#still don't know how to draw his hat but at least I tried!
aaroleswapau ยท 9 months
Do you have any swap!franziska art? Wanna see more of her design
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i unfortunately don't have any polished art of her bc i think when i drew this, my swap au hyperfixation was starting to wane, whoops! these are just some very quick sketches of what i wanted her new thing in the swap au to be.
(i will be putting old art of her old design if you want to see it under read more pftt [unfortunately not a lot of them bc i wasn't vibing with the old role i gave her so i wasn't drawing her a lot ๐Ÿ˜”])
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oki doks, now time for a lore dump!!!!! (copy-pasting what i wrote on the bird app a long time ago):
ok, so the thing is, i gave a bit of redd white's role to mvk. my reasoning for that is since he's the one who killed gregory (who has mia's role), he'd have to take on that role too. when characters don't have any like, "exact" foils for their roles to be swapped with, i either make them stay the same or hobble some roles together. mvk's case was the latter.
so mvk runs a private eye that's connected to the prosecutor's office (he's corrupt bc have you seen that guy) and franziska happens to be working there.
mvk also happens to be one the people responsible for covering up the details about mia's death.
i wanted to change franziska's job from my first version of her bc she doesn't really have a connection to the supernatural, so i just gave her a job that works closely in the covering crimes too.
but yeah, fran has to meet gregory, and then she gets framed by redd white
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and she's furious about it, of course! that fool works under her father, how dare he put the blame on her!
with how fran is supposedly cooperating with gregory, i think mvk would've really wanted her to catch the fall even with how much he cares about his daughter. he's an 'end justifies the means' kind of guy.
i don't think fran realizes until swap!jfa that it was her father who purposely tried to frame her and the one who ordered to kill gregory.
i think she'd feel really torn by that and the guilt with how miles defended her before knowing all that would've ate her up (the fact that gregory is dead, no spirit channeling or anything makes this more fucked up for them i think agfhhjh)
however, i still haven't figured out why franziska would agree to talk to gregory if he's investigating mia's death, and i'm not quite sure why gregory would've been investigating mia's death in the first place bc unlike mia in the regular verse, he'd have no connections to her case at least
(that would probably require some aai duology knowledge that i do not have right now ASKSKS)
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my brain isn't fully working right now so i can't fully ramble on about her design, but i did think it was important to make her dress eccentric; and i know that everyone dresses eccentric in aa, but particularly that one point in turnabout sisters where april may should've remembered maya bc she dressed weird? i wanted the same for franziska ASKSKS roast her old-timey gothic looking ass!!!!!
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and from my recent drawing of her, i think if i were to draw like, a polished ref for her, i would like to show the fact that her make-up is severe. again, 'eccentric' or whatever pftt
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i originally had her be like a witch, some sort of seer who could communicate with the dead through her crystal ball. scrapped that and changed it bc it was just not digging my dudes asdghd a shame tho bc i'm rather fond of her big-ass veil witch hat thingy
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spacebaby1 ยท 2 months
The cutest request that I enjoyed writing!
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It was the hardest thing you had to do, and that is disguising yourself as a performer so that no one will recognise you. However, you were alone this time, none if the straw hat crew members where there; sanji wasn't there promising to protect you, Luffy wasn't there, hell you didn't even know where Luffy was. Being a pirate was fun, but you'd get terrified when you were alone, especially in a new place and of all places; Wano. You tried hard to focus, but it was getting to you and making you more nervous every day. You'd go out some days trying to find a familiar face to at least be at ease. The first few weeks were no help until one day you excused yourself from your "master" to go for an evening walk alone. The town never slept, and it was alive all night long. You kept walking till you were away from the lights and the crowd; a sigh of relief left your lips as you leaned by a huge tree with your hands on your side.
The moment of peace was disturbed when you felt a strong hand on your shoulder, causing you to jump in fear and scream so loud as you fell on the ground. The person that held your shoulder came further to show their bucket hiding face only to be, "Traffa-San!" You jumped from your place on the ground and literally threw your arms around his neck clinging on to him. Not being able to hold your emotions in, you cried, making him tens holding you from falling, "What's wrong? Why are you crying? Did something happen? Did someone do something to hurt you?" He asked, clinching his teeth at the idea of someone trying to even think about hurting you. Law might not have been a fan of the straw hats at first, but out of all of them, you were the only one he kinda liked a bit. Shaking your head, you let your feet touch the ground but still didn't let go of him, "I'm just glad to see a familiar face, I was so scared and alone. Have you heard anything from Luffy?" You asked before letting go, and so did he. "Nothing yet, but I ran into Sanji, and he said he's keeping an eye on you." You sighed, holding back tears, "and he didn't bother to inform me about that? I'm such a horrible member, and I can't even keep it together being alone." Law shook his head, placing an assuring hand on your head, "Don't say that about yourself. You being here shows how much you care to help others. Plus, I'm sure the rest of them are around and will not leave you all alone, and so I'm I. Just stay safe and try not to draw any attention, hum?" You nodded, whipping your tears. He smiled at you, "I'll make sure to stay close by to keep you safe, okay?" You nodded with a smile, "now get going, it's this late. You shouldn't be out all alone. I'll walk you back just in case something happens, and don't forget that we will win this." Before you know it, you were back to your place, and that night, you went to bed comfortably. Because you the next 48 hour were the worst you had lived. The war between kaido and the pirates was in front of everyone, and this was it. You were in the middle of the screaming crowd and people running around when you were pushed on the ground by the crowd.
Before you got crushed by the falling rocks someone yanked you off the ground and away from the danger. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING ON THE GROUND WHEN THERE ARE MOUNTAINS BREAKING HERE?" Kid Eustass yelled holding you by the wrist. Your eyes widened because you didn't even know he was here, "Eussa-San! Wh-Y-you are bleeding! What-I mean I heard a loud bang but I don't know what's going on.' He looked around for a safe place under the city but everywhere was a disaster, "that's kaido and Luffy for you. Now come on I need to get you somewhere safe and get back to Trafalgar and Luffy." You followed him but forced him to stop and held his face in your hand that were stained of his blood now, "b-but you are bleeding." Luckily for him you couldn't see his flustered cheeks under all the blood but he couldn't risk you being there in the middle of battle when Luffy and Kaido were literally breaking Wano to the grounds. "You're very sweet and adorable but I need to keep you safe now come with me." You couldn't react to his words before he dragged you with him somewhere safe.
"Where did you disappear?" Law yelled at Kid when he showed up to help him take big mama down. "I had to make sure Y/N is safe-"
You did what you were told and it's to keep yourself and the town kids safe and away from the danger but the moment you learned thar Luffy defeated Kaido and all the kids went to find their parents; it was your turn to find your crew mates. Sanji was the first one to find you "Y/n-San! Oh thank God, you're okay, are you hurt?" He gasped at the blood stain on your arm, "ARE YOU BLEEDING? YOU'VE GOT BLOOD ON YOUR HA-" you shook your head, "it's not mine it's-" you stopped mid-sentance and gasped. "Eussa-San! Where is he? H-he was bleeding too much, I need to find them." Sanji nodded, "be careful out there!" You sprinted into the crowd to find Kid but as you walked further you saw Law sitting by a broken house with his head in his arms and breathing heavily, "Traffa-San! Taraff-" you bent in front of him helping him raise his head up slowly; he had a cut on his head and blood on his shirt, "A-Are you in pain? You're hurt! Of course you're in pain, what a stupid question. Let me see where-" He held your shacking hands in his as he closed his eyes and took a deep breath; he was glad that you were safe. "I'm not in pain now that you're here" He says with a smile. "Y/n, there you are, I'm hurt!" Kid called out limping his way towards you. Without thinking you stood up removing you hand form Law's and rushing towards kid helping him sit on a hard broken stairs; he was hurt but not that hurt he just hated seeing Law get all your affection. "The battle drained me, and I think I broke my le-"
"Y/n-ya, I feel faint. Help me, please?" You nodded, rushing towards Law and holding his hand. Kid groaned in pain, holding his leg, and you rushed towards him when he called your name. Law followed by rubbing his hand on his arm, "That blow was painful." You rushed to his side, placing a gentle hand on his so-called hurt arm, "is it too painful?" Before you could get an answer from Law. Kid cried, holding his ear, "I'm bleeding from my ear, ugh." You gasped standing up and rushing towards kid with shaking hands you held the sleeve of your kimono to his ear to stop the bleeding; he wasn't even bleeding but you were too shaken up from the battle and everything that you saw to the point you saw blood everywhere. Law and kid weren't making it easy with their whinging over who deserved your attention. Law clicnhed his teeth and stood up a bit too fast that he saw darkness, his eyes rolling at the back of his head before he almost fell face first of you didn't turn towards him, you rushed to grab him knocking you on your knees but you held him off the ground in your arms. Kid rolled his eyes, "Stop pretending to faint you princes -"
Kid only stopped when he saw you crying, "he's not breathing properly, Traffa-San. Eussa-San! Help me! Traffa-San, wake up." Kid saw the concerned and terrified look on your face as you tried to wake Law, who actually fainted from how much energy and his powers he used. Kid sighed before helping Law from the ground, it wasn't even mid way when you saw the rest of the crew and you yourself passed out luckily Sanji was quick to hold you before you hit the ground.
You woke up to the sound of birds and bright blue sky, you looked around and immediately jumped of the bed because the last thing you remembered was Law passing out. You rushed to find him, you open each room until you found him still asleep on the soft bed, you rushed to check his breathing; he was breathing fine. A sigh of relief left you and you sat beside the bed on the floor carefully held his hand only to find the back of his hand bruised and cuts all over it. You cringed at how painful must it has been to use such powers, "he's gonna be fine. He just needs to sleep." Chopper entered the room with meditation that he sat on the table. You smiled at him, "Thank you chopper." He giggled at you thanking him before leaving, you didn't want to leave Law's side however you needed to check on Kid.
You looked all around for him but found him nowhere, so you decided to look at the rooftop just to be extra sure, and you found him there. His hair was down, and wet looked like he just took a bath dressed in clothes that were absolutely not his style yet more comfortable. Carefully, you made your way beside him; he did have the most gentle face without all that red lipstick and eyeliner, "Eussa-San" you called snapping him out of his thoughts when he looked at you surprised. He blinked twice before gasping and pulling you down to fall on his lap, "what are you doing out here? It's dangerous! You could've fallen!" He held you close and you to gasp when you realised you were sitting on his lap, "ah, your leg! Did I hurt your leg?" You tried to stand but almost fell off the rooftop if it wasn't for him to pull you back on his lap, "Don't stand so fast! You'll fall. Don't worry about my leg, it's better now, I guess." You replied in an oh and looked at his bare face, "but I do worry. You were hurt and bleeding so badly. Are you sure you are okay?" You asked in a low voice. He sighed, not looking at you, and spoke, โ€œStop doing this to me!โ€ confused you titled your head to side โ€œHuh? Doing what? Eussa-San?" He groaned, annoyed, still holding you protectively, and spoke again โ€œStop saying sweet things! You're making me all fuzzy inside!โ€ it took you a while to understand what he's saying before your whole face burned red, and your eyes widened, "I-I didn't m-mean to make you uncomfortable, I'm I'm sor-" He cut your stuttering short with a chuckle. "Relax there, I didn't get uncomfortable with your actions. You're all adorable when you blush." Your head fell low, "please don't say that." He chuckled and laughed, "it's okay. Well, at least you have someone who's somewhat enough to keep you safe. If not as strong as I am." You looked at him confused again, "I have?" He nodded, looking at you and then back ahead, "that law guy really does like you after all, and you share his feelings, don't you?" You looked at your hand, shrugged at his question. "If you like him the you have to tell him, Y/n-San at least one of us deserves the happiness" he said it almost as if he was waiting for you to correct him that you chose him and not Law, "I mean not all of us can be strong ones" He joked making you chuckle and carefully release you and held up stand, "now go be by his side before he wakes up and goes back into coma if he saw you here." Kid chuckled before turning his head ahead to look at the sunrise; you felt bad for not sharing his feelings, and you wished you knew about them earlier, but will it change anything? You remembered the first time you saw him and were terrified of him thinking he's one of the bad guys and will easily crush you but instead he helped you and flirted with you just to make you blush, "Don't bite your lips like that you make me wanna bite your lips if not kiss you when you're doing that." He told you then. You stood there beside him and bent down to his level, "Eussa-San? Can I give you a kiss?" He turned his head towards you then smiled and closed his eyes waiting for a kiss on his cheek but you gave him a kiss on his lips; if you can't be his then that's all you can do to thank him for helping you earlier. He's eyes shot open and he didn't even know how to react when you got up and sprinted away leaving him there confused and amazed by your action which eventually made him burst into laughter; at least he got his kiss.
