#maria x steve
tielan · 2 months
unfinished fic?
Okay, I have the start of what was to be the sequel to 'Between Destiny And Love' - a subverted soulmates story I wrote back in 2016.
The title for the sequel is Paved With Good Intentions and is from Steve's POV with Steve/Maria endgame (because this is me). It takes place post-Endgame and is...complicated.
It's only the first chapter - about 2500 words. Steve has an entire character journey to go through, and even once he does that, he's got to actually get Maria back - which is harder than one might think.
Do any of my readers want me to post it (on Ao3)? Would you read it? It's unfinished and I was thinking "maybe people want something to entertain them" and then, well, TODAY HAPPENED and now I'm wondering if my friends want something that's not really going to comfort them.
Anyway, it's just a thought. Let me know if you're interested.
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literaryavenger · 7 months
Happy Birthday
Summary: It's your birthday and the only person who doesn't seem to be excited about it is you.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: Mentions of death. Angst. Fluff. Language probably. My poor attempts at being funny.
Word Count: 2.5K
A/N: This story was completely self-indulgent, but I hope someone out there likes it!
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You’ve always been very reluctant to celebrate your birthday.
You haven’t had a birthday party since you were 12. The following year your mom died a couple of days before and neither you nor your family were in the mood to celebrate anything.
It wasn’t by any means unexpected, she had been sick for a few years, but it still hit you hard.
You were the youngest and were far too young when she first got sick to really understand everything going on.
You were 8 and all you really remember is watching your mom get more and more sick until eventually there was nothing more the doctors could do.
Her death hit you hard and you closed yourself off, never talking about it or even crying after the day of her funeral. To this day you’ve still never cried, in front of others or even by yourself.
You started exercising to channel all your energy, refusing to do anything more like the therapy your family suggested. 
When you were 15 you discovered SHIELD and decided you wanted to help others, so you signed up for the SHIELD Academy, working your hardest and pushing yourself to your very limit.
You ended up being not only the youngest cadet ever, but the youngest to actually graduate and then the youngest recruit at SHIELD at only 16 years old.
Natasha was very impressed when she heard about you and took a liking to you, convincing Fury to make you part of her team during her missions and teaching you everything she knows.
That’s how you ended up in the Avengers Initiative, not that you felt you didn’t deserve it since you know how hard you worked and everything you gave up to work towards this achievement. 
The team themselves were initially skeptical since you were barely 18 during the battle of New York, but they were quickly proven wrong when they saw how well you handled yourself against the Chitauri. 
You were devastated when SHIELD fell, but carried on as an Avenger, battling Ultron and then moving to the Compound with the team.
You met the actual Bucky for the first time when you were 22, during the whole Civil War thing with Baron Zemo. Like Natasha, you were on Tony’s team, fighting mostly Pietro, but the conflict eventually ended. 
It took Tony some time to get over the whole “Bucky killing his parents while brainwashed” thing, but, as he likes to say, he can’t call himself a genius without admitting that Bucky didn’t have much of a choice. 
Thanks to Tony’s help Shuri was able to find a solution to Bucky’s brainwashing faster than she would’ve alone, meaning Bucky didn’t have to go back into cryo and was pretty quickly cleared to join the team, about a year after the airport battle in Leipzig.
You were warmly accepted by everybody and, the more the team grew the more you felt at home with these people.
And now you wish you could burn down the whole compound because, somehow, Tony convinced you to have a birthday party for the first time in 13 years because, in his words, 'you only turn 25 once'.
Good news is you managed to make him limit the guest list to the team and other people close to you like Maria Hill and Fury. Bad news is you’re still gonna be the center of attention, which you hate.
You couldn’t stop Tony from making everyone dress up for the party, and you couldn’t stop the team from getting you gifts even though you insisted all you wanted was everyone together and to have fun with them since for the longest time nobody ever even knew when your birthday was. 
What you didn’t realize was that the only person more worried than you about your gifts was Bucky.
Since he joined the team the two of you have gotten close, starting with his first training with the team where he very loudly told Steve about his disbelief that someone as young and small as you could actually be an asset to the team.
You quickly put him in his place by taking him down after less than two minutes of sparring, taking full advantage of his underestimating you because he “didn’t want to hurt a pretty little thing like you.”
Admittedly he was impressed and wasn’t shy about letting you know that, while the rest of the team snickered at his initial shock when you pinned him down.
You became friends after that, not as close as you’d like but friends nonetheless.
If you were honest with yourself you’ve been harboring a little crush on the supersoldier, but he’s never shown any interest so you resigned yourself to just being his friend.
Something that you did come to treasure, though, is your and Bucky’s late night talks.
It started with you walking in on him in the kitchen on a late night where you couldn’t sleep, nothing new to you, but the two of you barely talked other than acknowledging each other.
You took a bottle of water and left.
A couple of days later you ran into him again and you stood there in silence while you made yourself a cup of tea and then left for your room.
A few days later again he was just sitting there and said nothing as you made your tea, except this time you put a cup in front of him and silently took a seat next to him at the counter.
Two nights later when you arrived at the kitchen he was already there with a cup of tea in front of him and one in front of the seat next to him.
You didn’t want to assume it was for you, but you took a chance when you noticed it was the cup you always used, a blue mug with Stitch on it that says “Let’s get weird”. Your favorite in fact.
You hesitantly sat down next to him and, without you having to ask or without even looking at you, he told you that the nights you stay up late because you can’t sleep you tend to be more quiet during the team dinners and while you hang out afterwards.
You didn’t say anything in return and just sat there, trying not to overthink how much he seemed to watch you.
But the more nights you spent like that, the more you two talked and you gathered quickly that Bucky is a very observant person, nothing more.
You loved the time you spent together after dark where you’d talk about everything and anything, but come morning it was almost as if it never happened, which you came to accept.
It weirdly made the nights you spent talking even more special, which was almost every night.
But back to the present, you’re currently getting ready with Natasha and Wanda, who know much more than you about hair and makeup and are always happy to help you out with getting ready for Stark parties. 
You put on the black cocktail dress with rhinestones all over the corset and a slit down the left side, then the three of you make your way to the party room and you take a deep breath before entering.
Everyone is already there, all dressed up in fancy clothes as they all shout “Happy Birthday”.
You laugh and say hi to everybody while they all take turns hugging you, there’s not too many people but everyone important to you is there.
Even Laura and Clint’s kids are there, which you consider a second family at this point, since Laura always did treat you like a daughter.
You hate to admit that it's a nice party.
Knowing you, everyone makes an effort to not put you too much at the center of attention and you just go around talking to your friends like every other party.
Eventually time comes for the cake and, the moment you kind of dreaded, opening the gifts.
Since it's the first birthday you allowed the team to celebrate everyone decided to go all in for your gifts, which you picked up on from the very first gift you open.
Pietro got you a first edition of “The Picture Of Dorian Gray” which is your all time favorite book, Wanda and Maria got you a leather jacket and an amazing pair of boots that you knew were expensive because you were all out shopping together when you came across them.
Steve got you a gold heart-shaped locker with a picture of the team inside it, Natasha got you a charm bracelet with a little charm to represent everyone on the team, and Sam got you a cute necklace with your birth stone on it.
When you open Fury’s gift you start laughing since it's a gun, a SIG SAUER P226 to be precise, which is very Fury.
“It was my first gun when I joined SHIELD.” He says with a smile and you smile back, knowing how much thought he put into this gift.
You open Clint’s gift next, a bow and arrow that he already taught you how to use, and Laura got you a pair of diamond earrings.
Your heart melts when you open Lila, Cooper and Nathaniel’s gifts, respectively a friendship bracelet, an Avengers action figure of yourself and a Stitch plushie.
The three of them hug you tightly as you say thank you and now you only have two gifts left, Tony’s and Bucky’s, and they’re both little boxes. 
You open Tony’s next, thinking it’s some fancy necklace or earring but you frown when you see a car key.
“Is this the key to your car?” you ask Tony, knowing full well you’re holding the key to an Audi R8 Spyder, the car Tony’s let you borrow so many times you’re now wondering if he’s gifting you his spare set of keys.
“No.” He says casually “It’s the key to your car.”
You’re even more confused and simply stare at him with your mouth gaped, not really processing the information.
“Y-you… You got me a car?!” You almost yell out of shock and everyone else starts laughing at your antics when you start basically jumping up and down and hugging Tony, squealing like a little girl.
“Well, come on, let’s go see it!” Tony says enthusiastically after you’ve calmed down, and you get up, just as enthusiastic, but are stopped by Steve’s voice.
“Wait, wait. You have one gift left.” He says, picking up the small box and giving it to you. “It’s from Bucky.”
You were so pumped up by the car, you almost forgot about it and completely miss the mischievous look Steve gives Bucky and the murderous glare Bucky gives back.
You also miss Bucky starting to protest before you open his gift, but he instantly shuts up when he sees your face falling the second you open it.
It’s a small necklace with a blue rose in it, it really looks like something you’d give a little girl more than a 25 year old woman.
You look at it for a minute, running your finger on it before you raise your head and look at Bucky.
The whole room goes silent as they all watch you worriedly, everyone noticing immediately that tears are streaming down your face.
Nobody understands what’s happening and nobody knows how to react or what to do, it’s like they’re all frozen by the sight of you being vulnerable for the first time ever. 
Meanwhile Bucky’s heart is beating so loud he’s sure everyone around him can hear it, and he feels himself starting to panic at the thought of having ruined your birthday with that stupid gift.
Everybody else got you expensive gifts and all he did was get you a small, cheap necklace that reminded him of a story you briefly talked about once on one of your late night talks about a necklace you had as a kid.
He saw it at the mall while looking for a gift for you, remembering the sweet smile you had on your face when you mentioned it and the fleeting sad look he thought he saw when you told him you lost it when you were 12.
He was really proud of himself for that gift, but the more he saw the other gifts you got the more he regretted his choice, especially after Tony gave you a fucking car.
And now you were crying, not saying anything while just looking at him.
He doesn’t know what to expect from you at the moment, nobody does, he thinks you might yell, throw his gift back at him, tell him how much you hate it and him.
But you surprise everyone by throwing your arms around Bucky’s neck, hugging him tightly while crying into his shoulder.
You honestly forgot telling Bucky about that story and certainly didn’t expect him to remember it, especially since you always got the feeling that he didn’t care about your talks as much as you.
You just assumed that come morning he deleted everything you told him to make room for more important things, and you didn’t blame him.
But he didn’t.
What you didn’t tell him about the necklace is that your mom gave it to you because blue roses were her favorite, you had that necklace since you were born but you somehow lost it the day of her funeral.
That day you lost the two most important things in your life and cried yourself to sleep, and that was the last time you allowed yourself to be weak and cry.
Until today.
Bucky hesitantly wraps his arms around you, rubbing your back hoping to get you to calm down. He looks around at the rest of the team, panicking a little and not knowing what to do.
Everyone else is as clueless as he is, never having seen you in such a state before.
Bucky starts apologizing, his heart breaking at the sight of you crying, and he feels horrible that it’s because of him.
You shake your head quickly and pull away a little to look at him, wanting to reassure him you’re not sad or angry but incredibly happy, but words refuse to come. You take a deep breath to calm yourself and finally manage to speak.
“Thank you. You have no idea how much this means to me.” It’s quiet, but it’s something, and it’s enough to make Bucky let out a breath of relief at knowing you don’t hate him or his gift.
He brings you back in for another tight hug, almost forgetting about everyone else in the room as you hug him back without hesitation.
You’re honestly not even embarrassed at crying, all you care about at the moment is Bucky, his arms around you while he lets you bury your face in his neck, like you’ve been wanting to do for years now.
“Happy birthday, doll.” He whispers in your ear and, for the first time in 13 years, you really feel like it is.
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sycamorelibrary754 · 4 months
The Doting Tree
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Summary: During your visit to your grandmother at her assisted living community, you learn that Bucky has been regularly volunteering there as a part of his therapy sessions with Dr. Raynor.
Pairings: Bucky x Platonic reader
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 3k
Warnings: None
A/N: Who doesn't want to see Bucky healing?
"Ms. Y/L/N, Mr. Stark requests your presence in his lab," Friday announced, pulling you out of your intense focus.
"Can it wait, FRIDAY? I'm swamped with overdue mission reports here," you replied, shuffling through the stack of papers on your desk.
“Mr. Stark says you have a phone call,” FRIDAY responded.
“A phone call?” you asked, puzzled, picking up your phone. “No, I don't.”
“In his lab, Ms. Y/L/N,” FRIDAY said.
"Okay,” you said as you rubbed your tired eyes. “Tell him I'm on my way.”
Walking into Tony's lab, you found the genius hunched over his desk, tinkering with one of his holographic interfaces. His phone was propped between his ear and shoulder.
“Really? I had no idea,” Tony said with a surprised look. “Y/N is so at ease on the motorcycle you would never know she didn't learn to ride a two-wheeler until she was nine.”
Your eyes widened. "Oh my God. Who are you talking to?" 
"One moment, ma'am," Tony said before placing the phone against his chest.
"It’s your grandmother," Tony said. "She called the front desk trying to reach you, and they patched her through to me." 
"What? Why didn't they call me?" you said, reaching for the phone as Tony pulled it away. 
"Because this is way more fun," Tony smirked. 
"Gimme the phone!" You snapped.
Tony placed a hand on your forehead to hold you at arm's length like an annoying older brother while putting the phone back to his ear.
"Y/G/N, your granddaughter just walked in. So, I’m going to pass you over to her," Tony said. "No, don't be silly. It's no problem. I enjoyed talking with you, too. Feel free to call back anytime. My pleasure, ma'am. Bye-bye."
You sighed as the billionaire finally handed over his phone, walking back toward the pane-glass windows for some privacy.
"Hi, Grandma," you chirped.
"Hello, dear, so good to hear your voice," your grandmother said.
"How did you end up on the phone with Mr. Stark?" you asked.
"I accidentally deleted your cell phone number, but your mom has your workplace down on this list she made, so I called information and then was connected to your lovely boss," your grandma explained.
"Ah, I see. Well, he’s not technically my boss, more like an annoying man-child who pays for everything," Smirking back at Tony and sticking your tongue out.
Your grandma asked, 'What is this I hear about you riding a motorcycle?”
"Oh, no need to worry. I’m a professional, and it's part of my job," you reassured her.
"Still," your grandma began. "I hope you're wearing a helmet."
"Always, Grandma, don't worry,” you fibbed. “So, how are you?” Doing your best to shift the conversation away from your dangerous life as an Avenger.
"I’m good, sweetheart. I'm just wondering when you're going to visit me. It's been a while since I’ve seen you,” your grandma asked. 
Your heart broke at her words. Your grandma lives in an assisted living community near the compound called The Doting Tree. You did your best to see her often, but the unpredictable nature of your work made regular visits difficult.
“I know; I’m sorry. Things have been hectic lately, and I just got home from a work trip a few days ago. How about I stop by tomorrow around noon?" you asked.
“That would be great," she exclaimed. "See you then!"
"Okay, bye," you said, hanging up Tony’s phone.
You gave Tony his phone back, and he handed you a hundred-dollar bill in exchange.
“What's this for?” you asked.
“I may be an annoying man-child, but even I know you treat Grandma like a queen,” Tony quipped with a wink.
The following day, you joined the rest of the team for breakfast. Wanda had made her special chocolate chip pancakes and fresh orange juice for everyone. You sat beside Bucky and began squeezing Maple syrup over your pancakes. 
Pepper set a plate in front of Morgan and sat beside Tony. "So, what's everyone got lined up for today?"
"Nat and I are getting the recruits up to speed," Steve replied, digging into his pancakes.
“That sounds interesting,” Pepper said.
"It would be interesting if they paid attention this time," Nat remarked, downing the last of her orange juice.
"I always paid attention," you declared confidently.
"Sure, Y/N, you ran those extra laps after training at Nat’s request just for fun," Maria teased.
"Yelena and I are off to an advanced obedience class with Lucky and Fanny," Kate said. "This week, it's all about the army crawling!"
"By the end of the training, they'll be more mission-ready than your little recruits, Natasha," Yelena teased as she cut into her pancakes.
Nat leaned over and flicked her sister's arm.
"Ow, son of a—"
"Language!" Steve interjected.
Yelena was about to retort, but then she caught Morgan's smile and shut her mouth.
"I’m supposed to meet with Secretary Ross, but I'd much rather catch the new Godzilla vs. Kong movie. Anyone up for it?" Rhodes suggested.
"I'm in!" Sam exclaimed. "How about you, Buck?"
"Can't make it; I'm tied up," Bucky replied, sipping his orange juice.
“Come on, man, how often do we blend in with the crowd?" Sam quipped.
"I can't, Sam," Bucky replied with a shrug.
"Your loss," Sam retorted. "What about you, Y/N?"
"I'd love to, but I promised my grandma a visit," you replied.
"That's thoughtful of you, Y/N," Wanda chimed in.
"Oh, that reminds me, guess who didn't learn to ride a bike until they were nine?" Tony butted in enthusiastically.
You rolled your eyes. “And that's my cue to leave," you said, getting up. "Catch you all later.”
You made great use of Tony's money by treating your grandma to a lovely bouquet of roses and a box of her favorite chocolates. When you arrived at The Doting Tree, the scent of Fabuloso greeted you, mixing with the aroma of freshly brewed coffee from the communal area. Passing through the lobby, you exchanged a warm smile and a wave with Joan, the friendly receptionist stationed behind the oak desk.
You knocked eagerly on the door of room 508, and the sound of your grandmother's footsteps grew louder before she swung open the door.
"Y/N!" she exclaimed.
"Hey, grandma," you greeted her with a smile. "These are for you," you said, handing her the roses and chocolates.
"Oh, you didn't have to, sweetheart," she replied, taking her gifts.
You hugged her and were instantly transported back to his childhood. Her warm embrace was a comfort you didn't know you were missing.
"Please, come on in, Y/N," she said as she broke the hug.
As your grandma whipped up a delightful batch of creamy, rich hot chocolate, the cozy aroma filled the room, enveloping you in warmth and comfort. You lost track of time, immersed in lively conversations and shared memories as you leisurely walked down memory lane. She asked about your work, and you carefully selected the most positive stories to share: the most recent Stark Gala and the Avengers community outreach efforts. You wouldn't dream of telling her about the near miss on your last mission when Nat's impressive scissor-leg neck grab saved you from a potentially fatal situation.
I can't believe how quickly time has flown by," your grandma exclaimed, glancing at the clock. "Movie night starts downstairs in fifteen minutes."
"Oh, in that case, I'll leave you to get ready," you replied, getting up.
"Nonsense," she insisted. "I'd love for you to join me. Tonight is Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, a classic from the Golden Age of Hollywood."
You quickly checked your phone and were relieved to see no missed calls or texts from Fury, Maria, or Steve.
"Great, I've never seen it, and I’m free for the rest of the day," you said.
"Wonderful, let’s go," your grandma replied.
When you and your grandmother arrived in the small community theater, the Doting Tree staff handed out popcorn and queued up the movie. You followed your grandma to two empty seats near the end of the row. 
Hi, Y/G/N, I was hoping to see you here tonight," the brunette woman with half glasses beside her confessed.
"I wouldn't have missed this for anything. You know Jimmy Stewart is my favorite!" your grandma proclaimed. "Oh, Betty, this is my granddaughter Y/N, she's one of those Avengers!" she proudly introduced.
You felt slightly embarrassed by the attention but extended your hand to Betty. "Hi, Betty. It's great to meet you."
"It's lovely to meet you, dear. Y/G/N has told me so much about you!" Betty said.
"All good, I hope?" you joked.
"Of course. I don't know how you all do it, but thank you for everything you've done."
"It's my honor, ma'am,” you said.
"Excuse me?" a man in a sweater vest behind you said, catching your attention. "I couldn't help but overhear. You mentioned you're one of the Avengers?" 
"That's right," you replied.
"Do you happen to know James? He's one of our volunteers. My buddy Walter swears he's an Avenger."
"James?" you asked, puzzled. "We don't have anyone named—"
"Alright, folks," a familiar voice interrupted.
"Bucky," you whispered to yourself in surprise.
Your friend stood at the front of the room, looking effortlessly stylish in a casual navy crew neck shirt, perfectly fitted jeans, and trendy sneakers. His beaming smile transformed his entire appearance, making him almost unrecognizable.
"Tonight's movie is one of my favorites, Mr. Smith Goes to Washington," Bucky announced, clapping his hands together. "Jimmy Stewart was one of my favorite actors when I was a kid."
"Not to mention Jean Arthur!" someone shouted from the back row, and the room erupted in laughter.
“Alright, Stacy, can you turn off the lights, please?” Bucky asked one of the staff members.
As the idealistic young Jefferson Smith was appointed to the United States Senate, your attention continually drifted to Bucky. You observed as he quietly passed a box of Nestle crunch bites down the row to one of the residents and whispered something to the woman beside him, who laughed in response.
When the credits rolled, and the lights came on in the theater, you lingered at the back of the room while your grandmother caught up with her friends. Perhaps it was the spy-like instincts that Natasha had instilled in you, but you couldn’t take your eyes off him. You were captivated by the transformation in his demeanor. The man who once seemed only to wear a scowl now appeared happier than you had ever seen him.
You walked over slowly as he was engrossed in conversation with a man you recognized as Richard Swanson. According to Joan, he was one of The Doting Tree’s oldest residents in time and age. Tall and slender, with a confident posture that hinted at a lifetime of discipline and care, he still boasted a thick mane of hair that belied his age. The strands, once a rich chestnut, now shimmered with a distinguished silver hue, the only overt sign of the passing years.
"What unit were you in, Barnes?" Mr. Swanson asked.
"107th Infantry Regiment, sir," Bucky replied.
"No kidding?” said Mr. Swanson. “I was in the 103rd."
"I remember that regiment," Bucky said, snapping his fingers. "You were guarding the Trisssana Bridge, right?"
"That's right," Mr. Swanson replied. “My cousin was in the 107th Regiment. Maybe you knew him? Tim Dugan.”
