#stiles: looking at derek
If I had a nickel for every time Dylan O'Brian ends up in a ship where:
1) the love interest slams him against the walls
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2) the love interest chases him when Dylan's character runs into danger
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3) he holds up his love interest and helps him escape from danger
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4) he ends up with the love interest hurt and with black veins from of a not natural "poison"
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5) he and the other actor go along with the idea of the ship
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6) the ship is not officially canon but still it's the most famous ship of the show (despite his being in a canon straight relationship)
I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice
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49311grayson · 2 months
[TW/Sterek] Pretty Please
Stiles: Please? For me?
Derek, confused: What are you doing with your face?
Stiles, blinking: Nothing. It's just my normal, innocent face. I'm not doing anything.
Derek, frown: Yes, you did. That look on your face. Don't.
Stiles, blinking quickly: Oh! You mean— THIS sad puppy look?
Derek, blushing: Nice try. I won't fall for that.
Stiles: C'mon Der bear, you know you love it and you can't resist.
Derek: No! You think if you say, “please, for me?” and give me that look, I’ll do exactly what you wa-
Stiles, blinking again: Please, for me?
Derek: Damn it! I'm gonna rip whoever taught you that into pieces.
Scott: *sneezes*
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zwatchtowerz · 4 months
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historians will say they were best friends (for @sterekloverforever, a little late)
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I’m sorry but the way they made it canon that Derek Hale loved Stiles Stilinski after one of them ghosted the show and the other is killed off in the most heinous way possible is such 2013 Sterek fandom treatment like…
It is truly as though Jeff Davis sat down and told himself, “I’m going to fuck these insolent little shits as hard as possible a decade after my own relevancy and I’m going to pretend like it’s a beautiful metaphor.”
Like my dude, we get it, you have never had an original thought and spite fuels you, but this is just a level of clownery heretofore unseen even for Teen Wolf, and that’s fucking saying something.
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nrnyx · 2 years
Stiles and Eli are bros headcanon
Scott: hand me your phone do you have Stiles number?
Eli: Yeah just press one he’s on speed dial
Scott: Stiles is one on your speed dial
Derek: What number am I... your actual father?
Eli: three...
Scott and Derek: Who’s two?
Eli: the FBI incase I can’t reach Stiles.
More Headcanon: Stiles and Eli are Bros
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avery-the-asexual · 10 months
Derek, after an argument: God your such a pain the ass.
Stiles: that's not what you were saying last night.
Derek: oh God.
Stiles: that's more like it.
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renmackree · 1 year
In the Jeep community there's a trend called ducking where you put a rubber duck on another owner's Jeep. It's like, supposed to be a symbol of "I like your style."
So imagine Stiles being ducked the first time. He gets out of class and there's a duck on his windshield. He puts it out on display proudly like "Look at me, I'm popular!"
He's just a happy guy that someone felt the need to duck him.
So Derek just keeps doing it. Finding new and interesting ducks on Amazon or in the store, sometimes two or three at a time. Every time Stiles is just happy and showing off the newest duck, keeping them in their own little space.
It continues in college, Derek being sure to find some way to duck him when he least expects it. Stiles always so happy about getting a new one.
And Derek finally works up the courage to buy the little werewolf duck and puts it on the jeep seat one Christmas when Stiles is home. But Stiles doesn't say anything about that one, he doesn't even mention it.
Derek feels silly and just goes home but he finds a little duck in plaid on his windshield and turns around to see Stiles like.
"Thanks for the ducks"
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glowspider · 9 months
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teen wolf sketch dump pt. 1
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blue-the-hedgehog · 8 months
Teen Wolf 2x12 but it goes a little different.