It was time to leave as your crew were packing the ship, and so were Law and Kid's crew mates getting ready to leave. You got up from your place and grabbed kid's hand making him turn around and you hugged him tight, it felt like this is the last time you'll see him and you hated that feeling so you held onto to him a bit longer before you let go, you took off your lucky necklace that you had forever. "Y/n-San-" you placed the necklace in his fist and closed it. You smiled, "it's my lucky necklace, and I want you to keep it. It kept me safe all these years, and it will keep you safe in your journey." You kissed his knuckles, "I'll always care for you, Eussa-San. Please be safe. Okay?" He nodded, kissing your head, "I will, promise. I'll see you again." You smiled with a nod before he left. You turned to find Luffy talking to Law before they said their goodbyes; basically, Law walked away while Luffy still talking to him. He noticed you and walked towards you, "This is it. Can I steal you from the straw hats?" Law said making you chuckle, "you are welcome to, if Luffy doesn't chase you down first." You sighed, wrapping your arms around him, "I'll miss you dearly and so so much. Why do you have to leave so fast? I'll miss you, will I see you again?" He chuckled, holding you tight, "I'll miss you more, I already miss you but I promise to see you again. I will find you again. That's why," you looked up at him only to have your vision blacked out because he placed his hat on your head, "until till then, can you keep this with you for me? And tell it's all your adventures till we meet again?" You gasped holding his hat that was on your head, "But it's your hat and it probably has meaningful place in your-" He smiled cupping you face, "that's why I want you to keep it, it's so dear to me and I want you to keep it safe for me, will you do that?" You nodded with tears in your eyes, and he chuckled, hugging you, "Hush, don't cry. You'll see me again, I promise." You hugged him tight, "Okay, Traffa-San." He chuckled, "that's my girl."
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my-insanity-is-an-artform ยท 5 months
Woe, Crack Baby Shitten au be upon thee.
(@bamsara 's little doodle of Nari being dubbed Cult Babysitter and holding a little lamb irrevocably changed my brain chemistry. So of course, I'm now making it everyone else's problem with the headcanon that Narinder is good with children of all ages.)
A couple of months before Lamb gets captured, they meet another lamb or a very small flock that have to split up very quickly after meeting since there's more chance of the lamb species surviving if they aren't all together. In the meeting, Lamb agrees to try continue the lamb species and gets pregnant via *magic* or afab.
Of course, all of the lambs are captured and killed with Lamb being the last, still a few months away from giving birth.
But then they are chosen and resurrected by The One Who Waits.
Fun fact: a fetus can survive for a few minutes after the death of the carrier. (Also this is a world with magic and gods in it. Logic means nothing to me.)
Lamb starts their cult, crusades across the lands and meets all sorts of allies and enemies. All while quietly mourning their entire species and the child that never would be.
Right up until they go into labour.
The baby is lamb through and through with soft wool, wide eyes, tiny cloven hooves and floppy ears.
But the influence of the crown is blazingly obvious since the baby's wool is jet black and they have three red eyes.
I can't tell which would be funnier. Lamb giving birth in The Lonely Shack or while they are physically in The Gateway just post-beating Leshy. Like they were in active labour right throughout fighting Leshy and had no idea. Either way, it's Shocked Pikachu .jpeg all around. (My fucking KINGDOM for a doodle of this.)
Various dot point shenanigans under the cut
There are two ways to go about this. But either way, Baby is not staying in the Cult. Too dangerous, especially if word gets to the Bishops about there being another lamb. So Lamb can and will speed-run this shit. So it takes them about 4-6 years to fully defeat the Bishops.
Baby stays with Ratau:
Lamb goes and yells at TOWW. They are panicking because they have no idea how to raise a probably-half-god baby.
Narinder has no idea what happened right up until Lamb comes in screaming about him being a Baby Daddy and child support.
Ratau is Grandpa now. This is his fate. He embraces the Grandpa life.
Baby learns how to play knucklebones before they can speak.
Shrumy tries to wager with Lamb/Ratau for the whole Baby. Once and only Once.
Baby's first word is dice. Or die.
Baby worships TOWW, but they are a Baby and don't really comprehend worship so the small shrine gets a lot of flowers, neat rocks and some drawings. Narinder always gives a lot of gold for them. And No, it's not favouritism. Shut up.
Baby knows curses. This is concerning for everyone except Baby.
Baby gets a little TOWW doll. It's their favourite, it goes everywhere with them and washing it is a nightmare for everyone involved.
Baby is jokingly referred to as TOWW's most Devoted Follower because of the doll.
โ†‘ this action will have consequences.
When Baby is not so baby, they make stuff out of their wool for TOWW and for his disciples. Or asks their parent to help them make stuff.
Cue Lamb awkwardly giving the three some very wonky scarves or hats.
Baal loves it.
Aym refuses to take his off. Ever.
Narinder is actually upset cause his doesn't fit. He's too big. He had to wear it like a little ring.
Or Baby stays/is brought to the Gateway ala Aym and Baal situation:
If Lamb gives birth in the Gateway, everyone is getting a free midwifery education and free trauma. The cats want a refund.
Ya know when a baby instinctively clasps their little hand around a finger and it's like a crime to pull away? That but with Narinder's big ass claw that Baby can only barely cling to.
Aym cries the first time he holds Baby.
Baal straight-up refuses to give Baby back for a good hour.
Lamb visits at least once a day.
Lamb also brings baby things since a baby will do what a baby will do.
Depending on how old Aym and Baal were when they were gifted, Narinder is either learning all of this for the first time or is reminded of how challenging baby care can be.
Narinder purrs = a zonked Baby.
Baby's first word is Vessel.
Baby is taught to fight. Lamb doesn't like it but accepts it.
Baby has a little lamb doll. It is only due to the fact the afterlife doesn't have dirt that they avoid the nightmare of trying to wash it.
Baby is jokingly referred to as TOWW's most Devoted Follower since they refuse to be parted with him for long.
โ†‘ this action will have consequences.
Lamb teaches Baby about being a lamb and if Aym and Baal join in, well who are they to deny their child's only friends/guardians this?
Narinder and Lamb figure out how to get Baby to teleport to the Living World and Baby gets to visit Grandpa Ratau.
Post-game shenanigans.
Narinder: Give me back my crown. Lamb: Ok. Sure. Narinder: I will now sacrifice my most devoted follower (the Lamb) for my freedom. Lamb: *Kill Bill sirens*
Lamb somehow doesn't kill Aym and Baal and instead kidnaps them via Indoctrination Circle out of spite/ reluctance to hurt them.
Narinder feels betrayed that the Lamb would refuse like this and kidnap his acolytes. He was going to resurrect them! He can't fully commit to raising a child while being the God of Death.
Lamb feels betrayed that Narinder would want to kill their child. After all they've been through together! After the way they saw him treat Baby with such gentleness and now he wants to kill them?!
This comes out in the very final moments right before Lamb goes to give the final blow.
Narinder: You are a vengeful false idol and a traitor! Lamb: At least I'm not a monster who wanted to kill my own child! Narinder: Wait. What.
This devolves into a massive argument with divorced-couple vibes.
Narinder is insulted and a bit hurt they thought he would kill his own child.
Lamb is hurt that Narinder would just demand their sacrifice without even talking to them about the whole situation.
Either way the lesson learned is Narinder needs to be more blunt and Lamb needs to not jump to conclusions.
So they are left with a newly usurped Narinder and a newly crowned Lamb. Oops.
Baby is with Ratau when all of this is going down.
Baby is happy their family is all together properly. Baby is Not Happy about this whole cult thing demanding attention from Their Baba.
The Cult is baffled by the sight of their leader with both a baby and a Spouse? Bitterly Divorced Ex? Estranged Co-parent?! What ever it is, most of them have elected not to touch the whole situation with a 10ft barge pole.
Baby learns what the word Father is and how that word refers to Narinder.
Baby calls Narinder Father/Papa/Daddy. Instant KO.
Narinder somehow gains a small hoard of children that like to follow him. Baby Does Not Approve.
Baby also Does Not Approve of this newly formed rift between their parents.
Cue Parent Trap level of Shenanigans.
Aym and Baal are recruited.
The Hoard of Children are recruited. Baby now Slightly Approves.
Narinder and Lamb have an Actual Conversation after the 18th time they get locked in the confessional together.
This of course evolves into Narilamb.
Bishops are saved from purgatory.
Despite all attempts otherwise, Baby is introduced to them.
Shocked Pikachu .jpeg x4
Maybe after a few more years, not-so-baby Baby wants a sibling.
This got so much longer than I thought but yes. Shitten Shenanigans: Accidental Child Acquisition flavoured.
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mlmxreader ยท 4 months
What Remains | Cooper Howard x gn!reader
โ†ณ โ '' How I end up here''
"I wanna know who I'm looking at"
With ghoul please
( I didnโ€™t watch the show but this character I.... What I'm thinking is bad...) โž
: ฬ—ฬ€โž› Cooper Howard is long dead, but maybe a part of him still lives in The Ghoul. Even if it's only a little bit.
trigger warnings : ฬ—ฬ€โž› swearing, mentions of violence, jealousy, sex references, violence references
Cooper was too busy with searching the chem box to even think about looking up; with you standing guard so diligently and with great loyalty, he didn't know of any reason why he should have.
After all, you had been travelling together since you saved him from a group of super mutants, and although it was not easy, you had gained each other's trust, confidence and now it felt odd if you weren't together - you were a team, now, after spending so long together.
Of course, you still had disagreements, though, like when you wanted to help your old friend Valentine and Cooper it a bullshit distraction.
"Thou shalt not get side tracked by bullshit every time," he had grumbled, even whilst aiding you in helping Valentine.
It still made you laugh when you thought about it. He never wanted to play the good guy and was really only ever out for himself unless there were enough caps in the question; but you could see it, the layer of decency hidden under all that lone wanderer bullshit.
The humanity that he so desperately tried to snuff out. Trying to run so far from what he used to be but still clinging onto gope that somewhere in all the shit, there was something - someone - to bring him back. To pull Cooper Howard back into the light at last.
You cleared your throat, drawing his attention at last.
"It's gettin' dark, Coop," you told him. "We ought to find shelter for the night, then keep going."
