#sub super junior
fyeah-chanyeol · 6 days
[en/jp/cn subbed] Attitude deteriorating discipline need on SM EP.02 CHANYEOL @ DNE Hey Come On Here
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mysilentmemory · 2 years
Leeteuk: "I'm jealous of you. At least, you've dated many girls." Kangin: "You're the one who's dated a lot of girls!" Leeteuk: "You've dated more!" Heechul: "Ya! How can you be still talking about dating girls?!" Leeteuk: "You've dated a lot of girls too!"
🤣🤣 ᵀᶜᵒᵃᵍᵘˡᵃᵗᶦᵒⁿ
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moon-bling-gyu · 2 years
i love how animated and excited hodong gets to see suju all together. i think the only idols hodong gets as excited to see is shinhwa. and thats a high bar considering how close he got with them thru x man
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kpopmusic · 8 months
SUPER JUNIOR-L.S.S. 슈퍼주니어-L.S.S. 'Suit Up' MV
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aloesarchives · 9 months
Tags/Warnings: Fem!Reader/Pronouns, Swearing, Gojo has a hard crush on you, Gojo vs Toji Part 3, The word ass being used, Toji straight up having beef and fighting a bunch of teenagers, Nicknames such as beloved and hon(ney), JJK OCs, Out of pocket moments and sayings, Me being an annoying narrator
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[Semi-proofread, informal formatting, and edited as of 12/22/2023 10:18am CST]
Summary: One of the truths behind Toji's beef with Gojo
Word count: 2.8k words
(A/N: I spent 10pm-6am writing this because I just need to or I would never forgive myself if I didn't! I promise I will have some of the "Toji lives" AU posts ready by next week because your girl got her ADHD meds back in stock!! Thank you for being patient with me and my inconsistent updates!!) (12/22/2023 6:05am CST)
💙I love you all! 💙🥰😚💙
💙❤️Please Enjoy!!!💙❤️
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The REAL reason Toji has major beef with Gojo is because Gojo had a crush on you during his high school days when you would sub for Yaga in the classroom and training sessions. He did try his best to keep it under wraps but Geto was like,
"Bro, she's the same age as Yaga-sensei. . . Stop reaching, Satoru. . . Do I need to remind you who (L/N)-sama is married to again?"
The Gojo responded with, "Suguru, I don't give a shit about that loser. He's a bum, anyway. The question you should be asking is why (L/N)-dono is fucking married and still in-love to a deadbeat like him. I would have been a better option. Face it Suguru, I'm right."
While Satoru has a point, as Suguru noted, it doesn't change the fact that Satoru was crushing on a MARRIED woman who had TWO kids.
Though it was true, Satoru would have technically been a good husband/father/lover. However, there are many reasons why it must be ruled out.
Satoru is over half your age. Picking him meant allegations and a prison cell. Gojo tried reasoning with you, "But (Y/N)-dono! Age is just a number, give me two years!" "And Prison is just a place, Satoru-kun. I don't want to be labeled as a child predator, let alone be framed for "seDuCinG" the Gojo heir. I want to have a clean record."
While his personality brought you happiness, his carefree nature would clash a lot with you. He can mature but his child-like spirit and carefree persona isn't something you would personally deal with.
He was more of your protégé/junior/student if anything. You saw him more as your son and acted like a parental figure. You wanted to watch him grow and mature. Not become his lover.
To spite the higher-ups and Jujutsu elders(excluding your clan). Given you were a powerful and skillful sorcerer, marrying Gojo would be "BeNeFiCiaL" to Jujutsu society. However, it meant that you were on a watchlist 24/7 and pressured to have an HeIR. It made you physically sick and ill thinking what those old useless dementia white-haired cowards are allow to do that just to better "society" but not its citizens.
You are MARRIED to a man who is trying to step up after his major fuck ups. It's not perfect but Toji is his best trying after you gave him his life and freedom. Since he technically can't leave your home or go to Jujutsu High without your supervision, he's basically househusband duty. And he was getting pretty damn good at it too. Plus Toji's hot, he got you feral and gnawing at your teeth with his signature smile and smirk. And the way his arms flex when he crosses them, or how they feel when you link arms together.
While it wasn't super obvious, okay it was obvious, you always shot down Satoru's playful confessions and light-hearted shenanigans. Basically rejecting him every time. Usually, Suguru would warn you in advance but you know it would happen with each interactions. While you firmly turned him down, you made him understand why it can't and WON'T happen. You still care for him, just never romantically, only platonically and motherly. You made it clear that his "love" for you was just a strong admiration and infatuation disguised as a crush.
Though he was heartbroken, at first. Satoru slowly understand what you mean and his crush slowly fades away as it's replaced with immense respect for you.
HOWEVER, it still linger and not widely known because Toji finally gets word of this through the grapevine. A.K.A, through his two children Megumi and Tsumiki. It happened one day when you brought the two to the school so you can keep a close eye on them since they didn't have school that day. Toji was out doing errands so the two kids are accompanying you. Megumi and Tsumiki were occupied with their books and toys while you taught and trained the students. Megumi and Tsumiki went to find you because they were hungry and you had their lunches. As they looked for you, they see you talking to Satoru. They meet him a couple of times but he's still a stranger to them compared to Shoko or Suguru. So when they see Gojo with you, all alone with no one around, they thought it was major sus.
As they snuck closer, they could hear bit and pieces of what Gojo is saying to you. Megumi lowkey thinks Gojo is super annoying and acts more of a child then he does. But what catches his ears first was something with along the lines of, "(L/N)-dono, please consider it-" "Satoru-kun, how many time will I need to say no to you? You know I can never feel for you that way. Plus it's bad for me to agree to it. You know that it's admiration and infatuation if anything. Not love."
See Megumi knows you only use love as in 'I love you" to him, his sister, and his dad. But to this dude? Nah, something fishy is going on and Megumi gotta tell his dad about it. Megumi comes running, yelling "Mommy!!!". You and Satoru turn to see your son running to you and colliding with your legs. You crouch down and pat your son's head and smile at your daughter following behind him. Megumi hands your hand tightly as you lead them away to have lunch with your kids. Satoru made a face at Megumi when he saw the kid glare at him.
Once you three made it home, you're in the bathroom changing into some home clothes. Meanwhile, Toji was cooking dinner while Megumi and Tsumiki were waiting for you at the dinner table. As Toji was asking them about their day with you, Megumi brought up Gojo's advances and confession towards you. When Megumi said this, the beef Toji was about to flip plopped right back onto the pan. He looks back at Megumi and asks if there's anything else that he can share. As Megumi shares what he has seen through his perspective, Toji asks Tsumiki to confirm is this is all true, to which she said yes, backing up Megumi's claims.
"Yeah, Papa. Satoru-kun is weird. Even though Mama keeps saying she's married to you, he still does it. Tsumiki saw it too."
"I see... Thank you, Megumi and Tsumiki for watching and taking care of Mama for me. I appreciate it a lot. Can you tell her that dinner is almost ready?"
The kids nodded and went to go get you. After dinner and putting the kids to bed, you were sipping your favorite drink as Toji is doing the dishes. You would have helped him but he said no. While you two were talking, he brings up Satoru and his school crush on you.
"Toji, beloved, you know that it's just a small crush. It's nothing more then puppy love for me. Nothing more and nothing less. And you know that you're the only man that I am willing to give my heart to."
"I know that, (Y/N). But what does this brat got on me to think he's a better match for you? Just because this kid is practically a god doesn't mean everyone will bow down to him. I'm definitely not one of them. And to know that said brat is flirting with you even though you're visibly married with kids, he needs to read the room. I will be going with you to school tomorrow. The kids go back to school the next day, and I already got this week's groceries and cleaned the house."
You would have protested if Toji didn't give you a searing kiss while caging you in his arms. Fuck he looked so hot. Curse him and his good looks *punching the air*.
"Fine, you can come. BUT, Toji you need to behavior yourself. You already knew the deal. You better not be doing any funny business."
"Yes, Ma'am. You're the boss, I promise you." Toji says as he gave you a kiss on the cheek before lightly patting your ass.
After dropping the kids off, Toji accompanies you to the school. Toji is just silent and sits in one of the chairs as you do your lessons. Toji is leaning on the chair with a smirk plastered on his face. Not a care in the world. After a few lessons, you were going to teach and train Gojo, Geto, and Shoko for the rest of the school day. As you went to their classroom, they greet you, especially Gojo. However, the mood changed when they saw Toji walk in behind you, wearing nothing but a black slim fit t-shirt and grey sweatpants. Toji gave a head nod to the teens while he just takes a seat in a chair to lean on it. The three were shock to see him.
Particularly because they did expect him to come with you to the school at all. Suguru had an idea but he hoped it wasn't going to be it. After teaching a lesson, you told the three to practice their curse techniques and let their curse energy loose. While doing so, you told them that you would have to speak to Yaga for a bit on something and would be back 15 minutes tops. You told Toji to behave, and he nodded and gave a thumbs up. As you leave the kids and your husband on the train grounds, that's when the storm started brewing. Toji walks up to Gojo and is 3 feet from him. He smirks while looking at him up and down, sizing him up. Shoko and Suguru are on the sidelines as Toji, a married adult male in his 30s, was beefing with a 16 year old high school student.
Suguru: "Satoru, I don't think this is a good idea-"
Satoru: "Hush now, Suguru. . . It's my time to shine. . . Watch the master at work."
Suguru proceeds to roll his eyes but becomes a little weary after his last encounter with Toji was. . . unideal. Given one of their teachers was shot in the throat by Toji saving Anamai, and himself getting injured. It wasn't something he wanted to constantly get reminded of. But ever since you liberated Toji from the higher ups and explained it to your students, Suguru has slowly been changing his views on Toji. It will take a while but it's getting there. Anyhow, Suguru told Shoko to book it once the two were going to throw down.
