose why she was going there. The only thing she had been given was a picture of an older man with an eye patch who Pierce claimed had something that "belonged to him." He told her that her job was to kill him. Not having a choice, not knowing that there was any other option besides compliance, she obliged. She wasn't even 16 years old.
Guys idk if any of this makes sense but I'm trying to create a storyline for her so its not like I just threw a random spider-person into the ATSV fandom and started shipping her with characters 😭. I want her to have her own backstory and reasons for her personality and stuff yk
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brookstonalmanac · 23 days
Holidays 9.1
American Chess Day
Arbor Day (Peru)
Arts Day (Bardo)
Asbestos Awareness Day (UK)
Back to Hogwarts Day
Bahti Meskerem (Eritrea)
Building and Code Staff Appreciation Day
Carrington Event Day
Chicken Boy Day
Childhood Cancer Awareness Day (Tennessee)
Constitution Day (Slovakia)
Creation Day (According to Julius Africanus; 5,508 yrs, 3 months, 25 days BC)
Daffodil Day (New Zealand)
Day of Belarusian Written Language (Belarus)
Day of Knowledge (Estonia, Russia)
Disaster Prevention Day (Japan)
Draft Horse Day
Emma M. Nutt Day (a.k.a. Nutt Day)
Entrepreneur’s Day (Ukraine)
Euphrosyne Asteroid Day
Flag Day (Honduras)
Footy Colors Day (Australia)
Ginger Cat Appreciation Day
Global Talent Acquisition Day [1st Wednesday]
Human Resources Professional Day (South Dakota)
International Day of Awareness of the Dolphins of Taiji
International Naalbinding Day
International Neil Diamond Day
International Primate Day
International Trade Union Action Day for Peace
International Women in Cyber Day
Journalist Day (Taiwan)
Juno Steroid Day
Kama Sutra Day
Kanto Earthquake Memorial Day (Japan)
Knowledge Day (Armenia, Estonia, Russia, Ukraine)
Lake Baikal Day (Russia)
Letter Appreciation Day
Lose Your Virginity Day
Mary Had a Little Lamb Day
Meteorological Autumn begins (Northern Hemisphere)
Meteorological Spring begins (Southern Hemisphere)
National Acne Positivity Day
National Boykin Spaniel Day
National Child Identity Theft Awareness Day
National Disaster Prevention Day (Japan)
National Forgiveness Day
National Homecare Day of Action
National Hotel Employee Day
National Little Black Dress Day
National Marmoset Day
National No Rhyme (Nor Reason) Day
National Police K-9 Day
901 Day (Tennessee)
No Music Day (Nigeria)
Onam (Hindu harvest festival; India)
Partridge Day (UK)
Pink Cadillac Day
Presidential Message Day (Mexico)
Random Acts of Kindness Day (NZ)
Respect the Drive Day
Rites of Moawita (Elder Scrolls)
Save Japan’s Dolphins Day
Sing A Silly Song In Bed Day
Teacher’s Day (Singapore)
Tourist Day
Toy Tips Executive Toy Test Day
Trade Union Action for Peace Day (Tajikistan)
Trout Day (French Republic)
Veteran’s Day (Poland)
Wattle Day (Australia)
White Rabbit Day
World CLL Day
World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation
World Day of the Fingerprint
World Emotional Trauma Awareness Day
World Freestyle Football Day
World Letter Writing Day
World PCOS Day of Unity
World War Two Anniversary Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Cherry Popover Day
Chop Suey Day
International Cap Classique Day (South Africa)
National Burnt Ends Day
National Gyro Day
National Oatloaf Day
National Tofu Day (UK)
Oyster Season begins
Rosolio Day (Italy)
Independence & Related Days
Alberta Province Day (Canada; 1905)
Baguio City Day (Philippines)
Baltia (Declared; 2014) [unrecognized]
Chrisland (Declared; 2015) [unrecognized]
Communist North China People’s Republic (Founded; 1948)
Gymnasium State (Declared; 2017) [unrecognized]
Jasaan Day (Philippines)
Qatar (from UK; 1971)
Revolution Day (Libya; 1969)
Saskatchewan Province Day (Canada; 1905)
Slovak Constitution Day (Slovakia)
Uzbekistan (a.k.a. Mustaqillik Kuni); from USSR, 1991)
