#still shoot services india
mariacallous · 2 months
Until she fled Bangladesh on Monday, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina governed as if she still had full legitimacy, even as students and protesters had been on the streets for days asking her to resign. The trigger for the demonstrations—civil service job quotas for Bangladeshi freedom fighters and their families—had become a distant memory. Collective anger about years of human rights abuses, corruption, and rigged elections had coalesced into an uprising.
In a conversation over the weekend, Zonayed Saki, the left-leaning leader of the Ganosamhati Andolan party—himself a student activist against military rule in the 1990s—said, “The people’s sentiment is that she has to go first. The government had lost moral and political legitimacy.”
Hasina believed that she was elected democratically. She won an unprecedented fourth term in a flawed vote in January, which most of the major opposition parties had boycotted and the United States, the United Kingdom, and human rights groups criticized for not being free or fair. Still, other major governments congratulated Hasina on the victory. The bureaucracy, the media, the police, and the army were on her side. What could go wrong?
Over the weekend, Hasina declared a curfew again, cut off the internet, and encouraged the youth wing of the ruling Awami League party to take to the streets. Trigger-happy security forces, who were blamed for the deaths of more than 200 people as the protests turned violent in mid-July, were out in full force. Nearly 100 more people died over the weekend, including 14 police officers; video emerged showing security forces shooting point-blank at nonviolent protesters.
Hasina spoke darkly of Islamists spreading terrorism by co-opting the protests, but the students remained undeterred. A long march was announced for Aug. 5 to demand her resignation. Hasina declared a three-day public holiday in response. But by midday Monday, she had resigned, fleeing the country in a helicopter. The first stop would be India and after that an unknown destination.
Meanwhile, the situation on the ground has turned volatile amid the power vacuum. Thousands of demonstrators rushed to the Ganabhaban, the prime minister’s official residence in Dhaka, looting souvenirs and frolicking on the premises. People have also reportedly attacked the home of Bangladesh’s chief justice. There are also reports of the toppling of a statue of Hasina’s father, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, who led Bangladesh’s independence movement and then ruled the country until he was assassinated in 1975. Mujib’s family home, now a museum, went up in flames in an act of grotesque retribution. These incidents stand in contrast to the disciplined and peaceful demonstrations led by students, who have urged for calm and were seen appealing to the looters to return stolen property.
Bangladesh’s army has called for calm, but it has not yet intervened. The country’s armed forces overthrew elected governments in the 1970s and 1980s and attempted coups in later years. But now, the generals would naturally want to play it safe: They cannot afford to lose the confidence of Bangladeshis and are aware of the deep distrust that Bangladeshis have developed for the armed forces because their political interventions have weakened the country’s democracy.
There is another calculation at play, too: Bangladesh is among the largest suppliers of soldiers to the United Nations peacekeeping forces, and it won’t antagonize the international community by letting its soldiers act at will. (Those peacekeeping arrangements mean the armed forces are less reliant on Bangladesh’s state budget.) In mid-July, when military vehicles with U.N. insignia were deployed on Dhaka’s streets, foreign diplomats rightly complained; Bangladeshi officials gave weak excuses and promised not to use U.N. equipment to settle domestic unrest.
Hasina seemed to have two options: to seek a graceful exit or to dig her heels in and let the troops take all necessary means to protect her regime. In the end, she fled. Where she will settle is unclear. India would pose problems for Prime Minister Narendra Modi; ruling party politicians have routinely criticized undocumented Bangladeshis in India, even creating legislation to identify and possibly deport them. The United Kingdom may be risky for Hasina because while it hosts many Bangladeshi immigrants, they include dissidents forced into exile during her 15-year rule as well as supporters of the opposition Bangladesh Nationalist Party.
Had Hasina dug in, there would have been bloody consequences. Even if the army had shown restraint toward the protesters, there is no telling if Bangladesh’s notorious border guards or the Rapid Action Battalion—which has faced criticism from human rights groups—would have acted responsibly. There has been violence on both sides, but it has come primarily from the Bangladeshi state. As of Monday, as many as 32 children had died, according to UNICEF.
By stepping aside disgracefully, Hasina leaves chaos in her wake. It is crucial that any interim administration restore order quickly, but it can only do so if it has the backing of the army. A list of bureaucrats, civil society veterans, and others who might form the nucleus of such a government has been released, but the situation is too fluid to consider such lists final. In the early 2000s, Bangladesh had an unelected but legitimate caretaker government to help assist its transition to democracy after a military intervention—which it did, paving the way for Hasina’s election in December 2008.
Hasina has long demonized Bangladesh’s Islamist political forces. But Islamic fundamentalist parties have secured more than 10 percent of the vote only once, in 1991; in all subsequent elections, their vote share has been closer to 5 to 6 percent. Most Bangladeshis are Muslims, but they aren’t extremists; in Bangladeshi American poet Tarfia Faizullah’s famous words, when a Pakistani soldier assaulted a Bengali woman in 1971 and asked her if she was Muslim or Bengali, she defiantly said, “Both.”
The song accompanying many videos of the protests last week was from the pre-Partition poet Dwijendralal Ray, a Hindu, celebrating the golden land of Bengal. To see Bangladesh in binary terms—of Muslim or not Muslim—shows a profound misreading of a complex society. It reveals the myopia of external observers, notably analysts close to the current Indian government, who had invested hugely in Hasina and irrationally fear that an Islamic republic is the only alternative to her rule. In so doing, they frittered away some of the goodwill that India had earned in Bangladesh over the years, particularly for its support during the liberation war.
As a result, the current situation in Bangladesh will complicate things for Modi, Hasina’s close friend. His government had invested hugely in their relationship, aiming to build a trade corridor across Bangladesh and seeking Bangladeshi support to curb separatism in northeastern India. This alienated India from Bangladeshis, who expected New Delhi to defend democratic forces in Dhaka. Nobel laureate Muhammad Yunus, whom Hasina condemned and called a “bloodsucker of the poor,” chided India for not doing enough: South Asia is a family, he said in a recent interview, and when a house is burning, brothers should come and help.
With Hasina fleeing, India has lost an ally it thought it could rely on. The road ahead for Bangladesh will be difficult. Expectations will be high, and the people will want early elections. If those are free and fair, a different Bangladesh can emerge. Whether it will be consistent with the liberal, secular, democratic ethos that Bangladesh’s founders fought for remains to be seen.
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The Juggernaut
Bangladesh has finally taken action in response to weeks of protests, but citizens still await justice.
At least 139 people have died since protests broke out on July 1. Last month, Bangladesh’s courts brought back controversial government job quotas, which the country had abolished in 2018. These quotas reserved 30% of public sector jobs for relatives of 1971 Bangladesh Liberation War veterans. At the same time, youth unemployment in Bangladesh tripled from 5.6% in 1991 to 15.7% in 2023.
On Sunday, Bangladesh’s Supreme Court reduced quotas from 56% to 7% of government jobs. Quotas for kin of 1971 War veterans went from 30% to 5% and for ethnic minorities went from 5% to 1%. The court abolished quotas for women and those from certain districts but kept the 1% for those with disabilities.
Quotas for government jobs are not uncommon in South Asia. In 2022, India increased reservations to 59.5% in central institutions.
Bangladesh deployed police and paramilitary forces as well as the antiterrorism Rapid Action Battalion, and slowed internet services and shut educational institutions. Hundreds have suffered injuries. Over the weekend, Bangladesh declared a curfew and police granted military officers orders to “shoot on site.”
“I am hoping normalcy will return after today’s ruling and people with ulterior motives will stop instigating people,” Abu Mohammad Amin Uddin, Bangladesh’s Attorney General, told Reuters. When issuing the verdict, the Supreme Court urged students to resume classes. “As the demands of students are met, they should stop the protests,” Uddin told the NY Times.
But student organizers say the fight isn’t over. “Now we want justice for the lives lost of our brothers. The prime minister has to apologize and those who are guilty have to be tried,” Mahfuzul Hasan, a protest coordinator, told The Guardian.
