#purchasing steroids
steroidonline · 1 year
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jakeaander · 10 months
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macgyvermedical · 1 year
Building Your Home Pharmacy
So you're in the OTC med section of the pharmacy. You've got 100 bucks burning a hole in your pocket (or maybe like $15 cause you're just starting). You're a new adult who wants to build yourself a tidy home pharmacy.
Well first you've got to know some stuff about over the counter (OTC) meds. This is the post to help you do it.
What are OTC meds? They are medications you can buy from a pharmacy or grocery store without needing a prescription. They have been deemed relatively safe and relatively easy to dose without a doctor's intervention. This does not mean they can't be dangerous, just that the general public can generally be trusted not to accidentally kill themselves with them on the regular. Keep that in your mind for later.
Note that all the medications discussed below are given in their generic names. In order to find these names, look below the brand name on a medication bottle:
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Pain Medications:
Acetaminophen/Paracetamol: This is a non-NSAID pain reliever and fever reducer, so it's great for people who can't take NSAIDs due to stomach or kidney issues. Works best for headaches and fevers, but works on other types of pain as well. Technically works best as a suppository, but still works some orally. No increased risk of bleeding. Don't take more than directed. Seriously. This one can kill you or seriously damage your liver.
Ibuprofen: NSAID. Works against pain, inflammation, and fever. Take on a full stomach or you could get ulcers. Don't take if you have kidney problems. You can take this with acetaminophen.
Naproxen: NSAID. Probably the most effective for pain, but works against inflammation and fever as well. Lasts 12 hours. Don't take high doses continuously or you will get kidney problems. You can take this with acetaminophen.
Aspirin: NSAID. This was the first NSAID and it's definitely here to give you stomach ulcers if you don't take it on a full stomach. Technically it works for pain, inflammation, and fever. Most people today take it as a blood thinner. You can take this with acetaminophen.
Allergy/Cold/Congestion Medications:
Diphenhydramine/Doxalamine: First Generation Antihistamines. These are great for nighttime allergies, coughs, insomnia, nausea, and itching. Most people get drowsy from these, but some people get really hyper, especially kids.
Cetirazine/Loratadine/Fexofenadine: Second Generation Antihistamines. These work for allergies and itching and don't cause as much drowsiness.
Phenylephrine/Pseudoephedrine: Decongestants. These work by mimicking epinephrine, making the blood vessels in the nose and sinuses smaller. This makes the nose and sinuses less stuffy, but it raises blood pressure (so don't take if that's a problem for you). Pseudoephedrine is also restricted- you must be an adult to purchase and you can only buy so much. You have to talk to a pharmacist to get it because it can be used to make methamphetamine.
Triamcinolone/budesonide/fluticasone Nasal Spray: These are steroid sprays. They work similarly to the decongestants but only in the nose, and generally don't travel to the rest of the body.
Guifenesin: This is an expectorant, not a decongestant. It works by thinning the mucous in the lungs and airway. This makes it easier for you to cough it up. You have to drink a lot of water with this for it to work, though.
Dextromethorphan: This is a cough suppressant. It works by blocking signals in the brain that tell you to cough. Pretty much everything interacts with this one so if you take any medications talk to your doctor first. Depending on where you live you may have to talk to a pharmacist to get this one due to the potential for abuse.
Digestive Medications
Loperamide: This is an antidiarrheal. It works by decreasing the amount of squishing around your intestines are doing, which helps you hold your diarrhea and lets you continue to function. It is an opioid, but is not absorbed from your digestive tract so it doesn't make you high.
Bismuth Subsalicylate: This works for diarrhea as well, but also nausea, heartburn, and the prevention of traveler's diarrhea. Don't take if you're allergic to salicylates or aspirin. Taking this for an extended period of time can also cause bismuth toxicity.
Calcium Carbonate: This is an antacid. It is very basic pH wise, so can help change the pH of stomach contents pretty quickly. This is usually used for heartburn. If you take any other medications, this can prevent you from absorbing them if you take them within two hours. Using for long periods can cause rebound heartburn when you stop taking it.
Cemetidine/Famotidine/Ranitadine: These are gastric acid reducers, and they work by blocking the type of histamine that is necessary for the production of stomach acid. They are usually used for heartburn and ulcers.
Omeprezole/Esomeprezole: These are also gastric acid reducers, but they work by blocking a different part of the very complicated way our stomachs make acid. After years and years of taking these you might get some bone density problems.
Bisocodyl/Senna: These are laxatives. They work by increasing the movement of the intestines. It's important not to take these consistently unless you can't poop at all without them, or you seriously will not be able to poop without them.
Docusate/Propylene Glycol: These are stool softeners. They work by increasing the amount of water in the intestines. These are pretty safe to take all the time if you need to.
Simethicone: This is a surfactant. It works by accumulating all the gas bubbles in the intestines so they can be expelled. It's usually used for painful gas.
Topical Medications:
Clotrimezole/Miconazole: These are antifungal preparations. They treat yeast infections, athletes foot, jock itch, and ringworm.
Triple Antibiotic Ointment: This is a cream that contains antibiotics. Ostensibly you're supposed to put this on small cuts to decrease risk of infection. IRL just clean it with soap and water and then put some vasaline on it. Studies have shown it works just as well.
Hydrocortisone: This is a steroid cream. You put it on itchy things (bug bites, poison ivy, etc...) and it makes them not itch as much. This one actually works and is generally better than diphenhydramine creams that can't be used on poison ivy.
