#stvr writes
love-stvrs · 2 months
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— Ah, after a long day of hard work, it was finally time for a nap.
Requested by : no one !
Genre : fluffy (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)
Trigger warnings : None !
Word count : 260 words
N/A : Happy b-day to the lovely mist Hashira ! (And to his silly brother Yui) ‼️ I love them so much you 🫵 can't imagine !!! I'm kissing Mui rn btw (if you see any grammatical mistakes that's your imagination trust)
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he does loves to lay his head on your lap — he'd close his beautiful light blue eyes, his lashes would kiss his soft skin, and small, almost inaudible snores would leave his mouth.
The poor boy didn't have much time to rest, so he would lay down any time he could. Sometimes in the evenings before he went off to train with the wind pillar and the serpent pillar, he'd take a small nap, and oh did he love sleeping with you by his side.
It was evening now, the sky was slowly turning into a gorgeous mix of pink, orange and blue.
Muichiro slowly slid open the Shoji door and quietly stepped into the room, he was visibly exhausted but he wasn't one to complain outloud.
"ah, there you are..." 
His expression softened into a slight smile as he stumbled over to you, now he was standing in front of you, seeming to be analyzing your expression. After a few seconds of quietly gazing at your face, he plopped down his head on your lap, closing his eyes and drifting off to a sweet sleep. He truly looked angelical in his sleep. You found yourself smiling while gently brushing the boy's silky, black strands with your hand. Your heart was palpitating loudly against your chest — thump, thump — did he hear? You wondered — this was all too bizarre, all too dream-like.
But he only snores softly, the corners of his lips curling upwards forming a soft smile.
You were enjoying this a lot, maybe a little more than you should.
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Written by @ love-stvrs   𖹭️️   do not repost without permission   𖹭️️   reblogs = motivation & more of these ! 
— Taglist : @muuumuiiii, @cloudymistedskies, @ramuunene, @st2r-g1rlx0x0, @blueberrypie20, @larz-barz
— white and blue divider cr to @agsthv // plain blue divider cr to @moonpascal
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cloudymistedskies · 2 months
MariMui scenarios (Birthday edition!!)
(Okay yes, nobody celebrated their birthday in the Taisho era, but not a lot of ppl know that so im 😁😁😁)
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It was Muichiro’s birthday. He didn’t realize it was until each hashira greeted him happy birthday, either in person or by letter. It wasn’t too important for him, at least that’s what he thinks. But he realize that Mari hasn’t said anything about his birthday. He didn’t see her, nor did he receive any letter from her.
It was a bit disappointing to him. Admittedly, he was hoping Mari would do something in his birthday. He spent the rest of the day training as usual. Then as he was about to call it a day and planned on patrolling, he sensed a presence and turned around, his expression slightly surprised when he sees the familiar brunette, with a cake in one hand and seemingly a present in another.
With a sheepish grin, she greeted: “..Happy birthday…?” She was hoping to sneak up on him as a surprise, but then again, he’s also a Hashira…
“I was thinking you’d forgotten about it.” Muichiro said, taking the cake from her hands as she was struggling to stay stable. Mari explained to him that she was having trouble due to their busy schedules and there was a delay making the cake. She was hoping to celebrate with him in the afternoon, but obviously, it didn’t occur.
Although not noticeable, Muichiro felt relieved and maybe even happy Mari remembered and even went out of her way to do all this for him. Unfortunately they couldn’t celebrate it around evening due to their nightly patrols, but the girl suggested they celebrate it tomorrow and spend some time making paper planes too. Muichiro agreed. After all, she was the one he was waiting for to spend time with for his special day.
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THERE WILL BE ART SOON !!! IM STILL MAKING ITTTTT just writing this as compensation
Here is the promised MariMui content: @larz-barz @thewinterpillarhashira @bunskero @ramuunene @tinyperson00 @nimmie-nugget @kimetsu-chan @aceofstars0 @nothingtoseehere1-2-3 @muuumuiiii @rion-isnot-an-ai @pinkwisteria @kiiroibarathedragontamer @love-stvrs @risingscorchingsuns @your-local-halloween-black-cat
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larz-barz · 1 month
@tinyperson00 @kimetsu-chan @zenitsustherapist @saffron0v0 @love-stvrs @nothingtoseehere1-2-3 @tokito-dulya20 you guys are the only bsd moots i can think of rn, do y’all wanna be on my bsd tag list? it would be for art and fics (writing a atsumiki fic rn)
would anyone else like to be added?
