#stop hating on him i will fucking come after y'all no joke >:
Y'all wanna see Miguel be the dominant lover.
I wanna see Miguel being that dude's that's slightly afraid of his wife.
He's teasing her jokingly and she starts yelling at him in Spanish. And he's like 'It was a JOKE- dios mío A JOKE' meanwhile this 4'11 woman is yelling and waving her finger in his face (lovingly of course)
Jess asks if he's coming to eat lunch, and he tells her 'no', that he has work to do.
Cue his wife storming into his office, yelling his name, and shoving a plate of arroz con pollo at him and demanding they eat together. And of course he wouldn't dream of telling her no.
So he sits there while she's like 'Make sure you finish. You always eat dinner late. You need to finish so you won't be hungry. I don't know how you always want to train and workout but you don't want to stop and EAT. You hear me?? Are you listening-'
And he's just happily listening to her nagging while he eats and fights back a smile.
-- Imma give him a wife who looks makes him look relatively calm and sarcastic meanwhile she's a busy-body constantly checking on him and everything in the Society so it doesn't fall apart.
-- Miguel being afraid to even COUGH around her cause god help him, if she thinks he's sick she'll forcefully BABY him to death.
Like tucking him into bed ridiculously tight with a rag on his head and soup on the stove and if he even thinks about getting up he gets scolded for 'stressing out his body'
-- A wife that when Miguel brings up the idea of having kids she's like 'Of course! I want six... What's wrong, why do you look like you've seen a ghost? It's six not enough for you?'
Meanwhile Miguel is trying not to faint at the idea of SIX WHOLE KIDS to look after. (The end up with eight in the end)
-- And she has weekly brunches with MJ where they talk about how much of a mess their loving husbands are
-- When they train together she takes it SO serious. She's the worlds toughest trainer ever. Yelling at him in Spanish 'Is that all you got! Christ, I know you can do more than that!! We're running 6 miles together on the treadmill next. DRINK SOME WATER!!!'
And then after she's like 'You did great, babe 😊 My strong man, love you 🧡🧡🧡.'
Meanwhile he's panting for dear life
Like DO YOU SEE THE DYNAMIC I'M GOING FOR not the 'i hate my wife' kinda vibe, the 'my wife is gonna fucking kill me if I stay up until three again' kinda vibe.
I'm gonna give him the most firey fierce wife ever. That's him and Inca-Spider Moche. When they argue she stands on his desk cause she's not gonna having him looking down at her. She's like 'You think you wouldn't eat lunch cause the breakfast I cooked was too big? Say that to my face!!' *climbs up on the nearest chair*
A calm sarcastic giant and his 4'11 wife that will rain hellfire if he works late cause he needs his sleep and she'll be DAMNED if he doesn't get it
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raythekiller · 1 year
🗒 ❛ Personality Headcanons ༉‧₊˚✧
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Featuring: Jeff The Killer, Ben Drowned, Ticci Toby, Eyeless Jack, Masky, Hoodie
#Notes: just my general take on the creeps. hope y'all enjoy! requests open :)
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꒰⸝⸝₊⛓┊Jeff The Killer
He's a total fucking prick, for a lack of better word. He doesn't care about other's feelings, he thinks he's better than everyone so he's "allowed" to treat people badly, and he has anger issues to top that. Protesting against his bad treatment is gonna earn you some screaming at best and some blood spilled at worst, depending entirely on his mood.
He has the potential to be a good friend and person in general, he just doesn't want to. However, you might catch him trying to awkwardly comfort Toby or Ben when they have mental breakdowns. Well, not as much "comfort" but more of a shy pat on the back and a "Stop being a little bitch" comment, but that's his way of showing that he cares. Take it or leave.
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꒰⸝⸝₊⛓┊Ben Drowned
Generally a pretty chill guy. He's not an extrovert, but he's still fairly outgoing when it comes to meeting new people (when he does leave his room, that is. He's kind of a shut in). Since he died when he was about twelve, I think he's forever stuck into the pre-pubescent boy mentality, so he can be quite the little shit.
That means he's also kind of a pervert and just immature in general. The type to play certain games just to gawk at the female character's slutty outfits and make fart jokes. He can also be very sarcastic and witty when he wants to, just a total smartass. Also, he's a pothead.
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꒰⸝⸝₊⛓┊Ticci Toby
Probably one of, if not the nicest creep in the manor. Very upbeat and cheerful, at least most of the time. As someone that has bipolar disorder, it personally doesn't make me very violent and as unstable as Toby is canonically said to be. What does make me does things though is my BPD, so I headcanon he has that as well. He's all sunshine and rainbows until someone says something in a slightly off tone and suddenly he's screaming and throwing his hatchets at the fucking wall.
That also means he's extremely clingy. He wants every last bit of attention he can get and is extremely possessive of people he likes. And, while he is nice most of the time, when he's having an episode he's probably the most cold and cruel person you'll ever met.
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꒰⸝⸝₊⛓┊Eyeless Jack
One of the most chill creeps. He's not aggressive and kills only when he needs to eat, and tries to make it quick and painless for the victim. He eats any organs, not just kidneys. Also, he's a fucking great cook, Hannibal Lecter style. He really likes reading and is extremely intelligent, probably knows two or more languages, and is probably the most mature member of the manor after Slenderman.
He's not actually blind, but he's not not blind either. He sees the temperature of things instead of the actual object. He hates drama and argument and loud noises, so he normally stays away from the other creeps (especially our favorite trio, Jeff, Ben and Toby), but he gets along really well with Jane.
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Another prick, though a more reserved one than Jeff. He's a perfectionist and natural leader, so he expects everyone to obey him without questions and no mistakes allowed. He has this rivalry going on with Toby because, even though he's the leader and Slenderman's right hand, he feels the tall guy has a certain favoritism or soft spot when it comes to Toby (which is true).
He gets very aggressive after missions and just wants to be left alone for at least a few hours, just until he calms down a little. After he's rested, he's actually pretty decent to be around, becoming less defensive and more accepting of others.
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The coolest guy ever. He's calm but great to be around and is always willing to listen to others when they need to vent. He's kind of the manor's therapist and gives great advice. He's mute, so he talks either through sign language or writing down on paper. He also plays guitar and likes to write his own songs sometimes. Ben and Sally really look up to him as a kind of cool uncle.
Since he's so level headed, he's always the one to calm Masky down when he's being a bit much. Toby really appreciates this, since he's normally getting the short end of Masky's bad moods. As mentioned, he's great with the younger members of the manor and just kids in general and they all love him. The type of uncle to give them candy while saying "Don't tell your parents" playfully.
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bunnliix · 7 months
"Did I look hot in it?"
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I saw this prompt by @creativepromptsforwriting and immediately thought of Wooyoung. And so, two weeks later after I found said prompt, here is a Wooyoung x reader one shot.
This kinda took on a mind of its own, and this was the result of that, so I hope y'all enjoy! Also totally not considering making either more oneshots in this universe, or a series. If that would be something you'd be interested in, dear readers, please let me know.
"I had a nightmare about you."
"Did I look hot in it?"
word count: 1.2k
warnings: Wooyung being loud and a bit of a brat, piss in cereal joke once, I think that's it? Not really much to warn about in this one
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You slunk into class, tired beyond belief, before sitting down at the back of the classroom to try and hide said tiredness. You pulled out your books and laptop, laying them out on the desk, after which you rested your head in your hands, trying to stop yourself from falling asleep but failing to do so. With sleepy eyes, you observed as people strolled into the room and sat down as it came closer to the start of class. As the last group of students rolled into the classroom, of course it had to be the loudest group, you couldn’t help but cringe at the noise level. 
There were times you hated your classes, because you had to share them with Jung Wooyoung. Of course, his friends were just as bad, disruptive as all hell, and way too noisy for anyone’s sanity. His presence had plagued you in your classes since first year, and whenever you were able to escape a class with him, you always fared so much better. Normally, since they got there so late, they usually had to sit in the front of the classroom.
But not today. Of course the seat right in front of you was open, and of course Wooyoung spotted the open desk like a hawk. The loud boy strolled all the way to the back, as his friends found spots up front. He sat down at the desk, facing towards you as you looked anywhere but at him.
“Hey bestie, why are you all the way back here?” He asked, a teasing lilt in his voice.
“Why don’t you just fuck off, Jung.” You replied, not having nearly enough sleep to deal with his bullshit. 
“Awww, come on. Don’t be mean. And I told you, call me Wooyoung!” He whined, a pout on his face that just made you want to slap him instead.
Thankfully, you were spared from having to answer the boy, as the professor walked in at that exact moment. He started class right away, so Wooyoung had to turn back around, lest he get kicked out. This professor was pretty strict about classroom etiquette, which for today, worked in your favor.
Class was actually interesting for once, the topic today being something that you were interested in, which helped keep you awake. It also meant it passed by quickly, to your disappointment. Soon enough, everyone was packing up, including yourself. You quickly pulled out your headphones, hoping to avoid the boy in front of you from starting up another conversation. Popping them on your head, you turned on the noise cancelling aspect, as you put your books and laptop back into your bag. Sliding your bag on your back, you leave the classroom in a hurry. 
To your distaste and ire, Wooyoung followed behind you. The man couldn’t help but haunt you at all times, even in your dreams. Or rather, the nightmare that you had last night, which kept you from sleeping. And now it seems that he’s intent on talking with you today. You steadfastly ignored the man, focused only on getting to the library to study in silence. 
Wooyoung got tired of chasing you, instead moving in front of you to try and force you to stop walking. You just moved out of the way, trying to continue walking, but Wooyoung grabbed your elbow, pulling you back.
“Why are you so insistent on not talking to me?” He demanded to know. 
“I’m not up to talking with you Jung. Fuck. Off.” You said through gritted teeth. You were exhausted and the only thing you wanted was silence, not Mr. Loudmouth here talking your ear off. 
“No. Why are you such a grump today? Did someone piss in your cereal?” He joked.
“I didn’t sleep well last night. So sorry that I’m not up to talking. Now let me go.” You said tersely, ready to push him into the wall, just so he’d get out of your way.
Wooyoung cooed, “Awwww, why? Were you having daydreams about me so you couldn’t fall asleep?”
"I had a nightmare about you." You said, fire in your eyes.
Wooyoung smiled cheekily, "Did I look hot in it?" He asked, delight in his eyes.
This was the limit for you, and you pushed the taller man into the wall. “Jung Wooyoung, shut the fuck up.” You said.
He chuckled. “Make me.” Was all that he said.
You groaned, “You fucking brat.”
Wooyoung wasn’t a patient man, and all the patience he had left his body the minute you pinned him against the wall. He placed a hand at the back of your neck and pulled you up to kiss him. Your lips connected, and he took control of the kiss, his other arm coming up to wrap around your waist, keeping you close to him. Your hands came up to grip onto his jacket for some sense of stability, as you were taken by surprise by his kiss.
You didn’t really mind kissing him, it just shocked you that he actually did it. As much as you found the man annoying, it was more annoying how attractive he was. Like he didn’t need to be that hot, nor did he need to be that annoying half the time. You found yourself kissing him back after the shock wore off, and he smirked into the kiss as he felt you return it. He still was in clear control of the kiss, but he was happy to feel you kissing him. He had finally gotten to you, and all it took was grabbing you. He should have tried that sooner.
Finally, the need for both of you to breathe won, and you pulled away as he leaned his head back against the wall. Your cheeks were flushed, and by gods did he love the look on your face, lips slightly swollen and a bit of a dazed look in your eyes.
“I really should have done that sooner.” He commented, chuckling at your lack of response.
“You’re still a fucking brat.” You told him, after you came back to your senses, to which he burst out laughing. 
“But I’m a brat that you kissed, so really, how much of a brat can I be?” He replied. 
You just groaned in response, pulling away from him and resuming your journey to the library. He watched you leave, before running after you as he yelled for you to wait up. You didn’t of course, but he managed to catch up, slinging an arm around your shoulders.
“So are we gonna do that again? Hmm?” He questioned.
“In your dreams, Wooyoung.” You said.
“You called me Wooyoung, finally!” He celebrated.
“Jung, shut up.” You ordered him, to which he deflated at the use of his last name once again.
“Come onnnn, please use my name again. It sounds like heaven when I hear it fall from your lips.” He whined, to which you smirked.
“Beg me then.” That was all you told him.
Everyone they passed looked at how much of a puppy Wooyoung looked, trotting after you and begging for you to call him by your name. More than a few chuckled, as you looked intent on making him continue to beg, only for him to perk up as you finally called him by his first name once again. And yet, you somehow didn't mind him following you around if he acted like that, it was cute how you calling him by his first name made him act like such a puppy.
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gurugirl · 19 days
just venting about personal bs ignore if you want lol
Seriously I just want to walk around my neighborhood with my dog and stop at the park, think about what's coming for the day, and listen to the morning birds chirp... BUT NO. Instead I'm peeking down the street and around corners and trees wondering if one of the 2 creeps that live in my area are gonna come out and try and hug me and talk to me and kiss me (yes - KISS - usually just the cheek but this morning the guy tried for my mouth after he hugged me and I had to push at him 😭).
I'm just venting right now but I'm so fed up. I'm so uncomfortable and I hate interacting early in the morning with most people, much less with creepy men who try to touch me and put their lips on me (hand, arm, cheek, neck...). And my geriatric dog just wants to sniff the base of the tree in peace but he feels my anxiety and then he's on guard and probably confused - it just sets the tone for the day in such a negative light.
This morning one of the men was driving by (I know his car and I know where he lives so I can attempt to avoid him), drove around to the other side of the park and got out of his car while I throwing away my dog's bag of shit (lol) and like wraps his arms around me from behind. Told me one day he's going to steal me away from my SO. I'M FUCKING SICK OF IT.