New Year’s Days
New Year’s Day (Greek or Byzantine (Constantinople) Indication)
1st Sunday in September
Bowling League Day (a.k.a. U.S. Bowling League Day) [1st Sunday]
European Day of Jewish Culture [1st Sunday]
Father's Day (Australia, New Zealand) [1st Sunday]
Harvest Wine Celebration (Livermore, California) [1st Sunday]
Joust of the Saracen (Italy) [1st Sunday]
Mushroom Day (Denmark, Norway, Sweden) [1st Sunday]
National Commemoration Day (South Africa) [1st Sunday]
National Pastor’s Spouses Day [1st Sunday]
National Prayer Day for the Deaf (South Africa) [1st Sunday]
Pet Rock Day [1st Sunday]
Pffiferdaj (Day of the Strolling Fiddlers, or Fiddlers' Festival; Alsace, France) [1st Sunday]
Running of the Sheep (Montana) [Sunday of Labor Day Weekend]
Seven For Sunday [Every Sunday]
Snack Sunday [1st Sunday of Each Month]
Spiritual Sunday [1st Sunday of Each Month]
Start Over Sunday [1st Sunday of Each Month]
Sundae Sunday [Every Sunday]
Sunday Funday [Every Sunday]
Tales and Tallows (Elder Scrolls)
Wakes Sunday [Sunday after September 4]
Working Mother's Day [1st Sunday]
World Goddess Day [1st Sunday]
World Koesister Day [1st Sunday]
World Meditation Day [1st Sunday of Every Month]
Weekly Holidays beginning September 1 (1st Full Week of September)
International Enthusiasm Week (thru 9.7)
Legacy Week (Australia)
National Childhood Injury Prevention Week (thru 9.7)
National Nutrition Week (thru 9.7)
National Payroll Week (thru 9.7). [Week of Labor Day]
National Waffle Week (thru 9.7) [1st Week]
Self-University Week (thru 9.7)
Sobriety Checkpoint Week (thru 9.7) [1st Full Week]
Substitute Teacher Appreciation Week (thru 9.7) [1st Full Week]
Festivals Beginning September 1, 2024
Alaskan Grown Cheesecake Contest (Palmer, Alaska)
Atlanta Caribbean Jerk Festival (Lithonia, Georgia)
Bloemencorso Sint-Gillis-bij-Dendermonde (Sint-Gillis-bij-Dendermonde, Belgium)
Bloemencorso Zundert (Zundert, Netherlands) [thru 9.2]
California Wine Month (Statewide, California) [thru 9.30]
Flavor Palm Beach (Palm Beach, Florida) [thru 9.30]
Sydney Fringe Festival (Sydney, Australia) [thru 9.30]
Feast Days
Constantius (Costanzo) of Aquino (Christian; Saint)
Dalton (Positivist; Saint)
David Pendleton Oakerhater (Anglican Communion)
Drittel of Northumbria (Christian; Saint)
Ecclesiastical New Year (Orthodox Christian)
Edgar Rice Burroughs (Writerism)
Feast of Adjutor (Christian)
Feast of Macuilxochitl (5 Flower God; Mexico)
Festival of the Grapevines I: Ariadne (Pagan)
Felix, Donatus, Arontius, Honoratus, Fortunatus, Sabinianus, Septimus, Januarius, Vitalis, Satyrus, abd Repostius, 12 brothers (Christian; Martyrs)
Festival of Juno Regina and Jupiter Liber (Ancient Rome)
Fiacre (France, Ireland; Christian; Saint) [also 8.30]
Firminus II (Christian; Saint)
Gene Colan (Artology)
Gideon the Judge (Christian; Saint)
Giles (Christian; Saint)
Hilda Rix Nicholas (Artology)
Hobbit Remembrance Day (Pastafarian)
Jhonen Vasquez (Artology)
Loup (a.k.a. Lupus or Lew) of Sens (Christian; Saint)
Ludwig Merwart (Artology)
Nativity of Zoroaster (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Nivard (a.k.a. Nivo; Christian; Saint)
Per Kirkeby (Artology)
Ramalamadingdong begins (Church of the SubGenius)
Sain (Celtic Book of Days)
Simeon Stylite (Eastern Orthodox)
Sixtus of Reims (Christian; Saint)
Sneeze-Wobbling Festival (Shamanism)
Soshana Afroyim (Artology)
Sweet Tater Festival (Cullman, Alabama) [thru 9.2]
Taddeo Zuccari (Artology)
Terentian (a.k.a. Terrence; Christian; Saint)
Timothy Zahn (Writerism)
The Twelve Brothers (Christian; Martyrs)
Uncle Ermisimo (Muppetism)
Verena (Christian; Saint)
Vibiana (Christian; Saint)
Yasuo Kuniyoshi (Artology)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Historically Bad Day (Germany invaded Poland, earthquakes in Iran & Japan & 8 other tragedies) [7of 11]
Taian (大安 Japan) [Lucky all day.]