Cooper grumbled even though he knew that you were right; being so close to the edge of the Glowing Sea was more dangerous at night than any other time.
Ravenous deathclaws stalked the land searching for anything they could devour. Glowing ghouls with rotted brains and empty dyes were just waiting at the chance to consume any sort of meat. There was always something in the shadows.
But Cooper still slammed the chem box shut and he still stood up and gestured for you to follow him back to the ruined house not far down the road.
It had only one bed, but it still had a roof, and that was better than nothing.
At least you weren't on that fucking foggy island again with all those gulpers and anglers and crabs. so there was that.
"You take the bed," Cooper told you with a huff. "I'll just sleep on the chair."
You shook your head. "Why don't we just share? It's plenty big enough and it wouldn't be the first time."
Cooper huffed as he took his hat and coat off, putting them on the chair before sitting at the edge of the bed; he watched you with great curiosity, taking notes of every movement as if he was studying you and trying to learn your behaviour.
You didn't think much of it - he had been doing it for a while now.
Well, ever since you met up with that Ghoul Mayor who had endlessly flirted with you; you knew Cooper didn't like the fact that you flirted back, but you assumed it was only because he didn't want you to be distracted by the oh so handsome ghoul.
"Hey," you cleared your throat as you looked at him, the buttons of your shirt undone to expose only the slightest glimpse of your chest. "We're okay, right?"
Cooper glared up at you, then nodded slowly. "Why wouldn't we be?"
"You've been different since Goodneighbor," you said with a shrug. "Ever since that Mayor invited me to stay the night, you've been weird."
"Thou shalt not-"
"Get side tracked by bullshit every time, I know, I know, but it ain't that and you know it," you told him, folding your arms across your chest. "It's like you had an issue with him wanting to get in my trousers."
He glared at you for a moment, then shook his head with a scowl. "How'd I end up here? Bein' fuckin' questioned about why I cockblocked that Mayor you fuckin' couldn't wait to jump on."
"Hust tell me why, Coop," you sighed.
"He weren't right for you," he told you with a sneer. "He didn't know what it's like out there for people like us. He spent all his fuckin' time in an office doin' chems - he don't know. Someone like that can't be right for someone like you."
"And you think you would be?" You asked with a raised brow. "Then why the fuck didn't you just tell me? Why the fuck did you have to go all stupid and weird?"
Cooper grumbled. "Shut up about it, would ya? It don't matter - I ain't... I ain't who I was and I ain't never gonna go back to it. So shut up, lie down and fuckin' sleep. We'll head out first thing. Second dawn comes up."
"Or what?" You challenged.
"Or I'll take you back to Goodneighbor," he all but growled out. "And you can stay there with your pretty boy Mayor."
"You wouldn't," you shook your head, narrowing your gaze at him. "I'm not an asset to you, Coop, and you care about me - whether you admit it or not. You care, you just won't let me in... but you want to... so tell me, because I wanna know who I'm looking at: The Ghoul, or Cooper?"
His expression softened as he looked down at the ground to hide his weakness, groaning and sighing heavily. "My name was- is Cooper Howard. I'm a bounty hunter, and I hated the way that Mayor looked at you, spoke to you... but I can't be what you want, and we both know that."
You came to sit beside him, your hand landing on his thigh. "So you can't be yourself? Because that's what I'd want. I'd want the snarky, violent, asshole who shoots first and asks questions later."
Cooper didn't say anything, just put his hand on yours and nodded slowly; he couldn't bring himself to say it, in all honesty. He tried to long to snuff out his humanity that it felt wrong to even try to engage with it again; Cooper Howard was dead, and he knew that.
if you made it to the end of this fic and you enjoyed it, then please, if you have any cash to spare, please consider donating to help Mahmoud rebuild his life.
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starlit-memories ยท 2 years
Pure Vanilla Cookie X Reader
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The sounds of a slow paced writing filled the room. It was snowing today, and you were too sick to go to school.
But the homework won't do itself, and you didn't want to risk it at school.
But you were so tired...
Where did the tiredness come from anyways? You swear it wasn't that much a few minutes ago.
You glanced at a drawing you made a few days ago.
It featured a beautiful garden with a night sky.
You know it looks far from the real thing, and yet, you couldn't help but admire your work.
Well, you did draw it from how you remember, with no references.
It's impossible to get a photo or two from a dream anyways.
The sky was painted in various colours, you could almost see a few clouds painted with pink and white.
Or at least you assumed that they're clouds.
You unconsciously tried to fix your glasses.
Well, emphasis on the word 'Tried.'
Instead, you found out that they're not there.
And your hand is not how it should be.
A-are you a cookie now?!
This disturbing thought wasn't living up to it's standards as it should've, strangely.
The garden was still there, but now you could see the colours more clearly.
And you finally noticed the sound of sea.
You were thorn between going to the place, where the sea should be, or staying in the garden.
But a light gasp, coming behind you, rips your choice from you.
You attempted to run away, not looking behind you.
But instead of running, you started to fall, since you were not used to be a two dimensional being.
Thankfully, whoever was behind you, quickly came to your aid, and caught you before you could kiss the ground and possibly die.
"Be careful now! We don't want you to become crumbs."
That voice... Why does it sound so familiar?
You were (at least to you) quickly rotated to look at whoever saved you.
What met you was, unsurprisingly, another cookie.
But, weirdly enough, without his signature hat.
"Would you like to join me for some tea?"
Both of you walked to the hidden terrace, well, walked was an overestimating for you.
It was more like Pure Vanilla Cookie carried you there, while talking about how beautiful today is. You were quite unerved by his staff, which just stared at you, unblinking, almost as if it was in a trance.
The terrace was... So simple and cute.
There were a few waffle chairs, with the emblems ingrained into them, signaling that they're of the vanilla kingdom kind.
There also was a table, though of the same design as the chairs.
You also noticed a small kitchen in the corner, with a small island too.
It truly was a sanctuary of peace.
Though, you were rather curious on how could something like this exist in this garden.
You were set down on one of the chairs, and in front you, were already a few plates aranged, almost, as if you were an expected guest. And pure Vanilla Cookie placed his staff on the counter. Despite the pretty sights next to you, you were quite creeped out by the staff STILL LOOKING AT YOU.
Seriously? Does it ever blink like in the game?
Pure Vanilla Cookie placed a few deserts from the phantry, and you could recognise a few favourites of yours in his hands.
You tried to take one of the deserts, but couldn't do it, due to your new form.
Pure Vanilla Cookie cringed, almost, as if he realised his mistake.
"Ah... Forgive me, I should've realised..."
Then, he took a few napkins, and muttered something under his breath. You couldn't hear what exactly.
Then, a few moments later, he gave them to you.
"There, these napkins should help you with picking up stuff."
You hesitatenly tried to take the dessert again, not fully believing what he said.
True to his words, you could grab things now!
Pure Vanilla Cookie said nothing, only softly smiling as you happily muched on the deserts. (even if you couldn't exactly taste them.)
He slowly walked to the counter, and took a few cups from somewhere.
You were having a staring contest with the staff, the deserts forgotten.
He called out your name(when did you give it to him?) Before asking you a question.
"do you have any preferences?"
seeing your confused face Pure Vanilla Cookie looked confused, before realising his choise of words.
"err... As in, would you like tea, coffee, or even perhaps hot chocolate..?"
Content with your answer, he had begun making you and himself your drink of choise.
A few minutes later, he set down the cups with drinks on the table, and sat down on the opposite side of you.
"Be careful to not spill that on yourself."
You thanked him for the drink.
Pure Vanilla Cookie's POV
You were not someone for conversation, he quickly found out, he had to start all the conversations first, and they ended just as quickly as he started them.
But it's okay! It's nice to sit in silence, with the only sound being the sea nearby, and the gentle reminder of the wind going through the leaves of the trees.
He was so happy for you just to be here again, it felt like a long time ago when both of you met first. It must've showed upon his face, since you had made an odd comment on that.
You looked almost... Peaceful. Just drinking your drink of choise, despite knowing that this is all a dream.
He knew too, and he wondered if you liked the drink he prepared, despite not being able to taste it, due to your current circumstances.
"Thank you..." A weak voice was heard from you, and a few moments later, you put your cup of nearly finished drink on the table.
"Is it...time for you to wake up?"But he didn't want you to leave yet!
"I'm afraid so..." A few moments later, you got up, and hugged him.
"Thank you..."
Pure Vanilla Cookie didn't hear the next words you wanted to say, for alas, you had faded away...
Away, somewhere, where he cannot follow you yet.
His expression fell.
"Perhaps, I'll have to ask Expresso cookie to strengthen that device, and the link between the worlds."
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jar-of-maise ยท 1 year
"Um Lyney," Paimon began, in an uncharacteristically hesitant voice.
"Oh? It isn't like you to be so shy, please go on, what's on your mind?" Lyney asked, looking up at her curiously.
Paimon looked at Aether anxiously, then floated a little closer to him, shedding sparkles as she flew, "well, some of the kids were telling us about how you tell them about fairytales..." She begins.
"Ah!" Lyney snaps his fingers, "are you here to ask me to tell you some stories? Well why didn't you say so?" He hops up easily, gracefully revealing several embossed hardcover books which fall out of his hat.
"Take a pick! There are many here, don't be shy," Lyney says cheerfully, showing the books off happily, "this one is a personal favourite," he winks at Aether.
The cover is of a golden-haired prince, drawing a sword from his sheath, sparkles dance around his figure. White armour adorns his strong figure. "It's a pretty cover...but," Paimon begins, raising a finger.
Lyney raises his eyebrows, "oh? Not to your taste? That's alright," he twirls the book around on his fingers, then tosses it up in the air, where it disappears after a sharp snap of his fingers.
"How about this one? It's about a mermaid and her journey to the human world," Lyney offers, smiling at Paimon and Aether as he shows them the book.
"Well, they're all very nice butโ€“" Paimon tries again.
"Goodness! Have you always driven such a hard bargain?" Lyney asks comically, shaking his head, the books tumble down from his hands as he sighs in defeat.
"Lyney." Lynette says with a deadpan look on her face, "they probably want you to tell them a specific story."
"Yeah!" Paimon exclaims, "thank you Lynette!"
"No worries," Lynette says, crossing her arms and nodding, "my brother does have a habit of talking too much," she says, tail swishing side to side.
"Hey! I'm still here you know!" Lyney cries.
Lynettte fixes him with a very exasperated glare, "I know."
"Oh Lynette, how could you be so cruel to your dear brother?" Lyney whines, slumping, a few cards slipping out from underneath his hat. They fall sadly onto the ground, like limp autumn leaves.
"Um..." Aether begins, "we were hoping to hear about the story you created for the kids here," he says hopefully.
"The story...I made?" Lyney asks, perking up, "you want to hear my stories?" He asks in a tone so innocent that Aether can't help but feel endeared by his excitement.
"Yeah! Of course we do, you're a great storyteller Lyney!" Paimon cheers, "yeah!" Aether agrees, nodding vigorously.
"Well then," Lyney gathers his cards in one sweeping motion, shoving them back into his hat, "I can't disappoint my audience then, can I? Please take a seat, the show will be put on momentarily." Lyney grins, gesturing at the table in front of them.
"Please help yourself," Lynette says in a monotone voice as Paimon and Aether slid into their seats. She places her hat onto the table, and once she removes it, trays and plates of snacks appear magically.
"Wow! Thank you! Paimon's digging in then!"
Lynette nods, satisfied, she pours herself a cup of tea and takes a long sip from her cup.