Satoru: "So, what brings you back here, Toji~? You just couldn't get me out of that little mind of yours~? You're mad I'm 1-0 with you?"
Toji: "Kid, I'm pretty sure that it's 1-1 since I won our first battle. Anyway, I heard through the grapevine that you gave (Y/N) a love confession. Don't you know it's bad to confess and hit on a married woman who has kids? Were you taught any manners? Then again, by the way you act, you probably have none."
Satoru: "You're just mad, Old Man. That I, Satoru Gojo, would treat (Y/N)-dono better and treat her worth. Face it, Old Man. I'm a better match for her than you'll ever be."
Toji: "Like she ever goes for someone half her age, Brat. Plus, you'll never look at you as a lover ever. You're more of a son to her and that's the closest you'll get."
Satoru: "Well, she doesn't need a bum like you around. Imagine fighting a bunch of teens and getting your ass beat by said teens. Skill issue if you ask me."
Toji: "Watch your tongue, Boy. Remember who made you struggle for the first time in your life and actually killed you. While, you know, fucking up your best friend, the second strongest sorcerer, with no curse energy? I got your ass with no gifts other than being a superhuman with weapons. You can never beat me, I'm just built different, Kid."
Satoru: "You wanna test that, Toji~? You got no curse weapons with you. I can pack you up like you're a school lunch."
Toji: "Kid, please. I don't need any weapons to beat you, let alone kill you. You see this? This is a rock, and I can use it to beat you. I also still have my hands too. And I am more then willing to give it to you, Gojo~kun."
Satoru: "You think I'm scared of someone like you? I've ascended, enlighten if you will. If you even know what that word is. Throughout Heaven and Earth, I alone am the honored one. Remember those words, Fushiguro-san? Remember them good because I will put you six feet underground."
Toji: "I see then, Kid. . . So you're playing God? I guess that makes me a God Slayer then. . . Prepare yourself, Kid. . ."
Satoru: "Alright, bet then, Bozo."
Thus, Gojo and Toji started to go at each other for round 3. Shoko was already gone and the two started fighting in the training grounds. Five minutes have already passed and they have made five decently sized craters. Just as both of them were about to throw a punch at each other, they suddenly felt a powerful presence which halted them. They turn to you walking towards them with a furious face unimaginable.
You moved like a blur and appeared next to them vice gripping their forearms tightly. You dragged them to the nearest empty classroom you can find or any room. You were just so livid that you didn't hear Gojo whining about your grip and asking to let you go like a child. As you let them go once you dragged them far enough, you smacked both of them hard on the head. Shoko and Gojo were watching this as Yaga appeared right next to them shortly. It was interesting seeing two of the most broken people in the world kneeling with their heads down in-front of a woman who doesn't have god-like abilities.
"BUT (Y/N)-dono! He-"
"Okay, Hon. I take full responsibility for my actions today."
"But (Y/N)-dono, I was not going to kill him last time-"
You start to calm down but you are still firm with them.
"I know this started because of Satoru's crush on me. . . Satoru, I will not love you romantically and date you. Please understand that. I care for you like family and that is said for the rest of you. Yes you, Suguru, Shoko, and Yaga. And Toji, I'm not leaving you for a child. I would be in jail and not working here. . . Geez, I saw this from a mile away but never expected this to happen. Now, you two better behave yourselves or else. You two don't have to say sorry or anything like of the sort. Just don't go tearing at each other's throats when I both am and am not around. Please, for me. . ."
The two looked at each other before saying a soft yeah. After that, Yaga told you to go home early and he would take it from there. You had to patch up Toji a bit but it wasn't anything of concern. From then on, Toji and Gojo just banter and bicker with each other. It's funny to watch except for Megumi since he's seeing his dad beefing with his unofficial adoptive older brother 24/7.
Satoru eventually grows out of his crush for (Y/N) but Suguru and Shoko never let him down. Hell, it's a running gag in the school about Gojo's old crush on you. Gojo always gets super embarrassed about it, especially when you join in but it's all fun and games with you all.
The only person who genuinely hates it is Megumi because the thought of Gojo having romantic feelings for you and trying to woo you made Megumi visibly ill and sick to his core. He would lowkey help his dad beat up Gojo if Gojo's crush on you became serious again.
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💙Author's Notes💙: 💙I am truly grateful to each and everyone of you in showing me that my writing is enjoyable to read!!! I appreciate you all from the bottom of my heart for making my comeback worthwhile! I hate to sound giga cringe but every single one of you that likes, reblogs, and comments on my writing post make me want to continue writing because I know that there are people out there that like what I make.💙 💙So once again, I am truly grateful and feel appreciative that everyone single one of you enjoy what I have been writing. I hope you all stay healthy, drink your water/favorite drink, treat yourself kindly, and take a break because you earned it!💙🥰 ❄️💙💙Happy Holidays to all of you, my GOATS!!!💙💙❄️
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buggy-writes · 4 months
Super Freak-E.M.
Inexperienced! Eddie Munson x Experienced! Sex shop employee Fem reader
I've never written fanfiction before! Decided to give it a shot!
Warnings: not really edited, Slight dom! reader, Super virgin Eddie with crazy instincts, Sex shop, a tad of anal fingering (f receiving) , Eddie has pierced nipples, Reader is a horny freak, slight dom! (r) and sub! (Eddie) themes, unprotected p in v (don't do this irl), pulling out, a teeny tiny bit of cum eating, very brief mention of Eddie thinking about getting Reader pregnant, crazy nasty sex sweaty sex.
At this point you'd familiarized yourself with his face. All throughout high school he'd hung out in your peripheral: sitting two seats down from you in Junior English, one table over from you at lunch, etc. etc. Hell, you would've been in the same graduating class if he had gotten his shit together for the first time. When you left Hawkins High, you expected to never see him again, unless you happened to wind up at some party or place he was selling at.
Since high school, you had gotten a shitty job at the local XXX sex shop. Originally giddy to be surrounded by the taboo culture, you soon realized that Hawkins was the kind of place where the freakiest thing people bought and got giddy over was the KY jelly that had recently become over-the counter. Your job mostly consisted of pretending to be busy when your boss came around: straightening out playboys, smoothing down the lingerie on the display mannequins, or fiddling with the cash register. That was until you got your first regular: Eddie Munson himself. He came in once or twice a month, perusing the adult film section, but never buying anything. You pretended not to notice his eyes on you every time he came in. He was practically devouring you with his gaze, only really looking down at the tapes when you looked directly his way (I mean, he was a customer, you had to keep an eye on him, right?). Your eyes twinkled with amusement, watching as he followed the same routine every time: pick up a tape, flip it over, read the back, look up at you, stare, and fiddle with the case as his gaze followed along your body.
Today was no different; it was his first time in this month, and the weather was hot and muggy. You had decided that it was time to switch up your seasonal wardrobe, choosing to sport a tank top for the day. On a whim, you decided no bra-- the heat was already too much and you didn't need the added layer, serving more as a sweat-collector more than anything else during the summer months. What you hadn't anticipated was your boss cranking the A/C that day, later arguing that the "oasis environment" might help to bring in more customers. So there you were- no bra, thin tank top, nipples peaked and goosebumps covering your arms whenever the A/C would kick on. The shop, to you, was less an oasis and more your own personal frozen hell.
As expected, the day was slow. Before Eddie came in, the only notable thing that happened was some 40-something year-old dad (that you swear you had seen at Starcourt with his wife and kids) laying the charm on thick, winking at you as he left. When Eddie came in, all previous mundane thoughts about the day went out the window. Even in the insane heat he was sporting his classic Hellfire shirt and vest. As per usual, he immediately made his way over to the videos. He was in the middle of completing his routine, holding up some random tape that he had barely started to look at when the goddamn air conditioning kicked on. With his gaze was on you, his eyes suddenly went wide. He had noticed the way your nipples stood attention behind the thin material of your shirt, not even pretending to pay attention to the VHS he held. Out of the corner of your eye you watched him swallow thickly, hands fumbling with the media he held. Clammy hands lead to the tape tumbling to the floor with a muffled smack on the ancient maroon carpet.
"Everything alright? Or is there anything I can help you with?" You smirked, acting as if you hadn't noticed his gaze or the fact that your nipples were standing at full attention like a couple of soldiers.
"Uh, yeah. Yup. Just uh, this. Yeah," He sauntered over to the counter, head down. He'd never done this before, only wandering in, doing his routine, and wandering out. You could see the obvious red color his face must be by the look of his ears. He sat the tape down on the counter, his flushed face lifting slightly, eyes still cast down. You picked the tape up, inspecting the front. The glossy cover sported a busty blonde woman with her head buried deep in another porn-stars ass.
"Anika and Alma's Anal Adventures?" You asked, eyebrow lifted and a smirk spread across your lips. His eyes immediately shot up to meet yours, a look of pure terror splayed across his face.
Your smile grew wider as you folded your arms and leaned on the counter, effectively pushing your boobs up. "I don't judge." you smiled up at him. You could hear his breath quicken. "You know, personally," you gazed up at him through your lashes, playfully taunting him:" I'd loooove to try anal someday. Looks fun."
Eddie was officially bright red, sporting a semi solely due to the words that were falling from your sinful lips. He shifted, trying his best to change his position to conceal his growing hard-on. You look down at his shifting legs, catching a glimpse of what was starting to form in his jeans.
"Looks like you'd like to try it someday, too." You almost giggled, lifting an arm from under your boob and making a vague gesture to his pants.
Eddie could've died. The girl who he'd been crushing on since his first attempt at senior year-- and was lucky enough to run into at the sex shop-- had seen his potential hard-on. Of course she hadn't seen it in any of the ways he dreamed she would. There was no first date, no accidental walking-in-on-her-naked mishap, or even her dropping her tray all over him at lunch and licking those nasty potatoes up off the crotch of his pants (he was a little ashamed of the last one-- especially because of how fast he'd cum when he thought of it). Accidentally, on a fucking Tuesday afternoon in June, had to be the time. But your body language? Your voice? He wasn't sure if you were fucking with him or if he was about to be the luckiest man in the state of Indiana.
