#still smiling like an idiot at this ask ty
emry-stars-art · 7 months
“He slid off his glove and offered his hand” oh my god yessssssssss mr darcy behaviour let’s gooooooo let’s touch them hands together boys let’s do it
maybe then Andrew will forget about heights and focus on his (future *wink wink*) eternal love, love of his life, soulmate, one true pair, confidante, friend, companion, heart’s desire, sweetheart, twin flame, mirror soul
his Abram
(I was giggling and swinging my feet while reading that part- they are so sweet your honour)
(Kinda wish you could have seen the little dance I did reading this ask lmaooo DARCY BEHAVIOR ABSOLUTELY. the boys get to hold handsss 😂 lets do it!) ⤵️
8 nov 2023 ww game
Find the royal au masterpost here 💕
The prince simply watched for a moment. The longer he was silent, the more worried Nathaniel became; maybe Day had been wrong. Maybe Nathaniel’s hands would once again be the exception, and he shouldn’t expose the prince to his scars at all.
But just before Nathaniel could take his hand back, the prince took it. He all but crushed Nathaniel’s hand in his grip as he swung his leg over and slid the considerable distance to the ground.
Safely on his feet, the prince didn’t let go. He ignored his horse’s stable hand in favor of lifting Nathaniel’s hand, turning it in his hold to see the back of it. All the worst scars, from the little burns to the small knife cuts, or other signs of the genuine accidents of living a human life. The larger ones carved into his skin. The long cut over the back of Nathaniel’s fingers in a neat line from when his father had once threatened to cut them off. All were healed, of course. But still obvious.
The prince ran his thumb thoughtfully over the last one, then barely spared Nathaniel a glance before dropping his hand and going to join the rest, who’d begun the walk back to the castle. Nathaniel stood dumbfounded, until a passing horse jostled him and he pulled his glove back on quickly as he followed.
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luveline · 2 months
hiii could I please request miguel walking in on reader crying in secret?? ty!! :)))
thank you for requesting! fem!reader, 1.2k
It takes Miguel half an hour to fix your spider suit, but when he picks his head up from his work desk with a brag waiting on his lips, you aren’t there. He hadn’t noticed you slinking away. Perhaps he should’ve, given his fantastic sixth sense and his habit of awarding you special attention, just you’re quiet when you want to be. 
He sends you a short message through his wristwatch. Where are you? delivered 7:58PM. 
No response. Miguel folds your suit into a square and holds it under his arm, flicking off his workbench light as he rolls his neck from one side to the other. He wanted to finish the repairs before nightfall so as not to disrupt your routine. He quite likes your routine together. In a stressful life, time spent with you is peace he doesn’t deserve. You aren’t a peaceful girl, of course, you’re his idiot, but he knows the stark difference of having you versus not having you. 
He can’t track you without your suit on and your watch doesn’t have that capability, but he can ping your phone. 
You’re in the building still, at least. 
He texts you. Where did you go? I fixed your suit. It’s dinner time soon. 
Loosely translated, it means, Why did you leave? We always eat dinner together. 
Miguel sighs and decides to check the most obvious places first. The alcove of the hallway leading to the laboratory where you like to hide, the arts lounge, the atrium where your friends hang out, and the outdoor area right at the surface of the society. By 8:30PM he’s agitated wondering where you’ve gone, because he should probably know, but he’s not a great boyfriend and you’re not always as honest as you claim. You could be anywhere. You could be with someone nicer. 
He’s pissed. With no choice but to admit defeat, he decides he’ll head up to bed (he’s not going to bed, he’s gonna find you, because you can go wherever you like whenever you like but it’s been a long time since you disappeared without telling him). He cares about you too much, even if he wishes sometimes he didn’t. Not because of you. 
He sulks into the apartment (his apartment, your apartment, you were never supposed to live with him but here you tend to stay), throwing his phone and command pod onto the made sheets of the bed. 
The shower drips in the bathroom. He can hear the plink of water dripping onto the floor, a slow, dysrhythmic pattering. Two seconds, a drop. Three seconds, your breathing. 
He startles. You’re shuddering, a sharp inhalation, that strange sound you make when you’re overwhelmed without being smothered by his shoulder. “Stop,” you say under your breath. Another harsh breath, and a pained whine to follow. 
Miguel has never crossed a room so quickly. For a moment he thinks there must be someone else there, not a fully realised theory but an instinct —you’re telling someone else to stop, because someone is hurting you, because you aren’t alone. But he can hear only your heart, and your breath. So he stops cold by the door without bursting in and forces himself to knock. 
“Mi cielo?” he asks, aiming for tenderness, roughness seeping through. He knocks the door. “I’m coming in, okay?” 
Miguel doesn’t realise the door is locked until he’s cracked the doorframe. 
You stare at him in shock. Tears fall fast but quiet down your cheeks, thick streams of them, the kind to accompany gutted sobbing. 
“What’s wrong?” he says, his chest falling. “What’s wrong? Y/N, tell me. Tell me,” he prompts, secretly terrified at your tears and your quiet. He sounds demanding instead. 
“I’m fine,” you say.
“No you’re not.” He speaks before you can deny it again, not sure what to make of your teary voice or the way you’re smiling; trying to hide. 
“It’s okay–”
“It’s not okay, mi cielo,” —he takes your hand if only to be touching you— “you're crying.” 
“You weren’t supposed to see,” you say, closing your eyes. 
Tears squeeze their way out unbidden. Miguel reaches to his right for the toilet paper and pulls off a few sheets, bundling them in his palm. Careful, hesitant, he brings the corner to your face and begins to dry your tears from your cheeks, your chin, the wet line running down to your t-shirt and then back to your eyes. He shushes you as you shudder, “Shh, lovely. Everything will be fine. Everything… Todo va a estar bien.” 
“It’s fine,” you whisper tightly. 
“It’s fine,” he echoes, much more kindly, though he’s no closer to understanding why you’d locked yourself away to cry so intensely. “Tell me what’s wrong, yes? You tell me what’s upset you.” 
“It’s nothing–”
You try to persuade him but end up sounding even more upset than you had, shaking your head from his touch, receding backward toward the sink. 
“Why won’t you talk to me?” he asks gently. 
“It’s so stupid, Miguel, you weren’t supposed to know.” 
He’d say it was unlike you to be secretive with your feelings. You love loudly, tease louder. You’re spirited and petulant when you feel like it and you’re constantly barraging him with cheerfulness he doesn’t deserve, so why doesn’t your unwillingness to share this with him surprise him? 
“But I know now,” he says, bending to be your height, to meet your tired eyes, “and I want to know what’s wrong so I can make you feel better. Can you let me do that?” 
“I don’t feel very well.” 
Miguel can only handle so much. He uses some of his added strength to wrap you up in a full body hug, your toes struggling to stay on tiptoes and then completely off the ground as he leans back under your weight. “I know,” he says, though he hadn’t, “it’s okay, cariño, I’m here. I’m gonna take care of you.” 
You’re all softness in your off-duty clothes. The rolled neck of a worn t-shirt, your naked arm curling behind his neck and your thighs to his. He doesn’t keep you up for more than a few seconds, just enough to take your weight and hopefully save you the energy it’s taking to stay upright. You sag against him as your socks touch down again. He’s the one thing keeping you standing, and he doesn’t mind. You should know that already. 
“Please,” he says emphatically, “don’t cry by yourself. You have to let me know.” 
He moves his head from one side to another slowly, his nose rubbing along your hairline. “Don’t be sorry. But if I don’t know, how am I supposed to fix it for you?” 
“You shouldn’t have to.” 
“Are you kidding?” He encourages your head back tenderly to meet your eyes. “That’s what we do, hmm? What do you think?” 
You smile. Still sad, still watery-eyed, but a real smile. “Yeah.” 
“Alright. Let’s go sit down, okay? I’ll get you a drink.” 
“So weird,” you murmur. 
“I’m weird?” 
“You’re being really nice to me.” 
Miguel squeezes your arm. “Don’t get used to it, Spider-Girl.” 
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weird-is-life · 3 months
Okay so, how about reader and Spencer Reid doing smth where they need to exchange kisses now and then. Reader has a crush on Spencer and can’t keep kissing him. It becomes too much for them. So one day reader tells him smth along the lines of him needing to stop kissing her like he means it. Bcuz she’s going to read into things wrongly and end up breaking her own heart” and Spencer answers with smth along the lines of “that’s b’cus I do mean it. Every single time. Ur just too dense to see it.”
But u write it like u want. I wanna give u creative freedom. It was just a thought. And if u don‘t wanna write it, that’s okay too. I hope u have a nice day :)
Ty for the request, lovely🥰! Hopefully, this is okay. Warnings: pet names, little angsty, fluff, mentions of kisses ofc, (0.5k)
Spencer keeps kissing you, well you keep kissing each other and it honestly drives you a little mad. Not because you don't enjoy it, you do, a lot actually, but because you don't know what the kisses mean.
They leave you so confused, you don't know what to think of them. Especially when Spencer kisses you so lovingly every single time. His kisses leave you breathless and confused at the same time.
So right now, as he leans in to kiss you again, being at your place to watch a movie, you turn your head away from his. You almost wince, when you notice Spencer's baffled and definitely a little hurt expression.
"What's wrong?" he immediately asks, worried, that he's done something wrong.
"I-I...it's just...," you try to find the right words, but you don't know how to tell it to him. You look down at your fiddling hands, just so you don't have to look at his worried, puppy eyes.
"It's okay, if you don't want me kissing you, I won't do anything, you don't want me to, I'm sorry, if I made you uncomfortable," he carefully takes one of your hands in his as he apologises.
"No, I do want to!" you say maybe a little too quickly, the embarrassment of it makes your cheeks go red.
"Yeah?" Spencer grins at you, not cheekily tho, softly as always.
You bury your hot face into your hands.
"What is it, huh? You can tell me anything, you know that right?" Spencer doesn't really understand what's going on. He's thought, you liked him, like he does you.
You take a few big breaths and then you slowly put your arms away from your face.
"It's just...I need you to stop kissing me, Spencer," you blurt out and it comes out differently than you intended it to be. Spencer looks stunned.