But what do I do? I laugh and push him away, try to focus on my dog and play it off as a joke, and then he pulls at me and asks me for a hug which I step away and then he calls me beautiful and whatever other names for me he's got (he calls me many things that would be flattering if my SO was saying it to me). Begs me for a hug so I relent and then he OPENS HIS MOUTH and goes at me for a kiss on my lips and I said NO and he laughed and thank god another woman came up with her dog and she stood there and then walked back with me toward my house (she didn't say anything but I know what she was doing and this is why I'm a girls girl y'all bc we need to stick together and protect each other).
The other guy I saw two days ago- he's not any better (he used to be so nice and I enjoyed talking to him but that changed when I called him 'my friend' one day and ever since then it's like he felt that was invitation to touch me and hug me). He pretended to be pointing at something next to me and brushed his fingers over my shirt to cop a feel of my boobs (he's done it before and pretends he's just moving his hands around but UUUUGHHHHHH). He also hugged me inappropriately and kissed my neck really quickly.
I've always been an easy target for men. I don't know why really. Men scare me most of the time. I don't feel safe around most of them (why do they feel like they have permission to touch me in any way at all?) and now I have to be on alert early in the morning when I take my dog out for his morning stroll. I'm just so done with it. My SO can't always go out with me for walks because he's working. I want to find that woman and ask her if she'd walk with me in the mornings. I might do that next time I see her but I always feel like I'm overreacting but today it just felt like way too much for me.
I don't know what to do. :(
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heavenlyakin · 2 months
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Ode to a Conversation Stuck in Your Throat  
- Atsumu Miya x Fem!Reader
cw: loosely based on the movie 10 Things I Hate About You, college au (set in America as well), reader is in a sorority (this author was never in one so sorry if I made up shit), reader goes dress shopping, mentions of eating, drinking, dancing, kissing, groping, and sexual themes. Not edited!
a/n: for @bloompompom romcom collab! I hope y'all enjoy this as much as I enjoyed writing it. The songs in the story are Ode to a Conversation Stuck in Your Throat by Del Water Gap, Mr Brightside by The Killers, and Dance Dance by Fall Out Boy.
wc: 5.4k 
You drop your backpack on the ground beside the picnic table Vera has claimed outside the student union. She looks up from her laptop to smile at you but you shake your head. 
“Bad day?” 
“Bad day,” you confirm. “Fuck math, honestly. I don’t even need it for my degree, the university just requires it so they can drain our bank accounts even more.” 
“Have you eaten today?” She laughs, sliding you her lunch box, three Onigiri sitting perfectly in it. 
“Osamu drop by again?” You ask, picking the one closest to you. 
“Mhmm,” she hums. “He just went to take his brother some. He’ll be back.” 
You roll your eyes at the mention of his brother. Atsumu Miya, the star setter of the university’s volleyball team. Arrogant, flirtatious, and insufferable to be around. Since Vera started seeing Osamu, you’ve been caught in the crossfire since wherever one twin is, the other is sure to follow. Unfortunately, your love for your friend outweighs abandoning her when he shows up. 
So you’ve put up with his insistent flirting, his stupid jokes, and his innuendos when he’s drunk. 
Osamu kisses the top of Vera’s head as he sits down, muttering something in her ear and making her smile and smack him. He’s been teaching her filthy phrases in Japanese, and apparently, she liked this particular one. 
“How was Atsumu?” Vera asks Osamu, nudging him with her elbow. 
You look at her and frown. She has that look on her face that indicates she’s up to something. 
“Oh great!” He smiles at her and then looks at you. “-----, I was actually going to ask-” 
“Stop. Stop right there.” You hold up your finger to him. 
“You don’t even know what he’s going to say!” Vera smacks your finger away. “Listen to him.” 
“Fine,” you roll your eyes and force a smile. “What is it?” 
“Atsumu,” he starts and you sigh, “he’s not adjusting well. He acts like he is but when he’s at our apartment, he never comes out of his room unless it's for class or practice.” He takes a sip from his water bottle before continuing. “He needs someone to go out with and I know he likes your company.” 
You scoff but Osamu doesn’t budge. “How? I’ve not been nice to him since I met him.” 
Osamu smiles, “I think he’s into that. Caught him listening to “She’s So Mean” the other night, actually.” 
You look to Vera and her eyes are pleading. You know from a conversation with her that she hasn’t slept with Osamu yet, but she wants to. It’s probably because Atsumu never leaves the apartment and is killing their mood. 
“You both owe me. Big time.” 
“I just so happen to have two tickets to your favorite band next month,” Vera says casually, taking a bite of her own Onigiri. 
“Since when? Those were way overpriced when we checked!” You frown, looking at her shrug. 
“Got ‘em the day after.” She says through a mouth full of food and you laugh. 
“Fine, I’ll do it for the tickets. Just tell me how to get Atsumu to go out with me.” 
“We have the formal next week,” Vera smiles. “He knows about it since Osamu is going with me. Just ask him to do that.” 
The hallway smells like sweat and dirty socks outside the boy's locker room. You wonder how they can stand it themselves, but realize they’re probably nose-blind to it after years of smelling it. You lean against the wall, hoping it’s not going to ruin your white sweatshirt. 
Men trickle out, one by one, soaked with sweat or wet from their shower. You hope it’s from the shower. You’re ready to give up when you spot his blonde hair. Atsumu Miya is wearing a university-branded black sweatshirt and matching sweats. He has a gym bag thrown over his shoulder and he’s laughing with a teammate. 
His eyes catch yours and he looks away. His facial expression changes, his eyes lighting up as he realizes it’s you. He says a few more words you can’t make out to his teammate before strolling towards you. 
“Hey, —--, what are you doing here?” He asks, that sleazy grin on his cheeks. 
Fighting back an insult, you grin. “So, this is embarrassing really.” You twirl a strand of hair between your fingers. “My sorority is hosting a formal in a week, so I wondered if you’d be my date.” 
His eyes widen for a moment, but he nods. “I would love to be your date.” Then something on his face changes. “In exchange for something, however.” 
“What is it?” You frown, irritated he’d even think this was a negotiation. 
“We have a banquet for the team in two days. Come with me to that, and I’ll go with you to the formal.” Atsumu’s smile is confident, but something in his eyes tells you he’s worried you’ll walk away. 
“Fine. You have to buy me a new dress for it though. I already bought one for the formal, but I am not about to buy one for the banquet I don’t want to be at.” 
He laughs. “I don’t really want to go either, but since we won this year’s tournament, we kinda have to attend, y’know.” 
You nod, understanding. You don’t want to attend the sorority’s formal or be in the sorority either. However, Vera begged you to join and you know it’ll look good on your resume. So you’ve been in it for the last year and a half despite hating most of the events.  
“Meet me at the mall later? Seven o’clock?” 
“Sure,” he smiles at you and you give a quick one back before walking away. 
The walk back to your apartment is chilly, so you pull on your hoodie. The weather is quickly turning, and the leaves changing on the mountains around your campus. Vera isn’t in the apartment when you get home, as usual since she pretty much lives with Osamu now. You don’t mind, especially since she doesn’t leave messes around the apartment when she’s gone. 
Somehow, you manage to kill two hours between playing Stardew Valley on your Switch and scrolling through socials on your phone. You notice it’s nearing seven. Groaning, you get off the couch and force yourself to take the elevator down to the parking garage to your car. 
Atsumu is standing in the food court when you walk into the mall, finding it strange that he’d know this is where you would like to enter from. When he turns around, he’s holding two smoothies. One, half gone as if he’s been here a while. He holds it out and you thank him. 
“Vera said you like strawberries and bananas,” he tells you and you nod and thank him. It’s a very kind gesture, something he didn’t need to do. It softens you up a bit, whether you like to admit it or not.  
“Were you here with her and Osamu?” You ask after taking a long sip. 
He shakes his head no. “She was at the apartment. I think they were rushing me out.” He laughs, rubbing the back of his head with his free hand like he’s uncomfortable. 
“Ah,” you feel for him, you do, but he can be annoying so you understand Vera. “Well, let's get a dress then.” 
He follows you down the mall hallway, not saying anything but a few comments on the stores you pass. Most of them are either hosting sales for the coming holidays. You insist you don’t want to go look for anything but something to wear to his banquet. Once in the boutique where you bought your formal dress, you pull him over towards the side with your favorite colors on the rack. 
“I can’t get anything green,” you tell him. The dress you bought for your formal is a strappy emerald green, so you’d rather have something in a different color. 
“What about purple?” He asks, holding up a long-sleeved plum dress. The fabric looks soft, but like it’ll cling awkwardly. 
“I like the color,” you take it from him, feeling the fabric. “But, this might get hot in a crowded room.” You hang it back on the rack. Another look through the purple dresses, you see that it’s been picked through. “I guess we have to try a different color.” 
“Black is always a good look, classy.” He tells you and you roll your eyes. 
“Now I don’t want black,” you tell him with a sweet smile and he rolls his eyes now. 
“What other colors do you like?” He asks as if he’s genuinely trying to help. 
“I don’t know. I don’t like shopping when I don’t know what others are wearing.” At least when you were shopping here with Vera, the other sorority sisters were here too so you could all know what one another was wearing and coordinate to an extent. 
“I’m wearing a black tux with a blue tie.” 
“What color blue?” You ask. 
“Um,” he looks around, sipping on his smoothie. He walks down a few racks. “This shade.” He holds out a baby blue dress. It’s very cute and would look nice on your curves. 
“Let me see the sizes they have,” you sigh, not sure about the color despite the shape. They do have your size, so you go to the dressing room, to try it on. 
You were right, it hugs your body in the places you want. You open the door, letting Atsumu see it. His eyes go bright and wide when you meet them and you cover your body with your arms and shut the door. 
“What?” He whines, knocking on the door. 
“Don’t look so surprised.” You tell him. 
“I’m not! I knew it’d look good on you, and I was right! I was just excited to see it.” 
You open the door, letting him see you again. “I do like it.” 
“Then let me buy it for you.” He grins, leaning forward so his face is just above yours. 
You freeze, feeling his breath on your skin. This is the closest you’ve been to him since you met him. You know it’s impossible, but you swear you can feel the heat from his body leaching yours away. 
You step back. “You really don’t have to. I was just being an ass earlier. I can buy my own-“ 
“No, I insist.” He smiles, taking the dress from your hand. 
You don’t fight him as he walks up to the register, paying for the dress and then asking you if you have shoes that’ll match. You inform him of your shoe addiction and assure him you’ll have something that looks good with the dress. 
“Y’know, I also collect shoes. Mostly sneakers though, nothing fancy like I’m sure you have.” Atsumu keeps the conversation going as you walk back to the food court. 
“Mine is nothing fancy either.” You smile at him, a genuine smile. Maybe he isn’t so bad. Maybe it’s just because he’s trying to butter you up so you don’t decide to go back on your agreement to go to the formal and banquet with him. 
It’s definitely the latter. 
“Have you had dinner?” You ask and he shakes his head. 
“Your bestie rushed me out before my noodles finished microwaving.” 
You laugh at the way bestie sounds on his lips. You find yourself wondering if there’s a Japanese equivalent to the slang word but stop yourself from asking. You don’t have to befriend Atsumu to get tickets to the concert, just go on these two side quests with him. 
“Can I at least buy you something as a thank you for the dress?” You ask and he smiles at you, his teeth shining… but you notice a berry seed stuck between two of his teeth. 
You don’t tell him about it, but find yourself thinking about how adorably childlike it was. You shake your head, clearing the thought, and then gesture to the multiple food establishments around you and him. 
“Noodles? Sandwiches? Pizza?” You ask, eyeing the different booths. 
“I think I’ll go with Chinese,” he tells you. “Unless you want something else.” 
“I love Chinese,” you tell him and follow him to the vendor. 
After ordering your food, you sit across from him at one of the less dirty mall tables and awkwardly eat together in silence. It’s not that you have nothing to say to him, it’s just all your thoughts happen to be funny insults or sarcastic remarks. 
So you keep your mouth preoccupied with the mall Chinese food. 
Two days pass incredibly quickly. That happens when things are coming up that you don’t particularly look forward to, you suppose. You have about three hours until Atsumu told you he’d pick you up on Snapchat. You weren’t about to give him access to your phone number. Plus, you have a secret habit of stalking people on the SnapMap feature. 
You decide it’s time to get ready, so you do. By the time you’re showered, dressed, makeup and hair done, it’s just a few minutes before Atsumu is due at your door. Tossing your lipstick and gloss into your clutch, you sit down on your bed to slip on your strappy silver heels that look good with the dress Atsumu picked out. 
For a split, unpredictable, second you begin to wonder what Atsumu will think of your shoe choice. 
You shake your head, clearing the thought and making your hair bounce around your face. Pushing it out of the way, you stand up and head to the living room. As you approach the center of the room, the knock at the door startles you. Glancing at your phone, you see he’s a few minutes early. 
“Hey!” He’s dressed in a black suit, with a light blue tie that matches your dress almost perfectly. 
“Hi,” you don’t smile, but you don’t grimace at least. Shutting the door, you lock it behind you, no longer worrying if Vera has her key or not. She can always go to Osamu’s. 
The drive to the sports campus isn’t long, honestly if you weren’t wearing heels it would be a nice walk with the slightly warmer evening you’re having. Atsumu plays a band you don’t recognize, but you enjoy it silently. 
I don't want anybody else touching you like I do
Like I do, like me
Is it okay
That I don't want anybody else touching you like I do
Like I do, like me?
The last time it plays, you hum along and glance over to Atsumu who is mouthing the lyrics. You can’t hate him for having a decent song playing. You smile looking back out the window. Maybe he isn’t who he likes to portray himself as at those parties you’ve been to where he’s been a total douche. 
Atsumu parks outside the volleyball center, pulling into one of the closest spots he can find to the walkway, which you appreciate. These shoes are comfortable enough for a few hours but you don’t want to push it, especially when you like to walk to campus as much as possible during the week. Having blisters for the next two days and then your formal on Saturday would be a bitch. 
Your hand grazes Atsumu’s hand and you pull it back closer to your body, cheeks warming. You keep looking forward, despite feeling the burn from his eyes on you. He must have that signature smirk on his lips, but you can’t bring yourself to look. 