"So Lyney," Paimon says to the magician, who's mumbling to himself as they help themselves.
"Hm? What's up?" Lyney asks curiously.
"The children here said that this story was called, 'The Thief's Hope' but, they also said that it has a sad ending," Paimon comments, "is that true?"
"Ah, you want to hear that story," Lyney says, there's an unreadable expression on his face, "well I wouldn't say it's that sad, uh, it's just not your typical fairytale."
"Yet the kids still love this story," Aether says, watching as Lyney puffs out his cheeks in slight disagreement.
"Yeah I don't really know why," Lyney laughs, slumping onto a nearby couch with a poof!
"Hey, at least that means you're a good story teller!" Paimon says comfortingly, nibbling on a cupcake as she talks.
"Perhaps," Lyney looks at Aether, then at Lynette. His eyes are wistful as he gazes at his hands silently. Outside, the rain was pouring ceaselessly. A cold wind brushed by and the water rapped on the windows. Lyney thought for a long time, then he just sighed fondly, fingers tracing a seam on his shorts before smiling brightly at Aether and Paimon.ย 
โ€œAlright! Let me tell you the story!โ€ He jumps up from the chair and bows deeply, โ€œLynette, if you would please,โ€ he bows towards his sister who sighs, โ€œfine," she says.
Lynette snaps her fingers and just like magic, a large backdrop appears behind Lyney, Paimon gasps in surprise and Aether leans forward curiously. Itโ€™s a depiction of the Fontaine streets, and the desolate piece of artwork is crafted with life-like accuracy.ย 
โ€œAllow me to take you back in time,โ€ Lyney steps forth, a hand tucked behind his back as he twirls his hat on his fingers.ย 
โ€œThere once lived a young boy, he was very poor and often worried about when his next meal would come by,โ€ Lyney snapped his fingers and a little doll fell down from somewhere above his head, it was neatly stitched together, yet dirty and battered as though it had been abused and never loved.ย 
Lyney smiled and nodded at Lynette who waved her hand. A spotlight shone onto the makeshift โ€œstageโ€ focusing on the tiny doll who picked himself up and began to walk around.ย 
โ€œHe was often bullied, looked down upon and slowly, he found himself pushed to the darkest streets, where the light did not fall,โ€ as he spoke, Lyney flicked his fingers, they appeared as dark, long shadows on the harsh light of the backdrop and the doll was flung away.
โ€œBut he never forgot what being in the light felt like,โ€ Lyneyโ€™s voice echoed from somewhere, like a omnipresent narrator. As he spoke, the little doll picked itself up and began to stumble slowly towards the audience, โ€œhe longed to go back, there was a hole in his heart that he wanted to fill. A void that was as dark as the night sky.โ€
The inky blackness that suddenly filled the stage was so desperate and suffocating that Paimon audibly gasped. No light shone, indeed, it seemed as though even the oxygen was being removed from their lungs. Aether wondered if this too, was a part of the magic.
"He tried to fill his heart with the scraps that littered the streets," Lyney's voice began to speak again, "he hoarded those little things zealously, even they had no love for him and he had no love for them."
A small pinprick of light appeared on the stage and focused on Lyney's figure, he stood in the centre, with a grave expression on his face.
"His fingers were nimble and his feet too, were agile," Lyney smiled, a small doll appearing on his hand.
"He took the memories and love of others, he tried to light up the darkness in his heart with the light and warmth of others." Lyney procured a candle, "but he could not chase away the cold in his heart, nor could he brighten any corner of that room, for it was locked!"
Lynette grimanced into her cup, but begrudgingly waved her hand. The flame of the candle died out as she waved her hand and Lyney smiled widely.
"How should I light up this dark heart?" Lyney walked across the stage, making a thoughtful expression, "Ah! The boy realised something, when he was wandering the streets one day!"
Lyney smiles, carefully placing the doll down, "people crave the unknown, they are fascinated by fantasyโ€ฆand what better way to achieve that thanโ€“โ€ a sudden burst of streamers erupted from behind his back, โ€œmagic?โ€
The backdrop changed, it was a light and happy scene, where the doll reappeared, looking much cleaner and put together, the doll was surrounded by other dolls, they were smiling at him.ย 
ย "If I can't love myself...and I can't take it from others, what if I made them give it to me? That was what the thief thought," Lyney grinned, blowing a shower of confetti hearts at his audience.
Aether smiled slightly when some of the paper brushed his cheek.
"So he began to try and perform, with the few skills he had learned from stealing. No matter how he tried to mask his true self, this boy was a thief," Lyney pointed at the heinous doll with an accusatory finger.
"The truth was that he was a thief, and that all his story-truths were lies." Lyney declared.
Aether and Paimon smiled knowingly, Lynette helped herself to a muffin. She was enjoying the chance to enjoy as many treats as she could. ย 
โ€œSo the thief had finally found something that could fill up his empty heart," Lyney kept talking, "but still, the feeling of emptiness persisted. So he kept performing, kept going, just to chase that feeing," butterflies flew out from Lyney's finger tips as he spoke.
โ€œThe treacherous thief lied his way to the top. He tricked people ceaselessly, putting on a show that the masses would love. Lies were piled up on falsehoods. The thief could no longer return to the shadows of his past."
Lyney made a shape with him fingers where the light reflected it's shadow onto the backdrop, "The Thief looked down at the world from on top of the tower heโ€™d built. It was exquisitely crafted, held together by fabricated illusions. He was a sinner, a devil whoโ€™d escaped from hell who was undeserving of the light he had gained."
Aether's eyes narrowed slightly, he sipped some tea but listened attentively, Lyney noticed this change, smiling to himself he thought, 'ah he gets it.'
Lyney kept talking, "Like a famous actor, the parts that he had to play continued to increase. Peopleโ€™s lives were entrusted to his hands at night, and in the daytime, he stole peopleโ€™s hearts. He had never been bested and life itself, was the stage for his craft.ย 
He sat under the night sky one lonely evening, gazing out into the inky darkness. The thief looked at the stars, they had always sparkled so beautifully, untouched by pain or sorrow. He wanted that light, even though he knew he could never emulate that gentle radiance.ย 
That was when he met her,โ€ Lyneyโ€™s voice took on a reminiscing tone and suddenly Aether was seized by a strange thought, was this just a mere story? He had no time to ponder this question, because Lyney was moving onto the next part of the story.
โ€Who was she?" Lyney wondered aloud, "well, perhaps she could be described like a burst of sunlight in a cold, frosty winter, or a wonderful flower blossoming in a wasteland...but no," he paused, "she was more than just those."
"She was the steady roll of waves on the ocean, she was the star that never left the night sky," it seemed like Lyney had forgotten his magic in that moment. He stood before them, as a performer still, but Aether realised that this was not only a story, but a reflection of Lyney himself.
"She was not words, she was a feeling," Lyney almost whispered to himself. Yet in the breathless silence that beheld the room, he may as well have shouted those words. Upon beholding this vulnerable side of Lyney, Aether couldn't help but smile sadly.
"The Thief was a certain kind of summertime sadness, one that spring couldn't cure," Lyney said slowly, withered petals falling with every step he took backward, away from the audience.
"He had no words that could describe her, for all the stories The Thief had spun, all the lies he'd said, there was no word he knew that could speak about the truth in her. But The Thief liked to call her mon armour," Lyney smiled bitterly, there was a hatred in the way he uttered those words.
Aether was taken back, but he didn't know why Lyney seemed to dislike those last few words so much.
"Her presence was gentle, yet searing. To The Thief who couldn't remember hugs or caresses, her touches was an uncomfortable, addicting burn."
Sitting in the audience, Lynette looked at her reflection in her cup sadly. This, was his way of atoning for lies, by weaving truths into his stories so that he might not spin falsehoods. She knew Lyney better than anyone else, to most this was obvious, but they didn't know about the hopes of her older brother. Past his light, and his shadow, was a young boy who loved to love and be loved.
That, was also a kind of truth.
"This Thief," Lyney murmured, "he was a haunted house, hollow from inside to out, plagued by a restless soul that was more focused on destroying the construct that kept it existing than anything else. Every now and then, a wind would rush through and open half-closed, weeping wounds.
The people who sojourned in this house did not help the soul, they loved only the mystery, the romance, the unattainable nature of his performance. And often left the house shabbier than when they first entered.
But not mon armour, she came in, like a little ghost. Planting purple wisteria in his mind, with wonderful trees that entwined their roots around the house and bound him to the earth. Camomile grew from his scars, moss and dewdrops patched his wounds.
She planted gardens of lavender in his mind, so that his anxiety might be soothed.
If there was anyone that might make him feel like life was worth living on, it would be her. A gentle love, that didn't demand. How funny, The Thief had never once known how to care, he did not think about the emotion itself. Never committed." Lyney nodded, though Aether didn't know if he was talking to himself or his audience.
"Yet he tried, loving was clumsy. He couldn't make sense of the lines he was meant to colour inside and often scribbled outside of those boundaries. But at least, he was less transient, and more of a home now." Lyney drifted off into his own thoughts, "my love, what a wonderful name, if only..."
Aether lets him mumble to himself, Paimon also floats over to him with a soft, melancholic smile. "Poor Lyney..." she says quietly, "the story must mean a lot to him."
"I think there was a bit more than just that," Aether comments, but refrains from saying some of his other thoughts, knowing Paimon would just freak out.
"My brother finds it hard to express himself," Lynette chips in, "thank you for listening to him," she bows her head.
"It's okay, please tell him that we'd listen to him anytime!" Paimon exclaims waving her hands.
"Thank you, I will."
"I know you're not much of a talker, but we'll also listen to you, if you need it," Aether says, smiling brightly at Lynette, who gives him a little smile in response.
"I will cherish that offer." She says, "honestly," she adds, looking at Lyney with a half-endearing, half-fond and equal parts exasperated expression, "for someone who insists he's unlovable, loving sure comes easily to him."
"He has a lot to give," Aether says kindly, Lyney is quiet, a broken piece of cermanic-ware, so fractured yet so well patched up he looks new. Aether is glad he has something to hope for.
"Lyney loves like he breathes but treats it like it's cancer," Lynette replies, "when he first realised he was infatuated he said he got a heart stroke. Yet if loving really was a disease, he'd hope he'd never recover from his illness" Lynette takes a sip of tea and rolls her eyes gracefully. "In that sense, he's utterly hopeless,"
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ashysmultifandomcatdump ยท 1 month
another roleswap AU (because i have lost control of my life)
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these things. are all i know how to make now.......
