#still think it’s copaganda tho
wastrelwoods · 1 year
to be fair i actually like the way that pterry positions police work - that there IS value in theory in a force that works to bring justice and uphold laws designed to protect people, and if police were good people who truly wanted justice then that would be fine, but also unflinchingly pointing out how easy it is for cops to be corrupt and/or arms of the government and how individual coppers' prejudices can affect their policing if not dealt with? like night watch especially with the original gang and with cable street and then with carcer easily becoming police - feels like pterry was saying 'ACAB, but they don't HAVE to be, but it takes root reform and a top-down permanent commitment to genuine people-focused policing to make them a force for good'
HI yeah sorry i waited to chew on this for a while i'm thinkin it over bc i am still always of two minds. pterry's take on policing is very reform-minded and explicitly trying to call out widespread corruption and violence in direct deconstruction of almost every other traditional form of the police procedural. and also having vimes and his police literally break from their intended role as a tool of the state to try to hold the state equally as accountable as people with less power is very narratively good! the idea that runs through the books of one man who is so committed to justice that he can reform the whole institution from the inside is compelling! and it is also very much an unrealistic fantasy and the kind of empty promise cities throw millions of dollars away for in sensitivity training and uber-militarization hoping that the problems with policing always sort themselves out with the right polish
as an abolitionist i don't agree that police work is an essential service and that police need to exist to provide justice, or that people would tear themselves apart without police and states and laws to hold them in check. but. that premise is something it would be very hard to make a procedural without. i think i like the watch best when they function the least like Police and are striving to provide more nuanced nonviolent community support, and de-escalate, and actually protect and serve people, and i like that sections like the start of night watch where every department in the city is involved in a genre-typical tense manhunt and shootout with A Psychopath Serial Killer (tm) are very, very rare
carcer isn't like most watch series criminals in being either a person driven to breaking the law by rough circumstances or a corrupt person in power, when we meet him he's just knee-jerk murdering young off-duty officers to keep from being caught for undescribed other random murders. carcer is just the sort of character who exists to be as terrible as possible with no particular motivation in order to make vimes' inner narration about how badly he wants to get a chance to kill this man without due process something that is sympathetic as much as it is harrowing. definitely the type of character most copaganda pieces use as an antagonist, and i like that the watch books don't resort to that the rest of the time. AND i also love that being just a guy who loves to do indiscriminate violence for the hell of it lands him a job as a cop in the past THAT is a great deconstruction. i also love the final conclusion being that even people who are this brand of cartoonishly evil and too dangerous to safely apprehend can't just be murdered in the street on the judgement of a good guy with a weapon. tho of course he is just hauled off and killed by the state anyway with more due process and paperwork involved. which is a little bit of an undercut of the idea but the ethics of capital punishment is sort of a different beast and not rly the focus ANYWAY
TLDR my hesitation is that a lot of the premise of police reform in the watch books is the kind of thing that demonstrably doesn't work irl re: promoting change from the inside but if you gotta have a book about good cops i do appreciate the ways pterry dug in and grappled with that
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dankovskaya · 1 year
Ok ill read more my thots as a courtesy
But God okay I already saw shit abt the copaganda + its kind of obvious given Miles' dad and the conventions of the superhero genre in general but yeah it was a lot I'm honestly sick to death of Gwen and her stupid ugly cop dad and those too took up wayyyy too much screen time in a movie that is supposed to belong to Miles. Using rest in power in reference to a cop was incredibly disrespectful and honestly everything at the end regarding the almost Comically Horrible universe with no Spiderman where the whole city was literally on fire after the whole movie kept intentionally drawing parallels between the Spider people and cops just absolutely reeked of thin blue line shit like honestly it kind of pissed me off. Very brave of them by the way to completely straight up cut the movie off at a cliffhanger with absolutely no resolution or even like. A Breather. Just BAM and it's over wait for the next one. I hear someone else in the theatre go "ARE U KIDDING ME?" when the credits started 😭😭😭 I really didn't think it was going to end that abruptly it kind of sucks.
But ultimately obviously the movie is more of an animation showcase than anything and holy shit that was honestly the most stunning piece of visual art I have ever experienced it was just GORGEOUSSS all the way thru I can't get over it. The bright and flashing lights were definitely overkill especially at the very beginning? Like I don't see the reason for it to be that abrasive and without even having any particular photosensitivity I still had a headache throughout basically the entire film 😭. BUT OH MY FUCKING GODDDD HOBIE WAS SO COOOOL I knew he was going to be and I was more excited for him than basically anyone else but it's CRAZY.... So hard not to just stare at him basically the entire time he's on screen and also couldn't help but notice him serving cunt in the background on the regular. Runway model indeed. No really tho I'm obsessed. Honestly did not catch what the fuck he was saying half the time but it's fine cause he's the baddest bitch on the block regardless
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tomanyships69 · 5 months
Part 4 of 911 watch through
These writers are really a go big or go home type of people. I mean a plane crash already damn.
Bobby has an angry side uh oh, also Buck was warned but never learns.
Athena is going to put the fear of god into these kids, and they deserve it. Spoiled brat deserves to get arrested (I support copaganda in this case). The parents are assholes too.
Buck with the little boy is so sweet. "EVERYONE STAY CLEAR" then he doesn't move and almost gets splattered.
Buck went back for Bobby and if either of them get hurt, I don't know if I'll be able to handle it, because they already impaled Chim.
Praise be they saved the mom 🙏
A lot of time jumps this episode, also I think I would like Abby and Bucks dynamic more if they played it as a friendship and less romantic.
Athena ripping this wannabe cop a new one... good for her. I wish she would have decked him.
Also how is this show so goofy and campy, but dark and traumatic at the same time?
These poor people, Bobby relapsing, the expecting mother and now Athena dealing with the consequences of her own actions.
They went to Bobby's apartment to check on him, my poor heart. Buck doesn't know what to do to help.
Carla is back, I still love her, and Abby is being mean to her damn.
That's what you get for not taking the help Abby smh.
But I do hope her mom is okay tho.
Update: so far I'm really enjoying the show for how chaotic it is.
