#steve rogers x disabled reader
vbecker10 · 4 months
This might be an odd request, but could you please write a Loki x disabled!reader fic where the reader has Functional Neurologic Disorder and is having a really bad brain fog day? Like they can’t remember what someone two seconds ago kinda bad? I know it’s very specific but I never get to see my disability portrayed anywhere so I thought I’d give it a shot. Thanks for your consideration❤️
Don't Forget
Pairing: Loki x female/disabled reader (Y/N) - established relationship
Summary: You and Loki have been together just over a year and you moved into his apartment three weeks ago. He has been on a mission for the last five days and you are determined to make his homecoming special since it is the first time he's been away since you started living together. Unfortunately, you've been so busy and stressed trying to get things ready that you're FND symptoms become worse and you worry they will ruin your plans.
Background Info: Female reader has Functional Neurologic Disorder (FND) with the following symptoms - numbness / temporary paralysis in legs which requires the intermittent use of a wheelchair, light sensitivity, heat intolerance and memory issues. I know that these are not all of the symptoms of FND and there are several types and degrees of severity but these are the symptoms I included based on the request.
A/N: @fallingfastfailingfaster thank you so much for this request! I really really hope you like it! 💚💚
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You turn off your alarm and reach over for Loki but his side of the bed is still empty. You sigh but quickly remember he will finally be home later today. A smile spreads across your lips, it's been five lonely nights and you can't wait to see him again.
You throw off your sheets and realize, much to your disappointment, that you can't feel your legs. They are completely numb and unresponsive when you try to move them. The muscles in your legs had been weak last night but you hoped they would be better this morning even though you know that isn't how it works. You groan as you sit up, today is not the day you want to deal with this. You reach for your wheelchair which thankfully you placed nearby last night and transfer yourself before heading out of the bedroom.
You roll into the living area and turn the lights on then quickly turn them off again as they instantly hurt your eyes. They seem far too bright this morning so you decide you'll just have to do without them. Pulling open the curtains instead, you let the morning light in then head to the kitchen to make yourself some coffee because coffee makes everything better.
When you roll over the threshold into the kitchen you pause. The green glow of Loki's seidr travels through the kitchen and you smile, watching it transform the room. The base cabinets become shorter, enabling the countertops and appliances to lower to an accessible height. The sink cabinet reconfigures so you can roll your chair under it to use it better. All of the handles on the upper cabinets lower so you can reach them without stretching as far, they already have a shelf system which allows you to pull them down so you can grab what you need.
You sit back while the kitchen renovates itself and remember the first morning after you moved in with Loki.
You needed to use your wheelchair since you were exhausted from moving and he was shocked by how difficult it was for you to use the kitchen. He asked if you would prefer he had the kitchen adjusted by Stark's team of contractors but you told him no.
"You're too tall to use the kitchen if you lower everything so I can use it," you told him as you struggled to reach the toaster which was pushed against the back splash.
He moved it towards you then smirked, "You figured out my master plan."
You laughed and said, "I forgot who I was talking to for a minute. What master plan does the great God of Mischief have now?"
"To avoid doing the dishes ever again by making it nearly impossible for me to use the kitchen properly," he chuckled. He leaned down and kissed your cheek lightly.
You shook your head but couldn't hide your smile, telling him, "That is a horrible plan."
You reminded him that you wouldn't always need to use your wheelchair so redoing the kitchen permanently might not be very helpful to either of you. He had thought it over for a few hours, digging through some of his old books before he finally found a spell he could adjust slightly for the perfect solution.
You reach the coffeemaker easily and turn it on then go back to your bedroom to get dressed for work. Half an hour later you pick up your bag from the coffee table and head to the front door. Your attention catches on the small sign you hung by the door. One of your oldest friends gave it to you as a joke when you moved in.
"Keys," you say out loud as you jingle them in your hand. "Wallet, phone, tablet," you read off the next items as you double check your bag on your lap. "Coffee," you read the next item, "Ahh crap!" You return to the kitchen to find your coffee lukewarm at best, still sitting in the coffeemaker. You sigh and check the clock on the stove, thankfully you still have enough time to make a second cup.
You put a lid on the cold coffee and place it in the fridge, deciding you'll have ice coffee tomorrow. You grab a post-it note from the side of the fridge and write 'ice coffee' in large letters hoping you'll see it when you are getting ready tomorrow. You put it between the note reminding you to pick up the cupcakes at 2PM and a picture of you and Loki in the park.
You smile at the picture, it was one of the first you took together when you started dating just over a year ago. Your memory for little daily tasks may be worse than terrible some days but thankfully you could remember every second you spent with him.
You pull yourself away from the memory and head towards the door again, ready to leave for work. Reaching for the knob, you suddenly you remember why you had gone back into the kitchen in the first place and rub your temples in annoyance. You head back to the kitchen and sit in front of the coffeemaker, afraid if you look away for even a second you will forget it once more.
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You head straight to Agent Hill's office when you get to the floor where you with. You remind her that you will only be working until noon since Loki is arriving around 4PM.
"Are you sure you want to work today?" she asks, looking at your chair and not you. "If you're not feeling well, you can take the day off."
"I'm fine," you assure your boss. If you took off every day you didn't feel 100%, you would work around five days a year.
"You have plenty of sick time," she continues to insist you aren't well enough to work. You fight to not roll your eyes, just because you needed help getting around today didn't mean you were suddenly incapable of working.
"I told you, I'm fine," you repeat, keeping your voice even. Before she can respond, you take your tablet out of your bag and ask her, "You need the paperwork for case file X-176 and H-778 today right? The rest can wait until tomorrow, I think." You check your notes to make sure you get all your work in before you need to leave for the day.
"Yes, just those two files," she answers. "But like I said, if you need the day-"
"I'll have them to you soon," you promise then turn your chair away from her, not allowing room for her to make another comment.
You sigh when you close the door but only a second later you run into another annoying problem. Steve and Sam are walking down the hall in the direction of your office and you know the second you make eye contact with Steve what he is going to do.
"Good morning, Y/N," he says in his typically cheerful voice as he grabs onto the handles of your wheelchair.
"Hi Steve, hi Sam," you greet them both. "You don't need to do that," you tell Steve for the hundredth time.
"Its not a problem," he answers then continues his conversation with Sam as if you are simply an object he is moving. You know he means well but every time he does this, your mind returns to a post you saw on Pinterest a few years ago. It showed how to install small plastic spikes onto your handles so people can't just grab them and push you around. Nothing made you feel less independent then having someone just roll you around without even interacting with you.
Thankfully Loki never does that. He always asks if you want or need his help before touching your chair, he has never assumed you can't do things by yourself. He knows you are fiercely independent and he always supports you, it is one of the many, many things you love about him.
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You rest your head on one hand with your elbow on the desk, hoping your headache will go away before Loki gets home. It started pounding as soon as you closed the door to your office this morning and hasn't let up.
Your office is the same temperature as always but you fell like it is ninety degrees. You drink another sip of water and close your eyes for a moment, feeling your heart beating faster. Wiping away a bit of sweat from your forehead, you ask J.A.R.V.I.S what the temperature in the room is for the fifth or sixth time. Again, it tells you the room is seventy degrees but your body doesn't believe it. You roll to the window near your desk and open it as much as you can reach to try and let the breeze in.
Your alarm goes off a half an hour later and you look at it curiously, wondering why you set it. When you check the message attached to the alarm you smile, your done for the day finally and Loki will be back in a few hours. You check your email for a third time to make sure you sent Agent Hill the two case files that were due today and shut down your computer.
Thankfully your memory issues weren't an issue when it came to doing your work today. You had notes and reminders all over your desk and computer so you wouldn't miss a step. Loki had suggested you write out your whole process one day when your memory wasn't so foggy and it was incredibly helpful for days like today.
You leave your office and make your way back to your apartment, luckily avoiding Steve or anyone else who wanted to be helpful. You decide to get changed quick before heading out to run your errands, the final task of the day is to pick up the cupcakes you ordered.
Loki has a substantial sweet tooth and the bakery you ordered from is special to you both. It was only a few blocks from the Tower and it was his favorite one in the city. He had taken you there after you saw a movie on your first date, sharing pastries and talking until closing. You surprised Loki with a treat from there a few weeks later when he came back from a short mission to Russia. It quickly become a tradition, whenever Loki came home after being away for a week or longer, you would pick up something for him from there.
He would sometimes bring you one of your favorite pastries and a small bunch of flowers when you were having an especially rough time with your FND. You really appreciated the way he would try and make you smile no matter how badly you were feeling.
Even though Loki had been gone less than a week, you still wanted to surprise him tonight. Since it was the first time he had left since you moved in together, it felt like something you wanted to celebrate. You had planned on making a home cooked meal as well. It was hard not to laugh at how eloquently he complained about the food SHIELD provided when he was on a mission.
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You get off the bus at the grocery store and try not to be too annoyed. It is always such a pain to take public transportation with your wheelchair but what was really bothering you was that you should have done this errand already. You had meant to grocery shop two days ago, when you had the day off from work but you got distracted doing your laundry and other things. By the time you remembered that you were supposed to pick up the ingredients to make dinner, it was too late to go out.
You wait on the long line with your basket of groceries resting on your lap, thinking about the last time you came shopping here with Loki.
"No, that one," you giggled and pointed to the cereal on the very top shelf.
"This one specifically?" he asked and you nodded when he grabed the box without having to stretch at all.
"You are so useful," you told him when he added it to the cart he was pushing. You rolled next to him down the aisle.
"I knew you were only keeping me around because of my height," he joked then kissed the top of your head.
"Its not the only reason," you smiled up at him. "But it's definitely on the list."
"Speaking of," he paused. "Is this everything that was on the list?"
"I'm not sure," you admitted with a frown when you glanced into the partially full cart. You had left the list on the kitchen counter with your reusable bags, of course.
He took your hand and said, "Take your time."
You bit your lip and looked at the cart, trying to compare it to the list you had written while eating breakfast. "Something is missing," you felt sure of it. Loki stood quietly with you, not rushing you while you thought. "Eggs," you looked up at him excitedly when it finally popped into your head.
He smiled, "To the eggs." He followed you to the back of the store, as he had three times previously that trip, never once complaining.
You smile to yourself, still thinking about Loki, as the line finally moves. He is one of the few people you know who has never made you feel stupid or annoying for not being able to remember things. You told him once when you first started dating that you couldn't stand it when people treated you as if you weren't smart because of your memory issues and it hurt. Since then, he has always encouraged you to find the missing piece yourself first and only fills in the blanks if you ask him to.
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You put the finishing touches on the lasagna and slide into the oven as your phone chimes on the counter. You pick it up and see a text from Loki telling you he's back. The smile on your face fades quickly as you realize this means you had lost track of time. You had hoped to meet him at the landing pad, you wanted to see him the minute he was home. Apparently you set up your alarm to remind you to go down and meet him, but you forgot to turn it on.
A few minutes later you hear the front door unlock and you wheel yourself into the living area to greet him. He opens the door and immediately bends down to kiss you, wrapping you in a tight hug. When he finally releases you from his hold he smiles and says, "I've missed you so much."
"I missed you too," you look up at him, you couldn't be happier to have him home.
He walks back towards the door to hang up his bag then turns on the lights without thinking. You instantly raise your hand to cover your eyes and look down as the over head light feels painfully bright. "I'm sorry," he says quickly, noticing your discomfort. He comes to your side and waves his hand, dimming the lights. "Tell me when it is okay, sweetheart," he says.
You lower your hand slightly and when it no longer hurts you tell him, "That's perfect, thanks."
He kisses your cheek and then asks, "How you are feeling?" He moves towards the couch and you follow him.
"Have the lights been bothering you all day as well?" his tone is a mixture of concern and curiosity.
"I'm fine," you answer but he raises his eyebrow and tilts his head, you know he wants the truth and not what you tell everyone else. You admit you are having a rough day, "When I woke up I couldn't use my legs at all and my memory is absolutely gone today."
You push yourself onto the couch next to Loki and he shifts so his arm is around you. "Yeah, I didn't even turn them on what I got to my office. It felt like the room was on fire today too, it gave me such a headache," you tell him.
"I'm sorry you didn't feel well today," he runs his fingers through your hair slowly. "Have you been pushing yourself too hard?" he asks and you shrug, not looking at him. "I know you want to do everything but you need to remember to rest." You nod and he pulls you closer.
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"-and then I told Thor that if he wasn't on the jet in the next two minutes, I was going to have them take off without him," Loki chuckles.
"You did not threaten to leave your brother in Siberia," you put your hand over your mouth.
"I had been away from you long enough," he smiles and you lean towards him, kissing his cheek. His smiles vanishes and he looks into the kitchen, "Is something burning?"
You turn to look towards the kitchen, "Oh no! Did I forget to set the timer?"
He gets up quickly and shuts off the oven before opening it and freeing a cloud of black smoke. Your heart sinks as you get back in your chair and go to the kitchen. He puts the charred remains of your lasagna in the sink and waves off the smoke so the fire alarm doesn't go off.
"I can't believe I ruined it," you look down.
Loki kneels in front of you and touches your shoulder gently, "I'm sorry, I know how hard you worked on that." You fight to hold back tears and he says, "It's okay, darling. We can order take out tonight, have a bit of dessert and watch a movie. This weekend you can show me how you make your famous lasagna."
All of a sudden you feel a tightness in your chest, "I forgot to go to the bakery." You begin to lose the battle to hold back your tears. "I burnt dinner, I messed up getting a dessert, I couldn't even get myself together to go down and see you when you got off the jet," you look down as the first tear slips down your cheek. "I wanted to make your first homecoming since we moved in together special but it's ruined because of my stupid, useless memory," you cry.
He leans towards you and you wrap your arms around him, resting your face on his shoulder. He rubs your back slowly and quietly says, "My homecoming is not ruined." You look at him and he smiles, wiping the tears from your cheeks. "I can't tell you how loved it makes me feel knowing how much effort you put into tonight," he tells you.
"Even if it was a total disaster?" you ask.
"Even then," he risks his answer and you breath a small laugh. "I know you are upset about dinner and dessert, but I'm just glad to be home with you." You nod and lock eyes with Loki, he smiles and strokes your cheek gently. "Your memory is..."
"Garbage?" you suggest.
"I was going to say 'not the best'," he shakes his head but you smile a bit.
"But garbage works," you joke, feeling slightly better.
"Will you be quiet and let me try to be romantic for a moment?" he laughs and you pretend to zip your mouth closed. He sighs and starts again, "Your memory is not the best, we can both agree on that, but I never want you to forget how much I love you. You are smart and beautiful and strong, pushing through each day even when you are in pain or your body fights you. You are the most amazing woman in the nine realms and I am so lucky to be able to call you mine."
You smile as Loki talks and when he finishes you pull him to you, kissing him deeply. "I love you too," you tell him. After a moment, he sits back and you wipe away the last remaining tears.
"I have an idea," he says. "I think you need more triggers for your memory."
"What do you mean?" you ask.
He points over your shoulder towards the door as he answers, "You haven't forgotten your keys once since you put that up."
"That was just a joke," you tell him.
"But it works," he responds.
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You sit on the couch as Loki unpacks the Chinese takeout onto the coffee table. "Are you sure you're okay with doing all of this to your apartment?" you ask when he hands you a pair of chopsticks.
"Y/N, this is your home now too," he reminds you gently. "I want you to feel comfortable here and I want it to work for you, however you need it to." You kiss his cheek and he smiles.
After the two of you finish eating, you begin thinking of ways to adjust your new home to suit you better. Loki asks J.A.R.V.I.S to reprogram all of the lights to be on dimmer settings so you can still use them when you're light sensitivity is acting up. He has the program automatically ask you to set timers or reminders for all of the appliances in the kitchen, including the coffeemaker. A few hours later, you are both tired and decide any other changes can be made in the morning or as you think of them.
He helps you into bed and you push yourself onto his chest so he can hold you. He runs his fingers up and down your back lightly and you close your eyes. "I'm so glad your home," you tell him in a quiet voice.
"So am I," he replies, kissing your forehead. "Don't forget, I love you."
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I hope you liked this!! Please like, share and comment if you did 💚💚 Please let me know if you want to be added to my taglist!
@soubi001 @mochie85 @lokiswife-dark-fox-queen @animnerd @cabingrlandrandomcrap @icytrickster17 @lokisgoodgirl @mischief2sarawr @stupidthoughtsinwriting @mjsthrillernp @holdmytesseract @lulubelle814 @goblingirlsarah @alexakeyloveloki @siconetribal @lokidokieokie @kneelingformyloki @jiyascepter @eleniblue @loreniscrying @muddyorbsblr @alyeskathewave @loz-3 @firedrakegirl @javagirl328 @princess-ofthe-pages @morally-grey-variant @soulpiercing @km-ffluv
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softspace-fics · 22 days
Hiiiiii I just read your new loki fic with a disabled little and I was amazing to read especially when it's relatable like that I have a bad relationship with my health 😅
If your comfortable with it I really feel that a stucky x disabled little would be a perfect match cuz bucky is disabled (just in a cooler way with the vibranium arm) and iv been reading how you write bucky and Steve and they just want what's best for they're little so I need to read them helping the reader be more comfortable with they're disability.
You can ignore this but I just wanna say I love your blog and I hope your having a great day
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Masterlist - All my work!
A/N - hiii! I am so sorry your request took a little bit because I wanted to make it similar yet different to my story "It's hard." because everyone's experience with pain and why they don't feel comfortable with others when in pain, or for why they have bad relationship with their health is completely different. I wish I could include everyone in each post, and if you'd like to share your story with me I'd love to know, your never alone in your battles. If you have any feed back please let me know!
Warnings⚠️: mentions of rough family life, parents saying meds should fix the pain, ignorance of how pain affects someone, negative regression, mentions of bucky in hydra but nothing significant, please let me know if I missed anything!!
Steve Rogers x Bucky Barnes x Little!Reader
Bucky understood what it was like to be in unbearable pain, feeling like your entire body was being ripped to shreds. He had been stuck being experimented on for how long? When he told Steve about how he felt on a daily basis even after not being experimented on for a while, Steve did his best to learn how to help him out when the pain just made it unbearable.
This meant that steve tried hard to figure out the best ways to help anyone who was in severe amounts of pain. He tried epsom salts, different type of ointments, mental care, anything he possibly could think about to make bucky comfortable. 
So when they met you, you didn’t seem out of the ordinary for them, to them you were seen as such sweet person and you were pretty confident. When people would talk to you, you helped them out if you could, or were polite in saying you couldn’t. 
You had originally met the two in a library when Steve and Bucky were looking for different types of books to try and learn more about the world today. You were trying to reach for the book on the highest shelf, and pain was shooting through every fiber in your body. You were exhausted and uncomfortable when you saw Steve's shadow behind you and got spooked. You jumped and nearly fell over from moving too quickly off your tippy toes. He gently grabbed your arm to stabilize you before smiling at you and apologizing for scaring you.
He asked if you needed help with getting the book off the shelf and you quietly said yes. It was one of your favorite childhood books, you read them sometimes when you regress, although  he didn’t need to know that. You felt bad making him do it for you, even though he asked. You know it wasn’t anything significant but you had never been able to accept help. 
Your family barely paid any attention to your pain, you were thrown on meds that did nothing when you were a kid and they stopped caring. Everytime you said something you always got “Well, did you take your meds?” “Your meds worked yesterday, don’t lie to me” Meds this, meds that. It got to the point you stopped taking meds and never asked your parents for help with your pain. 
When you were able to finally get into doctor offices by yourself you got meds that helped somewhat, but you still never felt as if you could rely on anyone else to help with your aches and how you felt on the inside. You had meds which meant that you should be fine and learn to deal with the pain on your own. Right?
You had seen the duo in the bookstore quite often after the first interaction, learning they were together and they were shocked when you told them you had no clue who “captain America” or the “winter soldier” was. You never really payed attention to the world outside of your bubble, you couldn’t relate to a lot of people so you shut off a lot of the outside. 
Eventually they asked you out, and from then on is history. But something you still hadn’t told them about was the chronic pain, and the regression that came from it. You had times where getting out of bed was the worst idea ever, showering was beyond out of the question, and regression was the only option your brain had.
You’d regress young enough that you could toddle and make it from point A to point B, but past that you had no survival when you were in so much agony. This means there became times you didn’t eat for hours, you’d sleep longer than you should, and there would be times you didnt respond for hours to anyone.
Bucky and Steve got super worried on days you never replied, they tried to let you have your space, thinking that it was something that you just did, but when you didnt show up for a date at their place, they ran over, thoughts racing.
They knocked on your door which woke you up, but you had no energy to attempt in getting up. Not knowing it was them, you assumed it was a package and tried to go back to sleep when they knocked louder.
Steve continued to knock while bucky prayed that you had left a key outside to your apartment incase you lost yours. He looked under a brick and practically ran to get your door open. Thank god that he remembered people put keys under rocks.
When they got in the apartment, the quickly rushed to find you. Scanning and worridly running around.
“Y/N??” Steve shouts, checking the bathroom.
“Sweetheart?!” Bucky yells as he opens the door to your room, where he finds you crumpled in pain, your room darker than a cave.
“Please, stop screaming.” You mumble quietly, you clutch your stuffie to your chest, your regression starting to set in after being brutally awaken.
Bucky quickly comes and sits by your side, helping to pull the blanket away from your face, looking at you with complete and utter concern.
Steve eventually comes in with some things in his hands, bucky looks at him puzzled before connecting the dots.
See, Bucky found you, but Steve found your regression and safe room. Where you had soft toys and padding everywhere. It was something you had filled with everything that you could need for when your regressed, and when it hurt too much to move.
The two knew what age-regressors were from tony, seeing as him and Stephen were the proud caregivers of Peter and Wanda. So when Steve saw your pacifier and heating pads, and anything else that might help, he grabbed it all.
“Baby, can you tell us whats wrong?” Bucky softly asks, tucking your hair behind your ear, Softly rubbing your thigh with his thumb.
“Hurts.” you mumble out softly, you slowly flip over, and bury your face into bucky's stomach. His scent fills your lungs, and he slowly starts to rub your back, holding you closely. 
Steve comes up behind Bucky, his face contorted to a face of his own pain. He hated seeing you so upset, and mowing you were trying to fend for yourself, by yourself, hurt him.
“Do you want your pacifier darling?” Steve gently asks, he wasn’t sure if you knew he had found your room, and wasn’t wanting to freak you out.
Hearing him ask that question, you looked up from bucks embrace with pure terror. How did he find it? Why was he so calm about it?
Bucky softly cupped your cheek and kissed your forehead before pulling you back into his embrace, rubbing small circles on your back before he speaks calmingly.
“Doll, we know about regression or age-dreaming, there's nothing to be afraid of, we promise.”
You relax into his hold before slowly nodding. Steve hands you your paci and you slide it between your lips and just rest against bucky, the pain minorly subsiding with the extra pressure of his hug.
“Baby, I know that the pain can be hard to handle, but you don't have to go this alone, you'll never be alone now that we're here. Whatever we can do, we want to do it. Please never feel as if you have to fight this battle alone.” Bucky manages to barely whisper out, fighting his own emotions.
Your tears begin to fall, hearing words you've never heard before. You’ve had to fight by yourself for so long, that maybe them knowing wasn't for the worst.
“Your not alone anymore, never alone. We're with you now. The pain doesn't have to be suffering anymore, let us help.” Steve sits next to you and buck, rubbing your back and leaving little kisses on your head.
You slowly nod, wanting someone to be there, maybe this time, you'll be able to accept the help. The right help.
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jiyascepter · 4 months
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───── May
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So I decided that I should be making my monthly reading lists to promote some fellow writers even more, even if one person reads a fic from here it would change something, wouldn't it?
(idk if tumblr would let me tag so many writers at once, but the links to fics work so pls check out their profiles too!)
