#Care for Magical Creatures Blog
azuneekun · 3 months
Is a registered nurse, but is working to become a medicinal and environmental researcher like her father (Professor Demetrius).
Robotics, Electrical engineering and Astronomy are just a few of her hobbies and passions. 
Afraid of getting real piercings, so Sebastian gifted her clip-ons.
Doesn’t trust newer computers, unlike her brother.
She is nearsighted and has astigmatism.
She goes stargazing in hopes of finding signs of extraterrestrial life. Or just to see if she can spot a certain flying robot.
Used to follow her brother Sebastian around a lot when she was very young, but his troublemaking behavior made Maru distance herself. She still cares about him.
Loves helping the farmer with building farming machines.
Loves spending time with her best friend Penny and talking about books and trivia together.
Other than tinkering with gadgets, she also enjoys doing puzzles.
Could not afford finishing her teaching course in college due to financial troubles.
Saving up money in her tutoring job to become an elementary school teacher.
Her father abandoned them due to feeling ‘trapped’. It happened around fall—so she feels melancholic during that season.
Likes cooking but is a novice at it.
She and Emily do arts and crafts together in the library and or the (fixed) community center. (For the kids and for event decorations.)
She has a slight southern accent.
Elliott and her like to swap book recommendations.
Loves listening to Maru infodumping about her trivia and interests. She teaches them to Jas and Vincent in return.
She likes to do crossword puzzles under the tree near the graveyard.
She prefers to wear skirts.
She influenced Jas and Vincent to have an interest in archeology, thanks to her own fondness of it.
Pets every animal they see. Sanitizes herself right away before going home due to Pierre's allergies.
Sometimes helps her dad with the general store. Pierre gives her some money in return.
Abigail loves to draw and sometimes likes to join art competitions.
Enjoys the occult and fortune telling. Has some magical ability, but is not fully aware of it.
She plays the flute and the drums.
Loves adventuring, but feels guilty killing monsters (even out of self defense). Will make graves or offer prayers to put their souls to rest.
Very interested in monsters and loves reading about them.
She has a sweet tooth; minerals taste like candy to her. She also loves spicy food from time to time.
Gets sunburnt easily.
Used to be hired as an illustrator for books in Zuzu City.
Is under apprenticeship with Robin.
Loves using different painting mediums. Current favorites are charcoal, oil painting, and watercolors.
Experienced forager—she adores making vegetable/fruit salads and stir-frys out of them.
Likes to drink the wine sold by the farmer and the saloon.
She is left handed.
She makes her own special homemade vinaigrette.
Has her own mini-garden.
Loves to help the farmer with crafting artisan equipment that involves wood (eg: kegs, preserve jars, casks, and etc.)
The unofficial hair stylist (and barberess) of the townies. (HC adopted from @/moon-boat)
Has some real spiritual power and foresight.
Her prophetic visions mostly appear in her dreams.
Knows supernatural beings and Junimo exist (and has seen them) but opts not to tell anyone directly for the creatures’ safety. (Likes to give subtle hints, though.)
Can genuinely communicate with birds and flowers.
Is very good at arts and crafts and helps decorate the festivals often.
Vegetarian. Likes to cook vegetarian dishes.
She's a very talented dancer, and she likes to do her choreography in secret.
Sandy sells the clothes she makes. Haley advertises them on her blog. 
Loves all animals—especially birds.
She likes clowns and circuses.
Is very meticulous about cleanliness and housework.
Is incredibly scared of watching horror movies.
A talented cook that loves baking sweets.
Is a social media influencer. She has a popular Instagram account called StarfruitHaley and a Youtube channel named Cooking Junimo.
Likes drinking peppermint coffee and eating cupcakes.
She is a picky eater.
Learned to dance from Emily.
She and Emily are taiwanese-americans.
Her hair is dyed blonde and she wears contacts.
Freelance model, but likes doing photography more.
Does photography gigs sometimes.
Secretly admires her sister's dancing, but doesn't want to lose to her during the Flower dance.
Likes to go surfing during the summer time. (HC adopted from @/sofiaruelle )
Closeted lesbian, but came out proudly once she started to live in the valley.
Bunnies and Ponies are her favorite animals.
Prefers keeping people at a distance (so it doesn’t hurt him if he loses them), but is weak to persistent people. Prefers keeping people at a distance (so it doesn’t hurt him when he loses them), but is weak to persistent people. (eg: Emily, Sam, the farmer)
Is very good friends with Emily. Likes to joke around and share chicken stories with her. 
Lost a sports scholarship in university due to injury, so he dropped out. (He took a course in multimedia arts, hence his 7 ♡ event.)
Likes to collect funny printed boxers.
Wears old clothes until they tear apart.
Doesn't bother combing his hair much.
Takes care of the animals when Marnie's not around, and teaches Jas about the ranch while he’s at it. 
Most of his savings are for Jas and Marnie.
Has calloused hands from hard work.
He likes to use nicknames. Both derogatively and affectionately. (e.g. Sweetheart, Chickadee, Doll, Buddy , Asshole, Jockstrap (Alex specific), Dickhead, Kid)
Shane has excellent upper body strength due to lifting heavy boxes at work, and sacks of feed at the ranch.
Jas’ mother is his older sibling. Marnie is his father's younger sister.
In the future, his beautiful blue chickens will become recognized as a standardized breed by the farming community. 
Used to be a surgical oncologist. Left this position due to emotional distress.
Came from a prestigious family of doctors, lawyers, and professors.
Has a twin brother. ( HC adopted from @/coinly )
Loves science, history, and the documentary channels.
He used to be in a long term relationship but it ended due to LDR.
He can cook but doesn't feel happy eating by himself—so he just heats up frozen meals.
He smells like nice soap and hand sanitizer.
Has a wonderful singing deep voice. (HC adopted from @/hannahstumble )
Likes to drink wine every once in a while to relax.
Jazz music is calming to him. He owns many cassettes of the classics.
Was a music professor in a private university.
Is from a wealthy family, but left to become more independent.
Humble and isn't very materialistic, but is very strict with his well-kept appearance. 
Keeps his pencils so sharp it might as well be a weapon.
Isn't very good at taking care of plants, but is learning how to. 
A little clumsy with housework and repairs, but tries to keep tidy.
His favorite pastime with his father was fishing. 
Likes to drink, but can’t hold his liquor at all.
 In his youth, he has gotten some recognition for his published short stories and poetry, but  has yet to make a full length novel.
Commissions and collaborates with Leah on art and ideas for his books.
His piano actually came from Robin's. Sebastian used to own it but preferred playing the synth now.
Is very skillfull at using a knife (for fish and seafood).
He is a lazy genius. 
His Korean name is Seojun. His biological father tried bringing him to his home country when he and Robin divorced, but Sebastian opted to stay with his mother.
He loves cats as much as frogs and bats.
Sleeps very messily. Ends up in weird positions on the bed, with pillows dropped onto the floor.
Loves exploring the mines and wants to join the Adventurer's guild in the future.
Does his (and his friends') piercings.
Has a long deep scar on his left leg due to a rock crab.
The town go-to mechanic, alongside Maru.
He’s jealous of Maru, but doesn’t hate her. Doesn’t know how to express himself, so they end up fighting. He thinks he’s not the best older brother to have.
Insomniac. Needs medication to help sleep, sometimes.
Likes to tease and scare people.
Also gets sunburnt easily—but in return doesn’t get affected by the cold weather as much.
Best billiards player in Stardew.
Has dyslexia, but is not aware of it (until the farmer points it out).
Likes to help cook with his grandma.
Makes and sells his own icecream.
Is the local town mailman.  (HC adopted from @/ryllen )
Childhood friends with Haley, but pretended to be her boyfriend in HS to shield her from men (as per her wishes).
Not only was he a varsity quarterback for gridball, but he was also an ace baseball player.
One of his favorite pastimes is watching the gridball game every Sunday.
Thinking about saving money to go to a vocational college or getting a scholarship. 
Interested in becoming a physical fitness coach if his dreams to go to the league fall through.
Afraid of being vulnerable to people, because he wants to be seen as strong and reliable.
A popular boy in school. 
Was influenced into loving music due to Sebastian. 
Likes flowers but has severe hay fever.
Has a scar on his eyebrow from a skateboard accident.
Loves his mom's largemouth bass fish casserole.
Thinks being a submarine captain might be cool as a job (thanks to the night market), but would prefer being in the music industry.
Likes to DJ and compose his own music.
A little forgetful, so his wrists and hands are full of scribbles and rubber bands as reminders.
Likes cactuses and the flowers that bloom from it (and especially loves cactus fruit).
Him and Alex both like to collect branded sports shoes, and talk about it together sometimes.
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hazelfoureyes · 4 months
What would be really cute is if a spell backfired temporarily turning alastor into the cursed cat alastor and the reader ends up fawning over him and taking care of him, not realizing its actually him. He's just loving all the attention from her 🤭
I love catlastor! Omg yes! Just a quick little piece while he’s so popular. That is so cute!!
It was, decidedly, not cute. A … raccoon? Mutant Fennec Fox? No, no it was more feline. But, hmm. Maybe hell had their own breeds of trash animals. Either way, you picked up the little creature. Red and black, stupid fucking smile, sharp teeth. It seemed to be shaking? No, vibrating? Quaking?? You struggled to keep it in your hands, but managed to tuck it under your arm like a football.
You had found it roaming the lobby, perhaps it was a resident’s … pet? It cocked it’s head, staring at you while you were staring at it from your bed.