The Abominable Mountaineers, featuring Sad Cat (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1968)
Address Unknown, by Kathrine Kressmann Taylor (Novel; 1938)
The Aleph, by Jorge Luis Borges (Short Story; 1945)
Arsenic and Old Lace (Film; 1943)
The Autograph Hound (Disney Cartoon; 1939)
The Bachelor and the Bobby-Soxer (Film; 1947)
Balloon Snatcher, featuring Astronut (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1969)
The Big Clean-Up (Hector Heathcote Cartoon; 1963)
Bye, Bye, Blackboard (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1972)
Catching Fire, by Suzanne Collins (Novel; 2009) [#2]
Cat Happy (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1950)
The Cat’s Revenge (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1954)
The Charm Bracelet (Phantasies Cartoon; 1939)
Chocolates for Breakfast, by Pamela Moore (Novel; 1956)
Confessions of an English Opium-Eater, by Thomas De Quincey (Autobiography; 1821)
The Corrections, by Jonathan Franzen (Novel; 2001)
The Covered Pushcart (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1949)
Crank (Film; 2006)
Dames (Film; 1934)
The Discontented Canary (Happy Harmonies Cartoon; 1934)
Disguise the Limit (Modern Madcaps Cartoon; 1960)
Dr. Feelgood, by Mötley Crüe (Album; 1989)
Dug Days (Animated TV Series; 2021)
The English Patient, by Michael Ondaatje (Novel; 1992)
Ethan Frome, by Edith Wharton (Novel; 1911)
A Farewell to Arms, by Ernest Hemingway (Novel; 1929)
A Farewell to Kings, by Rush (Album; 1977)
The 500 Hats of Bartholomew Cubbins, by Dr. Seuss (Children’s Books; 1938)
Fine Feathered Friend (Noveltoons Cartoon; 1960)
The First Telephone (Hector Heathcote Cartoon; 1963)
Foxed by a Fox (Hector Heathcote Cartoon; 1963)
Git That Guitar (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1964)
The Good Scout, featuring Willie Whopper (Ub Iwerks Cartoon; 1934)
Gramps to the Rescue (Noveltoons Cartoon; 1963)
Happy Valley (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1952)
Harry Happy (Modern Madcaps Cartoon; 1963)
Hats Off to Hector (Hector Heathcote Cartoon; 1963)
Haydn String Quartets, Opus 10, by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (Quartets; 1785)
High Flyer (Hector Heathcote Cartoon; 1963)
Hobo’s Holiday (Noveltoons Cartoon; 1963)
Hold the Fort! (Hector Heathcote Cartoon; 1963)
Honorable Paint in the Neck, featuring Hashimoto (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1962)
Hook, Lion and Sinker (Disney Cartoon; 1950)
Honey’s Money (WB MM Cartoon; 1962)
Idiocracy (Film; 2006)
Julius Caesar, by William Shakespeare (Play; 1599)
Lady and His Lamp (Noveltoons Cartoon; 1964)
Little Problems (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1951)
Lolita, by Vladimir Nabokov (Novel; 1955)
Love’s Labor Won (Mighty Mouse Cartoon; 1948)
The Mass Psychology of Fascism, by Wilhelm Reich (Political Book; 1933)
Messy Messenger (Hector Heathcote Cartoon; 1963)
Middlemarch, by George Eliot (Novel; 1871)
The Mighty Hercules (Animated TV Series; 1963)
Mouse Menace (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1953)
The Mysterious Cowboy (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1952)
The Old Man and the Sea (Short Story; 1952)
Old Mother Clobber (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1958)
Outer Galaxy Gazette, featuring Astronaut (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1964)
Outside Providence (Film; 1999)
Peculiar Penguins (Silly Symphonies Disney Cartoon; 1934)
Pitchin’ Woo at the Zoo (Fleischer/Famous Popeye Cartoon; 1944)
The Plastics Inventor (Disney Cartoon; 1944)
Prehistoric Super Salesman (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1969)
Private Eyes, by Hall & Oates (Album; 1981)
The Prophet, by Kahlil Gibran (Poems; 1923)
The Proton Pulsator, featuring Astronut (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1970)
The Rain Drain, featuring James Hound (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1966)