ANYWAY it's my take on a wander<-->sylvia roleswap AU!!! i didn't Properly draw sylvia here because i couldn't get her to look right, and she's basically the Same anyway. just without her saddle and with the hat tied around her neck. i don't know if i'm entirely happy with these designs (struggled with the colors for wander and i'm not sure i really like them) but they're all i could think of....and i didn't wanna just copy anyone else's. so that's how they Are for now until i think of something better! (general stuff about the AU and additional doodles under the cut)
for sylvia, i was thinking about her differences in reforming people compared to wander's. while we don't exactly see her do that in the show, she does get Somewhere with villains that wander can't/hasn't tried to do anything with: dominator and peepers. the fact that she almost got dominator to appreciate the beauty of life, someone who is Definitely irredeemableโ€”yeah, i think she could definitely redeem someone, if she tried. how does her method differ from wander's?wander's is precise, time-tested, and based on his analysis of the other person's character; he constantly pushes their buttons to see what makes them tick. while sylvia, from what we seeโ€”it's just to mostly...treat them normally. like, relate to them: she has fun brawling with dominator, she and peepers find similarities in Their Idiots. she talks to them. basically, sylvia works from common ground and wander works from uncommon ground. if that makes sense
so, i imagine in wander's place, sylvia's just kind of. Chill! she doesn't have wander's thousands of years of experience, but she has her own down-to-earth attitude, and it's not like her less than thousands of years experience isn't valuable at all. she probably hasn't redeemed a villain before, but she's definitely helped people, and well if they cross paths grop darn it she's going to try. who knows? it could work! it worked with wander, at least. (and like, this is just a small thought that i'm not sure would apply but: mini hater and peepers swap perhaps, not in the complete roleswap way, hater's still the boss, but more like. maybe swapping who's the Main Guy to be redeemed? sylvia's way of relating to people might work more with peepers than hater...but i don't know, i could see it either way)
and speaking of wander: how's our non-violent do-gooder make it to the point of being The Fighter? what got him to abandon his carefree attitude to be The Protector? well! nothing!! he simply never had it in the first place!!! instead of learning to go with the flow and take things as they come...he kinda just Didn't. he never got the hat which to me is what allowed him to start doing that (i have a whole backstory about this but it's a bit long so i'll just move on) instead for the rest of his life continued living in a constant state of anxiety. which is, you know, Not Good for a guy, especially when this lasts thousands of years. i think he still has to help people, but he hasn't gained the courage to go above and beyond or confront villains like in canon. Wander With Survival Instincts, basically. and his main reaction to fear is to run away; but i think, over time, that might not be sustainable, or he might meet someone that convinces him to start fighting back just a bit.
yes, i am sneaking in just one other swap here: screwball and lil bits. this might seem strange and it kinda is. i'm still kinda workshopping it, like maybe screwball should swap with ryder instead...but i dunno, i've always just associated screwball and lil bits with each other. two villains specific to wander and sylvia respectively, whom the other is not able to understand as a threat throughout their debut episode. i think it would be funny. and screwball being a bounty hunter when swapping with bits just Fits, since wander eventually ends up as a bounty hunter before meeting sylvia...of course lending to the idea that they were partner bounty hunters in the past. which works really well, i think
and considering comedy and horror are two sides of the same coin, and that this wander is primarily focused on his Fear, it'd be fun if he had more of a horror theme. a really campy, goofy one. my thoughts are maybe that screwball helped guide wander to lean more towards a Fighting fear response, but eventually scared him away somehow. i don't know how yet, but i'll figure it out. here's a visualization:
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and as for how wander and sylvia met, i still have to figure out some parts, but i think that sylvia would notice how anxious wander is, ask him if he's okay, and he would promptly break down, as such:
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and from that moment on, wander solemnly swore that he would protect sylvia for the rest of her life, and she's been stuck with him since. (not that she's mad about that)
of course he's still energetic and hyperactive...i think his fighting would reflect that. he's a feral little creature
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oh, and for sylvia's relationship with The Hat: she probably found it beat up and bruised one day, with no one around (wander not stealing the hat all those years ago meant a happy ending for No One). yet another thing i have to figure out fully is how she ended up taking it with her, but she did. i don't think she fully understands it, she hasn't realized that it gives you what you need, but she does know that it dispenses items that are sometimes useful (it's a sassy little thing to her) and might somewhat realize its sentience, so she keeps it around, though she's still building trust with it
anddddd yeah that's basically it so far :) i'm always up for questions and suggestions! i hope people like it hehe
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snowfallenapocalypse ยท 3 months
Howdy Slay the Princess friends! I wanted to show off my Voices designs, theyโ€™re still very likely to change cause Iโ€™m still not quite happy with all of them, but I hope you enjoy them! :3c
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Explanations and a few extras below the cut! :) (This ended up being a kinda long post so be warned!)
For the most part I try to use the same body shape for all of them, with the only differences being their accessories and some beak variation. None of them have wings either- I don't like drawing them that much so they're reserved for TLQ
Alright here we go- explanation time!
Hero - Knight's helmet based on the default warrior class helmet from Miitopia, no clue if the feather, ponytail, thing... is his actual feathers or part of the hat and I probably never will. I love how he looks even if the helmet sucks to draw
Broken - Shackle and chain around his neck, not much to say about this guy, I was a bit worried it was too similar to the Prisoner's shtick at first but it's grown on me
Contrarian - Jester's cap, the most common defining accessory I saw for him in fanart and thought it fit. Probably gonna change him cause the current iteration doesn't feel quite right. (Either hat redesign or something new)
Opportunist - A tie and ripped dress shirt, I wanted a smarmy business-ey feel for him but didn't think a nice shirt would fit in with the aesthetic of the game, so I gave him a ripped one (he probably found it on the ground somewhere)
Paranoid - Perfume pendant, I adore this concept but have had a hard time conveying it properly. The pendant is filled with smelling salts in case he needs to wake someone up. I want to keep this concept so much but I know it has to go through a few more designs cause I don't really know what it's supposed to look like. Planning on adding another necklace and maybe a clock?
Smitten - A shawl with heart shaped embroidery and a flower broach, I... Don't know how to feel with this one? It doesn't quite fit Smitten's exuberance but I don't know what I would give him instead. Will probably change later if I do come up with something better
Hunted - Hooded cloak, for camouflage :0 (it's a very short cloak though basically only covers his shoulders.) I drew him twice so you could see both versions, realistically he'd always have the hood up but I find it hard to draw and doesn't look as good so I don't bother, (it probably looks weird because the hooded version is missing the feather tufts, I added a quick sketch of the hood with them below)
Cold - A hole in his chest (shamelessly based on Mad Rat Dead,) Cold didn't seem like the type to have any worldly possessions so this was the most literal way I could convey his 'heartless' personality, it is kinda bending my rule of giving all these guys unique accessories but it fits him quite well so I don't mind
Skeptic - Detective hat, this is another one that I think looks a bit weird due to the lack of tufts (version with them below) and I don't know how well this fits his personality, but Skeptic is probably the voice I'm least familiar with so I'm kinda just ignoring redesigning him until I get a better grip on his character (I also don't really know how to draw this hat- I tried my best lol)
Cheated - Cut off tuft and scars, I had a really hard time coming up with this one and I'm still not quite sure how I feel about it. It's another one that bends my rule of having accessories but I couldn't think of anything to put on him that fit the vibe of 'Being salty from repeatedly losing to someone using hacks in a game.' (Yes, that's how I summarize Cheated's personality lol)
Stubborn - ...Isn't here, Oops? Yeah, you probably noticed but I don't actually have a design for him yet. I might give him a cape? idk. He's another voice I don't really have a good grasp on, I have to play through his chapters again :')
Anyways! I had put my sort of 'design rules' for these guys in an older version of this post but I ended up not vibing with it so I edited it out- I like the post a lot better without all the excess stuff
And finally as the send-off to the post (and a thanks for reading all) here's the extra bits! My one Long Quiet full body, the Hunted and Skeptic sketch with their tufts, and a bonus Opportunist cause I realized you can't really tell what the shirt looks like lol
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dluebirb ยท 2 months
Alright, so I finally jumped on the bandwagon (for better or for worse) and redesigned the main cast of Hazbin Hotel!
Disclaimer: I am not saying that my designs are better than the ones in the show, I am just saying that this is what I would have done if I were to design the characters, plus addressing some common criticism of Vivziepop's character designs. I enjoy the show, and with that comes some artistic liberties. Proceed.
So I'm going to show each character individually, plus a brief explanation (EDIT: They were not as brief as I thought... I love these characters, so sue me!) of what I changed and why, and then a lineup at the end!! Stick with me please, I put a lot of work into these!
@theosb0rnway they are real and in decent quality this time!! Wow!!
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First up, Charlie! I had no idea she was meant to be based off of a porcelain doll. I thought she was a weird hell-vampire thing ngl. Fangs, pastey skin, you get it. The only thing the doll thing had going for it was the cheek marks, and I though that was a design choice for blush, like Mabel in Gravity Falls!
Porcelain dolls are really just those gen alpha tiktok influencer-level skin care routines plus dresses from two centuries ago, so I decided to go with a more puppet-leaning/mouthpiece design, plus some more goat-ish attributes, like her lil hoovsies!
Her color pallatte is brighter than the other designs because I wanted to show how she (while still utilizing the pinks and reds of hell) is the most pure-hearted of the bunch, as she's the only one who really doesn't belong in hell.
If this does well (or I want to) I might do her demon form!
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VAGGIE! My girl. I love her.
So my main problem with Vaggie's current design: HER HAIR. I'm sorry, but how are the physics of that supposed to work?? Please? /gen
She also says in the show that she's "not used to fighting with long hair, and the ponytail in episode 8 doesn't really serve that purpose? At least from the viewers POV, hence the bun.
I know she's not technically a moth demon, since she's an ex-exorcist, but I wanted to lean into the imagery. She and Charlie look a little too close to human in comparison to almost anyone else, so I wanted to give her some moth-isms. And I find it more believable that she could fight like this! Ik Alastor's the hotel's protector and all, but old habits die hard n such.
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Onto Angel Dust! Okay, I gotta say, I should lower his colors general brightness-
But other than that, I think I did pretty good with him!
I am probably in the minority who thought the eyes thing in episode four was pretty cool, but I wanted to make him more visibly spider-like, and eyes seemed like a good place to start.
I will admit to taking inspiration from the iron spider suit in Avengers: Infinity War for his extra arms. I was a Marvel kid, the legends are true.
Also, PINCERS! I think that's what those are called- They're only sorta there because any other way I tried ended with messing up his general face, but the thought's there!
I did forget his spider ass, but it's there in spirit, trust.
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His fuck-ass bob is NO MORE. I rest my case. Also the monocle was annoying me, so he gets old lady glasses. I don't know why his shoes look like deer hooves. he's a little fucked up anatomy-wise.
I don't have much to say about him, but I loved drawing his hair. He gets to keep some of his red, because he WOULD. I also have a design of Alastor with a coat/jacket thing that's more time-period accurate, but I really liked this design, so it's what you're getting unless someone asks for it.
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I also don't have a lot to say about Husk- I took away a lot more than I added if we're being real.
Weird wing design that makes my brain hurt? GONE
(I had a grudge against his eyebrows, leave me be-)
He's also short and fat now, so... YEAH (for a while I thought he was real short, but that was only because I kept seeing screen caps of him next to Angel, and the guy's a beanpole-)
His wings resemble the succubi in Helluva more so now, because Hazbin has a weird relationship with wings, so I wanted to make the distinction clearer than it is in canon.
His eyes glow now because have you SEEN a cat in pitch black, dead of night? Scary little assholes. (/aff, I love my cats.) He's dead and in hell, so they glow perpetually.
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As with Charlie, I had no idea Niffty was supposed to be a bug. This seems to be a recurring issue.
I shifted her hair and outfit to be a lil more 1950s-accurate, but it was pretty good before, all things considered. I actually like Niffty's Canon design a lot.
In terms of making the bug-ness more pronounces, I gave her antennae (they can glow because YES) and wings. I imagine the wings are kind of like grasshopper wings, so they make a lil weird noise. I also gave her four legs, because if there's one thing I know about bugs, they have an abnormal amount of appendages.
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The quality got CRUNCHED so click on the lineup, PLEASE-
And yeah, there are the sillies! I tried to differentiate them from the RED, but I think I overdid it-
Eh, I like them!
Send an ask or comment if you want me to do any more characters, or send me a screenshot from Hazbin and I'll redraw it with these guys! It'll also give me the chance to work on backgrounds, which I need!