"I-what?" Eddie stuttered.
"I work at a sex shop. I know a semi when I see one." You giggled as you picked yourself up off the counter. "My break is in 15. You still have that van you did in high school?"
Eddie couldn't believe it. He was the luckiest man ever. Not only were you not fucking with him, you remembered him from high school and weren't running for the hills. He swallowed thickly and fidgeted with the cross on his pointer finger.
"Yeah. Yes. Why?" He chuckled nervously. You giggled, rolling your eyes.
"Because I want to fuck you, stupid. Do you want to fuck me?"
Call Eddie JFK, 'cause someone could've shot him right then and he'd die happy.
"YES--yes." He chucked, standing up a little straighter, putting his palms down on the counter as he looked up at you. Always with the theatrics.
"Great. Go wait for me" you plucked the tape off the counter and handed it to him. "And this one's on the house."
Eddie practically ran out of the store once you set it in his hands.
Eddie couldn't wait 15 minutes. Hell, he doubted he could comfortably wait 15 seconds. During your conversation his semi had grown into a full-on erection, creating a more-than-obvious tent in his jeans. As soon as he had hopped into his van, he had undone his pants to try to relieve some of the pressure. He ran his hands through his hair, he checked himself in the mirror, even going as far as to retrieve a breath mint out of his glovebox. He wasn't sure if this was a kissing kind of situation--if you were even a kissing kind of girl. He thought it best to air on the side of caution. Just as he was starting to doubt the sincerity of your proposition, you pop your head out of the backdoor of the shop, scanning the parking lot before doing your best to cooly walk over to his vehicle. Truly, you were probably just as, if not more, exited than him. You walk up to the driver's side where he's sat, and lightly rap your knuckles on his window. He cranks it down, elbow resting on the door.
"Yeah?" He says, flustered, quiet.
"Sir? You can't park here." You smile at him. Some of the desperation is relived from his face, in its place a tiny smile. You make your way over to his passenger side, already unlocked, and hop in. You turn to look at him while he's already looking your way. "Started without me?" You pout, gesturing to his already unbuckled belt and unzipped pants. Eddie lets out an airy chuckle.
"Sorry." He mumbles, hand carding through his hair.
You reach over, putting a hand delicately on his cheek and turning him to face you. Slowly you start to lean in, his eyes fluttering shut and a minty smell escaping his parted lips. Sweetly and slowly, you push your lips against his, softly. You quickly ruin this, pulling away to kiss him more hurriedly, pressing your tongue against him. He moans into your mouth, allowing you to lick into his. The kissing turns messy, quickly devolving into teeth and tongue. You prefer it this way. Messy. Sexy. You start to kiss your way away from his lips, leaving hot wet open-mouthed kissed on this stubbly chin and making your way down to his neck. You start to nibble at the soft skin by his ear, earning a loud and earnest moan from him.
"Please…" He moans.
"What?" You pant against his neck in between kisses.
"More…" He groans, tipping his head back, hand reaching uncomfortably over the center console to grope at your waist. You start nipping at his neck again, eventually biting and sucking at the sensitive skin on his throat. "Fuck," he lets out, low and gravelly. You soothe the bruised skin over with your tongue, licking your way up to his earlobe. You suck, leading to him tightening his grip on your waist. "You're so…mmmm…" he moans.
Sure, Eddie had kissed girls before-- but not like this. It was usually him buried deep in a girl's neck, whispering filthy things as she gripped onto his hair. Even so, he had only gotten that far a couple of times. But you were different-- so different. His usual theatrics and confidence all but fizzled out when you were near.
"That feel good?" You humidly whispered into his ear.
"How about this?" You knew the line was cheesy, but your brain was short-circuiting as you ran your fingers up his thigh, closer and closer to the tent in his boxers with a growing wet-patch.
"Fuck. Yeah. Do anything… fuck." He tipped his head back against the headrest as your hand slid under his shirt and over his stomach. You loved to see him like this. In high school you had heard rumors from the other outcast girls in your friend group that Eddie Munson was a bit of a sexual peculiarity. You heard that if they'd tried to suck him off for a discount he'd agree only to make out and do a bit of grinding, but give them the discount anyway. You only knew of one girl he got close to going all the way with--her allegedly offering to take his virginity for a crazy discount-- but you heard differing rumors of if he actually 'got it in', or was even a virgin in the first place. The story was inconclusive and ended with the girl's mom knocking on the door and Eddie having to hide naked in her closet for 10 minutes.
Your hand traveled back down to his erection, mouth still buried in his neck. Lightly, you grasped him, his breath hitching. Without warning you firmly pressed your thumb against the weeping slit on the head, forcing a deep, chest-rumbling moan from Eddie. The stimulation of your hand grasping him and your mouth on his neck was turning him into putty.
"Can we-backseat?" You mumble, releasing his hard-on and pulling back from his neck.
"YES yes yes…" he trails off, turning and clambering over the console and into the back through the gap between the driver and passenger seat. You clumsily follow suit. "Where should I…?" He pants, standing, back hunched from the low roof, pupils blown wide, and desperately trying to ask what position you want him in.
"Just sit down." You purr, leading him to plop down on the cool metal comically fast. You move to straddle him, lips furiously meeting his once again. He moves his hands to your hips, you softly gripping his wrists and coaxing his hands down to grope your ass. You can feel his cock kick up underneath you. You start to grind your hips against his, leading to another desperate noise passing from his lips onto yours.
Making out with Eddie was nothing like what the girls in high school said it was like. Eddie was giving it all up and putting his pleasure in your hands. You were almost a little embarrassed how much this power over him turned you on. He moves his hands from you ass to your tits. "This…Fucking…tank top…" he mumbles against your lips, hurriedly switching again from your tits to the hem of your shirt. He pulls away, begging: "Please… can I take it off?" His eyes were closed, breath heavy and face flushed. God, did he look deliciously desperate. His eyes open just enough to see you nod, hurriedly pulling up on the material. His hands and mouth become occupied as soon as you're shirtless. He trails his tongue down the valley between your breasts, groaning out at the taste of Hawkins' heat and sweat against your skin. He moves on to fondle one breast while attaching his lips to the other. It was your turn to throw your head back, tugging at his hair. He soon switches to your other nipple, running his thumb over the spit-slicked previous one.
Eddie was in heaven. Ever since he had started sucking on your tits, you had unknowingly started to grind harder and faster onto his lap. Experientially, he nibbled ever so slightly at your nipple. The moan you let out had him kicking up in his boxers. He started to pinch the neglected nipple, moaning into your hot skin.
"Fuck…" you pulled his hair, hard enough to pull his head back from his assault in your chest.
"You ok?" He asks, eyes half-lidded and hips stalling, causing your grinding to come to a speeding halt. Slight concern is apparent in his voice.
"Please let me fuck you." You beg. You couldn't handle it anymore. The need was about to boil over and you needed him as soon as possible. Eddie tips his head back onto the wall of the van and groans. He slides his hands back down to your ass.
"Yeah? You want that Baby?" He pants, his personality coming out even in the most intimate moments. You hurriedly move off of him, slipping your bottoms and ruined panties off in one fell swoop. Out of the corner of your eye, you can see Eddie kicking off his pants and yanking his shirt over his head, exposing all sorts of ink and pierced nipples.
"Fuck," you groan, shifting back over to straddle his lower calves, Eddie clad in only his boxers. You lean your head down to lick at his chest, starting at his tattoos and making your way down to his nipples.
Eddie's never had a girl like you. To be honest, you may be more of a freak than he is--he's had his nipples done since his 18th birthday and no girl who's seen him shirtless since has reacted like you. You start to bite at the cool metal and lick along the sensitive points, earning a hiss and a moan from Eddie, head falling back, and hand going to his hair. When he looks back down, you're looking up at him through your lashes and trailing your wet tongue up his chest.
"Weren't you-didn't you say you needed to fuck me?" He chuckles slightly. He's trying to be funny but he's completely breathless and so fucking desperate. Your hands start to pull at his waistband, his impatient hands coming down to help you, kicking his boxers off the rest of the way once they drop far enough. For a split second he hopes you're not on birth control or make him use any kind of protection, thinking selfishly that if he baby traps you he'd have you all to himself. The vulgar thought quickly parishes as you scoot up, soaked core brushing against his cock as you lean in to whisper into his ear:
"How do you want me?"
He coaxes your hips to settle down against his hard-on, moving you and running your sopping folds to grind along his shaft.
"f-fuck…" he groans. "Like this ok? Need you now." he breathlessly whines, head empty, all logic gone out the window at the feeling of your wet sex on his bare cock. With that, as if on cue, his head catches your entrance, sliding into your tight hole. The moan you both release is sinful. He's thick, providing a delicious stretch for you and making you feel impossibly tight to him.
"Just pull out, yeah?" You ask breathlessly. Eddie can only nod, eyes screwed shut, jaw clenched. When you start to bounce, he almost looses his mind: curses, cries, and fucking whimpers falling from his lips. You rest your hands on his shoulders, staring down at Eddie while he tries his best not to cum too fast. Eddie wanted to think that whenever he felt confident enough to really fuck a girl--like one who really wanted him without needing a discount--he would be more macho about it. Then again, there was no way that he ever imagined he's loose his 20-something-year-old virginity to you. And yet here you were: bouncing on top of him, in his van, behind the sex shop you worked at. You're taking what you need from him while still giving him more that he could ever ask for.