Really Big Act, featuring Sidney (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1961)
Rear Window (Film; 1954)
Robot Rival (Modern Madcaps Cartoon; 1964)
A Room of One’s Own, by Virginia Woolf (Novel; 1929)
Search for a Symbol (Hector Heathcote Cartoon; 1963)
The Slap-Happy Mouse (WB MM Cartoon; 1956)
Solitary Refinement (Modern Madcaps Cartoon; 1965)
The Spy Who Came in From the Cold, by John le Carré (Novel; 1963)
Square Shooting’ Square (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1955)
Steeple Jacks (Heckle & Jeckle Cartoon; 1951)
The Stepford Wives, by Ira Levin (Novel; 1972)
Swordfishtrombones, by Tom Waits (Album; 1983)
TikTok (Social Media App; 2016)
Trois Morceaux en Forme de Poire (Three Pieces in the Shape of a Pear), Erik Satie (Suite for Piano Four Hands; 1903)
Tropic of Cancer, by Henry Miller (Novel; 1934)
The Two Barbers (Mighty Mouse Cartoon; 1944)
The Two Ton Baby Sitter, featuring Sidney (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1960)
What a Wonderful World, by Louis Armstrong (Song; 1967)
When Worlds Collide, by Philip Wylie (Novel; 1932)
Which is Witch, featuring James Hound (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1967)
Wild Life (Heckle & Jeckle Cartoon; 1959)
The Women (Film; 1939)
Worth Dying For, 15th Jack Reacher book, by Lee Child (Novel; 2010)
You Can’t Take It with You (Film; 1938)
Today’s Name Days
Ägidius, Ruth, Verena (Austria)
Damyan, Damyana, Kozma, Kuzman, Simeon, Simona (Bulgaria)
Aron, Egidije, Estera, Jošua, Oliver, Predrag, Šimun, Tamara, Viktor (Croatia)
Jaroslava, Linda, Samuel (Czech Republic)
Ægidius, Theobaldus (Denmark)
Eha, Ehala, Hämarik, Ülar, Ülari, Ülev, Üllar, Üllart, Üllas, Üllo, Ülo (Estonia)
Aaro, Aaron, Pirkka (Finland)
Aaron, Esther, Giles, Goulwen, Jossué, Thierry (France)
Ägidius, Ruth, Verena (Germany)
Anargyros, Argyris, Antigone, Antigoni, Athena, Athina, Damianos, Kosmas, Margarita, Polynike, Polyniki, Symeon (Greece)
Annamária, Egon, Egyed, Tihamér (Hungary)
Caio, Cono, Costanzo, Egidio (Italy)
Austrums, Ilmārs, Iluta, Irisa, Imants, Ingars, Intars, Teobalds, Verena (Latvia)
Burvilė, Egidijus, Gytautas, Gytis, Julijus, Liepa, Tautrimas, Tautrimė (Lithuania)
Ask, Embla, Solveig, Solvor (Norway)
Aaron, Bogusław, Bronisław, Bronisława, Bronisz, Halina, Idzi, Klarysa, Marian, Niegosława, Teobald (Poland)
Dionisie (Romania)
Diana, Drahoslava (Slovakia)
Aarón, Arturo, Ester, Esther, Gil, Josué, Leonor, Oliverio, Simeón, Sixto (Spain)
Aron, Mirjam, Sam, Samuel (Sweden)
Debbie, Deborah, Debra, Edgar, Edgardo, Giles, Josh, Joshua, Josue, Ruth (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 245 of 2024; 121 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 7 of Week 35 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Muin (Vine) [Day 2 of 28]
Chinese: Month 7 (Ren-Shen), Day 29 (Wu-Chen)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 28 Av 5784
Islamic: 26 Safar 1446
J Cal: 5 Gold; Fryday [5 of 30]
Julian: 19 August 2024
Moon: 2%: Waning Crescent
Positivist: 21 Gutenberg (9th Month) [Watt]
Runic Half Month: Rad (Motion) [Day 10 of 15]
Season: Summer (Day 74 of 94)
Week: 1st Full Week of September
Zodiac: Virgo (Day 11 of 32)
Calendar Changes
September (Gregorian Calendar) [Month 9 of 12]
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eliteayurveda · 2 months
11 Skin Conditions You’ve Almost Certainly Never Heard Of
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Millions of people in India suffer from at least one skin condition. You’ve probably heard of the more common ones, such as acne, eczema, and rosacea. In fact, there’s a strong possibility you have one yourself.
There are also a number of uncommon skin problems that you may be unaware of. They can range in severity from minor to fatal. They can have an impact on the quality of life of persons who develop them in some situations.
Continue reading for an overview of some of these lesser-known conditions.