He holds the door open and you can hear the music filling the hallway from the gym. When you make it inside, you see it’s been transformed from the standard gymnasium into a beautiful banquet hall. The hardwood floor has been covered in a dark carpet and the drapes cover the high ceilings and bleachers around the room. 
“Wow,” you dazzle at the room, taking in the beautifully set tables and the gorgeous people filling the room. 
“Pretty cool right? Looks nothin’ like the gym usually does.” He grins, holding his arm out. “I’ll show ya to our table.” 
You take his arm and let him lead you. It’s towards the front and you notice it;s organized by rank. He’s a third year, and a starter, so he gets to sit at the front row of tables. He pulls your chair out and you sit next to the dark haired man already at the table. Atsumu introduces him as Sakusa, he knows him from back home in Japan. 
Sakusa doesn’t seem interested in continuing the conversation so you don’t press. You’ve been there after all.
Turning your attention to Atsumu, you listen in as he talks to another player, who’s name you’ve forgotten. They discuss their last game, the setter dump Atsumu played to win the match. They both talk so enthusiastically you almost wish you’d been there for it. It was hosted here, and Vera went with Osamu. 
You’d chosen to stay in and read one of the books you’d been assigned for your Victorian Lit class, claiming it was more important than school spirit. Really, you were just avoiding seeing Atsumu anymore than you have to. 
Atsumu stops talking when someone takes the mic, you look up to see it’s their coach. He gives out some awards, two of which go to Atsumu. You clap for him and cheer the second time. He blushes as he sits back down. You don’t push away his hand when he places it on your knee underneath the table. 
“With that, I conclude the season. I’m proud of each of you boys. Enjoy the rest of your night!” The coach steps off the stage and “Mr. Brightside” starts blasting across the speakers in the gym. 
Boys and their dates get up, rushing to the center of the room where a dance floor has been staged. They all look so excited and happy to be here. Without turning your head too much, you look over to Atsumu. You don’t want him to notice you watching him, but you see a longing in his eyes you can’t ignore. 
“Wanna dance?” 
“We don’t have to…” he stares off to the crowd again. 
“Oh, come on.” You stand up and take his hands. 
Turning saints into the sea
Swimming through sick lullabies
Choking on your alibi
He walks with you as you try to not trip walking backwards to the dance floor quickly. Atsumu’s eyes are bright and wide as you spin him around at arm's length. He laughs and so do you. He pulls you in closer, starting to jump at the same beat as everyone else on the floor. 
“I’m comin’ out of my cage!” he shouts. 
“And I’ve been doin’ just fine!” you finish and he laughs, spinning you around a few times as the music plays and your head spins. 
“How did it end up like this?” 
“It was only a kiss!” You’re now in each other’s personal space shouting the lyrics and jumping and laughing to the music. 
Just as the song is about to end, someone bumps into you and you fall against Atsumu’s body. He holds you against him, catching his breath and smiling. His eyes don’t move from yours as you straighten in his arms, body flush with his. He’s just millimeters away. So close you can feel his breath on your lips. 
He closes your eyes and your stomach erupts into butterflies. 
You push him away. 
The morning of your formal, you think about texting Atsumu to cancel.
The last few nights have been fitful attempts at sleeping. Your dreams are full of Atsumu and self loathing for not taking the opportunity you had to kiss him. You wanted to, you did. In fact, you’ve never wanted to kiss anyone more when you think about it. 
However, it would make this messy. You can’t fall for someone you’re being paid to haul around. So you decide to not cancel. 
You have to go to support the new pledges and you agreed to take him for the concert tickets. So you go through the day, still ignoring the multiple unread snapchats you have from Atsumu until you get a text from Vera. 
Text him back, bitch. He won’t stop freaking out at me and Samu. This is our deal!
You reply with an emoji and open the snaps from Atsumu. 
Hey… sorry about last night. 
I hope I didn’t freak you out. 
—--, please answer me. I’m sorry. 
Hey, what time should I pick you up tonight? 
You see his bitmoji pop up as you start typing and you sigh. You lie about coming down with a cold the last few days and then let him know you’re all good for tonight and he should get you at eight. You can’t help but smile knowing he was freaked out that you weren’t answering him. 
By the time eight rolls around, you’re ready and waiting by the door. He arrives on time and smiles as he looks you up and down. You can’t say it doesn’t flatter you, but you’re already on edge after him almost kissing you… 
Or was it you who went in first? 
No… no it was him. It had to be him. 
In the car he plays that song again. 
I used to call you my best friend
Way back before you were my everything
Now I’m sucking your neck 
And you wrote my favorite song
Now I’m fucked up and carrying on 
I do not know the words to it yet, oh 
And it hits me
I don’t want anybody else touching you like I do 
Like I do, like me 
You hum along with him, before asking him the name of it. He shows you his phone while keeping one hand on the steering wheel. You favorite it on Spotify then put your phone back in your purse. 
“We’ll probably have to park in that garage a few blocks from the house. We’re not going to be able to find any parking near it.” You tell him as the music fades out and another song starts. 
“Oh good idea,” he says, turning on his blinker to turn towards the garage nearby the sorority house. 
The walk towards the house is littered with other members and their dates for the night. You stay far enough away to where waves suffice as an acknowledgement of their presence. You’ll have plenty of time to socialize once you’re inside. 
“Did Vera say when she’s coming with your brother?” You ask as you both start up the steps to the main entrance of the house. 
The sorority house has been completely transformed from living quarters to an elegant formal event. Furniture is sparse besides high tables and some bar stools for those tables. The living room still has the comfortable couches, but they’re pushed up against the walls and full of the new pledges waiting who must be too shy to mingle just yet. 
“I think they should be here now,” Atsumu finally answers. 
You look around. “I’ll go get us a drink and then we can look for him.” 
On the way to the kitchen you run into several girls who want to know just how you got Atsumu to come with you. You just laugh and make a few jokes about it before finally getting two cups of champagne and bringing them to Atsumu. 
He’s flocked by a few of his friends, and Osamu. You hand him the drink and then walk away, no longer feeling obligated to keep him company. Vera is standing with a girl named Heather who’s the president of your chapter of the sorority. 
You join them in conversation before Heather is swept away to handle something with the pledges. 
“Where’s Atsumu?” She asks, dragging out the last vowel. 
“Where’s Osamu?” You mimic. 
“Looks like they’re having a good time with each other.” She says and you nod, taking a sip of your drink. “Thank you for bringing him.” 
“Eh, it’s worth the tickets.” 
“Shh,” she hushes you and you roll your eyes. 
“He won’t find out, it’s fine.” The music is way too loud for him to overhear you. 
“I think he likes you,” Vera says after a few moments of listening to the new song that’s started. “He’s been a mess for a few days since you didn’t answer him.” 
You frown, this definitely was not something you had accounted for when you agreed to bring him to this as your date. 
“Did you know he would-” 
“Hey, wanna dance?” Atsumu interrupts and you frown again at Vera before nodding to him. 
“Sure,” you pound the drink, handing the cup to Vera before taking his hand and going to the dance floor. 
The music is loud and all consuming. So many people are dancing, you don’t even notice Atsumu much, besides when his hands slip around your waist and you wiggle away from him as nonchalantly as possible. 
He doesn’t stop though, and you like it despite knowing this isn’t making it easier on him… or you.  
A few songs pass before someone calls out for some shots, and everyone runs to get one but you and Atsumu. He looks at you and takes your hands in his. 
“Want a drink?” He asks. 
“Eh,” you shrug. “The champagne doesn’t do well with all this dancing. 
“We don’t have to keep dancing,” he grins and you avert your eyes. 
“I’ll be right back.” You tell him, walking off and towards the stairs you’d seen Vera go up a song or two ago. 
If Atsumu had feelings for you before this started, it was fucked up of Osamu and her to make this deal with you. You want to call it off. Let them go to the concert together and you can go back to being the awkward third wheel when you get to see her. 
Trying to open a door you find it locked and you laugh. Already? It’s barely nine now. To each their own, though. 
Another door opens, but it’s just one of the bathrooms. The third and final door down this hall opens to a bare room with a bed in the center. Not many of the girls actually stay in the sorority house anymore, it’s mostly just for events like this one. 
Vera must be in the locked room. 
You turn to leave the room, but find Atsumu standing in the doorway. He shuts the door behind him, stepping forward and beginning to speak. 
“-----, I need to tell you something-” 
“Atsumu, stop.” You hold up your hand, and he pushes it away. 
“No! I’ve been wanting to tell you that I’m sorry. I know I made things weird the other night at the banquet-” 
“I’ve been lying to you.” You blurt it out. “I never wanted to bring you here.” 
He laughs, turning away from you and rubbing the back of his head with his right hand. He turns back to face you. He steps closer, pushing you back on the bed. 
You fall back, pushing yourself back up ready to yell at him for pushing you down. Before you can curse him, he is hovering over you, his eyes wild and you feel every nerve in your body awaken. His lips graze yours. 
You can’t help it, you kiss him back. You dig your fingers into the back of his shoulders. Oh, and you spread your legs just enough so his thigh can press up against your core as he kisses your neck. Everything about it feels more real than anything else you’ve experienced in your life. 
“Atsumu,” you groan as he palms at your breast. 
“Please,” his voice is pleading with you just as his words do. 
“I can’t. Atsumu I can’t,” you try to push him off you, but he stays put looking down at you. 
There’s tears in his eyes. 
“Do you think I’m stupid, —--?” He asks and you frown. 
“No I-” 
“You think I don’t know Osamu and Vera are bribing you to spend time with me and bring me here? Do you thin k I’m that fucking stupid?” His voice is cracking. 
“Atsumu, I really don’t know what to say.” 
“Just use me then! Use me for what I’m good at.” 
Something in you breaks now. This was wrong. This was all so so so wrong. You’ve made a huge mistake and now he wants you to keep doing it just so he doesn’t have to feel rejected. 
“I’m sorry,” you cry now too, but you know you don’t deserve to. 
Your tears are worthless to him. Instead of letting him see your remorse, you think of the quickest way to get away. You manage to crawl out from under him and run out of the room and down the stairs. 
If you’ve ever been good at one thing. It’s running away. 
Turning your phone off was easier than dealing with Atsumu’s emotions, Vera’s rage, and of course, the sorority sister’s gossip. You leave it off for the remainder of the weekend. Vera didn’t bother to come home, which didn’t really surprise you. 
However, when you open your phone up for the first time in 48 hours, there’s an alert from ticketmaster that tickets have been transferred to your account. Two tickets for a show no one is going to want to go with you to. 
It’s not for two weeks, so you could sell them, but what good would that be? You already made Atsumu feel like shit, something that wouldn’t have bothered you a week ago, but now you do. Something about going makes you feel like you’d be rubbing salt in his wounds. 
Even if you try justifying that you didn’t know he had feelings for you, you still feel… icky.
The only saving grace is that fall break is this week, so you don’t have to see him on campus. Once the week passes though, there is the chance you’ll run into him since Vera is in kahoots with his twin, afterall. 
When the time comes, you find it’s actually easier to avoid him than you imagined. Osamu has taken an internship at a local restaurant so Vera is freed up during the day’s she usually spends with him. Without Osamu around, Atsumu was sure not to follow. 
“I don’t know what to do.” You tell Vera, the night before the concert as you’re both sat in the living room watching 10 Things I Hate About You. 
“Just invite him to the concert. It’s like an olive branch or something,whatever they call it” she says, staring at the screen. “It’s not like you can write him a deep thoughtful letter in one night. Just text him.” 
“I don’t have his number,” you admit. Within a few seconds she’s sent you the contact for him. 
“Fine,” you get off the couch and pace in your room for a while. 
You type out about a dozen different apologies, all of which would do nothing for someone who thought you were just going to use him after what you’d just done. Words have never been your strong suit. 
So, you just send him a screenshot of the spare ticket. 
The next day, you arrive at the concert venue near campus where the band is playing. You wait for as long as you can at the gate before deciding to go in. When you make it to your seats and the two openers play, you decide he isn’t coming and you’ve just royally fucked up any chance of recovering it with him. 
Fall Out Boy takes the stage and you’re out of your chair without a single thought. At least for the next hour you can not think and just feel everything in the music. When it gets to one of your favorite songs, you have completely forgotten about anything going on in your life now. 
That is, until you feel two hands grip your waist and nearly give you a heart attack. You freeze when you feel breath on your neck. Just as you’re about to turn, you hear the lyrics repeated in your ear. 
“I only want sympathy in the form of you crawling into bed with me.” Atsumu sings with them. 
“Atsumu!” You scream, turning around and throwing your arms around him.  “I’m so sorry,” you sob into him, but you doubt he can hear you. 
He holds you against him until the song ends, then he holds you by the shoulders before pressing his forehead against yours. 
“I forgive you,” he says and you feel the tears threatening to spill again. 
“Ats-” before you can finish, his lips are on yours.
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littlebluespoon · 1 year
Werewolf!Soap is here! Apologies for how long it took, I couldn't figure out how to end it.
2K words, tw: werewolves, cheesy romance books, chasing, kinda kidnapping, scaring, if there's any you think I've missed let me know
Look, I'm Scottish and I hate writing Scots and the accent, so you're just gonna have tae deal wi' it awright? 😅
There might eventually be a part 2, depends on if y'all like this part
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You couldn’t believe your luck when you found the rental listing. A two bedroom, guest house on 4 acres of land in the middle of the countryside. Your only neighbour being your landlord who lives in the main house but was away on deployment most of the year. It was like a dream come true for you. Plenty of privacy and space for you to write, beautiful views of the loch and there was even enough space for you to finally have an office space. The best part about it all though was your landlord, Johnny. When you first saw him you were scared, this massive hulking guy in the middle of nowhere and you. He made you feel small, and he had this aura around him, something you couldn’t quite understand but it made the hairs on your arms stand up. When you learned he was military, you figured that was it but the feeling never quite went away completely. He showed you around the place and the more you talked, the more he cracked jokes, the more you got to know him, the more charmed you were by him. Before the tour was even over you were asking him when you could move in. It was a dream come true for you and it was even better when Johnny was home. 
