otp-holic · 2 years
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"Don't do anything stupid until I get back," Bucky smirks when he notices Steve’s eyes fixed on him. “Your hands are trembling and not even supersoldiers can grow amputated toes back.” “You’re absolutely right, Buck,” Steve answers, sticking the ax in a log. “I can’t be trusted on my own.”  Bucky keeps walking, and smiles as he hears Steve’s steps following him towards the barn.  He loves it when everything goes according to plan.
Or the one where they’re laying low in the country while they find the right moment for Steve to quietly come-back that’s why Bucky’s using a very realistic prosthetic while they’re outside and not because I don’t have the time to manip the metal arm in.
Or, alternatively,  the one where I managed not to do any sporting wood jokes. Oh, oops.
For @stuckybingo SB045 I2 “Don’t do Anything Stupid until I get back”
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mslaevateinn · 2 years
Once upon a time, in a faraway land...
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Once upon a time, in a faraway land...
Created for the square B3 ‘In a different country’ for @stuckybingo, mermay and the prompt ‘pearls’  for @hellyeahbottombucky​
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rufferto9 · 3 years
Steve&Bucky Art Format Primary Colors
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Stucky Bingo fill : I4: art format: Primary Colors; Card SB021 Bucky Barnes Bingo fill: Square C3 Free Space!! Card B096 Steve Bingo FIll: Square C3 card 912 It looks like they’re fighting nazis so classic Steve and Bucky...sort of? I wanted to draw Classic Bucky and well things just went from there.
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otp-holic · 2 years
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PRESS CONFERENCE: CLOTHES THAT MATTER. NOTES FROM A JOURNALIST. Captain Steve Rogers enters the press room hand in hand with his husband Sergeant James Barnes, both of them sporting their design for the  "Clothes that matter charity collection". 
It's a faded deep green t-shirt inspired by their service in WWII.
"When they asked us to think about a piece of clothing that meant something, I immediately thought about the faded shirt Bucky was wearing when I found the 107th captive in Austria, because seeing the fabric rhythmically moving over his chest is burned into my memory. It meant that Bucky was alive."
Captain Rogers is visibly moved, and not letting go of Barnes' hand, who remains silent.
“This design is inspired by love, and relief. By finding your home. And that’s what we hope to bring into the lives of those who buy it, and especially, to the ones that will benefit from its sales.”
Steve Rogers talks about their design addressing the room, but it looks like he's speaking just for his husband's ears. They don't seem to notice that they're in the middle of a press room until Barnes gets close to the mic on the table.
"I suggested blue thighs, but I gave up because Summer is coming up. I just hope this is successful enough for a Winter collection. So, please, buy the hell out of these shirts. It's for a very good cause."
For @stuckybingo B5 "Sharing Clothes"
(I don't even know where this came from, I was tired, and then that shirt Chris was wearing reminded me of Bucky's t-shirt in CAFTA.... and when i manip the texture in, it fit SO WELL.. And here I am.)
I chose to leave the tatttoo because in this universe that is a “till the end of the line” one, just so you know!
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otp-holic · 3 years
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Captain Steven Grant Rogers and Sergeant James Buchanan Barnes, 1943. "Remember all those times you told me I couldn't be a bigger punk? Well, Buck, clearly you were wrong."
(or the one where Steve makes Bucky giggle while posing for a picture where they tried to cover their impending need to hold hands and touch each other by manly posing as (not quite) literal brothers in arms.)
For @stuckybingo 045 B4:"Punk"
(I'm sorry for the rushed quality, but I couldn't stop, those new pictures, omg... Im probably revisiting in the future, but this is it for the time being)
Original pic credit
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otp-holic · 3 years
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For @stucky-week Day 5 Alpine/Pets and @stuckybingo SB045 G4 "Long Distance"
(I had FUN with this one! I wanted to recreate this look from the comics and it all took a crazy turn as these things usually do.)
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otp-holic · 3 years
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Steve and Bucky have been friends for ten years, working side by side on a popular Children's comic saga, and here right there is the moment when Steve truly catches that look on Bucky's face. The look that tells him that all the pining, all the hidden feelings he's hoarded for years are undoubtedly reciprocated, and he can't help but smile, fucking finally. Will he be as brave as Captain America, their comic-book hero, and kiss Bucky senseless against their office's wall? (yes he will)
For @stuckybingo SB045 O2 Oblivious to Lovers
(I haven't one anything in so long...)
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otp-holic · 3 years
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I was alone, I took a ride ( I didn't know what I would find there)
Stucky Modern AU. Friends to Lovers.
