#strawberry creates
strawberrylemonz · 2 years
Memories In The Stars - Revived - Birds Of A Feather
Ch. 1
Ch. 3
Tommy was hesitant to grab the elytra from Grian. Wanting to keep the boy comfortable and sane, he was ready to retract the offer, only to be startled by Tommy’s quick movement. Tommy snatched the elytra, slipping it on. Pressing his lips together, a glassy look covered his face as he nodded. Grasping the map, he nodded over to Grian.
“Well? Let’s get going.”
Grian led the way, his wings ready to take flight. Turning to the teen, he gave a small smile.
“Need some tips on how to-“
Tommy didn’t waste any time staying on the ground. Grian was baffled by how quick Tommy was to take to the air. Letting out a little laugh, Grian took off, catching up to the teen.
“You seem knowledgeable. Did you have an elytra back home?”
Tommy went rigid at the word “home”, momentarily throwing him off. Shaking his head as he began to glide to the ground, he came to a walking stop as he frowned.
“No, the End’s entrances were destroyed. Besides, no one in that server knows what the End is.”
“No End? That’s weird given that you seem to fly well.”
“This isn’t flying.”
Grian was taken aback at Tommy’s bluntness. The boy in question stared at Grian, a longing look on his face. It was only when Tommy played with the Elytra binding that Grian realized that he wasn’t looking at him, but at his wings. Eyes widening with realization, Grian turned back to Tommy, who appeared misty eyed. Trying to think of a way to comfort the kid, Grian couldn’t help but notice something no one saw beforehand: Tommy’s eyes were multiple shades of blue, all at once. If you looked close enough, it was almost like the colors were moving. It was only when Tommy sniffled, and rubbed his face that Grian snapped out of it. Shaking his head, Grian felt his own wings twitch as he nodded to Tommy.
“What color were they?”
Tommy looked up, confused. Grian just smiled, motioning to his own wings.
“I’m talking about your wings, kid. What color were they?”
“I’m not a kid.”
Grian snorted at the blunt statement, Tommy’s sad eyes replaced with feigned annoyance.  He ran a hand through his hair, which was getting longer and disheveled.
“I had white wings, with a red tint.”
“Almost like your shirt!”
Tommy erupted into a fit of laughter, finding amusement in Grian’s little excited look as he pointed to the boy’s shirt. Grian’s excitement grew into genuine joy, laughing happily that Tommy was laughing. The two took a moment to calm down. Humming, Grian dug out some fireworks from his inventory. Tommy’s laughter came to an abrupt stop as Grian held the fireworks out to him.
“Tommy? What’s wrong?”
Tommy stuttered out nonsense, not making any sense.
“Tommy, it’s just fireworks. What is it?”
Putting away the fireworks, Grian went to grab Tommy, only to stop himself. Shaking his head, he tried to help the kid calm down. After a moment, Tommy just nodded.
“Yeah, sorry about that, Big Man. It’s just that I don’t think I recovered from my last interaction with fireworks. I just keep remembering the noise.”
“Hey, it’s fine. You don’t have to apologize, Tommy. Hey, tell you what, let’s explore the map another day, okay? Before then, I’ll make some silent fireworks.”
“Yeah, anything to help you feel more comfortable.”
With that, Grian and Tommy retreated back into the avian’s house.
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y-ves · 3 months
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( @bywons ) — strawberries with chocolates ft. soobin .. ♡    
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i like to think that rachel would paint pictures of people she saw and all the book characters she read about
she would go to pottery places and paint monets on bowls to give to camp halfblood. and they would give her suggestions for what she could paint.
she would help the aphrodite kids bleach and tiedye their camp shirts, towels and sheets. they would teach her how to make natural paints and makeup from flowers and fruits
she would make murals on the sides of the training equipment with the apollo and hermes kids. she would help the demeter kids make clay handles for their gardening tools and paint them whatever they wanted.
she would be everyone’s best friend. even clarisse would secretly go to pottery with her
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l-e-i-k-o · 10 months
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ryllen · 8 months
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[ But i wish, the '"interesting" him' I am talking to right now, Hold some part of truth of the 'true him'. ]
( a bit of thought after seeing their 2 interactions on x & x )
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huntinglove · 2 months
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"They died because God said they must"
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ladybugtrait · 12 days
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Hi there ,
Today we're recreating three new characters of Strawberry Shortcake show
First downloadable girl is Orange Blossom  (you can see 2 more characters in my youtube video and those two will be available for download soon)
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Don't forget to like , comment and SUBSCRIBE so that I can continue making the video for you guys!