And also if I ever want to reread them it would be easier to find 👀 I'll try my best to make these lists every month ✨️
So here are some lovely fanfics I've read this month, please make sure to give them some love by commenting or reblogging, it means a lot to us writers ����
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Fluff: 🥰 | Angst: 💔 | Hurt/Comfort: ❤️‍🩹 | Smut: 🔥 | Dark: 🖤 | Humor: 😆
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Loki's Island Fever [Avengers!Loki x reader] | ongoing 🔥😆
Talk to Me [Loki x f!reader] Part 1 // Part 2 // Part 3 is wip | ❤️‍🩹🥰
From The Horny Misadventures of Nomad Steve:
Disciplinary Action [Nomad!Steve Rogers x Agent!reader] 🔥
Positive Reinforcement [Nomad!Steve Rogers x Agent!reader] 🔥😆
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Distractions [Loki x f!reader] 🔥
Like a Queen [Loki x f!reader] 🔥
Also check out her upcoming series : The Rite
His name, his property [Dark!Steve Kemp x f!reader] 🖤🔥
Glazed (donut) Holes [Boyfriend!Bucky Barnes x girlfriend!reader] 🔥
Teasing [Dom Bf!Bucky x Sub gf!reader] 🔥
Little Perv co-written with @lanabuckybarnes [Stepbrother!Bucky Barnes x Stepsister!Reader x BestFriend!Steve Rogers] 🔥
Bucky Offers You a Better Job [CEO!Bucky x Assistant f!reader] 🔥
Domination [SoftDom!Bucky x Sub!reader] 🔥
How Love Works [Ransom Drysdale x reader] 🥰
Loki imagine (based off The Avengers) [Loki x reader] 🥰
Help you bear it [Loki x f!reader] ❤️‍🩹
You Can't Hurt Me [Loki x f!reader] ❤️‍🩹
What Prank? [Bucky x f!reader] 🥰😆
Running Into Trouble [Loki x f!reader] 🥰
Whatever It Takes [Loki x f!reader] 🥰 slight🔥
The Dress [Loki x f!reader] 🔥
Don't Forget [Loki x Disabled Female reader] 🥰❤️‍🩹
Keeping Score [TVA!Loki x f!reader] 🔥
Vanilla and Honeycomb [Loki x f!reader] 🔥
How Long Could We Be a Sad Song? [Chris Evans x Secret Girlfriend!Reader] 💔
Curiosities [Loki x f!reader] 🔥
Feral [Frost Giant!Loki x f!reader] 🖤🔥
Give Up [Alpha!Bucky x Fem Omega!reader] 🔥
The Interview [Rockstar!Bucky x f!reader] 🔥
Truly Desperate [Loki x f!reader] 🔥😆
The Accident and the Misunderstanding [Tom Hiddleston x Reader] 💔🥰
You Stayed [Steve Kemp x reader] 🥰
If You Wanna Come, Give My Brother Some [Steve x reader x Bucky] 🔥
No Sacrifice Without Blood [Vampire!Loki x reader] 🖤🔥
A Show Of Temptation [Loki x f!reader] 🔥
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So yeah these were all the amazing stories I read this month, make sure to give these a read ! Also if you have any fic recs please let me know ;)
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sgm616 · 6 months
A Whole Year!
Wanda Maximoff x Fem!reader
BlackHill x Daughter
A/n -> I have a learning disability so if there are some misspelled or a sentence that doesn't make sense that's why.
Mila and Wanda, we're sent on a mission to retrieve Hydra files. Unfortunately, things went downhill. During their mission, they were caught stealing their secret information. Many hydra goons were attacking them left and right. There were too many of them. Without their acknowledge some kind of gas was seeping threw the vents. The next thing they see is darkness.
Natasha POV- I was about to take off my wife's shirt when we both got a message from FRIDAY.
Miss Romanoff-Hill. Both of you are being summoned by Captain Rogers.
"What is it now Rogers? We- I mean I was about to 'relax'."
"Wanda and Mia have gone MIA.(Missing in action) here is their mission file. Completing this mission is crucial into getting ahold of Hydra's secret weapon. Find it and you may be able to find Mia and Wanda. You both have 10 minutes to get ready. Dismiss."
I made my way through the hallways making sure it was all clear. Once I made sure everything was clear I let everyone understand that there was no one left in the building but that's when I heard, crying. How can there be someone here? I checked all the rooms in this building.
For some reason, I felt this urge to follow the cries. I walked through three rooms when I heard another cry. That's when I started running through all the rooms. Till I reach the second to last room. The crying was much, much louder. I searched the draws when I encountered a baby it was wrapped in a Hydra coat. I carefully pick up the small child to try my best to soothe the poor babe. After a few minutes, I calmed them down. But I can still hear the other child crying. The other baby's cry was echoing throughout the room. It sounded like it was coming through the vents. Immediately I got down to the vent gate and found another baby. It was only wearing a thin adult shirt.
I carefully readjusted the child I was currently holding so I could pick up the other baby. Immediately the baby stopped crying and looked into my eyes. Strangely enough, their eyes looked exactly like Mila's. 
Once they were safely secure in my arms I bolted toward the Quinjet.
Location: Avengers Compound
Who are these kids? And where are Wanda and Mila? As we waited for the results on who these girls were, Maria and I were holding them. It's just another reason for how much I missed my daughter's growth. Sure she was born out of science when I was twelve but still, I would have loved to have taken care of her when she was a baby.
(She didn't give birth to her, science used her blood and her father's blood to create Mila.)
After waiting for the results to come back, Tony and Bruce come into the conference room. "Good news and bad news. The good news is that know where Mila and Wanda are located."
"That's fantastic! Where are they?" Said Maria.
Bruce looks down and fixes his glasses. "You're holding them." We looked down at the babies. I knew this child looked familiar, it was Mila. Maria spoke up. "What the bad news?"
"The bad news is that it looks like Hydra injected them with some kind of serum that turned them into babies and well, it looks like it's going to take a year for the serum to wear off" A WHOLE YEAR!!
Meeting room
"All right teams looks like we are on baby duty for the next year till both Wanda and Mila are back to normal. So who's going to be the main guardian for Wanda?" Steve raised his hand. "I'll take her." That's when Clint speaks to Steve. "Do you even know how to take care of a baby?"
With his head down Steve said. "No."
"Laura and I can take care of her. Stark is that alright if my family can come over till this whole thing is over?"
"Yeah, sure whatever. Just keep them away from the lab."
No One's POV-
Day One Age 7 Weeks Old
The first night with baby Mila was hard on Natasha and Maria. They never had any experience in taking care of a baby. She had been crying for the past 4 hours. They tried feeding her...she was not hungry, they tried rocking her to sleep...that failed, and don't even get started on how terrible they were when it came to changing her diaper. Clint had to show them how to do it the right way.
Know matter how hard they try to calm down she just won't stop crying. "She has been crying for 4 hours now how is she still awake?" Maria said tiredly. That's when she thought of something. She goes into the closet to grab something that might help calm Mila down.
She grabbed her old ukulele and started playing it. Natasha slowly joins in.
"I'm lying on the moon My dear, I'll be there soon"
Mila's crying was slowly calming down
"It's a quiet starry place Time's we're swallowed up"
Maira walks over to Nat and Mila and places a binky into Mila's mouth. Mila surprisingly accepted the binky.
"in space We're here a million miles away"
Mila finally falls asleep. When Natasha sees this she stops but the minute she stops Mila starts to steer awake, so Natasha continues on finishing up the song.
"There's things I wish I knew There's no thing I'd keep from you"
Natasha carefully places a sleeping Mila into her bassinet. She slowly and carefully pulls a blanket over Mila so she doesn't get cold.
"It's a dark and shiny place But with you my dear, I'm safe we're a million miles away"
The moment Mila fell asleep both women were too tired to lay under the covers.
The Barton's had no trouble with getting Wanda to bed. After all, they had plenty of practice with their two other children. Plus Wanda was easy to put sleep. That girl loves to sleep.
Four Hours Later (Feeding) Mila cries wakes up both women
"Why isn't she talking the bottle!"
"I don't know Nat. I don't fucking know!" Mila continues screaming.
"I know Mila I know. If you just take the bottle you will feel better." Natasha continues to try feed her but after some time she finally takes it.
Day 150 Age 5 months Old
Today was going to be a hard day for Tony. He was on babysitting duty for both Wanda and Mila. Both Mila's moms had a mission they couldn't get out of. Clint and Laura both had a teachers' conference for their other kids and couldn't take Wanda with them.
So both families had no choice but to leave the two girls with Tony since he was the only one available. Since Tony was not babysitter material both families would call any chance they could get.
Tony had both babies lying on both sides of the couch while he was in the middle.
"We're fine, just like we were 30 minutes ago and 30 minutes before that. Are you going to keep this up all day? Wait aren't you and Maria on a mission right now?.....well stop calling because now it's getting old. First you and now the Barton's?......"
He looks away from the girls to turn on the TV
"Yeah they had some teacher thing so I'm watching both."
He turns to look at Wanda.
"OH NO."
Wanda was not there.
He turned to face Mila, but she wasn't there either. This made Tony drop his phone. He's looking behind the couch under the blankets, the pillows, he looked EVERYWHERE! He knows if he doesn't find them soon he's going to not live to see them the next day.
Nat on the other hand was freaking out. Tony didn't answer what was happening. She kept yelling at the phone in hopes that he could tell her what was going on.
After a few minutes, Tony looked under the table only to find Mila and Wanda. Mila was rolling around while Wanda was staring at Tony with a huge smile on her face.
Tony grabs the phone and puts it on speaker. "Everything good here." Natasha doesn't believe him. "Guess who just rolled over for the first time."
Let's just say after this event, Tony will never babysit a child ever again or in this case children.
Day 161 Age 6 Months Old
The Barton family
Laura walks into Wanda's nursery room quietly. She knows Wanda isn't a morning person even if she's a baby. So figured out a way to wake up and girl without having her get all cranky. She knew from Wanda's past that her mother would always sing this song that would help Wanda wake up.
She gently rubs the back of the wands back. Slowly Wanda starts waking up but not enough to have her open her eyes. "Rise and shine and give god your glory, glory. Rise and shine and give god your glory, glory. one two three four give god your glory, glory children of the lord." Wanda opens her eyes and lets out a big yawn before giving her the grabby hands, letting Laura know she wants to be held. "Good morning my sweet angel. You ready for breakfast." Wanda responded with a nod and tucked her head into Laura's neck.
Once in the kitchen, Laura hands Wanda off the Clint so he can feed her. For breakfast, Wanda was having her favorite mango banana. "Here comes the Quinjet." he makes noises that sound somewhat like the Quinjet.
The Romanoff-Hill family
For waking up Mila was a bit different from Wanda's morning routine. Every morning Nat or Maria has to play the song Pink by Lizzo. How she found out that song, that's something both mothers would most likely never find out.
But let's just say Kate, her new babysitter, was watching the movie Barbie on her laptop and thought Mila was sound asleep.
Once the song was over and Mila waved to all her stuffed animals a good morning, it was time for her to get her morning started.
For breakfast, Mila had apple zucchini peach. It wasn't her favorite but it also wasn't something she hated. All Nat had to do was distract her daughter and boom she'll eat anything that's in front of her. "Here comes the Chitauri chariot." Natasha scoops some baby food into Mila's mouth. "Did you know Mama flew in one once?" Mila smiled at her mama and was making cute baby noises. "Yes, I did." She then realized what time it was. "Shit. Hey babe can you finish feeding Mila for me? I'm going to be late for work."
"Sure thing." She kissed her beloved wife on the lips before Nat had to leave. "Mommy's going to feed you now. How does that sound?" Mila let out a confused expression and sound. If she was saying why? "Mama has a meeting with Grandpa Fury. But that's okay because you get to spend time with me. Would you like to go to the animal shelter and buy Mama that kitten she's been dying to have?" Mila responded with a happy squeal. "Yeah? But first, we need to finish eating your food." She scoops a bit of the baby food. "Here come the helicarrier." She flies the spoon around the air before putting it in her mouth.
Day 284 Age 1 years old
The Romanoff-Hill family
Mila faced Natasha trying her best to speak to her "M-ma...m-ma... mama, mama" "That's right baby it's mama! Can you tell me who she is" She pointed to Maria. Mila looked at Maria with a smile "Mama!"
Maria scopes her up and spins her around. "Good job Mila!" Nat then hugs both of them. Mila was in the middle. "Mama and Mommy are super-duper proud of you!!" Both women kissed Mila's chubby cheeks. Mila graciously gave both of them a slobbery kiss on their cheeks while making giggling noises.
The Barton family
"mm...mm..." Wanda was struggling and getting frustrated. She let out a screech. Laura picks her up calming her down. "Shh, it's okay baby take your time." "Mma-mma. Mama" "Good job Wanda! Good job! Clint come here!" He bolts out of the bathroom, his face is half-shaven. "What happened? What's wrong?" Wanda gave clint grabby hands for him to take her into his arms. "Pa-pa!" Clint's mouth was wide open with shock. "Did-did you say, papa?"
Later that day when the kids got home they told them about Wanda's 'first' words.  "Wanda who's that?" Laura points towards Cooper. "Ooper" the four of them laughing. "That's right I'm Ooper. Your brother" Wanda clapped her hands as if she was showing how proud she was of herself. Clint then speaks. "Can you tell who she is?" Wanda looks at Lilia. "ia"
Luckily both families had FRIDAY to videotape the whole conversation.
Days Later...
Family Room
Today was a very boring Friday for the Avengers. No meetings, no missions, nothing. Nat, Clint, and the babies were in the family room. Both adults were reading their books. While the babies were doing their own thing.
Mila was on the floor playing with her blocks. While Wanda was watching The Wiggles. [The OG, not the new version] They were singing about fruit salad. This got an idea for the little baby witch. She was hungry and since the wiggles were singing about fruit salad maybe she can make some for herself and maybe she can share it with Mila.
She slowly stands up from her spot. Nat and Clint notice this and dropped everything they were reading. "FRIDAY are you documenting this?"
Yes Sir.
Wanda takes one step forward only to fall. They were waiting to see if she'll give up and cry. But to their surprise, she didn't. She got right back up on her feet and tried again. This kept happening for a while till she finally made it to the kitchen without any trouble.
Mila sees this and gets jealous of Wanda getting all the attention. So she too tries to stand up and walk but falls down the minute her foot took one step. She burst into an angry scream. This got Nat's attention. "Oh baby. there is no reason for that." She tries to calm down Mila but to no avail. Thank goodness Maria heard this. The moment Maria come into Mila view she imminently wanted to be in her mommy arm and not her mamas.
Once Maria gets ahold of her baby girl she gently pats her back and bounces her. "Aww what happened my love? Hmm?" She looked over to her wife seeing if she knew what's wrong with their daughter. "Someone got a little jealous of Wanda and wasn't happy that mama wasn't forcing on her."
Maria turned Mila around so she can see her face. "Is this true baby girl. Did you get jealous of Wanda?" Mila nods her head. "And did you not like when mama was giving Wanda attention and not you?" She nods again. "Oh I'm sorry to hear that."
Natasha explained what Wanda did and how Mila wanted to walk too but kept failing and was getting frustrated with herself. "Why don't we go on our room and we can pass/walk her to each other?"
And that's what they did. After many falls and crying, Mila finally walked. Now they kinda regret teaching her how to walk cause now she won't stop chasing Liho.
Day 334 Age 1 3/4 years old
Maria and Natasha were relaxing on top of their bed when all of a sudden they heard a horrible stretching noise and then crying. Liho bolted out of the room. Both mothers turn to see Mila running towards them crying. Maria bent down to Mila's level. "What's wrong why are you crying, baby?" Mila was choking on her air so Nat and Maria helped her calm down so they could understand what was going on. "детка can you blow on my face?" Mila eventually listened to her mama and blew on her face just enough for her to talk. "Good girl. Can you tell Mommy and me what's going on?" Mila yelled, "She said she wants to marwy me!"
"Who детка? Who wants to marry you, baby girl? Could it is Wanda?" knowing those two were together before this crisis happened. "mhm" Natasha was good at hiding her smile since this whole conversation was hilarious. "You're crying 'cause you don't want to marry her?" Maria said while trying her best to hold in her laughter. "Yeah!"
Wanda comes running in our room "I WILL MARWY YOU!!"
Mila runs away again with Wanda hot on her tail.
Day 364-365 Age 22 years old
That night the parents lay the children on their adult beds. They quickly changed them from toddler clothes to adult-only shirts.
The Next Day...
Mila wakes up only to find her room all childish. "What the?" she slowly gets out of bed only to notice she's only in a shirt. At first, she was a bit wobbly but got it together. She takes a nice long shower. Flashes of what happened came into her mind. She was so confused. Was this all dream? If not how the hell did she turn into a baby? And how long?
2 months later...
Lactation: Paris
"Mila Romanoff, will you do me the honor and becoming your wife?"
"YES!! Absolutely Yes!!!"
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Helping Hide The Truth (Peter Parker X Trans!Male!Rogers!Reader)
Characters: Peter Parker X Trans!Male!Rogers!Reader, 
Universe: Marvel, Avengers
Warnings: Mentions of Transphobia, fear of coming out, body dysphoria
Universe: Could you do maybe a trans male reader who is dating Peter but isnt out to his dad yet I was thinking Steve Rogers Or Bucky I love your writing and I love how you explore your stories ❤️
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Peter checked his watch for the 5th time that morning. The morning bell was due to ring in just 15 minutes, and you were nowhere in sight, and Peter was starting to contemplate heading back to his locker, or texting to ask if you wanted him to drop off in the disabled bathroom or to ask if you were even coming in today. Luckily, as he reached for his phone, he saw your dad’s car finally pull up, you jumping out, waving to your dad before rushing up the steps to meet Peter. Peter smiled and waved at your dad- Captain America himself- as he pulled back out the parking lot, and you headed inside, walking at a fast pace.
“The bell’s gonna go off soon.” Peter commented as you both dashed around, pushing through the crowd to find one of the bathrooms or even just a janitor’s closet at this point. Normally when you were on short notice you would just change at your locker- slipping on a baggier shirt and slipping the men’s jeans over your leggings or something, but Peter had noted that today you had come in a dress- and judging by the style, it was Steve’s idea, thought that was obvious anyday. That meant you had to actually find somewhere more private to get changed today. His eyes darted around before he saw MJ at her locker, taking your hand and pulling you in her direction. “MJ!” He called as he approached, and she looked up, seeing you both approaching, what you were wearing, and she immediately knew what was up. She went into her locker, finding her gym bag, and pulled out her towel, unravelling it. 
You stepped hurriedly between her and her locker, her holding one end of the towel against the locker next to her, Peter holding the other end with MJ’s locker door to create a barrier from any onlookers. MJ kept a look out for trouble and also tried to block the view even more with her body, Peter also doing the same when he wasn’t passing you garments, before you gave him the dress with a quick “Done.” and the towel dropped, and Peter shoved the dress into the bag. “Thank you so much.” You told them. 
“Don’t worry about it.” MJ shrugged. “Guessing daddy dearest was adamant on the dress?” She asked and you huffed and nodded, taking the bag from Peter, and shoving it to the bottom of your backpack to go and put in your locker later. 
“I’ll tell him I bumped into someone at lunch and got some crap on it.” You stated. 
“Does that mean we have to get it back out to dump some ketchup on it?” Peter asked. 
“No, we need it to look realistic- you put on the dress and we put ketchup on it.” MJ joked, poking Peter in the chest, making you laugh a little. Peter knew that if that was needed, he’d do it for you. 
Peter had met you when you both started at the highschool a few years ago, and immediately had began bonding over being the ‘weird’ kids. Back then, when he was still getting to know you, Peter had presumed you were shy and self conscious, lacking any confidence, being a total wall flower and wanting to stay out of the spotlight- just trying to survive highschool. That was until the that summer ended and you came back with a new haircut- a much shorter haircut, wearing baggier clothes, clothes that hid any femininity. Peter immediately got an inkling that he may have been wrong about his presumptions about you, but didn’t want to jump to conclusions. Instead, he complimented your new hair, and the way you lit up at it didn’t help his spidey sense. You thanked him, explaining how you got into an argument with your dad about it before you inevitably went behind his back to get it done, but now it was done and he couldn’t do anything about it and so he didn’t say anything about it. Peter had joked about him being old fashioned, in which you laughed the loudest he’d ever heard. It was then you told him how right he was, and who your dad actually was. 
It was in the middle of the next school break when you two were hanging around at his that he had told you he was Spiderman, and in return, you told him you were trans, and was keeping it a secret from your 1940’s dad. It was about 2 weeks after that, that you and Peter sucked up the courage to ask each other out at literally the same time.
Peter had took the information exceedingly well. He came up with the idea to have spare clothes at school to change into to make you more comfortable around your peers, which also helped you keep your secret from your dad- all he saw was the short hair but the ‘normal’ clothes when he dropped you off and picked you up, totally unaware that you had begun socially transitioning at school, and with surprising success. Of course, after a close run in one time in which Peter as Spiderman had to save you and him using your correct pronouns in front of some of your classmates- including Flash- people didn’t want to attempt to use that against you knowing that Spiderman seemingly knew you personally, and then when it came out who your dad was… yeah, people at school used your pronouns, if mostly out of pure fear. 
Since being able to be yourself for the most part at school and when away from your dad, Peter had noticed how you had changed. You were chattier, more vibrant. Happier, and he loved it, and he was willing to do anything to keep it that way- even if it meant sneaking you clothes at the beginning the day and taking them back before your dad picked you up, or lying to the Avengers to ensure they didn’t pass any information on to Steve.
The day passed by like any normal day, at the end of lunch time you did get the dress back out temporarily, smearing some ketchup on the skirt before putting it back in the bag and your locker, and dropping a text to your dad that you’d had to change and that your dear boyfriend and leant you an old hoodie and pants, sprinkling in a comment on how sweet Peter was for going out of his way to get you cleaned up and new clothes in such short notice, even though you knew he probably wouldn’t read it for a while or even at all and would ask you what happened to your dress. 
After the last bell rang and you and Peter were gathering your things from your locker, you discussed future plans. “How about this weekend if your dad has nothing planned with you, we could go to the mall? We could pick some clothes up for you but keep them at mine or in your locker?” Peter asked. 
“Why, running out of hoodies? I can give some back.” You teased him with a grin.
“No, I don’t mind, I’ll just steal them back next time I come and visit you- I was just thinking, since they’re all my style, I thought it would be nice for you to have some pieces you could actually claim as yours. You could excuse it to your dad as backup clothes since he must think you’re super clumsy at school, but…” He explained.
“That sounds… nice. I’ll ask my dad if I can go out with you on the weekend.” You told him with a soft smile, closing your locker door, and sighed. “I wish I didn’t have to sneak around like this for clothes of all things. The fact that I’m sneaking in and out clothes that make me feel good about myself and not my literal boyfriend just feels… wrong.” 
“I know.” Peter frowned. “Has your dad made any… comments? Good or bad?” He asked. You shook your head. 
“No clue what he thinks, honestly not sure if he even knows what being trans even means.” You told him as you both started walking down the hallways towards the main exit. 
“Would you like me to… look into it?” Peter offered. You stopped walking, looking at him with apprehension. “Like… we recently had the official lesson on gender identities, I can bring it up with Tony, ask if your dad and Thor has had that talk and how they feel about it. If he asks questions on why, I can maybe pull together a fake project about ‘old world views’ on that kind of thing and if the ‘not from his time’ argument actually holds up with Steve and Thor and that you didn’t want to bring it up with him in case he got defensive or something.” He excused. 
“Are you sure? You know if you do this we will actually have to make that fake project, which could include interviewing my own dad about his views on his own son that he doesn’t know is his son?” 
“I’ll interview him- conflict of interest. You put together a rough draft of a plan for this project in case Tony talks to your dad so you can show him the rough draft to make it seem real. Maybe we can turn it into actually educating him, introducing it to him so one day you can actually be yourself to him.” He suggested. You hesitated, but eventually nodded. 
“I still don’t plan to come out till I’m 18, just in case.” 
“I understand. I love you, and I love seeing you love yourself, but I know you also love your dad and how much he means to you and that you don’t want to damage that relationship. If I can somehow make sure that doesn’t happen, I want to do that… if this fake project gets too close to home, please just say, we can make up an excuse about changing the subject or the project being cancelled or changed.” 
