#story podcasts though ?
lickmycoffeecup · 17 days
I just remembered this story a dude told me while I was at a place, and he was helping me with a thing.
He told me a few stories while he was helping me.
This is not the most wild one, BUT.
So he says this guy comes in. He’s helping him, and while they’re standing there. HE SEES A SPIDER JUST CRAWL OUT OF THIS GUY’S HAIR. Dude is mildly horrified, and says something to the guy. Who just sort of pats at his head, making no real effort to get the thing. THEN THE GUY EVENTUALLY JUST LEAVES.
Pretty sure dude met an avatar of The Web
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raycatz · 2 months
I'm not including a situation where someone might be injured because in that case I'm thinking the bed goes to them by default or they are nominated for it. anyone who wants to be chatty goes to join the living room floor gang.
What are your thoughts and headcanons? Do you have thoughts on how the boys tend to approach assigning beds in inns? Who do the chain choose to sleep near when camping and why? What are their dynamics like when settling down for the night and getting ready for the day?
In "Mirror Vs Open Closet Door: Fight!" by Gintrinsic (here) Four refers to the chain's decision on how to split up between inn rooms as the "Link-per-room ratio" which I find very funny. He, Sky, and Time also talk about their thought process behind why they do or don't want to sleep in a room with some of the others which I find fun and interesting.
So! If you have thoughts and want to share them! *gestures to the post!*
#linked universe#linkeduniverse#alrighty! now for my answers-#for the ranch question I think it varies which is why I'm asking in a poll. What do you think happens most often though?#each answer is a fun scenario so it's difficult to choose#but I think they'd try to act politely around Malon and Time for the first couple visits with straws or rock paper scissors#or showing generosity by offering the bed to someone else. (I bet Malon saying they're charming is quite the incentive#for more possible compliments. The chain as a whole would want to prove her right xD )#Once they're more comfortable in the house though I can totally see Wind and Legend making a mad dash for it while Wars yells after them xD#Wind probably ends up sharing with Four a lot since they're the littles#or Wind snuggles in with Wars Legend Wild etc#Wild and Twi/Wolfie have claimed the spot on the floor by the fireplace.#For inn rooms / castle rooms / camping - I tend to group them by how they're grouped a lot already#but a lil mixed up#Time - Sky - Wars are the good rest trio. they want a good night's rest please let them get their beauty sleep. often joined by Four#Wars goes between this group and wherever Legend is depending on how chatty he is that night.#Twi - Wild - Hyrule are snuggle/proximity buddies#Legend is attached to Hyrule's hip or sets up near Warriors to gossip and gripe. I can also see him setting up near Wild#in the eye of the storm as it were or just an interesting place to be. Wild and Hyrule can get to chatting about everything and anything#so if Legend wants background noise (Hyrule and Wild podcast omg)-#or a conversation he can be half a part of and jump in and out of while getting ready for the night or in the mornings-#this is a good place to be. add Wind and things get a bit more chaotic.#Wind gravitates to Wars and Legend too when curious and chatty. He gravitates towards Time when he wants something calmer.#Four tends to be near Sky or Twi or to Legend's group for the same reasons#I can see Four and Twi having a little book club going during downtimes where they talk about what they're reading. Sky likes to listen. <3#Wind thinks they're nerds but so is he and he can't resist a good story so he orbits and sometimes settles in and peppers questions.#it's funny that Time Sky and Wars want to sleep the most but Legend follows Wars to chat (and ends up bringing people with him xD )#there could be some conflict there oooo#Twi is by Time#it's almost a circle but with clusters of sleeping bags near on top of each other and filling the gaps
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yearly reminder to listen to Zero Hours (2019). it's a seven-episode miniseries about the end of the world (or, six times it felt like the world was ending and one time it actually was), each installment set ninety-nine years apart (1722–2316).
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morganmnemonic · 3 months
Im watching The Magnus Archives for the first time at the behest of a friend and so far its just like
Episode 1: ok, fun little horror stories. Seems competently written, but I'm not sure how invested I'll get in a story who's format relegates plot and story progression to the background.
Episode 14: Bravo. This story really got to me. Being threatened with a future in which parts of you are removed one by one, and being powerless to stop it, just having to live with the knowledge that soon there will be nothing left? Horrifying. The Magnus Archives is a horror podcast and it does it well
Episode 16: Ok, I'm with Jon on this one. You are telling me that this guy was haunted and killed by the ghost of a vengeance addled spider? Thats ridiculous. What a way to go. It's almost funny.