You try again, " I need you to stop kissing me Spence, 'cause I'm afraid, I'm reading into things wrong and I'm worried, that I'll just break my own heart by doing so."
Spencer is sure, that his relief could be seen from miles away. He was waiting for the worst possible rejection from you, but he definitely wasn't expecting this.
You look at Spencer's face, only to find him looking right back at you with the biggest happy smile ever.
"You're such an idiot, if you think, that you're readings into things wrong," Spencer starts, " because I like you. I wouldn't be kissing you, if I didn't mean it, sweetheart."
It takes you a few seconds to process, what you've just heard, but when you finally do, your whole face lights up. Spencer likes you back? This isn't a dream?
"Yeah, really. But I thought, you knew that already," he chuckles at your cluelessness, he really did think, that you knew.
"I don't know, what I thought," you say sheepishly.
Spencer doesn't think, he can survive looking at your cute, shy expression with the rosy cheeks any longer, so he just leans in to kiss you.
Of course, he gives you a moment to push him away, in case you still don't want him kissing you, but you don't do anything like that. Instead you are the one to finally connect your lips with his. Not afraid to show him how much you like him, too.
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mikasadirtyscarf · 1 year
Mending wounds trope but with Neteyam😭😭 like imagine..
He can’t stop looking at you and you can just feel his eyes bore into the side of your face. When you notice this he turns his head away immediately, causing you to laugh. “What’s so funny?” He asks.
“If you wanted some more attention than I’m giving you, you could have asked.”
UGHHH im such a loser for him istg
A/n: I hope this is what you were asking for. I think it has a little angst but it just mainly fluff. Anyways I hope you enjoy!
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Since the war with the sky people and Neteyam almost losing his life, you always wanted him by your side. The sight of Neteyam near death scared you and still managed to repeat in your mind. So, here you are treating his wounds.
Tracing one hand over his chest while the other on his thigh, looking up at him. He refused to meet your gaze and only looked at your hands instead. Just you seeing him in this state is enough to make him feel embarrassed.
He made a promise to always keep you safe and protected at all cost yet all he feels like now is a failure. Hurt that while he was dying, all he could feel was you and his mom's tears dropping on to his skin.
“I'm sorry”
You. Stop wrapping up his knuckles and look away from the boy and his apology.
“Don't be sorry for something you can't control”
Even if he got hurt, you saw this as a sign of strength.
He was your warrior.
“You just don't understand ___. All my life, I had to try to be perfect. Trying to make my dad happy. Always having to look after my brother and sister's… “
He paused for a moment.
“I made a promise that I couldn't keep and-”
“-Enough Neteyam" you interrupted him.
“I don't see you as a failure, nor do I consider you to be any different from before this war. You are still the one I love and will keep loving.”
“Just be you Ney"
Silence filled in the both of you. Both of you are smiling at each other like idiots. However, you get back on task and start cleaning his face.
“Ow! That hurts” the forest boy said, smacking your arm.
“Well, if you would stay still, it wouldn't hurt this much!”
Intentionally putting his hand on your waist while you clean his wounds.
He can't stop looking at you, and you can't help but feel his eyes bore into you into the side of your face. When you notice this, he turns his head away immediately, causing you to laugh.
“What's so funny?” He asked.
“If you wanted more attention than I'm giving you, you could have asked”
Ty for reading this and I hope you all have a good day/night
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iluvmorales · 1 year
Miles morales, Earth 1610
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summary What was your first kiss like?
a/n none
Word count ??
“Miles!” You called out with a smile, picking up your pace as you ran to the boy. He had his headphones on but he could hear you even through the loud ass music.
He turned to face you with a smile, watching you with adoration. “Y/N!” He held one of his arms up allowing you to wrap yours around his torso. “What’re you doing all the way over here?” He asked, setting his arm around you.
“I just wanted to see you, plus our classes were canceled today because of the attack last night. Kinda crashed out windows and stuff.” You spoke, not really caring about what’d happened to your school.
You and miles were split up when he’d one first place in the competition, he was sent to visions academy and you were sent to riverview academy, visions academy’s biggest rival.
“Ohh, I can skip class with you if you want? It’s just Spanish anyways.” Miles offered, taking his headphones completely down and resting on his neck with his free hand.
You quickly let go of him and stood straight, fixing your now wrinkled shirt; “No don’t do that what? I was just wondering if I could wait for you in your dorm?” You beamed at him with a smile.
“Ohh yeah, it’ll be quick.” Miles nodded as he walked up the steps and opened the door letting you in first. He wouldn’t admit it of course, but he was internally freaking out.
You looked so good today and you came all this way just to see him for a couple hours? You’d be the death of him if he wasn’t taught how to keep his cool when it comes to girls by his unc.
“Okay we can’t let admin see you so come this way” Miles pulled you into a less crowded hallway, a longer route to the dorms.
“I’ll race you there” you grinned at miles, waiting for him to accept your challenge. You always had the childish spark to you when you were around miles.
“Okay, if I win you have to let me borrow your 1’s and any clothes I want for a day- “You don’t even fit my shoes! Or my clothes!” He yelled.
“True, but if you win I’ll do something you want.” Miles paused,
Something he wants?
His mind instantly flashed images of you giving him a kiss, something he’d always wanted to do but backed down everytime the tension between you two built up.
“Bet.” Was all he sad before tying his laces and standing at a line the tiled floor provided. You quickly took your position next to him before smiling at him.
And on three you both took off, darting for the dorms. Miles was obviously ahead, but you didn’t expect it. “Since when were you so- athletic?!” You yelled trying your hardest to catch up with him.
He only looked back at you, sticking out his tongue like a child. Before you both knew it, miles slammed into the door first, you running still, not being able to slow down.
“Miles!” You yelled, tripping over your own feet. He quickly caught you, sending him slamming into the door once more.
You both laughed and giggled, being in miles’ arms as you looked up with a smile. “Damn, you really won huh” you said, defeatedly.
“Yeah,..” he trailed off, eyes moving towards your lips. You caught notice of it of course, but you looked at him, slowly inching closer.
His hand moved to your lower back and another to your cheek. You closed your eyes and moved closer, closing the little distance that was between you both.
His lips on yours was like static, a feeling in your chest you’d never felt before. You pulled away, still in a little daze as you looked up at miles. You both smiled like idiots in love before the dorms door had swung open causing you both to fall back into the room.
“Miles could you not make out on the door while I’m in here” ganke hummed before stepping over you two and into the hallway.
Both of your faces were on fire, your legs between his and your chests against eachother. You quickly stood up helping miles as well.
“Miles were gonna be late hurry up!” Ganke yelled from the end of the hallway. Miles scratched the back of his head nervously;
“we can talk about it later miles, get to class” you smiled lovingly at him before walking up and giving him a peck on his cheek
“Yeah..yeah okay see you in a hour” miles smiled, stepping out the dorm. “I’m still gonna wear your clothes miles!” You yelled as he walked down the hallway.
“Lo que es mío es tuyo amor!” He turned to face you throwing his hands up while walking backwards, winking.
You just laughed before going back into the dorm, closing the door.
- Lo que es mío es tuyo amor means What’s mine is yours love
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anton-luvr · 6 months
hello love, hope u are having a good day ^^
what are you thoughts about boyfriend!anton?
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⚝ bf!anton x gn!reader | fluff | bf au ⚝ note ; im honestly really mentally exhausted... but don't worry! i'll be fine when i go to sleep after this :) ty for asking and requesting anon, i hope u like this!
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anton is not like other boys!!!
he's never trying to be cool or manly
he's confident and happy with himself
also the most mature and sweetest guy you've ever met
so talented too!!!!
literally impossible for you to not fall head over heels for him
he's such a sentimental person :(
wants to keep a little memento from each date
and he will keep literally anything
receipts from dinner with you, movie tickets from watching barbie together, a pressed flower from a walk in the park with you
also keeps all the letters and notes you write for him in a special box in his desk's drawer
it always makes him giggle like a lovesick little boy whenever he goes through them (which happens almost every two days)
he is also a quiet lover!!!
not the type to do dramatic and public displays of affection and love
instead of sloppy kisses in public or dramatic gifts that cost a fortune, he shows you his love in other ways
making breakfast for you before you wake up
getting you new toothpaste because he noticed you were running out
doing the laundry because he knows you hate it
unfortunately, you're a victim of his 0.5x photos
he keeps an entire album of them in his phone's gallery
names it "my silly baby"
and it genuinely is silly, because there are 0.5x photos of you doing literally anything
from being mid-bite into a slice of pizza to snoring with your mouth open on the couch to studying with full attention in the library
you name it, anton has it in his phone
but other than the 0.5x photos, he really loves taking photos of you
he just wants to record every moment he spends with you :(
and anton is such a great photographer!!
always gets your best angles and the best lighting
like it could literally be taken with the ancient $5 digicam he found at the thrift store
and you'd still look like an angel
his angel <33333
sets all of his favorite photos of you on rotation for his wallpaper
and he smiles like an idiot whenever he looks at his phone (simp)
he's so loyal too
when girls hit on him, he doesn't even waste his breath to tell them that he's taken
he just channels his inner usain bolt and runs off :3
always keeps his boundaries and distance with his female friends
constantly updates you with pictures when he's away from you to show you what he's doing <3
BUT anton isn't perfect
and perhaps the biggest issue you have is with arguments
he's always calm
a bit too calm sometimes
and it just gets so frustrating for you, because it feels like he doesn't care
but he does :(
once the both of you talk and open up to each other about it, he'll reflect on himself and try to change
because he loves you the most in this world, and the last thing he'd want is to lose you :(
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© anton-luvr, 2023.
taglist: @wonbons @mxlly143 @eun-luv @shawyle @yenart @lycheecheeseyogurt @soul-is-a-strange-kid @haechansbbg @yang2k
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gi4hao · 2 months
☆ (perfect bf!)joshua x gn!reader
☆ warnings: none i think! reader is wearing a dress?
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it sounds so cliché you’re not even sure you could say it out loud, but you simply cannot take your eyes off of your boyfriend.
it’s not so much his impeccable outfit (which took him weeks to finally settle on), perfectly combed hair or flawless skin that particularly catch your attention. it’s the ease with which he’s been navigating the crowd, offering bright smiles to everyone, finding exactly the right words to say and to whom, shaking hands when expected, all like he had been part of your family for decades.