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magentagalaxies · 1 year
Writing an Essay on Brooklyn 99 So Maybe I Can Stop Thinking About It Every Day:
i can't wait for like 20 years from now when we'll be able to have thoroughly researched academic articles about what the fuck happened with brooklyn 99 and its place in the culture bc even tho i haven't cared to rewatch a single episode since it ended i still think about the show at least once a day because of how fucking surreal that situation was. and ik we already have some (very good!) video essays about the copaganda aspect of it but i feel like we're not gonna be able to understand the full scope of what this sitcom means until decades from now
like it's just so bizarre when you think about it, bc while police and the broader "justice" system have always been viewed as inherently cruel and biased to target minorities and uphold the rich white cishet status quo by many people, this view wasn't quite as mainstream when the show started. the show being set at a police department likely carried none of this baggage to the people working on it when it was first pitched. the thought process was (likely) more like well, we already have sitcoms that take place at all these generic jobs, so "cop" is a natural continuation of that list, as well as well, police dramas have been huge for the past twenty years, so having a sitcom set at a police department allows us to spoof that and get some cool action sequences, and let's be real andy samberg needs something to do after snl. like not excusing the glorification of cops by any means, but imagine if you were the creator of "the office" and then around season 6 it became impossible to ignore that paper companies were inherently racist and killing people and there was a movement to defund them??? again, it's not a perfect analogy bc there are just inherent parts of being a cop that should have tipped people off that maybe this isn't the best for a goofy comedy, but i don't think this show was made with any malicious intent, it was just very bad luck
but the "goofy sitcom about cops comes out when cops are still seen (by the mainstream) as normal guys and stays on the air long enough to have an existential crisis in 2020" thing honestly isn't the only reason this show fascinates me. i think this aspect has been covered by other people a fair amount, and honestly it's not even unique to brooklyn 99 (there are still a TON of cop shows on the air rn, even cop comedies! none of them have reached the same heights as brooklyn 99 but yeah unfortunately the "defund the police" movement did not kill cop shows). the real reason brooklyn 99 has retained such a bizarre place in sitcom history, and why it even had this identity crisis to begin with, is in its tone.
if i had to guess the three things brooklyn 99 is most remembered for are:
being a copaganda sitcom that tried not to be and imploded on itself
the cold open bits that were such widespread memes that even if you've never watched the show you can probably quote at least two
the diversity of its characters
we're going to focus on number three. brooklyn 99 was a groundbreakingly diverse show from the very beginning. the number of people of color in its cast was beyond most sitcoms at the time, and captain holt being openly gay was a plot point from the pilot episode. however, i don't think the show really embraced its status as "the woke sitcom" until around season 2 or 3 (i don't remember exactly when the shift happened and i don't want to rewatch it to find out) in the earliest episodes, the tone is more focused on typical sitcom tropes combined with parodies of police drama tropes. this is also a very egregious era for people to look back on like "hm the behavior of these cops isn't entirely ethical even tho they're the supposed good guys," but again other people have covered this topic way better than i can
however, in seasons 3-5 brooklyn 99 started to take off in liberal circles because of its "progressive" politics. the show's female characters were badass and had actual personalities! the show had characters who were people of color and acknowledged racism existed! the show even started having episodes that acknowledged these issues, and its cast pushed for advocacy as well. as someone who was deep in the "brooklyn 99 is out unproblematic fave" culture of that era, i specifically remember rosa's coming out episode as a huge moment for queer representation, and i remember how much people applauded the episode where terry is racially profiled by another officer for shedding light on the issue. the characters on brooklyn 99 weren't just seen as "the good guys," they were seen as an ideal diverse friend group. the retort whenever someone pointed out the copaganda was to point out the depiction of other cops on the show being "the bad guys," and explain "brooklyn 99 isn't saying all cops are good, it's saying that our main characters are an example of what police should be like, and we can work together to make the system better!" i'll dissect this take more later, but for not this is just a snapshot of what the culture was like.
the main thing i remember from being on tumblr during the heyday of brooklyn 99 was this phrase being repeated over. and over. and over. again:
"this is proof that you can be funny without being offensive!"
sure, brooklyn 99 wasn't the only show to be given this tag line by its fan base, but i associate this take with brooklyn 99 more than any other show that was popular during that time. especially when it comes to the cold open bits, like "now number five", or "the full bullpen!" or "hot damn!" it would also be applied to bits about queerness like "bye rosa!" or "BONE???" which is understandable, since most sitcom audiences were used to queerness constantly being the butt of the joke and it was nice to just hear bisexuality used as a non-judgmental pun for once.
this was also during an era where "offensive comedy" was very heavily taken over by the right wing, especially trump supporters. in the minds of many, "offensive comedy" just meant a conservative saying slurs and getting butthurt when people stopped laughing. the right was offensive and grotesque, so the left would take the high road and be tolerant of everything. we don't want to offend people, but we still want comedy, so brooklyn 99 is a nice way to reassure ourselves that we can still laugh while being as inoffensive as possible. the ironic thing is i'm sure someone can find a reason to find any one of these brooklyn 99 cold opens offensive. i'm not going to make a callout post for every single potentially offensive thing in these bits bc that just feels like making up a guy to get mad at, but my point is "offensiveness" is subjective and not the deadly sin we thought it was.
(to detour slightly, this idea of "proof that you can be funny without being offensive" was so internalized in me that i ended up self-censoring my own works so much. it actually wasn't until i discovered scott thompson's comedy that i realized being "offensive" in the overt queerness of your work is actually so much more powerful than trying to look unproblematic. homophobes are gonna find you disgusting no matter what you do, so don't censor yourself to seem better than them because at best they won't care and at worst they'll see you as the death of comedy)
season five was the peak of brooklyn 99 imo. the show was diverse. the fandom was everywhere. the comedy was iconic. then it was cancelled. not the social-media-version of cancelled, that will come much later. fox, the network brooklyn 99 aired on, pulled the plug on the show after season five, leading to a massive uproar on twitter in defense of the show. major celebrities were tweeting about how they watched it every week, people were petitioning other networks to pick it up, and eventually someone did!! brooklyn 99 was brought back on nbc through season 8 and we all lived happily ever after
just kidding but can you imagine?