Hidradenitis suppurativa
Hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) is a chronic inflammatory disorder that causes lesions to grow on skin-to-skin contact points on the body. The following are the most prevalent locations for breakouts:
underarms, groin, buttocks, upper thighs, and breasts
Although the etiology of HS is uncertain, hormones are likely to play a role in its development because it often begins around puberty.
The illness affects up to 2% of the population. It is especially common in those who are obese or who smoke. Women are more than three times as likely than men to have HS.
Genetics and the immune system are thought to play a role in who gets the condition.
People who have hidradenitis suppurativa are more likely to have specific conditions (or comorbidities), such as:
inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) acne
Acne conglobata, dissecting cellulitis of the scalp, and pilonidal sinus disease are all part of the follicular occlusion tetrad (a collection of inflammatory skin disorders).
metabolic disorder
PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome)
Type 2 diabetes with squamous cell carcinoma of the afflicted skin
The first signs of HS are outbreaks that resemble pimples or boils. These outbreaks could remain on the skin or fade and recur.
If neglected, more severe symptoms like scarring, infection, and breakouts that rupture and produce a foul-smelling fluid might develop.
There is presently no cure for HS, however there are several therapy options to assist control symptoms. These are some examples:
topical ointments, anti-inflammatory medications, injectable biologics, and hormone therapy
In more severe situations, surgery may be recommended.
Psoriasis inversa
Intertriginous psoriasis is another name for inverse psoriasis. This illness, like HS, causes red sores on regions of the body where skin touches skin. These lesions do not resemble boils. They appear smooth and gleaming.
Many persons who have inverse psoriasis have at least one other type of psoriasis on their body. Experts aren’t clear what causes psoriasis, but genetics and the immune system both play a role.
Psoriasis affects roughly 3% of the world’s population, and 3–7% of those with psoriasis have inverse psoriasis.
Because the skin in high-friction parts of the body is sensitive, treating the condition can be challenging. Steroid creams and topical ointments can be beneficial, but they can also cause unpleasant irritation if used excessively.
People with more severe inverse psoriasis may also require UVB light therapy or injectable biologics to manage their illness.
Harlequin ichthyosis
Harlequin ichthyosis is an uncommon genetic condition that causes children to be born with rough, thick skin covered in diamond-shaped scales.
These plates, which are separated by deep fissures, can shape their eyelids, mouth, nose, and ears. They can also impede limb and chest movement.
Around 200 instances have been recorded around the world. The disorder is caused by a mutation in the ABCA12 gene, which permits the body to produce a protein required for normal skin cell formation.
The mutation hinders lipid transfer to the skin’s top layer, resulting in the scale-like plates. Because of the plates, it is more difficult to:
control water loss
combat illness by regulating body temperature
Harlequin ichthyosis is an autosomal recessive condition caused by faulty genes inherited from both parents.
Because biological carriers rarely show symptoms, genetic testing can detect changes in genes and calculate your risk of developing or passing on genetic illnesses.
A stringent regimen of skin-softening emollients and skin-repairing moisturizers is the most popular treatment for harlequin ichthyosis. Oral retinoids may also be utilized in extreme situations.
Morgellons syndrome
Morgellons disease is an uncommon ailment that causes microscopic fibers and particles to emerge from skin wounds, giving the impression that something is crawling on the skin.
The Morgellons Disease is poorly understood, although it affects nearly 14,000 families, according to the Morgellons Research Foundation.
Morgellons disease is most common in middle-aged Caucasian women. It’s also closely linked to Lyme disease.
Because the symptoms are similar to those of a mental health illness known as delusional infestation, some experts assume it is a psychological issue.
The symptoms are unpleasant but not life-threatening. Typical symptoms include:
weariness anxiety sadness itchy skin rashes or sores black fibrous substance in and on the skin
Lesions only affect one part of the body: the head, trunk, or extremities.
There is no standard treatment option for Morgellons disease because it is still poorly understood.
People suffering with the disease are usually encouraged to maintain close contact with their healthcare team and seek therapy for symptoms such as anxiety and depression.
Elastoderma is an uncommon disorder characterized by increased skin looseness in particular parts of the body. As a result, the skin sags or hangs down in loose folds.
It can affect any region of the body, but the neck and extremities, particularly the elbows and knees, are the most usually afflicted.
The illness affects less than one in one million persons worldwide. Elastoderma’s actual cause is unknown. It is assumed to be caused by an excess of elastin, a protein that provides structural support to organs and tissues.
Elastoderma has no cure or recommended treatment. Some people will have surgery to remove the problematic area, although the loose skin often returns after the procedure.