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dandelionsresilience · 6 months
Good News - April 1-7
Like these weekly compilations? Support me on Ko-fi! Also, if you tip me on here or Ko-fi, at the end of the month I’ll send you a link to all of the articles I found but didn’t use each week - almost double the content! (I’m new to taking tips on here; if it doesn’t show me your username or if you have DM’s turned off, please send me a screenshot of your payment)
1. Three Endangered Asiatic Lion Cubs Born at London Zoo
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“The three cubs are a huge boost to the conservation breeding programme for Asiatic lions, which are now found only in the Gir Forest in Gujarat, India.”
2. United Nations Passes Groundbreaking Intersex Rights Resolution
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“The United Nations Human Rights Council has passed its first ever resolution affirming the rights of intersex people, signaling growing international resolve to address rights violations experienced by people born with variations in their sex characteristics.”
3. Proposal to delist Roanoke logperch
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“Based on a review of the best available science, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) has determined that the Roanoke logperch, a large freshwater darter, is no longer at risk of extinction. […] When the Roanoke logperch was listed as endangered in 1989, it was found in only 14 streams. In the years since, Roanoke logperch surveys and habitat restoration have more than doubled the species range, with 31 occupied streams as of 2019.”
4. Fully-Accessible Theme Park Reopens Following Major Expansion
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“Following the $6.5 million overhaul, the park now offers [among other “ultra-accessible” attractions] a first-of-its-kind 4-seat zip line that can accommodate riders in wheelchairs as well as those who need extra restraints, respiratory equipment or other special gear.”
5. ‘The Javan tiger still exists’: DNA find may herald an extinct species’ comeback
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“A single strand of hair recovered from [a sighting] is a close genetic match to hair from a Javan tiger pelt from 1930 kept at a museum, [a new] study shows. “Through this research, we have determined that the Javan tiger still exists in the wild,” says Wirdateti, a government researcher and lead author of the study.”
6. Treehouse Village: Eco-housing and energy savings
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““The entire place is designed and built to meet the passive house standard, which is the most energy-efficient construction standard in the world,” says resident Wayne Groszko, co-owner of one of the units at Treehouse.”
7. 50 rare crocodiles released in Cambodia's tropical Cardamom Mountains
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“Cambodian conservationists have released 50 captive-bred juvenile Siamese crocodiles at a remote site in Cambodia as part of an ongoing programme to save the species from extinction.”
8. The Remarkable Growth of the Global Biochar Market: A Beacon of Environmental Progress
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“Biochar, a stable carbon form derived from organic materials like agricultural residues and forestry trimmings, is a pivotal solution in the fight against global warming. By capturing carbon in a stable form during biochar production, and with high technology readiness levels, biochar offers accessible and durable carbon dioxide removal.”
9. 'Seismic' changes set for [grouse shooting] industry as new Scottish law aims to tackle raptor persecution
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“Conservation scientists and campaigners believe that birds such as golden eagles and hen harriers are being killed to prevent them from preying on red grouse, the main target species of the shooting industry. […] Under the Wildlife Management and Muirburn Bill, the Scottish grouse industry will be regulated for the first time in its history.”
10. White House Awards $20 Billion to Nation’s First ‘Green Bank’ Network
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“At least 70 percent of the funds will go to disadvantaged communities, the administration said, while 20 percent will go to rural communities and more than 5 percent will go to tribal communities. […] The White House said that the new initiative will generate about $150 billion in clean energy and climate investments[…].”
March 22-28 news here | (all credit for images and written material can be found at the source linked; I don’t claim credit for anything but curating.)
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kaitokrush · 1 year
My heart is chained to yours; a Junkrat and Roadhog fanfiction
Chapter 4
“Yeah but uuuuuuggggghhhh gaaahhhh bleehhhh, such a fuckin pain to start.”
We enter the customer service area, which is also the main entrance but that doesn’t matter, and the lady who owns the Hyundai Sonata sits in the row of chairs set up along the entry doorway. Both Holland and I slouch against the front desk to spit her the news. With his arms crossed, Holland looks solemnly at the lady.
"Excuse me, ma'am, do you have anyone to pick you up?”
Petrified, the woman's eyes widen as she touches her hair, stroking it like a cat.
“W-why? What seems to be the problem, sir?
“Your car ran out of blinker fluid. Ow-”
My cocky smile was wiped off by Holland cocking me in the back of my noggin.
“Don’t mind him, ma’am, your car has traces of water mixed with your oil.
Halting her strokes, she tightly grasps her hair.
"O-oh gosh, that's terrible, I recently took my car to get an oil change. I had a bad feeling when I had to pay around 16000-"
Unslouching, my face twists in absolute horror as I grab my head.
The lady looks at me annoyed, shooting daggers with her eyes.
Sliding my hands off my head, they still linger in the air as I stare at her concerned.
“Like the jewels from Legend of Zelda? No fuckin way they charged you the currency of Hyrule!!!”
Gritting her teeth, she’s pissed off.
“...the currency of India.”
Standing my whole body straight, I look away deeply embarrassed.
Holland takes control of the conversation and hands a clipboard to the lady.
"Here, just write your name and phone number at the bottom. This is going to be pocket gouging since we could be replacing a lot of rusted parts, if not the whole engine. So if you need any help paying, I can stick in a couple of dollars. By the way, you never answered if you have a ride or not."
Taking a deep breath, she takes a minute to answer while she writes her information on the clipboard.
"I can call an Uber driver so I have a ride. I also have the money to cover the parts so that’s no sweat."
A sigh of relief escapes me as I leave to start working on the car. She might think I’m some rude jerk off but I still give a damn about her.
Unsure of where to start, I take out a wrench set and try to decide which one to take while Holland strolls in. Lifting my head, I turn to face him.
"So what's her name sir?"
"Satya Vaswani."
Now available on AO3 + Wattpad
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sellyourgadget1 · 2 years
Buy Second-hand Canon 200 D Mark 2 Camera in Cheap Price
Are you a fan of canon cameras? But I don't have the budget to buy a new one. If true, we have an ultimate opportunity and an excellent solution for you. That means now you can buy your favourite Canon 200 D mark 2 in a second-hand version at low prices only at Sell Your Gadget. At Sell Your Gadget, you get only the best devices and accessories in every type of camera brand. In the past years, Sell Your Gadget has become popular among every second photography lover in India due to its excellent services and high-quality second-hand cameras and photography accessories, which are carefully checked and tested by professionals before we hand them over to our dear customers. Additionally, Sell Your Gadget has many international customers who love the services at this unique and preferable second-hand camera and their accessories selling site.
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With Sell Your Gadget, Canon 200 D Mark 2 is changing the photography world
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The priority of Sell Your Gadget is only their customers, so whenever you face any problem or have any queries, Contact Us at:8076715740 -our customers support is always available for help!
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digitalsonam · 28 days
Twohmp Communication: Your Go-To Digital Marketing Agency for 2024
In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, businesses need to stand out to succeed. Digital marketing has become the backbone of every successful brand’s strategy, helping them connect with consumers, build awareness, and drive sales. Twohmp Communication, one of the Best Advertising agencies in Gurgaon, has established itself as a leading force in the world of digital marketing. With services spanning branding, TV ads, video production, creative design, and more, Twohmp is setting new standards in the industry.
This blog will delve into why Twohmp Communication is a top contender among the Digital Marketing Agencies in Gurgaon, and how their innovative approach helps businesses thrive.
Understanding the Role of a Digital Marketing Agency
A digital marketing agency plays a pivotal role in bridging the gap between brands and consumers. Whether it’s through creative campaigns, social media engagement, SEO, or paid advertisements, the agency acts as a strategic partner that drives measurable results. Digital marketing encompasses a wide range of services, including branding, content creation, TV ads, video production, photography, graphic design, and digital ads. For businesses looking for an Advertising Agency near me, working with a local expert like Twohmp Communication offers several advantages.
Why Choose Twohmp Communication?
Twohmp Communication is more than just a traditional advertising agency—it is a creative ad agency that specializes in delivering holistic solutions tailored to each client’s unique needs. Whether you are a small startup or a large corporation, Twohmp’s strategic digital marketing services will help you reach your target audience effectively. Here’s why they stand out:
1. Comprehensive Branding Solutions
Branding is at the core of Twohmp Communication’s services. Their approach goes beyond creating logos and color schemes; they dive deep into your brand’s identity, values, and messaging. As one of the top ad agencies in Gurgaon, Twohmp ensures that your brand resonates with your audience, both online and offline.