whenever brooklyn 99 pops into my brain these days, i keep coming back to the same theory, which is that the show would be remembered much more fondly if it was just cancelled after season five. i would've been sad, sure, but think about it. it's 2018. this show is still viewed as the pinnacle of positive representation by so many people. its fan base is vast and passionate, and it even ended on the classic wedding episode for the will-they/won't-they couple. yeah it's a shame to let all that momentum go to waste and not have a proper sendoff for everyone, but we move on and fans fill in the gaps themselves through their own creativity. a few years down the line, our nation finally experiences a reckoning with police brutality and the defund the police movement gains traction. this of course taints the legacy of our beloved cop sitcom, but we didn't know back then (even though we really should've), and since the show is done we can just enjoy it as escapism while also being firm in our beliefs irl. this system isn't perfect, but the question of how do we remember brooklyn 99? is a lot easier when brooklyn 99 is not currently airing
but brooklyn 99 was airing, and seasons 6-8 were a mess. even beyond the copaganda conversation, things just felt a bit off. the shorter seasons definitely didn't help, since they took away a fan favorite aspect of the show (the halloween heist episodes, which honestly are the only things i'm ever tempted to rewatch anymore) and gave us less and less time in the world of our characters. jake and amy had a kid, because that's what sitcom couples are supposed to do. we saw rosa's girlfriend. and rosa's girlfriend. and rosa's girlfriend. the show dealt with mass shootings, the #metoo movement, and other topical issues.
then the world shut down, and middle class white people finally had to reckon with the realities of police brutality since they couldn't look away. brooklyn 99 of course was swept up in this conversation, and since they were always known as the most progressive sitcom on television, they had to do something. but it was looking more and more like despite all their efforts "progressive cop show" was an oxymoron, and all they could do was try and minimize the damage while making a swift exit.
there have already been several essays on how brooklyn 99 handled its identity as a "cop show" in its final season, and this essay is already long enough so I won't get into the weeds even more here. some aspects were a good step towards important conversations (rosa quitting, jake's realization that everyone sees themselves as one of the good ones, etc.). some were... trying their best? but also vague enough that there was no substance beyond just saying "this is a thing" (amy's arc about submitting a proposal defunding some police programs? i don't even remember if that's what it was about since it was so vague). and others were just kind of baffling??? like. the show ends with jake quitting being a cop, which is good. and his decision is framed as entirely about wanting to spend more time with his son... but also the whole reason he got to spend more time with his son was because he got suspended for intimidating a suspect and being super unethical??? and that's never brought up again or cited as a reason for jake quitting. like, they already had rosa quit because she realized being a cop was just contributing to a corrupt system, and jake has just had the dark realization that no matter how golden-retriever-husband he is, he's still a corrupt cop??? but they fully ignore that and make the finale about family??? idk it just feels like they wrote the finale before everything went down and never bothered to rewrite it.
but the important thing is that brooklyn 99 finally ended, and rather than being met with the standing ovation of its almost-finale in season five, it was met with... still a moderate amount of applause, but mostly people looking away and awkwardly asking what to do with it now. in the years since, i have barely seen anything about brooklyn 99 on the internet. idk if it's just because of who i surround myself with, but to contrast, i still see things about the office, parks and rec, community, scrubs, 30 rock, etc. years after they ended. i didn't even like the office! and these shows certainly had problematic elements as well (even my favorites on this list, community and scrubs, have some jokes that really don't hold up), but even tho i couldn't scroll past 5 posts on tumblr in 2015 without seeing a fandom redraw of "and i know that if i run at terry he will catch me" "JAKE I'M HOLDING COFFEE!", brooklyn 99 has kind of... vanished?
the only times i'm forced to think about brooklyn 99 now (outside of this essay bouncing around my brain every 24 hours) are when i see a post where it is the butt of the joke or a piece of discourse that we all know the right side of. a netflix synopsis of the show prioritizes saying it's "full of memeable moments" but never uses the word "cop." that's obviously bad, but also, that's accurate to how we thought of the show back in 2015. the cop thing was easily ignorable by its fans. or, more potently, on a post about how cops shouldn't be allowed at pride, some clueless steven universe blog pipes up "what about captain holt?" and is treated to a barrage of "HE'S A FICTIONAL CHARACTER STOP BEING A BOOTLICKER." and maybe that's evidence of the more damning legacy of brooklyn 99, that for all its progressive storytelling, it's still a cop show. and even if you're a fan who knows most cops aren't like our main characters and they're just an example of how the system should be, that still makes you idolize the idea that there could be people like these characters who made you feel seen, and that they're working in the police force. that if you say "ACAB" you could make captain holt sad, because even though the show and fandom tried so hard to make the police identity secondary to their mission of diversity, the police identity has to come first in order for any real change to be made.
that's all i have for now. i'm sure i didn't explain things entirely perfectly and that there's major aspects to this conversation that i missed, but that's why i'm excited to read someone else's analysis in 20 years. i'm very curious to see what brooklyn 99's legacy will be like then.
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rahleeyah · 2 years
I’ve been away from tumblr for a while, did you always have a gf?!
Re the EO of it all, the reason ppl catastrophize, include me, at every little thing, is because there is little to no movement. When C first came back I was like relax, things are moving along, then they abruptly stopped giving us anything, no EO no movement, no progress for 3 seasons now. I’m tired. Only saving grace is that I don’t really watch OC, and I’m enjoying SVU this season.
LMAO no not always, we've been together a few months 🤣
So the thing is I understand why people catastrophize, I said in my post I'd been doing it myself, for some of the reasons you mentioned. I never said that people shouldn't express disappointment or concern (I expressed my own frustration in that post several times) and I never like. Passed a judgment on anyone for responding in any kind of way. I was asked my opinion and I gave it. I think everybody knows why we and others are frustrated by this, I think there's been plenty of posts on that topic. I don't want you to think you have to defend your position, when in part I agree with it.
The thing is, if all I ever thought about was how the show isn't doing what I want then all the joy I derive from it would be gone, and I would simply stop watching. Life is too short for me to actually be hurt by a TV show. If I genuinely only felt resentment I would stop. But I haven't, bc I don't feel that way.
what I am doing, all the time, is evaluating what we have been given, what we can reasonably expect, what I can do with what we have been given, and whether at the end of the day it still makes me happy. This is work I am doing for me; other people will do things their own way and it's not up to me to tell them what to think or get upset when we're not in lockstep.
