#stunning made me snort giggle
satoruoo · 7 months
the couple + the cashier - f. toji
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"‘scuse me, miss?"
the cashier is no more than 15 minutes into her evening shift, and some customer who is almost guaranteed to ask the stupidest question is already bothering her. god, what evil did she do in a past life to deserve this? she quickly sucks in the exasperated sigh that threatens to escape her lips and steels herself for the worst as she turns around.
contrary to her previous beliefs, she's faced with the finest man she's ever seen in her life.
he's tall, towering at least a head above her with broad shoulders and a large frame. the compression shirt he's wearing and the dark sweats that hang low on his waist do no good to help slow her quickening heartbeat. his facial features are sharp, dark eyes and matching dark hair with a scar over his lips.
the only reason he's not intimidating her to the point of tears is the baby he's holding on his hip. a spitting image of him, the child has the same dark hair and eyes, gripping a small plush toy in his tiny fist.
"sorry t’bother," the man says, voice deep and gravelly, "was just wonderin’ where the baby aisle is."
she blinks, not even fully registering what he's saying. of course the big, beefy, incredibly sexy, and possible killer of a man is asking where the baby aisle is. the baby in question babbles loudly as the man adjusts his position on his hip. she swallows thickly, suddenly forgetting how to form coherent sentences.
"oh, uh, yeah, it's-" she doesn't get to finish as a voice as smooth as silk interrupts.
his wife, she presumes by the way the man immediately twists his body to follow the voice, is a striking contrast to her husband with her far softer features and more approachable aura. she watches in silent awe as his body visibly relaxes, shoulders sagging in relief. the baby perks up too, his tiny hands making grabby motions toward the woman approaching them.
you're positively gorgeous, probably one of the most beautiful women the cashier ever laid eyes on. you're smiling as you ruffle the baby's hair, placing a quick kiss on his forehead lovingly eliciting a series of sweet giggles.
"toji, it took you less than five minutes to get lost." you scold lightly, biting back the smile that creeps up onto your lips and he places his free hand on the small of your back.
the cashier is struggling to believe her eyes. what a stunning couple the two of you made. she can see the resemblance between you and the baby now too. he may have his father's hair and eyes, but his nose and lips are all yours.
"sorry ma," the man, toji she thinks his name was, says, "megs wanted to look at the toys."
you raise an eyebrow. "megs can't even talk yet, babe."
toji chuckles, his lips tipping up into a lazy grin. he can't refute that one, it seems.
"sorry about him," you say, turning to the cashier as megumi tries to get a grip on your hair before toji pulls him away, "my husband can be on the stupider side. i hope he didn't bother you."
you may have said some harsh words, but the cashier can tell it's all in mirthful adoration when toji grins and presses a kiss to your temple.
"ah, no, it's fine." is all she manages to say through the large lump in her throat.
you smile at her, thanking her for her time as you take toji's hand, guiding him to the correct aisle.
the cashier stands motionless for a moment or two, still dazed from her experience with the crazy attractive man with his insanely attractive wife and their stupidly adorable baby. she doesn't think she'll ever complain about her job again.
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"toji, don't you think that cashier was adorable?" you ask as you browse through the brands of diapers on the shelf.
your husband scoffs, snorting through his nose while he pretends to be useful by looking through the baby wash.
"dunno, my eyes are only ever on you, doll. didn't get a good look." he says, "saw how she was eye-fuckin’ you, though."
you almost drop the pack in your hands at his crude comment.
"not in front of megumi." you remind, "and she was not eye-fucking me."
toji grins, coming up behind you to gently nip your neck, "either way, ‘s too bad for her, ‘cause you're already happily married."
you hum, looking fondly at megumi before tilting your head up to give toji a kiss.
"i suppose."
"hey! the fuck is that supposed to mean?!"
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daddyfordaeddy · 4 months
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Pairing: San x f! Reader
Word Count: 2269
Warnings: cursing, talks of insecurity about your nether regions, too much league of legends talk, none otherwise (smut warnings under cut)
Genre: smut, fluff, rated M for mature, established relationship au
Summary: You lost a bet to San, and now he gets to do whatever he wants
Smut warnings: fingering, oral (male & female receiving, fem focused), blindfold, dirty talk, spit play, light bondage (yn's tied to a chair), multiple orgasms
I’m only doing a couple of the February Filth Fest, and this is day/track 25! free use/spit play, and i chose the latter (once more)! i know almost nothing about spit play so i hope its good!
And if you want to know what other days I’m doing? You’ll just have to wait and see ;) This is the second to last one!
“Baby, can you come here for a minute?” Your boyfriend, San, calls for you and your head pops up from the book you were reading. It wasn’t very interesting anyway, something you had to read for class, so you have no qualms about putting it down and seeing what San needs. He’s currently in the computer room, waiting for you with a large and mischievous grin on his face.
“What’s that look for,” you laugh, approaching him and leaning down to peck his lips. “You look like a cat who swallowed a bird.” San pouts at the analogy but he can’t really fight it.
San sighs, his eyes crinkling with a smile and you can’t help but kiss him again at the adorable sight. “I just had an idea. Hear me out, okay?”
You laugh but plop into your chair next to him. “Shoot.”
“So.” San seems almost embarrassed but the smile on your face doesn’t waver and he squares his shoulders. “I was wondering if you’d be willing to bet with me. You know how you’ve been playing league pretty competitively lately?”
You nod. Your friends roped you into playing ranked games with them and you’ve somehow made your way as a platinum player. Every so often, San would join you and your friends in playing games and every time he does, you’re reminded of how he used to be a diamond level. “Yeah, why? You wanna play again?”
San chuckles. “Kind of. I don’t want to go the competitive route again, but I want to play one game with you.”
You narrow your eyes playfully. You may be good now, but you’re pretty sure San has been practising behind your back. “What do I get if I win?”
San’s smile grows wider. “You can do whatever you want with me in bed. But the same goes for me if I win. Deal?”
You hum. “Sure, but we get to pick each other’s champions.”
Without another word, San holds out his hand and you give it a firm shake. “I’ll have you play Neeko.”
You snort. “Well, you picked so nicely you can play Akali. I’d let you be Graves but I’ve never played against one.” San leans over to smack your leg but you dodge it with a giggle.
San sighs but his eyes are full of fondness. “Of course, so kind. Now, I hope you’re ready to get your ass beat.” His words are tender but he’s not playing around. He’s both competitive and horny and he’ll do whatever to win. And you won’t lie, you’re enjoying the idea of it too.
“I think you might be talking to yourself, Sannie,” you wink. “I hope you like getting pegged.”
The beginning of the match was fairly easy. The bots, of course, were evenly matched and you and San were fairly even. Although you tend to scale more late-game and San does best in mid-game, you were playing it safe.
“Ah, fuck!” You squawk when the opposing top just shows up, stunning you and San lands his first kill. “That was so mean,” you complain and San chuckles, leaning past his computer screen to pat your knee.
“Sorry, baby, that’s the game,” he hums before narrowing his eyes to reconcentrate. You find it hotter than you should. Unfortunately, after your death, San got a leg up and it’s hard to pick up the slack. And with how close the two of you were in skill, that small difference turned into a big difference. In no time whatsoever, your nexus is already on the brink of death and no matter how hard you try, you end up losing.
“Fuck,” you whine, pulling off your headphones and slinging them around your neck. “That was so close I could almost imagine my victory.”
San snickers, rolling his chair over to practically flop onto your body. “Sorry, baby, but it looks like I’m the winner here.”
You pout playfully, carding your fingers through his soft hair. “Fine, fine. What do you wanna do,” you concede, bending down to kiss his temple.
San hums but you know he’s not really thinking about it. You’ve known him long enough that you can tell that he had been planning this for a while. “I wanna eat you out.”
His words cause you to stiffen and turn your eyes away. You’ve always disliked the idea of you receiving oral. Not because you find it gross, of course. You like sucking dick, what difference is there? Your past boyfriends offered before, you just didn’t take them up on it and they didn’t press the issue. It just stems from your insecurities about your vagina, you suppose.
In your eyes, it’s too weird-looking. And you know San is just happy to do whatever but you can’t get over your mental block. But as San stares up at you, you sigh. You’re too prideful to back out. It’s not like it’s the worst thing San could’ve chosen. You just don’t like it. It’d be like if you won and wanted to peg him.
“You don’t have to if you don’t–” San tries to help you when it takes you a tad too long to respond but you shake your head.
“It’s okay. You can.”
San’s eyes brighten and his lips twitch but he sits up, a little more serious. “Are you absolutely sure? I don’t want to make you feel like you had to.” And your heart blooms with appreciation for his words. And it only makes you want to trust him more.
“I am.”
Your body is stiff in the chair you’re tied loosely to as you anticipate what's to come. A blindfold rests over your eyes and it's almost barely see-through so you can see the shadows moving around you but not what it is. You're not quite sure what you expect but the unsurety of it all makes your thighs clench.
“You're so tense,” San's voice floats towards you and you can almost feel his presence as he comes to stand in front of you. “Are you ready?”
At your nod, his hand comes to rest on your bare thigh, nothing covering your lower half except the hem of your shirt. “Don't worry, I'll make you feel good, baby.”
Before you can even respond, his breath ghosts over your cunt and your breath stops in your throat. He giggles at how stiff you're holding yourself before he presses a soft kiss to the junction of your inner thigh. And another. And another.
“Hurry up already,” you groan. “Can't get this over with if you take five years–” Your words are cut off as soon as San places a kiss to your clit, pleasure shooting up your spine. Your teeth sink into your bottom lip as your hips jerk at the sensation.
“Come on, don’t be shy. I want to hear all your pretty moans,” San hums, pressing another kiss to your clit as his tongue darts out to flick at it. “Taste so good baby, can’t believe I finally get to do this. Been dreaming about eating you for dessert and now I finally get to. So perfect for me.”
Your thighs are so tense, both from your nerves and from the feeling of his tongue pressing against your folds. “San–” you groan, clenching so hard you feel you may get a cramp in your hip, but San’s having none of that. His thumbs press into the junction connecting your thighs and torso, and you hiss at the pressure. “Fuck,” you groan.
You can hear the slick sounds of San lapping at your pussy, his nose pressing into your clit so perfectly you fear you may come already. His fingers are pressing slowly into you as he licks around them. “Fuck, you’re squeezing around me so well,” he groans. “So needy, look at you.”
Without warning, he spits on your pussy, and you gasp at the sensation of his saliva dripping down your heated skin. “San!” You don’t know how to react and your boyfriend chuckles at your astonishment. He bends down, licking at the mixture of your slick and his spit, kissing your clit again as he bites at the flesh.
A high-pitched whine escapes your throat as his teeth scrape against your folds and your hips kick up as you reach your high, coming with a groan. It feels like you’re about to pee, just so much more intense, and your core clenches as your head is thrown back in bliss. San’s tongue leaves your folds although his fingers are still pumping inside of you.
“Fuck, babe, I didn’t know you could squirt,” he says, voice filled with awe. “Fuck.” He spits again on your pussy, flattening his tongue to lick a long stripe up it and your breath catches at the feeling.
“Oh God,” you groan, eyes fluttering shut as your teeth work into your spit-covered lower lip. “Fuck, it’s so much, Sannie.”
San hums, mouth still pressed against your sopping cunt and if you think hard enough, you can just imagine how shiny his face must be after eating you out for what seems like hours. “You’re just so perfect, how could I stop?” he groans, the vibrations in your cunt making you twitch. “Colour?”
“Fuck– green,” you cry, trying to grind down on the chair, and San chuckles, puffing his warm breath onto your nether regions. “Sannie, please–”
Without another word, he spits onto his free hand, pressing his palm onto your clit and rubbing it in small circles. You can’t help but arch your back, whimpers and gasps leaving your lips like you’re getting paid for every sound you make. The light filtering through your blindfold is suddenly covered, and before you can even register what’s happening, San’s lips press against yours and you eagerly accept his kiss.
You can taste yourself in his mouth as you lick into it, mouth falling open as San spits in it. “Swallow,” he commands, and you rush to do so, eyes rolling back in your head as his fingers pump inside of you and the hand that was rubbing your clit moves up to pinch and knead your breast.
“Nng, San, I’m close again,” you warn, and San laughs, kissing down your neck and biting at your shoulder.
“Ah, again? So needy, begging for me,” he hums, mouth travelling down to suck at your other boob, his teeth scraping over your nipple. “You’re so pretty, (Y/N), taste so good, I could eat you up for hours.”
And, true to his word, he presses his tongue against your flushed skin, dragging it down to taste the mixture of sweat and come until it reaches your clit again. With a groan, he slurps at your sensitive bud, nipping at it.
“Shit–” you cry out, legs jerking. San laughs, drawing his fingers out of your cunt and away from your chest as he pins your legs down to have uninterrupted access. The hot muscle of his tongue slowly presses into you, flicking at your convulsing flesh so perfectly. With so many sensations overcoming your body, you feel like you might die as you reach your second orgasm of the night.
It washes over you wave after wave, and San’s tongue won’t stop pushing in and out of you at a slowing speed. “So perfect for me,” he repeats himself as he sighs against your quivering pussy. “You’re dripping so much for me. Eat you so well you can’t stop, hmm?”
“Fuck off,” you gasp, although there’s not much bite to your words. Not when San spreads your lower lips and presses his tongue impossibly further into your wet heat. “Ah, shit.”
As much as he likes to tease you, San doesn’t want to overwhelm you and he slows down, letting you come down from your high without too much overstimulation. Your body feels limp on the chair, your legs jello. You feel San’s breath on your temple right before he kisses it as he unties your wrists and pulls off your blindfold.
You blink blearily up at him, a smile forming at the sight of how wrecked he looks just as much as you. His hair is a mess and his crooked grin is shining with his spit and your slick. You grab his collar, unable to resist pulling him for another kiss as your hand wanders down to press against the obvious bulge in his slacks.
“Ah–” San sighs at the pressure, just letting you unzip his pants and pull out his thick cock, your thumb rubbing the head of it. “You don’t have–”
You interrupt him by leaning down and pressing your lips against the tip, letting your spit dribble down the length of it before enveloping half of it in your mouth. As you reach down to fondle his balls, you keep his dick resting in your mouth, spit pooling and sliding down the veins.
San looks ready to blow already, his eyes squeezed shut and his hand gripping your hair. It makes your heart and cunt throb at how beautiful he looks and you scrape your teeth gently against him. With an almost pained groan, he comes into your mouth and you swallow the bitter taste with a sigh and hum.
The hold he has on your hair loosens and his hand falls to cup your face to bring you back up to him for another long kiss. “Thanks for letting me do this,” San smiles against your lips and you tug him closer by his belt loops.
“Thanks for doing this,” you smile right back. “Next time, I’ll win.”