Pilonidal sinusitis
Pilonidal sinus illness causes small holes or tunnels at the buttocks’ base or crease. Because symptoms aren’t always clear, most people don’t seek therapy or even recognize the issue until it causes problems.
It is caused when the hair between the buttocks rubs together. The friction and pressure that results pushes the hair inside, causing it to become ingrown.
This minor illness affects 10 to 26 people in every 100,000. The majority of people with this illness are between the ages of 15 and 30, and men are twice as likely as women to have it.
It frequently affects persons who work occupations that demand long periods of sitting. It is often associated with hidradenitis suppurativa (HS).
A few things influence treatment for an infected pilonidal sinus:
signs and symptoms
the size of the abscess, if it is a new or recurring infection
In most cases, treatment entails removing any visible pus from the affected pilonidal sinus. Antibiotics, hot compresses, and topical ointments are also frequently utilized.
If you’re one of the 40% of people with the illness who has reoccurring abscesses, talk to your doctor about other surgical alternatives.
Pemphigus vegetans
Pemphigus is classified as an autoimmune illness by the National Institutes of Health (NIH)Trusted Source. It causes your immune system to target healthy epidermal cells. The epidermis is the top layer of the skin.
Lesions or blisters form where skin naturally meets or rubs together, as in HS. They can also be found in or on the:
mouth, throat, eyes, nose, and genital areas
Pemphigus vulgaris is the most common kind of pemphigus. It affects 0.1 to 2.7 persons in every 100,000.
Pemphigus vegetans, a pemphigus vulgaris variation, accounts for 1 to 2% of pemphigus cases globally.
If untreated, Pemphigus vegetans can be lethal. The treatment focuses on removing the lesions or blisters and preventing them from recurring.
Corticosteroids and other anti-inflammatory steroids are frequently used as the first line of defense. In addition, you can have surgery to remove the lesions or blisters, while also cleaning and dressing the affected area on a daily basis.
Medicated mouthwash or clobetasol, a corticosteroid and ointment used to treat oral problems, are examples of mouth and throat remedies.
Crohn’s disease 
Crohn’s disease is an inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) of the digestive tract.
It affects around 780,000 Indians. Every year, approximately 38,000 new cases are reported. Researchers believe that genetics, the immune system, and the environment all have a role in Crohn’s disease development.
Between 20 and 33 percent of persons with Crohn’s disease have skin lesions as a result of the condition. This is referred to as a cutaneous epidemic.
Cutaneous lesions, which resemble genital warts, appear after bowel disease has shown on the skin or another organ outside of the intestinal tract. The eyes, liver, and gallbladder are all included. It might also have an impact on the joints.
If your Crohn’s disease and lesions have metastasized, or spread, they can become painful and potentially lethal. There are currently few therapy options for this stage.
Sneddon-Wilkinson syndrome
Sneddon-Wilkinson illness is characterized by clusters of pus sores on the skin. Subcorneal pustular dermatosis (SPD) is another name for it.
Experts are unsure what is causing it. The disease, which is uncommon and sometimes misunderstood, primarily affects persons over the age of 40, particularly women. As a result, its precise prevalence is uncertain.
Soft, pus-filled pimples occur between skin that rubs together a lot, just like in HS. Skin lesions appear on the body, between skin folds, and in the vaginal area. They “explode” as a result of friction.
This popping of the lesions may be accompanied by an itchy or burning feeling. These feelings are followed by scaling and discolouration of the skin. Despite being chronic and painful, this skin ailment is not lethal.
The antibiotic dapsone is the preferred treatment for this condition, with a daily dose of 50 to 200 milligrams (mg) taken orally.
Lichen planus 
Inverse lichen planus pigmentosus is an inflammatory disorder that causes skin fold discolouration and uncomfortable pimples.
Only about 20 cases have been documented worldwide, mostly affecting Asians. Nobody knows what is causing it.
Small clusters of flat lesions, or macules, of discolored skin appear. They don’t normally contain pus, but they do occasionally. Some people’s skin spontaneously clears up with time, whilst others may experience symptoms for years.
This is a mild condition that can be addressed with a topical treatment. Corticosteroids are the most often used treatments for wound healing and can even aid with pigmentation in some situations.
Dowling-Degos syndrome
Dowling-Degos disease is a hereditary illness that causes darker skin, especially in folds such as the armpit, groin, and joint areas.
Pigment changes can also affect the neck, hands, cheeks, and scalp, albeit they are less prevalent.
