saigoat · 1 month
Being tortured to the point of passing out cold, then in a haze as they regain consciousness, see they are cradled in the lap of their tormentor. Skin clammy and crawling as a bloody hand cards through greasy, limp hair. The unwanted tender touch would be etched in their memory for the rest of their life. In months of agony, it was the one solitary moment of softness. Some part of them wants more, some part loathes themselves for it.
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thehomicidalbaby · 17 days
I don’t believe love is love without Stockholm Syndrome.
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disguisedcheezed · 8 months
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Day 2 - Y section
You can tell I had so much fun that I drew this prompt 3 times and wrote (in a restricted time frame) blocks of text from a fanfic that keeps me awake at night.... Yeahhhh.
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dumbdomb · 1 year
Read my pinned post BEFORE you interact: like, reblog, reply, dm, ask, or follow. Must be over eighteen years of age to interact. 18+ only. You do not have my consent to "Like" this post without reading my pinned first. MDNI.
DNI: no/maps, loli, icky kink, "icky" blogs, unspecified "hard" kinks, unspecified "gross" kinks, unspecified "taboo" kinks, unspecified "dark" kinks, ddlg (specifically, doesn't apply to all cgl), older men / younger women, incest, forced fem, detrans kink, misgendering, misogyny, matriarchy, patriarchy, race fetish, fat fetish, feeder, gainer kink, dyke breaking, corrective rape, tradwifery, cucking, infidelity, cheating, hot wife, trophy wife or husband, cucking, pregnancy, alphas, sigmas, femcels, beastiality, zoophilia, allocishet "straight people" kinks and any conservative ideals romanticized or fetishized in kink play or in vanilla romantic and sexual relationships.
allowing me to stay over in your guest room which has, unbeknownst to me, been created into a fully inescapable- yet seemingly safe and normal bedroom. it's true purpose has always been to be the dungeon you'd keep me in so you could prove your loyal devotion to me.
the first night you focus on making sure i'm comfortable and at ease. hidden cameras detail my sleeping schedule and you're prepared for the next phase. we spend some time together during the second day, but mostly you're preparing for something special that evening... at night, once i've fallen asleep, you begin.
Read my pinned BEFORE you interact! 18+ only.
dimly lit monitors power on to display obscenely pornographic content, hidden speakers play binaural and hypnotic audio, and soon i am surrounded by a barrage of subliminal ideas designed to coerce me into becoming more deviant. the moment i stir awake, everything is shut off automatically. i've no idea what is going on, but my head feels fuzzy.
during the day, i seem a bit out of it, but otherwise don't notice anything unusual. like a vacation, i finally begin to relax after a few days. on the fifth night, you continue this nightly programming and increase the volume and lighting just so. when i wake, i catch a glimpse of my surroundings that immediately fall silent and i question whether i saw anything.
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in the morning i notice some of the clothes i don't wear often have been replaced with similar, yet more revealing styles. i angrily question you about going through my belongings and you act so unaware, surprised, and frightened that someone may have broken into your house that i actually believe you. i help you get new locks and install security cameras to watch over all entrances and windows. i ask you to stay in the room with me that night, and you make a bed on the floor next to mine. nothing more happens, a few uneventful days pass...
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i suggest you move back to your own room, feeling silly for being scared, you only continue to build my trust in you by comforting me and making me feel safe. everything will change soon enough, bc while i visit a friend during the day, your plans to move into the third phase begin.
all my clothes are replaced with very revealing styles, except for my usual pajamas that i lay out each day. i don't see you when i get back, but figure you're out or taking a nap. i don't know you've changed anything yet, keeping to my new routines in your home. by the time we usually have dinner together, you join me a bit later than usual. and when i retire to bed, it's all so mundane.
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while i sleep, you turn on the programs. they increase as i squirm in bed, getting louder and more visible. this time, when i wake up, everything stays on as i look around startled and confused. i try to use the remote to turn off the tv, but nothing i do works. i decide to leave the room, scared to stay inside with all the overwhelming perversion around me. when i try to open the door, it's locked. the windows appear to be locked from the outside... i yell out for help, not wanting to believe the situation i'm in, and the obscene volume increases. the more i yell, the louder it gets, until my screams are nearly indistinguishable from the loud moans and cries of pain and pleasure. i go back to bed and cover my head, trying to make it all stop and i somehow manage to fall asleep again.