“Thank you Peter, I really appreciate it, and everything you’ve been doing to help me through this I can’t thank you enough and it’s one of the many reasons that I love you.” You told him, grabbing the collar of his jacket, pulling him close and kissing him, before you heard a honk from a car, knowing that it was your dad’s car. You sighed, pulling away from him. “If I’m able to come over on the weekend, can you ask your Aunt May if she can make that lasagna?” You asked, making your boyfriend laugh. You asked that last week, and the week prior. Aunt May was more than happy to make it. 
“Sure thing.” He told you, stealing a quick peck, hearing another honk from your dad before you turned and rushed to get in your dad’s car, waving at him as your dad drove off. 
Hope you like it! If you have any questions, please send them in! 
*Not my gif
TAGS:  @abbybills22-blog @mutantjediavenger @theoraekensnotsosecretlover @alicedanganh @sleutherclaw @sleepy-coffee-bean @stawwpp  @klanceiscannon14 @marvelhoeingismyhobby-blog @bellamyblakemorley @dummiesshort  @freyathehuntress  @rebellionofthecattle   @hello-love-youre-pretty @werosemagic  @courtneychicken​  @graysonmalfoy​ @bellero​ @originalpottervengerlock @supernatural-pan​ @esoltis280​ @lady-of-lies​ @lenaswritingandstuff @macbetheliza @mandywholock1980​ @cdwmtjb8​ @caswinchester2000 @determinedpines​ @huntheimpossible @automaticbakeryfreakshoe  @petersparkers3
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lizamango · 5 months
Cruel World 2/? (Brainwashed Black Widow!Reader x Steve Rogers)
summary: A war between SHIELD and HYDRA rages on in the shadows of the world. You live for the kill as a Black Widow until you discover Steve Rogers, the weapon for the opposing side who makes you question the side you’ve been fighting for. (inspired by Underworld, just go with the lore on this fit pls)
warnings: smut later, cussing, canon typical violence
wordcount: 1425
Part 1
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I decide it would be safer for Steve to stay on the ground while I deal with the repercussions of “disobeying” Rumlow’s orders.
“You know, I can handle myself.”
“I can’t just bring in a stranger. You’ll get thrown into a cell-“
“A cell?” he interrupts. “Geez.”
“So stay here. Please.”
“I just think it would be good for you to have back up.”
I walk towards him, forcing him to take a couple steps back towards the barred radiator.
“Steve…” I look up into his eyes. His dreamy blue eyes that, in the dark of the night, look like the sky full of stars. I lift my hand to his cheek and press my lips to his, softly at first. He immediately springs to action, kissing me back. I feel alive as he kisses me, his warm breath on my cheek as he tries to tease my lips open.
He pulls back suddenly at the cold contact of the metal. Looking down he frowns. “What are you doing?”
I smile up at him though it’s more of a smirk. “So you don’t go anywhere.”
He tugs at the cuffs. “Fuck.”
I leave the cabin and make my way to the Red Room.
The greeting is less than warm as soldiers find me and escort me to the hall where Rumlow is pacing.
“How dare you defy me.” He orders everyone out. “Embarrass me! Everyone knows that I am in charge here, how could you disrespect me? I had plans for us.”
“Rumlow, when are you gonna get it through your brain? There is no us and there never will be.”
“Why did you spend a night out there? Did you find what you were looking for?”
I think back to how Rumlow’s allegiance is to Schmidt and how he lied to everyone about killing Captain America. “No, I didn’t.”
“So I was right.”
I can’t help rolling my eyes.
“Get yourself cleaned up. Schmidt will be here tonight to awaken Pierce.”
I leave the hall. “Zasranets,” I whisper to myself. Asshole. I walk towards the Cryochambers. It’s time to put an end to this.
The guard looks up at me as I enter. “Melina is looking for you.” He nods and leaves. I’m still trusted.
I lock the doors and disable the cameras from the control centre the guard just abandoned. Sitting at the machine I feel as though I am committing treason, which I suppose I am. To my knowledge no one has attempted cerebral messaging to reanimate cryogenic suspension other than our three leaders: Dreykov, Schmidt and Pierce. This requires training and discipline of the mind. Skills I have not refined. Cerebral messaging allows the former leader to pass down their memories of their term to the next leader to rule for a decade and the cycle continues. They planned this to prevent usurpers and to keep the peace among the faction. This cycle has not been broken. Until me.
“My Lord, please forgive me. I desperately need your guidance. I apologise for waking you ahead of your time but I fear the power is in the wrong hands. You may be in danger if left in cryo… I believe that Schmidt lied about killing SHIELD’s Prize for he is alive and well. I also believe SHIELD to be more organised than ever before as they were the ones to find him. I hope that when you wake, you will believe me and set things right.” I leave the machine and disable the cryogenic chamber, turning the cameras back on and exit without a trace. I decide to pick up some clothes that would fit the Captain on my way back to my quarters.
“Sestra!” I turn back and see Yelena. “Big problem.” She grabs my arm and speed walks me in the direction I was going in anyways.
“What?” I ask annoyed.
“Please tell me why I found a golden retriever wandering the grounds looking for you? What did you do?”
“Fuck.” I open my doors and see Steve sat on my ottoman looking through a book.
He stands up startled as he sees me. “I- I broke out of the handcuffs.”
I cross my arms and raise a brow. “I can see that.”
“Wow, he looks even better in the light,” Yelena comments.
“This is Yelena, one of my sisters. Widow. Yelena, this is Grant.” I lie. I’ve never lied to one of them, omitted a truth or kept information classified but never a lie.
Steve goes along with it. “Hi,” he smiles in his charming way.
“You can leave us now, Sestra.”
Yelena rolls her eyes and groans. “Fine, you’re both just boring.” With the door closed I inhale sharply and look at Steve disapprovingly.
“What are you doing up here?! How did you even- actually, I don’t want to know.”
He starts with saying my name so seriously it’s a jarring contrast to how he acted while Yelena was here. “Why is there HYDRA insignia all over this place?” he asks in a grave tone.
“You shouldn’t have come here, Steve. I - I left you down there because I knew you wouldn’t understand.”
“Understand? Understand that you’re the evil! HYDRA started the war-“
I shake my head almost to the point where it hurt. “You’re wrong. You don’t understand. You don’t know what you’re talking about, they’ve lied to you.”
“No. It’s you they’ve lied to.”
“You’ve been asleep for 70 years, I hardly think you have any right making such outrageous claims,” I shut him down and open my closet, stocking up on Widow’s bites, bullets and bigger guns. I throw the clothes I collected at him. They’re more appropriate tactical gear rather than having him run around in jeans and a tee, James Dean style. “Put these on.” He changes in front of me and I distract myself with the armoury. “Schmidt will be arriving here tonight, we don’t want to be the ones caught off guard.”
“You’re bringing me with you? You’re going to trust me? After what I just told you.”
“You’ve told me nothing, you’ve just made a bunch of nonsense up and I blame being frozen for decades. Now come on.”
“I’m starting to notice a pattern where I just follow you wherever you tell me to go…” he whispers.
“As you should. You wouldn’t make it out of here alone.”
We sneak off back to the quinjet, avoiding the guards since I know their rotations like the back of my hand. Firing up the quinjet I take off.
“We have to get somewhere Schmidt won’t find us. Somewhere he doesn’t know about…” I say more to myself but I know Steve is thinking.
“New Jersey. The barracks I used to train at.” He stands from his seat. “Let me pilot.”
I look up at him skeptically but I give him the controls. “If you think I’m so evil, why aren’t you trying to fight me?”
“I don’t think you are.”
His answer makes me frown.
“It’ll take a couple of hours for Dreykov to fully wake and get his strength. We’ll need to lay low before then.”
Steve just nods. “I never thought I’d see Johann Schmidt again.”
When I really think about it, Steve was actually there but he’s telling a completely different story to the history we’ve been taught. I shake the thoughts out of my head. Treason. If anything, this is Schmidt’s doing…
“You should get some rest,” Steve says.
“Don’t tell me what to do,” I snap stubbornly but he only chuckles. I walk to the passenger seats behind the cockpit and take off my jacket, rolling it up as a pillow. Sleep comes shortly but not without the company of nightmares.
Johann Schmidt’s stronghold is based in Germany so his travel to the Red Room is arduous. As such, he does not expect to be met with news of rebellion.
“Tell Commander what you told me,” Rumlow states as he pushes Melina to the ground. Widows are lined up in the gathering hall.
“There has been talk of treason, Commander,” Melina whispers but Schmidt hears loud and clear. “Talk of America’s Prize being alive and well.”
“Lügen! Wer spricht von diesen Lügen?” he spits out like venom. Who speaks of these lies?
Rumlow answers with a name.
“Dreykov’s experiment?” Schmidt enquires.
“Yes, Commander.”
Schmidt clenches his jaw. “You are all dismissed.” As the Widows leave, Rumlow believes he is the exception to stay.
“Commander, what are you going to do?”
“Set course for Serbia.”
“Yes, Commander.”
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crazyunsexycool · 1 year
My little love
chapter 12
Pairing: bucky barnes x enhanced!reader
Word count: 4.1k
Warning: canon level violence, mentions of blood, use of syringe/needle, choking, horrible living conditions (especially for a child), sad everyone, crying, hurt Steve
A/N: SURPRISE!!! I wrote this in like a day so if it’s not great I’m sorry but I think you’ll like it. It was also not my intention to release it so soon but I couldn’t help myselfWe finally meet sweet baby boy Barnes aka bubba. His relationship with Lottie is definitely something we will look into in the next chapter. I’d really love to hear what you think!
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Ch 11
The jet had taken you to the helicarrier. It was expected that this mission would be just as big as the mission in which you found Lottie. Now you readied yourself to give hydra some more hell as you entered the place that Bucky had suffered the most in. Your thoughts were mostly on the other Barnes child that you were yet to meet and hoped was alright. At the last raid you had only gone into the facility once it had been cleared. Your job was as the team medic. This time you’d be fighting alongside the team.
You were paired up with Steve after Bucky argued that you’d be better off with him. The truth was that it would probably make him more reckless and you had to make sure he made it back home. The cold wind hit your face as the jet’s door opened. Steve did a quick check with everyone and then you were off in the middle of the frozen unknown.
Tony, Sam, Vision and Rhodey did a quick fly over as the rest of the team pushed forward. There were only a few guards that were taken out quickly and quietly. Steve looked to you once Tony disabled the security to open up the metal door. The element of surprise is the only thing you had on your side, hopefully. As soon as the door opened Bucky stepped up and walked in first. You could see it was hard for him being back here. He directed Clint, Wanda and Nat in one direction while he and Thor went in another. You and Steve took the main elevator down into the deep belly of the building that was built into a mountain. It was where hydra kept the winter soldier and no doubt where Bucky’s other child would be.
As soon as the door to the elevator opens Steve stands in front of you, shield up, ready to protect you if needed. You hold up one of the guns you brought with you. As you inch forward you see two long hallways full of doors that most likely lead to cells. Steve puts two fingers up to his eyes and then points toward one hallway and then points at you before doing the same and pointing at himself. You nod and start walking fast, peeking through the small windows in order to see inside.
Empty. One after another each cell is empty and your heart sinks. An alarm breaks the ever growing silence of the hall previously filled with only your footsteps.
“Have you found anything?” Tony’s voice crackles through the speakers. “It’s getting interesting up here.”
“Nothing yet.”
“Empty on my side.” You reply.
“You have people heading your way, Y/L/N. So do you Rogers.” Nat informs you.
You get to the end of the hall where there is one last door but it has no window. Pressing your ear you don’t hear anything but you have to be sure. You run two fingers along the edge of the door where the inner mechanism of the lock is and you hear it click away. The door opens easily enough and it leads to another dimly lit hallway. Flashbacks to the day you found the three boys run vividly in your mind.
“Secret passageway, I’m heading in.” You announce on the comms.
“Y/L/N, wait for me you don’t know if it’s a trap.”
“I can’t do that, Rogers. You know what happened last time.” You reply as you walk in.
There are less doors here and you make quick work of checking the other cells. As you get to the end you find one that doesn't have a window. You think it’s another hallway so you unlock the door and take a cautious step inside.
“I think I found the cell he’s being kept in.”
“I’m on my way.” Bucky answers in a hurry.
You take a small flashlight out of one of your pockets and turn it on. As you look around you see a water and food bowl on the floor as if they kept a dog in there instead of a person. There’s no bed, just a few blankets on the floor. There’s a toilet that looks like it doesn’t even work and nowhere for light to shine through. There’s a camera in the top corner and if you line up with it the room looks exactly how it did in the video feed the previous night. There’s a metal tube running along the wall furthest from the door with a chain attached to it. The cuff on the end looks so small and you swallow thickly at the thought. The chain scrapes against the concrete floor lightly and you remember that he can make himself invisible. You step in a little bit closer and kneel.
“Hi sweetie. I know you’re in here. I’m not gonna hurt you but I gotta be able to see you. Can you let me see you?” Nothing, for a second you thought you were talking to an empty room and then you heard it, a small breath. “I promise you won’t be in trouble if you let me see you. Would you like to get out of here? You can come home with me.”
A little flicker of something appears before you and then it’s gone. You smile at the Not so empty room.
“Would you like that? To have a home? I have a baby at home. She would probably love to have someone to play with.”
“A baby?” A little voice fills the room and just like that you see him.
It takes everything in you to not break down and cry. He looked just like Lottie had when you found her. Severely underweight, to the point that you could see all of his ribs, sunken eyes and he looked exhausted. His hair though was down around his shoulders and a bit lighter than Bucky’s, and his eyes were the exact same shade as the other two Barnes. He was shivering since he only had some ripped up pants that were a bit too big.
“Well she isn’t a baby, baby. But she’s my baby. You could be my baby too. I’ll take care of you.”
“No one taked care of me before.” He responds, his voice slightly shaky.
You close your eyes for a second as a few tears break free and then he gasps. The chain that held him captive scrapes against the floor and you open your eyes to see shadows on the wall. When you turn around there are hydra agents behind you ready to gun you down. The room is filled with gunfire, bullets that never reach you fall to the floor as you stand between yourself and the boy you protecting.
You turn your own gun on them, taking the group down quickly. Turning you can’t see him again but you can still see the chain.
“Y/L/N are you ok?”
“I’m fine but I need back up. I found him.”
You kneel again and unlock the cuff from his ankle and he reappears. His eyes go wide as he flexed his now free ankle.
“I’m going to pick you up ok, can you hold on tight for me?”
He nods his head and wraps his arms around your neck and his legs around your waist. You take the blanket that had been on the floor and wrap him up in it before turning your metal bracers into a shield for his back and head. With that in place you head out of the room. A speaker comes on and a man starts speaking Russian. Suddenly the grip around your neck gets tighter.
When you pull back you notice that the boy’s eyes have glazed over, as if he’s not in control and although his hands are smaller he still has the super soldier serum running through his veins. There’s no doubt that hydra would have found a way to enhance him even more.
“Y/N, where are you? They spoke similar words than the ones used to trigger me before. I’m not sure who they’re controlling. Can you get somewhere safe?” Bucky’s worried voice came over the comms but you couldn’t answer because you were being choked by a very strong child.
You feel around the belt you had on until you find the pocket you’re looking for and take out a syringe. The needle goes into his little arm and the grip around your throat loosens. His head rests against your shoulder and you cough as you try to catch your breath.
“Y/N? Can you hear me? Does anyone have eyes on her?”
“I’m here.” You groan out as you start to head toward the main door. “I’m really going to need back up.”
“Duck.” Steve says from the doorway and you do as he says just as he sends his shield flying. Two more hydra agents fall behind you. “Is that him?”
You nod as you wrap your arms around his tiny frame.
“Let’s get you both out of here.”
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Steve’s blood was on your hands.
You weren’t sure exactly how it happened. He had thrown the shield in your direction so that you could keep pushing forward when an explosion rocked the side of the building. A dozen or so men appeared out of nowhere and you were left with Steve, his shield and an unconscious child in your hands. Steve fought with everything he had to give you an out. As soon as you saw Sam you gave him the sleeping child and ran back to help Steve. Somehow it was too late. He was gravely injured, the last time you saw him that bad he went toe to toe with Bucky in a helicarrier. You patched him up as best as you could and Tony flew him back to the jet.
Now you sat in the medbay of the helicarrier waiting for an update on him. Your leg bounces uncontrollably as the anxiety of not knowing if he’ll make it takes over. The others are also waiting with you. Nat and Clint sit side by side. Wanda and Vision stood against a wall while Sam and Thor sat next to you. Tony was somewhere looking through the information retrieved from the now demolished hydra base. Bruce was monitoring the unconscious Barnes child you’d saved and Bucky was sitting with him.
Or he had been, Bucky stood by the door and waved you over once you looked up.
“He’s awake and crying. He keeps asking for the nice lady.” He tells you quietly. You turn back unsure of what to do.
“Go, I’ll let you know once we have an update.”
“Thanks Nat.” You said and headed toward the lab down the hall.
Bucky stopped you and held up your overnight bag.
“Maybe you should clean up a bit. I think he’d freak out a bit more if he saw you like this.”
“You’re right. I’ll be quick.”
Fifteen minutes later you looked more presentable, more you. As you got closer to the lab you could still hear him crying while Bucky tried to sooth him. The moment the glass doors slid open both pairs of electric blue eyes were on you. One of them however, we're red and puffy. He cleaned his tears with the back of his hand as he sniffled.
“Hi, why are you crying?” You said as you got closer to the bed he was on.
“I’m sorry.”
“Why are you sorry, honey?” You ask once you sit down next to him. Bucky stands and gives you some space.
“I hurted you.”
“But you didn’t mean to.”
“The bad man said to. He has my baby.”
You freeze at his words, it couldn’t be what you thought it was. Bucky seemed to have heard the same thing because he walked back into the small space.
“What do you mean your baby, bub?”
“She’s little, like this.” He held his arm like he was holding a newborn. “If I’m bad he hurts her. If I’m good he lets me hold her. Haven’t holded her in a long time.”
“Ok, how about you rest and we will try to find your baby.”
“Can she be your baby too?” He looks up at you hoping you’ll say yes.
“Of course she can.” You run your hand over his hair. “Why don’t you lay down now and I’ll stay with you.”
He does as he’s told and he grabs your hand. You hum a lullaby as he drifts off to sleep. Bruce walks in shortly after he starts snoring softly holding up the dna kit. After he takes the swab he needs he walks back to his side. While you wait for the results which you know will say Bucky is the father, you head to the hallway.
“Hey, Steve is stable. He’ll just need a few days to rest and he’ll be good as new.” Nat says once the glass doors are closed. “How is the little man doing?”
“He apologized for hurting me. But I’m worried, he said he had a baby and that the bad man would hurt the baby if he didn’t do what they said.”
“Do you think there’s another Barnes baby out there?”
“No, I hope not. Maybe the baby he’s talking about is Lottie. They could have put both of them in cryo and that’s why he can’t remember when he last saw her.”
“Let’s hope it’s that. I’ll give you guys some space. We should be back home in about thirty minutes.”
“Thanks Nat.” You say as she walks away.
As soon as she’s gone you bury your face in Bucky’s chest and cry. It had been a very overwhelming day and on top of that you saw your best friend almost die. Doing what he does best and sacrificing himself not only for you but for Bucky’s kids.
“It’s ok sugar, let it out.” Bucky whispers as he moves his hand up and down your back gently.
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Bucky had called your dad before you landed and asked him to not bring Lottie to the hanger because of Steve. Unfortunately Ed informed him that Lottie was already aware, or at least he thought so. She had another vision and kept asking for Steve.
Once the jet landed the medical team moved Steve into one of the rooms in the medbay. You and Bruce moved your own patient into another room. The rest of the team went either to the medbay to get checked out or to their own apartments to clean up and rest. It didn’t take long for your dad to find you watching over your new son, the dna match was positive. Although you didn’t need it to know that this sweet boy was Bucky’s child.
“So I have a grandson now.”
“Seems like it.” You look up to give him a sad, tired smile.
“Come here my sweet girl.” Your dad hugged you tight. “Bucky told me what happened. Are you ok?”
“Physically yeah, but to see someone I care for hurt like that… It's just overwhelming. I’ll be alright though. As soon as Steve is awake I’ll be fine.”
“He will be. From what Bucky explained, the serum will help him recover. Why don’t you try and rest? I can stay here if you want me too.”
“I appreciate it but I can’t leave him. He knows me, Bucky and Bruce. I think if he saw a stranger here he would freak out.” You say as you look over your shoulder at the little boy.
“Ok well Charlotte was also asking for you. She wants to see her mama.”
You look back up at your dad, overwhelmed by everything and unsure of what to do.
“Go see Lottie, she’s the only one awake and she wants to see you. Your friends will let you know when Steve is up and I’ll stay here. The minute he starts to wake up I’ll get you.”
“Ok, yeah. I’ll do that. Thanks dad.” You hug him again and head back to your apartment.
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Bucky and Lottie were in the living room. He was holding on to her as he cooed sweet reassuring words at the toddler’s worry about her uncle Steve. Still Lottie sniffled, not understanding that Steve needed to rest for a little bit longer.
“Hey.” You say softly.
Both father and daughter’s attention goes to you. Lottie slips out of Bucky’s lap and runs to you. Her little arms wrap around one of your legs. It’s obvious she’s been crying for a while, her cheeks were tinted pink and her eyes were red and puffy.
“Mama, Steeb owie.” She said as she pointed toward her side, the same place Steve had been injured.
“I know sweet Angel.” You picked her up and kissed her cheeks “Stevie is sleeping now but you’ll see him soon.”
“Steeb is night night?”
“Yes, Steve is night night.”
“Bubba home?” She asks, her blue eyes wide as she looks at you.
You look over at Bucky who just shrugs quickly and then nods towards the door.
“Maybe he’ll like having someone closer to his age around.”
“Yes, Bubba's home.”
She points at the door and smiles. Bucky stands and walks towards the door, opening it and letting you go first.
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When you get to the medbay the first thing you notice is your dad as well as Nat and Clint having a conversation. It stops when you get closer to them. With a guilt ridden expression your dad turns to you.
“Sweetheart,” he says when you’re close enough. “I’m sorry I messed up.”
“What do you mean?”
“I went to the bathroom and when I came back he was gone.”
“What do you mean he was gone?”
“He just disappeared. I don’t know what happened but I swear I didn’t even hear the door open or close.” He looked over your shoulder at Bucky. “I really am sorry.”
“Take her,” you turn to Bucky and hand Lottie over. “This is my fault. I forgot to tell you he can turn invisible, he might still be in there.”
You walk to the door and open it slowly and sure enough the bed is empty. The door closes softly and you make your way to the bed. Your hand feels around the bed and sure enough there’s no one there. Without much of an option you look around the room but don’t find anything so you sit on the floor.
“Hey bub, it’s just me again. Will you let me see you? I promise you’re safe and no one is going to hurt you. I’m sorry I wasn’t here when you woke up. I bet it was scary being alone in a different place.”
You still don’t see him but you feel him slide into your lap. His head rests against your shoulder and you follow the invisible form until you find his hand. He squeezes your hand and you can feel his small fingers trying to intertwine with yours.
“When you’re ready, my baby is here and she wants to meet you.”
It took a few minutes but sure enough, starting at his toes he became fully visible. His uncertain blue eyes looked up at you.
“Can I see the baby now?” He asks quietly.
“Of course.”
As if on queue Bucky opens the door and steps aside so that Lottie can walk in. She was more on the cautious side as she walked in, like she knew she had to be gentle. The sweet boy in your lap sits up and blinks a few times before looking up at you.
“Hi baby.” He says as he gets up and walks toward Lottie.
He holds his hand out and Lottie takes it and they just look at each other. Studying each other’s faces for a moment before he hugs her. Lottie brings her hand up to his cheek and pats it and he starts crying while holding her tighter.
“Hey bub it’s ok.” Bucky crouches down and comforts him. “Lottie is your baby sister. She’s been waiting for you.”
“My baby.” He says in between sniffles.