“you’re staring”, joshua whispers from a corner of his mouth, his hand still holding yours.
his words make you abruptly snap out of your daydreaming. visibly startled, your eyes widen as you focus back on the wedding toast unfolding in front of your eyes. joshua purses his lips together, cheeks slightly puffed as he stifles a laugh.
still silently as not to disrupt anything, you try to nudge him but his reflexes are too good, and he ends up smoothly grabbing your arm to link it with his. the shadow of amused smiles start to grow on your faces, just as the bride’s mother finishes her speech, setting off claps and cheers throughout the crowd of guests.
your arms still linked together, you decide to follow the few guests who are heading towards the bar, internally praying that no family members will try to start a conversation with either of you; although you’re certain joshua would handle it impeccably.
“that speech was beautiful“, you say, looking at the newlyweds’ table while joshua asks the barista for two refills. “i’m pretty sure i cried at some point.”
“i think we both did”, he admits, his fingers dancing around the strap of your dress, “hey, do you want to go outside? get some fresh air before dessert?”
you take your drink back with a polite smile before grabbing your boyfriend’s hand. “that’s a polite way of saying you need a break from my family”, you tease, leading him to the nearest exit, one that you know leads to a small balcony overlooking the building’s backyard.
the sun has set a couple of hours ago, only leaving the yellowish lights from inside light up joshua’s features. strands of hair delicately brush against his forehead, in a way that’s slightly more sophisticated than when it gets tousled overnight.
sipping his drink with a tipsy smile, he sighs contently, elbows resting on the railing.
“how crazy would it be if i proposed to you right now?”, he asks out of the blue.
you let out a chuckle, refusing to have any over-the-top reaction just like he probably expects you to.
“so crazy” you simply reply before taking another sip, still looking straight ahead.
but the sound of joshua clearing his throat has you suddenly looking to your left. or rather, down to your left where he’s getting down on one knee.
“…shua, what are you doing?” you ask, your voice slightly wavering with uncertainty.
his response is not immediate. instead, he keeps on looking at you, eyelashes fluttering as his smile grows fonder. your palms are getting clammy, suddenly your clothes start to feel a bit too hot, a bit too tight.
“tying my shoes”, he finally speaks up, handing you his glass: “do you mind holding that for me?”
“you’re such an idiot joshua hong”, you scoff, rolling your eyes before flicking his forehead with two fingers.
looking proud of his little prank, he stands back up on his feet to wrap an arm around your waist, pressing a loud kiss on your temple:
“i’ll do it for real one day, don’t worry”, he says without a hint of doubt, “but it’ll be our own day, i’m not stealing someone else’s. you’re too special for that.”
this time, you find yourself unable to suppress your genuine reaction, and a flustered giggle escapes you as he pulls you even closer to him.
you stay like that for a few minutes, sharing silent thoughts about this special day of yours, but also wondering how you’ll manage to actually take your eyes off of him when the time comes.
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satoruhour · 9 months
a/n: fluff today! about 1k <3 domestic mornings (afternoons) with satoru always my fav to write about. pls support this as much as my smut works ty 💟 !! / @crysugu @hyomagiri @satohruu @shotorus @greycaelum
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by now, it’s late in the afternoon so much so that you’re sure the blinds are hot to the touch from the harsh rays of Amaterasu and her blessings of another bright, hot day. it’s normal in tokyo to wake up to warm sheets and a throat desperate for some water but you’ve learned to avoid it by setting an earlier alarm — take a morning shower, make some tea and grab a book.
satoru, not so much.
he likes to whine a lot when he first stirs, a plethora of sounds that leave him at how he can’t feel your warmth in his arms (“you’d be complaining even more about the heat if i was, you idiot.”), sometimes about the morning being too bright (“mister, it is twelve thirty-four right now.”) and mostly about sweat. today he decides to do all three.
gojo mumbles something incoherent when you accidentally nudge your legs into his, a childish whine how he missed you. “baby, i’m right h—”
“yeah, but . . oh, jesus christ,” his voice is awfully loud when he complains about the rays. “why is it so bright?”
and like always, in classic gojo satoru fashion, he never really lets you finish.
“oh eeewwugh . . i’m so sweaty,” your boyfriend has reached full consciousness by now and if it wasn’t the morning perhaps you’d think he was drunk from how dramatic he was being.
“you literally live in a penthouse, stupid, just go take a shower in one of your bathrooms.” and you go right back to your story. at the corner of your eye you can hear him pouting, crawling up to you and resting his chin on your thighs as he reads the synopsis of your book. satoru blows a raspberry, which you can feel on your hand and the spittle from his mouth makes you sigh; you think it’s due time to give your boyfriend some attention.
“story sounds boring,” you roll your eyes and put it to the side and the reveal of his stupidly cute face almost makes you cave. there’s a deep frown on his face because you’re insulting him so early in the morning and thinking your book is better than him, when really you’re just trying your best to reach your quota before book club saturday. eventually, you do give in after reading the starting sentences of chapter 18 over and over again and frankly digesting nothing, thinking only now of his body wash on your body.
it hasn’t exactly sunk in how you manage to be dating the gojo satoru, with all his cheeky smiles and inappropriate jokes (and timing too), that you are the only one to see him like this in the morning: all not what people says he is and yet he doesn’t hide it one bit from you. why is there any need to?
it’s you.
“don’t frown, ’toru,” you mumble, fingers that were previously turning pieces of paper now smoothen out the furrow of his eyebrows and the tautness of his expression. they’re soft against his skin, and while he’d like to commend it to the body wash he uses he thinks it’s just because it’s you. every inch of you is soft but not without good measure. you still stand up for yourself and sometimes your feet walk a little too much and he can feel the callouses on the balls of your feet when you accidently shock him under the duvet.
you are soft in the way you feel against him, whether it’s when you ask meekly for a kiss and when you hum under the scorching shower water as he lathers your body. you are soft when you laugh loudly and you have to squeeze his hand as you slap his back with the other, and other times soft as you chastise him for buying yet another big stock of your favourite strawberries.
soft is strong, attractive in satoru’s book, because even when your love resembles the first breath of hypnos, it still pulls and tugs and yanks at his heart to drown in you like a siren luring a sailor; right into the depths of the darkening sea where he’d let you take him anywhere even if it meant travelling blind.
“done sulking?” you asked as a mutter, hands now cupping his cheeks that possibly hold all of gojo’s cracks and insecurities and feelings together. they bring him up gently, sweaty back now quelled momentarily with a strong draft from the windows and it’s like his soul reaches the highest point of existence like he did eleven years ago.
you kiss him gently, lips moving in tandem with his as your hands lose themselves over his body and you huff in surprise when he straddles you. long body hunching over yours as you chase his lips like riko after stingrays and you both after suguru and him after a reformed jujutsu society and—
“whew.” is all he says when he pulls away and you’re equally out of breath and gojo swiftly switches your positions. there’s a big grin on his face from the attention you finally give him, “you love me, huh?”
you roll your eyes again at the stupid, harmless comment, shutting him up effectively when you lean down again and kiss him rougher this time, feeling his wet palms span the expanse of your back and up your shirt. gojo sits up and you follow like choreography, moaning softly when he tugs you closer and suddenly you think you should’ve made yourself a cup of cold tea instead.
“i love you,” it’s a whisper against your lips and you have influenced so much of satoru that he is also soft, “i love you so goddamn much.” you nod back, pulling away lightly and you swear you see okinawa again in his irises. they look just as beautiful as the day he lost his youth and gained wisdom and you still love him the same.
“i love you more than my book, promise.” you quip, forehead against his and eyes mapping out each lagoon to pond to sea in the multiplying blues of his eyes — they seem only to do that when he’s with you.
“you better!” he laughs softly into your mouth and he can taste the tiramisu from yesterday on your lips, and you can taste his intoxicating smile. the absence of you, the sunlight and the heat doesn’t matter much to satoru now, and will settle for being soft in the sheets of cloud nine. satoru will make you forget about the tea you’ve woken up early to make and all the nuances of the characters of your book and maybe the slowly rotting strawberries (you might still eat them).
“you better . .” it’s like a plea the way he repeats it but his doubts are silenced once you mumble i do against his skin like a promise, a vow, and satoru then decides he cannot wait to see you from across an aisle.
yeah, soft laced white would look terribly beautiful on you.
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sugaimhome · 1 year
next door again - jjk
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pairing: yandere jk (though not so yandere anymore) x female reader
genre: smut, angst
words: 1.8k
warnings: thigh riding, he's possessive, a bit yandere, he doesn't stop praising her. not much more than that tbh, don't want to spoil it but he cums too.
summary: jungkook doesn't like it when he sees you with taehyung, doesn't like it when taehyung won't step back. that's how you end up here, riding his thigh to prove who you belong to.
a/n: when i read this back i wasn't as proud of it as i hoped i would be... but i still love it lolol and i really love this couple. a special thanks to @zetaares who suggested thigh riding and deserves all the love in the world ty.
main fic
hardly proof read and not beta read ):
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Monday had dragged on. After changing your weekend to spend time with Jungkook all you wanted to do was spend today with him as well, but one thought of those poor children with a substitute teacher… you had worked hard for this job and you weren't about to sacrifice it for some man. Even if that man was really good at sex. And was smoking hot. 
It's the end of the day, you're in the carpark waving goodbye to one of your students when two things happen simultaneously.
Taehyung places his hand on your shoulder.
Jungkook pulls up on his bike.
The thing is, you're still preoccupied with the first to really pick up on the second so as you turn to Taehyung, you begin the speech you'd had in your head since lunch. He'd sat next to you in the staffroom and failed to give you any room, his knee pressing against yours.
"Taehyung, I appreciate you as a boss but-" 
He still has a grip on your shoulder. You feel so uncomfortable. "But I really need some personal space" He tries pulling you closer by the shoulder. He's cornered you because he knows you won't make a scene with all of the children watching. 