Permethrin: This is an insecticide. It will help get rid of head and body lice.
Zinc Oxide: This is a skin protectant. It helps prevent diaper rash and chafing. It also makes things feel better once you've already chafed. Technically it is also a sunblock, but it will make you look like a ghost while you're wearing it.
Family Planning:
Levonorgestrel: This is known as the morning after pill. It works by blocking ovulation, so that a sperm and egg cannot meet, preventing pregnancy. It can be taken up to 5 days after unprotected sex, though it works better the sooner it is taken.
Blood Sugar Meter/Strips/Lancets: These help measure the amount of sugar in your blood. They are usually used by people with diabetes.
Blood Pressure Cuff: This measures blood pressure automatically with a cuff around the upper arm or wrist. It is usually used by people with high blood pressure.
Ketogenic Test Strips: This measures the amount of ketones in the urine. Ketones are a byproduct of fat breakdown, usually found when the body cannot breakdown carbohydrates for energy and begins to break down fat instead. Usually people who are on a ketogenic diet or people with diabetes use these.
Peak Flow Meter: This measures the amount of air that can be used by the lungs. They are usually used by people with asthma or COPD.
Great, Which Ones Do I Need?
I'd recommend look over the list and see which ones would be most useful for you, and start with those. Over time, collect ones that would be most embarrassing to not have, and then the ones that you're pretty sure you'll never use.
Note that in a dry, unopened package (including inside blister packs), drugs last well beyond their expiration dates. So if you don't use a certain med all that often, get a smaller package of it.
Great, Which Ones Can I Take at the Same Time?
Good question. I'm going to say that if you take any prescription medications, you always want to check with your doctor before taking anything OTC. However, I recommend you use an interaction checker like this one if you want to take more than one OTC med at the same time. One can be found here.
Loperamide CANNOT be taken with cimetidine/ranitidine/famotidine. This causes bad heart rhythms.
Don't take two meds from the same category together (like cimetadine with ranitidine, or ibuprofen with naproxen, or diphenhydramine and fexofenadine unless a doctor tells you to).
Most antacids (calcium carbonate, sodium bicarbonate) will prevent the absorption of other medications, so take them two hours apart from anything else you take.
Don't drink alcohol with loperamide, detromethophan, acetaminophen, or any antihistamines.
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juicedcatboy · 11 months
If you don’t mind sharing a bit, why did you decide to use hormones, how has it been, have you experienced side effects and have concerns about it, and do you have any regrets?
I've been dreaming of becoming a juiced up freak ever since I was a young teenager. All the cartoons and stories in which a character gets corrupted by dark powers or some substance and it makes him more muscular and powerful made me fantasize about changing like that myself. And later the more I learned about steroids, the more fascinated I became. I exercised at home on and off and I did sports back during school so I was skinny and fit but mostly just skinny.
During the pandemic friends of mine persuaded me to install the same workout app as them so we could push each other. They stopped after a few months, I kept going. Purchased more weights and a rickety bench and worked out 5 or 6 days a week and began to eat more. Eventually I decided to take the plunge and started juicing.
It was one of the best decisions of my life. The sense of control I get from working on my body is invaluable. My only regret is that I didn't manage do my training in a gym sooner (new places and people are hard for me. way harder than working out until I am a sweaty mess and nearly puking from exhaustion.)
As for side effects, a lot of them actually turn me on (on myself and others). I tagged some posts going over specific stuff with "#side effects". But yeah, the damage to organs and vascular system is a concern, it's an unhealthy hobby. I try to be nice to my body otherwise, so no alcohol or other avoidable things that would put it under further stress.
Sorry that was a lot of words, here's some pecs:
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octuscle · 5 months
Cursed Ken, part 1: Kemal, the janitor
There was a lot at stake for Patrick. Actually, it was about everything. He had invested an incredible amount of time and money in preparing for this appointment. He had to be successful. And he would be successful. His idea was brilliant. His preparation was excellent. He took a deep breath. The projector projected the image of a young athletic man onto the wall. The young man was obviously a janitor or something. The young man was made of plastic. And a small army of young athletic men made of plastic, one of whom was currently having an image projected onto the wall, stood on the table in front of Patrick.
"Gentlemen, the Barbie movie gives your product a tailwind that will open up completely new markets. Barbie and Ken have become socially acceptable. And I'm convinced that this offers unimagined opportunities for marketing Ken in particular"
It seems to be going well. The Head of Product Management reached for the janitor. And turned it in his hand.
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"Whereas in the past, gay men never dared to buy a Ken doll without lying about it being for their little niece, today hundreds of thousands of customers with purchasing power can imagine having a Ken doll on the shelf in their bedroom. But these customers also need Kens that serve stereotypes other than the Malibu boy."
A young man, who looked a bit like Malibu Ken himself, smiled as he reached for the doll, which was dressed like a British redneck. Only in pink. It went really well!
"As well as new Kens, which cover current popular gay fetishes, we should also take into account the fact that Barbie is now a manager or a lawyer. So Ken should also be allowed to be a janitor or a garbage man. Especially as this also appeals to potential customers' fetishes."
A member of the controlling department took the figure of the soccer player in his hand. Patrick seized the opportunity immediately. He switched to the foil with the Germanic-looking Ken, who was wearing a sleeveless T-shirt and had tattoos on one arm and one leg.
