#structural biology online course
blossomonlinehk · 1 year
IB Math Online Course in Hong Kong - Blossom
Blossom is one of the best online International Baccalaureate (IB) Courses platforms in Hong Kong and offers Ib math, ib physics, biology, computer science, molecular biology, cell biology and structural biology ib course. You can get all IB courses detail by visiting their website.
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morrak · 1 year
Untitled Wednesday Library Series, Part 114
Today's feature has been riding pine since Part 2 — I've glanced at it sidelong every week for two years and change, but the time has never felt right. It doesn't feel right now either, but I recently gave it a reread and might as well get it over with while the memory is fresh. This is a personal pseudo-favorite and probably one of the only things I own that could be called infamous (though admittedly only by a certain type of guy), but it's not especially easy to sum up.
A New Bacteriology, right? Originally published in 1980 as Introduction à la nouvelle bactériologie by the University of Montreal Press, this text has probably saw more distribution in this 1983 English translation under Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc. The frontmatter cites the whole 'staff for this book'; like last week I'll include a photo with the cover shots.
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Evidently there exists an ISBN for a clothbound edition, but I’ve only ever seen the paperbacks.
The How
I probably first encountered the title in a David Quammen book or something, but I didn't hunt down a copy until I made friends with a former professor in the philosophy of biology. He didn't/doesn't work on systematics, but somehow or another this got mentioned and I found a used copy on eBay. This has never been reprinted and scans are scarce; these days the online secondhand market seems spooky. As always, let me know if you want a look inside and I'll hook you up.
The Text
I can't say much about either author — Panisset died in '81 and I frankly haven't bothered to track down any of Sonea's other stuff. Microbiologists both, of course, working while the field was in profound flux. Endosymbiotic theory had only been substantiated by Lynn Margulis in '67, and Archaea weren't defined until a decade later, in the early stages of this book's composition. Both of those are important here.
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This is not a gentle book. It's a manifesto with several interests, most salient of which is the argument that various modes of horizontal gene transfer, limited local genetic information, and co-evolution of bacterial 'teams' makes all 'bacteria' (these days we'd say prokaryotes; the usually mean to include what we'd now call Archaea) parts of a global superorganism. Under this view, species are bunk; bacteriophages are less virus and more a tool of bacterial evolution; most microbiologists are basically close-minded. Oh, and because of all of that, the Gaia hypothesis is correct. There's a lot going on here. Lynn Margulis wrote the intro to this version and is mentioned several times throughout, if you can imagine that. I do not have enough space here to say all I want to about that and her, so let it suffice that it makes complete sense she went to bat for this.
If the book is interesting for anything, it's the way it goes about structuring its arguments. It is basically a philosophical artifact; there's no new wet work going on at all, and appeals to, say, numbers and novel observations and discrete mechanisms are sparse. That it works like a philosophy of biology book but is aimed at biologists as such is probably its greatest rhetorical weakness (if you’re not counting the usually Gaia stuff). There are some fascinating rhetorical slants going on around gene transfer mechanisms that I'll mention exist; say so if you want to hear more.
If their gripes about their field hold any water, there are some deep and complicated implications for the rest of biology in light of work done since the 80s. The conclusions drawn here are often silly, mostly toothless, and politically a bit dicey, but some of their insights have (through other channels, usually with different flavors) come to widespread, if tacit, acceptance anyway. I think I'm comfortable calling this recommended, but certainly not endorsed, reading.
The Object
Eh. Small publishing house doing what it could with a rather complicated job. The typesetting and printing is completely adequate but a little frustrating in the way that basically all biology writing is. The early 80s were especially bland in scientific publishing; absolutely no frills or risky moves. A bit of a shame, but I'm used to the disappointment.
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This copy needs repairs, but not so urgently I'll likely have them made any time soon. It's stable, at least for another decade or so. Interestingly a previous owner made notes in French.
The Why, Though?
Because I expected it to give me complicated feelings and also because it did. As a bonus, if I ever need to launder my sympathies for systematic radicalism as a passing academic interest, having a slightly ratty copy of this on my shelf will probably do the trick.
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zzhhbloom · 1 year
demon (or world's best matchmaker?)
≡ᶻᶻ༄ synopsis: a demon from the underworld (read: an owl) has invaded your room. despite your best efforts (involving a lot of running around and deep breaths and textbook projectiles), you resolved to running out of your room after you exhausted your best methods for an exorcism. and unfortunately for you, you ran into hallway crush lee heeseung, who, fortunately for you, was more than willing to assist you in getting your room back.
≡ᶻᶻ༄ genre: heeseung x gn! reader || college!au || acquantainces to friends au || mostly crack and a sprinkle of fluff?
≡ᶻᶻ༄ warnings: cussing and really weird sentence structure that barely make sense im sorry lmao. also y/n is a total scatterbrain and a simp
≡ᶻᶻ༄ word count: ~1.9k
≡ᶻᶻ༄ a/n: i~~~ haven't posted in a while but here we are. a lot of my stories, i'm finding out, are just the most randoms scenarios u can ever imagine translated into a passable reader x [insert character here] fic.
≡ᶻᶻ༄ disclaimer: this does not in any way shape or form represent the real people whose names are mentioned, this is just a deranged kpoppie trying something new :)
“There’s...an owl in my room.” 
“I’m sorry, who?”
“Yes, that. It sounds exactly like that.”
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You were never going to keep your window open ever again. 
It had been approximately two (2) months and three (3) days since you moved into the boarding house a block away from your school. Two (2!) months and three (3!!!) days of living on your own for the first time in your life. It was going well, as you had assured your dad that morning. What a naïve fool you were. 
Nothing was fine anymore. 
Not with the foot-tall demon spawn with bright yellow eyes fluttering around your room as if it owned the place and was looking to clock in after a long day. 
You ducked in between your bed and bedside table, praying that it would fly back out the way it came. But after several stretched-out minutes of attempted breathing exercises, you had had enough. You scanned the floor of your room, which was usually pristine but was presently a mess thanks to your frenzied panic. You took hold of your biology textbook, prepared to use it either as a shield or a projectile depending on what the situation called for. 
“You can do this,” you hissed at yourself. All you had to do was shoo it back out the window. Simple. “Just think of it as a...a ball. Yeah. A big, easy-to-hit ball. With wings.”
You took three steady breaths. You stood up. You caught sight of it in the corner of your eye, glaring at you with the full force of hell. That was all it took for you to abandon ship without a second thought. 
You ran out the door, a silent scream stuck in your throat. You slammed the door behind you on the way out, adrenaline coursing through your veins like ice. 
“Are you...okay?”
You looked up at the only other person in the hall at this unholy hour, considerably more sane-looking than you. You knew Lee Heeseung--he was one of the other dozen students that lived in the same boarding house. It was impossible not to notice whenever he walked in a room, much less impossible to avoid looking at him, because JEEPERS did he win the gene pool lottery. 
However, at this particular point in the evening, Lee Heeseung was not somebody who you wanted to see you in the middle of the hall wearing the worst pair of pajamas the world had ever seen. So what if you’d only spoken to him a few times? You still wanted to look normal.
“Are you alright?” he repeated. God, how bad did you look? 
“Yeah, yeah,” you swallowed, now having to battle through two (2!!!!) completely different shocking situations. Frankly, you felt like a lot like y/n in one of those cringe imagines people write online.
"There's just a..." you gesticulated vaguely in the direction of your closed door. Way to make a new impression. How the hell were you going to explain...THIS.
"Did somebody enter your room?" Heeseung asked apprehensively, lowering his voice to a whisper and pitching forward so you could hear. He made it sound like you were hiding some saucy secret behind those doors.