Your hand moves from his shoulder and up to his lips, slipping your middle and index fingers into his mouth. "Suck," You breath, looking at him directly, a mouth open and noises slipping out but still a firm look in your eyes. His eyes practically roll into the back of his head as he closes his lips and harshly starts to lick and suck at your digits. Once you're satisfied, you pull your fingers from his mouth and begin to rapidly rub at your clit. You were going to be the death of him.
"Fuck, I-I think I'm close," He groans, closing his eyes and tipping his head back. As soon as the words leave his lips you clamber off of his lap. His eyebrows furrow with concern, his eyes shoot open only to see you on all fours in front of him.
"Makes it- makes it easier to pull out." You pant, hand immediately finding your clit again. He waists no time gripping your hips and re-inserting himself, trying his best to set a good pace for you and him.
You're in messy sex heaven. It's uneven, it's sloppy, and the taboo that Eddie "The Town Freak" Munson is fucking you is driving you nuts.
"Fuck, feels-feels so good." He gasps. You start to match his pace, slamming your hips back against his. Eddie can't help but stare down at the recoil and giggle of your ass, his hands landing on your hips, pulling you closer to himself with each thrust. That's when he notices it. Your asshole. Puckered and looking directly at him. He thinks back to what you said earlier. Experimentally, with no thoughts and sex fogging his mind, he lets a drop of spit leave his lips and fall directly onto the puckered skin. You let out a sinful moan, dropping from your hands to your forearms.
You think that maybe Eddie has done this before. That the rumors aren't true and that while he may be inexperienced, he's definitely gotten a few home runs in his life. The accuracy and action of the glob of spit landing on your asshole feels almost perfectly rehearsed--and the feeling of one of his hands sliding from your hip to grasp your asscheek makes it all the more exiting. If he hasn't done it before, his instincts are going to be the end of you.
The heat is killing you. Eddie made the rookie mistake of not cracking any windows-- the van is starting to fog and the air is becoming thick. The force of his thrusts is causing the sweat from his bangs to drip against your lower back.
"I can…my finger… if you wanna… butt stuff… or…" Eddie mumbles, thrusting between each word, pussy drunk and unable to form a coherent sentence.
"Yesssss…" you moan, somehow managing to push your hips higher into his.
His thumb moves to spread his saliva over the sensitive area, earning an animalistic and crazed moan from you. You start to fuck yourself back on him harder as he circles the area, another glob of spit coming down to lubricate his movements. Eddie has no idea what he's doing, but based on your reactions, he imagines he's doing a good job. Accidentally pressing just a little too hard, his thumb slips the slightest bit into your taught hole.
You've fucked before, sure. But never like this. His boyish charm, willingness, and eagerness are leading him to give you the best sex you've had. The new sensation of his thumb slipping slightly into your asshole has you reeling.
"FUCK FUCK FUCK, I'm gonna cum…I'm gonna cum…" You whine.
"Fuck. Please. Please, Please." He whimpers back, thrusting harder into you and trying to give you his all.
Your orgasm is atomic, ripping through you and leaving seeing white for a few seconds. Your orgasm causes you to tighten incomprehensively more around Eddie, your tightness, and the pleasure of the thought that he got you there triggering the first stages of his orgasm.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck." He grunts. "Fuck I'm gonna cum!" He lets out a wicked and deep, slutty moan, pulling out and cumming down your ass.
"Mmmm…fuck." You moan at the sensation of his warm cum coating your butt cheeks.
"Fuck…fuck…fuck." He says through clenched teeth, riding out the end of his orgasm. When he finishes, he joins you on his knees, kissing down your back and whispering how grateful he is into your skin. Once he makes it down to your ass, he starts to clean his own spend up, moaning at the taste of himself. God. Eddie Fucking Munson is a fucking beast. He grabs his ragged tee shirt from beside you and starts to carefully run it along your back and thighs. Sure he's never really fucked before, but he's read enough playboy to know how to treat a girl after sex.
"Eddie?" You ask, searching for your clothes and struggling to get dressed. He's a little surprised you know his name, his original notion being that you only remembered his face from high school.
"Are you a virgin?" You ask, stretching your tank top over your head. His face goes bright red. Maybe you knew way more about him in high school than he thought.
"Uh…" he paused, looking away from you "Not uh, not anymore." He mumbles, causing you to giggle at his response.
"That's what I thought." You say, trying your best to stretch your bottoms back over your shoes that you neglected to take off at any point during this encounter. "Because you're good," you pause, catching his gaze, "But you could be better. I can teach you if you want. Same time next week?" you say, shooting him a genuine smile.
Eddie's mouth flops open and closed like a fish. He is the luckiest man in the world.
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linskywords · 25 days
He looks like such a good boy... i bet he would look so pretty glassy eyed and whimpering and begging
Everyone commenting to this effect is so correct.
Also I swear I'm not writing his WYL story right now BUT last night I decided on a new way to torment him. Basically Dylan comes to him in juniors and is like, so...uh not sure if you're also a secret sub, but if you are then maybe we can help each other out...and Connor, due to the terrified repression, has to be all, no, nope, not interested in that, sorry. So Dylan slinks away. But then he comes back later and is like, okay, since you're a dom, maybe I can just kneel for you sometimes?
Connor: you really shouldn't be kneeling for anyone, that's super risky
Dylan: wow, bold of you to comment on a dynamic you don't even share. stay in your lane, dude
Connor: ...of course you can kneel for me sometimes
So then Connor has to sit there once every week or two and watch Dylan get the thing he wants desperately for himself and pretend he enjoys giving it to him. It's not too bad, except for the misery.
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oh2z · 1 year
he’s back. kim taerae
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word count: 2.04k (woops)
summary: soon after realizing taerae had came back from the uk, you call him to get answers. highly suggestive. reader discretion advised.
contents: sub!taerae, dom!reader, phone call, guided masturbation, pet names 
a/n: the beginning is very lengthy sooorry i rambled lol, reader is afab!
you and taerae have been friends since you both could remember. you’d do everything together; play, homework, even sleepover at each others homes. though you two were super close, you were just friends. nothing more, nothing less.
your bond was unbreakable- taerae being the timid, shy boy that he is and you being the bolder, gut-sy, slightly younger friend he had. taerae was a little older than you, but you always saw him as a cute friend that could always count on you. why would you ever question it? you literally nicknamed him “tae”. 
it was until the summer of your last year in high school that you only saw taerae as a friend. before you knew it, taerae changed. he grew taller, voice dropped, and he even started to dress more fashionable. taerae in your eyes had changed. you found him attractive. 
of course you’d never let him find this out, what if it costs your whole relationship? but little did you know, taerae felt the same way about you, he too was scared that it would break the friendship the both of you had for so long. 
as soon as university started, you both grew farther and farther away from each other. when it came to your schedules, workloads, and even jobs- you guys just had no time to hang out anymore. the both of you were practically strangers. 
at times, you’d see a girl talking about taerae, or even taerae talking with other girls, and it would always sting. hiding your emotions, you just went around and dated. and so did he. 
there would be times that you two texted each other, but it was nothing super big, probably just a few “how are you” and “hey” messages. 
junior year came, and you suddenly didn’t see taerae in school anymore. you asked around, and found out that he went on an exchange program, abroad in the uk.  “he told other people..but not me.” you thought to yourself, upset. 
the end of junior year approached quickly as you were solely focused on your studies. taerae still lingered in your mind, but you had enough on your plate already.
it was a summer night that you threw yourself on your bed, opening you phone to check social media. you felt tense, the stress from summer program applications starting to get to you. soon enough, through other peoples snapchats, you found out that taerae returned from the uk. 
angry, you clicked the “tae” you had saved in your phone, and hoped he hadn’t changed his phone number yet. to your luck, he answered.
“hello? y/n-ie?” taerae said, a light english accent on his soft voice.
“oh, so you remember my name?” you reply, a clear angry tone in your words.
you hear a disappointed sigh come from the other line, and you start to worry. “taerae?” you ask, genuinely concerned.
“i’m sorry-” he blurts. “it’s just that once university started we started to hang out less, and i thought you didn’t like me anymore- b- but i had feelings for you, i- i mean i still do but-” taerae sputtered before you cut him off. “no i’m sorry,” you started. before you processed what he said.
“wait what was that last part?” you asked with hope in your voice. “well- i said that i liked and still like you, y/n.” taerae whispers while laying on his bed.
“i am an idiot,” you blinked. “so fucking stupid.” you told yourself underneath your breath.
“what? no- wait what?” he asked, confused. 
“taerae, i felt the same way. 
the two of you begin to catch up for the next 45 minutes over the phone. you both share the fun experiences you have had while getting lost in conversation together. it was nice.
the line fell quiet, but you found yourself not wanting to hang up yet, and it seemed that neither did he.
“what are you doing now?” you asked him.
“hm...just laying in my bed,” he replied, sounding like he was shifting his position. “probably going to sleep soon.”
“do you share a room?” 
“no, not anymore. my brother’s room is a couple doors down the hallway. i don’t think you seen him in a loooong while, right?”
“yeah, it’s been awhile” you chuckle.
“you should come over sometime,” taerae suggested “he’s pretty cool now.” 
“i can’t wait to see him again then,” you teased.
“well...don’t be too excited to meet him,” he said, pouting slightly. 
you laughed. “i can’t help it, i’m excited to see your family again. your kind parents, and i bet your brother is handsome..” you teased.
“yeah yeah, i guess my parents are kind of nice- wait! i’m handsome!” he insisted.
“of course! i know my tae-ie is handsome.”
“thank you y/n,” he said, sounding pleased.
“so- what are we wearing, mr handsome?” you asked, your tone changing a little as you imagined him stretched out on top of his bed. nervous, not knowing why you just said what you said, you waited for his response.
“uh...” he seemed shy. you didn’t press the silence, just waiting to see what he would say. “just...my sweatpants.” 
“awe that sounds comfy,” you replied, adjusting your position in bed. “just your sweatpants then? no shirt?” 