The house always seemed to wait for him to come back to break but that was alright with you, it meant you got to see him under your cupboards and up ladders fixing whatever went wrong. It certainly gave you plenty of material to write about. In the eight months you’d lived with Johnny you hadn’t stopped writing. Your publisher was ecstatic because you were churning out best seller after best seller all with Johnny as your muse. Seeing as you were using a pseudonym you were careful with the details you used to describe Johnny as well, knowing that he could be followed back to you but this time you just couldn’t help yourself. Your bestselling books were dark romances and taboo themes but your new one was your first about supernatural creatures. 
‘Loosely inspired by every vampire romance out there; Stain the head vampire of his coven seeks a mate. One day he comes across a young female who’s just perfect for him. But she’s not charmed by his rugged mohawk or his deep Scottish brogue. Just how will Stain win over his bonnie lass?’
The dark erotic scenes and the cliff-hanger ending almost guaranteed that it would be another best seller for S.P. Wraith. But what really sold the book was the concept art for Stain, you’d commissioned an artist and you had them draw a likeness as close to Johnny as you dared. Within weeks of publishing you had a contract for a series of books and art of Stain was everywhere.
“Hey sergeant! You got a modelling gig we don’t know about?” 
“Soap! Show us yer fangs!”
“Let’s see you sparkle Sergeant!”
Soap was confused and starting to get a little annoyed at all the comments the recruits had been shouting at him. He was used to banter and camaraderie between everyone but this felt almost mocking. As he walked into the 141’s meeting he noticed Gaz was waving a book around and reading from it aloud,
“’You don’t like my mohawk?’ Stain said, shocked at the admission from his little pet. ‘Why I thought it complimented my roguishness and charming smile’ he went on to sa.. Soap!” Noticing Soap’s entry Gaz struggled to hold in a laugh as Price looked at him in disappointment,
“You know son, if we’re not paying you enough I’m sure there’s other options before whatever this was,” Price says waving a hand towards the book but Soap knows he really wants to say ‘What the fuck Soap?’
“I didnae do it! I don’t even know what ye’s are talkin’ ‘bout!” Soap tries to defend himself while grabbing the book and reading the cover: ‘The Life of Stain, Volume 1; A Beating Heart by S.P Wraith’ and staring back at him was a drawing of his face, right down to the scars from his first transformation. Before Soap can respond Price takes pity on him and starts their meeting, the bear shifter easily grabbing the attention of the other team members.
Soap finished the book in record time, in fact it takes him longer to work out who had written it and once he does he kicks himself a little because it should have been obvious. His sweet little tenant who can’t keep their eyes off his arse whenever he’s over fixing up the guest house for you. For the rest of his deployment he can’t stop thinking about you. What he’d do to you, how you’d look wrapped up, naked in his sheets, covered in his marks, completely his. So he fantasises, he reads as much of your writing as he can get his hands on because it’s obvious to him that you’re writing out your own fantasies, waiting for someone, him, to come along and make them real. By the time he’s heading home he has a plan for how to make you his.
You’re cleaning your kitchen when you see his car drive up the long path between both your houses. Freezing behind your window, as if that would stop him noticing you, you watch as he hauls his bags out the boot and ambles his way through his front door. You don’t move until even his shadow is gone from your sight and once it is the only thing on your mind is dinner. 
It’s tradition now, the first night Johnny’s back from deployment you make dinner for both of you and carry it over to his house. It started after you realised he never had any food in the nights he comes back because he’s never sure if or when he’ll get back so you made it your mission to welcome him home with a good meal and if it let you be in his company for a while, well that was just a bonus. Tonight you made a spaghetti bolognaise, quick but tasty and headed over. Like every other night, you ate together, chatted long into the early hours and watched as he slowly relaxed his posture and got used to being home again. When it came time for you to head to bed he watches you go and says goodbye with a 
“I’ll be over in the morn’ to check that gutterin’ o’ yours,” 
It’s the hammering that wakes you the next morning, taking two cups of coffee out to the front you find him just finishing up,
‘Early start Johnny?” you ask, handing him the cup and giving him a once over.
“Aye, can’t sleep in even if I tried,” he gives you a nod in thanks for the coffee and continues, “Well, that’s yer gutterin’ fixed at least, Wraith” You watch the smirk on his face grow at the same rate your confusion does,
“Wraith? Is that some new nick…” Your face drops in horror and you pale, “you know?” His smirk turns into a full on belly laugh at the expression on your face,
“Did ye really ‘hink I’d never find oot?” He takes the cup out your hand and crowds you into the wall, “Ya know, lass, if you wanted some monster inspiration all ye had tae do was ask. I only bite sometimes.” With your back against the wall and his hand sliding up your neck, holding you in place, you’re transfixed as you watch his canines lengthen before his face changes shape and ears sprout from his head, 
“Ye git thirty seconds tae run lass,” a voice growls out, it could only be him but it doesn’t sound like the charming Scottish accent you’ve come to love.
His hands drop and he steps away so you can see everything. The tail, his clothes being ripped, the giant paws for hands, “30, 29, 28… run!” the screeching is what gets you moving as you bolt towards the forest in your back garden. You can still hear him counting as you dart between the trees and jump over logs, not daring to look back because you know that’s how you’ll fall. Catching glimpses of a shadow in your peripheral vision you decide your best action is to climb, aiming for the first tree you can feasible climb quickly you do so. Hauling yourself up into the branches and trying to remain as quiet as possible with a hand over your mouth to quiet your heavy, panicked breathing.
The panicked breathing turns into full on sobs when you hear a loud howl, there are no wolves in this part of the country, no normal wolves that is. Hearing the sound of branches being snapped, you freeze in your hiding spot praying that he can’t see you but Johnny’s a werewolf, he’s never needed to see to know where you are. All you can do is sit there and watch as a giant, black wolf stalks around the base of the tree sniffing at the ground. The wolf circles the tree a few times before settling down at the base of it and looks directly up at you. It’s eyes, you notice, are oddly human. They’re still Johnny’s eyes.
For hours the two of you exist in this silent standoff. It’s not until the sun begins to set and the cold begins to make itself known that a move is made,
“Come oan lass, give it up. I dinnae want to drag you out the tree” Jolting awake at his voice your fear returns, “Lass, get down now.” There’s a bite to his words now, a command that you’re sure he uses on recruits, and it would have worked on you had your limbs not been frozen with fear.
‘Fine, dinnae say ye weren’t warned,” is the last thing he says to you before he walks away.
You’re shocked at this turn but you take the opportunity. Once you can’t hear him anymore you scramble out the tree and make a dash for your home. If you can just get to your car. Get to the car. Car. It’s all that’s on your mind, your car is synonymous with safety now. But you barely make it three feet from the tree when the wolf returns. With a single pounce, you’re face down in the dirt, the wolf is on your back and the growling in your ear causes you to pass out in fear.
It's the heat that wakes you up eventually, smothering like a weighted electric blanket. Completely unaware of where you are you go to try and take your pyjamas off only to find a furry weight pinning you down. It’s the fur that brings your memories back, Johnny knows about your writing, Johnny who turned into a wolf in front of you, Johnny who chased you through the woods. It startles you into alertness and you open your eyes to find a sleeping wolf on top of you.
Moving slower than a snail and as smoothly as you could manage with the full body shakes you’re battling, you manage to slide out from under him. Finding the door you get to it on shaky legs and are, reaching for the handle when a growl makes you freeze. You can hear his claws as they scrape across the ground, feel his teeth as he snags your shirt in them and his arms around your waist as he pulls your back against his chest,
“Yer no goin’ anywhere sweetheart. I’m no lettin’ ye” Johnny buries his face in your neck as he talks, muffling his last words.
“Johnny, I’m sorry. Okay, I’ll give you the money from the book, whatever you want,” you can’t decide whether to pull at his hands or push at his face, “I’ll find somewhere else to rent,” it’s something you’d hate to do but right now your life is more important.
“Leave? Lass, I ‘hink you’ve got the wrang end o’ the stick. Ah dinnae want ye tae leave, in fact imma gie ye a choice,” he pulls away from you, pushing you back against the door and caging you in between his arms, “I’ll even gie ye some time to ‘hink aboot it, awright. Ye can be my wife, and live happily with ev’ryhing ye ever want… or ye can be my pet, and this room will be the only thing ye ever see again.” The kiss that comes is surprising and gentle. He leaves you in a state of shock for a few seconds before grabbing a handful of your hair and dragging you across the room, “Just a little preview o’ yer options. Have a ‘hink, I’ll be back later sweetheart.” You’re too shocked to hear the door but what you do hear are the locks, three of them that signal no way out for you. All that’s left for you to do is sit in the dark and make your choice.
What will your choice be?
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I'm tired so y'all get angsty Nimona headcanons
So apparently since I’m a masochist I was thinking about how Nimona would react to the boys dying 
Specifically the order cause I feel like that would contribute to how they would react 
If Bal died first he would be crushed and kind of just shut down and close himself off
After a while he would start taking longer trips and meeting new people and the hurt would lessen year after year 
After a while they kind of notice that they left Ambrosius alone
They didn’t mean to it was never their intention to recede into themself 
But that’s what happened and when they rejoined his life he didn’t miss a beat 
He just acted like they never left and that hurt ten times worse 
Especially when she realized that Ambrosius never fully dealt with his death 
At least not in a proper way
Ambrosius passing soon after they reconnected was just another gut punch 
It was like she finally started to recover just to be thrown back down
And a small part of her just a teeny tiny part of her was bitter about it 
And she fucking hated it
If Ambrosius died first I think she would still be angry 
She wouldn’t shut down like Bal she would lash out 
She would act like his passing away was just another betrayal by someone she trusted 
And again it would take a very long time for her to stop viewing it as that
They would never lash out at Bal though
They saw the effects and noticed how deep the sadness ran so they would always hold their tongue around him
One day Nimona made an offhanded joke about how Bal’s eyes should be studied cause they should be able to get even bigger with age 
And Bal just starts laughing 
And he doesn’t stop
Even as he’s bent over sobbing there are still laughs sprinkled in
He asks Bal what was wrong and he says “oh nothing starlight” he keeps pestering him until he finally says 
“You know I don’t think I ever had a chance to miss him because I see him every day when I look at you” 
And they just sit on the couch and seemingly go through every stage of grief 24-hour period 
When Bal dies a couple of years later it’s still like a gut punch
And he wants more than anything to dig himself into a hole and never come back out 
But he doesn’t 
It takes a long time for him to start letting people in again
So I don’t know if the boys were living together or if they were still living in the dorms before the knighting ceremony 
But there in either situation there is something so utterly heartbreaking about the idea of Ambrosius having to rummage through the destruction of people barely knighted  
Desperately trying to pick out the undamaged bits of Bal and clinging to them
I can also just imagine him searching through his phone frantically looking for old photos videos and voicemails 
Trying to figure out if he was genuine or if he was talking with a mask for a decade 
He goes back and forth between knowing those are his genuine smiles and laughs and that’s really love in his eyes 
But then he also has moments when he remembers that he might not know what his real smile looks like or what his real laugh sounds like 
And how can he know what love looks like when he might have been faking it this whole time 
He stops looking through his phone for a while
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mhsdatgo · 5 months
The Helaemonds/Helaegons need to calm down.
Don't get me wrong, it's always refreshing to see some people fill in the gaps of a basically untold relationship such as the one between the green kids in general, but this goes beyond basic obsessive shippy discourse. Leave this poor girl alone. Why's there an obsession with having her be romantically paired with her brothers, one worse than the other?
I understand the show has basically shown so little of her to the point where we didn’t even have a coronation for her on screen, so therefore you can self insert through her and have fun with headcanons regarding Aegon and Aemond. Really, I'm not faulting their girlies, you can be head over heels for whatever actor in character you want (unless you put them on pedestals and start acting like they did nothing wrong and pounce on whoever contests them, THEN we have a problem) but I assure you, Helaena would barely want anything to do with either of them.
Aegon is a sex pest turned sex offender, a drunkard and a neglectful father and husband at best. Her infamous toast in ep.8 has us believing that he cannot for the life of him interact with her unless he's horny drunk or that he forces himself on her at worst.* He was ready to leave them all in ep.9 before he was caught. Even the book is subtle about their relationship: all we know of them is that they sleep in shared chambers, that she was someone important and reliable in Aegon's council before B&C, and that he named her and Alicent the true Queens of his reign.
*(⚠️TW: PERSONAL OPINION⚠️ I'm not saying this last one isn't a possibility but it's sill outrageous for the way people speak about Helaena in defence of this "claim". No, she wouldn't joke about her own r*pe in front of the whole table full of people she doesn't know and right beside her abuser, and despite the hour-long metas I've read about how she's basically "too sheltered" to know what r*pe even means, I assure you she's a high-functioning autistic, not 5 years old. She can understand it perfectly.)
Helaemond is a pure show invention, I honestly wasn't expecting this many people to go up this kind of train. They barely interact, and most of the time it's Aemond saying he'd "perform his duty" should Helaena ever be wed to him, or that stare in ep.9 when he enters her chambers toiling after Alicent. It's, as always, the Aemond girlies who think poor Helaena would live her best life with Aemond, or that they are already romantically involved behind the scenes. The amount of "if one possesses a thing, the other will take it away" edits from people that are FULLY CONVINCED "the thing" is Helaena and that "the one" and "the other" are Aemond and Aegon respectively is honestly concerning.
Fics that are all about Aegon doing the worst and unspeakable things to her so "Aemond can come and save her" are y'all okay? Out of all people, HE has to save her?
Babes, I'm sorry to break your bubble, but this isn't Aegon IV/Naerys/Aemon on steroids. Aemond didn't give two shits about Helaena. No, he wasn't jealous when Jace came to ask her to dance, he just wanted to stir some shit. If we talk about the books, he didn't fucking hesitate to leave King's Landing, his sister, his mother and whatever he was doing for the Riverlands the second he heard that Daemon was there. And he brought the only means of defence they had with him. If he knew how important Vhagar was for the city's defence, he's evil, if he didn't realize it, he's dumb as fuck. Which one is it, Aemond girlies?