“Psst Psst,” you offered it a piece of meat, but no response. Its eyes searched the room, seemingly not limited in their range of motion. With a screech it launched itself at the mounted deer head above the fireplace.
You pulled and tugged, its jaw locked onto the antlers. “Come on you little shit, come on,” You put your leg against the wall for leverage. Then your other leg. Soon you were hanging from the deer, too, by way of the tiny animal’s legs.
How was it so strong? Determination? Magic? Pure unbridled insanity? The ever dilated eyes seem to beg the latter.
Finally, it lost interest and you both dropped to the ground.
“Do… do you want scratches?”
It’s eyes blinked independently of eachother.
You reached out a trembling hand, focused entirely on the row of yellowed teeth grinning back at you.
With a well placed scratch behind it’s ear, the little creature softened and fell over onto it’s side like a horse about to die.
“Aww?” You wondered out loud, “You like that?” You scooped it up and got comfortable in the plush chair opposite the cold fireplace. “Only Lucifer would think a fireplace in hell made any sense,” you ran your hand down the length of the ball of fur and fangs, “He belongs on a travel size chess set, not designing hotels.”
Your hand jumped, “Are you purring? Wittle Gobwin hates Luci?” It’s tail wagged side to side, “Awww. Okay, yeah, you’re pretty cute.”
You don’t remember falling asleep, but you woke up gasping, struggling to expand your lungs fully. Looking down you found none other than the cannibal deer of the Pride Ring, Alastor, cuddled on your lap.
Too weak to move him, too scared to wake him, you wiggled yourself up enough to breath and pretended to be asleep. It was best, you thought correctly, that he could have the illusion of sneaking out undetected.
The next morning you passed him in the halls, unable to stop yourself from whispering “wittle gobwin.”
Luckily, you were a fast runner.
∰ Summoning the Horny Little Deer Cult: @nonetheartist , fizzled-phoenix , @tsunaki , @janchei , @wettiny-in-smutland , @moonmark98 , @hoebihoeshi , @fjorjestertealeaf , @pansexual-opera-house , @ive-no-idea-what-to-call-this , @roxxie-wolf , @polytheatrix , @lorddiabigmommymilkers , @backinthefkingbuildingagain , @harley2223-blog , @coffee-colored-hopeless-romantic , @poinappel , @midnightnoiserose , @spookieroz , @missmidorima , @phobophobular , @ivebeenthearchersstuff , @downbadforfictionalppl , @xx-all-purpose-nerd-xx , @sleepylittledemon , @aether-th3-enby , @dontfuckbutimfab , @surusurusuru , @breathlessaura , @aperfectidiot , @certainlygay , @jth12 , @star-kujo-platinum , @ivebeenthearchersstuffn, @rubyninja1
🏹Alastor stalkers: @celestial-vomit , @amurtan
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pocket-watcher · 16 days
You're little writing snippets are so great!! I'm scrolling your blog now FERAL omfg
If it's alright, and you're okay with it, would you be willing to write a short snippet about a girl resisting being ensnared and hypnotically seduced by a magic creature, maybe a beautiful fey or vampire?? But then falling into their eyes and ultimately under their spell??
No worries if not, I will devour anything and everything!!
Aaaaa hello!! I’m so glad you enjoy my writing! I’m sure I can whip something up for ya!
Rule #1, don’t step in a fae circle.
It hadn’t been her fault. She simply slipped and fell. She knew the stories, and had always been so careful, and yet here she was cursing under her breath as she tried to leg it out of the woods.
Yeah. She barely made it 5 steps before something invisible snaked around her waist and pulled her right back into the broken ring of mushrooms.
“Oh, aren’t you something?” The ethereal voice rang out. She shut her eyes tight.
Nope. Not real. If she can’t see it then it’s not real.
“Oh, but I am real. I assure you.”
What the hell?! Could this thing read minds?!
“Yell all you want, human. It won’t get you out of this predicament any faster than having a polite conversation with me.” They hummed.
She squeezed her eyes tightly, turning her whole body as far away from them as she could. She fought to keep her mind blank and empty.
“Ah. A smart one.” She felt a slender finger lift her chin. Her scrunched face relaxed into the touch, but she didn’t dare to let her eyes open.
Blank and empty.
“Who are you?” She asked as strongly as she could.
“I’ll give you my name if you give me yours.” She felt them tuck her hair behind her ear.
“I would never.”
“Then I am no one.” The voice teleported around her. Impossibly. Echoing in her mind as she focused on the words in an attempt to keep her mind empty and blank, as not to give away her name.
“And,” their voice continued in soothing tones, “you are the one who knows better than to give her name and yet stood between the mushrooms in my forest…”
Despite her eyes being closed she felt their gaze travel down her body. They were studying her. Sizing her up.
“I fell.”
She stood her round.”
“No, my dear. Trust me. You haven’t fallen yet.”
Shivers went up her spine.
“What do you want with me?”
“That’s not the right question, but I’ll answer it.” The voice circled her. Coiling around her. She turned to follow it with her ears, eyes so tempted to open. Begging her mind to open them. Empty and blank. Don’t think about it don’t think about it.
They laughed at her thoughts.
“I want to take you away from here. I want to make you my toy. I want you to tell me your name. I want to steal you away from this world and take you to another.”
She felt their lips inches from hers. Her mind was empty.
“And blank.”
They had tricked her. Used her intelligence against her. She had stilled her own thoughts. She had focused on their words. She had fallen so easily under their spell.
Her body tingled. Her eyes willed to open.
“Open them.”
Brown eyes met dazzling silver. They were so clearly not of this world. She couldn’t help but stare. The world tipped around the two from her twirling to follow their voice.
“Tell me, what is your name?”
She couldn’t think. Couldn’t resist.
As soon as her name left her tongue it disappeared into the afternoon breeze. It echoed through the wood, but only for a moment. The two left together, and her name and memory scattered to time as if she had never existed in this world to begin with.
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belle-keys · 6 months
My 2024 bookish predictions:
The Dragon Renaissance - With more Fourth Wing sequels in the works and season 2 of HOTD coming out in the summer, I think there's a good chance dragons and dragon-shifters could become the next big thing. Maybe they'll replace the fae as the "big" fictional creature?
The Percy Jackson Renaissance - It will be in full swing, accompanied by a noticeable Greek Mythology Renaissance among locals on Twitter whose knowledge of Greek Mythology is limited to... Percy Jackson. The Hunger Games renaissance will see its last days in January/February or so.
(Poorly written) military fantasy will become popular. Again, I think this will be an unwanted side effect of Fourth Wing's popularity. But I think the Gaza Genocide and institutions endorsing Zionism will play into this as well. I thinks we're about to see a lot of military propaganda in the book world and military-themed books trending.
Dark academia will enter into the beginning stages of its flop era. I say this as someone whose blog is largely dedicated to dark academia, but with Kuang not publishing anything in 2024, with Olivie Blake's Atlas trilogy coming to an end, and ST Gibson's An Education In Malice being... not that good, I can see people moving away from dark academia by the end of the year.
Colleen Hoover will release something. I don't particularly care for this, but I can easily see it happening. She didn't release anything this year so it makes sense she may have a 2024 release (and maybe one designed to improve her reputation).
The ACOTAR series adaptation will get chopped (officially, that is).
People will become less open about enjoying smut and dark romance with all the Twitter radfem discourse and backlash against poor quality romance ruling publishing. There will also be more "discreet" book covers. There will be a lot of anti-erotica discourse.
The Nobel Prize winner will be a POC.
Rivals-to-Lovers will replace Enemies-to-Lovers as the top trope. Less hate and more competition. More academic rivals, magic rivals, popularity rivals, etc. I can see people vibing with this in 2024 instead of the "I hate you but I wanna make out with you" vibes of full-on Enemies-to-Lovers.
JK Rowling will accidentally get herself arrested and/or indicted and she'll be all White Woman about it.
George RR Martin will announce that he "intends" to publish The Winds of Winter before the end of 2025.
A former Disney/Nickelodeon/child star/boyband member will write a memoir describing their trauma and they'll thank Jeannette McCurdy for giving them the courage to do it. The revelations will be insane and unprecedented.
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thesecretwriter · 5 months
a memory, chapter 1 (tom riddle).
pairing: tom riddle x female reader
warnings: nothing hectic, it’s a slow burn beginning, but the foundation of it is needed for more important parts later.
summary: y/n find the diary of tom riddle and becomes curious when she finds that the diary is unlike any book shes encountered before as well as a man from the past who leaves her with even more questions.
word count: 1.3k
a/n: Happy reading, hope you enjoy!
minors/ageless blogs dni.
series masterlist
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Funny, the damage a silly little diary can do, especially in the hands of a mindless girl such as yourself.
The diary was found in the restricted section of the library that no one ventured into. You had got a hold of it when curiosity got the best of you. Hogwarts allowed you the privilege to use studying to explore topics not taught in the syllabus as one of the students who was furthering their studies.
There was nothing special about it, just a normal diary, but when your fingers first brushed against them, you felt a jolt of an unknown emotion that made you hastily grab the diary. The pages were blank, no writing, no drawings. Nothing.
How peculiar.
You made your way out of the library, taking your usual route back to your houses common room. However, you couldn’t shake off the feeling as if you were being watched.
You stopped walking as you turned down a dark hallway, waiting to see if someone was following you, but there were no sound of footsteps. You dismissed the feeling to your sleep deprivation and carried on to your common room.
So, you sat at the study table in your common room while your housemates slept soundly. You grabbed your quill and dipped it in the ink. You wrote your full name onto the first page and watched as your writing disappeared. It didn’t phase you since you expected it to be some kind of magical diary. However, it was what next appeared that baffled you.