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in the morning, i wake up like normal. as if it were all just a horribly bad dream. i go take a shower and when i look for something to wear, all my clothes are gone. i'm in a towel, my used pajamas already added to the laundry bin in the other room, and all the clothes i have to wear are not mine. i go to leave the room and the door is locked, just like in my dream. i hear you yell out that breakfast will be ready soon, and i should hurry up so it doesn't get cold. how can you be so normal when something strange is going on here? i find the most "comfortable" outfit i can to make do, and after getting dressed the door is unlocked, like i was never locked in to begin with... i felt so confused and wanted to tell you, but i also felt overcome with shame. was it just my mind playing tricks on me?!? ♡
Read my pinned post BEFORE you interact: like, reblog, reply, dm, ask, or follow. Must be over eighteen years of age to interact. 18+ only.
NO: lurkers, likes only, inactive, empty, or blank blogs. DO NOT LIKE MY CONTENT. DNI. ♥️
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abhainnwhump · 4 months
Forced Marriage
(Content warnings: Abusive/toxic relationships, forced gender roles, manipulation, forced whumpee turned whumper, very possessive whumper, intimate whumper, pet whump vibes, kidnapping, conditioning)
Whumpee being some form of royalty and is forced to marry a rival/evil royal member as part of a treaty between kingdoms.
Whumpee waking up from being kidnapped and they're in wedding attire and a ring. They have no idea where either came from.
Whumper surgically alters Whumpee into the perfect partner. Or causing permanent damage to their ankles/feet so they can't run away.
Gilded cages. Whumper treats Whumpee lovingly and they're kept in good health, but a cage is still a cage.
Whumper shows off their new spouse to their friends and Whumpee has to pretend to play the role.
Forced cuddles and kisses.
Whumpee forced to wear the clothes Whumper deems "pretty".
At order of Whumper, Whumpee has to cut off all of their loved ones. Whumpee holds back tears as they tell their friends, family, and significant other to screw off and never talk to them again.
Instead of a traditional ring, Whumper gives Whumpee a gold collar and leash.
"Til death do us part"
Whumpee has a significant other and feels like they betrayed them.
Whumper forces Whumpee into a traditional gender role they're not suited for. Either working hard labor they're too weak for or cleaning and cooking all the time.
Whumper justifying the torture under the guise of being Whumpee's "lover"
Stockholm Syndrome, need I say more? Lima Syndrome while we're at it?
Anniversaries that make Whumpee feel ill for how long they've been trapped with Whumper.
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[tw language, kidnapping, captivity, hostage situation, stockholm syndrome, lima syndrome, talk of dismemberment]
They weren't supposed to get attached to the hostage.
But spending several days in a stupid little cottage with no one else to talk to seemed to have done a number on both of their psyches, with Whumpee treating them more and more like a particularly intimidating friend, and in turn... Whumper taking a liking to them.
It was ridiculous, of course. At first, Whumper suspected a trap, or an escape attempt. Why else would their hostage go on a quiet little rant about how messed up their life had been before the kidnapping? How the kidnapping had hardly made it worse, quite the contrary. How they didn't mind the restraints, not really, they were just getting really worried about blood circulation. It was the perfect way to get Whumper to loosen them so they could free themself and run.
But Whumpee stayed perfectly still the entire time. They didn't even look at Whumper. They were trembling slightly at the closeness, but they just sat there and let Whumper readjust their bonds without any indication of their desire to escape. But they must've wanted to. Right?
Whumpee kept complimenting the food, too. It was nothing fancy, mostly canned stuff and some instant oats; and yet Whumpee seemed delighted to be cared for, always making sure they thanked Whumper thoroughly.
It had to be part of a plan. It just had to be.
It didn't matter.
"Today is the deadline," Whumper announced. "You better hope they have the fucking money."
Whumpee swallowed and nodded. "What... what if they..."