People beat each other to the curb about Jaehaerys, Jaehaera and Maelor's paternity like it's the Wars of The Roses. They put Helaena and Alys against the other like they have personal beef with one of them.
Stop mentioning this sweetheart only when it's about praising or hating one of her brothers. No, it's not the only option you have because she's underdeveloped as a character. There's actually another one.
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thottybrucewayne · 9 months
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Every zionist, duh, but esp yall who screenshot perfectly reasonable posts and go "Um, the look at this idiot who thinks genocide is wrong" yall make my ass itch and nobody takes you seriously, MOVE. 2. The entire U.S. government but esp Joe Biden that old ass man gettin spit roasted in hell (AND NOT THE FUN KIND!) 3. DIDDY AND EVERY SINGLE PERSON THAT PROTECTED AND DEFENDED HIM. 4. Tory Lanez whole family, his mama, his daddy, his dog? All them. 5. The nonblack people who run those Rap House Tv type blogs that are clearly trying to be shade room clones. 6. People who get all their news from the Shade Room and Whatsapp, sorry auntie, I'm sick of you tellin' me COVID can be cured by sticking cloves of garlic up my nose :/ 7. Every single one of you dirtbag leftist ass people, yall do nothing for nobody except you thousands of adoring "former nazi" fans that need to be told it's okay that they still say the n word in private. 8. N.O.R.E and every single hiphop "journalist" 9. Charlemagne Tha God and Dj Envy, they know why. 10. Everyone who made Ike and Tina jokes after Tina past away. Grow up. 11. You fanfic girlies. So many of y'all are seeing the lake of fire, But esp if you donate to ao3 or own ao3 merch. Like, that is just embarrassing. 12. It's 2024, If I see you coming up here saying shit like "Miku wroke harry potter!" or " Hello Kitty wrote Ofmed, actually" I'm sending you to hell myself. 13. Booktokers? This is yall the second year on this list, tighten the fuck up and stop being weird about strange men on the internet, now. 14. People who do LITERALLY NOTHING yet try to tell other people how to be activists. You contribute nothing to any conversation you're a part of, suck my dick from the back. 15. People who stopped masking because other people were making them feel bad. Fuck your mama not being able to see your smile, PEOPLE ARE DYING???? 16. Lana Del Ray and Taylor Swift. They know exactly what they did. 17. Every white girl on twt who tried to jump me cause I said the Barbie movie is white feminism at its finest. 18. Elon, you raggedy bitch. 19. Every single man who hit on me this year who isn't one of my friends. 20. People who don't know what transmisogyny means and make that everyone else's problem. I need yall to start reading so bad it's not even funny. 21. You "goth is a feeling" people. You gonna be "feeling" that hell fire nippin' at your ass, NEXT 22. You 35 defending fanservice of high schoolers in anime/manga all day every day...yeah, just get on down there, big fella. They waiting on you. 23. Cishet Black men on tiktok and twt who make it their life's mission to make an ass of themselves for minor ducats. You are a one-man modern-day minstrel show and you will be dealt with. 24. White Tyler The Creator fans. Y'all know what you do.
Dishonorable mentions: Shojo fans who never talk about the fucked up shit in the manga they recc you because "At least its not as misogynistic as shounen!" (yes, yes it is) Fashion tiktokkers I hate so many of you its not even funny Every person who put the image of T.D. Jakes getting his doonies beat down at a Diddy party in my mind. Like I literally never needed to think about that. My dad <3 and all my friends' dads. Patricide NOW!!!!! People who are still whining about having to boycott shut upppppp god damn. People who stare at me in public. You got a fuckin problem?????
That's a wrap! Here are the lists from last year and the year before feel free to add more in the tags <3
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alltheirdamn · 9 months
A Bounty for Reward (Mando x f!reader)
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Summary: It was bound to happen eventually, right? Warnings: SMUT (finally, finally, finally!!), masturbation (f & m), unprotected PIV sex, creampie, mentions of blood & violence, language, umm.... missing anything else?? Word count: 6.5k A/N: I told y'all it was coming 👀
You woke up with a raging headache. Which fucking sucked. But your back had finally stopped aching, and you thanked the Maker that Mando let you use his bed. Last night had been weird between the two of you; something unspoken and tense. You clenched your thighs while you remembered how hard he was when he spoke to you. Maybe your grogginess had played tricks on your brain, but you could still picture the outline of his cock straining against his pants. Being stuck on this ship with him was slowly starting to wither away your self-restraint. For most of your life, you retracted away from any man and their advances; you hated how they stared and spoke to you. Kesi had weaponized your body until you became hollow inside. Men disgusted you. They had only wanted one thing, and you were forced to give it away. But something about Mando made you rethink how a man could act and make you feel. And it was fucking confusing. 
The sound of the cockpit door opening only amplified the throbbing inside your head. You wanted silence— for the first time in forever. As badly as you craved his presence, you craved the solitude even more. Which made no fucking sense since you had spent the majority of the last several days alone. 
“Sleep okay?” Mando’s modulated voice broke the silence. 
“Hmph.” You rolled over, pulling the blanket over your head. The throbbing wouldn’t stop, and it was driving you crazy. 
“Wanna get off the ship?” He asked. 
Of course, you did. You wanted nothing more than to feel the sun on your skin again, to breathe in air that wasn’t recirculating around you. Peaking out from under the blanket, you saw Mando staring at you; helmet tilted to the side. Was he amused with you? 
“Yeah,” you sighed, wrapping the blanket around you as you sat up. “Yeah, that would be nice.”
“Good. Get dressed.”
Something about the dominance in his voice had you clenching your thighs together again. He watched you unwaveringly as you stood and grabbed your pants from the floor next to the bed. Your head still throbbed, but now so did your cunt. He was screwing with your mind. 
Mando stalked away to open the ramp as you finished putting on your shoes, and you followed him mindlessly. 
“Put this on,” he demanded, handing you your hooded jacket, long since abandoned after the first night. 
You slipped it on, pulling the hood over your head. The idea of leaving the ship had you buzzing with excitement. You knew you were on Nevarro, and maybe you could find an escape–although a small part of you was reluctant to leave. There was a cocoon of safety in Mando’s grasp, but you wouldn’t give up on the hope of freedom just yet.
The sun glared down on you through parted clouds as you trailed behind Mando’s armored body. He had instructed a group of men to carry out the bounties from the carbonite chamber, and now you followed him into the heart of the city, where you were overly aware of the commotion as Mando walked through the crowds. Some eyes lingered on you, and the paranoia began to set in. Was anyone searching for you? You still didn’t know where Kesi had gone, and the fact he was still alive set your nerves alight. You quickened your pace to match Mando’s, afraid of falling behind and into the blur of bodies. 
“Where are we going?” You asked. 
Mando focused on the busy streets as he nodded toward a cantina tucked away into one of the alleyways. 
“Guild business?” You guessed. 
“Something like that,” he huffed.
You trailed him inside, drowning out the mindless taunting of men outside the entrance. You had grown accustomed to their snide remarks and sexualized jokes; it didn’t phase you. But you noticed how Mando sized each of them up, and their words and laughter died out as you walked past. 
The cantina was loud and crowded with what you assumed were other guild members. You were acutely aware of their weapons strapped to their belts. Unease coursed through you as you remembered you were still wanted, and it only made you want to stick closer to Mando. He led the way towards an empty booth near the back of the cantina, gesturing for you to sit. You slid into it, tugging your hood further over your forehead and eyes. 
“Stay here.”
You swallowed, nodding as he turned from the booth and walked away. He joined a man a few stalls over, sliding into a spot with a direct view of yours. It was unclear whether Mando was staring at you or the man before him, the direction of his helmet giving away nothing. 
Minutes passed by without issue, and you grew fidgety in the booth. Your eyes darted around the cantina, wondering how easy it could be to slip out and run. You had done it once before with Mando, but you hadn’t been successful. But he hadn’t been preoccupied last time. He wouldn’t abandon his meeting just to catch you, right? It was laughable even to think he’d let you slip away. Sighing, you shrunk back into the leather padding, slowly returning your gaze to him. His helmet was cocked sideways, facing directly at you. Maker, your heart plummeted into your stomach. He could paralyze you from that stare alone.
So, you played along. 
You gave him a slight grin, leaning your chin into your hand as you eased forward. You watched him, transfixed, and noted how his body straightened. Whoever he was talking to was blissfully unaware of your effect on him. He gave a nearly imperceptible shake of his head, and you chuckled. This was fun. Like last night, you sunk your teeth into your bottom lip and observed how tense his body became. He had been so awkward last night with you, and you had considered it may have just been who he was, but maybe it was more than that. Maybe you turned him on, and warmth bloomed in your stomach at the idea of it. Having that sort of power over a man–let alone a Mandalorian—was thrilling. 
The teasing was entertaining until it wasn’t. Shortly after garnering another shake of his head, a drunken patron fell into the booth, his drink sloshing onto the tabletop. You retracted back, hugging your arms to your chest. The man gave you a toothy grin, his words slurring as he introduced himself. 
You lied about your name, offering a polite smile. He took another gulp of his drink, slamming it down all too charismatically. 
“Y’sure are beautiful,” he slurred. “Would like to take you home.”
“You wish,” you rolled your eyes. 
The stench of his breath wafted toward you as you squirmed in the booth. His drunken smile from before was replaced with an apparent frown, clearly displeased with your remark. Reaching over the table, he pawed at your body, trying to find anything to grab. You lurched forward, sending a resounding slap across his face. 
“Don’t fucking put your hands on me,” you growled. Fuck, you wish you had your vibroblade again. 
A few heads turned at the sound, their voices hushed as they regarded the scene between you and the drunken man. He was pissed off now, reaching out for you again, this time more successful with a quick grab of your wrist. You reached for his drink, shattering it against the table. Gripping a piece of the broken glass, you held it at eye-level toward him, a snarl forming on your lips. He held up his hands in protest, eyes glazed over in fear. 
“Do it!” You shouted. “I fucking dare you!”
The crowd around you grew silent, but you could only focus on the glass tightening in your grip. It pierced your skin until you felt the slice of it dig into your palm. The blood dripping from your hand unphased you as your heart thrummed with adrenaline. Let him fucking come near you. Let him try to touch you again. A glint of silver danced in your peripheral, and Mando approached the booth with a hand on his blaster. 
“Out,” he demanded, grabbing the man by the collar. He tossed him to the ground with little effort, his helmet glancing between him and you. You lowered the shard of glass to the table, wiping your palm against your pants. Mando’s chest rose as he inhaled, and he silently extended a hand towards you. Your impulse was to flinch, but you trusted him not to hurt you, so you took it willingly. His gloved fingers wrapped around yours, and you trailed him out of the cantina without another word. 
Pulling you into the alleyway, Mando pushed you against the wall and surveyed your body. Your breath hitched as he grabbed for your injured hand, turning it over to inspect the cut. It was still bleeding, but you had long since forgotten the pain. Everything had been a blur. Tugging it from his hold, you cradled your hand into your chest and stared at the black visor. 
“I’m fine,” you insisted. “Just a cut.”
“He touched you.” It wasn’t a question. 
You only nodded, scanning the alley for any stragglers from the bar. You hadn’t meant to get so angry or violent, but it seemed to be an ongoing thing with these unwanted advances. Kesi had ruined you in the worst way possible. Staring up at the passing clouds, you forced your tears back and focused on breathing. Mando would never take you back out of the ship now that you had gone and made a fool of yourself. 
“Stay here,” he ordered.
Mando had been acutely aware of her presence inside the cantina. She had been taunting him with small smiles the entire time as he tried to focus on the conversation with Karga. Had last night sparked something between them? It was clear she was trying to push his buttons, see how far she could take the teasing until he snapped. At this rate, it wouldn’t be fucking long. Under the protection of his helmet, he found his eyes wandering towards her each time she shifted in the booth. 
And then someone slipped into it with her. He stiffened, watching their interaction unfold in front of him. Karga was blissfully unaware of the spectacle as he rambled about taking more pucks, yet Mando had long forgotten what they were discussing. His hand itched towards his blaster as the man leaned forward into her, only to be shocked to see her send a sharp slap across his face. Rage filled his veins when the man did it a second time. But then the sound of glass shattering rattled around the loud cantina, silencing everyone. Her voice raised above everyone as she dared him to touch her again. Mando took note of the glass in her hand and quickly vacated the booth to step in. 
A multitude of thoughts swarmed his mind as he hauled her out of the cantina into the alley. First, someone had put their hands on her. Second, she was a force to be reckoned with when angry. And third, she was bleeding. Mando didn’t know which made him more upset. But the fear in her eyes was enough to make him see red. 
And he had been itching to kill someone since he returned for her on Tatooine. 
Mando pulled the blaster from his hip as he entered the cantina again. The tension in the air was palpable as he stalked towards the man still cowering on the floor. He aimed the blaster at his chest, unphased at the sheer terror in the man's eyes. 
“Mando!” Karga yelled, stepping over the man and into the direct line of his outstretched arm. 
He lowered the blaster, glancing between Karga and the man. His finger twitched against the trigger, just waiting for the moment to shoot. 
“Now, now,” Karga bristled. “No need for violence here! Right?” 
Mando’s jaw clenched, and he stepped towards Karga. He held up his hands in defeat, giving Mando one of his signature grins. 
“Just let it go, Mando,” he urged. 
But Mando couldn’t let it go, no matter how badly he wanted to. He had never been a man to act so impulsively, but the sight of her shaking and bleeding was enough to fuel the rage inside his heart. Every fiber of his being screamed to protect her. 
“Move,” he gritted out. 
“Walk away,” Karga demanded. 