Hello y/f/n.
You took in a deep breath and thought for a moment before writing again.
Is this an enchantment diary?
Maybe, maybe not.
Your brows furrowed. It seemed like it might’ve been like one of those items that Fred and George sell, but then why would it be in the restrict section of the Hogwarts library?
Why was this book hidden in the restricted section of the library?
The words disappeared like before.
So that it doesn’t fall into the wrong hands.
You inhaled sharply and decided that was enough for today. Your curiosity got you this far, but you knew better than to dabble in this further. You closed the book and put it back into the pile of books and began your usual research.
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In the following days, your mind couldn’t get rid of the thought of wanting to find out more about the diary. It’s as though you’re under a sort of spell of desire for it.
You found yourself in Professor Remus’ classroom. He seemed to be busy marking papers.
“Y/n, what do I owe the pleasure?” he said with a kind smile.
“Evening, professor. I was hoping to ask you a few questions about a recent topic I’m researching,” you said as nonchalantly as you could.
Professor Remus nodded in reply and set the papers in his hand aside.
“What questions do you have for me?” you walked to his desk and set your books aside.
You weren’t going to show him the diary, but you could work your way around finding out information.
“I was curious if it were possible to enchant a book, specifically a diary,” you explained.
“Enchant it in what way?” he asked slightly confused.
“Perhaps maybe having it reply to whatever is written inside of it,” you said to clarify.
He wondered for a moment. There were many books which he encountered that were enchanted, some even being textbooks used at Hogwarts like the Care of Magical Creatures textbook.
“There are books which are enchanted, but not in the way you mentioned,”
You sigh at his reply, not gaining anymore answers that the ones you had before.
“Alright, thank you, professor. For clarifying,” you said with a smile and nodded as a way of saying goodbye.
Just as you were about to exit the classroom, you heard his voice call out.
“I know you have an interest in researching topics, y/n, but if you find yourself too far in, it can be harmful,” he advised.
“I know, professor,” you smiled and continued on your way.
That night, you sat at the very same desk as before with the diary in front of you. Once again, you took the quill which was dipped in ink and wrote in the diary.
What are the origins of this book?
They disappear as usual and a few moments later you get a reply.
I don’t believe I can tell you…
You sigh in frustration and put the quill aside, just then, more words appear.
… but I can show you.
Your brows furrow in confusion and concern. Feeling like you have reached your point of research for the night, you went to close the diary when all of a sudden bright flashes of light came from the book and you felt yourself being pulled towards it.
You closed your eyes in preparation for what may come, but you felt nothing. You opened your eyes carefully to see yourself in the hallways of Hogwarts, but it seemed so different than what you’re used to seeing.
A shadow appears on the wall in front of you, and you quickly hide in an adjoined hallway. You heard the footsteps approaching, the figure came into view. It was a young man who seemed slightly older than you. His robes were of a different style but had the emblem of Slytherin.
The young man stopped his walking looked as if he was checking the hallways, when you looked more closely at his robes, you saw that he had a badge, a prefect badge. He started to walk in your direction, which caused you to walk backwards, but another voice interrupted both your movements.
“Tom,” a familiar voice called after him.
“Yes, professor?” Tom answered.
The source of the familiar voice came into view, and you were shocked to see Professor Dumbledore, but he seemed to be much younger than he is now.
“I think it would be okay for you to retire back to your living quarters,” Dumbledore advised.
Tom nodded his head in agreeance. “Very well, professor. I’m doing one last check around the halls, professor,”
Dumbledore nodded and bid Tom a goodnight.
You watched as Tom waited for Dumbledore to walk away before he continued on his way towards the hallway you were in. Which reminded you that you were trying to hide from him. However, as he walked towards you, he walked on as if he never saw you.
This further baffled you, but as your curiosity grew, you silently followed him. He walked to the end of the hallway and waited. The wall started to change, slowly revealing a door that was not there before.
He stepped inside and was about to close it, but he stopped and seemed as though he was looking right at you. Fear spread throughout you, though that was short lived when Tom closed the door.
As you took a step to walk forward, you felt the same feeling as when the diary consumed you. A bright flash of light appeared, your eyes closed and when you opened them again, you were in your common room, sat at the study table with the diary in front of you.
You were trying to compose yourself after what you’d just witnessed. Did you dose off and dream the whole thing? Was your lack of sleep catching up with you? what spell would cause such an effect?
All these questions jumbled into your mind, and you were about to stand up and gather your things, but then words appeared on the page in front of you.
Now you know who I am.
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forbidden-sunlight · 9 months
yandere! kusuriuri with chise!reader headcanons
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Warnings: obsessive behavior, violence, and blood.
There may also be possible triggers in this story.
If you do not feel comfortable venturing any further, please hit the 'back' button on your device or computer and read something much more pleasant than a possible series of unfortunate events.
Hey guys, welcome to the finale in this mini-series, featuring the beloved Medicine Seller of the classic anime horror series, Mononoke, and the character!reader who is Chise Hatori from the fantastic world of The Ancient Magus Bride. There will also be some references from the aforementioned manga/anime series as well as from the cozy novel Emily Wilde’s Encyclopedia of Faeries by Heather Fawcett. I highly recommend it! :)
Shout-out to @enryegotrip for being a collaborator and being an awesome person as well @deathmetalunicorn1 for providing feedback and making sure all the characters weren’t too OOC 😅 Check out their stuff, guys, their blogs are fantastic.
So with that being said, sit back, relax, and enjoy the ending of this cozy yandere fic :) If you would like to see more adventures featuring these two, please let me know in the comments!
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The flow of time is erratic and completely unpredictable in the Fairy Kingdom. A day here could be an entire season in the human world or even a week. It is not controlled by the rulers of this plane, so the neighbors cannot be completely blamed when they lure a beautiful human away from their home with enchanting music for the purpose of playing with them until there is nothing left of them, a soulless husk. That was how they entertained themselves for centuries. It would even be considered a sport.  Fortunately, the number of incidents has decreased drastically since I succeeded Elias as the mage of this village. My workload, however, is not the reason why I haven’t been writing in the leatherbound notebooks as I should have been; there is one to record my daily life, and another to document whatever discoveries I make in the field. 
As I am writing this, I am recounting what my houseguest Kusuriuri has told me, word for word. These are his words, not mine. The last memory I have is returning home from a day in the city. I had collected supplies for a lecture at the College. Because I am a Sleigh Beggy, I am much closer to the source of magic than any living creature, save for those who have existed for eons, such as Ashen Eyes and the ancient spirits that surround the forest just beyond the village. That was why the Director invited me to speak to the students, and impart my knowledge to them. Including a lengthy discussion, I was also entrusted with overseeing the first-years interacting with the neighbors, and stepping in if things got out of hand. 
Yet when I stepped into the backroom where I worked, organizing everything for the following morning, I had collapsed. Ruth had been the first one to hear the loud thud, having sat outside of the door curled up in a ball, bored and waiting for dinner to be ready so he could drag me out of there. Silky was in the kitchen, and so was he, Kusuriuri, assisting her in preparing the evening’s meal since he had already gone for a walk around the village and read some books earlier. He claimed to have heard Ruth's barking and followed the sound to see me laying on the floor, unconscious and bleeding from the mouth. 
Silky panicked, naturally, and rushed back to the kitchen to grab the smelling salts and other herbs that Elias had told her to specifically brew as soon as she saw symptoms of magical depletion. Kusuriuri lowered to the ground and lifted me off of the floor, being careful not to jostle me. When he saw Ruth mirroring the same condition as I, he asked him to get back in the shadows, as from what he understood, it is safer for him to maintain his state of mind and spiritual body. He swore to Ruth that he would look after me, doing whatever he could to help. 
It was Ruth who had instructed him to take me to see Shannon, the changeling doctor who has been treating me for my condition. By offering a trinket to the Ariels, he was led to a fairy mound and took me there, bundled up in a thick blanket and a blindfold around my eyes so that my body did not keep unconsciously absorbing the magic around me. They led him past the mound’s barrier, down the evergreen steps and into the Fairy Kingdom where Shannon ran her clinic. 
It appears that as soon as he stepped into the Fairy Kingdom, the glamor charms he had placed on him were removed. The Kusuriuri who now sits beside me in a chair with a strange smile, is the true form of my foxy guest. Wavy light pink hair that reflected orange highlights beneath the realm’s eternal sunlight, cat-yellow eyes, and skin that accentuated the intricate patterns that were painted on his face. The bright, hallucinogenic patterns of his kimono were turned inside out, transforming into greens, reds, and blues against obsidian silk.  He was, is, truly beautiful in such an ethereal way, anyone who could not succumb to his seduction charms would know immediately he was not a human. Then again, seduction charms have ensured that the fox spirits were still alive to this very day and not hunted down tirelessly by exorcists. 
If there is one truth I hate to admit…it is never knowing whether I have used too much magic, or just enough so that I do not keep passing out and getting treatment. I hate being a burden to others, even when I am getting better at asking for help if I truly need it. It is hard to believe that it might already be close to half of a year since Ruth brought him home, injured and very confused in an era of modern society that is nothing like his home country. 
But I am getting ahead of myself. Presently, Shannon is having me undergo extensive treatment, physical and magical therapy to be precise. Angela will need to be contacted to create another talisman to regulate the magic being absorbed and expelled from my body. Kusuriuri….well….he asked me a question that caught me off guard, completely out of the blue.
“At death’s door, you are given two choices: to be young, healthy, and beautiful forevermore….or would allow yourself to be ferried to the afterlife, and be judged for the life you have led as a human?”