Episode 34: bone apple teeth. I think I've solved it. The Magnus Archives is an absurdist comedy. The institute, a becon of knowledge and understanding, is being contrasted with these stories that defy the ability to be understood. They are researching the paranormal, which is an oxymoron. The primary humor comes from Jon, a rational skeptic failing to accept the reality of an irrational world. This contrast is further exemplified with occasional bouts of mundanity (Tim complaining about errors in recordings, Sasha pondering the pronunciation of calliope, martin not wearing trousers), which further highlight the Absurd. So many people witness events beyond their comprehension, horrific and wacky alike, and then have to just go back to their normal lives like nothing happened, and it's hilarious each and every time.
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My favorite genre of sci-fi is “small research team goes to a distant plant/star/space station/black hole/etc to study something weird there, and then the weird thing there Wrecks Their Shit.” Can’t get enough of it. “Small research team goes to a deep undersea research station” and “small research team goes to a deep Antarctic research station” are also very good variants of this as long as they get completely rekt by a weird mysterious alien thing there. I love it every time.
It is also important to note that these stories can range from “TPK” to “lone survivor” to “a few losses but most of the main characters come out of this harrowing ordeal alive, if changed” to “everyone survives this harrowing ordeal and they have a new friend now!” but the more characters survive the better the story better be. If it’s a TPK/lone survivor I eat this up and will love it no matter how bad it is (Underwater (2020) starring Kristen Stewart I am vaguing you here. Stupid movie. Saw it on the big screen and loved it). But if most/all of the cast survives, the writing and the story and the characters better be goddamn amazing (All Systems Red by Martha Wells and Wolf 359 by Gabriel Urbina and Sarah Shachat I am vaguing you here <3 )
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lemonlinelights · 2 months
So like I randomly chose to listen to The Edge of Sleep and going into the tag hoping for some fanart (which there is a lot of beautiful fanart) and finding out that there’s supposed to be a tv show and that there’s a book is NOT what I was expecting
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I haven’t properly delved into some horror in far too long, can y’all give me some recs? Pref anything actually good that came out in like the last five years movie wise but I am open to whatever. I know I still need to watch X and Pearl, but I’m sure some other good stuff came out that I also missed. Religious horror is my jam but I’m down for most subgenres.
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orchidbreezefc · 1 year
oh shit malevolent 29 went public i guess it's time to reveal my new previously-patron-only project!!!
bg for those unaware: each malevolent episode is first released on the patreon in 5 chapters. most chapters end in a decision for arthur (the first one was whether to shoot eddie in the first scene or try to reason with him, for example), and the patrons vote on what he chooses.
these choices are presented by an entity that sounds like john, whom we call booth!john because we envision him in a soundbooth handling the recordings. his bit is cut from the public episodes, but kayne has alluded to the polls and they seem to be what arthur means by the "gut feelings" that compel him to a certain course of action.
ANYWAY, WITH ALL THAT ESTABLISHED, the patreon poll for ch.143 (hide from collins in the crowd or try to trap him in the caboose and decouple it?) was so heavily debated that people started writing poetry about the whole affair, so my hand was forced aaaaand i started making limericks lmao
i've made one for every chapter since, and plan to continue doing them until i, uh, stop. enjoy my first batch of now-legally-publishable malimericks (malevericks?):
from 143:
there once was a murderer loose and some choices from voices in booths will you try to lay low or go derail your foe? because ruth wants you in the caboose  
[note: ruth is a patron who was VERY in favor of the caboose option lol]
our boys are in trouble once more (or so says the COC lore) the butcher draws near should we run or stay here? let's just hope he's not outside the door
[note: collins is a character from harlan’s previous call of cthulhu campaign!]
choose: scylla, charybdis, or circe? we could go sit back down with percy we also could try to face this murder guy but we don't know: will harlan have mercy?
lovers of violence rejoice! seems we'll get it whatever our choice do you vote for what's smart or just go with your heart? me, i just want 'caboose' in john's voice
there once was a man bound for york whose options then came to a fork cut the car in the back or jump onto the track you--wait THAT'S the choice??? i can't make a limerick about that what the fuck
if this little maneuver had failed arthur told john they just could have bailed good thing their attack sent the butcher off track because arthur just almost got railed
it's not your choice or his choice, kayne said (though who knows what goes through that guy's head) the patreon poll has a big story role but it might be to leave arthur dead
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hiveswap · 10 months
I was cooking just now and i had a realisation about spn & my mom told me that i am overthinking it like 2 sentences in. While i was making her pancakes. Anyway i'm fucking fuming so this is a post now.