I really hope you guys like these!
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gildeddlily ยท 1 year
more thoughts ab chuuya cause no one compares
was just looking on shitty bsd memes and realised (a little late ig) that 18 Chuuya didn't wear his black coat.
so yes have to overthink it. (a lot of spoilers from Stormbringer, maybe Dead Apple and Beast)
his hat is from Rimbaud, even if Mori physically gave it to him, it's the symbol of his trust to the Port Mafia since he swore to give himself to the organisation. but at least in his first year or so, he didn't really care about the Mafia. He saw himself as a mafioso, but wasn't nearly as tied to it. He was tied to the Flags and the Sheep and to his friends in the Mafia, but what happened in Stormbringer kind of left him with nothing but the Mafia (I love the idea of Chuuya staying in contact with Adam and Shirase, but they're so far from him so it's difficult), and a new bond to it. He learned about himself, so him staying there became something different. His hat is important to him and his bond with Rimbaud and Verlaine, who freed him from the lab (and tried to kill him btw) so yes, it was there from the beginning.
his choker? we don't know much- we don't know anything. He didn't have it when he met Dazai, ofc, but in the "don't forget that you're my dog" scene, probably set after a few days, Chuuya wears a choker, probably from Kouyou like his new clothes, and we see him wearing it even after seven years.
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Plain black, probably leather, but the problem is with bones that removed the metal thing in the middle- something that pains me deeply, considering that in official anime arts THEY GAVE HIM THE METAL STRAP-THING SO WHY REMOVE IT IN THE ANIME ITS NOT SO DIFFICULT TO DRAW but yeah
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the first is a dead apple illustration, the other 22!Chuuya, and even in Beast he has it. So, Kouyou gave it to him, but since we haven't got illustration for the fifteen era (at least not for the "you're my dog" scene) and Fifteen still has to reach the last part of the light novel, we don't know about Chuuya's first choker. If I have to be honest, I have two headcanons and I'm not able to choose between them: -Kouyou gifted him his choker and he wears it for more than seven years. like Rimbaud indirectly gave him his hat, Kouyou gave him a choker. They have a close relationship: she's his mentor when he's young for at least a year (she's not mentioned in Stormbringer and Chuuya already has an important position in the Mafia so her training likely already ended), and even when they're equals as executives Chuuya values her opinion and they share a strong bond. So yeah, the choker represents their bond -Dazai gifted him a new choker, the one with the metal thing, a little before Stormbringer. he even had an excuse to do so: Chuuya took his place as "head" of the mafia's jewels trade, so he could have give Chuuya the choker as a symbol of that transition of power/role (the Mafia thing- gifting things). Chuuya likely hated it but wear it anyway cause yk fashion and manners (that draw of Chuuya and Albatross vibing together after Dazai gifted his dog the choker is my life) and that's it. And yes also for the "after four years he still wears it"
but the coat. what the hell is it doing here? Chuuya wears it in his first days maybe, but ditched it, considering that he doesn't wear it in Stormbringer and Dead Apple
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(I'm trying to understand what the hell he's wearing in dead apple and I'm not being successful) He didn't wear it when he was eighteen. We don't see him in the second season's light novel adaptation, but in the official arts he's always wearing his jacket, not his coat. So he likely started to wear it again after Dazai's deflection, but who gave it to him again, who invited him to do it? He's sentimental when talking ab his clothes and hair, so it was either him wanting to wear it as his importance and popularity rose, as he learned how to be the successful-executive-strongest-man he perfectionated when alone (he didn't get a new partner, since there wasn't another diamond- he was alone in this sense), or Mori made him wear it.
it's pretty obvious that the bond that Chuuya shares with the Mafia is nothing compared to his loyalty to the people in it. he's loyal to Mori, since he welcomed him in the Mafia, and he respects him as his boss: the "what does it mean to be a good leader" points out how Chuuya's failure as a leader (kind of- that's how he perceives it) branded his mentality, and for him Mori is a good leader, one ready to sacrifice himself for his city- so, granted respect (but with how Mori "clinged" to Dazai after his deflection that respect probably faltered a bit) he's loyal to Kouyou, like we said, as she was his mentor. he's loyal to his friends in the Mafia- they exists, so no, he wasn't isolated for four years. in Stormbringer while drugged and tortured he hallucinated and thought ab, citing him "the Flags, his friends in the Sheep, his friends in the Mafia" so he had a social life that didn't involve Dazai after the Flags' death, thank you.
most important, he's loyal to Dazai, more than anyone else. and it has nothing to do with "he follows him after Oda's death" "he joins the ADA". the beautiful and heart-shattering thing about their bond is that it has nothing to do with the Port Mafia, the ADA, Yokohama or the whole world. They're one soul in two bodies, they're the other half of each other. They're able to live without the other in their life, as in they can survive with not being together (when Dazai died in Beast he went batshit crazy. in every universe, dimension, Dazai had Chuuya near, or at least, the other couldn't be alive without the other, cause they won't stop saving each other like it's a fricking sport). Dazai leave the Mafia, and the Mafia doesn't know ab his whereabouts (Chuuya doesn't know nothing ab it, maybe he believed in the "he offed himself" rumor, but it isn't likely)
Mori is a manipulative bastard, who cares deeply about his city and the Mafia, but still an asshole who seized the opportunity. the idea of him giving Chuuya the coat he refused to wear for three years is sick but the most intriguing. as a sign that Chuuya was finally fully loyal to the Mafia, and the Mafia alone. no Sheep, Flags, or Dazai, only the Mafia and the people in it. he was finally theirs, and the coat was a sign of that.
now think about Dazai meeting Chuuya again after four years of refusing to gather informations ab his ex-partner, and seeing him wears that coat. the last "four years passed for everyone" sign.
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rodolfoparras ยท 2 months
Okay I gotta complain for a moment
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Dorian, the company that bought The Arcana (?? Or brought it onto their team, Dorian doesn't make games themselves but helps others), made a modern story dating sim version of The Arcana and I am NOT the biggest fan ๐Ÿ˜ญ
I never played it but the way they dressed and characterized them just from their cards. I edited the cards to be side by side for reference for their casual outfits and info
LUCIO IN AXE BODY SPRAY???? NUH UH. He'd have a very expensive, fancy cologne that's like 3k for a few ounces bro. And something bugs me about his clothes, and I think it's the jacket.
Yes, Portia has a cat, but she would NOT wear the cat thigh highs in that fit?? She looks like she's about to do yard work??? Get her a sun hat, gloves and clippers bruh, maybe some knee pads instead to keep her knees safe. I cannot see her wearing that fit very casually either
Muriel would be a chronic sweater wearer, soft and comfy, but not that.... Especially the jacket tied in his waist. (Hell on earth that Muriel can't even escape the violence in the modern age)
In my head, I think Julian would be a LITTLE flashier. All the drip that boys got is a WATCH?? He's probably wear a necklace or something.. and probably piercings, at least his ears
Idk about Nadia... Something about her fit is... Wrong to me.
Asra looks good, me thinks. I almost see him wearing flowy skirts tho... Almost hippie-ish but not quite...
Learning to draw solely to fix these designs up
I've heard a few people say that they don't even know the characters any anymore and a lot of them are fandomized which is devastating. And with the way they present the characters with the extra Arcana game stuff makes me wanna agree
Anyways, sorry ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ I just couldn't stop thinking about it, they irk me so bad, hoping the other anons get it
I tried Dorian today!!! I played the modern story of arcana just see what the fuss was about since I keep getting ads for it and I decided I didnโ€™t like it! I donโ€™t like how the game is set up. For example if you want to charm Lucio you have to pick really obnoxious dialogue choices. I understand heโ€™s self centered and what not but I donโ€™t understand why I have to be that as well to charm him. If anything Iโ€™d love to have dialogue choices that do not reflect his personality because thereโ€™s no reason for me as a private investigator (that you are in the game) to come to a party to investigate a crime and say โ€œwoooooo partying all week sounds like so much funโ€??
And although I donโ€™t know the characters super well I too dislike the jacket ๐Ÿ˜ญit feels like they did try to stay true to the characters but still keep it modern but it doesnโ€™t look right with Lucio and it certainly doesnโ€™t look right with Portia. I do have to say I liked Murielโ€™s suit but the casual outfit is certainly something Julian kind of reminds me of an eboy and it certainly doesnโ€™t match his original style ๐Ÿ˜ญ
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lokisis ยท 10 months
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Pili time ๐Ÿ˜Ž (Also if you want a ship name, ShowCase is what I've been using)
Pili was, and still is, fucking ecstatic to be in the digital circus. Not only do they love circus themes, but they never have to go home? Must be paradise. This doesn't start off anyone but Caine with a good perception of them. "Everyone else wants to go home. Why are you siding with the robot?" (They don't voice that they relate more with the AI than other humans)
Still unsure on the main coat color, but the hat is exactly how I imagined it. They can take off their hat any time, and it can be knocked off too. No matter how often they lose it, it always somehow ends up back in their room.
They draw frequently. They had to ask Caine for a whiteboard so they could do something without getting all jittery. After Caine caught a glimpse of himself being drawn, he took an interest in it. He keeps stealing the whiteboard whenever they finish, because he doesn't want the art to get erased. He's never been drawn before, and Pili just does it so well. He could Never let them erase their art!
Chronically tired. Pili has to take at least one nap every day bc they're constantly exhausted. They trust Ragatha enough to sleep around her, and Kinger's fort is a good nap spot too. Sometimes though, they end up asleep in unconventional places. Jax usually puts them in worse places. If Caine ever spots them first, he'll take them to his room. (He has a hammock set up for them after a while. Pili is always appreciative)
They're terrified of heights. Any kind. 2 feet or 20, it's all too much. Caine loves hugging them, but ends up floating out of instinct. Pili fucking Freaks. Caine tries very hard to accommodate their fear by keeping adventures very grounded. Slowly though, Pili trusts Caine enough to let him carry them around a bit. Still a struggle, but they know Caine would never hurt them on purpose.
Jax calls them Nutcase and picks on them a bit. Not as much as the others though, since Pili makes nice art of him. They ended up in a tentative truce as long as Pili keeps drawing him as nice as they do. After learning they're afraid of heights, he'll sometimes just put their sleeping form on ledges and such. He's been reprimanded multiple times.
Also, both Caine and Pili are emotionally incompetent. It takes a LOT of convincing from everyone that MAYBE Pili has a crush on Caine. After he hears this, he disappears for about 2 days. He doesn't really understand What he's feeling, but it's new and scary and also maybe thrilling? They don't exactly confess to each other, but they end up a bit more touchy feely afterwards.
(Img stuff)
Kinger: friendly. Makes art of bugs 4 him. Naps in his fort.
Ragatha: friendly but not close. Trusts to take a nap by.
Zooble: neutral. Gangs up on Jax
Gangle: friendly but not close. Art buds
Jax: tentative. Somewhat truce bc they draw him
Pomni: neutral. Fun 2 draw
Bubble: menace. They love bubble (in a pet way)
Arrow pointing to Pili: eyes are painted on, so no shadow cast
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leonenjoyer69 ยท 4 months
Okay soโ€“ In an au where both Elias and Whole Jekyll exist, what would Elias think of Whole Jekyll and vice-versa?
Also, would a Mind Elias exist at one point :0???