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hiiii 💗 were you thinking about Az and reader best friends taking showers together after a mission? something cute and also very intimate, maybe some smut if you want to put it, feel free. everything that you write is well done, so I will just trust 🥹🥹💗 thank you 🤍
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“you don’t have to turn around, az. i’m perfectly comfortable with you seeing me naked.” you snort as you wash your body off.
his back was facing you, hands covering his gentiles to not flash you them. with anyone else, you might have been insecure about being completely naked in front of them, but not with azriel. he was far too sweet to judge and you were certain he could keep his eyes to himself. he was polite all of the time, even while everyone else feared him. he was the least judgmental being on this earth, centuries of friendship proved that to you.
yet, he was still shy as ever, his cheeks tinted pink as he practically hid from you.
“are you sure?”
you scoffed playfully at his question and rolled your eyes at his manners.
“yes, i am positive.” you giggled as you rinsed off your wings.
you watched the planes of his back and stems of his wings tense, as if he was hesitating to turn around and face you. it was cute, you thought. the way such a flirtatious male could seem so shy with a naked female in a small space with him.
suddenly, it dawned on you that maybe he didn’t want to look at you. you were different, everyone knew it. not only were your wings large for a female illyrian, but your figure was plusher than any fae you had met before. it was something it had taken you years to comes to terms with on your own, with some help from azriel along the way. he would make you feel normal, special with his flirty banter and lingering touches but he had never seen you naked, ever.
perhaps he wasn’t interested to and it made him uncomfortable. you grimaced at the thought of that, feeling some self-hatred bubble it’s way into your throat and tying a knot in your stomach.
“you don’t have to. just know that it’s okay to.” you mumbled.
this mission was very stressful, and you wanted nothing more than to snuggle up in bed with your favorite male and drift to sleep. your wings felt heavier than usual, dirt and blood was packed under your nails and your hair felt unbearably filthy. azriel wasn’t much better; blood was splattered across his back, shoulders and legs, with mud caked in his raven hair. his shadows swirled at his feet defeatedly and the muscles in his back looked utterly exhausted, like the mighty wings perched could fall any second. part of you wanted to lift them for him for some relief but you knew better.
a heavy sigh left his lips before his deep voice cracked through the air. “if i turn around, can you promise me you won’t laugh?”
you furrowed your brows, confusion clouding every sense as you stared at his scarred back.
what on earth would you laugh about? you knew about the scars all over his body from protecting loved ones, and they were nothing to giggle about. you’ve even seen him naked accidentally a few times; nothing was laughable about the shadowsinger’s stunning body.
“why would i?”
“just.” he sighed. “just promise me.”
“okay, i promise.” you said softly.
the shadows at his feet whispered to him, a language you couldn’t begin to understand even after years of hearing the unique communication. you hoped they weren’t making fun of you.
azriel puffed out a breath before shuffling his feet around, revealing himself to you sheepishly. his head hung low, eyes trained on his feet and the dark mist that enclosed the tile floor. his body language looked awkward, as if he felt uncomfortable baring himself to you.
not uncomfortable, embarrassed.
you took him in, trying not to let your eyes travel too low but looking him over enough to find what was funny.
you found nothing but a godlike male in front of you, marred with breathtaking faded scars and toned… everything. not an area of him was soft, his body was completely toned.
so what was there to be nervous about?
“azriel, i swear i’m not just saying this, but what are you talking about? you’re beautiful.”
the spymaster’s cheeks tinted pink at your compliment as he shifted his feet nervously under your intentive gaze. he prayed that your eyes wouldn’t catch sight of what his hands tried to cover, that you wouldn’t kick him out and never speak to him again because of it.
“by the mother, azriel, you are so gorgeous.”
you couldn’t stop yourself from letting another praise slip from your chapped lips. it was so easy, especially since he’s told you how beautiful you are plenty times before. the goal wasn’t to make him flustered, or anything really. his beauty was just so enchanting that you couldn’t help but express it.
screwing his eyes shut, he felt all the blood in his body rush downward as your words replayed in his mind over and over.
‘you’re beautiful.’
‘you are so gorgeous.’
“are you okay, az? are you hurt?” you asked as you took notice of his pained expression.
the mission was dangerous, but you could have swore he was clear of injuries— you checked thrice. maybe it was something internal, like an ash arrow splinter or some kind of spell. whatever it was, you needed to rush him to a healer immediately.
without thinking of how naked you both were, not that he was looking anyway, you stepped closer to him and grabbed at his forearms worriedly, paying no mind to the way he tensed harshly. his eyes found yours reluctantly, trying his best not to pay too much attention to way he could fucking see everything given your height difference. even as he kept his focus on your concerned face, the full imagine of you was there and temping him to stare.
“i’m fine. it’s nothing, just a small headache.” he lied.
he should have known better, really. azriel was a fantastic liar, he even did it professionally, but never to you. you could always see through his fibs, big or small. with one knowing look, he would crumble and tell you the truth. just like now.
“i can’t tell you this time, i’m sorry.”
you glanced around the tile walls in thought, trying to come up with what he could possibly be hiding from you. you and azriel had a no secrets rule, one he set when you when on a date with cassian once, and he took it very seriously on his part. so keeping one now was out of character for your beloved best friend. it worried you deeply, like he couldn’t be himself anymore around you. the thought sickened you.
“why? you know you can tell me-“
he cut you off with a long sigh. “it’s embarrassing.”
“and you think me being naked in front of you right now isn’t?”
azriel knew you had a very valid point, even more so considering your past with body image issues, and he kicked himself for being so insensitive.
“it-“ he sighed once more as he tighten his closed eyes. “i’m sorry.”
you were now immensely curious as to what secret he harbored, what could possibly be so embarrassing that he couldn’t even tell his most treasured friend. the way his eyes were screwed shut tight concerned you greatly.
what if it wasn’t his problem, per say, but it was you? what if he was repulsed by the thought of your naked body? so much so that he couldn’t even bring himself to look at you?
so many negative thoughts ran through your mind, causing you to overlook the way his eyes finally opened as your gaze fixated on the bottle of body wash behind him.
this time, he couldn’t help himself. he tested his luck the last time he looked at you, and his restraint was no longer there, exhaustion made it thinner than usual. his eyes flicked to your breasts immediately, and once they caught his attention, he couldn’t stop drinking them in.
his cock was already hard as a rock, the exact thing that had been kept from you, just from the glimpse of your bare stomach earlier from when you tore your leathers off. but now, he was sure it would take him forever to get it down.
“is it me?”
your voice was weak, the exact tone you would use when stressing over your looks to him. it broke his heart into a million pieces to hear you say that, especially when you weren’t technically wrong, but still way off base.
you were right; it was you. you and your godsdamn body that got him in this situation.
“is it because i’m not as pretty-“
“don’t you dare finish that sentence, y/n.” azriel practically growled at you. “because my cock is so fucking hard right now just from the sight of you.”
your breath caught in your throat at his confession. no way this was real. no, this was impossible. a fever dream, you were dreaming. azriel would never think this way of you in a zillion life times, you were absolutely sure of it. this male, your partner, your best friend, was far too out of your league for him to ever think of you this way. he was lying, no doubt.
but he wasn’t, gods he had never been so turned on in his life.
“you don’t have to say that-“
before you could finish, his hands dropped to his sides for the first time since he stepped into the shower with you. instinctively, your gaze flickered to where the movement occurred, a trait from your spy training you picked up, and the whole world stopped.
you always thought in the back of the chambers of your mind that azriel was big, his wingspan and overall energy gave it away— not to mention the rumors around prythian. but never would you have expected to ever see it.
your cheeks heated incredibly, and you were sure he could hear your heart beat quicken.
for a moment, he had thought he made a grave mistake. your silence and wide eyed expression terrified him to no end until he could see your nipples perk up and smell the sweet scent of your arousal.
“az..” you mumbled breathlessly.
“you are the most beautiful female i have ever laid my sights on, y/n. for centuries i have longed for you, and sat by and listened to the awful lies you’ve said about yourself. everything that you hate, wished would change; i have fallen so in love and lust with. I’m sorry, I just don’t have the energy to lie to you anymore and keep myself away from you. I know it may be very uncomfortable for you right now, and I understand if you no longer want to be-“
before he could finish, you smashed your lips to his. instantly, he returned the kiss and placed his hands on your plush hips, giving them a long awaited squeeze.
“fuck, I want you so bad.” he growled against you.
“then don’t hold back.”
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astrophileous · 9 months
if reader is bug, their son is little bug and their daughter is little bug, what is derek's bug related nickname? or is he disappointed about not having one?
OKAY I personally think Derek's usually fine over not having a bug-related nickname (after all, he's the one who came up with them for his lil family 🥺) but I just imagined a scenario that wouldn't be ooc for him to feel jealous of not having a similar nickname and I hope this is to your liking <3
Love Bugs Masterlist / Criminal Minds Masterlist
It was bound to happen.
With how often Derek dropped the sweet nickname for you every single day, you knew that it was only a matter of time before it was bound to happen.
But that didn't mean you weren't absolutely floored when it happened for the first time.
Derek's eyes caught yours from across the room. "Did she just--"
"Bah. Bah."
In front of you, your daughter stood on wobbly legs. Your face was the exact twin of Derek's stunned expression as you saw your daughter pointing her fingers towards you and said--for the nth time that afternoon--a word that made your brain reduce into a mush.
"Is she--" your voice caught around a disbelieving chuckle, "--is she saying Bug?"
As if confirming your suspicion, your daughter took hold of your hand before pressing it to her face. "Bah."
Derek was laughing as he crossed the room. He picked up his daughter and lifted her in the air, earning a series of delighted giggles from the 1-year-old.
"My smart baby. Who's a smart baby? Yes, you are!" Derek cooed.
"We're gonna have to explain to people why our daughter's first word is Bug." You laughed as you watched your husband smother your daughter in kisses.
"Well, we can just tell everyone that we have the smartest 1-year-old in the world. Isn't that right, Baby Bug?"
For the next few weeks, your daughter's adorable murmurs of bah became the new constant in your home. She started learning to use the word as a means to attract your attention. But it wasn't the only thing that your daughter had managed to learn.
"Lil bah."
"That's right, baby!" Your son clapped his hands ecstatically, his sister mirroring him with an exhilarated grin. "I'm Little Bug. Good job!"
You followed the interaction between the two from the couch, a permanent smile on your lips. Derek was lying with his head on your lap when you heard him sigh.
"You okay, Mister?"
"I'm the only one she's still refusing to call."
The pout Derek had on his face nearly made you chuckle, and you probably would have done it if you didn't know just how devastating the whole thing was for him.
"You should take it as a compliment," you said instead, trying to put a balm on his wounded heart. "She only said Bug as her first word because she listens to you so much. She just wants to mirror everything you do, hun."
Derek exhaled another long breath. "Should I find myself a bug-related nickname just so she would call me?"
You snorted. "Like what? Mr. Bugkeeper?"
Derek pinched your thigh. "Very funny. I'm hurt and all you do is make fun."
That last statement of his actually made you laugh. Derek proceeded to grumble something under his breath, but you were too busy trying to keep your bellowing laughter under control to pay attention to it.
From across the room, your daughter suddenly stood on her chubby little feet before staggering over to where you and Derek were lounging on the couch while your son continued to play with his toys.
"Bah," your daughter said once she had reached you.
"Hi, baby."
"Bah." She proceeded to turn towards Derek after that, tracing the features on her father's face with exploratory fingers and a cute curiosity in her eyes. "Bah?"
"That's not Bug, baby," you told her. "That's Dada. Can you say Dada?"
She stared blankly at your face in response.
"Say Dada," Derek encouraged. "Come on, Baby Bug. Say I love you, Dada!"
Your daughter blinked and tilted her head to the side.
Derek sighed in disappointment. "This is hopeless. She's never gonna--"
You and Derek both froze in shock.
"Da." Your daughter grabbed a hold of Derek's cheeks. "Da. Wuv yu."
You didn't think you ever saw Derek sit up so fast in his life.
"Baby Bug." Your husband's voice was laden with bewilderment. "Can you say that again, sweetheart? Say that again for Dada?"
"Da. Wuv yu."
The laughter that rumbled from Derek's chest spoke of the greatest joy you had ever seen radiating from a person. He picked your daughter up in his embrace, spinning her around until the baby shrieked in glee.
"I told you it would happen, Mr. Bugkeeper," you said around your own jubilant laughter.
If it were any other day, Derek would have given you a side eye over the ludicrous nickname. But at that moment, Derek couldn't find it in his bones to care.
After all, his daughter had just told him that she loved him for the first time.
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radawayghoul · 1 month
His Little Dove | Sneak Peek
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A/N: here's a little sneak peek, babies!! this is completely unedited, i literally just typed this up in about five minutes so i will likely make adjustments buuutttt i wanted to give y'all something for now!! if you'd like to be tagged, let me know and i'll start makin' a list!!
Warnings: cursing, people being cunty but i mean...this is Lee Russell y'all...umm 18+ only, MDNI!
For as long as Lee could remember you had been there, with your amazing hair and beautiful, shy, sickly sweet smile. If he hadn’t married when he met you, he’d have scooped you up and made sure nobody else got their sticky little fingers on you. Even still, in his mind, you were his. His saving grace, one of the only people he trusted outside of his wife. He liked to call you his little dove because of how innocent and pure you looked. It was his tradition to tease you when it was just the two of you in the teachers lounge when Amanda finally let you roam free. Watching your face bloom with those shades of red was like doing a bump of coke on a hot, spring vacation evening. It sent a rush of adrenaline through him that made him wanna do it over and over again. And do it, he did. 
“Oh, hey Neal…okay.” You said as Neal stormed past you just outside Lee’s office. You gave Lee a questioning glance through the glass, a bit stunned you were given such a cold shoulder. 
Lee merely smirked and shrugged, waving you into the room to which you did so eagerly. 
“What was that all about?” You questioned, plopping down in one of the chairs in front of his desk, crossing one leg over the other, adjusting your skirt in the process. 
“Gamby’s being a whiny little cunt about who the next principal is gonna be.” Lee rolled his eyes, “I didn’t call you in here to talk about that loser, Iiii want to know what you’re up to.” Lee rested his elbows on his desk, wiggling his eyebrows with his hands folded under his chin, a small smile playing on his lips. 
Heat rose to your cheeks, dusting them in that beautiful, deep shade he loved oh-so-much. 
“Oh, please, you know I don’t ever have shit going on. Why?” You squinted at him, suspicious about what he might be up to. 
“Ohhh because I have to stay late tonight to get some of these files done on the new teachers and want your beautiful little detective self by my side.” Lee winked, leaning back in his chair, still smiling with that mischievous glint in his eye that he was famous for. 