Completed: 232 Ks Summary: With his college dreams and life plans frozen in his past, Steve Rogers spends his days working a dead-end job, taking care of his ma and niece, doing street art, and occasionally riding his bike. But when Bucky Barnes, his best friend’s older brother, makes a surprising return home after being gone for years, many of the dreams he had learned to shield himself from start to make his way into his life, making him struggle to reconcile his own desires with his fears and responsibilities. (based on Shelter, the 2007 movie) Title, from The Beatles: Got To Get You Into My Life
Well, it is here. I don’t even know how this came to be, but… here it is: The (somehow loose) Shelter AU that I "vomited" for fun. And it would NOT be here without @thewinterwelded, @between-a-ship-and-a-hard-place and @dreamsinthewitchouse who made the best suggestions when I was close THIS CLOSE to give up making sense of it. This fic started as a messy stream os consciousness thing for myself, and it wouldn’t be here without them. And I mean literally, since it'd not only be a much worse story, but also forever sitting on my hard drive. THANK YOU. Being able to talk about this is the most enjoyable part of this process.
Read on AO3
(more notes about warnings and updates on Ao3. This thing is written to the end, and I hope to edit fast enough to update weekly :)) For @stuckybingo SB045 NI "AU: Movie” aka That Shelter AU
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otp-holic · 3 years
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"Something I can tell you about the sea, though, is that I had my first kiss at Coney Island with my feet in the water," he pauses, and everybody can hear him smile while reminiscing. Bucky smiles with him because, of course, he was there. “Hidden under one of the piers, with sea salt sticking to my skin and my heart in my throat. It felt forbidden, like the best of secrets.”
A moment towards the end of my fic Radio Days.
The fic is not worth it, but I have a tremendous love for it because it kept me company and excited for weeks. I've had the middle square manip in my mind since before I posted it, but nothing was working. I'm so glad I could finish it, and I'm quite happy with it. Looks easy enough? One of the hardest things I've ever photoshoped xD
For @stucky-week "Memories" and also for @stuckybingo "First Kiss"
And a Still version, just because :)
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otp-holic · 3 years
A headcanon assaulted me today:
What if when Steve chose the gym to release some “super-strength” frustration after waking up from the ice it was not a random choice at all?
What if Steve chose the one where Bucky trained for boxing matches in the 30s? The one where Bucky (maybe reluctantly) showed Steve how to defend himself, how to fight back?
What if the first time he went there after the ice. He saw that, among the pictures decorating the walls, there was a big (unnamed) picture of Bucky from his boxing days?
What if he told the new management (apparently they just scanned some old pictures they found when they renovated the place and used them as decoration) who that unnamed boxer in the wall was and they added Bucky’s name by his picture?
What if Steve started going there not just to destroy some punching bags with his super strength, but also to read, draw or just to feel close to Bucky?
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Good thing that when they meet again and move back to Brooklyn they can visit the place together. I’m sorry I cannot leave it at sad.
(Headcanon and manip fitting @stuckybingo sb045 i3 “super-strength”)
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mslaevateinn · 3 years
Captain America vs the Winter Soldier
Relationships: Bucky/Steve (heavily implied) Rating: G Warnings: N/A Tags: Hockey AU, Modern AU, Russian Bucky Barnes, Olympics final Square filled: Free x No Powers AU for the @buckybarnesbingo (Buckuary Intersectional Bingo), I4 Rivalry for @stuckybingo and the prompt ‘AU/Multiverse’ for @stucky-week​
Word Count: 320
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‘Captain America vs the Winter Soldier’
It was what the media used to refer to the upcoming game. The final of the Olympic Tournament. USA vs Russia, historical rivals. 
Steve Rogers, nicknamed Captain America by the public because the team captain embodied all the american stereotypes. Opposed to Russia’s captain, Yakov Barnesky, nicknamed the Winter soldier because of his origins, his infaillible determination and supposedly cold heart.
Bookmakers, other teams and hockey fans from everywhere around the globe were eagerly awaiting the encounter. Both teams were at the peak of their success, and the rivalry between the two captains was often talked about. People thought they hated each other. Oh, how they were so far from the truth… They somehow couldn’t imagine people from their two countries being friends. How stupid. Not only did they not hate each other, they got along very -very- well. Way too much for direct rivals, that was for sure, too much also for the vast majority of russians.
Yasha was even friends - or at least on friendly terms - with other people from Steve’s teammates. It was a lot more than what he could say about the majority of his own team.
As Yasha stepped into the Arena, he looked around. The ambiance was electric: the public was screaming, there were cameras everywhere - he almost had knocked into one… As he caught the look from Captain America himself, it dawned on him that this was finally it. He smiled, winked at Steve before hopping onto the ice.