"Wow," Bucky sighed, his voice trailing off as he paused to reflect. "Tim Dugan. I haven't heard that name in almost 80 years," Bucky said, his eyes distant with memories. "I did know him. He was a good man," Bucky reminisced, a hint of wistfulness in his voice.
He was indeed," Mr. Swanson sighed, his tired eyes reflecting the long day he had endured. The elderly gentleman checked his antique pocket watch. "I've got to get going. It's almost past my bedtime," he chuckled softly as he patted Bucky on the shoulder with a sense of fondness. "See you next time, Barnes."
"See you, Mr. Swanson," Buck called out, his voice carrying a tinge of warmth and respect.
"Bucky?" you said softly, careful not to startle him as you approached.
He turned at the sound of your voice, his eyes meeting yours with surprise. "Y/N? What are you doing here? I thought you were visiting your grandmother today?"
"I am; she lives here," you explained, a gentle smile gracing your lips.
"What are you doing here?" you asked, your curiosity piqued.
Bucky took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, the weight of his thoughts evident in the furrow of his brow. "Alright, look,” running his hand through his hair nervously. “Dr. Raynor thought it would be good for me to volunteer here. Spend some time with people from my generation," he said. "I resisted at first, but now..." he paused, looking around at the bustling activity of the assisted living community. "It's nice.”
"That's awesome, Buck. It's clear that the residents appreciate having you around, but why didn't you mention it to us?" You inquired.
"I just didn't want to deal with the inevitable jokes and questions from everyone," he explained.
"Oh, come on, Bucky. It wouldn't have been that bad. They would have been supportive," you reassured.
"After you left, Tony told the bike story and bought you a kid’s bicycle as a joke," Bucky deadpanned.
"Jackass," you remarked dryly.
"See," Bucky declared.
"But a supportive jackass, Buck. We all give each other shit, but at the end of the day, we're a family," you insisted. "Everyone would get it."
"Maybe," he mused. "When I'm here, I'm not an Avenger, The Winter Soldier, The White Wolf. Hell, I’m not even Bucky."
"I've noticed that, James," you said with a smirk.
Before he could respond, your grandma and her friend Betty strolled over to where you were standing.
“James, I just had to tell you how much I enjoyed tonight's movie. You have impeccable taste,” Betty said, touching his metal arm.
“Thanks a lot,” Bucky replied.
“Will you join us for our knitting class next week?” she asked eagerly.
“Work can be unpredictable, but I'm planning on it,” he responded.
“Wonderful!” Betty exclaimed. “I've been knitting a scarf for you, honey.”
Bucky blushed. “Oh, thank you. I can't wait to see it.”
"I see you’ve met James, Y/N,” your grandma said. “We’ve so enjoyed having him here the last few months.”
“Oh,” you said, looking between Bucky and your grandmother. “Yeah, I just had to come up and tell him how much I loved the movie, too.”
“Right,” Bucky said. “I’m glad you enjoyed it.”
“Well, I’m feeling a bit tuckered out, Y/N,” your grandmother said. I think I'll call it a night.”
“Okay,” you said. “I'll walk you back to your room.”
“Okay, goodnight, James,” your grandmother said.
“Goodnight, Y/G/N,” Bucky replied.
You turned back toward him before following your grandma out of the room and whispered, “Don’t leave. I'll be down in a few minutes.”
Bucky nodded in agreement.
As you stepped off the elevator and entered the lobby, the warm glow of the chandeliers illuminated the spacious communal room. Your eyes scanned the area, searching for Bucky. After a moment, you spotted him sitting on the plush sofa, engrossed in a copy of Lord of the Rings, which he had plucked from the nearby shelf.
Sitting beside him, you couldn't help but ask, "So, what do people think James does for a living?"
With a half-smile, he replied, "Well, those who don't know who I am think I’m a mechanic at that garage on Wilshire."
The image of Bucky as a mechanic made you chuckle, and you leaned in to hear more.
"The ones who do, like Mr. Swanson, don't give a damn about who I am or who I‘ve been," he continued, returning the book to the shelf. "All they care about is living each day to the fullest."
As you silently nodded, you reflected on his words, feeling the weight of the conversation settle in. "I understand, Buck," you said, patting his thigh. "I'm glad you're finding fulfillment here, and you can trust me to keep this between us."
"Thank you," he sighed, a sense of relief in his voice.
"Let’s go home," Bucky said, a hint of determination in his tone.
As you both said goodbye to Joan in the lobby, you stepped out into the refreshing early evening breeze.
"Alright, see you at home," you said, heading towards the bus stop.
"You took the bus here?" Bucky inquired.
"Yeah, just didn't feel like driving today," you replied.
“Want a ride? I've got Nat's motorcycle," he offered, nodding towards the bike.
You arched an eyebrow, "Does she know you have it?" You knew Natasha didn't just lend her bike to anyone. You had learned that the hard way during one of your early missions together.
"Yep, she allows me to borrow the motorcycle in exchange for helping with recruit training," Bucky explained as he slipped on his leather jacket.
"Alright, I'll take your word for it," you agreed.
As you were getting ready to hop on the back of the motorcycle, you spotted the extra helmet hanging on the back. 
“Really?” Bucky quipped. “You never wear a helmet out in the field.”
“I know,” glancing back at The Doting Tree, “I just want to keep a promise to my grandmother,” you said with a smirk.
“Good call,” he replied with a grin.
You fastened the helmet and hopped on the back of the bike, wrapping your arms around Bucky’s waist. With a twist of the throttle, the bike roared to life as Bucky revved up the engine. Together, you both zoomed out of the parking lot, heading back toward the compound with a newfound sense of camaraderie and understanding.
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The Spiders Sister - Chapter 7
Summary: As the party dies down the avengers spend some time bonding and peter joins them for the team bonding.
TW: Alcohol (that’s it I think)
Words: 2196
A/n I finally found time to write again and so I present to you this band new chapter \(>u<)/. Enjoy. Also, I know I said I would post it as one long chapter but … ig I lied? We are getting to the secret reveal soon. Only about one or two more chapters until we find out what the Parker’s are hiding. I’m so mad cuz I wrote the next chapter, but it didn’t save so I have to rewrite it which is why I’m just posting what I have here and why it’s taken so long sorry guys.
After you were led around and introduced to some more people Wanda and Nat led you back to the small area from before with a couple couches. By now the party had begun to die down with most of the guests, or who peter referred to as Stark Industries NPC’s, leaving for the night.
As you settled on a couch with the others it was now just the team, most of which you had been introduced to by now. Some introductions had been rather short but yo were working with these people so you would defiantly have time to get to know them better. Some of them you would be even living with.
The night had been a success for the most part. Earlier Thor had arrived along with his promise of asgaurdian liquor. After consulting with JARVIS it was confirmed that your metabolism was a match to Steve’s meaning you could stomach the god’s alcohol without getting poisoned.
This had of course led to you getting properly drunk or at least on the way to it, for the first time since the bite. Unfortunately, Nat had caught onto your plan rather easily and cut you off much to your displeasure.
Now with the team spread out across the couches, most with a drink in had or some assortment of fruity cocktail the banter had picked up as the music had died down and the guests all left.
“So, spider-kid whats your story?” Bucky asked and you adjusted your position on the couch suddenly feeling a little nervous with all eyes now on you. You felt a hand squeeze yours as you looked over, seeing wanda giving you an encouraging nod from where she held your hand beside you on the couch.
“Not much different to Peter.” You said.
“But somewhat different, right?” Sam said.
“Well … yeah.” You shrugged. “Same old spider bite, different powers, different life choices.” You said with a vague noncommittal shrug.
“So, where you been all this time?” Steve asked in a kind way.
“Queens.” You shrugged. “Small apartment, big rent, crap job until I started my own business, then I was planning on moving but you guys decided to level my apartment block to save people.” You shrugged.
“Sorry about that.” Steve said.
“I’m sure you’ll make it up to me.” You grinned sipping the soft drink Nat had given you instead of alcohol.
“Hey, I let you live here, didn’t I?” Tony said with a grin.
“But you did kind of destroy all her stuff Mr stark.” Peter said from where he had snuck in and sat down unnoticed.
“Hey, you're not supposed to be at these.” Tony said. “And I bought her new stuff.”
“Its just the team Mr Stark nobody else is here. Can I stay please?” Peter begged looking at you to back him up and pouting when you threw your hands up.
“I don’t know May said no alcohol.” He begun and suddenly May piped up making stark jump.
“Its fine Tony, just don’t give him any and keep an eye on him.” She said from where she was sat with pepper.
“Jesus woman. I forgot you were here. Don’t scare me, I have a heart condition you know.” Tony said as somewhere in the background sam continued laughing at him.
“Pepper said I could stay the night, and we could have a girl's day tomorrow.” May said grinning.
“Sounds like some shenanigans I want nothing to do with. I assume it will be at my expense.” Tony said sounding amused.
“Of course.” Pepper said.
“Wouldn’t have it any other way.” May added.
“I’ll drink to that.” Nat said and raised her glass.
As everyone took a swig of their respective drinks you realised why peter liked it so much here. It was a family. A real family. Sure, May did her best and you would always have a special bond only blood could give but this was the goofy family you never had.
“Wait so I’m confused, is she an avenger or not?” Clint asked seemingly asking the question on everyone’s mind.
“Can I answer that one Mr Stark.” Peter piped up.
“Sure kid.” Tony said.
“Welcome to the team Y/n/n.” Peter said with a big grin.
“Really?” You asked feeling this was all very offical.
“Damn right kid. We’d be stupid to not add another spider to the team.” Steve said with a smile.
“Plus, I already made you a suit. Ai and all.” Tony said.
“Thanks, tony.” You said with a big smile plastered across your cheeks.
“I have just one question…” Sam said with a shit-eating grin.
“What is it Mr Falcon?” Peter asked missing the look on Sam’s face.
“Who’s stronger?” Sam finished looking curious. “We already know spider boy is stronger than capsicle. But what about the other spider?” A few nods went around the room before Bucky spoke up.
“Arm wrestle.” He posed and you looked over at peter, flashing him a grin as he slouched in his seat.
“Ok.” You said and peter nodded.
Everyone crowded around the coffee table as peter and you sat down on the floor face each other.
“Standard rules. Ready?” Steve said as both you and peter positioned your arms on the table. Steve placed his hand over your clasped fists.
“Don’t break the table this time.” May said loud enough for people to hear and peters cheeks heated up while you snickered.
“3… 2 … 1… go!” Steve let go of your hands and straight away it begun leaning towards a win for you. Peters arm was shaking as he tried to fight back. With barely an inch between peters hand and the table the position flipped.
You were sure people had placed bets by now. Nat and Sam were cheering you on while Bucky had yet to forget the incident at the airport and placed his bet on peter.
You were on the defence now, with peter bringing your hand almost back up to the midway point. As it began to tilt in a bad direction for you with a burst of strength you slammed peters hand down on the table winning the match. Sam cheered and Nat smirked.
Standing up and brushing off invisible dusty from your lap Nat came to your side and pressed a chaste kiss to your cheek.
“My victor. Thanks for the easy twenty I just made.” She said and your cheeks were blazing as you retreated to your seat from earlier as everyone went back to their places.
“But can the spider's sister also lift the hammer?” Thor boomed as he patted your brother's shoulder while peter smirked. Everyone knew peter could wield the magical asgaurdian hammer.
You looked at Thor with a mischievous glint in your eyes.
“Is that a dare big man?” You asked with a grin curling up the edges of your lips.
“And if it is lady Parker?” Thor asked with a challenging tone.
“Well, if it is I never back down from a dare.” You said the look on your face never faltering.
“Then it is a date lady Parker.” Thor said removing his hand from Peter’s shoulder and clapping them together and rubbing his hands in anticipation.
“Ready to look like an idiot spider boy?” You asked looking at Peter who was starting to loose his confident look. He knew you had a heart of gold.
By now all eyes were on you, Peter and Thor.
“Alright pointbreak I put two hundred on the girl spider.” Tony said.
His words catching you off guard as you took a sip of your drink making it go down the wrong way as you choked and coughed. Making a few people laugh.
“Dollars?” You exclaimed once you got your breath back.
“No, I meant seashells.” Tony sassed rolling his eyes.
“I’ll take that.” Bucky said. “I say she can’t get it to budge.”
Soon there was a chorus of voices as everyone places their bets. Tony had, at some point, gotten Jarvis to start taking notes of who bet what and how much.
Once all the bets were done all eyes turned back to you and Thor.
“Alright lord of lightning.” Tony began, “where’s the magic screwdriver.”
“One second.” Thor boomed. Holding out his hand the sound of breaking glass came from across the compound before the hammer smashed through the wall and slotted perfectly into Thor’s open fist.
“Thor! I told you to stop doing that.” Tony said as he dispatched the iron legion to fix the hammer shaped holes in the walls.
“Apologies Stark it appears I have forgot again.” Thor said looking sheepish and slightly tipsy from the alcohol he brought from his home realm.
Before anyone else could complain about the new holes in the wall Thor places the hammer down on the table. Peter’s smirk began to waver at the look of confidence on your face. Yet internally you were nervous. Were you about to make yourself look like an idiot in front of everyone?
Taking a deep breath you attempted to steady your nerves. Thor brandished a hand in the direction of the hammer, inviting you to pick it up.
Steeling your nerves and steaming the quake in your hands you reached out and brushed your hand over the cool leather that the handle was bound in.
Taking a breath, you wrapped your fingers around the hilt and gently began to tug. The hammer moved as if it weighed nothing more than a few feathers. A collective noise halfway between a cheer and an audible groan came from the spectators as people either made or lost money on the events of the past few seconds.
You tossed the hammer lightly in the air as it spun a full three-sixty before you caught it again by the hilt.
“Lady Parker congratulations are in order.” Thor said looking giddy as he found another person who could wield the hammer. You had a wide grin on your face feeling pretty special for once.
“Why exactly?” You asked not entirely aware of the legend that surrounded your actions.
“Oooo she don’t know.” Sam said before Bucky lightly slapped him to get him to shut up. Sam glared at Bucky as he rubbed his arm, Bucky however seemed unaffected as he shrugged unapologetically at Sam who poked his tongue out at Bucky who pretended not to see.
“Well, lady Parker, they say those who wield the hammer are fit to rule Asgard.” Thor said and you looked excited for a second before groaning.
“What is it?” Wanda asked feeling the slight annoyance and hesitation rolling off your psyche.
“Ew…” you muttered shivering dramatically.
“What?” Nat said reiterating Wanda’s earlier statement.
“I don’t wanna be eternally ruling alongside my little brother. He’d probably need to be babysat the whole time.” You whined making everyone chuckle while peter looked offended.
“I don’t need babysitting.” Peter piped up.
“Kid I had to put an AI in your suit to babysit you after a building fell on you. She’s not wrong.” Tony said and Peter frowned.
“Hey, you gave me one too.” You protested.
“That’s to help you, it doesn’t have snitch programs in it.” Tony said smirking at Peter.
“Yeah, plus I use Jarvis to babysit Tony.” Pepper said smirking over the rim of her wineglass as she took another sip.
“What?!” Tony spluttered. “Hey Jarvis! Is this true?”
“No boss.” Jarvis said not missing a beat.
“I programmed him to say that.” Pepper said adding her two cents.
“It that true j?” Tony asked again.
“No boss.” Jarvis said
“Liar.” Tony grumbled.
May and pepper giggled as they clinked glasses, those two always seemed to be causing trouble. They had gotten quite close after Tony had reduced peppers hours for stark industries, claiming she worked too much and needed more time to “have a life” as he put it.
Naturally Pepper had taken to spending more time with May whilst Tony mentored Peter which had resulted in their wine and cheese club that met whenever Peter came over for his mentorship with Tony. Natasha was known to join on occasion as she knew everything that happened in the tower and would never say no to expensive and more importantly free wine. Wanda joined but it was few and far between that she frequented the club. Often, she was busy doing her own thing and lately she had been too busy spending time with you.
Your only concern was May telling Pepper about … things and then pepper telling Tony who would no doubt end up telling everyone in the tower. For now, you just wanted things to be normal, or as normal as they could be right now.
@tia-thesimp @lizzielillvr @justarandomreaderxoxo @sycamorelibrary754 @dorabledewdroop @redwolfqueen19 @sadlesbeansstuff @sgm616 @queen-of-chaotic-surprises
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missmarveledsblog · 3 days
It's only pretend right? ( Bucky barnes x reader ) part one
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summary : bucky (more so steve) agree's to be Y/N fake boyfriend for a week at her families ranch , he discovers his best friend left out some part that not all of her family is accepting of her but bucky is gonna be there every step to show them why she the best .
warnings : none well some shitty members of family , slow fast burn , idiots in love , mutual pining ,
A.N : this has been on back burner for so long so decided to let her out , sort of goofy love story some angst thrown in but mostly fluffy our dear bucky deserves that
The sun gleamed through  the sky as most of the team enjoyed the rare time off, that was until her screams rang out through the compound sending him to break out  into a sprint to the noise. He moved so fast it could have been compared to pietro maximoff  not that he cared for anything like that , not in these moments . Due to the universe and its cruel ongoing joke  , he was expecting the worst case scenario. Was she taken? , fighting against assailants? Was she hurt? It all came to his mind as he ran toward the source of the noise and yet in an instant that fear melted away when he heard her giggles and laughs looking in with now amusement. The sight was something James Buchanan Barnes couldn’t help smile so widely at .  There he watched as three  avengers stood like naughty children trying not to laugh at their own actions covered in ice cream and god knows what else. . 
“ Now pretty girl not so funny now is it?” Sam teased. 
“ What is going on here?” Bucky crossed his arms. 
“ Well little miss here thought it was funny when poor stevie here fell spilling ice cream all over himself” sam started. 
 “ Actually you laughed first. If I can remember , I may have given her something to laugh at. "Steve chuckled. 
“ He hit him right in the face with ice cream” she fell into Steve in a burst of laughter. “ So I showed her how it felt,”Sam nudged her.  
“ Literal children '' Tony rolled his eyes looking at the earth's mightiest heroes covered  head to toe in a now melted sweet treat.
 “ Hey in my defense I came in to make the team  something to  cool down. They insisted on helping” she held her hands up. 
“ Well that defense goes out the window when you're the one who tripped cap” tony smirked .
 “ you little..” Steve began chasing her . 
“ language” she giggled, rushing to get away from the super soldier which usually wasn’t an easy feat but the ice cream that covered the floor both helped and hindered her escape.
“ Bucky help” she ran into the men's arms , a  both sudden and most welcomed action. 
“ Leave my doll alone punk” he carried her out chuckling when he turned his head to see her sticking her tongue out at his best friend. 
 “Very mature” steve copied her action. 
“ Just friends my ass,” Sam called.
She didn’t hear the words , still now aimlessly talking about her sister's new dog but bucky heard. A phrase he wished he could say was fact but it wasn’t because they were just friends . How he wished he could call  the most beautiful being he’s ever had the pleasure to lay his eyes on in all the years he’d been alive . how even something as hearing her voice made his worst days the best. How her laugh was in his own words definitely heaven sent. In four years , 2 with shield and 2 with the team  he had studied every detail of the woman at his side , first because he didn’t trust new people then it was because he actually wanted to get to know her , the more he found out the more he fell for her. All her mannerisms he knew so he could tell when she wasn’t having a great day and he made it his mission to make it better. How she bristled like a kitten at the sight of John Walker,  something he found in common and found adorable all in one. 
If anyone were to ask James Barnes to describe his perfect woman that description would have been Y/N L/N because to him she was perfect. How she cared so deeply about those around her friends , family or even a casualty in a mission. That soft , sweet side  along with the spitfire , kickass , stubborn and oh so sarcastic side that could rival stark in every way. She was serious when it came to missions but would be the first to cheer up and make everyone laugh after the mission . so it wasn’t hard at all for Bucky to fall for the woman. What he found hard was trying to express how he felt. When he went to tell her how he truly felt, suddenly he felt  like he had swapped bodies with pre-serum Steve back in the day or the spider kid. Words would sometimes fail to even come out his mouth which was better when the words jumbled or stuttered , a stumbling mess that ultimately shut him up changing the topic completely.
 “ So now I got the time off and all well I have to go for like a week and need to find a date in the next 24 hours” she sighed knocking the man back to earth completely confused to what she was talking about.
 “ Sorry, what doll?” he shook his head. 
“ My family reunion is a big deal sort of thing , my sister and brother both proposing to their girlfriends” she laughed . 
“ hey bucky can go… sorry” steve winced seeing her jumping at his sudden appearance. 
“ missions ?” she rolled her eyes.
 “ Thor and Loki will be here,” Steve shrugged.
 “ Well then settled i’ll be your date” bucky smiled awkwardly wanting to kiss his best friend's ass .
 “ wait really … oh my god thank you bucky i’ll make it up and promise not to be the world worst fake girlfriend , ok i gotta pack you should do the same, oh nat waiting for me and i need to shower” she beamed almost skipping off to  her room .
 “ i’ll help him out” steve called . 
 “ Your welcome jerk,” the blonde chuckled before walking ahead toward his best friend's room while the man in question tried computing what the hell happened .     
“ what the hell happened you” nat chuckled sitting on the bed looking  her best friend walking in covered in god know what.
 “ food fight with cap and bird brain” she shook her now stiff hair. 
“Steve tells me Bucky is going to be your fake boyfriend for the week” she wiggled her brows.
 “ yeah let me shower first and freak out about that after” she ran into the ensuite heart pounding.  Nerves coursing through her  as she had to pretend to be in love even though she was definitely not going to fake it.  Since day one of meeting James Buchanan Barnes , well had her hook line and sinker. How could he not the man would cause a nun to sin with how hot he was. Pair that up with caring , understanding and all around amazing well she never stood a chance. Now she was going to spend the week pretending , almost having a taste of what it would be like to be the one he called his .  even thinking of it made her knees weak and yet she shook it from her head knowing natasha was sitting outside on her bed. Scrubbing her hair as she giggled while sprinkles fell at her feet and enjoying the mobility of her hair again . 