The majority of the lesions are minor and resemble blackheads, however red areas resembling acne might form around the lips.
Lesions on the scalp might also look as fluid-filled lumps. Itching and burning sensations are possible.
Skin changes, like HS, occur in late childhood or early adolescence.
However, some people do not have breakouts until they reach maturity. Dowling-Degos is not a life-threatening disease, but it can cause distress and worry in those who have it.
This disease presently has no cure. Treatments ranging from laser therapy to topical steroids to retinoids have been tried, but results have been mixed, and nothing has proven to be consistently successful.
If you have a skin issue, pay attention to your body and treat any signs seriously.
Consult your doctor who can assist you in obtaining a diagnosis and determining the best treatment options for your specific problems.
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yorktaylor · 11 months
acid rock is like that hyper-drugged-up psychedelic shit from the late 60s but a little more metal infused (basically the grateful dead and that one album the beatles put out after they went to india and tripped balls the whole time on steroids) and for some reason it makes so much sense that harry styles would be into that
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rrcraft-and-lore · 3 months
Been around since things could lay 'em, before the chicken (cuz people seem to forget reptiles lay eggs too).
But when did we hop aboard the egg train?
Well, studies show about 7,500 BCE - before common era, India and Southeast Asia began to domesticate the wild chicken notably for, you guessed it, its eggs more than its own meat. This is PROBABLY (probably) because wild chickens aren't actually that meaty compared to what we think in the American supermarkets cuz those things are bred, pumped up, and steroid juicy to be mad thiccums - pardon the science terminology there.
This sort of chicken was brought to Sumer and Egypt around 1500 BCE, then as far as Greece by 800 BCE, where until there quail eggs were the commonly eaten egg. In Egypt, there is artwork depicting someone eating Ostrich eggs
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steroidonline · 2 years
What's the Difference Between Peptides and Steroids
Peptides and steroids are both types of biomolecules that play important roles in various biological processes. However, there are significant differences between these two types of molecules in terms of their chemical structure, function, and effects on the body.
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Peptides are short chains of amino acids, the building blocks of proteins. Peptides typically contain less than 50 amino acids and can be found naturally in the body or synthesized in the laboratory. They are involved in a wide range of biological processes, including cell signaling, hormone regulation, and enzymatic reactions.
Steroids, on the other hand, are a class of lipids that have a characteristic ring structure composed of four carbon rings. Steroids are involved in many biological processes, including hormone regulation, metabolism, and immune system function. Examples of steroids include cholesterol, estrogenic, testosterone, and cortisol. If you looking for buy steroids online don’t forget to consult with a doctor.
One of the key differences between peptides and steroids is their mechanism of action in the body. Peptides generally work by binding to specific receptors on the surface of cells, triggering a series of biochemical reactions that result in a physiological response. In contrast, steroids work by entering cells and binding to specific receptors inside the cell, where they can directly affect gene expression and protein synthesis.
Another difference between peptides and steroids is their potency and duration of action. Peptides generally have a shorter half-life than steroids, meaning that they are metabolized more quickly by the body and have a shorter duration of action. Steroids, on the other hand, can have a much longer half-life, leading to a more sustained and powerful effect.
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In terms of their use in medicine and sports performance, both peptides and steroids have been the subject of controversy and debate. Peptides are sometimes used to treat medical conditions such as growth hormone deficiency, while steroids are commonly used to treat inflammatory conditions such as asthma and arthritis. However, both peptides and steroids are also used illicitly in sports to enhance athletic performance, and their use is banned by many sports organizations.
While both peptides and steroids are important biomolecules with a wide range of biological functions, they differ significantly in terms of their chemical structure, mechanism of action, and effects on the body. Understanding these differences is important for anyone considering the use of peptides or steroids for medical or sports performance purposes.
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healthlineonline · 2 months
Can Anadroxyl for Sale Boost Your Workout Performance?
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Anadroxyl is known for enhancing performance and aiming to improve workout outcomes. It offers benefits such as greater muscle growth, better stamina, quicker recovery, more strength, and best performance. While FDA authorizes Anadroxyl for sale USA for managing anemia in the US, misuse can occur due to long cycles and large dosages. To ensure safety, buy from reputable sources like Kalpa Pharmaceuticals, India. For more details click:
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axsteroidsus · 3 months
Buy Testoxyl Enanthate 250 to boost your performance
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The Testoxyl Enanthate 250 is a resourceful anabolic steroid renowned for its effectiveness in enhancing muscle mass, strength, and overall athletic performance. Administered via intramuscular injection, Testosterone Enanthate enters the bloodstream gradually, maintaining stable hormone levels over extended periods, typically requiring weekly dosing. When you buy Testoxyl Enanthate 250 onlinefrom AXSteroids, you are investing in a high-quality injectable steroid that is manufactured in India, ensuring both quality and effectiveness. Testoxyl Enanthate 250is perfect for bodybuilders and athletes seeking to increase their strength, endurance and muscle gains.