"With the European Football Championship in Germany this year, we have a major event that we can also exploit without paying license fees. We can place footballers, soccer fans and, as the epitome of masculinity, soccer hooligans. Everything that has to do with soccer this year…".
The head of product management cleared his throat. "May I interrupt for a moment?" he asked. Patrick nodded at him with a winning smile. "If you want my opinion, pack up your gay shit right now and leave the building. I didn't want this movie and I hate it. And the reason is that I feared excesses like this. I don't want a Ken who dresses like a faggot or a right-wing hooligan. For fuck's sake, does the prototype bodybuilder actually have steroid acne on his shoulders? Nobody wants to see that. And I certainly don't want to see it. Thank you for your efforts. But please leave. Go quickly and go far!"
Patrick stood open-mouthed in front of the screen with his presentation for a few seconds. Then he packed up without a word. He stuffed his artistically created dolls into a bag, put the computer in his laptop bag and left the room. He was on the verge of tears. He stuffed the bag with the dolls into the nearest garbage can. And then he left the building. Let Ken and Barbie choke you to death. Let them die of their fantasies. Anyone who even looked at Ken should become his fucking brainless image. How could he have thought he could make his fortune with these fucking figures? Never again!
There was an awkward silence in the meeting room. Not everyone present shared their boss's opinion. But no one dared to disagree. The two lucky ones who had a figurine in their hands discreetly slipped it into their jacket pocket. The head of product management took the janitor's Ken, stood up and said that he wanted to discuss this perversity with the legal department tomorrow.
It was mid-June. It didn't get dark until very late. Maybe that's why he hadn't even noticed how late it was. It was definitely time to call it a day. Where had that damn doll gone? He had it here on his desk… It was just too late, he was tired. But before he left, he had to go to the toilet. Damn it, he had to add toilet paper. And empty the garbage can. The snobs who were allowed to use the boardroom toilet often behaved like the ultimate barbarians. But it felt good to piss here. He would never get the privilege of doing it officially. But at this time of day? Who was going to forbid him?
The cleaning crew wouldn't be here for a few hours. He wiped over the urinals and washbasins with a few used paper towels. It was time to call it a day. But on the way out he could empty a few of the garbage cans along the way. Normally, he didn't pay attention to the contents of the garbage cans. Mostly boring papers. He assumed that the important stuff went into the shredding containers. There was something in one of the garbage cans on the conference floor that didn't belong there. Dolls. Various dolls that looked like Ken. In cool clothes. He'd never seen them like that before. Who threw something like that away? He packed it up once. It couldn't do any harm. Maybe he could sell the dolls…
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Yes, he didn't have much to do with the blond Ken who stuck his mop in a pink cleaning bucket. But Kemal had even less to do with the powerful head of product management. He didn't want to deal with that kind of shit. He was here to service the air conditioning, replace light bulbs and sometimes fix faults in the elevator. It was a shitty job. But someone had to do it.
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terrence-silver · 6 months
Does Terry Silver get nervous butterflies when in love? I like to think about his sensitive side, if such a thing exists.
Oh, it exists alright.
He's pacing up and down, trying on several different outfits, putting his stylists through hell because the impression he wants to leave matters more than anything else right now --- he's overthinking, he's overplanning, his mansion is practically under siege, the long-suffering Margaret is reminding Mr. Silver that he should please, most respectfully, calm down before he blows a fuse because here he is, practically vibrating with excitement and buying expensive gifts in advance...and then buying several additional ones while soaking in his jacuzzi because the first one seems somehow insufficient to what he desires (and he's imagined you'll desire). He's making call after call that is meant to ensure he's delivered every bit of information, intel, every purchase, every commission, that every order is put into motion, that every piece of the puzzle that'll ensure him, say, a perfect outcome to something he's envisioned or planned with his beloved is completed to his specific instructions; he's all movement, all enthusiasm, all euphoria, he's weaving schemes in advance like he just made the business deal of a lifetime. He's been at it since one in the morning. Now, it's two in the afternoon...the next day. Man hasn't slept in over twelve hours and nobody knows exactly where he seeps the energy or endurance from; but whatever the source, there seems to be an infinite abundance of it. He's all giddy, all smiles, all laughter and that's Terry Silver in love for you. The human incarnation of a happy pill.
Impossible to contain or calm down.
His butterflies are absolutely on steroids and hitting new highs, loudly flapping away hard enough to cause a windstorm in his gut that'll put a pep in his step like he's a child about to meet his most cherished playdate after being separated for merely a day for all we know, running on excess energy, forcing everyone around him to just try and keep up with his overall stamina and increasing demands --- and good luck with that one. Milos Dadok could be there, diligently almost running behind a long-legged Mr. Silver, carrying bouquets containing a hundred and one red roses because it's go big or go home at every hour of the day in this dojo, grimly and very seriously attempting to pace himself to his Boss' wide, eager strides as he hauls the flowers forward followed by a team of staff members marching where Terry wants and needs them to be. They're on a tight schedule here! They've an agenda! Man could be any age at any time and he'll behave like a school boy about to go a first dance.
So, not only can he be sensitive, he's...I mean, look at this beautiful face?
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☝️I envision Terry Silver in love is like that 24 / 7.
It's everything or nothing with him.