“y-yeah...no shirt,” he gulped. with your mind racing, it’s just your emotions talking right now.
“hmm. i’d like to see that,” you replied lowly, imagining his tanned chest laid bare, corded muscle contracting with each breath he took, his bicep bulging just slightly as he held the phone to his ear, his other hand resting lightly on his stomach.
“wh-what about you, what are you wearing, y/n-ie?” he asked shyly after a breath.
“oh? i’m just wearing an old t-shirt and some panties,” you replied, stretching your limbs around.
“th-that’s it?” he asked, breath hitched.
he was shifting on the bed quietly, you could hear movement and his soft breaths. he hesitated before speaking again, seeming unsure how far he could take this conversation before you would stop it.
“what color are you panties?” he asked then, his voice breathy and low. 
“hm? black,” you replied after glancing down at them. “they aren’t very comfy though, i need some new ones,” you pouted, smirking as you spoke.
“they aren’t comfy?” he breathed. 
“maybe...you should take them off,” he said, sounding awkward and cute, like he was nervous to say it, but also desperate for you to do it.
“you think so? how about i’ll take my panties off if you take your sweatpants off.”
“okay,” he replied quickly. there was rustling on his end of the phone and true to your word you removed your panties, excitement at the thought of him imagining you rushing through you. “okay i’m done,” he said.
“me too,” you let him think about that for a breath before going on. “what kind of underwear do you have on?” you asked. 
“um just some boxers.” 
“what color?”
“i bet gray looks good with your tan,” you replied. you could hear him breathing and you waited, seeing what he would say next. he seemed like he wanted to speak but was hesitating.
“what- what do you want me to do next?” he asked then. you smirked.
“i want you to...run your hand down your chest,” you said in a low voice, making yourself sound breathy and quiet. “over your stomach and to you waistband.” 
you could hear him breathing and you knew he was brushing his fingers over his skin like you instructed. he whined softly when he reached his pants.
“what’s the matter?” you cooed.
“i got to my waistband. you didn’t say to keep going.” 
“what do you want to do taerae?” you asked him, feigning innocence. he wasn’t going to do anything until you told him to, and it made you feel very powerful.
“i...i want to touch myself,” he breathed, his voice sounding needy and whiny. 
“go ahead bub,” you whispered, pressing the phone close against your ear. “pull it out and touch it.”. there was a brief rustling on his end of the phone before a tiny, relieved moan escaped his lips, and you knew he was curling his fingers around himself, grasping his firm member. “how do you feel in your hand?” you asked him.
“h-hard,” he breathed. 
“mm,” you hummed in response, slipping the hand that didn’t hold your phone down between your legs. “that’s good baby,” you said. there was a little gasp from his end when you called him baby, he just followed it with a tiny whine. “i bet your big, pretty hand looks really nice wrapped around your hard cock, doesn’t it baby?”
he whimpered slightly. “please y/n”
“tell me what you want, tae” 
he breathed for a moment, the breaths blowing over the mouthpiece and into your ear. “i want to come,” he whimpered.
“and you want y/n-ie to help you?” you questioned.
“yes, y/n please.” 
“listen to you baby, asking so nicely,” you cooed. “go ahead and stroke it for me then. but go slow.”
“ah- okay,” he whispered. you know he was doing it, you could hear the movement.
“that’s a good boy,” you told him, circling your clit lightly with the pad of you finger as you listened. “go a little faster now baby.” he did so, little breathy moans escaping him as his pace increased.
“ah-ah,” his volume rose a bit with each moan and you could hear the movement of his arm as he continued to pump himself. you slipped a finger deeper between your legs, brushing softly at yourself, beginning to speed up to match his pace. 
“taerae...you made me wet with your dirty little moans,” you told him. 
“fuck, fuck y/n,” he groaned loudly at that.
“that’s right baby- don’t stop-” you gasped and moaned lightly into the phone, making noises for him as you added a second finger. his moaning began to speed up- switching from longer softer groans to little quick breathy ones and you knew he was getting close. “you’re doing so good baby. how is my tae-ie feeling?” you asked. 
“y/n- ah- so, so good-” 
you cut him off, moaning his name suddenly as your fingers plunged more deeply into yourself. 
he gasped loudly when he heard his name, the rustling of his arm pumping himself quickly and the music of his high pitched, breathy moans turning you on even more, your fingers slicked with your wetness.
“oh my go- oh fuck,” he suddenly moaned “y/n can i come please can i come,” he asked all in one breath.
“yes- yes,” you moaned out as you felt yourself nearly there as well. he gave one last loud moan as he released all over his hand and stomach and the sound of his pleasure sent you over the edge, your knees shaking as you came, whimpering loudly yourself. the two of you panted quietly for a moment as you came down then he cleared his throat, moving around and making the phone rustle.
“shit,” he breathed. “i haven’t had phone sex since before i left here, that was...fucking good.” 
“.. well maybe you shouldn’t have left then.” you said.
“y/n you know how sorry i am- i couldn’t pass up on this opportunity and i know that i fucked up like i should’ve told you before i left and i’m sorry that we fell off and stopped talking-” taerae pleaded as you cut him off. 
“i’m kidding, it’s okay bub, i know” you smiled through the phone. “oh” he said, staring blankly at his ceiling, hearing you giggle over the line.
“well, it was good, wasn’t it?” you said through your giggles. 
“yeah it was,” taerae started. “we should totally do that in person when you come to visit my house-” 
“i’m going to sleep now taerae” you deadpan, stifling your laughter. “you did do a good job for me though, coming so well over the phone,” you told him softly, suddenly making him feel very shy.
“thank you y/n,” he mumbled, his shy little voice placing a wide grin on your face. 
“text me whenever and you know i’ll be at your place in five. welcome back tae!”
“o-okay. sleep well, y/n”
“night bub, see you tomorrow.”
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allfryam · 10 months
sub shop
Zach was a junior in college and he was having the time of his life. He was the president of a frat, he had an almost perfect physique, and he was doing great in school. His physique was his defining feature all through high school, but he had gained a couple pounds in college and his abs started to fade. You could still see them when he flexed, but there was just a bit of pudge to his once toned stomach. He assumed this was from all the beer he was drinking at his frat parties, but he didn’t mind the extra weight.
Zach’s only problem was money. He had lost his last job and had been unemployed for a few months. He saw an ad for a local sub shop that was hiring downtown and he decided to apply. They hired him and he was ecstatic. The uniform was a little awkward though. It was a light blue button up polo, with navy blue khakis. Zach thought he looked stupid wearing the outfit, but he wasn’t going to pass up this job opportunity. His first day was a breeze. He learned how to man the register, make bread, sort chips, and most importantly, make subs. All employees got free subs while they worked, and Zach took advantage of this. He had never tried one of their subs so he just got a regular size Italian sub. The second he bit into it, it tasted like heaven. Zach quickly finished the sub and got back to work, but it was all he was thinking about for the rest of the night.
Zach began to get into a routine. He would clock in, work for a bit, make a mouth watering sub, scarf it down, get back to work, and clock out at the end of the night. Most of the time he would stick to a six inch sub, but when he was really hungry, he would go for the foot long. It was like he was in a trance while he was eating. He didn’t even feel full until he was done.
Zach didn’t think this job could get any better until he looked in the mirror one day. His slight paunch has blossomed into a round gut. He looked like he had put on over 15 pounds! Was it really all of the subs he was eating? No way! He had only been there for about a month. Besides, Subs are way healthier than burgers or pizza. Although he was eating a fair share of those things at frat parties too.
Zach continued to eat the fattening subs without realizing he was continuing to grow. One night, Zach decided to try the super sub challenge. He had to eat three footlong subs in under an hour. Zach decided that it would be easy. He sat down after picking his three favorite subs and waited. When his subs were ready, he dug in immediately. He moaned with pleasure as the savory meats reached his tongue. The lettuce, tomato, onion, spices, mayo, and bacon, each with their distinct flavor and purpose. Zach was in heaven. Before he knew it, he was finished with the first sub and on to the second. He gulped it down just as fast, and the third wasn’t any harder. Zach decided this was too easy. “Bring me a fourth sub! I can keep going!” After struggling with the fourth, he finished it and tapped out. He leaned back in his chair and burped loudly. His tight pants and shirt were straining to hold back his gut.
200 POUNDS?! “DUDE WHAT THE HELL!!? I WAS LIKE 170 A COUPLE MONTHS AGO!” Zach stepped off the scale and looked in the mirror. He couldn’t believe it. That small gut he was rocking was no longer small it was round and soft, and it began to roll over his tight belt. Zach grabbed a handful of his pudge and frowned. He hated looking like this. But it didn’t stop him from going to a frat party later that night. There, he ate two entire pizzas, and two six packs of beer.
this story is actually based on a guy I used to work with. When he showed up, he would always flex his abs and brag, but after a while of working at the sub shop, he stopped bragging. It became apparent why, when his shirt started riding up and you would get glimpses of his growing belly. If I continue this story, it won’t be accurate to real life scenarios, but I wouldn’t be against making Zach even fatter. Let me know!
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ecargmura · 3 months
Wind Breaker Episode 11 Review - New Day, New Classmates
I’m a little confused. Tsugeura’s little motto revolves around the word “virtue”. In the manga, it’s virtue. The subtitles call it virtue as well, but I’ve seen some subs use “aesthetics.” What is the accurate word? A moot on Twitter says that the accurate word should be “aesthetics”. Virtue means a behavior showing high moral standards while aesthetics means a particular theory or connection to beauty or art. My moot told me that the word Tsugeura uses is actually more associated with aesthetic rather than virtue. I don’t know…. For now, I’ll just call it virtue since that’s what the subtitles say, but if they switch it to aesthetics or something, I’ll use that.
