#still in california but i did get like 4 hours of sleep this time
neptunesopening · 9 months
next to you
summary: you and bakugou are in a long distance relationship and he just wants to be close to you
a/n: new theme less gooo & n/n means nickname
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“babyyyy how long do we have to be long distance?” he whined on the other side of the phone. “school is almost over just 4 more months baby i promise.” you reply to him while doing some homework.
“4 months is too long. i cant wait any longer.” you hear shuffling on the other side of the phone. “i know suki, but absence makes the heart grow fonder.” you close your textbook and put it away.
“alright kats i’m gonna get off the phone i need to shower and go to sleep.” he scoffs on the other side “go to sleep? it’s only 7:00. i thought i was the old one.” you laugh and tell him you love him and hang up the phone.
you take a shower because you have to get up at 4 am because your flight is at 5:15 am. you were flying home because you had a whole week off of school. you didn’t let katsuki know because you wanted it to be a surprise.
you took a shower and did your skincare and then went to sleep. your alarm went off at 4 am and you groaned. you brushed your teeth and packed your bag. you put on a hoodie and some leggings and put on some uggs.
you left your house at 4:45 and got to the airport at 5:00. you didn’t need 20 years at the airport, but just enough time so you weren’t rushing around. you sat down on one of the seats by where you would be boarding.
after a long 15 minutes, they called you to board and you were one of the first on. you knew it was going to be a long flight. 14 hours to japan from california. you sighed as you put in your headphones and put on princess and the frog.
you got through about 45 minutes and fell asleep. you woke up and there was still 7 long hours of the flight. you groaned and started the movie from where you fell asleep from. you finished that movie and then put on good girls. you got through 1 season and you finally landed.
you stretched your legs and grabbed your stuff and got off of the plane. it was 7 pm in japan and you were jet lagged real bad. you just decided katsuki was more important and got your rental and drive to his house. you called him and the phone rung about 3 times.
“hello?” he says. “hey suki. how are you doing?” you replied and he hesitated, but answered. “fine. how about you?” you got out of your car and shut the door. “i’m doing pretty good. man this homework has had me swamped lately.” you started walking toward his door. “yeah i get it, hero work hasn’t been any better here. it feels like since i became like a real pro the crime rate has just shot up.”
you knocked on his door and you could hear him getting up to get it. “sorry n/n, someone’s knocking.” you were so excited to see him after so long. he finally opened the door and paused. “hey suki.” you said as he stood there shocked.
he picked you up and swung you around. “what?! i thought it was gonna be 4 more months until graduation? and why wasn’t i invited?” he asked angrily. you kissed him and started laughing, “i have 1 week off of school, so no i didn’t graduate yet and no you didn’t miss it.”
he sighed and sigh of relief and went to grab your bag from the car. “bro i’m so jet lagged this is horrible.” you we’re holding your head because you were starting to get headaches. he kissed your temple and brought you in.
“i hate surprises.” he states and you laugh. “i know”
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a/n - if you didn’t know this was based off of next to you by bryson, he’s so bryson coded (canon)
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officerrrfriendly · 9 months
More To The Story, chapter three.
psycho killer, qu'est-ce que c'est?
Chapter One Chapter Two
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Saturday, 4th November 1992.
Finley's perspective
Finley bopped his head along to the catchy beat of 'Psycho Killer' by Talking Heads as he sat up against the headboard of his bed, pondering. It had been about twenty minutes since you had abruptly ended the 3-hour phone call to head to work because you were MAJORLY late. In this extensive phone call, you had discussed many theories about the eerie, suspicious video which you and Finley believed to be related to Tommy's disappearance and had even shown Tommy himself - so you believe -, a shaved head, blindfolded with a bloody nose.
It had approximately been 5 days since Tommy had gone MIA, and during the entirety of those 5 days, the residents of the town had been truly shaken up and skittish. This never happened here, in Drellington- it was just a quaint, isolated town...right?
With an extremely low crime rate and a very trusted and secure police department, it was safe to say that the disappearance of little Tommy Parker came as a huge surprise to the town in its totality.
"So what the hell is going on?" He murmured, pushing his black-framed glasses back up the bridge of his nose, sighing as his eyes squeezed shut.
He was at a loss. How could all of this just be going under the radar? How is it that HE had stumbled across this horrific video and not the police? How is it that your laugh was just the sweetest-
"Finnie Bear!!" a pitchy voice called from downstairs, interrupting his lengthy train of thought. It was his aunt Maureen. "Finnie Honey?! Tea is ready, come n'join us in the dining room!" she continued to call once more, before retreating back to the dining room where she had previously been setting up with knives, forks and plates.
You see, Finley's Mom had never been around- ever since she had skipped town and dumped him on her brother Howard's doorstep carelessly when he was only 4 months old, hoping to finally catch her big break in Hollywood.
He knew remotely nothing about her, and most of the time he was fine with that. Although he got on alright most of the time without thinking about her...sometimes, when he lay awake at night in bed, unable to sleep for whatever reason...he thought about her and why she had to leave him behind, why she had denied the chance to start her new life in California with him.
He never wanted to feel that kind of refusal again, so...he shut most people out. His circle remained fairly small throughout the entirety of his high school experience, with his only friends being from the school band and the computer science club. And in all honesty, he liked it that way. He was happy with the few friends that he did have.
But somehow, even with his aunt, uncle, and friends present in his life...he still felt like a piece of him was still missing, he still felt empty.
Finally deciding to get out of his own head for a few minutes, he decided to get up from his bed and proceed downstairs, shouting "Coming!!"
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He sat timidly at the dining table, his Aunt sitting opposite him with his Uncle Howie beside her. Picking up the knife from the table where it had been precisely put, along with the fork next to it and began cutting into the juicy chicken breast on his plate.
Howard speaks first, "So...who was that girl on the landline earlier? You got a secret girlfriend we don't know about now?" his tone teasing, but definitively curious. Finley nearly choked on the piece of chicken he had in his mouth before chewing it promptly and swallowing. "What girl? I have literally no idea what you're talking about." He questioned with the pitch of his voice coming out higher than usual- a universal indicator that he was indeed, lying.
Maureen's eyes lit up, "A girl!! that's new, what does she look like? where did you meet her-" RRIIINGGGGG!! RRRRIINGGG!! the telephone attached to the kitchen wall began to sound with shrill rings, and in that moment Finley felt as if God himself had spared him from the interrogative questions of his Aunt and Uncle.
"Ooh, let me go and answer that," Maureen voices, excusing herself from the dining table before heading out into the kitchen. "Hayes residence, how may I help you? Oh...pardon? I'm sorry, may I ask who's calling?... Hello?" Maureen places the phone back into place on the wall, her expression puzzled. She approaches the dining room table and speaks, "Someone started shouting at me in Russian on the damn phone, pardon my language- that's odd, right?"
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Finley types away on his keyboard, determined to find some sort of answer as to why RUSSIANS were now calling his goddamn landline. This was BAD, really really bad. What if they had gotten to you? You had watched that video too. "Shit," he muttered, anxiety filled the entirety of his body, taking over.
Suddenly, an idea sparked inside of his head as he remembered that his uncle had set up a recording device on the telephone a few months ago after a scam call centre had cheated him out of $300 which made him extremely cautious when it came to people who called the house.
He needed to get that call, and quick.
The first thing he did, however, was log into AOL and send you a message.
ThisMustBeThePlace is now online.
ThisMustBeThePlace is typing...
ThisMustBeThePlace: Important news!! Call soon, hope you got home okay from work :)
Now, the phone call- and a Russian-to-English dictionary, that was vital in this case.
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Finley practically flies down the flint-coloured carpeted stairs as he proceeds with his mission. Convince Howard to give him the recording of the weird, suspicious call they received at dinner time so he can translate it.
"Uncle Howie!! where are you?" he calls, walking into the living room where he finds only Maureen, sitting leisurely on the ivory floral patterned sofa watching TV whilst stroking the household cat, Eddie, an American shorthair with soft, dense grey fur with black stripes running all across his body. Eddie purrs as Maureen continues to pet him.
"Uhh...hey, where's Uncle Howie?" Finley asks, leaning against the doorframe and awaiting an answer- he inhales deeply, trying to regulate his breathing and catch his breath after running down the extensive flight of stairs that lead from the upstairs floor of the house, to the middle, and eventually to the ground floor.
She smiles tiredly, "He's in his workshop Finnie, he wouldn't tell me what he's doing but it's probably one of those cool science-y things he's planning on teaching the kids at school on Monday. Why? Everything okay?" she answers, eventually glancing away from the television and over to her nephew, concerned.
For context, Howie was a middle school teacher at Drellington Middle. He taught Science. He LOVED science, even. He was extremely dorky- which explains why Finley grew up to be the same, Raised around science, tech and crazy experiments- he really grew to love all things nerdy, all thanks to Howie.
His eyebrows raise, immediately dismissing her concern appreciatively. "Oh! yeah no, I'm okay- just need some help with...physics homework! yeah, that. Are you okay though? You look tired, not saying that in an offensive way of course! uhh-" he stutters, not meaning to come off as discourteous but she didn't take it that way at all, instead, she chuckled sweetly and shook her head.
"Finnie! Don't worry, you're correct in saying I look tired, cause I am! The only thing that's been keeping me awake is Eddie's purring honey, but alas, you're right I am tired, so I'm gonna head to bed n'hit the hay," she retorts, finally getting up from off of the sofa, Eddie in hand. She grabs the remote with her unoccupied hand and switches off the television, then tiredly treads over to where Finley is standing in the doorway.
"Goodnight, Finnie-bear." she smiles, ruffling his chestnut-blondish hair before brushing past him gently and hiking up the stairs.
"Night Maurie." he returns, smiling softly before he makes his way to his uncle's workshop.
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"That last word there sounds like 'найден' which is spelt 'NAYDEN', look that up in there," Howie ordered, before placing the headphones back on his head, and pressing play again.
Finley flicks through the pages of the dictionary hastily, desperate to find the answer.
Yeaahhh, it's a long story to explain how they ended up translating Russian together in his uncle's workshop so I'll keep it short and sweet for you. Sound good? Excellent.
Finley found Howie in his workshop, no surprise there. He was surprised, however, to find his uncle already translating this dodgy Russian phone call by himself.
He just had to get in on this. God, he had so much to tell you later.
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@stveharringtn AAAA chapter 3!! some insight into Finley's day and a little bit of backstory bc who doesn't love a bit of that eh?
OOO secret Russian codes, OOO angst, OOO Finley can't get you off of his mind OOOO.
love you darlings, more to come very soon! xxx
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idontplaytrack · 2 months
Tired of all the troubles
Jos Cleary-Lopez x fem! reader
Warnings: fluff, coarse language, chronic pain, mention of a past car accident, stress
“Tired of all the troubles, they've been wasting my time. I don't wanna fight, gonna leave it behind.”
— The Middle of Starting Over, Sabrina Carpenter
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After getting married, you and Jos had moved out of state getting a humble one-bedroom apartment in California. The weather there was way better for your pain from old injuries and other problems. So, when Jos brought it up, you agreed nearly immediately. Anyway, you two have been living here for close to three years now and you and Jos have made a pretty great life here together. Your own routines and traditions. Favourite places to see, places to eat at. Places to shop at, and everything else in between. On this particular morning however, despite the sunny forecast, you woke up in immense pain in the early hours of the day and fell back asleep instantly to avoid the impending problem. Well, that and the fact that it was barely 4:30 in the morning. Your plan proved successful when you peeled your eyes open and the clock showed 8:49am. Jos was stirring in her sleep next to you, but she doesn’t wake up. Instead, in her sleep— she reaches over to find you and wraps her arm around you. You groan, mentally cursing in your head.
‘Damn it! The weather’s fine, why is it acting up?’ You scolded yourself, feeling beyond annoyed.
“What’s wrong? Are you alright? You feeling sick?” Jos asks you sleepily, voice nearly a murmur.
Oh, so she was awake.
“No.” You answered curtly, exhaling forcefully through your nose.
“Do you think you’d want to sleep it off? Or should we do something?” She asks again, now more awake.
“Well, are you still tired?”
“No, I slept at like, 11 last night. You went to bed after midnight. I felt you getting into bed.” Jos answered.
“Yeah, oh.” Jos scoffed playfully, turning around from her position on her back to look at you. “Do you know what could’ve triggered this flare?”
“Nope,” You huffed, “I don’t. I didn’t do anything outside of my capabilities. The weather’s been fine, so I really don’t know.”
In your junior year of college, you and Jos got into a car accident that very unfortunately left you with chronic pain. Unlike for Jos, who recovered from it completely. You disliked the reliance you needed to have on her because of it, but you knew your wife would do everything she could to help you, just because she loves you. That the vows weren’t just vows. Jos meant it all, so did you. You felt okay with it eventually, letting go off your worries and letting her take care of you when needed.
“I have work today.”
“Call in sick.”
“Can’t, we’re understaffed.” You reply, turning around to lay on your stomach. This position always alleviated the ache somewhat.
“What time? 12?”
“Yeah.” You said, cheek smushed against the pillow, “I get off at 8.”
You laid in bed for another hour or so— actually nodding off. Then, you finally got out of bed and freshened up. When you got out to the kitchen, Jos’d already made breakfast. “Have some breakfast, take a painkiller. But until you have to leave for work, try not to do anything that’ll make the pain worse.”
“That’s all I’m trying to babe, all I’m trying to do.” You sat down in a chair at the table, “Wait— didn’t you have work?”
“Yesterday, at work, they said they needed me to clear off some leave days. So I decided to take the next two days off to start.”
“Yeah, well. You haven’t had off days in awhile.” You shrug, “You deserve it. Rest up, do whatever you want.”
“I will, babe. Don’t have to worry about me, I’ll be right there to pick you up from work tonight.”
“Aw.” You chuckled, “That’s nice.”
Unlike Jos who had a full-time job, you could only hold down a part-time one given how frequently your symptoms acted up. You hated it at first but eventually grew to love it, it allowed you more freedom in your schedule and allowed you to have your shifts covered by someone else when absolutely necessary.
After breakfast, you could only lounge on the couch. But you couldn’t exactly get comfortable, and you were started to get very annoyed by the fact, and yourself. God, you wanted to scream. About half an hour later, you gave up and went to take a shower. Jos watches you closely, worried, as usual on days like today. “Gonna shower, could not get comfy.” You replied curtly.
“Okay.” She hums.
Jos drops you off at work later that day. Saying bye to her, she smooches you on the cheek before you got out of the car, “I’ll meet you for your break if you want. Just call or text me, okay?”
“Alright.” You nod, gripping onto the strap of your crossbody bag. Jos reaches across the front seat to pull the door shut for you. “See you soon, honey.” She flashes you a smile. Then, she was off. You pushed the glass door open and stepped into the building. A cinema situated right by a noisy, noisy arcade.
“Hey!” Someone exclaimed, squinting to focus, you spot your favourite coworker.
“Hi, Amy.” You smiled slightly, walking past her into the break room to put away your bag and clock in.
“Thought you weren’t coming in today. You’re a little later than usual— not late, of course.” She says, “Are you okay?”
“Sure?” You shrug, adjusting your name tag.
“Oh, no.” Amy sighs, “Why did you come in then?”
“Because I need money?” You laughed.
“Ah! y/n.” Shit, your boss. “Been waiting for you. Could you make us some popcorn this afternoon? Our stock’s running a bit low.”
“How about I do that, and she takes the counter?” Amy quickly interjected.
“Hey, as long as all the duties are done, I don’t care who does it.” Your boss agreed, “Very well. y/n, you…don’t look so good.”
You chuckled awkwardly, telling him, “I’m fine, Joey.”