You snorted. “You and those fucking files,” You shook your head, returning his playful smile, “Of course I’ll help you, Lee. But you really shouldn’t cut into my class time, it makes me look bad.” You fake an exaggerated pout at him with your arms crossed. 
Lee rolled his eyes. “Don’t you worry, darlin’, when I’m principal, you can cut class anytime you damn well please. Now, go on, git.” He shooed you away, shooting you a wink. 
You let out the softest of giggles, shaking your head at your silly friend as you left his office. The butterflies stirring in the pit of your stomach were sure to do you in at some point. The feelings you held for Lee were fierce. But, they had to stay a secret. He was a married man for Christ’s sake. But you loved him all the same and couldn’t deny him even if you wanted to. He was so charming, it was impossible to say no. 
So, on your way back to your classroom, you held a hand to your chest and took a deep breath to calm your sputtering heart. The heat in your cheeks hadn’t let up a single bit since you’d left him. The effect he had on you was intense. It was enough to make you feel cock drunk without ever even having him inside of you. Not that that was something you should be thinking about your best friend who is married but it was the closest feeling you could compare it to. Like you were high on the man that is Lee Russell…even if he is a bit…wild. 
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bohbee · 1 year
Brothers reacting to MC randomly hugging them!
Characters: Lucifer, Mammon, Leviathan, Satan, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Belphegor
Warnings: Charging? Scaring? Lmao thats like it
Notes: I hope you guys like this, there will be one for the Dateables though I do not know when, could be in an hour, could be in a month lmao
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Lucifer had just finished with his work, so you decided to visit him. His eyes laid attentively on his DDD as he stretched his back. He stood up, clicking his DDD off only for his ruby irises to glare at the door. "Who's there?" His voice was slightly stern, yet the exhaustion was heavily visible.
You silently giggled to yourself and waited on the wall beside the door quietly, waiting for him to open the door. "I am not falling for your pranks." You inwardly snorted 'Wow the Anti-Luci league really did him some damage....' You thought to yourself. However, your thoughts were quickly interrupted by a heavy sigh and loud footsteps. The door swung open, a dark aura emitting from the room.
His left leg carefully swooshed the outside air, and he then took a step out. 'Now!', your body charged towards his, his eyes widening. Before he could react, your arms latched onto his waist. You squeezed softly, pressing your face into his chest, not daring to look up. A soft chuckle was heard, he then hoisted your body up in which he gained a yelp from your pretty little mouth.
Lucifer walked back into his room and closed the door, not letting go of you. "My my, MC. Did you really have to be so suspicious over a hug?" He finally let you down and peered into your eyes. "Of course I did!" You said with a heavy smile. His lips softly pushed up. It wasn't often that someone could give him such calm, happy emotions, you though? You did it each time.
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Mammon sat on his couch counting the Grimm he just successfully made, soft music was playing in the background as his mumbling of numbers could be heard. You snuck into his room carefully treading down his stairs trying not to alert the Greedy Demon. Finally, you made it down the steps, and you tiptoed behind the couch and observed him.
Your eyes watched him as he smiled softly, his knee bouncing happily as he counted his well-deserved cash. He was invested in his own world, even if you were to make a noise, he probably wouldn't hear it. 'Perfect time' you thought to yourself as he sat down his bag of Grimm getting ready to grab another.
You flung your arms around his shoulders, hugging him awkwardly from behind, he let out a deafening screech and thrashed around before tossing you forward to the other part of the couch. Earning a loud 'Umph' from you.
"OI STUPID HUMAN! I COULDA HURT YA" he yelled at you his hand grasping his heart, you giggled at him. "Heh, I got you pretty boy" you pounced the blushing demon into a hug yet again, "Pfft course you'd wanna hug The Great Mammon..... don't let go."
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The two of you were gaming late in the night, trying to defeat this seemingly impossible level. No words were spoken the only noses that could be heard was the game, the controllers, and the annoyed grunts. That was until Levi killed the final boss, the screen lit up blue "Accomplished" was shown in big letters. The two of you sat there, eyes wide like a bug, and completely stunned.
"FUCK YEAH LEVI YOU'RE SO COOL" You shouted out of nowhere before yanking him into a death grip of a hug. The purple haired demon poofed into a red balloon, his body tensing up heavily. "Y-y-you really w-wanna touch an ug-" you stopped his self-deprecating words by squeezing him tighter. "Levi...... The great otaku...... THE AMAZING AVATAR OF ENVY..... if you don't stop with those words and hug me, I will steal a Ruri figurine." Almost instantaneously, his arms wrapped around you, his body shaking slightly.
The two of you sat like that for a while, his body finally relaxing. Soon enough, sleep overwhelmed your senses, and you laid off in the dream realm in your crush's arms. His tangerine eyes focused on your form. A small smile and a HEAVY blush overwhelmed his features, he then closed his eyes and joined you in the amazing world of dreaming.
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You were walking alone in the Devildom (HOW DARE YOU?!) when you turned your head and spotted a familiar blonde male in the cat cafe, you smiled softly to yourself and walked in the cafe. "Hey Satan" You waved at him, his attention pulled away from the kitten and he smiled at you. "MC? What are you doing here?" his green eyes glanced around to see if someone was around, only to meet yours with a disappointed look. "Oh don't give me that look Satan, I was bored and luckily I found my favorite demon."
You sat down beside him, and started playing with the kitten in front of the two of you, "Say how about after this.... we go to the bookstore?" You say without turning your gaze away from the cute kitted that was rolling around. His eyes sparkled in love, a rare genuine smile plastered his face, "I would lov-" he was cut off by you suddenly ingulfing him.
"Suprise cat attack hug!" You exclaimed, in between the two of you was the adorable kitten. Satan hugged you back, making sure not to smush the little troublemaker. "You always know how to fluster me, my dear."
The two of you soon left the cafe and walked to the bookstore.......... did I say two of you? Ah, well. I meant three. You, Satan, and the new whisker member of your cat family trotted along the path to the store.
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You sat down in the front row, eyes locked on the stage. Today was the day that marked a beauty contest in the human realm, and you were not going to miss out on your favorite demon strike a pose. Music started playing and many stunning people walked out on the stage but none of them compared to the shining beauty that Asmo was.
The competition soon finished and as expected he won first place, the crown dissipated quickly, leaving you looking around for the Avatar of Lust. "Mc~!" The soft tantalizing voice you knew oh so well said. You quickly whipped your head around and ran towards him, embracing his body quickly. "You did so good! Ah, it was truly beautiful!" You exclaimed.
The strawberry-blonde male let out a beautiful laugh and hugged you back "My my mc~, you keep on squeezing me like that and I won't be able to handle myself." He flirted, his arms tightened around you, and he placed hundreds of kissed on your face.
"Now my dear~, how about you give the first-place winner a congratulatory gift?" his peachy eyes peered into yours, his pupils dilated slightly as he looked at you with so much love and admiration.
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It was yet another restless night for you, your eyes focus on the leaves on your ceiling until shuffling from the kitchen grabs your attention. You slowly sit up and quietly walk out of your room, and towards the noise. As expected, the orange haired male made eye contact with you, his mouth filled with food. "Mphthee warf armph youm dphin upf" (Mc? What are you doing up?)
You smiled at him and walked over to his large form, you wrapped your arms around his torso and laid your head on his chest. One of his arms wrapped around your body as the other placed food in your proximity. "Want some?" he asked softly, cocking his head to the side curiously. You took a small bite of the food and smiled at him "missed you" you mumbled. Finally, your body felt rested as you leaned into the warmth of the nicest brother.
He smiled to himself and hoisted you up, grabbing some food before walking in your room. He turned around and plopped himself on your bed, the two of you laid like that for a while. After an hour of chatting sleep finally overcame your senses, your cheek was smushed on his chest. He pulled out his phone and snapped a photo of the two of you. Before, he himself, let sleep play through his mind.
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The brothers were called to duty in the Human Realm leaving you to stay in the Palace with Barbatos. It was fun, definitely, though you missed your sleepy demon. The days droned on and on, until finally, the day where they were coming back finally hit.
You stumbled out of the guest bedroom and ran down the marble stairs, your eyes locking on the infamous avatars of sin. A large smile carved itself on your features as you launched your body on the navy-blue haired demon. You laughed loudly "Belph!" The poor demon tried to catch you though the amount of force in the hug brought the both of you to the floor. A large 'Oopfh' could be heard from the two.
Belphegor's purple eyes widened as he looked at you with shock "Mc?!" he lazily wrapped his arms around your figure, the rest of the brothers snickered and took photos. "Mm I missed you too..... lets stay like this." He said, his face burying itself in your hair (if you lack hair, I am sorry)
The two of you laid there, in the middle of the palace for hours just talking to each other and basking in each other's presence. Though a few hours later photos of the cute interaction would be ALL over Devilgram.
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darthgloris · 9 months
2AM THOUGHTS #4: "This idiot is so down bad, your honour."
Anakin looked out at the campsite and huffed a tired breath. As his eyes flickered through the Clones and Jedi, he happened to catch sight of a familiar face, one he hadn't seen in two years.
He approached her curiously, gently touching her arm to get her attention.
"Y/N?" He asked as he took in her face again. It had to be her. "It can't be..."
"Who are you?" She asked, eyebrows furrowed as she wondered how he knew her name.
"It's me, Anakin!" He said, smiling.
"Ani?" She recalled, and the use of his nickname sent chills down his spine. Her face broke out into a grin as she recognized him and she jumped in joy. "Whoa!" Anakin laughed, joining into her childish outburst of emotion.
"How did you-"
"What are you-"
They giggled as he picked her up in his arms and twirled her around in pure bliss, not caring who saw.
She was back.
He had his Y/N back!
"Maker, I missed you so much!" She said, smiling ear-to-ear.
"I missed you, too! I mean, look at you!" He exclaimed, looking for the right choice of words. "You're grown-up now!"
She giggled, cupping his face in her hands and running her thumbs over his cheekbones. "And you... look how handsome you are now! I didn't think you could get any more beautiful but you look divine..."
He smiled at her in that way that she remembered, how his eyes would sparkle and his adorable dimples would show; that same smile that made her knees buckle still had the same effect on her.
"Me? Have you seen you? You're- you're stunning." He breathed and smiled like an idiot when she hugged him again.
"Master, Master Kenobi and I- oh." Ahsoka said, approaching the two friends.
"Master? You have a Padawan now?" She asked, smirking. "I never would have guessed it."
"Neither would I," he chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck. "Ahsoka, this is Y/N, she's my best friend!"
"It's nice to meet you." The young girl smiled, offering her a nod.
"Oh, please, the pleasure is all mine." She grinned, nodding back. "Is he a good Master?"
"Yeah, he's okay." Ahsoka teased, and Anakin mocked offense by putting a hand on his chest.
"Uh, excuse me!" He said, but he couldn't keep a straight face, making Y/N laugh. He couldn't help but feel a sense of fullness when he heard her laughter leave her lips. Now it was just like when they were Padawans, when he used to make a stupid joke in an inappropriate moment and they'd hold back their snorts until they were forced to, only to burst out laughing the minute they were free until tears beaded up in their eyes.
"Um, why don't I show you around a bit?" Anakin offered.
"Maybe you can show her your tent..." she teased without thinking.
"Ahsoka!" He responded through gritted teeth, glaring daggers at her.
Y/N's cheeks tinted a soft pink, but she regained her composure to answer. "I'd love to, but I have a few things to do right now."
His expression fell slightly, like a puppy who was being denied a chance to go for a walk. "How about we catch up later this evening?"
He immediately smiled again, agreeing without thinking twice. "Of course, that would be perfection!"
He internally cringed at his choice of words. Nice going, you jackass.
Y/N just giggled at his goofiness, and hugged him again. "Great. I'll see you later, Ani." She said and left a soft, lingering kiss on his cheek.
"Bye, Ahsoka." She smiled at the Padawan, who waved back with a small smile as she looked at Anakin, who was watching her walk away while his fingertips grazed the spot her lips touched oh so gracefully.
"You are folding so damn hard for her and I am here for it." She chortled.
"What?! No! No, no!" He denied immediately. He didn't think his crush on her was so obvious. Was it?
"What's going on here?" Obi-Wan asked as he walked towards Master and Padawan.
"Y/N's back." Anakin hurried to speak before Ahsoka.
His response made Obi-Wan guffaw as well.
"This idiot is so down bad, your honour." She explained after his outburst.
"Oh, you have no idea, young one."
"Oh, shut up..." he groaned, but still looked at the direction she went in with a longing expression.
Obi-Wan and Ahsoka shared a knowing smile. She had never seen her Master, usually collected and suave, so head-over-heels for someone.
And she wasn't going to stop teasing him for the life of her.
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lesbianpepsi · 11 months
sweet as honey | part iii
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pairing: jenna ortega x blind!fem!reader
words: 4.741k
warnings: ableist remarks, swearing, mentions of smoking/drinking, bad writing
authors note: hey guys, i just wanna say thank you to the anons who pointed out my mistake and made me realise how insensitive my old ver of this chapter was. i have rewritten it and changed it, i hope this is better
After your first date with Jenna the two of you have gone on many, many more dates. 
By the third date you and Jenna did actually go to that restaurant you were supposed to go on your first date. 
You couldn't help but feel utterly euphoric anytime Jenna asked you out on another date or even held your hand, hugged you and kissed you. If there's a heaven you're more than sure it's with Jenna.
Altogether you've been on six dates with Jenna, and each date you could feel yourself falling harder and harder for her.
Maybe that's why when Jenna calls you on a sunny Sunday morning her words leave you stunned with silence.
"Y/n? Did you hear me?" She asks, breaking the silence. You dumbly nod your head, coughing soon after as you shake your head.
"No, yeah, I- what?" You stumble over your words with confusion as Jenna giggles over the phone.
"I asked if you wanted to be my date to the Wednesday Emmy Party." She repeats for your sake. Yet again, the words feel like a positive slap to the face. 
Jenna wanted you to go to the party with her? A party full of famous actors? 
"It's not gonna be huge, if that's what you're worried about. Just a small gathering of the cast at Joy's apartment to celebrate that the show won twelve emmys." Jenna explained in a reassuring manner, taking your stunned silence as a sign of rejection.
"Oh yeah, just a small party full of famous actors, no biggie right?" You finally say, laughing nervously. "Are you sure you want me to be your date though? I'm not exactly the same level as you guys." 
"Of course I want you there, I know for a fact Emma is dying to meet you. I can tell she's getting annoyed with how much I talk about you to her."  She says with a giggle, probably biting her bottom lip nervously as she awaits your answer. 
You let out a breathless sigh, a nervous smile on your lips. What's the absolute worst that can come out of it?
"Okay, I'll come as your date." You finally answer her question, your smile turning into one of relief as Jenna immediately starts saying 'yes!' over and over like an overused child finally getting the toy they've been begging for.