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Amy Writes [1]
Okay, so maybe wandering throughout the Forbidden Forest while daydreaming was not the brightest idea ever, Sam thought. They looked at the ceiling of the Room of Requirement, their left hand clenched around their Ravenclaw scarf while James, their Slytherin friend, assessed the damage done to their right cheek and arm. “You amaze me and worry me at the same time,” he spoke finally, chewing on his lip as usual when helping out a friend with an injury. “Glad to know I’m not a total disappointment,” Sam joked, giving James a shit-eating grin. James rolled his eyes in response. “I’m going to get supplies, Ellie and Quinn should arrive soon. I sent them an owl the second I found your note,” he opened a door to the left of Sam and entered, the sound of him rummaging through cabinets reaching Sam’s ears.
“But they’ll never let this go!” they yelled making James chuckle from the other room. Sam watched James through the door, frowning at the news of their other friends knowing about their late-night “walk”. Sam slouched back into their seat, breathing in deeply when the air stung the scratches all along their arm and cheek.
Bored as soon as James left the room, Sam’s eyes wandered around the room, observing the shape it had taken this time. It was similar to all the other times one of their friends got hurt and they didn’t want to be taken to Hogwarts’ nurse. There was the infirmary bed in the middle, which Sam was sitting on currently, with a small bedside table sitting next to it and the door to Sam’s left that led to the medical supplies closet. The room was cozy and small, about the size of a dormitory and the walls, ceiling, and floor were made of wood. However, Sam noticed a small difference in the room. There was a tree in the corner, which wouldn’t have warranted a second glance, had Sam not recognized it to be a Larch tree, or in other words, a wand-wood tree. Sam’s eyes widened and they glanced at their bag sitting on the table next to them. But just as they were about to look inside, the sound of shifting walls alerted them to the presence of the people about to enter the Room of Requirement. Sam frantically pushed their bag away from them instead, snapping their hands back to their lap in an attempt to look natural and less like a kid who got caught stealing candy.
“Walking around the Forbidden Forest at night because you couldn’t sleep?” Ellie, Sam’s crush and resident Hufflepuff prankster, announced her presence, throwing her arms up and raising an eyebrow. “I mean, it is adorable but still, maybe you should have told one of us before you left?” She shakes her head with a slightly exasperated sigh. “And no, leaving a note for James does not count,” she continued when they opened their mouth to argue. “Honestly, why aren’t you in Gryffindor, that’s exactly what one of them would’ve done!” Ellie exclaimed, while behind her entered Quinn, the Gryffindor of the group and also James’s sister. She replied to Ellie’s comment, “Ravenclaw can keep them, we don’t want them.” She smiled at Sam who jokingly glared at her, sitting up with a flinch when James stepped back into the room holding medical supplies. “Forget Slytherins being the rude ones, I think Gryffindor just took the cake,” Sam grinned at Quinn who crossed her arms with a shake of her head.
James crouched next to Sam with a bucket of water and set down the sponge and bandages he had grabbed. “Sometimes I question my friendship with you all,” James frowned, eyes searching over their face with what would appear to be a blank look had Sam not known the boy since they were 1st years; he was clearly worried about Sam. “But still, that was careless of you, Sam. Is everything alright?” James spoke quietly, as he dipped the sponge into the water.
Sam smiled fondly at James and nodded. “James, I know it might be hard for you to have to stare so closely at my pretty face, but do try to help. How else am I supposed to ask someone to the Yule Ball? By having a nice personality?” Sam lightened the mood with a joke while the other three roll their eyes in unison. “Maybe if you had thought about not going into the Forbidden Forest, I wouldn’t have to stare at your stupid face,” James retorted, squinting his eyes as he inspected the wound.
“I get it, lesson learned,” Sam eyed the bucket with a sly grin. “James have you forgotten that there is magic for things like this? I mean, not that I don’t love your muggleborn ways, but magic would make it easier,” They grimaced slightly as James cleaned their wounds with the water and sponge. “Please just shut up, your note scared the crap out of me,” James looked down as he rubbed the sponge on Sam’s cuts, but Sam was certain his face appeared slightly darker than before. No doubt he still hadn’t learned the spells for this sort of thing yet, but Sam wouldn’t tease him on it. No, they were much more preoccupied with observing their bag, which had just shook as though something was inside it, and determining whether or not their bag was going to move again.