But Mando didn’t falter, nor did his grip on the blaster. He held it at waist level, flicking it to the side until Karga got the hint. He didn’t give a second thought to it as he put a hole in the man’s chest. The rage inside him didn’t let up, but he forced his weapon back into its holster and exhaled for the first time in minutes. 
“I’ll be back in a week with more bounties,” he nodded at Karga. 
Karga had nothing to respond, his focus on the dead man lying on the cantina floor. 
Mando returned to the alley, finding her still standing paralyzed against the wall. Her eyes were rimmed red from crying, and his rage was replaced with some form of guilt that slithered its way into his heart. He should have known taking her here would be dangerous. But she had been trapped within the confines of his ship for nearly a week, and he wanted to grant her some freedom—even if it wasn’t exactly what she wanted. 
“Let’s go,” he grumbled, extending his hand. 
She hesitated. But then she slipped her delicate hand into his, and he led her out of the city and back to the Crest. Mando still buzzed with the lingering anger from the cantina, but he shoved down those emotions and forced himself to focus on her. She was quiet as he guided her to sit on one of the crates, and he searched his med pack for some bacta. He found what he needed, including something to bandage her hand, and crouched in front of her, reaching for her hand. Reluctantly, she let him take it, unfurling the tight fist she had made. The cut wasn’t deep, but enough to scar— a scar that could have been avoided had he not been so selfish in taking her with him. He wanted to give her a moment in the sun, a moment away from this fucking ship. This space between them was growing smaller, and he needed to find any way to create some distance. But they were just spiraling closer together. 
“It’ll sting,” he muttered. 
She nodded, sniffling back more tears. He sprayed the wound and felt her body twitch from the pain. He unraveled the bandage and started wrapping it around her hand. It felt so small in his, so soft, and his fingers worked slowly as he tied it off. Rubbing slow circles over her palm, Mando lifted his head to look at her, only to find she was already focusing on him. Those big doe eyes stared straight through his visor and into his soul—picking him apart piece by piece. 
“Thank you,” she whispered. 
He mindlessly drew those circles over the bandage until her hand closed around his. With a soft squeeze of her fingers, she drew his hand to her lips and gently kissed his knuckles. The breath stalled inside him, watching as her lips grazed over his gloves. Despite all he had done, all he was, she was giving away small pieces of herself to him. And he selfishly wanted more. But he was undeserving of it, and everything he was raised to become shouted for him to stop. 
“I killed him.”
Her mouth stopped moving against his knuckles. He pulled away and stood over her, her eyes trailing up his body. There wasn’t an ounce of remorse or fear in her eyes when he said those words—instead, a smirk played on her lips.
“Good. Fucker deserved it. Could’ve done it myself if you let me.”
Mando laughed, a genuine one he hadn’t heard in a while. She continued to surprise him. 
“You ever kill someone?” He asked, piecing back together his medpac to stow away.
He looked over his shoulder to see her shaking her head. Something about it relieved him, knowing she didn’t have death on her hands, but she was willing to do it. Mando wondered if her being around him long enough would change that, would make him the dangerous one. 
“I’ve wanted to,” she sighed, standing from the crate and moving towards him. “So many times.”
They were only feet apart now, and Mando felt the thrum of his heart in his chest growing faster. Her hair was disheveled from the hood on her jacket, and without thinking, he reached out to tuck a strand behind her ear. She didn’t flinch from him for the second time today. He felt triumphant knowing he had won her trust, even in the smallest of things.
“I hope you never have to,” he spoke. 
Her eyes were still glossy with earlier tears, but a firmness in her look told him enough. Someone had used her before—in what way, Mando could only guess. He had started piecing together the things she had offered him, and nothing amounted to being a criminal. She didn’t sell spice, she didn’t use it, she hadn’t killed anyone… She wasn’t worth a bounty. Not that she wasn’t worth it, just that she didn’t deserve it. 
“How many have you killed?” She whispered, breaking through his spiraling thoughts. 
“What does it feel like?”
Mando sighed, letting his hand fall away from her hair. “For a Mandalorian, survival is everything. If death forces us to defend and survive, then it is the only answer.”
“It’s part of your Creed, right?” She asked.
Sharing something so intimate and sacred with someone other than a Mandalorian felt foreign to him. 
“This is the Way,” he nodded.
“The Way,” she echoed.
Then she let out a small laugh, the corners of her lips creasing into her cheeks. Mando cocked his head to the side, trying to understand what about this conversation was so comical.
“I think that’s the most you’ve said to me,” she grinned.
He couldn’t help but smile to himself, too. She was starting to fester her way under his skin, force him out of his comfort zone, and slowly enjoy the presence of another for the first time in his life. He sort of enjoyed it. 
“Bacta might wear you out a bit,” he cleared his throat, quickly changing the subject. “Bed’s all yours.”
She frowned, crossing her arms over her chest. Mando made quite the effort not to stare as her forearms pushed up her breasts. 
“Where will you sleep?” 
“Cockpit,” he replied. “Don’t sleep much, honestly.”
“Take the bed,” she insisted. “I’ll be fine on the floor.”
It was tempting—sleeping near her. But Mando didn’t trust himself; didn’t trust he wouldn’t find his way into the bed with her when she clearly didn’t want that. He wouldn’t abuse the trust he had built with her, no matter how much he ached to be between her thighs. Fuck, he needed to let off some steam.
“I’ll be fine,” he said. “Gonna use the refresher and be on my way.”
She nodded slowly, clearly not convinced, but relented. Retiring to the bed, she gingerly crawled in and wrapped herself in the blanket. Mando watched as she tucked her injured hand close to her chest and noticed her eyes still locked on him. If she looked at him any longer, Mando would lose his cool.
Ducking into the refresher, Mando let the water rain down on him and flood his mind. He was achingly hard, and it wasn’t long before his hand wound around his cock, stroking slowly. He tried hard not to picture her, her big eyes, or how she’d bite her lips. He tried not to think of her legs wrapped in his sheets or the swell of her breasts under her shirt. But the harder he squeezed his cock, the stronger those thoughts became. He imagined how tight she’d feel around his cock, and the noises she’d make. He stroked himself faster, feeling his muscles tense on the precipice of release, and with one long stroke, he was grunting into the tile walls and spilling himself onto the floor.
You tried to erase the sound of his orgasm from your mind; you really did. But Mando had long since retired to the cockpit, and you found your uninjured hand snaking down past the waistband of your pants and sliding through your wet folds. You hadn’t imagined those noises—you knew that. You had spent years listening to the disgusting sound of men orgasming, but this was different. His voice was rough and unmodulated, and fuck if it didn’t make your core ache with need. It had been so long since you had touched yourself like this, and part of you knew how embarrassing it was. You were trapped on the ship with your bounty hunter, rubbing circles around your clit imagining how his tongue would feel instead.
Your body wound itself tight as you teased your way closer, basking in that momentary bliss before your climax crescendoed, hoping, for your sake, your noises would be quieter than his. Burying your head into the blankets, you exhaled a moan and felt your body spasm around your fingers. Maker, it was the best orgasm you had in a while. And all you could think about was him. 
Your body was exhausted from the short time on Nevarro, but the bacta was slowly wearing off, making your hand throb in pain. You didn’t regret what you did. And you were telling the truth when you said you wished you had killed him. Maybe that would make you a murderer like Mando, but you wanted to reclaim yourself piece by piece, even if that meant some people had to die. 
Restless in the small bed, you found yourself climbing the ladder to the cockpit and knocking softly on the metal door. A moment passed before it slid open, and Mando looked over his shoulder at you silently. 
“Couldn’t sleep,” you explained. “Can I join you?”
He grunted in response, tilting his helmet towards the empty seat beside him. You squeezed yourself through the small space, taking note of the control panels and functions. You weren’t thinking about stealing his ship, but knowing how it operated was interesting. Plus, the mechanic in you was just eager to see such an old ship and its hardware. The cargo hold had been your sanctuary the last several days, and having a new scenery was a nice change. Seeing the galaxy expand around you in a vastness you couldn’t fathom was even nicer. 
“I’ve never really seen the galaxy like this before,” you commented, leaning forward to watch the stars pass. 
“Really?” Mando asked, his visor focused on the space in front of you. 
You shook your head, a tinge of sadness crawling up your chest. “No. Any time I’ve traveled to different planets, I’ve always been… put away, I guess?” You cringed at even the thought of it.
Kesi made sure to hold you in the shittiest part of a ship when he took you to and from spice trades. You were confined to solitude before meeting his clients and then deposed just as fast. The last few years of your life were spent between ships, inns, and shady cantinas. That’s why you craved your life back on Coruscant—you could go anywhere and do anything. 
In your peripheral, you saw his head turn to you. Your emotions were bubbling to the surface, and you continued to stare out the windshield at the stars instead of meeting his gaze. You didn’t fully trust yourself not to cry. You didn’t cry often; you wouldn’t let yourself succumb to those emotions, but something about the admission left a lingering feeling deep within you. 
“It’s—,” you laughed, trying to shake back the tears. “It’s not a big deal. Really.”
“Kesi hurt you.” 
Mando said it plainly like it was a fact and not a question. There was no use holding back the tears, but you turned away to wipe them, hoping you could still look strong. You were learning how to take back the power that Kesi stole from you—including your own emotions.
“I don’t want to talk about it,” you said, tucking your legs into the seat.
Mando gave you a stiff nod and leaned back in his chair. Silence surrounded you, wrapping you both in this strange comfort that you didn’t necessarily hate. You enjoyed the quiet, even with him beside you. 
“Where are we going?” You eventually asked.
“Adelphi. Got a bounty there.”
“Can I join you?”
“No,” he said, crossing his arms over his chest. 
You weren’t surprised he said no. Bounty hunting was his lifestyle, not yours, and you had to continuously remind yourself you weren’t anything but a bounty to him. But the lines were blurring between being a bounty and being… a friend? Maybe calling him a ‘friend’ was a bit extreme and premature, but you were enjoying the company as much as you could tolerate it. 
You still wished to regain your freedom, but for now, you’d enjoy being in his presence. 
The nav panel started blaring for the descent, stirring you awake in the chair. You hadn’t even realized you’d fallen asleep, but the planet before you was bright and proved to be a new day. Mando flew the Crest through the atmosphere and towards a deserted beach. The landing was smooth, and before the wheels could finish sinking into the sand, Mando was out of the chair and moving through the cockpit. You followed him into the ship's hull, watching as he collected his sniper from the armory wall and slid it over his shoulder. He grabbed one more thing before shutting it and turning to you. Extending his hand, he revealed a wrist comlink and motioned for you to give him your arm.
“It’s synced up to mine,” he explained, lifting his wrist. “I’ll notify you when I get close to the ship so you can prepare the chamber.”
He wasn’t taking you on the hunt…but letting you help, which meant a lot. 
You let him slide the comlink onto your wrist, and you turned it over to inspect the technology. You’d never used one before, but you had some basic knowledge to get you by. When he called, you would answer; simple as that.
“Won’t be more than a few hours,” he assured you.
“Okay,” you nodded. “Um, be safe.”
Mando tilted his head to the side, and you imagined he was smiling at you. Maybe he was, or maybe he was just as stoic as his voice and body language. Either way, you meant what you said because without him… well, you didn’t really know. You could take the ship. You could fly back to Coruscant. But would you be safe? 
“Be good,” he ordered, his voice strained. 
His words sent a shiver down your spine, as it did every time he was more authoritative with you, and you wondered how many times you could get off before he came back. Idiot. Forcing yourself out of your mind and into the present, you watched him walk out onto the sandy beach and close you back into the confines of the ship. 
Just a few hours, you told yourself. 
Hours later, Mando com’d you to open the ramp. You had busied yourself with the carbonite chamber again, trying to find solutions for the valve issue. You sat down your tools and glanced at him as he made his way into the hull, his beskar dripping in the afternoon sunlight. He had his bounty in tow, this one alive and heavily bruised. His skin was flushed red, even more so with the trail of blood that leaked down his chin. The bounty’s eyes never left yours, his teeth barring a smile scary enough to make your skin crawl.
“Keep moving,” Mando grunted, shoving the bounty toward the carbonite chamber. His helmet glanced at you, confused by the tools at your feet. You shook your head in response, nonverbally giving him the ‘okay’ to use it.
“I didn’t know you kept pets around, Mando,” the bounty’s voice was hoarse, a cough spurting more blood onto his clothes. 
Mando was quick to push the bounty into the chamber, his hand punching the buttons to capture and freeze the tattered body that stood in front of you. There was a momentary pause in the freezing process, but then it started up again to continue. Mando’s helmet looked down at the tools again, slowly raking over your body to meet your eyes.
“What’s this?” he asked, an edge to his tone still noticeable.
“I wanted to see what else I could do to help with the freezing component,” you explained, shifting your weight under his glare. “I thought I would fix it before you returned. It stalled a moment right now, but it just needs a simple system restart to help the carbonite process run smoother.”
“Hmm,” was all he responded.
There wasn’t much space between you and Mando, the smell of smoke intoxicating the air around you. His chest rose and fell with heaviness as if he was recovering from running miles— which he probably had. There was something so infatuating about his demeanor after a hunt; the combative urges inside him still burning under his armor. The emoting rage still fizzled inside his muscles as his hands tensed at his sides. His stare had you paralyzed, your body pressed against the wall of the cargo hold. Something inside you flickered, your core growing warmer the longer he stared. There were so many unspoken words, so many lingering needs. The silence stretched longer, and you began to worry something was wrong. He wasn’t saying anything; he was just standing there.
“Mando,” your voice was meek, more than you expected. All your confidence was forlorn; wanton need taking control of your body.
He stepped closer, hands placed at either side of your head until he had you boxed in, his thigh nudging your legs to spread apart. Instinctively, you did, grinding your hips upward against his knee as he positioned his body in between your legs. You should’ve been embarrassed, but you couldn’t help yourself from giving in to the urges that lingered inside you. His helmet angled down to look at you, and you felt the amusement of his stare even through the visor. You would never see his face, but the fierce need to know the look in his hungry eyes consumed your thoughts. Maker, to see the way his eyes danced with rage and desire was enough arousal in itself.
