#stranger things for ts
idiopath-fic-smile · 1 year
second to last song on this album babyyy we're gonna finish it!
many thanks to @bienmoreau for the album art; i think i forgot to thank you last time, sorry! check out @greenlikethesea's most recent entry in this series if you wanna get your heart broken but this is tumblr so y'know, probably you do.
"Will the Wise" is the first track off Eddie's third album in @greatunironic's seminal steddie fic the most remarkable thing. i thought that was a fascinating choice of an opener. will of course becomes a professional writer in the most remarkable thing 'verse, so even beyond the experience of having been queer in hawkins, he and eddie would have a fair amount to bond over once they started talking.
this is meant to be a song where eddie really stretches his songwriting muscles and tries to force himself to write about something, anything other than steve, BUT i do feel compelled to add that i think eddie is really impressed that will at least tried to confess romantic feelings for mike, because eddie still finds the prospect of doing the same with steve entirely unimaginable. i think will would probably not describe himself as brave, but that eddie very much sees him that way. also, surviving everything will's survived is arguably metal as hell.
this is a song about queer friendships and creative friendships and, metatextually, about so admiring a friend for something they do (transmute painful emotions into making something) that you kind of miss that you are doing the same thing! also a lot of things rhyme with "wise" so of course that helped.
Take a moment take a breath a vict'ry lap: yeah not dead yet 'cause we are out here cheating death til it comes to collect
make a promise make a start make it past your hungry heart sing, muse of a kid so smart he sees you as you are
Will the wise knows my disguise he's walked the road I stumble down a fort, a heavy crown a pen becomes his saber
Will the wise can recognize they've called him every shitty name but he fought past the shame the colors on the paper…
rolling onward roll the die roll with it yeah, low or high square it up, or at least try even if you just scrape by
Will the wise with ageless eyes he tells me he's not sleeping he's seen the nightmares creeping the shapes stole out of vapor
Will the wise can alchemize pain straight into paint, and when my hope is fading, the colors on the paper the colors on the paper the colors on the paper...
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karadanverss · 7 months
I would like to know about stoncy parents 👀
So this is going to be a direct follow up to a piece I did for Stoncy week this summer! Up All Night! This particular installment is about juggling their new relationship, the baby, and now Steve's parents getting added to the mix!
I'm happy to share a snippet of what I have so far!
“Are you two going to be joining us for dinner?” Jonathan asked after the travel talk finally ceased.   “I’m not sure—” “Jon, you don’t have to—” Steve and his father began in tandem. “What a lovely idea,”  Maggie said, shooting both Steve and Robert disapproving looks.  “We’d love to catch up more with Steve and learn more about this… arrangement.” Jonathan’s face paled a bit as he gave Steve a nervous glance.  “I hope you’re okay with spaghetti.  I’m making a sauce—I could see if we have enough ingredients for lasagna or—” “Spaghetti is fine, Jon…athan.  Thanks,” Steve said, answering for his parents.  He was not about to make Jonathan go to all that trouble for his parents who had invited themselves over to the house in the first place.  “But… maybe we should call Nance… to see if she has a preference.” Oh no.  He shouldn’t have said that.  He was doing so well, and he just wanted to give Jon a subtle way to warn her but… his parents immediately perked up at that, staring him down. “Nancy…Wheeler?” His mother asked, her eyebrows raised as she stared at him. “Or is it Byers now?” Robert asked shooting a look at Jonathan. “Uh…” Jonathan froze. Steve saw it, his mother’s eyes immediately zeroed in on Jonathan’s ring finger.  No ring.  All that legwork was out the window.  Sure, his father could be as unfaithful as he wanted without consequence, but the idea of having a baby out of wedlock was too scandalous for Margaret Harrington. Steve sighed.  “Yeah, that Nancy,” he said, scratching the back of his neck.  “And I don’t think their marital status is really any of our business.” Jonathan gave him an appreciative look at that.  “Yeah, I’ll give her a quick call to check.”  He excused himself walking up the steps to call from the bedroom.  Good.  Smart. “Steven, they have a child,” Maggie scolded him.  “You cannot still be trying to win over Nancy Wheeler—married or not—” “Mom, that’s not—” Robert let out a disapproving sigh.  “Honestly, son.  When I told you to try and apply yourself and start a career, I didn’t mean for you to move in with your ex and her new… whatever they are.  This is not going to end well—” “It’s not like that,” Steve snapped, pushing his hair back from his face in frustration. 
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septembersghost · 2 years
i hesitate to ask this bc i don't keep up with str*nger th*ngs fandom as a lot of it freaks me out (the sheer amount of creepiness and hatred directed at actual children/young adult actors is not okay), but what's going on with grace van dien? she's so cute and precious and is barely in the show, what on earth is she getting hatred about?
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hellsbellschime · 2 years
About the Billy and racism post, I mentioned it because I remember you wrote a post about whether you thought Billy was racist. I don't remember it ever being explicitly said for sure on the show whether he was or not. I don't understand their reasoning for not making it obvious if that's what they're now saying. Like why make it ambiguous on the show.
I mean yeah, like I think you can obviously extrapolate given that he's sexist and being raised by a homophobe that he is also racist, but I don't really fuck with the whole twitter canon thing, i.e. if it's not in the show or if you specifically edit it out of the show then your prior intention doesn't matter all that much.