Ellie and Quinn had been quietly conversing from where they stood, but when Ellie noticed Sam’s eyes glance over at their bag-which they had taken into the forest with them for God knows why-she elbowed Quinn and they both observed it for a minute. Just as they were about to determine that it had been nothing, it moved, the bag getting dangerously close to the edge of the table it had been set upon. The two girls shared a look, both obviously suspicious, and Quinn stepped forward, grabbing the bag, holding it open for Ellie to look into.
“What are you two doing?” By now, James had noticed what was happening, and finished wrapping the bandages around Sam’s arm. Quinn kept the bag open, giving Sam a disapproving look. “Sam, you never did tell us how you hurt yourself. Mind explaining?” She questioned. Sam gulped. “I didn’t mean to put it in my bag, but I wasn’t sure what to do! It freaked me out when it attacked me so I flung my arm and hit it and it hit a rock and I wasn’t sure if it was even still alive. I thought, if it was, then I should bring it in to help its injuries!”
“What attacked you?” James asked, directing his attention away from the bag for a second. “This little guy did,” Ellie reached into Sam’s bag and gently pulled out a small brown Bowtruckle, about the size of her palm, and set it on the table. James and Quinn’s eyes widened at it and they quickly crowded around the table. “Is it awake?” Sam asked, sitting up in their seat with groan.
“I think so.” “Oh thank Merlin it’s awake.” “Seriously? A Bowtruckle?” “You’re saying this attacked you?”
Sam nodded at Quinn, who had stepped back to question them. Ellie and James looked at Sam as well. “I was walking by this tree stump when I decided that it would be a good place to rest since I didn’t want to walk too far into the forest. But when I was about to sit down I got jumped on by the little guy on the table and it started clawing me. I freaked out and flung it into the rock it jumped off of. It stopped moving and I didn’t know if it was dead or not but I figured I should try to help it if it was still alive.”
Sam finished their story and the trio exchanged glances. “Well seems like it’s alive so we should help it out,” Ellie announced, turning back to the small creature. “We’re going to help the wild Bowtruckle who attacked Sam? Aren’t we always told that, when we find a wild animal we should not take it in, even if you injure it?” James looked skeptical, raising an eyebrow at Ellie. “Well Sam hurt it and it’s already in here, so why not? Not to mention it is dark outside, so unless you want to get in trouble for being in the Forbidden Forest at night, we can’t bring it back home,” Ellie crossed her arms triumphantly and picked up the Bowtruckle, while an exasperated James throwing his hands up in defeat.
“This doesn’t add up though,” Quinn spoke up, her eyes focusing on something that wasn’t there. “Why would the little guy attack you if you weren’t attacking it’s tree?”
The quartet shared a look before all turning to observe the Bowtruckle. “Help it first, question everything we know about Bowtruckles later,” James declared and with that, the conversation was closed. James ushered Ellie away from the table, and got to work. Quinn zoned out completely while this happened, and Sam decided to go to sleep. It would take a little while for James to figure out how to deal with the small creature, so it’s not like they would need to stay awake. Their eyes were already closing and with a final sigh, they fell asleep.