First of all, theoretically, this could totally happen in the same universe, since it was decided that using the wrong salts allows Harry to take control... as a plus, Jekylls Mindscape would even be in better shape, since Hyde wouldn't have his temper tantrums! Maybe Mind Lanyon wouldn't lowkey fade away/die, too ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€ But, anyways--
(Forgot to add a cut before, so here's one now since this is long lmao)
Honestly, Elias would probably pity tf out of Whole Jekyll, while also kinda fearing him. Like, Jekyll or Hyde go to switch back but use the wrong salts and suddenly there's this weird combination of the two hunched over in pain instead. He explains that he's basically the original Jekyll and stuff from before the potion and immediately talks about how he intends to reverse the potion and become whole again, bc Jekyll and Hyde are both still hanging around in the mirror/Mindscape. Of course Elias doesn't really want him to reverse the potion at all, because that means he'd reverse Lanyons too, and he doesn't wanna die. He also likes hanging out with Jekyll and Hyde and seeing their differences and such. But, on the other hand, a small part of him does kinda want Jekyll to be happy and whole again, and this Harry guy seems to have gone through a decent bit. Plus, now Jekyll and Hyde are trapped away and Harry won't let them have control (tho in a combined au maybe he would, since Jekyll and Hyde get along better once Lanyon splits and knows about them? Idk, probably not without some serious convincing)
Elias still tries to spend as much time with Harry as possible, somewhat happy to see Harry actually kinda take care of himself, but also there's the not great occasions where Harry is fighting with his other halves (who he lowkey kinda hates. I don't think I've talked about it much, but I have/still do pull some things from Chonny Jash's Soul, since he was basically the whole inspiration for Harry in the first place lmao). He feels really bad for the 3 of them and kinda just wants to be there to provide any sort of comfort.
Harry would probably feel immensely guilty that Lanyon had to get split to, avoiding Elias as much as he can (which isn't really a whole hell of a lot, Elias is very persistent, and Harry can only take so much of his sad face). Like, he certainly wouldn't hate Elias, that's still a part of Lanyon after all, but he just feels so bad about it half the time. He certainly prefers Lanyons company, especially because of the comfort his presence provides him (and bc they probably at least mostly reconciled and are mayhaps dating again). Otherwise Harry spends a decent bit of his time researching how to undo the potion and such (which Elias will lowkey try to lightly sabotage sometimes, yk, so he doesn't have to remerge, or it at least takes longer.) And trying to keep his two halves in check.
Otherwise!!! When you ask about a mind Elias, 3 things come to mind, so:
A mind version of Elias in Jekylls Mindscape: honestly, I think the closest to a mind Elias Jekyll would get is just Mind Lanyon gaining more of Elias's features, I don't feel like there'd be a whole entity for him, but yeah. You know how mind Lanyon loses his face and such when Jekylls perception of him gets messed up? Yeah, I kinda just imagine that except instead of looking his face he just adopts some of elias's features (which mind Lanyon does NOT like, and it also really throws Harry off while he's still in the Mindscape)
Mind clothes and such for Elias in Lanyons Mindscape: yes, he absolutely has a silly little set of clothes for the mind scape (which I really need to come up with and draw frfr). Idk why, but my first thought is that he has a cloak in the Mindscape, for some reason. Also really wanna put him in one of those newsboy hats..
A "whole" version of Lanyon- theoretically, probably yes, but since he's so fresh and Lanyon doesn't have the multitude of issues Jekyll has, it's really Just Lanyon chilling in his fancy little Mindscape probably. But, also, my brain is kinda wanting to say that there's not a whole Lanyon, and that the potion Lanyon took actually worked a bitttt closer to the way Jekyll intended it, gathering all the things one hates about them self and giving it it's own identity, while leaving the original person practically unchanged. Like, with Jekyll and Hyde I feel like it did literally split Jekyll, leaving Jekyll himself changed in ways while also giving Hyde everything that was at least partially changed, but amped up by tenfold.
ANYWAYS, THAT'S ALL I HAVE FOR THIS RN >:3 I have a bajillion OTHER things on Harry at the ready tho, (thank you Mint for asking things about him and letting me ramble on discord, hehe >:3) so like, say the magic word and I've got a dozen little things to dump about him, from straight lore to little quirks to other character's reactions to him while he's in control :33 Also thank you for the ask Mint! I would never have thought of this without being prompted tbh (sorry if some parts of this post may be a bit nonsensical tho, my brain go brrrr and sometimes I apparently completely forget how the characters I made act ๐Ÿ’€) but yeah!!!! Thank you, I'm loving all the OC asks >:3
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linabirb ยท 1 year
Go ahead, Lina, talk about why you like Rollo. I need a reminder on why he's the best ever :DD
SORRY FOR A LATE REPLY AURORA I GOT HOME A FEW HOURS AGO AND NEEDED TO REST and the power went out while i was typing this. why is this world so rollophobic
warning for lots of rambling under the cut!
first of all, his design.
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"haha funny boy with a bowl cut and a huge hat" virgin vs "literally the most fun design to draw" chad. yes i'm the second one.
of course his design is heavily inspired by his counterpart but i just love it a lot! i really like the colors (some of them lowkey remind me of a bi flag JDKDLSLSL) of his outfit and i like how the color of his hair and his eye color look with them!
i actually disagree with people who say that he'd look better with longer hair or a more detailed/"unique" hairstyle bc i think in that case his design would feel very overwhelming? meanwhile here it looks much more balanced! when i draw him, it feels really nice bc i don't have to do much when it comes to his hair, i can just focus on the outfit! (though i had to get used to drawing his hairstyle, bc my art style is just. floofy hair.. soft hair..)
speaking of his hair..
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I'M STILL NOT OVER HIM HAVING MORE MESSY-LOOKING HAIR AND EVEN HAVING AN AHOGE. I'M STILL INSANE ABOUT IT THIS IS SO CUTE. i've talked about it with my other friends and i hc that his hair is like that simply bc he wears a hat most of the time and.. yeah, your hair can become like that after you wear a hat. and like, maybe his hair has no choice but to look like that no matter how much he tries to take care of it and make it look better, so he also tries to hide it with his hat HDJKDKSLD.
also, i find it so funny how on some images it looks like he has really bad dark circles, meanwhile on other images you can clearly see that he wears makeup, so here's my rollo headcanon number 420 (i have so many of them. so many. literally about any topic. i am going insane): rollo tries to hide his dark circles with makeup, but fails miserably and he's really bad at it and nobody has a heart to tell him that he's actually not really doing a good job.
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now, his personality.
okay, i've said it before in my other post (the ask game one) but the fact that he's literally one of the few characters (if not the only one) who actually says that yuu must feel weird being the only magicless student and that it can be very scary and tiring. man. and like, when everyone has to split up into groups, rollo is the only one who asks what yuu will be doing. i could try my best to not go "this man is in love with them" at least for a second, but no, this man is in love with them. "oh it's only because they're magicless" shut up. so what if it IS because they're magicless. what if yuu is so pure to him, nobody can touch them. what if he wants to protect them from magic users. rolloyuu can either be the cutest and softest ship ever or they can be the most toxic ship BUT IN A GOOD WAY. IN A WAY THAT MAKES YOU GO "waittttt ๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ‘€ that's kinda. that's kinda. hold on a minute" LIKE YOU KNOW WHAT I'M SAYINGGGGGG. all variations of rolloyuu are good. all of them. his ghost room voicelines are also so. it's like, even if he's studying at nrc currently, you can clearly see that he still has favoritism for yuu. it really feels like he sees them as the only "good" student here. it feels like he's a little bit more.. um.. maybe he's more of a tsundere now, since now he knows that yuu likes magic? such as him being surprised when yuu shows him that they want to be friends with him and thinking that it's all just some kind of evil scheme and then being shocked that they're just genuinely nice and saying that it just makes everything even worse. OTOME GAME LOVE INTEREST BEHAVIOR. and him also kinda scolding them for "asking for a present" from him but then saying that birthdays really are important and that he hopes he won't disappoint them with his present. man. m a n. AND HIS OTHER VOICELINES STILL MENTION HIM FEELING SORRY FOR MC AND SAYING THAT THEY CAN ALWAYS RELY ON HIM AND ANYWAY ROLLOYUU ARE MARRIED-
but i should go back to the topic of his personality! you know what makes me insane. it's that rollo, no matter how hard he tries to look like this serious and organized person who has everything under control is canonically a dork in the most affectionate way. HIS FLYING LESSONS VOICELINES ARE SO FUNNY. the fact that he goes "WHY WON'T THIS THING LISTEN TO MEEEEE" when it's not working out, but when everything is fine, he immediately goes "oh, it's quite simple actually"?? i'm going to kiss you on the mouth, you idiot SJKDKDLSLS. he's also canonically a horse girl, which makes sense bc of his counterpart, but also HORSE GIRL ROLLO REAL. i need his lab coat sr. or at least let him take alchemy classes with his current card i want to know what he'll say.
his battle voicelines are so cool, i'm literally obsessed with them. HE LITERALLY SAYS THAT HE HAS UNFINISHED BUSINESS TO TAKE CARE OF AFTER BEATING UP SOME GUYS. HOW COOL IS THAT. some of his voicelines totally didn't make me giggle and kick my feet. totally. don't look at me. me reading "good, how obedient" and "it seems you still desire punishment" and choking on my tea
also i love how his vignette exceeded my expectations and didn't just make me go "i love him <3", it made me go "i need to take care of him, i need to give him a blanket, i need to force him to go to sleep when he needs it, i need to kiss his stupid face, i need to tell him that he's enough-". like what do you mean he eats the exact same things (and not just food, but also the exact amount of it) for lunch and i'm pretty sure he does the same with breakfast and dinner. what do you mean he wakes up BEFORE SUNLIGHT to clean the bell and the gargoyles. what do you mean he likes the bell of salvation (yes, i'm sticking to fan translations) because "it rings when it's supposed to", meaning that he likes predictable things and things that he "already knows" (i think you can say that it's also implied in one of his voicelines where he can't understand why mc is "acting so familiar with him". they're being unpredictable. it's too hard for him to understand them.) what do you mean even when he knows that it will be easier/more convenient for him to do something different, he still does it the same way that he always does. i need him to go to therapy, this man has at least one mental illness and i'm like 100% sure that he's neurodivergent. (i've said it so many times on discord but he's ocd-coded. i say that as someone who has ocd. that's it. i do so many of the things that he does, it actually was a little uncomfortable (but also validating) to read his vignette, i was like "?? DUDE?? PLEASE?? PLEASE TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF DO YOU UNDERSTAND HOW UNHEALTHY IT IS?? wait i don't have a right to say that". the bit where he says that he eats the exact same foods to "avoid unnecessary desires" especially reminded me of my own behavior, because my brain often makes me stop taking care of my needs because "otherwise the Bad Stuff will happen". but i won't go into detail)
also i like how he's loved by literally all nbc students?? say whatever you want, call him manipulative and all that, but it takes hard work to make people like you and admire you and rollo is definitely hardworking.
now, his role in the story. sure, him and idia have very similar backstories, but rollo's past resonates with me much more, because i really wish we had more characters that express their grief and other negative emotions as anger. of course, some people cry, some people isolate themselves, some people become afraid of everything, but in those cases those characters are usually portrayed as sympathetic, meanwhile those who want to punch people, want to fight back, want to scream and yell at everyone, often get portrayed as unsympathetic, scary or even abusive and toxic or just evil. which is.. not good. not good at all. anger is a valid and understandable emotion and it's actually good to be angry about things. i actually was shocked when my therapist told me that i SHOULD "bite and scratch people more" (as i've said it myself) right after i was describing to her how easy it is for me to get angry we also found out that it's actually one of my alters' doing and i was like "i sound like some kind of monster don't i". so it's really nice and actually kinda healing to see him just steal everyone's magic, set the town on fire (with flowers, but whatever) and still hate magic and not really getting a redemption arc. it's okay, he'll get there someday. him immediately starting to sob the moment he remembered what happened to his brother also broke me.