Yes. That is what he asked me. And I answered truthfully, because….well, I cannot lie, even if I wanted to. Being an immortal does not give someone the ability to go against the laws of nature and control. Their time is just extended, and soon everything and everyone will return from where they came from; the soil beneath our feet, or the river of magic that sustains all life for the hidden ones.  There is not a single being in this world that is an exception of the inevitable. Looking back, from when I had almost all hope and sold myself on the black market, to being a respectable mage who has come to accept the demons of the past yet cannot forgive those who have harmed me and my loved ones…I’d say I have lived a very fulfilling life.
If I had died that day I blacked out in the lab...I would have only regretted being a burden to Silky and Ruth, for they have been here for me ever since Elias to travel the world on a sabbatical. He stared at me, wide-eyed and mouth hanging open for but only a moment before he smiled softly.  He then stood from his chair, stepping forward and pulling me into his arms, one hand placed on my shoulder and the other resting on the back of my head.
He whispered softly in my ear, two words that startled and confused me greatly. “You pass.” 
Pass? What did I pass, exactly?
Unfortunately I did not have an opportunity to ask what he meant because Shannon is now here, announcing it is time for our physical therapy session in the woods, which is why I will stop writing in here until much later, hopefully…
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Kusuriuri watched the changeling and her patient walk away from the cottage towards the forest. Albeit tempted to follow them and become more familiarized with Shannon’s medical methods, he tried not to worry; the red string attached to his pinky reminded him that no matter where or how far he was apart from [First Name], he would always find his bride. There is no doubt that his creator is already aware that the mage had passed his test and was already coordinating with the other gods to prepare the wedding ceremony. Inari-sama always got like this whenever his children found their lifelong companion, acting more like an anxious mother-in-law who wanted everything to be perfect. 
No doubt it would take place in the temple, a traditional procession where the world would go silent as his kindred trailed after the bride, donned in kimonos and masks that coordinated with the clans they were affiliated with. Still…perhaps it was not too much of a stretch to ask his creator to allow him to have a tiny bit of control over the ceremony before things got too out of hand, yes? He is the groom after all. 
He felt his face heat up at the image of [First Name] donned in the white bridal kimono and wearing a fox mask, his heart beginning to hammer against his ribs. Ah…she would be so beautiful that day, he had no doubt. And she will be all his, so very, very, soon.  But he must be patient. He had not waited this long to attain a bride he personally desired by being hasty.  A love like theirs must be gently nurtured, after all. 
The love of a mage and a zenko who kills Mononoke, that is.
And a zenko will always guard what they treasure the most, keep them away from those who would dare to try and claim what is rightfully theirs. 
Bonus Content:
Because his bride possessed the Gift of Sight, [First Name] is able to see the Mononoke as clear as day. This revelation both relieved Kusuriuri and elevated his overprotective nature tenfold, especially when they traveled to Japan for their honeymoon. Neither had expected to cross paths with a highly aggressive bakeneko in the halls of an inn renowned for its hot springs, yet [First Name] proved herself to be highly efficient in using magical tools to keep the Mononoke at bay as well as helping him figure out its Form, Truth, and Regret.
Did he also mention...that she was also exceptionally beautiful when she yelled at him at the top of her lungs to release the Sword of Exorcism as she pushed back against the Mononoke, utilizing strength of The Dragon's Curse that was nestled within her arm?
Perhaps...he'll make more of an attempt to purposely anger if it meant seeing such a lovely expression on her face.
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I love your blog, you are so talented at making the reactions realistic to each character! great job!
can I ask a reaction were they (students and professors) see the MC be bitten by a werewolf?
or they discovered that they are one?
the choice is yours!
A/N: thankies! I try my best! ❤️
WARNING: some angst
Wrong place. Wrong time. That's how it happened. What was just thought to be an ordinary mongrel turned out to be a werewolf. MC laid on the ground in a pool of their own blood, grasping their wand arm. MC managed to kill the beast, but not before it got a nasty bite on them.
Even as new to the magical world as they were, they knew this was bad news. There was no cure to the werewolf disease and as soon as the light of the first full moon hit them, they would become a mindless feral beast. This would be their fate for every month for the rest of their life.
They can't tell anyone. They would never be trusted again. Everyone would abandon them. They would be expelled from school. They would never have a normal life.
They try to claim ill when the full moon would come around and disappear into the forest until the moon would wane again. Unfortunately, this pattern doesn't go unnoticed.
SEBASTIAN SALLOW: Werewolf is the last word he expected to come out of their mouth. That's why they've been avoiding him? They thought that something like them being a werewolf would make him not want to be their friend? Please, that's the most incredible thing anyone has ever told him!
OMINIS GAUNT: What He really cares about is if they're managing themselves responsibly. They could seriously hurt or kill people, they are not themselves when they're forced to transform. He'll take it upon himself to keep track of the moon cycle and constantly remind MC when the next full moon is.
ANNE SALLOW: Now they're both cursed forever. Misery loves company. At least the company is nice.
IMELDA REYES: She doesn't believe MC at first. That's got to be one of the most wild stories she's ever been told. But the monthly disappearances keep happening. She follows them one night on her broom and sees them transform. They never see her in the canopy of the trees. There's a twinge of fear in her eyes the next time they interact.
NATSAI ONAI: She's curious about the form of lycanthropy. Do they turn into a werewolf specifically or is that just a blanket term for lycanthropic creatures in this area of the world? Because where she's from, lycanthropy takes many shapes. She shows genuine interest in learning about MC's condition and helping them manage it. She'll stupefy them if they don't keep up with their moon chart.
GARRETH WEASLEY: That's a pretty heavy thing to admit to, but he can see the silver lining in this. MC is now a source of pretty rare potion ingredients. Don't look at him like that, of course it's the first thing he thinks of. Werewolf teeth and claws are hard to come by without...well, without a lot of unpleasantness.
LEANDER PREWETT: He reflexively jerks away when they admit it. He's heard horror stories of what werewolves do to people, if they bother to leave you alive. MC couldn't possibly be.... He needs time to process. He won't tell other people, but it's hard for him to look at them the same way.
AMIT THAKKAR: Please, he knows the moon cycle for the next 10 years by heart. While he may stand an extra foot or two away from them, he will still gladly be their friend. They're not dangerous as long as they're being smart. Everything will be all right.
EVERETT CLOPTON: He's uncharacteristically quiet for a long time after MC confesses. It's a lot to take in that someone you know is now considerably more dangerous and unpredictable during certain times of the month. He'll need some time to decide if he's willing to stick around.
POPPY SWEETING: Who's a good dog? Kidding. MC has nothing to worry about with her. She's fully accepting of them in their condition, it's not their fault. And for what it's worth, beasts don't really care either. Stick with them and MC won't have to explain wolf tracks constantly in their vicinity.
ELEAZAR FIG: Because of the amount of time he has spent with MC, he's the first Professor to notice the change in their behavior. It didn't take long for him to realize they would mysteriously disappear during the full moon. Oh, MC, he's so sorry. This wasn't the end of the world, but this was going to make their life difficult. He'll do what he can for them, they still have him after Hogwarts. He won't let them leave school without a plan.
He informs the other professors individually. He wanted them to be in the know so they can continue to manage MC's education without letting the headmaster catch wind of MC's condition.
MATILDA WEASLEY: This news weighs heavy on her. If any parent caught wind of MC's condition, this would be a nightmare for staff to deal with. They were allowing a werewolf within the walls of a school. But this was MC. They were managing it, everyone else that was important knew about it. They were managing it too. They were doing everything in their power to keep accidents from happening. But what if something does happen?
CHIYO KOGAWA: She and Hecat keep close tabs on MC when the full moon draws near. The new transformations wouldn't happen until the moon was at its peak, but they weren't taking any chances.
AESOP SHARP: He met werewolves during his time as an auror. MC is in for a hard life. The vast majority of wizards do not look upon werewolves kindly. In his spare time, what little he had, he researched treatments for lycanthropy. There had been no successful cures or treatments yet invented, but he could take it crack at it.
ABRAHAM RONEN: Next to Professor Fig, he's the professor MC goes to when they need to talk. This condition that they will have to deal with for the rest of their lives has to be weighing heavily on their mind. Mc can tell him how they're feeling. They will get no judgment from him, only comfort.
MIRABEL GARLICK: She's up for MC experimenting with some new plants she has. One in particular called Wolfsbane. There's a superstition that it repels werewolves. Is it true?
MUDIWA ONAI: She does a palm reading for MC and explains in great detail that their condition does not define them as a person. They are MC. They are a person with feelings and emotions and desires and dreams. Not a monster.
BAI HOWIN: She knows someone. She'll give MC a name and tell them to write to that person. They are the liaison to a small werewolf community, perhaps being in touch with others who have dealt with this will help MC cope. Don't worry, no one else needs to know about this.
DINAH HECAT: She's on watch with Kogawa. She knows MC isn't dangerous until the moon is actually out and at its peak, but it's Professor weasley's orders that they keep visual on MC until they are in the safe zone the nights of the full moon.
CUTHBERT BINNS: As long as MC is well behaved in class and keeps up with their studies, he could not care less what is in their blood.
SATYAVATI SHAH: It crosses her mind to inform the headmaster. Even if they're not intentionally dangerous, they are still potentially dangerous. The safety of her students comes first. A direct order from Professor Weasley keeps her from saying anything and she helps MC keep track of the moon cycle.
PHINEAS NIGELLUS BLACK: He never notices what individual students are up to. It's a good thing too, because MC would be immediately expelled if he did. He won't have a dangerous half-breed in his school.