Author’s Note
fun fact, my wand is made of larch, so i used that as the wand-wood tree
hello! finally finished the first writing for this blog. super sorry its so oc heavy, i really love them and i wanted to introduce them a little (i didn't do to well but oh well) but never fear! part 2 will come out eventually! um this isn't beta read so if u notice anything i welcome criticism and stuff :D anyway hope you all enjoyed this and feel free to give me suggestions for the bowtruckle’s name (or like, just talk to me/cam, thats chill too) (also my blog is @gvzingstvr if anyone is interested)
(ps sam is agender, if something i write about them is weird or offensive pls pls point it out to me and help me fix it, i want everyone to enjoy this)
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gnrxl · 4 years
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[[  IT’S  SUPER  CRAZY  that  i’ve  hit  another  milestone  here  ;;  but  you  guys  have  all  been  so  wonderful  &&  i  wanted  to  give  a  little  appreciation  to  a  bunch  of  my  followers  that  i’ve  spoken  to  or  admired  in  the  time  that  i’ve  been  here  !!  i  have  more  than  likely  missed  several  people  here  but  this  doesn’t  mean  that  i  don’t  adore  you  any  less  ,  but  a  massive  thank  you  to  you  all  for  showing  me  some  love  &&  for  going  along  with  the  whirlwind  of  how  i  write  my  muse  !!  ]] @tornbetweenthestorm  -  jon  i  honestly  adore  you  so  much  ,  not  only  are  you  a  fabulous  writer  but  you  are  also  a  wonderful  friend  to  me  &&  i  appreciate  that  so  much  .  you  have  dealt  with  all  my  muses  &&  all  the  stuff  i  put  FN  through  ,  i  absolutely  adore  your  muse  &&  everything  you  write  for  him  as  he  is  honestly  just  a  gem  .  i’m  so  glad  i  write  with  you  &&  get  to  plot  out  so  many  crazy  ass  ideas  ,  you  are  terrible  at  talking  me  out  of  making  new  blogs  &&  i  love  you  for  it  all  .  keep  up  all  your  amazing  work  &&  all  your  wonderful  writing  !! @lghtpulled  -  so  i  could  probably  write  a  million  words  about  how  i  adore  you  &&  how  much  i  enjoy  writing  with  you  here  there  &&  everywhere  that  we  go  .  we  are  terrible  influences  on  each  other  for  making  blogs  here  there  &&  everywhere  &&  i  wouldn’t  have  it  any  other  way  at  all  .  you  have  no  idea  how  much  of  a  wonderful  writer  with  every  muse  that  you  take  on  ,  not  only  that  ,  but  you  are  a  wonderful  friend  to  me  &&  i  love  being  able  to  talk  to  you  all  the  dang  time  !! @cvrsdordr  -  we  have  developed  so  much  between  our  muses  since  day  1  &&  we  both  love  adan  to  hell  &&  back  ,  thank  you  for  always  being  such  a  gem  in  this  fandom  &&  for  dealing  with  the  hurt  &&  the  pain  that  i  put  you  both  through  ,  i  absolutely  adore  you  both  so  much  !!  your  writing  always  astounds  me  when  i  write  with  you  ,  honestly  such  utter  perfection  !! @vuuelo  -  SCREAMS COZ SUCH TALENT ...  let  me  collect  myself  just  to  tell  you  that  honestly  you  are  a  wonderful  ass  writer  ,  thank  you  for  following  my  many  many  blogs  when  i  make  them  &&  for  dealing  with  all  my  muses  !!  thank  you  for  always  chatting  to  me  &&  being  such  an  awesome  sauce  person  here  ,  i  adore  you  &&  all  your  blogs  FOREVER  !! @endheir  -  thank  you  so  much  for  getting  me  to  make  this  blog  ,   i  have  had  so  much  fun  since  i’ve  been  here  &&  honestly  you  are  such  an  amazing  person  to  have  in  every  fandom  that  i’ve  seen  you  in  ,  your  writing  is  always  fabulous  &&  i  adore  you  lots  &&  lots  . @darthdescent  -  i  have  adored  you  and  your  blog  since  day  1  ,   you  were  my  FIRST  follower  here  &&  that  is  amazing  .  i  love  writing  with  you  both  here  &&  on  disc  ,  our  dynamics  are  always  so  interesting  &&  i  appreciate  all  you  have  done  in  helping  me  develop  so  many  of  my  muses  . ADMIRATION  ;;  @knghtcfrn  @aequusjedi  @scavenger-warrior  @boymasked  @lightskipped  @congeriemgriseo  @supremexxleader @edgeineer  @enduringlystoic  @ancientsith  @stvr-touched  @snowinabottle  @jedishope  @occisoren  @cromulents  @conniidel @faithdisturbed  @stellageneralis  @extenuaeting
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vaderiisms-archived · 5 years
1ST  RULE: Tag 9 muses you’d like to get to know better. 2ND  RULE: BOLD the statements that are true for your muse. 3RD  RULE: Repost, DON’T reblog  ! !
NAME: Anakin Skywalker OCCUPATION: Jedi Knight, General, Mechanical Engineer (AU) AGE: 23 (really depends on verse) SEXUALITY: Bisexual PRONOUNS: He/Him APPEARANCE:
I am 5’ 7″ or taller. I have at least one tattoo. I have at least one piercing. I have blonde hair. I have brown eyes. I have short hair. My abs are at least somewhat defined. I have or have had braces.