“Alright, if you say so.” He shrugs, walking back into his office, “Amy, do four bags of the salted and five for the sweet.”
You pulled a shocked face, glancing at her. Amy couldn’t care less about it, laughing— she was happy to just be away from the counter where she had to interact with a bunch of strangers for hours. “Eight bags?” You mouthed, “Damn.”
“I love doing this.” She says, “Don’t know why I keep getting put on the box office.”
“Good for you then.” You bit back a laugh, “How about this? If we happen to work on the same shift and I get put to do the popcorn, let me know if you wanna just swap?”
“Oh, definitely.” Amy agrees.
“y/n, Amy, you two need to cover the concession stand as well, Camila’s out.”
“I want two large popcorns, two diet cokes and three hotdogs.”
‘Okay. Hello to you too.’
“Hotdogs have a two to three minute waiting time. Would that be okay with you, sir?”
“Whatever, just make me the food.”
Biting back a scoff and an eye-roll, you told him his total amount due and he made payment. Then, he went off to the side to wait. While Amy heard the order and quickly served the popcorn, you went ahead and prepared the hotdogs then the drinks while they were still cooking. Once you handed his order off to him, you slipped away to the bathroom, seeing the time on the clock as you made your way to the back: 3:44pm.
Shutting the stall door, you sat on the seat, staring into space. You took what must’ve been about two minutes to calm down, though actually unsure if it even helped. Because right when you stepped back into your work station, you heard a gasp, a scream and a smack. Some high-schooler just spilled his drink all over the floor. “It’s not my fault! They didn’t put the lid on properly!”
“You were squeezing the cup, Dean. That’s on you.” A girl with him says with a scoff.
You took in a deep breath, turning back around to grab the mop and bucket to clean up the mess. “You want me to help?”
“No. Just focus on your popcorn.”
“I’ll be fine, I’m the pro at popcorn-making here.”
“No, I got it.” You told her again, quickly mopping it up and returning the equipment back to the bathroom. Without another word, the bunch of kids left, rushing to their show. No thank you, no sorry, no nothing. ‘Why are some people like this? Whatever, it’s just a job—’
“Alright, grouchy.” Amy teased,
“Yo, they pay you to work. Not stare into space.” You hear a guy’s voice beside you. Startled, you jumped. It was Joey. “You good? I’m gonna need you to cut these sheets into card sized pieces for our refund slips.”
“Why are you here then?” He asked, “Can’t have you passing out. Corporate would rather die than pay for an ambulance or deal with a workplace ‘incident’.” He was right. You knew companies usually avoided hiring people like you who would need a little more support at times. But somehow, you ran into Joey who was a few years older than you were. Someone whose mother dealt with similar issues due to the same reason. So he understood, he got that you had your bills to pay and that you didn’t want to completely rely on your partner,
“Wouldn’t want to leave Amy being the only one working this shift, huh?”
“You just answered your own question.” You said, taking the sheets of paper and locating the scissors.
“Things are slow right now, so sit down somewhere and do this if you need to.” He continues, “We have Tylenol if you need it,”
“Okay, and no thanks.”
“Alright, as long as you’re sure.” With that, he was back in his office again. While you went into the break room to bring a chair out. You sat in a corner behind the counter to carry out your task, while watching for any customers coming in.
You completed the task soon after, then Amy asked what time you wanted to go for your break. “You go first, then I’ll go.” You started, “You started your shift earlier than I did.”
“Okay.” She talks to you while wiping down the cleaned popcorn machine, “Do you want to get you your food?”
“It’s okay, thanks though.”
Once Amy was done cleaning up the machine, she leaves to go buy food leaving you in charge of just about everything here for a good forty-five minutes. Well, the upcoming showtimes were…okay. No more than a couple people per show. So, you were pretty confident you would be fine. Also, Joey came out from his office to assist once he saw customers queuing up, so you were glad you weren’t just left entirely alone. Once Amy’s break was over, it was your turn to go and eat. And since you’d already told Jos not to come down, you were on your own. While chatting with Jos on your phone. She sent you a picture of this new book she just bought, on her way home from dropping you off at work to let you know what she was up to currently. And you responded with a photo of yourself eating, then put your phone aside.
Though the aches and pains weren’t the worst you’ve experienced, you still could not wait to be home because every minor inconvenience seemed to be ticking you off.
Spotting Jos’ car outside waiting for you already, you quickly clocked-out and left after saying bye to Amy, not knowing where Joey was at. “Hey, babe.” She greets.
“Hi, Jos. You haven’t been waiting long, have you?”
“No, I just pulled up here like, 2 minutes ago.” She laughs. “You okay?”
“Fine, I guess. But the pain’s making me hate everything. Kids were yapping and screaming all over the place, spilling drinks and snacks, some people don’t say ‘thank you’ and I just wanted to scream, or zap them, but at least that’s over now.”
“Indeed it is.” Jos squeezes your thigh comfortingly, her hand stays there for the whole ride home. She even put on your favourite playlist.
Jos opened the door, holding it for you to enter first. “Thanks.” You told her, kicking off your shoes and taking off your socks. You then went to wash your hands and got changed into comfy clothes.
“I already made dinner so don’t worry about that, okay?” Jos poked her head in to talk, then waited for you to get dressed.
“M’kay.” You nodded softly, “Thanks for picking me up and for making dinner.” You pressed a kiss to her cheek and she smiles, kissing you back. “No problem at all.” She gives your shoulder a light squeeze then pulled out a chair for you. She made chicken and dumplings, one of your ultimate comfort foods. Which you greatly appreciated after a somewhat testing day at work.
Dinner was calm, amazing change after the chaos that was work. “You want something to drink? Wine?”
“Uh, no. I think I’m gonna take the meds so I’d better stay away from alcohol.”
“Okay, no problem.” She acknowledges, without hesitation she got up to get you the medication and a glass of water. Jos set those down in front of you then resumed eating. After dinner, you and Jos cuddled up on the couch watching some TV while you waited for the painkiller to take effect. It just felt good to have her hold you after being on your feet all day.
“You wanna head to bed? If not you can finish the movie, I’m gonna go get ready to turn in.” You ask, eyes looking up at her.
“Yeah, let’s go.” Jos agrees, turning the TV off, “C’mon.”
She helps you up off the couch and you two went to wash up. You crawled into bed first while she finished up her skincare routine.
“Babe? You wanna lay on your stomach? I could massage your back.”
“Okay.” You muttered and rolled over. You rested your head on folded arms while you allowed her to get started. Feeling her palms pressing down against the sore spots across your lower back brought you almost instant relief. Jos never fails to make it better, knowing just the right spots to work over, “Feel better?”
“Mhm.” You hummed in response, voice unclear as your eyes started to shut. “Thank you, baby.”
“No problem, honey.” She says with a smile, playfully giving your ass a squeeze, making you giggle.
“I love you.” You continued.
“I love you too, honey.” She whispered, “G’night.”
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🏷️Tag list:
@ashecampos @auliisflower @cheesysoup-arlo @frogs00 @ludoesartnstuffs @pda128
Okay it’s finally done after a whole chunk of it got deleted earlier😮‍💨
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invisibleraven · 6 months
For the Fluff + Angst prompts:
8. "Wake up dammit!" (for Willex pls, if that's okay)
Alex blinked open his bleary eyes and smiled to himself as he noticed Willie slumbering beside him. Not that he thought he would up and leave Alex in the middle of the night, but it was still a relief.
They had snuck out the night before, after another fight with his parents about all the young ladies he should be spending time with instead of playing with the band or watching Willie skate. How maybe the Christian camp that healed people like him might be a good idea for his summer.
Never mind that he was legally an adult and they couldn't force him. Nor that Sunset Curve had a tour booked throughout California come July, ending with their Orpheum showcase.
Either way, he had texted WIllie, slipped out his window and the two of them took off. Finding a club that took their shitty fakes to dance the night away. They didn't even drink, but it was worth it to sneak in so they could dance together without getting the stink eye for being two men.
After that Willie took them to a little outcropping looking over downtown-his secret spot that he went to when his foster dad was getting on his case about giving up the skating to work at his club. Or applying his art skills to more than graffiti and designing boards.
They might have fooled around a little-a thrill even though they were alone for miles, they were still outside. But Alex had loved it, letting himself give himself over to a bit of wild and crazy.
Afterwards they had mapped the stars, and apparently, fell asleep.
Which would be fine if Alex's parents didn't do bed checks at five in the goddamn morning-an hour soon approaching if the lightening of the sky was anything to go by. Also confirmed by his watch as the hands turned closer and closer to the hour. Meaning Alex had to get home and get home now!
He shook WIllie frantically. "Wake up dammit!"
Willie shot up, eyes flitting from side to side, finally settling on Alex and gave him an easy going smile that melted away to concern when he could see the anxiety painting Alex's features. He then took in the oncoming sunrise and swore. "Fuck, we fell asleep."
"Yup, and if I am not in my bed by the time five hits my parents may murder me!" Alex exclaimed, looking about to make sure they had everything. Secure they did, they raced down the hill, jumping on their bikes and pedalling like crazy.
The wind whipped through their hair as they biked through the relatively empty streets, heading towards the Mercer house as the time clicked closer and closer to five.
Alex could barely breathe as his legs pumped overtime. But he wasn't sure how much of that was his anxiety ramping up and how much of it was how hard he was working to make his bike go as fast as humanly possible. He glanced at his watch, hissing as it ticked over to 4:58 as his house came into sight.
He tossed his bike into the shed, climbing his trellis, and looked down to where Willie was watching. "See you later?"
Willie nodded, then waved him onwards, tapping his watch. Alex blew him a kiss-fuck the time.
He rolled into his window, and under his covers just as the door opened. He hoped he wasn't breathing too hard to make his mother suspicious. Though he heard her little harrumph as she stalked over, shutting and locking his window. She never approved of him sleeping with it open, even though he ran hot and she refused to let the AC run.
With that she stalked out again, not bothering to close the door behind her-she never did. She expected Alex up at six, regardless of the day so they could attend the early church service before he got on with his day. He took micro naps during the sermons-having perfected not looking like he was sleeping long ago.
It wasn't until he heard her go down to the kitchen that Alex let himself relax. They had cut it too close this time. Which meant no more midnight sneak outs any time soon. He reached over and popped his Ativan, letting himself bask in the memories of this time, since they would have to last him.
It was just until graduation anyways-they he and Reggie were going to leave their awful families behind and join Luke in living in Bobby's garage. Then they were off on tour, and after that he and Willie would have enough to get some place of their own.
A place they could be themselves, no sneaking out or secrecy involved. A place where they could be finally free.
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remembertheplunge · 10 months
This Zoe thing: it's impossible to describe in words
May 7, 2023. Sunday. 8:48pm
Thank God
Motel living gets old.
There is such a feel of lack of privacy.
Talked with neighbor Alice on my return from Chico around 6pm this evening.
Regarding Zoe’s impending death, she said “It will be quick. It will happen soon.”
She will pick up my mail and put the trash cans up while I’m gone Wednesday to Sunday.
She said to check on donating Zoe’s body for scientific research. They pick the body up. Cremation is free.
This is ghastly to discuss. Horrible. But, it’s apparently a reality. I told Zoe today that I still don’t quite believe that she will die.
She told Javiar, her neighbor, that she wanted nothing that would extend or prolong her life.
Zoe wrote journals! I never knew. I glanced in one and saw that it was dated 1987. I brought 5 of her journals home. I will bring the rest next trip.
She said “Don’t get mad about what I wrote about you.” 
I said “I never would, that’s what journals are for.”
I brought home Red Fred, Lovable Pinky and the painting I did of LE and Anna’s house in Cassie Loving’s art class in 1983!
When I hesitated taking the painting, she said “Take it, I’m dying.” She said to take things now, they may disappear later.
Letting her precious things go is a sign that she is dying.
The first blog re: Zoe’s illness and impending death came out today.
It got 5 likes.
Driving away from Chico about 1pm, I cried.
I played on Apple Play Greg Brown’s " Spring Wind” in which one lyric is “A Spring wind  blew my list of things to do away.”
And a song I’ve never heard before Van Morrison’s “Into the Mystic”
And Phil Ochs. “Changes”.
This feels raggedy and horrible.
It’s so hard not to feel guilty about all that I could have done that I didn’t through the years for Zoe.
So, I breath in healing.
I tried to sleep. I’m vey anxious. 
Such odd times. This Zoe thing. I’ve never felt like this before..
This kind of uneasiness.
It’s impossible to describe in words.
End of entry
My sister, Zoe, died May 14, 2023. 
I live in Modesto, California. Chico, where she died, is a 4 hour drive north from here. 
LE and Anna were my father’s parents. The house I painted was their 1926 home they had built in Lincoln Nebraska. That is the city I was born in in1955.
Alice, my neighbor is a retired nurse. She also said on May 7 that my sister’s death would be a rough ride. It was. Zoe died of pancreatic cancer.
Red Fred and Lovable pinky were stuffed animal dog’s that we had as children.
Cassie Loving was my art instructor and later close friend in Placerville, California. I began practicing law in Placerville in the early 1980’s.
Walking up to the court house Monday May 8 here in Modesto, I got the call from Zoe that the Doctor earlier that day said that she had weeks to live. 
I returned to Chico Tuesday May 8. 
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everythingpresley · 2 years
Don't You Kiss Me Once or Twice - Chapter 10
Character/Fandom: Elvis - Elvis (2022)
Prompt: Jessica Anderson is Elvis Presley's assistant and after months of working together, slowly something sparks between them. Friendship? Or is it more? [ Fem!Reader ]
Rating: Explicit/Mature (NSFW, 18+), Slowburn
    ||     Word Count: 5,357
Author's Note: My longest chapter yet! I hope you guys like this one, let me know what you thought of the chapter!
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Don't You Kiss Me Once or Twice - Chapter 10
I groaned and grunted feeling like my head was going to explode and for some reason something heavy was on my body pressing my back into the bed. I blinked a couple of times, the room was pitch black and I had no idea where I was for a second. Disoriented, I looked down at my chest and saw a head full of hair nuzzled to my breasts. My eyes widened and my jaw dropped seeing Elvis asleep on top of me with his head on my chest and his arms wrapped tightly around my body, our legs entangled together.
What in the world happened last night? 
Gradually, my eyes adjusted to the darkness and I remembered where we were. We had just finished our last stop on tour which was in Los Angeles, California. To celebrate the end of our 4 month tour, Elvis decided to throw a party at his Beverly Hills house. 
Now the big question, how did I get into Elvis’ bed with him lying on top of me?
A few hours ago
The party was in full swing. A lot of unfamiliar faces walking in and out of the house. It was nice to be in the Beverly Hills house, it was gorgeous but it wasn’t Graceland. In Graceland you can easily get lost in the acres of land, it really felt like a little piece of heaven on earth. I was not in a party mood, I really wanted to be back in Graceland in my own bed. However, Elvis went full out with this party when I told him he should just relax and sleep after 4 months of hard work. He practically scoffed in my face and told me we can sleep when we’re back in Memphis. God this boy did not know how to relax or take it easy. He is always on the go even when he’s not recording or performing, you’ll find Elvis on his horse or with his karate instructor or doing something stupid that might injure him and the other mafia members. They acted like little boys sometimes and I had to be the mother of the group. 
I walked around the giant house with my Bellini in my hand, feeling lost. Elvis also decided to hire a catering service and a bartender so that was a plus instead of just having drinks directly from a bottle or a can since I wanted something light and fruity. 
“Jerry!” I yelled over the music once I spotted him and threw my arms around him, hugging him tightly.