Guy beams infectious, boyish, unspoiled happiness like a nuclear reactor and when he truly cares and it's written all over him, I feel. All over his body language. His face. His expression. His energy. His behavior. His deeds. All of it. There's no doubt in mind this guy's enamored because when he is, emotions are open and raw. Beloved walks into the room and he immediately has this triumphant, shit-eating full mega-watt smile with two rows of teeth entirely on display at the mere sight of them as he runs towards them and his whole face along with his eyes just laugh with him. He lights up. I wouldn't say it is nervousness in the classical sense because I don't feel he ascribes to feeling, cultivating or nurturing any emotion he might view as limiting to his ambitions (in this case, his ambitions being beloved's affection), but nonetheless, it is the type of love one cannot hide and definitely the manner of reaction everyone dreams and yearns to be greeted with. He's just overjoyed. If anything, Terry Silver's very courageous and even adorably overbearing with his butterflies.
He can be the sweetest person ever or a literal nightmare.
Best pray he doesn't see you as an enemy.
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twstfanblog · 12 hours
Hello~!!! Bun here~!!! 🐰
Worldbuilding question: I know we talked about moonshine before but what do you reckon the legal drinking age is in twst? Considering the legal age in Japan is 20, and Leona is 20... 👀
I'm really looking forward to reading your writing~! 🥰
In my canon the legal DRINKING AGE is 18 but the age to PURCHASE is 21.
So most of the juniors at NRC can order a drink at the lounge (Which Azul gets the alcohol from Kalim as a thank you for tutoring him), but none of the twist students can like...buy alcohol.
And for you guys so don't know about my moonshine headcanon. Moonshine is a fae booze in Twist. It's like moonshine on steroids, if a human had Moonshine in twist they would go blind instantly.
So when Yuu tells Cater and Kalim they've had moonshine and offers to make them some they are...confused and concerned because Lilia told them to never even LOOK at moonshine. But they do agree to try whatever she brings in.
Lilia does freak out and slaps the jars out of their hands when he hears it's 'moonshine'. He tries it before them and he states what Yuu made is not 'Moonshine'. It's more like juice to him. But Lilia refuses to call it Moonshine so he calls what Yuu makes 'Moonsparkle' since compared to actual Twist Moonshine, it's like juice you'd give to fae children.
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steroidonline · 1 year
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monocodoll · 10 months
Drug Dealing(MonocoDoll's Vile Ventures) Mod Report(Weed Edibles, Marijuana License, Felony Consequences, Smuggling, Cocaine/Meth Rackets, Heat System, Steroids, Doctor Appointments, Lean, Possibility of PMA in MDMA, House Arrest, and small update to Adderall) Part 2
Doctor Appointments
Doctor Appointments are used to get prescribed medication such as Adderall, Xanax, PainKillers, Cold Medicine, and Estrogen blockers. Your sim is limited to one doctor visit a day.
To Visit a Doctor, your sim will need to go to the Hospital Rabbithole. Costing 100 Simoleans
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After selecting the option, your sim will go into the Hospital for around an hour and a half. If the doctor finds that your sim needs any medication, they will provide it to your sim.
[Being Prescribed Adderall]
-Adderall is Prescribed to Sims with the Absent Minded Trait.
-Athletic sims have the chance of being misdiagnosed and therefore may be prescribed Adderall. By Default 10% chance
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[Being Prescribed Xanax]
-Sims with either Stressed, Feeling Anxious, Scared, Strained, Feeling Out Of Sorts, Impending Episode, Delusional, Terrified, Fear, or Upset moodlet will be prescribed Xanax.
-Sims with the Unstable trait will also be prescribed Xanax.
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[Being Prescribed PainKillers]
-Sims with either Bad Landing, PwnedByBull, Lost The Brawl, Ouch My Face, Hurt Hand, Mosquito Bite High, Mosquito Bite Mid, Mosquito Bite Low, Cat Scratch, Shredded dignity, Saddle Sore, Forcibly Dismounted, Kicked, Bitten, Hurt Foot, or Tooth ache will be prescribed Pain Killers.
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[Being Prescribed Cold Medicine]
-Sims with either the Germy, Pestilence Plague, or Sick and Tired Moodlet will be prescribed Cold Medicine.
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[Being Prescribed Estrogen Blockers]
-Sims with an Enzyme level of 60 or above and have not yet received permanent liver damage. Will be prescribed Estrogen Blockers.
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[Being Prescribed Nothing]
If the doctor finds no issues with your sim. The sim will be prescribed nothing and be sent on their way.
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I had also mentioned Lean on a previous report. However, they were not fully developed at the time. I decided to go back and work on implementing Lean into the game.
[Effects While Under the influence]
Lean will temporarily remove Sleepy, Tired, Exhausted, BuzzCrashed, OrganicKonaLiftBuzz, OrganicSlappicnoBuzz, an OrganicMidnightMudBuss. As well as provide a small boost to your fun. However, Lean will make Sims feel Dazed.
While the sim craves Lean, they will gain the Feeling Anxious, Stressed, and Strained moodlet. They will also take a 1/5 hit to their energy and a 2/5 hit to their fun meter.
If your sim consumes too much of the drug, they have a chance at overdosing. It can be either fatal or non fatal. If fatal sim will die. If non fatal the sim will pass out.
Possibility of PMA in MDMA
Anytime your sim purchases Normal Quality MDMA from a Drug Dealer NPC. There is a 10% that the MDMA Baggy or MDMA Pill Bottle may contain PMA. Purchasing High Quality MDMA however, is excluded from this possibility.