“Tell me to stop,” he choked out. “You shouldn’t want—.”
“I want this,” you whispered. 
You let out a shaky breath, feeling the weight of his chest press against yours. The smell of combat still lingered on his clothes, and you knew he had hurt someone just hours before returning. He should scare you; you should be terrified of Mando in all aspects. But you were undoubtedly infatuated with him, constantly under some spell that continued to draw you in. He intrigued, puzzled, and challenged you to defy all hatred you once had for any man. The closer you got to the fire, the further your emotions were stripped away, burning in the chaos he created around you. 
Taking control, you brought his hand down to your hips, guiding it to your zipper, and moved it slowly under the elastic waistband of your underwear. The leather of his glove was warm to the touch, catching softly on the slick skin of your cunt. His fingers took control, dipping between the wet folds and slowly teasing your entrance. Instinctively, your hips bucked forward, the need for his fingers inside you growing stronger. He knew it, too, as his fingers circled your clit slowly— agonizingly. The ache in your core grew stronger, your heartbeat drumming loudly inside your ears.
“Please,” you begged, your head falling against the wall. 
Mando’s free hand moved to pull your face forward, his hand encapsulating your jaw with a firm grip. His thumb traced over your lips, teasing your mouth open and gathering the saliva that pooled on your tongue.
“Please, what?” His voice darkened, the monster inside him lurking around the corner. All he needed was a nudge; then, you could have what you wanted.
“Fuck me.”
As if a switch flipped inside of him, Mando’s hands moved to yank away your pants, tearing the fabric of your underwear in the sequence of events. It didn’t register in your head how quickly he was able to shove you up the wall and collect your legs around his waist. Your thighs squeezed against his hips, flesh meeting the cool touch of his armor. It rippled goosebumps up your body, the temperature spiking higher in your core. A low growl left his throat as he undid his zipper, angling the length of his cock against the soaking entrance of your cunt. Everything inside you clenched around him, a stinging pain lasting only a second as your body stretched to fit his thick cock. Maker, it hurt, but he felt so fucking good. 
The cargo hold around you grew louder with the mixture of your whines, his grunts, and the disgusting sound of your cunt around his cock. He wasn’t just fucking you; he was wrecking you with each thrust that pounded into you harder every time. Mando’s strength leveraged his control as he gripped your hips high enough to angle himself right at the apex of your cunt. Everything around you blurred into a haze of euphoria and rapture as he brought you to the brink of an orgasm. He could sense it, too, the thrusts coming into a steady rhythm as it hit your core with feverish force. 
“Fuck, Mando,” you gasped.
The shudder that erupted from you paralyzed his movements, your cunt clenching with each throb that rippled through your body. Your nails dug into the fabric of his suit as you muffled a scream into the cowl around his neck.
“No,” he bit out, yanking you back with a fistful of hair. “I want to hear you.”
Mando pulled you from the wall, tossing you down against a wooden crate, toppling a few loose items in the mix. Burying himself to the base of his cock, Mando placed your legs over one shoulder, folding over you as he drilled into you with a force so blindingly hard you couldn’t hold back the screams that escaped you. He was ripping into you, the brute force of his thick cock bringing you to the edge of another orgasm. A gloved hand carded through your hair, gripping the tendrils under the nape of your neck until you had no choice but to stare into the visor of his helmet while you came wholly undone. 
Another orgasm tore through you, tears pouring down your cheeks as you gave way to the release that shook your thighs. Mando let out a satisfied moan, his hips rocking into you slowly, his body tensing up as he spilled himself inside you. He filled you perfectly as if every part of him had been made for you and you alone. 
Mando remained there for a moment, a firm hand rubbing your calves to soothe the tension in your legs. Your head fell back against the crate's edge, your eyes blacking out to the space around you. A thin layer of sweat pooled on your chest, small trails falling down your shoulders and neck. Everything smelled of smoke and sex, and your core clenched again with lingering aftershocks of his thrusts. Mando stifled a grunt, feeling your body respond against his cock, and you felt it growing harder again inside you. 
“Maker,” he exhaled, fingers trailing up your legs as they kneaded the plush skin of your thighs. He dug into your hip bones with bruising force, a small yelp leaving your throat.
“You’re so fucking perfect,” he whispered, bowing his head over your body. 
You moved a leg shakily over his head, situating it on his other shoulder. You had him framed between your legs, staring at the perfect outline of a terrifying man. He could kill you— hell, he even had every reason to do it if he wanted. But instead, he was infatuated with you, the power your body held being a stronger vice than the power to kill you. That power thrummed in your veins, and you desperately latched on to it, afraid you’d lose it again like before. 
Reaching a hand down, Mando made small agonizing circles around your clit. Thrusting himself into you, this time working slower and deeper, his movements were focused on making you cum again. His cock slipped in and out messily, the mixture of his cum and yours being the perfect lubricant to fuck you with.
“Fuck, you feel so fucking good,” he grunted, his thumb pressing down on the bundle of nerves that throbbed harder with every stroke. 
“I’m gonna cum again,” you cried, biting your lip to stifle another scream. 
His movements deepened, his hips grinding against your ass as he took you to the base of his cock and kept you there. His weight trapped you, the pressure on your clit sending your mind reeling as you focused on the surge of another release pounding in your abdomen. 
“C’mon,” he crooned, his thumb rubbing harder, “You’re right there, cum for me.”
His voice shot you into another wave of release, your mouth crying out for him. Your legs clenched around his neck, drawing him deeper inside you as the throbbing in your ears grew louder. You could hardly hear him as he punched out your name, cumming again inside you. 
Slumping over your body, the heaviness of his helmet rested on your shoulder as both your chests rose and fell with heavy breaths. His fingers tangled in your hair, smoothing strands from your sticky forehead. You were disgustingly sweaty, the tattered shirt sticking to your skin along with the dirt that rubbed off from his armor. 
“You’re fucking heavy,” you chuckled, pushing against his chest plate. 
Mando let himself rise momentarily, only to fall back onto your chest lazily. Coughing out a laugh, you nudged his side, urging him up from his position. 
“Not yet,” he huffed, helmet settling against your shoulder again. “Just wanna stay here a minute.”
Please stay, you thought to yourself.
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cod-dump · 1 year
Y'all want some uhhhh *checks notes* nikpricegraves pet names headcanons bc my brain won't shut up about it?
Cool thanks
Nik calls Graves his sunshine in both English and Russian. In Russian it's "Лучик" (luchik).
Nik gets to call Price John extremely affectionately. Also calls him (and graves) Родной (rodnoy) which is a way of saying darling or dear by calling someone your home (which makes me all 🥺)
Graves started calling Nik "teddy bear" as a joke bc it made the boys gag and Price turn a funny shade of red. But it stuck and now Nik loves it.
Graves calls Price handsome and "darlin". I imagine if Price ever had to shave, he might try calling him dollface, but that would be shut down so fucking fast 😂
Price isn't heavy-handed with the pet names, but he regularly uses love, darling. He will call Nik "Лев" (lev) bc he loves watching his face light up being called lion.
"Teddy Bear" evolves into "Nikky Bear" which Nik adores. Graves said it once to mess with him and the man melted. So, Graves keeps using it (the boys fucking hate it so much so he tries to say it when they're around).
Graves would also be the king at coming up with ridiculous pet names. He honestly does it just to fuck with the boys but he also likes messing with his boyfriends. The pet names don't even make sense half the time and some of them are just names of everyday things used in a certain tone.
"Captain Crunch" is the most popular of Price's pet names that Graves' uses. It's so random when he uses it and Price always looks at him like he's losing his mind. Graves loves it when he gets looks from Price after calling him something silly.
"Sup, hot potato," Nik had to stop what he was doing and look at Graves who was smugly grinning at him.
"Sanders" evolved from a joke and no one will tell the boys what the fuck it means and Graves takes great joy out of mentioning if Price wants fried chicken whenever they ask. They never connect the dots but Price still gets pissed at Graves teasing the origin of the pet name right in front of them.
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sug4r-sp1c3 · 2 years
Hey!! i saw your countryhumans post and it was rlly cool!!!
can you do russia,canada,france and germany with a tall s/o??
(your blog is so cool!!!)
Russia, canada, France, and germany with a Tall S/O
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probably u are the same height of this mf lmao
congrats cuddling is more easy in some aspects , like surprise hugs/kisses/etc,
the part of the nicknames is
the ""normal"" nicknames like bean, shorty, short stuff or things like that
and he stays with nicknames like, "Darling", "sweetie", "sugar cube", etc.
they can wear each other's clothes without problems
"sweetie is that my sweater?"
"i thought it was mine!"
the problem comes if you would like your clothes to be loose,
hehe yes… discard that from your wish list
when you go anywhere you probably both have to bend over
It's obvious but I wanted to say it
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this man LOVES you
he let you be the big spoon
he loves showing you off
"have you seen my partner? they are so tall just like russia, cry bitch"
but if you want it to stop just say so and it will stop, (like for 2 months and then it will, but only every like 2 weeks)
"germany stop-"
be prepared for lots of questions of "can you pass me that?", "can you hang that?" but that only happens when
A.- didn't find the ladder
B.- he gave up after a long time
C.-I don't know, maybe he can reach it but he just wants to try to talk to you
nicknames like "bean", shorty, etc are still there
"hey shorty can you pass me the salt?"
"ok but you know that i'm…y'know, t a l l?"
"ok, ok, but pass me the fucking salt-"
sometimes he has made jokes about him wishing he were so tall
I said they were jokes?
why the fuck aren't they
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I feel that his type of person is the short ppl
but when he realized that he fell in love with you he said "FUCK I LOVE TALL PEOPLE"
he loves to steal your clothes
regardless of color
"bro, why do u have a (insert fav color, except red and white) shirt? i thought you hated that color-"
"who cares? it smells like my beloved and awesome partner and!-"
"now i understand why i love being single"
i don't have to much ideas rn sorry 😭✋
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protective asf
I feel like this bitch would want to grab your waist but he ends up grabbing your ass
"yes mon amour?"
"that isn't my waist-"
"oh.... O H "
I feel like I would be proud enough to tell you "pass me that please!"
"I don't needed help…"
"honey you almost broke your leg a, THE DAMN LEG"
tall ppl >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>idk
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neuroticbookworm · 1 year
Step by Step Episode 8 Ramblings
Episode 7 Ramblings, here
Put is not even gonna let Pat say his piece? 2 minutes in and I'm already burning mad
"I haven't taken you for granted like before"
"I know, you've been really good to me" Oh Pat, you pathalogical people pleaser
I continue being impressed by this show showcasing how adults do and should handle relationships and everything that comes with it. This must be one of the most realistic breakup scenes in BLs. And it is done without compromising the emotions of the characters. Hats off, really
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Jane is wearing two layers of pink. Our resident Tumblr color demon @respectthepetty has taught us that pink = love, so good to know that his feelings has remained unchanged or even intensified from last when we saw him
My god, Khun Jeng looks so fineeeeeeeee
And he's wearing a dark blue shirt underneath his neutral brown jacket. While Pat is in a dark blue cardigan. Interesting
Ohhhhhhh wow Jane is pissed and Jaab is too. The cat fight between these two is gonna be hilarious
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Put, you insufferable snake, ya dumped. Stop misrepresenting facts
Jeng, how the fuck did you know? Are you really THAT perceptive?
Oh man, that is the worst takeaway you can ever have from a failed relationship
*jaw dropped* Oh Jeng is going for the jugular. Oh he's done playing games, he wants to fight
Oooooooooof. Put, you manipulative bastard
Oh it's still not over. Oh they're still going, holy shit, this is intense
Is that a threat, about coming out? Seriously, what the fuck
I CAN'T WAIT to read all the body language analyses y'all are gonna write on that scene. Woah, that really was something
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Ae and Beam are here!
Well, Ae looks like a goddess, as usual. What else is new?
I love this scene and the commentary that comes with it. Keep your noses out of pregnant people's business, for fuck's sake! How hard is it to have some basic decency?
I love that Tae is calling out how quickly Jeng's mood changes from brooding to giddy and vice versa in this conversation.
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We have a new stuffie. The shark is out and the tiger is in. YES I SEE IT AND I LOVE IT
Oh I'm sooo ready for this non-date date. I want the sweet, sweet fluff to drown me. Gimme all the blushing, all the eye contact, all the accidental brushing of fingers, GIVE IT TO ME
OH MY GOD, he planned the whole thing. He had people move chairs out of the way for aesthetics. This complete bitch (affectionate)
GUYS, THE FLIRTING, I know I said I can handle it, but this is too adorable ^^
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Jeng just hung up on his brother in a flash, not even waiting for him to respond? Oh that's cold
Oh shit, Pat is drunk, again, Here come the truth bombs
Damn, Man Trisanu is nailing this. He is acting his ass off to show how restless Jeng feels before every almost-confession
This slowburn is gonna kill us all, honestly
Oh we are dancing, oh it's so gloriously awkward, oh make it stop
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Jaab, my beloved, I've missed your melodrama. You look like a divorced sugar baby who won half the riches in the settlement, I love it
Jeng tells Pat he can be just a safe space for him, while Pat is sobbing on his shoulder about his ex. All while Jeng has been trying the whole day to confess his own feelings for Pat. Every atom of this man is a green flag, I swear
These drunk disaster gays, I love them so much
Pat, sweetie, no. Please, you must be joking. Don't tell me you didn't know, DON'T TELL ME YOU ARE THAT OBLIVIOUS!
Okay, now Pat has to rethink each and every one of their interactions to see if he has ever misled Jeng, or if Jeng has ever crossed his boundaries. And then recalibrate his feelings with this new information. Yeah, this could take a while.
I'm leaning more and more towards the possibility of a second season, or even a special episode, after the show ends. Because there is no way they can fit all the domesticity these characters deserve within the next couple of episodes.
Ahhhh I can't believe the slowburn is still not over. I love it and I hate it and I'm pretty sure this show has turned me into a sadomasochist.