You and Bucky trade another look over the embracing children. Both of you were still confused. You knew Lottie would know of him because of her vision but you needed to know how he really knew her.
“Hey, Steve’s awake.” Nat said after poking her head in. Her eyes softened as she looked at the two kids.
“Hey sweet Angel, wanna go see Steve?”
“Steeb up mama?” Lottie asked once they let each other go.
“Yeah, let’s go see him. You can come too bubs.” You get up and open your arms. He looks between you and Lottie already walking out happily and wraps his arms around your neck again. You tense a bit but get up and walk out, following Bucky.
“Hi sweetheart.” Steve says from the hospital bed he was. He tries to put on his game face for her and you. Bucky picked her up and sat her down next to Steve.
“You have to be gentle, Lottie. Remember Steve had an owie.”
“Owie.” She whispered as she gently touched the right side of his midsection.
“Did I hurted him?” The boy in your arms whispered in your ear. You knew both Steve and Bucky heard him.
“No sweet boy, you didn’t hurt him.”
“Hi bud. My name is Steve, do you have a name?”
He turned in Steve’s direction, sad blue eyes taking in the scene of Lottie giving him a hug.
“Soldat.” He said softly.
The three of you were saddened after hearing his answer. Bucky turned away from you as he fought back tears. Steve cleared his throat and you held him tighter.
“Would you like a name? Just like Lottie has a name.” You say.
He just nods at you, eyes a bit brighter for a moment.
“Ok, we’ll think of a good name.” You kiss his temple and he pulls back scared at the contact. “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to scare you.”
He doesn’t say anything, instead he chooses to hide his face in the crook of your neck.
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“How about Marcus?” Bucky said as he sat down on the couch.
Lottie and her brother were inseparable. It had been hard enough to get her to leave Steve’s room but there was no way she would leave him behind. Both of them were currently sleeping, sharing her bed and snuggling.
“I don’t know if he doesn't look like a Marcus. What about Thomas?”
“Sam’s ego would get bigger than it already is, pass.”
You were laying down on the couch with your legs hanging over the armrest. Your dad was gone and the compound was quiet. It was very late at night but neither you nor Bucky could sleep even though you were exhausted.
“What about Henry? I’ve always loved that name.”
“Grant.” Bucky added. “Henry Grant Barnes?”
You tilted your head back a bit to look at him. His eyes were already on you as he waited for an answer.
“I like it. Hopefully he will too.” You say just before the door to Lottie’s room opens and closes again.
A semitransparent child stands at the edge of the entrance of the living room. The back of his hand wiping away tears.
“Hey, bub what’s wrong?” Bucky asked.
“The bad man took me away. He said I couldn’t see my baby again.” He started crying again as he walked closer to Bucky. He was still hesitant to trust any men but he was slowly opening up to Bucky.
“C’mere.” Bucky opened his arms, his son cautiously walked even closer to Bucky and let his father pull him into his lap. “It was just a bad dream bub. We aren’t going to let anyone hurt you or Lottie again.”
Two pairs of sad blue eyes looked at each other. One of them blinked owlishly as they fought against sleep.
“The bad man can’t get me?”
“No, we won’t let him.”
“Ok.” The sweet little boy replied before laying his head against Bucky’s chest and closing his eyes. Quickly falling asleep in the comfort of his father’s arms.
Bucky knew the next few weeks and even months wouldn’t be easy. You knew it too, especially if they already had him ready to follow orders with a few words. For Bucky the experience had been traumatic so he can’t even imagine what it would be for someone so young. It was all he knew. So of course he clung to the first person that showed him any kindness and luckily it had been you.
You both knew that whatever came next would be challenging but you were willing to fight to make sure both kids never had to experience anything as horrible as hydra again.
Ch 13
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Captain America: Civil War ft. Static (7) | s.r
Pairings: Steve Rogers x Stark!Reader, Tony Stark x Stark!Reader (siblings), Bucky Barnes x Stark!Reader (future)
Genre: Angsty city babyy!
Summary: The Avengers have a reunion... in Germany... at the airport... with a few new members.
(These scenes incorporate y/n, codename—Static, into the pre-existing story as a character without making drastic changes to the plot or mythos. All the major plot points from the MCU remain in place with the addition of the reader as Static, who is not only a Stark but also enhanced. Whatever events from the canon aren’t mentioned, take place without much change.)
Warnings: Swearing, Mentions of Past Trauma, Canon Typical Violence
a/n: this was so hard to write wtf?
Captain America: Civil War ft. Static (6) | Captain America: Civil War ft. Static (8) | Series Masterlist | Age of Ultron (Static Origin Story) | The Avengers (ft. Static) | Captain America: The Winter Soldier (ft. Static) | Static Verse Masterlist
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As soon as she and Steve have the grounded chopper in sight, An electro-disabler slams onto the chopper, frying the systems and rendering it useless. Steve and Y/n look up. 
She watches with burning annoyance as Tony and Rhodey descend.
“Wow!” Tony fakes surprise looking at Rhodey, “It's so weird how you run into people at the airport. Don't you think that's weird?”
“Definitely weird,” Rhodey answers.
“Hear me out, Tony,” Steve pleads. It almost seems genuine. “That doctor, the psychiatrist, he's behind all of this.”
T'Challa leaps over a truck, “Captain.” 
“Your Highness,” Steve replies.
“Anyway” Tony begins, as he walks around, “Ross gave me 36 hours to bring you in. That was 24 hours ago. Can you help a brother out?”
“You're after the wrong guy.”
“Your judgment is askew.” She’s seldom seen her brother this fucking furious, but then again, maybe it’s cause it’s Steve.  “Your old war buddy killed innocent people yesterday.”
“And there are five more super soldiers just like him,” Steve argues. “I can't let the doctor find them first, Tony. I can't.”
And then, 
“Steve—you know what's about to happen,” Natasha chimes in joining the growing confrontation. “Do you really wanna punch your way out of this one?”
No one’s addressed her since this entire thing—
“Why are you being so uncharacteristically fucking quiet!?” Tony screams at her.
Taken aback a bit, she straightens up. “What’s left to say?”
“Are you seriously going along with this? You know how this ends, way better than him,” Natasha tries to reason with her.
She shrugs. “I don’t—Frankly, I don’t care about any of this. I just want to go home.” She says it simple and sweet. Because it’s true. She understands that there is a threat looming but she’s sure Steve can handle it. If you asked her two weeks ago, she would have been enthusiastic about the whole thing, a mission to take down the last vestiges of HYDRA, of her nightmare—what’s not to love? 
But that was then and this is now, and now she has to fight her way through her friends to fight with some villain and that just—call her selfish but that just seems unnecessarily tedious. She just wants this all to be over. Part of her wishes things could just go back to that party at the Tower before Ultron attacked. Everything was… It was all so easy then. She misses it.
“Then let’s go home!” Tony urges.
And all she can do is let out a laugh in disbelief. “I said I wanna go home… Not a fucking prison cell.” 
Tony clenches his jaw. “ All right, I've run out of patience.” He cups his hands around his mouth and yells out, “Underoos!”
And suddenly, there is liquid spilling out onto tying up her and Steve’s hands. A person in tight fitted red and blue suit flips over and snatches the shield. He lands on top of a truck, joining the ensemble.
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FUCK TONY! She thinks. What did you do?
“Nice job, kid,” Tony compliments with a smile.
“Thanks. Well, I could've stuck the landing a little better. It's just the new suit—Wait! It's nothing, Mr. Stark. It's--it's perfect. Thank you.”
“Yeah, we don't really need to start a conversation,” Tony comments.
“Okay. Cap… Captain,” Spider-Man nods. “Big fan, I'm Spider-Man.” If he weren’t wearing a mask, Y/n is sure he’d be smiling.
“Yeah, we'll talk about it later. Just—” He waves his hands dismissively. “—Good job.”
“Hey, everyone,” Spider-Man greets.
“You've been busy.” Steve notes, there is a blatant hint of disapproval in his words.
“And you’ve been a complete idiot!” Tony counters, pissed. “Dragging in Clint. ‘Rescuing’ Wanda from a place she doesn’t even want to leave—a safe space.”
“How are you any fucking different, Stark?!” Y/n bites back. She’s pissed too. If she hasn’t made it clear yet, she would like for it to be put on record that she is outraged, beyond outraged that she has to fight the tiny little family she has been able to piece together over something as heinous as her fear of being imprisoned again. She hates every second of it but this?
This is a new level of stupid on Tony’s part.
“What the fuck were you thinking? Why would you bring him here?” She asks, pointing at Spider-Man. She’s well aware of who he is. It is her job to know. Which means she knows, that he’s just a fucking kid!
Y/n is about to blow a fucking gasket.
Tony just runs a hand over his face, looking exhausted. “I did what I had to do. You’re not giving me a lot of options here.”
“Fuck off, Tony!” She throws back because that is nowhere near a valid excuse to bring the kid into this. 
“I'm trying to keep—” He sighs. “I'm trying to keep you from tearing the Avengers apart,” Tony urges.
“You did that when you signed,” Steve answers. 
That might be the only thing that she and Steve agree on.
“Alright, We're done,” Tony announces. “You're gonna turn Barnes over, you're gonna come with us. NOW! Because it's us! Or a squad of J-SOC guys—with no compunction about being impolite.” He pauses for a second, and then a final plea, “Come on.”. 
Sam’s voice rings out over the comms, “We found it. Their Quinjet’s in hanger five, north runway.”
Instantly both she and Steve hold their hands up and Clint shoots the web off.
Tony’s helmet goes up as he turns to look at the source of the arrow.
“Alright, Lang,” Steve signals Lang to get to it.
And Lang does not disappoint. 
“Hey, guys, something—” Spider-Man is cut off by Lang sizing back up from Cap’s shield and retrieving it.
“Whoa. What--what the hell was that?” Rhodey asks aloud, confused as fuck.
Lang hands the shield back to Steve, “I believe this is yours, Captain America.”
“Oh, great. Alright, there's two on the parking deck. One of them's Maximoff, I'm gonna grab her.” Tony announces all their locations. “Rhodey, you want to take Cap?” He asks before flying off.
“Got two in the terminal, Wilson and Barnes,” Rhodey calls out, as he begins to take flight.
Steve launches his shield, aiming for the chest of Rhodey’s suit, temporarily incapacitating him. 
“Barnes is mine!” T’Challa runs off and Steve swiftly follows behind.
Spider-Man swings away upon receiving whatever order he receives from Tony.
“I’m gonna—” Lang points over to Rhodey, to which Y/n just nods in response.
“Guess that just leaves you and me,” Natasha notes.
Y/n smiles a little, “In any other circumstance I would’ve enjoyed that more.”
Natasha smiles too, before she lunges at her. 
Y/n easily dodges every attack that Natasha throws at her. Nat’s trained. She’s amazing, agile and utterly formidable… But Y/n is better. Looking at her, it’s easy to forget that while she’s damn near ancient at this point. But she is. She has done this a lot longer than any other member of her team.
“You’re not fighting me,” Natasha notes.
Dodging another punch, “I don’t want to,” Y/n answers.
“How do you plan on fixing this?” She asks.
Taking a step back, with furrowed brows, “Why am I supposed to solve it?”
“Well, it was supposed to be us—you and I, together. But then you decided to leave with Steve.” Natasha counters. Her attacks are getting more intrusive, it’s taking a lot more work to dodge them.
“I left cause of Sergant Barnes, Steve cannot handle him alone and you know it,” Y/n reasoned.
“And you can?” 
“I’m not alone, am I?” Y/n’s getting a little annoyed.
“That doesn’t feel like a betrayal at all,” Natasha bites back, kicking her hard in the side.
“Fuck!” Y/n curses. Clicking her tongue, she swallows a groan while holding her side. “Yeah, like you didn’t fucking betray me signing that goddamn document.”
“These boys are demarcating the playground, claiming a side of their own.” Natasha lands another blow on her chest, making her stumble back sputtering. “They can’t clean up after themselves. They are too headstrong, too naive to see sense. We have to fix this!”
Y/n has had enough. When Natasha carges at her again, she stops her. Blocking with one hand, she knees Nat in the side. “It’s not my fucking responsibility!” Pushing her back, she counters Nat’s attacks easily. “I never wanted to be a part of this shit show. I didn’t want it then, I don’t want it now. This is not my fucking mess!” Y/n throws a punch. ”I just want to go home.”
Natasha blocks her. And then… then she fucking smiles.
It’s not a cunning one. It’s not mocking either. It’s something like sympathy. 
“You’re fighting me,” Natasha notes. And belatedly, Y/n realises, that yeah… yeah she is. “You’re always going to be a better fighter than me, Y/n. But this,” she taps at Y/n’s chest, right above her heart, “you let this loose way too easily. You make it too damn easy for me to do this.” Natasha manouvers herself around Y/n and pins her to the floor, trapped between fucking her legs. Fuck me, Y/n thinks. With a crippling elbow punch to the gut, Natasha gets up on her feet, leaving Y/n coughing on the floor.
“Just say what you want to say,” Y/n asks from where she’s lying flat on her ass.
“You cannot keep claiming Switzerland. You don’t want to pick a side? Don’t. Be on your own side, but don’t keep pretending to be uninvolved. Look around you, Y/n… you already are involved.”
With that, Natasha is off too, leaving Y/n to gather up her leftover dignity.
The fight, or well should she call it the fights—cause there are multiple—the fights continue. Vision enters the arena and draws a literal line in the sand. 
“Captain Rogers,” he says, levitating above them, “I know you believe what you're doing is right. But for the collective good you must surrender now.”
As politely as it’s worded, it still remains a warning. Warning Steve to stop, but come on. Has that ever fucking worked with Steve ‘Bullheaded’ Rogers? 
Both teams charge at each other and Y/n just hates all of it. It feels absurd to fight against the people she has fought shoulder to shoulder, but in the moment, it feels like she just doesn’t have a choice… Does she?
She loses track of everyone she faces off, but rest assured it’s everyone but the Spider-Man. She tries her best to avoid using her powers, bringing up her armour only as defence. The powers—her attacks are meant to harm. These aren’t the people she would ever wish harm upon.
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Eventually she stumbles upon Spider-Man, barely holding up what once must have been a gangway. Manifesting the armour onto her arms and then curling her hand around the hilt of her sword as it’s forming into existence from her dimension, she glitches in just above him and free falls to the ground, cutting the whole thing down.
She lands on her knee. 
“Miss Stark!” Spider-Man yells out in excitement, dropping the halved gangway with ease. “It is so great to meet you! I am a huge fan, especially of your—”
She cuts him off, her sword disassembling out of existence, “Who did that?” she asks, pointing at the completely unrecognizable gangway.
“Captain America,” he answers easily. “Aren’t you on his team?”
“I don’t know which fucking team I’m on!” Y/n answers, throwing her arms up in utter frustration. 
The kid for his part remains calm, giving her a moment to compose herself again. 
Sighing, she looks up at him, “Do you make it a habit of willing following men dressed like stop signs to Germany, or is this one off thing?”
“Mr. Stark said he needed help… How could I say no?” 
There so much fucking ernestness in his words it burns Y/n from within.
“Go home, kid,” she tells him. “Tony—he…” She shakes her head. “All this is way too bigger than you…”
“I can handle it,” he replies, sounding almost desperate. 
“I don’t doubt it,” She answers, because she doesn’t. “But you’re better at being the friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man.” With that she begins to walk away.
The kid, however, has other ideas. He shoots a web at her and instantly her sword manifests once again, cutting it down before it can stick to her. “Don’t be dumb, kid,” she scolds gently, glitching a few meters away. “Go home!” She yells out and glitches out of his sight.
As it goes on, at some point, a realization strikes them all.
“We gotta go,” Barnes’ voice rings out over the comms. She’s not sure she’ll ever get used to having that voice in her ear speaking anything but crude monosyllabic words in German. “That guy's probably in Siberia by now.”
“We gotta draw out the flyers. I'll take Tony. You get to the jet,” Steve replies. “Y/n, think you can take on Vision?”
“You bet you star-spangled ass—” She’s cut off before she can verbally assault Steve for questioning her at all.
“No, you get to the jet! All three of you!” Sam reasons, sounding a little strained. When she spots him in the air, Rhodey hot on his trail. “The rest of us aren't getting out of here.”
She wants to cut in, but before she gets the chance to, T’Challa throat punches her, pissing her off. Her focus shifts to handling the King of Wakanda.”
“As much as I hate to admit it, if we're gonna win this one, some of us might have to lose it,” Clint chimes in.
“This isn't the real fight, Steve,” Sam urges softly.
“Alright, Sam,” Steve acquieces. “What's the play?”
“We need a diversion, something big,” Sam says.
“I got something kind of big, but I can't hold it very long,” Scott answers instantly over the comms. “On my signal, run like hell. And if I tear myself in half—don't come back for me.”
“He's gonna tear himself in half?” Barnes questions, sounding just as confused as she feels.
“You're sure about this, Scott?” Steve asks him.
“I do it all the time. I mean once…in a lab,” Scott answers.
“And then what happened?” Y/n asks, finally being able to find her voice, having pinned T’Challa on the ground with her thighs roped around his neck.
“Then I passed out,” Scott answers.
“Awesome,” Y/n remarks before, T’Challa lands a blow on her side, making her losen her grip. Both are quickly on their feet again. 
“You’ve gotten better, your majesty,” She tells him. T’Challa has always been a great fighter—trained by the Dora Malaje, of course she expects no less. “It feels like it was yesterday when I saw your father teaching you how to wield a staff.”
He charges at her with so much anger. “How dare you talk about my father when you choose to protect his murder!”
“T’Challa—” She tries but he’s not in a listening mood. He’s in an attacking mood; he keeps coming at her relentlessly. She dodges every strike.
“After all the kindness he showed you, you protect Barnes!? You are a traitor!”
“He didn’t kill your father, T’Challa! You have to know that,” Y/n tries to reason but clearly it has no affect. In the end she realizes she is not left with much of a choice. 
Before she can react on her realization, however, Scott fucking Lang decides to grow to the size of fucking building. 
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“Mother of whore-loving motherfucker,” Y/n is damn near astounded.
“I guess that’s the signal,” Sam’s voice comes in from the comms.
As soon as the shock fades, T’Challa charges at her again and she does the same. Running at him, she uses the momentum kneeing him in the chest. He stumbles back a little, she takes that moment to kick him in the back of calve, disbalancing him to make him fall and as he falls, she strikes him in the chest. 
With that, she glitches away.
“Y/n, you coming?” Steve asks over the comms.
“I don’t know,” she answers honestly, spotting Vision who’s eyes are set on Steve and Bucky who are running towards the quinjet.
She’s glitching in and out. Popping out of her dimension to attack Vision and then popping back in to stop herself from falling. It’s a fucking taxing thing, fighting an super-enhanced android with weird magic powers in the air, especially when you can’t fly.
“What do you mean you don’t know?” Sam asks her on the radio.
“It means I’m fucking thinking about it!” She bites back.
“What’s there to think about?” Clink asks.
“I don’t know!” She glitches into her dimension. “Fuck” She says to herself, then glitches out. “Something about my responsibility in all this—I don’t fucking know!”
And then Vision decides to shoot a beam at her with the mindstone. Her armour deflects but the force throws her to the ground. 
The fall hurts, it aches. It makes her ache in places she hasn’t ached since HYDRA had her. It’s all very fucking meloncholy if you ask her. So, you cannot blame her when she lies on her ass for a couple seconds, trying to recuperate. 
Meanwhile, Vision uses his beam to cut the control tower in half. It begins to collapse over the entrance to the hanger the quinjet is in. Wanda tries to hold off the debris from crumbling to the ground, keeping the way clear for Steve and Barnes who are fast approaching on foot. However, Rhodey intervenes, blasting her with a sonic boom, making her loose control. 
All of that is for naught, though, because Steve and Bucky do make it in. 
“Need a hand?” A gold-titanium allow hand, painted bright red is extended to her.
She takes the hand, letting it help her stand on her feet. “Thanks,” she tells him. “Shouldn’t you be spending this time stopping them?” She asks, pointing at the scene unfolding behind them.
“I’m trying to stop you,” Tony says evenly. And then, before she can even tell him she’s not sure if he needs to, if what she really wants to do is stick around and fix it—she doesn’t know how exactly but she wants to try, if any of this is necessary, she hears a sound. It’s a sound that has become almost ambient to her, a sound that used to bring her comfort, a sound that used to mean there was someone watching her back—the sound of Tony’s repulsors being activated. 
She feels the hit before he even aims for it.
“Don’t make me stop you, Stark,” Tony says sofly, his eyes are welling up but so are hers. She has categorically avoided him the entire time, knowing full well that faced with him, she’d just surrender and find a way to escape at a later point. But this… This fucking hurts.
It burns her. It burns her from within. 
The man doesn’t even have to take the shot to make her bleed. 
But his arms come up to aim the repulsors at her anyway.
“Really?” She asks him.
“I don’t want to do this,” he begs.
It doesn’t matter though, it doesn’t fucking matter because he is doing it. He’s aiming at her. Her baby brother is aiming his weapons at her, hesitantly but he’s aiming nonetheless. It fucking breaks her her. 
Her hands clench into fists. A tear escapes her eyes. And a single word slips out of her lips “Traitor.” 
She glitches away. 
When she glitches out, she’s facing Natasha. 
As their eyes meet, Natasha fires a widow bite from her wrist. Y/n waits for the hit but it never comes, turning back she met with T’Challa, who’s being incapacitated by the low voltage shocks from the widow bite.
“Oh,” Y/n notes, turning back at Natasha.
Her brows forrow at that reaction. “What?” When all Y/n does is point at T’Challa behind him, Nat continues, “What are you waiting for? Go!” 
“I—I’m not going…” she answers, dumbly. “I came here to stop you from stopping—” her eyes fly to Barnes and Steve who are already inside the jet. “—them…”
“Not going?” Natasha asks, with a smile.
Clenching her jaw, Y/n replies, “Not yet.”
Natasha just nods at her.
As the two super soldiers take off, T’Challa frees himself and tries to grab onto the jet but fails inevitably, landing easily on the ground.
He comes to face Natasha and even with the mask on Y/n can practically see how pissed off he is.
“I said I'd help you find him, not catch him. There's a difference,” Natasha tells him with a somewhat false sense of confidence, knowing very well herself that she’s lying. 
This is awkward, is all Y/n can think as she stands between the two of them.
As the three of them make their way out, she watches as Lang is going down in all his (Gi)Ant-Man might, Spider-Man’s webbing tied around his legs. Tony and Rhodey punch him out of the sky and Y/n can see the last vestiges of her ‘side’ crumbling.
In front of her, a few meters ahead, Vision has Wanda in her grasp, holding onto her and protecting her gently. 
While the jet flies off, Rhodey and Tony both take off after it, Sam is hot on their trails. Either of the two iron-men must call out an order because then Vision looks up at them in the sky. He uses the mind stone again, shooting off a beam. She’s sure it’s meant for Sam, but he folds away his wings, dropping altitude so the beam misses him entire, hitting Rhodey instead.
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For the next minute or so, everything happens in slow-motion. 
Rhodey begins to fall. He begins falling from the sky.
Her confusion over his inaction only lasts a second but the moment its clear that the beam hit Rhodey’s core, shutting the suit down, Y/n runs into action. 
She begins glitching in and out, trying to get higher and closer to Rhodey, coming out only to calculate how much farther he is from her reach.
Glitch, need to be higher.
Glitch, need to be closer.
Glitch, need to be further.
Glitch, need to be faster.
She can reach him. She’s sure.
But the ground is creeping in and Rhodey’s been falling for way too long.
She needs to slow his speed or he’ll—
No time to think. 
No time for anything but action.
The next time she glitches out, she grabs Rhodey.
“Y/n!” He yells out, afraid and lost.
“I got you,” she tells him. “I got you, Rhodey.”
She glitches him into her dimension, trying to decrease his speed. 
It’s not easy. 
Fuck it’s damn near impossible for her. 
She’s not good enough.
Especially not good enough at controlling her dimension when he’s been freefalling from the sky, in an impeccably heavy suit of weapons, and machine and metal. He’d been falling too long, with too much weight.