He doesn't give up and he's looking at you as if he might-
"She said she needed her personal space." Jungkook's beside you, and you're grateful because there was no way you could have escaped that by yourself. You realise he has his hand on your waist only when he's pulling you closer to him and away from Taehyung. You don't consider what it looks like for a tattooed, pierced, sexy, motorcycle man to pull you close to him. Five year olds would never forget this. Neither would Taehyung, the look on his face. "And who are you?" Taehyung asks him.
"Her boyfriend, who is also a boxer, so don't try this again," he leans down and kisses your forehead. The action has you weak in the knees. You knew that he was only calling you his girlfriend to get Taehyung off your back but it was hot nonetheless. It sounded right. He holds your hand, pulling you away from the scene.
"Do you actually box?" you ask him as he pulls you away, a smile breaks out on his face.
"I'm a county champion" He's got that cocky smile on his face that you'd accustomed yourself too. 
"No way?" you exclaim, letting him hand you your helmet. 
"That idiot is still looking at us." He says, glancing at Taehyung. The area is pretty empty of children, a couple of mums hang about by the entrance, but they aren't paying much attention, and their children are running about mindlessly on the grass banks. "If there weren't children here." Jungkook turns and looks at you, his eyes wide and angry. "I would fuck you over this bike so he knows who you belong to."
"Oh" is all you can manage, heat rushing to your core. There's a part of you that would really like that, but you cringe at how weird and dirty it was so you climb onto the back of the bike behind him, snuggling into his back and gripping him tight. Jungkook revs the bike as he exits the car park. What a scene. You loved it. Taehyung would never bother with you again. Brilliant.
Your mind is clear of thoughts as Jungkook drives through the backstreets, he’s still careful when you’re on the bike with him, your confidence has risen, gripping him around his waist, pressing your whole body to his to keep stable. The helmet restricts the wind from running through your hair and you desperately wish it would, the bike gives you a feeling of freedom. It takes you half the time it would if you were to drive, Jungkook could easily skip the rush-hour traffic.  When you’re home, you climb off his bike and head to his house on instinct. You had practically moved in this weekend, and you had no intention of leaving any time soon. The second you walk in the door, you slip off your shoes and hang your coat up on the hooks, Jungkook walks past you, straight towards the living room where he sits on the sofa with his arms crossed and legs open wide. 
“What's wrong Koo” you ask him, and he huffs.
“Nothing” he mumbles, looking away from you.
“Hey” you say, concerned you’d done something wrong.
“Does that man always irritate you?” he asks.
“Yeah, but I am used to it.” you reassure him, unsure why jungkook's opinion on you and Taehyung even bothers you. It wasn’t as if you were dating.
Jungkook looks at you, then to his lap and you think he’s about to gesture for you to sit there, so you make your way over to him. Though he stops you before you can sit down, playing with the button of your trousers, when he goes to pull them down, you let him, watching as his eyes widen at the lacy lingerie you’d put on this morning, just for him. He spends a moment just looking at you before pulling them down and holding you as you step out of them. “So beautiful. All for me,” he tells you, and you blush. 
He looks up at you, as if to check you were okay. “Want you to ride my thigh.” Your eyes go wide, shocked at his want to please you. “Want you to leave a mark on my grey joggers.”
You shudder, your nipples hardening and heat rushing to your core as he spoke. You nod, and he grabs your waist to pull you towards his thigh. Your skin against the soft fabric of his joggers, and the hard muscles of his thighs underneath, makes you want to collapse, but he kisses you, still gripping onto your waist to keep in control of your body. With your lips pressed against one anothers, you bite and nip at his skin, desperate for him to let you move. When he pulls away you pout, “Jungkook please” you beg him, he smiles.
“What do you want, Love” Jungkook teases, as if he hadn’t been the one to suggest this.
“Wanna ride your thigh” you whisper, looking away from him as you speak.
“You do huh” he taunts, you're hot all over from the embarrassment of it. You hum anyways.
“Good girl,” he lets go of your waist, sitting back and resting his hands behind his head, relaxed as you slowly grind yourself against him. Trying not to moan, trying not to give him that satisfaction, because damn you’d never done anything like this before and it felt so good. He watches your cunt as it glides against his bottoms, hoping to get a glimpse of the wetness you’d leave there. 
“Do I feel good Y/N?” he asks, still watching as you rut against him. 
“Always feel so good Jungkook” you reply, letting a small moan fall past your lips in the process. Only causing Jungkook to smirk in response. You could tell he liked getting you off. “Do you like making me cum jungkook?”
“I do, could watch you cum every minute of every day.” he reaches forward, grabbing hold of your hips and helping you move on his thigh. The weight he applies onto your hips only increases the friction of your clit rubbing against his thigh. You shift your knee, grinding it against his clothed dick everytime you move forward on his thigh. “Fuck” he says, hissing though his teeth. From your mouth falls a constant chant of “oh my god, oh my god jungkook” in a repetitive circle. 
“This is going to make me cum in my boxers” he tells you, throwing his head back in pleasure, though quickly correcting himself when he realises he couldn’t see you with his eyes on the ceiling. You quickly make it your main priority to rub your knee against his confined cock, angry against the confinements of his boxers and joggers. 
The two of you are a moaning mess, receiving pleasure from each other in the weirdest way. You had never done anything so wonderful in your life. The warmth and firmness of Jungkook under you, the way your bare knee brushed his clothed dick.
“Jungkook-” you try to warn him, but you can’t speak, out of breath from the effort and pleasure of it.
“I’m close too” he mumbles, his ears red underneath his shaggy hair. “You’re so hot, so sexy for me.” 
You whine. “So good for me, my good girl.” the imprints of his nails will surely be embedded into your skin for days.
He’s just rambling because he's close to orgasm, but his words only make your release closer and closer. “Jungkook please” you say, though you don’t know what you’re begging him for.
“Damn it, I am cumming” he says, his hands still helping you grind against him. He throws his head back, and your orgasm hits when you see the dark patch of his cum stain the inside of his joggers. You sudder, hardly able to hold yourself up on his leg, you collapse forward, almost feeling like the world has paused for this moment where your mind goes blank of everything but complete bliss and satisfaction. It pauses for you and Jungkook, who runs circles on your waist with his thumb as you come down from your high. It feels like stepping off a rollercoaster, when your heart is still viciously beating. 
You’re breathing in sync with Jungkook until you both return to normal. Suddenly feeling one of your thighs cramping you sit up and use Jungkook's shoulder as an anchor to stand up. He hisses, cursing under his breath.
“Y/N, take my phone” 
You do, standing up on wobbling legs. “Take a picture of me from my stomach downwards”
At first you weren’t sure why, but once you took a few steps back you could see. His left thigh, where you had been grinding against him, was stained a darker grey due to your wetness, and his crotch is wet from his cum. He looked like some kind of sex god. You snap a picture, wobbling back to him and passing him back his phone.
“Might send this to your creep of a boss so he knows you’re mine.”
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mini taglist:
@hoseokgrecns @chimmisbae @kkhope @hoseok666 @crazyforbangtan
ty all <3
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sports-on-sundays · 2 months
hii can u write smth about hector and reader being best friends bc their parents are very close friends, and him realizing that he is down bad for her after having a small talk with his mother.
Please and thank u, love ur written btw 💝
mama's boy / Héctor Fort
Summary: Héctor x best friend!reader - Héctor being a stupid little adorable idiot in love.
Warnings: censored cuss
Requested?: Yes.
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"Why don't you two go out on the front porch?" your mother suddenly brings up. Though, yes, you and Héctor are seventeen now, and should be able to sit through an adult conversation with your parents and stay respectful without being antsy, everyone knows that's not true.
But still. Being asked to go out on the front porch? That can never be a good sign.
"Why?" you demand. "The weather is so gross out."
"Because Mama told you to," your father pipes in sternly. "Now, go on. You can go with Héctor. We adults are allowed to have a conversation without your ears listening."
You're about to protest further, but then Héctor, sitting next to you, gives you a little nudge. "Oh, come on. You're so disrespectful to your parents. Just come on out with me."
You frown but stand up dramatically, following him outside.
The truth is, it's embarrassing having to sit alone with a boy like Héctor.
Not because he's creepy, or not nice. No, it's because he is nice. He's nicer than every other boy you know, and you never know how to react to him.
You plop down on the porch swing with him. He starts using his long legs to swing the two of you back and forth, and you tuck your (shorter) legs up, sitting criss cross.
"It's beautiful and sunny out. What's gross about today?"
You pout a little. "So humid."
"Oh, come on, now. It's fine."
You cross your arms and stare out at the sunny view behind Héctor's house, and the bright colors make it easy to forget your grumpy mood as you ask with a soft giggle, looking to Héctor, "What do you think our parents are talking about?" When you look to Héctor, he immediately looks away from you.
But you caught the split second of his big brown eyes staring at you.
But he shrugs casually. "Probably just boring stuff."
"Do you think it could be about us?"
Héctor smiles, chuckling a bit at the question. "Maybe, but I'm not going to worry about it."
You shrug. You sure want to think about it, but since Héctor brushes it off so easily, you suppose you may as well do the same.
You sit together in silence, swinging back and forth.
And for you, this just feels like a normal, nice breezy day, sitting with a family friend.
But for Héctor, deep down inside, this feels like more.
He watches the way your eyes seem to glimmer in the sunlight. The way your hair gently tosses in the warm breeze. How the sunlight seems to light up your face. He wonders what you're thinking about as you look out. He looks at your smooth hands, sitting in your lap, and all at once, it hits him.
He blushes deep red, looking away.
She's gorgeous.
"Y/n-" he suddenly says, not knowing what to say, but knowing he has to say something.
"Yeah?" you look over casually.
"You, uh... You're... I think your- uh."
"Yeah?" you lean in expectantly.
"Your shoelace is untied. You should tie it. Don't want you to trip," he quickly comes up with.
You shrug and lean down, tying your shoe.
"Was there anything else?" you ask once you finish, looking at him again.
But then suddenly, before he can come up with some other awkward response, the screen door behind you opens, and Héctor's mama walks out. "Hey, you two," she smiles. "Héc, Y/n needs to go now with her parents. So say goodbye."
You grin, glancing to him and giving him a playful nudge. "Bye, Héc."