We have 3 OUTFITS
CC folder included!!
How to install:
1. Download custom content folder here
2. Put "Mods" in your "Mods" folder
2. Put "Tray files" in your "Tray" folder
3. Enjoy it ♥
Hope you enjoy  <3
All credits to CC creators!
@ladybugtrait , @sentate , @poyopoyosim , @sims3melancholic , @northernsiberiawinds , @magic-bot , @obscurus-sims , @pralinesims , @jius-sims , @marsosims , @simandy , @goamazons , @newen092 , @enriques4 , @eunosims , @miikocc
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mini-ghostly · 4 months
Orange Blossom!!!!!!!!!
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she is my favourite!!!!!! she so cool, i think she is neat! im really really enjoying wating strawberry shortcake lately. watched a little with my friends and now im watching it allllllll the time
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cosmic--static · 1 year
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someone mixed the lord of dream's robe with the red cloths and now he's pink
absolutely is based on the can of monster i saw today
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Soo,, I've been watching some of the witch's castle lore (thank you Royal Mike) and I just can't get this idea outta my mind..
The First Counsel of Everything AU
(In this AU, Witch's Castle came before Kingdom, and the gingercrew are basically stuck in a cycle of being rebaked as normal cookies until the counsel is needed again.)
The Counsel members (the gingergang) bellow the cut.
Gingerbrave - The Happy Emperor of Shadows.
The ruler of all shadow and darkness! Even if some of his recent subjects may not know it, though the oldest shadows that knew his rule definitely hope for his return again! With such a smile and kind personality, he made the shadows and darkness just as safe of a place that the light was, such a contrast to what it sadly is today. Debatably the leader of the counsel.
Strawberry Cookie - Queen of Imagination.
The shy ruler of all creativity, imagination, and dreams. Beloved by her subjects in the land of dreams, as she herself understands the love and care that goes into every art, even the ones baked up in the mind! Her thoughts can blend and bleed into the world by portals, making her a power house among the counsel. What she reigns over may never be in danger, but she will always spring back in to aid her friends and counsel!
Wizard Cookie - High Wizard of Insight.
No doubt deserving of his title, this High Wizard is the head of all magic, magical beings, and the smarts, too. He never seems to get a spell wrong, nor forget a face! The ones who follow his teachings can't deny that he's fit for the head of all magic. After all, what's a better fit than the one who got magic into every cookies' hands and books! His return is expected, as magic is in everything these days, and he is undeniably the brain of the counsel.
Gingerbright - Empress of Harmony.
The empress of all connections and harmony! All who can live in peace and friendship or thrive in their life with a bond, those are her subjects. Spirits and ghosts await her return, waiting for the cheerful giggles and unhinged sneers of command to lead them and the ones without leaders to whatever or wherever she will go. She is as kind, clever, and sweet as she is as threatening, and all who made an enemy of her sweat and tremble at the thought of her return. She seeks fun and adventure, and with her unity and harmony under soon threat, she no doubt will be with the rest of the counsel to stop the overflowing havoc to come.
Gingerdozer - Soft Emperor of Light.
Appearing the least, but no less one of the most vital, this is the ruler of light and divine. Few of his subjects know of him, but he is loved by those of his subjects who do. The boy's smile was said to have been able to bring light to a dark room and hope to the hopeless. The unity between light and dark came from his bond with his brother, and he kept the light in balance with the shadows. With how his divine light has changed for the worst, he is bound to wake and return the sharp, overwhelming light back to a soft, warm glow. Just as the counsel's second in command should!
I love them all so much plz feel free to ask literally anything about them.
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strawberrylemonz · 2 years
And Then He Said “I Love You” Chapter 1: Crossing the Threshold
Ch. 2
“Dad! Look! There’s something in the flower field!”