While only across the hall Bucky Barnes was panicking as he thought of the whole thing once Steve filled him in on the conversation he missed .
 “ This is perfect. I mean you could  make this the week you confess and finally get your girl” the blonde beamed brightly.
 “ or completely screw up and lose her completely because let's be real with my life that is the most likely option” he pulled the case out. 
“ Aye my man finally got the girl '' Sam cheered as he walked into the room 
 '' One shut up she could hear you and two I'm a fake boyfriend” he hissed, shutting the door  . 
“ well put on a good show that she will want the real thing… not like that not already of the case” he mumbled .
 “ ok sit we can do this, '' Steve led him to the bed, pulling out clothes and a couple of suits .
 '' What if I screw this up so bad she’ll quit the team and I'll never see her again” he stood pacing while the other two men rolled their eyes .
 “ or you’ll see what we see '' Steve mumbled but the man before them was too lost in his head to pay attention  to the non stop hints they tried to but he never did so it wasn’t anything new .
  “ ok so the clothes end will be sorted and tony agreed to the time off well he told me to tell you not to waste it” steve smirked before heading off into the bathroom . “ Clint said he can drop you both off before he heads home so flights are covered,” Sam added . 
“ Ok man, think of this week , where you don’t have to hide those feelings where you can act around her like you’ve always wanted to act” Sam turned, seeing Bucky still freaked out. 
“ What if I make her uncomfortable?” he asked. 
 “ i’m not saying bang her on the spot  i mean little thing like when your trying to hide the fact you stare at her like stark looks at his suits or pepper” sam rolled his eyes.
 “ he’s right Stark loves those suits and you love Y/N'' Steve teased throwing the bag of toiletries into the suitcase.
 “ this can be good … or it's going to be a complete disaster” .
“ how the hell am i going to do this… is it too late to fake my death and start a new life” she asked pacing while Nat and now wanda took the task to pack her suitcase.
“ No faking your death” nat rolled her eyes as wanda giggled .
 “ how the hell am i going to convince my parents i’m with bucky but not scare off my best friend… male best friend” she corrected herself after nat shot her a look. 
 “ Be the way you guys are already,” Wanda winked.
“ be serious here i don’t want to lose my best friend.. You know what i mean” she rolled her eyes at nat. 
“ You won't ok ,  you couldn’t lose Bucky even if you tried. '' Nat smiled softly  just like the guys, the woman before them was completely oblivious to what was in front of her.
 "I'd cancel but i can’t miss my brother and sister's engagement .. to separate people we ain’t that far down south '' she clarified  hearing the words coming out her mouth . “ We know what you mean , look, just use the time to get the taste of the experience” nat said. 
“ Maybe your eyes will finally see,” Wanda whispered under her breath.
 “ hopefully we can sell it enough so my aunts and uncles finally stop with their matchmaking and finally like me   i mean one of their blind dates brought me to a strip club was fun i mean  he even gave me my own ones but that doesn’t scream marry me , ”she winced as the two women fell into a fit of laughter. 
“ Is that why I keep finding glitter on you?” Nat wiped tears from her eyes.
 “ Yeah, that courtesy of candy , we’re friends on facebook , great gal was gonna hire her for peter's birthday next month actually ” she smiled. 
“ You'll kill the kid,” Wanda snorted. 
“ Hey, death by candy is a way to go,”she winked. 
“ You realize she and Peter are the same age and now i don’t know if you want bucky or candy” nat teased. 
“ Ok enough on my bi curiosities of my new stripper friend , how am i going to survive a week of pretending to be in love but not in love with my best friend … nat stop glaring you know what i mean” . 
 “ This is gonna kill me”she fell back onto the bed. 
Ten minutes he must have been standing at the door paralyzed nerves taking over and words escaping his mind to why he was there. 
 “ Just knock man this is pitiful , to think this is the once feared winter soldier can’t even knock on chicks door” tony rolled his eyes as bucky glared at the man. “ oh for fuck sake , thank me later terminator , don’t screw it up” was all the billionaire said before thumping the door and running off a bucky stood looking down the hall to contemplate how this was his life.
 “ fucking asshole should of kill him instead of how… how are you doll you busy” he caught himself as she looked puzzled at the man. He could hear the laughs before the two women came to view .
 “ shes all your barnes” nat winked letting him only confirm more people were aware of his feelings .
 “ Tell candy we say hello” Wanda snorted as she followed Nat down the hall. “Candy?” he arched his brow. 
“ my new erm .. stripper friend .. come in “ she cleared her throat trying to ignore the glint in his eyes when she said it.
 “ what… actually tell me another time I'm here to go over a back story like the way we do on missions so I don't say the wrong thing or we get caught out” he smiled softly as her own feature light up at the suggestion . 
“ You clever son of a bitch” she danced excitedly. The little drawl in her voice came out more when she was either happily excited or pissed off. 
“ i didn’t even think of that , i mean you’ve met my parents not my siblings so sorry for that .. you’ll understand when you meet them” she snorted leading him into the room and toward her sofa . 
“ Ok so obviously we met at work which I think my mom and dad just wanna prove i am actually an avenger” she chuckled. 
“ Who asked who out?” he asked softly.
 “Well I mean you asked me out cause if my aunts think the other way around they will think you're desperate or held hostage they have old way of thinking on somethings” she winced.
 “ Ok deal , how long have we been together?” he asked . 
“ Six months it's not too long to wonder why we aint been announced and not too short for you to meet the family” she nodded.
 “ PDA” he coughed, hiding the nervous break in his voice.
 “ Whatever you're comfortable with, we don’t have to go full PDA  so I won't jump you during family dinner” she teased . “ Well I mean we cuddle and hold hands all time so that part ain’t so hard right ” she added her cheeks flushing.
 “ No, it's a fine doll, I mean it’s kinda handy knowing all about you , well I thought I did until the whole stripper thing” he laughed.
 “ Hey candy is an artist and everything huh? My my bucky barnes i didn’t know you were a fan” she teased . 
“ says the one with 50 pictures next to my exhibit” he countered .
 “ Hey, it's not my fault bird brain can't take a good picture anyway, shut it before I can  switch you out with candy” she stuck her tongue out .
 “ I mean you could but do they know her like they know me” he asked . 
“ unless they frequent strip clubs when they visit.. Ok i grossed myself out”she scrunched up her nose at the thought while bucky though she was the cutest thing to ever exist.
 "Go on doll hit the hay Clint is bringing us so you know it’s going to be early as hell” he stood kissing  her head  before walking out the room while she in turn fell on to the bed knowing the star of the dreams she was going to have was just across the hall.
next part
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screechcat · 1 year
Y/n looking around the common room, with all of the Avengers talking, playing board games, and watching movies.
They sigh in content, finally feeling relaxed and safe.
Sam: What are you so smiley about L/n?
Y/n hums: Just happy is all
The others glance around at each other and smile. Y/n had been pretty new. Coming from a bad background like most of them. This was the first time they said something like that.
Tony: I think this calls for an Avengers pile.
Y/n's eyes widen in horror.
Y/n: Dude, I said I was happy, not wanting death.
Thor: To late!
All of the Avengers pile onto the couch with Y/n effectively trapping them.
Y/n struggles and tries to get away.
Y/n: Guuuuuuysssss! Get offah me! This sucks!
Nat hums: Bull
The others murmur agreements.
Not too long after Y/n gives up and just lets it happen.
Y/n: ..... okay, maybe this is nice
Peter: I knew you loved us!
Y/n half asleep but still sarcastic as ever: Don't tell my teammates. It'll go to their heads.
They chuckle, and after a while, they all drift off to sleep.
It was a sight to see for Maria the next morning. The Earth's Mightest Heros and most skilled people in a giant pile on the couch happily sleeping.
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mviswidow · 1 year
all's well that ends well
Maria Hill x Reader
Word count: 1.8k
Summary: A couple of months after being rejected by Maria, R gets hurt during the Battle of Sokovia and it brings them back together. Pretty angsty with some fluff at the end and plenty of best friend Nat.
Based on this request from a while back but I decided to finish it up. I would love to write for Maria more so if you have any ideas please send them my way <3
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“I’m so sorry.”
Maria’s words repeated in your head every day since you bore your heart out to her.
The worst part was probably that she had never told you if she reciprocated your feelings. She’d just insisted it wouldn’t work out; it wasn’t worthwhile. You couldn’t believe what you saw between the two of you was imagined. It couldn’t have been. 
You saw her through the glass door of one of many conference rooms, sitting outside, waiting to speak to Fury while you were in your meeting with him.
You should have been happy. You had just been promoted and were going to be an Avenger, yet all you could think about was a girl who didn’t care about you enough to be honest with you.
You did your best to block Maria out of your mind for the remainder of the meeting, attempting to soak up the moment. This was the kind of thing you’d been working towards since you started at SHIELD Academy. 
You needed this. You needed a win. Having such a huge distraction would be great for you, and the opportunity to learn from a legend such as Natasha Romanoff was incredible.
You moved your belongings into the Avengers Tower during the following week. Your bedroom was right next to Natasha’s.
Per Fury’s request, Natasha trained you multiple times a week and reported back to him on your progress.
The more time you spent training with her, the better you got to know her.
Before you knew it, Natasha had become your closest friend. After feeling crushed about Maria, she was exactly what you needed in your life - someone unwavering.
Natasha knew what it was like to be alone. You did too. Maybe that was why the two of you clicked so well.
She was also very excited to have another woman in the tower. Before you it was her and the rest of the boys.
You spent most of your free time with her. She helped you heal your heart.
With some time, you no longer felt your stomach churn every time you saw Maria at work.
You were starting to feel okay.
You knew Natasha and Maria were friends, but it wasn’t something you really ever thought about.
You were reminded of the fact when they hugged to greet each other at Tony’s party a couple nights after you helped the Avengers obtain Loki’s scepter from Strucker. 
You stood awkwardly behind Natasha until the redhead moved on to greet another one of your colleagues and Maria’s eyes landed on you.
Anxiety bubbled up in your chest as you gave her a polite smile and a loose hug.
“Maria,” you nodded.
“Hi,” she smiled, though it didn’t nearly reach her eyes the way it used to when she spoke to you. “I haven’t really gotten a chance to congratulate you since you got promoted.”
You didn’t expect a conversation.
“You’re looking good out there.”
You could feel your cheeks turning red, “Thank you.” 
There was so much you wanted to say to her. You held your tongue, though, you would only hurt yourself.
Before either of you had a chance to say anything more, Natasha returned and began to speak to the brunette. You tuned out their conversation quickly as the only thing you could think about was how terribly you missed everything about Maria. 
After a minute, you excused yourself to the bar, promptly ordering two shots and throwing them back.
You were soon joined by Tony and Thor who you ordered drinks with to celebrate your victory. When Steve joined the three of you, you took another shot with him. It was not long before you became a little too tipsy for a work party faster than you’d realized what you’d done.
Upon noticing you hadn’t seen Natasha since you arrived at the party together, you scanned the room for red hair.
You found her sitting on a chair, listening to a conversation between a couple of people, and clumsily sat yourself on her lap, eliciting a laugh from her.
“Someone’s been busy,” she said with a smirk that turned into a smile.
“Oh yeah, I can’t say no to an open bar.”
“Obviously,” she teased and you saw a glint in her eye that made your heart pick up. “You seeing anyone lately?”
You rolled your eyes with a knowing smile, “Prying while I’m drunk, Nat? I didn’t think that was your style.”
“That’s not a no,” she pressed on.
“You’re very nosy. But no, I haven’t even thought of that since… since I joined.” You thought back to what Maria told you. “Besides, I don’t need a distraction or anything.”
“I dunno,” Natasha shrugged. “doesn’t hurt to have some fun- and seeing someone doesn’t mean you have a distraction in your life. There’s a person behind the big, strong, Avenger everyone sees. Being human doesn’t make you weak.”
Your eyes flitted to Maria who was across the room, engaged in a conversation with Steve, and you rolled your eyes in annoyance, “You should tell that to her.”
Natasha’s face crinkled in confusion and she followed your line of sight, her eyes widening as she turned back to face you, “What is that supposed to mean?”
You groaned and had to stop yourself from facepalming, drinking made you loose lipped, “I’ll tell you about it sober, we’re not getting into this now.”
The last thing you thought you would have to do that night was fight sentient fucking robots while intoxicated. You thought you had been holding your own well enough but got knocked to the floor when a bogie hit you in the head.
Your ears rang loudly and you’d been sure the stupid piece of metal was about to kill you as you held your head in agony until you heard gunshots and it never came.
You had Maria to thank for that.
The next time you found yourself being thrown to the ground by a bogie was in Sokovia. You weren’t so lucky this time, you landed on a sharp piece of metal that lodged itself in your abdomen as your chin slammed into the concrete ground.
You cried out in pain as you tried to get your bearings, knowing that if you didn’t act quickly you would die. 
Searing pain coursed through your entire body as you reached to unstrap your gun from your thigh. Hot tears ran down your cheeks and mixed with dirt and the fresh blood on your chin. 
You shot the hunk of metal until it collapsed on the floor. You were grateful the lifeboats were taking people from the floating island to the helicarrier every couple of minutes and hobbled over as quickly as your body could go in this state. 
Every breath and step you took was excruciating. The only thing you could think about was how badly you wanted to survive. 
The moment Steve laid his eyes on you, he gestured to Natasha and ran over, picking you off your feet and carrying you the rest of the distance. You let out a sob of relief when you no longer had to rely on your feet carrying you the rest of the way, not knowing how much further you would have been able to make it.
You heard him speaking over comms and vaguely caught Natasha’s response, telling him to take you onto the helicarrier for medical attention while she continued to direct people onto lifeboats.
“You’re going to be alright, okay?” Steve murmured, and you couldn’t tell if he even believed himself. 
Nonetheless, you nodded into his neck and let your eyes close.
You woke up in a bed with an IV attached to you. You were grateful that the lights were mostly turned off, besides a lamp in the room, keeping your eyes from hurting too much. 
Your whole body ached, your stomach especially, and you groaned restlessly.
Natasha was sitting in a chair to your right reading a book and Maria was beside her, her eyes closed. When Natasha heard you, her head snapped up from her book and she let out a sigh of relief, taking your hand. “Hey, you’re okay.”
She offered you some water and gave you medication that was left for you in case you woke up, “This should make you feel better, you’ll probably be a little drowsy soon but the pain should go away.”
“Thank you, ‘Tasha,” you smiled gratefully as best you could.
“You scared me, you know - all of us, really,” She said, her voice a little shaky. “I’m glad you’re alright.”
“Me too,” you chuckled.
Natasha smiled softly and cleared her throat, “I’ll come check on you again soon but I know Maria wants to talk to you.” 
She nudged the brunette awake gently, nodding in your direction, “Hey, she just woke up a couple minutes ago.”
Maria muttered a ‘thank you’ to Natasha for waking her up and moved to her previously occupied seat when she left.
“You feel okay?” she asked when the two of you alone, and you figured she was avoiding whatever it was she actually wanted to say.
“No, I was impaled, I feel like shit… Why are you here?”
Maria’s eyebrows raised for a second, caught off guard by how blunt you were being, and took a breath, “I wanted to apologize.”
“When I rejected you. I -”
“That’s not necessary, Maria, I really don’t want to rehash this.”
She shook her head and clenched her jaw, “Please. I - I was wrong.”
You quirked a brow. That was new. It wasn’t every day Maria Hill was wrong about something. And it definitely wasn’t every day Maria Hill looked like she was about to cry.
Maria took your silence as permission to continue, “I’m in love with you. And I’m sorry you had to almost die for me to admit it. I was so afraid to let myself love you because I was terrified knowing that something like this could happen to you. But when I got the call I realized that I could die never knowing what it’s like to kiss you.” Her voice broke as she finished her sentence. She let out a breath to steady herself as a tear streaked down her face.
You reached out your hand to the edge of the bed, palm up. Maria put her hand on top of yours and you squeezed lightly.
Her breath hitched and tears welled in your eyes while you watched her lips turn downwards as she tried not to cry. “I’m so sorry,” Those words sounded different this time.
Your heart ached for her. You nodded, understanding. “I know… it’s okay.”
She swallowed and wiped her tears, taking a deep breath. “I’m sorry.”
You shook your head, a soft smile playing on your lips, “Why don’t you find out what it’s like to kiss me already, hm?”
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literaryavenger · 10 months
I love you and I hate it - part 2
Summary: After your fight with Bucky, you put all your efforts into avoiding him, convinced that your friendship is over. Bucky, however, has other plans.
Pairing: Best Friend!Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader
Warnings: Reader being dramatic. Angst. Language maybe. Minimal use of Y/N. Fluff. My poor attempts at being funny.
Word Count: 4.5K
A/N: I promise I didn't mean to make it this long, but I couldn't help myself, again, and I didn't want to end on another 'cliffhanger' so here it is! hope you like it!
Part 1
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Bucky can't believe what he just heard... You like him?
No, you used the word ‘love’. You love him.
Do you love him?
Certainly, he would’ve noticed if you did... Right? He is a trained assassin, he was taught how to see beyond people’s words and actions.
And he knows you, you can deny it all you want, but he knows you better than anyone. He knows you better than he knows himself.
And if he’s being honest, you know him better than anyone ever has, Steve included.
You feel safe, you feel calm. You feel like the peace he’s always wanted, the quiet he needs.
You feel like home. In a platonic way, of course.
His thoughts of you are interrupted by Sharon’s voice. He didn’t even realize he was back at the party.
"Where did you go?" she asks and, suddenly, her grip on his arm was just a little too tight for his liking. But it was probably nothing.
"I went to check if Y/N was okay."
"Oh." something in her voice felt wrong, but Bucky tried to ignore it, that is until what she said next.
"Why would you even care about her? All she does is embarrass you like before. She’s useful to no one, I heard the only reason she’s even on the team is because she slept her way to it." she laughed like it was the funniest thought in the world, and Bucky couldn’t ignore it anymore.
Not only was she saying hurtful, untrue things about his girl, but she has the audacity to laugh at her own cruelty?
"How dare you?" he does his best not to yell, but his tone still startles Sharon. "Y/N is the best agent in all of Shield, that’s why she got in the team! She’s not an embarrassment, she’s a valued member of our family and she’s my best friend! Of course I care about her, she’s the most important person in my life! Don’t ever talk about her that way again."
Sharon seems shocked at his words but, looking around, she realizes people are starting to stare so she tries her best to defuse the situation. "Alright, I’m sorry, I won’t say things like that again. Let’s just calm down and have a nice rest of the evening, ok?"
In his head Bucky knew her request was reasonable, he could forget about this and keep having fun with his girlfriend. But in his heart he just knew he couldn’t let it go.
The words were coming out of his mouth before he can stop them, not that he even wants to.
"You know what, Sharon? This isn’t working. We have to break up." He doesn’t even give her a chance to say anything before he’s turning around and making his way to his room.
Meanwhile, on the roof, Steve’s trying to talk you down the ledge. Metaphorically speaking, obviously. 
"He hates me, Steve." you can't stop the tears.
"Stop saying that, sweetheart, he doesn’t hate you."
"You saw what happened at the party, the way he looked at me. And he heard me say that I love him and walked away like it was nothing." You sniffle. "If he didn’t hate me before, this certainly pushed him off the edge."
Steve has nothing to say to that, he knows Bucky doesn't hate you, but he also knows that you’re too stubborn to hear any reason, especially not right now when you're in the eye of the tornado and can't see a way out.
Right now you need a friend and shoulder to cry on, usually Bucky would take on that role, but, given the circumstances, Steve decides to step up and be that friend.
He wraps his arms around your crying body and holds you as you let it all out. Neither of you say anything else, the only sounds in the dark of the night being your sobs, until eventually you calm down and after a few moments of silence Steve glances down to see you fell asleep. 
Not wanting to wake you he carefully picks you up and makes his way to the elevator.
When he gets to the floor you both reside in he finds Sam and Natasha chatting at the kitchen counter, probably about to go to bed after coming up from the party.
Sam gives him a confused look, while Nat seems to understand what is going on right away as she moves without saying a word, walking ahead of Steve towards your room.
She opens the door for him and walks in behind, moving the covers back as he lays you on your bed as carefully as he can, and then Nat delicately takes your heels off before covering you with the duvet.
As they’re leaving your room the door opposite yours opens, revealing a hopeful Bucky but when he sees it’s not you, his face becomes stoic once again. He’s about to ask where you are when Natasha beats him to the punch.
"Leave her alone, Barnes. You’ve hurt her enough already." Is all she says before she steps into her own bedroom.
Bucky looks to his best friend for help but, at his confused face, the blonde super soldier just shakes his head in disappointment and walks away without a word.
Bucky stands there for a few minutes, just staring at your door like he's gonna will you to open it and talk to him.
He sighs and goes back to his room where he spends the next few hours overthinking about you and this whole night, eventually falling into an uneasy sleep.
The next morning when you wake up you feel at peace for about 10 seconds before the events of last night hit you like a truck, and all you can feel is humiliation.
How can you face the team after they witnessed your fight with Bucky?
How can you face Steve after he saw you at your most vulnerable and, apparently, carried you to bed after you cried yourself to sleep?
How can you face Bucky after he heard you say you love him and he walked away from you?
You can’t, that’s the answer.
Should you just move out? Just quit the team, ask Hill to be reassigned? Maybe you could even get transferred to another country...
You’re not overreacting, right? This is a very embarrassing situation and you have every right to want to run away from all of it.
As you’re making up an escape plan in your mind you hear a knock on your door, followed by Steve’s voice. "Hey, are you awake? We just want to make sure you're okay…"
You try to be as silent as you can, slowing down your breathing praying he’ll think you’re sleeping.
You can hear him exchange some muffled words with what sounds like Natasha, and then you hear their footsteps as they walk away, so you let out a relieved sigh.
Okay, step one is definitely getting out of this room, it’s just the most obvious place where to look for you.
You get up and out of your awfully classy dress, take a shower being sure to clean away all the makeup from last night and put on the most comfortable sweats you own.