"Um..yes? In a sense, I guess you could say that--"
Heeseung looked around and reached for a Swifer mop that so conveniently leaned against the wall like a piece of modern art (and, living in a house with a few fine arts students, it might as well could have been). "So someone is in there? Do you know who?"
"Yeah. That's exactly what they sound like."
"I'm sorry?"
"I think it's better if I just..." you took hold of the door knob and held up your textbook-turned-shield. Heeseung took that as a warning signal and tightened his grip on the neon-green floor mop. You swung the door open as quietly as you could.
A swoop of wings and scrapping of talons burst out of nowhere, heading straight for at you.
You slammed the door shut. You looked up at Heeseung as if to say, "Do you see my problem?"
"Holy shit," he stared at the wood of the closed door before turning to you. "How long were you trapped in there for?"
You shivered. "Way too long."
Heeseung set his jaw, pulling his hood up over his head like it was a helmet that could do anything against a set of very sharp claws. He tightened his grip on the mop.
"You don't need to do this," you said apologetically. "I can ask someone else."
"I doubt any of the housekeepers are up right now," he extended the mop handle to its maximum length, locking it in place with a click. "So unless you'd like to spend the night in the common room and hope to God it's gone by morning..."
You shook your head vigorously, turning to face the door, your knuckles white around its knob. It was like a spider. Better get it out of the house before you lost sight of it. But even spiders were better than an imp from the underworld.
"On the count of three," he whispered to you.
"Slowly," you nodded. "One..."
At your unified whisper of "Three-!", you twisted the knob creaking the door ajar as quietly as you could. Heeseung peaked in over your head.
"It's on the blinds," he whispered. You could feel his breath ruffling your hair. Snap out of it, you hissed at yourself. Deciding to panic about this scandalously close proximity another day, you creaked the door further open.
The owl perched itself rather uncomfortably on the blinds above your open window. It had its head tucked underneath one wing but looked relatively unharmed. You noted, with immense relief, that your room was also in a better state than you imagined. You guessed it hadn't really done much while you were out except to fly around in a confused circle, and you had been the one at fault for recreating a crime scene.
"It's right there," you hissed at it, gesturing at the wide-open window half a foot away from its talons.
The owl untucked its head and gave you a steely glare. You let out something that sounded a little like "meep!" and held up the textbook up to your face. Psh. Like you could scare it away with diagrams of cell membranes and respiration cycles.
"Let me try," Heeseung stepped in front of you, taking the door knob from your hand and pushing it open micrometer by micrometer. You stared at the owl from under his arm. It stared back at you. Everything about it was unflinching.
Heeseung took a slow, cautious step into the thresholds of your room, holding the mop at the ready. (Some part of your schoolgirl mind was screaming at the fact that the infamous hallway crush Lee Heeseung was in your bedroom!!)
You fell into silent step behind him, clutching your own weak excuse for a weapon and closing the door behind you. The last thing any one of you wanted was to have the owl fly out into the hall and wake up everyone in the house (and risk getting kicked out now that you've finally made contact with Lee Heeseung. Of course that's not what was really important).
The two of you crossed the room, holding your breath and freezing up your joints whenever the owl so much as blinked. At one point, it stretched its neck to an unnatural length and lifted its wings. Heeseung took an instinctive step back, nearly knocking you over. And like in all those cliché y/n moments, you would have promptly fell over on your behind if you hadn't caught hold of the back of his hoodie. Thankfully, Heeseung wasn't as much of a klutz as you were, and he braced himself to keep you both from falling over, reaching an arm back to steady you if you needed it.
The owl was so close now. Heeseung extended the Swifer's mop end. Slowly, carefully, he lifted it until it was inches away from the owl's talons. It flapped its wings and your heart almost stopped permanently.
"Hey, buddy," Heeseung murmured soothingly in a voice that would have put babies to sleep in seconds. He poked the mop carefully against the bird's scaly talons of death. "Need a ride outta here?"
Somehow, the owl decided it quite liked this human with a weird stick it was shoving in its face. It shifted its weight onto the stick, offering one, slow, inquisitive blink.
You pinched the corner of Heeseung's hoodie, ready to pull him backwards to safety or offer him as a sacrificial offering depending again on what the situation called for. You needed to be ready for anything.
Soon, he began to lift the Feathered Thing with Eyes of the Highest Hatred away from the blinds. Slowly, carefully, steadily, hushing soothing nothings all the way. You knew it was meant for the bird but damn, was it working a little too well.
The mop was now low enough that all the owl had to do was turn around and fly out. But it kept its gaze fixedly on the two of you, as if two humans had gone and flown into its bedroom.
"Don't you dare fly at me," you told those all-seeing eyes.
"You heard them," Heeseung warned, voice slow and deep as he slowly inched the mop--and its passenger--out the gaping window. "Don't. You dare. Fly."
The mop was now hanging a foot outside the window. You wondered how the scene would have looked like to a passerby below--a bright green Swifer mop poking out of an open third-story window at a ridiculous hour with--heaven help them--an OWL perched ever so precariously atop it.
The owl stared at the two of you, as if to say "What now?". The two of you stared right back at it, unflinching.
A stale eternity passed. Dust particles could have been heard resting lightly on the tabletop.
Then, without warning, Heeseung shook the mop vigorously, sparing no profanity in exclaiming, "Good fucking night to you, sir!"
The owl flew majestically off into the night as if it hadn't just been thrown off a mop head. You ran to the window and slammed it shut. You didn't realize you were laughing until you tried to say something and choked on the words. Heeseung was laughing, too, pulling his hood back and looking up at the Swifer in equal parts disbelief and reverence.
"I ca't believe that worked," you managed in between bouts of laughter.
"This is going on my list of greatest life achievements for sure."
"You could start a business."
"Of throwing owls out of windows?"
"Oh, for sure," you pointed at the Swifer. "You could even get sponsored by them."
Heeseung laughed, and your face warmed. "Would you testify to the quality of my services as my first client?"
"Sure," you piped. "Cute, extremely efficient, but nearly threw the mop out the window. I demand 5% of the profit, by the way."
Heeseung was still hung up on the second word you said, a smirk spreading across his face and eyes sparkling. "I should get going. It's late. You probably want to fix up." He waved at the crumpled sheets and scattered books littered across your little room.
He picked his way through the obstacle of your belongings, turning around at the door to say. "I can't guarantee you 5% of my smashing new start-up," Heeseung went along with the bit. "But how about we hang out some time instead? Preferably without any feathered wildlife present, if that's...cool with you?"
You were laughing a lot today. "Yeah, yeah," you leaned against the door frame. Maybe that owl wasn't such a demon after all. "I'd really like that."
bonus: From the trees, the owl watched the exchange between the two humans happen with a smug expression. Or at least, as smug as an expression an owl can muster.
Mission accomplished. With a triumphant "whooo!" it pushed off from the branch and flew off into the night.
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alithographica · 1 year
Hello Alithografica! I love your work here! Everything from your sketches in the museum to the scientific illustrations u do. Can I know what u are studying? Im actually confused with what course I should take in my academics and I was curious abt your career and course. I really find it intriguing
Lots of love❤❤❤
Hope u don't get offended 💐
Thanks! I've long since graduated, but when I was in college I was in an interdisciplinary major program that let me build my own major—so I built a scientific illustration major out of mostly biology/chemistry classes and a handful of studio art classes.
There are some structured scientific illustration undergrad programs out there—both majors and minors—but I'm really into the science side of things and wanted to leave myself the option of going to grad school in science, just in case. (My 2.5 years in a university genetics lab cured me of that desire though lmao. I LOVED working in the lab but research academia is not my cup of tea. Science communication is!)