If your MDMA has PMA inside, when your sim goes to consume some of the MDMA, the sim will consume PMA instead. Which will result in the effects of MDMA to take longer to take effect.
To check whether your MDMA has PMA inside, you can now purchase Stay Safe Test Kits at the grocery store. Once you have these in your inventory. You can select any MDMA Baggy or MDMA Pill bottle and check whether PMA is inside. Selecting the option will inform you how much PMA is inside. The kits have up to 5 uses.
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House Arrest
I also decided to go back and implement a house arrest feature. Now if your sim is arrested and have less than $2500 worth of Illegal product, they will be sentenced to House Arrest for a day.
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They will have a total of three hours to get to their home. Otherwise they will be arrested if they are not home by the time the moodlet expires.
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Once they are home, they must stay in their home lot for the duration of the house arrest. Stepping out of their home will immediately notify law enforcement and therefore your sim will be arrested. And they won't be getting House arrest if they are arrested due to a breach in their house arrest sentence.
Small Adderall Update
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I decided to go back to Adderall and have it have an additional function. On top of what was previously mentioned on reports about Adderall. Adderall now temporarily replaces the Absent Minded Trait with the Perceptive Trait. Once the effects of Adderall wear off. The sim will regain their Absent Minded Trait. If the sim does not have the Absent Minded Trait, then one random trait will be temporarily replaced with Perceptive.
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And that is all I have to report on for this month. We went over Weed Edibles, Marijuana License, Felony Consequences. Smuggling, Cocaine/Meth Rackets, Heat System, Steroids, Doctor Appointments, Lean, Possibility of PMA in MDMA, House Arrest, and the small update to Adderall.
I was honestly all over the place this month. A significant amount of progress was made this month. For next month, I'm not too sure what to work on. At the moment, the only major things left are the animations and reactions of the sims that you smoke around. And some minor features to work on next would be to make Lean Craftable, make the overdoses chances tunable, Be able to cut Cocaine Baggies into lesser quality via Baby laxatives, Correcting Spelling errors, Making Images for the moodlets, Make the LSD Sheets into more of a Simlish style, and a Shroom harvestable (I honestly forgot about them when I initionally made all the other drug plants).
Additionally, I also decided on a name for this mod. I have been calling it The Drug Mod for quite a while now. However, during this month I decided on a name. I'll call it MonocoDoll's Vile Ventures. Another nice little detail I want to add to the release for this mod is to have a cover art for the mod upon release. I commissioned my friend. Which is the same individual who made my OC. So I am looking forward to their upcoming sketches.
Now I am going to go back to being a ghost. However, I want to thank everyone again who has been patient.
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1920s Mafia AU alert :]
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Lil comic ofc ^
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Takes place in America in the 1920s on the surface
I'm slightly basing this on my extreme love for the Great Gatsby
And ofc Sans is a Trans man bc I can
Papyrus and Sans run a restaurant front where everything is super cheap, Papyrus just loves to cook spaghetti for his customers. Grillby is there of course to overlook their operations. The restaurant is used to launder money from selling alcohol and determination (DT is a steroid-like drug in this world) they also have a hidden speakeasy
Monsters are a minority in most places around this world, but definitely in America. During the prohibition many monster businesses are targeted and many lose their jobs, but soon the illegal purchasing and selling of alcohol calls many to the life of crime. Very few humans are allowed to participate with the Monster Mafia, those who do get rich quickly.
The mafia's parts are somewhat split between types of monsters, but they all dislike humans. This is the 1920s, so yes there was some violence, just not a lot because of monster's nature.
Gaster (aka Wings or Dings) is the eldest brother of Sans and Papyrus. He was one of their biggest suppliers of alcohol and determination due to his ability to create it, but he was soon caught and sentenced
Sans is known as Comic in this world and he's a Trans man :DD monsters don't quite have a gender binary so it's not that big of a deal to his fellow workers.
Papyrus is the youngest of the three and he makes and sells food alongside Grillby. He's aware of the illegal group he's a part of, but he doesn't really care about anything that doesn't interest him (cooking for a bunch of happy hungry customers) as long as he gets to cook and make friends, he doesn't care about anything else. He's very upfront and direct with most things
Toriel is the ex-wife of a very popular cop who always busts large mafia schemes (speakeasies, DT, and alcohol). She's just enjoying the 20s and is your average singer and drinker in special speakeasies
Grillby is an ex-cop, who after being disabled during work became a lead figure in the monster mafia, he runs the restaurant with two of the skeleton brothers and he used to work with Dings transporting until Dings was arrested.
Fortune is the creator of the skeleton side of the monster mafia, he adopted the three brothers as an uncle figure when the three moved in. No one knew who they were or why they seemed to not know where they were from, but Fortune brought them in just because. Fortune deals with the darker side of his business with the other skeletons of his side of the Mafia, there's a bunch more skeletons for this world, but I haven't developed them yet lol
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cadmusfly · 3 months
I don't really go to any of your fandoms so this is unspecific, but... put two of your blorbos in the most saccharine-sweet flower shop AU possible!
I wish you would write a fic where…
Someone just fucking flower sniped him.
Gascon Weddings, the premier wedding planners and hosts (as staffed by Messieurs Murat, Bessieres and Lannes), had a long term working relationship with the local florist, and shit like this was not supposed to happen. It was the kind of relationship where you didn't need a contract, just a firm hearty handshake and no bureaucratic bullshit.