Just as you’re opening the door you can see Bucky opening his about to get out and, in a panic move, you run back inside your room and slam the door shut.
Very subtle, yes.
You rest your back against the door and can hear him sigh and then walk away.
You wait a few minutes, just to be sure, and then relax a little. Your plan was to go to the gym and work out a bit, but now all you can think about is getting the hell out of this compound.
You grab your purse, make sure to have your phone and keys in it and open the door, making sure no one’s around before getting out.
You’re practically running, taking the stairs for good measure, and in a flash you’re at the garage. You jump in your car and drive away as fast as you can without breaking the law, not even knowing where to go.
Once you’re in the city you stop at a cafe for breakfast near your favorite book store, the one you and Bucky have visited together a hundred times.
Okay, stop that. No more thinking about Bucky.
You spend the rest of the day just going from one store to the other, stopping to have lunch at the diner you always go to when you’re in the city, and trying not to kick yourself for not being able to stop thinking about Bucky.
Seriously, why can’t you stop thinking about him?
It doesn’t help the fact that every one of your favorite places has at least a hundred and twelve memories of Bucky.
God, have you ever gone anywhere on your own in the last two years?
The more memories come to mind the more you think that maybe transferring wouldn’t be such a bad idea. Go somewhere new, get a fresh start.
When it starts getting dark you decide to drive back to the compound, but when you park and turn the car off you can’t find it in yourself to get out.
You take out your phone, which you’ve been ignoring all day, and go through all the messages of your worried friends, hating yourself a little more when you catch yourself looking for his name in your notifications.
Just as you’re about to answer Tony’s texts first, you get a call from Steve. You stare at your phone, unsure if you can stomach answering him right now, but your decision is rendered moot when someone taps against your car window.
Your head snaps towards it and you let out a breath of relief when you see Steve standing there, holding his phone and using it to tap on your window again.
You close your eyes for a second but resign to your fate as you gather your things and get out of the car.
When you lock your car you turn to see that Steve moved to be leaning on the trunk of your car, so you join him and wait for him to say something, not knowing what to say yourself.
"So," he starts, with his arm folded in front of his chest and looking at his shoes "you’re avoiding all of us now?" You let out a sigh, feeling bad for hurting his feelings.
"I’m sorry, Steve. I just…" you can’t even look at him as you talk, so you just look ahead of you at all the cars "I’m just embarrassed. After everything that happened last night, I don’t know… God, you even carried me to bed like a child." you cover your face with your hands.
You finally look at him when you hear him chuckling. "That’s what friends do, Y/N. They lean on each other." he bumps your shoulder with his playfully.
"I know we’re not as close as you and Bucky, but I am your friend too. I’m not gonna judge you for last night, I just want to make sure you’re okay. That’s what we all want. You made us worry that you might run away on us." He says the last part as a joke, but you can’t help looking away from him.
That’s exactly what you wanted to do.
You bite your lip as he keeps looking at you and you feel like he can see the gears turning in your head, like your thoughts are so loud and your guilt so visible that he knows right away he was right on the money.
"Y/N…" it’s almost a warning, but you still can’t find the courage to look at him. "You were seriously thinking of running away?!" he seems almost shocked.
"Okay, it’s not like I’m a teenager running away in the middle of the night after a fight with her parents!" you finally look at him. "I was just considering… I don’t know, maybe asking for a transfer?"
"So you actually want to leave the team just because you had a fight with Bucky?" He scoffs.
"It’s not just the fight, Steve, he knows I love him and he doesn’t even care!" You yell before sighing and lovering your voice.
"Do you realize how much that hurts? And now I’m supposed to, what? Just go back to how things used to be? Pretend like nothing happened? Even if we’re not friends anymore, he lives across the hall from me! I’m bound to see him and it’s gonna hurt every fucking time!" You’re almost crying, again, but you hold back not wanting to go through that again and you look away.
"I know it hurts, trust me, sweetheart, but… what about us?" you look at him again as he goes on. "We’re your team too. We’re your friends, we’re your family... You can’t just leave us. I'm not saying it's gonna be easy, but we can help you make it better. We all care about you a lot." It’s honestly a miracle you’re not crying already. You feel him take your hand, but don’t look away from his face.
"Please let us help you." you squeeze his hand and nod, not trusting your voice not to break and the flood to hit as soon as you open your mouth.
He smiles at you and you can’t help but do the same. "Good. Then let’s go up and have dinner like we always do." He starts walking and taking you with him, his hand still in yours.
While you’re waiting for the elevator you can’t hold yourself back as you turn to him and give him a tight hug. "Thank you."
He hugs you back just as tight. "Anytime, rookie." you snort and let go of him, giving him a punch in the arm you’re sure he didn’t even feel as he laughs with you.
When you get to the big kitchen most of the team is already there and you sit down next to Natasha while Steve sits at her other side.
The seat next to you is quickly occupied by Sam as he bings the pizza to the table. He gives you a side hug and squeezes your arm in sympathy but aside from that nobody even mentioned what happened last night, which you're grateful for.
You eat like always, having conversations, laughing and teasing each other like normal, you didn’t feel like anyone was pitying you and you realized Steve was right: these people are your family, you could never leave them.
And, as you watch Loki and Peter trying to make you laugh by messing with Thor’s hair, putting tiny umbrellas in it while he's not looking, you just know they’re gonna help you through everything.
What makes you sad to notice is that one brooding super soldier is missing, though you don’t bring it up for fear of opening that particular door.
And that’s how you spend the next few weeks: avoiding anything and everything that has to do with Bucky, including the man himself.
You start training with Natasha and realize how easy Bucky went on you.
You do more missions with Sam and Steve and realize that missions aren't as fun for everybody as they were for you and Bucky.
You hang out during your down time with pretty much everyone and realize that you couldn’t have as much fun with everyone as you had with Bucky.
So yeah, as much as you could avoid Bucky and talking about him to anybody, he lived rent free in your head.
Fun, huh?
It also didn’t help the look that Steve gave you every time you basically ran out of a room as soon as you caught a glimpse of your former best friend. 
Everybody noticed the change in your friendship, but it felt like they all took a silent oath to not mention anything to either of you, and you were glad they were respecting your choice to stay away from Bucky.
He, on the other hand, was going crazy.
He hasn’t seen you in weeks, except for those few seconds before you realize he’s in the same room and run away.
He doesn’t hear your voice unless he’s eavesdropping on you with someone else, but even then he never hears his name come out of your mouth.
Nobody will tell him anything about you, the only thing he can get out of Steve is ‘she’s okay, just give her time’.
He’s been trying his best to give you the space you need, but he feels like he’ll lose his mind if he doesn’t hear you say his name soon.
It’s been a month of successfully and not so subtly avoiding Bucky.
There was one time where, as the team about to land for a mission, he got much too close to you for your liking and you thought he was about to say something so you grabbed a parachute and quite literally jumped out the jet, then walked the rest of the way to the Hydra base.
Everyone had to wait for you, some annoyed, but most found the situation too amusing to be bothered by it.
You’re at the gym for an early morning workout, a habit you took to when you started avoiding Bucky.
You know he usually stays up at night. Occasionally because he still gets nightmares, usually because his overthinking mind tortures him until early hours. So he uses mornings to sleep in when he doesn’t have missions.
You’re on the treadmill when you hear the doors of the gym open behind you but think nothing of it, assuming it’s just Steve replacing his morning run with a workout because it’s too hot to run outside.
When you don’t hear him say anything, you’re about to turn your head to see who it is, but before you can do anything you feel two hands, one cold and one hot, on your waist.
You squeal when they pick you up and take you away from the treadmill, setting you down on the ground in front of it before turning off the machine.
"Bucky, what the fuck?! I could’ve gotten hurt!" you were so shocked you didn’t even fully realize you were actually talking to the person you’ve spent so much time and effort avoiding, or that you were walking backwards while Bucky was getting closer to you.
"Oh please, I’d ever let you get hurt." he’s sounds almost amused, like this is a normal thing between you two, but the truth is he’s just happy that you’re actually talking to him.
When your back hits the wall you realize too late that it’s Bucky in front of you and suddenly you’re looking around you to find a way to escape. But all you find is that he’s successfully trapped you between the wall and his body, his hands on the wall at either side of your head.
You swallow hard and if he notices he doesn’t say anything, but your brain is too busy registering the warmth of his body so close to yours to even be ashamed right now.
"Is this the only way I’ll get to talk to you now?" you almost miss his question, your eyes snapping up to meet his and, where you expected to see a smug look at having caught you not only off guard but also ogling, you found a frown and a slight pout.
Something about the hurt on his face stopped you from lying or straight up kicking him so he’d move and you could run away.
No, Bucky was your best friend, you’ve always felt the need to be honest with him ever since that first day, and even now you owe it to him to tell him nothing but the truth.
"I just need time." You hoped he understood.
"How much more time do you need?" Apparently not.
"I don’t know, can’t you just be patient?" You can't believe you really have to ask him this.
"It’s been a month, doll, I think I’ve been plenty patient. Are you planning on avoiding me forever?"
"Not forever… just… I don’t know." If you were being honest with yourself, you didn’t know how long you would’ve kept on avoiding him.
You were so busy doing the actual avoiding that you didn’t take the time to think about when you’d be able to stop.
You let out a sigh, but didn’t look away from his eyes for a second. He needs to know you meant every word you're about to say. "I was hurting, Bucky. I still am. I get that you have a girlfriend-"
"I broke up with her." he interrupts you.
"You… What?" you weren’t expecting that. "When?"
"The night of our fight. I would’ve told you sooner but it was hard to catch you, you know, with you avoiding me and everything."
You almost lost your train of thought, but it didn’t matter that he was single, he was still the first one to walk away, why was it so wrong for you to do it now?
"It doesn’t matter… I know you don’t owe me anything, but you walked away from me. From my feelings." you can see Bucky’s confusion so, before he can say anything, you explain yourself.
"That night on the roof. I know you were there, you heard me say that I loved you and you walked away like it was nothing. Like I was nothing. I know you don’t like me like that, and I can live with that in time, but it hurt. It still hurts." you don’t know what you were expecting him to say, but it definitely wasn’t he says next.
"Do you remember the day we met?" you furrow your brows in confusion but he waits for you to nod before he keeps going. "We’ve never really talked about it, have we? It's ironic since we’ve talked about pretty much every topic we could possibly come up with. But that day, you introduced yourself and I just got up and walked away. Kind of what you’ve been doing this past few weeks."  he chuckles a bit and you have the impression he's getting closer to your face, but you're probably just imagining that.
"Yeah, I thought I did something wrong, but you were just a rude bitch." he laughs and you can’t help but smile.
"I’m sorry about that, I just… the second I saw you I felt weird. And when you talked to me it was too much, I couldn’t handle it. I didn’t know what I was feeling and my brain just screamed at me to get out, so I did. Then you came to my door and said all those nice things and that weird feeling started to feel more and more comfortable as you talked. It was nice. Then we became friends and I guess I just dismissed that feeling as friendship. It was a different type of friendship that I’d never had... But then again I’ve never been this close to a woman. Emotionally speaking, of course." His hand comes to cup your cheek and you can’t speak, so he takes the opportunity to say everything he needs to say.
"This month has been hell for me, doll. I’ve missed you more than I’ve ever missed anybody in my entire life. Not being able to spend time with you, joke around, talk to you, barely even see you. It's been driving me insane. Being away from you for so long made me realize what that feeling was. You’re not just my best friend, you’re my person. You’re my calm, and my reason. You’re my happiness, my home. You’re the love of my life."
"What?" you're basically whispering, so quietly you’re sure he wouldn’t have heard you if he didn’t have super hearing.
"I love you too, doll. I love you." he holds your face in his hands "I love you."
You feel like your brain shut down all of a sudden. You barely know how to breathe, let alone talk. All you can do is stare at him, the look he's giving you making you weak in the knees.
"You’re killing me here, doll. For the love of god, say something, angel." The nickname seems to snap you out of it, and there's only one thing in your mind left to ask.
"If you love me, why didn’t you tell me on the roof?" He let out a deep sigh, you can feel his breath on your lips, but you try your hardest to focus on his words and not his lips.
"For one I was still with Sharon. And I didn’t really know what I was feeling. Also, I wasn’t even sure you were serious. Honestly, I was just confused about the whole thing, and still mad about the fight. Nothing good would’ve come from me staying and talking to you that night. I probably would’ve ended up hurting you more." All that makes a lot of sense, sure, but it doesn't change the fact that it hurt.
The look in Bucky’s face at the moment though makes you want to forgive him right this second and let this whole thing go. Pretend like the last month didn’t happen. 
So that’s what you do.
"What if…" you start, looking back and forth between his eyes and his lips "what if we forget all of this happened?"
"No." he answered so fast and firmly that it made you furrow your eyebrows in confusion and disappointment. "I don’t want to forget anything about us, doll. Good or bad, it’s all worth it, as long as it ends with you in my arms."
You're melting and can't hold yourself back, you grab his face and bring his lips down to yours.
He freezes, probably not expecting it, but when you're about to pull away, he holds your face to keep you there, deepening the kiss.
After a few moments you hear someone clear their throat and almost throw Bucky off of you, looking behind him while he turns to see who it is and you see Steve and Sam standing there, amused looks on their faces.
"We were just talking." You blurted out and Sam cracked and almost doubled over with laughter.
"Really?" Steve said while raising an eyebrow, almost exasperated and knowing damn well what you were doing.
"Sure they were, Steve, she was obviously trying to get the word out of his mouth!" Sam said to the blonde, still laughing his ass off.
"Oh, of course she was. Tell us, sweetheart, what did you find in Bucky’s mouth?" Steve was now laughing too, and you were so embarrassed you hid your face in Bucky���s chest.
He wrapped his arms around you, barely glaring at the two laughing idiots. "Ok, just get out of here, punks." Fortunately for once in their lives they decided to actually listen and left, their laughs echoing through the halls.
"You okay there, doll?" Bucky was now chuckling at your embarrassment.
You raised your head and, meeting his eyes, you said "I can’t believe Captain Dumbass is making fun of us for kissing."
He started laughing and you gladly joined him, looking forward to making up for the time you missed with him, unknowingly promising each other to never let go of the other ever again.
taglist: @mostlymarvelgirl @spookyparadisesheep @scott-loki-barnes @pattiemac1 @emerald-writes @sapphirebarnes
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sycamorelibrary754 · 10 months
Guardian Angel Masterlist
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Summary: It took time, patience, and an intense personal as well as public effort for Wanda to be welcomed back into the Avengers after the Westview events. However, deep down, she didn't believe that she deserved to be accepted back. Billy and Tommy, somehow, managed to survive the destruction of the Hex. Now, Wanda's primary focus is rebuilding her life with her beloved sons. One Monday morning, when she went out for a simple coffee date with Natasha, she met you. You were the unexpected surprise that she didn't see coming, but maybe it's a positive kind of surprise.
Setting: This story takes place one year after the events of WandaVision, and assumes that the Multiverse of Madness did not occur.
Chapter List:
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Discussion: All posts related to this story will be #GuardianAngel. Feel free to ask questions! I love this story.
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themini-romanoff · 4 months
Steve- *says something stupid to y/n*
Y/n- Так что ты можешь сосать мой член, если тебе не нравится моя дрянь.
Steve- translate?
Natasha- "so you can suck my dick, if you don't like my shit"
85 notes · View notes
ginnsbaker · 1 year
Maybe You Were The Ocean
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Summary: Wanda was... an open-ended chapter in your life.
Word count: 6.3k+ | Tags: Heavy Angst, Character Death, Bittersweet ending
Ship: Wanda Maximoff x Gender Neutral Reader
Requested by @gingiesworld:
Y/N and Wanda have been together for a while and Pietro calls Y/N one night, needing a lift home from a friends party. On that night they get hit by another drunk driver and Pietro dies on impact. As time goes on and the other driver is arrested, y/n still blames themselves for Pietro's death. Even though Wanda continuously tries to tell them otherwise but they won't listen. They then yell at her "why don't you blame me? You should hate me for your brother dying." Before walking out. Can be either a happy or sad ending buddy. Whichever you decide
Author's note: I changed some minor details in the request, hope you don't mind Gingie. Thank you for this gut-wrenching monster, it allowed me to practice writing in past tense (so out of my comfort zone lol). Title is from "black flies" by ben howard, listen to that as well when you read ;)
You haven't been to something like this in what seems like ages.
That something being a wedding.
And if you were to keep count, you'd realize you've been to more funerals than weddings in your lifetime so far.
Your best friend looks like a goddess in her white dress—and anyone with eyes can see that the groom is the luckiest man on earth.
You’re fixing your hair in front of the mirror when she approaches, wearing a smile that you’ve never seen on her, a smile you’d never be able to put on her lips yourself. It’s a smile reserved for him—that lucky bastard.
She gently taps on your shoulder. “You’re going to make me cry if you keep looking so stunning,” she teases, her voice light with laughter.
You chuckle, your eyes meeting hers in the mirror. “It's your day, and nothing can overshadow how beautiful you look.”
“Promise me something,” she says suddenly, her bright eyes locking onto yours.
“Anything,” you reply without hesitation.
“Promise me that you won’t stop looking for this kind of happiness. Promise me you'll find someone who puts that same smile on your face,” she whispers.
Your throat tightens, words caught somewhere between heartache and hope. “I promise.”
You were eight years old when you moved to a new neighborhood.
At that age, it felt like the scariest thing that had ever happened to you. Your parents divorced, your mother got full custody, and once the judge made that call, she packed up everything familiar and moved you to a new state: New Jersey.
It was what she could manage back then. This place was nothing like the spacious suburbs you remembered, and your new apartment building seemed no bigger than your old living room back in California. The place had just one bedroom, and it was hard to tell where the dining area stopped and the kitchen started.
You resented her in the way a child might, not fully grasping responsibility or consequences. You were upset she took you away from your friends and the comfort of your old life. You didn’t see back then the bruises hidden beneath her shirt, the ones your father left. You only learned about them when you turned eighteen. By then, your resentment had faded long ago.
A week after moving into that aged building, you encountered the twins next door, Pietro and Wanda Maximoff. Initially, you met Pietro when his mother sent him over with some food to welcome you and your mom to the neighborhood. It wasn't until you and Pietro became inseparable friends, spending every possible moment together, that you met Wanda.
When you did meet her, you weren't fond of her. She seemed aloof and mostly kept to herself. Unlike her expressive brother, Wanda seldom voiced her thoughts, making conversations with her feel uninspiring. 
You and Pietro often clashed with Wanda over the television. You both wanted to play video games while Wanda preferred her sitcoms. Pietro would let Wanda watch her shows briefly before forcefully switching channels just to annoy her. Eventually, Wanda would retreat to her room in tears, and Pietro would steel himself for a reprimand when their mother returned home.
You would give Wanda a piece of chocolate because you felt bad, but you never asked Pietro to stop, fearing he might stop being your best friend. In return, Wanda would lend you her pocketbooks you’d never quite finish.
You hadn't realized it back then, but that dynamic would continue well into your teen years. With Pietro stirring up trouble left and right, you being caught in the middle, and Wanda, from a distance, observing you with cautious interest—perhaps wishing it had been her who brought the welcoming food instead of her brother.
The wedding isn’t going to start for another hour. There have been delays due to the weather.
With the archways and open corridors adorned with blooming flowers and drapes, the venue looks nothing short of magical, even with the looming clouds. From where you stand, you extend your arm, letting the light drizzle kiss your skin. Each droplet feels like nature's way of playing with the day's emotions—adding both melancholy and charm.
Someone nearby remarks, “You know it's considered good luck when it rains on one's wedding day.”
You merely smile politely in response.
“Are you a friend of the bride’s or the groom's?”
“The bride,” you reply.
“Oh, fantastic! Maybe you can convince her to finally see she’s way out of his league!”
You shake your head at the joke. It’s not even the first time you've heard it today.
It wasn't until you were fifteen and Pietro, seventeen, that the troubles you found yourselves in became more serious. 
It had also been a few months since Pietro introduced you to drugs other than weed. At first, it was just an occasional joint passed around at a party or behind the school building. But Pietro wanted to try riskier substances. You weren't as keen but didn't want to be left behind by your best friend.
One evening, after trying something a bit harder than usual, you and Pietro were wandering the streets, laughing way too loud. In his intoxicated state, Pietro suddenly swung at a parked car with his bat, smashing it. Almost immediately, patrol lights shone bright, and stern police voices could be heard from almost everywhere. Pietro got cornered, but sheer panic made you bolt. Ditching your best friend felt terrible, but the terrifying thought of jail—especially knowing the mess it'd be for your already stretched-thin mom—made you keep running.
Still shaken, you made your way to Pietro's apartment, knowing you had to be the one to tell his mother. Her reaction was a storm of emotions—anger, fear, desperation. She demanded you stay with Wanda while she went to confront the nightmare at the police station.
“I think I'll just head home,” you murmured to Wanda, not wanting to impose any further.
She glanced at you, her eyes searching. “Have you had dinner?”
You hesitated, then lied. “Yeah, I ate earlier.” The truth was your mom had been away for work for three days, and the fridge was almost bare. 
The small home you came to know felt overwhelmingly spacious as you sat alone, burdened by the guilt of having left your best friend behind. But mere minutes after sinking into your worn-out couch, a knock came at your door. Opening it, you found Wanda, a bowl of steaming paprikash in her hands and a soft smile on her lips.
“I thought you might be hungry,” she said.
Your face lit up in relief at the sight of the food, more grateful than you could express. Just as you were about to thank her, your stomach betrayed you with an embarrassingly loud growl. Wanda let out a genuine laugh, and for a brief moment, you felt like a burden had been lifted.
“Guess I was right,” she teased, handing you the bowl.
As you eagerly began eating, Wanda settled opposite you, her expression growing serious again. “What were you two even thinking tonight?” she asked softly.
Swallowing, you sighed, “I tried to stop him, Wanda. But I couldn't talk him out of it.” 