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Anyways, it’s a new day, the fourth to be exact, and Sakura meets two new classmates. The first is Taiga Tsugeura who likes to talk about virtue, is a gym bro, and is an all around himbo. He speaks in Kansai dialect, by the way. While he’s a nice guy, he lacks personal boundaries, which is why everyone avoids him. Sugishita’s face says it all. Fortunately, Sakura, Suo and Nirei are nice enough to hang out with him after school. Tsugeura is a macho guy, but he’s surprisingly goofy and sensitive. While he doesn’t get along with Kiryu, he doesn’t let that bother him. He’s very funny, honestly. I think he brings a good dynamic to the group as the optimist in a way. His fighting style centers around wrestling with the way he did a German suplex to one of those scrubs.
Tsugeura’s voice actor actually surprised me. He’s voiced by Kengo Kawanishi. You might know him as Muichiro from Demon Slayer and Roland Fortis from The Case Study of Vanitas. Why I was surprised was because I normally associated with him quiet pretty boys, but remembering that he voiced Roland, he has the capability to go loud and dumb too. Also, another thing that surprised me about him was that Kawanishi always sounded like he could be Akira Ishida’s successor in terms of range and tone, but the voice he uses for Tsugeura makes him sound like Noriaki Sugiyama who you might know as the voice of Sasuke Uchiha from Naruto and also voiced Muichiro’s dad who appeared in the third season of Demon Slayer. Kawanishi’s range is seriously killer.
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The second of the new classmates is Mitsuki Kiryu. He’s rumored to be from a rich family with the way he went to a rich kid’s school during junior high. His past sounds very interesting if he chose to rebel and went to Fuurin; I’m super curious as much as I am curious about Suo’s past. Kiryu is practically the total opposite of Tsugeura in every way. He respects people’s boundaries, especially girls’, but is rather effeminate compared to the macho himbo Tsuge-chan. He’s also a huge phone addict as he was first seen in episode 2 playing with his phone. I do wonder if he has a hamburger case alongside the hotdog case. His fighting style sort of reminds me of the Gentle Fist style from Naruto, especially with the way it focuses on deflecting as Kiryu deflects his opponents and sends them flying to his allies.
Kiryu’s voice actor is Toshiyuki Toyonaga. It’s been a while since I last heard Toyonaga voice a rather effeminate character. I actually really like his acting a lot! He has so much range that his voice is so hard to detect because he sounds so different in whatever anime he’s in. If you’re curious on what roles he had done in the past, some examples include Yuuri Katsuki from Yuri on Ice, Kazuki Kurusu from Buddy Daddies and Nayuta Yatonokami from Paradox Live. All three of those roles sound different, yet they come from the same person. Amazing, isn't it? I love how Toyonaga gives Kiryu a boyish voice; that tone is so cute.
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The fighting scene in the anime was well-animated! All three have such distinct styles, but it meshes so well together. Heck, even Suo gets to be a part of the fight, despite him being at the back protecting Nirei and the girl Kiryu saved and only fighting when mooks try to run towards the back. I really like the part where Sakura is flipping around after Tsugeura throws in a punch and then Kiryu deflects a guy towards him.
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The episode is also has some development towards Sakura as he gets new fighting allies in Tsugeura and Kiryu and even gets five new contacts in his phone. He’s the most chronically offline teenager, and he’s even slowly adjusting to the teen life by attempting to participate in group chats and stuff. I hope that Sakura becomes an expert at instant messaging by the time the story ends.
The episode ends with the second years coming to Sakura’s class in order to pick a Group Captain. What is a group captain? It’s like a top of the class or something. Suo volunteers Sakura to be captain. What happens next will be shown next week. However, the second years showing up is great because Enomoto is hilarious with the way he rolls his R’s. Can you believe that he’s voiced by Taishi Murata, who voices Pieyon from Oshi no Ko? Crazy, right? That’s the third voice actor with crazy range in this episode. Also, this is the introduction to Kaji but I’ll talk more about him next week as he’ll finally talk. I can’t wait to see people’s reaction to Kaji. He’s such a great character.
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There are two more episodes left. With how popular this show is in the Japanese fanbase, I wouldn’t be surprised if a second season will be announced; I certainly want it. What are your thoughts on this episode and are you also wanting a season two like I am?
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mysilentmemory · 2 years
Hyukjae and beloved Lee Soo Man 😆
220924 eng sub ᵖᶜ⁸ᵃⁿⁿˢ
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moon-bling-gyu · 2 years
Yesung released his latest yt video and this one is focused on the exhibit ‘Sidescape – Disaster, Family' by Hong, Soun. i think there really can be beauty in disaster and in pain, so i can relate to the subject matter. ah, it made me want to visit a museum even though i just visited one a month and a half ago. there was a preview for the next episode too.
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tips for writing law as a surgeon in a modern AU
the US medical system, and especially medical training, is a mess of incomprehensible rules and timelines. surgery training ESPECIALLY. and accurate information can be weirdly hard to find! so without further ado, here's a list of random factoids that i thought would be vaguely useful to have in one place
Some basic terms: 
Attending: boss doctor, fully trained and certified. Often intimidating. 
Resident: worker doctor, still finishing training. They usually do the majority of the actual work in surgeries, especially as they advance. 
Intern: first-year resident. Their schedule is slightly different because every intern in every specialty has to meet a few requirements. They’re also limited in what medications they prescribe until they take a big test (usually at the end of the year).  
Junior resident: first 2 years of training. They do more of the paperwork (writing notes, calling other doctors, admitting patients) and floor work (changing wound dressings, seeing new patients, checking on old patients if there’s an issue)
Senior resident: 3+ years of training. They check on the juniors to make sure they’re doing everything right, and generally do more operating and interacting with the attendings. 
Chief resident: resident on their last year of training/just out of training. In many specialties there’s only one, but usually, every 5th year surgical resident is a chief. Treated as attendings in many cases, they also build the schedule for the other residents. 
Fellow: fully certified doctors doing additional training in a sub-specialty. Common surgical fellowships are trauma/critical care surgery, colorectal surgery, surgical oncology, and cardiothoracic surgery. 
Service: a team of doctors from one specialty who admit, operate on, and follow up with patients for one specific problem. 
On service/off service: “on service” residents are working on the team within their own specialty (a surgical resident who’s working on the general surgery team this month). Off-service residents are on a team outside of their primary specialty (an anesthesiology resident on the general surgery team). Anesthesiology, urology, plastic surgery, transitional year, and sometimes family medicine residents have to rotate through surgical teams. These residents pretty much never operate and only handle paperwork and floor work.  
Please, for the love of god, forget everything you saw on Grey’s Anatomy
I’m begging you. It’s so inaccurate.
Scrubs is decent tbh  
Dating patients is a HUGE no-no, especially for surgeons. Surgeons and psychiatrists are the two specialties where it is a top-tier ethical violation to ever date anyone who has ever been your patient. With other specialties (especially in rural areas) it’s generally okay, though still a little frowned upon, to date someone who’s a former patient, but you also can’t ditch someone as a patient just to date them. 
Also: surgeons deal with poop so much more than you can imagine. Would you, a normal person, ever want to date someone who wakes you up at 5am to ask you very seriously if you’ve pooped yet, press super hard on your still healing incisions, and leave? No. You would not. 
Surgical training is long AF. in the US you need to get through a bachelor’s degree (3-5 years), a MD/DO degree (minimum 4 years, often longer), general surgery training (minimum 5 years, up to 7 pretty regularly if people do research), and maybe fellowship (about 2 years). That’s a minimum of 12 years of training, after graduating high school at 18 years old. If you’re writing law as an attending (boss doctor) he’d need to be at least 30 years old, and if you’re writing him as a specialist he’d need to be 32. 
Attending schedules vs resident schedules: 
Residents work around 80 hours a week, often more. They switch services every month, and work all over the hospital. The work year starts in July and ends in june. Residents get either new years or christmas off, never both. residents have to get an average of one day off every week, and having both weekend days off is called a “golden weekend”. Also, most surgeries are at seven AM, so residents get to the hospital around 4:30/5am to see patients, write notes, and get ready for the surgeries. 
Attendings have more control over their schedule. Surgeons still work over 40 hours a week, more if they’re on a busy inpatient service. Generally, when they’re not covering the inpatient service, they’ll have 3-4 days a week of operating, a day of clinic, and a day of administrative work or research if they’re doing other projects. Attendants also take calls, which is when they supervise residents and do emergency surgeries for 24 hours straight. If they’re lucky they don’t actually spend the full 24 hours awake and working, but they’re rarely lucky. On some services, (especially trauma) there is Q3 or Q4 call, which means the surgeons work 24+ hours every 3 or 4 days. It’s brutal. 
What certain specialties actually do:
This is very Law specific and one of my pet peeves. “Heart surgeons”, who are cardiothoracic surgeons, are kinda boring imho and don’t fit the law's vibe. (all cardiothoracic people will, of course, disagree with me). They do some very cool, very intense open-heart surgeries, but they also do pretty much everything inside the chest cavity. So that means things like repairing a hernia in someone’s esophagus, or messing with the diaphragm. But that’s all pretty controlled surgery and they’re very limited in what else they can do. 
Trauma surgeons, on the other hand, are “emergency room surgeons”. They’re the ones who handle all of the super serious surgical injuries that come into the emergency department. They’re the ones who will fix someone if they have a gunshot wound and are bleeding out, or stabilize someone who was hit by a truck and broke all of their bones, or will open up someone’s chest cavity and use their hands to physically squeeze a heart to make it start beating again. They’re wild. They’re also usually chronically sleep deprived and have a thick veneer of “i give no fucks”. Very law.
anyway WOW that got long but i hope this was helpful to someone!!!
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scarlettrue · 1 year
My Girl Darcy
Darcy Lewis x Nonbinary/Male!Reader
Summary: You have been dating Darcy, the nerdy girl in you first met in your junior year science class, since you both graduated. You’ve helped her come out of her shell, but you start to notice she’s been a little… teasing as of late.