"If they fucked up? Oh, I don't know. Shooting you in the head feels like a waste. Maybe I'll cut off an arm and send it to them..."
It felt wrong to say that. It felt cruel. It was cruel, but that was supposed to be the point! They weren't supposed to care about the hostage's opinion!
"I can live without an arm," Whumpee mumbled, and Whumper froze in their tracks.
"N-nothing. Nothing. I'm sorry."
"What the fuck did you say?" They walked over and grabbed Whumpee by the neck of their shirt, barely able to tell what made them want to hear that again so badly. Was it because they wanted to slap Whumpee for it? Because they thought their victim had implied their family wouldn't pay, rendering the plan useless? Because of perceived defiance? Or was it... something else?
"I said– I said I c-can live without an arm," they choked out. "I'm sorry, I didn't– I didn't mean anything by it, I want to keep my arm–"
"Why the fuck would you say shit like that? Huh? What's wrong with you?"
Whumpee shook their head, tears trickling down their face. "I just don't want to go back! I– I'm just happy you'd allow me a few more days with you, even if– even if it'd cost me an arm! I just don't want to leave! I hate them! I hate them so much! I, I hope they don't pay–"
Whumper slapped them across the face and let go, allowing their hostage to crumple to the ground in a sobbing heap. Fucking idiot. What a stupid thing to say.
"I can't believe I kidnapped someone so sick in the head," they grumbled, and Whumpee curled up tighter at the insult.
Fucking hell.
They were already hoping the stupid fucks wouldn't pay, and now Whumpee had to say it out loud?
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petrichormore · 8 months
also hey wait a minute I don’t think people are talking enough about how Ron said they forgive Bad.
For kidnapping and torturing them.
This weird ass lima syndrome thing Bad’s got going on is starting to go both ways. We should Pay Attention to That.
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ka-freaking-boom · 6 months
Serial killer Ghost x Retired vet Soap AU
Warnings: Kidnapping, Captivity, Stockholm Syndrome, Lima Syndrome.
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Soap made sure to remain completely still -his back ramrod straight- as Ghost came within grabbing range. He was fully aware of what the man was capable of if spooked and warily watched as Ghost leaned in closer. Soap couldn't control the way his eyes widened in shock when the man surprised him by inviting himself into Soap's personal space.
He could feel Ghost's breath puff out over his lips before the man abruptly changed direction and brushed his fabric covered cheek across Soap's, the balaclava scraping against his stubble. The touch felt almost animalistic in nature and Soap's eyes involuntarily fluttered shut as he tentatively pressed back against the light pressure, flinching a little when Ghost's gloved hand suddenly grabbed his hips in a desperate grip and exhaled shakily against Soap's ear.
Then, all at once, Ghost was ripping himself away from Soap, the Scot swaying for a moment -subconsciously chasing after Ghost's warmth- before regaining control over his limbs and planting his feet. His head felt like it was full of static as he tracked Ghost's progress across the room, the door slamming shut behind his tense figure with a loud thud, the sound quickly followed by the familiar click of the lock being engaged.
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yuhi-san · 1 year
you know back in season 8 wher Doc brought up the stockholm syndrom to wash by pointing out nobody has it yet?
Yeah i was just looking up stuff for a story and found this gem
London-Syndrom. It is the opposite to the Lima syndrom; the hostage is so annoying that they get shot for it.
yeah Doc should have worried about that way more.
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I am so normal about Pickman and Hancock like I am totally cool and normal about them (I'm not) (I need to be stopped) (You need to put me down like a dog)
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redcallisto · 1 year
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Read R-L
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A little something from last year! I was looking thru my old posts and feeling nostalgic lol. I don’t think i’ve ever posted this here tho
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stemms · 8 months
I came up with a timetravel c!Prime AU, it's called Cyclical Repossession Through Times (or CRTT) and it's my main AU right now.