Wanda looked down, her fingers playing with a loose thread on the couch. “I don't blame you,” she finally said, her voice gentle, “I never do. In fact, I sometimes wonder how much worse he might've been without you around.”
A moment of silence hung between the two of you before Wanda whispered, more to herself than to you, “I'm so worried about next year.”
Curiously, you looked up from your food, "What do you mean?"
“Pietro's turning eighteen. He was supposed to get a baseball scholarship, but with this run in with the police, that’s probably hanging in the balance now…” she trailed off.
Your heart sank. You had known Pietro had big dreams tied to that scholarship, dreams that now seemed to be teetering on the brink. "And what about you, Wanda? What's your plan?"
Wanda took a deep breath, and her face lit up slightly, “I got accepted into Columbia. It's amazing, really. But…” She sighed, looking down, “Even with the scholarship they offered, I can't afford it. Plus, with everything going on, I think I need to be here, help Mom out, you know?”
“That's tough,” you whispered, feeling a pang of sadness for the bright future she might be putting on hold.
She nodded, “I'm thinking of starting work and maybe attending community college for a bit. It's not Columbia, but it's something.”
“That's... that's just unfair,” you whispered, setting down your bowl, your appetite momentarily forgotten. “If there's anyone who deserves to be at Columbia, Wanda, it's you.”
Wanda looked up, her eyes filled with something you didn’t recognize.
“I wish things were different,” you continued. “I've always thought of you as one of the most intelligent people I know. And not just smart, but kind... genuinely kind.”
She took in your words, the distance between you two closing slightly. “Thank you,” she murmured, her gaze never leaving yours.
Then, with a flash of resolve, she inched closer. “There's something I want to do,” she began, her voice a whisper. “Something I've wanted for a long time, but it never seemed right. I don't think there'll be another perfect moment, another chance. Not after tonight.”
Before you could process her words, she was leaning in, the space between you disappearing. Your eyelids dropped, and for a heartbeat, everything else melted away as her lips met yours.
For the longest time, nothing made sense to you. That was, until Wanda Maximoff kissed you.
Your best friend's walk down the aisle feels like the longest part of the ceremony–at least to you. The sight is so magical that time seems to stand still. When you snap back to reality, the priest is asking if there's anyone in the crowd who wishes to object to the marriage.
Nobody breaks the silence which lasts a mere two seconds. It's a rarity these days for anyone to object. They only happen now in movies. Modern weddings are more intimate, almost closed-door affairs. The guest list is meticulously curated, ensuring anyone with a complex history with the bride or groom remains absent.
You watch the ceremony unfold, every word, every shared glance, making you feel more trapped by the promise you made earlier. You'd promised to chase that very kind of happiness, the kind that was unfolding right in front of you. Yet as you watch, there's this nagging feeling at the back of your mind, asking if you ever really will.
What they have feels like a world apart from where you're seated. 
You try to be genuinely happy for your best friend, and on many levels, you are. But you–you’re the last person to believe you deserve even a fraction of such a miracle.
The kiss, as Wanda had promised, never happened again.
At least not for the duration they remained neighbors. Soon after, she and Pietro moved to another town for their studies. As for you, you and your mother also moved shortly after their departure, to a nicer neighborhood that’s closer to Manhattan where you also transferred schools.
For five years, you didn't see either of them. No calls. Nothing on social media. But that didn't stop them from occasionally drifting into your thoughts. Especially that memory of your first kiss.
That was until one night, while dining alone in a midscale Soho restaurant, you looked up to find Wanda as your server.
She wore a simple black uniform that most servers donned, but she carried it with an elegance that made her stand out. For a moment, you thought she didn't recognize you, as she professionally presented the menu and described the evening's specials without missing a beat. But then, as she was turning to leave your table, she paused and looked directly into your eyes.
“It's been a long time,” she said, her voice becoming more familiar as she shed her professional facade.
You nodded, struggling to find the right words. “Yeah, it really has. I didn't expect to see you here.”
She smiled, a little sadly. “Life takes us to unexpected places sometimes. I... well, I needed a job while I finish my degree.”
You both chatted briefly, catching up on lost time, but Wanda was called away to attend to other patrons. As she bustled about, you found it difficult to focus on your meal, your gaze repeatedly drawn to her fluid movements around the room.  Every so often, your eyes would meet, and she'd offer a fleeting smile, a touch of color rising to her cheeks.
After a while, you signaled for the check. Wanda was quick to bring it over, her fingers brushing against yours as she handed it to you.
“How's Pietro?” you asked tentatively.
Wanda hesitated, her eyes betraying her composure. “He was released from prison about a month ago,” she began, taking a deep breath. “It was tough, but he's doing better now. Trying to change, you know? And he... he misses you.”
Baseball never happened for him. College too. You wished you hadn’t lost your connection together. Perhaps you could have made a difference.
“I'm sorry,” you murmured. “Life just... took over.”
Wanda nodded with understanding, but remained silent.
As you prepared to leave, Wanda slipped a note along with your bill. It read, “It was good to see you again. Maybe we shouldn't wait another five years?”
Beneath these words, Wanda had also written down her phone number.
You waited a total of three days to call Wanda.
Wanda was... an open-ended chapter in your life. It wasn’t that you hadn’t been with other women since she stole your first kiss, but she remained a persistent afterthought in every relationship of yours that ended. 
It didn't help that you'd left a bookmark in her chapter, aware that revisiting it had the potential to alter the trajectory of everything.
The line rang twice before a familiar voice answered, “Hello?”
“Hey, it's me,” you hesitated for a moment, wondering if she would recognize your voice after all these years, “From the restaurant, the other night?”
There was a brief pause, then her tone softened, “I hoped you'd call.”
You were grinning so hard that it didn’t occur to you that you hadn’t responded to her in a while when she gently teased, “Took you long enough.”
“Three days isn’t that long,” you defended with a slight chuckle.
“Well, in the grand scheme of things, no. But in the context of us? It felt like an eternity,” she admitted.
And it truly felt that way. Finding Wanda over the past several years hadn't been impossible or even especially hard. Yet, both of you had consciously let things drift. You had navigated through college, and Wanda, well, she'd been engaged in whatever endeavors she had pursued.
But that night, it felt right to call her. And you hadn’t realized you were waiting to find her again.
You and Wanda scheduled to meet some time during the week and the conversation should’ve ended there. But neither of you wanted to hang up, and Wanda quickly asked about your college experience and the new neighborhood you'd settled into after their departure. By the time you both ended the call, nearly two hours had passed, and it felt like the most natural thing in the world.
It was evident; the bookmark you'd placed hadn't lost its page and it was easy to ease once more into its pages.
The sun has set when the newly-wedded couple finally arrives at the reception.
You're seated at a table filled with strangers, but your best friend made sure to place you next to a woman she's been raving about—one she's suggested more than once you should date.
Her name is Natasha and she’s gorgeous beyond words. She's so striking that you find yourself wondering if she's even your type. Typically, you've steered clear of people who seem universally more attractive than you, a defense mechanism to sidestep lingering insecurities from over the years.
But as she leans into your personal space, you can’t help but respond to every question and laugh at every joke she throws your way.
Maybe it’s safe to let yourself enjoy this, even just for tonight.
It was scarcely two weeks since that encounter with Wanda at the restaurant, and there you were, in her bed.
It was cramped and the air conditioning kept failing many times during the day. 
But you didn’t care. 
You had known this woman for almost your entire life, and you'd waited just as long to be in her bed like this: with your arm growing numb under her weight, her head resting on your chest, and your nose buried in her hair.
She stirred slightly, her fingers tracing patterns on your chest. “Did you ever think...?” she began, voice hesitant.
“Think what?” you prompted, adjusting slightly so you could see her face.
“That we'd end up here, like this?” she whispered, her eyes searching yours.
You smiled, thinking back. “I don't know if I let myself think about it. But I hoped.”
She chuckled softly, her breath warm against your skin. “I had a feeling you'd say that.”
The sheets beneath you were thin and had seen better days, but it didn't matter. The world outside, with its faint hum of city life, seemed so far away. Yet, the world outside seemed irrelevant. All that mattered was the rhythm of her breathing syncing with yours and the warmth of her body next to you.
Every so often, she'd shift, mumbling half-formed sentences that would make you chuckle.
“Is the penguin wearing a bowtie?” she murmured in her half-asleep state.
You laughed softly. “What penguin?”
“The one in my dream,” she mumbled, snuggling closer to you. “He's quite the gentleman.”
“Sounds like a classy penguin,” you teased.
She smiled faintly, her eyes still closed. “He reminds me of you, in a way.”
“Oh? So, I'm a penguin now?” you quipped, brushing a strand of hair away from her face.
“In the best way,” she whispered, pulling you closer. “My dapper penguin.”
You chuckled, shaking your head. “Only you would dream of something like that.”
“And only you,” she murmured, lips against your chest, “Would be there in that dream with me.”
While Wanda seamlessly reintegrated into your life, with Pietro, however, things weren't as straightforward. His past, speckled with run-ins with the law and a battle against addiction, made you and Wanda wary of him, always waiting for the other shoe to drop.
You could tell he was on the mend though, especially when six months into your relationship with Wanda, Pietro was able to hold a job for that same duration. Yet, his living situation with Wanda was far from ideal. Their apartment was snug, to say the least. His room was barely big enough to fit his bed. 
You wished you could help, but with college expenses looming over you, your hands were tied. The thought of asking Wanda to move in with you played on your mind constantly. It seemed like the ideal solution: she would have a more stable environment, and Pietro could fully occupy the apartment, giving him some semblance of independence.
“What do you think about moving in with me? I know it's soon, but…” you asked her one night in the quiet confines of your dorm room.
“I don’t think I’m allowed to live here with you,” Wanda said, a bit amused at your suggestion.
“I didn’t mean here,” you replied. “I meant finding an apartment for the two of us.”
“That’s just adding more expenses, Y/N. I can’t let you do that when you can stay here without any costs,” Wanda countered.
You sighed, rubbing the back of your neck. “It's not about the money, Wands. It's about... us. Having a place of our own. And it would also give Pietro the whole apartment.”
Wanda's eyes met yours, searching for a hidden meaning. “Are you saying that because of Pietro? You think he's a burden?”
You quickly shook your head. “No, no, it's not that. I just... I see how much you worry about him.”
Your fingers found hers, lacing together as you both sat on the edge of your bed. “I get it,” you began, exhaling softly, “But I thought about Pietro too. He’d have the apartment all to himself. More space, more independence.”
Wanda's eyebrows knit together in concern. “And what if he…” she hesitated, searching for the right words, “Relapses or needs me?”
You tightened your grip around her hand. “We wouldn't be too far, Wanda. And maybe giving him that space and trust will help him more than you think.”
She took a deep breath, letting it out slowly. “I know you're thinking of what's best for all of us, but Pietro's situation has always been so... fragile.”
Wanda looked at you, her eyes filled with emotion. “I'll think about it,” she whispered.
“Take your time,” you replied, pressing a soft kiss on her knuckles. “Whatever you decide, I'm with you every step of the way.”
“Promise me,” Wanda said, her eyes hardening, like she’s on the verge of tears or something worse. “Promise you’ll be with me always.”
You leaned in, brushing a soft kiss on her forehead. “Always.”
“It’s not everyday you find the person you’ll be spending the rest of your life with.”
Short and sweet, but that's your whole speech, cliches and all.
“I never thought I'd see the day,” you start, nodding towards the newlyweds with a smirk. “But hey, miracles happen.” You raise your champagne glass. “To two people who finally figured it out. Cheers.”
Your best friend laughs, rolling her eyes affectionately at you. “Trust you to keep things real,” she murmurs, clinking her glass with yours.
And that’s when you see her, amongst the cheering crowds.
In the middle of all the people, she stands out. Always has. It doesn't matter where or when, you can always spot her. Your heart skips a beat, just like it always does. It's like everyone else fades a bit, and she's the only one in focus.
Wanda Maximoff. 
Pristine in a scarlet trumpet gown, her hair pulled into a tight, strict bun. A few stray tendrils of hair have escaped the bun, framing her face in a way that gives her an almost ethereal quality.
As you take a moment to really look at her, you notice the fine details. The way the light catches the small diamond earrings she wears, making them shimmer just so. The delicate curve of her collarbone, revealed by the gown's off-the-shoulder design. And her eyes—always her captivating eyes–that hold an entire galaxy, scanning the room until they land on you.
The shock in her eyes mirrors yours, and for a moment, everything else blurs. Your legs wobble, threatening to give way beneath you. The room's atmosphere grows thick, or perhaps you're just struggling to catch your breath.
Beside you, the bride and your best friend, Maria, notices your sudden change in demeanor and follows your gaze to its source. 
“Are you okay?” she asks.
You manage a shaky head shake in response, pushing through the crowd to escape the room. But you can hear Maria, not too far behind, calling after you.
“So, Maria,” Wanda began once your friend had left and it was just the two of you in the cafe. You had been so keen for the two of them to meet. But with Maria spending a whole semester in Germany as an exchange student, their only prior meeting had been a brief video call that interrupted one of your dates with Wanda.
“How did you two get so close?”
“Did I never tell you about that?”
Wanda shook her head, taking a sip from her now lukewarm cappuccino.
“Freshman year. We were looking for this book and it only had one copy in the school library, and believe it or not, we reached for it at the same time,” you recounted with a wistful smile.
Wanda's face shifted ever so slightly, a change you didn't quite catch.
“We both really needed it badly, so we promised to take turns using it, and we ended up studying together for weeks.”
“That sounds like something out of a movie,” Wanda mused, her fingers tracing the rim of her cup.
“It kind of felt like that,” you admitted, laughing softly. “From bickering about who would get the book on Mondays to sharing our notes and coffee breaks. Before we knew it, we were inseparable.”
Wanda hummed, her eyes flitting restlessly around you.
“What is it?”
Wanda shrugged. “Nothing.”
You frowned slightly, knowing her well enough to see past her facade. “Wands, come on,” you coaxed. “Talk to me.”
She looked away for a moment, collecting her thoughts. “It's just... it's hard sometimes, hearing about these memories you shared with someone else, when I wish I had been there with you.”
“Wanda,” you began gently, “There are moments in your past that I wasn't a part of. But what matters is now. Right here, with you.”
She sighed, her posture deflating a little. “I know. It's silly, isn't it? To be jealous of a close friend of yours.”
“If it makes you feel this way, then it's valid, no matter how silly you think it might be,” you assured her.
She leaned back in her chair, staring at the ceiling. “Growing up, our worlds were confined to that same apartment building. The people, the routines, everything was predictable. And now... being out in the world, seeing you connect with others, it's just... intimidating. And, honestly, a little scary.”
You paused, smirking a bit. “You know,” you began, but Wanda cut in, “What?”
“It's just...Do you even know how happy you make me?” you said, a bit sheepishly.
She looked like she was about to say something, but you quickly added, “Seriously, Wands.”
Wanda blinked, clearly taken aback. “You have this strange way of turning things around,” she said with a soft chuckle, her face turning a shade pinker.
“Because I love you.”
Neither of you had said it up until now. And it’s quickly evident that it was the right thing to say, at the right moment.
She took a deep breath, her fingers fidgeting with her cup. “You always jump in headfirst, don't you?” Then, looking up into your eyes, she added softly, “I love you too.”
You grinned, feeling a weight lifted. “Took you long enough.”
The grand ballroom doors open with a soft whoosh, the muted melodies of a string quartet drifting into the cool night. You step out quickly, breathing in deep gulps of fresh air, your heart pounding against your ribcage. Memories of Wanda Maximoff, which you've tried hard to keep buried, surge to the forefront of your mind.
Maria, noticing your abrupt exit, quickly follows you out. “Hey,” she calls out softly, her heels clicking on the stone path as she reaches you. “Are you okay?”
“Why is she here?” you exclaim, the pitch of your voice inching towards a sharp octave.
Maria gently grabs your arm, offering solace. “I had no idea she'd be here. I promise. She must be someone’s plus one.”
You swallow hard, trying to steady your suddenly spinning surroundings.
“I'm okay, Maria,” you say, forcing a weak smile. “Sorry about this. It's your wedding, and you shouldn't be out here with me. Go back, enjoy your day.”
She looks conflicted, torn between staying by your side and going back to her new spouse and guests.
After a moment, Maria steps forward, enveloping you in a tight hug. “Promise me you'll be okay?”
You nod, hugging her back. “That’s too many promises in one day. But yeah, I’ll be okay.”
It’s just Wanda, you tell yourself.
Just the girl who could always bring out that special smile in you—the same one Maria had when she said, “I do.”
The call came unexpectedly in the middle of the night.
You and Wanda had been dozing in her room for a few hours, following a particularly exhausting fight that concluded with even more exhausting—and mind-blowing—make-up sex.
“Y/N!” You instantly recognized Pietro’s voice. “Hey, listen, can you pick me up? I'm at a bar,” Pietro said, his voice tinged with guilt and slight slurring. “I... I swear I didn't do anything. I got promoted to store manager and I treated a few colleagues to celebrate. I'm a bit tipsy so I... I'm sorry to bother you.”
There was a pause, and you ran a hand through your hair, exchanging a glance with Wanda who now sat up with a worried look.
“Which bar?” you asked, trying to keep yourself calm.
“Mike’s Tavern,” he mumbled, sounding embarrassed.
Taking a deep breath, you grabbed your keys from the nightstand. “Alright, I'm on my way. Stay put.”
Wanda frowned, her gaze conflicted. “I want to come with you,” she said, her brows furrowing together in concern and sleepiness.
“You should stay,” you said, sliding into your jeans. “It's a bit of a drive to New Jersey. You've had a long day, and you need to rest. I'll handle this.”
She bit her lip, torn, but finally nodded. “Please be safe. Call me if anything happens, okay?”
“I will,” you said, leaning down to give her a brief kiss on the forehead before making your way out.
You didn't call Wanda on your way back from New Jersey, but not because nothing occurred.
Rather, something did happen, and you weren't conscious enough to make the call.
You and Pietro made it to the hospital.
Wanda was an emotional wreck, grappling with the challenge of dividing her attention between her brother in ICU and you being wheeled into a separate ward.
An hour later, she didn't need to decide any longer.
Pietro Maximoff's time of death was called just as you started regaining consciousness.
The days following Pietro's death were a blur. You'd wake up, immediately feeling the weight of the world pressing down, your every moment drenched in guilt in the form of alcohol and, sometimes, your own vomit. 
Though you weren't close to Pietro anymore, he was slowly turning his life around. And while a drunk truck driver caused the accident, your own haste to get back to Wanda made you reckless. 
That choice haunted you daily.
That choice made you believe that Wanda hated you in secret.
You began avoiding Wanda, her presence a haunting reminder of the brother she lost and, in a twisted way, the brother you felt responsible for losing. The relationship you cultivated turned into something that only existed as a label. Otherwise, it didn’t exist at all. It faded, just like the gash on your face that you acquired from the accident.
Nights blurred into days, and sometimes, it was hard to tell which was which. Friends would find you in bars or on the rooftops, looking worse for wear, lost in your thoughts. Yes, Wanda grieved, but she was also lost without you by her side. She yearned for your comfort, your grounding presence; instead, all she got was your voicemail.
The breaking point came on an evening when she didn’t hear from you for two weeks. On a hunch, she decided to visit your dorm room. The last thing she expected was to find Maria there. While the situation was innocent enough, to Wanda's overwhelmed and grieving heart, it felt like a betrayal. Maria, sensing the rising tension, made a hasty exit, leaving the two of you alone.
Wanda's eyes glittered with rage and sadness. “Is this it?” she demanded. “Is this how we handle grief? You shut me out and bring her in?” 
You looked away, the walls you had put up to protect yourself now seeming like a prison. “It's not about Maria,” you murmured, your voice empty, almost lifeless.
Wanda's red-rimmed eyes searched yours, looking for a glimmer of the person she loved. “Then what is it? Why do you keep pushing me away?”
“Why don't you blame me?” you suddenly screamed, tears blurring your vision. “You should hate me for your brother dying!”
For a few moments, there was a deafening silence, interrupted only by your quiet sobs.
Wanda's hands cupped your face, forcing you to meet her eyes. “I've never blamed you. Not once.”
You remained quiet, refusing to let Wanda lift your chin from your chest.
Wanda continued, “Life is a series of 'what ifs' and 'maybes'. You can't control everything. And neither can I. We both lost him, Y/N. I don’t need more loss by losing you too.”
“Maybe you already have,” you whispered, finally looking into her eyes.
Wanda's voice cracked, “You can't be serious. What are you saying?”
You felt drained, worn out. “I don't know how to be us anymore, Wanda.”
She looked devastated. “So you're just walking away? Because we're hurting?”
You just wanted to be able to breathe again. You just wanted all of the pain to end, even if it meant letting her go.
Wanda's face crumpled, her voice rising. “So, that's it? You're just giving up?”
You could barely muster the strength to speak. "I just think... maybe it's easier this way."
“Easier for whom?” Wanda yelled, unable to hold everything back any longer. “I don't need easy, Y/N. I need you. But if you're so set on this, then be honest with me.”
You took a deep breath, your throat tight. “I think we need space, Wanda. A break.”
For a moment, it looked like Wanda might collapse. She took a step back, her gaze cold and hard. “You think a break will fix this? Fine. But don't expect me to be here waiting when you come around.” 
Without another word, she turned on her heel and left.
The last image of Wanda Maximoff etched into your mind as you closed her chapter.
You half-expect her to seek you out after you left the reception. So, when the familiar scent of Wanda’s perfume wafts over, you keep your back turned, taking a long drag from your cigarette rather than acknowledging her arrival.
“Can I bum one?” she asks, her voice softer than the last time you heard it.
You hand her a cigarette without a word, watching her closely as she lights it. Her fingers, slender and pale, bring the cigarette to her lips, and she takes a long drag, exhaling with a sigh.
She looks so different, yet so achingly familiar.
Her hair is red—a detail you missed earlier. But now, standing this close to her, you can pick out everything that’s changed about her.
And you hate how good you are at doing just that.
For a few minutes, both of you stand in silence, letting the smoke swirl around in patterns before it gets carried away by the wind.