SMUT, 18+!!!!!!
Warnings: Darcy being a teasing little shit, dom!R, sub!Darcy, blowjobs (R receiving), eating out (Darcy receiving), multiple cream pies, cumming on Darcy’s glasses, Darcy is a whiny cock hungry sub who goes dumb for R, aftercare and cuddling with Darcy and cuteness overload at the end.
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You’ve been with you’re fantastic girlfriend, Darcy Lewis, for a few years. Darcy has always been a shy, quite, yet sweet, kind, and thoughtful girl who was super scientifically gifted, and also nerdy (like gamer movie and tv nerdy). You find her to be absolutely adorable (she is).
Yet lately you notice she’s been… different. Not in a bad way, but you notice that she’s got more confidence, which is amazing, but on the other hand of that spectrum, she’s been a bit of a tease. Wearing skimpier and skimpier clothing, to the point where her whole ass thighs are exposed. And thats not all, she’s also a lot more touchy with you and sometimes her voice goes a bit sultry, and while it’s adorable, it’s almost bait worthy.
You’ll admit you were somewhat of a perv, but you usually never did anything as you agreed to wait until you were both ready. So you figured with the way she was acting recently, she may have been ready, however, you were gonna make sure she was ready and be a decent partner.
So, you’re gaming one night, as you do, and here comes Darcy slinking up to you, wearing nothing but one of your old shirts and her adorable ass glasses.
“What you doing babe?” She says in this almost sultry tone that is way to adorable, just from that you can tell how inexperienced she is. “Do you want something, my love.” You cooo back to her, PC turned off by that point.
After what you’ve said as well as your movements towards her, she gets oh so quite and flustered. “Well? Does my little Princess want something”
“I want you daddy!” She blurts out immediately after you stop talking. “I want all of you, I want your mouth and I want your cock. I want everything so the icky feeling will leave my legs.” Hearing that needy tone makes you more ravenous and feral than you already were before hand. Ready to tear into her and make her know she’s yours, but you had to make sure she was ready.
After nearly cornering her, you whisper into her ear “are you sure you’re ready, Princess?” Something about you calling her princess in that low voice makes her even wetter, but she speaks up “y-y-yes daddy. I’m ready.”
And with that, you instruct her to take off her shirt so you can see her and my god. Her body is the most beautiful and breathtaking sight you’ve ever seen. Her breasts were supple, her thighs were some of the thicket you’ve seen, and her ass was a sight to behold. Every ounce of her body deserved worship, but you were in such a feral mood that’d have to wait.
You notice her get a little standoffish, but you quickly reassure her “you’re body is a work of art, something the gods themselves created for me to worship, ravish, and ruin.”
You notice Darcy melt into your arms at this, you can tell no one else has talked to her like this, and you’re glad she’s in your hands.
“You’re mind and body are mine because you allow them to be. I wish for you to tell me how you feel, through a safe word. A word that is just for us here.” Upon hearing this, she feels safer and tells you the safe word she wishes to use
Once that’s over, you instruct her to get on her knees. Once she does, you tell her to start sucking your cock nice and slow before gradually getting faster.
And man, her feels throat feels amazing on your cock. You can feel the way she’s nearly detailing every inch of your cock, making you feel her tongue, watching as her eyes nearly roll back in her head or hearing her gag on you’re length. The feeling is so amazing you can practically feel yourself near the edge already, and you let go, letting yourself explode in her mouth and down her throat after a while. “Good girl, you’ve taken daddy’s cock so well so far. But I wanna taste you before I give you my length.”
So, Darcy gets on the bed as you instruct. You mark up her thighs, leaving hickeys all over them before you start. “Now lay down and let daddy make you feel good my little slut.” Darcy almost gasps before your tongue meets her pussy. As you lap at her bud, and sucks on her clit, she lets out these near pornographic moans.
“Ahhh fuck, yes!! Yes daddy!!!” She exclaims. “IM GONNA CUM!!” And as she says that, she explodes into your mouth. You savor her juices, and my god does she taste absolutely amazing, like you’ve never tasted before.
“Good girl. You’ve done such a good job for me. Are you ready to feel me, my love?” You ask, damn well knowing the answer. “Yes daddy.” She moans out.
You align your cock to her entrance before plowing into her with your full length, before pulling in and ramming her against and again. And as you continue to move, you finger her clit, causing her to give yet another pornographic moan.
As you fuck her, you remove your hand from her clit and suck on her titties, giving each one the attention it deserves, sucking on biting down on her nipples, earning another moan, before you mark up her neck, giving her more hickeys.
As you continue to fuck into her, you feel her walls start to clasp around your cock, before she cums around your cock, and this pushes you over the edge, and you cum inside of Darcy.
After you take a breath, you decide to flip Darcy around, and start going once again, holding her arms with one hand, while your other hand is on her shoulder. As you fuck into her rougher and faster than before, you whisper all sorts of dirty messages into her ear. “Look at you, you’re such a mess for daddy. You’re daddy’s little cock whore, eager to be filled by my cock and please me.”
As you say this, Darcy’s eyes roll into the back of her head, and she lightly says “daddy’s little cock whore” before you both simultaneously cum.
After you’ve ridden the high, you pull out, with your cum leaking from her pusssy and her hair is an absolute mess. You ask her to get on her knees one more time so you can give her a gift.
As you start to jerk yourself off, she gets on her knees, and you instruct her to open her mouth and stick her tongue out. A small but later, you cum all over her face, staining her glasses with white, her tongue and hair and cheeks covered in your seed.
After a while, you start talking, “Are you okay my love?” “I’m okay. I’m so sleepy.” She replies lazily. “Let’s clean you up before we go to be.” You say, as you help her to the bath tub, legs shaky after the long session.
As you help climb in the bathtub, you take off her glasses and clean them for her, and then climb in the tub and join her, holding her and cleaning her up.
“Thank you babe.” Darcy says all sweetly. “Why are you thanking me?” “Because I’ve never had anyone hold me like this after they’ve just destroyed me.” The response almost makes you sad. You know she’s had some absolutely shitty relationships, but you never knew that they were shitty enough to not give aftercare.
“Darcy, I will always be willing to treat you amazingly. I’m more than willing to treat you like the queen that you are. You’re amazing and deserve nothing but love and appreciation and worship, and I’m so lucky to be that person.” “You’re such a dork.” She replies almost playfully. “And you’re an absolutely adorkable girl.” You say as you clean her face and hair.
After a while, you help her dry off and get ready for bed. She asks to stay topless because she liked the skin on skin contact you had with her in the bath.
So there you are, cuddling her in bed, and she looks up to you and says “I’m so lucky to have an amazing partner like you.” “And I’m lucky to have you.” You reply. “No, I’m the luckiest girl in the world because you are so kind and sweet and you know how to make me feel good in every way imaginable.”
And hearing this makes you almost emotional, but you’re glad to see her so happy, and you’re glad that she chose you, and you can’t believe how lucky you really are to have her and adorable and slutty and smart and sexy and kind self. And after you’re first time having sex together, you both cuddle and talk until you pass out, hold her very close to you.
A/n: howdy fellers, I hope you like this fic that I wrote here, I know it probably sucks more dog turd than the Xbox One but whatever. I just enjoy polluting Tumblr with like smut of characters I think are underrated. Anyways, have a good night and happy trails.
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musicalmoritz · 23 days
Ok ok I want you to think about swap terukane so like clock keeper Teru x exorcist Akane. And also like Akanes the super super popular school president. Yea so like thoughts/headcanons?? (I always cook up the most insane ideas in the middle of the night and I actually remember this one vaguely!)
