#stewart doesn't really have a tag...
rageserenity · 6 months
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It's 2024. Are you still thinking about movieverse!Cherik? Because I am.
For the past several months, there's only been a very slow trickle of posts/fics in the xmcu cherik tag. Let's try to breathe some life back into this incredible pairing!
With one clear winner of my poll, here's thirty prompts for the thirty days of April. (This is a super chill, laid-back event---do these in any order, interpret them as loosely as you like! Create in any medium! Fic, art, gifs, meta, incoherent screaming about the otp…all winners in my book.)
The only rule here is to cherik too close to the sun. Alright. Here are the prompts.
Mutual Pining
Doesn't really even need elaboration! Write that horrifically slow slow-burn. Gif every time McAvoy made insane fuck me eyes on screen. Make a playlist of songs about impossible love.
2. Alternate Meetings
There are endless quotes about how these two complete each other in a way no one they'd met before or after ever did. How else could they have met?
3. Erik Has A Telepathy Kink
This is basically canon. Let my boy get freaky!
4. Canon Fix-It
All the times Fox fucked it up. There are endless options.
5. Hurt/Comfort
Put them in that Situation. Put them in that Blender. Break them apart and put them back together ❤️‍🩹
6. Canon Compliant
Draw that missing scene! Gif your favourite cherik moment!
7. Beach Divorce
Make it worse. Make it better. Show it to us exactly how it was. Break it down in a 3,000 word meta. Go wild!
8. Domestics
Sometimes you just want to see them doing normal couple things. Erik put the gun down.
9. Found Family
The real heart of x-men!
10. Time Travel
There are SO many possibilities here. Stick them in a time loop. Give them a chance to change their past.
11. AU
Love a good AU!
12. There Is Only One Bed
Had to get this one in here. What better way to amp up the tension?
13. Genosha
By some miracle, cherik actually did end up together at the end of 2019s trash bag disaster Dark Phoenix. We aren’t making a big enough deal about this.
14. Declaration(s) of Love
Who says it first? How do they say it and when? Have they said it…without saying it?
15. Jealousy
Need I say more.
16. Reunion
These two have absolutely no chill.
17. Soulmates
Classic prompt, had to get this in here too.
18. The DOFP Aircraft
The TENSION here. Break it down for me. How does Charles feel about his injury? How does Erik feel about his injury?
19. Gay Mutant Road Trip
You already know.
20. Body Swap
SO fun when people have superpowers.
21. First Kiss
When? How? Who initiated it?
22. The Mansion
Mansion!content is a genre of its own.
23. Conflicting Ideology
Give me your theses. Who’s right? Can they ever reconcile completely? Write a fic where it drives them apart.
24. Sebastian Shaw
A trope unto himself.
25. Team As Matchmaker
They had to have known something was going on, didn’t they?
26. Cooking
Charles deserves a good meal. Also, imagine Erik using his powers in the kitchen. The sheer domesticity…
27. Hurt No Comfort
Plenty of scope with these two 🥲
28. Growing Old Together
Giving Sirs Ian Mckellan and Patrick Stewart their props as well!
29. Making Up
*pushes chess board across the table* sorry babe
30. Charles Xavier Did More For Mutants Than You'll Ever Know
Rising to each other’s defense. Only I can insult this man.
I will be tracking #revivecherik to reblog stuff! Here’s a fic collection for the same. Let’s get this ball rolling! Please feel free to send me an ask if you’ve got anything to say! And most importantly, let’s all have fun 😁
*I know a few of you preferred something like a gift exchange because of the commitment factor—I’m super down to organise a tiny one for the handful of us! If this promptathon doesn’t flop horribly, we can hopefully do a whole bunch of stuff :)
If you read this post all the way through, please reblog for reach! Thank you! Hoping you participate come April.
Shoutout to @inmymagnetoera for reaching out and helping with this!
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niiwa-angel · 7 months
Hal and Barry have been dating for a while and both of them have been hunting about getting married. They've been talking about where they'd theoretically have the ceremony, where they'd take a honeymoon, who would be their best men, etc. the only thing they haven't done is actually asked the question.
And that's what Hal is pondering as he's doing a really BORING mission for the Lanterns. But if he wants to propose, he needs a ring and there in lies the problem. Rings are expensive and he is broke as fuck because being an intergalactic space cop somehow doesn't have a salary. And while he's thinking this, he stumbles onto some pretty red and green rocks and has a light bulb moment. He doesn't need to buy a ring, he can make a ring! Here are all these pretty rocks just laying around on this dead planet!
So he takes some rocks, a big ish chunk of iron from a nearby comet, brings them back to earth and gets to work. His lantern ring can do anything needed to make Barry the perfect ring and that's what he's going to do. He puts a ton of thought into it, because Barry works with his hands a lot at work and often has to wear gloves that prevent him from wearing jewelry, he makes it specifically so that the ring will still be pretty if he pins it to his shirt or wears in on a chain. The centerpiece is a big, pretty green rock with lots of red in it that he manages to polish into looking shiny, and it's surrounded by little pieces of sea glass that's red and green too. He gets the iron purified and into a perfectly sized ring for Barry's finger and polished that to a shine too. The most expensive thing about the ring is the dollar store box it came in because he didn't technically have to pay for materials or labour.
So he proposed, Barry said yes, they have their wedding, they both say "I do", Hal steps on the glass, and they honeymoon in Italy. It's beautiful, they're madly in love, everything is going perfectly.
Until Kilowag shows up and is like "Hal, the Guardians want you. You've broken intergalactic law."
And it turns out that the law Hal broke was bringing the rocks back to earth. The Guardians have a rule against that so that rocks that a valuable on one planet can't be brought from another planet and tank the economy. And Barry is wearing the evidence.
So now Hal and Barry, because if his idiot husband is appearing before space court, he's coming along. Their vows said through thick and thin, he just hadn't expected it to happen so soon. And if course, John Stewart, Guy Gardener, and Alan Scot tag along. One for support and two because this is the funniest fucking thing to happen all decade. And then the Justice League finds out about it and they have to go too. One for support and two because this is the funniest fucking thing ever.
The entirety of the case, Bruce is sitting beside Barry whispering to him "it's not to late to leave. We can get out of here right now. I have amazing lawyers, we can get you an annulment and it'll be like this never happened" because he's a supportive friend and also (perhaps even more importantly) he does not like Hal.
But Barry's like "we definitely don't qualify for annulment and I don't think any lawyer is going to believe us if we tell them this"
Hal and Guy are arguing that Hal didn't take the rocks to profit off of them, he took them to make them into a gift. John is talking about earth traditions of giving pretty things to your partner to try and make it seem like this was a weird instinctual thing Hal did by accident to get an insanity plea.
Alan is arguing to give Hal the death penalty.
And then one of the Guardians says that Hal intended to profit off the Bloodstones he took by selling the ring when Bruce freezes and then slaps himself. Hard.
"Bloodstones are pretty much worthless on earth" he says.
And then the Guardians freeze because they've been basing their whole argument on Hal somehow profiting of the pretty rocks he found on a dead planet, only to find out that he basically took beer caps.
So now they have to find out how much the ring is worth, to see if they even have a case. And it turns out they do not.
And it turns out that the entirety of the ring is worth MAYBE, generously, $30. Maybe, if the appraiser is blind. Or new. Because Bloodstone is cheap. Iron is in no demand on Earth. And there are no valuable gems in the ring. Hal didn't even use his ring to know for certain what rocks he picked up off the ground, he literally just thought they were pretty and that Barry would like them because Barry is a nerd who likes space rocks. The only value the ring has is its appearance.
And now basically the entirety of their honeymoon has been spent keeping Hal's dumb ass out of space jail over a pretty ring that, while resilient and made with love, isn't worth anything. So now the Guardians feels dumb and everyone else is asking "how the hell did you even know Hal took the rocks?"
And it turns out the Eobard found out and told Sinestro, who got it back to the Guardians. It's the dumbest thing ever.
They get back and the other lanterns basically look at Hal and ask "so despite all the research you did on how to make the ring, you never stopped to consider the laws of the universe?"
Hal never gets to live it down and it's why Barry gets to put a finger down for "Never Have I Ever Seriously Considered Killing my Beloved Husband After Less Than A Week Of Being Married"
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hotvintagepoll · 8 months
Welcome to the HOT AND VINTAGE MOVIE STARS bracket! we are currently voting on the HOTTEST and VINTAGEST male movie stars from 1910-1970. (we will do the ladies next.) Submissions for hot vintage men are now closed, but we are accepting propaganda for those already in the bracket.
Round 3 of the Hot & Vintage Men Tournament will be posted Saturday, January 20th, with some spillover to Sunday, and will last a week. All the round 3 polls can be found and voted on under the tag #round 3. All polls—including previous rounds, the now-finished shadow bracket of hot men who didn’t pass round 1, plus fun mini polls—can be found in the #hotvintagepoll tag. Every poll in the Hot & Vintage Men Tournament is tagged with the hot man in it if you need to search for a hot man in particular.
Between rounds—so any point up to the night of Thursday the 18th—any propaganda for a round 3 contestant sent to my asks may be added to the poll descriptions. I accept video links, photos, and text propaganda, but not gifs at this stage (I can’t copy them into the posts without problems). Once rounds start, any propaganda sent in is posted as its own separate post, searchable under the hot man's tag.