Wanda breaks the silence. “It's been a while.”
“Did you know it was Maria’s wedding?” you ask, finally gathering the courage to look at her.
She hesitates, exhaling a plume of smoke before admitting, “Yes, I did. But explaining to Steve our... complicated history and why I'd refuse to be his plus one seemed harder than just going with it.”
She looks down, taking a moment before murmuring, “Steve’s my fiancé.”
Your eyes instinctively flit to her left hand, landing on the glimmering diamond ring. It's large and hard to miss, and you almost want to laugh that you hadn’t noticed before.
There’s a long pause between you both before you find your voice. “Congratulations, Wanda.” And to your own surprise, you genuinely mean it. 
“Thank you,” she murmurs, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, an action you still find so endearing after all these years. But you’re not supposed to find anything about her endearing anymore. They’re not supposed to make your heart race. They’re not supposed to make you feel light-headed with desire.
It hits you painfully just how possible it is to stand mere inches from someone, yet feel oceans apart.
Wanda takes a deep breath, releasing it shakily. 
“You know,” Wanda says, her voice soft, “I never really got to apologize for how things ended between us.” She shakes her head slowly, tears forming in her eyes. “I was angry, hurt... lost. And when you tried to come back, I was already seeing someone else. By that time–”
“–so much has happened and I’ve hurt you too much,” you finish for her, a pained smile on your lips. “I’m sorry too.”
Wanda's breath hitches, and for a moment, she's transported back to your dorm room. She's spent a long time wondering what might have happened if she had stayed. But that choice belongs to a different timeline, a version of her that might have been braver than she feels now.
You pause, glancing at your hands before meeting her eyes. “Are you happy, Wanda?” A part of you hopes she's found happiness, yet another selfish part wishes she hasn't—because if she hasn't, maybe there's still a space for you in her life.
Wanda meets your gaze, her eyes shining with a clarity you hadn't seen in years. “I am happy,” she confirms softly.
The unexpected rush of emotion tightens your throat, and your eyes mist over. But you fight it, forcing a big smile that wrinkles the corners of your eyes. 
“That's great, Wanda,” you say. Your heart aches a bit, thinking how happiness can feel like a double-edged sword.
Reading your expression, she asks, “What about you? Are you happy?”
You promised Maria you won’t stop looking for the kind of happiness that brings people together. 
So, now you hang onto the hope of that promise. 
“Getting there,” you answer, the corners of your mouth lifting ever so slightly, “I will be.”
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maahzz · 11 months
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— I'm Yours
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MariaHill X FReader
Summary: When you return from a mission with some injuries your girlfriend will see you, and what was supposed to be a conversation, some lectures and hugs ends up becoming something more.
Warnings: age gap (legal), oral sex (r receives), fluff, romantic.
Author's note: English is not my first language, so I'm sorry if there are any mistakes.
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You came back from a mission with a big wound, bruises and a split lip. Sitting on a bed in the medical, her attention was drawn to the beautiful woman who entered.
— I heard you got hurt.
gave an awkward smile, — Yes, it's a gunshot wound. At first I didn't even realize it, the pain only really came after the adrenaline wore off.
Maria sighs and sits down on a chair next to the bed — You need to be more careful. — Maria says, she seems upset, she always gets like that when you get hurt. It's her job to protect and love you, and when you get hurt she feels like she failed. You've already lost count of how many times she tried to make you give up going on missions and convince you to work inside the base, alongside her.
— I know... — you say and look at her with a small smile, she nods and smiles at you and then remains silent for a few seconds, looking at the report that was on the table next to her bed, already tired you decide to break the silence — At least the mission was successful, we got the data we needed.
She smiles again and nods, looking a little more relaxed when she sees how well you look, — You did good... and I'm proud of you.
She gets out of the chair and comes to you, — let me see... — She examines you carefully, she looks into your eyes and then to her mouth — more specifically to her bruised lip — she runs her hands over your arms where there is a large bruise and you know what she's thinking.
— It was nothing, don't worry.
— I hate that. — she murmurs and becomes quiet again and then she just pulls you close, giving her a small hug and kissing your forehead — My beautiful little girl, you are too good...
You smile, but then your expression changes, — Not a little girl, I'm nineteen… I'm already a woman. — She looks at you and smiles, giving you another kiss, this time on the cheek and sarcastically murmuring "of course."
You enjoy the feeling of your girlfriend's affection and wrap your arms around her neck — I love you, old lady.
She laughs — I'm thirty-three... I'm not old, I'm just experienced. — You laugh at her and she looks at you seriously, but she also pulls you closer and gives you another kiss, but this time on her lips. It's passionate and she doesn't release it this time, she just stays like that for a few seconds.
You return the kiss with the same passion, her hand goes down from your cheek to your neck, Maria looks at you and smiles, she climbs on top of you and starts kissing you intensely and you can feel your pulse increase. You close your eyes and enjoy her kisses and the feeling of her warm breath on your mouth, she stays in that position, kissing you passionately. Slowly she lowers her lips to her neck, you feel her tongue touching your skin as she kisses and nibbles gently. You let out a light moan as her tongue caresses your neck, briefly separating from you, she carefully takes off your shirt, leaving your sports bra visible. Carefully she lies completely on top of you, the feeling of her chest — still covered — touching you is electrifying.
You briefly remember where you are, and how embarrassing it would be if someone walked in and saw the erotic scene that was unfolding — Isn't it dangerous to do that in the infirmary? — you asked, your voice came out trembling and accompanied by a groan.
— Probably... But who cares? — Maria looks at you with a raised eyebrow, she clearly doesn't care. And she soon goes back to kissing your neck, leaving some marks as she caresses your boobs over her bra. She stays like that for a few seconds until she separates from you and with your help frees your beautiful boobs from the damn bra.
Without wasting time, Maria wraps her mouth around her right boob while massaging the other. You just enjoy the feeling while letting out moans. Maria leaves her right breast and then goes to the left. — Maria loved yours boobs, she loved to delight in them. She also liked her moans, they were like music to her, music that made her very excited.
you start breathing faster and faster, finishing with your boobs, Maria removes her shirt and all you do is admire her. Maria leaves a trail of kisses and hickeys across your belly, making you increasingly hot and wet. She then moves away from you a little and looks into your eyes, she smiles — Do you want me to stay down here? I bet you're all wet. — she says while playing with the hem of your pants. You try to speak but the words won't come out, so you just nod, your heart is beating fast and you feel your cheeks burning.
— Use words, Princess. — Maria looks at you and waits for your answer, she waits for words, not just a simple nod, but a real answer.
— Y-yes… — Maria smiles again. Now that she has permission, she undoes the buttons on your pants and takes them off your body, revealing your black panties with a damp stain on them. Maria doesn't hide her smile, she starts kissing and slowly nibbling the inside of your thighs, you place your hands on her head, your fingers caressing the back of her neck as you try to guide her to the right place.
— Such a needy little girl… — she murmurs while playing with the hem of your panties.
— Maria, p-please.. — you couldn't take it anymore, you were thirsty for your girlfriend's touch.
Being as thirsty as you are, Maria takes off your panties and fitting between your legs, she stares at your wet pussy. You moan when you feel the touch of her tongue on your pussy, she looks up, trying to meet her eyes and then smiles. — You like that, don't you? — she says and goes back to sucking you. She moans with pleasure at the of you taste.
You can't help yourself, your moans getting louder and louder, you start to breathe harder and close your eyes enjoying the feeling of her mouth on your clit, you can feel it, it's great, you just want her to keep doing it forever. Maria sucks your clit hard, and you feel your pussy tighten, you need more, much more.
— Maria… I-I need you.
Maria licks your pussy one last time before pulling away, and, looking into your eyes, she brings her face closer to yours and brings your lips together in a quick kiss. — My girl needs me, hm? Do you want my fingers stretching your pussy? Is this what my girl wants? — she says as she teases you, running her fingers lightly over your folds.
— Yes, lov- — your sentence was interrupted by a moan, you were taken by surprise by Maria who, without even a warning, put two fingers inside you. You were tight, but very wet, which made Maria's job easier, your pussy swallowed her fingers perfectly. Her moans became louder as Maria moved in and out of you, she brought yours lips together, muffling your sounds. Maria alternated speed, driving you crazy.
Maria moved her lips away and placed her forehead against yours trying to catch her breath, both with your eyes closed and again without warning, Maria added a third finger. You felt your walls tightening and you hugged Maria, in the process you left some marks, but she didn't care. Increasing the speed, she felt you were almost there, and skillfully she used her thumb to rub your clit. With that it didn't take long for you to reach the peak, your breathing quickening along with your heartbeat. A heat and a tremor rose through your body, the feeling of pleasure took over you as your fluid, whitish and thick liquid took over Maria's fingers.
After a few seconds, Maria removes her fingers from you and takes them to her mouth, sucking your sweet cum, she moans at your taste and then kisses you, making you taste yourself. Panting, you smile, after the difficult mission it that was all you needed. Not only you, but Maria too, she was addicted to you and loved taking you to the extreme. She felt more pleasure giving pleasure than receiving it.
Maria walks away and collects your clothes that were scattered around and hands them to you. — What do you think about a second round?... In a more suitable location.. — Maria makes the proposal with a mischievous smile and you smile back. this definitely wasn't going to end anytime soon.
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lemonnsss · 1 month
Moral of the Story: Chapter 9
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A/N: Sorry I took so long posting this, a family friend got diagnosed with terminal cancer and my grandpa died soooo… coping with humor right now.
Feedback is always appreciated!
Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Taglist: @vicmc624 , @mostlymarvelgirl,@yvonneeeee, @beetlejuicesupremacy , @moonlightreader649 , @whattheduckisupkyle , @chrisevans-realwife , @nekoannie-chan , @mrsbarnes32557038 , @imyourbratzdoll , @weallhaveadestiny, @oldsoulmagic
Word count: 2.3k
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Steve and I walked onto the bridge. Three people stood out, with no sign of Tony.
"I see you found the runaway," the red-haired woman spoke.
"They weren't too far off. Only the other side of the plane." Steve replied, an air of laughter in his voice
"Well, it wasn't intentional," I said, perhaps a bit too defensively.
"At least I'm not the only one getting lost." A brunette man commented.
"Guess not. Oh- I'm Mr. Stark's secretary, Mx. Eirsson, Kyrie Eirsson."
"Eir? So you are a healer, no?" The tall blonde said expectantly.
"No, not really." I'm starting this off with a lie, lovely.
"Ledan Eirsson, I am Thor, son of Odin, Prince of Asgard." He extended his hand, a warm smile on his face.
"Prince...?" I worriedly glanced at Steve.
I looked back when Prince Sunshine over there started laughing, "Yes, although I would prefer if you called me Thor, just Thor."
"Pleasure to meet you, Thor."
Steve placed a hand on my shoulder, "That's Natasha," he gestured to the redhead which she promptly responded to with a curt smile, "she doesn't talk much."
And then there was one. He didn't notice until Natasha nudged him in the side.
"Oh, um. I'm Dr. Banner."
"Pleasure to meet'cha, Doc." A sound came from under the table, Steve quickly found a tablet with what seemed to be live footage from Loki's cage.
By the time I heard the first comprehendible piece of what Fury was saying my attention was grabbed by the hatch underneath Loki's cage being opened.
"Thirty-thousand feet down in a steel trap. You get how that works?" Fury closes the hatch with a press of a button on the control panel.
Fury outstretched his arm, gesturing to Loki, "Ant," then pointing to the control panel, "boot."
Loki smirked, "It's an impressive cage." he looked into the camera, "Not built, I think, for me."
"Built for something a lot stronger than you."
"Oh, I've heard."
The doctor seemed very tense, for what reason- I didn't know.
"The mindless beast, makes play he's still a man." Loki sauntered towards the camera, "How desperate are you that you call upon such lost creatures to defend you?"
“How desperate am I?” Fury set a hand on his hip, agitation growing in his voice, “You threaten my world with war. You steal a force you can’t hope to control. You talk about peace and you kill ‘cause it’s fun. You have made me very desperate. You might not be glad that you did.”
“Ooh. It burns you to come so close.” Loki began taunting Fury, “To have the Tesseract, to have power, unlimited power.” Loki smirked into the camera, “And for what? A warm light for all mankind to share, and then to be reminded what real power is.”
Fury forced a smile, “Well, let me know if ‘Real Power’ wants a magazine or something.”
Our room falls into an uncomfortable silence.
Fury walked away saying, “Well, let me know if ‘Real Power’ wants a magazine or something.”
“He really grows on you, doesn’t he?”
"Loki's gonna drag this out. So, Thor, what’s his play?”
Thor seemed distant as he responded, “He has an army called the Chitauri. They are not of Asgard or of any world known.” The Prince walked back to the table, “He means to lead them against your people. They will win him the earth. In return, I suspect for the Tesseract.”
“An army? From outer space?” Steve seemed to question what the fuck he’d been dragged into.
“He’s building another portal. That’s what he needs Erik Selvig for.”
Erik who?
“Selvig?” Why does Thor recognize this guy's name?
“He’s an astrophysicist.” The doctor explained.
“He’s a friend.” Thor asserted.
“Loki has him under some kind of spell, ”Natasha looked away, “along with one of ours.”
She really does speak. More importantly, she’s familiar with the agent Loki brainwashed.
“I wanna know why Loki let us take him.”
“I don't think we should be focusing on Loki. That guy's brain is a bag full of cats, you could smell crazy on him.” Banner was pushing it.
“Have care how you speak.” Thor said, anger rising in his voice, “Loki is beyond reason, but he is of Asgard, and he's my brother.”
So the Prince is a himbo with a temper, good to know.
“He killed eighty people in two days.” Oh.
“...He's adopted.” Ah, yes. That changes everything.
“Does he pose any threat? Just because he’s in a cage doesn’t mean he’s harmless.” I didn’t know if I’d just asked a dumbass question but it’s better to ask than have that as an unknown variable.
“No. There’s no way out from the inside, besides that, it’s built to withstand more than he can throw at it.” Natasha answered, seemingly knowing more than the rest.
“Iridium, what did they need Iridium for?”
Tony walked in, “It’s a stabilizing agent. Oh, Kyrie, been lookin’ for ‘ya.”
“Hey, Tony. Coulson?!” I got up and walked over to them, a beaming smile plastered on my face, “I had no idea you’d be here!”
Phil placed a hand on my shoulder, “I would have let you know if I had a way to contact you.”
“Guess I’m chopped liver.” Tony feigned hurt, before whispering the next bit, “Anyways, I’ll fly you there. Keep the love alive.” He spoke at full volume again, “Means the portal won't collapse on itself, like it did at SHIELD. No hard feelings, Point Break. You've got a mean swing. Also, it means the portal can open as wide, and stay open as long, as Loki wants.”
Tony walked over to what I can assume is Fury’s position on the Bridge, “Uh, raise the mid-mast, ship the topsails.” The crew looked at Tony like he’d grown a second head, “That man is playing GALAGA! Thought we wouldn't notice. But we did.” Tony covered one eye and looked around, “How does Fury do this?”
“He turns.” A female agent responded.
I looked at Phil, a light whisper escaping my lips, “Who is she?”
He leaned in, “That’s Agent Hill, sh’s Fury’s right hand.”
“Mhm… thank you.” I gave him a small smile.
Coulson grinned in response, “Never a problem.”
“Well, that sounds exhausting,” Tony said in the most annoying voice he could get away with. “Agent Barton can get his hands on pretty much easily. Only major component he still needs is a power source. A high energy density, something to kick start the cube.”
Agent Hill spoke again, “When did you become an expert in thermonuclear astrophysics?”
“Last night.” That I could attest to, “The packet, Selvig's notes, the Extraction Theory papers.” It’s always funny when Tony speaks seriously, most of the time I forget he’s a genius, “Am I the only one who did the reading?”
“No, you made me read them too.” I said with a pointed tone.
“Anyone else?” Tony said practically ignoring my comment.
“Does Loki need any particular kind of power source?”
“He's got to heat the cube to a hundred and twenty million Kelvin just to break through the Coulomb barrier.“
Ah, yes, words.
“Unless, Selvig has figured out how to stabilize the quantum tunneling effect.”
“Well, if he could do that he could achieve Heavy Ion Fusion at any reactor on the planet.”
Wow, those two were made for each other.
“Finally, someone who speaks English.”
Steve looked around, “Is that what happened?”
Tony and the doctor shook hands, “It's good to meet you, Dr. Banner. Your work on anti-electron collisions is unparalleled. And I'm a huge fan of the way you lose control and turn into an enormous green rage monster.”
Banner looked down, “Thanks.”
“Dr. Banner is only here to track the cube. I was hoping you might join him.” Fury says as he walks in.
“Let's start with that stick of his. It may be magical, but it works an awful lot like a HYDRA weapon.” Steve had an obvious bias and curiosity.
“I don't know about that, but it is powered by the cube. And I'd like to know how Loki used it to turn two of the sharpest men I know into his personal flying monkeys.”
“Monkeys? I do not understand-”
“-I do. I understood that reference.” Thor was cut off by Steve, obviously excited by the fact he understood some of our jargon.
“Shall we play, Doctor?” Tony asked.
“Let’s play some.” Banner responded.
After I waved to Phil I followed Tony and the doctor out of the bridge, hoping to not get lost again.
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I had been sitting in a spare chair in the “Science Bro’s” lab for what felt like an eternity. Man, I regret not taking advanced science courses in uni.
“The gamma readings are definitely consistent with Selvig's reports on the Tesseract. But it's gonna take weeks to process.” Bruce, as I had learned, said.
“If we bypass their mainframe and direct a reroute to the Homer cluster, we can clock this around six hundred teraflops.” Tony replied.
The two of them had gotten into a groove. The sounds of the machines whirring in the background made great background noise, so I couldn’t really complain.
“All I packed was a toothbrush.”
“You know, you should come by Stark Towers sometime. Top ten floors, all R&D. You'd love it, it's candy land.”
“Thanks, but the last time I was in New York I kind of broke...Harlem.”
“Well, I promise a stress-free environment. No tension. No surprises.” Tony said as he poked Bruce with a mini-taser.
Tony studied Bruce for a reaction, “Nothing?”
Steve walked in, “Hey! Are you nuts?”
Tony ignored Steve,” You really have got a lid on it, haven't you? What's your secret? Mellow jazz? Bongo drums? Huge bag of weed?”
“Is everything a joke to you?”
“Funny things are.”
“Threatening the safety of everyone on this ship isn't funny.” OH, HE DID NOT, “No offense, doctor.”
“No, it's alright. I wouldn't have come aboard if I couldn't handle pointy things.” God bless Dr. Bruce Banner.
“You're tiptoeing, big man. You need to strut.”
“As someone who used to work with far more dangerous people, and teach them too. I concur.”
“Kyrie?” Steve sounded surprised, “And you need to focus on the problem, Mr. Stark.”
“You think I'm not?” Tony pulled out a bag of blueberries from god knows where. “Why did Fury call us and why now? Why not before? What isn't he telling us? I can't do the equation unless I have all the variables.”
“You think Fury's hiding something?”
“He's a spy. Captain, he's the spy. His secrets have secrets. It's bugging him too, isn't it?”
“Can’t argue with Tony this time.”
“Uh...I just wanna finish my work here and…” Bruce fell silent.
“‘A warm light for all mankind’ Loki’s jab at Fury about the cube.”
“I heard it.”
“Well, I think that was meant for you. Even if Barton didn't post that all over the news.”
“The Stark Tower? That big ugly,” Tony shoots Steve a glare, “...building in New York?”
“It's powered by Stark Reactors, a self-sustaining energy source. That building will run itself for what, a year?” Bruce turned to Tony.
“That's just the prototype. I'm kind of the only name in clean energy right now.”
Bruce looked back at Steve while pointing to Tony, “So, why didn't SHIELD bring him in on the Tesseract project? I mean, what are they doing in the energy business in the first place?”
“I should probably look into that once my decryption programmer finishes breaking into all of SHIELD's secure files,” Tony mentions offhandedly.
Steve looked shocked, “I'm sorry, did you say...?”
I let out a breathy laugh, “Yup, it’s at least a weekly occurrence.”
“Jarvis has been running it since I hit the bridge. In a few hours we'll know every dirty secret SHIELD has ever tried to hide. Blueberry?”
“Yet you're confused about why they didn't want you around?”
“Oh, no. He’s fully aware, he just finds it funny.”
“An intelligence organization that fears intelligence? Historically, not awesome.”
“I think Loki's trying to wind us up. This is a man who means to start a war, and if don't stay focused, he'll succeed. We have orders, we should follow them.”
“Following is not really my style.” Tony ate a mouthful of blueberries.
“And you're all about style, aren't you?” Steve said, smiling.
“Of the people in this room, which one is; A. wearing a spangly outfit, and B. not of use?” Tony retorted.
“Steve, tell me none of this smells a little funky to you?” Banner tried to push Steve to think.
“Just find the cube.” Steve said before he walked out.
“Well, that went splendidly.” I laughed from my seat. The benefits of being a third party.
“That's the guy my dad never shut up about? Wondering if they shouldn't have kept him on ice.” Tony looked over at me only to be met with a glare.
“The guy's not wrong about Loki. He does have the jump on us.”
“What he’s got is an ACME dynamite kit. It's gonna blow up in his face, and I'm gonna be there when it does.”
“And I’ll read all about it.”
“Uh-uh. You’ll be suiting up like the rest of us.”
“Ah, see. I don't get a suit of armor. I'm exposed, like a nerve. It's a nightmare.”
“You know, I've got a cluster of shrapnel, trying every second to crawl its way into my heart.”
“And I knew a kid who could turn himself into a nuke.” Both of the men in the room looked at me, confusion written all over their faces.
“O-kay? Moving on. But you can control it.”
“Because I learned how.”
“It's different.”
“It doesn’t have to be. Not forever at least.” I tried to add, though they seemed to be stuck in their own world again.
“Hey, I've read all about your accident. That much gamma exposure should have killed you.”