He rolls his eyes, but he feels his face flush. "Only my mama can call me that."
"If you say so. Héc," you say with a giggle as you stand up. You wave to him, thank his mother, and walk into the house to go to the front, where your parents will be waiting to go home.
Meanwhile, when Héctor's mother is about to go back into the house, he suddenly says, "Wait. Mama. Can... Can you sit down next to me? Just for a few minutes?"
She smiles a bit and sits down next to her son on the porch swing. "Of course." The two sit there silently for a few minutes, before Héctor's mother finally says, "So... You really like that girl, don't you?"
Héctor swallows. "I... I don't know. I guess... I guess she's just really pretty. And I've known her for so long."
His mother smiles, giving his shoulder a little pat, and teases, "Does my boy have a crush?"
Just at those words, his heart rate quickens. "Crush?! I don't know if it's a crush..."
"Sounds like it to me," she chuckles. "And it's looked like you've had one on her for quite a while now, but you're just too scared to admit it..."
"Mama..." Héctor sighs, putting his warm face in his hand.
"Yes?" she smiles.
He's quite for a few seconds, before muttering, "I think you're right..."
"About what?" she grins.
"That... Well, I don't know. I kind of... I love every single second I get to be with her. It's like I'm down bad for her. F*cking mad for this girl."
"Hey, young man," she chuckles. "Watch your tongue."
"Right," he rolls his eyes, but then comments, "But do you know what I mean? Like, what I'm saying?"
"Oh, Héctor," she chuckles. "Of course I do. Can't get her out of your mind, can you?"
Héctor seems to just flush even more at this. "I guess not..."
She smiles, patting her son's shoulder a bit as she stands up. "Well, even if you don't think so, I bet she likes you back."
"She doesn't act like it."
"Oh, come on, now. How d'you know? Girls are different than guys. She'd be a good girl for you. I mean, your mama approves of her," she adds with a chuckle.
"So, what are you saying?" Héctor asks slowly, looking up to meet his mother's eyes.
She smiles a bit as she opens the screen door to go inside. "I'm saying that you should think about asking her out on a date sometime."
And she goes back inside, leaving Héctor as a flustered mess of swarming thoughts, to think over that decision on his own.
"Hey, Y/n," Héctor says immediately when he sees you next, which is, this time, a visit at your family home, to have some dinner. It's like he's made a beeline toward you and now stands in front of you. "Dinner won't be ready right away, right?"
You shake your head slowly. "No, I reckon not. Why?"
"Could we... like, I don't know... Go to your room or something?"
You shrug and nod, leading him there. "Sure. I don't see why not." When you make it there, you sit down on the bed together. You lean back against your pillows, but Héctor sits there very stiffly. After a few seconds of silence, you say, "So... what's up?"
Suddenly he turns to you, takes your hand, and blurts, "Uh- Friday? Evening? Would you be free for me to take you out, for, like, dinner someplace?"
You stare back, eyebrows shooting up. You glance at your hands. "Like, on a date?"
Héctor feels the soft skin of your smaller hand. "Yeah... Right, like on a date."
"O- Oh... Yeah, sure... I guess so. Yeah, we can do that."
He seems to let out a long breath of relief as you ask, "Where to?"
"You choose?"
"Surprise me," you grin. "But not too fancy. Don't go overboard."
Then he mutters, "Maybe I'll just ask my mama what she thinks."
"What?" you ask with a chuckle.
"Nothing!" he blushes.
"I heard you!"
He glances away, shifting, but holds your hand tighter.
You grin and comment, "You like me a lot, don't you?"
He drags his hand over his face, clearly very embarrassed.
But even as you teasingly smile, your cheeks are heating up a bit, too. "You've always been so sweet with me... Now it makes sense. So, what, did your mama finally help you figure it out? That you like me, and I like you back?"
"You do?!" his head shoots up, his eyes shining like stars.
You grin and nod a little, but say, "You never answered my question, Héc."
He sighs, glancing away, but chuckles, "Maybe..."
You grin. "So, in other words, 'yes.'" You grin and suddenly lean in. You grin press your lips to his blazing warm red cheek and murmur close to his ear, "You've always been your mama's boy."
He just buries his face in his hands, an embarrassed, adorable, overwhelmed-with-emotions mess.
But honestly, maybe he's not so bad.
He might even be a little cute.
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luveline · 2 months
what if bombshell!reader proposed to Spencer? Instead of Spencer proposing to bombshell!reader? Would he be upset or just as happy? Also, I absolutely adore your writing! 🥰💕
ty for requesting!! —spencer gets a love he deserves, 1.4k, fem!reader
The first proper time that you and Spencer slept together, he wasn’t nervous. It was sort of like a high school sleepover. You’d slept in shared beds in stuffy hotels and he’d once stayed the night while he was too drunk to remember it, but the first time you invited him in with intention to just be together, he wasn’t scared. You remember being surprised. Looking back, you shouldn’t have been. 
You laid together like you are now. He wore a grey t-shirt and a pair of blue chequered pants, and he’d pushed his hair back all day leaving the front pieces limp, and he’d touched your cheek to encourage your face to his before he moved in for one polite kiss. “I love you,” he’d said, much too early and a couple years too late at the same time. 
You turn on your side now to look at him. His contacts are out, his glasses perched on the edge of his nose. He’s watching a video on his laptop and the line of his jaw is soft. Or, softer than usual. He has a very sharp jaw. 
You shift a bit to alleviate the pressure on your hip.
“You okay?” Spencer asks. He doesn’t look away from his laptop nor does he sound tuned in. It’s sort of funny that he manages to care even when he’s not paying attention.
“Not really.” 
“Hungry at all?” 
“Just brushed my teeth.” 
“That’s not the question I was asking.” 
“Not hungry, Spencer. Can I watch too?” 
He turns the laptop toward you to the point where his view is obscured, raising the volume a touch. “It’s about Tuberculosis. Do you wanna watch something else?” 
“No, this sounds interesting.” 
He settles in next to you. His fingers brush your chest. For a good forty five minutes, you and Spencer watch the rest of his video. He gets visibly tireder the longer it goes on, but neither of you attempt to get ready to sleep until the video’s finished. He closes the lid of his laptop, twisting in bed to deposit it gently on the floor. There’s a familiar shush of him sliding it under the bed to stop you from standing on it (a learned precaution). 
“Did you take that vitamin, the primrose?” he asks, flicking off his bedside lamp, leaving yours as the only source of light in the entire room. It’s a pink glass shade that kisses his pale skin a rosy hue. 
“Yeah, Spence.” 
He shakes the sheets back and the over you both. One minute you’re apart and the next he’s pulling you into him, confident handed, his breath warming your face as the gap between you thins. Despite his readying, he doesn’t say goodnight, or close his eyes. This is your time now. You often spend time at night just talking to each other about everything you’d meant to say that day, or nonsense conversation, until one or both of you has been lulled into a peaceful sleep. 
“I have something I want to tell you,” you say. 
“Okay.” He sounds completely trusting, no worrying, no reluctance. 
“You remember the first time you stayed at my apartment?” 
“The second time,” you correct. 
“Yes,” he says, grinning. “I was much less intoxicated that time.” 
“You were sober.” 
“I didn’t feel sober,” he says. 
“Nice. You’re getting so good at this.” 
“Thank you.” 
“But do you remember that?” You trace the curve of his nose. He’ll have to take his glasses off soon. They’ve already worn red crescents into his skin. “You told me you loved me.” 
“I can’t forget it,” he says, still grinning. You’ve tried to tell people —idiots— who don’t understand you and Spencer that, even without his million charms and idiosyncrasies, you’d love him for his smile. It changes his entire face. He never looks as beautiful to you as he does when he’s smiling. 
“I didn’t say it back.” 
“We’d only been together for a few days,” he says. “It was one of my moments.” 
“Spencer, I did love you, though. I should’ve told you. I knew in that moment that you really, really meant it, and I just want you to know that when you said it, I could have said it back. I should have. I loved you just as much, I promise.” 
“I know,” he whispers, eyes slightly widened. 
“I think I’ve loved you since the day we met. It’s cliche.” 
“Sometimes things are cliche because they’re good,” he says, laying his cheek more firmly into his pillow as he raises a hand to your face. His thumbs rests in the space under your chin. His fingertips brush along the skin just beside your lips. “And true. I loved you the minute you introduced yourself.” 
You savour the feeling of his hand on your cheek. 
“You’re so handsome,” you say, “and kind. You’re everything to me. You know that.” 
Spencer wraps his arm gently under your chin and behind your head as he lays closer to you. “I know. You’re everything to me. You’re my best friend in the whole world, I– didn’t even know how happy I could be before now.” 
“Me too, baby.” 
He closes his eyes. Your noses touch. 
“Spencer Reid, will you marry me?” you whisper.
Quiet. Aching, total quiet. He curls his arm behind your head until your lips are a hair’s width apart, and when he answers, it’s like he’s spoken directly to the deepest parts of you. “It’s all I want,” he says. 
“I got you a ring,” you murmur. 
The air races with your heart. The sound of your skin and clothes is the only thing to be heard between breaths. “I got you three,” he says. 
“Spencer, what for?” you ask, afraid to open your eyes and break the spell, the branching, unending feeling of connection you share. 
“I didn’t know which one you’d like.”
“You’ll marry me?” you ask. 
“Angel, I already said yes. I love you. I told you already we’d have to get married.” 
“Oh, we have to?” 
Spencer kisses you. It’s startlingly open-mouthed for a moment, but you adapt and overcome, you love him and his every touch, tilting your head to the side to allow him room to ferry in and kiss you deeply. It’s slow and measured, then quick and undecided. He turns his face one way to kiss you, then the other, back again, a hint of roughness —of hunger to it as he pulls your face to his. 
A spark of heat against your nose. 
Your eyes flutter open, a pinked path of light scored diagonally down his cheek. “Spence,” you say, feeling the weight and heat of tears gather behind your eyes, even as you smile, “don’t cry, baby.” 
“I feel like I spent my whole life waiting for someone to love me and it doesn’t feel real that it’s you,” he whispers slowly. 