"Where is [my favorite hot man]?" It depends. Have you checked all the polls in the tag? Have you done a tag search for him? If you still haven't found him, either nobody submitted him or he did not fit the criteria of being a movie man from 1910-1970.
"Can I still submit hot men?" No, the submission window has closed. Please do not send in men you wish had made it into the bracket. I can't do anything with those asks and they just make me sad.
"I have hot women to submit!" Amazing! I've posted the submission form for that bracket. Asks submitting ladies don't count—you need to wait until the submission form. DO NOT tag me in hot lady propaganda yet! Do not send any to my asks! Anything that's not put in the submission form doesn't count at this stage.
"I have additional propaganda for the hot men!" Great! Send me an ask or reblog the poll and add your propaganda to it. I don't boost all the propaganda I see or receive, but I try to boost the best of the best.
If you're submitting propaganda for your hot man, I don't accept propaganda that's from beyond the end of this tournament's era (ie don't send me pics of them in the 70s onwards). I also don't accept them performing in TV shows unless it's clearly a cameo where they're playing themselves.
I don't post or boost negative propaganda about any hot man. If you really hate that a certain hot man is winning, send me positive propaganda for their hot opponent. If you think a hot man shouldn't even be included in the bracket because of scummy things they did in their lifetime, please read my take on it here.
If I see repetitive, trolling, and/or bigoted remarks in the comments, I may block you from this bracket. If you want to point out a hot man's flaws or misdemeanors, that's fine, but if I see consistent bad-faith trolling, you will be blocked.
"My FAQ isn't on here :(" send me an ask! I love hearing from you guys—just please check these basics first.
"WHERE ARE THE HOT MEN. I want to see all the hot men competing in one place!!" You can find all the round 1 matchups here (thank you @markwatnae!), and everyone who made it to round 3 below the cut. Thank you for being here! Enjoy the tournament.
Round 3 Hot Vintage Men:
Marlon Brando
Anthony Perkins
James Dean
Omar Sharif
James Shigeta
Sidney Poitier
Jeremy Brett
Cary Grant
Buster Keaton
Gregory Peck
Paul Robeson
Sessue Hayakawa
Michael Redgrave
Vincent Price
Gary Cooper
Conrad Veidt
Ronald Colman
Rock Hudson
Basil Rathbone
Laurence Olivier
Toshiro Mifune
Christopher Plummer
Harry Belafonte
Johnny Weismuller
James Stewart
Gene Kelly
Peter Falk
Clark Gable
Fernando Lamas
Errol Flynn
Tyrone Power
Humphrey Bogart
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writingforstraykids · 10 months
Addicted to you - Chp. 9
Pairing: Minlix | Minchan (mention of Changlix)
Word Count: 4252
Summary: Felix decides to try a new way to cheer Minho up for a bit, falling back into old patterns with him. Chan walks in on them and at first, Minho doesn't care...until he does.
Warnings/Tags: smut, sub!felix, switch!minho, friends with benefits, panic attack, emotional hurt/comfort
A/N: This for everyone who wished to see a little more of Minlix. I hope you like it~🌙
Chp. 8 | Chp. 10
How am I supposed to go out and find love again? Only know what it is 'Cause you showed me it exists How am I supposed to feel all the things that we felt But with somebody else? Knowing you exist Knowing you exist - Alexander Stewart
The following week, the atmosphere turned frosty whenever Chan and Minho were in the same room. Whilst Chan pretended nothing had happened and went on like before, Minho simply ignored him. To everyone else, Minho acted as normal, but Chan got the cold shoulder. The gap forming between their two hyungs worried the rest with every passing day. Especially when Minho started skipping group dinners, locked himself up in his room, or overstayed his welcome after dance practice. He refused to practice the new dance with Chan pressed up against him, and with every passing day, his appearance looked worse. 
During interviews, he stayed quiet, and looking at the footage, everyone could tell he was feeling like  shit, including the fans. When asked about the most important person within the team, Minho honestly answered Felix and Jisung since he didn't know what he'd do without them at the moment. Chan said Minho, saying he owed him a lot and hoped they'd always find each other no matter what. This caused Minho to stand up during the midst of the interview, stumbling over Seungmin's feet with tears in his eyes. Their management forced him back only shortly after, and for the rest of the interview, he kept his head hung low, hot tears threatening to spill down his cheeks after removing his microphone. He was shaking, and neither Felix’s hand on his back nor Jisung taking his hand calmed him. The others glanced at him worriedly occasionally, and Chan tried his best not to look, seeming anxious. The video later got him into serious trouble with staff and raised even more questions among fans. 
Felix and Jisung had the most insight into what was going on since they were the only ones Minho really talked to. They knew that he was slowly destroying his knee by practicing harder and even more than before instead of resting. They knew that he had skipped meals quite often by this point. They were there to hold his hand before interviews or in situations when Minho had no choice but to deal with Chan. They ensured he got something to eat from time to time, held him when he felt sad, and helped him out when his body would shut down after a particularly long day.
Felix and Jisung took turns staying with him at night, knowing this was the only way Minho was able to sleep now. They didn't know how to make him feel better because deep down, what Minho needed was Chan, the one he’d been avoiding like the plague. It was a habit he formed a long while ago, to distance himself from anyone or anything that felt unsafe.
But one evening, Felix decided to try something new, wondering if it would help make Minho forget his pain, even if it was just for a few hours. They were sitting on the broad window sill in Felix’s room, leaning against opposite walls, facing each other. Minho was staring out into the night, anxiously fidgeting with the fabric of his sweater. 
“Min?” Felix spoke up gently, and the older one turned to look at him. “What are you thinking about?”
Minho shrugged his shoulders. “Everything and nothing at once,” he told him, rubbing his neck. “I’m starting to have serious doubts about Chan and me staying.”
“What?” he asked, written in his expression.
“I feel like I need a break from all of this. I’m not saying I want to quit, but some distance might be better than trying to avoid something I live in the same house with,” he sighed, defeated. Felix tilted his head at him.
“You think you’ll love him any less once you’re back? Your heart won’t break seeing him again?” he asked gently. They both knew it wasn’t possible, and Minho couldn’t bring himself to say it even if his was. 
“I…I just want to feel whole again, Lix. I can’t go on like this,” he told him and hugged himself. “It was alright before because there was nothing to miss…but I miss what we had so much. I never thought I’d feel so lonely and-,” he trailed off as Felix scooted closer, cupping his face with one hand. “What are you doing?” he whispered. Felix caressed his cheek and leaned in close. Minho's eyes widened as their lips brushed together. "Felix, you have a boyfriend." 
"He knows, he’s fine with it," Felix told him quietly, and Minho's resistance crumbled slightly, but he was still on alert. "Relax, I got you, remember?" 
Minho nodded, eyes fluttering close as their lips met. He melted into the familiar feeling and let Felix take the lead. He missed being held and kissed like that. He missed having someone close, showing him his worth with every passing day. Sometimes he really fucking missed Felix. 
Felix pulled him onto his lap, hands tracing down his back. His heart hurt at how desperately Minho kissed him. The way he gripped his shirt, pressing himself as close as he could to feel something again. Felix leaned back against the wall and smiled into the kiss as Minho moved to cup his face in his hands. His hand slipped beneath his shirt, gently gliding up Minho's spine and resting between his shoulder blades. "Gosh, sometimes I really miss you," Felix mumbled against his lips. 
Minho stopped in his movements and blinked at him. "You do?" he asked quietly. 
"You were my first for so many things," Felix gently brushed back his hair and nodded. "You meant a lot to me, you know." 
"Not enough, though," Minho said, and Felix hummed softly. 
"Did I?" he asked, and Minho's eyes flickered guiltily. 
"No, not like that," he then admitted, and Felix nodded. 
"We both knew it would end sooner or later," he said, caressing his cheek. Minho leaned into the gentle touch and inhaled shakily. "And that's okay because we were open with each other about it." 
"I miss you too sometimes," he told him honestly before covering his hand with his own. "I felt a different kind of safety with you." 
Felix searched his eyes as if he was trying to memorize every little detail he could. "I think I didn't tell you how beautiful you are often enough."
"Yongbokie," Minho said softly, eyes radiating nothing but warmth. 
"I mean it. You're beautiful," he told him and connected their lips. "Loving," he continued before kissing him again. "And too kind for this world," he added before pressing their lips together hard and full of desperation. Minho made a soft sound at the impact, and Felix grabbed his hips, leaning forward and pushing him onto his back. 
Minho shortly searched his eyes, wondering how far they'd go. Felix didn't seem to think much of it, hovering over him and chasing his lips hungrily. Minho let him, spreading his legs to make room for him as Felix almost fell off the window sill, bracing himself next to his head. Felix giggled softly and rolled his eyes at himself. Minho reached out for him, thumb brushing over his lower lip. "God, I lo-," he stopped, closing his eyes and remembering that this wasn't like what he thought he had with Chan. 
"You can say it, Minho. I know how you mean it," Felix told him, and Minho shook his head. "I love you, Min." 
Minho looked up at him with teary eyes. "I love you too, Lixie." 
Felix smiled gently, eyes sparkling with joy. He went back to kissing him, and the way Minho gripped his hair and arched up against him told him everything he needed to know. Deep down, Minho longed for more, longed to be close to him like they had been long ago. Felix knew better than to deny that he was feeling the same way. He reached down, smoothly opening the strings of Minho's sweatpants before palming him and rubbing his hand between his legs. Surprised, Minho gasped against his lips, unable to stop himself from bucking up into his touch. Felix slipped his hand into his pants, wrapping it around his dick, and stroked him experimentally. Minho moaned sweetly and gripped his hair tightly. 