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He really had a shitty year. He wouldn’t dare to compare it to his friends but he really had a shitty year. Ok maybe Scott turning into a werewolf because of him was not good but at least he wouldn’t die of an athma attack and he became captain of the lacrosse team, ok maybe jackson turning into a manipulated lizard wasn’t fun but he half bring it upon himself as he was so obsessed about taking the bite to became the best , ok Lydia being hurt and manipulated by Peter Hale and her feeling like she is going crazy wasn’t good but now that she knew she seem a little better tho, ok Isaac’s father being killed will the boy was facing his new found wolfiness wasn’t good but he deserved it and he knew that Isaac would come around at some point, ok Boyd and Erica being hunted and tortured weren’t the best way to came into your new superpowered self and ok Allison had saw her aunt throat being ripped of and her mom killed herself, they were both psycho but still it was not fine. Now he was in his jeep with Lydia Martin after he get to find her. He had pushed her away but when his dad had told him that he was a hero, which he wasn’t really, he get back to find her. He had a phone call from Erica telling him that her and Boyd where free because of Chris Argent. it was good ! At least one good thing! Alright maybe he should have get to Allison after her mom’s death and get her into the really VIP club of the-ones-with-dead-mom… maybe she wouldn’t have been so quick to hunt Derek and his pack. Oh he should have bring Derek in the club too! The three of them would have bound around this similarity and maybe everything would have been fine!! Does Scott have told her why Derek at bite her mom? No, he certainly didn’t… So he should have told her and they all should be a little angry at Scott because she should have been, and Derek can be too because Scott always put every bad thing on Derek, and Stiles is angry too because his best friend never asked if he was alright! And always ditch him for his girlfriend! Talking about motherless people, he should have extend the invitation to Isaac too!
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That what he was thinking when he tumbled into the warehouse and hit Lizard-Jackson. Everybody looked at him and Lydia as they jumped out of the car. He looked around and almost directly understood what was going on in here: Isaac was still full of dagger's wounds, Allison had said daggers in hands and was ready to fight, Scott was looking at Stiles with a confused look, somewhere hidding was Peter, he saw the body of Gerard Argent lying in a puddle of black goo and he saw Derek still paralysed on the floor in Beta form,wrecked and a betrayed look on his face. When he get back to reality Lydia went to Jackson and everybody was concentrated on them. Except Stiles, he kept his eyes on the evil Argent Grandpa, he looked dead, everybody thought he was dead. But he saw it , the suptil twitch of fingers. He start to head toward him slowly, well it wasn’t like anybody would notice him. As he arrive next to the old man he heard Peter and Derek leap to Jackson and dig their claws in his torso, back and front. A loud gasp of everyone, a sad scream of Lydia. The strawberry blond girl was crying as Jackson was dying in her arm. She started to walk away when suddenly everybody could heard claws scraping against the floor and Jackson rise back to life as a werewolf. Great so fucking great now the guy will be in the back-from-the-dead-werewolf club with Peter and once again he will be the only one to be alone in a club. He should really had invited Allison and Derek in his dead-mom club!They all cheered up but he felt Gerard try to move under the foot he had put on him to pin him on the ground and he couldn't help but gave him a hit in the face that was received with a grunt. Everybody turned toward him, Scott with his "it's not how we do things" look, not a single "what happened to your face Stiles?" and something hurt in his chest when he saw that Derek was trying to avoid his eyes. Does the guy thaught that he had something to do with all of this? whatever it is. So he look at Scott hand asked before his best friend opened his mouth.
-What have you done Scott?
-I didn't do any...
-Cut your crap!! What the fuck have you done?!
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Stiles was pissed, really pissed and Scott wasn't used to be the target of this much of anger from his best friend. So he offered his best puppy eyes and explained what he had done. And,God help him, Stiles look furious after that. Every soul in this place saw Stiles assessing eyes fall on them, one by one and finally again on Derek. Did the man really thought that Stiles was a part of this shity plan? that he would have breatrayed him like this?! And then, Stiles snaped. He was fuming
-You really had go with this shit of a plan without coming to me for advise?! You are really this stupid Scott?! but I will handle you last ! First someone come and get this VERY ALIVE old creep tied up tightly thank you!