2. Cutting-Edge Digital Marketing
Digital marketing strategies must be versatile, data-driven, and innovative. Twohmp excels at designing and executing campaigns that are backed by thorough market research and analysis. Their digital marketing services cover everything from SEO to PPC, social media management, email marketing, and influencer partnerships.
3. Creative TV Ads and TVCs
Traditional advertising still plays a vital role in modern marketing, especially TV ads and television commercials (TVCs). With expertise in both TV production and digital ad formats, Twohmp creates captivating content that leaves a lasting impression. Whether it's a 30-second spot or a long-form TVC, their team handles it all.
4. Stunning Video & Photography
In today’s digital world, visual storytelling is key. Twohmp’s team of videographers and photographers brings creativity and technical excellence to every project. From product shoots to brand documentaries, their work reflects the brand’s essence and engages consumers.
5. Graphic and Creative Design Expertise
Twohmp Communication’s graphic and creative design team is known for pushing boundaries. Their designs are more than just visually appealing—they tell stories, provoke thought, and drive action. Whether it’s designing brochures, websites, or online ads, Twohmp’s creative team delivers exceptional results.
Services Offered by Twohmp Communication
Twohmp Communication stands out as one of the top advertising agencies in India due to its wide array of services. Here’s a deeper look at what they offer:
1. Branding
Creating a powerful brand is essential for business success. Twohmp’s branding services include logo design, brand guidelines, messaging strategy, and positioning. They work closely with clients to develop a brand identity that resonates with the target audience.
2. Digital Marketing
Digital marketing is at the heart of Twohmp’s service offerings. Whether it’s creating targeted ad campaigns on Google and social media platforms or optimizing websites for SEO, Twohmp provides a full suite of digital marketing solutions. Their strategies are designed to maximize ROI and drive measurable results.
3. TV Ads and TVCs
Twohmp excels at creating engaging TV ads that capture attention and convert viewers into customers. From scripting to production and post-production, their team handles everything in-house, ensuring high-quality results every time.
4. Video & Photography
In an age where content is king, Twohmp helps brands stay ahead with high-quality video and photography. Their team specializes in producing content that tells compelling stories and enhances brand visibility across platforms.
5. Creative and Graphic Design
Whether it's designing an entire website, a social media campaign, or traditional print materials, Twohmp’s graphic design services deliver creativity and functionality. Their designs not only catch the eye but also reflect the brand’s values and messaging clearly.
The Rise of Digital Marketing Agencies
Over the past decade, digital marketing agencies have emerged as the go-to solution for businesses seeking to expand their online presence. With more consumers turning to online channels to discover new products and services, digital marketing has become the most effective way to build brand awareness and drive sales.
Twohmp Communication has established itself as a leader in this space, offering clients a wide range of services under one roof. Their blend of creativity, strategy, and execution makes them one of the creative agencies in Gurgaon that companies trust to achieve results.
Choosing the Right Digital Marketing Agency for Your Business
Finding the right digital marketing partner is crucial for any business. Here’s what sets Twohmp Communication apart from other Ad Agencies in Gurgaon:
Experience: Twohmp has years of experience working with diverse clients from different industries.
Customization: No two businesses are the same, and neither are Twohmp’s solutions. They customize every strategy to meet the specific needs of their clients.
Innovation: Twohmp’s commitment to staying ahead of digital trends ensures that their clients always have access to the latest tools and strategies.
Results-Oriented: Everything they do is geared toward delivering measurable results, from increasing website traffic to boosting brand visibility and driving conversions.
Why Twohmp Communication is Among the Best in Gurgaon
If you are searching for the Best Advertising Agency in Gurgaon, Twohmp Communication should be at the top of your list. As one of the Digital Marketing Agencies in Gurgaon that specializes in a wide range of services, they offer everything from branding to video production and TV ads, helping businesses in Gurgaon and beyond succeed. Their combination of creative solutions and results-driven strategies makes them a leading creative agency in Gurgaon.
Whether you’re a startup looking for brand recognition or an established business in need of a digital boost, Twohmp Communication’s expertise in branding, digital marketing, and creative design will help you achieve your goals.
In a world where digital marketing is evolving at lightning speed, partnering with a trusted and experienced agency like Twohmp Communication can make all the difference. As one of the top ad agencies in Gurgaon, Twohmp offers a wide range of services, from digital marketing and branding to TV ads and graphic design, ensuring that your brand stays ahead of the competition.
With its innovative approach, Twohmp Communication is undoubtedly one of the top advertising agencies in India to watch in 2024. So, whether you're looking for a creative ad agency, an Advertising Agency near me, or a Digital Marketing Agency in Gurgaon, Twohmp is your perfect partner for success.
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mariacallous · 4 months
Ten years ago, Eliot Higgins could eat room service meals at a hotel without fear of being poisoned. He hadn’t yet been declared a foreign agent by Russia; in fact, he wasn’t even a blip on the radar of security agencies in that country or anywhere else. He was just a British guy with an unfulfilling admin job who’d been blogging under the pen name Brown Moses—after a Frank Zappa song—and was in the process of turning his blog into a full-fledged website. He was an open source intelligence analyst avant la lettre, poring over social media photos and videos and other online jetsam to investigate wartime atrocities in Libya and Syria.
In its disorganized way, the internet supplied him with so much evidence that he was beating UN investigators to their conclusions. So he figured he’d go pro. He called his website Bellingcat, after the fable of the mice that hit on a way to tell when their predator was approaching. He would be the mouse that belled the cat.
Today, Bellingcat is the world’s foremost open source intelligence agency. From his home in the UK, Higgins oversees a staff of nearly 40 employees who have used an evolving set of online forensic techniques to investigate everything from the 2014 shoot-down of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 over Ukraine to a 2020 dognapping to the various plots to kill Russian dissident Alexei Navalny.
Bellingcat operates as an NGO headquartered in the Netherlands but is in demand everywhere: Its staffers train newsrooms and conduct workshops; they unearth war crimes; their forensic evidence is increasingly part of court trials. When I met Higgins one Saturday in April, in a pub near his house, he’d just been to the Netherlands to collect an award honoring Bellingcat’s contributions to free speech—and was soon headed back to collect another, for peace and human rights.
Bellingcat’s trajectory tells a scathing story about the nature of truth in the 21st century. When Higgins began blogging as Brown Moses, he had no illusions about the malignancies of the internet. But along with journalists all over the world, he has discovered that the court of public opinion is broken. Hard facts have been devalued; online, everyone can present, and believe in, their own narratives, even if they’re mere tissues of lies. Along with trying to find the truth, Higgins has also been searching for places where the truth has any kind of currency and respect—where it can work as it should, empowering the weak and holding the guilty accountable.
The year ahead may be the biggest of Bellingcat’s life. In addition to tracking conflicts in Ukraine and Gaza, its analysts are being flooded with falsified artifacts from elections in the US, the UK, India, and dozens of other countries. As if that weren’t enough, there’s also the specter of artificial intelligence: still too primitive to fool Bellingcat’s experts but increasingly good enough to fool everyone else. Higgins worries that governments, social media platforms, and tech companies aren’t worrying enough and that they’ll take the danger seriously only when “there’s been a big incident where AI-generated imagery causes real harm”—in other words, when it’s too late.