"Felix," he breathed out. 
"I'm here," he said gently. 
"You don't have to -," he broke off as Felix continued his movement. 
"I want to," he promised, grabbing Minho's chin with his free hand. "Trust me," he told him and grabbed the bottle of lube stored in the drawer of his bedside table. He poured some onto his hand before reaching back into his pants. 
Minho did trust him, and his eyes fluttered close as he allowed himself to enjoy this. He pulled Felix back into a kiss, trying to stifle his moans as he rolled his hips. Felix leaned down, kissing his neck and leaving soft bites down from his ear to his collarbone. "Mark me up," Minho breathed out, desperate to feel something. 
"Are you sure?" Felix asked gently, nose still buried in his neck. 
"Please," he said quietly. 
Felix bit down below his ear in response, softly licking over the bite. He started sucking on his skin, moaning deliciously against his neck. 
Minho moaned out loud, and the way Felix's body responded reminded him of how much he had enjoyed him being vocal. "Fuck, Min," he moaned as Minho pulled at his hair and bit down harshly. 
Minho's eyes rolled back at the pleasurable pain, and he slammed his hand against the window, trying to brace himself somehow as Felix picked up the pace. His head fell back with a loud moan of Felix's name, making the younger one hum satisfied. 
Felix barely noticed the door to his room opening, lips attached to Minho's neck and being pressed against his skin by him. He pulled a beautiful moan from his lips, and glanced over at the door at the intruder. He realized it was Chan staring at them in pure shock. Felix locked eyes with him but didn't stop, not wanting Minho to notice. He knew Min would feel guilty, and in his eyes, there was absolutely no reason for it. 
"Fuck, don't stop. Please don't sto-," Minho moaned out, and Felix didn't intend to. His eyes were squeezed shut, chasing his high and indulging the weight of Felix's body on his. 
"I got you. You're doing so good, babe," Felix mumbled against his skin. 
He didn't expect him to use that old pet name for him. Minho arched up against him, pulling at his hair with a groan before tensing up and spilling into his pants. A broken moan of his name left his lips, and Minho pulled him up and into a needy kiss, panting against his lips. Felix kissed back fiercely, and Chan was gone the next time he looked up. Minho caught his breath before giggling softly and rubbing his face. "I can't believe you just did that in front of the fucking window." 
Felix smirked and planted a tiny kiss on his nose. "You're so pretty," he told him adoringly, and Minho blushed a little. 
"Stop it. I’ve been a mess lately," he chuckled. 
"I mean it," he assured him. 
Minho kissed Felix's lips softly, making the younger one moan. His hands traveled down his back and squeezed his bum. Felix melted against him with a soft groan and looked at him, eyes filled with need. "You want to do this properly for once?" 
Felix nodded quickly before frowning. "I uhm…I never..." 
"Me neither, but I'm fine with it," he assured him, and Felix jumped up quickly, pulling him with him to his bed. 
"Do you mind doing this without a condom?" he asked. 
"Do you?" he gave back, and they nodded in agreement. "But I have to clean up first. You made a mess of me." 
"Wait here," Felix giggled. 
Not much later, Minho was on his back, and Felix was straddling his lap. Their clothes were scattered across the floor, and Felix had pulled the curtains closed, turning on the lights instead. Felix leaned down, kissing him passionately as Minho's hands traveled down his body. He reached out for the bottle of lube. "May I?" he asked. 
"Please," Felix nodded and buried his face in Minho's neck as he started preparing him. "Oh fuck," he breathed out as Minho opened him up one finger at a time. Felix took deep breaths and relaxed as he adjusted to the amazing feeling. Soon enough, Minho found himself four fingers in and Felix was breathless. "I forgot how skilled you are with your fingers- a-ah," he broke off with a moan as Minho's fingers brushed against his prostate. 
Minho smirked and buried his hand in his hair, pulling him back and making him look in his eyes. "Huh, I forgot how easy you fall apart in my hands," he said and grinned succeedingly as Felix shivered above him, eyes rolling back as he poked at his prostate again. 
Not much later, Felix was riding him, slowly working out a rhythm that felt good for both of them. Felix stopped suddenly and closed his eyes before shaking his head. 
"What's wrong?" Minho asked gently and swallowed at the guilt clouded in his eyes. Did he regret it already? 
"Chan saw," he whispered. 
"What?" he asked, confused. 
"He just walked in suddenly and stood in the doorway right as you…Min, I'm sorry, I should've told you," he said nervously. 
Minho blinked, comprehending the information just shared, before shaking his head. "I don't care," he said and laughed weakly. "I actually don't care if he saw us or not." 
"Don't you think he'll be pissed?" he asked. 
"Let him be," he nodded. "I'm not his boyfriend, I never was. He has no right claiming me as his own, Felix. I can do whatever I want," he said, and for the first time, he actually believed it. "I've been patient for long enough, and he never made a move. Right now, he fucking lost me." 
Felix stared at him for a long moment. "That's the first time you’ve said that and I actually believe you." 
"It's the first time I believe it myself," he said, grabbing his hips. Felix squeaked, surprised as Minho flipped them over, hovering over him now. "And right now, I really don't care about him either. I have you here." 
Felix's lips parted a little. "Don't you think we would've been amazing together in another life?" 
Minho smiled gently. "Perhaps," he nodded and cupped his face. "I'll always be here; however you need me. You know that, right?" 
"I know," he nodded. "The same thing goes for you Min. Now move before I really lose my mind," he giggled and lifted his head up to meet his lips. 
Minho let him as he pulled out a little and thrust right back in. He worked out a rhythm that drew sweet moans and deep groans from Felix's throat. His hands found Felix's, and he pinned them down next to his head, fingers intertwining. Felix was chasing his lips whenever he pulled away to catch his breath, and Minho remembered how needy for physical reassurance he could get. Minho was moving slowly and gently, drawing the moment out as long as he could. Their kisses grew more passionate with every passing minute, and Felix wrapped his legs around his waist, pulling him in deeper. 
Felix was a little overwhelmed right now. It wasn't like Changbin and Hyunjin weren't loving or gentle with him. He and Changbin didn't have sex often due to their busy schedules, which always included fleeting moments of desperate passion. Hyunjin loved to tease and help Felix explore what he liked and what he didn't. But Minho…Minho was making love to him. He'd always been gentle and caring and knew when to push which button. Today was no different, still. How he moved on top of him, held his hands, and kissed him with so much love felt different. 
Minho met his eyes, and his heart skipped a beat at the expression in Felix's bright eyes. A deep longing mixed up with pure love and adoration stole his breath for a moment. "My beautiful sunshine," he whispered, and tears brimmed Felix's eyes. Minho gently caressed his cheek. "Are you okay?" 
"That's the first time you called me yours," he whispered, not trusting his voice right now. 
"Oh, I…I'm sorry," Minho stammered but relaxed as Felix chuckled. 
"This might be selfish, but I don't mind Chan being an asshole if this is what I get for it," he said, and Minho couldn't help but laugh. 
"You're an idiot," he said fondly before kissing him again and thrusting in deep and slow, hitting every sweet spot just right. 
Felix shivered beneath him, his now free hand shooting up into his hair. He moaned needily into the kiss, and after a few more thrusts, he felt his stomach flip. "Min, I'm close," he told him. 
"Go on, I got you," he told him, and Felix smashed their lips together before pulling away with a broken moan of his name. Minho watched his face as he stumbled over the edge, admiring how effortlessly beautiful he was. For a fleeting moment, he wondered if that was what Chan thought about him. He chased his own high, moaning sweetly as Felix pulled him in close and clenched around him. It didn’t take long for him to stumble over the edge and fill him up.
“God, you’re amazing, baby,” he said, and Minho’s throat tightened.
“You too,” he whispered, trying not to think of Chan saying those exact same words so often before. 
Later, when Felix was asleep next to him, Minho still couldn’t sleep. He was thinking about the time he had shared with Felix in the past and today. He wondered if this had been a mistake or if he was actually alright with it. And somehow, he couldn’t stop thinking about Chan and the fact he saw them. Minho closed his eyes and felt his throat tightening, wondering if he just destroyed the mere chance of them forgiving each other and working this out. Before he knew it, he was up on his feet and leaving the room.
Minho closed the door quietly and stumbled down the hallway to his room. Tears brimmed his eyes, and he couldn't see clearly anymore. A sharp pain shot through his chest, and his throat tightened painfully. He clutched his chest, unable to breathe, and fumbled the door open, stumbling inside. Minho grabbed the desk in front of him tightly and leaned forward with a groan before realizing in panic that this wasn't where his damn desk was located. Only Chan had it this close to the door. How the hell had he walked into the opposite direction? "Fuck, no," he pressed out, frustrated, and straightened up, bracing himself on the wall to find his way back outside. Someone pulled him back, and Minho found himself pressed against Chan's chest, his arms wrapped around him from behind. "No," he whined. 
"Shh, Min, you'll wake everyone up going outside like that," he said gently and closed his door again. 
Minho was breathing heavily, still feeling like the air wouldn't reach his lungs. "I can't breathe," he said panicked. "Chan, I can't -." 
Chan held him in his arms and made Minho lie down on his bed, climbing on top of him. Minho squirmed beneath him, protesting against it and hitting him forcefully against the chest. 