You chuckle as you nod your head, biting your lip. 
"You talk about me to your friends?" Jenna groans through the phone as you laugh, a smug smile on your face. 
"Shut up." Jenna replies through a small laugh. "The party is on Wednesday, I'll pick you up?" She confirms as a small static sound rippled through the phone.
You snort a laugh at the day, finding it much more ironic than Jenna was. 
"Yeah I'm free Wednesday and Thursday, so it doesn't matter if I get hung over." 
"I didn't know you were so rebellious to drink under the legal age." Jenna teases you, her voice becoming more static on the phone. You rolled your eyes as you scoffed. "Like you didn't admit to being hung over when recording a scene in 'X'." 
"Stalker much?" She quips back with a dry laugh. 
"Oh yeah because I would be such a stalker with my binoculars, staring and following you around the place like a peeping tom." 
"Oh whatever, I'll see you Wednesday?" Jenna replies, you chuckle as you nod your head, as if Jenna could see you.
"I'll be waiting." You say with a nostalgic smile. "I won't make you wait too long." She finished with her own soft smile.
"I'm so fucking nervous." You complained with a groan as you dropped to sit down on your bed, rubbing your sweaty palms against your jeans. "All of them are actually famous people. All of them!"
Delilah -your childhood best friend- chuckles as she patted your shoulder. "You're overthinking it, babe, they're just a bunch of dickheads who are known while we're a bunch of dickheads who aren't known." She tries to reassure you but it simply went into one ear and right out through the other. 
"But they're Jenna's friends, if they don't like me then Jenna might lose interest in me." 
"You're crazy if you think that. Everyone can see she's head over heels for you, hell, the media even knows." She replies swiftly as she squeezed your shoulder with a reassuring squeeze. 
You turned your head to look at hers. "Well I can't see that, can I?" Delilah shakes her head as she laughs softly, loosening her hand on your shoulder before you feel her take it off.
"Then you can hear it in the way she speaks to you, it's as if she's the one who's speaking to a famous actress." Delilah says as she stands up from the bed, picking up the dishevelled clothes off of your floor and folding them for you. "If it is shit then just give me a call and I'll pick you up, okay? I'm staying the night here anyway so it's not an issue."
That's true, Delilah had to ask to sleep at yours since she had a fight with her own girlfriend Claire, and like the good friend you are you told her obviously she could crash at your place.
You sigh as you nod your head at her words, running a hand through your hair. "I guess you're right." Delilah smirks at you as she opens the drawer full of clothes, neatly keeping the now folded clothes. "Of course I'm right." 
Abruptly, loud knocks are heard from the other room. You let out a rigid breath as you stand up stepping towards your wardrobe as you grab your cane. 
"Wish me luck." You ask Delilah as you run the cane along the wooden floor, heading towards the living room. "You won't need luck." She replied with ease as she walked alongside you to the door.
Opening the door for you, Delilah stood by your side as she grinned at Jenna. 
The brunette looks slightly surprised at Delilah but she doesn't stop smiling as she gives an awkward wave.
"Hey, nice to meet you, I'm guessing you're Delilah?" She asks as Delilah nods her head with a grin. "The one and only. Nice to finally meet you Jenna, Y/n talks about you very often." 
You not so subtly elbow her side as you smiled at Jenna, walking out of the apartment as you naturally went to grab her elbow. "She's more delusional than me, ignore her." You tell Jenna as she giggles, looking back at Delilah who leaned against the doorway waving at them.
"Have a great time, remember curfew is at midnight, young lady." Delilah teases as you and Jenna walk towards her car, rolling your eyes under the glasses as Jenna giggled once again. 
"So you talk about me to your friends, huh?" Jenna jabs at you playfully as she opens the car door for you, reciting your words from Sunday's phone call. 
"Shut up." You grumble as a soft blush attacks your cheeks. "Bullying the blind is a very cancelable thing, you know."  
Jenna is the one to roll her eyes this time as she smiles, taking your cane once you've sat down on the car seat.
She joins you in the front soon after she keeps your cane in the back seat, revving up with its surprisingly quiet engine.
"So who's at this supposed casual party then?" You ask her with a curious face as you nervously play with the hem of your shirt, a habit you've picked up since you were little. 
"Emma, Hunter and his husband Fielder, Joy, Georgie, Steve, Naomi, and Johnna and. Oliver can't come since he's currently filming another movie which is in another country." Jenna lists off as she drives towards Joy's apartment, where the party was being held. "I told you it isn't a massive party, so don't worry. Plus they're all very excited to meet you." She reassures you once again, at the same time she speaks, you feel her place a hand on your thigh.
You smile as you lay your hand over hers, gently caressing your thumb along her knuckles.
"I'm just as excited to meet your friends too, even though I'm shitting bricks over it." You say afflicting a chuckle from Jenna, you feel her squeeze your thigh in an attempt to calm you down. "If you feel uncomfortable at any moment just tell me and we'll leave early, okay? Nobody will shame you or be mad."
You let out a gentle sigh at that, a bit relieved at her kind words. "Thanks Jen."
Jenna smiled at your side profile briefly before she turned back to focus on the road. 
The rest of the car ride was full of mindless conversations between you and Jenna as the low music of Hozier filled the rest of the car. 
As usual, when Jenna parked the car she went to grab your cane before opening your car door open for you, and just as usual you gave her a small kiss in gratitude, resulting in Jenna having a soft blush on her nose and cheeks.
Jenna's elbow is already out for you to latch onto with your non-dominant hand. She double checks you're ready before the two of you make your way to Joy's apartment which thankfully has elevators since she lives on the ninth floor.
"I think they're playing UNO, right now." Jenna mentions as the two of you entered the elevator, her pressing the button '9' as the soft hum of elevator music filled your ears. 
You dryly laugh as you lean against the metal wall as the doors close. "Don't think I'll have much of a chance of winning." Jenna rolls her eyes as an amused smile rises on her face.
"Don't worry, they get distracted so easily that I bet they'll forget about it within five minutes." She says as she moves to stand by your side, leaning her head on your shoulder as you grab her elbow gently, drawing small circles on the clothed skin with your thumb. 
You chuckle at her words. "So they aren't like you then, little Miss Competitive?" You tease.
Jenna can get quite competitive, that's something you picked up quite quickly. Whether it be board games, video games and especially with football (or soccer as she calls it). 
"Oh no, Georgie is even more competitive than me. We once played one match of monopoly that lasted two days in total. In the end we had to call it quits but I was so close to winning." Jenna replies confidently, as if she was truly the one who was going to win.
You chuckle as you nod your head, turning your head soon after to place a feather light kiss to her head. "I don't doubt that for a second." You whispered with a low chuckle before pulling away from her head, leaning your head back against the metal cold wall of the elevator.
The elevator dings loudly as the door slides open, a robotic voice coming through the small intercom telling you and Jenna that you're on floor nine.
With a nervous smile you and Jenna make your way to Joy's apartment, Jenna knocking loudly three minutes before entering.
Music hits your ears the moment the door opens, the familiar voice of Lady Gaga filling it up even louder as you enter further into the apartment.
Your nerves spiked as you heard the chatter get loud and louder as you and Jenna walked into the living room where you could smell the strong scent of tobacco mixing with alcohol infiltrating your nose.
"Hey guys." Jenna greets the group, their heads instantly snapped towards her voice as you and her stood side by side. "This is Y/n, my-" She stops, not knowing what to say.
You haven't asked Jenna to be your girlfriend. Jenna hasn't asked you to be her girlfriend.
"-date, she's my date." Jenna finishes swiftly as she grins proudly at the fact you're her date.
A mix of "Hey, Y/n" and "Hi"s are thrown around the room by a myriad of different voices.
"Hey, Y/n, nice to meet you! Finally I can put a name to a face." A feminine voice speaks up, her voice sounding as smooth as a pearl. By her voice you guess you guess it's Emma Myers, one of Jenna's closest friends.
You chuckle aa you turned your head in the direction of the voice. "Wish I could say the same." You joke, hoping, praying they'll laugh at it rather than freezing up and wondering if they should or not.
Thankfully a snort of laughter is heard along with a few gurgles before the person laughs even harsher than before, coughing loudly.
"Jesus, someone take Naomi's drink away from her." A more masculine voice says this time, chuckling as he does.
"That's Georgie, the one who sucks ass at monopoly." Jenna whispers in your ear as she guides you to a free spot where you and her can sit on the couch. 
"I heard that." The voice you know as Georgie speaks up from close to where you sit. 
"Well, it is true Jen was winning and you were on the brink of bankruptcy." Someone else speaks up with a slight slur in their voice, indicating they've definitely drank a few before you and Jenna arrived.
"That's Johanna, she's a lightweight." Another voice speaks up before Jenna does, the voice is coming from beside you making you turn your head in the direction. "I'm Joy by the way." She introduces before she points at Hunter and Fielder who are sitting on the floor. "Hunter and Fielder, our local gays are currently sulking on the floor since they lost at Uno."
"I only lost because Hunter got me out." A deep voice says which you presume is Fielder's voice. "That's only 'cause you're the worst at Uno." Hunter replied with a smirk as he took a sip of his drink.
“I’m Steve.” Someone else announced from the other side of the room. You turned your head in the direction of the voice as you smiled politely. “Hi Steve.”
“Fielder might be bad at Uno but you lost seconds later, Hunter.” He remarks as he ate some of his chips from a bowl.
You laugh lightly as you loosen your grip on your cane but don't let go. Now knowing everyone's voices gives you much more confidence.
"Thanks for having me over, by the way, and congratulations on the twelve emmys." You say with a smile as you turn your head to look at the direction of where the music was coming from.
"No need to thank us, we're all more than happy to finally meet you after Jenna has been chatting our ears off about you." Joy replies, sipping her wine as she smirks at Jenna.
You grin as you turn your head to your side where Jenna was sitting. "So not only you talk Emma's ear off about me, but to everyone?" You jab playfully at her once again, Jenna's cheeks turn a scarlet hue shade as she turns to glare at anyone who laughs at your words.
"They're being dramatic and they're drunk, they don't know what they're talking about." She murmured trying to sound annoyed, but she had a small smile on her lips the entire time. "Sure." You remarked with your own smile.
Your fear and anxiety dissolved as the minutes passed, your fear that Jenna's friends wouldn't like you absolutely thrown out of the window.
Well that was until two hours passed.
You were in the middle of a conversation with Emma as Jenna and a few others such as Naomi, Georgie, Fielder and Johanna had left the room to go smoke on the small balcony near the kitchen. 
As Emma finished her sentence you felt a tap on your shoulder, jumping slightly your turned in the direction of the touch.
Steve chuckled awkwardly at your reaction as he plopped down next to you, forcing you to move up on the couch.
“Can I ask you a few questions about, you know?” He asked you with a slur to his voice, his breath having a strong smell of alcohol which definitely confirmed that he was quite drunk.
You nodded your head as you smiled at him. “Of course, and you can say blind, it's not like it's a bad word.” He rubbed the back of his neck as he laughed.
“Aight, cool. So do you know what Jenna looks like or what any of us looks like or are you completely blind?” He questions curiously as he sips out of a beer bottle with a burp.
“I lost all eye sight when I was in my teens so I don't know what any of you look like.” You explained to him before adding. “I did get a description from Jenna on how she looks, so I’ve got a pretty good idea in my mind.” A soft smile forms on your lips as you think of the memory.
On your fifth date with Jenna, you went over to her apartment for the first time and Jenna cooked for you an incredibly delicious meal. 
That night Jenna let you explore her body but it wasn't in a sexual way. She was wearing a shirt and jeans the entire time as your hands roamed her body as she described herself to you in great detail. 
She held your hands as she placed your hands on different parts of her as she described herself in detail to you. 
Her hair, her face, her neck, her arms, her waist, her stomach and even her legs. There wasn't anything sexual about the interaction, it was only meant to be viewed as something soft and intimate. 
Steve hummed as he dropped his now empty beer bottle to the ground, yawning as he lazily turned to look at you.
“Okay, okay.” He mumbled. “Why do you wear glasses inside then? Is it ‘cause like blind people's eyes kinda get nasty after they turn blind?” 
“Steve.” Emma whisper yells as he gives the drunken boy a look. He raises his hand, faking arrest as he rolled his eyes. “Jeez Emma, chill. I’m only asking questions and she said she was alright with it. Didn't you, Y/n?” 
You decided not to take his words to heart before you nodded your head. “It’s fine, honestly.” You reassure her with a sweet smile. “Before I turned fully blind I always wore sunglasses since it would reduce the glare from the sun and could help me much better with seeing with the small sight I had. After I completely lost my vision I guess I just never stopped taking them off, and I guess it’s because I also don't like how my eyes look.”
“That's fair. I mean no offence or anything but blind people’s eyes just look so creepy.” He replied with a lazy smile as he chuckled, moving his hand to scratch at his small beard. 
“Don't be a dick, Steve.” Joy voices up from her seat, glaring at the boy momentarily before going back to talk with Hunter. 
He scoffs slowly as he ignores her, deciding to see how far he could push you. 
Not knowing what to say you awkwardly laugh as you shuffle further away from him. 
After a few moments passed you presumed he was done speaking to you but you were unfortunately proven wrong the second you opened your mouth to speak to Emma.
“I couldn't imagine being blind, it sounds proper shit and miserable.” He says with an exaggerated sigh. “I mean you can't even see your girl, you only have to imagine her.”
“Steve, stop.” Emma repeats again as her voice becomes more firm. You swallow down your emotions as you try to give a small smile.
“Life isn’t automatically bad just because I’m blind, I actually love my life and wouldn't exchange it for any other life.” You reply trying to keep your emotions at bay and not let his words affect you. 
He sighs dramatically once again as he shakes his head. “I dunno man, being blind sounds shit. How're you supposed to even please your girl if you don’t even know where she is without her speaking?”
“How’re you supposed to please your girl with your one inch pinch?” Hunter remarks, sounding annoyed as his eyes narrowed on him. “Just shut the fuck up.” 
Steve snickered as he narrowed his eyes back at Hunter, crossing his arms over his chest. “Jesus, people are such snowflakes these days.”
As Hunter and Steve get into a heated argument you lean closer to Emma, in a whisper you ask her, “Can you please go get Jenna?” 
She nods her head immediately as she squeezes your shoulder in a silent agreement, standing up moments later and heading towards the kitchen.
“We’re not sensitive, you're just being a blatant asshole to Y/n.” Joy intervenes as she defends your honour, you smile in relief as you scoot further away from Steve, the grip on your cane tight. 
“I was just asking the blind chick some questions, is that a crime now too?” He asked in a mocking voice as he now turned to glare at Joy. 
A blind chick? Is that really all he saw you as? 