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sunnyie-eve · 11 months
9 | New Sibling
Series: Significant
Paring: Colby Brock x Original female character
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1.3k
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Today the five were snowmobiling and Penelope got paired with Colby and Corey. The guy told them it was meant for two but they could do three as well just keep an eye on each other.
"You okay?" Corey looks back at Penelope between him and Colby.
"Umm, I believe so." She shuffles some.
"If you start to feel uncomfortable or whatever just grab me." He lets her know.
"Do you wanna switch spots so you can be more secure?" Colby asks her.
"Sure." They trade spots and then follow the others.
The others were so far and Colby stood up holding onto Corey as he drove before flying over him when they hit the side and stopped.
"Oh, shit!" They get off to check on him.
"Colby, why the fuck would you stand up?" Penelope gets down to him.
"Ow." He groans as Corey helps him up as the other two come back asking what happened so Corey explains what happened.
"Keep your ass down." Penelope says as they get back on.
Corey drives for a bit till Colby wants to drive and Penelope wants the middle because she hates the fucking back.
"AH!" Corey shouts as Colby drives making him hold onto the handles.
"Dude, can we not try to flip us?!" Penelope shouts holding onto Colby tightly making him laugh. "Colby!" She rests her head on his back holding in for dear life.
"How you guys doing?" They stop by the other two so they say they hate Colby driving.
"I'm terrified when Colby drives." Corey says.
"Why?" Colby looks back.
"We almost flipped like six times! Why do you think Penelope is like a baby monkey holding onto you?" Corey tells him.
"No, we didn't."
"Colby, please stop going towards the sides." Penelope says still nothing letting go of him so he takes off.
They stop again wanting to build a snowman so Colby and Penelope stay seated watching them play around. Then Elton chases Corey trying to pee on him.
"Guys and their dicks." Penelope shakes her head.
Playing around Elton, Corey, and Colby get on one and Colby complains about his junk getting squished, "Dude, y'all have been ridding with Penny." Sam laughs.
"For one, I let her sit all the way in the back then she sat in the middle latched on to my back so Corey had plenty of room." Colby corrects him before they drive off.
Finishing up Elton and Corey go across the street to see the sheep and the farm while the other three wait in the car used to seeing sheep back home.
"Do we have any snacks in here?" Penelope asks hungry and tired.
"I wish." Sam looks back at her.
"Wake me up when we get somewhere." She closes her eyes resting her head on Colby's shoulder falling asleep.
Colby puts his other jacket on her like a blanket so she'll be warmer. Sam watches from the mirror and shakes his head at them. When the two came back they were surprised Penelope was passed out.
"It was a rough day for her." Colby chuckles, "She said wake her up when we get somewhere." He adds.
After finding a place to eat they head to the hotel, and Penelope wasn't feeling well from what she ate. In the middle of the night, Penelope crawls out of bed needing to throw up so Colby gets up to hold her hair back while he rubs her back.
"I got you." He says sleepy.
"What did I eat that my stomach said fuck you." Penelope groans feeling like shit.
"Probably that dessert. Mine tasted blah."
"Why do I have to throw up." She flushes the toilet and then goes to use mouthwash.
"It really didn't agree with you. Are you good now?"
"Probably." She closes her eyes.
"Let's go back to bed then." He turns the light off.
"I hate that this bed is smaller than the last one." She whispers as they get back in bed.
"Yeah, I have to be closer to you." He jokes with her.
"Excuse me, but you're the one who makes sure I spoon you." She giggles quietly.
"And now that you feel unwell, I'll spoon you." He cuddles her.
While the guys go ice climbing, Penelope stays in the car still feeling a little sick. She told the guys not to worry about her so he had a little pillow and blanket to lie down while they went to have fun. She tried to take a little nap while they were gone till Corey came back alone.
"I can't do it. So now you have a buddy." He gets in the car with her.
"I was just napping so." She giggles moving over some.
"Can I ask you a question?"
"Was that the question? I'm joking, what is it?" She balls up.
"Has anything ever happened between you and Colby? Or are you guys just super close because of growing up together?"
"Nothing has ever happened between us. So yeah, it's just because we grew up together." She nods her head with a smile.
"Do you ever wish?" He moves his eyebrows with a smile.
"Do I wish something had ever happened?" She laughs at him.
"You can tell me. I'm good at secrets. I pinky promise." He puts his pinky out towards her.
"Sorry, but the only person I do boy talk to is with Kat when it comes to secrets."
"So I take that as a yes. Come on, think of me like an older brother." He pats her leg.
"I only have an older sister." She tries to delay the conversation.
"Penelope, stop delaying your answer."
"As I told her, it's this little crush that just sits in the back of my mind and won't go away. BUT, nothing is ever going to happen. He's my best friend and I can't lose him. Besides Sam, that's all I got." She explains to him.
"I get it and I promise your secret will die with me." He makes her smile.
"Thanks bro." They both laugh and get to know each other even better while they wait for the others to return.
The others getting back let Corey pick where to eat since they felt bad for leaving him in the car longer than they meant to but they knew he had Penelope with him.
"I actually had fun in here for two hours. Penny and I took a 30-minute nap and got to know each other more. I'm basically her brother now." Corey laughs.
"Yeah, I finally have an older brother." She agrees.
At the buffet, Penelope doesn't eat much since her stomach still was a little blah. Colby kept an eye on her while they ate making sure she still ate something. He gets she wasn't feeling well but she still had to put something in her belly.
"Sis, you want dessert?" Corey gets up from the table.
"No thank you." She gives him a smile so he nods his head.
"Don't wanna risk it again?" Colby laughs.
"Yeah, and my belly is still blah so." She explains to him. "I'm guessing ice hit you in the face?" She points at his nose.
"Yeah, Sam got hit here." He shows on himself pointing at his chin.
"Did you have fun?"
"Yeah, scary but fun. I was a pro at climbing. You should've seen me. You would've been really impressed." He plays around with her acting all cool leaning back in his chair.
"Oh, you were? I'm sure I would've been super impressed by how good you were at it, but sadly I stayed in the car." She can't help but laugh at him.
"You'll regret staying in that car when you see the upload on what you missed out on."
"Stop flirting with my new sister, Colby." Corey takes a seat at the table finally after eavesdropping on them.
"How am is me saying I was a pro and she would be impressed flirting?" Colby asks him making Penelope laugh.
"It's not because of what you're saying it's because of how you say it and your body language, Colby." Corey explains to him.
Colby starts to mock him, "Hey, be nice to my new brother." Penelope hits his arm.
"You choose your new brother over your childhood best friend?" Colby's jaw drops.
"Depends." She plays along so Corey laughs at them as they play fight.
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bengiyo · 11 months
Theory of Love Rewatch Ep 5 Stray Thoughts
Last time, I realized I had memory holed much of this show and ended up enraged anew at Khai for toying with Third's feelings. ToL Lovers, y'all will need to wait and see because I hate that man so much right now because I went through the same shit as Third. Un and Two had some interactions about Two's crush on Lynn. Bone got stood up by his crush. We left at Third overhearing Khai and Bone discuss their testing of Third.
I hope Third moves out. Yelling at Khai, "You played with my emotions. If you don't know any better just leave me the fuck alone," is the closest he's come to admitting how he feels.
Ep.05 10 Things I Hate About You
Time for an ad, but first a masturbation joke!
Bone skipped editing class repeatedly? I must resist making the obvious joke about GMMTV shows.
Yes, Third, please move out! Interrupt all this talk about boobs! Nothing excites me more than a pair of large, heavy breasts.
Khai saying he'd be nicer to Third if he asked because he doesn't want to lose him is a Boy Lie. When you tell them to stop, they double down and get meaner and say you're too sensitive.
"Everything will be the same" is a classic romcom lie.
It was smart of this show to give Third a confidant within the friend group so that we resist wanting him to completely cut off the whole group.
I could not follow Third's reviews. All this sobbing would drive me up the wall.
Don't give up on your list, Third. Khai sucks in more than 10 ways!
Bone is putting all this effort into locating this film or testing his friend when he should be going to class! Hitting on girls? You should be hitting on books!
They got poor White and Mike sweating their asses off on this broken friend group scene.
GMMTV gets a lot of traction out of Earth staring way too hard at people.
Oh lord they went to a 4DX theater with moving seats.
At least Bone has enough grace to apologize to Third for what they did to him.
I'm with Third's anger. Sometimes you gotta find a way to hate your unrequited crush to move on. I know folks probably felt some kinda way about Third talking about Khai "whoring around" but I also dealt with the annoyance of a friend's romantic wake. It's tedious.
This writing team really understood bros. Your boys will deck you if you go too far and violate the group.
Oh lord, Third, can you please stop showering with all your goddamn clothes on when you're upset?
Third is so embarrassing. Khai did not apologize for the fundamental betrayal, and you're pretending to be okay because of a lower level fight? Come on, my dude.
Ah, right, this is when we get the teacher confirmation and I started to check out on this Bone thread.
Well, I'm not having the visceral reaction I had last time, thankfully. I don't think the show effectively closed the loop on the list of things Third hates about Khai for me this episode, and I think they muddled things about Third's jealousy with Khai's flings. I like that Bone now knows what's going on, and it's a bit reminiscent of Coffee Prince in that everyone around Khai now knows but Khai doesn't. However, I will not be feeling sympathy for that man any time soon. He yelled at Third for not answering his phone and being out all night when he shoved that man out of the house until after dawn for a girl. I ain't forget.
As always this rewatch was sponsored by @lurkingshan, with emotional support from @waitmyturtles and @neuroticbookworm. Tagging @twig-tea because I know they're invested in my rewatch.
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alarrytale · 11 months
Seeing larries kissing Louis' ass in his new post honestly just grosses me out. Do y'all not have any self-respect? Why are so many larries fine with being his punching bag, his scapegoat, being gaslit and manipulated, and having him add fuel to the larrie hate train? I love him too. But at some point, he has to realize this shit isn't okay. It's not okay to speak to your fans this way and disrespect them. To single one fan out. And to do it so publicly where the media can pick it up, where the solo louies & harries, antis, and gf stans can use it as ammunition against us. I can't even go on the pop culture subreddits I like bc of how badly the hate is against us. Not only was this a stupid fucking move before trying to sell tickets in LatAm but why in the world would you treat the fans who have stuck by you since the beginning this way? We've seen through the bullshit in both 1D and his solo career. We've seen through the false image that was painted of him, although now he seems more than happy to play along. We've tried to be there for both him (and H) because THEY made it very clear for YEARS that they were together, closeted, and fighting back. Look, I get it some larries are doing way too much with their theories esp the ones that think Louis, Harry, and T*ylor are all gay beasties who are going to bring down the industry together. But they started this shit. They encouraged fans to look deeper. They came up with the name Larry Stylinson, not us. They got the corresponding tattoos and made it very obvious, not us. Louis got the dagger. They did rbb and sbb, which really caused fans to start theorizing. Louis did the Spotify canvases that connected back to H and Larry. Louis did the promo (was it for Walls?) where we had to find the different locations, and they almost always had a Larry reference nearby (I know I didn't explain that example well). Louis specifically puts H and Larry references in his music that he knows we know about. He's the one that put out the Just Like You music video. He's the one that put Style on the wall of the Miss You video. They're the ones that continuously use blue and green lights. Louis specifically interacts with Larries and Larry related signs and flags at his show. I mean, the list goes on and on. So, if you want people to chill out on Larry, how about you stop feeding it? Because this whole back and forth is exhausting and mentally draining. I'm really fucking tired of being made the joke of this fandom by Louis when we've done nothing but see him for who he really is and love him for that. And now the harassment and death threats have skyrocketed from solos, hets, gf stans, stans of other fandoms, and people into pop culture. I'm tired of seeing mental health being used as an insult against us as well because Louis and Harry not only started this, they encouraged this behavior from larries for YEARS. And then you have people who used to be around them (from xf times) Rebecca and mainly Katie talking about how truly horrible XF, Syco, and Modest were. How truly manipulative. How horribly they treated everyone, esp the boys. I mean, she's even talked about how the boys still have some of the same people around them since the early days. I know she went after larries one time (maybe more bc I stopped listening to her after that), but she made sure to talk about them and basically say without saying that a lot of our theories about xf, management, and syco weren't far off. Others around them have played into Larry. So, why doesn't he tell them to stop. Like, stop going after fans for something you created and encouraged for years. Just ignore it until you're ready to come out, if that ever happens.
I do have a question. I know stunts suck and Harry has been stunting a lot. I know H*livia was extremely upsetting. But why do larries seem to get more people upset at Harry for doing a pap walk with T*ylor, or even the ones he did with OW where he was obviously miserable, then they do with Louis outright shitting on us - multiple times? I'd much rather see Louis have to do a pap walk or two with some girl than throw fans under the bus, you know what I mean? Because while stunting sucks, it's playing the Hollywood game and something they probably are required to do to uphold the het image. Choosing to shit on fans shouldn't even be on the table if we mean as much to you as you say.
Sorry for the rant and rambling. I'm just really hurt and have so many feelings and probably didn't express everything properly. I don't recognize this "Louis," and it's really put me off. I thought we were a team, and now I just feel completely unwanted by him.
Let it out, anon 🧡
I know this hurts, especially for those of you who haven't experienced this before. We shouldn't have to deal with this. I think most people are able to ignore it and move past it because they know he's closeted and why he's doing it. They know that Louis doesn't love them any less, despite what his public twitter account might suggest. We know he's got little agency and we know he's being made to do things against his will. We see past his image and actions.
I would prefer him stunting over lashing out against his fans too. Maybe that's not an option or maybe he didn’t have a choice. Either way it isn't okay. It wasn't okay in 2012 and it isn't okay now. The only thing we can do is stop supporting him and giving him our money. Some love him and want him to succeed, and fight with him against the chains holding him back. He won't be able to do that without larries. So they keep supporting him and live in hope that things will change for the better someday. It's up to you to decide what your limits are and what you can and can't support.
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