"What the fuck?!" Minho shouted at him, and Chan quickly covered his mouth, which only fed his panic. He started kicking, and Chan groaned at the impact on his body. 
"Fucks sake, Minho I'm trying to help!" he snapped at him, and Minho stopped kicking. He carefully pulled his hand off his mouth and swallowed hard at the tears running down his face. "It’s okay, you’re okay Min" he said gently, resting his hands next to his head. "I'll lie down on you now, okay?" 
Minho pressed his lips together tightly before nodding. Now, he understood what Chan was trying to do. Minho needed to be held down, feel some weight on top of him to feel grounded again when he was too far gone already, and Chan was the only one who knew about it. He exhaled softly as Chan put his full weight on him, making himself heavier than he was. 
Chan felt his heart race against his chest and very gently fondled his knuckles. "Take deep breaths, Min, you can do it," he encouraged him. 
Minho tried his best and felt his chest opening up slowly again. He closed his eyes and tried to ignore how good it felt to have Chan so close again. He tried to ignore his familiar, comforting scent and warmth. He tried to ignore the way Chan's hands felt in his, his hair tickling his neck and his heartbeat against his chest. But he failed miserably. "Please get off me," he whispered more so to himself than Chan. When Chan didn't react immediately, he squirmed. He started pushing again as hot tears made their way down his cheeks. 
"Hey, hey, relax," he told him and moaned softly as Minho's hand hit his chest again, pushing him off. "Minho, please," he told him firmly, already on his way to give him space. 
Minho sat up, panting, and stared at him before burying his face in his hands, sobbing quietly. "I'm so sorry," he whimpered. 
"Don't be," he told him gently and sat down in front of him. "You panicked, it's okay." 
Minho shook his head firmly. "That's not what I meant," he said, looking up with pained eyes. "I…I just had sex with Felix." 
Chan nodded, already knowing of it. "Him giving you a handjob can hardly be-."
"No, Chan, I just…I just came inside of him," he said, and Chan's face fell. "We did have sex." 
Chan audibly swallowed and closed his eyes briefly. "Okay," he whispered. 
"Okay?!" Minho asked in shock. 
"I'm not mad at you," he told him, and Minho's eyes filled with tears again. "Un-Unless, that's what you want?" he asked anxiously, not knowing what was going on in his head. 
"I said I wouldn't care about what you'd think," he said and closed his eyes, shaking his head. "I was never officially yours in the first place, so why would I keep on pretending I was?" Chan swallowed hard, not knowing what to say. "And it's true, I never was your boyfriend…but I still care about you," he said and sucked in a sharp breath. 
"Why Felix?" Chan asked quietly. "I thought you were done being the second choice for him." 
"You think he's my first choice?" he asked sadly, and Chan's eyes clouded with pain. "Felix always felt safe, no matter what, that's why. We knew what we were getting into, and that was fine." 
"Sounds complicated," he said. 
"Why do you even care?" Minho asked tiredly. "How am I any different from your one-night stands?" 
"What?" he asked, frowning. "Min, I fucking lo-," he stopped himself abruptly and Minho nodded. 
"You can't even say it now that it's real, can you?" he asked quietly, and Chan contorted his face. "It used to be one of the first things you said to me every damn morning for years now. You're so scared of the consequences that you’ll deny everything. You can't even allow yourself to tell me you love me." 
"I'm the leader of this group, I can't afford to get kicked out because of some dating amongst members drama," he said firmly. 
"We were never dating, though, were we? You weren't ready to label our relationship, and I should've stopped it all months ago," Minho said and swallowed hard. "Don't act like I said something wrong. We've never been a couple. You never called me your boyfriend. How is that any different from what Felix and I just did?" 
"That's not fair," Chan shook his head. 
"Calling me all those things and acting like I forced you into a situationship is not fair. Denying almost a year of shared intimacy isn't fair. Promising me to fight for us but not being brave enough to say those three little words isn't fair," he told him and saw Chan's firm expression falter. 
"Min," he tried softly. 
"Look, we’ve been having fun. And the fun has been amazing…but I want more. I want to be close to you in every single way, not just in bed or when we’re alone. You have to figure out what you want and quickly because I won’t wait around much longer Chan,” he told him quietly. "But anyways, I'm sorry for bursting in like that, I didn't know where I was going and-." He tried to change the subject, but his eyes widened as Chan suddenly moved forward and kissed him hard on the mouth. He shoved him off and panted softly. "What are you doing?" he whispered. 
"That's what I want," he said, pointing at him. "I want you, Min." 
"I got that," he nodded. "But that's not enough, not like that." 
"Please, give me a chance to explain. We can talk about this," he pleaded. 
"Not tonight, alright?" he asked, and Chan nodded reluctantly. Minho got up and looked at him for another moment. "Good night, Chan. Thanks for helping me out."
"Of course," Chan nodded and watched him leave.
Minho stood still in the hallway for a moment, fingertips pressed against his lips. What the hell was he doing? 
Chp. 8 | Chp. 10
Taglist: (Please let me know if you want to be added to/ removed from the taglist)
@soullostinspaceandtime @mal-lunar-28 @malfoygalaxies @brownieloved @rebecca-johnson-28 @euphoric-univers @hyunniebunni
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shallowseeker · 8 months
Why is Dean so stressed in 14x17?
(We know why.)
The visuals of this are pretty goddamned painful
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And WTF is UP with these foreshadowing lyrics??? soft country music -> Jackie Stewart's Maybe Tomorrow>
We had a quarrel Like lovers do Still I can't make my heart Believe we're through For I still love you With all my heart And life means nothing When we're apart Maybe tomorrow When comes the dawn Maybe the dark clouds Will all be gone Maybe tomorrow The sun will shine Maybe tomorrow You'll still be mine
etc etc
This could be foreshadowing...OR maaybe Dean n' Cas actually had a smallish weird fight about Cas leaving again.
I mean, Cas is lying about a ton of stuff (Empty deal, Felix the snake, searching for God), and Dean is pretty good at pinging that, even when he tries to swallow it down and overlook it.
And Dean?
Dean is so stressed out that not only do Mary and Jack notice, but they're taking actions to calm him down/cheer him up
Sam prooooobably knows why Dean is unhinged, so he quickly volunteers to get outta Dodge and pick up the food. (I feel ya, Sammy. You are me in this moment.)
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Meanwhile, Dean struggles to win Mouse Trap. We get a closeup of the foot kicking the "audience" eye. NOTE that in the actual game, it's just a plain silver ball.
Or at least that's how I remember it and have always seen it. If anyone know of a version that was released with an eye, hit me up.
Otherwise I'm gonna assume it was completely intentional, and Dean is trying to have a normal family game night without "us" interfering.
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<Cue Dean screaming over sucking at the game>
He's, uh, wound pretty tightly today, actually.
We can see that from Jack and Mary's following convo. Seems like today, they're the ones tag-teaming to mollify Dean.
(Dean, who is stressed because Cas is AWOL and acting cagey and probably not answering his phone again.)
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JACK: "I thought this was supposed to relax him."
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Ahahaha, oh Mary. "Let's give Dean a little game and he'll relaxies and be nicies to us!"
Oh yea.
Cas definitely isn't answering his phone, and everyone is tiptoeing around Dean because of it.
Tragedy: Jack & Mary get along really well!
Just gonna point out that Jack is actually VERY comfortable with her in general.
He spent MONTHS with her at war. She was his advisor. Given that he ran away from TFW a few weeks after his birth, much of his formative parenting was done by Mary Campbell Winchester, not Sam and Dean (nor Cas)!
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She checks in with Jack, but she doesn't push. Result? Genuine, blunt Jack emotions:
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(MARY is thinking "FUCK, first my oldest son is acting like a basket-case and screaming at a toddler's game and now my grandson is acting like this. FML. Cas, come home now. Plz for the love of all that is holy.")
Tragically, because of the trust and comradery between them, Mary offers something the others don't: permission to vent.
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(MARY: Jack, if you wanna talk shit about everyone, I love shit-talk. )
Funnily enough, Mary doesn't use a lot of words here. It's a partially silent communication. "If you ever wanna vent..." (gentle head tilt like, 'y'know.')
JACK: You're here. I know. (silent appreciative looks, then Jack makes a head motion like 'c'mon let's go').
Jack reacts genuinely well to that. He and Mary...get each other. He feels comfortable telling her what he really thinks.
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See, I think this emotional permissiveness that we see with Mary is devastating. Jack tends to get more genuinely irritable and say what he thinks with Mary (also Dean n' Cas). Even when he's soulless and working hard to "perform" soulfulness, his real irritation slips out with her.
Tragically, that means she was probably always more risk with Jack. Because he's more comfortable throwing his real, ugly emotions at them.
(Sam on the other hand is more cerebral and perhaps at times...unintentionally distant because it's all so eloquent, careful, scripted.)
DEAN: (swallowing his nerves and trying to be cheerful and teasing) All right! Winchester game night is a go! Soon as Sammy gets back with two double-pepperoni meat blasters...and a pineapple.
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Jack seems appreciative of the banter here. He doesn't wanna be pushed right now.
Dean is weird when Sam doesn't pick up his phone right away
When Donatello lands in Nick-shaped peril, Dean tries to call Sam. ONCE. And it gets an...out-of-proportion reaction from Dean.
