#stop the Palestinian genocide
*tenderly but forcefully grabs your face between my hands* Hey. Listen to me, and listen good. Palestine WILL be free. No matter how hopeless it seems. No matter how many tragic losses faced. Palestine WILL BE. It's not just that we can win, we WILL. Do you hear me? Don't lose fucking faith. Don't start fucking doubting, even for a second. Hold on to that certainty. River. To. Sea.
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crystalsandbubbletea · 6 months
As I sit in school, I cannot stop thinking about the people dying in Gaza because of Israel's genocide.
People are dying, and some people are either turning a blind eye, treating it as a trend, or saying they deserve to die.
Palestinians don't deserve to die, they are human like the rest of us. End Israel's genocidal campaign in Palestine.
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azulas-lightning-bolt · 3 months
so a couple people saw my post about the genocide in Palestine and how despite mandatory education on the genocide of the Holocaust the same systematic erasure of a culture is being actively funded by the ‘land of the free’ and many other places who claim to care about human life.
I’m not an adult. I’m not even in high school yet. How is it that I can sit at my phone and have a greater sense of injustice for these people, these innocent children and young adults and desperate people who are just like us, than the men who have lived six times my age? How is it possible that I have more empathy for the people being brutally tortured and murdered and exterminated like pests while not able to conceive what that suffering looks like than the people who have initiated it?
How is it that a man can burn himself alive screaming ‘Free Palestine’ and people still cannot find it in themselves to see Palestinians as human beings? It is not a war on Hamas Israel is ‘fighting’ anymore—it never was. And (correct me if I’m wrong) is Hamas not a group of the product of Isreal’s oppression, extermination, and expulsion of the people of Palestine for the last over 70 years? Does their land being stolen not remind you of the tears shed by Native Americans when Andrew Jackson was indifferent to their plight? Does the rounding up and bombing not remind you of innocent Jews herded into gas chambers and promised a shower (they said they would get food) and met only with death?
A week after I learned about the genocide of Palestinians, I looked at the list of deaths. It was too long for me to scroll through in an hour, and I was crying so hard I couldn’t continue. I promised myself I would think of one girl every day— Dima Khamis Sedqi Al-Madhoun. I never looked at her number. She deserves more than that. She was my age, a child, when she was murdered like an animal. What if she had liked to draw? Do you think she had a passion for writing? Maybe she was sewing a friend of hers a gift for their upcoming birthday, but she never got the chance to finish. She never will.
There was a girl named Ida who died in the Holocaust. I never looked at her number. She deserves more than that. She was my age, a child, when she was murdered like an animal. Her little brother survived. She never got to come home to him. Do you think she liked to draw? Do you think she had a passion for writing? Maybe she was sewing her brother a gift for his upcoming birthday, but she never got the chance to finish. She never will.
Are these girls really so different? They’re not very different from me. What sets me apart from them, so that I am still alive but they were not granted such a simple right? How is that fair?
I’ll still be posting stuff about my interests. But my heart and my mind are on Palestine and will be until the genocide stops and they are fully aided with recovery and every rotten hearted asshole who condemned them is burning in hell and even after that, because my heart and my mind are on every human being who is just like me in the heart that beats under their skin with passion and love and life and every human being who has been unfairly stripped of it.
Free Palestine. How much longer will the world turn their eyes away?
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tushtagtogo · 2 months
Almost half of Gaza's population is under age 18
Around 45% of Palestinians are children
Over 13,000 children murdered!
Everyday… innocent children are killed
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sm0k1ng-k1lls · 9 days
its genuinely really sad how the civillian population of 🍉 have to reach out to us by algorithm on social media for help after being denied help by many governments that choose to stand by and refuse assistance under the guise of neutrality or play the game of 'who started first'. regardless of 'fault', this is a war. a war does not impact governments. it impacts civillians the most, and in which the civillians in 🍉 are mostly children, we are standing by and watching them die. and being a minor myself, whose family does not give two fucks about the war because 'it's happening so far from us', it truly is heart wrenching to be unable to help them. its like a panopticon situation, where there's this one enclosure, which lays the whole genocide being played out and in all directions, all 360 degrees, are just people. the world. just watching and doing nothing. so continue boycotting. continue holding protests and marches. because the genocide needs to stop. the racial cleansing needs to stop. israel needs to stop. this is not okay. and when has the government ever listened to a protest that was peaceful and not disruptive in the whole of history? only when a protest or a march is loud and disrupts the politician's lives, then will the government change.
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crystalsclangencorner · 5 months
I will still be active on @crystalsandbubbletea and @crystalsandbubbletea-art, but all the posts there will STRICTLY be about Palestine
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river-to-sea · 4 months
Israel telling it's citizens to edit wikipedia pages to "preserve the truth and sanctity of Israel" has got to be a new level of desperation.
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zinaeleenyamin · 28 days
I'm Ahmed Alanqer, 34 years old, his wife Dina Alanqar, and their three children Zeina (7 years old), Eileen (6 years old), and Yamen (4 years old), have faced all the challenges brought by the war in Gaza🇵🇸❤️, but now they need our help to escape this tragedy.