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dinxieyinxie · 3 months
Ive seen some of your posts shipping snape with someone called yonalinx, they posts are really cute and so is your art but i literally dont know anything bout this character. Is it an OC and whats their history with snape?
Hiii i just got back from an out-of-town trip but yeah ive yet to make a full sheet of Yonal and their story isn't fully fleshed out yet buuut here's a rough story I drafted about them sometime ago and here's a deeper introspection of Yonal and Snape's friendship that I also made before.
Basically, Yonal is my HP OC and this entire thing is an oc x canon ship so if you don't vibe with that then erm,, i fear thats all i will be spewing in this blog fdghgh. He's a metamorphmagus half-blood who, in the present timeline, teaches Care of Magical Creatures instead of Hagrid.
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Above: (Left: Yonal as a Hogwarts student, Right: Yonal as a CoMC professor)
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He and Snape go waaay back in their Hogwarts days, hence my multiple art of them as students. Their story is slow-burn with angst and fluff (a few wink wonk here and there LAWL)
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I'll say it now cos I don't think I'll be writing a fic about them bc uhh im not very good at writing so I've decided I'll just tell their story through illustrations! ^^ However long that may take me HHFDJFDGFD
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infinite-hearts-333 · 2 months
Smiling Critters Cartoon- Ouřa Thorn
I view the cartoon as the like. OG source of all other aus, even though the toys were probably made first, as well as the experiments, BUT I DO WHAT I WANT RWAH. So this is like. OG Thorn.
This is my explanation of where Thorn lives, and how they came into existence within the cartoon universe.
First of all, this story actually starts off with Bubbles. Although she wasn’t known as Bubbles back then- rather by her species, the Giant White-Tipped Wandering Tarantula- or ‘Big Blue’ as called by the rural farmers that would sometimes see her.
Wandering Tarantulas were a massive but mostly passive species of spider- known for patrolling expansive of land for food and water, and their freakishly good mimicry skills. Sometimes, if you were lucky, you’d see them clamber along the sides of wheat field, ever careful to not flatten any off the plants. They are tenders to the forest- a guardian to ward off any thing that threatens the beasts that reside inside.
One concept that I love and have burrowed is that there are ‘Critters’ aka Dogday ect, that are human like- and then ‘Beasts’ that are animals. And on some rare occasions, if a beast earns an emblem, they can become a critter, like Bobby bear hug from @novalizinpeace (who has a new blog now for their au, go check it out!!!!)
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Bubbles was a beast- a very smart beast, just like how animals of our world can be very intelligent.
The way Thorn was born, was just like any other critter- by stork. And in this situation, by pure luck, fate and the animal intelligence that Bubbles possessed.
Litter happens. And sometimes, critters loose things. So whilst one fine morning, when Bubbles is wandering through the forest, they step on a paper, that had blown in, smudging a foot print on the bottom half. This note, was actually a letter- a half finished letter for a child that a parent must have lost.
Not that Bubbles knew that.
Unsure what to do with this paper, the tarantula did what most animals do- copy the creatures that normally have it. By watching the Critters, Bubbles witnessed Critters putting paper in a big red box. So they did the same. And, effectively, mailed a baby request, signed with their foot print.
Now I think there would be a little bit of slack in the Storks since in Nova’s au, King Canv(ass) got Crafty, and apparently Crafty and Dogday wrote a drunk letter and accidentally got another kid, so I’m gonna say that the storks are flexible, in case in more rural places were education isn’t the greatest, writing is a little hard.
And in the topic of rural- some farms just. Do not have addresses, and come on, it’s a magical place and babies come by storks- I’m allowed to bend the rules a little. So for rural places, you leave your finger print on the paper, and the storks use magic to track the print to exactly where you are! Hence why normally, the parent that leaves the print stays at home until the baby comes, cause you don’t want to get them like, at work.
And sometimes, since it’s such a tradition, the parents will leave the finger print instead of their name.
And well…… I feel sorry for that poor stork.
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It was a first ever- that a Beast had ever snuck into the stork system. And after checking their equipment four times- nope, the letter was 100% from the Giant Tarantula. Also, there was no rules for this. Was the stork meant to leave a baby with this massive spider??? Take it back? Leave it at an orphanage? (Which was probably didn’t even exist if birth control wasn’t a problem if you get what I mean)
The stork contact their boss, and ofc, he/her/they, didn’t believe it at all. So the stork. Sat the baby down, and watch from afar, pray this animal would take the child.
And she did! The little spiky thing smelt weird, but when Bubbles pressed their pedipalps into the little things softer underbelly, it curled around them with the tiniest little purr ever. And well. Bubbles was therefore convinced that this little thing was their spiderling.
Between the half baked (defiantly a draft) writing and the crinkled, weathered paper with the dirty print- Ouřa Thorn turned out with some issues- the most prominent being that one of their horns had snapped. Whether the horn was to weak and broke, or if it never fully developed- no one knows- but it dreadfully impacted Thorns hearing, and therefore, their volume of their voice when they started interacting with other Critters.
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Bubbles also being the Best Mum Ever tm, also was proven when it came to Thorns emblem- mainly because she found it. Thorns emblem is of course, the image of the world serpent- or Ouroboros.
Bubbles had found it deep within the forest, in a tiny old ruin- and well, knowing that their spiderling hoarded shinies like no one’s business, they took it back for them.
To Bubbles knowledge, they love it so much they wear it everywhere they go!
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jttw-monkeybusiness · 11 months
Hello again!
I have a question about Wukong and Sophie’s future babies. In previous post you said that they would adopt baby monkeys (I think?) since they can’t have kids on their own, I was wondering what you mean by that? Like, are the babies just normal baby monkeys who can’t talk or are they simians like Wukong (just not blood related)? Also I would love the see drawings of the lovely couple hanging out with their babies! That would be adorable! <3
Have a nice day/night! Keep up the amazing work, you have a serious talent! <3
Hello hello! Yeah, I have talked about that they might adopt some monkey kiddos in the future like many many years after the marriage when Sophie wants to. If she wants to. I have not liked writing this on a stone that would be canon, but I have been thinking about it. Vibing the idea that this would fit their character. But still, IF this would happen, the monkeys would be like Wukong, Rin Rin, and Marshal Liu :'D monkey-human-ish creatures lol. As much as Sophie would love to take care of normal monkeys, the lack of knowledge and language barrier would be exhausting! Not impossible but exhausting :'D If this will become canon I will draw them with their kiddos for sure! For some people who are new to this blog here are Rin Rin and Marshal Liu compared to Wukong's mother. I had this idea that there are also normal monkeys with 'magical monkeys' aka. Wukong's original trope! They wear clothes and can talk 'normally' so pretty much the same as us but monkey :'D hehe
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Little Gift
Warnings: Chaos Death Guard be Chaos Death Guard, let me know if I need to add anything,
Author’s note: An explanation of where this AU spawned from. Past -=- Future
Summary: Hura meets the pretty human again.
Tagged: @sleepyfan-blog, @egrets-not-regrets, @barn-anon, @c-u-c-koo-4-40k, @bleedingichorhearts,
Tagged: @kit-williams, @whorety-k
Hura is humming a song to himself, being on Ancient Terra has been a terribly interesting affair, giving out grandfather’s blessings has become quite a bit harder, taking far more energy and thus, taking more care to be selective in giving blessings, as much as it breaks his hearts not give any and all Grandfather Nurgle’s blessings, upon Ancient Terra the working of the Warp is far weaker and takes far more effort. Still, as he swims out of his cove, he senses that precious, darling, wonderful human who’d given him a mostly intact sand dollar. Such a precious little gift, of course he had to give her one in return, a little blessing of Grandfather Nurgle.
He croons at her in Gothic, his pretty little human seems nervous, although he isn’t sure why, he’s not the type to be intentionally cruel. Base line humans are ever so precious sentient creatures, as well as very important for Grandfather Nurgle to give blessings and to have them as a flock in order to nurture the power of Grandfather Nurgle. As he croons at the precious, adorable, lovely human he hears how they are wheezing and coughing and croons at her, singing softly to her some of the hymns and ballads of Grandfather Nurgle, which will help ease her breathing.
As he croons at her he sinks into the water more, the energy that he has to spend in order to do so has him blinking spots out of his vision. The little pretty, darling human looks at him concerned and has approached, a concerned frown on their face as they grab one of the bottles of water that they are carrying and some food, carefully trying to offer him some, worried for him. Ah- that warms his hearts that his little human cares so much! Such a wonderful, lovely little human. His wonderful little human approaches him, close enough for him to curl his form around her and purr at them.
They are tense in his arms, but slowly relax as the soothing effects of his purring as his wonderful, lovely, darling, precious human relax in his arms. He notices the wonderful sores on their legs and croons at them, gently petting their hair and listening as they speak to him, he hears their words and nuzzles her and gently scoops her up, carrying her further into the ocean’s waves. He will return her to the land, for now, after all, he’s heard what’s happened to other brother’s and cousins who steal away their precious humans and turn them that their relationships with them are more difficult and tumultuous at the beginning, and while they have to rely on them, they are far more Upset for an understandably long time.
The ocean’s water helps with her sores and the wheezing as he shows them to his cove and grabs one of the marine oysters and gently croons as he gently cracks it open and pulls out a pearl and gifts it to her. It has a slight sheen of green to it, green is one of the best of colors, in Hura’s opinion. His precious human seems flustered when they carefully grab the pearl from him and he gently, but insistently wants them to keep it. Pearls are wonderful sources of little bits of magic, and he’ll be able to keep a closer eye on his precious human when they are so far away from the edge of the oceans he inhabits. He gently scoops up his precious darling human and swims back to the beach where he’d scoop them up and gently sets her down in knee deep, on a base line human and watches as they leave him with a sad croon.