(It's also...a lot like John's voicemail in Phantom Traveler. "This is John Winchester. I can't be reached. If this is an emergency, call my son, Dean. He can help.")
He's prickly:
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SAM: "You've reached Sam Winchester. If this is an emergency, call my brother."
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DEAN: Sam's not answering his phone. This whole damn town's a dead zone.
That's...not exactly true, as least what we've see so far in the series? They make calls from the bunker a lot.
*coughs* This lends some credence to the fact that his prior stress (the stress that Jack and Mary were working together to help) is about his, uh, phone. Phone calls. Phone calls not being answered, even.
READ: This is about Cas. Who hasn't been answering his phone. And Dean? Dean rationalizes that maybe his calls aren't landing because of where he is.
There's some truth to Dean's woes/anxiety. When Cas leaves, bad things tend to happen. And hey, they happen when Cas is there too, sure, but with Cas there, Dean can't help but feel more resilient, more equipped to take on whatever-it-is.
But yeah, it's looking like Dean and Cas maybe already had a little, reserved/restrained fight prior to Jack killing Mary. Dean was acting...really weird. Forced.
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chitsangenthusiast · 1 year
*chin in hands, kicking my feet* care to elaborate on that art heist!zukka tag?
ohh so it's an au that i've talked about on here i think a couple times before but! take this:
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combine it with the (iconic) isabella stewart gardner museum theft and you've got art heist au <3
featuring museum security!sokka who really took the job bc he gets free admission and art thief!zuko who...often doesn't have the foggiest about the importance of what he's stealing, he's just taking it. which leads into a good ol' 5+1 where sokka tries to stop zuko from stealing, sure, but mostly spends his time trying to educate this idiot on the things he's trying to steal bc how are you stealing this stuff without any clue what it is you're taking????
a fun little cat-and-mouse situation that's meant to be accompanied with papercrafts inspired by the art pieces that would feature in it, klimt z.ukka was/is actually one of them lol
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buckybarnesss · 1 year
tagged by @dear-massacre
i am primarily a non-fiction girlie. i like reading about historical things. you could say i have a niche. can you guess what it is?
102 minutes that changed america by jim dwyer and kevin flynn. i consider this a must read about 9/11. it's an engaging read and i promise you will come out of it infuriated about new york real estate codes but also it humanizes the event. there were real heroes that day. the history channel also did a documentary of the same name.
the invention of murder: how the victorians revelled in death and detection and created modern crime by judith fanders. this one of not for the faint of heart. it's a beast of a book. but it's incredibly interesting and full of information. we've always been weird freaks.
stiff: the curious lives of human cadavers by mary roach. i will not lie i got this book due to a sterek fanfic and i did not regret it. if you ever wanted to know how cadavers have contributed to science and human safety this is the book to read.
this republic of suffering: death and the american civil war by drew gilpin faust. this is one of my incredibly niche interests. the american civil war fundamentally changed the american relationship with death (and religion) which is fascinating. men died far away from home and americans had to learn to cope with mass death.
working stiff: two years, 262 bodies, and the making of a medical examiner by judy melinek and t.j mitchell. dr judy melinek started working as a pathologist for new york city two months before 9/11 and a few other big events. i found this super compelling.
plague (black death & pestilence in europe) by william g. naphy and andrew spicer. i just want y'all to know i was reading this book in feburary 2020 (☞゚ヮ゚)☞. it's also super informative. who doesn't like reading about the black death and societal changes because of it?
assassination vacation by sarah vowell. i discovered this book due to the incredibles dvd giving sarah vowell a spotlight on it. she is the voice of violet parr and an essayist. i recommend any book by her and she was a semi-frequent guest on the daily show during jon stewart's tenure. by this one? it's about presidential assassinations -- a favorite topic of mine.
how to fight presidents: defending yourself against the badasses who ran this country by daniel o'brien. this is written by cracked alumn and now writer for the late late show daniel o'brien. he liked my tweet about it. pour one out for him not only having to read about mallard filmore but he also was spoken to by the secret service and not allowed to include any living presidents (at the time) in the book.
the witches: suspicion, betrayal, and hysteria in 1692 salem by stacy schiff. a really in depth look at the salem witch trials that i considered quite the page turner. i consider it a god forbid woman do anything tale. her book on cleopatra was also riveting.
tagging @janiedean @jamiesugah @jack-whiskey-daniels @sarcasticassian @frostysfrenzy
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lelu3 · 1 year
Some thoughts about Ted Lasso after trolling through the tag all day at work, in no particular order:
Trent doesn't have any real motive to out Colin at this point. He isn't working as a print journalist anymore, he's writing a book about the team. A book which will take multiple years to actually write, edit, print, distribute, etc. I'd buy it if Trent showed any dissatisfaction with getting fired or desire to return to the Independant, but he hasn't. I, too, would like to see Trent become Colin's elder gay mentor, though.
What Dr. Jacob did is obviously super unethical, and I don't think the series is taking that seriously enough. Depending on the state, he could have his license pulled for getting involved with a former patient. In my state, a therapist has to wait SEVEN YEARS after the client terminates services if they want to start seeing each other socially. I dunno how it works in England, but it felt weird for Dr. Sharon not to even comment on it.
I like how Rebecca seems like the only one who can see right through Zava's bullshit. Fool me once and all that, and she was fooled big time and for a long time. It was a great character beat.
Ted sure does a ton of the emotional work for the people around him, and no one really seems to notice that he's spiraling right now, not even Beard, who has in the past.
I still find it amusing that Anthony Stewart Head is apparently being typecast as guys named Rupert. I love him in Buffy, I love to hate him in Ted Lasso. He and the writers really sell "guy everyone loves who I actually a fucking scumbag and hides it well." Also, at age 69, ASH can still totally get it. Or, me, I guess.
There's been less Nate this season than I was expecting, but we're only 3 episodes in.
I do not like that Roy and Keeley broke up. Drama can come from places other than relationships. It would have been nice to see at least one happy, healthy couple on the show, and it seems like Roy and Keeley have enough on their plates with training Jamie and starting a business/Shandy.
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envexenveritas · 5 months
20 Questions for Writers
Thanks for the tag @serenbex
Me, a writer? (doesn't really feel like it at the moment, why does this scene have to be so, frweg?)
I finally finished answering! Hopefully, soon I'll finish more fic?!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently, Doctor Who
But I've never really stuck to writing one fandom.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
All of them! There are only 5!
Nicole's Supernatural Really Bad Day Carmilla, Wynonna Earp crossover. Flash fic from when everyone was talking about Danny and Nicole being cousins.
Two of a Kind Kate Stewart/Osgood fic in @ncruuk's Osgate universe, set just after The Day of the Doctor.
I Couldn't Let Her Die Legend of the Seeker, fix it fic, Dahlia's not dying today.
The Ghost of Heathrow Tegan/Nyssa. Ace gets in contact with Tegan, there have been reports of a ghost in Heathrow Airport and she looks an awful lot like a woman from Tegan's past.
I've Always Wanted a Laser Eye Carmilla, Ghostbusters (2016) inspired by @toodrunktofindaurl's picture
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yes! Lovely comments, must reply to lovely comments!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I haven't really done angsty endings, I like things to end up happy even if they're not happy all the way through.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
The Ghost of Heathrow - I haven't finished it yet, but I promise it will be happy.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I tried once. I've never published it.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Yep, yep they're in the list. I don't think they're that crazy.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
I don't think I have an all time favourite, it changes with my fixations. My favourite ship has been Nyssa/Tegan for an awfully long time now.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Everything I've posted online I fully intend to finish. It just might take a little while.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I'm pretty sure I've got a good grasp of dialogue and character voice.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
If you asked me when I was in school whether I had a problem writing scene description I would laugh in your face. But scene description, scene description that actually fits into the story I'm telling. It just always sounds so wrong and exposition-y.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Use it sparingly
Use an actual human translator
Find a diegetic way to explain the meaning
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Harry Potter - It was an impossible fandom to avoid in secondary school.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
Ghost of Heathrow - as long as I can get this next damn chapter to work.
Tagging @technicallywrite, @fivenyssateganadric, @daystarsearcher I've already tagged @ncruuk why not again?
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mammameesh · 1 year
Comfort Movies
Thank you @jesuisici33 and @demora00 for the tags.
First of all picking out just 7 movies is rude. I'm a Cinephile. Maybe I'll put some lesser-known ones in this list to prove my point?
Like Water for Chocolate. - It's got everything I love. Forbidden Romance, cooking, crochet, pining. Like I feel if you wanna be my lover, you've got to watch Like Water for Chocolate.
Les Miserable - I'm talking about the 10th-anniversary concert edition that used to run on PBS. I watch Les Mis once a month and have seen the play live a whopping 13 times.
Kiki's Delivery Service - No list would ever be complete without Ghibli. Kiki is about a magical young girl who doesn't know she's magical. That's my take, at least. I'm a witch thanks to Kiki.
Clue - Okay I know this is more mainstream, but it's Tim Curry at his best (sorry Rocky, I love you too.)
Breakfast Club - Again, more mainstream but I've lost track of how many times I've watched this just to watch it.
Princess Bride - Only 7 perfect movies exist, and Princess Bride is one of them.
It's a Wonderful Life - I watch it every Christmas. I love the black and White Jimmy Stewart version. Christmas can sometimes be hard, and I just find this moving extremely comforting.