Chris came quickly to put handcuf and rope on Gerard, gun ready to shoot just in case. Stiles walked to Allison and held a finger out to her face.
-You! Can you tell me why you came so violently after Derek and his pack?
She held her head high and almost bite with her words
-Because Derek killed my mother Stiles! You know that my mother his dead! You can't understand!
Stiles’ finger drop with his hand along his side, he shook his head, sadness creeping into the anger and suddenly a little laugh came from Stiles and harsh look and tone were directed to the young huntress
-I can't understand? Me? Your mom is dead yes, It's sad, and I'm sorry for you Allison. But you are seventeen, you should have enough maturity to see what's happening! Derek didn't kill your mom! He had bite her! He had bite her to protect Scott from your fucking psychotic mom who was trying to kill him! She killed herself! She choose to die ! She could have lived as a Werewolf but she choose your stupid family code over her husband and daughter! My mom died too, but my mom never had the choice! She died when I was ten! You aunt killed the entire Hale family, she had killed Derek's mom when he was sixteen! And you dare coming after him because your mom choose to kill herself ?! You don't think that the fact that he loose all his family because of YOUR aunt and had to run away and had to fight your family again, is enough? and I don't list everything here! You came after Erica and Boyd who did nothing to your family for this too?! You had hurt Isaac this bad for this too?! You had fucking worried your dad for this too... You had loose your mom, he had loose his wife ... So get it together ! You are acting like a poor spoiled princess and don't even care about hurting other people ! I don't care that you had been manipulated by your grand father, you could have listen to your dad, I know that he had tried...
The girl opened her mouth to argue but she couldn't came with anything and looked down letting her daggers fall on the floor.
-I...I'm sorry Stiles...I..I had let my pain blind me and I didn't though about all this
Derek was looking at Stiles with wide eyes, a little warmth was growing into his chest. The boy was defending him? Then Stiles started to lecture everyone in the room, coming to Lydia and Jackson after that.
-Lydia, you already had your lecture earlier, think about it would you?
She nodded and almost hide herself behind the very naked Jackson. Stiles sigh before he fetch a spare sweetpant and t-shirt that he let in his car. He through it to the blond boy and didn't wait to speak first
-Just take the fucking clothes! Yes you can throw away those filthy and cheap rags when you get home if you want. But just Shut up and take it. And stop wanting things that people don't recommend to you. Fucking LISTEN! It could help you, don't you think? The bite that you wanted so damn much had changed you in a big lizard manipulated by a stupid teenager seeking revange and after that an evil old man seeking for the bite too! they had used you! So work on yourself now!
Jackson's jaws clench but he noded too once he had put on Stiles's clothes.
-Thanks for the clothes.
-You're welcome, I couldn’t let you walk around naked I'm not a monster...
A low growl, practicaly imperceptible by anyone took place in Derek's chest, he didn't like the fact that Stiles' scent was now all over Jackson. It felt wrong. But he took on him and follow the boy that was now mooving to Isaac. But a softer look appeared on the sheriff's son face
-Are you ok Isaac? Did it heal fine?
The young werewolf nodded and looked at Stiles confused by the soft tone but suddenly something more sour hint in the pale boy's voice.
-How is it to be Scott best friend for a few days? fun? Do you see what happen when you follow his stupid plans blindly without using your brain? You get fucking hurt! Because he don't take you in count in his plan! He didn't thought that you could be fucking hurt! You should stick to your alpha and don't go following my stupid childhood best friend if you are not ready to use your brain! You could have died today! learn to take care of you would you!?
Isaac looked shipishly at Stiles and let a little whine escape. Stiles had use a softer tone and hadn't yell at him. Stiles came to ruffle slowly Isaac hair.
-What I'm saying is that you are clever and you know how to survive but once someone show you some attention you just do wathever they say and t's not safe for you Isaac, I don't want you to be hurt for something like today or be use by someone you understand?