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swldx · 9 months
RNZ Pacific 1324 22 Dec 2023
7390Khz 1259 22 DEC 2023 - RNZ PACIFIC (NEW ZEALAND) in ENGLISH from RANGITAIKI. SINPO = 55344. English, s/on w/music (jazzy version of "Jingle Bells") until pips and news @1300z anchored by Angie Skerrett. The government is spending an extra $5.7 million on security in emergency departments across the country for summer, after an "increased frequency" of violent incidents at hospitals. Auckland City Hospital will get five dedicated security guards for its emergency department, and emergency medicine staff said it would make a difference. At least 31 people were killed in floods and heavy rain in India’s southern state of Tamil Nadu this week, a top federal minister said on Friday, as rescuers struggled to reach scores still stranded in high waters. Heavy rains have immobilised several districts of the state, inundating entire neighbourhoods, roads and railway tracks, days after a cyclone hit India’s southeastern coast, causing widespread damage. “The death toll number could change,” federal minister for finance Nirmala Sithraman told reporters, adding that more than 40,000 people have been rescued so far and efforts are under way to reach those still stranded. The state is one of the major electronics and manufacturing hubs in India. Some southern neighbourhoods remained waterlogged on Friday. A gunman has shot dead 14 people and injured another 25 at a university in Prague, officials say, in the deadliest attack in modern Czech history. Police say the 24-year-old gunman was also "eliminated" after the shooting at Charles University in the historic centre of the capital. University staff were told to barricade themselves in rooms during the attack. Angola has announced it is leaving the oil producers' organisation Opec over a dispute on output quotas. It follows last month's decision by the 13-member cartel and 10 allied nations to further slash oil production in 2024 to prop up volatile global prices. Angola currently produces about 1.1 million barrels per day, of the 30 million from the whole of Opec. Oil prices fell on the news, with Brent prices down over $1 to $78.5 a barrel. Sports: international chocolate competition. @1303z trailer for RNZ "Special Christmas Service". @1304z Weather Forecast: Periods of rain, some heavy Rain Warnings. @1306z "All Night Programme" anchored by Angie Skerrett. Backyard gutter antenna, Tecsun PL-680. 100kW, beamAz 35°, bearing 240°. Received at Plymouth, United States, 12912KM from transmitter at Rangitaiki. Local time: 0659.
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indiejones · 1 year
A strange dichotomy in press or media workings from 50’s India, came to our attention at Indies, making us investigate it’s roots, & the revelations from it & deeper emerging links to the Indian panorama of then, is what’s presented in form of this blog.
Now all regular readers of Indie blogs, would’ve taken notice of the Indie revelation from month back, of the pre-1977 Indian Film Censors rule, of not allowing film shootings within the land, till every 3 reels of each film were made to pass thru & be certified by censors before proceeding ahead. In light of this, emerged another unrelated claim stating how twas the Indian Information & Broadcasting Min of 1950’s India, B.V. Keskar, I & B Minister from 1952-1962, that outright banned the broadcast of all Hindi songs in 1952, for supposedly being too crass & uncultured, thus paving way for the emergence & prosperity of India’s rival business, Sri Lanka’s state radio broadcast service ‘Radio Ceylon’ (most famous to audiences of today, for hosting Ameen Sayani’s ‘Binaca Geetmala’, a weekly Top 10/20 Hindi Film Songs rating & broadcast show) that became immensely popular on account of such ‘folly’ by Mr. Keskar. And this theory was bought by the nation enmasse, for Mr. Keskar being a known proponent of the classical arts, & who In an article in The Hindu (19 July 1953), had argued that “The country’s appreciation for classical music has fallen and was on the point of extinction, particularly in North India, & the onus of making his countrymen intimate with (classical music) that therefore was bestowed on AIR.” “We must make (ourselves) familiar with our traditional music," was what he’d declared. Now further research on the matter gives us no other direct quotes or even second-hand convos from Keskar on the matter of Hindi Film Songs being degenerative or a bad influence on Indian society, ever, anywhere! .. All such talk, attributing such motives to him, only appearing in independent (?) columns of journalists, assuming his self-asserted appreciation for Indian classical music as a direct potential assault on Hindi film Music, in some zero sum game, that being the decided motive for the AIR Film Music ban, no further questions thence to be asked! This theory may even have worked in unknowing & gullible 1950’s India, but to us 75 yrs later, armed with Google baba & other means of info, the knowledge of real facts, that smelt of something far more sinister or atleast shady to begin with- HOW WAS IT EVER POSSIBLE, THAT THE SAME I & B MINISTRY THAT OVERSAW, CERTAINLY SINCE INDEPENDENCE & ALSO BEFORE, WHAT SONGS WERE FIT TO BE TELECAST OR SCREENCAST (IE WITH VISUALS, MOREOVER) IN HINDI MOVIES OF THEN, WITH A METICULOUS MICROSCOPE, WOULD FIND THE SAME SONGS OBJECTIONABLE IN THEIR MERE PODCAST OR TRANSMISSION (W/O VISUALS), OVER A PUBLIC CARRIER ‘ALL INDIA RADIO (AIR)’ ALSO RUN ENTIRELY BY THE I & B MINISTRY??!! Further, we are told that AIR’s situation improved after Keskar was removed & AIR’s new ‘Vividh Bharati service” division was started, now allowing the playing of Hindi songs, thus gaining popularity, & finally beginning to bring in rewards to Indian public entrepreneurship. Only to learn upon some more research that: 1. Mr. B.V. Keskar was the I & B minister continuously for 10 yrs from 1952 – 1962, while ‘Vividh Bharati’ began services in October 1957! Ie. Keskar also oversaw the emergence of Vividh Bharati in AIR during his leadership. 2. It is learnt that parent body AIR still didn’t allow of advertising slots on this new ‘Vividh Bharati’ channel, even then, thus refusing the chance of generating revenue & sprucing up it’s programming & presentation. This infact reportedly continuing into early 1970’s.
All this while rival state broadcaster, Sri Lanka’s ‘Radio Ceylon’, was reportedly earning millions upon millions of rupees, via the biggest & hottest commodity of the nation since independence, in Sri Lanka or India – Radio! Far far more monopolistic in attracting the maximum audience & ad revenue & trade then, as one would imagine, on account of there being no rival modes of entertainment or mass enjoyment then! RADIO WAS UPTO TEN TIMES MORE PROFITABLE AND ATTRACTIVE & PRESTIGIOUS A VENTURE & A DOMINATING (& CONTROLLING) PUBLIC INFLUENCE, THAN EVEN THE TELEVISION OF TODAY!
Which brings one to the obvious question, as to why would the Indian Govt, allow the clearly most potentially impactful & most public interfacing & public controlling Ministry, take a string of the stupidest upon stupidest of decisions, one after the other, for upto years to decades on end, that too, & need it be said, with a rival & unimaginably successful & profitable & national coffer-bourgeoning business model, in just the neighbouring nation, using the Indians’ own intellectual property to increase their own nation’s wealth, all to India’s detriment!???? Ofcourse also to how the same supposedly Hindi Film music-phobic I & B Minister Keskar, had such a change of heart, to first unilaterally declare such a vastly unpopular & need I say, electorally impactful decision in 1952, & then do a 180 degree turn in just 5 yrs, & undo the same decision unilaterally in 1957, unquestioned or un-investigated upon further, forever thereafter! Btw. B. V. Keskar continues to be the longest serving I & B Min in Indian democratic history, having served on this post for a full 10 yrs, that’s 5 times more than the average term duration of 2 yrs for Ministers holding this post in India thereafter! Does anyone even remotely believe that Nehru of all people, SO hands-on in all his affairs, that his own 1950’s Finance Minister of all people, John Matthai, one of Indies Top 136 Greatest Personalities in the Known History of India incidentally, & one of the most important Cabinet posts in the Govt, resigned, writing an open letter of resignation to Nehru in 1950, alleging how Nehru’s Planning Commission headed by Nehru himself, had become a parallel Cabinet that’d turned the entire real Cabinet into mere petty registering authorities…could allow some unheard of & certainly nationally unknown Minister called B. V. Keskar to run riot with the dynamic national sentiment, not once but twice, & continue on with no say in the matter at all!?
This was not stupidity of the highest order, but certainly something far more sinister.
And a little further deep-dive, made matters far clearer indeed!
You see some research on ‘Radio Ceylon’ will tell you, how it took the shape of it’s most famous avatar, from the erstwhile ‘Colombo Radio’ that began transmission in 1925, only after the nation of Ceylon (now Sri Lanka) was officially granted Dominion Status by the British in 1948 just a year after the same as unofficially granted to India in 1947 (read earlier Indie blogs on India’s Dominion Status till atleast the late 1960’s, on Indies sm), that meaning all controlling authority, if not day-to-day operations, & certainly lotsa the decided revenues or rewards, from the nation’s activity, were to stay with the British Crown.