Phil hummed, looking out from the porch of his house. Holding his youngest son in one arm, he stepped down the stairs and walked down the stone path. Setting Tommy down, he joined his ten year old sons. Techno momentarily peered over to his baby brother, watching as the toddler happily stared at the flowers. Wilbur just pointed over to the field, guiding his father’s gaze. Over in an elevated area was something shining.
“We tried working together to get to whatever it is, but we can’t grab it.”
“Alright, just wait here and watch your brother.”
Expanding his wings, Phil took off to see the mysterious item. Reaching out, he tugged against the weeds and dirt, pulling out the object. Landing on the ground, he wiped away the dirt, only to find himself confused. There, in his hands, was a golden key. It wasn’t just any key, however, it was the exact key to the jukebox he had in the family room. Frowning, he turned around to face his sons.
“Did you guys lose the-”
In an instant, everything changed. Phil felt the ground below him rumble, before caving in. His son’s screams faintly reached his ears as he fell, darkness consuming him. In an instant, he was gone.
It was done, the crater was made. The smell of ash was fresh in the air as the ground that L’manburg once stood on was demolished. Dream’s laughter was still fresh in everyone’s ears, Technoblade and Philza still at the scene of the crime. Before any more words could be said, the sky above the grid shimmered. The world shook as the bedrock began to rise. The clouds swirled, reaching for the ground as the ground rose to meet it. Shimmers and flowers flew around the strange funnel as a loud wind filled everyone’s ears. Then, at the very moment the sky touched the ground, it stopped. Everyone was stunned as the world returned to normal, no sign of the phenomenal to be seen. As everyone turned to the sky, Tommy was the only one to look to the ground. His eyes widened as the small shape of a familiar figure laid at the bottom of the crater, right beside the flag that refused to fall.
“Tommy! Wait!”
Everyone turned to Tubbo, who was reaching out for his best friend. Tommy didn’t react to the yell, opting to continue his actions. Booking it to the crater, he jumped off the edge, Tubbo screaming in fear from behind him. The youngest Craft could only focus on his task at hand. Narrowing his eyes, he let out a soft, relieved sigh as he landed in the waterfall, riding the water down to the bottom. Once there, he stumbled to his feet as he ran once more. Shaking his head in an attempt to get the water out, he slid to a stop as he approached the body. Hesitating for a moment, he carefully laid beside the familiar body. Narrowing his eyes, he used his hand to move the man’s hair out of his face. A gasp escaped his throat as he pulled away, sitting up in confusion.
“Tommy! What the hell are you-”
“Tubbo, I think this is Philza.”
Ringing was all he could hear. He felt himself being moved around. The ringing slowly faded, replaced by confused voices and arguing. Blinking his eyes, he groaned as he opened his eyes. Next thing he knew, he could see weapons in his vision field.
“What the fuck!”
He sat up, backing away from whatever the fuck he was seeing. He felt his back hit a pole, but he didn’t bother looking at it. Standing up, he summoned the sword he always carried with him from his inventory, he held it out in front of him as he spoke out to the unfamiliar faces before him.
  “Listen here, I don’t know who you fucks are, but if you did anything to harm my family, I will slaughter you all where you stand.”
He scanned the crowd of hesitant faces, his determined eyes unwavering. It wasn’t until his eyes landed on a pair of teens that he faltered. His eyes softened as he stared at the taller teen, not able to shake the feeling of familiarity from him. It was when he looked into the boy’s eyes that he felt that his gut feeling was correct. The tired and raggedy looking kid in front of him mirrored his bright and cheery son.
The boy blinked back, flinching at the sound of his own name. Before Phil could say anything else, he was interrupted by his own voice.
“What the fuck?”
Turning around, his sword was raised once more, only for him to lower it in an instant. There, flying down to the bottom, was himself. And there, being carried by his other self, was what looked to be one of his elder sons.
Yup, definitely his son.
After he was done explaining his predicament, everyone opted to leave the crater. Using tridents and enderpearls and the waterfall, everyone slowly made their way out of the hole. Technoblade let Philza fly him out, the two bidding farewell to the younger Phil after giving him a compass to their house. Just as Phil was about to fly out of the house and figure out what to do, he caught sight of two certain teens who did not move.