The young wolf nod and melt a little against Stiles touch. The human had been kind, he knew that Isaac would be affraid if he had yell or seemed ready to hit him. But even softer he had made his point heard. Then the boy get to Peter.
-You creeper Wolf! If you had helped your nephew this wouldn't had happened! You just had to kill the evil grandpa and everything would have been fine! Stop hiding !! You want your last remaining family to die ?!
-No, I don't! You have no lesson to tell me you little human!
-Yes I have some actually! You really have to learn how to take care of the ones you love! Because I know you care about Derek! So act like it would you!! You are really smart! I know that you saw what you could have done to avoid this outcome don't you?
-...Yes ,you're right...You're a smart little brat aren’t you?
A mischievous smile was on Peter's face but fall right away when Stiles looked at him with daggers in his eyes. He turn toward Scott, his gaze dark, his fists clenched so tight that his knuckles where white. His tone low and dangerous.
-You! You are the worst best friend that someone could ask for!
-Why are you…
-SHUT UP SCOTT! Didn’t you forgot someone when you did your little pact with Evil grandpa over there?! Do you really care so little about me that you didn’t even ask what happened to me?! Do you see my face?! I may have a few ribs almost broke! The old psychopath over there had abducted me and brought me in a freaking bassement with Boyd and Erica , the two of them being tortured and I had been beaten up because I am your friend! it was a message for you !! You didn't even care about your very human childhood bestfriend before your little huntress of a girlfriend who know how to use weapons! I don't talk about Mama McCall, you had done right for that at least! God! what even was your shitty plan here...Don't! Don't try to tell me that it work because if I wasn't their the Evil old man would have escape! You know pretty well what you just did to Derek!! You had used something very dear to him without telling him about it before!You had let him took the blame for Allison's mother without even giving her the explanation she deserve! She deserve to know why her mother had choose to kill herself! Do you think a little sometimes about peoples feelings? We are living people Scott, not just side kicks in a teen serie where you are the hero!
The young wolf looked like a kicked puppy but wouldn't dare to spoke as he had never saw his bestfriend so angry, hurt and betrayed. Stiles came to put a hand on Chris shoulder, his voice softened.
-As you see I'm not affraid to yell at big strong adults...if you can call Peter an adult... First, I'm sorry for your loss...I can't tell that I know first hand how it is to loose a wife but I saw my dad after my mother died... It was... really bad. You handle it well in comparison. I offer it in his behave but, don't hesitate to go talk to my dad if in need. He would be glade to share a beer with you. Secondly, I heard on my way here that you had helped Erica and Boyd to get free, thank you for that, I wasn't strong enough and maybe a little too stupid ... You are a good man Mister Argent.
-You had done well kid, a lot of people would have run and hide at your place you know?
Chris offered a small smile to Stiles. The teen then walk to Derek and point a finger at him. The man crossed his arms trying to look bigger and confident, ready to took a big yell. But he couldn't help his eyes to go wide when he heard the soft and concern tone in Stiles voice.
-You!! Are you alright? I'm sorry for what Scott had done to you, he should have talk about his plan with you before. If it confort you I wasn't aware of it neither. It was half good and half really stupid, so many things has not been taken in concideration. And I don't want you to think that I was a part of that! If I was it would have been almost perfect, and you would have known, I wouldn't have done that to you...But you should communicate more you know that?! Anyway, you shouldn't have to be forced to bite someone, and even more this filthy Evil Old grandpa and..
Derek couldn't take it he was listening intendly at Stiles but his bruised cheek and his slited lips was distracting. He took the boy’s face carefully in his hands as everyone gasped at the mouvement and as the man dared to cut Stiles mid-sentence. His eyes glowing red as soon as he felt Stiles’ pain.
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-Stiles, just a second... Me, I'm fine, I'm okay, No wound that couldn't heal in minutes and nothing more than a deep feeling of filthiness, betrayal and now it don't seem so important because I know that you are not a part of it... I know it's strange... But ...You... Are you ok? You have more than just you face...You have so much pain ...
