#subscription based
brutalgamer · 11 months
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Antstream Arcade makes the leap to Xbox this month, bringing 13k plus classic games
The first console to play host to it, Antstream Arcade hits Xbox next week. What’s that mean? Thirteen thousand classics, that’s what.
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trivia-sea · 4 months
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discord kitten au ??
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Hey guys remember when you could... OWN Microsoft Office?
Like, you'd pay for it one time, and you just... had it. And you could just use it whenever, for whatever purpose.
I'm not gonna pretend that charging £60+ for these programs was good, but at least you only had to pay for it ONCE.
And now it's all "oooh, pay us £5.99 a month for the privilege of using our fine product offline on a continual basis and all this additional crap you didn't want" and it just makes me want to bite something very hard because NO, we USED to be able to just have the thing, and pay for it, and then we had the thing forever, and that was FINE. But noooo, unless we're always paying these corporations all the disposable money we have at regular intervals until the heat-death of the universe, how will these multi-billion dollar conglomerates EVER be able to fund their subpar products and services to sell and resell back to us at exorbitant prices forever and ever a-goddamn-men?!
...I need Word for my proofreading course because of the Track Changes feature, in case anyone was wondering.
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ferngle · 16 days
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tested out krita with some engie's
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hanniedream · 2 months
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missgreeneyartz · 10 months
I’m so annoyed because I got rid of all my streaming services (except Shudder) because I never watched enough to justify paying for them and between Nimona and the new Scott Pilgrim series (and whenever the next season of Arcane comes out), Netflix is really going to get me crawling back like a worm aren’t they 😠 can you even just buy Netflix specific media or is everything that’s a Netflix exclusive only ever available on Netflix? Annoying. ANNOYING.
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cuppajj · 7 months
Wdym clip studio paint is dropping a version 3.0… they just dropped version 2.0… wait what do you mean version 1.0 owners would have to double pay if they want to upgrade??? they wanna neglect 1.0 so bad to get us on their stupid sub service huh 💀💀
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variksel · 5 days
youtube ads becoming first one 5-second ad then two 5-second ads in a row or one 15-second ad then a million unskippable ads in the middle of videos instagram quietly inserting one ad in-between every 5 or 10 ig stories then 2 in-between 4 ig stories not to mention the new reel- and explore page ads. a quiet tumblr ad banner at the top of your dash then photo ads in-between posts then video ads then video ads in-between every 3 or 5 posts that play audio automatically while youre trying to read a textpost. the most popular, paid subscription, news apps adding ads between their articles, then in articles, then paywalling new articles further with a new "news +" subscription and putting ads in those as well. once every 15 tweets there being an ad, then every 5, then theres also an ad if you scroll to the replies. you cant look at tweets without logging in anymore, theres just no option for anon scrolling. facebook ai mining on instagram, facebook ai profiles hyping up ai generated photos im fucking going insane ai temu ads and gallery app ads and printer app ads and higher subscriptions while still seeing ads and i cant fucking do this anymore!!!!! its fucking shameless and worst of all its silent and nobody talks about how half the things we see anymore are fucking ads and we dont own a single thing we pay for and companies can just randomly raise their prices through the roof and nobody says anything about it
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gifti3 · 5 months
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HELP theyre trying to give him an ffxiv addiction!!!
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whipbogard · 1 year
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4am manic episode got me downloading CSP on my iPad
Oh no. OH NO. Calligraphy pen my beloved 😭😭😭
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cemeterything · 2 years
Can’t you consume TMA content without supporting rusty quill if you just find an unofficial transcript?
i think so, yeah, it's not like you're giving them any financial support or ad revenue. i'm pretty sure if you have adblock on youtube they also don't get any financial benefits from you listening to their recordings uploaded there, but i'm not 100% sure on that one.
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splootdoolies · 1 year
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commissions for @vmeemo and @katloveslink !
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the-cactus-taco · 1 year
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angelpuns · 8 months
Sometimes I wish I could do a patreon for realsies but every time I make one/work on something related to one I immediately get so horribly burnt out lmao
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charrfie · 2 months
Reminder that giant monopolistic corporations and subscription services and paywalls are bullshit and that at any given opportunity you should be preserving the media you love by any means possible
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ciervobizarro · 1 year
imagine losing access to your childhood memories because u forgot to renew your subscription kjsdjhfsd
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