Further, how ‘Radio Ceylon’ acquired it’s operational strength thanks to the short-wave transmitters that were donated to Radio Ceylon, at the time of it’s dominion-independence, by the officers of the then Indian Gov General Louis Mountbatten’s earlier command, namely his position as Supreme Commander of the South- East Asia Command that Mountbatten held till 1946, & one officer in particular, Major Frank Courtney. During WW II, Frank Courtney was posted in India and assigned to the British Garrison at Bombay as the Signals Officer. The Allied Forces were spread far & wide, from the Middle East to the Far East and the Indian Peninsula in the centre, formed a very strategic location. Real time communications with the Allied Forces became paramount and an urgent need was felt to set up a Medium Frequency/High Frequency (MF/HF) transmitting station. FC was tasked with identifying a suitable location and equipment and setting up the same. After a thorough study he concluded that Colombo would be the ideal location and he proceeded with the project as directed. Just as the equipment arrived at Colombo the War ended and the equipment continued to lie in some warehouse in the port premises.
Frank Courtney, who was totally in the picture of the details & position of the MF/HF Transmitters, approached the new Government in Ceylon and proposed the setting up of a powerful radio station for their country. The Ceylon Government accepted his proposal and commissioned him to complete the project on a turn-key basis. That meaning, the Govt of Sri Lanka basically appointed Major Frank Courtney, Signals Officer of Mountbatten’s South-East Asia Command, as a large stakeholder & large part owner of Sri Lanka’s national radio service, that was also soon re-positioned as a full-fledged separate department of the Ceylon (Sri Lankan) Natl Govt.
Now given how Sri Lanka was legally a Dominion of Britain then (& continued to be till 1972 when officially became a Republic), & Mountbatten very much in control of India as Governor General in 1948, fair to say, this was in effect the British Crown acquiring rival legal ownership to the then illegal Indian radio-service ownership! .. In modern biz talk, many would call this, a potential way to convert black into white!
And that is how Radio Ceylon came into being. The most powerful transmitting station in this part of the world!
1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radio_Ceylon
2. https://pediahut.com/radio-ceylon/
3. https://www.historyforpeace.pw/post/the-strange-and-amusing-history-of-indian-commercial-radio
4. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/obituaries/1579447/Major-Frank-Courtney.html 5. https://www.mail-archive.com/[email protected]/msg140357.html 6. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0268740/plotsummary/
What happened thereafter, as mentioned in first half of the blog, & why moreover, would now be almost clear to everyone reading! The entire facade of the Hindi Film Song ban by All Indian Radio & Keskar in 1952, would’ve been, as we can almost certainly now say, an exercise in subterfuge, in transferring all Indian listenership & consequent ad revenue from AIR to the Crown‘s near-official Radio Ceylon, under directions of the Crown, dutifully followed & implemented on by the self-confessed last British PM of India. Btw, do you know when ‘Vividh Bharati’ actually started accepting advertising revenue? In early 1970’s, just as Sri Lanka became a Republic!   Another aspect that also comes to mind, as an interesting aside, is how Major Frank Courtney, official part-owner of or substantial stakeholder in ‘Radio Ceylon’, also roped in 2 more people as official partners – First, an enterprising American Daniel Molina, who sensing a great business opportunity in India then, founded (or was made to found) a company called Radio Advertising Services in Bombay in 1951 to recruit sponsors for Radio Ceylon’s programmes.
Molina also established Radio Ceylon’s production arm, Radio Enterprises Pvt. Ltd. (REPL), and hired an AIR broadcaster named Hamid Sayani to head it. Who was also a theatre actor & a executive in 2 big British advertising agencies J. Walter Thompson and Stronachs.
Did you know that 'Radio Ceylon' ran it's outrageously profitable venture, in the name of the Sri Lankan Govt's official department, right from Colaba in South Bombay, from Cecil Court & nearby locations!
Incidentally, the 2 other people that were hired & became famous, in this radio jockey role, were Hamid’s younger brother Ameen Sayani, who was to radio compere inarguably Radio Ceylon’s biggest money-spinner ever (thanks to Indian & British Govt’s calculated Hindi song ban), ‘Binaca Geetmala’, & the other, a guy called Balraj, who first hosted & became famous with a show called ‘Lipton Ki Mehfil’ & subsequently a show by the name ‘Lux Ke Sitaray’, that during course of his 2nd show, would land up at Dilip Kumar’s ‘Shikast’ film set for an interview in 1953, & per online info, impress the Director Ramesh Saigal enough to bag a lead role for his next film, titled ‘Railway Platform’, releasing nationwide in 1955, the man now rechristened as Sunil Dutt!
The Radio service, now having acquired unparalleled & loyal fan base, would, despite being an official Sri Lankan Govt enterprise, also then go on to begin a segment on  ‘unbiased Indian news’ pertaining to India, & begin a Christian missionary ad-purchased Christian religious programming to India, slot, too. Just saying.
Now we mentioned earlier how Major Frank Courtney had roped in 2 partners for his advertising agency arm of Radio Ceylon, the 2nd of them being a guy going as S. Hariharan, that from the only available literature on him, was also the ‘overseer’ of 1972’s Malayalam film ‘Vayanadan Thampan’, the plotline for which, as an amusing aside, we surely hope has no real-life connections whatsoever! For below is what the Imdb plotline as on July 2023 of the film reads (As I said, have a fun read): “Vayanadan Thamban is nearing his death, he starts to worship devils and comes across a devil Karimuthey. Vayanadan Thamban requests him to grant everlasting youth to which Karimuthey agrees on a request that he should sacrifice 10 virgin girls as an offering to him, on specific intervals. Upon offering him a sacrifice of every virgin girl, Karimuthey grants Vayanadan Thamba a boon to become younger on every interval. But warns him that if he fails to offer the sacrifice, his body shall go rotten.”
Sounds very much like few dark occult underground community terms & conditions & rituals, we’ve now heard aplenty from experts & activists alike, isn’t it?! .. But as I said, let’s hope just restricted to cinematic entt (even if at it’s very worst!).
Btw, we’ve blogged on before, using Dr. Samuel Stevens’ expert works, how the British Empire was essentially a Freemasonic Empire. With most people forming a relationship with them as part of their prestigious ring, having to vow to the dark cult’s terms & conditions, in some direct & indirect way (per Dr. Stevens & other experts). That if being the case here at all, or if so to what extent, is as good a guess of your’s as of mine!
Frank Courtney, who incidentally lived all his 1940’s time in Bombay, would continue to live & operate from the same Bombay for the rest of his life, his British wife from before independence incidentally also owning a fashion boutique at Colaba’s Taj Mahal Hotel for many decades, from before him, that being the place of their first meeting too btw. Frank would go on owning a home in London, yet staying in Bombay, till he died in the 2000’s, spending most of the evenings of his retired life as President of the Royal Bombay Yacht Club, winning yacht races well into his 80’s & overseeing the club’s activities, even at one point of time, receiving an official letter from the Queen, for his efforts in resisting the movement to change the name of the Bombay in The Royal Bombay Yacht Club to Mumbai. Frank Courtney was also conferred the OBE (Order of The British Empire) in 1980, ‘for public service outside the (official) civil service’.
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batteryagentaus · 1 year
How to choose your car Battery
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Let's say you and your friends are out having a good time and you all decide to stop for a photo op while you're driving the cool car you've always wanted. After shooting many selfies, you return to your car only to find that it won't start and the dashboard warning light is flashing. You recall the moment a few days ago when you went out to get a new car battery. Remember you need to choose car battery replacement in brisbane wisely.
Body: You can't simply go out and purchase any old battery and hope it will keep your car running smoothly since the battery is an integral part of a complex system designed and built to provide energy to your wheels. If you want to get the right battery for your car, you need to know the basics of battery terminology. There are four primary metrics: ampere-hour (Ah) rating, craning amps (CA), cold craning amps (CCA), and reserve capacity (RC). While 12V is the standard for cars' electrical systems, motorcycles' electrical systems aren't required to conform to this standard. Although 9V systems are still available for vintage motorcycles, 12V is now the standard. For that you can choose the best battery supplier in brisbane there.