When I am asked about my perspective my answer is going to be based on those four questions above. This a network copaganda series that has never done deep dives into relationships and in fact even for the men Olivia was actually sleeping with only ever gave us brief, periodic glimpses into what was going on at home. The franchise prides itself on not doing a lot of relationship work. Whatever we might want, however compelling a story they may have on their hands with EO, they aren't ever going to center EO. Not bc they hate it (tho perhaps some of tptb do) but bc that simply isn't the kind of show this is. It's a hot dog cart, they're not selling pad thai. When all they have to offer us is a hot dog, well. What else did we expect?
Yes they have the means to do more, but to what extent? Mariska and Chris are already on set for their own shows 16 hours a day, when are they supposed to stop work on their individual shows (which the writers/producers of each show have to prioritize their own show over EO, bc EO is not a show, eo is a concept that is connective between two shows but eo doesn't get renewed, the shows do, and so the shows, individually, have to be good on their own merits) and go to a different set? Esp when they're still filming episodes just like 3-4 out from airing? That schedule is TIGHT. Plus oc has had like three showrunners this season and they aren't even halfway thru filming. They barely know what story they're telling over there and it's unclear whether what we have now is the result of current leadership or the last fingerprints of someone who's already gone. I'm not happy with it, and I've expressed my unhappiness with it, but I'm not gonna like. Just keep repeating how disappointing it is.
The echo chamber of negativity hurts me. I know that some people find comfort in hearing people voice their concerns and discussing that together, but to constantly be soaking in that environment clouds my judgment. It pulls me away from my own thoughts and perspective, it stifles my creativity, and it makes me feel bad, when if I only step outside that discourse and evaluate things for myself, I'm actually pretty happy with where we're at.
So again, when I am asked my opinion, I am not going to contribute to a cycle that hurts me. I am going to be honest about my perspective, and offer some encouragement - and, again, not tell others what to feel.
Y'all feel any kind of way you feel. Everybody has a different outlook and it's important for us to hear a range of voices. But this here is my house, and I will not contribute to distressing others as these conversations sometimes distress me. I'm not going to amplify bitterness. I will not foster it in my own heart and I will not do so to others. I genuinely believe we are in a good place, EO wise. I know it is not what we hoped for, but as we have discussed, many times, what we hoped for was not ever really in the cards. We can't be angry the hot dog cart couldn't sell us a gourmet meal. In fact, if we want a gourmet meal, we frankly should not have come to the hot dog cart at all.
Part of what makes EO so compelling is all the space the show leaves for the audience to draw their own conclusions. If the show was slightly better made or all those holes had been filled in, what would there be for fandom to do? A vibrant fandom full of creative ideas and cool fic and long meta needs a source media that is just a little bit bad, and leaves some of those doors open for interpretation. So I'm glad they're a little bad. That gives me room to work.
That was. Way too long, and not at all what you asked, but I'm still drinking my coffee lmao
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daculadaculadacula · 1 year
'either you liked the film or it wasn't for you' is literally a black and white statement (from a post i can pick out and @ but i am not trying to start a fight or whatever). i am allowed to love something and be critical of the media i consume. i like renfield a lot and have watched it multiple times, and honestly find a lot of it skippable, but i know what i want from it lmao and hint: it is not cops or drawn out fight scenes
i am not sure where statements like this come from or why u would be getting upset over mysterious people calling renfield copaganda. i havent personally seen this as much as i have seen people be critical of hero cop screentime.
at the end of the day the hero cop (you can call her chaotic neutral all you'd like, but i'm of the opinion that even this begs a closer look than what someone who's seen it once or twice tops would take away) still has the moral highground and serves as renfields larger inspo for becoming a better more self-actualizing person. renfield cites the support group at the end, but lbr, he is stated to not have a lot of free will(? free thinking ability or something similar) by the director and has his whole git gud arc really pick up speed after he encounters rebecca. she stops acting like a cop and starts acting like a person and tbqh, i am not entirely sure why she keeps her uniform and job (there's nothing about the rest of the cops or even just her job post drac chop) since she does state that she wants to take the rest of them down permanently. i think this might be something overlooked in terms of referring to renfield as copaganda, or maybe it's meant to be ridiculous, but i'm gonna go out on a limb and say cop discourse isn't at a place yet where even the majority can see it's ridiculous that rebecca is still in uniform fighting for her personal justice against drug lords and against "her own," which is the factor that makes me think the corrupt cop narrative is a bit less than half-hearted. at the same time, the narrative about group therapy is also this way. the characters are a little sillay. there's a lot to parse and a lot of interpreting that can be done. cops and narcissism are both serious issues, i think taking offense to anyone with gripes about either issue is a bit much. renfield 2023 doesn't need to be held up as a golden pinnacle of media in order for you yourself to still be a decent person and enjoy it.
rebecca's sister and father (both cops) are pitched as good people. they are probably morally the best people in the film. that the unnamed cops arent going around actively harming people but working with others who do harm people in this film make it seem as if this is something to be taken with a grain of salt, as with literally everything else about the film, when the reality is that usa cops do this as well as actively commit atrocities against people on the regular. functionally they serve their narrative purpose, but i'm within bounds to say they're still treated too gently (ie near neutral. if you aren't able to think the lobos are entertaining or funny you probably don't like the film to begin with, and the cops in this film have put themselves on their level), esp with no one except kyle having a name. nameless mobs don't make effective antags or even pseudo villains. i personally appreciate that the cops are shitty and take advantage of overtime while being part of the industry with the fattest budget in the us. it's still a blink and you miss it gag tho. maybe some people with cop and law oriented agendas would take issue with it. i can see how people with anti cop and law agendas could also take issue with it.
i just think people can be allowed to call it copaganda if they'd like. anyone invested enough knows there's nuance, and we don't need to be puritans labeling a film or people reacting negatively to it as not good or not having justifiable takes. 'like it or just fuck off and don't be critical over xyz,' isn't a realistic expectation. a lot of thoughtless opinions get posted online all the time. in the end this is about a horror comedy and not a groundbreaking discourse piece. i think the angle for cops as a senseless body (tbc not the heroes or 'good guys.' still don't like that!) in this film is fine even and a step in the right direction for slap-in inclusion in narratives. i don't think taking issue with the people still critical of cop portrayal is a great move tho.