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Let’s talk about the Terukane swap au!! I’ve seen a few people write and draw for this but I’ve never rly read any of the fics or looked too much into it so I’m entirely making this shit up on my own, Ik this is a popular trope so I apologize if I miss any of the sub tropes that are included with it ;-;
It’s hard for me to separate Teru or Kou from exorcism since the Minamotos were a real life clan, but I don’t think I’d go about this in the “Akane is a Minamoto and Teru is an Aoi” way. I suppose for this au it’s most reasonable to say the Minamotos are a regular family and the Aois are the exorcist clan. That provides another fun question tho, are the Akane girls still kannagi?? Since this is strictly a Terukane swap au I’ll assume they are, though if we wanted to take it further we could swap Aoi with Nene or one of the other characters. It’s easier for me to follow strict guidelines tho so I’m gonna keep it at just Terukane being swapped
That alone changes so much of the story tho, it’s very interesting to me. We’ll say the Minamotos are still a strict/traditional family, so there’s still some pressure on Teru and Kou. Just not to the extent that there is in canon. And assuming their mom still died in due to complications from childbirth, their dad would still be absent and Teru and Kou will still have to grow up too soon by raising Tiara. But things would be significantly easier on them since they’d be taking care of the family together. Teru would learn basic life skills like cooking, which would take a load off of Kou. Then since the work would be split, they’d both have more free time on their hands. If one of them wants to hang out with friends, the other can take over cooking and cleaning for the night. Tho that would lead to numerous sibling arguments, since Teru is the oldest he’d probably push Kou around a bit when they’re younger lol. He’d run that house like the military
I want to say Kou is the one the Clock Keepers threaten him with since Teru is so protective of him, but that wouldn’t rly work since they wouldn’t be at school together during Teru’s first year of junior high. As an oldest sibling, Teru is very protective by nature, so they might be able to choose any random student. Once they have him where they want him, they throw in some threats aimed at his siblings to secure their chances of making a contract. So Teru ends up going down the same self-sacrificial route we see in canon, he becomes a Clock Keeper so that no one else has to do it
Without any siblings, Akane is the soul beholder of the family legacy. Self-sacrifice isn’t even an option for him, he’s the only one who can succeed his parents so he must do it. Then there’s Aoi, his childhood best friend. If Akane were an exorcist and they grew up together, Aoi would find out about supernaturals way sooner. Maybe he tells her himself, because he can no longer carry the burden alone. And he knows she’s a kannagi, that something bad could happen to her someday if he doesn’t keep a close eye on her, so he has to watch her like a hawk. In this au there’s not as many secrets between them, so much is at stake so they have to be transparent with each other. Akane’s honesty inspires Aoi to be more honest with him as well. So the obsession between them, platonic or otherwise, is a lot more mutual. They developed sort of a trauma bond at an early age and now they have to look out for each other
Akane’s popularity comes from his natural inclination to help others. He’s such a kind person, even if he can be aggressive. And without him having to constantly chase Aoi, no one thinks he’s a weirdo. It’s a little odd that he’s so protective of his friend, but he’s so damn nice that everyone just shrugs it off as him being sweet. Teru though? Teru is the weirdo
His family is still strict but without the same expectations placed on him, there’s no need for him to try and excel at everything. No one cares if he’s the best student so he can do whatever he wants. And yeah, he’s pretty, but he’s also loud and annoying. He teases people and gets creepily sadistic at times. This ties into my audhd Minamotos headcanon, without the pressure he’s under in canon, Teru feels less of a need to mask. He still does it to some extent due to societal pressure and all but the only opinion he really cares about are those of his siblings, so he’s content to be himself. He makes a few friends this way too, he’s not exactly popular but the people who get him get him. I’m gonna make him friends with Nene in this au, she appreciates his realness
Because of Akane’s hatred for supernaturals, they don’t get along at first. Teru joins the Student Council to keep a better eye on everyone so he can do better at his job as a Clock Keeper. Kou attending Kamome and getting closer with supernaturals has a lot to do with it. When they first meet, Akane ties Teru up and tries to interrogate him but bcuz this is Less Traumatized Teru it goes way differently than he planned. Teru’s filter is nonexistent so when Akane tries to threaten him he’s just like “oh hello cute boy I like you very much.” But the thing is, Akane can’t tell if Teru is joking or not. He assumes he must be, because there’s no way a School Mystery feels things like love and crushes. Still, Teru is so painfully Just A Regular Dude that Akane is forced to see him differently. Cue the typical Terukane “relationship built on trust” shenanigans. Reluctant partners in crime and what not
I’m not gonna go as far as to say they have a Sakura and Natsuhiko type dynamic but it’s similar. The classic “are you flirting with me?” “have been for the past 10 years, thanks for noticing” meme. Think of it as all of Teru’s jokes about liking Aoi in canon if they were directly aimed at Akane instead. Then the “wait- do you have genuine feelings for Ao-chan?” scene becomes “do you have genuine feelings for me?” or “were you serious this whole time?” Their dynamic changes a lot after that. Akane starts flirting back, and instead of using Aoi to motivate Teru he uses himself. “Help me save her and I might take you up on that offer for a date.” And then they do go on a date, at the school festival right before everything turns to shit
Adding to that, in this au I imagine Aoi and Akane are the ones betrothed in the new timeline. This brings in conflict bcuz let’s say Akane used to have feelings for Aoi but those faded over time, it’s all platonic between them now as opposed to what we see in canon. So he has the opportunity to either be with the girl he used to love, the girl he’s been with all his life, his safety blanket…or go back to the boy who’s stolen his heart. Damn that was cheesy, I’m cooking here
Kako also becomes Teru’s father figure btw bcuz he needs one. And despite his dislike for supernaturals, Teru adores Mirai bcuz she reminds him of Tiara. Found family ftw
Thanks for the ask, I hadn’t thought much abt this au before but now I’ve gotten myself invested
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wannab-urs · 8 months
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Pedro Pascal Character Fanfiction Recs | Vol 31
AO3 | Kofi | Main Masterlist | The Spreadsheet Masterlist
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Howdy folks!
New blog theme, new TSD format. Do we like it? Welcome to volume 31 of The Spreadsheet Digest, my weekly(ish) fic rec post. From now on I'll link my personal stuff plus the masterlist where you can find the actual spreadsheet, my fic rec masterlist, and info about how to appear on this list in the future.
All info provided by the author unless it was blank, in which case I filled it in.
Fic Recs Below!
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Joel one shot by @covetyou
Summary: With your holiday plans ruined when a freak snow storm blows through town, you spend the fesitve period holed up with your partner, Joel Miller, learning exactly how warm you can keep each other in the snow.
Tags: no outbreak, fluff, smut, fingering, playing in the snow, temperature play, Joel probs has super bad circulation, established relationship but it's their first Christmas together and reader has some relationship insecurities
This Barbie Likes Objectification
Joel one shot by @walkintotheriveranddisappear
Summary: after a fun date seeing Barbie with joel, he realizes a certain scene involving brainwashed barbie dolls has inspired some nasty desires in you. he's more than willing to help you explore them.
Tags: explicit sexual content (18+), no specified ages (but obviously both adults), objectification, degradation, humiliation kink, dirty talk, creampie, unprotected sex, dom!joel, sub!reader, slight spoiler for the Barbie movie
Javi P one shot by @foli-vora
Summary: Javier teaches you to be patient
Tags: smut: fingering, oral sex (f receiving), praise kink, p in v sex, unprotected sex (wrap that willy before getting silly), creampie, restraints/use of handcuffs, orgasm denial, smoking, swearing
Stay Close to Me
Jack one shot by @alwaysbethewest
Summary: You're a rookie agent sent to work undercover with Jack as a married couple!
Tags: Fake/undercover marriage! Statesman casefic! A little romance, kissing, coarse language, very mild peril and hurt/comfort, and a splash of alcohol. Reader is a junior agent and has some muscle but otherwise no physical/age descriptions. As with any good Kingsman fic, my first step was to disregard half of canon, so this is either pre-movie or an AU.
No Me Suletes
Frankie one shot by @fhatbhabie
Summary: Even though he's bad for you, you still can't let him go.
Tags: Marcus Pike cameo, smut, unprotected p in v, talks of oral, angst angst angst!!, being left at a chapel, cheating, death of a spouse, drug use (buggar sugar) , smoking cigarettes, asshole!Frankie, spanish dialect w/ translations, no use of Y/N, cute pet names, splash of fluff for 2 seconds, someone having a stroke with a small description, no happy ending
Javi G one shot by @joelscruff
Summary: just some fun by the pool with sugar daddy!javi
Tags: blowjobs, deepthroating, brief ball worship, daddy kink, unprotected p in v sex, creampie, bad google translate spanish, sweat
"Din"scord Kitten
Din one shot by @beskarandblasters
Summary: When bounty hunting doesn’t work out anymore Din has to turn to alternative methods to support himself.
Tags: this is a crack fic lmao, Discord/Venmo/Dr. Pepper existing in Star Wars, bad sexting, dick pics, masturbating, bad Star Wars puns, sex work, cummies needs its own warning 😭, pet names (cyar’ika), oral sex (M receiving), cum eating, no use of y/n
Another Time, Baby
Joel one shot by @swiftispunk
Summary: joel makes good on a promise.
Tags: established relationship, porn no plot, smut, age gap (28/50), unprotected anal sex, vaginal fingering, use of a butt plug, joel miller eats ass and pussy and also has a big dick, some affectionate spanking, creampie, cum play (eating and sharing), a little bit of spit, just a lot of bodily fluids all around, one (1) poetic description of a queef, joel miller's filthy mouth, pet names, ysd!joel at his most soft dom, joel's also kind of feral in this, multiple orgasms, sweet sweet aftercare, pov swap. no use of y/n.
Suburbia (I gave it a lil name, sorry).
Lucien drabble by @julesonrecord
Summary: You can't stay away from him, nor do you really try
Tags: Explicit; angst; oral (m receiving); implied infidelity; past relationship. Suburbia (shudder).
Marcus P one shot by @magpiepills
Summary: Marcus has a bad day at work and needs you to help him feel better.
Tags: SMUT, established relationship, PIV, oral (f and m receiving) fingering, big dick Marcus, multiple orgasms, thumb sucking, cum eating, cum swapping, Marcus eats it from behind, dirty talk, roughish sex, some degradation, tiny little splash of daddy, porn with no plot, no regard for canon, use of a tie as a leash sort of?, alcohol consumption, pancakes, cardigans, NPR, idk what else man, this is not fluffy Marcus.
Wrest Pin
Din series by BalletOrchard (AO3)
Summary: “I can help you escape the planet,” Mando said sharply, “But I want information in return.” She looked up at him through the small hairs on her face and she whispered, sounding almost lost…As if she didn’t know what else to say… “I have no information.” Something Mando did not believe.
Tags: panic attacks, force sensitive!reader, unprotected PinV sex, smut, mando is a dick, angst, slow burn (romantically), touch starved!din, bickering, arguing, post season 1, fluff, ofc!evangeline, she like doesn’t get off the first time they fuck which i feel like is worth noting, feelings of regret, minor character death (evangeline’s whole fam), follows canon, mando lowkey keeping evangeline against her will but like she’s hiding from the empire so, near death experience(s), the helmet comes off, oral f receiving, blindfolding, shower sex
A Weight Off Your Shoulders
Joel series by @gasolinerainbowpuddles
Summary: a series of oneshots in chronological order that follow the story of Joel and his new neighbor who returns to Texas following a devastating breakup and called off engagement. With her life completely uprooted and her self-confidence shot, she works through moving on to bigger and better things. Enter DILF neighbor Joel Miller.
Tags: age gap (Joel mid 40s, neighbor late 20s), cheating, negative body image, negative self-talk, discussions of body image struggles
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The Peg That Middle Aged Man Campaign 2024 Masterlist
Call for Pegging Fics!
Trussed Up - I pegged Jack Daniels
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Happy Reading!
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