#stupid algorithm
friendrat · 6 months
Oh no ... I saved a yummy looking recipe on Instagram and now I'm being bombarded with recipes! 😭 I just want to see books!
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sailforvalinor · 2 years
If random Doctor Who spoilers would stop randomly appearing on my YouTube feed that would be great
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mazoga-the-dork · 14 days
I ran an ad on Facebook and the algorithm, in its infinite 'wisdom', decided one of the people it should target is me.
The person who posted the damn ad in the first place.
Thanks Zucc, it's not like I saw the ad WHILE I WAS WRITING IT or anything...
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brittlebodies · 1 year
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Ian Stone, Doubting Thomas, oil on linen, 12x16 in, 2023
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xonlictheeverswarm · 4 months
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When I posted the last thing about how I don't have time for "Whites are always in the wrong" discourse, I didn't mean "Please, give me more". I also certainly did not ask you to send me things like "You ever notice how white trans people are the ugliest?" or "white lesbians do not apply". I didn't need that nightmare.
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austenwazright · 2 years
Is there something sadder than when you know exactly what kind of book you want to read so you open the "more like this" on goodreads and you've already read all the recommendations????
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So, I have a big advice post to write, but until I have the spoons, I want to warn everyone now who has legally changed their first name:
Your credit score may be fucked up and you need to:
check *now* that all your financial institutions (credit cards, loans, etc) have your current legal name and update where necessary
check that all 3 credit bureaus, on their respective sites, not via a feed like Credit Karma (so, Trans Union, Equifax, Experian) are collecting that info correctly and generating the right score - you might need to monitor them for a few months if you made any changes in #1
I am about to apply for a mortgage and learned that as of 2 weeks ago:
Experian suddenly thinks I am 2 different people - Legal Name and Dead Name (none of whom have a score)
Equifax has reported my active 25 year old mortgage as closed and deleted one of my older credit cards, hurting my score by 30+ points
Credit scores influence everything from big home/car loans to insurance rates to job and housing applications.
And for whatever reason, the 3 bureaus that have the power to destroy your life are shockingly fragile when it comes to legally changing one's first name.
So, yeah. Once I get this mess cleaned up for myself, I have a big guide in the works if you find yourself in the same predicament. But with the mass trans migration out of oppressive states, odds are there are a lot of newly renamed people who are about to have a nasty shock when applying for new housing.
Take care, folks.
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Me watching LinkedIn's algorithm once again push silly quotes and fake tweets instead of posts of people actually needing help finding a job (👉🏾🤨)
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shorthaltsjester · 2 months
i truly am baffled by some of the cr fandom when it comes to the topic of the gods and c1 and death in general because. the raven queen didn’t kill vax. in fact she gave him more time. she Does get the blame from keyleth and some from vex but even those two by the end were more so just holding grudges wrapped up in their own issues that were exacerbated by vax’s choices. but it was always vax’s choice. which, y’know, i’m aware of a portion of the cr fandom’s propensity for dismantling every interesting choice a character makes into something forced upon them, but the role of fate in exandria has never been like bad faith you must adhere to the path chosen for you, it’s much more like what brennan has spoken about wrt specificity: as one makes more choices they become more particular to a given outcome. but that’s not some curse by the gods that dooms characters that’s literally just. what living is.
and of course death is a complicated thing that everyone approaches differently but. god the amount of people who view vax’s dynamic with the raven queen as an injustice or his death as some unforgivable thing the raven queen caused some how? in the words of laura bailey, Were We Watching The Same Orb? it isn’t an injustice that vax, completely willing to pay whatever it cost him to save his sister, was bound to the Deal He Agreed To. his role as the champion was one he found meaning and purpose in. further, it was the raven queen that allowed him to be resurrected later in the campaign. like, it isn’t fair that vax had so little time but it is time he chose and time he was given, but vox machina tends to fall on the reaping the benefits side of unfairness of power in exandria. if what makes the gods — particularly the matron of ravens — irredeemable is that they have the power to make choices that mortals can’t like denying someone’s resurrection, how irredeemable must the group of heroes called vox machina (whose members drop like flies to be revived moments later) be to the everyday person who just has to watch the people they love die and make peace with it?
of course it sucks that vax could not have a happy ending or epilogue like the rest of vm, except of course, vex has a family and is happy and loved, and keyleth is strong and alive and protected, and i think that looks a lot like what vax wanted most.