“Jess!” He laughed, hugging me back “I haven’t seen you in so long!” He joked, we had just seen each other a few minutes ago but I really didn’t see any familiar faces for the past 30 minutes. 
I felt someone tug on my dress from the back, jerking me back and away from Jerry’s arms. I turned around with furrowed brows when I saw Elvis with a frown on his face, gripping my dress. 
“Elvis!” I grinned and threw my arms around him.
The expression on his face melted as he laughed and wrapped his arms around my waist.
“What’s up with you?” He asked once I let go.
“I haven’t seen any familiar faces for 30 minutes! I was bored out of my mind.” I replied while both Elvis and Jerry chuckled. 
“Seriously, who are these people?” I asked him.
He shrugged “Friends of friends.”
I did spot a lot of famous musicians and movie stars which was kind of exciting but I would never approach them especially as a fan. People do say you should never meet your idols. 
I gasped and gripped Elvis’s arm “Is that Frank Sinatra?” 
Elvis laughed and nodded “Do you want me to introduce you?” 
I shook my head no “No, no, no.”
“Why?” He chuckled. I was still gripping his arm, staring right at Mr. Sinatra. 
“Because if he’s mean then I can never listen to his music ever again and I love that man.” I replied.
“Relax, don’t go throwing around the L word.” Elvis frowned “You don’t even know the guy.” He muttered.
“But he’s Frank Sinatra!” I looked at him with wide eyes. 
Elvis rolled his eyes then took my hand in his, pulling me towards Frank.
“No, no, no.” I whispered to Elvis, pulling my hand back while he laughed and continued to tug me along. 
“Frank!” Elvis yelled, clapping him on the shoulder with the other hand that wasn’t holding mine. 
“Elvis! How are you?” Frank asked, grinning. I remained standing still, my hands now gripping Elvis’ tightly. 
“I’m good! I’d like you to meet someone.” Elvis said and turned his head towards me “This is Jess, she’s been my assistant for two years and she’s a big fan.”
“Really?” Frank grinned turning towards me. 
I giggled “I am a huge fan Mr. Sinatra, you have an incredible voice!” 
“Why thank you and you can call me Frank.” 
We talked a little about some of his songs and he was very kind.
“Enjoy the party man.” Elvis smiled and tugged me along with him as we left Frank with his friends. I just realized that Elvis hadn’t let go of my hand the entire time. My hands seemed tiny in his big one and for some reason it felt natural to be holding his hand. 
“What was that giggle, Jess? I have never heard you giggle like that before.” Elvis chuckled “And you almost crushed my hand to pieces with how hard you were squeezin’.”  He said, shaking our still joined hands. Realizing I still had my hand in his, I pulled out of his grip. His smile faltered slightly, looking down at his hand.
“He’s my celebrity crush.” I replied, blushing. Admitting this to Elvis made my cheeks flush a deep red.
Elvis pouted and placed his hand over his chest “And you didn’t have a crush on me doll?”
“Who doesn't have a crush on you Elvis?” I replied which made him grin “But I usually crush on way older men. I promise I don’t have daddy issues.” 
Most of my celebrity crushes where older men, I didn’t see Elvis as way older. Yes, there was almost a ten year difference between us but I usually found men who were 20 years older than I am attractive but this wasn't the case in real life. I had never dated anyone who was a lot older than I am and Elvis was the first guy I slept with who was almost ten years my senior.  
“I’m an older man.” Elvis winked.
I rolled my eyes and pushed his shoulder, with a small smile playing on my lips “You’re not that old.” 
“What are you drinking?” He asked when I sipped my Bellini. 
“Try it.” I said and handed him my drink.
He made a disgusted face and gave it back to me “Way too peachy for my taste.”
“You don’t even like to drink, I thought you’d like this, there’s barely any alcohol in this.” 
Elvis’ eyes focused on something behind me which made him sigh. I turned and saw the Colonel.
“The Colonel wants me to make a speech.” 
“It’s okay just keep it short and sweet and make sure to thank everyone for coming.” I said because I knew he hated making speeches. 
“Here, use my peachy drink to make the toast.” I chuckled, handing him my drink once more. 
“Thanks doll.” Elvis chuckled and took my drink. He headed towards a small stage that was placed in the living room just for the night. 
“Ladies and gentleman!” He spoke loudly into the mic, dragging everyone’s attention as someone lowered the volume of the music “I was told by Colonel Sanders- sorry I-I mean Colonel Parker that I have to make a speech!” Everyone laughed at the Colonel Sanders joke, he really knew how to control a room even when he wasn't singing.
I grinned but I could tell he was nervous because he was bouncing his leg. 
“This tour has been incredible albeit tiring but I wouldn’t trade it for the world.” Elvis said and thanked all of the people who made this happen from the band, the sweet inspirations, his friends and family and the Colonel.
“And my lovely assistant Jess.” He smiled at me “Lord knows how you put up with me day and night, thank you for sticking around and always looking out for me.” 
I smiled softly at him, it really touched my heart that he thought to include me in his speech. 
“Cheers! Ignore the crappy pink drink in my hand!” He said and lifted the glass in the air as everyone did the same. 
“That was a very sweet speech.” I said to Elvis once he walked back to where I stood and the music started playing loudly again. 
“Thanks. Here’s your crappy drink.” Elvis said. 
I rolled my eyes, reaching to take the drink from him when he pulled the drink back and took a sip again before handing it back to me. I laughed “So you like it!”
“It gets better with each sip.” 
I finished my drink and placed it on the table next to us. Elvis placed his hands on my shoulders and shook me slightly “Let loose a little!” He yelled over the music “Stop being the mom of the group! I want to see drunk Jess.”
I laughed and shook my head “You do not want to see drunk Jess. She’s a big mess, that’s why I avoid drinking.” 
All of a sudden someone covered my eyes with their hands “Guess who?” The voice behind me said.
I gasped and pulled the hands away from my face “Grace!” I shouted and swiveled around, wrapping my arms around her “I missed you!” 
She laughed and hugged me back “I missed you too! And I missed my husband of course.” Grace said when Jerry cleared his throat, announcing his presence. 
“You came into the house and right away went to Jess instead?” Jerry said his mouth gaping. Grace let go of me and rolled her eyes, pulling Jerry in for a kiss “I saw you recently when you flew in for the weekend. I haven't seen Jess in 4 full months!” 
“Hi Elvis.” Grace smiled and hugged him.
“Hey Grace.” Elvis smiled back and hugged her. 
The Memphis Mafia and their wives were really like all a big family, I love all of them so much and their friendship with Elvis was really sweet. Being on tour was hard for the wives especially the ones that had kids because we were constantly on the move so all of them opted out and didn’t join us on tour which was sad for me since I was surrounded by men, there were no women except the Sweet Inspirations who I adored as well. They really kept me company and were so much fun to be around. Not to mention how talented they are. 
Grace pulled me towards the bar and got us Gin and Tonics, I shook my head no at her “I don’t want to drink.”
“Come on! I’m here! We’re having fun!” Grace replied as we waited for our drinks to be made.
“We can have fun without drinks.” I told her making her roll her eyes at me. 
“So tell me, did you hook up with anyone on tour?” She wiggled her eyebrows. 
“No.” I scoffed “When would I be able to sneak off with a man?”
“We should get you laid tonight!” She shouted over the music. I laughed and shook my head.
“Yes, yes, yes! Drink up Jess!” She handed me my drink. 
I rolled my eyes again and threw my drink back, feeling the G&T burn as it passed down my throat. Grace cheered and proceeded to do the same.
“Whoa! Are you trying to get my wife drunk Jess?” Jerry asked, walking to stand by us.
“Your wife is the enabler here Jerry.” I replied “I’m innocent.”
“Not that innocent.” Grace and Elvis said at the same time. I didn’t notice Elvis walking up to us as well. 
I narrowed my eyes at them. Elvis grinned and winked at me. I knew he was referring to the night we slept together so it made my cheeks flush. 
“I need another drink.” I muttered and turned to the bar to order another Gin and Tonic. 
We drank some more and danced to the music. Charlie was equally drunk and was dancing with Grace and I. It was the most hilarious thing to witness Charlie’s goofy dance moves. 
Slowly, the night started to become a blur with the amount of drinks Grace and I had. I tried to let loose for once, I don’t remember the last time I drank this much. I don't particularly enjoy drinking and I hated the feeling of a hangover, I just thought it wasn’t worth it to feel groggy and sick the next day but since we were celebrating the end of this long and grueling tour I figured why not. 
People had slowly started to filter out of the party as time ticked closer to the morning. Most of the mafia members were on the dance floor with us and I was having the time of my life. 
“Grace, if I don’t say this now. I won’t say it tomorrow because I’ll probably be cursing you instead but thank you. I’m really having fun.” I giggled, slightly slurring feeling foggy. Plus, I know I won’t thank her tomorrow since I’ll be nursing a hangover.
“I’m glad Jess.” Grace grinned.
“Let’s get on the bar!” Charlie yelled, grabbing my hand.
“What?” I laughed, Charlie was killing me. I had never seem him like this before.
“I dare you!” Grace laughed, pushing me.
“Let’s do it!” I grinned. Charlie laughed and got on the bar, helping me up.
Everyone cheered once we got on top. I laughed and wrapped my arms around Charlie’s neck while he placed his hands on my waist, dancing together.
“Strip! Strip! Strip!” Everyone chanted. I looked at everyone with wide eyes and shook my head but Charlie on the other hand threw his jacket to the crowd then pulled his shirt off while I laughed. 
I gripped the bottom of my dress that ended above my knees and pulled it up slightly, making them think I was going to pull it off. 
“Enough!” Elvis growled, appearing in front of the bar and pulled my arm “You’re done! Get down Jess!”
“E.P! Let her dance!” Charlie said and wrapped his arm around my waist “We’re having fun!” 
“Get. Your. Hands. Off. Charlie.”  Elvis glared down at Charlie. Charlie gulped and let his hand slip from around my waist.
“Wow!” I yelped, once Elvis pulled me down by the waist and threw me over his shoulders “Let me down Elvis!”
“You’ve had enough Jess!” He said while people booed him for pulling me off the bar. Charlie on the other hand continued to dance and the party commenced.
Elvis walked into his bedroom and placed me down on my feet.
“Party pooper!” I frowned.
“What the fuck was that Jess?!” He clenched his jaw, getting close to my face. His eyes ablaze, darker blue than usual. He was outraged and breathing heavily.
“I wasn’t actually going to strip! I was kidding!” 
Elvis gripped my arms “What the fuck was that with Charlie?! Do you like him?” 
“Charlie?! No, we were just having fun!”  
“You are so annoying.” He replied. 
My jaw dropped “I am NOT! You’re annoying!”
He exhaled harshly through his nose then he cupped my cheeks and smashed his lips on mine. I moaned against his lips and gripped his shirt, pulling him closer to me. 
Elvis groaned against my lips “I’ve missed your lips.” 
All the food and drinks I had during the night started bubbling up my throat. I pushed Elvis back,  feeling light headed from all the drinks I had and being held upside down over Elvis’ shoulder “Oh god, I’m going to puke.”
I rushed into his bathroom, emptying the entire contents of my stomach into his toilet.
I felt him come up behind me. He held my hair back and soothingly rubbed circles on my back.
I groaned and leaned back against his chest “This is so embarrassing.”
“It’s okay.” He replied, running his hands through my hair. 
“I told you, drunk Jess is bad.” I mumbled, almost falling asleep in his arms on his bathroom floor. 
“Come on, you got some vomit on your dress.” He said, standing up and pulling me along with him.
“Can I take off your dress?” He asked, his expression a complete 180 from a few minutes ago. He was now looking at me with such tenderness, it made my heart melt. His eyes a soft, clear blue. No longer dark and rage infused. 
I nodded. He reached down and pulled my dress up and off of my body. I was left in my bra and panties. I could tell he wasn’t allowing his eyes to linger on my practically naked body out of respect that I was drunk and he was trying to take care of me and my drunken mess.
“Here, turn around.” He said, I turned my back towards him as he helped me shrug on one of his satin robes. Placing his hands on my shoulders and swiveled me around, tightening the sash and tying the knot to cover my body. 
“I need mouth wash.” I felt disgusting right now. Elvis pointed to the mouth wash on his sink and I quickly gurgled the taste of throw up from my mouth. 
“Come on, let’s get you to bed.” He said and pulled my by the hand.
“I can go to my room.” I mumbled, my eyes closed as I allowed him to gently pull me along.
“Shh, you can barely walk.” He replied, removing the covers for me to get into his bed. 
“Go to sleep, good night Jess.” He leaned down and planted a kiss on my forehead. 
I couldn’t remember what happened last night and how I got into Elvis’ bed. The last thing I remember was getting on top of the bar with Charlie then its all a blur. God, I hated getting drunk. I shouldn't have listened to Grace. Everything hurts, my head hurts and my eyes burned. I also had no idea how many hours I slept.
I tried to get my arms up, since they were pinned down by Elvis.
“Stay still.” He groaned.
“No.” I grumbled “Wake up, what the hell am I doing in your bed?” I asked.
“Sleeping.” He mumbled, not moving. 
I pulled my arms forcefully and tried to push him off by his shoulders “Get up!”
“No.” He replied, tightening his arms around my waist. 
Then it hit me and I gasped loudly “Did we sleep together?” I asked when I saw that I was dressed in one of his satin robes.
“Yes.” Elvis replied. 
“No way.” I said slowly, no way we slept together again after 4 months. We were finally moving forward. I’m not going to lie and say it still didn’t bother me that he slept with other girls but it didn’t bother me as much.
“Relax.” Elvis said “I’m kidding. Nothing happened.” 
“Then why am I in your bed and why are you on top of me?” I asked him, pushing him off. He finally released me and rolled over to the other side of the bed. 
He lied on his side, holding his head up by leaning on his elbow. God, it’s not fair that he looked so good in the morning, having just woken up. 
“And why are you naked?!” I looked at him with wide eyes. 
“I’m in my boxers! And you’re the one that’s in my bed!” He shrugged. 
“Elvis, seriously. I’m freaking out, what happened last night?” I asked, not being able to remember anything. 
He frowned slightly “You don’t remember what happened last night?” 
“Kind of. Some stuff are a bit blurry.” I replied.
“What’s the last thing you remember?”
“Charlie pulling me with him to dance on the bar. Then everything is a complete blur.” 
Elvis sighed and ran a hand down his face. He smiled slightly “Someone partied a little too hard. I’ve never seen you like that Jess.” 
I groaned and covered my face with my hands. 
I gasped again “Oh my god! You saw me puke!”
Elvis chuckled and rubbed my arm “It’s okay.” 
“Why am I in your bed again?” I asked.
“Because you were falling asleep on the bathroom floor and I didn’t want to walk you to your room in a robe.” He shrugged. 
“And why were you on top of me?” I raised both brows. 
“I was asleep, I have no idea how I ended up over there.” He said, his cheeks slightly flushing. 
“Were you comfortable crushing me with your weight?” I smirked. 
“Oh it was amazing honey!” He smirked and lied down on his back, stretching his arms over his head. 
This was so weird. Us cuddling in bed was so wrong. Elvis and I needed boundaries, we were way too comfortable with one another. I know he wouldn’t do this for someone else, he rarely allows people to sleep on his bed.
“My head is going to explode.” I groaned, squeezing my eyes shut.
“There’s water and 2 Advils on the bedside table.” Elvis replied. 
I sat up and I get the overwhelming sensation to cry because he was being so cute. I should also mention that I get super emotional when I’m hungover. I threw back the two pills and took a sip of water, swallowing the pills down.  
“Why are you pouting?” Elvis chuckled. 
“I hate being hungover.” I replied with tears in my eyes.