You can find out how long the battery can provide a certain current by looking at its ampere-hour rating. The more ampere-hours (Ah) a battery has, the more energy it can store. In order to overcome the inertia of the stationary engine and get it rolling and firing while being rotated by hand, a quick input of high-amperage current is needed for a limited period of time.
Now that we have a working knowledge of the lingo, we can go on to picking out the right battery for your device.
Every car comes with an Owner's Manual that details how to do basic upkeep tasks like changing the oil and rotating the tyres. You may learn the battery's size, CA and CCA ratings, and ampere-hour capacity there. In the absence of the Owner's Manual, the existing battery's top or body may be used to ascertain all of the relevant ratings. As you choose the car battery Brisbane service you can expect the right quality there.
Never settle for a battery with a lower Ah rating than the one you're replacing it with or the one recommended in the handbook. Particularly if you try to start it when it's cold, you'll have a tough time. The battery life will also decrease because of this.
A battery with a higher Ah rating will function, but going with an even higher rating may slow down the charging process and put additional pressure on the alternator.
Pick a battery with a higher CCA rating if you reside in an area where the temperature may drop quite a bit.
If your car's alternator ever stops working, a large Reserve Capacity battery will come in handy for keeping the lights and car running for a while longer.
Make sure you check the battery dimensions twice. Despite the fact that the great majority of battery mounts and battery boxes are standardised, you need still make sure that the mount or box you choose is the right size for your car.
A battery with built-in grips or loops is the better option if you plan on doing your own vehicle maintenance.
Lead acid and dry cell batteries are the most easily available forms of batteries. Lead acid batteries are more expensive and have a shorter lifetime than their dry cell counterparts. In India, a car battery usually lasts between three and four years. If you buy a battery within the first six months after it was made, you may be certain that it is in good condition. Store the Warranty Card safely so that you can easily get a new battery if the original one fails to perform adequately during the warranty term.
Author Bio: For the battery suppliers in brisbane David is a professional writer having the specific ideas for the same.
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Deforestation is Very Harmful as it Causes Global Warming.
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Human footprint on land increased phenomenally post the industrial revolution. The demand for land increased for multiple uses like agriculture, industrialisation, mining, infrastructure expansion and urbanisation. The land was made available for all these purposes at the cost of forests being cut down. Thus, deforestation and forest degradation emerged as new environmental challenge. 
Deforestation is defined as long term reduction of the tree canopy cover for the conversion of forest to another land use. Forest Degradation is defined as reduction in capacity of forest ecosystem to provide important goods and services. 
Some major causes of deforestation and forest degradation are- 
Agriculture - Subsistence-based agriculture like shifting cultivation; extensive mechanised agriculture of temperature regions and diversion of forest land into pastures are the major agriculture practices responsible for deforestation. 
Development Activities - Deforestation also takes place due to industrial purposes like timber, soya and palm oil plantation; infrastructure projects like roads, railways, mining and urbanisation. 
Firewood Harvesting - Firewood is still used as a cooking fuel in many parts of developing countries. It is a major cause of deforestation and forest degradation in these countries.
Lapses in Forest Policies - Illegal timber smuggling and forest fires due to deliberate acts of vandalism are also leading causes of deforestation globally. 
Climate Change - It poses multiple threats to forests. With climate change, the incidence of forest fires is rising due to prolonged droughts and heat waves in many parts of the world. Coastal forests like mangroves are threatened due to sea-level rise. 
Pest and Disease Attack - Pests like shoot borers, sap suckers, xylophagous pests, gall formers, canker-causing insects etc. are responsible for forest degradation in India. 
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Biodiversity loss
Climate change 
Air pollution 
Soil erosion and land degradation 
Flooding and groundwater depletion 
Decreased resilience in times of natural disasters like heavy precipitation, Tsunamis, cyclones 
Agriculture losses and food insecurity. 
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feysandfeels · 2 years
Idk if this is potentially interesting to you but after I finished high school I went to Canada on a work and travel visa. I lived in Vancouver and Montreal and as you probably know, they call Vancouver the Hollywood of Canada. I found multiple jobs there, no Problem at all and some of my employers even offered to sponsor me for a permanent immigration. Even tho it was only service industry jobs to finance my travels. I met a lot of people who came to Canada in hopes of being sponsored to fully immigrate and as far as I heard it works really well! For example my roommates were from Brazil, Italy and India and they’d all been there for 5+ years. They worked in all different kinds of industries and employers are eager to sponsor you if you do a good job. Maybe that’s a (albeit complicated) way for you to move? Also with a work and travel visa you can work for up to two years in any jobs you want with no restriction and the visa exists for many countries
Uhhhhh I shall peruse because this sounds interesting and not extremely far fetched.
My only thing with Vancouver is that yes, it is the Hollywood of Canada, but a lot a lot of the stuff that is produced there is still with L.A-based talent... for whatever reason they cast the L.A people but they shoot everything else in Vancouver.
Thank you for this!
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honeyomproduction · 2 years
 India’s Biggest Casting Agency
Om Production is an In-house production firm where we not only deal with TV commercials, short movies, feature films, and music albums but also with fashion photography and kid photo shoots. We strive to build you a bright future as a casting and production house by promoting Junior and Senior models. We started in Delhi in 2018, but currently, we have a branch in Noida.
We have teams delegated for good administration and team members who work with trust and dedication to cater to the needs of our customers as well as provide the utmost satisfaction to them. Each person and firm in collaboration with us is important to us. We provide them with necessary and essential steps to their future by presenting the best opportunities. 
We put forward the best professional portfolio shoot by our talented and highly experienced crew. Our job is to groom, capture, direct, and endorse aspiring models. We know that a fantastic portfolio and a reliable agency are necessary for the success of a model, apart from its focused approach and hard work. In the case of aspiring models, we provide them with grooming sessions and teach them how to pose and give expressions and body movements for still portfolios. Once they are ready, we will organize the portfolio shoot. We are backed by professional makeup artists, skilled hairstylists, and fashion stylists, and all of them are all committed to providing you with the best portfolio shoot sessions.
Our clients appeared in well-known brands such as Puma, First cry, Himalaya, Amazon, Flipkart, Myntra, GlowRoad, Meesho, Mama Earth, Raymond, Facebook, Pantaloons, Vodafone, Redmi, T-series, and many more.
We give work opportunities to all age groups.
OM PRODUCTION is India’s most trusted casting agency among thousands of parents.
Our artists have shared the screen with well-known celebrities from different fields.
Creating and Building portfolios for our clients (models and actors) to get them the best work projects in the entertainment industry.
This is the first step towards building your career in modeling for junior as well as senior models. We bring in talented and trending brands to collaborate with our clients to enhance their profiles. Our models get selected on the basis of their face value and get a chance to work with famous E-Commerce websites. We at OM PRODUCTION, ensure that our clients work with premium brands and get the best experience out of it that helps in building their future.
A kid's photo shoot is highly trendy nowadays, not only from a career perspective but as a happy memory of your kids. We at OM PRODUCTION provide well-established websites and brands for your kid's photo shoot, which fully meets parents' expectations.
OM PRODUCTION is one of the greatest filmmaking companies creating magic for various platforms. From conceptualizing to the final edit, OM PRODUCTION provides production and post-production services such as conceptualizing, scriptwriting, recording, casting, directions, shooting, and editing.
At OM PRODUCTION, we excel at music production. We help brands find their voice and convey their story and message throughout the music. Our skilled team personnel produce and compose music for advertising broadcast branding and interactive worlds. 
At OM PRODUCTION, we have a group of professional and committed photographers who work towards providing high-quality images so that you can cherish these memories forever. 
 We make sure to deliver two kinds of photographs for your big day, candid as well as professional ones. We also offer high-quality pre-wedding and wedding shoot services. 
OM PRODUCTION has a great vision regarding T.V. commercials. We conduct an in-depth analysis of the demographics associated with T.V. channels in order to use this rich experience for our client's benefit.
OM PRODUCTION is one of the trusted and prominent documentary filmmaking companies in India. We have made several classic series for different organizations to change their clients' perceptions and look at them differently. Our expert Documentary filmmakers focus on presenting the subjects in a new light through modern technology and making different series as per your demand.