She holds onto him, making her dimension denser, not enough but still, denser. 
Manouvering herself under him, she extends her armour from her arms to span across her back. If she can’t slow him to a halt, she can cushion his fall.
When they glitch out of the dimension, the change in force hits them hard, slowing them down a little bit more. But the wind does not cooperate. The wind is a fucking bitch. Y/n cannot completely sustain the suits weight on her, but she tries her best.
As they brace themselves for what will undoubtedly be a rough fucking landing, the last thing she sees is Tony flying towards them.
They crash. 
The impact creates a fucking pit in the ground.
Before she can try helpless to move Rhodey off of her to check on him, Tony lands next to them and does it. 
He pulls off Rhodey’s face plate, and asks F.R.I.D.A.Y. to check his vitals.
“Heartbeat detected. Emergency medical is on its way,” F.R.I.D.A.Y. replies.
His eyes fly over to Y/n then. Hand on her chest in an instant, He says, “ F.R.I.D.A.Y. assess damage.”
“I’m fine,” Y/n tries, pushing him off of her but the blood she coughs out makes it seem like an act.
“Six broken ribs and heavy internal bleeding, sir. But her hearbeat holding steady. Miss Stark will be fine till the emergency medical arrives.” F.R.I.D.A.Y. tells him.
Y/n doesn’t care, she tries to get up but struggles somewhat hopelessly. Tony’s hands come to help her and she manages to get onto her knees to look at Rhodey. 
He’s bleeding, she notes, from his nose. 
Her jaw clenches, eyes watering up.
Somewhere behind them, Sam lands on his feet and apologizes. Tony blasts him with his repulsors but Y/n can’t bring herself to give a damn.
Both siblings wait there—lost and scared, each with a hand on the chest of their best friend, and prayers on their lips to a God they stopped believing in, waiting for help to arrive.
Find the next part here. Find the series masterlist here. Find other Static Verse works here.
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swan-of-sunrise · 6 months
Hawkeye (Part II)
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Summary: Clint reaches out to (Y/N) for help and after a visit with the physically and mentally taxed archer, she takes it upon herself to meet Hawkeye’s #1 fan and impart a little wisdom onto Clint’s young partner.
Pairing: Steve Rogers X Fem!Reader
Word Count: 4.1k
Warnings/Disclaimers: None
A/N: This week's chapter is a little longer because (a) I'm not sure I'll have Part III finished by next Thursday and (b) You guys deserve it!! There's a surprise character that'll pop up in the second half of this chapter and if you've seen Spider-Man: No Way Home, then I think you'll know who it is lol thank you for reading, I hope you all enjoy!
Hawkeye (Part II) December 21st, 2024 Apartment of Moira Brandon, East Village (Previous Chapter)
Out of all the Avengers she’d been introduced to during that fateful party at the Avengers Tower so many years ago, (Y/N) always had a secret soft spot for Clint Barton; he was equal parts kind and sarcastic, quickly noting the anxiety she’d been desperately trying to mask from the moment she arrived and taking the time to get to know her while simultaneously directing playful jabs at his fellow teammates. Their first meeting and team-up in the subsequent conflict with Ultron coupled with Natasha’s endless stories from their days of working together at S.H.I.E.L.D. cemented (Y/N)’s unbreakable trust in the archer, and it was that trust that led her to an average-looking East Village apartment building only four days before Christmas with a priceless and top-secret piece of S.W.O.R.D. technology tucked away in her messenger bag.
“Thanks for coming on such short notice, (Y/L/N),” Clint smiled as he ushered her into the temporary safe house, checking up and down the hall before locking the door and leading her into the cozy living room. “See any of those idiot Tracksuits tailing you?”
(Y/N) shrugged her winter coat off and draped it over the back of the couch with a humorless chuckle. “Nope, but I almost wish I had; I could’ve used a good laugh or two after that horrendous traffic jam on the Brooklyn Bridge.” She folded her pink scarf in half and tossed it on top of her coat, meeting Clint’s eyes with a sardonic smirk beginning to spread across her face. “Wouldn’t you know, some dumb-ass archer decided to impale a Pym Particle-infused arrow into the Manhattan Bridge and create commute hell for anyone traveling in or out of Brooklyn?”
Rolling his eyes, Clint flopped down onto the well-worn couch and sighed in exasperation; he looked exhausted, with darkened circles under his eyes and a noticeable cut on his forehead. “Still a smart-ass, I see. For your information, I shot a Pym Particle-infused arrow at a regular arrow and then it impaled itself into the bridge.”
“Well, either way, I thought you’d like to know that Scott got his ass chewed out by Hank for that little stunt,” She replied in amusement and sat herself down on the couch beside him, taking a moment to adjust her sweater over her small baby bump before rummaging through her messenger bag. “Apparently, Hank’s not too fond of his life’s work being used for – and I quote – ‘stupid shit you see on the eleven o’clock news.’”
The archer scoffed at that. “I once saw the guy use Pym Particles to enlarge a goddamn chicken sandwich, but whatever.”
(Y/N) laughed as she withdrew a small metal case and handed it over to Clint. “Back-up hearing aid, as requested; my coworker said that this is one of the best on the market, so you should be well-covered if yours ends up breaking again.” He nodded in thanks and slipped the case into his pocket. Her former teammate’s recent hearing loss as a result of years of work as a S.H.I.E.L.D. spy, Avenger and vigilante inspired her to seek out Brooklyn College’s underfunded but resilient disability resource center; she studied ASL and learned enough to not only begin teaching Steve and Carina, but to also pre-film her lectures for any hard of hearing student who decided to enroll in her Introduction to American Popular Culture course. “And I looked into that socialite guy for you…” Activating the transparent S.W.O.R.D. tablet – a parting gift from Nick Fury before he traveled up to the organization’s newly-built space station – (Y/N) allowed it to scan her handprint and read off the information she’d collected. “Jack Duquesne, born into the obscenely-wealthy Duquesne family that’s apparently descended from European aristocracy. Since he’s seemingly never worked a day in his life, he’s had enough free time to become an expert swordsman and accrue a pretty impressive sword collection; is that what he was doing at that black market auction the other night?”
Clint nodded as he studied the images on the tablet’s screen. “He wanted to add the Ronin’s sword to his collection; according to Kate, he ran off with it after the Tracksuits crashed the auction, and then he almost took my head off with it when we broke into her mom’s penthouse this morning.” When (Y/N) thoughtfully tilted her head to the side, his frown deepened. “What?”
“When I did a little more digging, I found out that Duquesne is listed as the CEO of Sloan Limited. It’s a shell company, one that launders money for none other than-”
“The Tracksuit Mafia…” The archer exhaled and leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees and rubbing a hand over his forehead. “Kate thinks that Jack Duquesne killed his uncle Armand. At first, I thought the idea of him becoming her stepfather someday was clouding her judgement but it’s looking like her instincts might’ve been right.”
Taking note of the stiffness in his movements and the weary tone of his voice, (Y/N) tucked the tablet back into her messenger bag as she gave him a sympathetic smile. “None of what I found out really helped you, did it?”
“It helped, (Y/L/N), it really did…” Clint hastily reassured her. “But I’m no closer to being able to go home for Christmas. I’ve got the suit and the sword, but Maya Lopez and the Tracksuits still have me and Kate connected to the Ronin and there’s a good chance that they’ve got Laura’s Rolex; I can’t leave until I track it down and figure out a way to stop the Tracksuits from targeting Kate, and I’ve gotta do all that before Kingpin gets involved.” He sat back and offered her a small smile. “The Barton Family Christmas hit a little speed-bump, as you can tell, so how’s the Rogers-(Y/L/N) Family Christmas going so far?”
“Well, Carina helped us decorate cookies and gingerbread houses for the vets down at the VA hospital yesterday, and then she decided that our living room wall could use a thick coat of frosting as well.” Clint burst into laughter and (Y/N) couldn’t help but join him. “Steve’s convinced that she’s got the makings of an artist, but I just think she likes to keep us on our toes. And this little gumball…” Beaming, she rubbed a hand across her bump. “Moved for the first time this morning.”
“That’s amazing! Boy or girl?”
“We don’t know yet, but we’re gonna open the envelope my doctor sealed for us together on Christmas Day and find out.” Memories of her first pregnancy and the overwhelming loneliness she struggled with unwittingly came to the forefront of her mind, but she forced herself to ignore them as she continued. “I’ve never really been one for big gender reveals, but after Carina’s…shall we say, unconventional birth and everything we’ve been through since, I just wanted this pregnancy to be special for us.”
A look of understanding crossed Clint’s bruised face, as he was one of the few Avengers who could empathize with desiring balance between a normal family life and the superhero life they’d been thrust into, but he merely smirked and jokingly replied, “Well, if you’re still thinking of baby names, I’ve always thought that Clint Rogers-(Y/L/N) had a nice ring to it.”
(Y/N) snorted in amusement. “Oh, really? You know, I’ve heard the same exact thing about Sam Rogers-(Y/L/N), James Bucky Rogers-(Y/L/N), Bruce Rogers-(Y/L/N), Thor Rogers-(Y/L/N), Korg Rogers-(Y/L/N) and Rocket Rogers-(Y/L/N).”
“I’m not usually one to judge, but I’ll totally judge you if you name your kid after a talking raccoon or a big pile of rocks.” When his chuckles died down, the archer’s blue-grey eyes softened as they looked between her face and the bump she was unconsciously cradling. “I’m really happy for you guys, and I know…I know that Nat and Tony would be, too.”
After flashing him a thankful smile, (Y/N) leaned her elbow on the back of the couch and rested her temple against the palm of her hand. “So, what’s this Kate Bishop like?”
“A pain in my ass,” Clint bluntly replied and when she lightly scoffed at his answer, he crossed his arms over his chest. “I’m serious! That kid’s cocky, reckless and she talks way too much…but I can’t deny that she’s a damn good archer and her instincts are sharp.” His brow arched as a thoughtful expression crossed his injured features. “You know, she reminds me a little of you, actually; she put that suit on to protect innocent people from the Tracksuits without a single thought for her own safety, just like how you volunteered to help an Air Force vet and a couple of wanted Avengers save the world from Hydra without a single thought for your own safety.”
(Y/N), detecting a hint of concern in her friend’s tone of voice, nodded in understanding. “You’re worried about her.”
Clint nodded. “Damn right I am. You were twenty-seven when you helped Steve, Nat and Sam stop Project Insight, and Kate’s only twenty-two; you understood the risks of getting involved in this sort of life, but Kate…she’s got blinders on. I tried to make her understand that I’m not a role model, that I’m not someone that people should look up to and that this life I’ve led for the past twenty years isn’t a game but like I already told you, she’s cocky and reckless.”
“She doesn’t know about the Ronin, does she?” When Clint shook his head, (Y/N) bit her lip and carefully contemplated her next words before speaking. “Maybe the reason you can’t get through to her is because you haven’t shown her the real you and she can sense that you’re hiding something from her; if you open up to her now, then you might be able to stop her from getting too deep into all this.” He shrugged his shoulder, but she could see that she hadn’t convinced him to confide in his reluctant partner; she glanced down at her wristwatch and hummed to herself. “Well, I should probably head out now if I want to beat the commute traffic to Brooklyn…”
“Yeah, and I should give Laura and the kids a call before I pass out from exhaustion.” Clint helped her to her feet and gave her a fond smile as she pulled her coat and scarf back on. “It’s been good seeing you, (Y/L/N), and I really appreciate your help. Tell Steve that I said hi and that he should totally name his second-born after one of his oldest and coolest friends, okay?”
“Sure thing, Hawkeye,” (Y/N) chuckled, slinging the strap of her messenger bag over her shoulder as they walked over to the apartment’s front door and giving her friend a hug, careful of his bruised and battle-worn limbs as she did. “Good luck, Clint. You’re going to fix this and you’re going to make it home for your Barton Family Christmas and on Christmas Day, we’ll give you guys a call to let you know if it’s a boy or a girl.”
“Aye aye, Captain.” With a smile and a teasing salute, Clint opened the door and watched her head towards the building’s elevator before retreating into the temporary safe house.
(Y/N) stepped into the elevator and after the door slid closed, the uneasy feeling that had begun to form when the topic of Kate Bishop came up only seemed to deepen as the elevator descended. It was foolish to further embroil herself in Clint’s struggle against the Tracksuits; not only was she entering her pregnancy’s second trimester but if a powerful man like Kingpin caught wind that she was involved, it could put Steve’s secret life in jeopardy and their family’s safety at risk. But it was Clint’s comparison of Kate to (Y/N) that compelled her to pull the S.W.O.R.D. tablet out of her messenger bag and research the young archer’s cell phone number.
“I sure hope that I’m doing the right thing, Nat,” She murmured under her breath as she worked. “For Kate and for Clint’s sakes…”
An hour later, (Y/N) was seated at one of the rickety metal tables outside Greenwich Village’s own Joe’s Pizza, patiently waiting for the twenty-two-year-old to work through her star-struck awe while she enjoyed a slice of pizza and scratched the young archer’s rescue Golden Retriever behind his ear.
“Holy shit, I can’t believe I’ve met two Avengers in less than a week! Is this, like, some sort of a superhero test? Or a trial period or somethin’? I mean, I’ve only been in four-ish fights so far…or wait, was it five? I don’t know, I can’t really remember ‘cause I’m pretty much running on caffeine and adrenaline at this point,” Kate nervously chuckled, a little out of breath as she finally stopped rambling and attempted to rearrange her excited features into a nonchalant smile. “…So, um, what can I do for you, Ms. (Y/L/N)?”
“Please, just call me (Y/N).” Smiling, (Y/N) took another bite of her pizza slice and used it to point at Kate. “I’ve heard a lot about you from our mutual friend, so I wanted to meet you for myself.”
The young archer’s brows raised almost comically. “R-Really? Wow, that’s really…was it all good things you heard?”
“Mm-hmm, and I also saw the video of you rescuing this good boy on the news.” The one-eyed Golden Retriever nuzzled his face against her lap and perked up when she tore her slice of pizza in half, wolfing it down in record time once she offered it to him. “He’s lucky that someone as skilled as you came along when you did.” After watching the dog enjoy his chunk of pizza, she looked back up at Kate and sobered as her eyes fixated on the steri-strips that closed the lacerations that were scattered across her youthful face. “Actually, I asked you to meet me here because I wanted to talk to you about this case you’re working with Clint.”
Kate slumped in her seat, a dejected frown beginning to form on her injured face while she took a halfhearted bite of her pepperoni pizza slice. “You think I should stay home and let Clint handle it, don’t you? That’s what my mom thinks, too; she didn’t say anything about it to me, but I know she thinks I’m crazy for doing this. I mean, I’m just a civilian and Clint’s a freaking Avenger, so I guess I see why it’s nuts that I’m helping him out, but I…I can’t just sit back when I know that I can help.”
Smiling a little to herself, (Y/N) dabbed at her lips with a napkin and shook her head. “Kate, I’m the last person on the planet who’d ever tell you to stay home and ignore the instinct to help. I was just a civilian when I helped Steve, Nat and Sam take down Hydra – an unpublished historical-fiction novelist with a part-time job at the V.A., who just so happened to be one of only two people in D.C. that a couple of wanted Avengers could trust. They tried their hardest to make me stay home and out of danger but I refused, because I knew that I could help them. I had to help, no matter what, and nothing they’d say could change my mind.”
“So, you understand why I’m still helping Clint?” The young archer’s expression brightened and she sat up in her seat. “That’s great!” When (Y/N) didn’t immediately answer, her head tilted to the side in confusion. “…Isn’t it?”
“You and I are a lot alike and because I see so much of myself in you, I wanted to tell you what I wish someone had told me ten years ago, when I took my first steps into the life of an Avenger.” (Y/N)’s fingers caressed the content Golden Retriever’s fur, taking small comfort in his calming presence as she continued. “When you choose to spend your life trying to help people, there’s going to be consequences you’ll have to face. Some of the consequences won’t come as a surprise – the fights and battles have taken a physical and mental toll on me, for example, and I’ll have to live with their effects on my body and on my mind for the rest of my life – but others will. From the moment it began, my entire career’s been called into question; you see, people assume that my success is due to my long-time association with the Avengers and not the writing skills I’ve worked my ass off developing and perfecting. I lost any chance at anonymity or a private life when I announced my engagement to Steve Rogers. I became estranged from my family, because they didn’t approve of my relationship or my association with the Avengers. I went through the joy of befriending some of the kindest and most misunderstood people in the world, and then I was forced to mourn them in a way that no one but my fellow Avengers could ever understand; the world lost Iron Man, Black Widow, Black Panther and the Vision, but I lost Tony, Nat, T’Challa and Vis.”
Kate bowed her head and stared down at the discarded pizza crust on her plate. “And you lost Steve, too.”
(Y/N) nodded mutely, careful to keep up the ruse that Steve Rogers died in the Battle of Earth and wasn’t currently wrapping Christmas gifts with their fifteen-month old daughter in their Brooklyn home. “When you face the threats that Clint and I have faced, you have to accept that there’s going to be things that you lose along the way. I don’t tell you any of this to dissuade you, Kate, far from it; I’ve always believed that if you feel that you can help, then it’s your moral obligation to do so.” She reached across the table and rested a comforting hand atop Kate’s, giving her a small smile when her eyes finally met hers. “But it’s important that you know that this life isn’t easy, and it’s only fair that you hear it from one of the only Avengers who stumbled into this life the way you have. Do you understand?”
Kate nodded, and the brief silence that filled the air as (Y/N) finished her slice of pizza was broken by a timid question. “Do you know who the Ronin is?”
“…I know who they used to be,” (Y/N) carefully replied. “But if you want to know more about the Ronin, then you’ll have to ask Clint.”
“Urgh, I knew you’d say something cryptic like that. Hey, what’re Clint’s favorite Christmas movies and does he have any strong opinions about ugly Christmas sweaters?”
After (Y/N) helped Kate plan out the perfect mini-Christmas party for a homesick Clint, she bid the young archer and her energetic Golden Retriever goodbye and watched them both stroll down the sidewalk with a fond smile on her face. It was clear to her that Kate’s heart was in the right place, and that perhaps she was the perfect person to help Clint move on from the Ronin as well as resolve the ongoing conflict with the Tracksuits. I just hope they’ll both stay safe, she thought as she anxiously bit her lower lip and stroked her small baby bump, her mind preoccupied with a myriad of the worst possible outcomes to the archers’ partnership.
“Here you go, Ms. (Y/L/N): one large chicken and olive pizza to go,” The young worker’s sudden appearance shook (Y/N) out of her heavy thoughts and after setting the pizza box down, he started to bus the table with a small smile on his face. “Need any packets of Parmesan cheese or red pepper flakes?”
“No, thank you, I-” (Y/N) cut herself off when her eyes caught sight of a familiar well-worn paperback sticking out of the teenager’s back pocket and she felt herself begin to grin. “It’s been a while since I’ve seen a copy of For Queen and Country with its original cover art. How’re you enjoying it?”
He nodded enthusiastically. “It’s one of my favorite books!” The young worker’s gaze briefly met hers as a light blush dusted his cheeks; there was a brief flash of grief in his brown eyes – a deep sort of grief that looked entirely out of place in the eyes of a teenager – but it soon vanished when a bashful expression graced his features. “I’ve been a fan for a pretty long time, Ms. (Y/L/N), and I was actually workin’ up the courage to come out here and ask you for your autograph. I don’t wanna bug you or overstep-”
“Of course I’ll autograph your copy!” (Y/N)’s smile widened as he stammered out a brief thanks and scrambled to hand her the paperback and his server’s pen. “Who should I make it out to?”
“Peter, Peter Parker.” Again, (Y/N) was struck by the strange emotion that flashed across his face, but what gave her pause was the sudden familiarity that his name brought her; she couldn’t put her finger on it, but something about the teenager’s name tugged at the far reaches of her mind. Doing her best to shrug the unsettled feeling off, she jotted down a brief greeting and signed her name before blowing on the drying ink and handing the book and pen back with a smile. “Thanks a lot, Ms. (Y/L/N)! It was good seein’ you agai-um, sorry, I think my manager’s callin’ me, happy holidays!”
Peter Parker, who’d abruptly turned as white as a sheet, shoved his book and pen into his pocket and scooped up the dirty dishes before practically sprinting back inside. (Y/N)’s brow arched at his odd shift in behavior, but gathered up her pizza box and strode down the sidewalk to where she’d been lucky enough to park her yellow Volkswagen Bug. After securing the pizza in the car’s front trunk (or ‘frunk,’ as Sam liked to jokingly call it), she carefully climbed into the driver’s seat and waited a moment for the baby to settle down before dialing Steve’s cell phone number.
“Hey, sunshine! How was your visit with Clint?”
“Productive, for the most part; he has an idea of who the middle-man between Kingpin and the Tracksuits is, but he’s still not sure how to stop them from targeting him and his new friend Kate or uncovering Laura’s past. I also had a quick chat with Kate over lunch, which is why I’m bringing home a chicken and olive pizza from Joe’s; you should also know that your offspring conned me into buying it.”
Steve chuckled. “Oh, they did, huh?”
“Mm-hmm, and you should count yourself lucky that it was only pizza; at four months pregnant with Cari, I was craving Flamin’ Hot Cheetos dipped in vanilla ice cream,” (Y/N) snickered as her husband made a sound of disgust on the other end of the call. “Oh, and the strangest thing happened as I was leaving! Do we know a Peter Parker from anywhere?”
“…I don’t think so, but the name sounds awfully familiar.”
“Right? There’s something strange about it but I can’t put my finger on-” A recognizable babbling in the background of the call caused her to stifle a giggle. “Someone’s feeling chatty today, aren’t they?”
“I think that last episode of Sesame Street might’ve riled her up a bit; you know how much she loves when the Count makes an appearance,” Her husband remarked before calling out, “Cari, did you wanna talk to Mama? Mama’s on the phone right now.”
The gibberish grew louder as the infant toddled over and happily exclaimed into the phone. “Mama!”
“Hi, lemon drop! I’ll be home really soon, okay? Mama loves you!” (Y/N) smiled to herself, listening to their daughter’s incoherent mumbling grow faint as Steve regained control of the cell phone. “I should be home in a half an hour or so, depending on how backed up the bridge is.”
“Fingers crossed that all the city’s archers decide to leave the Brooklyn Bridge un-impaled for the afternoon commute.” Steve joked. “You can tell me all about Clint and his new partner over pizza and my famous green smoothies. I love you, sunshine.”
She gave her phone an exaggerated air-kiss that made Steve huff out a quiet laugh. “I love you too, sweetheart, and I’ll see you soon.”
After hanging up the call and tucking her cell phone into her messenger bag, (Y/N) started the car’s engine and turned up the radio, the local station’s Christmas playlist already playing through the speakers. “Okay, gumball, your daddy promised to make us a smoothie, so let’s get this show on the road.”
Pulling away from the curb, (Y/N) hummed along to the upbeat Elton John track in the hopes that the music would distract from the unsettling feeling beginning to take form in the pit of her stomach, but the tune wasn’t enough to make her shake the suspicion that someone was watching her from afar.
A/N: Who do you guys think was watching (Y/N)?? You'll have to stay tuned to find out! Thank you all so much for reading and commenting! I’ve created a Spotify playlist inspired by this series, and I’ll be updating it every time I upload a new chapter. Enjoy!