Elvis threw his head back and laughed at me.
“This is why I don’t drink.” My voice wavered. 
“Awww. Honey.” Elvis laughed and pulled me, hugging me to his bare chest. I laughed slightly with tears streaming down my face, his chest hair tickling my face
“And you doing cute things is not helping.” This made him laugh even harder.
“Me setting pain killers at your bedside is cute?” 
“Yeah.” I chuckled against his chest “You took care of me last night and today.”
“I barely did anything.”
I pulled my face back and looked down at him, our faces barely a few inches from one another “Thank you.”
“You don’t need to thank me doll.” He replied gently, then reached up and tucked a piece of hair behind my ear. 
I cleared my throat “I have to go before everyone wakes up. Then it will look bad, me walking out of your room in your bathrobe.” I said and got out of bed. 
Elvis pouted “I wanted to sleep more.”
“Then sleep, there’s still a lot of time before we need to head out.” I replied, picking up my dress from the bathroom. Cringing when I saw the vomit stain on it. 
“I can’t sleep now, the bed is too cold.” He looked at me pointedly, once I exited the bathroom.
“Says the guy who likes to blast his A/C to freezing.” I smirked, placing a hand on my hip.
“See you at breakfast.” I said and walked out, shutting his door behind me. 
If it wasn’t weird I would’ve gladly gotten back in bed to cuddle him and go back to sleep. I was way too comfortable. 
I heard someone at the end of the hallway gasp. My eyes widened and turned to see Grace leaving her room.
“What the!” She shouted when I ran to her and placed a hand on her mouth.
“Shhhh. You’re being too loud.” I whispered. 
“Fuck.” She continued when I dropped my hand from her mouth, but her voice way lower this time. 
I pulled her into my room and shut the door.
“Nothing happened.” I said and went into the bathroom to throw my dress in the hamper.
“Oh I believe you. It’s not like you just walked out of Elvis’ bedroom in his robe at 8 in the morning.”
“Okay I know, it looks bad.” 
“And what the hell was that last night!” She said, siting on the bed “He was outraged seeing you dancing with Charlie.”
I frowned, not really recalling him being mad.
“I saw the way he looked at you when you got up on the bar with Charlie, he was charging over the moment you put your arms around Charlie.” 
“I-I don't know.” I sighed, running a hand through my hair “I need to shower and freshen up.”
“No, tell me what happened later!” 
“I really don’t remember, I just know that I puked which is why I’m in his robe and then I was asleep.” I shrugged.
Grace winced “Maybe I shouldn’t have forced you to drink that much.”
“Believe me, last night was the first and last time you’ll ever see me drunk.” 
“But it’s sweet that he took care of you, I don’t think he’s ever done that with anyone.” 
I ignored how my heart skipped a beat at Grace’s words. I wanted to punch my stupid heart for reacting that way knowing nothing can ever happen between me and Elvis. 
We headed back to Memphis a few hours later, I couldn’t stop buzzing on the flight to get home. I just wanted to get there already, get dressed in a comfortable outfit, put on a face mask and get through this horrible hangover. I was so thankful that the entire Mafia were taking a week off so Graceland wouldn’t be as busy and noisy as usual. It was just Elvis, Vernon, Grandma Dodger and me at home. We got back around 7PM, everyone retreated to their respective rooms. I took a shower and threw on sweatpants and a matching sweatshirt. Heading towards the kitchen to mix up my favorite homemade mask. I whisked 1 egg white with honey and lemon and applied it to my face. 
“What are you doing?” Elvis asked, walking into the kitchen.
I turned and chuckled when I saw him looking at my face with wide eyes. 
“It’s a mask.”
“What does it do?” He walked closer and swiped some of the mask using his finger and then he licked it “Ugh.”
“Ew. Why did you lick it? It has a raw egg.” I said which made him gag even more, he couldn’t stand egg yolks. I laughed at him as he washed his hands in the sink.
“The mask is really good for pores, it helps tighten them.” 
“Huh.” He said and looked at the bowl “I have really bad pores.”
“No you don’t.” I replied.
“You don’t, your skin is amazing. So this is your secret.” He grinned. 
I laughed “You can have some.” 
“Can you put some on my face?” He asked.
“Just dip your fingers and smear it on your face.” 
“I don’t want to touch that raw egg. Please doll.” He pouted. I sighed, rolling my eyes at him and walked over to him. I dipped my hand into the bowl and scooped some of the mask to place on his face, I was standing further away from him which made some of the mask drip on the floor. 
“I won’t bite doll.” Elvis said and pulled me by my sweatshirt closer to him. We were merely inches away from one another. Way too close. Elvis closed his eyes and waited for me to finish smearing the mask on his face. This oddly felt very domestic, as if this was a regular Sunday night with a significant other. 
“You don’t need to close your eyes.” I chuckled as I continued to put the mixture on his face.
Elvis smiled and opened his eyes. He stared intently at me while I tried my hardest to just focus on my hand instead of his eyes.
“Never mind. Close your eyes.” I muttered. I couldn't stand his blue eyes staring at me like that. It was a mix of tenderness and hunger. Elvis chuckled but kept his eyes open.
He hummed slightly as I finished applying the mask “All done.” 
He puckered his lips and moved his face closer to mine.
“Elvis.” I grumbled, taking a step back.
“I’m just teasing doll.” Elvis laughed, opening his eyes. 
“You’re so annoying.” I muttered, washing my hands in the sink. 
“How long should I keep it on?” He asked leaning against the kitchen counter next to the sink.
“30 minutes or so.” 
“Make some popcorn, I’m gonna change and then we can watch a movie till we wait to remove the mask.” Elvis said, heading out of the kitchen. He was still dressed up in black slacks and a button up long sleeve shirt. 
“Be careful not to get the mask on your clothes.”
“I won’t!” He yelled as I heard him pound up the stairs. 
I sat down in the TV room with a big bowl of popcorn and 2 pepsis for Elvis and me. God this felt like a date. Elvis walked in dressed in a matching sweatshirt and sweatpants. 
I laughed “Are you copying me?” He looked really cute in a sweatshirt, I rarely get to see him dressed so laid back. 
“Yes! When I saw your sweatsuit I remembered I had the exact same one, in the exact same color.” Elvis replied. 
“Oh god, we look like a couple.” I joked. 
His smile faltered slightly but he grinned again “We look cute.” 
I bit my lip, he did look cute. 
He narrowed his eyes and placed his hands on his hips “Don’t look at me like that doll. What did I tell you about biting your lips?” He practically growled. 
I tried not to squirm and squeeze my legs together at the raspiness of how he said that so instead I rolled my eyes at him and patted the couch.
“Sit down. Let’s watch the movie before I pass out.” 
He shook his head and plopped down on the couch.
“And I wasn’t looking at you in any way.” I muttered, my eyes on the TV screen. 
He leaned towards me, his breath on my ear making me gulp and close my eyes “You were looking at me the same way you looked at me when we fucked.” He whispered in my ear.
“I think you’re imagining things Mr. Presley.” I replied, opening my eyes and starting at the TV screen. I hated that he still brought up the night we slept together, we agreed to forget it ever happened. I know I didn’t forget it but I can’t help but feel slightly awkward every time it hits me that he’s seen me naked. 
Elvis shook his head, taking a deep breath then leaning back into the couch, spreading his legs wide. 
We watched a romantic comedy movie and for some reason everything was just a bit funnier when you’re with someone, we shared popcorn and laughed together. I was so exhausted so I leaned my head back on the couch, slowly my eyes fluttered shut. 
“Honey.” I felt Elvis run a hand through my hair “I’m so sorry.” He winced “You need to remove the mask then you can sleep as much as you want.” 
I yawned and opened my eyes. I was now on Elvis’ chest and his arm was around my shoulders.
“Oh no, I got some of the mask on your sweatshirt.” I mumbled. 
“It’s okay, thats what washing machines are for.” Elvis smiled softly. I sat up and Elvis’ arm slipped from around my shoulders. 
“You looked so peaceful, I feel so bad for waking you up.” Elvis chuckled.
I smiled and shook my head “It’s okay. I can’t wait to get to bed.” I said getting up “Are you not going to bed?” I asked when I saw that he stayed seated. 
“No, I’m gonna finish the movie.” He replied. 
“Good night Elvis.”
“Good night honey.” 
Taglist: @urrfavvana @girlblogger2002 @butlersluvbot @iheqrtaustin @dramaticpandabear @godlypresley @marie73ep
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Dbf Joel x Surfer girl reader
Word count - 4.2K
Warnings- swear words, smut in other chapters (but not this one), suggestive thoughts and comments, large age gap, slowburn, forbidden relationships, fluff, awkwardness. My terrible grammar. Let me know if I’ve missed anything.
This will be a 3 part series, it’s a slow burn with Joel and reader. This is one of my first fan fics so bear with me, I’m used to writing non fiction usually.
No smut in this chapter but there will be in the next two, so no minors this is a 18+ fic. I know many have said they can’t relate to a hyper fem/ girly reader, so I’ve made the reader a sportier tomboy character, just to change things up.
Chapter 1
The low buzzing hum coming from your phone alarm rouses you awake, ‘6:00am is way too early for a Sunday’ you think. But it’s the last chance you’ll have to get in any practice, before your big competition. With a groan you stretch out your limbs almost cat like in your movements, trying to shake the stiff morning aches. With a groan you pull yourself up, grabbing your swimsuit and wetsuit from your wrack, and make your way to the bathroom.
On your way downstairs you can still hear your dad’s soft snores, coming from his bedroom which is closest to the stairs. Smiling to yourself you’re glad he’s actually still sleeping, recently work has had him up at the crack of dawn, and in bed way into the early hours. He works hard to provide the best life for you both, and you’re truly thankful for all he does for you, but you can’t help but wish he was around more these days.
Your mum left one night when you were only 4 years old, just upped and went. A single note left on the fireplace for your dad, explaining she couldn’t do this anymore, how she didn’t love him enough nor wanted to be a mum enough to stay. It broke him, he’d tried so hard climbing the corporate ladder, to bring in more money for a comfortable life. To bring her the life she said she wanted. But she left, with nothing but her indent in the mattress and a note.
So it was just you and him, and he tried he really did, he moved you away from the bustle of California life, to a fairly small but lovely beach house just at the edge of Lincoln City. Nelscott Beach was beautiful, long stretches of sand and great waves. The residents in your area were lovely too, mainly the older generation who have come here to retire. Mrs Myers your 68 year old neighbour across from you always made you baked goods, claiming you were too thin, “no meat on you” she’d say offering you the tub of whatever she’d made that day. You had tried to tell her being an athlete you weren’t thin but muscular, that you tried your hardest to keep fit and strong. She’d always just wave you off though, smiling as you took the sweet goods from her, usually to hand off to your dad to enjoy.
It was true though being a surfer was demanding, you spent half your time in the gym or out in the waves. Building muscle and stamina, pushing your body to the maximum it could handle, but this was your dream.
Ever since you were a little girl the ocean called to you, and whilst living in California at just 8 years old your dad started paying for your surf lessons, which turned into surf clubs, which turned into moving from foam topped boards to more expensive boards, to custom boards. He paid for it all, he supported you through it all. You never felt growing up that you only had one parent, he more than made up for it all. Coming to all your small kiddie competitions to finally your proper competitive ones.
Three month’s ago you came second in the three part competition at Florida’s PRO-AM championship. Which you were absolutely elated about! Even more so that it got you the wildcard ticket to compete at Billabong Pipe PRO, Pipeline in Hawaii. Which was terrifying but at the same time, you were bursting with excitement at such a huge opportunity. Not to mention a trip to Hawaii would be like a dream, your dad has booked two hotel rooms for two weeks, pretty much on the beach near your contest. The rest of the time will be spent travelling the island, finding great surf spots, waterfalls, hikes and cafes. You were leaving in two days just you and your dad for a trip of a lifetime!
And so you were practicing hard these winter months, as they brought in large waves to your doorstep. You were proud of how far you’d come, praying that Pipeline was your opportunity to finally get a sponsor. Grinning to yourself at that thought you grabbed your board and a bottle of water, leaving your dad a note on the counter ‘Catching waves, be back soon! Y/N’ and headed out the door.
The morning was dull, grey skies and a slight hazy mist, but there were specks of sun coming through the clouds, colours of purple, yellow and blue breaking through and casting golden shadows. You loved that morning sea air smell, the cool wind on your face. You closed your eyes and breathed it in for a moment enjoying the peacefulness, until a sudden truck door slamming startled you, causing you to jump and swing your board into the offender “Hmmph, woah watch it there kiddo” Oh how you wished he wouldn’t call you that ‘Kiddo’. Joel Miller your next door neighbour to your right and your dad’s closest friend. There he stood with that amused smirk on his face, all broad and handsome with his tousled sleep hair, having no right to look so good at 6:15 in the morning!
“Joel!! I’m so sorry you startled me, did I hurt you?” You rambled out quickly, feeling embarrassed for being caught daydreaming and for smacking him with your surfboard.
“No it’s alright darlin’ no harm done, you be careful out there, it’s quite rough today” he says pointing to the heavy crashing waves 300 yards from us. You were now praying your face wasn’t too red after the pet name, you loved when he called you darlin’ in that southern accent.
“I always am” you smile “Catch you later?” You ask. “Yeah I’ll be over watchin’ the game with your dad” he answers, “Great! See you then” you reply already escaping to the beach. “Later’s” you shout back as you break into a jog, leaving an amused Joel standing in his driveway.
Joel had moved here from Austen Texas, along with his daughter Sarah about five years ago, mentioning a fresh start for them both. Sarah was a few years younger than you, but you both made fast friends with one another. She has recently started college, something your dad had originally hoped you would do too. But after finishing high school your surfing career was starting to take off, as competition wins became frequent. So you made a deal with him, to pick up college once you’d come to the end of your competitive years. ‘You have great grades and it’s never too late’ he had said. Your dad and Joel had bonded quickly over being single dads with teenage girls at the time, they now help each other out and bond over football games and BBQs.
Standing on the beach you strap your board to your ankle, before running in. The rush of cold water runs over your feet as you wade deeper, placing your board down when the water starts hitting your waist. Throwing your right leg over you pull yourself on and start paddling out, pushing your board down at the back, in turn pulling the front up to glide over the waves.
When a particularly large break comes you push the front of your board down, diving under the wave, you feel the rush of icy water submerge around you, as you pull up the other side gasping, feeling air refill your lungs. You paddle out further getting yourself in place for when the next large wave comes. Unknowingly by you being watched from the boardwalk by Joel, who was leaning on the railing gazing over your every move.
Joel’s POV
He told himself it was to make sure she was ok, after all those waves were pretty aggressive this mornin’. But he couldn’t help admiring you, the way you showed no fear, how strong and confident you were out there. The way your sea bleached hair swayed as you ran into the water, how your powerful body pulled you up and over those waves, the determination on your face as you rode the wave to precise perfection.
You were beautiful, in such a different way to other women your age. You weren’t girly, or wore much makeup, you had a toned but muscular figure, strong thick legs which were powerful to push that board wherever it needed to go. You had sun tanned skin from hours out in the sun and ocean, in turn your hair never sat sleek, but in constant windswept curls.
You chased your dreams, worked hard for them, weight training, boxing, running. All to achieve your goals to become a professional surfer, and Joel admired you so much for that, for the commitment and determination. It just made you even more beautiful in his eyes.
He doesn’t even know when it started, these feelings he had for you. The ones that ate him up in guilt and anguish, they even stopped him from sleeping some nights. He shouldn’t feel this way about a girl half his age, not to mention his best friend’s daughter! God if Howard ever found out, he’d be a dead man! But every evening he spends at your house, and you joke with him and your old man, when you talk about your competitions with such passion, your goals with such drive. The way your face lights up, your eyes crease and those cheek dimples of yours show….. he can’t help himself.