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leafith · 2 months
Hello! This is the main blog of Leaf and Judith, two random creatures from an unknown world. They are just sharing their content there, to make someone smile and to find other weirdos like them.
The OCs (warning -> the designs will be changed after some time!):
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Enjoys writing, dancing, reading books, dreamy/mysterious/magic music (examples: AURORA, Melanie Martinez, MARINA);
Deer/Elf. She got these features from her parents;
She doesn't like much social media, so she'll be barely seen or heard;
The font she uses when she writes here is the Cursive ;
She can be found on these sites: Quotev (https://www.quotev.com/Leaf17467) and Wattpad (https://www.wattpad.com/TheLeafFromQuotev?utm_source=web&utm_medium=email&utm_content=share_profile)!
Enjoys drawing, singing, reading random fanfictions, rock/grunge/kinda depressing music (examples: Chris Cornell, Pink Floyd and Cranberries);
Elf. She doesn't have any family member, buy considers Leaf as her sister;
She loves social media and literally takes care of the blog;
The font she uses when she writes here is the Bold;
She can be found here, and here only!
Friends List:
@lunaglitchercc @flamy-t @weirdboi @jassygay @wowiexist0 @askthealphabet @the-doodle-bugs @sophia-does-skits @rosegacha11 @screwzara @crowcussion @moonzie-does-tag-games @sophie-avocado-girl @tsutsuji-picrew @alexandra537264 @hearthstonealderman16pollsblog @2laffy2 @ambertheartist @fretriftle @archerofunspeakablelove @a-skykid @eminsunnytoons123 @heavily-traumatized-kyle
To be added you just need to become our friend! :)
Sky: Children of the Light (obsessed!!);
Hazbin Hotel (they like it!);
Leaf is a Warrior & Weirdo (AURORA fan)!
Judith is an Earthling (Melanie Martinez fan)!
The Amazing Digital Circus (they find it interesting);
Gacha (Judith was a Gacha User once);
Five Nights at Freddy's (they love it!);
Many other fandoms...
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jade-cant-fly · 19 days
>>>>> THIS IS AN OOC POST! <<<<<
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((THIS IS A HPMA OC!! Also I’m diverting from canon a little bit here so bare with me!! Also this mostly follows the HPMA details/things like spell names/classes/etc so be aware of that.)
Please send asks ^^ they’re what keep the blog fun and alive, plus I’ll try to respond with drawings as often as possible! Though they probably won’t turn out fully coloured. That aside, here look at these little tidbits about her:
Name? 王佳琳 (Jade)
Nicknames? “Ah Lin” (family), Spiders.
Nationality? British
Ethnicity? Chinese (Guangdong origin, Hongkonger)-British
Age? 15
Gender? Female (she/her/any)
Sexuality? “¯\_(ツ)_/¯”
Blood status? Half
Height? 172cm
House? “Slytherin!”
Most proficient class? Care of magical creatures
Least proficient class? Quidditch
Year? 3
Patronus? Spider
Favourite spells: (assuming summons don’t count)
💚 Piertotum Locomotor
💚 Incarcerous
💚 Glacius
💚 Accio
Favourite spells that aren’t technically spells:
💚 Spiders
💚 Cornish Pixies
💚 “I’m not listing all the summons man.”
Ask her stuff to find out > ,<!!!
Speaks fluent Chinese and English, knows a decent amount of Cantonese too. Will revert to Chinese when becoming vulgar.
Favours magical creatures far above spells and charms.
Wants an animagus SO BAD.
Underweight and easily injured. Probably the physically weakest student in her year.
A huge and shameless flirt.
Commonly found at either: the duelling club, dance club, or infirmary outside of class.
Effectively helpless without a wand.
Have fun interacting!
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monstersdownthepath · 2 months
Milestone Monster: Ragathiel, General of Vengeance
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CR 26
Lawful Good Huge Outsider
Bestiary 6, pg. 114-115 (image taken from the cover of Chronicle of the Righteous)
There are many things in common between this Empyreal Lord and the last one we looked at on this blog. In most ways, Ragathiel and Vildeis couldn't be more different; Vildeis was born a perfect angel, while Ragathiel was born a devil and fought against his own nature and his very being to become one. Vildeis was so traumatized by the existence of Evil that she tore out her own eyes so she wouldn't have to see it, while Ragathiel's only wound of note was caused by his father, the Archdevil Dispater. Vildeis bears her scars openly and eschews any armor but the miles of bloodstained bandages over her form, while Ragathiel shields himself in gleaming golden armor to give the impression of an impervious, faultless soldier. Vildeis wields a simple dagger with terrifying effectiveness against single foes, while Ragathiel wields a dramatic two-handed, flaming blade.
But at the end of the day, both of them have the same goal: The eradication of Evil. And they both have the same problem: They're worryingly single-minded about it. Other Archons even worry about Ragathiel's bloodlust, something possibly justified considering how unfortunate his Divine Obedience is, demanding a death every time it's invoked. Despite whatever worry they may have for him, though, Ragathiel seems wholly committed to the battle against fiends of all forms, but especially against the devils and their ilk, whom he executes with impunity and without mercy. His mission is tireless, but one he performs without hesitation or regret. So long as Hell continues to reach its greasy little hands beyond its borders, Ragathiel will be there to stab at its fingers until it retreats... and, on occasion, venturing into the infernal lands to strike it directly.
The General of Vengeance is among the fiercest of all the Empyreal Lords, not afraid to lead his armies from the front at every opportunity, but his approach has some key differences from Vildeis'; she tirelessly wanders with no home or lair of her own, striking down Evil as it crosses her, effectively launching spontaneous campaigns which last only as long as they must in order to eradicate immediate foes before moving on to the next target. Ragathiel is more careful and arguably more thorough, retreating to a grand military base in Heaven to carefully plan his every assault to maximize its impact and the length of time it will take Hell to make another move. He's noted to be a brilliant tactician whose plans have rarely failed, but his prowess truly shines on the battlefield. Once he's landed in the fray he's a sight to behold, as though holy fire itself took up a sword to burn away the corruption trying to infect the world.
Let's see just what that looks like...
Let's start with the basics, since I feel like I have to bring it up every time I spot it: as an angel, Ragathiel projects a 20ft Protective Aura which shields everyone inside (himself included) from the forces of Evil, granting a +4 deflection bonus to AC and a +4 resistance bonus to saving throws against them. The aura also hedges out Evil summoned creatures, grants additional saving throws against charms and compulsions, and blocks hostile spell effects if they're 3rd level or less. No Fireball, no Slow, no Magic Missile, no targeted Dispel Magic, Blindness/Deafness, Silence... The list goes on, with both Ragathiel and any of his nearby allies benefiting from the protection.
It goes without saying that his allies aren't restricted by this; they can throw out all the Fireballs they want! In fact, Fireball specifically is encouraged, but we'll get to why in just a moment...
For now we'll continue with the basics, and it's hard to get more basic than Ragathiel. You take one look at him, and you can immediately tell what he is and what he's going to do: respectively, he's an angelic Paladin in specialized full-plate (Golden Armor, in fact; +5 full-plate with no downsides to his speed or checks!), and he's going to hit you very, very hard with a very, very big sword. His +5 Evil-Outsider-Bane Flaming Burst Holy Bastard Sword is a paragraph of a weapon created for the express purpose of beating devils back to Hell, dealing 3d8+21 damage at base, +2d6 vs Evil creatures and an extra 2d6+2 against Evil Outsiders specifically, and 1d6 Fire damage (1d10 if the sword critically hits, and it threatens a critical on a 17 or higher) as a ribbon on top. In addition to swinging his sword upwards to four times a round, he's got five Burning Wings that can be used as part of his Full-Attack, each one dealing 1d8+5 plus 1d6 Fire damage per hit and forcing a struck enemy to succeed a DC 39 Reflex save or burst into flames for 1d6 more damage a round.
And of course, he wouldn't be a Paladin if he didn't have Smite Evil. He's got it 7 times a day, in fact, and any of his allies within his Primal Aura can expend 2 uses to give all of his allies within the 30ft aura the benefits of Smite Evil against a single target. That's +9 to AC, +9 to attack rolls, and +20 to the first damage roll a given creature makes each round for a whole battalion against one specific target, +40 to damage if the target is an Evil Outsider (and ONLY Evil Outsiders; Ragathiel doesn't get bonus damage against Dragons and Undead!). If the General of Vengeance is leading a charge against a specific diabolic power, all his allies need to do is invoke his Primal Aura, and suddenly even meager footsoldiers can be hitting the main boss as hard as a Barbarian five levels above them! With health to match, as he can freely use Shield Other to help tank hits his more fragile companions would normally fold to.
Even if he has no reinforcements to invoke this power, he's got Gate 1/day to open a doorway right to Heaven to bring them in, shielding and empowering them with his auras. A quick Time Stop also lets him run around and use his 3/day Blessing of Fervor with no lost time to give two dozen plus Turbo Hastes out with each use, and throw out his 3/day Quickened Blade Barrier between each use to trim the battlefield into something more accommodating and prevent an easy enemy retreat.