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hi, i’m getting into the community side of tumblr (i’ve been a fan of the show for a while but im only just now following community blogs) and i just followed your page! i saw your ao3 and your trobed fics, which im definitely gonna be reading, but i also saw your daredevil ones and!!!!! omg!!!! i can’t believe you’re the same account!!! i love those fics so much and i can’t believe you’re the same person!!! :D i love the way you portray him, it’s very relatable, 10/10!!!!
anyway, i saw that you wanted fic prompts and idk, this is kinda specific, but have you watched psych? it’s another 2000s sitcom, and if you wanted to write a crossover i think it’d be so good. i just think shawn and gus’ friendship is really similar to troy and abed’s relationship bc they’re all silly4silly and unconditionally supportive and also soulmates :3. (i do interpret shawn and gus platonically tho, but that’s just personal opinion) (also psych is somewhat copaganda tho, so there is that :/ )
if you did want to write this, tho you totally have zero obligation, i think it could go something like: the santa barbara police have a suspect flee to colorado and pursue them/shawn and gus take a case about a missing person or something (star burns??), and shawn and gus maybe go under cover at greendale? i think they’d fit in pretty well, but shawn would definitely fuck w jeff’s ego lol. i think troy and abed would think shawn and gus were super cool, but i think that at some point abed maybe realizes shawn isn’t psychic? i don’t think he’d say anything about it tho, just sort of keep quiet about it bc it’s more fun to pretend and go w it. but things can go from there!
and if you haven’t watched it you can disregard the previous two paragraphs😅
something else that would be just community would be a collective queer awakening for the study group! like, trobed happens, and something about it makes annie realize she’s a lesbian, and talks to shirley about it. shirley is like “everyone has those (gay) thoughts about women, you just need to pray about it” and annie points out that no, she’s been informed that not everyone has those thoughts, and asks if prayer has ever worked? and shirley realizes that no, it hasn’t, and annie and shirley go on that adventure together. and jeff and britta act as queer mentors, bc they’re both practically bisexuals (and dating?). at some point i think shirley would apologize to the dean for some of the things she’s said about him, he forgives her, and they go to brunch. eventually, jeff joins them and they have a nice little weekly brunch thing where they gossip :). this is all happening while troy and abed are being soulmates, and maybe shirley gets past some internalized homophobia by seeing them so happy and realizing there’s nothing wrong w them. maybe annie does, too, bc she wants to be that happy/also realizes that there’s nothing wrong w her for liking women,, etc. but trobed heal the study group. and maybe pierce either doesn’t exist, has a different personality and is supportive, or is kicked out for being homophobic
anyway this is extremely long, but i just wanna say that i love your work!!! whatever you write will be great, even if you don’t write anything!! <3 <3
First of all, welcome to the Community tumblr! The blogs here are lovely!!!
Second, oh my god??? Thank you so so much!!!!!!!! aaaaa, that's so sweet!!! I have a Daredevil fic I still need to finish and this might just motivate me to finish it. I absolutely love writing Matt and projecting onto him lmao!!!! Thank you <3 and I hope you like the trobed fics too!!! Those two consume my brain 24/7
I've never watched Psych so I don't think I can write a crossover fic anytime soon. But I will keep the other idea in mind! Writing everything and everyone to be queer is always the best, and we can just pretend Pierce doesn't exist.
And genuinely thank you so so much!!! It means so much to me to that you like my writing and I think I might have to go cry about it (in a positive way like happy tears). Thank you thank you thank you!!!!!! 💕💕💕
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oceanoecielo · 2 years
𝐏𝐄𝐎𝐏𝐋𝐄 𝐈’𝐃 𝐋𝐈𝐊𝐄 𝐓𝐎 𝐆𝐄𝐓 𝐓𝐎 𝐊𝐍𝐎𝐖 𝐁𝐄𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑 (Repost please do not reblog)
NAME / ALIAS : teddy!
BIRTHDAY : april 2
HEIGHT : 5'9"
HOBBIES : writing, drawing, watching youtube, playing video games. i haven't drawn or played video games very much recently, but i want to get more into both in the new year!
FAVOURITE BOOK : i go ravenous over mostly everything jill mccorkle writes, but my favorite book is still crash diet, her collection of short stories. life after life ended up being a close second, though. i plan on starting carolina moon soon, so we'll see how i like that one!
FAVOURITE FOOD : sushi or lasagna!
LAST FILM / TV SHOW : well, like i said, i mostly watch youtube. the last tv show i watched tho was fbi most wanted. you'll rip my copaganda from my cold dead hands, thank you.
INSPIRATION : i take a lot of inspiration from music, which is the basis of a lot of my headcanons, imagining different music videos in my head, haha! however, i also get a lot of inspiration from real life! like, i went to an art museum and was thinking about simon and his relationship with art in general and then museums in general, and i concluded that he doesn't like art museums very much, haha
STORY BEHIND URL : it means "ocean and sky" in italian! a reference to simon's italian background, and then... the two domains that the vast rules over. a lot of people associate the ocean with the lonely and the sky with the vast, but the ocean is also a huge (pun not intended) vast thing!!
Tagged by: fuckin YOINKED from @seeasunset
Tagging: reverse yoink!!
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transmandrake · 8 days
I would not describe myself as plural or, dissociative in a, constant sense. But I do have moments where I can tell the boundaries between my body, the pilot of my body, and on occasion the 'thought havers' of my mind.
It's rare, but I've had a cold recently and it was quite distinctive with the mild fever disrupting the 'control'.
I am aware in those moments that the 'thinker' has changed from myself in the past, that who I was is no longer with me in a, 'making decisions' sense. I was sort of asking this question to my newest 'headmate' (who i have drawn but only posted in my latest art, its name is Morpho i think) and while I definitely don't have any kind of amnesia between identities or very much 'switching' , it was apparent that those memories are, stored away, accessed secondhand. And well... My memory is so shit, even when I feel completely single they are distant and almost impersonal, and very fragmented.