At OM PRODUCTION, we specialize in product shoots and incorporate various print advertisements, enhancing the ad's visual appeal to treat viewers. We make sure to use premium image quality for the display of your products. This ensures that your customers can enjoy a real shopping experience.
OM PRODUCTION is one of the leading casting agencies in Delhi. We make sure to take proper care of all the pre-production services. We take responsibility for choosing actors, singers, and dancers based on your production storyline or script.
 Our experts take proper care of grooming and training the cast about industries' insight before providing them with the work. We make sure to test the skills, knowledge, and talent before offering them the work. No matter how many effects you apply, it can be a major drawback for the entire script if you do not have the right cast. Therefore, you can always choose us over the others to get the best of all services.
OM PRODUCTION is the most sought-after casting company in the Indian film Industry, having cast for 200+ movies, 100+ web series, and 500+ ads.
 We aim to bring together a distinctive and remarkable cast for every project that we are a part of.
Some of the movies and web series Om Production has cast for are 97, Babli Bouncer Flames web series, Brahmastra, etc.
You-Tube: https://youtube.com/@OMPRODUCTIONOFFICIAL
Website ID: https://omproduction.in/
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catbupdates · 2 years
Best clipping path service product images
Clipping path services are what?
Clipping paths are vector paths used in image editing applications to crop or mask a picture. Whenever there is a complicated background in a photograph, such as that of a product, a clipping path is utilized to selectively eliminate such background. Clipping paths can be used to make backgrounds appear translucent in numerous situations.
The pen tool in Photoshop is the most often used method for creating clipping paths, however there are several more. Once the route is finished being crafted, it can be exported as a standalone file and used in conjunction with other image editors.
If you don't have the time or expertise to make your own clipping paths, you can always hire one of the many businesses that offer this service. Common pricing models for such services include an hourly fee or a fee per path.
What You Can Get By Using Clipping Path Services Clipping path services have various uses, but two of the most important are improving the quality of your product photos and saving you time and money.
Product photos can greatly benefit from the use of clipping path services.
In case you're unfamiliar with the term, "clipping path" is a technique used to remove an object from its surrounding environment. The usual reason for doing this is to swap out the object's background with a new one, or to do rid of it entirely.
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Although clipping paths are beneficial for isolating any kind of item, they shine most when applied to product photography. This is due to the fact that many product photographs contain intricate backgrounds, which can be challenging to edit off without degrading the image quality.
If you choose a reliable clipping path provider, your product photos will no longer have distracting backgrounds. Because of this, the final product will be a spotless, high-quality photograph fit for publication on your site or incorporation into promotional materials.
You can save both time and money by using a clipping path service.
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If you've ever tried to remove the backdrop from your own product photos, you know how tedious the process can be. You'll need to take the pictures and then edit them to get rid of the backdrop.
If you have a large number of product photos, this might be a tedious task.
Background removal is a time-consuming task, but clipping path services can help you save time by handling it on your behalf. As a result, you'll be able to spend less time editing and more time shooting.
It's a great way to cut costs, too. The services of a professional photographer are likely to be paid for on an hourly basis if you intend to use the images for marketing purposes. If you use a clipping path service, you can decrease the amount of time they spend on each image, which in turn can lower your costs.
There are several positive aspects of using clipping path services. Clipping path services are an excellent choice if you want to save time and money while increasing the quality of your product photographs.
Clipping Path Services and Its Varieties In general, clipping path services can be broken down into three categories: layer masking, deep etching, and clipping pathways. There are advantages and disadvantages to every service model; pick the one that best meets your needs.
Keeping the background intact while still isolating the topic, layer masking is frequently used for product pictures. As a result, the background can be treated as an organic component of the product image, making it ideal for usage in online stores. Layer masking, while effective, can be tedious and may necessitate post-processing adjustments.
One alternative to screen printing for product branding is deep etching. This specific clipping path service fully eliminates an image's context, leaving only the foreground topic. Images destined for print applications will benefit greatly from this as they can now use a pure white backdrop. But, if you want perfect results, you may need to engage an expert to conduct the deep etching for you.
When it comes to photos with intricate shapes, clipping paths are the clipping path service of choice. This tool helps you remove the backdrop from a photograph while keeping the topic in focus. While clipping paths might be time-consuming to create, they are indispensable when removing distracting backgrounds from photos.
While selecting a clipping path service, it's important to remember a few details. To begin, it's important to pick a service that's suitable for the kind of picture you have. Second, if you're not sure you can do the clipping path service on your own, it's best to employ an expert.
The Ultimate Guide to Locating the Finest Clipping Path Service One of your primary responsibilities as a product photographer is to ensure that all of the photographs you take are of the greatest quality. This necessitates your having access to cutting-edge photo editing tools, such as a clipping path service, so that your final products are flawless.
You can use a clipping path to eliminate unwanted elements from an image, alter an object's color, or even isolate it so that it stands out against its original background.
How can you choose the best clipping path service from among the many that are available? As you search for a clipping path service, keep in mind the following criteria:
Ensure that the company has a comprehensive set of offerings before signing up.
In order to obtain the ideal service for your needs, the finest clipping path service providers will present a wide variety of options. If you want to have control over the final look of your images, you need a clipping path service that gives you options.
Find a service that has been around for a while.
You should be wary about giving someone access to your images unless you are certain they are in good hands. Choose a clipping path service with lots of experience so that you know your photographs will be in good hands.
Pick a reliable service to work with.
While looking for a clipping path service, reliability is crucial. To ensure you hire a service that does a fantastic job on your images, it's important to check reviews and feedback from previous customers.
Verify that a refund policy is available from the service provider.
It's important to do your research before entrusting someone with your images. To ensure you get your money's worth, seek out a clipping path service that gives a satisfaction guarantee.
You can rest assured that you've made the greatest decision possible by following these guidelines.
Clipping Path: Frequently Asked Questions Need to outsource the editing of your product photos and in need of a dependable clipping path service? If that's the case, know that you're not alone. Clipping path services are used by numerous companies to get unwanted backgrounds removed from product photographs.
In this article, we'll address some of the more frequently asked questions that customers have concerning our clipping path services. In this article, we'll define clipping path, explain its applications, and help you select the most appropriate clipping path service.
In that case, let's not waste any more time and get down to business.
A clipping route is defined as.
One way to edit photos to erase the backdrop is through a clipping path, often called a deep etch. Adobe Illustrator and other vector graphics editors are used to make clipping paths.
As soon as the clipping path is made, the backdrop can be deleted, leaving only the foreground. This method is great for product photography since it lets you focus on the item without distraction from the background.
When would you utilize a clipping path?
It is common practice in product photography to utilize clipping paths to eliminate unwanted backgrounds. Solely focusing on the goods, you can make the background white. Removing unwanted elements from an image, such people or buildings, is another common usage for clipping paths.
How can I choose which clipping route service is best for me?
While deciding on a clipping path service, it's important to keep a few factors in mind. Make sure the business provides a professional-grade clipping path first. Clipping paths of good quality will have crisp edges and unbroken lines.
You should also check that the service is dependable and provides timely results. Last but not least, check to see if the price is reasonable for the service you need.
I was wondering, what are the main advantages of employing a clipping path service?
Using a clipping path service might help you in numerous ways. Using clipping paths, you may remove the clutter from your product photos and reveal a crisp white background. If you do this, consumers will have a better positive impression of your products.
Clipping paths can also be used to mask off unwanted elements in an image. In order to make a more convincing picture, this can help.
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david5321fan · 2 years
Best Wedding Destination near delhi
Kuchesar Fort is one of the best resorts near Delhi for a quick weekend getaway or a relaxing vacation. It is a heritage hotel located in the Bulandshahr district of Uttar Pradesh, about 80 km from Delhi.
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The fort was built in the 18th century and has been beautifully restored and converted into a luxury resort. The rooms are spacious, well-furnished, and equipped with all modern amenities while still retaining their old-world charm.