Spotify Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3ziGMhEsAw833GQ9eV44nR?si=6dfead09c76848d5 
Hawkeye (Part III)
Stumblin’ In Book VII: “Superhero Snapshots” Masterlist 
Tagging:  @mrs-obrien​​​​​ @lahoete​​​​​ @awkward117 @cminr @natdrunk​​​​ @momc95​​​​​ @savedbystyle​​​​​ @miraculouscloud @awkwardnesshabitat​​​​​ @marinettepotterandplagg​​​​​ @mangosandmimosas @supersouthy @benakenalove​​​​​ @brooke0297​​​​​ @hufflepeople​​​​​ @becausewelie​​​​​ @outoftheregular​​​​​​ @junipermurdock​​​​​ @ladydmalfoy @mads-weasley​​​​​ @username23345@crist1216​​​​​ @capswife​​​​​ @lilmschild​​​​​ @avngrsinitiative @crowleysqueenofhell​​​​​ @y-napotat​​​ @mary1raven​​​​​ @groovyqueer​​​​​ @ljej95​​​​​ @innersublimefury​​​ @prettysbliss​​​​​​  
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whotf-atemywaffles · 1 year
We'll be a fine line, We'll be alright
Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader
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summary: Bucky Barnes, recovering his memory, finds the love of his life, Y/N, who is now a SHIELD agent. They work together to stop HYDRA and save the world, but Y/N is badly injured. Bucky reveals his true identity to her, they fight harder than ever, and Bucky promises to return to her. After months of waiting, Bucky comes back to Y/N, and they overcome every obstacle together. They fight side by side and defeat their enemy, but not without a cost. Bucky is injured, and Y/N tends to his wounds. They watch the sunset together, knowing that they are meant to be together forever.
Bucky Barnes had been recovered by SHIELD and was slowly regaining his memory. He remembered bits and pieces of his past, but there was one person he couldn't forget - Y/N, the girl he had been hopelessly in love with since the 40s.
Bucky had been searching for Y/N for years, but he had never been able to find any trace of her. He had given up hope until one day, he stumbled upon some information that led him to her. Y/N was now working as a SHIELD agent, just like Bucky.
Bucky couldn't believe his luck. He had finally found the love of his life, but he knew he had to be careful. Y/N had no memory of him and he didn't want to scare her off by revealing his true identity too soon.
Bucky began to work closely with Y/N on various SHIELD missions, and he found himself falling in love with her all over again. She was kind, brave, and always had his back. Bucky knew that he had to keep his feelings in check, but it was getting harder and harder every day.
One day, while on a mission, Bucky and Y/N discovered that HYDRA had infiltrated SHIELD. Bucky found himself in the middle of a conspiracy that threatened to destroy everything he and Y/N had worked so hard to protect. He knew he had to come clean about his identity to Y/N, but he didn't want to put her in danger.
As they worked to stop HYDRA and protect the world from the weapon they had created, Bucky and Y/N grew closer and closer. They fought side by side, their chemistry undeniable.
Bucky and Y/N were on a mission, trying to stop a group of criminals who were planning to release a deadly toxin into the city. Y/N was in charge of disabling the toxin, while Bucky was taking care of the criminals.
As they were working, Y/N was suddenly attacked and badly injured. Bucky rushed to her side, but the criminals had already taken her away. Bucky searched desperately for Y/N, hoping against hope that she was still alive.
Days went by, and Bucky still had no luck finding Y/N. He was starting to lose hope when Steve Rogers, his best friend and fellow Avenger, appeared with Y/N in his arms. She was badly injured, but alive.
Bucky was relieved to see Y/N alive, but he was still worried about her well-being. He stayed by her side, helping her recover from her injuries and wondering how he could have ever thought that he could live without her.
As Y/N slowly recovered, Bucky promised himself that he would never let anything bad happen to her again. They had fought for each other, and they had won, but Bucky knew that he would always need Y/N by his side.
Finally, in the heat of battle, Bucky revealed his true identity to Y/N. She was shocked at first, but soon realized that her feelings for Bucky had never really gone away.
Together, they fought harder than ever before. They risked their lives to stop HYDRA and save the world from destruction. And when the dust had settled, Bucky knew that he couldn't live without Y/N by his side.
But their victory came at a cost. Bucky had to leave to clear his name and find a way to make amends for his past actions as the Winter Soldier. Y/N was heartbroken, but she knew that Bucky had to do what was right.
As Bucky left, he promised Y/N that he would always love her and that he would return to her. Y/N was left with a sense of hope and longing, knowing that Bucky was out there somewhere, fighting for what was right, and waiting for the day when they could be together again.
Months went by, and Y/N thought of Bucky every day. She missed him terribly and wondered if he would ever return. And then, one day, she received a message from Bucky. He had finally cleared his name and was coming back to her.
Y/N waited anxiously at the airport, her heart pounding in her chest. And then, she saw him - Bucky Barnes, the love of her life, walking towards her with a smile on his face.
"I'm home," he said, pulling her into his arms.
And as they held each other tightly, Y/N knew that they had overcome every obstacle and that their love was stronger than ever before. They had fought for each other, and they had won.Bucky and Y/N were finally reunited, and their love for each other only grew stronger with each passing day. They spent their time catching up on the years they had missed and enjoying each other's company.
But the peace didn't last for long. Bucky's past as the Winter Soldier caught up with him, and he found himself being hunted by an old enemy. Y/N refused to let Bucky face his enemy alone, so they set out on a dangerous mission together.
The mission was perilous, but Bucky and Y/N were determined to see it through. They fought side by side, using their skills and their love for each other to overcome every obstacle in their way.
Finally, they reached their destination - a secret HYDRA base where they were hiding. They fought their way through the guards and confronted the enemy, who had a deadly weapon in his possession.
Bucky and Y/N fought ferociously, their love and their determination giving them the strength they needed to defeat their enemy. In the end, they emerged victorious, but not without a cost. Bucky had been injured in the fight.
Y/N tended to Bucky's wounds, never leaving his side. They held each other tightly, knowing that they had been through so much together and that their love for each other had only grown stronger.
As they looked out at the sunset, Bucky turned to Y/N. "I don't know what I would do without you," he said, his voice filled with emotion.
Y/N smiled at him. "You'll never have to find out," she said, taking his hand in hers.
And as they watched the sunset together, Bucky and Y/N knew that they were meant to be together forever. They had fought for each other, and they had won.
A/N- There was a vision for this, did it come out how i wanted? Not in the slightest, Am I happy with any of the works ive posted? Nope, will i just have to learn to cope with that? Yeah, i will
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softspace-fics · 2 months
Will be updated as i post new stories!
Requests can be made on my page. Fandoms you can request for are in my introduction.
Agere - 🍼
Romance - 🥰
Angst - 🥀
Fluff - 💖
Other - 👀
Marvel Loki Laufeyson 🐍 Its okay, Dada's here 🍼 🥀
It's hard. 🍼🥀 Loki helps his disabled little take a shower Thor Odinson ⚡ Doctor Strange🧿 Iron Man (Tony Stark) 💸 Heimdall 👁️ Captain America (Steve Rogers) 🗽 The Falcon (Sam Wilson)🦅 Winter Soldier (Bucky Barnes)🦾
No princess, your perfect. 🍼🥀 - Reader feels as if theyre not right for bucky (Plus sized reader!)
You mean to much.🍼🥀 - Reader feels embarrassed about their bad thoughts. Vision🤖 Wanda✨ Hawkeye (Clint Barton)🏹 Rhodes🦿 Star Lord (Peter Quill)🔫
Never gone 🥀🍼 Black Widow (Natasha Romanoff)🕷️ The Hulk (Bruce Banner)💚 Spider-Man (Peter Parker *Tom, Andrew or Tobey!*)🕸️ Multi-Character fics Stucky💞 Wind down 🍼 Stucky x reader Movie Night! 🍼 💖Stucky x Reader
Knowing 🥀 Steve Rogers x James "Bucky" Barnes
Shopping! 🍼💖 Asgardian brothers (Loki + Thor) x Little!plus sized reader
His to cherish 🍼💖 - Stucky x baby-toddler space gn!littler
Senses 🍼💖🥀🥰 - Stucky, but mainly bucky. Bucky learns to fully trust gn!reader
Cabin time! 🍼💖 - Who doesn't love some tea and cabin time?
Hurts. 🍼🥀 - Stucky lets disabled!little reader know that they'll be there even though reader has bad health.
Homework🍼🥀- Reader invoulintarily regresses due to homework stress.
Other mixes
Steve Rogers + Peter Parker + gn!little reader
Sickie🍼🥀 - Reader falls ill and their two cgs worry. (Platonic CGS!)
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shelbgrey · 1 year
Maybe something were Sam us the reader's best friend and is overprotective and caring for her and Bucky being the reader's boyfriend for years gets very jealous. Later, they get into an argument and Sam confesses his feelings for the reader. However, the reader chose bucky over Sam and he backs off. It ruins their friendship and it becomes awkward between them.
Treat you better(Bucky Barnes/Sam Wilson)
Paring: Rogers!Reader X Sam wilson x Boyfriend!Bucky
Main master list
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I won't lie to you, I know he's just not right for you
And you can tell me if I'm off, But I see it on your face When you say that he's the one that you want
And you're spending all your time In this wrong situation, And anytime you want it to stop.
“dose anyone have eyes on (y/n)?” I hear Sam say through the cams.
My boyfriend Bucky's voice was next to speak “Doll, your still in the blast zone! Get your ass to the jet”
A small town just outside of Brooklyn had been bombed and we had to evacuate the area and disabled the bombs and take down the hydra team that atacked. Nat and Steve had gotten the agents into custody and Clint and the others got the civilians to safety. I on the other had was still in the blast zone trying to hack into the database and disabled the bombs.
“(y/n) just get to safety we gotta go!” Tony said in my coms.
As I ran around the Rumble I could feel the ground shake and the booms of the bombs Made my ears ring. The sounds of whimpers made me stop though. It wasn't human and my cirositey and instenc made run towards the crys of help.
It was a small black lab puppy. His brown eyes never left me as I took my pocket knife and cut the wires that was holding him in that one place. I moved some rocks off of him and picked him up. As I ran I heard Bucky's voice cut in and out in my coms.
--------(Bucky's pov)--------
Before we knew it there was nothing but static. We lost connection with y/n coms making my heart pound with fear.
“y/n where are you!” Steve said his voice full of worry. “screw this, I'm going after her” I growled, Tony struggled to stop me as I grabbed my gun ready to go into the blast zone.
“buck stop! Sam go get her” Steve instructed. I ripped my arm out of Steve's grip giving him a glare as Sam nodded and his wings popped out before he went after her.
I pushed Steve to the side. “I could have handled it”
Sam always thought he had to be the hero to her damsel in distress. I had no place to be jealous or angry of y/n choice of best friend. Her and Sam had been best friends longer than we've been dating. Hell her and Sam served in the Army together. But when he had that smug grin as he left to rescue her all I could think about is how hard I need to squeeze his neck before he passes out. But if I hurt him, I hurt her.
I threw my gun down thinking about how much I hate the thought of his hands touching her. The hands that are both flesh and blood and of a hero. Make me think she's better of with him then me, but then she chose me, why? I don't really know but I thank God everyday she did chose me. I thank God she chose to see the good in me.
--------(1st pov)--------
“I'm almost out of the blast radius guys” I yelled into the com as I ran as fast as I could while at the same time holding onto a puppy for dear life. “all most there” but is was too late, I ran into another bomb.
The explosion whipped me about 60 yards from where I was. I did my best to turn my body and land on my back to shield the puppy. My back acked and my leg was soaked in blood. My ears were ringing as my head pounded. The puppy poked his head out of my vest and let out a whimper as he licked my chin.
In a flash I felt my body Being scooped up and token up a couple hundred feet. I faded in and out as Sam carried me to safety.
“Hey, need a lift beautiful?” he said as he held me tight.
“there they I see them!” Peter voice said before Sam flew in and landed on his feet.
We landed in the jet and Sam quickly and carefully set me down. “are you okay? Are you hurt?” he asked panic. He held my face examining my face.
“what the hell (y/n), why did you stop?” Bucky said his voice was mixed with worry and anger. He pushed Sam to the side which earned him a glare. Bucky sat down next to me, examining the damage.
“I'm alright buck” I smiled softly. He sighed and rested his forehead on mine. “never do that again”
The extra voices made the puppy poke his head out of my vest. I moving around between us made Bucky look down as the puppy looked up.
“he was trapped” I said as the puppy licked my chin and let out a couple of soft woofs.
Bucky's blue eyes widened but you could see the anger coating them. “you risked your life for a fucking dog?!” he didn't raise his voice like he was mad at me but he sure as hell was worried. “ooh language Barnes” Tony said in the background but no one acknowledged his comment.
“hay, man don't yell at her” Sam said aproching us. Bucky glared at him and clinched his metal arm. I quickly put my hand on his knee keeping from killing my best friend.
“Sam, it's fine” I nodded with a smile. Nat quickly got Sam to come over to the other side of the jet before things got too ugly.
Bucky sighed and got the first aid kit. “I'm sorry Buck” I mumbled hiding my face in the puppy's head as he cleaned up my forehead wrapped. His steal blue eyes softened as he looked at me.
“I'm sorry I snapped at you, I was just worried” he mumbled. I smiled and placed at soft kiss on his lips. The little puppy yelped and put his paws on Bucky.
“jealous?” he teased as he petted the puppy's head. As we had our molment I could have sworn I saw Sam shaking his head with anger. As he did Nat grabed him by the bicep pulling him to clean his cuts and wounds.
Steve eyed Sam as he went to the other side of the jet. Clint told me no casualties were harmed and they were getting rescue teams and agents to the area. I nodded thankful no one got hurt.
Bucky looked up at me and smiled as he set next to me petting the puppy. “what are you going to name him?” he asked as the puppy kicked his hand.
I rested my head on his shoulder and the puppy rested his head on Bucky's knee while his small body rested on my lap. “I don't know, what do you think?”
Bucky looked down at the small puppy as he licked his hand. “how about Elvis?”
I smiled at the thought of the name. Not to many people remember my favorite singer is Elvis presley. This wouldn't be a big deal to anyone else, but people think I just love the harder and faster stuff. But that was just one small detail Bucky never forgot.
“perfect” I said kissing his cheek.
“Tony your gonna let her keep the dog right?” Sam asked. Tony looked shocked at her question.
“of course, why wouldn't I?” he asked looking at me Bucky.
When we landed back at the compound I sat up a little to quickly making me slightly tumble. Bucky was behind me ready to catch me and Sam was quick to be at my side.
“let's get you too the med bay” Sam said. Bucky butted in still keeping me steady. “I got it”
“well you need to get check out too and you know your not allowed on another mission intill you get signed off by Dr. Cho” Sam said taking my arm. I looked between the two as they had their stand off. Elvis yawned getting just as tired of them as I was.
“super soldiers bounce back quickly, don't worry” Bucky said with a sarcastic smile.
“oh I'm not worried about you, just her”
“I think I cand help my girlfriend” Bucky growled.
I sighed and looked at the two nonchalantly “my leg could be bleeding out right now and you guys wouldn't realize it”
“sorry Doll” he glared at Sam as he picked me up bridel style. “let's get you check out”
“this place reeks with testosterone” Nat mumbled as she walked pasted the three of us.
“looks like your leg will heal up in a few months, I'll put a brace on it but I don't recommend any missions anytime soon” Dr. Cho said as she took care of my leg.
“thanks Cho” Bucky smiled as she handed him my pain meds. After She signed me out Bucky picked me up bridel style again. “let's get you to bed”
I rolled my eyes and patted my thigh so Elvis would follow us to our room.
“don't forget about the party tonight” Tony called out to us as we left. I waved him off. “yeah, yeah”
Once we got to our room he set me down on our bed. “so what now?” I said as our new dog hopped on the bed.
“your gonna rest” he said dumping my pain meds into his metal hand. “take theses” he said handding me them along with some water.
“I'm gonna help Steve with a few things and I'll be right back” he kissed my forehead and grabed his jacket. Before he left he closed the door as soon as he opened it. “and don't go anywhere” he tossed me the remote. “watch some X-Files or something”
“love you doll” he said before leaving. I said and waited for the door to click shut. The sound of his boots got quiter the farther he got away from our room. Once there was no sound of my boyfriend what's so ever I got up and left the room to my lab. “come on Elvis”
I stuck my head out and looked right and left in the hallway. There was no one out there except for Thor. I could easily get passed him dude to him having no knowledge of my experience on the mission.
“Hey Thor” I smiled and walked passed him with Elvis walking behind.
“hello Lady Y/n” he waved happily.
Since It was going to be a while before the party started I snuck into the lab to get some work done. I decided to occupy myself by replying Bucky's gun and Sam's wings.
“hay beautiful” Sam greeted coming to the lab with my favorite drink.
“Hey bub” I smiled as he walked up to me. “hand me that screwdriver, will ya” I said not looking up from his wings. “here”
“you going to the party tonight?” he asked leaning on my work table playing with my tools.
“thought about it” I said lifting his wing pack and clipping it the mannequin that had his suit on it.
“oh come on, it's no party without you” he smirked. I didn't look at him and pulled out my phone with a smile. “Samual punch your suit”
He stopped his usually flirting and looked at the suit with a questioning look. “What?”
“just do it” I said hitting record on my phone. He balled his fist then open his hand back up when he noticed my phone was up. “Wait, are you recording?”
“it's for science” I shrugged nonchalantly.
He put all his force in his punch and the suit flew across the lab. I rolled my eyes and hit pause in the recording. “idiot” I said hoping nothing was broken.
“you said hit it” he said holding his hand out.
“yeah, not through it across the lab” I said wheeling it back to us. I picked my phone up again holding to Sam as the suit started to glow red in some areas.
“what's that?” he asked running his fingers down the glowing lines in his suit. “nanotec... Hit it again”
He did and this time he few backwards like his suit did when he punched it. I started laughing and holding the phone to Sam on the ground. “delete that video”
“na, I don't really feel like It” I said slipping the phone into my back pocket. Sam raised an eyebrow and got up with a smile.
“delete it” he said.
I shrugged and took oof. He ran after me. “your gonna get it now” he ran after me and circled around the table. Eventually he cornered me and grabbed me from behind. He spung me around while trying to grab my phone. He failed after I tossed it on Bucky's vest that need stitches.
Our battle was cut short by Friday. “miss y/n, Mr. Barnes as 'ordered' you to come back to your corters... It sounded urgent ma'am”
Sam rolled his eyes and set me down. “oh I'm sure it is”
I sighed. “he's just worried about me”
Sam crossed his arms and looked down. “yeah I know”
“see ya at the party” I patted his shoulder and left the lab as Bucky walked in to fix a kink in his arm. His flesh arm balled into a fist as he watched Sam check me out as I left. Bucky didn't say anything just used his assassin skills to silently follow Sam out of the lab to our floor.
~~~~~~~~(3rd pov)~~~~~~~~
“looking for something?” Bucky asked Sam. Sam whipped around and stood there like a deer in a pair of headlights.
“thought Friday said you need her 'assistance'?” Sam snapped. Bucky crossed his arms. “I did... She didn't show up so I got worried”
Sam raised an eyebrow. “she's not something you can control” Bucky glared at him as he made a very false assumption.
“excuse me?” he walked up to sam, fists balled together.
“you heard me” Bucky pushed him back after the comment. “she almost got blown to smithereens today so yeah I got worried”
“Sure” Sam mumbled.
“what's your damn problem” Bucky said grabbing Sam's shoulder. Sam whipped back and threw Bucky's hand off of him.
“you know what my problem is?” Sam snapped. “my problem is I haven't stopped thinking about her since the day we met, that I'm fantastically, over the top, wanna slit my own throat in love with her, that for every minute of every hour of every day I can't believe my own damn bad luck she chose you!” Sam shouted.
Bucky's eyebrow knitted together as he shook his head. He didn't want to sound like the duch bag boyfriend that was territorial, but his worst fear is losing her. Hydra could come back after him and it would still hurt less.
Bucky didn't have to say anything he looked up and he saw her and her wide eyes. “Sam...” she said breathless.
Sam's eyes widened as he whipped around to see his best friends shocked face. “I... I didn't... I mean I did”
She sighed and looked at her boyfriend. “Buck... Give us a molment” Bucky nodded getting nervous.
Once Bucky left y/n jesters Sam to continue. Sam shrugged and slapped the side of his leg. “What do you want me to say?”
She frowned. “you can't come to me and just decided you love me... You don't get to do that”
“why not? It not fair to just keep it bottled up” Sam said defensively.
“I love Bucky! You know I love him, I've loved him for a long time”
“well I've loved you longer!” Sam shouted. He sighed and his voice got softer. “and I know you got feelings for me too... I can feel it”
He moved closer to her with hop in his eyes. He placed his hand on her cheek looked into her eyes. “Sam..” She warned and backed up.
“we've been through so much together” he whispered and got closer again. “please give me a chance” he leaned in and placed his lips on hers. She backed up as soon as the made contacted. His eyes went wide as she pushed him away from her.
Y/n sighed and looked down. “Sam... Your my friend and I want it to stay that way”
It was almost time for the party so I went to change into something nice. I heard shouting the closer I got to mine and Bucky's floor. The anger and the ruckus made me quicken my pace.
“if you ever touch her again I swear to god!” Bucky said holding Sam by the callor of his shirt, slamming him into the wall.
I ran up to them and tried to break it up before it got ugly. “guys...”
“look man-” Sam started.
“keep your hands off her!” Bucky said.
“guys” I said fermly. Bucky ignored me and punched Sam in the jaw. I grabbed Bucky's metal arm and pulled him back. He pushed me away gently and lunged for him but didn't get the chance. Steve ran over separating the two men.
“knock it off both of you!” Steve said sternly. He help Sam up. “Sam, take a walk” Steve pointed the opposite direction of us. Sam looked down guilty and left.
“buck, what happened” Steve asked.
“none of your damn business” Bucky mumbled and left. I quickly ran after him to our room.
“Bucky talk to me” I said walking into our room. He sighed rubbing his forehead. “James, I'm so sorry” I said. His eyes softened as he looked back at me.
“no Doll... It's just Sam, I hate how touchy he is with you... And that kiss was the last straw” I raised an eyebrow. This was the first time he's ever voiced his opinion about our friendship. I knew the two never got along and that kiss distroyed any chance of them being friends, but this was different. The thought of Bucky thinking I would leave him for Sam hurt. I walked up to him looking him in the eyes.
“you know I love you right? Me and Sam are friends nothing more and that kiss ment nothing” I placed my hands on his stubbled cheeks holding his face.
His hand found mine and softly pulled them away. “I know It didn't, but that's not problem” this voice slightly rose. “he just doesn't want to be your friend” I looked down knowing his was right... That kiss opened my eyes of Sam's true feelings.
“I always hated the way he looked at you”He shook his head ripping his tie off his jacket off and throwing it in our closet. “he's just waiting for me to screw up so he can have a chance with you”He turned his back to me.
I sighed and quickly turned him back towrds me. “look at me” I whispered, he did.
“I will always choose you” I kissed his nose.
“I love everything about you and your the perfect man for me” I placed my lips on his kissing him with as much passion I could muster.
His flesh hand cupped my cheek deeping the kiss.“What did I do to deserve such an amazing woman like you?” he asked, picking me up then laying me on our bed. As soon as my back hit the mattress his lips trailed down my neck leaving soft kisses. I let out a soft moan and ran my fingers through his short hair.
He smiled against my neck. “I'm gonna make sure he knows your mine” he said biting my neck softly as we fell into the thrones of passion.
~later that night-
Later that night I changed into a black laced dress. It was short and framed my body perfectly. Me nor Bucky weren't up for partying anymore but Bucky changed into a nice all black suite and went with me anyway. He held his gorgeous smile for me and held my hand as we surfed the waves of people that crashed into the compound we called home.
As we walked around I held his hand tight afraid to lose him the swarm of people. We greeted some friends on the way, but usually we keep to our selves during things like this. Usually we set in a corner together making fun of Tony's up tight rich CEO 'friends'.
But Bucky had different plans tonight. As Eric Carmen's Hungry Eyes started to play Bucky pulled me to the dance floor. He twirled me around once and pulled me to his chest as I let out a soft laugh.
I wrapped my arms around his neck as we swayed to the music. His steal eyes looked down at me and smiled softly. “I'm sorry about earlier”
“me too” I sighed. He quickly shook his head. “you did nothing wrong Doll” he said. I felt lucky to have him and his trust. I felt so afraid he'd blame for that kiss like my last boyfriend would have probably done.
“he's been my friend for years... I never knew he like me” I said. I them smiled up at him. “I was pretty much smitten when I first saw you”
He chuckled. “even if I was this bran washed, scruffy Super soilder try to kill you and Natasha?”