I love meeting new people. People tell me that I’m funny. Helping others with their problems is a big priority for me. I enjoy physical challenges. I enjoy mental challenges. I’m playfully rude with people I know well. I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it. There is something I would change about my personality.
I can sing well. I can play an instrument. I can do over 30 push-ups without stopping. I’m a fast runner. I can draw well. I have a good memory. I’m good at doing math in my head. I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute. I have beaten at least 2 people in arm wrestling. I know how to cook at least 3 meals from scratch. I know how to throw a proper punch.
I enjoy playing sports. I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else. I’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else. I have learned a new song in the past week. I work out at least once a week. I’ve gone for runs at least once a week in the warmer months. I have drawn something in the past month. I enjoy writing. I do or have done martial arts.
I have had my first kiss. I have had alcohol. I have scored the winning goal in a sports game. I have watched an entire season of a TV show in one sitting. I have been at an overnight event. I have been in a taxi. I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year. I have beaten a video game in one day. I have visited another country. I have been to one of my favorite band’s concerts.
I’m in a relationship. I have a crush on a celebrity. I have a crush on someone I know. I have been in at least 3 relationships. I have never been in a relationship. I have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them. I get crushes easily. I have had a crush on someone for over a year. I have been in a relationship for at least a year. I have feelings for a friend.
I have at least one person I consider a best friend. I live close to my school. My parents are still together. I have at least one sibling. (AU- a twin) I live in the United States. There is snow right now where I live. I have hung out with a friend in the past month. I have a smartphone. I have at least 15 CDs. I share my room with someone.
I have break-danced. I know a person named Jamie. I have had a teacher with a last name that’s hard to pronounce. I have dyed my hair. I’m listening to one song on repeat right now. I have punched someone in the past week. I know someone who has gone to jail. I have broken a bone. I have eaten a waffle today. I know what I want to do with my life. I speak at least 2 languages.
tagged by: @reyjustrey tagging: @flyboypoedameron @reyluminis @orderengineer @jedirisen @wearenotthesameasyesterday @libertywept @weaponraiised @stvr-touched @sand-mouse
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rileywrites-parker · 6 years
The Hard Way
Peter Parker x Reader (Peter’s P.O.V.)
Anon requested: ‘Hey! I just wanted to tell you that I love your writing! I was also wondering if you could you write an imagine for peter where the reader teases him in bed? I feel like he's into being played with, hes a sub for sure. Bonus points if you can use "we can do this the hard way" and "I fight dirty." thanks.’  Words: 1.3k Warnings: Soft-core innuendo.
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Also - y’all know better. Don’t be expecting any bumpin’ from me with our soft boy Peter.
“Please, Peter?” her voice still hanging on to sleep, warm and tickling as she whispered; fingertips clever as they twirled through the curls resting atop a still pillow warmed ear. He couldn’t keep the corner of his mouth from quirking into a lazy grin as he shivered; tiny hairs standing on end, at attention, for more of her attention, as she moved down the length of his back with smooth, gentle strokes.
“Time to get up, sleepy boy,” a warm kiss finds his shoulder; skin igniting.
Her breaths were soft at his ear, eyelashes tickling at golden cheeks as she leaned in, and he was full on smiling now as her fingers tap danced over each of her favorite freckles, “I know you’re hearing me.” A thumbnail traces the curve of his lips to make her point.
“You’re a terrible actor, Peter Parker.”
A laugh escapes from between his lips before he can catch it, so he squeezes his eyelids together more firmly to make up for it.
Soft fingertips now firm as they fight over the comforter, the full weight of her pinning him as she straddles his legs; bony knees astride the backs of his.
Well-worn fabric brushes over the bridge of his nose before she manages to tug it down again, giving up with a huff when he snugs it up around his chin, submersing himself in what was left of their shared heat before she’d shimmied out from under the covers.
“I’m sorry, Peter can’t come to the conversation right now, please leave a message between REM cycles;” his voice scratchy, one eye peeks as she laughs; never one to miss an opportunity to catch her bathed in happiness, even if only through the sheer curtain of mischievous eyelashes.
Her laughter bleeds into his chest as she leans forward into him, the heated lines of her melting into him, filling him up as she always does when her body meets with his.
She knows; she feels full, too, always.
And for a moment, it’s quiet save for the pull of two pairs of lungs, two hearts, working in concert; both wide awake but drowsy with the feel of each other.