Supernatural could have been an amazing critique of the american dream, and it's so close to actually being that. Only if it didn't lose track of itself over the 15 years it was airing.
Sam and Dean, and hunters in general, don't get to have the american dream. They don't get to have an education, a family, white picket fence suburban house, ect. (That is something that is actually said out loud!!! They long to have normal lives. Who's overthinking what here??) this is because of the way they were raised, the things they have seen, and all of the things that want them dead constantly.
They know what lies on the other side of the american dream, they know all of the ways that it fails people, and this follows them home whenever they try to settle down.
A lot of these threats are based on figures from religion (demons, angels, ect.) Which is fitting because American christianity is fucking vicious against anything it hates. Being part of a group of people that is hated by christians makes people's life hell. Actively resisting the conservative fundamentalist ideology that the usa was built on? Oh boy.
This is also part of why the people reading certain characters as queer are so fucking right. Making them part of an actually marginalised group instead of using Hunters as a stand-in for one would have delivered this message much better.
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crimeronan · 5 months
Do I know anything about the silt verses? No
Will I ever listen/read/watch (idk which one) to the silt verses? Also no (probably)
Am I invested anyways? Absolutely
IT'S VERY VERY VERY GOOD. it's an adult horror podcast that you can listen to for free anywhere you usually download/stream podcasts! i use overcast on my phone and spotify on my computer. if you prefer reading, there are also published transcripts on the website!
and if you don't feel like consuming it or don't have time or just can't get podcast media to stick in ur brain, you are Very Welcome to absorb me being insane about the cast by proxy. they are all horrible. and wonderful. and awful. and perfect.
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improbable-implosions · 8 months
It's true! I have a podcast, called Paper Cuts! The format is something I like to call Live Audiobook, where I go live, and read a book aloud to you, the audience! I then edit that down into what goes on the podcast feed.
Also, I have the book on screen during the stream AND it's in the vod, so people have a fallback to my automated captions!
We're live friday nights, generally, and specifically, this coming Friday, The 13th, is the launch of season 3 of the podcast! It's a new era for paper cuts, we're getting author permission for modern books to get air alongside the public domain classics that got us this far! I'm so excited to show off some more recently-made favorites of mine, and hopefully make some new favorites along the way, too!
Does the thought of a long backlog of episodes sound daunting to you? Don't worry about it, each time we start a new book, the episode is the title of the book, so there's plenty of places to start! We've done some of the big "english class" hits, like Dracula, The Cask of Amontillado, or The Picture of Dorian Grey, but also some weird little hidden gems I think you'll love, like The Five Jars, The Last Man, or even some issues of Astounding Stories!
Long story short, if you like audiobooks, you'll love them live, come drop by and enjoy Paper Cuts!
That's the link for when we go live!
And there's the podcast feed! (I'm also available in your podcatcher of choice, like spotify, or iTunes, for example!)
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lovers-instead · 1 year
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Studio Killers - Underneath My Raincoat (2023) 🐯
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The crew is turned into animals:
Juno-hound dog adjacent mutt with dark fur, plenty of scars, and the most freakishly strong sense of smell known to dog kind. He takes a long time warming up to folks, as pretty much all his social experiences are negative, but he still is a pack animal who loves with his whole being.
Nureyev- a semi-domesticated raccoon who some idiot decided to teach how to steal stuff as well as a bunch of other random things and which was then released out into the world to cause chaos.
Rita- a small lap dog with a smooshed in face or some other breeding horror and the intelligence of a human being who randomly showed up outside your door and refused to leave.
Vespa- cat. This is an ex-barn cat who is domesticated enough to associate humans with food, but not enough to not bite anyone who tries to pet her before the six year mark.
Buddy- a wolf kicked out of her family who understands that teamwork is the secret to survival and who has therefore built herself a family of her own.
Jet- He's an old bear, big and intimidating, but ultimately not going to attack unprovoked. He's tired from his younger years and is not naturally that social, though he's learned. He's brighter than folks give him credit for.
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ashes-in-a-jar · 1 year
Listened to all of Borrasca over the weekend, regretted every minute of it
I'm now beginning a first time listen through of wolf 359
Wish me luck
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partiallithopseffect · 2 months
listening to energy of the daleks and thinking about leela in trainers
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a-passing-storm · 3 months
I have started listening to The Magnus Archives and, like!!! OOH!!! I GET THE HYPE!!! WHY DID I WAIT SO LONG TO START???
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