After the destruction of the lands of the Dream SMP in the previous timeline, it was restarted. This change wasn’t impactful to the majority of the server; they had no clue they ever existed before, and therefore didn’t hold any memories of their past lives. c!Tommy and c!Dream were the only ones who managed to keep their memories. To c!Dream it was a benediction, and to c!Tommy - a curse. While c!Dream remembered their time in exile, prison, post-prison break, and protégé au, c!Tommy only remembered the very beginning of the server (s0), L’Manberg, and Pogtopia. Even though the boy’s mind lost all the upsetting memories tied to the man, his body didn’t. The moment c!Tommy met c!Dream for the first time, he couldn’t help but flinch, his ears were ringing, hands shaking, and every inch of his body screamed at him to get away from the man and run as fast as he possibly can. But he couldn’t comprehend why he reacted this way, if he was facing no one else but his rival, mentor, and brother figure who’d certainly do no harm to him...
The plot revolves around two timelines, both of which took place after the finale of Dream SMP:
The past:
After the restart of the server, the eight-year-old c!Tommy lived in the woods by himself, until c!Wilbur found and took him in. But before the two had the chance to bond and fully warm up to each other, the boy was kidnapped by c!Dream, and taken to exile (to his real home, where he truly belonged). After all, he was a much better candidate for the role of an older brother than c!Wilbur would ever dream of becoming, c!Tommy just didn’t know it yet… 
Because c!Dream still had his memories of exile, prison, post-prison break, and protégé au, he simply couldn’t keep himself from reclaiming what was truly his… especially now that he was the only one who remembered the boy.
Although c!Dream didn’t possess the revival book physically anymore, he knew it by heart, so there was no need in participating in any wars or choose c!Schlatt’s side later. Not to mention that he already had the key to L’Manberg in c!Tommy… 
Even though c!Dream managed to get his hands on c!Tommy with very little effort and no one was aware of his plans, he had a strong paranoia of losing the boy to the hands of the server again. Similarly to c!Tommy’s kleptomania, which directly impacted his self-worth, c!Dream depended on owning the boy (although he absolutely hated the idea of it, and denied it until the end). So, if c!Dream was c!Tommy’s God, he was nobody without him by his side… 
Upon moving to Logstedshire, c!Tommy built a tent to live in, and it stayed this way for a few weeks, until c!Dream’s paranoia worsened to the point where he decided that it wasn’t safe to keep the boy there anymore. So, he made c!Tommy build a little bunker below the tent, and compulsively checked if he still had the keys, and if c!Tommy was still in his room, every night before going to bed.
In the beginning of c!Tommy’s exile, c!Dream abused him the way he did in the past timeline; after all, he could never get enough of it… After having broken the boy’s spirit, he coerced him into seeing him as his big brother and parental figure.
Although c!Tommy was ripped out of c!Wilbur’s arms before they got a chance to become closer, he was very fond of the kid and found his sudden disappearance at night very suspicious. He was aware that he was powerless in this situation, so he established L’Manberg by himself, in hopes of creating a safe place for the boy to return to. Soon enough, more people joined L’Manberg, and it gave c!Wilbur a slight glimpse of hope that other people would join him in his mission of saving c!Tommy.
Eventually, c!Wilbur succeeded in his mission, and got the boy back to safety where he was able to finally heal, and learn what family really meant… 
XD and Drista granted c!Dream the power of reset, however it had its limitations. 
Even though c!Dream possessed divine powers and was able to achieve what simple humans could only dream to, he was still human, no matter how hard he tried to convince himself otherwise. His human body was simply far too weak for that power, so he could only use one power at a time, and couldn’t cross the boundary set by XD and Drista, otherwise his body would’ve simply exploded. And because he no longer had c!Punz, and c!Tommy wasn’t trained enough to revive him, he would’ve simply perished. It means that he could either revive c!Tommy twenty times, or reset the server once. Because the power of reset demanded was much stronger, it renewed every two years. 
Because c!Dream actively killed and revived c!Tommy in order to fasten up his training, the moment things went downhill, he simply didn’t hold enough power to reset the server. c!Tommy was taken away from him, and he was utterly helpless in this situation, and unable to retrieve his little plaything.
After two years have passed, c!Dream finally reset the server, and decided to try to get c!Tommy to himself again.