There are plenty of activities to keep you busy during your stay at Kuchesar Fort, including a swimming pool, indoor and outdoor games, and a spa. You can also stroll in the beautiful gardens, go for a nature walk, or visit the nearby villages to get a glimpse of rural life.
The food at Kuchesar Fort is also a highlight, with various delicious dishes served in the on-site restaurant. The staff is friendly and welcoming, and the service is top-notch.
Kuchesar Fort is a beautiful heritage property in the Bulandshahr district of Uttar Pradesh, about 115 km from Delhi. It makes for a perfect weekend getaway from Delhi, especially for those interested in history, architecture, and nature.
The Kuchesar Fort was built in the 18th century and is beautifully restored and maintained. The fort features spacious rooms, courtyards, and a large garden. Visitors can enjoy a peaceful stay amidst the beautiful surroundings, learn about the fort's history and explore the nearby village.
Some popular activities to do in and around Kuchesar Fort include:
Visit the local village and interact with the locals to learn about their culture and way of life.
Kuchesar Fort is a beautiful heritage property in the Bulandshahr district of Uttar Pradesh, about 115 km from Delhi. It makes for a perfect weekend getaway from Delhi, especially for those interested in history, architecture, and nature.
The Kuchesar Fort was built in the 18th century and is beautifully restored and maintained. The fort features spacious rooms, courtyards, and a large garden. Visitors can enjoy a peaceful stay amidst the beautiful surroundings, learn about the fort's history and explore the nearby village.
"Kuchesar Fort is ideal for a photo shoot and a place for a Wedding Destination near Delhi. Also suitable place for Group Conferences."
"Visit Nearby places to Delhi for Weekend | Resort for Family Outing near Delhi, where not just kids but elders enjoy spending time most often."
"We are just two hours away from Delhi; kids-friendly Resorts near Delhi offer kids an authentic cultural voyage."
Kuchesar Fort is the Best Place near Delhi for Weekend Getaways at the best pricing. It's a Heritage city and an excellent starting point for your travels.
The fantastic hotel accommodation near Delhi makes it easy for guests to explore the city and gives them a fresh change from hustle-bustle every morning. Friendships are made quickly in this environment because people from different backgrounds mingle freely. So, if you ever want a feel of real-world living, head out for some adventure in India's capital city!
India's capital is a hub of tourist attractions, historical places and recreational facilities. In addition to its old-world charm, it offers modern conveniences like entertainment and shopping malls. To ensure you don't miss out on the fun, relish some weekend getaways in Delhi! Kuchhassarfort is a place that will take you back in time and let your memories flow. Nestled near Gandhinagar, this resort features comfortable rooms with all the modern amenities you need for a relaxing stay. Pack your bags and book a room at Kuchhassarfort today!
We all know Delhi has many places to explore, but where should you go when you have a weekend or two? You may think of visiting Agra, but then again, there's always the hustle and bustle of the city. So what about some beautiful countryside near Delhi? That's precisely what we're talking about here. Here are a few places you must visit if you have time!
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So which one is it going to be? Bali, Paris or, no, maybe Japan? We got just the thing for you - why not try our new resort in Goa?! Or how about our new property in Pune, which already has fantastic reviews from guests who've stayed there? See you soon :)
Some of the best weekend getaways near Delhi are a must if you want to spend time in the city. Whether it is because you need time to disconnect or want to explore its various sights, sounds and people, there is something for everyone. That's why we have compiled an ultimate list of places that will surely delight every tourist!
From visiting historical monuments and museums to getting lost in lush forests, these places have something for everyone. So, pack your bags and get ready to explore!
Delhi is a place you must visit once in your life. Besides being the capital of India, Delhi also has some of its fascinating places to explore. And when we say exciting places, we mean it! From ancient temples to museums and art galleries, people are crazy about visiting these places.
Take advantage of these fantastic weekend getaways near Delhi that will enliven your senses!
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mortonmattd · 2 years
Amazing Historical Events That Occurred on January 30th🎉 #shorts #history
On this day, January 30th, the world has seen many remarkable and amazing historical events that have shaped our current world. In 1522, the Duke of Albany captured French forces and brought them back to Scotland, marking the beginning of an era of conflict between the two countries. Then, in 1835, the first assassination attempt against a President of the United States was made, when Richard Lawrence attempted to shoot President Andrew Jackson. This event was a major development in the history of the United States, and would later inspire the formation of the Secret Service.
In 1873, Jules Verne's classic novel "Around the World in 80 Days" was published in France, and quickly became a worldwide sensation. As a novel, it was a pioneering work of science fiction, and as a cultural phenomenon, it was a major influence on the development of film and television.
In 1933, the popular radio show "Lone Ranger" began a 21-year run on the ABC network, and is still remembered as one of the greatest radio shows of all time. This same year, Adolf Hitler took office as Chancellor of Germany, marking his rise to power and the beginning of the Second World War.
Finally, in 1948, Mahatma Gandhi was tragically assassinated by Hindu extremist Nathuram Godse. The effects of Gandhi's death still reverberate today, as he had become a symbol of peace, justice, and non-violence in India and around the world.
These amazing historical events all occurred on January 30th, and they serve as reminders of the lasting impact of significant events in history. From the capture of French forces to the assassination of Mahatma Gandhi, these moments in time have forever changed the world in which we live. Amazing Historical Events That Occurred on 1/30 today What Happened on January 30th What Happened on the 30th of January What Happened today in History Today is January 30th and it's packed with some amazing facts about the day. Throughout history, January 30th has been a day of many remarkable events, and here are some of the most interesting ones 🎅🏼🎉 Unbelievable Historical Events on 1/30: 🔥 Blow Your Mind Away! 🔥 🎄🎁 Amazing Historical Events That Occurred on 1/30 🎄🎁 🎄🔎 Uncovering 🤩 Amazing Historical Facts 💡 🎁  🎉!
🤩 Today in History on January 30th: Uncover Amazing Historical Events! 🤩🗓️ January 30th - Relive Amazing Historical Events 🤩 🤩 Unbelievable 🔥 Historical Facts 🤯  🎄  🎁
#history   #historicalfacts #historical #historynerd #historicaleducation #historybuff #historicalevent #historicalplace #historicalfigure #historylesson #historicalcontext #historyfacts #history #historylovers #facts #ww #historymemes #historynerd #worldwar #historylesson #historybuff #historical #historylover #historygeek #historyinpictures #memes #factsdaily #didyouknow #funfacts #worldhistory #fact #dailyfacts #historygram #sciencefacts #historic #blackhistory #factsonly #war #historyteacher #onthisday #knowledge
Amazing Historical Events That Occurred Today in History January 30th
#historicalfacts,#historical,#historyfacts,#history,history,#historicaleducation,#historybuff,#historygeek,#historynerd,#historicalplace,#historicalfigure,#historicalevent,#historylesson,#historicalcontext,#shorts,#historylovers,#facts,#historymemes,#worldwar,#historylover,#factsdaily,#didyouknow,#funfacts,#worldhistory,#fact,#dailyfacts,#historygram,#sciencefacts,#historic,#blackhistory,#factsonly,#war,#onthisday,#knowledge,historical events, history channel, #AmazingHistoricalEvents #TodayinHistory #January30th
Amazing Historical Events That Occurred Today in History January 30th In 1522, the Duke of Albany captured French forces and brought them back to Scotland. In 1835, the first assassination attempt against a President of the United States was made, when Richard Lawrence attempted to shoot President Andrew Jackson. In 1873, Jules Verne's classic novel "Around the World in 80 Days" was published in France. In 1933, the popular radio show "Lone Ranger" began a 21-year run on the ABC network. The same year, Adolf Hitler took office as Chancellor of Germany, marking his rise to power. Then in 1948, Mahatma Gandhi was tragically assassinated by Hindu extremist Nathuram Godse. https://bit.ly/freebetwithCrypto https://splinterlands.com?ref=mortonmattd1 https://hiveonboard.com?ref=m0rt0nmattd https://ecency.com/signup?referral=m0rt0nmattd https://www.risingstargame.com?referrer=m0rt0nmattd https://exode.io/?ref=790e9e1 https://bit.ly/WinCryptoWithMe https://bit.ly/FreeCryptoDrip https://bit.ly/FreeZECdrip
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