I laughed into his shoulder. “oh yeah... You have me hooked from the start”
He spung me around again and playfully dipped me and pulled me back up. “trust me the feeling was mutual... The purest thing I'd seen in a long time”
His steel eyes never left mine as we swayed to the music. “I thank God everyday you didn't give up on me”
His lips found mine and kissed me softly. He groaned and pulled away when he heard someone walk up to us. We looked and saw Sam standing there awkwardly. “What do you want wilson?” Bucky asked as he slightly stood infront of me keeping space between me and Sam.
“I want to apologize to her” he said pointing towards me. Bucky looked over at me, asking for consent. I nodded walk up next to Bucky so there was nothing shielding me from Sam. I sighed and looked at Bucky.
“Bucky can you get us something to drink?” he nodded and kissed me on the cheek. He glared at Sam as he walked away.
Sam cleared his throat and held his hand out. “care to dance?”
We'd used to dance together all the time. It was always crazy and uncoordinated. Nothing like the loving dances I'd have with Bucky. I nodded, giving my Best friend another chance. I put my hands on his shoulder and his fell to my waist. The dance was awkward, or like a middle school dance you'd have when your forced to keep your distance from your date.
“I'm sorry about the kiss...” Sam said too afraid to look me in the eyes. “all I ever wanted to do is make you happy... But now all that matters to me is that you are happy even if it's with someone else”
I looked up at him and stoped dancing with him. The closeness that was once normal and comfortable was now weird and different. I couldn't just dance around with him while Bucky is somewhere else.
“your friendship means everything to me but...”
“I screwed it all up, didn't I?” he finished.
I sighed and looked at him sadly. “it's weird now... Knowing you thought about me like that, you know how many times I came to with boy problems or just problems in general? I can't do that now”
“what can I do? I can't lose you” Sam said sticking his hands in his pockets. I sighed and looked at him. “you need to earn my trust again, but right now we need space”
He nodded just as Bucky came up to us handing me a Coke. “take care of her Barnes... You guys are perfect for each other” he mumbled the last part before walking away with what ever pride he had left.
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misscherry-26 · 2 years
Soulmate au where first five words are written on the chest. Steve rogers is trying to find his until is getting attacked by reader zemo, the sister of baron zemo. he found out that reader is his soulmate
It's you - Steve Rogers
Summary: In a world where five letters define who will be the love of your life. Steve finds his soulmate in an unexpected way.
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Fem!Zemo reader 
Author’s note: Okay yes, I think I might need to watch the movies again because I'm already a bit rusty about Steve, and to be honest,there are things I don't remember anymore, but I tried my best, hahaha.
Hope you like it and thanks for requesting!
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Five letters. Steve has had those five letters tattooed on his right chest for as long as he can remember. Well, it's not his fault. Everyone in the world was born like this. Five letters. 
Five letters that determine who is your soulmate, your better half. The person you will spend the rest of your life with. 
Everyone, including his friends, his family, have found their life partner but Steve… Years. He hasn't found his in years. 
So focused on them, he doesn't hear Nat knocking lightly on the door. Steve responds with a slight come in. 
“Steve” is the first thing Nat says as she opens the door. Steve turns to find her standing in the doorway of it. 
"What?" He asks as he walks over to his closet to find a shirt to wear.  
"Tony is looking for you." He just nods and walks out of the room with her.
“Rogers, Zemo escaped. I need you to go to the prison and find out how. You have to find  him." It's the first thing he hears when he enters the room. Tony has his back to him, he’s at the computers. Typical of him. Tony turns to wait for a response from him. Steve nods, letting him know that he will.
Ready to leave to get ready, Stark stops him one last time. “Also. He didn't do it alone. Looks like someone helped him. I need you to find out who. Be careful and good luck."
“It’s incredible, the cell has sensors everywhere, but they didn't activate, there were no hits, no cuts, nothing. Whoever helped him must have been an expert.” Explains the director of the maximum security prison, in which Zemo was held as a prisoner.
Steve carefully observes any aspect that is altered that could serve as a clue. But it’s impossible to find a mistake.
"What about the cameras?" He asks.
“They didn't detect anything. We don't know how someone got in, or if they got out of here-"
Steve stops at the last bit and cuts him off, “Wait. You said you don't know if they got out of here?
The director approaches Steve. After coming to the conclusion that Zemo, and whoever helped him, are still inside the prison, hiding, Steve suggested that they disable the main entrances and exits and turn off the lights.
“All set captain, when you give the ok, we'll execute the plan” Steve nods. "The team is located at the entrances and exits, did they give you a radio?"
“Yes,” He points to his belt, where he has it.
The director nods.
“Let's get started then,” Steve confirms.
“Well, you heard the captain! initiate protocol!”
Three… two… one… Everything goes dark.
Steve, along with other guards accompanying him behind, head towards one of the exit doors of the prison. All with night vision goggles and heat detectors. Like in old school.
They all take their positions, ready to catch them, if they're still here.
One of the guards approaches Steve. "Captain, I detect two figures in sector three."
Steve looks at the small tablet that shows two heat spots. It has to be Zemo.
"Okay, I'll go investigate, stay alert."
The guard nods.
Steve is cautious with every step he takes. Quietly following the screen, he's maybe a couple of meters away. I got you. He thinks referring to Zemo.
He prepares to catch it. Not only Zemo, but also the one who helped him.
He turns off the tablet, so as not to attract attention with the brightness that it emanates. He is about to pick up the radio to tell the rest that he already has it, but he chooses not to do so so as not to generate noise and attract attention.
It was a smart decision since he could hear the footsteps. He was right, they're still here.
Steve braces himself, ready to catch him when…somebody punches him in the leg causing him to fall to the ground.
“I told you they would be here!” says a slightly more feminine voice? Steve thinks. But who is it? Who would help him?
"Zemo, come on!" Zemo and the female voice that he cannot recognize begin to run
Steve gets up quickly. He has to put a little weight on the other leg at first but then he gets into a rhythm, quickly grabs the radio and turns it on and alerts everyone. "They're here! I repeat! Activate the protocol, they're still inside!" Without waiting for a response from the rest, he begins to run to catch up with them.
Steve hears how in the distance the voice seems to rush Zemo. He quickens his pace to at least catch up with him and hold him. Have the guards take care of the assistant.
Through the night vision goggles he can tell that he's close to him.
Three steps were enough to knock Zemo down... well, at least he thought so. If he took down Zemo, just not the Baron.
"Ouch!" That didn't sound like the baron.
The lights suddenly come on. And that's when Steve realizes that the one he caught wasn't the Baron. But a woman.
"Who are you?"
The woman was familiar to him, the features. As if she were the exact copy of someone, only the opposite sex. She tries to wriggle out of his grasp, but Steve is obviously stronger.
"Answer me! Who are you!?"
Obviously the woman seems to be unreceptive, as she ignores him and continues to focus on getting out of his grasp. She manages to tackle Steve and break free. She starts running. Steve chases her, a few meters away. She tries to get to Zemo but he is already surrounded by guards, he looks at her, implying that she doesn't worry about him. She struggles but realizing that Steve is close to catching up with her, she decides to separate, searching for another way.
"You guys take care of Zemo! I'll go get her!" He yells at the  guards before turning the other way.
Y/n runs without looking back. I need to hide, make them think I escaped, and then come back for my brother. But it is impossible, these corridors are pure walls, there are no gaps, doors, no nowhere to hide. she only has to run. But as she runs, her body gets tired. She has accumulated fatigue. Spending months planning the escape, nights hacking the cameras, studying every part of the prison, his body doesn't give any more. I should have thought about this too, damn it.
She's so submissive in her thoughts as she runs, she doesn't realize that Steve, with his shield, stops her, causing her to fall to the ground. The blow was very strong, she couldn't get up. From her pants pocket, she takes out her little knife.
Steve walks over to her, but quickly backs away, reflexively seeing how she points her knife at him.
As she can,  she gets up and gets into a fighting stance.
"I don’t want to fight with you. Put down the knife please."
"What? Are you afraid of hurting me?” she replies sarcastically. "I'm not afraid of you, Captain"
“I just want to know why you helped Zemo”, Steve approaches slowly but with his guard up.
“Why wouldn't I help him? He's my brother ".
Steve doesn't answer, Zemo has a sister?
Y/n is not swayed by the captain's attempted compassion and attacks him, he dodges the attack to the side. They both start a fight. Y/n attacks him with the knife while Steve takes cover with his shield dodging. He pushes her to the ground with his shield and gets on top of her, takes the knife from her and slashes across her chest, ripping open the outfit she's wearing of hers.
The knife falls to the ground. Steve is petrified. Y/n doesn't understand anything.
"It can't...be..." Steve's eyes seem to be fixed on the woman's chest.
She takes her gaze to where he is looking at her tattoo. She sighs as he closes her eyes.
Those five letters have been there, branded on her body for as long as she can remember. But she never managed to find the other person. And she never believes that she will.
The next thing surprises her even more.
Steve takes the knife to make a small slash right in the same area, opening up his suit a bit, showing her his tattoo. Neither he nor she can believe it.
"It's you..." Both say at the same time...
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Venus Rising {Part 2}
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summary || There are very few times you are surprised in your line of work. Stripping was pretty straight forward...until it wasn’t. Meeting a certain art professor threw a very big wrench into your predictable life.
pairing || Pre-Serum!Steve Rogers x Stripper!Reader
word count || ~6600
warnings || Modern AU, No Powers AU, stripper!reader, insecurities, asthma, disability, adorable Steve Rogers, dates, oral (F recieving), Unprotected sex, PnV sex, dom!Steve.
Divider by @firefly-graphics
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Steve knew this was terrible but he hated this lesson in the curriculum. That and it was a freshman class so there was always snickering and, god help, boners. He was in the middle of setting the small stage up with the long couch when there was a knock on the door. It was too early for any of the students to show up so it had to be the model.
“I’m coming,” he called to the door, walking over to open it up. “Come on…in.”
His eyes trailed up from your exposed belly to the crop top until he got to your smirking face. “You must be Professor Rogers,” you say sweetly, leaning against the doorframe. 
“Venus?” he asked, stepping aside when you took the first few steps into the room. Your heels clicked smartly on the tile floor as you crossed to the little stage. “What are you doing here?”
You looked over your shoulder with a coy grin. “I’m the nude model for your class, of course.”
Steve’s brain fritzed out for a good thirty seconds before he was able to reboot. “Why?”
“I mean, I’m a stripper so what better person to model?” you laughed, putting down the large bag you brought. “I hope you don’t mind but I brought my own things to help.”
The blond professor’s mouth opened and closed as you brought out a few pillows and a blanket to layer on the couch. “Class starts in fifteen minutes so you’ve got plenty of time to-” he snapped his mouth closed when you easily dropped the flowy skirt to the stage floor. “Venus!”
You laugh brightly, snapping the side of your panties playfully. “What? I’m supposed to be completely naked, Professor, does that…bother you?” you smile, looking over your shoulder only to see the man’s back. “I mean, if I’m not pretty enough then I can always go.”
“No! That’s not what I-damn it,” he mutters, turning around to look everywhere but the lower half of your body. “You’re gorgeous, Venus, and I know that you know that so stop playing. I just didn’t expect it to be someone…I knew.”
There was a lot to unpack with the way he said those last two words but the intensity in his blue eyes was enough to send a tingle of anticipation down your spine. “You think I’m gorgeous?” you asked as you stepped down off the stage right in front of the man. His cheeks were ruddy with flush and it was going down into the pale skin of his neck. You lean down to be more on his level, giving a devious smirk. “Wait until the rest of the clothing is gone.”
He swallowed thickly but before he could say anything, early students started filing into the room. Steve turned to address the class while you took the time to get fully undressed. The couch was actually quite comfortable so the pillows you brought made it good enough to spend a long time on. You could feel the tension in the room as more students arrived but you only had eyes for one person.
Steve made it a point to keep from looking at you, which made this all the more fun. The professor was quite stoic as he went through the assignment to the class. You were impressed that his voice didn’t shake or waver but, then again, he had his back to you and there was still a hint of that pretty red on his neck. Once the instructions were over, the class began drawing. 
You watched the small professor move around the room, commenting on small details and pointing out flaws. His voice was easy, gentle and he gave his critique with such a sweet face that it made you smile. He took over again once the initial sketch was done, talking about how to add your curves and other feminine features. 
It made you happy to know that no matter where he looked, you were all he could see. It made his face tight as he tried to keep that sweet smile on his face. It was obviously torture for the man. You bet the hour-long class would feel like a thousand years, having to watch his students’ drawings slowly start to form into you. 
To his credit, he did very well until about 45 minutes into the lesson when it was clear that he wasn’t going to be able to find a space in the room that didn’t include your likeness in multiple different styles. It didn’t change the fact that it was you and he obviously found you quite captivating. You watched him the entire time, ignoring all other people in the room to just wait for the moment he looked at you.
It was about five minutes until the end of class, when those blue eyes finally looked up. You expected to be a little flirty, maybe shift just enough to make your tits bounce or run your hand down the supple curve of your hip but…you didn’t. You…couldn’t. The intensity behind his eyes stuck you to the spot and it made you feel both nervous and unreasonably excited all at the same time. Without much thought, your thighs tightened just enough for those blue eyes to flick down then back to your face. 
“And that’s time, everyone!” he said, completely breaking whatever spell he had cast upon you in an instant. “Please place your easels back in their designated spots. We will continue coloring and shading next time.”
The room emptied, some of the students taking one more peek at you before the door was closed behind the professor. “That was a lot of fun!” you smiled, draping your legs off of the couch and stretching. You liked that dark look he gave you a second ago and wondered how much it would take to push him to do it again. “I can’t wait to do it next time!”
He looked like he had a million things to say but ended up sighing heavily. “Seriously, Venus, why are you here? To toy with me?” he asked, taking a few steps forward until he was within reaching distance. He was either used to the nudity or had forgotten altogether at this point.
A lot of your bravado and confidence slips a little and you give a small, sheepish smile. The expression stops him dead in his tracks, obviously something he hadn’t seen from you. “I...very much enjoyed our conversation and I...was wondering if I could...I mean if we could...go out for coffee or something?” you asked slowly, having a hard time keeping eye contact. He had no such issues and it was intimidating the way he was able to stare into your soul with those pretty baby blues. 
There’s a bit of disbelief on his face as he studies your expression. You were sure he was thinking of all the times women had been dared to ask him out as a prank. “I’m serious, Steve,” you blurt, reaching out to take his hand. It was surprisingly strong and calloused as you stroked the back with your thumb. “I...I didn’t want our time to end last time. I figured...I’ve let so many opportunities pass me by that...I didn’t want to let this one go too. I know my job is…”
“No, no, stop,” he said, shaking his head. “It’s not about your job, really, it’s just...I’m so plain and you’re so…”
You felt your face heat at the look of admiration in his eyes. “So what?” you coax selfishly. So many people complimented your looks at your job but Steve was different. He only said things that were genuinely true to an almost blunt level. “Go ahead, woo me with your poetic words, Professor.”
“Beauty is only skin deep. If you go after someone just because she's beautiful but don't have anything to talk about, it's going to get boring fast. You want to look beyond the surface and see if you can have fun or if you have anything in common with this person,” he quotes, lifting your hand to kiss the ridges of your knuckles lightly. His blue eyes glistened with a mixture of teasing and awe. A mixture that was slowly becoming like booze to an alcoholic: Addictive. “Amanda Peet said that.”
You found your voice after a second so that you could awkwardly breathe out, “I loved her in Identity.”
Steve’s lined smile spreads quickly at your understanding. “That was a pretty good movie. You know, before the whole...DID thing became a trope.”
“So...is that a yes...to coffee?” you ask, feeling silly for how drawn to his lips you were in that moment. 
Steve looked at the watch on his thin wrist. “Actually, I could use some lunch,” he said, squeezing your hand lightly. “Do you care?”
You felt light and excitement burst through your entire body. “Sure, that sounds lovely!” you smile, giddiness making you light headed. It was only slightly a challenge to get your clothing back on while so excited. “Do you still have classes?”
Steve walked away to grab his things behind the desk at the front of the classroom. “I teach a night class but that’s not until much later. I assume dinner is off the table? You work late.”
You walk over, heels clicking smartly on the tile. “I’m off for the next three days,” you say, leaning against the desk casually. “I usually sleep most of the afternoon. I’ve always been a night owl even before I started dancing.”
Throwing the straps of his bag over his shoulders, Steve walked over to open the door for you. “Well, how about we catch a movie tonight? I don’t have any early morning classes so I could stay up a bit later.”
You follow after him, brushing lightly against him as you exited the room into the bright, sunlit hallway. The large windows illuminated the hallway more than any lights could at this part of the day. You turned with just enough time to catch Steve staring at your illuminated form.
“I’m not much for movie theaters but...we could watch a movie at my house, if you want,” you smile, feeling a little embarrassed by his admiration. 
“Are you comfortable with that?” he asked, gesturing towards the hallway so the two of you could walk to the elevator. “I mean...I don’t mind! I just...it’s your space.”
He hits the button before you can do anything. “I wouldn’t have invited you if I were uncomfortable, Steve,” you laugh gently, aware of the passing students' stares. It was something you had grown accustomed to, at least, enough for it to be only mildly annoying. “I’ll let you know if I change my mind, okay?”
He seemed relieved as the two of you entered the elevator. “Okay, as long as you’re comfortable.”
He took you to a little bistro a block away. It was a hole-in-the-wall, mom-and-pop kind of place that was casually busy at this time of day. It smelt heavenly as you stepped through the door, which Steve opened because of course he did, and you took a second to inhale deeply the scents of homemade bread, coffee and pastries. The cozy seating area had overstuffed leather couches and artwork all over the walls. 
“Come on,” Steve clears his throat, pressing a hand to the small of your back. You allowed the man to guide you away from the door, enjoying the heat that radiated through your clothing from his palm. “They have the best panini this side of New York.”
A sweet matronly woman stepped up to the counter. She had graying hair that was pulled up into a loose bun and a face full of lines from laughter. “Professor Rogers, what a surprise! You’re usually so predictable with your Wednesday visits!” the woman said, wiping her hands off on the frilly apron with a fall floral pattern. Her kind eyes looked at you and the grin that split her face was one of mischief and excitement. “And who have you brought with you?”
Steve cleared his throat, the tips of his ears flushed where they peeked from his blond hair. “Aunt May, this is Venus,” he introduced slowly. “She’s never been here before so I figured I’d bring her out.”
“Venus,” the woman said, testing the name out on her lips. “Your parents were spot on in naming you, weren’t they, sweetheart?”
You laughed, offering a hand. “They set me up for success that’s for sure. It’s a pleasure to meet you, May.”
Her grip was surprisingly firm when she shook your hand. “Please, call me Aunt May, everyone in the neighborhood does.”
“Of course,” you chuckled, looking at the menu. “Steve said your panini can't be beat so let me get the panini of the day and...oh! Is the baklava latte good?”
“Honey, it’s to die for,” Aunt May said with a confident smirk. “My nephew came up with that one. It’s the perfect latte for fall.”
“Well, then I have to try it! I’ll take a large with an extra shot of espresso,” you respond, reaching into your pocket for your billfold. 
Steve’s hand wraps around your wrist before you could place the card on the table. “No, absolutely not,” he laughed, placing his own card on the counter. “She’s not allowed to pay for anything, Aunt May.”
You feel your face flush with warmth. “Please, Steve, I invited you. I had every intention of paying.”
Aunt May laughed while swiping his card. “Best not to argue, dear, he’s stubborn as a bull when it comes to things like this. Just thank him and go find a seat. I’ll bring out the food soon.”
Stumbling over a weak argument, you find his hand at the small of your back as he leads you to a corner table with the only cloth chairs in the room. He pulls yours away from the table, taking your hand to help you sit down. “Steve, please, I-”
“You’re not used to people taking care of you, huh?” he asked, making you snap your mouth shut with the click of your teeth. He smiled sweetly, leaning back in his own chair to get comfortable. “I know you could pay, Venus, but I figured...if I wanted to consider this a date...I’d better pay.”
Date. The word struck your gut so hard that you couldn’t breathe for a few seconds. Of course, that’s what you wanted out of this but...you weren’t sure if he would. It was stupid of you, of course, but you hadn’t dated in a long time. 
“No,” you admit after a moment of thought. “Truth be told, I haven’t dated in a really long time.”
He smiles sadly, “Yeah, me too.”
Not self imposed, you assumed. The reason you refused to date was because of the last committed relationship you were in nearly a decade ago. You had plenty of offers because, let’s be honest, you weren’t lacking in beauty but it was all skin deep. No, Steve didn’t date because...he wasn’t appealing physically. Bony, frail and short, he was obviously way below the standards of many women in the world. 
But, as you looked at him, you couldn’t help but like him. It wasn’t his appearance but that had never mattered to you. Personality and conversation were so much more important than muscles or beauty. You wanted to connect with someone who could make you happy and muscles couldn’t do that.
“I like you, Steve,” you blurted out, not realizing for a moment that you had said it outloud instead of keeping the thought to yourself. His head snapped towards you, shock crossing his face and making embarrassment flood your system. “I’m sorry, I-I’m not sure where that came from.”
“Why?” he asked, ignoring your embarrassment. “Why do you like me?”
The two of you pause when May brings over your coffee and food. “Enjoy!” she said, making herself scarce. 
You took a sip of your coffee, ignoring the burn for the second of silence. “People are like stained - glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in, their true beauty is revealed only if there is a light from within,” you say slowly, smiling at the man. “One of my favorite psychologists, Elisabeth Kubler-Ross said that and I guess it fits here. I guess, you shine in both the light and the dark. You’re...a wonderful person all around. Even if we didn’t click romantically...I decided you were someone I wanted to know.”
His face softened a little, obviously very touched. “I...I enjoyed talking to you too. I just...wasn’t sure how to get in touch with you...you know, without going back to your job.”
“Well, good thing you told me where you worked, huh?” you laugh, sipping at your coffee. 
The two of you spend the next two hours eating, talking and laughing. Time, truthfully, flies by without you even realizing it. You enjoy talking to him about art, history and so many other topics that you never really get to explore anymore. It warms your heart when he laughs and when he gets passionate about something. 
“Oh shit,” you laugh, looking at your phone for the first time in two hours. “I need to get home and go to sleep so I don’t throw off my schedule!”
He stands up to help you clean the dishes. It’s once the two of you are standing outside that you hesitate. “Thank you,” he blurted out before you could say anything. “I really enjoyed this.”
You felt giddy. “I did too, Steve. This has been...so nice. Are we still on for a movie at my place tonight? I’ll make some pizza for us if you like.”
“Sounds great,” he sighed, looking at a loss for a moment. “Here, let me give you my number so you can text me your address.”
The two of you exchange numbers then stand there without moving. “Can I...hug you?” you ask, feeling like your insides were going to shake right out of your body. 
“Yes,” he breathes, stepping forward to wrap you up in his arms. You hug him tightly, feeling all of his bony edges pressing into your supple curves. He is warm and sturdy even with his frail body. 
The two of you hesitantly part. “I’ll send you a text when I’m ready with my address.”
“Sounds great,” he smiled, turning to leave. “See you soon.”
“You too,” you whisper, watching him walk away for a few seconds before turning and heading back to your apartment. 
Sleep was a hopeless endeavor, truthfully. You laid there in a giddy haze of happiness and excitement. After a few hours of tossing and turning and time on your phone, you finally threw yourself out of bed to get ready. You took a long shower and groomed yourself until you felt like a new person. 
You were going through your dresser for something to wear when your phone went off. Looking, you felt your heart soar when you saw it was a text from Steve.
Hey, I know you’re probably just getting up but I wanted to ask what I should wear. Is casual fine?
The bubbling of giddy excitement made you nearly squeal, which, in turn, embarrassed the shit out of you. It was a simple enough text message. Why were you so fucking-didn’t matter. You needed to respond.
I was just going to wear pajamas. I don’t mind if you do too.
You quickly sent the text and flopped onto the bed waiting for the answer. It didn’t take long.