(air quotes isnt like a doubt thing I just want to clarify I do not believe I experience it, and so feel inadequate to use the terminology confidently)
I think this was something I was progressing towards in my childhood, having to act very differently around my father, my mom, siblings, friends, strangers.
But I think I was taken out of that environment at just the right time to 'reintegrate' myself.
However I had a lot of, in hindsight, dissociative episodes, in school, mostly due to, again in hindsight being very autistic and ADHD, and depressed from the age of, what, 14? And I would say that kept me from, for lack of a better phrase, healing entirely.
I am still compartmentalised, but there are no borders, just... doors that are usually locked. Sometimes theyre open but no one is there, sometimes theyre locked but I feel a presence, and on very rare occasion I see glimpses of them or, as with my fever state, can actually interact with and distinguish them from 'myself'.
I still feel silly saying I'm a traumatised person, since, well, I forgot pretty much all of the really bad stuff, and a lot of it I was of course shielded from.
(Domestic violence warning)
Instead of memories of... I think my dad threw an ashtray at my mom? Or threatened her with a knife?
My only memory of that event is infodumping to a police officer about how many pokemon I could name. It was not a scary experience (copaganda tho. And im white. And autistic so I never clocked that this was Not Normal. Police came to us / our neighbors allllll the time. Wild.)
But nonetheless I bear some form of trauma from it. I got tense approaching Dublin (Ireland) for the first few times because the red bricks remind me of England. It amuses me but it speaks to shallow but definitely present scars.
Is that the source of this? Was it my disocciating in school? I have nooo idea. Maybe it's just The 'Tism.
My uncle has schizophrenia so it's not impossible it's some sort of latent psychosis, but if anything I think I was more 'symptomatic' in my youth, but unable to recognise it, as I had never encountered genuine or nonmedicalised discussions of DID and plurality.
Should I, encourage this? I have no idea. This is definitely part of why I prefer it/they pronouns, it especially. That disconnect, while subtle usually, is and has been a big part of who 'I' am. But I still have my boy days, and girl days. I am just a sort of thing or creature primarily.
If you're still reading, uhhhh. Idk. Hi. If you knew me a long time ago I still care about you but I feel like I've never met you. Maybe I want to but it's hard. Idk who you are but I remember you.
Infinite Metamorphosis.
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platinum-iridium · 3 months
I’m the Claire wall of text anon, thanks for your reply. I love ur takes in the tag bc everyone else in there is shippers, reddit has too many men & ppl ik irl don’t give af bc copaganda (true but this isn’t a scholarly study plus they be acting down lmao). Anyway I agree about Skoda, total NUT. How are you psychologizing when you hate half the population??? sent an ask about the prostitute ep a while back and idk if you’ve gotten there yet but his behaviour put him on my eternal shit list. I only got to s13 but I hope he was harmed. And slow. Also agree about Abby. She would definitely be a terror but not the way they wrote it. But that’s men for you lol. Also ‘kim jong il’ about that woman’s fashion took me down!! & season 12 is also where the writing starts to noticeably take a dip for me (10 if I’m being strict but Lenny & Ed made it fun). With 12 it doesn’t help that they’re writing to shock and Jack and Serena don’t have that easy chemistry he had with the others. I tried to see if she was lezzing out on the low on my rewatch but I got nothing. There’s one gay male case but she’s not overly sympathetic to the man and later she tells a story about her closeted ‘friend’ but that’s it. No dyke drama in least lol. I do like her tho, mainly because I think the actress was better than the writing which was so flimsy. And same on SVU those two are grown and playing footsies like this as a senior citizen is insane & pathetic. Bang it out and move on fr
idk how people are inspired to ship fr. jack and claire should have left the viewers with lasting ship induced trauma.
i like skoda as a character (not as a person) because he really represents how psychology can be wielded as a weapon institutionally, especially in contrast with olivet. and really the both of them are guilty of it bc she’ll call u mentally ill and get u locked in a facility and he’ll call u sane and send u to prison. either way ur fucked.
abbie was honestly a missed opportunity. she was good but she could have been great. i think the writers looked down on her too much to give her the writing she deserved.
yes lmao honestly i like briscoe and green but the writing was definitely better in my memories. they’re fun and funny though so we can overlook subpar writing. but the law part can’t be carried on charisma alone, especially not with jack and serena. maybe the subtle awkwardness is supposed to be the only hint at her sexuality we get. that would actually be kind of funny. i just hate that the writers couldn’t seem to actually nail down her values. she feels inconsistent. her opinions are whatever side the writers wanted to argue with jack. her or nora.
lmaoo i can’t even believe people want bensler that bad. like their chemistry was so much more potent when it was ‘will they or won’t they’. this limbo of he wants her but she’s too damaged or whatever is giving me an ulcer. at least she’s still fucking other men. if she was deadass holding out for him i’d have stopped watching
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I like Andry Berman
Shawn: I don't want to waste my one piece of broccoli! What's the smallest takeout box you have?
They liked Sage Brocks so much in the one scene in the pilot that they brought him back for the show <3
Little Boy Cat is intersex. It has xxy chromosomes.
The Bloggers!
SF: We generally just don't care.
JRr made up the majority of Dazzle & Stretch & the music ones just... put music to it. That's amazing. I love that. (like how the disclaimer song was made by lixian)
HOLY CRAP I DIDN'T EVEN NOTICE he stayed in the same key perfectly. I HATE it when people change keys in movies bc they don't hear what's going on. I mean, a semitone or less, fine that happens but I hate it, a third fourth or fifth because the harmony got you wrong, I get why it happens but I still hate it. I JUST CAN'T BELIEVE HOW MANY PEOPLE CAN'T SING! I mean, I grew up in a very musical family, my parents were together because they did music ministry, my dad learned guitar to impress my mom, I grew up volunteering at seniors' centres singing, I tune my violin my ear, in my head everyone should be able to stay somewhat in the same key, even if your voice trails higher or lower while you sing. I can't even make myself sing wrong. (I do sometimes by accident tho, usually when the jumps are odd & i can't find the harmony, & occasionally I get off by less than a semitone bc the note is just not quite on a place I can easily sing, so my voice slips off that tone into a tone I can sing that is very very close so maybe I'm not as good as I think, but I actually consider myself only an OK singer & musician, so if I'm only ok then I expect everyone else around me to be about the same level. It blows my mind that people are not. I guess I'm just used to being the worst in the room, not to show my chip or anything.