Ragathiel fights best when surrounded by allies, for more reasons than just his long list of buffs and auras. His Righteous Mantle directly notes his bloodline relation to a demigoddess of fire, granting him numerous fiery blessings; namely, he absorbs Fire damage, treating all incoming Fire damage as healing instead, AND his Fire damage completely ignores any Fire Resistance and Immunity possessed by devils while dealing double damage to them! This is an INCREDIBLE ability... and would be far more useful in a vacuum if he had more than just token Fire damage on his attacks. Indeed, Ragathiel has only one bit of fire in his kit that isn't attached to his wings or weapon, a 1/day Meteor Swarm he's incentivized to drop directly into his own space once he's in melee with a bunch of devils, damaging them (and everything around them) while restoring a good chunk of his own HP. It also means his allies can freely throw Fireballs, Walls of Fire, Meteor Swarms, and other such effects of their own directly at him, which not only harms enemies, but restores his health!
No, his at-will Fire of Judgment doesn't deal any Fire damage, I checked; it burns an Evil creature for 1d6 (1d10 if they're an Outsider, Dragon, or Undead) damage each round with 'cleansing positive energy.'
At the very least, absorbing Fire damage means a great deal of devils suddenly have portions of their arsenal taken from them... though it, ironically, doesn't aid him against his own father, Dispater, who has no Fire damage in his kit. Rather, his Devil's Bane kicks in; this ability gives him +4 to caster level checks against devils, to his own saving throws when saving against diabolic magic, and to the save DCs of all his spells when a devil is being targeted, and this bonus becomes +8 when against Dispater. Dispater actually cannot affect Ragathiel with any of his spells thanks to this, and the General himself has a small chance of landing his own abilities against his father's otherwise towering saving throws!
And while we're on the topic of resilience, why not see how sturdy Ragathiel is? Because, as you may have guessed, the man's nearly impossible to harm in a way that matters. His DR 20 can't be pierced unless the weapon is Epic and Evil, while his Regeneration can only be suppressed by the powers of a deific or Mythic being. He's got the Demigod Suite of status immunities (notably NOT immune to disease, fear, paralysis, stun, or sleep, but those will be rendered non-issues soon) as well as immunity to Acid and Cold damage, and though his saves are ALREADY high, just look back upwards at everything he's got to bolster them!
And then. there it is, the penultimate quality listed on his statblock right before it gets into the rest of his abilities: Lay on Freaking Hands. 10 times a day as a swift action, Ragathiel can give himself an encouraging slap on the chest to restore 17d6 health to himself. Except it's not just 17d6! Righteous Mantle grants him +2 HP per healing dice rolled whenever he magically regains any health, which has no effect on his own healing spell (because it's freaking Heal at 3/day), but it means every LoH use grants him 17d6+34 HP. He can also apply ANY Paladin Mercy to his ability without restriction! And... well, here's the best part:
He can use Lay on Hands no matter what. There is NO condition or effect in the game which prevents him from using this ability as a swift action to wipe away whatever is inhibiting his actions. This means even if he's nauseated, stunned, paralyzed, asleep, staggered, or unconscious due to HP damage, he can wipe the condition off with all the difficulty of a particularly stubborn scab. Thanks to his empowered Lay on Hands and his own demigod immunities, there is NO status ailment in the game besides outright death that can inhibit him unless all 10 of his uses for the day are burned through, because he can use his swift action to break himself out of the effect and still have his entire turn afterwards.
It is probably not surprising that most of Ragathiel's enemies view him as an unkillable juggernaut, ridiculously durable even by the standards of demigods. In high level Pathfinder, rocket tag is ever-prevalent; you need to be able to shut down your enemies before they do the same to you. Well, when battling the General of Vengeance, it's likely you can't. He's all but guaranteed to get his round off, especially if he's high in the initiative order. Unless, I suppose, you put him to sleep, then nauseate, stun, and paralyze him in a single round, since as-written he can only wipe off one a round. Good luck with that, especially if you're a devil!
You can read more about him here.
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bored-cop-man · 3 months
My life. My love. My laugh.
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Baldi ask Blog Rules:
2. Don't be overly rude. A little playful rudeness is okay, but don't be a dick.
3. No bullying in the halls.
4. No spamming asks.
5. Have fun!
Characters that participate: 
Baldi, Princi, Gotta Sweep (hardly, he can't really answer asks but will do something if you tell him to), Mousie (Original Character), Mrs. Pomp, Dr. Reflex, Ms. Thing
It's a Bully, Playtime Thing, First(1st) Prize, Arts N Crafters, "Player", Andrew Baldimore, Johnny Thing, Beans
Susan Baldimore, Null, The Creature
Ships I allow on this blog:
Bully x player and player x Johnny separately, Baldi x his wife Susan, Princi x Mrs. Thing (even though it's toxic) Princi x Susan (as a one-off, because she cheated on Baldi)
Ships I DONT allow on this blog:
Baldi x princi, nulldi, Dr reflex x Baldi, player x Baldi, Dr reflex x anyone(purely because I hate him), null x anyone (he's acearo) Mrs. Pomp x anyone (I just think she doesn't need it rn)
Things you can do/ask them:
Random silly questions like "favorite color", "favorite food", etc
M!Asks (magic asks) can last 1-20 asks (try to keep it not crazy though ok?) 
You can also give them things
I'm about to start a story
Ages of everyone if y'all even care
Baldi: 35
Susan: 34
Andrew: 6
Principal: 27-34
Mrs. Thing: 28-33
Dr. Reflex: 29
Mrs. Pomp: 32
Playtime: 9
Johnny: 12/13
It's a bully: 12
Beans: 10
Arts 'n' Crafters: 10
First Prize: technically none, but programmed to be 8-10
Null: 2̷̢̡͇͍̠̂̔͆̆̏͆͊̔̾̔̂͝͝5̸͍̗̰̘͉̦̤̭̙̱̤̟̾͂̾̿̂̔͂̑̚͝͝͝ͅ
The Creature: ???
Mousie: 25
Art of everyone will be added soon.
child baldi ask blog: @askchildbaldi
best friends: @askatrociouslydrawnbaldi @ask-the-here-school @peachiestpeachhy @cosmic-radio-station @ask-the-best-baldi-basics
my hello neighbor au blog: @ivanandenzo
Jon Arbuckle blog: @askjonarbuckle
Master frown blog: @thefrownmaster
(im very sorry if im overstepping by saying any of yall are best friends 😭)
My cult: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdVZJhjr1FzxO0OBR-8RTZQ0m9oP4f9Lq6BB-8TSzKirSEj5A/viewform?usp=sf_link
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megalony · 1 year
My Beloved
This is a Morpheus (Sandman) imagine, I know its been a while since I’ve written for Sandman but I am getting back into it so any requests would be lovely.
Taglist: @lunaticspoem @butlegendsneverdie @langdonzvoid @jennyggggrrr @rogmeddows @radiob-l-a-hblah @rogertaylorsbitontheside @chlobo6 @rogertaylors-lipgloss @sj-thefan @omgitsearly @luckytrashgooprebel @scarsout @deaky-with-a-c @killer-queen-ofrhye @bluutac @vousmemanqueez-blog @jonesyaddiction @milanosaurus @httpfandxms @saint-hardy @7-seas-of-fat-bottomed-girls @mrsalwayswritex @rogerina-owns-me  @hellsdragon @im-an-adult-ish @crazylittlethingg @allauraleigh @onceuponadetectivedemigod @ceres27 @avyannadawn  @noonenuts @sleepylunarwolf
Summary: When (Y/n) isn’t well, Morpheus comes to the waking world to take care of his beloved.
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A soft smile fluttered on Morpheus' lips when he watched (Y/n)'s eyes slowly begin to open. He leaned a little further back into the sofa that seemed to swallow him whole, and continued in his administrations of carding his fingers through her hair. It was a new habit he had acquired when he realised the action was a good remedy for helping (Y/n) to sleep.
It wasn't very often that Morpheus found himself in the waking world, he could conjure up dreams, entice people to sleep and keep an eye on all of his creations from his own realm of the Dreaming. But sometimes his work brought him into the waking world and sometimes he just fancied a wander through.
With (Y/n) around, she was more of a reason for him to be in this world rather than his own.
He should have gone back to his realm a while ago but he simply hadn't found it in himself to leave her yet. (Y/n) was like a drug Morpheus was addicted to and being away from her was like going through withdrawal.
"Did you like your dream?"
Morpheus couldn't help but indulge himself just a little.
He never got to ask humans what they thought of his creations, he didn't see their reactions when they woke up and how they acted in his realm didn't always give away what they thought. The humans always believed dreams to be of their own creation, they inadvertantly took credit for Morpheus' ideas and even if his creations were sometimes based around each human's experience, they were still his own making.
Now that Morpheus had (Y/n), he could pry into her thoughts and find out what aspects of his creations she loved and which ones needed improving on.
It did get hard.
Even if Morpheus was weak at the knees for (Y/n), he had to remain objective in his work. She had to experience nightmares and bad memories and some tough worlds in the dreaming because he couldn't favour the one he loved and be responsible for her lack of inspiration and motivation in the waking world.
"It was beautiful, I wish I had wings like hers."
(Y/n)'s voice was laced with the last remnants of dream and her eyes were desperate to close and go back into the best world she had seen so far.
If she was being honest, (Y/n) couldn't quite remember all of the dream which happened to most people and with the best kind of dreams, they faded away to keep the magic for the next sleep. But she remembered the beautiful creature she had seen dancing in front of her eyes with wings the size of cars that resembled bubbles with all the glimmering colours and see-through patches. And the feeling of falling just at the end of the dream- something (Y/n) knew Morpheus couldn't control- just made it all the more exciting.
"You don't need wings, you're already exquisite."