Not only that, you’re just so damn sweet! You always ask about Sarah, how’s college going, if she’s happy. You always ask Joel if he needs help, or if you can grab him anything while you’re out shopping. You’re always smiling, even through the tough times, you have this demeanour about you to always look on the positive side, or what can you do to make the situation better. Your heart is huge and kind and fearless, and poor Joel he just can’t help but fall in love with you.
He’s Tormented by these feelings he can never act on, because for one what would a gorgeous, talented young woman of 22 want with a 46 year old man. In addition to that you’re Howard’s kid, his best friend’s daughter. But what he can do is watch over you, feign ignorance to others, that your his best friends kid therefore he worries about your wellbeing.
You’d been out here an hour now, and you were beginning to feel exhausted. One more wave you thought, let’s make it a good one to end on. You felt it before you saw it, the push of something large coming. You turned your head waiting for the perfect moment, then you started paddling, moving your arms steady but fast to get into position in time. Before pushing up and onto your feet, you held yourself steady as you started to descend, the wave pulling over you into a perfect even if on the smaller side pipe. You crouched leaning into the wave, hand stroking the curl of it, until you came through the other side, hearing it crash behind you. “YES” you cheered! Absolutely ecstatic that you managed to pull it off.
You ran out of the water so elated, noticing Joel standing on the boardwalk you sprinted towards him. Pulling him into a wet hug “did you see that! Please tell me you saw that! Dad won’t ever believe me otherwise, he’s so worried about Pro Pipe, saying I can’t do pipe, how it’s so different to my usual competitions, his…. I’m rambling aren’t I?” you babble out at such a speed you doubt he understood a word you said. Joel lets out a chesty laugh, eyes creasing ‘gods he’s beautiful’ you think to yourself. “I did” he responds heartily, “You just remember me and your old man when you make it big alright” Joel offers. “Promise” you reply with a big grin, before realising you are literally soaking Joel. “Oh my goodness, I’m sorry I’ve drenched you!” You exclaim. Joel clears his throat detaching himself from your embrace, “Don’t worry about it sweetheart” he replies. ‘Sweetheart that’s new’ you ponder, face turning red for the second time today at one of Joel’s pet names.
“Come on kiddo, let’s get you back before your dad starts to worry” Joel said before walking towards your house. ‘Kiddo again’ you sigh to yourself, secretly hoping that he starts seeing you for the woman you’ve grown into and not the kid you used to be. You silently walk back to your house together, both deep in thought. Once you have reached your driveway, Joel turns to you with a fond smile “See ya a bit later yeah?” Joel asks “Gonna run some errands, then I’ll be over for the game.” He continues. “ Yeah see you later” you reply timidly, small smile on your face. Joel nods before leaving towards his house, you gaze at him for a second before reaching for your own front door.
You walk in to total chaos happening in the kitchen, your dad on the phone with his boss arguing over something, meanwhile smoke coming from the stove where he’s attempted to cook breakfast. You quickly slot your board into its rack by the front door, before moving fast to take the pan off the stove, turning off the heat and opening the window, wafting some of the smoke out. Your dad mouths a quick ‘Thank you’ before leaving the room, to continue his phone call.
You quickly run up to your room stripping off your wetsuit, hanging it out to dry, pulling on some sweatpants and a hoodie, before you begin cleaning up the mess in the kitchen, afterwards you whisk some eggs to make you both an omelette. You plate them up and place them on the table along with some fresh coffee, for you both just in time for your dad to walk back in. “Thank you sweetheart” he mumbles clearly frustrated about the phone call, and the cooking disaster.
“No worries dad, what was all that about?” You ask, “Don’t worry, hopefully it’s getting sorted as we speak” he replies, still clearly annoyed at whatever situation is happening, and you know better than to push him right now. “Ok well I did good out there today! Actually caught some great waves, one pipe even!” You exclaim. “Yeah?” He replies kind smile on his lips. “Yeah! Joel saw me do it too! So he will help convince you I’m not going to kill myself at Pipeline, I know your worried but I think it’s going to be really great for me” you trail off excitedly. “Joel saw you?” He asks his voice showing some confusion. “Yeah he walked over to check on me I suppose?” You reply, “He caught me leaving this morning, said to be careful or something as it was a bit rough out there.” You continued. “That was nice of him, he’s a good man Joel. Really cares about everyone in his life” he replies. “ He’s helping me do some work on the garage next month, I’m gonna split it into a double, it’s big enough. That way we can have somewhere else for you to put all those boards you keep collecting” he laughs, his voice amused even if he’s complaining slightly. “Hey I got rid of the foam topped ones! I even gave one to Sarah to practice with!” You exclaim laughing too, knowing all too well you do probably have too much surfing equipment. You share a smile before digging into breakfast, eating in comfortable silence.
“Joel says he’s coming over for the game later?” You ask while cleaning the dishes. “Yeah thought we could order pizza in? Make a night of it?” He asks. “Yeah sounds good! I’m sure one cheat meal before the big day won’t hurt.” You reply. “Great! I’ll send him a text to let him know, I think he gets lonely on his own over there you know? Since Sarah’s been at college.” Your dad muses, “Yeah I’m sure your right, maybe you should invite him over more? Especially once I’m travelling the world as a famous surfer, can’t have you old men all lonely can we?” You taunt with a giggle. “Alright you, go on… go pack or something” he replies shoving you along, you huff out a laugh. “Yeah I probably should get on with that actually” you announce before making your way upstairs.
The rest of the day passes slowly, you take a shower washing off the ocean. Taking time to shave your legs and condition your hair, goodness knows it needs it! Before getting yourself ready for this evening, you stand there looking into your closet for something to wear. You want to look cute, you want Joel to notice you, for his eyes to wonder over you. But your not a girly girl so you don’t own dresses or skirts, and you wouldn’t even know how to put them on anyways. You opt for low sitting, baggy legged jeans, and an off the shoulder crop top. Showing just enough skin to feel sexy, but casual enough to still feel like yourself. You move over to your vanity and apply small winged eyeliner and use some lip balm on your lips, again casual but still making a effort. You really want Joel to see you’ve grown up, that your nearly 23 and not that awkward teenager anymore, well not a teenager anyways you are still however as awkward as ever.
As you make your way downstairs you hear the distinct muffled voices and laughter, that belong to your dad and Joel, meaning he’s already arrived. You gather yourself together before walking into the living room. “Hey!” You announce yourself as you take a seat in the armchair next to your dad. “Hey darlin’” Joel says with a smile, “There she is!” Your dad replies. “Been waiting for ya to order this pizza, what you having?” Your dad asks. “Uh veggie please” you reply shyly. Joel’s watching you smirk on his face, “Still eatin' that rabbit food I see?” He teases. You blush at his teasing, ‘Is it hot in here you think’ “Yup, got to at least try and be healthy, maybe you two should give it a go too” you sass back with a smile. “Haha I’ll keep that in mind darlin’.” Joel replies with a amused grin. “Joel was telling me how well you did out there today, think your ready kiddo?” Your dad asks. “Yeah I’m definitely as ready as I’ll ever be! I’m super excited for this one!” You declare. “You’ll do amazin’ darlin’ you always do” said Joel, your always taken back by his kindness and support. “Thanks Joel I hope so, it may be my real chance at securing a sponsor” you reply. Your dad chimes in with “Does that mean someone else will be paying for all this expensive stuff that clutters my house then?” An amused look on his face, “Nah that will probably still be you dad” you snip back laughing. “Sounds about right” he scoffs.
The night carries on with banter and laughter, and once the pizza is all gone and the game is finished you fall into comfortable chatter. Your about to ask your dad if he’s all packed ready for your trip, when his cell phone stars ringing. He excuses himself and retreats to his study to take the call, leaving you and Joel alone.
You stretch out in your chair, unconsciously showing more of your skin as your top shifts up. Joel gazes over at you catching glances of your exposing midriff, wondering how soft your skin is, what it would be like to run his hands up your sides, to hold you close. He clears his throat and try’s to control his thoughts, but they slide straight back to imagining touching you, what noises you’d make if he ever got the chance to touch you like he wants too.
“Joel?” Your questioning voice pulls him out of his trance. “Yeah sorry sweetheart, what were you saying?” Joel replies trying to control his embarrassment of being caught staring. “I was asking if your ok? You kinda zoned out there” you ask. Your inner thoughts running riot, ‘was he staring at you? No he couldn’t of been could he? But he was staring straight at you, zoned out with a weird look on his face.’ Joel clears his throat again, then scratches the back of his neck awkwardly, “Yeah all good darlin’, was just in a daze I guess, long week” he offers. You nod offering him a small smile.
You dad comes walking back in with a grim expression on his face, “What’s wrong dad?” You ask worried. “Well sweetheart” he replies trying to collect his words and you can see his inner struggle, it’s written all over his face. “That was Mathew from work, it appears that Thomas has quit, just walked out Friday and told them he ain’t coming back. The problem with that is him and I were working on this large presentation. Which needs to be presented over tomorrow and Tuesday to the main investor, then the second part presented Friday and Saturday to the rest of the investors. This deal is worth millions to the company, and the investors will not reschedule. No one else in the company can catch up in time for the presentation, meaning I have to present it. I found out from Mathew this morning when you came home, but he was going to try and convince Thomas to come in just for the presentations, but it seems he won’t” He finishes waiting for your reaction, you however are pretty much speechless.
After what feels like forever you stutter out “ But but but, my competition is from Wednesday, our plane is at 5am Tuesday and I have to sign in Tuesday.” “ I know sweetheart, I’m so sorry. But if I don’t present this I could loose my job” he croaks out, emotion thick in his voice. “But what do I do? Do I go on my own? I can’t miss this opportunity dad, I’ve trained so hard!” You say, really now starting to panic. “You can go alone if you really don’t want to miss it, I know what this means to you, I’m just so sorry you won’t have support there with you” your dad replies.
“I’ll go with her” Joel all but blurts out.
He’d been watching the exchange between you and your dad, heart breaking at how upset you were getting, he couldn’t let you go alone, and he couldn’t let you miss this amazing opportunity. He hadn’t really let his brain catch up with his heart before he opened his mouth.
“Really?” You reply your voice laced with hope. “Yeah really, if it’s ok with you Howard? I mean I have no work scheduled for a few of weeks now, and I’d just be sat at home nothing to do.” Says Joel. Your dads looking at him while Joel explains, “Are you sure Joel? That’s a big ask, I mean I’ve booked two hotel rooms and a hire car. But you’ll have to take her to sign in Tuesday, then back for the event Wednesday, and I’ve been told the heats for the contest are spread over a few days, and that’s if the conditions are right, the trip is a two week trip?” Your dad explains. “I’ve also promised her day trips around the island after, there’s some spots she wants to surf, a waterfall she wants to see, cafe trips …” your dad rambles on, feeling distressed and guilty.
“Yeah I’m sure, it’s fine I’m happy to do it Hal, and she can’t go alone it’s a dangerous contest. She needs someone with her, plus it’s a huge chance for her to get the recognition and the sponsors she needs. It’s not a problem I can go, if you can get the travelling documents transferred into my name?” Joel replies. “Yeah I can do that no problem there.. is this ok with you kiddo? You happy for Joel to go with you?” Your dad asks. “Yeah” you reply “I’m happy for Joel to take me” you say with a smile. “Ok then, I’ll get the documents put into your name first thing tomorrow Joel” your dad confirms. “ I can’t thank you enough for this Joel” he continues. Joel just smiles at you and nods at your dad, butterflies start to flutter in your stomach at the thought of two weeks alone with him. Though your disappointed your dad can’t come, your excited to go on this adventure with Joel.
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tinkluna0826 · 1 month
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Warnings: childhood trauma, threats, 18+ AN: this is my first time publishing a story.
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Oh, pie! Part 1
Dean was lying on the bed of the motel room. He hears your voice say, "Let me just get the pie." He sits up as he sees you with a look of bad guys behind me.
"Well, if it ain't the wonderful Dean Winchester. We used your girl as bait without her even knowing, " says one of the men
You mumble "sorry." Dean looks at the two men holding you hosted.
"What do you want from me?" Dean asked.
"We want you dead,"
You piped up. "Good luck with that."
"Shut up, bitch!" As one of the men hits you where you knock put from the knife bottom.
Dean see red as he was secretly grabbing his gun from under the pillow. He pulls it out and say "you have 10 seconds before I pull the trigger and kill both of you, so get out and I hope I never get to see you faces again."
Both men dart out of the motel room as fast as they can. Dean goes over by you, picks you up bridal style and lays you on the bed. He waits for you to wake up from you being unconscious.
2 hours later
Dean hears a knock at the door and it was Sam. Sam looked at Dean that at you and back at Dean.
"Dean?! What happened?"
"Long story short. Two strangers use her as bait without her knowledge to get to me, she called them out for trying to kill me. They hit her on the head with the bottom of the knife and knock her out."
"What did you do with them, Dean?"
"I gave them 10 seconds to walk out and that i don't get ro see there face again, Sammy."
"OK, so you didn't kill them?"
You wake up with a pounding headache. Dean wad sitting next to you making sure you were ok. After you are awake, you don't see Dean. You start to panic a bit, then it turns into a panic attack.
Dean was outside talking to Sam, as they walk back inside the motel room. Dean immediately run over to you and holds you in his lap, making sure you're panic attack stopped. He would whisper in this calm and deep thousing voice. He would whisper in your ear things like "don't worry, I got you, just calm down, ok," "Just breathe, you're safe now" stuff like that.
But this time was different than the others, because you felt guilty that you almost got Dean hurt, got scared so had a panic attack from not being able to see Dean or hear his presence at all. You just start to let your emotions, take over, not realizing that Dean had you. 15 minutes go by until you feel Dean's strong arms and chest pick you up, place you on his lap, and hold you protectively in his grip. You start to relax so much that you fall asleep.
Sam: "Dean?!" He said in a whisper
Dean: "What, Sammy?"
Sam: "How do you know what to do?"
Dean: "She told me what happened to her family, why se gets panic attacks."
Sam: "How?"
Dean: "When she was 10 she lost her parents in a wildfire in California, Then when she was 14 she lost the rest of her family or so she thought."
Sam: "Or so she thought?"
Dean: "Yeah, Bobby was her uncle, he knew that she got panic attacks from feeling alone for 2 or 3 of her life. She was either 16 or 17 when Dad and Bobby found her in the forest with a bunch of wolves keeping her warm and protective."
Sam: "Damn! Wait, after Bobby died how did she handle it?"
Dean: "She had panic attacks 4 times a day, because of the feeling of being left alone forever, until I saw that she was getting a painc attack 2 months after Bobby died and the rest is history."
Later that night you wake up with Dean still holding you, and a rare sight of him actually reading. Dean looks down at you and smiled.
Dean: "Howdy sleeping beauty"
You: "I'm guessing I had another panic attack again"
Dean: He nods. "This time it was one of your worst panic attack. You do know, I will never leave you as long as I'll live."
You feel a form of relief from that. Then Dean kissed you. Your taken back at first, then you feel his tongue trying to part you lip to taste you even more. He feels you parting you lips just enough for him, he starts to have his hands roam over your body. You keep melting from Dean's touch. He picks you on his lap shifting you in a better position.