AB: This is one of four apartment buildings in all of Canada that can look like it's in Santa Barbara
He's only the heir to Mushroom Barley XD XD XD
KK: Always some sort of homoeroticism
Copaganda go die. Neurodivergent private investigators (Castle, Shawn, Watts & Murdoch for a few episodes each, Holmes,) you're on thin ice. Shawn breaks the law all the time, wdym the network won't let him break the law? You can enter someone's home without permission & lie to the cops about being psychic (though that's hard to disprove bc being psychic is supernatural therefore you cannot disprove it using natural means; you can't judge paranormal by normal laws) but he can't open someone's mail? I mean I'm glad. Don't break the law, don't let cops break the law.
Initially they wrote it so some homeless guy would open the mail for Shawn or Shawn gave it to the cat & the cat opened it so it was not HIM mail tampering
JRr improv: All the way to the bone!?
Shawn multicultural moments: Mazel tov, dial a psychic!
The one time they didn't include a pinap they had to do a reshoot & added in a pineapple smoothie
AB: Next season we are moving on from pineapple, we're taking suggestions. Mango, maybe starfruit
matt shakman my man
XD he actually banged his knee
Carlos improvised the "Why would you put it on speakerphone" bit which like, yeah this is a stress line (not necesarily a crisis line or a suicide line, just a stress line)
JRr came up with the coconut
Oh this is where Gus gets into coin collecting!
There is a beauty salon down the hall from the stress line
No way Shawn is the only non work friend Gus has... He has hobbies, like at comiccon he was greeted by people...
Andy Berman: If I looked like Dulé, I would streak.
When shawn first calls vick: First of all, how are you?
McNab plays guitar
It would be a lot easier if the network let us send in the show like "this week it's an hour & a half!"
DH when Shawn says "maybe you should shoot me" gets out from hiding behind him, subtle good acting
"That was adequate" hhh
Chris Henze: McNab in this day & age is wearing sock garters
KK: Someone tell my husband
I like how mcnab is not a big character but he is there. I read a fic once that included francine & little boy cat.
"If we ever see mcnab's apartment again we should see the cat"
KK: There should be like ten of them, he was pregnant, like "thanks Shawn"
KK: Once again, homoeroticism, by Andy Burman.
AB: I write that & don't expect for it to make it through, but it makes it through you & you're like "yeah set it up that sounds good" & then James'll say it & I'm wondering if there was any discussion at all... but it's great
KK: I hear from the network sometimes, they say "I'm kind of concerned about the overwhelming amount of male love on the show"
CH: These guys like each other. They're "good friends"
AB: Well Kelly has a rule, or three rules. They can hug, but they can't close their eyes.
KK: No that's Henze's rule
CH: Yeah you can hug another guy on camera, but once you close your eyes it becomes a little something special.
DH did that, put Gus' finger in Shawn's cereal.
& then JRr used the same spoon.
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clearlyaginger · 2 years
Love watching cop shows when the suspect doesn't cooperate and demands a warrant ❤️
Love when the cops make a big fuss and cry about it and mildly blackmail the suspect like "if you cooperate maybe we'll look the other way for that code violation" or whatever and the suspect leans in and says, "like I said. Warrant." ❤️
Love when that suspect isn't the killer and is just doing exactly when they should do in that situation.
Hate when they treat said suspect like a horrible person for demanding their rights be respected. 💔
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The Mentalist AU where they're all criminals.
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deanisbisexual · 3 years
let’s talk about cons
Okay I want to get something off my chest and it is towards a lot of my mutuals who I actually do consider friends even if we’ve only spoken once or twice, I honestly hope you read this in its entirety and have a change of heart. If it makes you mad or you don’t agree with it, feel free to unfollow or block me, it’s fine. If you wanna talk about it feel free to DM me. 
I am not upset that anyone went to the Charlotte Convention. I understand that some of you bought your tickets before we learned that Jensen was directing Walker and before Denver Con. I truly felt bad knowing that your tickets were nonrefundable and I was glad you guys were still going to try to have a good time and meet each other. 
What I am upset about is some of you want to continue to go to conventions, whether they be Creation Cons or not. While Creation Entertainment itself is a whole other beast, they are not the main problem here. Any convention that gives Jensen, Jared, or even Misha money is not a convention you should be supporting. These last few months we have gotten to see how these actors really feel about their LGBT+ fans and their fans of color and I don’t think it’s morally right to continue to fill these men’s wallets. 
Nothing has changed in the past week. 
Jared is still the same guy who uses children in cages as inspiration for his copaganda show, Jensen is still going to direct Walker, he still sat by and agreed when Jared compared queer love to inc*st and p*dophlia. Both have been outwardly homophobic. Some of you are POC, some of you are LGBT+, some of you even posted about how you didn’t feel safe there, I don’t understand why you are so excited to pay hundreds or even thousands of dollars to these men.
Please stop thinking that by spending this money and asking Jensen or Jared a question that it’s somehow going to fundamentally change them and they won’t be the bigots they are. Do you think J2 (or any of the actors frankly) go to these conventions out of the goodness of their hearts and because they’re genuinely interested in what you have to say? No, they go because it’s a nice little paycheck. Having Misha throw us a “there was love in his eyes” or getting a quick picture with him or Ruth or anyone doesn’t negate that the majority of your money is going to the same men who made us all feel like shit three weeks ago and encourage their fans to perpetuate that hateful culture.
The best way to hold them accountable is to stop giving them your money.
I would also like to clarify some things. Anyone trying to explain why your actions are hurtful is not jealous that they didn’t go to the convention or aren’t a part of your discord. Anyone blogging about Dean/Supernatural/Destiel is not the same as spending $300+ that directly goes into the pockets of racist and homophobic actors. Me reblogging your con posts when I’m trying to be supportive that y’all are making good out of a shitty situation is not begging for con content. You donating some money to RAICES or any other organization or blogger doesn’t erase the money you gave to racists. 