- Yamen❤️
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- Eileen❤️
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- Zeina❤️
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- My Beautiful Family
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Ahmed worked as an accountant in a company, but with the escalation of the war, his professional life came to a halt, and his goods warehouse was burnt, along with his completely destroyed home. They fled to the north, but now they live in the tents of the displaced in Deir al-Balah.
- My Home Before The Nightmarish War
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- The House After..
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- Tent-life
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The situation is not easy, especially with his wife's upcoming childbirth and their fears of lack of healthcare and unhealthy conditions. Their children suffer from widespread diseases and long for their previous lives and schools.
Ahmed's goal is to leave the Gaza Strip to save his family's lives. The cost of travel for an adult is $5000, while the cost for each child is $2500, in addition to travel and accommodation expenses.
Together, we can provide support and assistance to Ahmed and his family in this ordeal. Your donation, no matter the size, can make a difference in the lives of these children who need a new chance to start over.❤️❤️❤️🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸❤️
Vetted by: @nabulsi
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zegalba · 6 months
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Valeria's Mission to Support Palestinians
Started a GoFundMe to help the Palestinian people. All funds will go to Palestinian aid organizations. Please consider donating, if you can, I don't even care if it's just a dollar. 😁🇵🇸❤️
Just couldn't sit idly by anymore and do nothing. I know it's a small thing but I'm hoping it can do same good. After what happened in Rafah that was carried out with US weapons it's just too much for me. So I'll do what I can to help the Palestinian people. I hope you will too.
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stephen-barry · 2 months
The war on Gaza is now a war on truth and the right to protest
The media’s role is to draw attention away from what the students are protesting – complicity in genocide – and engineer a moral panic to leave the genocide undisturbed..
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crystalsandbubbletea · 6 months
I completely forgot that Israel's genocide forces were making TikToks about their genocide against Palestine-
Disgusting, who in their right mind would make a video and be like "Heyyyy I'm killing civilians who don't deserve to die UwU"?
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oldbrownart · 15 days
8 months of Genocide and, 15,500 children killed
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30,000 orphans
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35,000 child amputees ( Gaza has the largest population of child amputees in the world)
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and there are people out there still justifying this??? like are you not human enough?
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northgazaupdates · 26 days
EMERGENCY!🚨Please do NOT scroll!
This is Alia and her son Yasser. Yasser, his mother, his 3 siblings, and his grandparents were displaced from north Gaza after their home was destroyed by the occupation several months ago. They are currently in Rafah, which is now under heavy bombardment by the occupation, and ground forces are closing in.
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Alia, Yasser, and their family have been struggling with hunger and sickness for months. Now, the occupation has illegally launched an aerial and ground offensive on Rafah.
As part of this attack, they bombed the place where Alia, Yasser, and their family were sheltering. A chunk of shrapnel pierced the thin wall of the tent in which all 7 family members are living and struck Yasser in the torso, seriously injuring him. He had to have major emergency surgery to remove the shrapnel from his small body.
Photo 1 shows where the shrapnel entered the tent, photo 2 shows where Yasser was struck, and photo 3 shows the piece of shrapnel after field surgeons recovered it from his torso.
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Due to the destruction of Gaza’s infrastructure and the worsened food crisis, Yasser’s recovery is heavily stymied. Medical infrastructure in Gaza has been almost completely destroyed, and the last functioning medical centers in Rafah are operating at minimal capacity. Yasser cannot get the treatment he needs, and he is in poor condition.
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Alia, Yasser, Alia’s other children, and her parents are trying to evacuate Gaza so that they can reach safety and Yasser can get the treatment he needs.
Rafah Crossing is still closed, but once it reopens, we want Alia, Yasser, and their family to evacuate. However, they are still very far behind their goal.
Please help this family find safety. If you cannot support them directly, please reblog this post, and repost this link (https://gofund.me/328c6d35) across your social media accounts.
Alia provided a full breakdown of costs on the campaign page.
Thank you
Thank you to @el-shab-hussein for verifying
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aichabouchareb · 5 months
Did you see the video where Israeli soldiers dressed up like Muslim women and doctors and stormed the hospital in the West Bank and assassinated 3 young Palestinians?⁣
Did you see the bloody pillow with the bullet hole in it?⁣
This video was taken just one day before Israel literally shot him in the face in his bed. ⁣
Just when you think they can’t get any lower, they do. I don’t care what lies they tell about this child, it is illegal EVERYWHERE to do what they did. ⁣
This kid had nothing to do with October 7th. And anything else he did, you simply aren’t allowed to go into a hospital and murder a paralyzed child. ⁣
It’s CRAZY that we even have to say this. ⁣
And the White House actually defended this today, but it was before this video was released. ⁣
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demolition-queen · 2 months
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Another baby was attacked by Israel. Torturing a baby? They're monsters, I hate all Israeli genocidaires and they supporters.
Zionism is a terrorism!
STOP zionism!
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