No pressure tags but if you do play feel free to tag me. I really love watching movies and worked at Rose Hollywood Video when they closed. @cinnamonrollsos, @stargazer56, @olinsghost, @carolrain, @chelle-68, @apothecarose, @statueinthestonetoo
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shares-a-vest · 2 years
Fruity Four Advent Calendar, Day 8: Rituals
Prompt List
Today I have a bunch of headcanons about each of the Fruity Four's typical Christmas traditions/rituals. Feel free to yell with me in my inbox about these. I could literally write all day about people making and sharing food.
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Steve Harrington
Steve's Christmas traditions are really only three years old. Sure, he has dinner with his parents, grandma and his great aunt Doris but that's a silent, formal dinner on Christmas Eve that his parents don't even like, it's mainly to placate the oldies.
His parents each host their respective work Christmas parties at the house. His mother's is more of a fancy dinner party. Whereas his father's company has an absolute rager that rivals all those King Steve parties.
He takes every shift available at Family Video to get away from his mum who, despite thinking she is like a Martha-Stewart-level hostess, is not.
He drives the kids around Christmas shopping. It's probably the most chaotic carpooling gets because no one is organised and getting the boys to actually pick out thoughtful gifts is like pulling teeth. He'll get all analytical giving his wisdom about how to buy gifts for girls.
He helps Max wrap her gifts and might conveniently bring a nice dinner over to the Mayfields.
Max and Dustin both call him on Christmas morning. Max asks (for like the billionth time) if he would like to spend Christmas at her house, while Dustin triple-checks he is coming over for lunch.
He insists on making dessert for the Henderson's Christmas lunch.
He buys Claudia flowers and perfume (gifts he used to give his mum before his parents gradually fazed out presents).
Steve bakes gingerbread for the kids and has Robin wrap them with nice tags for each kid.
He'll stay in the Christmas sweater Claudia gifts him for Christmas until it stops snowing.
Nancy Wheeler
Nancy's Christmas is largely dictated by the traditions of Wheeler family - their Christmases being basically the same, well-oiled machine every year.
She takes Holly shopping, wanting to include her in the grown-up stuff.
She gave up on taking Mike shopping a couple of years ago, he never had any decent ideas for their parent's gifts anyway. Plus he always wanted to sit down for snacks which Nance never budgeted for.
She spends a really long time picking out Christmas cards.
And uses a pretty, gold marker pen to write on her Christmas cards.
She always writes beautiful long messages, always personal and heartfelt.
The Wheeler's typically travel to see extended family before Christmas because Karen likes having just the family at home on Christmas morning.
Nancy and Mike spend a lot of time over Christmas playing video games together.
She makes sugar cookies for when The Party hold a holiday campaign in the basement. She makes them with Holly's help and it's the one time she allows Mike to take credit (only if he still includes Holly).
She typically ends up putting up the outside Christmas lights because Karen and Ted argue about how hapless his efforts are.
She drives when the family goes around looking at Christmas lights.
Nancy and Karen will spend hours together decorating the Christmas tree, just like they've been doing since she was a kid.
Robin Buckley
Robin's Christmas traditions are pretty much entirely focused around her busy crafting schedule and how much time her parents make her spend with extended family.
She makes every gift herself, including cards and tags and, if she has enough time, wrapping paper.
She accompanies Steve with his Christmas shopping, although she's a bit distracting, linking their arms and pulling him in every direction.
Robin and her brother Cameron have a movie marathon every year, sticking strictly to Christmas movies.
Cameron doesn't let Steve in on their traditions. It's not that he doesn't like Steve, he just wants to spend time with his sister.
The Buckley family goes to their grandparent's house on Christmas Day for dinner with the entire extended family.
Robin spends pretty much the whole time sitting in the corner with Cameron and her favourite cousin, Marcie, chatting away a million miles an hour about movies and TV.
She calls Steve multiple times on Christmas, in the morning and when he's at Dustin's to make sure he is happy.
Her aunts and uncles pester her about having a boyfriend and that's typically when she'll make an excuse to go and call Steve.
She'll set the table for dinner, making it look like something out of a catalogue but she is not allowed anywhere near the kitchen (which extends beyond Christmas, she's a hopeless cook).
Robin and her mum make Christmas ornaments, including painted baubles.
She has to suffer through her father's horribly unfunny comedy records over the Christmas break.
Eddie Munson
Eddie's Christmas traditions date back to his first Christmas with Wayne.
Wayne has always asked for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day off at the plant. "I have a kid at home," he says.
Eddie is surprisingly relaxed over Christmas, probably because he knows his uncle is happy to have a few days off work.
He waits on Wayne over the holidays insisting, "Put your feet up, old man".
Up until Christmas 1984, he went with Wayne to visit his dad in prison. It was Wayne's idea to go and his decision to stop. He just felt this nagging obligation. The final straw was Eddie's father making fun of him for needing to repeat senior year.
Eddie takes flowers to his mother's grave on Christmas Eve. He'll sit and talk, and sing quietly. Wayne goes a couple of days before Christmas and tells her how Eddie's doing.
Eddie will stroll over to Max's mid-Christmas morning to see how her mum is doing and (instructed by Wayne) asks if they would like to join them for dinner.
They'll schedule the whole day around whatever time It's a Wonderful Life is airing. It's one of Wayne's favourite movies, being a huge fan of Jimmy Stewart (he likes his westerns best).
Wayne buys "the fancy, expensive" coco for the holidays. Yes, he also has festive coffee mugs.
Eddie cooks an elaborate breakfast, while Wayne makes a roast for dinner.
Eddie sits around playing Wayne's favourite blues music on his acoustic. Wayne sometimes plays a little too (he thinks he's no good compared to his nephew).
They smoke a bit of Eddie's good weed. Not too much because Wayne wants to savour their Christmas and not be totally baked.
Wayne buys Claudia Henderson a nice bottle of wine and flowers for Christmas for all the food she sends with Dustin when he's over visiting Eddie.
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eldritchamy · 2 years
read your tags and. (probably) not a girl but anything else you'd recommend rn?
....How do you feel about telekinesis-based witches in very violent Korean supernatural action horror? If this sounds interesting to you, you might enjoy The Witch Part 1: Subversion and The Witch Part 2: The Other One
How about a claustrophobic, tense, atmospheric suspense horror in the vein of Alien but at the bottom of the ocean instead of deep space? Does Kristen Stewart with a butch haircut work for you? If so, watch Underwater.
While we're on the subject, Alien and Aliens. If you've never seen them, change that immediately. Alien is correctly regarded as one of the best horror films ever made, and the (imo superior) sequel Aliens is in my extremely correct opinion the best sequel ever made and one of the best movies of all time. Ellen Ripley in Aliens is my GOLD STANDARD for character arcs. Just masterful writing. Fuck Alien 3. Alien Resurrection is hot trash and VERY OBVIOUSLY a prototype for what became Firefly if you squint, but apart from a few VERY WHEDON lines it's better than Alien 3 honestly. This is not saying enough to count as a compliment. FUCK ALIEN 3. The new films (Prometheus and Alien: Covenant) are OKAY, but a completely different vibe and generally most people either only like the old movies or only like the new ones. Covenant is better than Prometheus imo. And I will say that Covenant has some of the most interesting/inventive xenomorph kills in the series. They do NOT have the same feel as the old movies, though. The design fails HARD to capture the essence of that 80s junk retro-future vibe that makes the old movies so timeless. They're supposed to be PREQUELS but the tech is way more advanced for no reason, which imo was a bad choice.
Supernatural action drama with an interesting plot that will make you wanna read the graphic novel it was based on? The Old Guard.
Wanna see the best and most underrated animated film of the last decade? I CANNOT STRESS ENOUGH how much Kubo and the Two Strings was ROBBED during awards season.
Like robots smashing each other with an unexpectedly solid plot? The Bumblebee movie from a couple years ago was shockingly good, in stark contrast to every other Transformers movie.
Want some really well done scifi with a PHENOMENAL concept behind it, framed in a different way than any other first contact style movie, that will make you think about the nature of consciousness? Arrival is a masterpiece.
What We Do In The Shadows remains the best thing in the vampire genre. If you haven't seen it yet, fix that. The movie is great but the show absolutely blows it away.
Star Trek is a good evergreen choice. I don't have as much experience with it as I'd like, but I very much enjoyed TNG up until it hit writers' strike territory and things went really off the rails (mid season 5). Started DS9 but my progress got interrupted pretty hard when my dad was in the hospital for the last time. The different series have different feels to them. Not liking one show doesn't mean you won't like another one. There's plenty of Star Trek to choose from.
I am tearing through The Vampire Diaries at an impressive rate. Is it revolutionary? Not remotely. You can tell a LOT of the character archetypes were pulled from Buffy. But to be fair, it does a lot of those character archetypes better. I got into it partly for a specific character (Katherine Pierce) who is like Evil Girlboss incarnate, and partly as backstory for the world so I can eventually progress to Legacies for ANOTHER supernatural superpowered character (Hope Mikaelson). So far I'm very pleasantly surprised by how much I'm enjoying it. It's actually a good show. VERY straight, but at least the straight vampire drama is better than Buffy's (even if it's very obvious that Stefan and Damon are basically rehashed Angel and Spike).
Have you seen Shin Godzilla? It is, bar none, the best monster movie ever made. An absolute MASTERPIECE of atmospheric, slow terror as the world fails to comprehend and respond to the physical and emotional impact of a nuclear catastrophe on Japanese soil. Absolutely PHENOMENAL movie. The version with all the deleted scenes in it is even better. Incredible film.