Derek couldn't help and had started to drow pain from Stiles, The teen was in so much pain that Derek couldn't understand how he was still standing and yelling to everyone. And as easy as he had snapped from anger, Stiles broke from hurt and the loss of adrenaline, tears falling from those big bambi whisky eyes. Violent sobs escaped Stiles as he hold his ribs even if he couldn't feel the pain right now. Derek was heartbroken as he smell the suddent scent of sadness, fear and pain rolling in wave from Stiles. He couldn't hold a whine and he pull causiously the human against him. With one hand Stiles gripped at his shirt like it was a life line.
-I...I hate all of this! I know that sometimes I don't care about people feelings but now it's too much. Everyone fight because they are too self centered to care about others. And Erica and Boyd where tortured and I couldn't helped them...a...And I didn't even had the chance to enjoy my good game of tonight because I had been abducted and beaten up by this old freak! and ...And It was a really good game you know? I ..I scored a few time and I made us win! Do you believe it!!And I had done everything for Scott, I know it's my fault if he had been turned, it should have been me... (« yes! i should have bite you indeed ! » they all could hear Peter add in the back) But do you think it's normal that he totally forget about me when it come to protecting people he love?! Like her dad would never let Allison be hurt by anyone! And Mamà McCall know about all the supernatural stuff! But me, my dad didn't even know ... I had to lie to him once again...And I’m alone!! I can’t heal fast! I don’t have super strength or, know how to use weapons. It’s a matter of time before you see that Lydia is smarter than me! And we all know she is more than human! I’m the only basic human here! And my best friend forgot to negotiate my safety… And you! You should start to take care of yourself ! Talk to us and try to trust some of us… I know that it will be difficult now because of what Scott had done here but you could trust me!! I trust You! I don’t want you to die!! I care about you! So stop doing your thing alone !! An Alpha is stronger with a big pack! So stop shutting people willing to be part of it away!! I can help even if I’m not a wolf!!
Stiles knew that he should have stop talking long ago as he could hear Scott whimpering. But he was hurt, he had a really rough day and when he saw what had happened here it was too much for him on so many levels. He could feel that Derek had tensed a little and suddenly his sob stoped. Oh god he had told this out loud isn’t it?! He was so fucked, he needed to run away from those two strong and warm arms. He tried to slip away but Derek hold tightened around him and he felt Derek’s cheek against him before the wolf start to nuzzled the crook of his neck. it felt so warm and intimate and he felt safe and so calm that he didn’t move. The Alpha talked low and soft.
-Stiles, I’m sorry… I thought that you didn’t trust me … Didn’t realize that You really cared about me… It’s okay you’re safe … you are not alone
Stiles’ hold tight on Derek’s shirt, his brain start to fill with a fog. The werewolf was draining his pain as he hugged him, he was warm and strong, a shelter of safety around his broken body. The teen let the tiredness took over, Jackson wasn’t a lizard anymore, the old psycho grandpa was tied up, Erica and Boyd were free and safe at the loft waiting for him, Allison was a little confused but hopefully not willing to kill Derek anymore, Lydia was fine, Scott had been yelled at and he would make sure later that Melissa will punish him for his stupidity, Isaac would hopefully think before following Scott’s plan from now, Chris Argent was on their side, Peter was…well Peter but not up to no good for now , no dangerous police call had emanated from the radio in the jeep so his dad was safe at home and Derek was wrapped up around him so he was sure that the man was fine. A smile appeared on his lips as he fall asleep in Derek’s arms.
-‘m feeling like a mom… kids are exhausting…
Derek carried him bridal style, smiling fondly as everyone hold small laugh. Next morning, Stiles woke up in his bed, the Alpha of the Hale pack wrapped around him, his face in the crook of his neck and a hand on his waist. Somewhere in the back of his head, a shadow was lurking, something wrong was happening. But just for a few more hours he wanted to enjoy this safe space, just a little more. He fell back to sleep as he brushed his fingers on Derek’s chest.