“No? How do I make it more real for you, sweetheart? What can I do?” you ask sincerely. 
He shakes his head. 
You push your forehead into his. He doesn’t cry anymore than two burning hot tears, rubbing your shoulder as you yourself sniffle back your own emotion. You’re really not sad. You hurt for him, but this is one of the best things that’s ever happened to you. 
“Do you want to choose your ring?” he asks, enthusing his voice with cheer. 
“Do you want to see yours first?” 
“Did you get me a diamond?” he asks. 
“Don’t be silly, Spencer, of course I did.” 
He laughs and kisses you three times in quick succession before he sits up, wiping his face, chuckling wryly. “Sorry, I didn’t think I would react like that.” 
You tangle your fingers with his before he can get too far away. “I love you, honey. There’s nothing wrong with crying about it.” 
You aren’t expecting to start crying when he slides one of the rings he’s chosen for you over your finger. He says you can see each one in action and choose after you've seen them all, but the moment the band is over your knuckle, you know it’s the one you’ll keep. You push the ring you’d bought for him onto his finger with your cheeks still tearstained.
The diamond on his ring isn’t quite as big as the one he’d bought for you, but it looks right nestled against his pale skin. That night, you talk more than you ever have before, falling asleep only minutes after the glowing threads of morning have painted your twined hands with gold. 
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whalesforhands · 11 months
MY GOD YOUR GETO X READER X GOJI FICS SCRATCH AN ITCH IN MY BRAIN AND THE SHOKO CRUSH ADDITION?!?!? ABSOLUTELY DIVINE I TELL YOU!!!! Part 3 had me hurting ngl like ouch man but it inspired some angst *rubs hands evilly* what if one day after a tough mission reader is just feeling super down and tired and weak and is abt to cry and runs into Gojo and Geto who (not knowing any better) start teasing her abt her abilities and cursed technique etc not knowing her mental state and she just snaps and starts crying and yelling at them abt if all they think of her is a joke then they should just leave her alone instead of messing around with her feelings and runs off. Shoko is the one to find her and comforts her while Gojo and Geto are left gobsmacked and stricken with guilt. I’ll let you imagine how they realize what idiots they are and try to fix their huge screwup. Also I’m so glad you’re writing for Geto x reader x Gojo there’s hardly any fics on here with that pairing and not smut (not that I don’t love that too but I want PAIN and DRAMA and SHENANIGANS) and your fics give me just that so ty
anon i’m going to cry i finally got another ask. i thought ppl hated me bro. ur so cute for such a detailed and compliment filled ask, anon
i write 2 gs x reader bcs it never feels right knowing that they are without each other. i need them to be happy 😭😭
anyways, eat up
dread creeps around the corner (gojo x reader x geto, shoko x reader)
warnings: angst to fluff, y’all making me consider quitting smut writing to become a full time PG writer cause these are way more fun
You think the weariness of life is catching up to you.
Your body felt heavy, your feet dragging as your back was hunched over. Your staff strapped to your back as your eyesight started to blur.
Your backpack seems even heavier today too. You were sure you packed light.
Another mission, another near-miss. How many times would you be able to just make it out with your life? How many times until your luck finally ran out?
Why weren’t you improving? Why weren’t your techniques breaking past their limit quicker? What are you doing wrong?
Why are you so weak?
Perhaps you just aren’t cut out for savi- No.
You shake your head, trying to rid yourself of those thoughts as you sense the familiar energy begin to surround you.
“Little Miss Barrierrrrrr!” An arm latched itself onto your shoulders as weight suddenly pressed itself down onto you, the sudden pressure causing you to stumble backwards, only for the arm to support you and keep you upright on your feet.
“How was your mission?” Gojo’s loud voice rang throughout your ears, it’s sheer volume grating and painful. His hand going round to the strap of your backpack, tugging it off of you and onto his own shoulder.
The other presence flanked your side, before you felt the weight of your staff disappear from your back, leaving you empty handed as the two sorcerers smiled down at you.
You took a breath in.
“It… It was-“ Horrible. Tragic. You survived by the skin of your teeth once again. You struggled to find the strength to describe it in more detail.
Gojo grins as you felt Geto’s hand pat your head.
“Sounds like code for, ‘You struggled!’” He laughs, patting your back. “My Six Eyes tell me your cursed energy barely improved after that mission too. Should I ask Yaga to assign you harder ones? Maybe with us?”
Your body stills. It… Barely improved? You gave that mission your best shot.
You heard Suguru laugh as he smacked Satoru’s arm, ridding his arm off your shoulder as he replaced it with his own.
“It’s alright,” Suguru began. “Don’t listen to him. Improving takes time anyway.”
Takes… Time? How hypocritical does he have to be to tell you that? He, along with the gifted Gojo Satoru, had immense cursed energy from the beginning. Their talent innate, their improvement expedited with little to no training.
Self-sufficient, talented, never having to try too hard to far surpass the standards of average. Exceptional. Things that you never were, never will be.
Frustration had built up, your emotions starting to light aflame. With desperation, with aggravation. Why did it always feel like they looked down upon you?
“Helloooo? Earth to Miss Protection? Ya there?” Gojo waved his hand in front of your face.
Seeing no response, he reached a hand out to caress your cheek.
“Gosh, if you’re going to be so distracted, I might just ki-“
You slap his hand away before he could touch you. Eyes alight with anger, you looked straight at him, throwing Geto’s arm off your shoulders.
“If you think I’m so weak, then just leave me alone!”
The air grew tense. Your tears were beginning to well up.
“I- I know I’m weak, okay?! You don’t have to rub it in all the time! B-but I’ve tried! I’ve tried too hard for you to tell me that I’m not doing enough!” The dam broke, your cheeks streaked with your tears as your stutters caused you to grow embarrassed.
Why can’t you even express your anger more courageously?
You turned tailed and ran away. Your sobs making themselves more apparent the more you ran, the more your legs burned.
You were such an embarrassment.
Settling by a creek, your legs bundled up to your chest as you cried into your knees. You don’t know how long you’ve been here crying your stress out. Your eyes were puffy, stress not leaving your body as you sat still, listening to the gentle pitter patter of the rain beginning to fall upon you.
Can the day really not get any worse?
You wanted to laugh at yourself as you felt the rain begin to drench your uniform. It was your last clean one. You need to do the laundry again soon.
As the rain poured down on you, it suddenly stopped. A shadow had overcome your figure, providing you shelter.
Cigarette smoke and a hint of a citrusy fragrance.
“I thought I’d find you here.”
You stay silent. You didn’t expect to be found. Nor did you even feel like talking right now. You bury your face deeper into your folded arms, trying to hide. You don’t want to be seen as weak by Shoko.
It stays that way for a moment. Silent, besides the gentle patter of the rain.
“It’s not,” She began. “It’s not weak to cry when you’re sad. Not in front of me.” Assurance. She was comforting you.
You felt her settle next to you, getting her skirt wet.
She gently adjusted your head to rest on her shoulder.
“Cry all you want. I’ll be here.”
And you did. Sobbing, fingers digging into her uniform as your tears and snot mixed into her clothing.
You didn’t notice her other shoulder getting wet with rain as she held the umbrella up over the both of you.
You were holding her arm with both of your own as she walked you back to the dorms.
You were ready to take a shower, collapse onto your bed and cry even more. Too much stress has built up.
What you didn’t expect was to see the duo settled on your carpeted floor.
They scrambled up to their feet almost instantaneously.
You sniffled, your eyes red and weary as you held Shoko’s arm tighter.
Geto spoke first, a hand of his outstretched to touch you before he willed it back to his side. “I- We’re very sorry. It wasn’t our intention to hurt you.”
He never wanted to make you feel inferior.
Gojo’s eyes were downcast, sight seemingly stuck to the floor before he raised his gaze to be directly looking at you.
“You’re not weak. You just need more training.”
Geto elbowed his side as you heard Shoko sighed exasperatedly beside you.
“Ow!” The white haired sorcerer exclaimed. “Oh, and uh, I- I’m sorry… Too.” He rubbed at his torso where Suguru had landed his hit.
“Hopeless…” You heard her murmur. Strangely, you didn’t feel taken aback by Gojo’s seemingly insincere apology.
You found it funny. You giggled, desperately trying to not let them see as a hand came up to slap itself over your mouth, your eyes beginning to light up with joy.
“It’s-“ You tried to speak through your silent laughter. “It’s- Okay.” Getting ahold of yourself, you remove your hand.
“I forgive you.” You smiled.
“We bought you pizza as an apology by the way.”
“You’ll join us, right?”
Geto, Gojo and Shoko thought your laughter was cute, especially after seeing how hard you cried.
Surprisingly, Geto and Gojo were fighting over who was to pay for the pizzas. They both wanted to pay for you. Shoko watched, amused by their fighting as she paid for it at the counter whilst they were too busy wrestling.
You never thought you’d get so hungry after crying so hard. You ate nearly half of the whole damn thing before Geto went to order some more.
Gojo thought it was adorable how you were stuffing your cheeks like a pig.
Shoko licked some sauce off your face as you were eating, you blushed so hard and told her she’d make an amazing wife.
“Just because of some sauce?!?! I can do that too-!”
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stvrni0lo · 11 months
𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐧
chris sturniolo x reader (fluff)
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summary: as you and chris hang out more and more, feelings begin to develop - and chris questions his fear of commitment
warnings/notes: kissing? but that’s about it!
requested?: yes! number 3 “hangouts that start to feel more like dates” from my actions prompt list
a/n: this is sort of long, sorry. do you guys prefer the longer format or should i try to shorten my work down?
> > >
You and Chris had begun to hang out more and more recently. Separate from group hangouts, and separate from Nick and Matt.
Before, you would usually hang out with at least one other person - but slowly, and gradually, you guys began to have one-on-ones instead.
It was a seamless transition. One that you two hardly even noticed until Matt mentioned it one day.
“What’s up with you and Chris?” he had asked.
You ignored his question but it echoed through your brain days and days after. What was up with you and Chris?
Now you were getting ready to go to dinner. With Chris.
He had called you half an hour before, stating that he was bringing you out for food. When you asked whether his brothers were coming, he almost seemed shocked.