He feels her smile, lips pulling at the skin between his shoulder blades as they curve towards her cheeks.
“You really have to get up. You promised, remember?”
And he did, of course he did.
But he loved playing this game with her, too.
“But I’m really comfortable.”
“I’ll tickle you,” she threatened weakly, fingers already prodding at his ribs.
“That’s ok. No problem. Good night.”
He threw in a snore for good measure, eyes crinkling as she sucked her tongue at him in frustration.
“We can do this the hard way, Parker.” Jaw tensing as he bit down on his cheek to keep from giggling, doing his absolute best to keep from squirming as her fingers tickled at his sides.
“The hard way? Is that a challenge, sweetheart?” She pulled at his waist, motioning for him to roll over. When he did, her eyes met with his half-lidded ones; delicate eyebrow quirked as she adjusted her center to rest over his, knees squeezing blanketed hips.
Her fingers teased at the trail of hair below his belly button, every light touch coaxing more color to his cheeks.
“I can fight dirty,” she whispered; he was more focused on the way she moved against him as she leaned forward for emphasis, suddenly drowning in the heat of her; lungs heavy and forgetting how to work. He noticed her eyes, how they lingered on his neck, watching his throat trip over itself as he swallowed.
“Um, are you trying to get me out of bed or convince me to stay, because you’re doing a really bad job of the first.”
She smiled, her lips hovering over the base of his throat, hot breath teasing at the skin there; his eyes closing fully again, readying himself for the way he knew it would feel when she crossed that aching sliver of air between her and him, paving the rest of his body as thickly as she already had, as she was, hips pressing down, hips rolling as she preyed on his neck.
His hands were seeing themselves to her thighs; blazing the trail to her hips.
“Please, Peter?” Her words and lips feather light as she seared heat into his skin.
He wasn’t breathing in the room anymore, just holding her in.
Yes, definitely. Yes.
But then it was cold, his hands were empty; throbbing, and she was laughing, already half way across the room by the time he’d released that breath in the shape of a frustrated groan, “Rude.”
“I warned you. Dirty, Parker.”
“Using your feminine charms against a poor boy who was just trying to get some much needed rest,” he mumbled beneath the arm he’d thrown dramatically across his eyes, “You know, being a super hero is hard work, especially in this - ”
“Get up, Peter.”
“OK, fine, but later –“
“That depends on how quickly you get ready now, sweetheart.”
They were both laughing as he tripped over himself, making a show of throwing his clothes on at warp speed.
Let me know what you guys think. Feedback is always appreciated.
Tag list: @radicalstars @klenasdmitry   @dej-okay @spiderling–parker @walkers-imagine  @spookeyspidey @kauffdrop  @ironspiderling  @tomissoprettywow @planet-holland @tonky-stank @darlingimafangirl @someweirdassrandomphrase @babyfairyjongin @stephie-senpai  @alllwebbedup  @partytrickparker  @hotcupofhollands  @spider-bih @i-larb-spooderman @spideyology @i-love-superhero @tomhollnder @thegirlwiththeimpala  @bhertrick @shooting-stvr  @curiouspeterparker  @dangerousluv1  @the-spectacular-spiderfan  
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spxderman-s · 7 years
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requested: nope, this one is all me
pairings: tom holland x reader
word count: 427
a/n: this one is super short but incredibly sweet, it’s currently midnight and i just got the inspiration to write this out--this is a part of me and @abunchofsemicoherentwords Roommates collection! 
The rain had been falling in thick, splattering droplets for hours now. You were sitting in the large alcove by the window, leaning your head against the cool glass and watching your breath fog up the droplets race themselves across the pane.
The apartment was quiet, save for the gentle ticking of the clock in the hall and the sound of the storm outside. You had a quilt wrapped around your shoulders for warmth, and you could finally feel your eyelids begin to droop in sleepiness. Thunderstorms had always unsettled you, and you knew you should be fast asleep at this hour, but sleep was nowhere to be found.
A sudden, deafening clap of thunder shook the entire flat, causing you to jump in alarm and nearly topple out of the alcove with a stifled yelp. Fear coursed through you, and you heaved a great sigh. Your eyes wandered down the hall, and landed on the door all the way at the end--opened just a crack, as always.
Slipping from the alcove, you pulled the quilt tighter around your shoulders and silently padded down the hall to his door. It opened with a soft push, and you stood in the doorway for a moment.