Yet when Lannes came to pick up the flowers for this week's weddings, Duroc had apologised- too much, in Lannes' opinion, the florist was an utter doormat- and said that everything this week had been bought up by a new business.
Some literal and figurative prodding had revealed the name of that business - Rhine Funerals, some swanky new outfit selling overpriced coffins in polished mahogany and lots of bullshit extras to relieve your guilt of not visiting grandpa more often before he croaked.
Duroc had admitted that the guy from Rhine Funerals - some well dressed fucker called Soult - had tried to pressure him into an exclusive supply contract - and to some extent, Lannes couldn't blame the guy, because Duroc's flowers were fucking magnificent, they must have had steroids or black magic or something in them. But Duroc had refused.
So after getting some less impressive flowers and fending off questions of why the flowers didn't look as great as in the brochures, absolutely nothing has changed madame-
Lannes found himself hanging out in front of Frioul Flowers at the asscrack of dawn, waiting for the flower sniper to show up.
And he did.
If you looked up "resting bitch face" in the dictionary, you would get this guy. Stupid hair that was trying to be a bowl cut but was just too curly, perpetual scowl, fuck, he was even wearing a suit.
Lannes greeted him most politely. "So you're the asshole buying up all of Gerry's flowers and leaving none for the rest of us!"
"It is," began the asshole, presumably Soult, "no crime to purchase works of art as these- I do have the receipts. But I beg your pardon, who are you, exactly?"
And thus began the flowery rivalry between Gascon Weddings and Rhine Funerals.
This didn't quite go in a saccharine direction! I don't usually write shippy modern AUs, my AUs tend to be more genreblending and/or Too Much Worldbuilding And Metaphysics - and my two "blorbos" are very hard to ship together - I did initially consider Lannap, but the idea of Lannes and Soult flower-sniping each other and getting into an extremely stupid rivalry based on that was suddenly very funny to me. This is not particularly shippy, but I guess in the hypothetical fanfic that this is excerpted from, it ramps up to more homoerotic silliness.
Thanks for the ask, @my-deer-friend!
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Eager to please
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Pairing: Young! Tony Stark x F! Reader
Warnings: 18+ explicit smut, Tony being a puppy. Sub! Tony?
Word count: 800ish?
Tony Stark Masterlist
Tony placed a fourth cup of coffee next to your computer, glancing at your eyes which were glued to the glaring white screen, focused on the task at hand while your shoulders were drooped in exhaustion.
“I know it’s rich coming from me but, you need to go easy on the coffee, babe. And you probably should think about sleep.”
He kept his voice soft, moving behind you to place his hands on your shoulders, trying to work the knots out. After a few moments, you actually registered Tony’s gentle touch on your back while your mind was still preoccupied with the files open in front of you.
“That’s great honey, thanks.” You murmured monotonously, never taking your eyes off the screen as your already trembling fingers reached for the mug of coffee.
Before the hot liquid could touch your lips, your chair was swivelled away from your computer, making you come face to face with your worried boyfriend.
“Alright time out, Y/N. Give yourself a break, I’m sure this can wait—”
“It really cannot! I have a deadline, leave me alone!” Your voice was harsher than you meant it to be, regretting yelling at Tony as instantly you turned back around.
Sighing, Tony crouched to your level behind you, gently exposing your neck to him to place a soft kiss against your skin.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to snap like—”
Your apology was cut short as Tony continued to caress your skin with his soft lips, kissing up the side of your neck and behind your ear.
“Shh..it’s okay. I know what stress on steroids looks like. You know I’m worse.” He murmured, sensing a smile on your face that mirrored his, making you melt against him.
You let him massage your shoulders, relaxing your tight muscles for a brief moment before work demanded your attention again.
“I really need to get this done, I’m sorry.”
Tony simply hummed in reply, leaving you be after a final kiss against your temple. You had been ignoring him for the past few days, not intentionally, never, but work had taken over so much of your time, it was filling you with equal parts regret and stress.
It wouldn’t be Tony Stark if he weren’t upto something always, your concentration was broken yet again when he got under the table in front of you, his big brown eyes full of mischief.
Splaying his hands on your thighs, he coaxed your legs open, shuffling ahead on his knees as he littered your inner thigh with small kisses and nips.
“Puppy…” you shot him a warning look, shaking your head when he gave you a wink in return. The pet name you had for him only spurred him on.
“Give me five minutes?”
There wasn’t a soul on the planet who could resist Tony Stark’s pleading eyes. You were no exception. Watching as he slotted himself between your legs, making your sleep shirt ride up while toying with the fabric of your panties before sliding them aside.
“Looks like someone’s been wanting this…”
He teased your folds open, smirking as slick gathered on his fingers.
“Tony I swear to God—”
Yet again, you had to swallow the rest of your words as Tony dove nose first into your core, latching onto your bundle of nerves without warning and eliciting a gasp from you.
Holding your thighs in his arms, he pulled you forward and wasted no time in delving his tongue through your folds, imploring you to give in to his caresses.
Your head rolled back as his tongue teased at your entrance, keeping your core exposed to him with his deft fingers.
The visual itself was enough to make you come; Tony Stark on his knees with your legs resting on his shoulders, mouth glistening with your arousal as he focusing on bringing you pleasure, moaning softly.
“Look at you baby…making me feel so good.” your fingers found purchase in his soft, fluffy hair, using it to grip and push yourself impossibly closer to his wicked mouth. The man let out a muffled grunt to your praise, opening those doe eyes to gaze up at you before getting back to work like the good boy he was.