You swallowed nervously as your fingers began unconsciously tapping against your cane, a small frown on your lips.
“Why are you being such a dick?” Hunter asks him with his voice becoming more gruff. Steve laughs in disbelief as he turns to look at you. “You said you didn't mind my questions, true or false?” He questions you with a click of his fingers. 
You didn't know what to say as you tried to open your mouth, no words coming out as you felt incredibly uncomfortable by the entire situation. 
Steve scoffs as he clicks his fingers at you again acting as if you're a dog and he’s your owner. “Are you dumb as well?” He asks you in an annoyed tone.
“What the fuck did you just say?” A voice that reminds you of heaven says darkly, storming into the room. You sigh in relief as you gingerly put your hand out for Jenna to grab, to which she holds onto instantly, interlocking your fingers. 
You stand up next to Jenna as you grip your cane tightly.
He shakes his head again as a breathless sigh escapes his dry lips. “Nobody can take a joke these days.”
Jenna scoffs angrily as she glared at him. “Jokes are meant to be funny, I hear nobody fucking laughing, Steve.” She snarled as she ran her thumb along the skin of your hand. 
“That’s ‘cause you all can't take a fucking joke, nobody appreciates dark humour these days, fucking hell.” He grumbled, glaring right back at Jenna as he crossed his arms over his chest. 
You're frozen in place as you listen to the unfolding argument, your heart speeding up uncomfortably in your chest. 
“Apologise to Y/n right now.” Jenna demands dryly, not breaking eye contact with him. “If she can tell me where the remote is then sure.” 
Jenna’s grip on your hand tightened as her jaw clenched at his words. Fearing the argument was going to escalate quickly you tug at her hand making her break the staring contest to look at you with concern. 
“Apologise to my girlfriend right fucking now.” She growled out in a venous voice, her eyes never leaving the boys. 
Your heart stopped at her words as your eyes widened under the glasses. Girlfriend? Jenna thought of you as her girlfriend?
The two have an intense stare off as everyone else in the room holds their breaths, not knowing whether they should stop the argument or let it be.
Steve scoffs as he takes his eyes off Jenna standing up, laughing drunkenly with a shake of his head. “Fuck this, I’m out. This party was too lame for me anyway.” He announced as he headed towards the apartment door, slamming it shut behind him. 
Nobody moved, nobody uttered a word; all frozen in spot as to what just happened. 
You couldn't help but feel a sense of guilt crawling up your spine at the argument. If you didn't come none of this would've happened. 
Swallowing down any emotion in your voice you shakily slipped your hand free from Jenna’s. “Can you take me home please?” You gingerly whispered to her, your head hanging low. 
“Of course, I’ll go get my keys.” She replies instantly leaving the room to go retrieve her keys from the kitchen. 
“It was really nice to meet all of you.” You say, turning your body to face where the rest of them were, a weak smile on your lips. “I’m sorry for the whole mess and leaving early.” 
Emma moved to squeeze your shoulder momentarily as a sympathetic smile toyed on her lips. “You don't have to apologise for something that wasn't your fault.” She informs you.
You sigh as you nodded your head weakly, trying to let Emma’s words win the battle against your guilt. 
“We need to hang again, but without Steve this time.” Georgie says making you and a few others let out a weak chuckle. 
Jenna waltz back into the living room moving to your side and you quickly latch onto her elbow with a weak grip. 
“Thanks for having us over.” She says to them as she gives them a soft smile. All of them smile back as Joy nods her head.
You and Jenna make your departure without another word; no words being exchanged between you two as you head into the elevator.
The moment the doors closed in the elevator Jenna let out a sigh before she pulled you into a bone crushing hug, you're almost surprised you didn't drop your cane at the sudden movement. 
“I’m so sorry he said those things to you, Y/n, you didn't deserve any of that.” She whispers in a feather light tone of voice, her small arms surprisingly strong as they wrapped around your waist.
With one hand you wrapped it around her neck as you smiled a weak smile. “I know but it's okay, I promise. People say stupid shit all of the time especially when you have a disability; you just have to learn to not take it to heart.” 
“But he shouldn't have even said any of those things to you.” She added, removing one arm from around your waist to place her soft hand on your cheek. “You out of everyone don't deserve anything like that.”
Your heart melted at her words, nodding your head weakly. “I don't care about what he said, what I care about is what you said.” 
Jenna cocks her head to the side confused as she gazes at you. “What?” She questions confused, not knowing what she said.
“Apologise to my girlfriend right fucking know.” You quoted with your smile growing on your lips. “Last time I checked I didn't even know I was your girlfriend.”
Jenna’s cheeks turned a scarlet red shade of embarrassment as she let out a little. “Oh.” 
You giggled amused at her words as your fingers played loosely with the hair at the back of her neck. “Oh? Is that all you have to say?” You teased her before adding in a whisper. “Ask me.” 
“Ask you what?” Jenna asks, confused as she leaned into your touch. You rolled your eyes under the glasses as you paused your movement. “Ask me what I think of being called your girlfriend.” 
Eager to know your answer Jenna repeated your words with ease as she smiled nervously. “What do you think of being called my girlfriend?”
You smirked as you leaned even closer to her, your lips hovering over hers as you whispered. “That it's the only thing I've wanted to hear from you since our first date.” 
Jenna’s lips immediately connect with yours the second you finish speaking, sighing against your lips as she pulls you even impossibly closer to her.
You've never had what you'd describe as "perfect" in your life. But now to you, Jenna is the epitome of it. It's how you've always wanted life to feel, calm, and content; and you have that when you're with Jenna.
taglist: @xxxtwilightaxelxxx @canvascoloredin @alexkolax @wol-fica @caitlynscat @jyucejpg @omega-horus @andsoigotabutterfly @fanboy7794 @jjsmaybank20 @zhasmindoesntknow @jujuu23 @214-sofa @ssinfulprayers @nitchxhdc
if you wanna be added to the taglist comment and i'll add you:)
authors note: i hope this was better
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holylulusworld · 3 months
Shy Guy (5) - Present
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Summary: You grew up together. Bucky is the one. He’s just too shy to make a move.
Pairing: Shy!Bucky Barnes x Fratgirl!Reader
Sidepairing (friendship): Steve Rogers x Reader
Warnings: teasing, banter, friendship, fluff, making out, cocky reader, virgin Bucky, shy Bucky, mentions of Steve's sex life
Inspired by this ask: Shy guy ask and@dawn-petrichor-world​ made me do it…
Shy guy (4) - Past & Present
Shy guy masterlist
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“Hmm…what else do I need to know, Stevie?” You eagerly take notes while Steve explains the complexity of asking a guy out without making him look like a loser. “I don’t want Bucky to believe he’s a loser.”
“Bucky is not a loser, but shy. He never kissed another girl,” Steve points at a picture of Bucky on the investigation wall he made for you. “That’s our target.”
You grin and lean back in your chair. “Please continue, Obi-Wan Rogers.”
He gives you a stern look. “Miss, if you don’t take my classes seriously, you can go home and watch a rom-com.”
“I’m listening,” you groan. “Go ahead. I need to know how to make a move on Bucky without scaring him off.”
“Alright,” Steve uses a pointer stick to point at the next picture. “That’s our goal. We want him to be putty in your hands but get hard at the same time.”
You lean forward to look at the picture. “Dude! Is that a dick pick?”
Steve snickers. “I googled Bucky’s name, and this was the first picture coming up.”
“You’re lying!” You stick your tongue out. “You can’t pin a dick on our investigation wall, Steve!”
“Why?” He shrugs your concern off and points to the next picture. “Before we get to the dick, we need to make him loosen up and ask you out. Or accept your invitation.”
“That’s a dog playing with a bone,” you wrinkle your nose. “Is that a metaphor or something?”
“Yeah,” Steve nods. “You’re like a dog with a bone. You sank your teeth into Bucky and won’t let up.”
“I’m not a dog, Rogers,” you snap at your friend. “I wanted you to give me advice, not turn this into a joke.”
“I’m not joking about love and dick,” Steve chuckles but keeps a straight face. “If you want him to dick you down one day, you’ll need to win his trust and heart first.”
“Good, that’s a start,” you take notes while Steve tells you about all the things Bucky likes. “Hmm…that’s good. Tell me more about his eating habits and the lingerie he looked up in his search history.”
“Our boy grew up so fast,” Steve sighs and gives you a wink. “You should see his search history. He’s an eager beaver when it comes to eating pussy and fingering a girl.”
“Oh,” you nod, and focus on taking notes, not the image in your mind. Bucky between your thighs, eating your cunt. “I like me a man who can eat pussy.”
Steve laughs. “Well, in that case, Bucky is your man. I watched him practice while watching porn. He’s got a skilled tongue.”
“That’s good to know, I guess.”
“Next step, we need to talk about his erogenous zones. You need to know how to touch him,” Steve continues. He points at his neck with the pointer stick. “Neck.”
“Neck,” you hum.
“Nipples. Earlobe. Lips,” he moves to his crotch. “At last, the divine meat stick.” He grins. “The dick.”
You giggle and snort. “Meat stick, got it.”
“Y/N,” Steve’s features soften when you look at him. “You need to make a move but don’t be too pushy. Bucky will shy away from you if you are too pushy.”
“Christ, I won’t shove his pants down to suck his dick,” you grunt. “Now back to the basics. Do you have an idea for the perfect first date?”
“Alright, miss,” Steve turns back around to point at the investigation wall. “We have a lot to discuss.”
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“Doll, you’ve got this,” Steve whispers as he guides you toward the frat house. “He’s over there, looking for you because he wants to borrow a book. You look stunning. This outfit shows the right amount of cleavage and ass. But it’s not slutty.”
“Okay,” you take a deep breath. “I’ve got this. Bucky Barnes will be putty in my hands.”
Steve slaps your ass, making you squeal. “Go and get him tiger.” 
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Bucky is smart.
Like really smart.
He speaks over five different languages.
Still, he doesn't know how to talk to a girl.
It's not that he's not attractive. Girls do look at him. He's just too nervous to hit on a girl he likes.
It feels like his voice fails anytime he tries to talk to one of the girls from the frat house across the street.
Especially when he sees you.
It's even worse that you are friends with his best friend.
Steve Rogers. Quarterback. Golden boy. A girls' magnet.
“Hey Barnes," you quip as Bucky zoned out again. "Whatcha looking at?"
“What?" he slowly dips his head to glance at you standing next to him.
When did that happen?
“I was just...”
"Steve won't come back for a while. I think this week it's Carrie or was it Chanel?" you huff. "I'm telling you; he tries to break a record or something. I’m worried about his health. What if he breaks his dick? He won’t be able to win the upcoming game with a cast around his dick.”
Bucky chokes on his spit.
You giggle.
“Uh—what do you want here if Steve is not around?” He gets out before dropping his eyes to his shoes. 
“Hmm…On Friday night we will go out. Wear something nice,” you cock your head to look Bucky up and down. “Oh, and no hair gel. I like running my fingers through a guy’s hair when we make out.”
“What?” he swallows thickly. His cheeks turn pink, and he feels his heart start racing. “Y/N…I…what? Is this a joke?”
“You know how to get a girl’s attention,” you lean closer to peck his lips. “I hope you know I expect you to put that talented tongue to better use…”
Bucky gasps as you pounce on him to claim his lips. You slip your tongue inside, snaking it with his as you run your fingers through his soft curls.
“Barnes! GOOO! Barnes!” the frat boys chant behind Bucky’s back. “We knew you had it in you all this time. He will finally get laid!”
You grin against his lips.
“Aw, I always had a thing for virgins,” you coo. “I promise to be gentle, babe…”
“What just happened?” Bucky looks like a confused puppy. He runs his tongue over his lips to taste you again. “Y/N, why did you…I…what?”
“Bucky,” you place your hands on his chest and look him straight in the eyes. “I call dips on you.” You smirk. “We are friends since childhood, and I don’t want you to get laid by some other bitch. You’re mine.”
“Get laid,” he chokes out. “Oh,” his cheeks turn pink, and he chuckles nervously. 
“Do you want to go on a date with me, Buck?” you run your index finger over his chest. “I know you don’t see anyone else.”
“Yeah,” Bucky stutters. “We can watch a movie or order food.”
“Buck,” you lean closer to brush your lips over his quivering ones. “I will cook, and you can decide on the dessert.” You grin. “I heard you have a very talented tongue and are burning to put it to good use.”
He blanched, and chuckles nervously. “It’s a date…”
“It’s a date,” you say and fist his jacket to claim his lips again. “See you on Friday, Bucky baby.”
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“STEVE! STEVE!” Bucky stumbles inside their shared room. “STEVE! She asked me out and…what do I do now?”
“Alright,” Steve wraps his arm around Bucky’s shoulder to guide him toward the investigation wall. Steve changed the pictures to help his friend. “I have been waiting for you, Padawan. I will tell you everything about Y/N, women, and pussy…”
Part 6
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blooming-violets · 2 months
Nicest Thing Peter x Reader for 11. In joy? I really like that fic. I reblogged it on my old account. I feel like thats an underrated fic of yours (maybe bc it came out in 2022? Idk). Would love to see what happened to them!
It's still one my favs because it is just so...me?? Like if I had to chose anything that represented my personality perfectly, it would be Nicest Thing. Just a depressed, sad bitch who loves angst and Peter Parker and enjoys Kate Nash. I feel like I need another Kate Nash song for this "sequel" fic. I'll base it off her song Trash because these two are trash for each other.
You can read this as a separate, on its own Peter x Reader thing if you'd like or you can read it as a future piece to Nicest Thing.
Warnings: Smoking a joint and getting stoned
If porn bots can over take all the tags then I better not get flagged for these gifs.
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Peter looked at her through blazed out, squinting eyes. A haze of smoke filled their bathroom as they passed the joint back and forth between them. They were seated in the unfilled tub, fully clothed, and facing each other. She had made him take the spot next to the faucet under the claims that sitting over the drain made her feel “icky” like she might get sucked in. He didn’t mind. Even if their leaky faucet kept dripping cold water over his shoulder. 
“Do you remember the Rugrats episode when Tommy and Chuckie are afraid of getting sucked down the bathtub drain because Angelica tells them a story of some other baby who died that way?” He asked, handing her off the joint. 
She placed it between her lips and he watched with a slow blinking, admiration for her. He loved her. She had been with him through everything. He owed his entire life to her. Without her in his life, he would no longer be here. She was everything important in the world. 
She smiled, remembering, and let out the most beautiful laugh. She always got extra giggly when they smoked. It was one of his favorite sounds. 
“Don’t they fill the drain with play-doh and shit? It’s a weird reddish, pink color. Why do I remember that specific color so much?” She replied, mystified. 
Peter chuckled, “Because old school Rugrats was filled with some crazy ass imagery. It sticks in your mind.” 