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austinswhitewolf · 1 year
Blue Eyes Baby Pt. 4
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As she started to wake up, Gabriel noticed how nice and warm she was. There was also a soft weight on her waist. As she took a deep breath and started to stretch, she could feel someone behind her. Her instinct told her she was safe, to curl up into the warmth. Her brain wasn’t awake enough to fight or even think of anything different. Once she finished her stretch, she felt movement behind her and the weight around her waist tightened slightly, pulling her backwards gently.
“Morning.” Austin’s voice was like warm whiskey against the back of her head. He took a deep breath as he shifted a little further down into the blankets. Her soulmate was here, they had truly found each other. It wasn’t a dream. Softly, she turned around and wrapped her arms around him in return. Blue eyes took in the soft sleep hazy face of Austin. She nuzzled his chin before laying her head back down on the pillow. “Morning handsome. It wasn’t a dream.” The smile that took over his face was brighter than the sun. 
“No it wasn’t.” His fingers moved up and started to gently play with the ends of her hair. 
It didn’t take long before they were both dozing again, each holding the other tightly. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Austin woke a few hours later to the smell of coffee. He reached his arm over and her side of the bed was still warm. She hadn’t left that long ago. Taking his time to stretch, a few pops echoed from his body with a soft sigh. Once his body was awake enough, he climbed out of bed and shuffled into the living room. There she was sitting at the table, eyes glancing up from the book she was reading. When she saw him she grinned with a small laugh. His hair was sticking in every direction. It was the most adorable thing she had ever seen. Before he could realize what she was not only laughing at but doing, she had snapped a picture of him with her phone. 
“Really?” He grumbled good naturedly. When she grinned with a nod he just shook his head with a soft laugh and moved over to her. Gently cupping the back of her head, he leaned down and kissed her forehead. “Morning love. How did you sleep?” “Probably the best night's sleep I have had in my life.” When Austin moved to the coffee maker, she followed behind him. She had already put two mugs out, pulled the oat milk out along with sugar and honey, not sure what he liked in his. “How about you?”
The sight of everything set out had him turning and kissing the top of her head and smiling at her. “Same here. Thanks for doing this.” He motioned to everything. “I didn’t know how you liked your coffee.” Was her murmured reply. So he proceeded to show her how he liked a dash of oat milk and a spoonful of sugar in his coffee. 
Gabriel poured a little oat milk in hers along with honey. “What would you like to do first today?” Between sips, Austin watched her while leaning against the island. “Maybe move a few of my things around and we can talk? I’d like to get to know more about you.”
Over the course of the next hour Austin and Gabriel asked each other questions while she went through her suitcase and pulled out what she wanted to get moved to his room first. They talked about how they both got into movies, their favorite of everything and what they wanted to do that day. “Where do you live?” Austin finally pushed the question out. He bit his lip while watching her. “I live in Atlanta as it’s where I have been able to be an extra and assistant on sets. But the apartment I rent isn’t anything special. It's really just a place to do laundry between jobs and store my things. I never really felt the need to make it my own. How about you?” After she finished pulling some clothing out and into a small stack, she moved over to where he was sitting at the desk. With a mind of their own, her fingers found their way into his hair, gently rubbing his scalp. 
“I live in Los Feliz, California. I bought a place out there not too long ago.” His eyes slid shut at the wonderful feeling. Long slender fingers moved out and rested on her hips as he leaned into her touch. “It really is a beautiful place out there. I think you would like it. You will come home with me right? When we get done here?” His voice was small and almost childlike with hope. “I’ll need to call and cancel my lease. Need to get my stuff packed up to be moved across the country. I’ll talk to my friends and see if they will pack my stuff up for me. If they do, I don’t think there would be any issues with just going straight to California. I don’t have anything huge tying me to Atlanta.” 
Austin stood up quickly, lifting her up and spinning in a circle. Excitement coursing through his entire body. He would have moved to Atlanta if she didn’t want to move. There were houses for sale everywhere. But knowing she didn’t even need to think about it, made him float with happiness. Gabe laughed as they spun around and wrapped her arms around his neck. And when he set her down she kissed his cheek. “I am going to put these in the bedroom. Where do you want me to put my stuff?” Arm sliding around her waist, she was guided into the bedroom and she watched as he opened all the left side drawers of the dresser. They were all empty. “I never really needed to take both sides. There is also space in the closet to hang clothing up.” Gabriel set her stack of clothing into one of the drawers before thanking him with a hug. Moving into the bathroom she grabbed her toothbrush and toothpaste. Austin was like a little duckling following her around. While she brushed her teeth he worked on brushing the tangles out of his hair. There were a few knots he just couldn’t get and he was starting to get frustrated. Spitting and rinsing her mouth out, Gabe reached out and gently took the brush from his hand. “I’ll get it hun.” Austin gave her a relieved and thankful smile before starting to brush his own teeth. Gently she started from the ends of his hair before slowly working her way up. By the time he was done brushing his teeth, his hair was tangle free. He turned around, giving her a soft kiss and thanking her. 
They had the tv on while laying together on the couch in each other's arms just basking in the comfort and closeness. 
Austin trailed his fingers down her back and turned his eyes from the tv to her. “I have an idea of how to put out an announcement about us finding each other. If you want we could get it set tonight and then my pr could release it tomorrow or on Sunday.” 
“Mmm… Yeah? What were you thinking?” “I want to go to the private beach here and watch the sunset. Maybe get a photo of it and have that in the post. We could bring a blanket, and bring a picnic with us. Would you like to do that with me?” He asked while playing with the ends of her hair. 
“That sounds wonderful, only ever heard of how beautiful they are. I always wanted to see the colors.” With a loving smile, he nodded and hugged her closer to his chest and a kiss to her forehead. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
After spending most of the afternoon just holding onto each other and listening to whatever was on the tv, around 3 Austin gently got up, leaving her dozing on the couch to get the picnic ready. Gabriel shifted a few minutes later, arm searching out his warmth and when she didn’t find it she slowly sat up, yawning and stretching her arms above her head. Getting up off the couch, she turned the tv off and made a pit stop in the bathroom before padding into the kitchen. Slipping her arms around his lithe stomach, she leaned her cheek against his back. With a smile, he rested his hand over hers for a moment before finishing the sandwiches he was making. Once done, he slipped them into baggies and set them next to the fruit and bottles of water and wine he had ready to go. Then, he turned around and hugged her back. “I never realized what I truly was missing until now. I’m not gonna let anything happen to us. I promise.” All she could do was nod, no words would be able to match what he just said. Every word was true through and through. 
“Do you have a cooler or bag to put the food in? I can get that for you.” “Uh, yeah. I have one in the closet right there.” He motioned to the closet to the left of the fridge. Austin moved to the fridge and pulled out a few other things to bring. Once she brought the cooler bag over, he put everything inside and zipped it shut. “If you want to change into a suit and something over to wear to the beach we then can head down.” 
“Yeah, I’ll be right back.” Both met back at the kitchen table and Gabe grabbed the blanket for them to sit on along with a bag that had sunscreen, bug spray and towels for the both of them. Austin grabbed the room key, his camera bag and the picnic bag. “Ready to go?” He asked while looking over her beautiful form. She was in all white, the cover up delicate and tied around the middle. A sun hat on, her hair in waves and a white bikini underneath. Without knowing, he was biting his lip while looking her over. He was wearing a pair of black swim trunks and a white shirt, sunglasses on top of his head. 
Moving up to him, she reached up and lightly brushed his lip from between his teeth with her thumb. 
“Leave your poor lip alone baby.” She spoke with a smile. He kissed her thumb before she pulled it back. “We can head down. I don’t think we need anything else.” With a nod, they both left the suite and headed to the elevator. Once they got to the lobby, Austin guided her around to a side hallway that didn’t have any signs or indications of where it went. “They keep the beach very private and the only way onto the beach is from the water or through here. They have had so many guests being bothered by public beach people that they decided to close the area off. It is nice and private now.” It took them a minute or so to exit out the back of the hotel where they then moved across a back patio with chairs and tables with shade umbrellas towards a set of wooden stairs down. The stairs ended right at the edge of the beach where there were lounge chairs here and there but the two moved to a bare spot on the sand under a large umbrella and Gabe started to open the blanket to spread it out. 
Austin set the bag of food down and helped her before putting his camera bag down and then the bag of food next to that. She put her bag down also and then slipped out of her sandals and knelt down on the blanket. Taking out the sunscreen, she removed the cover up and started to rub it into her skin where she could reach. Once she was done she turned to Austin, holding it out with a small smile. “Could you get my back? I’ll do yours then.” When she received a soft ‘of course’ She turned around. Warm fingers soon smoothed over her skin, he had warmed the lotion up before touching her skin with it. Fingertips sliding under the straps to make sure she wouldn’t get burned anywhere. A shiver ran up her spine at his touch, goosebumps forming on her skin. 
When his fingers slowed to a stop, she turned towards him and took the lotion from him to get his back. Gabe took her time, his skin was golden and so beautiful. The few freckles scattered on his back caught her eyes, memorizing where they were. The muscles were iron under soft skin. He twitched away from her fingers with a soft chuckle when they moved over his sides. “Tickles.” His voice made her smile and she quickly finished before putting the bottle back in her bag. Leaning down, he gave her a kiss. “Thanks Dove.” 
Both of them laid back on the blanket and relaxed, the sun warming them. The beach was all but empty around them, only a handful of people and none near them. 
A while later Gabriel sat up, as she did so, Austin hooked his pinky finger around hers.
“I’m going to go into the ocean for a bit hun.” He gave a soft nod and a squeeze of his finger to hers. 
“I’ll be along shortly. I’m so comfortable right now.” His voice was husky and shot right down her spine.
With a nod, she stood up and headed to the water line, needing to move away from him so she wouldn’t get too touchy feely out here. When she started to get about waist deep, she sighed. The water was amazing. She had forgotten how amazing it felt to be in the water. And the color was another thing in itself, the world disappearing only leaving the ocean and sky.
A shriek left her lips when she felt something brush her ankle. As she started to turn around, her world turned sideways and she was in Austin’s arms. He was laughing and she lightly smacked his shoulder. “Not nice!” Although the laugh in her voice rose as he bounced her a few times in his arms. 
Gabe wriggled a little and he let her legs go. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders and her legs around his waist. Austin moved both arms so they were around her lower back and just stood there with her skin against his. This was the most skin contact they had yet and he was not going to let this moment pass by. He buried his face in her neck and placed a soft kiss there. 
With her initiating the contact, he was over the moon. 
“You getting hungry at all? You’ve been out here a while.” “Yeah, let’s eat.” When she went to get down, he didn’t let her go. Just turned around and started towards the shore. “Austin, you don’t need to carry me, I can walk just fine.” Laughter slipped past her lips. “Maybe I just want to. Is that okay?” With a nod, she rested her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes with a happy sigh. 
After they had eaten, both sat and watched the evening slip closer, content to just be together. Before either could really comprehend the sun was starting to dip below the ocean. Austin wrapped his arm around her shoulders and leaned his head against her. He knew he already loved her. So much, it almost seemed crazy, but he didn’t care. If anyone thought it was too soon, well, their opinions didn’t matter at all to him. 
A few minutes later, he pulled his camera out of the case and took a few photos of the setting sun and the colors starting to overtake the horizon. Then before Gabriel could move, Austin snapped a picture of her. The awe in her eyes was beautiful to him. He leaned his head over and kissed her cheek. “I’m going to get a few pictures from farther away. I want you to be just a silhouette so I can keep you to myself.” With that said and a nod from her, Austin got up and moved back and started to find the best angle for the shots he wanted. It took him a few minutes and a bit of moving around but when he looked through the view-finder this time, the view was absolutely perfect. There Gabriel was leaning back on her arms while looking out at the water. She was nothing but a black silhouette against the bright background of the setting sun. He was going to most definitely would be getting this blown up and hang it in their house. The next shot he got was of her with the sunset lighting her face up, her blue eyes almost glowing with a smile on her face. The camera got lowered to his knee as he just watched her for a few minutes. 
“You want to come sit with me to watch the rest of it, handsome?” Gabe held her hand out to him with a large smile. He didn’t even have to think about it, moving over to her and twining his fingers with hers and putting the camera back into its case. 
Both of them sat there, leaning against the other even after the last rays of light slipped below the waves. It wasn’t until a slight cool breeze started to come off the ocean, that they started to collect their stuff to head back upstairs. 
It took a few minutes but she had finally got Austin to shower first while she cleaned up what was left of the picnic since he had put it together. After showering to get all the salt out of her hair, she put on a pair of short sleep shorts and a tank. When she stepped out of the bathroom, Austin was in bed already, a book in his hands. He had only put on lounge pants tonight.. When she moved over and climbed into bed, she immediately slid to his side, curled her arm over his chest, hooked a leg over his and laid her head down. The page of the book was marked, then it was set down on the nightstand and the light turned off. He gently curled his hand around hers on his chest and scooted down in bed before kissing Gabriels forehead. 
“Night Dove.” “Goodnight Aus.”
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lovemesomesurveys · 10 months
What's the most worthwhile thing you've done in the last year? Time spent with family, doing things I enjoy, and taking care of health related issues.
What foods make you want to gag? One is Canadian bacon. It's a texture thing.
Do you consider yourself to be organized? Not so much these days, but I used to be. I'd still like to be, but it's hard right now.
Have you ever made out with someone? Yeah.
What time do you get sleepy? I'm sleepy all day.
What music do you listen to? I like variety.
How old were you when you started to walk? I never got to that stage, I was a victim of a drive-by shooting at just 7 months old.
Which member of your family do you get along with the best? I get along with all my family, but I'm not close with all of them. I'm closest to my mom and younger brother.
What cheers you up when you're sad? I just kinda have to go through it. I'm kinda just a sad person.
What do you sleep in? An oversized tee.
Have you ever tanned topless? Nooo. I would absolutely not feel comfortable doing that. I don't even go tanning at all, really. I mean, if I'm at the beach I'll get some sun cause I spend several hours out there, but that's not what I'm there to do. I don't set out to tan, it's just a bonus. I just love the beach.
Wear jewelry? Yeah, but I had to take it off prior to surgery recently and I haven't put it back on, yet.
What's something you've been told you're good at? I've been told I'm a good writer.
How much can you eat? Not a lot, but it's enough for me. Like, I just had 4 rolled chicken tacos from Taco Bell and I'm full. I will say I've had more of an appetite lately and have been doing a lot more snacking.
What's the furthest away you've ever traveled? From California to Georgia.
Are you a cat or dog person? I'm a dog person.
Have you ever done drugs? Just weed.
What does your room look like? It's small and cluttered. I had to get a special hospital like bed that you can make sit up or lie down and it takes up more space than my old bed did. I also have a lot of medical supplies everywhere. Plus, there's an office chair we keep in here for my mom or whoever is chillin with me in my room. I also just have a lot of other stuff and my room is just too small.
Recommend a really amazing book. Depends what you like.
Recommend a really amazing song.
Recommend a really amazing movie. Not saying it's the most amazing movie ever, but I've been rewatching The Hunger Games movies before seeing the new one and I still think they're just as good as when I first saw them. I haven't rewatched them in a long time and I'm still a fan. It's not cringe at all like when I rewatched Twilight lmaoooo.
Who's your favorite actor/actress? Alexander Skarsgard.
Have you ever run away from home? No.
Do you exercise ever? I haven't done my arm exercises in awhile, I need to get back to that. I just recently spent 3 weeks in the hospital, so I lost some of my strength.
Do you like your hair, the way it is and the colour? No, I actually hate it. It's super short and choppy and has no style to it. It's all my natural color, too, which I'm not a fan of. I miss my long red hair D:
Do you have any friends named Baloo? Or is he just in the Junglebook? Uh, I've only ever heard that name in The Junglebook.
Are you a Disney movie fan? I love Disney.
Do you eat seafood? Noooo.