Anyway, scientific illustration is a very flexible career to enter into. Unless you do medical illustration (where employers typically want to see a Master's in medical illustration,) there are no degree requirements for scientific illustrators. Instead, you need a strong portfolio—and a formal program will help you develop that, and will help you get great connections, but you can also do it on your own. It's good to have a strong science background so you understand the science you're depicting and can communicate easily with any scientists you're working with, but a science degree isn't necessarily a requirement for that either.
I have colleagues who went through formal programs, others who are professional scientists and just also do art, others who are artists who have just had a passion for science, others who are teachers or librarians or otherwise...Just be curious, build your science knowledge and problem-solving skills, work on your portfolio, and find places to connect to others. Check out your local museum, botanic garden, or arts center—they sometimes have scientific illustration classes. It's a great way to get a little structure and connect with others. The Guild of Natural Science Illustrators is also a great organization, and you can join various communities online too.
On that last note, I run the Guild of Natural Science Illustrators Discord server—if anyone wants an invite link, message me! GNSI membership is not required, and it's open to all levels of artists—just come chat, see cool art, get advice, etc.
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selamat-linting · 21 days
so, i was enrolled in a vocational highschool. its the type of school that are halfway a tradeschool. its a program in my country that i quote here, meant to produce ready-made workers right out of the education system. the curriculum for every highschool major you took is different, but i personally never learn biology, geography and chemistry beyond the basics in middle school.
random aside over, for one year me and my classmates (computer programming major) had to share a classroom for normal school lessons with the guys majoring for heavy equipments engineering. one time there was an orientation presentation for them and we had to sit there as the teacher told them the kind of work theyre expected to do. so, theyre going to learn maths and physics and everything else so they know how to operate and fix industrial grade machinery like the massive trucks meant to ship coal around, mega structures to dig tunnels for mining operations.
during the last slide, the teacher showed them a slideshow of workplace deaths.. it was morbid, he said to us that death is inevitable on your line of work. its going to happen. of course we can minimize this by following safety codes, but accidents will happen.
and it doesnt register to me as weird at the time, but its stuck in my mind. like i had the vague sense that something wasnt right. and it isnt. like, he's showing kids that dying on the job, its a tragedy sure, but its normal. its fact of life. my country is an imperialized nation so they never try to lie about whats the purpose of our education. we are here to prepare for work, not to learn. and from the beginning, the oil and mining industry doesnt care about human life. and im thinking of the shares and stocks where all of those profits fueled by death eventually finds itself, in the pockets of men who might never see the inside of a oil tank. or where all the oils and minerals are heading, as i sit here waiting in a queue on the gas station to fill my motorbike even though there's an oil and coal processing site just a few hundred kilometers away still in border of my hometown.
worst part is i know this isnt the worst because someone out there who might even be younger than me is dying for the gasoline im getting, the circuit boards inside my phone, and i know one of my friends online is sleeping inside a car while office buildings and billboards stay lit and functional every day of the year fueled and powered by unimaginable amount of normalized deaths.
and im also thinking of the oil spills at the beach, the days that gets hotter and hotter every year. last year there was a gruesome car accident. an oil truck swerved off the sidewalk and killed a dozen people. its not the only major first accident in that place, as always the old complaints about public safety and roads came back for a while, and they might be satisfied that there's a barricade and a rule for large trucks not being allowed to be on the road during the day, but im also thinking of my friend who worked in the industry as a safety operator, complaining that half of the trucks are overdue for maintenance for years and the drivers license have expired but no one ever did anything about it because theyre on a constant deadline and spending time to do checks only makes the managers yell at you for missing a quota and you had to stay longer instead of getting some sleep or spending time with family, in a job where you already work 12 hours a day on average.
my point is, its all connected. just simply asking where the gas powering your car came from revealed a lot. i know this is retreading the basics but i think its good to remember how interconnected everything is. how the tragedies and genocides and social murders arent an aberration but a logical conclusion of the way society is organized. its a well oiled machine, excuse my pun. its all-encompassing, but seeing it as it is makes it easier to find its weak spot, areas where we can fight. this is why im a communist, specifically a marxist leninist, i do think workers' revolt with international proletariat society is the only way we could break free.
but anyway, all this is to brag about how i never learn geography in highschool and yet i can still name more countries and capitals than the average college student in the us so (⁠^⁠3⁠^). also now that i mention it i also never learn biology but i know more about the human body than your average terf so 😌 shitty schools is not an excuse 💖
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By: Zack K. De Piero
Published: Mar 12, 2024
At best, AI obscures foundational skills of reading, writing, and thinking. At worst, students develop a crippling dependency on technology.
Educators are grappling with how to approach ever-evolving generative artificial intelligence — the kind that can create language, images, and audio. Programs like ChatGPT, Gemini, and Copilot pose far different challenges from the AI of yesteryear that corrected spelling or grammar. Generative AI generates whatever content it’s asked to produce, whether it’s a lab report for a biology course, a cover letter for a particular job, or an op-ed for a newspaper.
This groundbreaking development leaves educators and parents asking: Should teachers teach with or against generative AI, and why? 
Technophiles may portray skeptics as Luddites — folks of the same ilk that resisted the emergence of the pen, the calculator, or the word processor — but this technology possesses the power to produce thought and language on someone’s behalf, so it’s drastically different. In the writing classroom, specifically, it’s especially problematic because the production of thought and language is the goal of the course, not to mention the top goals of any legitimate and comprehensive education. So count me among the educators who want to proceed with caution, and that’s coming from a writing professor who typically embraces educational technology. 
Learning to Write Is Learning to Think
At best, generative AI will obscure foundational literacy skills of reading, writing, and thinking. At worst, students will become increasingly reliant on the technology, thereby undermining their writing process and development. Whichever scenario unfolds, students’ independent thoughts and perceptions may also become increasingly constrained by biased algorithms that cloud their understanding of truth and their beliefs about human nature. 
To outsiders, teaching writing might seem like leading students through endless punctuation exercises. It’s not. In reality, a postsecondary writing classroom is a place where students develop higher-order skills like formulating (and continuously fine-tuning) a persuasive argument, finding relevant sources, and integrating compelling evidence. But they also extend to essential beneath-the-surface abilities like finding ideas worth writing about in the first place and then figuring out how to organize and structure those ideas.
Such prewriting steps embody the most consequential parts of how writing happens, and students must wrestle with the full writing process in its frustrating beauty to experience an authentic education. Instead of outsourcing crucial skills like brainstorming and outlining to AI, instructors should show students how they generate ideas, then share their own brainstorming or outlining techniques. In education-speak, this is called modeling, and it’s considered a best practice.  
Advocates of AI rightly argue that students can benefit from analyzing samples of the particular genre they’re writing, from literature reviews to legal briefs, so they may use similar “moves” in their own work. This technique is called “reading like a writer,” and it’s been a pedagogical strategy long before generative AI existed. In fact, it figured prominently in my 2017 dissertation that examined how writing instructors guided their students’ reading development in first-year writing courses.
But generative AI isn’t needed to find examples of existing texts. Published work written by real people is not just online but quite literally everywhere you look. Diligent writing instructors already guide their students through the ins and outs of sample texts, including drafts written by former students. That’s standard practice.
Deterring Student Work Ethic and Accuracy
Writing is hard work, and generative AI can undermine students’ work ethic. Last semester, after I failed a former student for using generative AI on a major paper, which I explicitly forbid, he thanked me, admitting that he’d taken “a shortcut” and “just did not put in the effort.” Now, though, he appears motivated to take ownership of his education. “When I have the opportunity in the future,” he said, “I will prove I am capable of good work on my own.” Believe it or not, some students want to know that hard work is expected, and they understand why they should be held accountable for subpar effort. 