2. The present:
After the reset, c!Dream desperately wanted to earn c!Tommy’s trust and make him follow him to Logstedshire at his own will, so he was one of the first people to meet the boy. To be sure to succeed at winning him over, he made a neon green bandana with a little smiley face on it resembling c!Tubbo’s bandana to gift it to c!Tommy before c!Tubbo. But he was too late and c!Tommy already received one from c!Tubbo, so it was all for nothing. It seemed that some events kept on occurring in each new timeline, no matter how hard he tried to prevent them from happening. It’s as though destiny itself tried to protect c!Tommy from him… 
c!Dream was aware that c!Tommy didn’t remember anything of his past abuse, but he did notice how he tensed up and flinched every time he encountered something related to his traumatic past. Every time c!Tommy looked at the area of c!Ranboo’s visits, c!Dream couldn’t help but panic that the teen might retrieve a part of his memories, and if his friend showed up and tried to persuade him to leave Logstedshire, he’d be more convinced by his words and follow him.
c!Dream was so obsessed with the idea of matching with his boy in everything that he dyed his hair blond, so they really looked like brothers :) When c!Tommy saw the man with newly dyed hair, he experienced a strong feeling of déjà vu, but he couldn’t understand why… His reaction left him utterly perplexed, as he tensed up for seemingly no reason, yet also felt very relieved. Little did he know it was due to something he encountered in his past life… :) 
At some point, c!Dream’s paranoia significantly worsened and the thought of putting an enchantment on c!Tommy again crossed his mind, but he decided against it. The idea of managing to keep the boy to himself with no enchantments and his effort alone seemed more satisfying and fun to him. If he managed to do it, it’d certainly mean every single part of the boy, his body and soul, belonged to him, wouldn’t it? :)
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faunletvictim · 1 year
every good boy deserves to be lovingly kept in some freaks basement
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otherworldly-whump · 1 year
Returning Home
Whumpee finally escapes. Or were they let go? They honestly aren't sure which. All they know is that they finally got everything they wanted, they're free. But something is wrong. It turns out whumper might have been right. The world is just a bit too big for them. It's scary, dangerous... overwhelming. Whumper was right when they warned them outside was actually less safe. Less comfortable. Less kind. Suddenly whumpee isn't sure they want to be free. Maybe whumper is keeping them safe after-all. Before they know it they find themselves back where they'd just escaped, on their knees in front of whumper. Words pour out of their mouth, begging and sharing and emotional dumping, and just pleading, pleading whumper to take them back in, where it's calm and quiet and there's simple rules, with simple results. They'll do anything. They're so so so sorry they left. They're sorry they didn't listen It had just gotten too much, it hurt too much, and they just wanted to stop hurting. They didn't mean to leave, they didn't mean to put themself in danger. They just couldn't handle all the feelings anymore. Please all they're asking for is a little more kindness and they'll stay forever. They'll do anything, anything, whumper wants.
Whumper watches them, cold, expressionless, for almost half an hour. They listen to whumpee plead and sob and cry until their throat is sore and their mouth is dry. And then slowly, they nod. "Welcome home whumpee dear. Of course we can be more gentle, if you finally understand your place. I only ever was correcting you to keep you safe like I told you. If you're finally willing to learn better, it's wonderful to have you home."
That night, for the first time in a long time, whumpee didn't sleep on a floor. They fell asleep on whumper's bed, curled up to their chest, shivering as their touch starved body and affection starved brain curls up tight and close. Not caring that this is the monster that had been torturing them for months. This was their proper owner now afterall. They hadn't been lying. They had been keeping whumpee safe. And the arms around them felt too good. A soft bed. An arm tucked around protectively. A belly full of Chinese takeout. Whumpee doesn't know if they escaped, or were let go. All they know is they're home finally now. They drift to sleep in Whumper's arms. Safe.