When was the last time you cried? Earlier today. I have those days/moments where I cry cause I mourn my old life and how some things used to be and I'm afraid because of my health it'll never be that way again.
Do you have good working habits? I don't work and I have no desire to work to be honest, but if I did I know I'd do my best and want to do well. I would definitely try.
So where the hell do you want to go in life? I don't know exactly, but I'm going the wrong direction right now that's for sure.
What are your boundaries? This is too deep right now.
What are some of the funniest things you can think of? >> predictably, I immediately forgot every funny thing I've ever encountered
What are two quirky little things about you? I don't know. I feel like that's something you'd have to ask someone who knows me well.
Are you claustrophobic? I can say with absolute certainty that I am. My MRI scans during my hospital stay recently confirmed yet again. It is HORRIBLE and I had to be sedated.
Do you like getting wasted? Blech, noooo. I stopped doing that 10 years ago and don't miss drinking at all. I don't even want to just have a drink or two, I want nothing to do with alcohol at all.
List three things that you look for in a friend. Someone I have stuff in common with, good sense of humor, and we just vibe, ya know?
Do you prefer Angels and Airwaves or Rhianna? .Rihanna.
What religion are you, if any? Christian.
If your house was on fire (and your family escaped), what would you save? .My family includes my doggo, so they're all safe and in that case I'd try to save whatever things of mine I could. I'd definitely have to get my meds, I'd want my phone, laptop, purse with my wallet, a hoodie... ugh it would be so hard cause obviously I'd want to save all my things but I just have too much.
Do you have any sash belts? No.
What do you have on right now? Include everything, nail polish, makeup, etc Undergarments, an oversized Barbie tee, a choker necklace.
Does caffeine make you hyper? Nope. It helps take some edge off, but otherwise it does nothing anymore. I just genuinely like coffee so I still drink it.
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finniestoncrane · 2 years
Hey finnie!! Congrats on 1k!!! You deserve it!!!!
I wanted to see if you'd do no 9 for me cause I'm so curious as to who you'd pick. You know me p well by this point but I'll still tell you about myself as if ya didn't >:]
So hey, I'm a mexican-american living in socal, I work full time as a post production assistant transferring every old from of audio and video you can think of to digital and im very passionate about media conservation. I have immigrant parents so the connection to my culture isent that far off- but I grew up in Southern California and it shows. I was diagnosed with schizophrenia when I was a teen but later was rediagnosed with DID, I also have depression and believe I am on the spectrum. I love to draw and watch film when i have the time but mostly i just listen to audiobooks because i can do that at work. I've always had to work a lot, whether it's night shifts at the warehouse, 50+ hour weeks or nightclub gigs after work I'm always doing *something*. The fact that I have to work so much bums me out a Lot and I want to explode the concept of capitalism but that doesnt stop me from taking an absurd amount of pride in being a hard worker, I get it from my dad. I don't sleep very much, people always find it strange but no matter what time I fall asleep I will wake up 4-5 hours later without alarms and still feel well-rested. Like I mentioned I read a LOT cause I do it on the job, my favorite books are true crime and horror (Grady Hendrix is my all time fave author) but I also get through a ton of history books- mainly medical and historys of conflict. I watch movies whenever I get the chance, I love horror!! It's comforting to me. Most of my favorite films are from the 70s. Oh I love getting tattoos and if I had the money for it id get one everyday, I love the feeling a lot. I listen to a lot of different kinds of music, 80s pop and goth, old punk, 60s and 70s rock, oldies, 90s grunge and reggae, 2000s emo, rap and indie, modern industrial goth, old country as well as mariachi, corridos, reggaeton and Mexican rock. Really genuinely love most kinds of music, but my fave is anything I can sing or dance to. Like I said I have DID which is a pretty big part of me but simultaneously so small, after therapy I was able to get to a place where my alters don't really front unless there's an agreement to do so and it's mostly for comfort and healing reasons now but I live most of my life with one or more riding passenger seat if that makes sense? There's always someone I can talk to or ask for advice. My ideal night out is a night dancing at some alternative club or maybe karaoke at a dinky little bar. I also love to go on drives and like going to the beach at night to lay on the sand hearing the water until I get too cold.
I think I included way more than you needed but I'd love to hear who you'd pick and why :> 🖤
🎀 No.9: Ever Fallen In Love With Someone 🎀
tell me a little bit about yourself and i'll give you a rogue pairing a/n: ok this was... this one was difficult because i struggled to decide between two rogues (a variant of Mad Hatter being the other option) but i hope the decision i made was the right one💚 1k milestone info! 🔞minors dni🔞 • kofi • tag: finnie1k
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such a noble cause that you work for! and you picked a key word, because harley is deeply attracted in every sense of the word to passion. doesn't matter what it is, if you're truly passionate about it she'll follow suit
heritage and culture is so important to harley too, and her jewish heritage is often overlooked, so she understand the connection and trying to maintain it or even strengthen it. she'd be so keen to share in someone else's culture and maybe even share hers with them
harley is a trained psychologist. she's a doctor. she has a degree. so any mental health issues she's so keen to try and help, without crossing any boundaries of course. she just wants the best for the people she loves and it's in her nature to try and talk through problems and find ways to fix things or make them hurt less
i frequently headcanon harley as someone who loves drawing as a way of relaxing or as an outlet, and i think she would employ a lot of art psychotherapy tactics. most of all, sitting with you and doodling while you draw and chat about your day would make her so happy
she gets hard work. first of all, it's not easy to study to become a psycholgist. second of all, it's not easy to work in one of the more intense asylums. and third of all, wielding a hammer while looking sexy is a herculean task believe it or not. but hey, if you hate capitalism, why not join her in villainy! or better yet, leave the crime to her and you can stay at home doing nothing all day, let her spoil you!
you would get sleep with harley around. she wouldn't be above bonking you on the head to make sure you're well-rested. 4-5 hours isn't enough, she insists on it. by that point she's only just starting to feel like she's spent enough time stroking your arm and watching you snooze, she needs at least another 2 hours on top of that.
true crime and horror are such harley vibes. she seems like she would love a horror movie marathon. the gorier the better for her though, and with some amazing kill scenes! and let's be honest, some 70s horror films have amazing death scenes in them so she can get on board with that
harley has a fair few tattoos, but nothing would make her giddier with sheer excitement and love than getting a matching tattoo (or 17) with you!!
i think harley loves dancing. she's a gymnast, it's pretty close in terms of movement. she probably has immense skills, albeit untrained, in most dance styles. so any kind of music is something she can work with. and karaoke would 100% be up her street, a cheesy love ballad that you can duet on, or the classic "girls just wanna have fun", but screaming it at an insane volume while she laughs with you
it's maybe not the same thing, but harley has harleen riding sidecar with her at all times. it's not always a good thing for her, since they don't share many of the same opinions, but you'd be a good influence on her, and maybe she'd start taking advice from harleen more often
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Actually I’ve decided I do want to talk about it- I think it’s important information.
TW for some medical stuff and abortion and vomiting mentions.
last year, after the overturn of roe v wade, I got pregnant and needed an abortion. I had to drive to California to get one. Let’s talk about it.
Before I knew/found out:
I had spend the month smoking and drinking and doing drugs(I am not a saint), I had sex once(unprotected), and was on antibiotics(they didn’t pregnancy test me). I was feeling ill, my period is a little erratic, and I was one week late. I decided to take a test to relieve myself of stress. Whoopsie.
We bought 6 pregnancy tests. I took them all. All of them were positives. I started disassociating at this point out of fear.
Found out
I told my mom. I recruited my boyfriend and best friend for help(me and my boyfriend also talked about this as a very real possibility previously- communication is very important)
Set a planned parenthood appointment out of state, paid in full at the appointment.
At the appointment- I was nervous. They were playing the worst music I’ve ever heard in a doctors office over the radio(headphones next time.) I was emotionally fragile, they were playing songs like “apologize” by onerepublic. I got a pregnancy test, a transvaginal ultrasound, and then everything was explained to me by a pharmacist. The doctor and the pharmacist both told me after the first pill- there was no going back. I was stared at as I took the pill. I got ibuprofen, anti nausea meds, and the 4 pills I was suppose to take the following morning. I went home- I was fine but tired. Until the next morning.
I felt ill, tried eating, and waited for the dreaded time to take the medication. I threw up before I took the anti nausea meds. I had to take them twice. I took ibuprofen, I put the 4 abortion pills in my cheeks and waited, nauseously, for them to melt before I could swallow them.
30 minutes after taking the pills- I started feeling even more sick. My abdomen was starting to cramp in waves. Slowly ramping up, I vomited about 6 times over the course of the next 2 or 3 hours. The pain was unimaginable- it came in waves. Heat packs were the only thing that helped me combat the pain. Imagine the drops and rises you feel in a rollercoaster- that’s how startling and terrifying the pain was. You’ll also feel like you need to poop during this.(I think it’s sort of like a mix of cramps and labor pain?)
After about 4 hours, the pain started to subside, I’d cried my eyes out and thrown up more than I’d thrown up in the past 3 years in only 2 hours. I fell asleep after the pain calmed down enough for me to not lie in bed writhing and crying. I was woken up to eat food and drink water and take more painkillers and ibuprofen. The next 3 days that’s all I really did. Eat, sleep, drink water, relax. I never got the same cramps- but my abdomen ached the entire time with shorter, less extreme cramps. After 3 days I started taking longer breaks between painkillers and lowering the dose. After 6 days I finally started to feel more normal- but I was still bleeding.
I bled for about 2 weeks. I felt more normal after a week. My body’s cycle caught up after about 2 months, and then my emotions caught up after about 6 months. It did change the way I thought about kids and pregnancy- but I have a feeling it has to do with hormones.
Your first best form of contraceptive is not getting pregnant- and your second is an abortion. If you need to get one, if you want to get one, do it. Ask for better painkillers- have heat packs ready, have a friend/lover/family member willing to sit there while you go through the most difficult part and to help take care of you. You’ll be alright.
My inbox is open to questions, and I am more then happy to help you with anything you need to know.
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blubushie · 1 year
leafanon here! for the ask game: literally do all of them. coward.
Oi! Be a little nicer to me leafanon, I’m sensitive!
1: Who is/are your comfort characters?
Look at my blog, mate. Have a guess.
It’s Jesse and Mundy. Both of them. At the same time. 25% Jesse, 75% Mundy.
2: Lighter or matches?
Lighter! I’ve got two. Both are Zippos. My first ever lighter I bought was this one because I liked the colour and design. The one I currently use is this one but I have “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of Death, I shall fear no evil, for I am the evilest son of a bitch in the valley” engraved on the back. It’s the same thing my dad had engraved on his lighter in Vietnam. On the lid it says “If you wanna root smile when you give this lighter back” because I thought it was funny. It hasn’t worked yet but that’s only because no one’s asked me for a light.
3: Do you leave the window open at night?
I can’t sleep unless it’s open.
4: Which cryptid do you believe in?
Unironically most of them. I am convinced of the existence of the Loch Ness Monster, I’m convinced of sasquatch from personal experience, I have personally seen a yahoo, I’ve met ghosts, and I’ve seen UFOs. I believe that there’s creatures in Kakadu that are still Dreaming. I think the chupacabra is a coyote/fox with mange but I am convinced that it does exist. THERE ARE PANTHERS IN THE BLUE MOUNTAINS.
5: What colour are your eyes?                                  
Blue-grey. Blue in sunlight, grey indoors. Colour depends on how much light they’re getting.
6: Why did you do that?
Because I wanted to.
7: Hair-ties or scrunchies?
Only ever grew my hair out once where it was long enough to need tying up and even then I rarely tied it up, but ties. They’re versatile.
8: How many water bottles are in your room right now?
One. Both of my canteens are in Matilda.
9: Which do you prefer, hot coffee or cold coffee?
Hot. I don’t trust people what drink cold coffee. You psychos scare me.
10: Would you slaughter the rich?
I don’t really do politics.
11: Favourite extracurricular activity?
Bushwalking. Hunting. Fishing. Writing.
12: What kind of day is it?
A really nice one. It’s night now but the frogs are croaking away outside with the crickets. Sky’s clear.
13: When was the last time you ate?
About an hour ago. Make one of those instant pasta meals.
14: Do you love the smell of the earth after it rains?
15: Are you a parent?
I have Misty. She definitely makes me feel like I'm parenting a toddler.
16: Can you drive?
I’m an excellent driver.
17: Are you farsighted or nearsighted?
Only slightly nearsighted. It’s not enough where it really has any effect, and I don’t have to wear glasses or anything. My vision is practically 20/20.
18: What hair products do you use?
Dog shampoo and the Sheila hates me for it. On the plus side it leaves me smelling nice and I don’t have fleas. It’s also a bonus because I can bathe Misty at the same time I bathe myself, which is how it all started anyway (she just HAD to pull me into the tub). Usually I’m doing spongebaths or bathing in rivers without any soap (I’m not going to fuck up an ecosystem just because I want to smell nice) but when I do find a hotel that takes animals or when I’m here in California, out comes the dog shampoo. I use TropiClean now. Smells like citrus.
19: Imagine we’re at a sleepover, would you paint my nails?
I haven’t painted anything in years and I’ve never painted anyone’s nails, but I’ve got a very steady hand so I reckon I could try.
20: Do you say soda or pop?
Neither. Fizz. It’s fizzy drink.
21: What’s something you’ve kept since childhood?
My stuffed bear. His name is Mr Bear because I wasn’t a very creative 2-year-old when I named him. I’ve had him since I was a baby.
22: What kind of person are you?
The… people kind? Scratch that. The cryptid kind. There’s at least two towns in Australia what have folklore about a ghost accompanied with a dog and a rifle slung across his shoulders. The amount of times I’d taken the piss out of people making that story come true is hilarious to me (and one of them is a story that originated within the past two years so I might actually be responsible for that one. Oops.)
23: How do you feel about chilly weather?
I don’t mind it at all. My area of California routinely gets frosts and hail (but never snow). Rural California taught me to tolerate cold, Australia taught me to tolerate heat.
24: If we were together on a rooftop, what would we be doing?
Drinking beer and stargazing. There’s literally no other reason for being on a rooftop, unless some assassin shit is going down, in which case I wouldn’t bring you with me because no witnesses.
25: Perfume/body spray or lotion?
Neither. My only fragrance is Hoppe’s #9, tobacco, and campfire smoke clinging to my clothes.
26: A scenario that you’ve replayed multiple times?
First time the Sheila read my fic and she gave me her thoughts on it. I go back and re-read that at least once a week. I live for it and sometimes it’s the only thing that keeps me writing.
Also just talking to people in general. I sit in Matilda and rehearse what I’m going to say for minutes before I actually go into the servo to get something. I always have a plan.
27: About how many hours of sleep do you get?
Usually anywhere from six to nine but I can run off 20-minute catnaps every few hours if needed for about 3 days before I need at least an hour of uninterrupted sleep (yes I’ve tested this).
28: Do you wear a mask?
I’m not around people. Ever. I wore a mask to my allergist the other day though. Unless it's required I'm not wearing one.
29: How do you like your shower water?
Cold. Hot is a luxury I can’t get used to.
30: Is there dishes in your room?
No. I always do my washing up immediately after eating. Handwash, hand dry, put them away.
31: What kind of music keeps you grounded?
32: Do you have a favourite towel?
No. Do people normally have favourite towels?
33: The last adventure you’ve been on?
Hunting in WA.
34: Is there a song you know every word to by heart?
Waltzing Matilda. Also And the Band Played Waltzing Matilda. Also Give Me a Home Among the Gumtrees.
35: What’s your timezone?
Right now? PDT.