For Yasha, whatever the issue of the match turned out to be, it would be a victory. Either his team won, and he would have a nice medal and be able to call himself an Olympic champion… Or they lost and they were vice champions. In both cases, he had a shiny medal. In both cases, he would not go back to Russia. In both cases, he would be free.
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mslaevateinn · 3 years
From the 40s… to the future
Square filled: Steve x Canon compliant for the @buckybarnesbingo​ (Buckuary Intersectional Bingo)
Prompts from the @stuckybingo​ Server February’s party ‘Snack’ and @stucky-week​ ‘Memories’
Relationships: Bucky/Steve Rating: G Warnings: N/A Tags: Coney Island, the Cyclone, fluff, canon compliant-ish Summary: Bucky and Steve reenact some old memories and make new ones by taking a tour around Coney Island. Word Count: N/A (double moodboard)
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Last time they were here, they were two nobodies in the midst of Brooklyners. Now, they are famous for different reasons, riddled by trauma and two men out of time… but they still have each other. It’s time for them to make new memories, starting with going back to Coney Island and enjoying snacks and a ride on the Cyclone.
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otp-holic · 3 years
Some random lazy morning
Up, down, up, down, up, down…. The finger rhythmically brushing the bridge of his nose is what induces Steve’s senses to sluggishly come back to life. The taste of Bucky when he wets his dry lips. The strong smell of them in the room when he takes a deep breath to help awaken his brain. The blurry smiling face not two inches away from his own when his eyes manage to stay open for more than a blink. "I’m glad the serum didn’t fix your stupid crooked nose." The blissful tune when Bucky’s sleepy and hearty voice caresses his ears.
For @stuckybingo SB045 Square B3: "Writing Format: Drabble"
I woke up with this in my mind and felt nice to write 100 silly words. It was so difficult to narrow it to 100 words exactly... I was always 5 words up or down.
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otp-holic · 3 years
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Summary: Mindless domestic fun with cushions and pillows. I wrote this on a plane, and it's absolutely just pointless fluff for @somanywords who sent me the "wish you wrote a fic where..." with the request “ i wish you'd write a fic where steve and bucky have a pillow fight and alpine breaks a cup to get them to stop ;)” Title, obviously from Bucky himself: “We can put couch cushions on the floor like when we were kids, it'll be fun." I do hope it's a bit of silly fun. For@stuckybingo SB045 O5 "Avengers Assemble!"
"I'm bored,” Steve says after a long time of not looking at the screen where they are supposedly watching a reality show about very strange houses, and (more specifically), about people building the house of their dreams. It's the early afternoon, but dark clouds and rain make the world outside uninviting, and (in all honesty), Bucky is having fun. Cuddling Steve on a couch that fits them both, inside their habitually bright and big brick-walled apartment is beyond the house he once dared to dream, so watching those dedicated house-building dreamers on TV warms his heart more than he would ever confess. "You don't understand the world you live in, Steve," he answers. "People vibe to watch those things on TV. Seeing people chasing their dreams and living vicariously through them while risking nothing." Steve huffs and stands up at that.
To the rest of the fic :)
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otp-holic · 3 years
Happy birthday @moonykat , your post this morning gave me a plot bunny, so I thought about gifting this silliness to you, I made the best I could on my bus ride. Hope your birthday is going as great as possible, you youngster!
Drawbacks (and perks) of dressing in the dark
1K, Teen. Fluff, silly, Established relationship, Bucky Barnes being an accidental fashion victim Summary: The aftermath of an unexpected "mission" in Williamsburg. fill for @stuckybingo square G-3 Vibranium (not heavily featured, tho)
Trouble smells them somehow. Big or small, it doesn’t matter: trouble just knows they are around and comes up from behind a corner to say hi. Bucky is sure of that because there doesn’t seem to be another explanation for the mess they got into on this warm (and otherwise perfect) September Saturday in the heart of fucking Williamsburg.
He feels his ruined t-shirt: torn, soaked and probably dirty from the burst pipe that sounded like a bomb from where Steve and him were quietly stealing ice-cream from each other twenty minutes ago, and his mind registers that he’s alone inside the almost dark building, meaning that he’s somehow lost Steve into the chaos of the screaming hipsters who are probably live streaming how their famous neighbors Captain Rogers and Sergeant Barnes just saved them from dying a horrible death inside their favorite store.
(It doesn’t matter if it was just them running to help when they heard a loud explosion that turned to be just a water pipe that produced a small localized power outage, and part of the false ceiling to fall inside an old-factory-turned-high-end-clothing-store, because the story, or better, the stories always get more interesting with near-death experiences and the local ex-superhero and his partner leaving retirement for a moment in order to rescue you from it.)