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once-1n-a-lifetime · 1 year
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Has this been done before?
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Person A: "I'll slaughter them. Each and every single one of them until I stand in a sea of blood. I'll paint the moon red with it, so every night when maroon moonlight bathes their lonely graves no one will ever even dream of disrespecting you, my darling."
Person B, weeping: "Yes please baby"
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patolemus · 1 month
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and god will cry out
sterek | teen wolf | wip
No one knows what really happened in the preserve the night Scott McCall died. Some say it was an animal attack. Some say someone killed him and tried to cover it up. Some say he’s not even dead, and that he faked his own death to escape the small town life.
Stiles knows better though, knows that what he saw that night was neither a person nor an animal, and he’s determined to find out the truth behind his best friend’s murder.
Enter Derek Hale.
Or: the rewrite where Scott dies twenty minutes into the first episode and Stiles goes on a quest to avenge his best friend's murder, unknowingly stepping into the supernatural world until he's drowning in it. He meets Derek along the way.
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hedwig221b · 4 months
First and Last Lines
Tagged by amazing @dear-massacre 💗 thank you!
Rules: post the first and the last lines of the last 10 fics you worked on (WIPs allowed)
Predators | 74k | E | dark, bloody, desperate, obsessed
First: Have fun, Danny said. You're allowed to, it's your first time. Last: "Dinner?" he smirked.
Take Me Away From Here | 33k | E | abo, tender, protective, unfair
First: The illusion of a choice, that's all it was. Last: It was the loudest I love you. The only one Stiles needed, in the end.
Full and Void | 23k | E | dark, visceral, feral, possessive
First: "I've got you." Derek grabbed him in a tight, almost constrictive embrace, pushing Stiles' head into his neck. "It's okay, Stiles, it's-" Last: As long as they were together, the void would be full.
Torn Apart and Set Anew | 18k | M | abo, headstrong, loyal, unforseen
First: It wasn't a house, per se. Not yet. Last: "Welcome back."
Devoured | 5k | E | hot, slick, moaning, celestial
First: "It's time." Last: The rest could only watch as the deity of sex and passion ravaged his sacrifice, and seethe at the pleasure on the human's face.
Kiss It Better | 1k | T | sweet, small, anxious, reassuring
First: Eli was a smart boy. Last: Their home was filled with laughter once again. As it always should be.
Sunshine | 24k | E | lustrous, sincere, stubborn, flourishing
First: When someone looked at Derek, they saw his scowl. Last: "Yeah. The happiest of all."
Treasure | 71k | E | longing, desperate, healing, hopeful
First: The ball promised to be grandiose. Last: Stiles smiled.
Mountain to Hide Behind | 3k | T | hissing, hurtful, stubborn, forgiving
First: Stiles was going to be the best parent that ever parented. Last: "Uh-huh." Stiles bit his lip to stop the 'mad evil scientist' laugh from escaping, before clapping Cora on the shoulder. "Now, bring me the laptop, we're going to ruin your ex's life."
The Happiest of All | 32k | E | selfless, yearning, heartwrenching, possessive
First: Rapid breaths were flowing past Stiles' opened lips, an aftermath of an ecstasy hurricane. Last: "You alreado do, kitten," Derek smirked and leaned down for another kiss.
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syntactition · 1 year
Stiles, after Eli’s born: can’t believe I gotta call Derek “daddy” now
Scott: well you don’t HAVE to -
Stiles: oh I’m gonna
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gendergeezer · 1 year
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they’re probably fighting
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Theo: You and Derek know a lot about love, right?
Stiles, suspiciously: Yeah?
Theo: I was wondering something. I know Liam and I weren't that healthy together, but I'd rather he be alone than with somebody other than me. Is that love?
Derek: ... Sure, buddy.
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