Do you like speculative fiction about artificial intelligence, and also think Alicia Vikander is pretty (who doesn't?). Ex Machina is really interesting and good.
Like the classic stuff? John Carpenter's The Thing and the 70s Invasion of the Body Snatchers definitely live up to their reputations.
Want to turn your brain off with a comedy about morons who are in over their head? The Three Amigos is pretty good and has one of my favorite jokes in any comedy movie. (It involves a veranda).
Wanna turn your brain off with goofy kaiju bullshit? The old Toho Godzilla movies are very fun. Be mindful of the older ones, though. If it was made before 1970 and features an island setting, there's usually some outlandish degrees of racism. King Kong vs Godzilla is the worst offender, but a BUNCH from that era had very severe colorism and "primative island culture" vibes. Also probably avoid Godzilla vs Megalon, which even manages to beat King Kong as hands down the worst film in the entire series. It was filmed in under two weeks and Godzilla is only in it for the last forty seconds because it wasn't even supposed to be a Godzilla movie at all. I'm a big fan of the Heisei era movies (1985-1995) personally, with the Millennium series (1999-2004) being a close second. But if you want maximum goofy kaiju cheese, you want Showa (1954-1974). It's all rubber suit bullshit and it's a good time.
The Maleficent movies are fantastic, if you haven't seen them.
The Mummy and The Mummy Returns are cinematic masterpieces. Do not watch The Mummy 3: The Tomb of the Dragon Emperor. I mean it doesn't even have Rachel Weisz, what's the point.
The Resident Evil movies are very bad. But they're a guilty pleasure if you're into really bad 2000s cheesy action. If you're into it, they're fun.
The Underworld movies are kinda like that but with vampires (and werewolves) instead of zombies. They're awful movies, but they DO have Kate Beckinsdale in a corset so you win some you lose some.
Want action cheese but more 80s? Demolition Man is fun. The original Judge Dredd is also better than it has any right to be. The NEW Dredd is genuinely a good and cool movie.
Want to watch a shitpost? Romancing the Stone and the sequel, Jewel of the Nile. Very fun to watch with friends because of how batshit insane they are.
GUNPOWDER MILKSHAKE. I can't believe the post got this long before I thought of it. It's a great story about a female assassin and a polycule of librarians with guns. Sometimes a family is a little girl, the woman who shot her dad, and 4 gay aunts that love books guns and each other. Great music, too.
For turn your brain off but cute, charming, and low stakes/drama, Kiki's Delivery Service is one of my favorite Ghibli movies. It's about equal to Totoro with how gentle the world and story are. Also has some anti-capitalist vibes and a lesbian artist who lives in the woods. Plus it's about a witch, and who's not a sucker for decent witch movies?
Person of Interest is a really interesting show if you haven't seen it. It's about a national security algorithm that gains sentience and a small team of independent ex-spec ops agents use it to save people because its creator refused to let the government have access to it.
Do you want to absolutely lose your goddamn mind wondering how something ever got made? Try watching Zardoz. Holy fucking shit I've never been more confused.
Do you want that feeling but good instead of bad? Kung Fury.
Terminator: Dark Fate is the best film in the series THERE I SAID IT. It does every single thing the series NEEDED it to do to be good and relevant and fresh for a modern audience. The series has been stagnating for a long time and Dark Fate is EXACTLY the direction the Terminator franchise needed to go.
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carbondated · 1 year
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#CARBONDATED " I'M AN ARCHAEOLOGIST, I DUG YOU UP!" Rani's Prof. River Song. Post Library and Canon divergent. est Jan 2013. affiliates & mains under co.
*not affiliated with Doctor Who, the BBC or Big finish.
PORTRAYAL- I am canon compliant with the show and EU respectively, except for the episode, 'name of the doctor'. Please note, this account has existed in one form or another since early 2013, as such my River has developed past canon. My main verse will be post-library. Thandiwe Newton is the default faceclaim for that verse, however I will still write River's third and canon regeneration in addition to Mels Zucker. ACTIVITY - I work full time and when I'm not doing that, I'm a community organiser so my activity here will be sparse and inconsistent. If you can handle that then we'll get along great. ** currently on leave.
FORMATTING - I use minimal formatting with small text and 50x85 icons. If you need me to make any adjustments for accessibility sake, please let me know.
CONTENT - Typically I write multi-para but I'm fine with chat style rp as well. I love love love! adventure/mystery/sci-fi driven threads. I'm looking for long ongoing threads overall though.
CURRENT INSPO: MUSIC :Signed, sealed, delivered. Everlasting Love. Go your Own way. The loneliest time, I've been to the moon. LIT: Antony & Cleopatra , Death At Daylesford, Partners in Crime. Ode on a Grecian Urn. Endymion ART: Lady of Shallot, La Belle Dame Sans Merci, Garden of Earthly Delights. Madame X, Judith Beheading Holofernes, The Raft of the Medusa, The Sleeping Beauty MEDIA: How to steal a Million, High Society, Firefly, Timeline, Carmen Jones, The Mummy.The Crypt of Tears. VERSES - I don't typically write AU scenarios with the exception of canon alternate universes eg: Kala's Guard Universe. So far this has worked for me. If I do write a thread with a character from a fandom where time travel or aliens etc doesn't exist, then I will just play it by ear. Each verses that I do write follows several arcs, the same way the show would.
SHIPPING - River is bisexual and poly in canon. I love shipping. I'm open to it. However, I'm not a big fan of a lot of Doctor/River ships in canon. ( mainly River/10 and Releven ) That doesn't mean we can't plot something out if you do write the Doctor. Everything else is open for discussion.
FOLLOWING - Due to certain themes, I really don't feel comfortable interacting with anyone under the age of 18. I apologise if this offends anyone.
TRIGGERS: Just ask me if you need something tagged, I honestly cannot remember a hundred different things for a hundred different blogs, even if you have it in your rules it's simply impossible to do. THEMES- Please be aware that this account WILL explore some dark themes such as murder and other high crimes. However, there are definitely things that I draw the line at. I WILL NOT be interacting with anyone who chooses to write the following themes, P*edophilia, r*pe, transphobia, racism, etc. lastly, but certainly not least, if you are a Zionist don't follow me don't and don't try to interact with me in any way. this includes anyone that KNOWINGLY continues to interact with people that have OUTWARDLY stated they are Zionists.
ABOUT: Rani 25+ She/her. South African Tamil. Not new here.
BLOGROLE: @unitlead [Kate Stewart ] / @n1teshade [ Morticia Addams ] / @actiongal [ Multimuse] / @sonicwielded [ Dhawan!Doctor] / @sweetglace [ oc companion ]
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theclearwaters · 2 years
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I posted 1,300 times in 2022
43 posts created (3%)
1,257 posts reblogged (97%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 367 of my posts in 2022
#q - 184 posts
#leah clearwater - 59 posts
#jacob black - 47 posts
#bella swan - 39 posts
#anon - 32 posts
#julia jones - 23 posts
#kristen stewart - 22 posts
#seth clearwater - 21 posts
#inbox - 19 posts
#new moon - 18 posts
Longest Tag: 119 characters
#a perfect description of me remembering how author steamrolled over that perfect groundwork she laid for jacob and leah
My Top Posts in 2022:
If you're team wolfpack, do you also dislike the vamps?
We are anti-Cullen in this house (might make an exception for Rosalie tho)
8 notes - Posted November 9, 2022
who on leah’s green earth is taking requests and where can I put monopoly money down to see more blackwater content. moodboards gifs fics a reason to live, i would like it all
9 notes - Posted December 6, 2022
I’m working on answering the ask you just sent me lol and I might just dump everyone in your inbox as well. To start, Jared? 👀👀 (@gezellig-writes)
do I like them:
I didn’t really have an opinion on him throughout the series, then I read the Illustrated Guide and decided I liked him - if only for how he handled the Sam/Emily clusterfuck and REVIVED her after she was hurt. My dude is the same age as Jacob, probably 15y/o at the time, and he handled it like a bloody champ.
5 good qualities:
someone has to be Sam Uley’s best mate I guess lol
he entertains Embry's side bets
seemed a pretty decent Second to Sam before Jacob took over
best vision in the Pack
makes little Kim happy, probably
3 bad qualities:
Everything about that scene in Breaking Dawn when he tried to play peacemaker and said to Jacob that he’d “torn” their family apart after he defected gtfo
Pulled the guilt thing on Seth: “Sue asked me to tell you—no, to beg you—to come home. She’s brokenhearted, Seth. All alone. I don’t know how you and Leah can do this to her. Abandon her this way, when your dad just barely died—”
THEN HE SAID TO MY GIRL, “Sam told me to beg. He told me to literally get down on my knees if I have to. He wants you home, Lee-lee, where you belong.”
favourite episode/etc:
Favourite scene I can recall is in New Moon at Emily's house. I like to think he wasn't entirely joking when he suggested that Bella could be bait.
gotta be our Kim surely
Jared, probably: If Sam has a million fans, then I am one of them. If Sam has ten fans, then I am one of them. If Sam has only one fan then that is me. If Sam has no fans, then that means I am no longer on earth. If the world is against Sam, then I am against the world.
imprint-addled Jared doesn't share (but there is a fic out there with Jared watching Kim/Seth and even after all these years I'm still not sure how I feel about it, I think it's by audreyii-fic?)