“No. Why would I be bringing Nick and Matt? It’s just us.”
And he left it at that.
You put on a casual outfit, as you weren’t expecting it to be anything big. I mean, you guys were just two friends going out to eat - nothing major, right?
Yet even though you knew it wasn’t a date, you were growing increasingly nervous.
The two of you had never crossed the boundary between friends and dating - but the countless movie nights you had together at your house, your sleepovers, and walks around the neighborhood started to feel more and more couple-y as time went by.
You just put your finished touches to your outfit when you heard your front door unlock. Chris had been given a spare key to your house upon the millionth time that he stayed over. It was just easier that way since you two spent so much time together.
“I’m in here!” you shouted as you picked up your keys and bag.
Chris knocked on your door before entering, hands in his pockets as he waited for you.
You gave him a smile, admiring his outfit. He looked good, and as the thought crossed your head you were surprised. It’s not that you’ve never appreciated his looks before, but the butterflies you felt when he looked at you confused you.
‘Just friends,’ you thought to yourself for what felt like the hundredth time this month.
“Gimme a sec, I can’t find my wallet,” you muttered as you dug through your bag.
Chris raised an eyebrow at you, tilting his head.
“No need. I’m paying,” he said.
Your head shot up to look at him. Sure he had paid for you before, but never for dinner. Sometimes he let you pay when you insisted, and he never let down an offer if you urged to bring your money.
Taking your shocked silence as an answer, he walked up to you. Zipping your bag up and taking it in his hand, he grabbed your other hand and pulled you towards your front door.
“What’s this all about, anyway?” you asked, tying your shoelaces.
“I can’t take my friend out on a date?” he joked, but there was a hint of sincerity in his eyes.
You looked away, trying not to blush like an idiot.
He always found a way to mess with you, so you didn’t think much of his response.
Getting your car keys ready, you walked out of the house, Chris locking the door behind you. Looking up you could see the minivan parked outside. This was getting weird - Chris never drove you anywhere.
“What’s with the car?” you asked suspiciously.
Taking your keys from your hand and throwing it into your bag that he was still holding, he responded.
“What kind of date would I be if I made you drive.”
He said it as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
Taking your hand again, he walked you to the car. This time, your heart fluttered. The hold on your hand was gentle - almost as if he was testing the waters.
A casual hand hold was new to you. Chris had only ever done it to drag you out of bed, or the house. Never just to walk together.
He opened the door for you, pulled out your chair at the diner, and as promised, paid for the bill. You were beyond bewildered. You now were questioning whether or not him calling this a date was a joke.
The drive home was silent, only the faint buzz of the radio could be heard in the background.
From the side of your eye, you could see Chris’ head turn towards you. You look to him and smile. He returned a bashful smile before focusing his attention back to the road.
Parking in your front yard, he walked to your side of the door to open it once more. He offered you his hand, helping you climb out of the car.
You needed to have a talk with him. Like - immediately.
Entering the house, you both took your shoes off, ready to end the night with a movie. It was like a ritual - you came home and got comfy on the couch to watch some silly thing that Chris had saved for you both on his Netflix account.
Before you let Chris walk deeper into your home, you grabbed his wrist, pulling him towards you.
“Hey,” you said, gaining his attention, “About today…”
“What about it?” his brows furrowed, wondering what you meant.
“I just- I wanna be on the same page.” you said nervously.
You anticipated a response. Honestly you just wanted him to say something. Anything.
He took a cautious step towards you, looking you square in the eyes. He had this sudden air of confidence about him - like he was 100% sure of what he was about to say.
“It’s not like it was really our first date - it’s just the only one that we acknowledged was a date,” he said nonchalantly. Again, acting as if it was such a plain fact.
You agreed of course. There was no beating around the bush. You guys had been practically going on dates for weeks.
“I couldn’t tell if you were being serious.”
You felt slightly stupid and small. Insecure was the last thing you wanted to come across as, but you couldn’t help it.
“Of course I was - I am,” he said, taking your hands in his. “I thought we might as well go on a proper one, y’know?”
You smiled at him. He was such an idiot sometimes, but you loved it. If he had just told you beforehand you could’ve avoided all this confusion.
“And I’m serious about this. About you,” he said.
You knew Chris wasn’t good with commitment, so him being so open melted your heart.
“Okay. We can take it slow then,” you said.
“I think we’ve been taking it slow enough,” he laughed.
You laughed along with him. He was right. All the times you two tiptoed around the conversation of what you two really were. Ignoring his brother’s questions about your relationship. It was finally time to come to terms with what was happening between you.
“Well if you say so. I do think it’s customary for a man to kiss their date once they’re at the door,” you said.
With a smirk on his face, and a blush creeping up his neck, he leaned down to meet your lips.
He gently pushed you into the wall, pressing his bodyweight against you. The kiss started slow but quickly spiraled into a passionate, long-awaited release of emotions.
All the pent up tension from the past few weeks was exchanged into the kiss. The desperation evident in the way that his hands roamed across your frame, snaking around your back to arch you into him.
He let out a soft sigh, tilting his head to deepen the kiss.
His hair tickled your face, and as you pulled back you tucked it behind his ear.
You let out a breathy laugh, feeling relieved.
As you two stood there with Chris’ grip tight on your waist, and your hands wrapped around his neck, you struggled to catch your breath.
“So much for taking it slow,” he joked, nudging his nose with yours.
You rolled your eyes playfully. As if he wasn’t about to kiss you anyway. Watching as he leaned his head down, you heard his voice pierce through the silence.
“Let’s go watch that movie, hm?” he whispered against your ear.
He once again took your hand, interlocking your fingers and pulling you towards the living room.
The rest of the evening was spent snuggled together on the couch. Never in your wildest dreams did you expect this to come out of your one-on-one hangouts - but you were thrilled with the outcome.
It’s safe to say that your “first date” went well.
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emlovessid · 5 months
@jegulus-microfic january 1, decent, 313 words
“He’s a decent guy, Sirius,” Regulus sighs, sick of having this same conversation every time he starts seeing someone.
“I’m sure he is. But you shouldn’t have to settle for decent, Reg. You deserve so much more than that,” Sirius says, the sincerity in his voice making Regulus feel like he could cry. “You deserve someone who worships the ground you walk on, who makes you pancakes at 3am because you’re hungry, who makes you so happy that you can’t help but smile when they’re in the room; hell, even when they’re not in the room.”
Regulus is trying to keep the tears at bay, but it’s hard when Sirius is looking at him like that, saying things like that. Even harder when there’s one person who comes to the forefront of his mind, who is definitely not Barty. He knows it, and Sirius knows it.
Regulus nods, trying to lighten the conversation by saying, “You realise you’re trying to push me right back into your best friend’s arms, right?”
“Yes, idiot. That’s the whole damn point,” Sirius laughs, before turning sincere again. “I know I used to joke about being grossed out by the two of you together, but it was all in good fun. You’re both miserable without each other.”
“James is miserable?” Regulus says, voice breaking as a tear rolls down his cheek.
“Of course he is. He’s in love with you and you’re out here fucking around with dickheads like Barty.”
Regulus is on his feet then, leaving Sirius in the lounge room as he walks down the hallway. He’s already tying his shoelaces by the time Sirius gets up off the couch and follows him.
“What are you doing?” Sirius asks, staring at him like he’s crazy.
“Going to break up with Barty so I can tell your best friend that I’m still in love with him, too.”
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vagabond-umlaut · 1 year
paper planes
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brother to fushiguro tsumiki. (unofficially adopted) son to gojo satoru and you. nephew to a host of sorcerer uncles and aunts. (unwilling) assistant to the white-haired idiot. and, finally, ringbearer at your and gojo's still-undetermined wedding.
one teeny-tiny boy with one too many identity is what fushiguro megumi is - until he isn't. with lots and lots of sniffles and sniggers...
▸ gojo satoru x fem! reader; established relationship; post hidden inventory arc; manga spoilers; proposals; adoptions; alternate universe happy for everyone except toji lovers (sorry >︿<)
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▸ two fics in a week, wow. guess this is what is called a brainrot, huh? read this post by @/mintmatcha on tumblr and started writing this lol. but the plot of this story is miles, tons, eons away from that post, i swear. also, this fic is set in the same universe as blue hawaii but you need not read that first to read this. treat this as a stand-alone if you wanna! 😊 anyways, gif, divider and characters ain't mine. please don't plagiarize, translate or repost this. enjoy reading! ❤️
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"yeah, yeah, i've got it all planned."
a discreet eye roll is all megumi gives as he goes through the menu card in his hands. a little distance away, he can spy tsumiki and you seated at a table, you tying his sister's long hair into braids while the latter laughs, probably at a joke you cracked.
a tiny smile rests on the little boy's face at the sight - which vanishes when he feels a large hand tousle his hair. you had spent hours and hours righting his hair into a proper shape; why must this idiot always mess everything up?
megumi looks up to find his guardian looking down at him with a shit-eating grin; though he can clearly see the nerves it's covering.
phone wedged in between his ear and shoulder, gojo mutters a "one sec, suguru," and crouches down to the boy's eye level. the latter gives back an unimpressed stare.
"decided what you wanna have, 'gumi? remember mom and sis there asked you to choose for them today."
megumi feels an urge to say you two aren't his real parents - but stamps it down instantly. the both of you have been as good as real parents can be to their kids - or maybe even better. the boy has read books, watched movies and listened to his classmates talk about their families; the tiny urchin-head knows.
with a huff, he points at the double chicken fillet burger box - it's tsumiki's favourite and you too don't seem to dislike it. with a nod, gojo rises and placing his orders, returns to the call, beaming expression again directed at megumi.