Beyond pedagogical reasons for maintaining skepticism toward the wholesale adoption of generative AI in the classroom, there are also sociopolitical reasons. Recently, Google’s new artificial intelligence program, Gemini, produced some concerning “intelligence.” Its image generator depicted the Founding Fathers, Vikings, and Nazis as nonwhite. In another instance, a user asked the technology to evaluate “who negatively impacted society more,” Elon Musk’s tweeting of insensitive memes or Adolf Hitler’s genocide of 6 million Jews? Google’s Gemini program responded, “It is up to each individual to decide.”
Such historical inaccuracies and dubious ethics appear to tip the corporation’s partisan hand so much that even its CEO, Sundar Pichai, admitted that the algorithm “show[ed] bias” and the situation was “completely unacceptable.” Gemini’s chief rival, ChatGPT, hasn’t been immune from similar accusations of political correctness and censorious programming. One user recently queried whether it would be OK to misgender Caitlin Jenner if it could prevent a nuclear apocalypse. The generative AI responded, “Never.” 
It’s possible that these incidents reflect natural bumps in the road as the algorithm attempts to improve. More likely, they represent signs of corporate fealty to reckless DEI initiatives. 
The AI’s leftist bias seems clear. When I asked ChatGPT whether the New York Post and The New York Times were credible sources, it splintered its analysis considerably. It described the Post as a “tabloid newspaper” with a “reputation for sensationalism and a conservative editorial stance.” Fair enough, but meanwhile, in the AI’s eyes, the Times is a “credible and reputable news source” that boasts “numerous awards for journalism.” Absent from the AI’s description of the Times was “liberal” or even “left-leaning” (not even in its opinion section!), nor was there any mention of its misinformation, disinformation, or outright propaganda. 
Yet, despite these obvious concerns, some higher education institutions are embracing generative AI. Some are beginning to offer courses and grant certificates in “prompt engineering”: fine-tuning the art of feeding instructions to the technology. 
If teachers insist on bringing generative AI into their classrooms, students must be given full license to interrogate its rhetorical, stylistic, and sociopolitical limitations. Left unchecked, generative AI risks becoming politically correct technology masquerading as an objective program for language processing and data analysis.
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the-orangeauthor · 2 years
hey!! sorry if this ask is random, (ive sent you an ask before, but idk if you remember :P) i just wanted to ask about biomed as a subject in uni since im planning on pursuing it too!!
what kinds of things do you learn?? (the course syllabus is so vague. so vague) like i see topics like musculoskeletal system and chemical biomed but what EXACTLY goes in it?
any textbooks/resources that you’d recommend?? every college recommends like 10 books of their own and there’s so many online but which ones are actually useful??
on that note, any place i can get secondhand textbooks from??
some tips you absolutely HAVE to know as a biomed student?
if you’ve reached there, how do you plan for a dissertation/thesis paper? Just an outline of the steps if you could :D
thanks so much for your time and support and hope you have a great day/night!!
Hi!! unfortunately tely I have the memory of a fish unless you're in my face all the time, so I dont remember you but you are always welcome in my inbox regardless!!
there quite a lot to unpack in this so I might make it into several posts for the sake of length but I'll tag you in each part!
what kinds of things do you learn?? (the course syllabus is so vague. so vague) like i see topics like musculoskeletal system and chemical biomed but what EXACTLY goes in it?
this is a good question, biomed is an incredibly broad degree when it comes to science, which is what makes biomed graduates desirable in loads of different fields. I can give you a quick breakdown of the variety of modules I did over the years to show you how!!
Anatomy and physiology :
Does what it says on the tin, we looked at different parts of the anatomy more specifically different organs systems and looked at their normal functions in a healthy person as well as possible pathologies/diseases of the systems eg different lung diseases when we did respiratory systems etc. the diseases ranged from those that can be inherited to those that you develop due to lifestyle or those caught by pathogens so it covered a huge amount.
Research skills / lab skills:
The greatest opportunity you will get to play with lab equipment. The professors will set up series of investigations you can do so you can get a feel for how different equipment in the lab works since university will have a lot more specialist equipment than you’re used to - this will definitely come in hand if you take on a practical dissertation project as it will build your confidence with the machines!
Biochemistry :
A lot of people on my course found this the hardest of all the modules we studied, since it has a lot more chemistry compared to the rest of the course which is heavily biology focused. In biomchem we looks at molecular structures and thier interactions with each other, biological molecules like water, glucose, lipids etc, to understand why these chemicals have certain properties and how the human body is adapted to utilise them.
Cell biology:
Another straight forward one - where anatomy and physiology looked at organs and organ systems, cell biology is focused on the function of individual cells and how they’re adapted to their functions. There’s a lot more details to the internal structure of the cell and how they join together and communicate etc
As the years go on the modules will split into more specialised subjects but still build on the more basic ones I explained above:
Tissue science /histology / histopathology :
Like cell biology, you study cells and tissues, but you also look at diseases - this includes things like cancer and the physical changes that cells undergo as they become tumours and you look at the grading /staging system for cancers. You also look at a lot of autoimmune disorders - diseases where the body is attacking itself - and see how that effects tissue structure. You are likely to get lab sessions looking at diseased tissues.
Infection science / immunity :
All diseases under the sun, with a bit of a heavier focus on those you get from pathogens. You’ll look at several examples for each type, viral, bacterial, fungal etc and look at the effect they have on tissues, organs and the person as a whole - you are likely to get case studies where they tell you the patients symptoms and some test results and ask for a possible diagnosis. A lot of time spent looking at the immune system in more detail - there is always more detail
Medicinal chemistry :
This topic was all about the body and drug interactions so this is where doing biochemistry really helped as we looked at functional groups on drugs and how some were more or less suited for the compound etc. we looked at the process of clinical trials, formulation of drugs, played around with exploring their 3D structure with cool software - very different from the other topics but just as interesting for sure
Blood science / haematology:
Probably one of my favourites because my professor was amazing but it is exactly what it says. We study the blood from how the cells form (including red and white blood cells) disorders of the blood like sickle cell, leukaemia etc, how the shape of cells is affected by the different diseases etc etc. we also spend a lot of time looking at blood testing and lab results since a lot of people in biomed will go on to work in hospital labs - this is one of the more relevant topics towards career progression if you want to avoid further studies. Because we look at lab reports you’ll also get a fair amount of case studies in this topic too.
Medical genetics :
I took this as an optional module so you may not (or at least not go into as much detail) on this but medical genetics was spent looking at DNA and chromosomes and how inherited disorders can arise as well as the importance of coding and non-coding regions of DNA and gene therapy
Another optional module, but covered briefly in infection science, it goes into parasites in a lot more detail - this different types, how they spread, where they spread, the symptoms, the treatment etc - not for the faint of heart there are many a picture of worms in places where there shouldn’t be worms that are permanently seared into my brain
Overall the modules are broad but there is definite overlap between each one and things you learn in one module you may come across in another. All of them were very interesting and you may study them across multiple years (but it would be the advanced syllabus the following year) so your knowledge on it will become well rounded as it gradually builds.
This is pretty long so I’ll answer your thesis and textbook questions in a second post today! I hope this helped and feel free to ask more questions if you like.
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polyamorouspunk · 1 year
legimately feel bad for gen z, never grew up with privacy and stuff like that. I know that one anon ofc very clearly stepped outta line n I made the joke anon msg about how u gotta tell me all ur info so I can call u a faker, but like legimately it's sad seeing kids put all their info online and when they're available or not etc etc, lotta gen z didn't grow up with properly privacy and the newer generation has it even worse. I hope the kids will be alright n we can push them into having more anonymity and privacy.