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ghostespresso · 1 year
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staff logging on to tumblr dot com today
#staff sweetie i Promise you an algorithm would kill this webbed site#changing the way reblogs look/work would Absolutely kill this webbed site too#this is a Blogging Platform i dont want it to be like tiktok or twitter jesus#if you NEED to change something literally listen to the the Tumblr Users you pretend you cant hear#if money is what you need make your userbase Happy and you should be fine#the shop is fine blaze posts are fine ad free subscriptions are fine but dont get rid of shit that Works For You in favor of making money#someone really laced up their clown boots today im. so tired staff please dont#tumblr staff#EDIT: staff updated their original post to say we were all misunderstanding but#that doesnt stop the post from being stupid#the whole post was worded for Investors and then presented to the userbase#if you say 'we have big changes planned!' and dont put in the 'as options' its Your Fault that people read it as 'were changing everything'#staff isnt stupid. they know how they Should have worded it better than what they did#so yeah. someone Did lace up their clown boots before they hit post#edit pt 2 lol for the record i dont think tumblr would actually go through with all their changes in that post#they know how the userbase is and there are A Lot of us#i just dont like how? idk. condescending? the post sounded#and out of every place on the internet being being burned alive in the name of money#tumblr is the one place i know enough about to be Actually mad at lol#ive really liked some stuff staff has done in recent years#but talking to your userbase that way wasnt one
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smilesandexits · 3 months
people who think that the ruby's mother conclusion was boring/underwhelming. you are watching the "the most important person in the universe is an ordinary woman" show
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deerest-me · 2 months
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sosoribro · 7 months
pinterest what
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im gonna start calling him sour cream chips now
if anyone asks why then say "you just had to be there"
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efingart · 4 months
Do people want to be tagged for the art and fics I post? I've had a few people ask to be tagged in fics. I guess if you want to be tagged in both just let me know by liking this post. 18+ only.
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syb-la-tortue · 8 months
Hi there! Ik you're not into homestuck anymore, but I was wondering if all your old piratestuck art is posted anywhere else, since your original blog got deleted? I used to spend so long just going through that tag, cause I love your art so much. It rly sucks that Tumblr is so hellbent on censoring everything to the point of just trashing a decade or more of someone's hard work :(
sadly at the moment no, tumblr was the only place where the great majority of my Homestuck art was (along with some One Piece art and a good chunk of my early bnha art) and even though I don't think much about Homestuck and Piratestuck these days, I wanted to share these art back then and the sentiment is still true today, I really want all my old arts to still be accessible for everyone to find, even if looking at them today myself might make me cringe due to it being old and seeing all the flaws in them lmao
anon asked: Hope you’ll be able to reupload your art! Everything you make is gorgeous!
I know I won't reupload them on tumblr (wouldn't be able to post the sexy here anyway and I refuse to skip it), or twitter or wherever, one by one like they were posted in the past, because we're talking about hundreds, possibly close to a thousand pieces of art and doodles
what I intend to do is to sort them into a few .PDFs (by fandom? by year?) and make those available for download
it's just that. the task right now is a bit daunting, that's a lot of art to sort through! and I would also like to write some level of commentary, you know like captions to give some context, maybe some of the lore and headcanons for Piratestuck, that kinda thing! but yeah, lot of work that I'm currently a bit afraid to start on so that might be a while...
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once again feeling very grateful for my curated internet experience bc the only takes i have seen so far on my dash about the AO3 thing have been "this is pretty clearly bad actors posing as another group to stoke racist fears, be smarter and more compassionate than that"
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