I've seen a few popular fics with Jared/Bella/Paul but just doesn't float my boat
best quote:
Of course I had to flip through New Moon for this:
"She's just a girl," Embry protested. "I didn't say it made sense. But that's why the bloodsucker's been trying to get past us. She's been heading for Forks." They continued to stare at me, mouths still hanging open, for a long moment. I ducked my head. "Excellent," Jared finally said, a smile beginning to pull up the corners of his mouth. "We've got bait."
head canon:
Saving Emily made them pretty tight. He'll go down swinging for his pack mama any day of the week.
11 notes - Posted April 19, 2022
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See the full post
24 notes - Posted December 6, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
hate to break it to u but third cousins is still cousins… it’s incest
Bestie I hate to break it to you but I just spent the afternoon literally inhaling all the Helaena/Aemond content I could find so you might want to block me and move on. You’ll be happier for it
30 notes - Posted November 5, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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fanficwriter284 · 2 years
You only gotta pick two tho!!
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Chucky: Alright
Tiffany: Ok!
Chucky: Charles Lee Ray but don't fucking call me that. It's Chucky
Tiffany: Tiffany Delilah Ray!!
Chucky: Scorpions
Tiffany: Spiders! I miss my old tarantula
Chucky: Red
Tiffany: Blue and crimson
Chucky: Myself ain't nobody better than me
Tiffany: I Love Martha Stewart!!!
Chucky: Tiff? Well, I married her. Didn't I!
Tiffany: Asshole. Chucky can be an ass, but I love him for it.
Chucky: How she's able to put up with all my bull shit. I still don't know how she does it.
Tiffany: How never backs down from a fight. Can be a pain in the ass to deal with though
Chucky: You tell me. Course I have. And I never hear the end of it from Tiffany
Tiffany: Yeah, cuz I deal with his ass all the time.
Chucky: Who wouldn't love me?
Tiffany: Course I do!
Chucky: Swedish meatballs!!!! I'll take a steak every now and then. I like it bloody.
Tiffany: Hm, honestly. I'll eat anything. Chicken's good!
Chucky: I have two kids and a needy wife. Coffee
Tiffany: Asshole....I'll drink a bit of both. But I mainly drink tea. It calms the nerves.
Chucky: I watched a lot of Tom and Jerry growing up.
Tiffany: Hm, I don't know. I liked Tom and Jerry too.
Chucky: Do I look like I cry? And even if I did you really think I'll admit to that shit.
Tiffany: Yesterday. We watched the Titanic
Chucky: She's an emotional trainwreck.
Chucky: Pizza. I HATE FISH! It doesn't help Tiffany, Glen, and Glenda love it. Every time we go to a Sushi place, I just eat the damn rice.
Tiffany: Sushi!!!!
Chucky: Yeah sure, marrying this bitch.
Tiffany: Sweetface, I live life with no regrets. OH IS THAT SO!
Chucky: Relax, I'm just messing with ya
Chucky: Yes, Tiffany made me. It hurt like hell.
Tiffany: I'm wearing heels right now!
Chucky: What kind of question is that? Uh shit. I don't know. My earlobes?
Tiffany: What?
Chucky: Look at them! Feel how soft and smooth they are!!! And they're the only part of me with no scars!
Tiffany: Whatever, My nails!
Chucky: Thats not a body part dumbass
Tiffany: Shut up. You said your damn earlobes!
Chucky: Yeah, that's a part of me!
Tiffany: Fine, my lips
Chucky: My eyes
Tiffany: My nose
Chucky: Sometimes
Tiffany: Rarely
Chucky: Hi? I guess? And don't forget to use Condoms!
Tiffany: Love you all!!!!
I'll tag @asktherays!!
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thegreenmetblue · 1 year
@professional-benaddict tagged me there and i love this so here’s mine 😌💖
i can’t possibly choose between my two favs so it’s gonna be peter parker and tony stark.
Ask Game about your fictional fave/s!
1. How did you discover your faves?
I discovered Tony while watching Civil War but didn’t really had my coup de foudre yet.
It happened when my parents made me watch Far From Home. It actually was the way Peter mourned Tony that made me watch the Iron Man movies.
And then obviously I became obsessed with both of them.
2. How long have you been a fan of your faves?
3 years. Ive been obsessively a fan for 3 years.
3. Do you write for your faves? (E.g. AU's, Drabbles, Fan Fics.)
Yesh, they are the ones I wrote the most about actually!
4. Do you like what is canon about your faves?
I wouldn’t even know how to properly answer that, so i’ll go with a simple no.
5. Tell some of your headcanons of your faves.
Fix iittt- Tony comes back from the death after Endgame, NWH never happens, they both live happily ever after. Boom, my endgame.
I actually like the words they canonly live in, without the fact one is dead and one is forgotten from the whole universe.
6. Do you draw for your faves? (E.g. Fan Art)
Yes, a lot. I wish I could do small comics about them.
7. If your faves are portrayed by several actors, who are your fave portrayers?
Well, Tony will only and forever be Robert Downey Junior. No one else can be Iron Man.
My Peter is Tom Holland. Because Im in love with him.
8. Are you more into Books/Comics/Films when it comes to your faves?
If we take fanfictions out of the picture, Im more into the movies.
9. Quote anything about what your faves has said.
First sentences that come to my mind were
Tony : “Earth is closed today.”
Peter : “But if everything, it’s kinda your fault that Im here… Okay I take that back.”
10. Quote your favourite line of your faves!
Tony :
“No amount of money ever bought a second of time.”
“There's one thing you can never take away from me: I am Iron Man.”
“Everyone wants a happy ending, right? But it doesn't always roll that way.”
“United? Unity isn't about being the same. It's about working together. What you can't calculate, Ultron is that our differences are our greatest strength.”
Peter :
“When you can do the things that I can, but you don't, and then the bad things happen, they happen because of you.”
11. Ever made a edit for/of your faves?
I made a video about them, for a friend’s bday.
12. Songs you associate with your faves?
Tony :
Anti-Hero by Taylor Swift
Dancers by Virginia Man
Happiest Year by Jaymes Young
Mercury Man by Sickick
Protector by City Wolf
Back in Black by AC/DC
Hymn For the Missing by Red
Peter :
Clementine by Halsey
Cool by Troye Sivan
High Hopes by P!ATD
Karma by Taylor Swift
Sunflower by Post Malone
Hold On by Chord Overstreet
Two of Us by Louis Tomlinson,
You’re on Your Own Kid by Taylor Swift
Starker :
Avant Toi by Vitaa & Slimane
Hayloft II by Mother Mother
In Case You Don’t Live Forever by Ryan Stewart
Loves Me Not by Kate Grahn
Seventeen by Troye Sivan
Star Song by Sally Sossa & Lil Durk
Teacher’s Pet by Melanie Martinez
Tolerate it by Taylor Swift
Rät by Penelope Scott
13. If your faves were real, do you think they'd like you?
Peter would definitely like me, yeah. Idk, it’s just a feeling. I think we’d great friends.
For Tony, Idk, Id love to think he would but I would maybe be too in love with everything he does, that would probably annoy him at some point.
14. Amongst your faves who do you think are you? (E.g. You have 5 faves, amongst the 5 of them you think of yourself as fave no.3)
Im definitely Peter. We’re really alike.
15. Do you know your faves origin story?
Yess ofc. Im in awe with Tony’s. That man is just a freaking genius.
16. In 1 word describe your faves's aesthetic.
Peter : Nerdy
Tony : Philanthropist
17. Are your faves famous on A03?
Yes. Have you looked a them ? Duh. Also please Ao3 come back, we need you.
18. Ships that you like with your faves?
Them together. It’ll forever be my safe place.
Not against Pepperony and Spideychelle tho, but that’s all. Otherwise I get jealous.
19. Are your faves well known?
Definitely, me and my students have the same Spiderman and Iron Man clothes, bags, shoes at school.
20. If your faves have a fandom, what do you think about the fandom?
I love the MCU fandom, I love the universe, I love the movies and its been my safe place for three years now.
Natasha and Bucky are my babies.
21. Describe yourself using something your faves have said!
“I just wanted to be like you.”
Because I have a lack of self confidence and of will of living and I just idolize everyone bc I wish I could be like them.
22. If you would feed your faves something, what would it be?
I’d feed them love and cuddles because they definitely need some.
23. How do you see yourself in any of your faves?
I see myself a lot in Peter. Idk- just his way to talk, to move, to think. He’s just… so me. The Peter most people write in Starker fics also makes me think a lot of myself.
Tony makes me think of myself by his irony, self degradation skills, alcoholism, panic attacks, little depressing stuff that makes me identify to him.
24. Ever taken a break from your faves?
Nop, not since I started worshipping them, Im the worst. They still make me feel at home.
25. If your faves were to have a crossover, who and which character would they have a crossover with?
Mmmh, I see them well with Derek and Stiles for some unknown reasons ?
Or in the HP world bc Hogwarts AUs never get old.
Bonus: Anything that you'd like to tell your faves
Tony : I hope you find your peace. I hope you know that your sacrifice saved us all. I wish you were there, alive. But now, every time I look at the stars, I can see you. You’re my hero.
Peter : I remember you. I remember you and you’re not alone. Im here.
Tag some people to join in!
@sinditia @starkly @muse-of-gods @peterrparrkerr @kira-starker @laylasan-art @starkerscoop
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