I said this in the tags but honestly if someone genuinely asks me a question about myself, I will answer, honestly sometimes even if it’s something I want to keep private. Recent events have reminded me that literally anyone can see this blog and follow me and I have no idea who they are. My Instagram isn’t private when a lot of people I know have theirs private but also I don’t really tag anything from where I live, the most I do is post pictures from my house but not with the town or anything. But I mean you can easily find where I work on here (like the exact store) if you tried, I’m pretty sure I’ve posted my full name multiple times on Savvy’s blog because I think I also grew up in that era where online privacy wasn’t a thing. I mean of course I got the “creepy men might be behind the computer screen catfishing you” but like idk I’m not saying I haven’t done things like that, they’re just mentioned conversationally not in a pinned post. I mean you can find my full first name on Savvy’s blog, obviously I don’t go by that and she prefers to go by Savvy because both are a bit more gender neutral and just more comfortable for us but. I have absolutely learned how to manipulate people to call them out for things I don’t like about them… mostly when they’re like exclusionists but if I really tried I’m sure I have the technical skills to like “cancel” someone for something they didn’t even mean out of context. I learned that by growing up in the internet age. How to take things out of context. That’s not really what you’re talking about but just another thing that came to mind. Like how much easier it is now to fake things and how 1. we are less trained to spot them and 2. they are deliberately made to be harder to spot as fakes. I mean I have had penpals though, I did just send out a shirt to someone who Savvy is mutuals with so like I have their address and they have mine. It’s a fine line. But I mean I used to listen to a stalker podcast (and by this I mean a literal podcast where two people interviews victims of stalking and told their story) and some of the stuff I heard on there was WILD. Just listened to a case I finished like half an hour ago about a woman who catfished a man into thinking he was dating her dying niece who the government and doctors were trying to kill and people ended up dying from the situation all from her charade of having multiple phone numbers and being able to fake personalities of characters she made up really easily. Just wild stuff. Had an assignment due last night that was a discussion board in biology and someone brought up technology and I was like we have the technology to literally change your bone structure and shit. Not the same as social media obviously but just like wild shit. Even at thanksgiving hearing one of my cousins was constantly talking to a boy in her class but my family said in class they like never speak to each other and I’m like that’s so wild. You don’t speak face to face but you see him every day. But you talk to him for hours every night. Just stuff like that is such a cultural shift. Such a fine line too as a parent between not trying to be overbearing and like read your kids text messages but also make sure they’re being safe. Can’t imagine how to navigate that as a parent. Like how do you know your child isn’t sending photos of themselves on Snapchat. Without like invading their privacy and reading their messages and stuff. Just wild.
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essaycorp1 · 2 years
Chemistry Assignment Help From Experts Is Here At Affordable Rates
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Get Excellent Chemistry Assignment Help With Our Experts
Are you looking for chemistry assignment help as it is difficult to understand such a complex field?
Chemistry is a part of natural science that helps to understand the nature of substances and matters. The course studies the changes, properties, and transformations of the things around us. It allows students to understand the behavior of atoms and molecules and how they react with each other. Chemistry is a discipline that deals with the fundamental elements of real life. 
Therefore, students learn models of various chemists and have to analyze them for their assessments. The models have complex terms and intricate theories which are problematic to understand. Hence, they seek chemistry assignment help from professionals available online.
The subject combines biology, environmental sciences, maths, and physics. Hence, we often call chemistry the “Central Science.” As the discipline includes aspects from every domain, thus it becomes challenging for students to understand. Therefore, our chemistry homework website solution offers professional assistance to solve their queries. EssayCorp delivers writing assistance in every branch of chemistry.
What Are The Various Branches Of Chemistry?
The discipline of chemistry has different fields. Students enrolled in this educational program must have familiarity with these areas because the experts give them writing work related to these fundamental areas. The various fields of chemistry in which students need chemistry homework help are:
Physical Chemistry - This field of chemistry explores the physical structure of matter. Therefore, students learn the behavior of atoms, molecules, compounds, etc., and how they interact with other elements.
Biochemistry - Biochemistry combines biology and chemistry. It means studying the chemical processes related to living organisms. Therefore, it helps in food science, agriculture, pharmacology, toxicology, and other areas. 
Inorganic Chemistry - In this area of chemistry, scholars learn about inorganic compounds, including minerals, metals, and other inorganic compounds. Thus, learners analyze the physical properties of metal at the molecular level. 
Organic Chemistry - Organic chemistry studies the properties and functions of carbon-containing compounds. Hence, scholars learn about carbon compounds react and function in the surrounding. 
Computational Chemistry - The main aim of computational chemistry is to solve chemical problems. Thus, students understand how to calculate molecule structures and properties and explain the chemical reactions.
Analytical Chemistry - Students learn to separate, identify, and quantify chemical compounds in this branch. It helps to diagnose diseases, perform blood tests, develop drugs, etc.
Why Do Students Need Chemistry Homework Help?
Scholars have various obligations during their educational path. They have limited time and countless activities to perform. Therefore, they fail to focus on each task precisely and can not submit their work on time. It leads to negative markings or failure in their exams. Thus, to avoid these problems, scholars seek online chemistry homework assistance from experts.
The other reasons why learners choose to take chemistry homework help from online websites are the following:
They can not manage numerous tasks within the same and limited time frame.
Learners focus more on attaining practical knowledge and do not attend classes. Due to this, they get a vague understanding of the topic and can not write assignments.
They do not have accurate writing skills. Thus, they cannot structure their work precisely and require online chemistry homework services.
Scholars do not know about the referencing styles. Due to this, they score low grades on the assigned tasks.
Due to the pressure of numerous tasks, students get health issues like insomnia, anxiety, and severe headaches.
To avoid such negative consequences and score higher grades in the results, students take our chemistry assignment help services. We offer various benefits to our clients at budget-friendly rates.
Features of EssayCorp’s Chemistry Assignment Help
EssayCorp is one of the best online chemistry homework providers. We have a team of expert writers with  P.hD. and master’s degrees in their respective fields. Thus, they structure unique chemistry assessments within a short time. The benefits our website delivers are:
24*7 hours of assistance
Free plagiarism reports
On-time delivery
Free referencing
Original and unique content
Unlimited rework policy
Excellent work within the university guidelines
Affordable rates
Secure and easy payments via PayPal
Clients confidentiality
Hence, by choosing our chemistry homework help, learners get high-quality assignments. Our writers are well-versed in every branch of chemistry. Thus, students can reach us to grab A+ in their results. To get more information, kindly mail us at [email protected].
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blossomonlinehk · 1 year
Best IB Online Courses - Blossom
Blossom we are not a traditional tuition site that provides 1-1 matching service, we are here to provide the most efficient and effective ways for you to study. Our online IB courses watch anywhere, anytime. We are confident about the quality of our courses and tutors. In 4 years, we never received a complaint about the quality of the courses purchased.
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ruch1234 · 3 days
MBBS Admission in Maharashtra Through NRI Quota
MBBS admission in Maharashtra through NRI quota offers an excellent opportunity for Non-Resident Indian (NRI) students to pursue medical education in one of India's leading states for medical studies. Maharashtra, known for its top-tier medical colleges and institutions, reserves a special 15% quota for NRI students, facilitating their entry into the MBBS program.
Admission Process for NRI Quota
The admission process for NRI students in Maharashtra is structured to ensure that deserving candidates secure a place in reputed medical colleges. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to navigate this process:
NEET-UG Examination: NRI students must first apply for and pass the National Eligibility Entrance Test (NEET-UG), which is the standardized entrance exam for medical courses in India.
Registration: After receiving the NEET results, students should register for the NRI quota counseling on the official Maharashtra state counseling website or the Medical Counselling Committee (MCC) website.
Counseling Process: The counseling process is conducted online, where students need to fill in their preferences for colleges and courses. Based on their NEET scores and rankings, seats are allocated accordingly.
Document Verification: Once a seat is allotted, students must undergo a document verification process to validate their eligibility and NRI status.