Tom’s gentle snoring could be heard, harmonizing with the quiet patter of rain against his window. A dim light shone through the glass from the streetlamp outside, just enough to illuminate his sleeping body and cast long shadows across the room. He was laying on his stomach, head turned towards you with both his arms tucked underneath his pillow. You slowly pushed the door closed, not all the way, and moved to stand at the edge of the bed. Dropping the quilt to the floor, you tentatively slid back the thick blanket covering him and climbed in next to him.
He shifted in his sleep with a sleepy groan, before his eyes opened groggily and focused on you laying beside him.
“Hey, darling,” his voice raspy with sleep. “Evry’thin’ okay?”
“Yeah,” you whispered back, closing your eyes as you felt his warmth seeping into you. “The storm--”
“C’mere,” he said, rolling over onto his back and opening his arms. You scooted over and rested your head upon his bare chest, sighing in content as you felt your entire body relax.
His fingers idly drew circles on your shoulder, and a yawn escaped you. Eventually, the noise of the storm grew distant, and all that you could hear as you fell into a deep sleep was the gentle but constant sound of Tom’s steady breath, and his heartbeat.
tagging: @tronnoristheotp @nedthegay @i-saved-me @theweirdowithablogo @skymoonandstardust @timemngmtoptimisationproblems @thumper-darling @holywinchesterness @ketterdame @tonight-couldbeforgettable @dimplesandcutesmiles @terrashrone @leorai-lemony-lewa @yoinkpeter @spider-boo-5 @elizzabeth21 @multi-parker @rvrdxle @gaiasambuci @bisexualmomfriend @1022bridgetp @erule @tommysdarlin @penguinlover-7 @dangerousluv1 @stephie-senpai @emmaamalie @fairydustparker @5shadesofcool @shooting-stvr @tessa-herondale-carstairs1 @chinalois @tmrhollandkay 
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love-stvrs · 2 months
𝐙𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐲𝐨𝐬𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐚 . [ Kny breathing styles ]
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»️️️ㅤ 誰が袖に咲く幻花 ただそこに藍を落とした !!ㅤ
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ ㅤ𝐁𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐒𝐓𝐘𝐋𝐄𝐒 ×
☆ㅤ ︵ㅤ requests are currently open
➳ ㅤ cross-posted from quotev
➳  ㅤ派手に色を溶かす夜に 銀朱の月を添えてㅤ ❞
 ꕤ — As the title states, I am going to write breathing styles with their origin, history, set moves, etc. You may also request if you so desire. Do not be shy, every request is welcomed wholeheartedly !
 ➳ ㅤ転がるように風を切って 躓くごとㅤ ❞
 — Do not use any of my breathing styles if you are bigoted in any way. Racists, ableists, islamophobes, etc are not welcomed.
— Do not use any of my breathing styles in an 18+ fanfiction or roleplay.
— Though permission is not needed, let me know if you are going to use any of my breathing styles. If you use them for a fanfiction please link it so I can read it !
— As I said before, all my breathing styles are free to use — except the ones I wrote for my ocs ( if it is for an oc, it is marked by a "𔓕"). To use them please ask for permission. (though I will probably let you)
— for requesting, please just ask something like "Could you write winter breathing?" and I'd gladly write it for you. However, if you have an idea for a form or the history you may specify it in the request. ( Though I prefer having more space for creativity on my part. )
 ꕤ — If you use any of my breathing styles or take inspiration from one of them please do credit me.
 ➳ ㅤ光も痛みも怒りも全部 抱きしめて ㅤ❞
Contains blood, gore, and mature elements.
— ... ?
— ... ?
☆ㅤ ︵ tagging :
@muuumuiiii @ramuunene @larz-barz @blueberrypie20 @vampiir3d
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love-stvrs · 2 months
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➳ ㅤ Requested by : @blueberrypie20
ꕤ — origins . Derived from flame breathing
Roqia Elahi (@ask-roqia-elahi)
𔓕ㅤㅤ—ㅤㅤNichirin type.
A nichirin with a curved blade that fades from white to orange and pink, mimicking the sunset. A regular nichirin katana may be used as well.
𔓕ㅤㅤKnown techniques.
Ethereal breathing has 5 known techniques
First form: Otherworldly Rays of Light
— The user leaps forward into the air, performing a spin and sending a horizontal slash towards the opponent. Usually the user visualises a blinding light.