  Tommy sat on the bedrock, muttering words to his friend, Tubbo, as he stared at the battered flag. Tubbo, a kid Phil hadn’t heard of yet, just sat next to him, also staring at the flag. After a moment, the smaller teen sighed, finally standing up.
  “Come on, Big Man, let’s go.”
Just as Tommy moved to stand up, Phil approached the two, giving the jittery boys a smile.
  “Hey, you two need a lift?”
Tubbo pressed his lips together, holding onto Tommy in an almost protective manner. Tommy just blankly stared at Phil. He stood there, studying Phil, before letting his shoulders drop. Nudging Tubbo, he nodded as he cleared his throat.
“Yeah, okay, just don’t drop and kill us, okay?”
“Wouldn’t dream of it, mate.”
Holding onto both boys, he took off in an instant. He felt both boys hold onto him, almost panicking. Not wanting them to get too scared, he momentarily stopped midair, before gliding down to the wooden pathway. Extending his legs, he walked until he came to a complete stop. Letting go of the boys, he smiled as they muttered their thanks. He tried to not let it get to him, but the idea of Tommy not used to flying was strange to him.
  “You sure?”
Phil watched as the Tubbo boy questioned Tommy. The two stood there, Tubbo’s hand on Tommy’s sleeve, staring at each other. The silence continued as they stared, before it was broken by Tubbo. Sighing, the shorter boy nodded, letting go of his tall friend. Tommy hesitated, before opening his arms, something that made Tubbo light up in an instant. The two boys hugged, neither one commenting on the tense posture Tommy had, nor how he flinched upon contact. They just stood there, hugging. If Phil didn’t know any better, it was almost as if the two hadn’t hugged in a long while.
It took a while, but the two finally pulled away. With small smiles, the two separated, with Tommy staying on the path as Tubbo walked away. Tommy just silently stared at his friend, watching until there was no one else to watch. Sighing, he pivoted on his feet and began to walk. Phil’s wings twitched a bit, feathers fluttering to the ground.
“Ah, Tommy! Hold on, Baby Bird!”
The teen froze on the spot. If Phil could see his face, he’d see his eyes widened in shock at the use of the nickname. Clearing his throat, Tommy turned to face him, a hesitant and wavering smile on his face.
“Phil, Big Man! Didn’t realize you were still here! Is there anything you need?”
The question took him by surprise. Not the question itself, of course, but the way he was being addressed. Back home, even his eldest sons referred to him as “dad”, his tiny Tommy happily calling him “papa”. It was a change he definitely wasn’t fond with, but he decided not to bring it up, for Tommy’s sake. Keeping a kind smile on his face, he nodded.
“Yeah, mate, I sure could use your help. I don’t really know this server, so I was wondering if you could help me with gathering materials? I’d like a temporary house while I try to get home.”
“You want my help?”
“Of course, mate! You’re Tommy, I trust you!”
The boy blinked in surprise. If Phil didn’t know any better, it was almost as if he didn’t expect the words. Pushing that unsettling feeling aside, he stood patiently for a response. Tommy fidgeted a bit, before nodding with a small, genuine smile.
“Yeah, okay, I’ll help you.”
Phil didn’t know much of how things were in this time, but he did know that one thing was for sure: Tommy was unhappy here. He had no idea why his other self or his other sons (wherever this version of Wilbur was) weren’t trying to help. All he knew for certain is that he himself, Philza Minecraft, father of 3, would do anything to keep a smile on his son’s face.
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hotcinnamonsunset · 10 months
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fresh picked🍓
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magicalsookie · 9 months
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strawberry :] !! 🍓
artists/brands used i could credit: amifa, legami, lita planet, ctop, gaia, manta box, studio fondue, mt masking tape
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corseque · 7 months
I want to grow an enormous amount of strawberries so badly it is causing me physical pain. I need a strawberry plant that I can endlessly clone into infinite strawberries right now as soon as possible
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Would Strawberry Shortcake from the Strawberry Shortcake series be an avatar of The Berried?
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This is my favorite submission so far, it's going on the break room's fridge :) -Mod Alchemie ⚖️
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huntinglove · 20 days
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It's not as sweet as you~ 💚
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