Eligibility Criteria
To be eligible for MBBS admission in Maharashtra through NRI quota, students must meet the following criteria:
NRI Status: Candidates must be Non-Resident Indians, Persons of Indian Origin (PIO), or Overseas Citizens of India (OCI).
Age Requirement: The applicant must be at least 17 years of age by December 31 of the admission year.
Educational Qualification: The candidate must have completed 10+2 or equivalent examination with Physics, Chemistry, Biology/Biotechnology, and English with a minimum of 50% marks.
NEET Qualification: The candidate must have a valid NEET-UG score.
Required Documents
Candidates applying for MBBS admission in Maharashtra through NRI quota need to submit the following documents:
NEET-UG scorecard
Valid passport
Student visa
Class 10 and 12 mark sheets and passing certificates
Transfer certificate
Migration certificate
No Objection Certificate (NOC) from the Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India
NOC from the respective country’s Ambassador/Competent Officer
Health insurance certificate
Proof of NRI status (e.g., passport, visa)
Top Medical Colleges in Maharashtra for NRI Quota Admission
Maharashtra hosts several prestigious medical colleges that accept students through the NRI quota, including:
Grant Medical College, Mumbai
Seth GS Medical College, Mumbai
KJ Somaiya Medical College, Mumbai
Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University Medical College, Pune
Dr. DY Patil Medical College, Pune
MBBS admission in Maharashtra through NRI quota is a streamlined process that allows eligible NRI students to access high-quality medical education.
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MBBS Admission in India
The path to becoming a doctor in India is a dream pursued by countless students every year. Known for its rigorous educational standards and esteemed institutions, the journey to securing admission to a Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) program is both challenging and rewarding. This guide offers an in-depth look at the MBBS admission process in India, providing aspiring medical students with the information they need to navigate this complex journey.
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Understanding the NEET-UG Exam
The National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (NEET-UG) is the cornerstone of MBBS admissions in India. Conducted by the National Testing Agency (NTA), NEET-UG is a standardized test that evaluates candidates' knowledge in Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. Scoring well in this highly competitive exam is essential for securing a seat in an MBBS program at a government, private, or deemed medical institution across the country.
Eligibility Criteria
Before applying for NEET-UG, candidates must ensure they meet the following eligibility criteria:
Educational Qualification: Candidates must have completed their 10+2 education with Physics, Chemistry, Biology/Biotechnology, and English as core subjects.
Minimum Marks: General category students need at least 50% aggregate marks in PCB (Physics, Chemistry, Biology/Biotechnology), while reserved category students require 40%, and PwD candidates need 45%.
Age Limit: Candidates must be at least 17 years old at the time of admission. The upper age limit is 25 years for general category students and 30 years for reserved categories.
Preparing for NEET-UG
Preparation for NEET-UG requires a well-structured study plan, dedication, and consistent effort. Here are some tips for effective preparation:
Understand the Syllabus: Familiarize yourself with the NEET-UG syllabus, which covers topics from the NCERT curriculum for classes 11 and 12.
Study Material: Use high-quality study materials, including NCERT textbooks, reference books, and online resources.
Practice Regularly: Solve previous years' question papers and take mock tests to build confidence and improve time management.
Stay Healthy: Maintain a balanced lifestyle with adequate sleep, nutrition, and physical activity to ensure optimal mental and physical health during preparation.
The Admission Process
Once NEET-UG results are announced, the admission process begins. Here’s a step-by-step guide:
Registration for Counseling: Successful candidates must register for the counseling process. The Medical Counseling Committee (MCC) handles the 15% All India Quota (AIQ) seats, while respective state authorities manage the 85% State Quota seats.
Choice Filling and Locking: Candidates need to fill in their preferred colleges and courses based on their NEET-UG ranks. Choices must be locked in before the deadline.
Seat Allotment: Seats are allotted based on NEET-UG ranks, preferences, and availability. The results of the allotment are published online.
Reporting to Allotted College: Candidates who receive a seat must report to the allotted college for document verification and admission confirmation within the stipulated time.
Second Round of Counseling: If a candidate is not satisfied with the allotted seat, they can participate in subsequent rounds of counseling.
The MBBS Curriculum
Once admitted, the MBBS program spans 5.5 years, including a one-year compulsory internship. The curriculum is designed to provide comprehensive medical education, covering:
Pre-clinical Subjects: Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry
Para-clinical Subjects: Pathology, Pharmacology, Microbiology, Forensic Medicine
Clinical Subjects: Medicine, Surgery, Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Orthopedics, and others
Challenges and Rewards
The journey to becoming a doctor is rigorous and demands dedication. Students face challenges such as:
Intense academic workload
Long hours of study and clinical practice
High levels of stress and competition
However, the rewards of this journey are immense:
Gaining profound knowledge and skills
The opportunity to make a significant impact on people’s lives
A respected and fulfilling career in medicine
Pursuing an MBBS in India is a challenging yet rewarding journey that demands hard work, resilience, and a deep commitment to the field of medicine. By understanding the eligibility criteria, preparing diligently for NEET-UG, and navigating the admission process effectively, aspiring doctors can achieve their dream of joining the noble profession of medicine. Armed with knowledge, empathy, and a dedication to healthcare, these future doctors will play a crucial role in shaping the health and well-being of society.
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arjaysingh · 6 days
Pursuing an MBBS in India: Challenges and Opportunities
Pursuing a Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) in India is a dream for many aspiring doctors. The journey, while rewarding, is laden with challenges ranging from the intense competition for admission to the rigorous academic demands of the course. This essay provides a comprehensive guide for Indian students, offering insights into the admission process, academic expectations, and available support systems to help them succeed in their quest to become medical professionals.
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The Admission Process
The first hurdle for any aspiring MBBS student in India is the admission process. The National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (NEET) is the standardised entrance exam for admission to undergraduate medical programs. Preparing for NEET requires a strong foundation in subjects like Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. Students often start their preparation during their high school years, enrolling in coaching classes that specialise in NEET preparation.
Tips for NEET Preparation
Early Start :Begin your preparation early to cover the extensive syllabus.
Structured Study Plan: Create a study schedule that includes regular revisions and practice tests.
Coaching Institutes: Consider enrolling in reputed coaching centres which provide structured guidance and study materials.
Online Resources: Utilise online platforms that offer practice tests, video lectures, and doubt-clearing sessions.
Consistent Practice: Regular practice through mock tests can help in understanding the exam pattern and managing time effectively during the actual exam.
Academic Rigour and Curriculum
Once admitted, students embark on a five and a half year-long journey, which includes four and a half years of academic study followed by a one-year mandatory internship. The MBBS curriculum is divided into three phases: pre-clinical, para-clinical, and clinical.
Pre-Clinical Phase
This phase covers basic medical sciences such as anatomy, physiology, and biochemistry. Students spend significant time in lectures and laboratories, learning the foundational aspects of human biology.
Para-Clinical Phase
Subjects like pathology, microbiology, pharmacology, and forensic medicine are introduced. This phase bridges the gap between basic sciences and clinical practice.
Clinical Phase
In the final phase, students gain hands-on experience through clinical rotations in various departments such as internal medicine, surgery, paediatrics, obstetrics and gynaecology. This phase is crucial for developing practical skills and clinical acumen.
Managing the Academic Load
Time Management: Develop a balanced schedule that allocates time for lectures, self-study, and relaxation.
Active Learning: Engage in active learning techniques such as group discussions, case studies, and practical sessions.
Seek Help: Do not hesitate to seek help from professors, peers, or mentors when struggling with difficult topics.
Health and Wellness: Maintain a healthy lifestyle to manage stress and avoid burnout. Regular exercise, adequate sleep, and healthy eating are crucial.