“So you're saying that the Hulk... the other guy... saved my life? That's nice. It's a nice sentiment. Saved it for what?”
A moment passed, “I guess we’ll find out.”
“You might not like that.” Banner sounded scared, scared of himself and scared of whoever the ‘other guy’ was.
“You just might.” I trained Tony well.
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literaryavenger · 5 months
Summary: Part 2 of Thoughtful.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Avengers!Reader
Warnings: My poor attempts at being funny. No use of Y/N. Fluff. Angst. Tony being kind of an asshole. Bucky's self-deprecating thoughts. Reader being dumb.
Word Count: 1K
A/N: I keep having no idea what this is, I have no endgame but I hope you enjoy!
Masterlist | Part 1
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Stark parties are a hassle. Tony always insists on the team dressing up, cocktail dresses, tuxedos and all that.
So that’s why you’re all dolled up right now, a black sparkly floor-length gown that highlights your curves perfectly with a slit that goes up your left thigh with black stilettos, your hair curled perfectly and your make-up on point thanks to Natasha and Wanda, gold hoop earrings finishing the ensemble.
The only thing that looks like it doesn’t belong on your right now are Bucky’s dog tags hanging from your neck.
Things with Bucky have been going relatively good, you’re not really dating but neither of you let a moment pass without trying to flirt with each other. You enjoy the attention he only gives you and he enjoys making you flustered.
You’ve even managed to make him blush himself a few times.
You haven’t taken his dog tags off since that morning Bucky put them on you, and that’s not gone unnoticed by the team who have had a field day teasing you about it. Just never enough to bother you and make you want to take them off.
Until now.
“Come on, they look so out of place!” Tony says while chuckling as you roll your eyes, drink in hand while you stand in the middle of the party while talking with Tony, Scott and Maria.
“Leave her alone, Stark.” Maria comes to your defense and you give her a grateful smile. All the girls think it’s adorable that you wear Bucky’s tags.
“He’s not wrong, though.” Scott chimes in. “That’s a beautiful get up, but the tags stand out, and not in a good way.”
Anyone else, you’d be creeped out, but you know Scott is in a happy relationship with Hope and he doesn’t mean anything by it. He’s more of a girlfriend at this point.
“I don’t care.” You say simply, sipping your drink. “I like them, and I’m not taking them off.”
“You haven’t taken them off in weeks.” Tony points out, a dangerous smirk starting to grow on his face. “Could it have anything to do with the particular soldier that gave them to you?”
You roll your eyes, knowing where Tony’s going with this because he’s gone there countless times now.
“It has nothing to do with Bucky, I just like them.” You say causally.
“You like him.” Tony says childishly while the other two snicker at your groan. “Maybe you even love him.”
You scoff and almost glare at Tony. “I don’t love him.”
“Then prove it.” Tony says without missing a beat. Obviously he has you exactly where he wants you. “Take them off.”
“What would that even prove?” You roll your eyes again.
“Prove to me that they don’t mean as much to you as I think they do. Take them off.” He keeps grinning at you, challenging you.
“You’re a child.” You say simply, having no intention to accept this silly challenge.
“Yes, I am.” He says and all four of you chuckle, before Tony takes it one step further. “Take them off for a week and I’ll give you ten thousand dollars.”
You give him an unimpressed look. It’s not a surprise, Tony’s known to do this kind of thing all the time. He once bet Sam twenty thousand dollars if he went streaking for at least 4 blocks around the tower.
His ‘falcon’ was on the paper the next day.
“Come on, if you’re so sure I’m wrong, why not make some money off my arrogance.” Tony says with a smirk when you narrow your eyes at him, he knows you’re considering it.
“Fine.” You say after a pause. You hesitantly take the tags off and put them on Tony’s outstretched hand. It’s only a week and it doesn’t mean anything, you tell yourself.
Unbeknownst to you, Bucky saw the whole thing from a distance. And it meant plenty to him.
He couldn’t hear what you were saying even with his enhanced hearing because you were far away and the party noise was almost deafening, but Bucky saw you clearly as you took off his tags and gave them to Tony.
To Tony.
Did they not mean as much to you as they did to him? Was this whole thing just a joke to you? Was he making a fool out of himself thinking you liked him as much as he liked you? Maybe you just liked the attention. Maybe you were fucking with him, having fun at his expense because he convinced himself you like him, because how could he even think someone like you actually likes him? Maybe you’ve been laughing behind his back while he’s been falling for yo-
“Hey, Sergeant Grumpy.” His thoughts are interrupted by your playful voice that just a minute ago was the single greatest sound that he wanted as the soundtrack of his existence for the rest of his life.
But right now, it’s making his nostrils flare with barely contained anger while he almost glares at you.
You think nothing of it, convincing yourself that maybe the party is making him anxious like it usually does. After all, Bucky doesn’t do good with strangers.
Or maybe Sam has been getting on his nerves more than usual tonight. Whatever it is, you want to make him feel better.
So you wrap your hand around the tie of his suit and pull him towards you a little, copying the move he’s now done countless times with his dog tags around your neck.
“You wanna hear something funny?” You ask playfully, wanting to tell him about the bet you just made with Tony and thinking Bucky will get a kick out of it and it’ll take his mind off of whatever has him in a bad mood.
But you get no chance to say anything more since he takes your hand away from his tie.
“Leave me alone.” He says with a harsh tone you’ve never heard him use towards anyone, let alone you. “Forever.”
That said, he walks off and out of the room in the direction of his quarters without giving you a second glance, leaving you to look after him, too dumbfounded as your mind tries to play catch-up.
What the hell just happened?
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kjwaikiki · 2 months
Stony fic idea:
I’m back on the Avengers train after a YouTube au trailer deep dive and I have a fic idea. I am throwing out the idea of timelines, canon, and pretty much everything.
My big fic idea is that Howard is still alive and Tony is young, maybe early 20s at the oldest, when all the Avengers shenanigans take place. Maybe that means Howard and Maria have Tony even later on in life or maybe they are just younger, I do not know I am disregarding pesky things like timelines.
Now the main point of this fic is that it is Howard who helps with the Avengers and backs them up being sort of like a benefactor. Steve is of course ecstatic to see and work with his old friend again, but he notices something is off about Howard. He asks some questions, does some digging and finds out that Howard had a son. Of course Steve asks Howard (or maybe Maria if she is around) but doesn’t really get a clear answer other than the fact that Tony and Howard had a fight a few years back and Tony hasn’t been in contact since.
Steve tried to do something nice for his friend and tracks Tony down. Eventually he finds him working on sustainable energy sources in some remote lab in a foreign country (or whatever you imagine I am not too clear on this part). Steve introduces himself and tries to convince Tony to go home or at least talk to Howard. Tony is not impressed, Howard has been an emotionally distant father at best and now he has Captain America come to his place of work to drag him home like a stray dog! Needless to say Tony is not impressed and kicks Steve out on his ass.
Steve is stubborn though and continues to bagger Tony throughout his day to day. Tony has carved out a nice little life for himself among the locals and he does not appreciate Steve ruining it for him. Eventually Tony agrees to talk to Steve and explain the fight and why he will not go home. It turns out that for a little while after Tony graduated college he was able to work well with the old man. They collaborated on a lot of projects and seemed to be getting along well. Until the next Stark Expo when Tony found out that all of the inventions Tony had made everything he designed was being patented as a Howard Stark invention, as solely a Howard Stark invention.
Tony was of course hurt and more than a little angry so he decided that his next idea would be one he kept to himself. His next design turned out to be Iron Man (in its infant stages Tony thought of it as combat armor for troops or even remote controlled soldiers) and from the idea of the Iron Man suit came other ideas like the Arc Reactor and J.A.R.V.I.S. until suddenly Tony was sitting on a cache of technology that would change the world.
Unfortunately Howard eventually found out about Tony’s inventions and shut him down. They had a terrible row that basically boiled down to Howard calling Tony a spoiled, selfish child who didn’t know the powers that he was messing with. Tony in response called Howard a hack who hadn’t invented anything worthwhile since the war and was so desperate to stay relevant that he’ll steal ideas from his son. The fight ended with both of the men storming off angry and Tony went back to an apartment he owned in the city to cool down for a few days. Tony figured that he’d give the old man a few days to calm down and then show him the tech he was working on with the clear stipulation that he gets credit for his inventions.
Only Tony’s plan doesn’t work out because when he goes back to Stark headquarters he finds that he has been terminated from his position and locked out of his lab that contains all his inventions and J.A.R.V.I.S. and all his bots. Tony calls up his dad, yells at him a little and then pleads with him to at least let him get his stuff. Tony even tells him he can keep the suits but he wants his bots and J.A.R.V.I.S. Howard says no. Tony threatens to get lawyers involved. Howard asks with what money. It dawns on Tony that Howard has effectively cut him off or at least he thinks he has (Tony has a personal bank account not connected to his father he has been squirreling away money in for years). Tony is angry and hurt and leaves the country and from there he applies for a gets the job he is currently working in. After that he cut off all contact with his father and erased himself from all digital software (Steve found him through luck, good old detective work, and being able to charm the pants off of little old ladies).
Steve is aghast because he never thought Howard could be capable of something like that. Tony brushes him off and tells him he doesn’t want to talk about it anymore. Somehow the idea of drinks is brought up and Steve mentions he can’t get drunk. Tony takes that as a challenge and whips up something in his lab that can actually get Steve drunk. They both get drunk and tumble into bed together.
In the morning Steve is surprised and horrified to find that he slept with his friend’s son (who is a lot younger than him). Tony is understandably hurt by Steve’s reaction and all of Steve’s attempts to explain himself just make it worse. Eventually it culminates in a fight and Tony kicks Steve out. Steve leaves and goes back to the U.S. where he tells Howard he found Tony and confronts him about the fight and how he treated his son. Howard tells Steve that he was just trying to protect Tony.
It turns out that Howard was following Obadiah’s advice for the inventions and didn’t take credit because he wanted all the glory but rather to keep Tony out of the spotlight (Obie worded it in such a way that it made it seem as if people knowing how brilliant Tony was would put him in danger). The fight was because Tony was messing with dangerous substances and even people without Howard’s knowledge (Tony had interested buyers lined up for some of his tech). Steve then brings up Howard cutting Tony off and Howard says he always knew about Tony’s other bank account and that he cut him off because he knew he was safer away. Howard had started to suspect Obie was involved in some shady dealings and had started to investigate him. As Howard dig deeper he uncovered some dangerous secrets and a lot of illegal activities.
Obie knew how brilliant Tony was and Howard knew that if Obie knew he was on to him then Obie would just get rid of him and move on to making Tony his cash cow. Howard pushed Tony away to protect him and fully intended to bring him home after the mess with Obie was over with. The only problem was that once it was all over with Howard couldn’t find Tony and he had no way of contacting him. He hired private investigators but they turned up nothing and eventually he gave up.
The next part of this fic are fuzzy to me but I think eventually Steve brings Howard to Tony and they have a chat. There is a lot of yelling and even some crying before finally they delve into the bigger issues:
Tony: “You are a shitty father.”
Howard: “I know I want to be better.”
Tony: “To be better you have had to actually be something in the first place. You were never there in the first place.”
Howard: “I’m trying Tony.”
Tony: “Why? So you can steal my ideas and pass them off as your? Live out your long gone glory days through me?”
Howard: “Because you’re my son and even though I don’t always show it, I do love you.”
That is the turning point in the fight and Tony and Howard make up with some awkward hugs and even more awkward tears. Tony agrees to go back to the U.S. and give working with his dad another try (with some heavy stipulation) Howard looks ecstatic that he has his son back and that is about where it dons on Steve that he has miscalculated. Because now Steve has to live in close quarters with Tony who he has grown to like and care for in his weeks pestering him to come home. Who Steve has kissed and held and heard moan. Who Steve would very much like to hear moan again. Who is the very young son of his dear friend, Howard. Howard who is looking at Steve in gratitude and has no idea that Steve has slept with his son. Steve is in for a really hard time.
I don’t really know where the fic ends from here. Maybe Howard eventually finds out and goes into overprotective father mode because that is his SON his CHILD who is barely an adult and Steve was alive during the Great Depression! Maybe Steve tries to dance around Tony and their sexual tension as the Avengers watch on amused. Maybe Tony eventually catches on to the fact that Steve is very attracted to him and starts teasing him everywhere, in public, around his dad, when he is working out, in the communal showers, etc. There are endless possibilities and I think it is really fun to imagine them all.
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messedupfan · 1 year
Chapter 5
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Summary: Reader and Wanda hang out together with some of their friends and get to know each other a bit better.
A/N: So sorry for the late chapter but this thing is almost 7k words and it was very difficult to find a stopping point. Chapter 6 is most likely going to be late as well, hopefully I can get back to my schedule. Thank you all for your patience and for reading. I truly appreciate all of you! Enjoy!
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Spending a week in the woods, camping with Rachel, has been a tradition since she could walk. Jean only participated in the first two. After the divorce you weren't sure you wanted to keep the tradition but Jean made a few good points on why you should continue it. Now, years later, it's the best way that you get to bond with Rachel beyond the distracting devices and all of her shows and music. You do your best to keep up with all of it but she is constantly changing. You encourage it, of course. But it's hard to feel connected with your daughter. Except on these trips. 
You rent the same spot every year. The two of you build the tent together and make it cozy inside. Then you set up the fire pit and she finds the best spots for the chairs. The two of you make food together over the fire. Tell jokes and scary stories. Remain completely unplugged for the entire trip. At night she snuggles close and you cherish the way she holds you tight because you know there will be a day a few years from now when she won't. She'll be upset with you because you'll be upset with her. Things will get tough, as they do with growing up, and you won't get as many hugs as you do now. And she'll continue to grow up and find her own way in life and her snuggles and these camping trips will be nothing but a distant memory. 
Between meals the two of you make up games, talk to each other, and you teach her what you can think of at the moment.  The two of you swim in the lake nearby and have fun splashing each other. A dog runs up to her when she’s eating her food and you already know that she's going to start asking for a dog. Luckily, you're able to convince her that she's still too young for one. 
All too soon, it's Friday morning and the two of you are packing up the campsite. It's sad putting away the fun week but it's what has to be done. Once your truck is packed up, you hit the road and she's finally able to use her phone again. The entire drive home she is blasting her favorite songs and singing at the top of her lungs. Once you're back in town you're reminded of your plans and at a stop light you message Wanda to see if she's still up for drinks. You don't get a reply until you're pulling up to your apartment building. 
Too nervous to check, you unload the car and get Rachel comfortable before you check your messages. I’ll see you at seven? Your shoulders drop from the relief. You call your sister, Kate, and ask if she can babysit for a couple of hours. 
“Oh… does someone finally have a date?” She inquires and it makes you roll your eyes. 
“No, I'm just grabbing drinks with some friends,” you clarify. 
“You’re so boring,” she groans. “Alright, I'll babysit. I don't mind spending some one on one with my favorite niece!”
“She’s your only niece,” you laugh at her enthusiasm. 
“Exactly,” she says. “I’d have other favorite nieces, maybe even nephews, but no. You refuse to make anymore.”
“Gross, you do realize that you're upset with me for not getting laid, right?” The line goes quiet and you wonder if she's even there anymore. “Hello? Kate?”
“I’m here, I just had to go scrub my brain with bleach to remove the last few minutes from my memory.” She says nonchalant, as if that was the most normal thing to do. “Anyway, I'll be there in a few. You better leave me some money for food.”
“Of course, I'll see you in a bit. Thank you so much,” you say your goodbyes and hang up. You walk to Rachel’s room and knock on her door and enter once she says you can. “Hey kiddo, aunt Kate is coming over to watch you for a bit. I have something… I mean I will be… uh, I have to do something.” You cringe at how you’re fumbling telling her that you’re going out. Normally, to avoid this, you would plan to do something on a night you don’t have her. But you only have yourself to blame for this. 
“Okay, have fun,” she says as she scrolls through her phone. 
“Okay,” you almost want to laugh at how easy that was. “Okay,” you repeat yourself. “I’m going to shower so can you let your aunt in if she gets her before I’m out?” 
Rachel nods, “Yeah no prob, now go! You don’t want to smell gross for your date.”
“It’s not a date,” you clarify and Rachel mutters something to herself that you can’t decipher but decide you don’t want to know anyway. “Please don't ever grow up,” you say with a smile and she looks up at you with big eyes like her mother. 
“I have to someday,” she says seriously and it crushes something in you. As a parent, that is possibly the best and worst response to ever hear. “Now go, please,” she says with a small wave of her hand. 
You finally leave her room, closing the door to the point that it's left to a crack. Just to mess with her a little. Then you head to the shower because you haven't had a proper one in several days. Your daughter is right, you do smell pretty gross. When you step out you hear your sister and Rachel laughing at something playing on the television. You finish getting dressed and when you walk out with a smile to greet the two girls they look up at you with horror. 
“What?” You ask as you look at your t-shirt and jeans. Your usual attire. 
“Is that what you're wearing?” Kate asks as she slowly eats the popcorn from the bowl between her and Rachel. 
“Yeah, why? What's wrong with it?” You laugh at their judgmental eyes. 
“Nothing, it's just so… you,” Kate replies with disgust. 
“That’s a bad thing?”
“No,” she pauses as she continues to look you up and down. “It’s just not a good thing.” 
You shake your head with a laugh, “Gee thanks, little sis. But it's nothing to get bent out of shape over. It's just drinks with some friends. I highly doubt Steve or Phil are going to have anything to say about my outfit.” You grab your jacket and put it on despite Kate's commentary about not wearing it. “What? I checked the weather.  It might rain tonight.” 
“I’m sorry, Rach. You’re not going to get another step-mom anytime soon,” Kate says. 
Rachel is hardly paying attention to the conversation anymore so when her aunt speaks to her it takes a moment for her to respond. She shrugs, “It’s okay, Ms. Wanda likes their work uniform. She won’t mind this, I guess. I just thought she deserved better from them.” 
“Oh, she has a name? And she knows Rachel?” Kate says in surprise, happy to be getting the good details now. “This must be serious.”
You pinch the bridge of your nose as you shake your head. “No, it’s not. I’m not dating anyone, Kate. Stop encouraging this kind of behavior.” You say, frustrated from having to repeat yourself constantly. You never liked this kind of teasing. It makes you uncomfortable and feel like you have something to prove. Besides, it's not fair to the other person who can't defend themselves. You grab your wallet, phone, and keys. “I don't have cash on me so I’ll send you the money for dinner. Thank you for watching her.” You say as you get a text from Wanda that she's already at the bar and sends you her location to double check that it's the right one. You send her a thumbs up. “I’ll be right around the corner so if there's any kind of emergency do not hesitate to call. Okay?”
“Of course,” Kate says. She hands Rachel the bowl of popcorn and gets off the couch. She stands in front of you and pulls you in for a hug. “I’m sorry, I know I tease you a lot but… I just want you to be happy.”
You hold your sister for a second and pull away and smile at her. “I am happy, kiddo. You don't need to be in a relationship to find happiness.” 
She pats your check with a fake expression of pity. “Oh, you are so single. It's sad.” 
You shake your head with a hearty laugh. “Whatever, weirdo.” You step away from her and go to join Rachel on the couch to give your daughter a hug. “I love you, nugget. I'll see you in the morning.”
“Morning? You’re going to be out all night?” She asks in surprise. 
“No, sweetheart. You’ll be in bed by the time I come home.” You tell her with a soft laugh. “I’ll be back here tonight and will be making your favorite breakfast in the morning. Don’t worry.” You tap your finger to her nose and she scrunches her face with a giggle. 
“Okay, have fun!” She gives you one last side hug, careful to not spill the bowl of popcorn. 
Finally, you leave the apartment building and walk a few blocks down to your favorite bar. You used to work there when you turned twenty-one and learned many skills that you don’t use anymore unless it’s to try and impress someone you’re interested in. Especially since the owner has a soft spot for some of his former employees and will let you behind the bar to let you do a trick or two. 
Walking inside The Hub you grow nervous because this will be the first time you and Wanda intentionally hang out together. You weren’t sure what you were supposed to talk about. What if there is nothing to talk about? How are you supposed to continue to go to her house and eat her food if she hates you after this? Steve is sitting at the bar talking with Phil. You met Steve when working here, he was the one who trained you in mixology. 
Steve served in the military before you met him here. His usual story is that he only enlisted because he didn’t have a direction at eighteen and needed something to help him make good money early in life. The real story is that he spent the majority of his life training to be in the military. His entire family is in the military, it was all he knew. But once he was actually in battle he realized that life wasn’t for him. When he finished his six year commitment to the Marines, he didn’t renew his contract and hasn’t spoken to his family because of it. To say they didn’t approve would be an understatement.  
“Rogers!” You greet him happily. You do a quick handshake and pull each other into a half hug. “It’s been a while, I’m glad you could make it out.” You sit next to him. 
“I’ve been good, Peggy and I just got a place together,” he says with a grin as he takes a sip from his beer. 
“That’s awesome man,” you congratulate him. 
“Wow, it’s like I don’t exist,” Phil says as he sets a glass down in front of you and pours your favorite drink for you. 
“I was going to get to you,” you laugh at his impatience. “How’s it been, Coulson? The place looks busy. I can’t even find the person I invited out.” You look around to find Wanda and her friend but have no luck from where you’re sitting. 
“Yeah, business has been good,” he says with a frown as he throws his rag over his shoulder. 
“Why does that sound like it's a bad thing for you?” Steve picks up on the bar owner's mood. 
Phil leans on the bar and sighs. “My daughter is home for the summer and she needed a job but no one was willing to hire her so I thought what’s the worst that could happen? Turns out, it’s this.” He points to the crowd of guys that keep looking over at the bar to catch a glimpse of Phil’s daughter and you laugh as you realize that the ratio of males to females is not what you’re used to at this place. 
“Where is she?” Steve asks and you nudge him as you shake your head. “What? I just want to see her. It’s been a while. Geez, I’m in a committed relationship, Y/n.” 