36: How many times have you changed your URL?
I’ve only ever had one account before this (back when I was around 12) and lost the password. I’ve never changed this one’s URL since I made it.
37: Who is someone in your life (besides a relative) that you’ve known for 10+ years?
My rifle.
38: What’s a soap bar that smells good?
All of them? Reckon that’s the point of soap.
39: Do you use lip balm?
Like chapstick? No because I’m not a sook. Let your dehydrated lips crack and bleed like a real man.
40: Did you have any snacks today?
41: How do you like your coffee?
Black as my soul. Really though, I like it black. No milk, no sugar.
42: What’s an app you frequently use besides this godforsaken website?
None. I have a Twitter but I only follow artists on there and I never use it.
43: What’s your take on spicy foods?
I don’t like spice. Burns my tongue. I’ll leave that to the ethanol.
44: You get a free pass to kill anyone, who is it?
Fuck off, FBI.
45: Can you remember what happened yesterday?
I went to the allergist, came home, took Misty for a long walk, made dinner, finished up a scene for chapter 11 and then got some paragraphs in for the next scene where Jesse is lusting after Mundy because he’s hot and then the Sheila and I spent twenty minutes sharing in communal brainrot over it.
46: Favourite holiday film?
Somewhere between Polar Express and A Christmas Story.
47: What was the last message you sent?
“Defo been hitting that gym,” referring to Ganondorf in Tears of the Kingdom.
48: When did you first try an alcoholic beverage?
Helped dad and a neighbour muster cattle all day, I was fucking exhausted, covered in sweat, and we lounged around in the shade of an oak tree like a couple of cowhands as we watched the cattle graze. The neighbour’s boy showed up with a few beers in his saddlebags. All four of us shared them. Neighbour’s boy was 17. I was 15. I earned that beer. On that note, I learnt to make screwdrivers when I was 10. I make a damn good screwdriver.
49: Can you skip rocks?
50: Can I tag you in random stuff?
Of course! I love being tagged in things. Bonus points for anything related to Sniper, Australia, or animals.
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charliesimss · 2 years
1-20 for Logan
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Talk about your muse’s birth. Was it usual or complicated? Where were they born? Who was there when they were born?
I've written his birth and I'm like 90% sure I've sent it to you, but for everyone that doesn't have unlimited access to my notes app, his birth was quite uneventful. He was born in LA, California and He basically just slid right out, within like an hour of his mom getting to the hospital, she had some meds but not an epidural. No one related to him was there besides his mom (both his parents failed to show up for his birth), and some doctors and nurses were there too but not related to him. After he was born he was taken away for some x rays and tests and whatever to make sure the rest of his limbs were in tact, and his mom was upset but then she went to sleep. I watch too much call the midwife and base all my ocs births off that show.
2. What was their earliest memory?
His first memory is sitting in a shopping cart and playing with a toy car on the carts pushy handle thing, he was probably 2 or 3.
3. What were they like as a baby? How much did they cry?
He didn't cry too much, he was a really easy baby. Alexa probably had him attached at her hip, so she'd always soothe him right away.
4. What were their first words?
It was car actually, because I wanted to be unique, before I knew anything about babies or language.
5. When did they start walking?
He was four cause the whole not having a functioning leg thing really held him that in that department, but he crawled and hopped around before that
6. When were they fully potty trained?
Probably at 3, alexa being a preschool teacher student wanted to use all her teaching skills on teaching him that
7. Did they ever use a pacifier? If so, when did they stop using it? Did they give it up willingly or did it have to be taken?
He'd use one of the cute ones with a bear on them you know? but only with his babysitter, his mom didn't like them or feel he needed one because he was easy to soothe.
8. How often did they throw temper tantrums? What were they usually about?
Almost never....when I say he was an NPC child...... he'd get sad and frustrated, but rarely have full throwing on the ground tantrums. And he didn't really start being sad to his parents until he was an older kid like 5+ years. (I wrote a lot of that stuff cause few things I love more than making men cry)
9. What were they like as a child? How different were they from their current self?
He was a wild kid, always doing something and making friends laugh or be silly, always making friends with other kids in general, and then he liked sports as well but only played for fun at school. He definitely took gym too seriously. And now he's an athletic party goer in most versions of himself so he hasn't changed much.
10. How easy (or hard) was it to take care of them?
Alexa being a teen mom was not prepared as to how hard a new born was. Even though he didn't really fuss all that much, he still needed basic care that she was very overwhelmed to give him. So she would say he was hard to care for.
11. What kind of activities did they like to do? Did they ever play pretend?
He liked to play with his cars and avengers action figures. He probably played pretend too, but it wasn't his go to activity.
12. Were they a fussy eater?
no, not a fussy eater, he liked a lot of stuff, including sushi which I think is a weird thing for a kid to like.
13. When it comes to sleep, do they go down easy or did they fight it tooth and nail?
Sleeping is something he did really well for the first 4 years and 302 days of his life. And then he had surgery and ain't have a good sleep sINCE. He'd get put to bed but then call in Alexa or Graham a bunch of times for water, cuddles, bathroom, all kinds of things. As he got older he got better at sleeping though, by middle school he was sleeping through the night. :))
14. What kinds of toys did they like?
Toy cars and trucks and action figures.
15. What was their favorite toy?
His avengers house action figure set inspired by captian america civil war but specifically his spidey that came with it. (idk if this is a real thing I'm 72% sure I made it up)
16. What kind of discipline were they subjected to? Was it lenient or strict?
He could murder someone on purpose in front of Alexa and she would be like "awe my sweet baby boy" absolutely not a disciplining bone in her body for him. He never got punished, she tried to be a gentle mom and give him only natural consequences like cleaning up if he spilled something accidentally and sometimes he'd hit her with the "can't clean I'm disabled :/" and she'd crack and just do it for him. But as he got older graham would ground him or take his phone or make him write apology letters depending on what he did. Graham was punished a lot as a kid and then grew up to be a c*p in cannon, so I imagine he'd be pretty strict.
17. Describe a typical day for them. Did they have a set schedule?
Saying he's 6 heres a day in the life:
7:00am: Wake up usually by himself (as in his parents don't need to), play in his room, sometimes he'd get dressed by himself before having breakfast if it was a special day, but usually he'd get dressed after. 7:30: Have breakfast, usually something quick like toast or cereal and a juice or water 7:40-8:00: Get dressed, sometimes with alexa or graham's help to urge him along but he's independent most days. Brush his teeth, brush his hair if needed, all that. And then he'd mostly play until he had to go to school. 8:15-8:20: Walk to school with graham or drive with alexa depending on the day!! 8:30am-2:30pm: School things. Its fairly uneventful, he mostly played with the boys in his class but didnt really have meaningful connections with anyone until he switched schools in second grade and met his best friend, aaron. 2:45pm: He'd just free play at home, but usually outside, he'd play in the garden or on his bike or something really active. He wasn't in sports at 6 but he couldve been. 4:00-5:00: Sometime between there he'd go inside and start his spelling homework with Alexa while she made dinner. 5:00-6:00: Have dinner 6:00-6:30: He could have screen time, alexa seems like she'd be really strict with this, even if it was just watching a show being his screen time. 7:00: Have a bath and get ready for bed.
So he didn't have a super strict schedule, but some parts were pretty steady, and he was a really go with the flow type boy.
18. What was their favorite childhood memory? Their least favorite?
His least favourite is probably when his mom said they'd go get donuts after their errunds and instead just fucking pullled over the car and screamed. That ones my fondest from his childhood though. His favourite was when he met Aaron and their first sleepover together because his mom let them pick whatever they wanted from the corner store.
19. What was their favorite holiday as a child? Their least favorite?
Christmas was his favourite, thanksgiving his least favourite because they had to go around the table and say what they were thankful for, and it wasnt that he was ungreatful, it was that he didnt want his mom to be upset with his answer.
20. What was their relationship like with their parents? How different was it than currently?
Him and Graham click like links together, they've always liked each other. In most versions Logan doesn't ever meet his bio dad, but he did in cannon and didn't get along with him because he was a criminal :/. His and Alexa's relationship has always been strained, he liked her more when he was a kid before he knew she was traumatized and taking it out on him. And I think once he learned that in family therapy as a teenager he never saw her the same way. He and her are civil. He doesn't like her, but he does love her.
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blondrichclosetwitch · 10 months
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Hotel California, 4 times in 24 hours on a 4 day. Sounds like it’s time to tell that story.
(Also mags, your 8:12 song had the line over and over “you make good fiction”)
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Sometimes the spirits are such matchmakers
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They asked me to expand on this one.
The last time it played, I told my surrogate sister about it. “I think they’re telling me I don’t have to do sexwork anymore. I heard you don’t need to put on your red light stronger than anything else. That’s what stuck out.”
But let’s go back to going into hiding for a minute.
(Btw, she just said to me the reason her candle looks so shitty is because you’re trying to separate us. It’s nice that you have a healthy ego and are ambitious, but no.)
Ok so it will probably take me all day to tell this, but: it started when The Voice starting talking to me on 1/3/20, which was an 8. My 49th birthday. 49 is nine of wands. Good card, I don’t pull it much. Anyway, the Voice which was def male seeming told me to blow off dinner with Anna Marie and take acid by myself.
I didn’t even have acid.
But Cyrus did.
On the way back, I stopped by the grotto over by pier Pasolini or whatever that church is called. I think it’s safe to say it’s the only time I stared at a statue of Jesus tripping lightly. Hallucinogenics and religious statues, who knew.
I didn’t stay long. I never do.
I was still kinda curious about this voice, as in who was talking to me. I didn’t really know.
But the voice talked to me intermittently til the sun came up. Gave me some instructions, including about quitting certain drugs completely & writing only on the tumblr. That I was to put music messages and documentation there, and tell our story.
I sent Jakk a text at 2:32 am, according to my photo library. 2:32 is “so you thinking what you gained you lost, but your shit is taking off.”
I think it took me a week to quit the drug but I did. Don’t touch it at all. A drug that pretty much most of the characters have some sort of history with.
I can only imagine the videos of me during that time. I remember feeling the surveillance in certain places, “they’re watching me right now”. She probably still has them saved, don’t you?
Anyway I quit, and things became in-my-face clear.
The first thing I noticed was I kept moving in circles in the apartment, for hours, though I had every intention to leave within 15 minutes. Everything became circular.
I did this for almost an hour once when I ran in just to grab something, and I just kept crying hysterically & going in circles, when I heard “put on your coat, Aunt Tinka!” and I cried harder, grabbing my coat, and finally getting out. It was one of the times I heard her use exact words.
There was one other time, right after, when I was still sleeping in the apartment, *but* I was sleeping in a mattress on the floor. With the door closed because I was afraid to inhale what was in the walls, because I thought that was what was confusing me and making me go in the circles.
And it was morning. And it was after I heard psychic J talking to me. I was starting to hear wildly to the point by that being awake was pure chaos. And I looked at the picture that I call “Stella” and she was the one who said it.
She said the place was pure poison and I had to take the pictures down. And she said, “don’t let my death be for nothing.”
I went into hiding the next week. At least I thought it was hiding, because I didn’t give anyone (and I mean not even my mother) the address. But I was found within days.
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aprayerforclarity · 1 year
Card: Six of Pentacles - Reversed
I've been feeling really really bad these past few days. As per last post, I've been feeling pretty off since I got back form my trip to California. But these past two days really started when I woke up at 4 am two nights ago and I decided that I was just going to get up. My body always likes to wake up around 3 or 4 and I really don't know why. I googled it and one of the results told me that it's just a naturally more light sleep cycle part, and waking up at these times could be caused by a number of factors. Stress, low exercise, pain, insomnia. I'm not really sure what it could be, but I got so annoyed and fed up with my body that when I woke up at 4 am, I told myself "You know what? If you really want to wake up then, then lets fucking wake up then!" I drank an espresso and started my day on the computer watching a history documentary and browsing the web. Probably not the best way to look to start the day, now that I'm looking back on it. But, I was determined to stay up all day and try to get to sleep back in a normal cycle.... But I made it about 6 hours or so. Around 10 am I fell back asleep and slept for an hour or two. I just had a headache all day and felt like shit. I really felt depressed again, and I told myself that I would just allow myself to do whatever it was that I wanted to do. That included watching tv and YouTube, which I did almost exclusively yesterday. I knew that I would be restless, so in order to get some sleep last night I took a Benadryl. I had hoped that it would keep me totally asleep throughout the whole night last night, and it definitely did help. However, I did feel myself wake up late in the night. I didn't look at the clock, but I knew it was probably around 3 or 4. I kept my eyes shut and rolled back over in the bed, and tried to drift back off to sleep. I successfully did so, and I think that was on account of the Benadryl. I woke up this morning feeling groggy from the Benadryl, but that was a foregone conclusion. I just woke up still feeling like I had no energy and no focus, and that's when I realized I was death-scrolling on my phone all yesterday and this morning,
I have deleted facebook off my phone, but I would still constantly check it on my chrome browser. It is ridiculous how addicted I had become to Facebook and I just needed to get off of it so I downloaded a Stay Focused app to block me anytime I try to go to Facebook.com URL. since I've downloaded it I think I've tried to access Facebook like three or four times, and each time it successfully blocks me from entering the page. It is amazing, and I think I'll keep it on for as long as I can. FUCK FACEBBOOK AND ADDICTIVE SOCIAL MEDIA WEBSITES.
Another thing I realized is, before I had my insomnia spell, I decided to cheat and ate a Wendy's burger and fries for dinner the night before. I think I finally broke down and got fast food because I had a low-lying hunger in me for the past 3 days. I had done a good job "eating clean" and not trying to overeat, but I just felt like I could eat a horse at all times. So, after battling low-level hunger for a few days, I decided that I would stuff myself and get a burger. Well, that was a horrible solution.
First of all, the fries weren't very good. Secondly, the burger wasn't that good. It tasted bland for about half of my eating of it, then the second half was definitely good, but not as good as the time I first recently had a Dave's double in the DT van on the way home from Richmond. I feel like I've constantly been trying to live up to that time of eating the burger. I don't know if that burger in particular was just really well made, or is it just the classic heroine "chasing the high" syndrome.
Anyways, I felt like shit for the rest of the night, my stomach bulging and I was constantly farting. Terrible decision all around, and now I'm kind of glad that I made it. I just realized how terrible it made me feel, even though my mind wanted to eat it so bad. It once again, after countless times, proves to myself that I can't trust my brain and it's cravings. It's for that reason that yesterday I chose not to eat too much. I had a good lunch of steak, shortly after I ate some nuts and a couple pickles, but for the rest of the day I didn't eat anything.
I think I just want to get back onto fasting. Whenever I have large and intense cravings for food, I need to remember that I can curb my hunger pains with saltwater. I need to go to the store and buy more mio, because just drinking saltwater straight-up is not very good. I need to remember that I can't trust my own mind, which makes me very sad but also I realize it is part of the reprogramming process. I have set certain neural pathways in my brain that have trapped me or put me in addictive and negative situations. I need to live like that ascetic, deprive myself of just SOME of the MANY things I'm addicted to or think I need, and I will reach a better state. So much of life is suffering and delaying gratification, and I just always always always have to remember that, almost only exclusively view the world through this lens. Because we are humans controlled by brains, and that is literally all I know about who I am and how we are all driven to do things in our lives.
Oh yeah, I also almost forgot one of the most important things I experienced this morning. At the worst of how I felt, I decided I needed to meditate. I did a more length 35 minute mediation, and when I was finished almost immediately I felt better, without even trying!!! When I feel like I'm just doom scrolling, I need to remember that I can meditate to reset my brain and it is an absolute solid strategy!!!!!!
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