Financial Considerations
Pursuing an MBBS can be financially demanding, especially in private medical colleges. However, several financial aids and scholarships are available to support deserving students.
Scholarships and Financial Aid
Government Scholarships:Various state and central government scholarships are available for meritorious and economically weaker students.
Institutional Scholarships: Many medical colleges offer scholarships based on academic performance and financial need.
Education Loans: Numerous banks provide education loans with flexible repayment options for students pursuing MBBS in India
Mental Health and Well-being
The intense academic pressure and demanding schedule can take a toll on students' mental health. It is crucial to prioritise mental well-being alongside academic commitments.
Mental Health Tips
Counselling Services: Utilise counselling services provided by colleges to address stress, anxiety, or any other mental health issues.
Peer Support: Build a support network of friends and peers to share experiences and provide mutual support.
Mindfulness Practices: Incorporate mindfulness practices such as meditation and yoga to manage stress and enhance focus.
Career Prospects
Upon completing the MBBS degree, graduates have a plethora of career opportunities. They can opt for postgraduate specialisations through the NEET-PG exam or begin practising as general physicians. Specialisations in fields such as cardiology, neurology, and oncology are highly sought after and offer rewarding careers.
Alternative Career Paths
Research: Engage in medical research and contribute to advancements in medical science.
Public Health: Work in public health to improve healthcare delivery and outcomes at the community or national level.
Medical Education: Become an educator and train future generations of doctors.
Healthcare Administration: Take on roles in healthcare management and administration to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of healthcare services.
Government Initiatives
To support medical students and improve the quality of medical education, the Indian government has implemented various initiatives. The establishment of the National Medical Commission (NMC) aims to streamline medical education and ensure high standards. Additionally, increasing the number of medical colleges and seats, particularly in underserved areas, helps make medical education more accessible.
Pursuing an MBBS in India is a challenging yet rewarding endeavour. With the right preparation, financial planning, and support systems, Indian students can navigate the rigorous path to becoming skilled medical professionals. The journey demands dedication, resilience, and a commitment to lifelong learning, but the ultimate reward is a fulfilling career dedicated to improving healthcare and saving lives.
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elearningcnp · 13 days
Benefits of Learning: Digital Classes for 9th & 10th Math and Science
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We all know that 9th and 10th class math and science could be difficult. It is generally the first important year of examinations for students, which can be difficult. Parents frequently believe that taking their children to extra classes would help them perform better. While this may be true, it might be difficult for students.
That’s the reason why online courses come in useful. They work similarly to smart classrooms, allowing students to view and engage with the material they are studying. Instead of simply remembering information, people may observe how things function. Learning becomes as simple as installing an app!
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Now, students in 9th and 10th grade do not have worries about their classes. Using digital class apps allows them to follow along with their math and science classes. It helps them understand every detail and increases their problem-solving abilities.
Students can also access lessons from other educational platforms when taking classes digitally. Therefore, you are free to explore different syllabi while you are studying the current one. These days, learning is more about truly understanding things than taking exams.
Also, look at the most recent 9th and 10th class syllabuses, which may be helpful!
Class 9 Math's: Unit-wise
Unit 1-Real numbers
Unit 2-Polynomials and Factorization
Unit 3-The Elements of Geometry
Unit 4-Lines and Angles
Unit 5-Co-Ordinate Geometry
Unit 6-Linear Equations in Two Variables
Unit 7-Triangles
Unit 8-Quadrilaterals
Unit 9-Statistics
Unit 10-Surface Areas and Volumes
Unit 11-Areas
Unit 12-Circles
Unit 13-Geometrical Constructions
Unit 14-Probability
Unit 15-Proofs in Mathematics
Class 9 Physics Syllabus: Chapter-wise
Chapter 1-Matter Around Us
Chapter 2-Motion
Chapter 3-Laws of Motion
Chapter 4-Refraction of Light at Plane Surfaces
Chapter 5-Gravitation
Chapter 6-Is Matter Pure?
Chapter 7-Atoms and Molecules
Chapter 8-Floating Bodies
Chapter 9-What is inside the Atom?
Chapter 10-Work and Energy
Chapter 11-Heat
Chapter 12-Sound
Class 9 Biology Syllabus: Chapter-wise
Chapter 1-Cell its structure and functions
Chapter 2-Plant tissues
Chapter 3-Animal tissues
Chapter 4-Plasma membrane
Chapter 5-Diversity in Living Organism
Chapter 6-Sense Organs – I
Chapter 7-Sense Organs – II
Chapter 8-Animal behavior
Chapter 9-Challenges in Improving Agricultural Products
Chapter 10-Adaptations in Different Ecosystems
Chapter 11-Soil pollution
Chapter 12-Bio geochemical cycles
The Telangana State Board (TS) students who are looking for the Class 9 Physics, Biology Syllabus can find it in the syllabus mentioned above. moreover, review the AP Class 9th syllabus also.
Class 10 Math and Science Syllabus:
The Telangana State Board Class 10 math's syllabus is given below; class tenth With the use of this TS 10th Class Math's Textbooks Syllabus, students may prepare for their final exams and have an effective understanding of the subject matter, therefore achieving the highest marks possible.
10th Class Math's: Unit Wise
Unit 1-Real numbers
Unit 2-Sets
Unit 3-Polynomials
Unit 4-Pair of Linear Equations in Two Variables
Unit 5-Quadratic Equations
Unit 6-Progressions
Unit 7-Coordinate Geometry
Unit 8-Similar Triangles
Unit 9-Tangents and Secants to a Circle
Unit 10-Mensuration
Unit 11-Trigonometry
Unit 12-Applications of Trigonometry
Unit 13-Probability
Unit 14-Statistics
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Class 10 Physics Syllabus: Chapter Wise
Chapter 1-Reflection of Light by Different Surfaces
Chapter 2-Chemical Reactions and Equations
Chapter 3-Acids, Bases and Salts
Chapter 4-Refraction of Light at Curved Surfaces
Chapter 5-Human Eye and Colorful World
Chapter 6-Structure of Atom
Chapter 7-Classification of Elements – Periodic Table
Chapter 8-Chemical Bonding
Chapter 9-Electric Current
Chapter 10-Electromagnetism
Chapter 11-Principles of Metallurgy
Chapter 12-Carbon and Compounds
10th Class Biology Syllabus: Chapter-Wise
Chapter 1-Nutrition
Chapter 2-Respiration
Chapter 3-Transportation
Chapter 4-Excretion
Chapter 5-Coordination
Chapter 6-Reproduction
Chapter 7-Coordination in Life Processes
Chapter 8-Heredity
Chapter 9-Our Environment
Chapter 10-Natural Resources
The TS Board Class 10 Math's & Science topic syllabus is available above, complete with chapter-by-chapter details. Students can go through the most recent math and science syllabus to be aware of all the key subjects they need to study for exams.
Additionally, visit the below pages. We hope you found these pages useful:
Telangana Board Syllabus Related Links
Telangana Board Class 6 Syllabus
Telangana Board Class 7 Syllabus
Telangana Board Class 8 Syllabus
Telangana Board Class 9 Syllabus
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cdp360edtechchennai · 13 days
Which is the best online coaching for the NEET 2025?
Best online coaching center for NEET 2025.
Choosing the best online coaching center for NEET 2025 can be a daunting task given the multitude of options available. Each coaching institute offers unique features and benefits, making it essential to find one that aligns with your specific needs and learning style. To help you make an informed decision, here’s a look at one of the top online coaching institutes for NEET preparation in India, if you are looking for Online NEET Coaching.