“Yeah but I remember thinking that I specifically wanted to eat that color...like maybe it would taste nice…like the imaginary food from Hook.” She passed it back to him, letting the smoke exhale in a little, circular puffs from between her lips. 
“Do you want to get into a pretend food fight with me and see if anything appears?” He grinned. 
Her red rimmed eyes squinted back at him as she laughed, “With the way these munchies have been hitting me the past few minutes, I think it might actually happen. I could imagine food hard enough to make it show up.” 
His mind started to wander as a hungry smile spread across his face, imagining all the food he could eat, and he spoke with a dreamy whisper, “Pizza bagels.”
“Let’s make pizza bagels. ‘M hungry. Starvin’. Gonna die if I don’t get some food in me.” 
Her eyes glowed with excitement at the idea, “Pizza bagels. Yes, you’re a genius!” 
“I know,” he giggled, it bubbled out of him without any self control. It wasn’t the weed that did it. It was her. He felt free when he was with her. He flicked out the joint against the ashtray balancing on the edge of the tub. “I really am. Smartest man alive, probably.” 
She snorted, “Okay, I wouldn’t go that far. Get your ego in check, Parker, before I have to slap some sense back into you.” 
He beamed at her, his love consumed him, feeling it outshine every other emotion rattling around inside of him. She was beautiful. Stunning. Picture perfect. He wanted to hang her up on his wall like an expensive piece of art so he could admire every day of his life. 
Her shoulders shrunk up to her ears under the intensity of his gaze.
“Stop that,” she whispered. “Don’t look at me with those eyes or I’ll kick you. I’ve got a perfect aim for your crotch in this position.”
Peter shook his head, “Nope, sorry, I refuse. I can’t help it. You look…perfect. The nicest thing I’ve ever seen in my entire life.”
“You’re stoned.” 
“Yes. Doesn’t change the fact that your lips look very enticing.” He winked at her and tried to scoot forward to get a taste. 
Her socked foot landed against his chest, pushing him back in place, “I thought we were making pizza bagels, not kissing. Weren’t you just starving a minute ago?” 
“Starving for you, maybe.” 
“Peter!” She let out a loud laugh, keeping him at bay with her outstretched leg. 
He was so in love. Completely enamored. Whipped. Head over heels. Trash for her. Whatever he wanted to call it. He belonged to her so wholly. His bleeding heart was in her hand for the rest of his life. He would follow her to the ends of the earth and back again. 
“If you don’t let me kiss you right this very second, I am going to turn this shower on.” His hand reached over his shoulder to grip onto the shower knob with a mischievous twinkle in his eye. 
She gave a sharp inhale, “You wouldn’t dare.” 
His eyebrows raised, taking on that challenge, “Oh really?”
She knew she fucked up the second before the shower burst to life. From his position in the tub, it shot over his head to spray directly into her face. She shrieked and fell back, sliding down the sloped edge of the tub until she was nearly on her back.
It was all the opportunity he needed to pounce. He leapt on top of her to the sound of her laughter and blocked the shower stream from her face with his back. His arms wrapped protectively around her head as he laid over her. Water pooled around them, warming their bodies, and soaking through their clothes. 
They didn’t feel it. 
All he could feel was the devoted love burning a hole in his chest where his heart used to be. 
She giggled up at him, blinking water droplets from her eyes, and whispered, “You’re an ass.”
He laughed in response and crashed his lips over hers, mumbling against them, “You love me.” 
She sighed in content. Her arms snaked around his neck to draw him closer, melting happily into his kiss. 
“I do.”
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corrieguards · 1 year
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Fives x reader Summary: the first two times Fives tries to charm you, and the time he succeeds Word count: 1,7k T/W: none
A/N: If Fives flirted with me I would simply pass away. Fives is the definition of "too hot to handle" and I am not built for dealing with that much hotness interacting with me.
On that happy note, I hope you enjoy this little fic! :D my masterlist
The first time Fives spotted you on that stool in 79's he had to do a double take because there was no way someone that gorgeous was willing hanging out at the tacky clone bar.
His next thought was he absolutely needed to go and talk to you, right now.
He nudged Echo, getting his attention before whispering to him .
“Don’t look now but... What about her? The one sitting by the bar” he subtly pointed over Echos shoulder. 
Echo obviously whipped around immediately, catching a look at you and snorting before laughing loudly
“Yeah right Fives, keep dreaming.”
The sound of the clones talking made you turn and look towards the two, startling when you found them both staring at you. Fives grimaced, sending you an awkward smile and wave. You looked taken aback but forced a small smile back.
As soon as your back was to them Fives angrily grabbed Echo’s shoulder, turning him back around.
“Kriff sake Echo, what part of ‘don’t look now’ do you not understand?” he hissed at his brother, who only smiled cheekily and shrugged.
“What? S’not like you had a chance with her anyway”
Fives immediately sent him an offended look "I’ll have you know I can easily get any girl” 
This made Echo spit out the drink he had in his mouth, laughing. Fives just crossed his arms and lent back, severely unamused.
When he saw Fives was in fact very much serious his laughs died down "Wait.. You actually believe that?”
Fives nodded firmly in response, Echo dissolving into giggles again
“What. You don’t think I can get her?” Fives huffed, making Echo laugh further in response, only able to shake his head.
Fives of course took this as a challenge and decided to make it his personal mission to woo you tonight. 1 because he thought you were absolutely stunning, and 2 because he was going to thoroughly enjoy the look on Echo's face.
Echo quickly nudged Jesse who was sitting next to him, getting an annoyed “What.’” in response.
“Trust me, you’re gonna want to watch this Jesse. Fives is about to get humbled.”
Fives huffed unamused, muttering angrily under his breath as he got up. Smoothing his hair and fixing his blacks he strolled over to you, pointedly ignoring Echo and Jesse who were giggling behind him.
He slid into the stool next to yours, oozing confidence as he sent you one of his most charming smiles
“Hey there beautiful.”
You turned to look at him, giving him a subtle up and down, raising an eyebrow at the way he'd sat with his legs spread, obnoxiously taking up way more space than needed Oh, so he was one of those guys then.
Catching you staring, he sent you a wink. "Like what you see meshla?"
You shrugged, shooting a glance behind him at his two friends who immediately scrambled trying to pretend they weren't just gawping at you two, one of them knocking over his drink in his haste.
The sight made you chuckle, turning your attention back to the trooper in front of you.
"Same as 90% of the guys in this bar right now. You're gonna have to try harder than that if you wanna stand out, trooper."
"What? These bad boys aren't doing it for you?" He smirked, flexing his arms and showing off his biceps.
His arms looked... good. Really good. You flushed, shaking your head to clear your thoughts and rolling your eyes to try to play it off.
Mistaking your head shake for a no, he decided on trying a different approach.
"No? Ok, I guess I'll just have to charm you with my words then."
You mearly tilted your head, raising your eyebrows at him and opening you hands in a 'go on then' gesture.
He smirked, resting his arm on the table top and leaning toward you, making sure to keep eye contact as he spoke.
"Y'know you look great in this lighting" he leant in even closer, whispering seductively "But you'd look way better in my bed"
This one got a surprised huff out of you, not expecting him to actually go full out. He smiled sheepishly at your reaction.
"Sorry, was that one too forward? Just couldn't help myself"
"No I just- well I'm not used to getting hit on like that I guess" you replied with a nervous smile.
He gave you a look of surprise "Seriously? Well, you've been hanging around the wrong guys then my dear. Guess you should have met me sooner."
You chuckled slightly, sliding a few credits ove the table for your drink before sliding off your seat. He finally clocked what you were doing, his hand automatically reaching out to stop you.
"Hey, hey. Where you goin'? I though we had something going on here?" he gestured a hand between the two of you frantically.
You smirked slightly, patting him on the shoulder
“Like I said, gonna have to try harder than that.”
His mouth parted slightly in surprise, scrambling for something to say, but you had already turned and were walking away. 
“I’ll see you around?” he shouted out hopefully, to which you only responded with a quick wave over your shoulder before disappearing into the crowd.
He stood, staring dumbly at were you'd just been. Echo and Jesse gave up trying to hide their giggles and burst out laughing, the sound shaking Fives out of his trance.
“Told you so…” Echo said in a sing-song voice, only making Fives scowl. The look on his face must have been funny because it only seemed to make them laugh harder.
“Aw c’mon Fives, don’t get all moody on us now.” Jesse clapped a hand on his back “Better luck next time, yeah?"
The next time he spotted you he though he was hallucinating. You'd never told you you worked for the GAR but he could swear it was you under that walker. He squinted, taking a few steps closer before his face suddenly broke into a grin. Yep, that was definitely you.
He jogged up to you and put his foot on the edge of your creeper, making you squeak in surprise when he rolled you out from under the walker you were working on.
You blinked up dumbly as he loomed over you, forearm leaning against the side of the walker and head tilting.
“Baby we really gotta stop meeting like this” he purred, smirking down at you.
You huffed, pointedly rolling back under the walker and your response coming slightly muffled from underneath it.
“And you gotta stop distracting me while I’m working”
Fives chuckled and knelt down to your level. Much to your annoyance he grabbed you creeper and pulled you out again, stupid smirk still on his face.
"I couldn't resist, you just look so sexy with that grease all over your face."
Eyes widening, you furiously began wiping at your face with your sleeve, only managing to smear it further.
Feeling sorry for you he picked up a stray rag and gently swiped at your face. The tenderness of action making a light pink spread towards your cheeks. He caught your blush and raised his eyebrows at you, chuckling slightly
“Stop laughing at me” you tried to say it seriously but his continuous giggles eventually made you break into a smile. 
He gasped dramatically, pressing a exaggerated hand to his chest “So she does smile after all”
“Yeah yeah very funny." You rolled your eyes at him playfully. "Y'know if you insist on staying here then you might as well make yourself useful.”
"Why of course, it would be my pleasure" he made a slight bow "What does my lady require?’”
You chuckled, shaking your head at his antics “Just pass me that spanner will ya?”
He quickly picked up the one you were pointing at, staring to pass it to you but suddenly pulling it back just as you were about to grab it.
 “What the hell Fives?"
 “Your hands are so much smaller than mine. Here we should compare.”
Before you could protest he was already holding his palm up to yours and pressing your hands together. The tips of your fingers only reached halfway up his and you hated the fact that it gave you butterflies.
When you started to pull away he quickly interlaced his finger with yours, keeping you in place. If you thought you had butterflies before then you must have a whole war going on in your stomach right now. 
The look on your face must have given your feelings away because when Fives’ gaze flickered up to yours, his face quickly spread into a wide grin. 
Opening his mouth to tease you further, he was interrupted by a shout of his name.
“Fives! Stop flirting with my mechanic and get over here”
You both turned to see Rex glaring at him from across the hanger. Fives shrugged, looking back at you
“Sorry meshla, but duty calls” he pressed a quick kiss to your hand which was still in his, making you blush instantly.
“Fives! What did I just say?” Rex’s voice rang through the hanger again, making Fives scramble to stand up.
“Sorry Cap, coming!” . He shot you a quick wink over his shoulder “I’ll see you around gorgeous”
He was determined you’d eventually give in, and after many many testing remarks and lame pick up from his side, you eventually agreed to go on a date with him.
And you could honestly say that that one date was the best you’d had in your life (not that you’d been on many).
Fives had completely outdone himself and seeing him out of his uniform and away from his brothers was a eye opener for you.
When it was just the two of you could really see his loving and caring side peek through, and you fell for it hard.
As much as you hated proving Fives right, he was right all slong. You two had crazy chemistry and his confidence perfectly balanced out with you shyness, truly bringing out the best in the both of you.
So, to your surprise (and Echo’s dismay) somewhere along the line he'd actually managed to win you over.
Which led to how you were right now, curled up against his chest in your bed, his arms wrapped around you tightly.
His back was against the wall, chin resting on your head. You were sat across his lap, looking down at your joined hands.
Both of you were soaking up each other presence and silently enjoying the closeness of it all.
“I love your hands,” you mumbled, breaking the silence and getting a lazy hum from him in response.
Tracing your thumb over his knuckles, you carry on “They fit so well with mine.”
Fives chuckles, giving your hand a quick squeeze
“Lucky you then because there are thousands of my brothers with these exact hands across the galaxy”
You twist slightly, enough so that you could look at his face, smiling teasingly
“Then how come only your hands give me butterflies when you touch me?”
He melts instantly at you comment, grinning so wide his face hurts before shrugging and nuzzling his nose to yours, whispering softly against you lips
“Must be because I’m just that much more charmin'”. 
tag-list: @techs-feral-wife @nekotaetae @softsunburstlove @lucyysthings
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abiiors · 2 months
Veee could you write something with matty where reader is also an artist (a way less known one) and its just pure fluff with both of them being inspired by one another?
Feel free to ignore ofc!!🫶🫶🫶
muse - matty x reader
a/n: this took a very different direction than originally planned and got slightly existential sorry about that 💀💀 but i hope you like it regardless <33
divider by @/cafekitsune
cw: mentions of smut, talks of death, general fluff and sappiness.
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the artist flicks through the feature.
her name is printed in big letters on the cover of the monthly issue, her face--smiling and excited--next to the centrepiece of her latest art collection: cupid and psyche. the painting is stunning, a riot of bold colours and patterns but the at the centre is a man, his face hidden, his jet black curls tousled. his body is relaxed, she thinks there's an air of carefreeness about him.
and she'd know that for sure, after all that day is etched into her memory.
when she feels a familiar pair of arms wrap around her, she smiles.
"you're rather proud of the feature, aren't you?" matty's voice holds a little teasing note. she's stared at the feature for close to thirty minutes now, discreetly pinching herself in the same spot on her arm. (it sports a tiny, barely-there bruise now)
"good," matty nuzzles his face into her neck, softly kissing the skin, "you should be. the exhibit was fucking gorgeous."
"mmm, because you were the centrepiece?" fondly, she teases back, but the memory flashes in front of her eyes--the bustling art gallery, matty in a corner, wearing a plain hoodie and jeans and a cap hiding half of his face, absolutely brimming with pride.
she remembers the journalists asking about the man in all the paintings, the one whose face no one can see. "he's my muse," she says every time, "this collection is dedicated to him."
"someone's going to connect the dots," matty walks around her, settling himself next to her on the sofa. instantly, they rearrange themselves into a tangle--her legs on his lap, his arm around her, her head on his shoulders, his head on hers. "if they looked carefully, they'll make the connection."
"matty, we have been each other's muse for years and no one's found out. i don't think they're going to start now. besides," she snorts, "i think the art world thinks i've made you up in my mind. won't be the first time an artist's gone insane."
matty laughs. "maybe you have. you always say i'm too good to be true."
when she can't think of a retort, she sticks her tongue out, shrieking away when he smothers her in kisses.