Users may experience increased energy levels, enhanced libido, and improved mood due to elevated testosterone levels. Get the best Testosterone Enanthate for Sale from the official website of Kalpa Pharmaceuticals or buy it with discounts and offers at AXSteroids. Testoxyl Enanthate 250 promotes protein synthesis, nitrogen retention, and red blood cell production, crucial for muscle growth and endurance. Athletes and bodybuilders can integrate it into bulking cycles to accelerate muscle gains while supporting recovery from intense workouts.
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guerrerense · 1 year
Fairburn on steroids por Bingley Hall Por Flickr: Thirty of these broad gauge WT class 2-8-4Ts were built locally between 1959 and 1967 in four batches by Chittaranjan Locomotive Works. In 1978 they were still at work on the Eastern and South Central Railways of India, and possibly the Southern, but were not the easiest locos to track down. On 2 January 1979, WT 14026 was in use on SCR local passenger services in the Rajahmundry area. For me, not having seen the originals in the flesh, they always gave me the impression of being a souped up version of the LMS Fairburn and Stanier 2-6-4Ts.
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lifeafterlifeparks · 1 year
Sky Burial: Learning from Ancient Deathcare Practices II
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As discussed in Part I of our Sky Burial discussion, the ancient practice of sky burial, also known as celestial burial, is observed in various parts of the world today. Embodied by Zoroastrians and Tibetan Buddhists in regions like India, Bhutan, Mongolia, and China, this sacred ritual involves placing the departed on elevated sites where vultures and other scavenging birds consume the remains. Seen as an act of charity and respect for the natural cycle of life and death, sky burial holds deep spiritual significance. In the realms of Tibetan Buddhism and Zoroastrianism, the body is regarded as a mere vessel while the soul embarks on its journey to the afterlife. The act of giving one's body back to nature through sky burial is viewed as a gift, symbolizing respect for the sacred cycles of existence. Vultures, considered sacred carriers of the soul, play an integral role in this transcendent passage, forging a profound connection between the ritual and the spiritual realms. By embracing this ancient tradition, communities honor their departed loved ones while minimizing their ecological impact. It serves as a niche example of a sustainable and environmentally friendly alternative.
However, the convergence of reverence in Hinduism for sacred cows and the use of veterinary medication for their care on vulture populations historically created a complex layer to the preservation of this time-honored tradition and the delicate ecological balance.
In Hindu dominated areas of the world, cows are cared for well into their elder years. As they age, veterinarians would often administer pain killers to relieve ailments in the elderly cattle. The administration of veterinary medications, particularly non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as diclofenac, inadvertently sets off a chain of ecological repercussions. When vultures feed on the carcasses of medicated livestock, they face toxic effects, leading to kidney failure and devastating consequences for these majestic scavengers. This unforeseen connection highlights the urgent need for sustainable solutions that preserve both cultural practices and the delicate balance of the natural world.
Within this intricate landscape, the convergence of sacred cows and the decline of vultures poses a captivating challenge. Sacred cows hold immense reverence in various cultures, symbolizing a profound respect for life and abundance. The compassionate care extended to these gentle beings often involves the use of veterinary medications, intended to alleviate their suffering. However, life reveals the unintended consequences of our actions, with vultures, the custodians of the sky burial ritual, bearing the brunt of this unintended harm.
The exponential growth of urban populations and the prevalent use NSAIDS across South Asia and the Middle East decimated the indigenous vulture population by a staggering 97%. The collateral effect on sky burial practices has necessitated adaptations. Solar cremation has emerged as a substitute, allowing communities to preserve their ancestral customs while addressing the urgent need for vulture conservation. Concurrently, concerted efforts are being made by religious authorities to repopulate these endangered avian species.
Preserving the delicate interplay between cultural traditions, care for pets, and other domesticated animals, and environmental conservation demands ingenuity, collaboration, and unwavering dedication. Enlightening communities about the ecological impact of bovine medications on vultures becomes crucial. By fostering understanding and promoting vulture-safe alternatives like meloxicam, the gap the Himalayan Vulture population collapse was prevented. The case stands as a testament to the cascading effects that human intervention can have on conservation.
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