He’s not looking forward to facing that, but even less so while he is soaked, so he sighs, removing what’s left of his shirt and throwing it to the floor. He instantly feels the comforting dry cold of Steve’s dogtags over his chest, and takes a t-shirt from what appears to be a pile of them that has somehow survived.
The first one he tries on doesn’t even make it past his head, so he takes another from the bottom of the pile hoping for a bigger size. Thank god he’s not Steve and he actually knows how buying in retail shops works these days.
The new t-shirt fits, but it’s still hard to pass over his vibranium arm, so he searches for the left shoulder hem with his fingers in the dark, and tears the sleeve off as he’s already done hundreds of times by now. He feels better dry, absolutely ready to find his stupid husband and flee hipster hell as soon as he can.
His eyes take a moment to adjust to the warm light bathing the street, and as he starts to scan the crowd he can feel more than see all those fucking phones turning towards him, but he doesn’t care for too long because once his sight is completely adjusted his eyes meet Steve’s. Steve who is gorgeously dirty while leaning into a brick wall surrounded by a few paramedics, policemen and firefighters.
The shock in his partner’s eyes when in combination with paramedics doesn’t sit well with Bucky, but what makes him run towards him is the blood dripping from his crooked nose.
Everybody makes room for him on his run to reach Steve, so he has an idea about the menacing face he might be spotting, but he doesn’t care because Steve might be hurt, and Bucky is already blaming himself for missing the piece of ceiling that might have hit him in the head.
“What happened?” Bucky asks, cleaning Steve’s blood with trembling fingers before running them through his head searching for a wound or a bump that might explain the blood. “Shit, I didn’t see you getting hurt, what did the paramedics say? Are you ok? Are yo..”
“Buck!!” Steve half screams, half moans, stopping his babbling. “I’m perfectly fine,… aside from the embarrassment.”
Bucky doesn’t understand and Steve realizes it and fucking laughs in his face. Why did he marry this handsome bastard?
“Buck, oh my god, you changed clothes in the middle of this chaos!”
“Don’t you dare mock me, Steven, I was in a clothing store and I was soaked, I’m not sorry! I was the one bending the fucking pipe closed while you were running around saving all the cool people!”
“And the world thanks you for that… and for your choice of wardrobe.”
That’s just when Bucky actually looks down at himself and sees… well, his nipples showing up under a strip of transparent fabric. It seems to alternate with bluish stripes, pattern extending to the surviving sleeve too… and, is that half a Captain America Star over his chest, too? He starts blushing on the spot. Great.
“I should have known nothing good could come off from picking a random shirt in Williamsburg, what the hell is this thing?” He asks Steve, who is having a fit of laughter in the middle of the street, people making videos of it but hopefully not getting on with their conversation.
“Looks like a semi-transparent pseudo-version of my old uniform,” Steve finally answers, laughter half gone and blood showing up again now that he’s actually focusing on Bucky again.
“Oh my god, Steve! You dirty punk, you gave me the scare of the week and you are actually bleeding because…”
“Yeah yeah, my blood is running south much faster than my super-soldier arteries can deal. Give me all the shit you want, but let’s get out of here if you don’t want me to rip off that excuse of a t-shirt for all these lovely people to make stories about.”
Bucky laughs into Steve's mouth, getting close enough to actually feel where Steve’s blood is traveling to, and making sure he gives people something interesting to stream about before they disappear running past the crowds hand in hand like the silly (and horny for each other) teenagers they still are at heart.
And a quick silly (unfinished) as an extra present, haha, I was too amused not to do it!
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mslaevateinn · 2 years
Three little letters
My fill for the square G5 ‘Letters’ from the @stuckybingo​
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Steve was nervous. It wasn’t the fault of the competition. No, that… he didn’t mind much. He had already won by being chosen back home. And he was singing a ballad, at Eurovision. He could get points from the jury, but the public probably wouldn’t care much. Although, maybe the fact it was a queer ballad could help. That, and the fact he was partly singing in gaeilge. Steve shrugged; only time would tell.
No, what was making him nervous, was another contestant. Real heartthrob in his country, he was singing and dancing. His entry was a catchy tune with nice lyrics with a mix of languages… he could win points from either side.  He definitely had won Steve’s attention during the first rehearsals. He had been about to get on stage when the guy had winked at him while getting off it on the other side. Then Steve had seen him sticking close during his performance, and even after that. This had been yesterday morning. In the evening, the guy had waved at him very briefly, then disappeared. Steve had not seen him walking around today, but a quick look at the organisation for the day made him smile broadly. 
Here they were. Three little letters, saying the guy would be present that day.
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