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dumbdomb · 1 year
Must be over twenty-five to "Like" | 25+ Only.
this is not a sexual assault kink. there is implied consent in my writing. be respectful. i am not submissive or a straight woman. thank you for reading my pinned post BEFORE liking, reblogging, or replying on this post. 🚥
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you notice some creepy guy following u around and try to walk faster, try to lose him, but it doesn't work. you're scared and you spot me and my friend, joining us and pretending like you're part of our group. the creep sees us and i put my arm around you, smiling and making eye contact with that loser until he turns around and walks away like a sad excuse of a person. i tell you, "it's ok, you're safe now. he's gone." and ask if you'd like us to give you a ride somewhere. you agree, since it's only a short distance anyway and we both are concerned for you, not knowing if that creep decided to hang around out of sight. once we get in the car and approach your destination, a sinking feeling of regret tugs at your mind. confusion and panic setting in as we drive past where we agreed to drop you off. "don't worry, that creep isn't going to hurt you. you're safe." you interrupt, trying to tell me that i missed the turn. "he'll never be able to hurt you. so you don't have to be scared. he's not going to find you, see..." i glance at my friend, both of our smiles turning to laughter, "no one will ever find you." ♡
Read My Pinned BEFORE you interact! 25+ only.
NO: lurkers, likes only, inactive, empty, or blank blogs. DO NOT LIKE MY CONTENT. DNI. ♥️
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moondragon618 · 1 year
I really want to talk about c!Prime in Bedrock Bros arc now it's literally one of my favorite arcs
Like c!Tommy during his first trip back to L'manberg with c!Techno seeing the Final Control Room again and immediately getting triggered into a panic attack + a whole crisis about c!Dream and just "Where's Dream where's Dream I need my friend Dream" and "But he cared for me, he cared for me-" like he wasn't literally the one who murdered c!Tommy in there-
And c!Dream's first visit when c!Tommy is just absolutely terrified of him but also like... almost desperate to see him again to the point of practically sabotaging himself. And c!Dream already knowing he was there anyway bc he was creeping around in Logstedshire earlier but like, pretending not to? Maybe putting on that whole concerned act (or maybe not an act) specifically to lull c!Tommy into a false sense of security. Maybe even waiting to see if c!Tommy gives in to the exile conditioning and hands himself over.
"On one hand he tortured me, but on the other hand he was a lovely guy!"
Just the whole vibe of c!Dream's second visit being way more tense, that part where c!Tommy follows c!Dream and Ghostbur outside while invisible and gets close enough to c!Dream that he could reach out and touch him if he wanted. c!Dream looking like he's about to leave before suddenly just going straight to c!Tommy's hidden bunker. "I know Tommy was here, Wilbur." And then just taking the Prime Bell and leaving.
Literally the only thing stopping c!Dream from just taking c!Tommy by force was him not wanting to lose c!Techno's favor (which c!Tommy didn't know about yet btw), and he already knew c!Tommy was there from the start, so what reason does he have to be showing up and searching around other than toying with c!Tommy?
c!Dream during his third visit when it's just him and c!Techno, not so subtly implying that c!Bedrock Bros' alliance is doomed to fail and then being like "As long as I know where Tommy is, which I do, maybe I'll... I might come in here at any point :)"
Like this man is so ready for c!Techno to get tired of c!Tommy so he can swoop in and isolate him again and be like "I'm the only one you can trust, Tommy :) I'm the only one who will never abandon you :)" because he just absolutely cannot stand the idea of not having total control over c!Tommy at all times :)
c!Tommy going back to Old Home Logstedshire to Conquer his Fears, then sneaking back into L'manberg to rebuild his actual old home <333
And holy shit that first actual c!Prime confrontation since c!Tommy escaped exile-
"You- you manipulated me."
"Tommy, I was the only person who visited you, I was the only person who was your friend :)"
c!Tommy finally standing up to c!Dream: "I'm the only one who goes against you. And you know what, Dream? I think you're scared of me."
c!Techno's favor once again being the only thing stopping c!Dream from just taking c!Tommy by force.
"Alright. You live for now, Tommy :)" And for the rest of eternity if he has anything to say about it-
And of course: "You know what, Dream? Dream... go fuck yourself."
Like this arc makes me insane holy shit. c!Tommy trying to have a healing arc and overcome his trauma and exile conditioning and c!Dream just being like "Oh, but I can't just let you go, Tommy :) It was very clever of you to hide with Techno but you know it won't last forever :) C'mon Tommy, don't you wanna come back? We had so much fun together, don't you miss it? :) :) :)" because he definitely didn't get unhealthily attached or anything during exile lmao.
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