You began rocking your hips against his face, his nose rubbed against your clit as he ate you out expertly, drawing out sinful moans and cries from your lips.
All of your pent up stress gladly travelled down to your belly, tightening up in a coil that wound with every lick and nudge. The muscles in your legs twitched as Tony continued his assault.
“I’m not going to last, Tony.” You murmured, steering his face the way you pleased while he happily obliged, letting you use him like your personal toy.
Readjusting his position, his fingers teased your folds, mouth latching onto your clit once again before intruding your entrance, slow at first, moving them in a ‘come hither’ motion. 
You sighed as his finger stretched your walls, letting you know how much they had missed him. Adding another finger, Tony ran his tongue in circles around your clitoris, making your heart beat wildly around it as all blood travelled towards your core.
Your orgasm wasn’t far away as you felt your legs tremble, belly tightening before the coil finally snapped and you came.
The man relentlessly drove his fingers in and out of you, prolonging your orgasm and making way for another one that quickly approached. Your face was flushed as was your body as you tugged on his hair with both your hands now, unsure if you were pushing him away or pulling his face closer.
Your heels dug into his back as you wriggled, crying out in pleasure when Tony added a third finger, the dirty and sinful squelching of your arousal sounded through the room combined with your moans.
It felt as though every cell in your body was alive as you came for the second time that night, harder than you remembered you had in the past. Arousal gushed to your core as your walls fluttered and spasmed around Tony’s fingers, soaking them and the chair.
Your bundle of nerves echoed your erratic heartbeat as your mind slowly floated back to reality; still out of breath as a dopey smile formed on your face.
It was everything you needed in the moment, a time out, a distraction. And your boyfriend knew just the right tricks.
“You should be illegal, Tony Stark.” You sighed happily, giggling as he crawled back up to meet you halfway for a kiss.
“How many orgasms is it going to take to get you to come to bed, Miss Y/L/N?” He smirked against your lips, pleased at how relaxed your body felt as you wrapped your arms around him.
“Hmm…just maybe couple more? I’m sure he wants it.” You smirked back, palming his erect cock through his pants.
“You know I’m eager to please.”
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seafoamreadings · 2 months
i woke up yesterday with uveitis again, which is the thing that held up my exam last year.
this time i have steroids~~ so hopefully i don't miss the exam again but it does mean i need to stare at screens a bit less. if you purchase a reading, i wont' be starting it until *after* the exam and when my eye is back in order, but this is not at this point much longer than the usual wait time. still not sure about horoscope/transit posts for next week yet
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"Just buy testosterone from a guy at the gym."
Spoken like someone who's never purchased illegal steroids.
I don't think the trans men are going to get the results they want from watered down anvar.
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persnicketypomelo · 2 years
Imagine if the phantom had a massive eczema or acne breakout on his face for whatever reason, how would you headcanon his inevitable freak out and how would his S/O reassure or comfort him?
As someone who had an eczema breakout on my face in the past I can say its not cool at all aha. Can you write for merik and gerik?
I assume by merik and gerik you mean musical Erik and Gaston Leroux's Erik? I'm not very trendy with slang and terminology 🥲
Also prescribed steroid creams are my one true love--truly a miracle for eczema
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Leroux Erik
It's inevitable when wearing something covering one's face for nearly all waking hours, that it will result in some kind of skin blemishes
Even for Erik's self-proclaimed "dead flesh"
Leroux's Phantom faces much more insecurities regarding his appearance, and for understandable reason
His physical abnormalities are not confined to a botched sunburn on one half of his face, and can be noticed by first glance, even while he wears his mask
This Erik craves your approval and yearns for your glance, like a child eager to show off to his parents
But when he finds, one day, unsightly red and inflamed patches littered across his face, he cannot help but feel panicked
All this time, he has been trying to seek your approval by venturing to take off his mask and catch your eye, only to find that a new plague ailed him
He will suddenly become reclusive and flinch from your sight
Though it cannot help his troubled skin at all, the mask will not leave his face for even a moment
His music, as of late, rages like a brewing storm, reflecting his troubled feelings and irritated skin
Erik will disappear for large swaths of time, seeking out all manners of ointments from the local pharmacies*
But even with the best solutions the druggists have to offer, his skin truly needs to breathe most of all to clear up
It is inevitable that you notice his atypical behaviour--the way he turns his back to your gaze, like a frightened animal trying to hide its vulnerabilities, and how reluctant he is to let you close
With determination, you eventually manage to force him to show you what his bothering him, and his trembling as you pry off his mask doesn't go unnoticed
This was what he was so concerned about?
You could laugh at the hilarity of the situation
The mighty, formidable Phantom shy to face you over a skin rash?