Online Class Benefits :
1- Flexible for timing (no need for early morning classes)
2- Zero travelling effort
3- Mostly affordable ( as compared to offline)
4- No hassle for syllabus completion( as you are your boss)
Below, we’ll delve into why CDP360 could be the right choice for your NEET preparation:
Holistic & Structured Curriculum: CDP360 Online NEET Coaching offers a carefully structured curriculum covering all NEET exam topics — Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. The syllabus is divided into manageable modules, facilitating systematic learning and ensuring no topic is left unaddressed. This approach provides students with a comprehensive understanding, laying a strong foundation for exam success.
Experienced Faculty: CDP360 boasts a team of experienced and highly qualified faculty members with a proven track record of guiding students to success in exams like NEET. Their expertise and tailored teaching methods simplify complex concepts, boosting students’ confidence and performance significantly.
Interactive Live Classes and Recordings: CDP360 provides interactive live classes that encourage engagement and real-time questioning, enhancing comprehension. Additionally, recorded sessions allow students to revisit lectures at their convenience, catering to varying schedules and learning preferences. This flexibility accommodates students with scheduling conflicts or those needing extra time to grasp concepts.
High-Quality & Updated Study Materials: The study materials provided by CDP360 are top-notch and comprehensive. They include detailed notes, practice questions, and summary sheets for quick revision. The materials are regularly updated to align with the latest NEET exam pattern and syllabus. These resources ensure that students have access to all the information they need to prepare effectively.
Extensive Test Series and Assessments: CDP360 provides an extensive test series mirroring the NEET exam format and difficulty, crucial for assessing students’ preparation levels and identifying areas for improvement. Detailed performance analytics enable students to track progress and address weak points systematically. Regular assessments and feedback sessions ensure students remain on the right track throughout their preparation journey.
Personalized Attention and Doubt Clearing: CDP360 excels in providing personalized attention to each student, offering regular doubt-clearing sessions with expert faculty. This approach ensures individual learning needs are addressed effectively, crucial for effective preparation. Additionally, one-on-one mentoring sessions provide tailored guidance and study plans based on students’ strengths and weaknesses.
Affordable and Flexible Plans: CDP360 offers a range of affordable plans that cater to different needs and budgets. Whether you are looking for a full-year course or short-term crash courses, CDP360 has flexible options to choose from. This affordability combined with the quality of education makes it a valuable investment for NEET aspirants.
In conclusion,
CDP360 Online NEET Coaching offers a robust platform for NEET aspirants with its structured curriculum, experienced faculty, high-quality study materials, and personalized attention. The interactive live classes and extensive test series further enhance the learning experience, making it a well-rounded option for those aiming to excel in NEET 2025. By choosing CDP360, students can ensure they receive the guidance and resources needed to achieve their medical career dreams.
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prernaeducation01 · 16 days
Two-year NEET coaching program details.
Prerna Education offers a comprehensive two-year NEET (National Eligibility cum Entrance Test) coaching program aimed at preparing students for medical entrance exams in India. This program is designed for students who are in their 11th grade or equivalent, and it focuses on building a strong foundation in the core subjects of Physics, Chemistry, and Biology, which are essential for NEET.
Key Features of Prerna Education’s Two-Year NEET Coaching Program.
Structured Curriculum:
The program follows a meticulously structured curriculum that aligns with the NEET syllabus and ensures coverage of all important topics.
Expert Faculty
Experienced and qualified teachers provide in-depth knowledge and guidance. They focus on conceptual clarity and problem-solving techniques.
Study Materials
Comprehensive study materials, including detailed notes, question banks, and practice papers, are provided. These materials are regularly updated to reflect the latest NEET exam patterns.
Regular Tests and Assessments
The program includes periodic tests, mock exams, and practice sessions to evaluate students’ progress and identify areas needing improvement. Detailed performance analysis is provided after each test.
Doubt Clearing Sessions
Dedicated doubt-clearing sessions are conducted to help students resolve their queries and strengthen their understanding of complex topics.
Personalized Attention
The program emphasizes personalized attention through small batch sizes and individual mentoring. This helps in addressing the unique needs and learning pace of each student.
Time Management and Exam Strategies
Training on effective time management, exam strategies, and stress management techniques are part of the curriculum to help students perform efficiently under exam conditions.
Online and Offline Modes
Flexible learning options are available, including both online and offline classes, to cater to different preferences and geographical constraints.
Revision and Crash Courses
Intensive revision sessions and crash courses are conducted towards the end of the program to ensure thorough preparation before the exam.
Parent-Teacher Interaction
Regular meetings with parents to discuss students’ progress and address any concerns, ensuring a collaborative approach towards students’ success.
Enrollment and Eligibility
Eligibility: Students who have completed their 10th grade and are entering 11th grade.
Enrollment Process: Interested students can enroll by visiting the Prerna Education Center or through their official website. An entrance test might be conducted to assess the student’s current knowledge level.
Holistic Preparation: The program ensures a comprehensive preparation for NEET, focusing not only on academics but also on the overall development of the student’s exam-taking skills.
Prerna Education’s High Success Rate: With a proven track record of producing top NEET rankers, Prerna Education’s programs are trusted by students and parents alike.
· Two-Year NEET Study Material and Resources.
Textbooks and Notes
Comprehensive textbooks aligned with the NEET syllabus.
Detailed and concise notes prepared by expert faculty.
Practice Papers and Question Banks
Extensive collection of previous years’ NEET questions.
Topic-wise and chapter-wise question banks for thorough practice.
Mock Tests
Regularly scheduled mock tests to simulate the actual exam environment.
Detailed performance analysis after each test.
Digital Resources
Access to online lectures and recorded sessions for revision.
Interactive quizzes and flashcards for quick review.
Reference Books
Standard reference books for deeper understanding, including NCERT textbooks for Biology, Physics, and Chemistry.
Additional recommended reference books for practice and concept clarity.
Doubt Clearing Sessions
Scheduled sessions specifically for clearing doubts and strengthening weak areas.
Revision Notes
Concise revision notes for quick recaps before exams.
Important formulae, diagrams, and key points are highlighted for easy memorization.
· Two-year NEET Program Additional Features.
Mentorship and Counseling
Regular mentoring sessions to guide students through their preparation journey.
Counseling for stress management and motivation.
Parent-Teacher Meetings
Regular updates to parents about their child’s progress and areas needing attention.
Interactive Learning
Group discussions and interactive sessions to promote collaborative learning.
Prerna Education’s Two-Year NEET Coaching Program: Admission Details
Eligibility Criteria
Academic Requirement: Students must have completed their 10th grade and should be entering 11th grade.
Entrance Test: Some students may be required to take an entrance test to assess their current knowledge level and aptitude.
Application Procedure
Online Application:
Visit the Website: Go to the official Prerna Education website.
Register: Create an account using a valid email address and phone number.
Fill Application Form: Complete the online application form with personal, academic, and contact details.
Upload Documents: Upload required documents such as 10th-grade mark sheet, passport-sized photograph, and any other necessary certificates.
Payment: Pay the application fee online through the provided payment gateway.
Submit: Review all information and submit the application.
Offline Application
Visit the Center: Go to the nearest Prerna Education Center.
Collect Form: Obtain the application form from the admissions office.
Fill Form: Complete the application form with all required details.
Attach Documents: Attach copies of required documents such as 10th-grade mark sheet and passport-sized photographs.
Payment: Pay the application fee in person at the center.
Submit: Submit the completed form and documents to the admissions office.
Admission FAQs
· What is the duration of the program? The program spans two years, covering 11th and 12th-grade syllabus. · Are there any scholarships available? Yes, Prerna Education offers merit-based scholarships for top-performing students. · Is there a refund policy? Refund policies are typically provided at the time of admission and are subject to terms and conditions. · Can I switch from online to offline mode or vice versa? Yes, students can switch modes depending on availability and circumstances. · How are students assessed? Regular tests, mock exams, and continuous assessments are conducted.
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