If you want to pay for another convention and continue giving these men, who do not care about you, a platform to spew racist and homophobic shit and foster a toxic environment go ahead, but please don’t get upset and act like victims when others call you out on it. 
I sincerely hope some of you will reconsider who you give your money to. I understand wanting to be around others who are just as passionate about Supernatural as you are. I understand wanting to see your friends. I understand wanting to have fun. 
There are ways to do that without supporting racist homophobes.
#in before one of yall posts the “i ain’t reading all that. i’m happy for u tho. or sorry that happened” meme
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rahleeyah · 2 years
god the way everyone hates ed tucker is understandable but also just proof of how effective the copaganda is 🥴
I have a lot of thoughts about Tucker tbh. Like yes absolutely the fact that he is a villain is copaganda at work ("how could she like him he threw her in jail" he had her DNA at the crime scene and a mounting pile of evidence why SHOULDN'T he have put her in jail? "Oh Elliot believed her" that's not bc it would be morally correct to do so it is bc Elliot and Olivia live inside each other's skin in a way that is not always healthy or positive and that's another post; Elliot's reasons for believing her were more supernatural than practical) bc what makes him a villain is that he is trying to hold cops accountable for bad actions, but he doesn't understand that our cops are allowed to operate outside the law and that. That is what copaganda is. Our cops are the good guys it's not a big deal when they violate people's civil rights bc those pesky laws just get in the way.
I think a lot of people's hatred of him has more to do with the way they engage with the text. It's either people who didn't watch 2.0 and so did not see the scenes that humanized him and can't fathom a jump from hating him to liking him, or it's people who still hold a grudge against him for doing the job. Even after Olivia explains that she understands his position better now, that it's different when you're the one left holding the bag, that as a boss she can't condone the same reckless behavior she enacted, even after we see him be kind to her, take care of her, make her feel comfortable and safe, even tho "blue eyed Irish asshole with a short temper, a smart mouth, and a good heart" is literally exactly Olivia's type, 1.0 said he was a bad guy and some people are just. Never gonna see him differently. There has to be a willingness to accept the humanity of the villain, to acknowledge that a conflict can have multiple perspectives and that the right side and the wrong side might both have arrived at their conclusions for "good" reasons, in order to like Tucker. I get the feeling there aren't a lot of enemies to lovers fans in this particular fandom soup.
The Tucker journey isn't confusing or ooc, imo. It is deeply human. It is about Olivia seeing the humanity in a man she hated - even as Tucker discovers the humanity in her one day I will write a whole post about post mortem blues - it is about her willingness to believe maybe there is more to him than she previously saw, and when she is willing to look she finds a man who gently and without judgement pulls her back from drinking too much and takes her to Paris like she always dreamed about. She finds out that Ed worked the 9/11 cleanup and carries emotional scars from it in addition to the physical damage it did to him, she finds out that Ed is sweet with her son, she finds out that he understands her. And maybe always did.
The humanization of Ed Tucker makes those 1.0 scenes even more compelling, imo, bc you can almost see his begrudging respect for her, that he enjoys sparring with her. And Liv wants a man she can fight with.
I've gotten off track but yes. Tucker being a villain in 1.0 is copaganda in action, and I love his 2.0 arc so much, and I will always defend Tuckson lmao
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mazojo · 3 years
Winter 2022 Anime Opinions
Time to rank the anime I watch for self care, I wish you all a good winter 2022 😌 this are my personal opinions btw so no need to get angry if you don’t agree self care
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Futsal Boys!!!
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Boring. Honestly I have just watched the first ep and I was extremely disappointed because I like soccer based sports but it was very bland and flavorless unfortunately rip I will finish it but meh
Tribe nine
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I am sorry to be the bearer of bad news besties but if you say you liked tribe nine no you don’t, you like danganronpa and you are barely scraping through watching tribe nine like I am. It’s not a very solid concept lets not lie to ourselves. Maybe it’s because baseball is in on the bottom of my tier list of boring sports and they tried to sell it to me but failed or maybe it’s just the gigantic leaps of logic this show has the audacity to present but it’s definetely doing something. You go girl give us nothing assfgks points only for having wacky character designs
Baraou no Souretsu
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This series is weird asiiwj because there were some aspects I liked and others I hated. I don’t know much about it and I haven’t been keeping up with it so can’t comment much but idk, I feel like it tries to do many things at once and doesn’t really succeed in most. I also find it weird that the demon analogy is linked to the whole thing but idkidk
Tokyo 24-ku
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This is a bad series. I hate it because I was expecting so much for it but all Cloverworks does well is let me down so that’s that :) I do like red haired boy he is the only saving grace but the plot is a mess and I am like 7 or 8 eps in and I couldn’t tell you what the plot is about
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This is basically copaganda the anime and I ain’t buying it. The latter episodes have been slightly more tolerable but not much so it still sucks lmao,,,,, I only like the moments were the girls are girlfriends and stuff but the story is a lot at once and I still think it should include some warnings or buildup for the triggers
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I am ngl I have only watched two eps but I thought it was fine. I know it has an awful rating in MAL so take me with a grain of salt but I liked it, I didn’t think it was anything new nor innovative but I didn’t expect a masterpiece either so it was fine,,,, the character design is cute too.
Koroshi Ai
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This one is weird for me because I still don’t know if I liked it or not lmaoo I think I like the idea of it and the concept but the execution lacks something for me and I still don’t know what,,,,, I haven’t read the manga for this but I think this is one of those cases were the adaptation didn’t really do it justice but not sure..... I am very on the edge about it
Akebi-chan no Sailor- fuku
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I still think this is cute in a boring way ASSJWKSK Like i watch it every week and I enjoy it while at it because it’s min numbing and literally nothing happens but it’s cute at it so ig points AKSJSJW The main girl is very stereotypical main girl chan but I think it’s cute, I feel like it attracts the wrong crowd but it’s still cute while at it
Attack on Titan
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Yeah I don’t know what I can say apart from the normal about aot. It’s good, I am confuse half of the time but I know it’s a good anime so watch it if you want but I don’t think you need to read this to know that SLSKKSS look at Jean thO!!! Hot girl shit
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