Like an overbearing mother, you order him to leave his mask off to avoid further aggravating his face
He had been frightened at the prospect of your disappproval, but after you show him only he gains the confidence to trail after your attention like a stray puppy again
Erik would sink into your touch as you gingerly apply his ointments, always failing to mask how much he truly craved your approval and affection
It will take time, patience, and care but eventually his flare up will subside
The Phantom would be even more determined to catch your approval and attention after that ordeal
Even this living corpse is not immune to wanting for love
*pharmacies/drug stores/apothecaries have existed for a very long time. Needless to say, what you could purchase then would be vastly different and likely toxic
Musical Erik
I've mentioned it before, but musical Erik does not not really desire your reassurance of his maskless face to the same degree as Leroux's Erik
He cares more that he has you within his grasp, bound to him
In a twisted way, he has grown attached to his mask, for he likes the powerful, confident feeling it gives him
So when he must abstain from wearing it due to the friction and irritation it causes with his skin, he is rather irritable
He will be irked, like a kid told that it's their bedtime, at your fussing and insistence that he foregoes wearing it
Erik much prefers to be the one in control, and he feels rather helpless with his irritated skin, that he can do nothing to fix other than wait and allow you to fuss over
You will find small tokens of appreciation from him, once both his skin's and his own irritability has subsided
Whereas Leroux's Erik feels much more shy and desperate for approval over having a flare up or break out, musical Erik will be sulky and irritable over it instead.
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@jaimemes said:
Here’s your excuse to ramble about something! Anything! Talk about something you’re passionate about!
Spoilers for Bug Fables: the Everlasting Sapling. All chapters, including Leif's Request. Seriously, go play that game if you have the chance, it's absolute perfection, especially if you like Paper Mario.
So there's this guy, Leif, from the main cast. The Venomoth with ice powers that turns out to actually be a parasitic fungus, forcibly piloting Leif's corpse as a result of an experiment by the roaches in order to mimic the sapling's power.
Anyway, what I'm trying to get to here is they're absolutely broken (yes I'm using they/them, my headcanon is Leif is non-binary, feel free to catch these hands if you disagree). Especially if you stack all the poison medals.
I beat most of the endgame/postgame bosses, including The Everlasting King, TANGYBUG and Team Maki with nothing but poison Leif, and it was marvelous.
Here's what I did to make my game-breaking Venomoth of death:
Remember that exploiting the Bank of Bugaria makes the 100+ Berry paywalls for most of these items not as outrageous.
Before The Everlasting King:
Purchase a Heart Berry and a Bond Berry from the Berry Salesman for 100 Berries each after starting Chapter 3.
Steal a Bond Berry from the Bandit Hideout's kitchen
Complete all bounties for another Bond Berry
Claim the Heart Berry rewards for finishing the Lost Item sidequest, getting 25 points in Whack-A-Worm, making 50 discoveries (3 berries total)
Purchase a Super Pepper from the Berry Salesman for 150 Berries after starting Chapter 6.
Immediately after entering the Giant's Lair, backtrack to the Berry Salesman and buy an Iron Seed for 180 Berries.
After TEK:
Complete the Confidential sidequest, Leif being on steroids makes this much easier. Feed them the Iron Seed and Super Pepper you get as rewards.
Purchase all songs from Samira for another Heart Berry.
Finish the Loose Ends sidequest for one last Heart Berry.
Go back to the Giant's Lair to complete the A New Hope sidequest, claim the Bond Berry.
If you did everything correctly, at the maxium rank of 27, Leif should have: A minimum of 12 HP (14 after TEK) 3 ATK (4 if in front of the party, 4/5 after TEK) 1 DEF (2 after TEK)
Now, for the medals:
Before TEK:
Grab the first Poison Defender medal in Snakemouth Den (do it in your first visit, otherwise you won't be able to get it until halfway through Chapter 4)
Lose the festival's eating competition on purpose to get the Weak Stomach medal for free.
Buy 2 Poison Attacker medals from Shades in the Tavern, after starting Chapters 3 and 5 for 5 Crystal Berries each.
Buy the other Poison Defender medal from Shades for 4 Crystal Berries.
Defeat The Beast with the Hard Mode medal equipped to get the Reverse Toxin medal for free from Artis, or purchase it from the traveling caravan for 30 berries if you did it on easy mode.
Find the Eternal Venom medal in the Ice Puzzle in the Wild Swamplands.
Complete the Help me Get it Back! sidequest for the Leaf Cloak.
At the beginning of Chapter 3, buy the Status Booster medal for 3 Crystal Berries from Shades.
Beat Wave 40 of the Cave of Trials for a TP Saver medal,
Beat the Broodmother in Hard Mode for a Miracle Matter medal, or buy it for 30 berries on easy mode.
There's some other things you should do if you want the ultimate Leif, more notably:
Complete Leif's Request to unlock Ice Rain.
Buy healing items that also raise your attack, such as Spicy Fries.
Now, if you equip every medal on our precious little blue thing, the following should happen to Leif:
Will instantly get poisoned when fed.
Will get +2 attack when poisoned
Will get +2 defense when poisoned
Will get healed instead of damaged by poison
Will never heal from the poison status naturally
Will be less likely to be targeted by enemies
Will have a higher chance of freezing enemies
Their attacks will cost 1 TP less
If knocked out, will instantly revive in 2 turns
Using Ice Rain under these conditions, with Leif in the front of the party and under the effects of Spicy Fries allows you to nuke your enemies with up to 28 (32 if they're weak to ice) damage in one turn. And that's not including Turn Relay.
Now, this might not seem like a lot, but consider Bug Fables uses very small numbers for everything, similarly to Paper Mario.
Of course, this isn't everything you can do. If you level up your medal points enough, you can also try some setup strategies that require a few extra turns but can make Leif deal upwards of 60 damage with one Ice Rain, such as Strong Start + Hard Charge + Enfeeble/Deep Taunt, or even Berserker if you want to conserve your TP for healing with Vi instead of using Ice Rain nukes. But that's up to you to decide, since there's dozens of ways to mess with the Poison Leif strategy.
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