Phil looks at Steve, “No one is seeing my daughter tonight. She isn’t scheduled to come in. I’ve made sure to give her all Friday’s to Sunday’s off.” He says proudly. You point out the room full of customers that don’t know and he laughs. “I’m not going to tell them that. I still need to keep this business afloat.” You nod with a smile as someone comes up from behind him and you recognize her from the photos that Phil has in his office. She is much more mature now than she is in those photos and you can see why she draws in a crowd. You clear your throat to get Phil’s attention and point her out to him. He spins around. “Daisy! I gave you the day off! Why are you here?” 
“Calm down, Grant asked me to cover his shift. Besides, these are the busiest nights and I can make great tips,” she explains as she ties her apron on. Her and Phil have a quiet argument and you and Steve watch in amusement. 
As guys come to crowd the bar you and Steve step away and you are reminded why you’re there in the first place. She is across the room, sitting in a booth in the corner chatting with her friend. Wanda looks up and the two of you make eye contact and you smile as you grab Steve’s attention. A soft blush warms her cheeks and she looks away from you. “There she is,” you tell him. Steve isn’t sure who you’re looking at so he lets you lead the way. You join her and her friend in the round booth. “I’m sorry it took so long to find you. This place isn’t usually this busy. Believe me, I used to make the worst tips here.” 
Wanda laughs, “Okay, I’ll just have to take your word for it.” The two of you stare at each other for a moment. Not sure how to act around each other in this setting. She takes a drink from her cup and points to her friend. “This is my best friend, Carol Danvers. She’s in the Air Force.” You reach your hand across the table to introduce yourself, mentioning that it was an honor to meet her.
“An honor?” Steve scoffs in offense. “I served six years and you never said it was an honor to meet me.” 
“That’s because you’re a nightmare,” you retort. 
“I will have you know, I am a delight,” Steve defends himself. “I’m Steve Rogers by the way.” He offers his hand to Wanda first then Carol. “I know, it's an honor to meet me.” The girls laugh at his joke and you shake your head. 
You turn to Wanda, “I’m sorry about him. Now you can see why I'm in search of some new friends.” 
Wanda nods with her eyebrows raised, “I won't lie, I half expected you to bring Rachel's mom or my brother.” She admits in a laugh. “So, how'd the two of you meet?” 
“Here,” you state as you sip your beverage. “We used to work together here.” You tip your glass to her friend who is engrossed in a conversation with Steve about basic training and sharing war stories. “How did the two of you meet?” 
Wanda looks at Carol and then looks back at you. “We met at a party in high school,” she shrugs. “We didn't go to the same school, we just knew a few of the same people and became friends that way.”
“Oh that's cool. Which high school did you attend?” Wanda tells you about the high school she attended in another state. Then she goes into how she made her way out here. That she got into the university here and that's where she met Vision. How she got into architecture. She talks about how her parents weren’t ever married and that her father moved out here when she was in middle school. Which is part of what influenced her choice in university. Explains how Pietro followed along shortly after and worked under their father to prepare to take over the construction business for him. 
Before she can continue on with her life story, Daisy comes over to the table with a notepad and a few menus. “So my dad is having a bitch fit and now I'm your personal server tonight. Here,” she tosses the menus onto the middle of the table. “I will be back every five minutes. Go.” She walks away and you laugh. 
“The service is wonderful here,” Carol says sarcastically. 
“Oh yeah, definitely employee of the month,” Wanda chimes in and the two women share a look before laughing at each other. Steve makes a funny face to you and you shrug because you have no clue what their inside joke is. Wanda grabs a menu and turns to you. “What would you recommend?” 
“The loaded nachos and that’s it,” Steve cuts into the conversation. 
You nod, “Yeah, that’s the only thing that doesn’t go in the toaster oven.” 
“A toaster oven?” Wanda scoffs at the idea that an establishment would be allowed to get away with such a thing. But you nod, not showing any sign of the information being a joke. “Wow, okay. Loaded nachos then.” 
“My goodness! There you two are!” A woman says as she gets close to the booth. “I have been to three bars looking for you guys. What are we doing here?” She slides in next to you on the booth and she gives you a flirty smile. “Oh, hello,” she winks at you then she leans on the table to talk directly to Wanda. “Now I know why you were ignoring my texts.” She returns her attention to you, “Tell me cutie, are you single?” 
Wanda bursts out laughing at your uncomfortable expression as the strange woman strokes your arm. “Agatha, pump the brakes. This is the friend I told you about.” 
Agatha stops trying to flirt with you and her eyes widen. “Oh! You’re them! Oh, honey why didn’t you say anything,” She swats your shoulder as she lets out a boisterous laugh. Agatha holds her hand out to you, “Agatha Harkness, pleasure to make your acquaintance.” 
You accept her hand and shake it quickly before dropping it. “Nice to meet you as well, I’m Y/n.” 
“Oh honey, I know who you are.” She directs her next words to Wanda. “You told me they were cute but you didn’t say they were hot!” 
You look at Wanda with raised eyebrows and a teasing smirk. “Yeah, explain yourself, Wanda.” 
Wanda opens and closes her mouth as she blushes. She knew she shouldn’t have used any sort of compliment as a descriptor. “I never said Y/n is cute.” She says as she points her finger at Agatha. 
“Right, you didn’t say cute,” Agatha gives her a big wink. 
“If it evens the score, Y/n told me that Wanda is very pretty,” Phil chimes in as he comes over with a tray of drinks. You had told him the kind of drink you wanted Wanda to try when you texted him earlier about being here. He said that he’d have them ready once you lasted more than ten minutes at the table with her. “If you ask me, Y/n is a little smitten.”
You shake your head, “It’s a good thing no one asked you then.” Steve makes an ooh sound, Carol laughs and Wanda appears a little impressed. “Thank you, Phil. I appreciate everything you do.” You rush out with an apologetic smile. 
“You’re lucky I know you,” he says after he clears the tray. “Otherwise I’d pay Steve here to throw you out of here.” 
“Oh please, you wouldn’t have to pay me.” Steve says as he grabs his glass, “I’d gladly do it for free.” 
You nod your head, “Yup, these are the people I call my friends.” 
The two men laugh and Daisy returns to the table. “Know what you want yet?” She asks with her notepad and pen ready. 
“Two orders of loaded nachos please,” Steve says. “And a side order of your number,” he winks. Phil smacks the back of Steve’s head. “Ow! I was joking!”
“Behave, I won’t tell you twice,” Phil says unamused while the rest of you try to not laugh. 
Steve salutes him, and then looks at Daisy. “I’m sorry, we’ll just have the nachos, please.” 
The night continues like that, with humorous bits and teasing. Daisy returns every few minutes to check on the table and you order a couple rounds of shots that you want Wanda to try.  You watch her to see if she likes them and when she makes a comment about how you know good drinks Steve points out that you have a home court advantage. To which Carol suggests a change in venue for an even playing field. You pay for the nachos and some of the drinks as Wanda refuses to let you cover the entire bill. 
As you’re leaving The Hub, Daisy pulls you aside while everyone else walks out. You look at her confused and she writes her phone number on a paper in the notepad. She rips it out and slips it in your pocket with a sultry, “Call me.” You find the gesture to be a little funny but you don’t reject her right there. You figure that you’ll probably never use the number. Out of respect to her father and to her. You thank her and walk out the door to catch up with your group. 
As they’re walking Wanda thinks of something to ask you and turns around only to find you missing from the group. She looks around and sees the interaction between you and Daisy through the window. Her eyes widen when she sees the girl stick her fingers in your front pocket. She feels a pang of jealousy but she isn’t sure that’s exactly what she is feeling. Maybe she was feeling off from all of the alcohol they were mixing. Why would she be jealous of you getting some girl's number? You seemed close with her father, so you could be receiving that number for any reason. And yet, she couldn’t shake the fact that seeing that intimate interaction bothered her. When you appear in front of her asking where the five of you are headed off to next, she has to snap herself out of her head. She shrugs because she was so focused on herself that she wasn’t paying attention to the rest of them.
Steve points to a place a few buildings down that the group of five make agree to and their way over. This place was more of a nightclub and there is a crazy long line to get inside which you were completely fine with. It gave you some time to talk with Wanda while waiting. She asked you a lot of questions this time, to get to learn more about you. All you talk about is how you’re from this city and go into the details of your family. How you didn’t like being a child of a bitter divorce and that you wanted better for your daughter. Then you talk about the different types of jobs you’ve had since you were fifteen. And you reveal how you’re working towards a business degree at the community college because you’ve always wanted to start your own handmade furniture business. Steve hypes up your work when he overhears that part of the conversation. You awkwardly thank him and next thing you know, the five of you are inside the club. 
Once inside, you hate it immediately.  The music is loud making it difficult to hear. It’s hot and the air is thin. It was hard to breathe in anything other than the aroma of alcohol and the smell of other people’s sweat.  The place is full and cramped with sweaty bodies knocking into or grinding on each other which makes it hard to stick together. The flashing and rapidly moving lights are unpleasant and difficult to see through. Wanda grabs the collar of your shirt and roughly pulls you close so that you can hear her, “Can we leave?” 
You nod without hesitation and turn around to tell the rest of them that it’s time to go but Carol, Agatha, and Steve have disappeared in the crowd. Wanda grabs onto your jacket with a tight grip so she doesn’t lose you while you search for the other three. You spot Agatha first, she is grinning as she dances provocatively with some random man. Next you spot Carol smiling at a woman as she leans against the bar. Lastly, you find Steve getting excited about spotting a group of guys he recognizes. It’s as if those three were in this place for longer than a few minutes and made themselves very comfortable in the environment. 
You wrap your arm around Wanda’s waist to pull her close to talk, “I think we’re just going to have to wait outside for them.” Wanda nods and agrees telling you that she just wants to get out. You guide her through the many bodies that are colliding together as they dance to the booming music until the two of you are finally outside. “Oh my goodness I never thought I was going to breathe fresh air again!” You exaggerate once you’re free. 
Wanda laughs, “Oh man I had no idea that’s what those were like! I don’t really see the appeal of a place like that!” 
“We’re not drunk enough to enjoy it,” you shrug. 
“I guess not,” Wanda looks at you. “Were you a person that could handle a club like that?” 
You look back at the building and know that there are photos of you in that place somewhere online so there was no point in lying, it was a part of your life that you’re not proud of but a part no less. You nod, “Before my divorce, no way. I was a full-time parent and spouse. After my divorce however…” you drag out as you’re not sure how else to put it. Wanda nods in understanding but you feel like you still have to explain yourself. “Those first few weeks with no family to come home to were so lonely. I’m sure you know how it is. That quiet and isolation is so suffocating. So, yeah, I lost myself in a place like this.” You think back on that time and your reaction to going into that place back then is very different from how you reacted just now. “It’s been a while though and honestly, I cannot tell you how I did it. I don’t know how they’re doing it now!” 
Wanda laughs in agreement, “I guess it’s fun for some people. A nightmare for others. And an escape for those who need it.” 
“That’s an interesting observation,” you say. “Did you ever do stuff like this before having the boys?”
Wanda makes a face and looks back at the building then back to you, “No,” she drags the word out.“It always seemed like my worst nightmare and well… I was right.” 
You nod, “Yeah, it doesn't seem like your kind of thing. Sorry about that, I probably should have shut this idea down.”
“Don't be, I could have said something, I mean we were waiting in line for like an hour. I was curious and now I'm not.” She says with a shrug. Wanda looks around the street and spots another bar with a calmer setting that also has an outdoor option. “Want to go there?” She points it out and you look it over a bit. If you get a spot close to the railing, Steve and the girls will be able to see the two of you from the club when they exit. 
“Sure,” you offer your elbow for her to take. Wanda accepts it and makes a comment about chivalry and you laugh. The two of you cross the street and enter the establishment. It’s the type of place where you have to wait to be seated. So you tell the hostess two for outside and she grabs a couple menus and leads you to the empty corner table you had spotted from the club. You thank her and pull the chair out for Wanda, she looks at you funny. “What? You’re the one who said chivalry wasn’t dead. I have to continue to keep it alive.” 
“That’s too bad,” she pulls the other chair out, “because now it’s my turn.” She pats the back of the chair, “Have a seat, Y/n.” You look at the gesture and happily accept it. Wanda walks around to claim her seat, “There, now we’re even.” 
“Are we? I wasn’t keeping score,” you open the menu and start to look it over. You have only been here a couple of times and are still relatively unfamiliar with what they carry.
Wanda sits there and stares at you for a moment as read the menu. Not knowing the impact your words had on her. Most of her life has been an ongoing score board. If someone did something nice for her she made certain to do something even nicer, expecting them to do something in return. That’s just how relationships and friendships seemed to happen in her life. It wasn’t until halfway through her marriage with Vision that she realized that behavior wasn’t exclusive to good deeds. The amount of bad things they did to each other until the end of it when Vision won and continues to win… Cracks are starting to break through the rose colored lenses. 
“Can I get you two anything to drink to start?” A handsome waiter with a winning smile asks, breaking Wanda out of her thoughts. You tell him that you’re going to have a glass of water and one of the local IPA’s. “And for the pretty lady?” The man doesn’t hide that he is checking her out and though Wanda is flattered by the attention, she wasn’t comfortable with it being from him. 
“I’ll just have water,” she says shyly. 
“Actually, cancel the IPA, I’ll just have the water,” you change your order. You don’t want to be drinking anymore alcohol if Wanda is stopping. “And I’ll add an order of the grilled bread and good olive oil.” You notice that the waiter isn’t taking his eyes off of Wanda and you notice how she seems to shrink under his gaze. “Would you like another appetizer, honey?” you clear your throat as you ask. Not comfortable with using the term of endearment. Wanda sits up as it sounds foreign from you but she notices that the waiter has finally stopped looking at her. 
“Oh um, yeah, babe, you know what I like,” she tries her best to play along as she looks over the appetizers. “You’re so silly, you know that I like the-the… oh! White truffle garlic bread. That’s what I’ll have. For us,” she reaches across the table for your hand, “to share.” You bite your lips to keep from laughing as you nod and throw in a wink. 
“Will that be all for now?” The man’s flirty demeanor has changed to a more professional one and you know that although the both of you are horrible at pretending, you’ve been able to pull it off. 
“Yes, that’s all for now, thank you,” you say politely. He walks away and once he’s gone, you can’t help but laugh a little. “Oh I think we hurt his feelings.” 
Wanda smiles and hums, “That’s what he gets for being creepy.” She removes her hand from yours. “Thank you for that, by the way.” 
You wave her gratitude off, “It’s nothing. He should be focused on his job and not making his customers uncomfortable.” 
Wanda crosses her arms and leans on the table, “Did you ever pick anyone up when you were a bartender?” 
You laugh and shake your head, “No, I was still married when I started the job and then I was enjoying being out of a relationship when the divorce happened. I got to learn a lot about myself in that time.” 
“Have you dated since your divorce?” 
“I have been on a few dates. But I haven’t committed to a relationship since Jean,” you admit. “And it’s not because I still have feelings for her. Things between us ended for a reason and we’re still friends. That’s what we were always meant to be. But I haven’t met someone that I could introduce to her.” 
Wanda makes a face, “What do you mean by that?”
“Well, when she started dating, she kind of made up a system to weed out the people she wasn’t sure if they would work out or not. If she didn’t think she could introduce them to me without a doubt that I would be comfortable with them being around Rachel, then she wouldn’t pursue it. Now she’s happily married to the woman of her dreams,” you elaborate. 
“Huh,” Wanda says. The waiter returns with a pitcher of water to fill two glasses and the two plates of appetizers. When he disappears she continues the conversation. “I’ll probably be single forever then,” she says before she drinks her water. 
You laugh as you chew on the bread, “Oh yeah, that system is not designed for people like Vision.” 
Wanda shakes her head, “Nope. I’m sure he already has a file of every bad thing you’ve ever done prepared for drop off on Sunday.” 
“Oh gosh, so you’re saying I shouldn’t have accepted that follow request from hotgurl69?” You say with a smirk. 
Wanda stops chewing and stares at you with uncertainty, “You’re joking.”
“No, I’m not,” you grin as you pull out your phone to show her the obviously fake account that followed you during the week. It had a couple of posts of an objectively attractive woman but not someone that is your type. You hand it to Wanda and she shakes her head in disbelief as she looks it over. “I didn’t actually allow the account to follow me but oh that was something to see when I got back.” 
“He is a nutjob,” Wanda says under her breath. She blocks the account just for her sanity. “I am so sorry about that,” she returns your phone to you. “That’s ridiculous, he is such a child.” 
“There you guys are!” Carol says with a girl under her arm. “These are my friends. That’s Wanda and that’s… Wait. What’s your name again?” She points to you and you smile as you introduce yourself to the girl. 
“Hi, I’m Maria Rambeau,” she says with a grin. “It’s nice to meet you guys!” 
“Likewise,” Wanda smiles. 
“We’re about to head out, I just thought I’d tell you so you didn’t assume the worst. Also, Agatha went home with some Ralph guy. I don’t know. But have fun,” Carol waves as she walks away fast so that Wanda can’t convince her to stay. You and Wanda laugh as the group has gone their separate ways for the night. 
You look at your phone to send a message, “I should probably check on Steve and oh! His girlfriend had an emergency and he went home.” You close the phone and put it in your pocket. “I guess it’s just you and me, that is unless you’re ready to go home.” 
Wanda looks at the half eaten bread on the table, then to the busy street full of people walking by and businesses that are alive, and then at you. Smiling at her with kind eyes that make her feel special. Eyes that make her nervous in the best possible ways. “No, I’m okay to stay a little longer,” is what she wants to say. But she isn’t sure what would happen if she did stay. How would the night end with just the two of you past this point? Would the two of you go on a stroll and continue to talk? Will there be a moment where the two of you get swept up by some romantic setting and she does something stupid like kiss you? She doesn’t want to risk this growing friendship for something so silly. Besides, you and her brother will be at her house tomorrow fixing her wall. She has already looked foolish in front of you plenty of times in the few weeks that you’ve known each other. She doesn’t need to add to that list tonight. 
“Actually, I am a bit tired. Knowing Pietro, I’ll be waking up at six in the morning to let him in,” Wanda explains. “This was really nice, thank you for inviting me out. I haven’t had the courage to do something like this in a while. We should do it again sometime.”
“Yeah, and hopefully something that keeps everyone interested and engaged,” you reply. “I’ll cover the bill, we don’t want to give prince charming over there any reason to make some move on you because I can’t pay for your meal,” you say as you pull out your card.
“Ah well, it’s only appetizers,” she remarks. “If I were him, I’d probably say something about the lack of a three course meal.” 
“Oh, no worries,” you say as you wave the waiter over. “I’m two steps ahead of you.” The waiter approaches and you ask for the bill. He makes a face stating that you’ve only ordered appetizers. “Yeah, we got a call from the sitter,” you start and glance at Wanda to see her start to smile. “Six kids is a lot to handle for one person. We rarely ever get to have an uninterrupted evening like this,” you lie easily and Wanda tries to hide her amusement. 
“Yeah,” she adds with a disappointed sigh, “And can you believe we’re expecting seven and eight?” She reaches across the table again for your hand and squeezes it with excitement. 
The waiter's eyes widen, “Wow uh, congratulations! You could never tell. Since this was a celebration, you know what, the meal is on the house.” You are surprised and insist on paying but he clears the table and allows you and Wanda to leave without paying. 
The two of you walk to the end of the street where you’re headed in opposite directions. “My apartment is that way,” you point to the building you’ve called home for the past year and a half. Wanda nods as she makes a comment about the building looking nice. Then she turns and points to the parking garage where she parked her car. “I will see you tomorrow then,” you say awkwardly, not really sure how to end the night. 
“Tomorrow,” she repeats, “Goodnight, Y/n.” Wanda walks away and you head home after bidding her a goodnight as well.
When you walk in, the place is quiet other than the soft volume of the television that Kate is watching. “So? How’d it go?” she asks in a whisper. 
You shrug as you remove your jacket, “It was fun. Her friends ended up finding people to go home with and Steve had to head back to Peggy. Wanda and I got to spend some time alone and it was nice. Plus, do you remember Daisy? Phil’s daughter?” You are sitting next to your sister on the couch now. Kate nods as the name rings a bell. “Well she’s home from school and she gave me her number.” 
“Oh, she has had a crush on you forever,” Kate admits. 
You make a face, “Really?” You don’t want to believe your sister, especially not since she is constantly making comments on your lack of a love life. But it does explain why she made the move on you when you hadn’t shown any interest in her all night. “Oh well, I’m not going to call her anyway.” 
“Why not? Things go well with Wanda?” She tries to see if you’ll admit that there is anything more than friendship between you and Wanda and you roll your eyes at her attempt.
“You’re insufferable, you know?” Kate shrugs and asks again why you’re not going to use Daisy’s number. “One, it’s none of your business and two she’s Phil’s daughter. That’s weird, I consider him a friend. I can’t just date his little girl without him knowing. Then I can’t end things with her if he does. It’s way too complicated.” 
“Is it? Or are you making it complicated?” Kate challenges and not having the energy to even try to argue with her, you get off the couch. 
“I’m going to bed. You know how to use the pull out,” you walk to your room. “Goodnight,” you call out to her behind you.
Chapter 6
Taglist: @princessprudy @sayah13 @agaymilflover @awkwardmandalorian @bentleywolf29 @evenbeingcrazy1998 @artisannat @thisischaismagic @wqndanat @madamevirgo @likefirenrain @tearsofglitter @feltlikethat @the-writer-arcane @natashasilverfox @karsonromanoff @aloneodi @lovelyy-moonlight @red1culous @jovialsublimecomputer @natasha-maximoff @iliketozoneout @doudouneverte @druggedduck @notbornbutforged @when-wolves-howl @lifespectator @justyourwritter69 @wandaromamoff69 @awesomelygayasf @nekoannie-chan @diaryoflife @wuwu96 @wandanats-goodgirl @sincerely-indi @blueredg52 @sisiwritesfanfics @lizziesplant @fuzzyuniversityeclipsefriend @arcturusseer @scarlettwidow34 @chasethemoon @raven-ss @canyonyodeler
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