With the last of the dream fading in the back of her mind, (Y/n) slowly sat up, realising she had fallen asleep on her lover's lap and he hadn't had the heart to move her. How long had he stayed there as her personal cushion, waiting for her to wake up? She hoped he hadn't been waiting long or been uncomfortable.
She could see his pasty skin lighting up with a faint pink blush that blossomed up his neck and onto his pale white cheeks when she slowly hooked her legs on either side of his hips and perched on his lap. (Y/n) turned her cheek to rest on his shoulder and draped her arms around the back of Morpheus' neck, smiling into his black shirt when she felt his arms slowly coiling around her hips.
Morpheus wasn’t used to lovers being close or touchy with him and after nearly a century in a glass dome, cut off from everyone and every touch, things felt different. He realised just how touch-starved he had been for the last century and it made him want to make up for lost time. He was desperate for contact and love and closeness and soft kisses or someone's skin to be close to him- for (Y/n), to be close to him. That wasn’t who he was before he was captured.
When he pulled her closer so their chests were touching and there was no longer a small slither of a gap between them, (Y/n) smiled. She could feel him breathing in her scent, his nose tickled her forehead where he pressed a soft, slow kiss to her temple.
"I'm afraid I must go soon, my beloved. It's almost dark out."
(Y/n) couldn't help the pout that formed on her lips and she tightened her arms around his neck. She wished she had woken up earlier so she could have more time to hold him like this.
The night was just beginning and that meant Morpheus' day was only just starting. There weren't half as many people who slept during the day as there were the rest who slept at night. Morpheus could be anywhere during the day time and conjure up a few worlds for people to idle in and visit with their messed up sleep schedules or a few little valleys for those who were having a short nap.
But when the sun set behind the clouds and the darkness started to creep around the corner, that was when the real magic began. And the best place for Morpheus to be was in his realm or out in the streets, he had millions of people to serenade and pull into his world and he had to keep them occupied and on their toes or else if he didn't have their full attention, they would slip back into the waking world.
"Can I come with you?"
Lifting her head from off his shoulder, (Y/n) pressed her lips to his forehead and moved her hands to cup his face between her palms, something she knew drove him crazy. He loved when she would rest her forehead against his, their noses brushing like they were now, and their gazes interlocked like thousands of stars joining together in the midnight sky.
"If you were feeling well I would bring you with me, darling. Go back to sleep, I'll conjure up another world for you and when you wake, I will return."
In any other circumstance, Morpheus would indulge (Y/n) and never deny her request to come back to his realm. But she wasn't well, it was why she had been dreaming with his creations for most of the day and why Morpheus had stayed with her for almost all of the day. If (Y/n) stayed in his realm, he would sense her while he was working and he would know when she came back to the waking world and he would visit her then.
"I wish you didn't have to go." Even as she spoke, Morpheus could see she was halfway back to his world already and it only made his soft smile widen.
With one arm still around her hips and the other hand moving to cradle the back of (Y/n)'s head, Morpheus slowly turned them round and laid (Y/n) down on the sofa on her back. He hovered over her, leaning between her legs that were still wrapped around his hips as if to make sure he didn't escape without her consent.
His fingers tangled in her locks at the back of her head as he squeezed the flesh of her hip before he kissed her softly. He could feel how warm she was, heat was radiating off of her and flooding the room with warmth that was buzzing through his skin. But the way (Y/n) tightened her thighs on his hips and tried to pull all of his weight onto her made a groan scratch against the back of his throat.
She was making it impossible for him to leave.
"I'll be back soon, you need to rest. Now, sleep."
He didn't need dust when his voice was so addicting and intoxicating that it had (Y/n)'s eyes closing and her mind was hooked on each little world he spoke. She felt his words softly against her temple before a burning kiss simmered against her skin.
Then he was gone, and she was asleep.
He didn't want to wake her.
For over twelve hours, Morpheus had felt (Y/n)'s presence in the back of his mind. He had felt her instantly fall into his realm, then wander and drift before he finally felt her settle into an old dream he had waiting for her. A small valley with a river flowing through that he knew (Y/n) had been laying beside while he was out making sure the rest of mankind found their place in his realm.
Now, as he walked back into her apartment and found (Y/n) in the exact spot he had left her, he debated whether he should wake her or leave her be in her dream. After all, he had told her to rest and that was exactly what she was doing. But when Morpheus bent down beside her and pressed a small kiss to her temple, he felt a sudden urge to wake her. She was burning a fever.
With how long she had slept during the afternoon and on and off throughout the night while he had been gone, Morpheus decided (Y/n) had slept for long enough. He needed to wake her and rid her of her fever before she felt any worse.
"Love, wake up." With a small brush of his fingers, Morpheus carded his fingers through the soft wisps of hair hanging around the sides of (Y/n)'s face, delicately placing them back behind her ear. Even with just a small action like that, he could feel the sweat dripping off his fingertips from her burning hot skin that was flushed.
A small murmur bubbled past (Y/n)'s lips and she leaned into the touch delicately dancing across her forehead like a cold bag of ice was slowly swaying above her.
"Dream... I thought you were leaving?"
"I did, and now I've returned to see you've gotten worse."
How had he gone and come back so quickly? (Y/n) could have sworn she'd closed her eyes for a few minutes, maybe dozed off for an hour, not nearly long enough for him to go do a full night's work and come back again. But when her eyes tried to open, she was scorched by the sun slowly creeping up into the sky and dazzling light through the living room window.
Had she gotten worse? All she did was doze off for a while, it didn't feel like she was any worse than how she felt earlier- yesterday, or whenever it was. (Y/n) could still hear Dream's voice in the back of her mind, telling her he would come back and asking her to go to sleep while he left her. She didn't even feel him slip out of her arms as she went into the dream he created for her.
Morpheus didn't know what to do, he wasn't used to suffering from any ailments himself and it had been so long since he'd taken care of someone who was ill. But he didn't like how hot her skin was to touch or how she was glistening with sweat from a raging fever that had appeared suddenly out of nowhere.
He didn't suppose holding some ice or something cold to her skin would do that much to take her fever down. Maybe a cold bath...
"Can you sit up, love?"
(Y/n) let her floppy arms be moved at Morpheus' will and let him hook them around his neck so he could hold her hips and gently pull her up.
"Are we going somewhere?"
A soft hum passed through his lips and he loved to perch on the edge of the sofa before he reached into the pocket of his trench coat. Morpheus paused in his movements for a moment when (Y/n) shuffled forward a little more until she could press her face into his chest. Her cheek burrowed in against his soft coat and her nose was bunched up in his shirt so she could breathe in his intoxicating scent.
With a handful of sand, Morpheus sprinkled it around them like glitter, using it sparingly before he closed his eyes and waited for his creation to do its magic. (Y/n) felt a soft breeze licking at her bare arms when the whirlwind feeling slowly disappated. It took a few moments for her to open her eyes and catch her bearings, but when she looked around, she realised they were back in Morpheus' kingdom. More specifically, they were on the beach on the edge of the realm.
She couldn't help but reach her hand out and drag her fingers through the sand they were now sitting on, it was as warm as it was soft but it wasn't damp from the shore like (Y/n) expected.
Morpheus couldn't help but smile when (Y/n) turned her face so her cheek was pressed against his shirt again like she was listening in for his heartbeat.
He kept his arms around her middle before he slowly started to stand up, gently pulling (Y/n) up with him until they were stood on the sinking sand. His arms held up most of her weight that soon fell onto his chest, but Morpheus didn't mind in the slightest. With an arm around her lower waist and the other gently cradling the back of her head, Morpheus kissed her temple before he guided them closer to the shore of the water.
The moment the water crept up (Y/n)'s ankles a shiver ran through her body that jolted through Morpheus too. The water was colder than an iceberg but it created such a funny sensation, like little teeth nipping at her feet.
"Come here," With a gentle voice that sounded so sugary sweet, Morpheus sat down in the shallow water that came up to his hips. He spread his legs so that (Y/n) could sit between them, not caring that both their clothes were going to be soaked. As long as (Y/n) felt better and her temperature went down a little, everything would be fine.
He rested his chin on top of (Y/n)'s head and kept his arms tight around her waist as she curled up so her side was tucked up into his chest and her hands were clutching at his shirt as if she thought she might drown.
For a little while, (Y/n) kept her eyes closed and focused on listening to Morpheus' heartbeat thudding patiently and calmly against her ear, drowning out the sound of the water rippling around them. When she slowly opened her eyes to take a look around, her breath caught in her throat.
Small, tiny butterflies were glistening against the distant sun and had shimmering reflections on the crystal blue water. Their wings were transparant with small pink and blue lines like veins across them making them look like floating bubbles. Resembling the wings on the creature in her dreams earlier.
One butterfly came closer and fluttered so close (Y/n) could almost feel its wings fluttering against her nose before it started bobbing along just above the water.
"Are you feeling better?" As he spoke, Morpheus pressed the back of his hand against (Y/n)'s forehead, relieved to feel that she was a tiny bit cooler than she had been. The water was beyond freezing and it was turning his legs numb but (Y/n) was like a small heater bundled up in his coat and she looked like she was happily melting into him and the water.
"Much... don't leave yet, will you?"
"I'm not going anywhere, love."
(Y/n) smiled lazily to herself and closed her eyes again when she felt Morpheus' lips pressing against her hair. He started to speak, she wasn't sure what he was saying but his voice was so soothing and calm, she was sure he was telling her a story. He did that a lot when she couldn't sleep. His voice was the sound of dreams, he could speak a horror story and it would sound like a fantasy. His voice was calming and intoxicating and provoking and ruggid all at once.
It was one of the many reasons why (Y/n) loved him.
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