Second form: Delicate Rain: Compassion
— The user runs incredibly fast towards the opponent and performs multiple quick thrusts, targeting multiple parts of the target's body. The quickness of it all makes it almost painless.
Third form: Slashes of Dawn, Perseverance
— The user sends multiple slashes in a circular motion towards the opponents' bodies, slicing through them easily.
Fourth form: Ethereal dance
— The user rotates their body and sends a circular slash around them, slashing multiple opponents at once.
Fifth form: Cave of the Celestial
— The most powerful and dangerous form of ethereal breathing, the user tries to get as much air as they can in their lungs — with lungs burning as if in flames, the user moves rapidly dodging any attacks that would come their way. The user unsheathes their sword, a blinding light engulfing the user like a cave full of shining stars — the user performs a cutting slash at the opponent's neck to decapitate them. The light is so strong it potentially could blind the user and the opponent/s.
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Credit @love-stvrs if you use || do not steal or repost || divider by @plutism
(sorry for taking so long 😞)
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love-stvrs · 2 months
彡ㅤ𝐈𝐂𝐄 𝐁𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆ㅤㅤ—ㅤㅤ( kōri no kokyū )
(氷 の呼吸 )ㅤㅤ✦ㅤㅤ𝐁𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐇 𝐎𝐅 𝐈𝐂𝐄
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➳ ㅤ Requested by : @dukechoijiwoo
ꕤ — origins . Derived from Water breathing and wind breathing
( N/A )
𔓕ㅤㅤ—ㅤㅤNichirin type.
A white nichirin katana that fades to an icy blue at the tip.
𔓕ㅤㅤKnown techniques.
Ice breathing has 5 known techniques
First form: Raging Hail
— the user leaps and unleashes a series of downward slashes towards the opponent/s. Usually the user visualises storming hail.
Second form: Gales of Wind Frost
— The user unleashes a powerful sideways slash, leaving the opponent as if frozen.
Third form: Frozen Bloodshed
— The user performers a series of non-stop thrusts while visualising icicles piercing through the opponent.
Fourth Form: Cage of the Ice dragon
— The user encircles the confused target before performing a slash to the neck.
Fifth form: Revenge of the Ice Spirit
— The user unleashes a piercing thrust to the opponent/s' throat before twisting the katana and slashing through the target's neck.
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Credit @love-stvrs if you use || do not steal or repost || divider by @rookthornesartistry
( this is my first time writing a breathing style so forgive me if it's short n rlly bad T^T )
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love-stvrs · 2 months
Random ahh stuff abt Reika
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• Reika was created because I wanted a 'Zenitsu-like' oc.
• she has social anxiety and is very jumpy and nervous.
• Reika tried to be like Kyojuro but failed miserably, now she just acts like herself because that's what Kyojuro would have wanted.
• she's insecure about the fact her hair isn't like "fried tempura" (people don't know she's a Rengoku until Senjuro calls her "big sister", then people stare in shock)
• apart from being insecure about her hair color, Reika is insecure at the fact it's messy and it doesn't let to be brushed.
• Reika used to have pale skin but she got tanner because of training outside everyday.
• She used to have and still has trouble to go to sleep because of her fear of demons. When Kyojuro was alive she'd ask him to stay with her until she fell asleep — at the end Reika wasn't able to go to sleep anyway because of an intense, "owl-like", creepy, unblinking stare and a never creasing smile that came from Kyojuro.
• After Kyojuro's passing, she tried her best to be there for Senjuro — but Reika felt that she never did enough for her younger brother because she isn't the ray of hope and support that Kyojuro was.
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Divider credit to @plutism
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Meet Admin #1
Heyo! My name is Amy or Stvr and my main blog is ( @gvzingstvr ) if you would like to follow me (its a bit of a spam account really so be careful). I am a writer, and you will never ever ever see my draw something because I cannot draw for the life of me.
Fun facts:
-I’m a Hufflepuff
-I’m 14
-I will defend my friends to my dying breath
-I will talk to anyone! But I will not start the conversations my self!
-I am bad with commitment tbh (@ my Days (tv) oneshots)
-I watch anime and Cam makes fun of me for it
-I cannot finish shows to save my life. I started Supergirl like three months ago and haven’t even finished episode 9.
-how!! do!! tags!! work!! they!! hate!! me!!! No I’m serious they never work for my and it makes me sad. All I want is to organize stuff.
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