however, there is one tinyyyy problem with his backstory, though that's just me, probably. you see, idia blaming himself for what happened to ortho was more.. i wouldn't say understandable, but it makes sense story-wise. he really was involved in it, even if it really wasn't his fault and he was only a child, i can still see why he'd blame himself. but in rollo's case, him secretly blaming himself.. doesn't really make sense to me? i mean, his brother just wanted to show him his magic, sure, rollo could blame himself for just standing and not being able to help him, but.. i don't know, it just feels a little bit weaker to me. so when the story goes "hey, look at him, he's blaming the magic users for not saving his brother, when he actually thinks it's his fault"! i'm like ". okay. what do you want me to do. do you want me to give him a hug and tell him that it really wasn't his fault." like, according to him, other mages really couldn't help and they ignored him, so what do you want me to do?? do you want me to point at him and go "HAHA SO IT REALLY IS YOUR FAULT"?? i'm not gonna do that!!
also, the thing is that rollo isn't selfish at all. i don't think he thinks that highly of himself. i actually bet that his self-esteem is horrible. when idia tells rollo that rollo wasn't trying to save other people, but he actually wanted to save himself, rollo is genuinely confused and can't believe it and idia himself says that it looks like rollo really did think that he was doing it for others. and even if he secretly wanted to do it for himself, i don't think him saying that he wants to save others and end their suffering is selfish. and he also says that he'd love to lose his magic too and he doesn't like using his magic.
his parents also being worried about him and making sure he's fine in the vignette also breaks my heart.
soooo yeah! that's all i can think of right now, but of course, there's most likely much more, my brain is just a little tired, haha.
maybe none of this makes sense and i'm just biased and i'm projecting, but who cares. at least i'm having fun.
if you've read all of this, thank you and congrats! have a pic of my croissant plushie (+ a bnuuy!!) :)
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crystalmarred ยท 5 months
The melody carries a little, as it is made for only one. The humming that follows, soft underneath a hat that tilts just a bit too much. A smile, true and pure โ€” eyes that lock onto one from afar, though it tries ( to no avail ) to appear elsewhere.
Fingers pause, strings silence, and a chuckle that explodes, sending forth rosy cheeks. "I know you're looking Birdie, you don't have to be shy. I wrote this one for you, you know~"
UNPROMPTEDย โ‡ข @diademreigned
It's a pleasant tune that finds it's way through the air to D'lhen's ears, to make the tip of them twitch in delight at the familiarity of the melody. Though the song was new, the fingers that plucked at the instrument's strings were all too familiar for how many times had they been set upon his heart's strings instead?
From the start, A'aven's talents had been startlingly apparent. Bards were common enough, but it'd be an insult to call this man anything of the sort.
D'lhen had, after all, sought out this spot more than once entirely because of his skill in music. Whatever could be better to settle down with when reading a book besides beautiful music?
Haven had not noticed it, he was sure. Not at first, at least. A man as withdrawn and almost abrasive as D'lhen, t'would be hard for anyone to assume that yes, he had come to this spot in particular to enjoy music played by a man with a sweet smile and a gentle demeanor.
But he had. And he did, even still, though now he had learned to tuck himself away, hidden and unseen to escape golden brown eyes, for Aven had long since learned to tease.
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A laugh slipped from his lips, bidden by Haven's words. These days, the sound tasted like Aven's own laughter, sweet a sound as it was.
"And whatever makes you think I'm being shy?"
It's uncharacteristic, how quickly Aven is able to draw a smile from him. Blue eyes squint near the corners of his eyes, giving away how right his Haven is, as he always is.
"I hadn't realized you were..." D'lhen paused, stopped and considered the phrasing of words his heart could not capture, could scarcely comprehend. "It suits you more than it does me, don't you think?"
Sweet, beautiful, just like the man before him and nothing like himself at all. Conventionally attractive, certainly, but the rest...? D'lhen was under no illusions, but it was hard to ignore, difficult to deny when Aven was so graciously offering the song to him like a gift he had not known he wanted...
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facelessxchurch ยท 10 months
Review/Rant: Official Merch Store
General Short Version
Remember how he said he would hire professional artists for the official merch store? Yeah, Landy lied bc of course he did. Pretty sure he designed this stuff himself. I mean, a too big amount of items are his doodles.
I didn't expect much, didn't even hope for merch for my favs, but I expected at least some new SP art instead of recycled art (some art is so old it's still from when the first trilogy was released) and well, text.
And no, Landy's shitty 5-second doodles of Skul and himself don't count as "art". Neither does the skull silhouette on some items. Couldn't even be arsed to add eye socks and nose smh :/
3 pages full of garbage merch. He really went for quantity over quality here.
And to add further insult to injury, the prices of the items he sells are heavily overpriced.
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So yeah, this entire store is a sign of disrespect and balant insult to the fandom. I hope no one buys this.
Long Version
The Notebooks/-pads
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Too much empty space. WAY too much empty space. You couldn't possibly have done this in a lazier way.
The sarcasm one is hardly even SP-related. Plus, he didn't even attempt to pretty the text up a little with typography. He didn't use the 'bold' font for "Caution" which would have been the bare minimum. This doesn't even count as trying.
I TRIED to make the two with characters on it a little better by reducing the empty space, but it's really hard to polish a turd. Especially if ya don't wanna put more than 5 min in lol
Totem Bags
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This store has totem bags, but they are worse than the Kickstarter one. At least the Kickstarter one had text big enough that you could read it from afar. For the text on the new ones, you'll need a magnifying glass.
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Some of the text has the same problem as the totem bags: too small to read. The only time text should be that small is if it isn't meant to be read or when it's "if you can read this you're too close" T-Shirt. This applies especially to A6.
If you have B2 you don't need B1. What happened here? Did he have an item amount quota to reach?
A3, B3 and C3 are Landy's shitty 5 second doodles again. Unless they are used to signed the cloths they don't belong on the clothes. Pay for a custom design, you cheap ass scammer!
A4 and A5, the stripe with Skul should be thicker. If it's on a shirt you shouldn't need a magnifying glass to see it. Also, the blue stripe needs more contrast, the blue is eating the black outlines of Skul. The red stripe on the blue shirt... I just really don't like that blue tone and I hate that he doubled down on it. For the website too.
C1 should have had the sold letters bc you can't read it from further away with that effect on top.
C2 at last you can read this one. Not getting any creativity points from me tho. Once again it's just text and probably took him 5 seconds to design.
Now listen, here is what I want instead. I have this zip-up hoodie from Killstar. I love and essentially I want this but in SP.
Faceless One version: The symbol on the front is the Faceless Church symbol. The back is a picture with Mev in the middle and his generals around him and it's done in the style of those stained glass windows you see in Christian churches but black and white. I don't know what I want on the sleeves. Maybe bursts of flames, symbolizing Mev's fire attacks. Or perhaps just parts of the 'Gospel of the Faceless' scribbled along on the arms in English, Latin or even Irish??? Or one arm a snake to symbolize Nef and the other a lion to symbolize Baron as his right and left hand men?
China Sorrows Version: The symbol in the front should be a crest with a scorpion on it. The back image is a drawing of China in the Art nouveau style. The arms should be a roll of paper curling down each arm with various symbols drawn on them, artfully intervening with each other.
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I wouldn't say that "We don't talk about vampires" is one of the more iconic quotes of the series, but besides that not even an attempt was made at typography. Or like, a little vampire head silhouette with an open mouth and exposed fangs. or even just fangs around the text or anything at all even.
It doesn't assault my eyes, but it's also incredibly boring.
To the people saying they wanted to buy Skul's head: just go to a hat store and buy a fedora. It's gonna be better quality than whatever Landy would smack on the store for a criminal price.
Everything with his face on it
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No. How full of yourself do you have to be to try and sell merch with your face on it. The quotes are awful too
The quotes on the postcards are so awfully 2012 Tumblr "quirky" I'm-not-like-other-people ^w^ edgy bullshit vibes. Wasn't cute when it came from the emo kids back then and it coming from a +50 year old man trying to be relatable to the kids these days is just sad and cringe.
Also, I'm pretty sure by sending people that greeting card is how you end relationships including familiar relationships.
Baby's first InDesign Skull
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It's what it says in the title. Should have just used the iconic Skul logo instead to make it look like SP and less like random shit you can find on Etsy after reaching page 100.
Really should have just used the old school icon. Thee is a reason it's so iconic: it's easy to recognize as Skul and not random skull/skeleton number 5643489. Plus, using the old one is about the same amount of effort as making the new one.
Honestly, it should have been custom art, but the iconic SP icon would be the lesser evil by a far.
On top of hat, black text is hard to read on a red background js.
Also, what kind of chaotic evil alinged bastard uses a metal pencil case???
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Ngl I always thought the "Mortail Coil" cover was one of the best of the entire series. I also really love the OG "Dark Days" cover. OG book covers as prints? Easy win! Still fucking overpriced tho. Plus the OG covers also would have looked good on clothing, way better than the shit he ended up slapping on there.
As for the collage with all of the characters in it: I always thought it looked awful. The characters were just thrown in there without much thought or care. Also hate that he used the ugly ass SoW Nef instead of the way better-looking Book 1 cover Nef.
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Rainbow Ruler
This isn't even Skulduggery-themed. I feel like HarperCollins told Landy he had to put something in the store for the gays but instead of making something like a cute lil Valkyrie/Militsa pin he just smacked this into the store.
The Skulduggery Apron
The only thing that makes it SP-themed is that they smacked a sign saying "Cooking with Skulduggery" on it. Otherwise, it looks like every other skeleton apron you can get around Halloween.
So empty and boring again. It looked way better with the moth eventho it was a "Silent of the Lambs" movie poster rip-off. Still don't know why a skull is the official Sanctuary logo. Seems kinda weird for the good guys. On a meta level: I guess literally EVERYTHING in universe has to revolve around Skulduggery.
Make the Sanctuary seal more interesting and then invert the values so the background if black and the lines are white and this could actually look decent.
Skulduggery Clock
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This looks like a your-photo-here clock that you can order at every random print shop. Here are some examples from HP to show HOW a custom clock for the fans is meant to look like next to it. (Also look at this Thresh watch, it's so good I almost regret not wearing watches.)
Lunchbox and Waterbottle
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Same thing as with the clock. Tho the water bottle also has too much white space.
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Recycled art again. The mousepads look weird with Val placed smack dead in the middle. Plz apply the rule of thirds and move her a little to the right.
Pillows and Bag
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AGAIN WITH THOSE SHITTY DOODLES Someone tell Landy that if it takes about 5 seconds to draw it does NOT belong on merchendise!
Also, that floating "Bad Magic" Skul really doesn't work on it's own, Just... just use the damn Skul icon if you gotta be lazy.
Final Words
Overpriced lazy garbage that Landy definetely designed himself. No person with self-respect would even consider participating in this cash grab.
It's an insult to every fan, really.
How to fix this? Delete everything from the website, hire a professional artist, go for quality over quantity. A few items that sell really well are a million times better than a bunch of items that don't sell. If the shop goes well you can always expand.
Almost all of the store should have been custom art apart from a few exceptions where old promo art and book covers are used for tops and posters.
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