#still technically me
ars0nism · 2 years
unstoppable force (gay people) vs immovable object ("run away with me" but it never actually happens trope)
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pencilscratchins · 2 years
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sorry to post this so soon after my last spn crime but a lot of you were asking about my coding, and technically it is sam because i love milfs [ID in alt]
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braisedhoney · 2 years
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Part 1 (You are here!) - Part 2
Long time no see, eh old pal? 
- Jingsketch Sketch Render
- Random watercolor brush
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boyhaunt · 2 years
one of my favorite things about hannibal and will's dynamic, particularly in the later seasons, is the way we're shown that in no way is their relationship born solely out of convenience or even the trope of 'finding the only other one like them.' like they both have other gay murder partners to choose from, hannibal has tobias tripping over himself making aesthetically pleasing murder offerings and asking him to be his friend and will has matthew twirling his hair outside his cell like omg we could be hawks together.... and they're both like no thanks i want the one who knows me so intimately that they actively wish me harm <3
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darqx · 2 years
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[Bidder, Bidder!]
These almost didnt happen because at first I was too malu to ask @gatobob if she wanted any chibis and she was too malu to ask me if I could do any XD Then we yelled at each other and the TPOF chibis were born! :D Sugar! Spice! And everything nice horrible!
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emilysobservatory · 2 years
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The Struggler & The Dreamer
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mimicutie · 2 years
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"your days of darkness are numbered. prepare to meet the light!”
happy 10th anniversary to kid icarus uprising!
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deanisbisexual · 3 years
completely unrealistic that we didn’t see the guys play more road trip games. for cas’ turn of “i spy” he spies something green because what the fuck else would you find in the midwest and dean almost crashes the impala when the answer turns out to be his eyes. sam then contemplates the consequences of throwing himself out of a moving vehicle
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samcky · 2 years
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April 2 - 1 Year Anniversary of Ep3 of TFATWS - Power Broker
Our favorite banter from out favorite boys
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computerram · 3 years
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the continued existance of utopia relies on the suffering of a single child
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boylikeanangel · 2 years
I'm going on a bit now but can I just say how fucking refreshing it is how the extent to which our flag means death plays into era typical views on homosexuality and homophobia is ONLY by touching on how stede was never given the chance to explore his sexuality and find out who he was sooner so he's only just realised he's gay in his 40s when he's finally divorced himself from society and has the opportunity to learn about all of this. and he never even has to sit down and have a crisis about it!! him coming to this realisation (when he's talking to mary and he realises he's in love with ed) only gave him a sense of relief and newfound confidence. I'm so glad they didn't make a big thing about him suffering homophobia past the early show's gaycoding of him being bullied for being soft and liking to pick flowers etc (which also helps to build a sense of his character and endear him to us) and also no one is outwardly bigoted (except maybe izzy but that was mostly for comedy purposes and to show hes an asshole, not necessarily a homophobe. he's also definitely gay he just fucking hates the crew of the revenge LOL) even though it would have been really easy to play into era typical homophobia, they recognised it wasn't necessary. It was so nice to see how the characters being gay didn't even have to be a conversation. stede realising he's gay feels like the most natural thing in the world and he never has to suffer for it. it's simply the moment where it all clicks into place for him. the narrative only treats him with support and kindness because it recognises this was a huge step for him and nothing would have been added by adding a subplot about him experiencing homophobia afterwards. something that has always turned me off historical shows is the need to add the most awful things for the sake of "grittiness" and "realism" and it was so so so nice to see a show where that didn't need to be a thing at all!!
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tamberrio · 2 years
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utane · 3 years
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I return with single dad Drift AU This is how he found Slipstream. It was supposed to be just a normal raid on a Decepticon cache, instead the delivery marked as important was different kind of important.
Drift panics, bc he shouldn’t be around a protoform. It’ll learn bad morals from him. And now the protoform is starting to imprint and form features similar to his. Everyone else in the Wreckers panic as well, but can hold it in better.
In the end little Slipstream has many uncles to help him from day 1.
I want to draw so many baby pictures with the Wreckers, everyone will be acting like a proud dad with those fold-able wallets full of pictures.
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strawberri-draws · 2 years
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silly dr doodles lol
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how2spell-sandwhich · 2 years
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having a body takes some getting used to.
@mettatonmay day 12: struggle
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