"yeah, yeah, don't worry, man," he speaks into the phone, then drops his volume to a mere whisper, "'my little kiddo here is a born actor. he remembers the entire plan, step by step - don't you, buddy?"
megumi gives an imperceptible nod, itching back to get back to the table. he already would have - needless to say, the little munchkin prefers your company to gojo's, way way more - but their orders have not been delivered yet and the boy promised to be-
a little tap on the shoulder draws him from his musings and he cranes his neck up to find gojo frowning. "no, megumi didn't want to discuss the plan with me before leaving. no, he doesn't like you better- hey," the man looks at him, sunglasses sliding down the bridge of his nose revealing his indignant gaze, "you wanna discuss with uncle suguru one last time?"
an indifferent shrug is all the reply he gives.
while uncle suguru isn't the best uncle he has, he isn't the worst either. the others are- oh, wait. the others include uncle kento and uncle yu. they are literal angels compared to him. so... maybe... he is the worst... never mind. it's too late to back out anyways.
grumbling, gojo hands him the phone. "hello uncle," megumi greets just like you and tsumiki have taught him to. the man behind mutters something along the lines of ''traitor" or something; the boy pays him no mind.
"hey champ," the voice floats over the line, pleasant, kind and the way people talk to babbling babies. megumi's bored face turns irritated. "let's discuss the semantics one last time before boarding your flight, okay?"
"yeah, okay," megumi says, and casting a sideways glance at his bundle-of-nerves guardian, continues, "we're going to reykjavik," he looks at gojo, silently asking if he pronounced it correctly. the man sends him a thumbs-up with an encouraging grin.
the kid continues, "the plane will land at noon day after tomorrow, which is mom's birthday. first, we will go to the hotel. then, after resting, in the evening, we will head out in a car to watch the northern lights. and then-"
"-when it's the right moment, your dad will pop the question to your mom and you'll click the camera. got it, mr. future ringbearer?" finishing the rest of the sentence for him, the man at the other end asks, sounds of pans clacking and food sizzling in the background. nana-chan and mimi-chan must have woken up.
megumi nods. "yeah, got it, mr. future best man."
a chuckle comes in response to his comment. "you're a lot like your mom, y'know?"
"yeah," he mumbles, waving back to you and tsumiki, a little smile on his otherwise-impassive-but-always-adorable face, "i know."
"good," the man says, then pauses when a loud crash booms through the air and through the phone, a set of two wailing voices following it not soon after. megumi can quite literally picture the wincing frown his uncle is wearing as he says the next words in a hurry, "okay, 'gumi. talk to you later. bye, and best of luck! satoru's counting on his little assistant."
"yeah, thanks," he responds but is too late - the call is already cut by then.
giving the phone back to gojo, who's tapping his sneakers-clad feet on the floor, he looks back ahead, wondering when the hell heck their token number will be displayed and when they will get their food.
to the kid's great relief, it doesn't take a lot of time.
before long, the four of you are seated around the table, gojo stealing a sip from your drink and you stealing fries from him, all the while tsumiki giggles loudly at your antics. megumi smiles, before he hides it behind the burger which he takes a bite from.
the four of you really look like a family, don't you?
"hey, guys, can i have your attention for a sec, please?" your sudden question startles him from his mind. the boy turns to find you with your usual grin, albeit a smidgen of anxiety can be found in the way your fingers drum on the table.
megumi shares a look with tsumiki and gojo. they look as confused as he feels. "do i have your attention, people?" you ask again, manner growing a tad solemn unlike your usual, though the affection is still evident in your tone.
gojo and tsumiki nod immediately. you turn to him, gently smiling, "can i have your attention too, 'gumi? please?"
the boy nods his head instantly. "yeah, yeah. sure," he replies, scooting his chair closer to yours. you send him a relieved smile. "good, 'cause what i'm going to say next is very important. so, listen to me carefully, 'kay?"
all three of them are eager to nod in affirmation and anticipation.
scouring through your backpack, you retrieve a couple of pretty important-looking papers, and placing them back on the table, clasp your hands atop them. the kid spots gojo shoot you a worried look to which you respond with a reassuring smile.
the man's frown fades a little.
gaze now darting from one kid to another, you begin, "you two know, right, we love you very much?"
"yeah!" tsumiki exclaims, but is quick to fall silent when megumi shoots her a glare. you proceed, lips pressing into a thin line, "but we cannot adopt you two, in spite of how much all us want it to happen. we tried to, many, many times. but those higher-ups just won't let us do that."
a second passes - one wherein his young brain registers your words - before, lower lip wobbling, the boy casts his gaze down upon his light-up sneakers.
is this where you'll say he'll be sent to those zen'ins? away from his sister? away from you and gojo? away from all his uncles, aunts, nana-chan and mimi-chan?
megumi feels a hand card through his locks gently. looking up, he finds you with a soft smile. "but the thing is 'toru and i didn't let them defeat our purpose. we thought, you two can choose to be my clan's wards. not 'toru's, because of fucking - sorry, please forget i said that word - i meant, idiotic clan politics. so, what do you think?"
megumi turns to his sister, a pensive look plastered on her face the way it is on his. gojo adds, a tender smile in place of his usual stupid grin, "no pressure, kids. the both of us won't love you two any less and will be equally fine in case you choose not to."
"you guys can take how much ever time you need to think. there's no hurry," megumi hears you say, your warm hand rubbing circles on his back, as he turns back to his half-eaten burger.
a long moment passes.
passengers enter the cafeteria, they leave the cafeteria. the four of you remain seated, quietly munching on your food.
the boy finally removes his gaze from his now-empty tray and sends an inquiring, confused, hopeful look to his sister. tsumiki smiles back with a tiny nod. the little kid feels his heart burst with joy.
"we want to," the two of them answer in unison, and within a fraction of a second, megumi finds himself swept up in a warm hug alongside his sister, by you. "thank you for giving me, for giving us a chance," he hears you mutter quietly in a tear-choked voice. the boy simply pats your back the way you do to him. he soon feels another set of arms wrap around the three of you.
megumi thinks he has never felt happier or safer than in this moment.
a while passes with the four of you in this manner, enwrapped in an embrace, before you all finally pull away from each other.
the boy returns to his seat, rubbing his eyes. a minute passes in composing all of yourselves before you state, munching on another fry, "so, step one, including tsumiki and megumi into my legal family is done and successful. thank you, my loves."
tsumiki beams back at you; megumi returns a tiny smile. you grin at them - which, the kid watches, turns slyer as you switch your focus to your boyfriend.
the little boy stares at you, then stifles a snicker - he thinks he has a pretty good idea of what's gonna happen next. his gut instincts are rarely wrong, after all.
"but, 'toru..." you drawl, grin giving way to a smirk as gojo smiles back - perplexed but loving all the same. "for the step two, making you my legal family too, guess i need to wait to say 'yes' until the northern lights viewing two days later... don't i?"
a beat passes, then another, and another.
a loud gasp sounds from tsumiki. megumi turns to his dad - who's gaping wide-eyed at his mom now, the man's face whiter than his ugly hair - and smirks. just like the imp the goggles-wearing idiot always calls him at home, despite you repeatedly telling him not to.
gojo looks back at him, shock written on, engraved into his features.
"though i didn't really help you propose, i'm still the ringbearer, right?"
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▸ masterlist
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hiii sweetie💗. idk if you still take requests but i had a thing in my mind and also couldn’t find anyone who had write that down as a fic or headcanon how would tokyo revengers characters (especially i wonder about rindou and ran) would react if they met a person, a pretty little charming girls who they reject a long ago (classmate or friend you decide) but they kinda regret after. also i was wondering about readers glow up (in style, make up you decide) ty for attention love your works a lot…💗
Ah so them with someone they rejected when younger but then regret rejecting when they see them again later? Ok here's the Haitani brother's with that!
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It had been years since you'd seen them, the three of you all attended the same school and although you liked both brother's well enough, you were only smitten with one. You had spent years crushing on him, until one day you decided to confess to him. Only for him to immediately turn you down, he wasn't interested in you. Soon after that you had finished school and moved away, not seeing him and his brother again. Well not until now, here you are in their club and you just made eye contact with your old crush....
Gives you a flashy smile before approaching and shamelessly flirting with you. He thinks you're the prettiest girl he's seen and of course wants to make you his.
He actually doesn't recognise you though, not until you say your name. Then the memories come flashing back and he's left shocked. 
You're really the same girl? And he turned you down? Ran vaguely curses his past self for being an idiot.
Doesn't let it effect him when talking to you though, the only hint of surprise on his face is when his eyes slightly widened. He's still confident with you and shamelessly flirting.
Puts his number in your phone and says the two of you have a lot of catching up to do  
He remembers a lot more about you during the catch up which makes him regret his past actions even more. You were always so sweet. 
Spends a lot of the catch up teasing you and talking about light topics, until he suddenly gets a little tense. He tries to ask the question casually but he seems a little bit too interested in knowing your answer
"So are you dating anyone right now?"
When you say no, he acts mock hurt and claims he thought the two of you had been dating all these years. You can tell he's joking but decide to play along. "You rejected me, so we definitely aren't!" "Huh? I rejected a pretty little thing like you? Now why would I do that?" After a bit of back of forth, he surprises you by asking you out instead. 
Looking at you with a grin on his face but with a more unsure look in his eyes, he awaits your answer. Not wasting anytime you immediately reply with....
The second his eyes locked with yours he knew it was you. 
A mix of emotions run through him, he's definitely surprised but also embarrassed. He desperately wants to approach you but at the same time doesn't. Seeing you again just brought back so many memories for him.
He's surprised at how good you look now, even more surprised by how much he wants you. 
Spends a while trying to think of what to say to you before approaching. He half expects you to tell him to get lost after he rejected you all those years ago but is pleasantly surprised when you happily talk with him.
He smiles at you a lot, encouraging you to continue telling him about your life these past few years but inside he's scolding himself big time. How could he not realise how good you were for him back then???? 
Ran's the one who ends up breaking your conversation up, reminding Rindou that it's getting late and the club is about to close. Rindou hastily asks for your number, not wanting to lose you again. 
The two of you arrange a proper catch up, where you can talk as much as you like about old memories and more recent events.
He keeps tensing up, waiting for you to bring up the rejection. 
When it eventually does come up, he actually apologises over it. You tell him he doesn't need to since it was a long time ago but he still does.
Unlike Ran he doesn't ask you out, he wants to but figures it would be better to be friends first and get to know each other more. It has been a long time since you last saw each other after all. As he walks you home though, he does shrug off his jacket and puts it around your shoulder's. He says it's just because you seemed cold but the slight blush on his face and the warm weather says otherwise.
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