Pajamas, pizza and movies on our second date? Sounds like my kind of date! 
It was stupid how happy you felt. You hadn’t been this hopeful in a long time. It felt good to be excited about something. 
Great, come by around 10?
You also sent him your address before you forgot. Standing back up, you go over to the drawers to pull open the top one. Pajamas were your fucking jam seeing as you were in uncomfortable heels and underwear most of the time. You decided on a silky floral set. You debated on wearing a bra because it would be pretty obvious in the white and red silk. Too much? 
Your mind wandered to the thought of the night progressing towards...sexier endings. He was so kind and considerate in the light...what kind of person would he be when the lights were off? Would he be the doting lover who made sure you were well taken care of? Or would he turn out to be dominating and dirty? 
Either way, you were suddenly very uncomfortable with the thoughts. Not a bad uncomfortable, by no means, but you were a little off put by the throbbing. Sure, you had plenty of friends with benefits for your needs but...something was different with Steve. 
Biting your lip, you make a dangerous decision and toss your bra away. “Panties optional,” you smirk, catching your excited look in your vanity mirror. You pull the silky, flowy shorts up your long legs and admire the picture you make in the mirror. Turning, you giggle at the sight your ass made in the shorts. “I hope he remembers his inhaler.”
You were pulling the pizza out just as a knock sounded on the door. Setting the pizza on the stove, you pull off the mits so you could answer the door. You open it up to find Steve standing there with a bottle of wine and potted plant.
“Hey...Venus…” he paused, eyes trailing down the length of your body. They lingered just a little too long on your braless breasts and the exposed skin of your legs. “You look fantastic-I mean, these are for you!”
You hide the knowing smirk behind the flowers as you smell them. “These are lovely, Steve,” you smile sweetly, taking the bottle of wine next. “Oh, sparkling wine? You shouldn’t have!”
“I figured it’d go nicely with the pizza?” he asked, stepping into your living room and closing the door. You walked over to set the plant on your balcony with your other plants before really looking at him. He was wearing a clean pair of gray sweatpants with a t-shirt with the words, Art Teachers do it for the Monet, with splashes of paint all over it. “I love your shirt!”
He looked down at the shirt before laughing. “I thought you might like this one! I got it from a student as a gift.”
“It’s fantastic,” you giggle, walking over to cut the pizza. “Want to grab some glasses from that cabinet? I’ll plate us up some food while you pour the drinks.”
He quickly came around the corner to help in the kitchen. The two of you worked to get everything ready. You caught him looking at your ass a few times out of the corner of your eye but didn’t say anything about it. It only made you a little wet. 
You grabbed the plates and headed into the living room where your big, fluffy loveseat sat. “What kind of movie do you want to watch?” you asked, flopping down onto the cushion. 
Steve handed you a glass of wine before sitting down next to you. He was warm and comfortable next to you. You grabbed the soft, downy blanket off the other couch to lay across your laps. 
“You can choose. There are very few things I don’t like,” he smiled, cuddling into the couch to get comfortable. 
“How do you feel about Mockumentaries?” you ask, grabbing the remote to toggle through your streaming sites. “There’s this new one out about the Megalodon that I’ve never had the time to watch.”
He laughed, sipping at his wine idly. “That sounds like fun!” 
The two of you eat your pizza, drink your wine and laugh at the asinine movie. The ‘proof’ was goofy and hoaky but gave the two of you plenty of things to make fun of. Somehow, the two of you ended up leaning against each other by the middle, his arm wrapped around your shoulders. 
You could feel his heart pounding inside his narrow chest and his warmth was comfortable. “Steve,” you whisper, catching his attention so that he looks down at you. “Can I kiss you?”
“Yes,” he answers without a thought. 
He met you halfway so that your lips crashed together. Neither of you seemed to mind as heat coursed through your body from the simple touch. You moved to sit up, situating yourself on his lap. The blanket fell away from your bodies, forgotten, on the ground. Your fingers tangled in his hair and his hands wrapped around your waist to hold you steady. 
“Are you okay?” you ask, worried about his asthma. “Do you have your inhaler?”
Steve hardly heard you as he pulled the device out of his pocket and placed it on the arm of the couch. “Right here,” he said before jerking you back down into another kiss. He kisses you like a man starved, tongue invading your mouth until you moan. “Still good?”
“Yeah, more,” you whimper, shivering when his fingers run up your thighs until they slip past your shorts. He hesitated at the swell of your ass. “It’s okay, Steve. Keep going.”
Bolstered by your consent, he grabs your ass with both hands, fondling firmly. “God, no panties?” he groans, leaning his head back against the couch. “You planned this?”
You couldn’t help but laugh at his shocked expression. “I mean, I had hope? I wasn’t sure if you would be comfortable with it,” you admit sheepishly, jumping a little when his hands slid from your ass to your inner thighs. “I can see I had nothing to worry about.”
He massaged your thighs idly. “I’ll be honest, I don’t usually do this on the second date,” he admits softly, mouthing little bites at the column of your neck. It had you trembling with excitement. “But...you’re an exception. I haven’t been able to think about anything else since we met.”
You bite down on your lower lip to contain the moan from his ministrations. “You can’t say things like that, Steve!” you manage, yelping when his fingers brush across the hair that leads to the part of you that ached most. 
“Why not?” he chuckled, nipping at your earlobe playfully. “Because you’re so moved by my poetic words?”
You could hardly think through the haze of arousal and excitement. His words were said with a bit of tease and a bit of spite...it was just enough to make you clench around nothing. “Steve,” you whine, gripping his bony shoulders desperately. 
“What’s wrong?” he chides teasingly, pulling his hands from your shorts. He ignored your despondent noise. “Now, now, don’t be like that. I want to take my time.”
His fingers slid up under your loose top to cup your breasts. “I-I need it now,” you complain, yelping when deft fingers pinched your nipples. “Please, Steve.”
He slowly lifts your shirt, making sure to tuck the fabric under them so that they bounce out once revealed. “Oh fuck,” he hissed, running his tongue across a hard nipple. “These are so gorgeous.”
You made a strangled sound of pleasure when he gently nipped at one. “Steve, you’re torturing me,” you whimper, unable to do anything but sit on his lap and let him have his way. 
“So needy,” he smirked, the expression completely changing his face. You felt your insides quiver when you realized he was going to be a disgustingly sexy mixture of both men you imagined earlier. “Go to your room and lay out on the bed for me.”
You shakily stood to your feet, unsure if you were able to disobey anything the artist said with that look in his eye. His hand gave a smart smack to your ass, causing a yelp to leave your lips at the sting and surprise of it. You looked back to see him with an eyebrow quirked. You weren’t sure why but you felt compelled to say, “Yes, sir.”
It was the right response by the look of heat and arousal in his eyes. “Be quick.”
On jello legs, you walked through the hallway to your room. Thankfully, you kept a pretty clean house but without the need for hiding things, you had left your favorite vibrator out on the bedside table. You debated on whether to put it away. No time, you could hear the couch creak so you just flopped onto the bed. 
“Oh, sweetheart,” you heard the man coo from the doorway. He was looking down at your body with a dangerous glint in his eyes. “You’re gorgeous.”
He took a few steps into the room to reach the bed. You felt like you might tremble out of your skin when his hands gently ran up your ankles, across your shins and thighs. The path his eyes took felt just as tangible as his hands. He skipped your shorts to grab the waistband, pulling them down and off of your body with very little help.
You felt deliciously exposed to the man, lying there with nothing but the silky top covering your skin. Steve’s eyes drank you in before flicking up to meet your gaze. “Knees bent...spread out for me, sweetheart.”
It sounded so sweet but there was this edge to his voice. It made you want to follow his every command like a sweet pliant toy. “I have to admit, Steve,” you whisper, bending your knees slowly. You kept your knees firmly together as long as possible just to tease the man. “I never would have guessed you’d be so...commanding.”
The face of pleasure he made had your insides fluttering when you spread your legs open. “Oh fuck,” he hissed as if the mere sight of you caused him pain. You knew, for a fact, that it didn’t if the state of his pants were anything to go on. 
Speaking of which, you had to double take out of concern. “Steve…” you whispered, yelping when his hands started to slide down the inside of your thighs. 
“Yeah, sweetheart?” he asked, wholly focused on your most intimate parts. 
“I don’t mean to be rude but...are you hiding a large phallic vegetable in your pants?” you question.
He laughs, face brightening with the expression. “No, I am not hiding a large vegetable in my pants,” he said with an absolutely filthy smirk. “Would you like to see?”
You moan, hating how much you loved his relentless teasing. “Yes, please!”
He leaned forward, kissing you slow and dirty. “Too bad, sweetheart. My clothes don’t come off until you’re begging,” he whispered against your lips. 
Your groan of pleasure and disappointment quickly changed into a yelp when his fingers brushed across your clit. Electric pleasure coursed through all of your nerve endings all at once. “F-Fuck,” you whimper, pushing up into his hand for more. 
“Stay still, Venus,” he commanded, kissing a path down your neck while his fingers drew lazy circles. “Or might just have to spank this pretty pussy.”
Steve-fucking-Rogers was going to be the most delicious undoing of your entire life and he hadn’t even pulled out his, apparently, monstrous cock. You could already feel the first orgasm coming on, which, while not unheard of for you to be this easy, was definitely not the norm. You just didn’t expect Steve, sweet little art professor Steve, to be so fucking dirty in all the right ways. 
“Still with me, sweetheart?” he asked, catching your attention away from the distracting pleasure. He gained a hesitant, worried look on his face that made the mask of confidence crack a bit. “Is it too much? Should I back off?”
You wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him down into a heated kiss. His fingers never stopped but sped up and changed patterns so frequently it made your head spin. “Steve Rogers,” you said firmly, looking him directly in the eyes. It was hard to be so serious when your orgasm was so fucking close. “Don’t you dare back off. You are the sexist man I’ve ever been in bed with an I haven’t even-fuck!”
All it took were two thin fingers to push inside of your entrance and crook perfectly for you to fall apart. Your body shuddered as the heat flooded through your system until you were whimpering. Steve didn’t stop, alternating between fucking into you with his fingers and pressing the heel of his palm against your clit. 
“That’s right, sweetheart,” he cooed with just a bit of sarcasm in his voice. “Cum all over my fingers.”
“S-Steve, god!” you cried out, grabbing onto the bed sheets for some kind of stability. “Please, I-I can’t.”
“Yes you can,” he chuckled, shifting until he was lying flat on his stomach. Even knowing what was coming, it didn’t prepare you for the feel of his hot tongue running across your sensitive clit. He worked another finger into you while sucking and lapping with his mouth. 
You threw your head back when another orgasm, much more intense than the first several, crackled across your nerves. Still, he didn’t stop. He kept drawing abstract patterns on your clit, fucking into you with those amazing fingers and egging you on with dirty talk until you thought you might go insane. 
“Steve, please, please, I need-I need your cock,” you finally ended up begging, just like he said you would. “Fuck me, for the love of god!”
He pulled away from your throbbing, sensitive pussy with a damn near sinister grin on his face. “You sure? I bet I could drag another out of you,” he teased, kissing the inside of your quivering thigh. You watched with rapt attention as he bit down on the sensitive skin and sucked until you knew a mark would be left. He shouldn’t do that. It would be pretty noticeable at your job but...you couldn’t find it in yourself to tell him to stop. 
“No, please, please just...I need you,” you whimper, reaching out to pull his shirt off his body. He looked a little nervous but you just smiled. “Steve, you have literally gotten me off a near dozen times. I want to see all of you.”
The smirk was back very quickly as he let you pull the shirt away. “Shirt off,” he commanded, watching intensely as you pulled the silky fabric off of your body. It was haphazardly tossed aside in just enough time to see him undo the strings of his sweatpants. 
Your mouth dried out when he pulled his cock out of his pants for you to see. It was...holy fuck...so good. It was definitely not what you thought the small guy was packing but, apparently, he was hung. “Holy fuck,” you groan, reaching out to stroke the hard flesh from base to tip. It pulled a low rumbled moan from the man who was quivering just as much as you were. “I want to put this in my mouth.”
He shoved you down into the bed while he shucked the pants away. “A different time, sweetheart, I need to be inside you first,” he smirked, kissing any protest from your mouth. He held up a condom that he must have had in his pocket. 
You gave him a knowing look. “It seems I wasn’t the only hopeful one,” you giggle, taking the condom from his hand. “I guess I should have asked if you regularly test before we started this, huh?”
“Just had one a week ago, I’ve got proof in my bag,” he replies quickly, looking like he might jump off to go grab it. You hold him fast. 
“I trust you, Steve. I’m clean too. Haven’t had sex in nearly a month,” you explain, tossing the condom away. “Also, I’ve got an IUD so no need for that unless you want it?”
“No,” he breathed, leaning down to kiss you again. “I want to feel you. Is that okay?”
You wrap your arms up around his back. “Yes, please, just get inside me,” you whisper, kissing him hard when you feel him adjust to rub his tip against your clit. It was incredibly sensitive but that didn’t stop you from enjoying the teasing. “Steve Rogers!”
“So needy,” he laughed, breaching your entrance. The satisfying stretch made you throw your head back into the pillow. “There you go, greedy girl.”
His cock felt so fucking good after so much teasing and so many orgasms. So good that you felt yourself ograsm just from the first thrust, which would have been embarrassing if the dark look in Steve’s eyes didn’t distract you. Your body was on fire as he started to move.
“God, sweetheart, you feel so good,” he moaned, pressing his forehead to yours. “I’m not going to last.”
You ran your hands through his hair, body shaking from the feel of him dragging across every inch of your insides. “Don’t care just-oh!-keep moving!” you whimper, hardly able to make coherent sounds. 
He picks up the pace until you can’t see straight or think. His pace, while steady, wasn’t too fast but that didn’t matter. It felt so good. So fucking good you didn’t want him to stop but knew he was close by the way his body tensed. 
He pulled away quickly, stroking himself a few more times before painting your stomach and chest with his cum. You went boneless against the bed, body humming from the pleasure and afterglow. It took you a moment to realize Steve was staring at you.
“Sorry, you look so pretty covered in my cum,” he smirked deviously. 
“Fuck, Steve!” you laugh, pussy clenching around nothing like you weren’t sore and sensitive still. “You’re going to be the death of me.”
“Too much?” he teased, getting up to go towards your bathroom. 
You scoff, watching him grab a washcloth and wet it. “Hell no. Give me a few minutes and I’ll suck you off so hard you’ll forget your name.”
You expected him to laugh but instead, he had a sinister grin on his face. “Is that so?” he smirked, wiping the rag across your chest. “I look forward to it.”
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Oh shit maybe it's time for a masterlist. will these links work on mobile? Probably not!
Hello friends and/or enemies. You can call me Sarge. If you've ever seen something about Kate Bishop paired with the most random character and you went "wat" there's a solid chance I was involved.
I was born in the 1900s. My pronouns are they/she/him. Gender is a social construct and if I have to deal with the social construct of money I don't feel like I should have to deal with the social construct of gender. I am neurospicy and disabled.
You don't have to follow me to talk to me or message me (apparently this is a thing???) By all means come shout at me a bit.
There is a sergeantangel on here; that's not me (just clarifying for all of you because sometimes I myself get confused). I do have sideblogs though! My fashion/costuming blog is whatdoyouwearwolf and if you want to read a plethora of character specific reader insert, head on over to readerinsertrepository (it's very thirsty over there, you've been warned. I wanted to make it easier to navigate my favorite horny lil bedtime stories.)
Kk hereeee we go
Most of these tags will also include things that I did not write (because I like to drag/get dragged into crackship rarepair land by friends. i love them very much you should follow them too)
Kate Bishop Starter Pack
Mattkate with the arts (Kate Bishop x Matt Murdock)
and their friends Frankate and Mattfrankate (Devil's Chess) also with art (Frank Castle x Kate Bishop, Matt Murdock x Frank Castle x Kate Bishop)
Stuckate, loml with arts (Steve Rogers x Bucky Barnes x Kate Bishop)
Dinkate: that time someone was like "Kate Bishop and Din Djarin?" and i was like GASP you're right
Kate and TF141
Violet Avenger, Pacific Rim AU
Thorkate, also with some art (also some rad moodboards in there)
The NohKate Buzzfeed Unsolved AU, complete with ART
Various collected DC thoughts because I'm too ADHD to split them up right now, including the introduction of the lauded DC brainrot anon
Young Avengers nonsense
Sharkate (Sharon Carter x Kate Bishop)
Sense8 AU
or if you just want to crack my skull open and see what my brain looks like, here is the my stuff tag which is...my stuff
do you wonder what it's like working at a hospital at night?
the one where Kate Bishop is the reincarnation of Kissin' Kate Barlow and finally saves her Sam (a fave tbh)
that time i wrote something in the reblogs of a matt and clint comic and the op added it on
Kate Bishop's Boyfriends--look it's just thirsty in here. this is also the tag for Kate Bishop's Girlfriends but I liked the alliteration of Bishop and Boyfriend
take some random ass ships that i love with my whole heart
ok that's all for now. I may try to be more organized later. You can also find me on Ao3 under the same name
0 notes
My Angel
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Pairing: Steve Rogers x Disabled!Female Reader
Word Count: 1395
Warnings: Fluff, Talk of Disability, Emotional Issues,
Summary: Steve is proud to call you his wife even when life throws a curve ball and you fall sick. No matter what anyone says you are his saving grace, his beautiful Angel. He will always be happy to remind you how much you mean to him.
A/N: This is for @gotnofucks​ body positivity challenge. The challenge says “Pick something that may make someone self-conscious or insecure and make them feel better about themselves.” I chose my disability that I deal with every single day. Some know about it. I don’t normally discuss it much but this challenge really spoke to me. So you will see a glimpse into our lives. I read this to my husband and he legit cried. He said, “It’s like you wrote exactly what I feel about you.” He did laugh when I told him I put Steve Rogers in the husband role. LOL!
A/N 2: Italics are a flashback. Also, thank you to @pigwidgeonxo​ & @music-culture-mythology​ for beta reading this.
Reblogs & Comments on Tumblr are welcomed and encouraged. 😊💜
I do NOT give my consent to have my work translated or reposted on any social media platform, apps or third party sites. If you see my work anywhere else besides my personal accounts on Tumblr & AO3 then it has been stolen. I will NEVER give written or verbal permission to repost or translate any of my fanfics as they’re MY intellectual property. 🚫🚫
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The warmth from the sun casts its rays across their shared bed as his wife sleeps peacefully curled up next to him. He smiles knowing that she is his little angel and he feels blessed to have her by his side.
Life hasn’t been easy for them since the diagnosis that she received. Steve had promised her the day they got the news he would be by her side every step of the way. Their journey so far has seen many hospital visits, doctor appointments, and a variety of different tests. All of them saying there is nothing they can do for her except treat the symptoms.
So every morning Steve lets her sleep knowing that her body kept her up late from the pain she was in. Exhaustion had taken over only an hour ago as she softly cried against his chest, his hand rubbing gentle circles on her back.
Steve gets up quietly like most mornings and gets himself showered and dressed. By the time his sweet angel wakes up, he's by her side. His strong hands are soft and careful as he helps her stand up. The risk of fainting is high as she goes from being in bed so long to now suddenly standing, but as she wavers Steve holds her hips tight until the feeling passes.
Steve places her walker in front of her body, her hands holding tight as she takes her first steps of the day. He follows closely behind her as she makes her way to the bathroom. 
Her legs feel like jello as she walks 'pigeon-toed' as the doctor calls it to the bathroom. She can barely get her legs to move but she presses on to get her morning routine over with. Her motto is always a simple one, “get two feet on the ground and it will be a good day.” That’s what she has lived by since her body started to break down. 
Once she has relieved herself, washed her hands, and brushed her teeth she heads back to the bedroom. 
Steve follows again behind her until she reaches the bed. He knows her heart is beating as if she just ran a race, so he guides her to sit down so he can grab her clothes for the day. Many people have told him he should have married someone healthy, who can work and bring something to the marriage. As he slowly dresses her for the day he recalls a conversation that took place last night.
“I don’t know why you are with her. She can’t give you the life you deserve. She is a fragile doll that could break at any minute. How are you supposed to have children when you are taking care of her?” Sharon tried to plead her case but Steve cut her off.
Steve narrowed his eyes at her, his stance widening as his anger simmered to a boil. “What I deserve is to be happy and she makes me feel that every single day. She is so strong getting up every morning with a smile on her face. She doesn’t complain about what she can’t do or how much she suffers. Instead, she conquers the day like a goddess and I’m literally in awe of her. If you could live one day in her shoes I know for a fact you wouldn’t have an ounce of grace like she does.” Steve had stormed off away from Sharon and as soon as his eyes locked with his wife’s he could see the tears in her eyes. He knew that his friend hurt his wife but the tears were not from what Sharon said. Instead, his wife later confessed she couldn’t believe how he once again stood up for her against someone who was supposed to be his friend.
The fact is Steve wouldn’t change a thing about his marriage or the woman he fell in love with. Watching her every day persevering in the face of uncertainty makes him feel proud to call her his wife. Unlike other women in the past, his angel has been by his side in good and bad times. She has never judged his past, has always given him the emotional support he has always craved. Most importantly, she has loved him as no other has ever had in his past. He would go to hell and back for her if he needed to. His angel was his everything.
Gently Steve carried her from the bedroom to the couch in the living room. He places a blanket over her lap and hands his angel a book she’s been reading over the last several days. Placing a soft kiss on her forehead he makes his way into the kitchen and prepares breakfast. Once her meal is made he carries it out to the couch and puts it on the tv tray next to her. 
As she eats her meal in peace Steve brings out the first of many medicines that she has to take that day, placing them on her table. Sipping his coffee he can’t help but smile as her eyes close and she hums in content from eating everything he cooked. She took her pills with the rest of her juice and looked into his blue eyes.
“What are you smiling about?” she asks.
Placing his coffee on the table next to the couch he watches her as she fidgets. “I’m smiling because of you angel. I think you are the only one who likes what I cook.”
“Well I mean it’s either eat this or starve.” She jokes as she side-eyes him.
“Why you little punk.” Steve moves quickly, gently pinning her to the couch, and starts to tickle her sides. She squeals as his fingers lightly move into her more ticklish spots. “Are you saying my cooking is bad?” He playfully mocks as she laughs harder. Steve’s legs are straddling her body, caging her in as he teases her.
“I was joking! I love your cooking. Steve-please!” She chuckles as his fingers finally stop. He knows not to push her too hard as she catches her breath. 
Steve pulls her to sit up as they both smirk at one another. “Are you okay, angel?” His hands rub up and down her arms.
“Of course I am. I’m not a fragile doll despite what others think.” She looks away from him thinking of the night before.
Steve's heart feels like it could break. “Hey doll, look at me.” She hesitates a moment before looking back at him, his hand grasps hers as he kisses the back of each one. “I don’t want you to even let what that woman said last night get to you.”
“But Steve…” she tries to plead her case but he interrupts her.
“Listen, you are my wife. I fell in love with you for who you are. You, my angel, are the strongest woman that I know. You get up every day and fight battles that I could never imagine. On top of that, you never ask for sympathy and legit get mad at people when they try to pity you. You’re brave, positive, resilient, compassionate, and most of all a badass.” 
Steve wipes her tears away as she chuckles. “I don’t know about badass babe.” 
“Are you saying I don’t know a badass when I see one? I mean hell, Nat couldn’t even hold a candle to you and I’ve literally watched her kick ass. You’re my beautiful wife Mrs. Rogers. I don’t want anyone else in this world or, hell, the entire universe.” Steve gently cups her cheek and she nuzzles into it. “Do you remember our vows? We both said, in sickness and in health. I’m always going to be here no matter what. You’re stuck with me angel until the end of the line.”
Leaning towards him she wraps her arms around his neck and pulls him into a passionate kiss. At that moment after hearing him talk all she feels is love and admiration. Every doubt she has melts away as he expunges every negative thought she has about herself. It doesn’t matter what others think or how they saw her. To Steve, she hung the moon high in the night sky and shines bright for all to see. This is true love and true love conquers all.
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