"seriously though, it's fun writing about you. singing about you. and i love seeing myself through your eyes." suddenly matty sounds all sober and serious. she thinks his voice even wavers slightly at the end. he blinks quickly though, and just like that the brightness in his eyes is gone.
"love it when you write about me too," she teases, "love being called a gemini and a sexy girl, such poetry."
"oi! i put my heart into that! it's a precious memory for me."
"the memory of us fucking in the new bath for the first time?"
matty giggles like a teenager, hiding his face in her hair. it's fun to rile him up like this, so she continues, poking him in the ribs. "or waking up the next day with a head cold because we stayed in the cold water for so long hmm?"
"you took care of me though, and so i think you deserve to have a song written about you. or a whole album works too i think." then matty tuts. "actually, no. don't wanna tell anyone it's about you, that'll ruin the magic."
"ruin the magic?"
"of being your muse and having you as mine. i think a hundred years from now, when people would see your art as the artwork of this generation, and my music as the tune of our times--"
"tune of our times..."
"yeah, quit laughing at me!" matty flicks her nose, quickly kissing it after. "so when my music becomes the tune of our times, i think people will see it then. they will make the connections."
secretly, she loves the idea--that their love might transcend time and space through their art. that decades from now their names might be whispered together, even though they aren't just yet.
"of course, we'll be buried together by then. same grave by the way, very romeo and juliet of us."
"that's morbid!" she laughs sharply, "what will the epitaph say?"
matty hums for a bit, thinking, his eyes flutter shut for a second or two almost like he needs to focus on the half formed thought until it's a complete sentence. then he excitedly clears his throat and gently holds her face between his hands.
"here lie the artist and the muse; inspiring each other in death as they did in life."
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lovekendri · 1 year
dazzling skylines | peeta mellark
peeta mellark x fem!reader
summary: happily ever after the rebellion, you and peeta have a picnic on a hill outside victor's village at sunset, full of love, kisses, homemade bread, and strawberries.
cw: cavity inducing fluff, peeta being an absolute hunk, implied mention of sexual activities
wc: 1k
type: ❀
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A small basket of picked ripe strawberries and raspberries, two loaves of still-warm fresh bread, and a glass bottle of apple juice.
All of your favorites, packed into one basket.
Peeta was already far ahead of you, laying out the rough, aged quilt from his grandmother on the ground, the rustling of the slightly dried grass fought back at it, snagging on loose threats and small imperfections.
The sun was burning bright, a light yellow surrounded by shades of dandelion swirls. The sky above was a deep orange, getting darker the higher it rose, accents of a banana yellow dancing between purple and gray clouds sprinkled in stunning patches. Dark outlines of far away trees spread throughout the almost empty field, the occasional rabbit pouncing between longer patches of grass. It was a beautiful late summer evening, the heat just right with the light blow of a sweet breeze.
Peeta wore his white tee proudly as you watched him finally lay the blanket flat, admiring him from afar.
He was a work of art himself with his perfectly ironed shirts and brown khakis, toned muscles, and blonde hair glimmering in the orange light.
He turned to you as you approached the quilt on the ground, picnic basket in hand. His face grew soft, the handsome, genuine smile you had barely seen since he was hijacked grew on his lips.
"You look...beautiful," he murmured, taking in the soft pink sundress dotted with white daisies that you wore for the first time since you bought it.
He reached for your hand, taking it into his. You sat the basket down in front of you as he guided you to take a seat, following along with you.
You once again took the moment to admire the sky and him, and how lucky you were to finally have peace in the place you call home.
Peeta began to unravel the bread and berries and place them on the napkins you brought with, sneaking two raspberries into his mouth when he thought you weren't looking.
"Save some for me!" you laughed, swatting playfully at his hand as he grinned cheekily, a drop of raspberry juice dribbling onto his lip.
"It was only two!" he says, taking a raspberry and handing it to you.
You popped it into your mouth happily, enjoying the explosion of sweetness and slight bitterness it carried.
He took a piece of bread off the loaf, not caring to cut it.
"Gosh, I wonder who made this bread, it's so amazing! So fluffy and still warm!" He gloated, exaggerating the enjoyment on his face.
"Oh, please," you gave him an even more exaggerated look of annoyance, because you both knew very well that he made the bread, and it was damn good no matter what.
He gave you a knowing smirk, giving you a light peck on the cheek.
"You still have bread in your mouth! Don't get chewed up bread on my cheek!" You shrieked, yet another tease for him.
"You've had a lot worse on your face," he deadpanned, struggling to hide his smirk.
"Not the time," you giggled, a rosy tint rising on your cheeks.
You watched as the clouds moved ever so slightly in the sky with the light breeze, sometimes watching the color shift from dusky purple to gray, or gray to purple.
Peeta took note of your interest in the sky, taking the time to look up and watch the birds flitting by in small groups.
"Beautiful skyline, is it not?" he broke the silence, taking a plump strawberry into his mouth and ripping off the stem.
"It's not a skyline, Peeta. It's just a sky," you replied, a hint of teasing in your tone, knowing he would bite back playfully with another joke.
"Listen, same thing. There's a skyline somewhere out there, just very minimal where we are."
"Yeah right, maybe in the Capitol," you snorted, tearing off a piece of loaf and taking a bite, savoring the softness of it.
"You make it really hard to be nice sometimes," he joked, turning his head to look at you.
You admired his beautiful blue eyes when he looked at you. The way they had so much love and desire behind them, the questions they raised in the depth. You admired his blonde hair, the way it fell perfectly around his face. Most of all, you admired him.
Everything about Peeta was perfect in your eyes, his slightly lopsided smile, the way his cheeks reddened when you would say you loved him. His stocky build, his broad shoulders that he threw you over multiple times. His arms, his nose, his lips, his jaw, his everything.
"I appreciate that," you bit back playfully, the smile on your face was bigger than ever.
You looked down to the fruit basket, only one strawberry and four raspberries were left.
Peeta ate the rest.
"You can't even save two strawberries for me?" you complained, taking the last strawberry into your mouth and ripping off the stem the same way you learned from Peeta.
"You were too busy indulging in my lovely bread," he said.
You two sat in silence for a while, watching the sky and listening to the chirping of birds.
It was nice to sit with him in silence sometimes, appreciating the time you've spent together and the trials you went through with him. Through the tough and the breaking points, you two came out alive.
You had finished your bread, and scooted over on the quilt to sit closer to him.
Without saying a word, his arm wrapped around your torso, pulling you to his side, and you allowed your head to drop to his shoulder, snuggling close to his body.
You sat like this for a while, listening to the world around you move while you sat in eternal happiness, where nothing could hurt you in Peeta's arms.
You were home, both physically, and mentally.
Peeta was your home, your rock, your everything. Life wouldn't go on without him.
You felt his head turn down to yours, resting his chin on top of your head. He kissed the top of your head lightly, his arm tightening around you.
"I love you," he said.
"I love you," you replied, grabbing hold of him to watch the sky go by.
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justporo · 9 months
The moon and the stars
A Night of Fake Smiles and Hidden Lies: Part 2
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Author's Note: In which Tav and Astarion continue preparing for the ball - and it almost broke me to describe their clothing (this fic really makes me break out a dictionary way too often...)
Song: Suit & Tie - Justin Timberlake
Pairing: Astarion/Fem!Tav Rating: Explicit Warnings: none
When you finally left the bathroom, you felt indeed pleasantly relaxed – physically and mentally. Astarion had made you put on a fancy silken robe he had gotten for you as a gift. The smooth fabric felt pleasantly cool on your skin and you couldn’t stop looking at the wonderful floral pattern it had and its deep red colour. Astarion, in the meantime, had slipped into a similar robe made of satin that was obviously the match for yours in pattern and colour.
“Come with me, my love, I have something else for you”, Astarion said with a promising smile and led you to your joint bedroom. Surely, there he had already placed a bottle of wine and two goblets for you on a sidetable next to the chaise longue you had also placed in this room. “You really got to stop showering me with gifts, Astarion, I can’t keep up with you”, you laughed when you saw the dress laid out on the bed. Next to it was a doublet, shirt, vest and pants.
“Firstly: no, I don’t! Secondly, you don’t have to! And thirdly, it was a gift for myself as much as for you, my love”, Astarion responded and went over to the small table to pour you some wine.
“You really thoroughly prepared all this, didn’t you?”, you asked as you walked closer to the bed to take a closer look at the dress laying there. You were intimidated by the thought of wearing something so unusual for you – but you’d be lying if you didn’t admit that you also felt pretty excited. Wasn’t this what so many girls and women dreamt of? Being a princess, at least one time in your life, dancing with your partner in a castle? In your case with your regal prince?
Just that your prince happened to be a very sassy vampire; but you wouldn’t want it any other way.
You giggled at the thought which caught Astarion’s attention. “What’s there to giggle, my love?”, he asked looking at you with suspicion as he came over to you and offered you the goblet with wine. “Oh, nothing. Just thinking about how you’d make a terrible prince on a white horse.” Astarion looked confused for a second, then snorted: “Yeah well, for that sort of thing you should have chosen Wyll, my sweet.” He took a swig of wine and so did you.
“Nah”, you replied after that and made a face. “I love my snarky little vampire way too much for that.” You smiled at him and gave him a kiss.
“I don’t know where the ‘little’ comes from, but anyways. I love you too, my sweet princess, now go look at the dress I brought you or I’ll take it back”, Astarion teased after the kiss and motioned towards the bed with his head.
So, you finally strode over and took in the garment: It was a striking deep blue that became lighter and a wonderful shade of purple up to lavender further down the skirt – impressively similar to the colours the sky turned when the sun set. It had a high collar that didn’t fully close around the neck in the front, so it allowed for a deep neckline that almost looked like a four-pointed star and long flowy sleeves that from the elbows down became cascading trains of fabric. The bodice was decorated with embroidered bigger four-point stars and smaller sparkles in silver and a few shiny stones. From the slender belt around the waistline down it became a luscious silken skirt that was carefully draped with few more star decorations that became fewer the more the colours lightened.
It was quite frankly stunning. Regal and elegant, but not overly flamboyant which would have been something you would have never felt comfortable to wear. And the most important thing: no corset. You wouldn’t have believed it, but you were actually excited to put this garment on.
You turned to Astarion with a huge grin who carefully expected your reaction. “You delivered on your promise to not make me wear a corset”, you cheerfully exclaimed. “And?”, drawled Astarion raising his eyebrows and lowering his gaze at you expectantly. Shortly, you considered making a joke, but you saw how genuinely excited Astarion looked so you went with the truth: “It’s incredibly beautiful and I am indeed pretty excited to put it on and see what it looks like on me.” To that Astarion’s eyes started shining with joy and love. “Neither can I, beautiful”, he cooed and pulled you in with one arm to nuzzle his nose against your cheek.
“Did you do the embroidery yourself?”, you asked while you wrapped your arm not occupied with wine around his waist and kept looking at the dress. “Well, of course”, the vampire replied. You could feel his chest rise with pride – and rightfully so.
“Let me take a look at your outfit before I get dressed”, you said after a while and took a sip of wine. You untangled yourself from Astarion and stepped closer to the bed again to where his clothes were laying next to yours.
Quite obviously his shirt, vest, doublet and pants were made to match your dress – or maybe it had rather been the other way around. The shirt was simple: white, with a high collar and some lace details at the hems. The pants already were more intricate: black leather that at first looked quite plain but patterns of swirls and undulations were pressed into it all over. The vest was very similar to your bodice, also with a high neck but the shade was an even darker blue and it closed at the front with intricate silver clasps all over the chest. Of course, it had some embroidery as well.
But the doublet was the centre piece of it all: You could see that the satin cloth – being the same shade of blue as the vest - had the same swirls as a pattern as the pants but it only became visible in the right angle of light. The front was intricately embroidered with silver stars. Smaller stars formed bigger stars and those an even bigger symmetrical pattern. Smaller parts of embroidery were placed on the sleeves and the hems. The button border was completely worked in silver thread, every silver button had a star on it and was closed with silver cord.
You were in awe. You were pretty sure you had never seen a finer piece of clothing. And knowing that Astarion had done the embroidery work himself – your jaw dropped. “You’ve outdone yourself”, you whispered, still awestruck.
“Ah well, I mean, I only picked out the pieces and did the embroi-“ “Shut up and take the compliment, Astarion, humbleness doesn’t become you”, you immediately stopped him with a raised finger and looked at him. He closed his opened mouth and shrugged: “I mean, we are going to look gorgeous.” “Better! Now then – time to dress?” You looked at Astarion who only grinned at you and nodded.
You put down your remaining wine and carefully lifted up the dress while Astarion sat or rather laid down on the chaise longue. Leaning back on one of his arms, his robe opened up and you could see his bare chest beneath. When you looked at him quizzically, he said: “Don’t mind me, my love, I just wanted to get comfortable to enjoy the show.” He grinned at you lewdly and you immediately felt some of the heat from earlier come back.
You decided to just get going. You looked at the dress in your hands for a few more moments and then put it back down to free your hands when you saw that there had been something else laying under it.
Obviously, Astarion had picked out some lacey underwear to go with the dress. It was intricately worked, the same shade of blue as the dress – also an awful lot of nothing. You blushed and threw Astarion a glance whose grin only had become naughtier at you making the discovery.
“This looks more complicated to put on than the dress to be honest”, you whispered a bit coyly suddenly – almost more to yourself than to him. “You don’t have to, my sweet, call it merely a suggestion if you would”, Astarion said and got up to stand behind you. He grabbed you by the waist and leaned down to whisper to you: “If you don’t feel comfortable with it, that’s absolutely fine.” He pressed a soft kiss to your pointy ear. “No, I want to”, you immediately exclaimed.
“Good, because I’d love to tear it off you with my teeth later”, Astarion responded with a husky whisper and a tone that dripped with sinful promise like molten chocolate. He pressed another kiss to your cheek and went back to nonchalantly lounge on the chaise longue while you felt your blush grow and your eyes widen.
“One of these days you’re going to kill me saying stuff like this”, you breathed out. The vampire chuckled: “Only by saying? My love, I haven’t even started the doing.” By all the Gods – you had to turn away from him as he kept laughing and sipping his wine.
You carefully put on the lingerie while you were painfully aware of Astarion’s gaze burning into your back. But you didn’t turn around again – firstly, because you wouldn’t give him that present yet. And secondly, because you were scared the evening would be over way too quickly if you did.
Then you put on the dress. It had a long row of buttons down the back, so Astarion had to come over again to help you. And he did so by giving your neck a kiss for every button his fingers closed.
When he was done – the last button had earned you several kisses – he stepped back. “Turn around for me, darling?”, he asked almost shyly. You did, slowly while you looked down at yourself and could already feel yourself getting giddy.
“How do I look, my love?”, you asked coyly and softly swayed from side to side while gazing at Astarion through your lashes.