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eternalgirlscout · 2 years
I could have sworn I saw your Winona post like two years ago but the time stamp says it was like May of this year?? Is that right??
lmao yep i only made that post when i was like halfway through the first episode of season 4 and remembered How Stranger Things Is. i have definitely said similar things before but i don't remember if i ever posted anything to that effect on tumblr
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kedreeva · 2 years
For those of you not watching along at home, Steve Harrington actually did not bite the head off of a demobat. I know Eddie references Ozzy Osbourne biting the head off a bat when he's talking about what Steve did, but Steve didn't do that. The bats were too large for him to have done that.
What Steve DID do was sink his teeth into the long, serrated tail a demobat had around his neck, causing it to release him from its stranglehold as it tries to escape him. What he DID do is grab it by that serrated tail - because he's not trapped in upside down with them, they're trapped in here with him - and swing it in an arc to bash its head against the ground 3 times before he stepped on one side of it and pulled on its tail until he fully just ripped the thing in half.
Then he spat the blood from the tail out of his mouth and looked around for the next one.
It goes far beyond biting a monster's head off. He fuckin' obliterated it. With his literally bare hands and feet, he was not even wearing shoes. Or a shirt. I feel like it's important we all understand he wasn't even feral enough for head biting. He was just fed up with being fed on, and was not going to take any chances.
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sersi · 2 months
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FALLOUT (2024 - ) 1.07: The Radio dirs. Frederick E.O. Toye and Clare Kilner
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scifibisexuals · 2 years
i s2g some fans needs to learn the difference between a queer-coded character vs reading a character to be queer
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elisabeth-forbes · 2 years
literally the first thing I saw about vol 2 was someone saying it pulled a GOT season 8
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royal-they · 4 months
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doodle for you :) ☀️
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lordystrange · 9 months
If Stranger Things was meant to be a basic ”a nerd falls in love with a superpowered girl” story, they would’ve could’ve should’ve written it about Henderhop.
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idiopath-fic-smile · 1 year
yet another song inspired by fictitious band The Shotguns from @greatunironic's steddie epic the most remarkable thing about you standing in the doorway is that it’s you. by my count, this is the eighteenth(!) song @greenlikethesea or i have written in this universe, which is genuinely blowing my mind. thanks @melrows for the album art and a huge thank you to everyone still listening!
especially in the context of the fic's timeline (as i've noted elsewhere, this album in '96 is the first after uncle wayne dies in '95) this song title struck me as almost impossibly lonely. what would it mean to know beyond a doubt that the paranormal is real, and yet still be unable to contact anyone who has passed on from this world? on the other hand, canonically in the fic, joyce and steve were the ones who arranged the funeral when ed couldn't wrap his mind around it at first, so this moment is both crushingly sad but also kind of lit around the edges by love. the duality of that interested me, and here's what i came up with. lyrics under the cut!
LYRICS Somebody tap on a windowpane somebody hum an old tragic refrain somebody make a cold space I can step inside
Flicker the lights when I get tired, set this whole fucking place on fire I'll take it, any signal, any sign
CHORUS Curse me Hex me Whisper in the dial tone Plague me Vex me Just don't leave me here alone
A Ouija board and an empty flask, Are guiding hands too much to ask? but stillness, all the spirits long consumed
After it all, what's got me scared the chance of nothing lurking there we've got no way to fight an empty room
The first man to say that it's ok for my heart to beat that way —the shock of that kindness, even now
so it's all gone to the unknown his voice from a borrowed phone to tell me, “Ed, you know I'm proud”
CHORUS Alone Alone Alone The voices of the living tell me I've forgiven The voices of the living say “we called, everyone's on their way” The voices of the living Oh, I've gotta take them with me The voices of the living sow The seeds that say we're not alone Alone Alone Alone
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karadanverss · 9 months
WIP Wednesday
I was tagged by @oh-stars and @lady-lostmind (maybe several times that I forgot) but I'm here to do The Lady-Lostmind Edition of WIP Wednesday.
Word game: Send me a word and if it’s in my fic I’ll post the snippet it’s in. If not I’ll write three sentences and post those.
Scene game: Send me a pair (or group) of characters and if there’s a scene between the two (or more) of them I’ll post the snippet. If not three new sentences.
Chapter snippets: Send me a chapter number and (if I have it) I’ll post a snippet and do a quick edit session on the chapter.
Trope game: Send me a trope you think is in my fic. If it is I’ll post the snippet. If not three new sentences.
Send the ‘game’ you want with any of the following:
Stoncy Parents
Jargyle One-Shot
A Siren's Refrain (I can't share anything from this as it is part of an upcoming event but I can add to it and share from either of the other docs)
Tagging: @melsmalone @wendydarlingfics @lady-lostmind and anyone else who wants to do it. (No pressure)
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kidovna · 2 years
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love the idea of mike trying to flirt and will always accidentally outdoing him
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hellsbellschime · 2 years
Not to be dramatic but I would die for Eddie and Argyle
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greenfiend · 1 month
What others want: El to be happy and accepting of Byler immediately.
What I want: DRAMA, ARGUMENTS, ACCUSATIONS, then acceptance.
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