The vampire was speechless, his face was basically in shock as his eyes wandered up and down over your body. And then up again. And then down again!
“Like a goddess, my heart, like a vision”, he finally said while still unable to rip his ruby eyes off you. “Give me a twirl, my love”, he then exclaimed and clapped his hands. You happily fulfilled his wish. In fact, you did one or two bonus rounds and kept laughing the whole time. You could feel the skirt fly around you. “On this exception I would have loved a mirror to take a quick peek at how I look”, you said as you stopped turning, your cheeks flushed.
The vampire softly grabbed your hands: “Oh, way ahead of you, Tav.” He made you turn to the far corner of your bedroom where you saw what must’ve been the big heavy package, he had brought home yesterday with all the other stuff.
“You bought a mirror?”, you asked and furrowed your brows. “I thought we did agree on no mirrors in our house.” “Surely, my sweet, and I appreciate the notion, but… I wanted you to be able to look at yourself!”, Astarion replied and strode over to the floor-length mirror he had thus far kept covered with a sheet.
“Voilà!”, he exclaimed as he dragged off the cloth and revealed your reflection in the mirror as he stood beside it. You were stunned as you looked at yourself.
Thankfully, you still recognised yourself. It was still you. But you looked regal and elegant. Unconsciously you straightened your back and lifted your chin up a little which made Astarion grin – he knew exactly that he’d done an incredible job.
You lifted your arms, watched as the trains of cloth flowed down beneath your elbows, you watched the skirts move swiftly as you turned. Safe to say you had probably never felt this beautiful in your life. Astarion beamed at you. “Come over here, sweetheart, take a closer look”, he encouraged you. Then he quickly leaned over the rim of the mirror. “Ah, sadly still nothing”, he quipped and then went off as you stepped closer and admired the details of the dress.
“I still feel bad about having a mirror now”, you shouted back at Astarion while you leaned to your reflection to admire the craftsmanship of the embroidery. “Oh, don’t be, love. I’m used to it by now and you’re only going to make me sappy”, he answered from somewhere from the other corner of the room.
You kept looking at yourself, not fully believing that this was really happening, when suddenly something was dangling in front of your face.
Astarion had snuck up on you – and of course – there had been no reflection in the mirror to spot his arrival. Now, a piece of jewellery was lowered onto you slowly.
“Really? Another gift, Astarion?”, you asked mockingly in anger. “Hush, this is the last one, now look!”, he scolded you as he closed the clasp at the back of your neck. Then he let his hands softly rest on your shoulders.
It was a necklace with a round and beautiful moonstone set in gold, though the colour of the stone matched nicely with the decorum on your dress. It sparkled softly in different colours where it perfectly sat at the dip of your collar bone – and a perfect centre piece for your neckline. You reached at it with your fingertips. It wasn’t even incredibly excessive or flamboyant, just very delicately beautiful. And you immediately knew you would wear it every day.
“You’ve become my sun, Tav”, Astarion spoke solemnly. Surprised by his sudden mood change you threw a quick glance over your shoulder. The vampire looked longingly at your mirror image. His red eyes were glistening with warmth and almost seemed like they were tearing up. He didn’t stop looking at you in the mirror.
“And then… you gave up the sun for me and became my moon as well. The light of my life.” His eyes lit up even more saying that. “If I only can make up for that a tiny bit by showering you with gifts, adoring and loving you every day of my immortal life and keeping you safe and happy, then I’ll happily provide you with that as long as I am able to.” His voice almost broke but his eyes were incredibly bright.
Your eyes welled up. You turned around and grabbed his hands off your shoulders, looking deeply into his eyes. “It’s not all me though. You changed my life, taught me that I was worth more”, you spoke, your voice barely coming out as more than a whisper. You pulled his hands to your chest as he leaned his forehead softly onto yours. You felt the tears coming and saw that his eyes were almost running over as well: “You’re the one that’s guiding me. You’re my stars, Astarion, my whole firmament!”
Tags: @aurasyn @margoteve @usuallyunlikelyfox @hollowmasque @worryknotdear
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negansbackdoorwhore · 2 years
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Warnings: slight daddy kink, swearing, fluff, smut
Negan dropped his duffle bag as soon as he was entering the threshold of his home. It was friday, a day before the weekend. He just spent his last hours of the day taking his basketball team for an out of town game. They won, of course because Negan wouldn’t have them be losers. Now he’s home feeling exhausted and a need of her to be by his side. So he enters the shower to wash away his long day and gets on the phone to call Y/N.
“Hey Angel. Could you come over and keep Daddy company?”
“Yeah. I’ll be over in soon stud.” He giggles at the nickname given and slips himself into a pair of sweatpants. He remained shirtless and flipped through a magazine. He had his legs kicked up onto his coffee table and then felt his heart jump at the sound of his doorbell. He tossed away the reading material and immediately opened the door. She looked stunning as he recognized that she had on his sweatshirt. It formed perfectly to her figure, along with the leggings she would usually wear.
“You look beautiful Angel. Get your cute ass in here already.” He motioned and she got greeted with a light smack on her ass. He giggled as she let out a gasp and immediately shut his door to pounce. Negan pulled her into his arms and kissed her lips.
“Missed you.”
“It’s only been two days.”
She snorted as he kept on kissing her. His arms were squeezing her middle and had his nose nuzzled into her neck. Her sweet scent drove him crazy and she knew it once being picked up. Negan wrapped her legs onto his waist and moved straight to the bedroom. They both laugh once her back hit the mattress and he was on top of her.
Y/N’s voice made his heart race with how she would call out his name or whenever she would say “Daddy”. There was a fire that burned inside of him, that’s why he spent the last hour pleasuring her with his mouth, hands, and especially his cock. He wanted more but he was being pushed on his chest. She giggled breathlessly as he pouted.
“I need a break. Please Daddy.”
“Okay.” He kissed her forehead and rested onto his side for her to come close. She wrapped her arms around his torso.
“I’m glad you called. I wanted to earlier but thought you might want some alone time.”
“You can call me whenever you fucking want. Besides the only alone time I’d want, is if it was with my Angel.” Negan watched her blush that always had him smiling. She kissed at his bare collar and his fingers ran up her back to feel her.
“Angel, I have something I want to tell you. It’s been something I’ve been keeping to myself for some time now.” Her eyes looked at him and began to sit up to take in what he was going to say. He joined her and took a hold of one of her hands.
“I love you. I’ve been loving you for so long now. You mean the world to me, you make me feel good whenever you’re around. I can’t keep this in anymore, there’s been so many times I wanted to say it to you. But I didn’t want to scare you away.”
“You could never scare me.” Her hand squeezed his and kissed his cheek.
“I care about you so much. I want you with me and to take care of you. I just love you so much Angel.” He whispered as her head rested in his neck.
“I love you too Negan. You’re an amazing man and you don’t need to do anything but be yourself for me.” He softly smiled and kissed her head.
“You just made me so fucking happy.”
She moved to straddle his lap and kissed him over and over on his lips.
“Let’s stay like this for the night. I just want to hold you and kiss you.” He said as her forehead made contact with his own. The smile he wore made his cheeks hurt but who could blame him for having an Angel in his life.
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zuffer-weird-girl · 6 months
Anon: heyyy girl! How have you been? I must say that your blog, no matter when, is still STUNNING. I follow you since the bazooka squad era lol. Can you pretty please make a request for me about Chisaki? One where he is been howling his ass on his office since pops kinda grounded him with paper work but reader comes and just straight up takes him out... kinda like kidnapping but in a good way?
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You smiled kindly at the precept who let you in inside the house and made your way with a happy aura that wasn't quite frequent on the shie hassaikai, but it was sure much like a breath of fresh air.
Although your smiled dropped when you noticed the leader discussing something with some scared precepts before they hurried off when the old man just pointed his finger at the door you just came in with a very stern and rather loud '-now before I change my mind'.
You stepped outside of the way of the precepts and frowned at the elder massaging his temples with a head sigh.
"Good afternoon pops." You muttered and the old man immediately stopped his actions to look at you and give you at least a kind yet tired smiled.
"Good afternoon (Y/n) my dear, how have you been?" He fixed his posture as you walked a bit closer to him.
"Same old." You giggled "How are you though? You sound tired..."
"Tired?" The elder chuckled but you gulped when you saw his right eye twitching "I'm fucking pissed off actually."
You widened your eyes... in all of the years you've been here you never actually heard a swear coming from this man's mouth... well, until now at least.
"Your boyfriend just simply refuses to listen." He chuckled a bit darkly "I tell him to NOT do something and guess what he does? The exact damn opposite." He ranted on as you nodded a bit, still not quote recovered at seeing the usual calm and collected pops so... irritated.
"I swear he gives me more headaches than all of my years inside this fucking organization and I've been here practically all of my life." He sighed while pushing his Grey hair back before looking at you "I apologize my dear, I will just go lay down a bit to calm myself down."
"I-is okay." You smiled a bit "just try to calm down a bit yeah?... is chisaki-"
"On his office." He grumbled while rubbing his head "I gave him something to do, not simply fuck up all my hard work to not have the police on my ass at least." He muttered and your jaw fell.
Alright, He was definitely pissed at your boyfriend.
You took some steps and knocked lightly on his door but heard nothing.
"Love? Is me." You knocked once while calling "Can I please come in?"
You had to put your ear on the door to finally hear a grumble as you sighed and shrugged. Close enough to a answer.
As soon as you entered and closed the door you didn't know whether to laugh or gasp..
There was at least five piles full of documents on Kai's desk. And it wasn't small piles, no, they were big. Similar to those cartoons when a character is at their work.
Kai hated taxes and hated to do these kind of work inside the yakusa... so judging by the tired yet pissed look of your boyfriend, this was probably his punishment given by pops.
"Oh honey... what did you do this time?" You accidentally let out as Kai only glared at you.
"If you're here to mock me or give me a scolding about my ideas to put this sorry place back on their glory days not being 'right' than just get out of here." He growled and you blinked... pops did scared you a bit when he growled, but your boyfriend? Nah, you were used to his bad mood.
"I didn't do neither of these, I just asked you what did you do to make pops put you in this kind of work... again." You lifted your hands up in a signal of peace as he only grumbled.
You shaked your head a bit before walking towards where he was sitting. He didn't stop what he was doing until your hands started to massage a bit his shoulder... he did tense up a bit at the start but soon you heard a little sigh and his body soon started to relax, little by little.
You snorted but that was enough for him to glare at you once again.
"Care to tell me what happened?" You lowered yourself down to put your head on his shoulder as he scoffed. "Not going to?"
Another scoff which made you roll your eyes at his attitude, until an idea popped as you smiled mischievously.
His breath caught on his throat when you started to plant kisses on the exposed part of his neck, and you couldn't help the giggled escaping your lips at feeling his skin shiver the slightly bit.
He muttered your name in warning as you kept kissing all of his weak spots.
"Tell me what happened" kiss "you might even feel better" kiss "please?" Another kiss "I want to try to calm you down a bit." Kiss
It was silent for a bit until he sighed deeply, hanging his head backwards a bit but enough to bump softly with yours. You removed yourself from the crook of his neck to watch from upwards his face which was clearly more relaxed, eyes closed and no more his eyebrows scrunched which surely would gave him wrinkles before his 40s.
You waited for him to peak his eyes open before silently suggesting to take off his black face mask and he only closed them once again, silently letting you removed the mask to see his whole face on all its glory. You smiled at seeing the signs of some of hair grow in his chin as you gently carreseded the area with your thumb as he grunted.
"Forgot to shave?" You asked as you felt your fingers being slight tickeed by ghe small facial hairs of his.
"Didn't had time." He justified, his frown coming back nefore you kissed his forehead.
"I like it. It suits you. Makes you even more senior than usual." You kissed his lips as he scoffed later.
It was a peaceful silence until you felt one of your hands being picked up by one of his bigger gloved hands. He brought close to his face, smelling the scent of the soap or hand sanitizer you used due to his mysiphohia and he couldn't help the warm feeling as he planted a small and almost shy kiss on your hand afterwards.
You smiled at the gesture, feeling all warm and fuzzy yourself at how far he had come over his own mysophobia just for you.
"There was this one specific minor gang on the center of Tokyo." He started, staring at your hand he hadn't let go of "A bunch of imbeciles, yet they had some.. "merch" I was quite interested in. It had a vicious effect on the brain and would lead us to gain some money to-"
"You were dealing with drugs again, weren't you?" You muttered.
"... you sound disappointed."
"Well, kinda. I know your intentions are good love but... it's just isn't right." You sighed, knowing your ideals were very much different. Kai could be extremist and radical sometimes on things he wanted and believed, quirks being a very much example of it.
You felt himself letting go of your hand and standing up from his chair, and for a second you thought you had angered him again but he just looked at you with solemn eyes.
"You're better than me as a human in many ways. Yet, I want this organization to come back as being a respected and powerful one. The method we've been doing for these last years is not working." He spoke as he took some steps and sat on the couch of his office, legs spread and arms resting over it "Some rules need to be broken to get our goal."
"But that's not right still love.." You dared to speak as you walked near him "Besides, you always end up on a fight or using your quirk on someone..."
"That is just a consequence, but is worth it." He growled at the ground.
"Is it?" You muttered "I.. I keep worrying about you or if you're okay almost all of the time now."
"You don't need to."
"Of course I need to!" You exclaimed while taking a seat next to him "Kai, I love you. You're my boyfriend. And I care and worry about you... don't you feel the same about me?"
Silence... and you sighed. You knew he felt the same way, but sometimes you couldn't help but think your man was way too complicated...
"Is what he wants." He broke the tension "thats something that he wants for so long... it would be the only way to pay him back to what he had done to... me." He muttered, staring ahead of him as you frowned.
"... I know you want to pay him back love, but maybe you being his successor is already enough."
"Is not." Kai muttered "trust me... is not."
You frowned before scooting closer and looking at him. His golden eyes looked at you for a bit before sighing and lifting one of his arms to allow you to hug his torso.
You laid your head on the crook of his neck as his gloved hand remained in your scalp, while both of your hands and his other one were on top of each other.
"You didn't change my mind about much things I did, but... I'm glad you came here. To check on me, I guess." He muttered and you couldn't help bit to snort.
"You're so stubborn." You whispered before looking at him, his stoic face no where to be seen as he scoffed at your words.
"Look who is talkin-" He widened his eyes when you kissed him once again, the hand that was on top of his now sweetly holding the right side of his jaw.
"You were saying?" You giggled at his red cheeks and those golden eyes glaring at you before he grabbed your both cheeks "Mh!"
"Shut up you brat. Didn'tyou want to calm me down? Then be quiet." He muttered huskily near your lips before kissing them again
Safe to say, he wasn't finishing those taxes.
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